kklimonda | hmm.. wrt new indicator-sound - haven't it already been tried to display it sideways ? people are going to scream - are there any good nontechnical reasons why is it done this way? | 02:15 |
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vish | kklimonda: thats the _new_ design ;) > https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoundMenu | 04:37 |
kklimonda | vish, right - and haven't it already be done at some point? | 04:37 |
kklimonda | I remember people complaining about this layout then | 04:38 |
vish | kklimonda: well , earlier the change was done by the applet itself.. but not designed by the design team so its new now ;p ... j/k anyways , i'm not sure how you can get both the vertical slider and the options in one menu | 04:39 |
vish | kklimonda: do note that the right click options now need to be present with the left click itself , so its a compromise | 04:40 |
vish | kklimonda: mpt might be _the_ person to answer your questions though :) | 04:41 |
kklimonda | I know but it sounds like "well, we have created a spec that doesn't really work so now we have to compromise" - that's what I'm going to hear in few days or weeks when more people see it :) | 04:41 |
kklimonda | changes like this should come with the manual how to defend them ;) | 04:43 |
vish | lol | 04:43 |
jakubo | hi | 15:22 |
jakubo | i was redirected from ubuntu+1 irc here for the request of removing the left click menu on rhythmbox in upper taskbar | 15:23 |
qense | jakubo: What would you like to do it else? | 15:23 |
jakubo | just the way it was before | 15:23 |
jakubo | left click mean open the window | 15:23 |
jakubo | right click does everything else | 15:24 |
jakubo | especially reight click for clsing rhythmbox in task bar..... | 15:24 |
jakubo | im sry but its driving me nuts | 15:24 |
qense | jakubo: I'm afraid we can't honour your request. This new systray icon is a new feature of Ubuntu Lucid. We're working on getting a consistent approach to the system tray, which means that all right-click context menus were removed. | 15:24 |
qense | This is desired behaviour. | 15:25 |
jakubo | please tell me its a joke... | 15:25 |
qense | jakubo: no, it's meant to improve the systray and make it more consistent and easier to fine tune | 15:26 |
jakubo | have you tried it or are you using other programs? | 15:26 |
qense | I'm actively using it and even working on porting applications to this new standard, actually. | 15:27 |
jakubo | please dont tell me the volume manager will ask you whethre you want to open the volume manager on left click, im sry but i cant really take it serious... | 15:27 |
qense | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/ApplicationIndicators contains the specification | 15:27 |
qense | jakubo: yes, the volume manager will do that as well | 15:27 |
jakubo | actually i was kidding about this.... | 15:28 |
qense | ? | 15:28 |
jakubo | you invest manpower for reduction of usability? | 15:28 |
qense | No, we see it as an improvement of usability. | 15:28 |
qense | I agree that it isn't fun to change your habits, but eventually this should make your life a lot easier. | 15:29 |
jakubo | to open the rhythmbox window you need to hit 3 precise clicks instead of one | 15:29 |
qense | three? I thought it was two. | 15:29 |
jakubo | yes but the window isnt in front so you need to search it in the lower taskbar and click on it | 15:29 |
qense | jakubo: That's worth a bug report, if it's not already reported. | 15:30 |
jakubo | then please do it yourself i think this is madness and im not going to contribute to this | 15:31 |
qense | jakubo: if you don't like it I'd suggest to remove the indicator applet from your panel. Then the library will use the fall-back and create the previously default GtkStatusIcon systray icon. | 15:32 |
jakubo | ok sounds fair | 15:33 |
jakubo | but i will have these messages displayed wont i? | 15:33 |
qense | The whole messaging applet will be gone as well without the indicator applet. | 15:33 |
jakubo | these black boxes displaying messages | 15:33 |
jakubo | great... | 15:34 |
qense | It's integrated. | 15:34 |
jakubo | do you think its an improvement or why did you say so? | 15:35 |
qense | I do think that is an improvement, otherwise I wouldn't have said that. | 15:35 |
jakubo | but you do see my point? | 15:36 |
qense | jakubo: I agree that it is annoying to change habits, but I don't think that it is so bad and that eventually it will turn out to work better. | 15:37 |
jakubo | so what exactly is the benefit? | 15:39 |
qense | Integration with KDE (both ways), consistent behaviour, consistent looks (icon theming for the tray only is now possible), easier navigation (arrow keys can be used to navigate between different tray icons), easier to manage in the tray (when we adapt the tray to work better we don't have to adapt all applications, we just process the data we get from the applications differently) | 15:41 |
jakubo | sounds to me like improvements in programming | 15:42 |
tgpraveen12 | jakubo: when u see the finished product in lucid final | 15:42 |
tgpraveen12 | and how it all integrates together maybe then u will appreciate it | 15:42 |
jakubo | i hope too, otherwise id be dissappointed | 15:43 |
jakubo | is that the reason why there is no skype in the repos? | 15:44 |
qense | jakubo: No, we don't ban applications from the repos when they don't use it. | 15:45 |
qense | Skype cannot be included in the repositories because of its license. | 15:45 |
qense | They don't allow us to, iirc. | 15:45 |
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