
Nightroseapachelogger: pong01:29
* ryanakca grins at Canada leading 18-0 in women's hockey at the olympics, 6:30 to go :D03:04
shtylmanRiddell: we gonna add back the kubuntu-menu.png back for lucid?04:51
shtylmanold one or my new one... any version?04:51
shtylmanwhatever we decide... we should probly close bug 389658 :)04:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 389658 in kubuntu-default-settings "KDE menu button should have a Kubuntu Logo" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38965804:52
maco2ryanakca: *eighteen*?? in hockey?05:04
maco2isnt like...5... a really high score in hockey?05:04
persiaBut this is Canada, against people who don't come from Canada.  18 might be low for this.05:12
freeflyingwondering will kde migrate to devicekit, since hal has been deprecated, but powerdevil still depends on hal05:25
maco2http://www.flickr.com/photos/maco_nix/4354482404/sizes/l/in/photostream/  <-- Riddell and me in Kubuntu shirts @ the White House06:48
apacheloggermarkey: pong07:20
apacheloggerNightrose: nvm :)07:21
apacheloggerfreeflying: even if hal is deprecated, devicekit is betaware or alphaware or something, so I have been told at least07:21
freeflyingapachelogger: to me, none of them are stble enough, but better to not have both of them coexistance07:25
apacheloggertell that to ubuntu :P07:26
apacheloggeri.e. get pitti to port solid to hal07:26
apacheloggerfortunately enough porting solid probably means porting about 90% of kde to devicekit07:26
freeflyingreality is devicekit is going to be de facto07:28
apacheloggeryuriy_work: userconfig is not working on karmic with kde 4.4 :(07:33
apacheloggerfreeflying: going to be07:34
apacheloggerfreeflying: it is not yet07:34
apacheloggerthe fudge10:19
apacheloggerin the name of all that is blue10:22
apacheloggerpython-kde4 makes me shiver10:23
apacheloggerone insane dep that is10:24
apacheloggeroh wellz10:25
apacheloggerI broke kde44 on karmic10:25
apacheloggerand hopefully fixed it10:51
a|wenapachelogger: why make kde-service-menu-fuseiso non-native in the first place, and then we want to override the build/install system? beats me a bit10:59
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz
Blizzzapachelogger: i have a support case with this dependency problem. can you notify me when the fix is uploaded?11:44
a|wenapachelogger: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/kde-service-menu-fuseiso <-- changed11:49
=== Guest12345 is now known as Neremor
Riddellshtylman: kubuntu-menu.png is in kubuntu-default-settings now12:52
apacheloggerBlizzz: the complete system removal does not seem to be caused by the python stuff13:09
apacheloggera|wen: there is no policy that states upstream needs to provide a build system :P13:10
apacheloggeror you could stick with cmake, but use dh_install for the packaging ;)13:10
a|wenapachelogger: true; but makes it a bit more portable (isn't that the idea of the non-native part :) ) ... i have kept the cmake part (well, it is done and works), and just changed the packaging to ignore it and use dh_install13:11
Blizzzapachelogger: system removal?13:11
apacheloggermy sources.list was a bit messed up13:12
apacheloggerBlizzz: all should be good again13:12
apacheloggeruntil the next backport of kdebindings appears13:12
Blizzzapachelogger: good, great, ty13:12
apacheloggerthat dep is super insane13:12
apacheloggera|wen: oh, I am good with upload then13:13
apacheloggera|wen: though if non-native means portable than people should not be allowed to use qmake :P13:13
Blizzzapachelogger: sounds like fun...13:13
apacheloggerwell I think the fact that python-kde4's deps breaks when a new python-qt4 gets pushed tells everything13:14
a|wenapachelogger: throw and advocate at it, and i'll go ahead and upload (i also closed the bug on kubuntu-meta about it in the changelog in the latest upload)13:14
a|wenapachelogger: hopefully qmake is dying and cmake will conquer the world ;)13:15
apacheloggera|wen: btw, the additional motu advocate is more of a recommendation, not a requirement ;)13:16
a|wenapachelogger: i know ... but a second pair of eyes does never hurt ;)13:17
apacheloggerwell I adovated your previous upload anyway13:18
a|wenapachelogger: uploaded ... thx againg for looking at it13:29
ryanakcamaco2: Yes, we won 18-0 :)14:05
* Riddell updates kdebase-workspace for security issue15:46
