ibuclaw | Hi, just need some clarification on: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/alpha2 | 00:00 |
ibuclaw | "...Three different NVIDIA proprietary drivers are currently available: nvidia-current (190.53), nvidia-173, and nvidia-96. Thanks to a new alternatives system, it is now possible to install all three of these packages at the same time (although it is only possible to have one configured for use at a time)..." | 00:01 |
ibuclaw | by "new alternatives system", I take it they mean the old old /etc/alternatives system that Debian uses? | 00:01 |
kklimonda | yes | 00:01 |
ibuclaw | cools ,thanks :) | 00:02 |
DanaG | argh, still no ureadahead. | 00:05 |
DanaG | And this time, it also ignored the fact that my touchpad is a touchpad. | 00:06 |
penguin42 | DanaG: Try taking the splash/quiet off and see if you can catch the ureadahead error | 00:06 |
DanaG | "Unable to query Synaptics hardware." | 00:08 |
maco2 | i saw on planet mention of something being broken in an update a few days ago that killed apt for some folks. any idea if that's fixed now, or should i hold off upgrading to lucid a few more days? | 00:23 |
kklimonda | maco2, fixed | 00:29 |
maco2 | kklimonda: ok thanks | 00:30 |
bjsnider | more breakages will follow though | 00:30 |
bjsnider | you should probably refrain from upgrading until april | 00:30 |
maco2 | bjsnider: i usually upgrade around alpha 1 ;) | 00:31 |
maco2 | i just know better than to install updates while everyone is freaking out about some major breakage | 00:31 |
bjsnider | how outrageous | 00:31 |
maco2 | hmmm? | 00:32 |
maco2 | gotta dogfood, don't i? | 00:32 |
* penguin42 throws maco2 a bone | 00:40 | |
maco2 | penguin42: vegetarian dogfood! | 00:42 |
titan_ark | hey do i need to upgrade packages after installing the 10.04 iso? | 00:43 |
penguin42 | oh erm | 00:43 |
* penguin42 throws maco2 a parsnip | 00:43 | |
penguin42 | titan_ark: Yeh there'll be some updates since then | 00:43 |
titan_ark | penguin42, i get an error saying partial upgrade only | 00:44 |
titan_ark | what is that? | 00:44 |
titan_ark | oh and i get a bios error when booting but it does boot :P | 00:44 |
penguin42 | yeh that's ok, I think it means one or two packages can't be installed yet | 00:44 |
penguin42 | a bios error? | 00:45 |
titan_ark | penguin42, yeah some error asking me to upgrade bios. but i upgraded it to latest while installing win 7 | 00:47 |
penguin42 | that's *weird* never had anything ask for a bios update | 00:47 |
titan_ark | :P | 00:52 |
sylon | i wanna be a badass and try ubuntu+1 :> | 01:20 |
ZykoticK9 | sylon, you can get the daily build from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/ | 01:20 |
sylon | http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/ would be the way to go i reckon. live cd is unnecessary | 01:22 |
Izinucs | Is 10.04 in Alpha 1 or 2 now? | 01:31 |
rww | 2 | 01:32 |
Izinucs | DOH! stupid question.. it's in the header of the channel ... | 01:32 |
rww | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LucidReleaseSchedule has all the relevant dates :) | 01:32 |
DanaG | For me, it's off to the right. | 01:32 |
DanaG | I get this: | 01:32 |
DanaG | Official Ubuntu Lucid Lynx support and discussion channel | recent initramfs generation error fixed in udev 151-2 | Nvidia users should avoid suspend/hibernate | IRC Guidelines: https://wiki... | 01:32 |
DanaG | Looks like the "alpha 2 released" bit should go in front? | 01:33 |
rww | DanaG: If you want to see the full topic, you can type "/topic" in most clients. | 01:34 |
rww | it's not like most people read the dang thing anyway ;P | 01:35 |
echosystm | is 10.04 stable enough to actually use at the moment? | 02:29 |
echosystm | i dont want to install 9.10, then have to reinstall a year later | 02:29 |
echosystm | hoping i might just be able to jump straight onto 10.04 | 02:30 |
BHoward | upgrading when 10.04 should be just fine when its released | 02:30 |
echosystm | ive done dist upgrades before | 02:30 |
echosystm | something always goes wrong | 02:30 |
echosystm | i just cant be bothered dealing with problems | 02:30 |
BHoward | you know your on linux right? lol | 02:31 |
echosystm | at least with 10.04 thsoe problems will be fixed in time :P | 02:31 |
BHoward | sometimes i have problems also. generally driver issues but nothing too bad | 02:31 |
echosystm | my desktops are pretty lean | 02:32 |
echosystm | i only run x, fluxbox, vim, java, netbeans etc. | 02:32 |
echosystm | i avoid big DEs because its just too many packages | 02:33 |
rww | echosystm: what are you using to do distribution upgrades? apt-get dist-upgrade or do-release-upgrade/update-manager? | 02:33 |
