mhall119 | stgraber, are you a MOTU? | 00:35 |
stgraber | mhall119: I'm a Coredev, so yes I'm a MOTU too ;) | 00:37 |
stgraber | why ? | 00:37 |
mhall119 | There is a PPA for Scratch, but it's not in Universe | 00:37 |
mhall119 | I had wanted to include it in Qimo, but I want to stick to the Ubuntu repos only if possible | 00:38 |
mhall119 | their packages are only for Jaunty and Karmic right now | 00:38 |
mhall119 | what would need to be done to get it into Universe for Lucid? | 00:38 |
stgraber | get it updated to Lucid, make sure the package follows the Debian policy (using lintian usually helps), then upload it to revu ( | 00:39 |
stgraber | once there, it'll get reviewd and if two MOTUs find it ok, it'll be uploaded to universe | 00:40 |
stgraber | though, for Lucid, you'd have to do that by Thursday, so it may be a bit short to get all that done | 00:40 |
mhall119 | aw heck, I'll try for it | 00:42 |
mhall119 | if not, I'll just use Laby | 00:42 |
mhall119 | I'm still on the fence about which one I want to include anyway | 00:42 |
mhall119 | I emailed the person who uploaded the others | 00:50 |
mhall119 | see if s/he can make one for Lucid | 00:50 |
mhall119 | otherwise I'll grab the source package and and re-build it for Lucid, I already testing the package on Lucid and it works fine | 00:51 |
mhall119 | so no new packages will be included in Universe after Thursday? | 00:52 |
mhall119 | because I'm just now getting my Qimo packages together, and there's no way they'll be ready by Thursday | 00:56 |
stgraber | yeah, no new package will be allowed in archive after thursday (unless they get some special exception) and no new upstream version of existing packages will be uploaded unless they are bugfix only or are granted an exception | 01:04 |
mhall119 | stgraber, okay, so what are my options for Qimo? | 01:08 |
mhall119 | shoot for multiverse this round and univserse in lucid+1? | 01:08 |
mhall119 | also, it seems Scratch has a non-standard license: | 01:09 |
mhall119 | would that prevent it from being included in Lucid? | 01:09 |
stgraber | everything is frozen at the same time (main/restricted/universe/multiverse), so for Qimo, I'd suggest creating a PPA for Lucid with the packages that aren't in Lucid | 01:10 |
stgraber | I remember Debian refusing scratch for some licensing issue | 01:10 |
stgraber | that's probably why we don't have it in Ubuntu | 01:10 |
mhall119 | ah, ok | 01:11 |
mhall119 | could they get into multiverse if they have a package by thursday? | 01:11 |
mhall119 | also, you said no new upstream versions are allowed, but what about things that aren't upstream, like the Edubuntu packages? | 01:12 |
stgraber | I doubt it, because it'd need to have the package in archive by thursday and in the past, it takes more than a week to have a package go through review + license review by the archive admins | 01:13 |
mhall119 | ok | 01:13 |
stgraber | well, for example, if after thursday, we want a new sabayon, we'll need to file a feature freeze exception. That doesn't apply to meta packages that are already in archive though (like edubuntu-meta) | 01:14 |
mhall119 | ok | 01:14 |
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runout | i have a sabayon problem. if i login with a user i assigned a sabayon profile, the font is mirrored and upside down. can anybody help? | 13:32 |
Ahmuck-Jr | ubuntu dropped OO.o ? | 16:13 |
Tm_T | ? | 16:16 |
alkisg | | 16:24 |
mhall119 | Ahmuck-Jr, only in Netbook Edition | 16:53 |
mhall119 | gimp it being dropped though | 16:54 |
mhall119 | so they can include PiTiVi | 16:54 |
Ahmuck-Jr | is the alternate install bieng dropped as well? | 17:18 |
Ahmuck-Jr | i noticed that the netobook edition did not have a text install | 17:18 |
Ahmuck-Jr | what do they intend to use for an office suit in a netbook? | 17:19 |
mhall119 | New Qimo artwork is arriving!!!.aspx | 17:36 |
mhall119 | Ahmuck-Jr, they're going to link to Google Docs | 17:36 |
Ahmuck-Jr | groan | 17:36 |
mhall119 | forcing the "net" in "netbook" | 17:37 |
Ahmuck-Jr | they do know that google is riddled with privacy issues and that SAS is a step in the wrong direction as it releases control from the user into somebody else | 17:37 |
Ahmuck-Jr | it's like getting on a train knowing that the conductors decision is your only decision | 17:37 |
Ahmuck-Jr | i assume that removing google docs and replacing it with OO.o is still an option? | 17:40 |
Ahmuck-Jr | getting on the train voluntarily, when it wrecks, you want to blame the conductor, when in reality you made the choice. being forced on the train akins to big brother | 17:42 |
Ahmuck-Jr | btw, i'm not against trains, i enjoy them | 17:43 |
mhall119 | of course, you can install anything you want | 17:43 |
mhall119 | you're also not forced to install UNE | 17:43 |
Ahmuck-Jr | but i enjoy my car just as well, as it takes me places the train can't | 17:43 |
Ahmuck-Jr | yes, UNE has a great interface for older people and even edubuntu people. it's a simple interface | 17:44 |
Ahmuck-Jr | but i can't fathom why you would take the user's liberty from them and put it in the hands of a company that has serious privacy issues | 17:44 |