apacheloggersecurity \o/16:03
=== ikonia_ is now known as testor
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: ping16:43
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: pong16:43
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: did you testbuild the new kfi in pbuilder?16:43
apacheloggercause codewise it is finished IMHO16:43
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: needs to use kdesudo --desktop16:44
apacheloggeralraedy done16:44
apacheloggerDEB_DH_BUILDDEB_ARGS += -- -Zlzma16:44
apacheloggeris that still necessary?16:44
JontheEchidnaunless Riddell has ported over the lmza support to kde.pm in pkg-kde-tools, then it probably still is necessary16:45
RiddellI haven't16:46
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: package ftbfs in pbuilder16:49
apacheloggerRiddell: please do so :)16:49
JontheEchidnaCan't exec "cmake": No such file or directory at /usr/share/perl5/Debian/Debhelper/Dh_Lib.pm line 179.16:49
JontheEchidnaneeds cmake build-dep16:50
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: and kdelibs5-dev I suppose?16:50
apacheloggeror latter, which pulls in former anyway?16:50
apacheloggerdrop gettext though16:50
JontheEchidnaha, yeah16:50
apacheloggerBuild-Depends: debhelper (>= 7.3.16), quilt, pkg-kde-tools (>= 0.5.0),16:50
apachelogger kdelibs5-dev16:50
neversfeldesomeone already working on including this security patch for kdebase-workspace?16:51
Riddellneversfelde: uploading now16:51
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: with the proper build deps, it builds fine16:52
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: so debian/patches can go now that you fixed the image links in the .qss?16:52
apacheloggerpot file also looks fine16:52
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: no, I was just silly and didnt remember the patches ;)16:53
apacheloggergoing to revert in a bit16:53
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: please try with r4016:55
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: Needs a quilt README.source for: W: kubuntu-firefox-installer source: patch-system-but-no-source-readme16:56
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: r41 got that too16:58
JontheEchidnar40 pbuilds perfectly16:59
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: k, can you upload?16:59
apacheloggerI cant build src pkg :D16:59
apacheloggeronly karmic here16:59
JontheEchidnavi deb/ch17:00
apacheloggerdont forget to run debcommit -R -r afterwards :P17:00
apacheloggeroh shit17:06
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: we have arch all :D17:06
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: uploading fix17:08
apacheloggerkthx ... debcommit -R -r ;)17:08
apacheloggerbuild only takes 5 minutes :)17:11
JontheEchidnathe binary is only 20k larger than the old binary too17:12
JontheEchidnanow we need to give kpackagekit commandline batch support so we can throw a stake in install-package and gdebi-kde17:14
JontheEchidnaneat, debcommit handles tagging17:16
apacheloggeraight, that is why I want everyone to use it ;)17:16
apacheloggerone of the reasons anyway17:16
neversfeldelast time I tried debcommit -R -r, there was a problem17:17
neversfeldeI cannot remember what it was exactly, but it did not work :)17:18
apacheloggerwell, you should not do it anyway, but the uploader :P17:24
apacheloggerplus I suppose the problem was that you did not change the UNRELEASED :P17:24
JontheEchidnahmm, the patches to the .qss file aren't being applied17:27
JontheEchidnamaybe it explicitly needs --with quilt when not using source format 3.0 (quilt)?17:30
apacheloggeryou and your build magic :P17:30
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: does it even install quilt?17:30
JontheEchidnaquilt is a build-dep17:30
apacheloggerthen I suppose it needs the with quilt?17:30
apacheloggerkubotu: googlefight c++ ruby17:36
kubotuincorrect usage, ask for help using 'kubotu: help googlefight'17:36
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: ya, that was it17:36
apacheloggerkubotu: googlefight cpp ruby17:36
kuboturuby (65,000,000) vs. cpp (22,600,000) -- ruby wins!17:36
apacheloggerruby ruby ruby17:36
apacheloggerkubotu: googlefight JontheEchidna apachelogger17:37
kubotuapachelogger (79,500) vs. JontheEchidna (14,400) -- apachelogger wins!17:37
apacheloggeryay :P17:37
JontheEchidnakubotu: googlefight kubotu ubottu17:37
kubotuubottu (23,800) vs. kubotu (9,120) -- ubottu wins!17:37
apacheloggerkubotu: googlefight kde gnome17:37
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:37
kubotukde (40,900,000) vs. gnome (19,500,000) -- kde wins!17:37
apacheloggerkay dee eee!17:37
apacheloggerkubotu: googlefight irc jabber17:38
kubotuirc (47,400,000) vs. jabber (10,000,000) -- irc wins!17:38
apacheloggerkubotu: help googlefight17:39
kubotugooglefight <keyword 1> <keyword 2> [... <keyword n+1>] => battles given keywords based on amount of google search results and announces the winner!17:39
apacheloggerkubotu: googlefight linux windows mac17:39
kubotuwindows (792,000,000) vs. mac (320,000,000) vs. linux (288,000,000) -- windows wins!17:39
apacheloggerthat is rather sad17:39
mistryniteshkubotu: googlefight dumb smart17:40
kubotusmart (238,000,000) vs. dumb (34,600,000) -- smart wins!17:40
Blizzzkubotu: googlefight konqueror firefox opera chrome arora safari17:40
kubotufirefox (210,000,000) vs. opera (160,000,000) vs. chrome (112,000,000) vs. safari (58,400,000) vs. arora (4,400,000) vs. konqueror (2,860,000) -- firefox wins!17:40
JontheEchidnagooglefight rekonq arora konqueror17:40
JontheEchidnakubotu: googlefight rekonq arora konqueror17:41
kubotuarora (4,400,000) vs. konqueror (2,860,000) vs. rekonq (152,000) -- arora wins!17:41
apacheloggerarora is a bit of a misnomer17:41
apacheloggerso is chrome17:41
apacheloggersafari too17:41
JontheEchidnaheh, yeah17:41
Blizzzwell, same with windows. there are windows everywhere.17:41
apacheloggerwell, I doubt it maters much with 792m17:42
JontheEchidnahrm @ bug 52170517:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 521705 in kpackagekit "Please do not package KPackageKit with Lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52170517:43
JontheEchidnakubotu: googlefight kpackagekit adept17:43
kubotuadept (7,370,000) vs. kpackagekit (232,000) -- adept wins!17:43
JontheEchidnaagain, not fair :P17:43
apacheloggerkubotu: googlefight kpackagekit aptitude17:43
kubotuaptitude (9,920,000) vs. kpackagekit (232,000) -- aptitude wins!17:43
Blizzzapachelogger: i think so. each building has windows. there are companies building them. moste operating systems use windows. and on and on and on17:43
apacheloggerkubotu: googlefight kpackagekit aptitude apt synaptic wget17:44
JontheEchidnathere should be a googlefight distro where the default software lineup is determined by googlefight17:44
kubotuapt (40,100,000) vs. aptitude (9,920,000) vs. synaptic (7,750,000) vs. wget (2,410,000) vs. kpackagekit (232,000) -- apt wins!17:44
apacheloggerapt and be done with it17:44
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: yah, if only we had the server resources :D17:44
Blizzzkubotu: googlefight konversation quassel irssi17:45
kubotukonversation (1,800,000) vs. irssi (438,000) vs. quassel (92,000) -- konversation wins!17:45
JontheEchidnakubotu: googlefight konversation quassel irssi mirc17:45
kubotumirc (10,100,000) vs. konversation (1,800,000) vs. irssi (438,000) vs. quassel (92,000) -- mirc wins!17:45
ubottuOh no!  The pointy-clicky Windows7 lover has arrived!  He's rumoured to be giving out free money, and help on the MIRC client too! <nixternal> I LOVE MIRC!!!17:46
JontheEchidnakubotu: googlefight konversation quassel irssi mirc xchat17:46
kubotumirc (10,100,000) vs. xchat (2,860,000) vs. konversation (1,800,000) vs. irssi (438,000) vs. quassel (92,000) -- mirc wins!17:46
JontheEchidnaoh noes, that would mean GoogleFight linux would include xchat. DO NOT WANT17:47
apacheloggerit would include mirc!!!17:47
JontheEchidnamirc w/ wine?17:47
apacheloggeronly if that fails it would use xchat17:47
Blizzzkubotu: googlefight wine beer17:47
kubotuwine (165,000,000) vs. beer (102,000,000) -- wine wins!17:47
apacheloggerwine ftw!17:47
Blizzzkubotu: googlefight  kate vim emacs nano17:49
kubotukate (101,000,000) vs. nano (69,600,000) vs. vim (14,000,000) vs. emacs (6,630,000) -- kate wins!17:49
Blizzznames again17:50
_Groo_hi/2 all18:08
_Groo_anyone alive?18:08
Nightroseall gone18:08
Nightrosewhat do you need? ;-)18:08
_Groo_hey Nightrose18:09
_Groo_dput is still broken? i cant upload anything to ppa, ence i can contribute with new packages :( in this case, kx11grab and skrooge18:09