mhall119 | because OO.o runs slow in lowend hardware and takes up a large amount of SSD space | 17:46 |
Ahmuck-Jr | same with OO.o for kids? | 17:47 |
mhall119 | As far as I can tell, OO.o for kids is just a change in interface, everything else is the same | 17:47 |
mhall119 | they could maybe include Abiword and Gnumeric as alternatives, but I think NTEU's would be happier with Google Docs | 17:48 |
Ahmuck-Jr | u know there is a move currently to do on the fly encryption of google docs so that it never get's sent to the server unencrypted? | 17:49 |
mhall119 | I'm not sure you could, unless everthing about editing and viewing is done client-side | 17:51 |
Ahmuck-Jr | - and i assume you've seen the diagram? | 17:51 |
Ahmuck-Jr | in google "word" it is done client side | 17:51 |
mhall119 | no ajax sending and recieving blocks of content from the server? | 17:52 |
Ahmuck-Jr | in google "spreadsheet" the calculations are done server side, but it's bieng worked on atm | 17:52 |
mhall119 | if anything on the server side needs to be content-aware while editing/viewing, then on the fly encryption won't work | 17:52 |
mhall119 | if the backend is just dumb storage, then maybe | 17:52 |
Ahmuck-Jr | it sends junk back and forth to the server. that junk is interpreted client side | 17:52 |
Ahmuck-Jr | so sending a line of text such as this would be sent from an client side application, jumbled up by encryption between the browser and the keyboard | 17:53 |
Ahmuck-Jr | i've seen the app | 17:53 |
mhall119 | you could maybe individually encrypt each chunk of raw content, so that google only sees formatting and ciphertext, but I'm not sure how practical that would be | 17:54 |
Ahmuck-Jr | it's being done | 17:55 |
Ahmuck-Jr | responsibly, UNR would ship it with an encryption program | 17:56 |
Ahmuck-Jr | let me poke around and i'll locate the app | 17:56 |
alkisg | The link I pasted above says that they WON'T drop openoffice: | 17:58 |
mhall119 | ah, ok, thanks alkisg | 17:59 |
mhall119 | Ahmuck-Jr, it already ships with GnuPG | 17:59 |
Ahmuck-Jr | whew, thanks | 18:00 |
Ahmuck-Jr | mhall119 - no, this is specific to google docs | 18:00 |
Ahmuck-Jr | and a model for securing SAS documents against corporate spying | 18:01 |
Ahmuck-Jr | soooo ... that being said, will there be a Gimp for kids? | 18:09 |
Ahmuck-Jr | G4K | 18:09 |
Ahmuck-Jr | and other apps? | 18:09 |
* Ahmuck-Jr wonders if edubuntu should be looking at current apps and adapting them | 18:09 | |
Ahmuck-Jr | one thing I deal with is older people 60 - 80 | 18:10 |
Ahmuck-Jr | handling programs with to many options does not work well | 18:10 |
* Ahmuck-Jr scared alkisg away :( | 18:10 | |
mhall119 | tuxpaint is gimp 4 kids | 18:23 |
mhall119 | Ahmuck-Jr, I think edubuntu has enough on their plate without trying to adapt existing apps too | 18:24 |
mhall119 | but you make you own geri-buntu | 18:24 |
mhall119 | senior-buntu | 18:25 |
mhall119 | whatever you want to call it | 18:25 |
mhall119 | and include apps and games for the enterly | 18:25 |
mhall119 | elderly | 18:25 |
mhall119 | I can type, honest | 18:25 |
Plinker__ | 43] <Plinker__> If anyone can help I am looking for any information and a manual for the Asus P4P800 DX | 18:47 |
Plinker__ | [13:45] <Plinker__> This is to put together another box running either Mepis or Mint as the OS. Thanks... | 18:47 |
mhall119 | have you checked Asus's website? | 18:52 |
mhall119 | highvoltage, I didn't realize I had to have finished packages my Thursday to get into Lucid, so I won't make it this cycle | 18:53 |
mhall119 | for some reason I was thinking Universe didn't get frozen | 18:55 |
highvoltage | mhall119: there's a process for getting in late packages, called feature freeze exception, we can still give it a shot | 18:59 |
highvoltage | mhall119: but then we'd also have to do it quite soon | 18:59 |
highvoltage | mhall119: where are your packages available? | 18:59 |
mhall119 | highvoltage, I only just started on them, they're in my PPA | 19:00 |
mhall119 | I only have 3 of the 5 or 6 I'm gonna need | 19:00 |
mhall119 | and even those currently have a nasty bug that kills the login | 19:00 |
mhall119 | when you log out | 19:00 |
mhall119 | I can probably finish the 3 I have by the end of this week | 19:02 |
mhall119 | but I still have to made a GDM theme, XSplash and possibly Plymouth theme packages | 19:02 |
highvoltage | mhall119: what's your LP username? | 19:02 |
mhall119 | and those won't be ready for a while | 19:02 |
mhall119 | mhall119 | 19:02 |
mhall119 | | 19:02 |
mhall119 | I accidently stuck some of them in Karmic | 19:02 |
highvoltage | btw, where does the 119 come from? | 19:03 |
mhall119 | my wife and I started dating Nov. 9th, many many years ago | 19:03 |
mhall119 | I've used 119 to create a unique id ever since | 19:03 |
mhall119 | it turns out there's a lot of mhall's around | 19:04 |
highvoltage | aaah | 19:05 |
mhall119 | anyway, if I can get these 3 packages done, you can use them for Edubuntu at least | 19:06 |
mhall119 | I really only need the GDM and splash themes for the LiveCD | 19:06 |
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