JontheEchidnaeww @ old konq ico: http://img96.imageshack.us/i/lucidinstall1.png/18:10
JontheEchidnashtylman: ^18:10
_Groo_its so slow a 65K (yes kilobytes) is taking half an hour18:10
_Groo_is this happening with everyone? or am i the only one "special" ? :P18:10
JontheEchidnashtylman: if you have ubiqutiy commit access, please also consider running the "optimizegraphics" tool from kdesdk-scripts package across the ubiquity filetree. It'll lossessly optimize all .png and .svgz in teh tree18:11
JontheEchidnathe savings won't be more than a few dozen kb in most cases, but every little bit helps :)18:14
JontheEchidnanixternal: ^ would probably be a good idea to run optimizegraphics on kubuntu-docs periodically too18:14
JontheEchidnaI shall return18:16
mischasworldhello, any nepomuk specialists on board? I'm running karmic with kde sc 4.4 and  nepomuk doesn't find anything, db should be in the new format (deleted the old one) and strigi is indexing?18:48
groo_mischasworld: did you choose what to index in systemsettings?18:55
mischasworldgroo: yes i did indexer is also running, when i look in .kde/shares/app/nepomuk there is a db > 0 bytes too18:56
groo_mischasworld: no no, in the second tab you need to say WHAT you want to index.. did you choose your home dir or something like that?19:00
groo_is virtuoso running and nepomuk mysql?19:01
mischasworldgroo:yes i did choose what to index ; nepopukserver is running how do i see virtuoso is runnig ps -C virtuoso list nothing?19:05
apacheloggergroo_: nepomuk mysql?19:07
apacheloggerwth is that19:07
apacheloggermischasworld: the binary is called virtuoso-t19:09
mischasworldapachelogger: thanks this file seems to be missing in /usr/bin do you know in which package it is so i can install it19:10
apacheloggeror something like that19:11
apacheloggeroh right, I meant to add that to the dependency chain19:11
mischasworldapachelogger: but i have installed virtuoso-nepomuk even uninstalled it and installed it again19:12
Riddellmischasworld: and is virtuoso-t running?19:21
Riddellthat'll give you tagging and ratings and whatnot19:21
Riddellgetting strigi (file indexing) working is another matter which I haven't managed yet19:21
RiddellLex79: grabbing your extragear et al updates to upload, it'll take a while because my flatmate is uploading a 30GB file of something19:24
shtylmanRiddell: well tell him to stop... you have important work to do :)19:25
jjesse30gb that's a lot of p0rn19:26
mischasworldriddel: yes its running, in etc/init.d/virtuoso-nepomuk theres a call to /usr/bin/virtuoso-t but in the virtuoso-nepomuk  package there is virtuoso-t in /usr/lib/virtuoso/virtuoso-t  just copeid it to /usr/bin nut its still not working19:26
Riddellmap data is what turns him on19:26
jjesseopen street map stuff?19:27
Riddellmischasworld: well if it's running then that's good, does tagging work?19:27
Riddelljjesse: yes, for symbian phones, the whole planet needs reformated19:27
Riddellanyone looked at Amarok 2.3 beta 1 ?19:28
mischasworldriddell: tagging in dolphin works19:28
jjessei know the open street map folks did a great job in haiti19:28
Riddellmischasworld: grooy, so nepomuk works just the strigi integration which doesn't, which as I say, I haven't had working either19:29
Riddellmaybe this new version of strigi I'm about to upload will help19:29
soeeRiddell: can u give me some link to amarok 2.3 b1?19:29
Lex79ok Riddell19:30
mischasworldriddell: ok thank you for the information, good to know im not the only one ;-)19:30
groo_Riddell: hey riddell, python-kde4 is broken again19:35
groo_Riddell: on anotehr news, i made new packages for skrooge and kx11grab... should i open a [needs-packaging) for them?19:36
groo_Riddell: and upload to revu?19:36
apacheloggerjjesse: how is 30gb a lot of p0rn? :P19:38
apacheloggerRiddell: stirgi works here19:38
jjesseapachelogger: ummm i gues if it is all HD quaility??19:38
apacheloggerjjesse: that is not even a lot in default wmv insanity :P19:39
jjessesorry not up on my porn size :)19:39
groo_python-kde4 dependencies broken again lol.. whats up with the version~ thats creeping around now and then19:41
neversfeldebug #521705  needs a Won't fix19:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 521705 in kpackagekit "Please do not package KPackageKit with Lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52170519:45
apacheloggergroo_: wah?19:47
apacheloggerneversfelde: are we sure?19:48
apacheloggeroh right19:48
apacheloggergroo_: on lucid?19:48
groo_apachelogger: yep19:49
Riddellgroo_: or just upload to revu and ping us with the url19:49
groo_apachelogger: are yo guys able to upload to ppa via dput? i cant upload anything for 2 weeks now.. speed (or lack of) below 0.5k19:50
apacheloggerRiddell: kdebindings got all insane deps for python-kde419:50
apacheloggerit restricts dep to exactly the verison that it was built against19:50
apacheloggerand by exactly I mean including the package revisions19:50
apacheloggerso since today I bumped the ubuntuX revision of python-qt4, -kde4 is now broken because it cant satisfy the python-qt4 dep anymore19:51
apacheloggergroo_: no problems within the last 2 weeks or today19:51
groo_apachelogger: not with me, i cant upload basically anything :(19:52
apacheloggernot dput's or ppa's fault19:52
apacheloggermaybe your isp broke something or something is wrong on your end19:52
groo_apachelogger: i also made the final kmix pulseaudio support, same shit i cant upload it19:52
persiagroo_: Maybe try uploading patches and asking for testers, if dput isn't working19:53
groo_apachelogger: well everything else works just fine, im using google dns and everything always worked fine..19:53
groo_persia: very nice in theory but kubuntu devs are lazy bastards ;) i have trouble making them aprove my work already :D19:54
apacheloggerI aint am no bastard19:54
groo_Uploading kx11grab_0.1.12-0~padoka1.tar.gz: 13k/67k19:54
groo_been here for half and hour now19:54
groo_in all its 67k glory :P19:54
groo_apachelogger: didnt you ever read BOFH?19:55
groo_apachelogger: go read it then... and youll see that bastard is actually a compliment19:55
groo_in IT anyway19:55
neversfeldeapachelogger: I do not think, that we really consider to switch the default package manager 4 days before feature freeze?19:56
apacheloggerScottK might disagree :P19:57
apacheloggerbesides, it mustnt be a new one19:57
groo_apachelogger: also i disagree with the bug, kpackagekit is not useless20:03
jjesseafternoon... updated my lucid vm today and after logging in i am presented w/ a black screen adn a white mouse20:19
bulldog98can confirm this: <apachelogger> so since today I bumped the ubuntuX revision of python-qt4, -kde4 is now broken because it cant satisfy the python-qt4 dep anymore20:22
bulldog98would be nice if two of you guys could check http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/plasma-widget-daisy I uploaded the new release couse it makes it usable for kde sc 4.420:26
bulldog98it is only a bugfixrelease20:31
persiaThat definitely doesn't need two reviewers then.20:31
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== Sput is now known as Squt
=== Squt is now known as Sput
JontheEchidnahmm, no kubuntu iso's since the 9th?23:01
ScottK Nope, they've been failing to build.  I didn't have time to check why.23:14
JontheEchidnaare there fail logs somewhere that anyone can read?23:18
JontheEchidnaor is it archive-admin-console-y privileges?23:18
persiaJontheEchidna: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/cd-build-logs/23:20
* JontheEchidna bookmarks23:20
persiaJontheEchidna: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/livefs-build-logs/lucid/ is the precursor (also interesting)23:20
JontheEchidnaThe following packages have unmet dependencies:23:26
JontheEchidna  kdebase-runtime: Depends: plasma-scriptengine-javascript but it is not installable23:26
JontheEchidna                   Recommends: virtuosoconverter but it is not installable23:26
Philip5hi guys! just wondering if you want bugs reported on Launchpad or somewhere else for the Kubuntu Backports PPA repsitory?23:27
Philip5i miss headers in the kdepim-dev_4.4.0-0ubuntu1~karmic1~ppa2 package so I can't use it to build stuff against kdepim23:28
JontheEchidnaPhilip5: launchpad is fine, I think that's an issue in lucid as well23:30
Philip5JontheEchidna: couldn't find any bugs reported for the kde 4.4 repository so i wasn't sure if it was the place23:31
neversfeldemhh, I tell everyone not to report bugs about PPA packages in Laucnhpad, am I wrong here?23:31
JontheEchidnain this case it's the same in lucid23:32
neversfeldeah ok23:37

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