echosystm | so i figure i'll be pretty safe | 02:33 |
echosystm | apt-get dist-upgrade | 02:33 |
echosystm | but this was some years ago | 02:34 |
echosystm | 7.x era | 02:34 |
rww | echosystm: yeah, you're not supposed to do that any more :) | 02:34 |
rww | ubottu: upgrade | 02:34 |
ubottu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading | 02:34 |
rww | for upgrades to development versions, you'd use do-release-upgrade -d or update-manager -d | 02:35 |
billybigrigger_ | hey all | 02:35 |
echosystm | is it necessary though? we're only 2 months away from release | 02:35 |
echosystm | i figured 10.04 would be stable enough | 02:35 |
echosystm | by now | 02:35 |
rww | echosystm: you're supposed to use do-release-upgrade or update-manager for stable distribution upgrades, too | 02:36 |
kklimonda | echosystm, it isn't | 02:37 |
kklimonda | echosystm, it's still alpha quality | 02:37 |
echosystm | ok | 02:37 |
rww | and yeah, 10.04 isn't that stable :) | 02:37 |
echosystm | isnt 10.04 from debian testing? | 02:37 |
echosystm | debian testing is usually bareable :/ | 02:37 |
echosystm | i wont be using any ubuntu stuff | 02:38 |
echosystm | like the "software center" | 02:38 |
echosystm | nor gnome etc. | 02:38 |
kklimonda | echosystm, actually the most problematic right now is boot process | 02:39 |
echosystm | so in that regard shouldnt it be about as stable as debian testing? | 02:39 |
echosystm | ah | 02:39 |
echosystm | ok | 02:39 |
echosystm | hm | 02:39 |
rww | echosystm: Considering that Lucid is much less stable than my Squeeze and Sid installations, I assume they make a lot of changes after sync. | 02:39 |
echosystm | right | 02:39 |
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billybigrigger_ | anyone here have a working ipod touch with lucid? | 02:43 |
teethdood | I cannot boot up my winxp partition despite grub listing it. Where is the grub config file, anyone? :) | 02:57 |
rww | teethdood: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2 has a list and more information | 02:58 |
teethdood | rww: thanks. Rebooting to try it out now | 03:02 |
teethdood | grub still refuses to boot up winxp. It lists the partition and everything | 03:20 |
DanaG | what actual error does it give? | 03:23 |
teethdood | when selected, it blanks the screen as if trying to boot, then returns to grub menu within 2 seconds | 03:28 |
billybigrigger_ | anyone here have a working ipod touch with lucid? | 04:54 |
ZykoticK9 | billybigrigger, have you tried iTunes under wine (it gets silver on WineDB now)? you can also use VBox (with USB support) with an MS VM to access your ipod touch (this is a more certain way vs iTunes) | 04:56 |
billybigrigger_ | itunes/wine doesn't work | 04:58 |
billybigrigger_ | don't have an ms install disk for vbox | 04:58 |
billybigrigger_ | i don't even care about putting music on it, i just want to use my ipod touch | 04:58 |
ZykoticK9 | sorry man no other suggestions (i don't / wouldn't own an iPod) best of luck | 04:58 |
billybigrigger_ | first thing out of the box it wants to connect to itunes before it does anything, i just want to play around on the net with it and test it out | 04:59 |
billybigrigger_ | this ipod touch was given to me from work, so it was free :) | 04:59 |
billybigrigger_ | has our company logo engraved on it from apple, pretty nice little unit, would have been nicer if they gave us iphones, but i'm not complaining :) | 04:59 |
teethdood | don't get me started with the damn iphone. I have one, and the only reason I'm keeping my windows partition | 05:01 |
teethdood | so lucid hosed my grub, wouldn't boot winxp. Now I have to reinstall winxp, then run the livecd to reinstall grub | 05:02 |
teethdood | so I've been sitting here for the past 3 hours waiting for my daily livecd to finish | 05:03 |
teethdood | all for the friggin iphone | 05:03 |
billybigrigger_ | damn ms/apple/linux | 05:04 |
billybigrigger_ | haha | 05:04 |
ZykoticK9 | billybigrigger, hey keep linux off that list! | 05:04 |
billybigrigger_ | hehe | 05:05 |
billybigrigger_ | it's true | 05:05 |
ZykoticK9 | :) | 05:05 |
billybigrigger_ | using an apple product, that needs ms software, on an open source operating system = fun times | 05:05 |
foxbuntu | teethdood, why not use VirtualBox to contain WinXP where it belongs? | 05:05 |
ZykoticK9 | i certainly understand your frustration, but it really isn't linux's fault you know... | 05:05 |
foxbuntu | teethdood, or KVM | 05:05 |
* billybigrigger_ wishes he had an xp install disk right about now | 05:05 | |
billybigrigger_ | ZykoticK9, and it's not ms's fault, nor apple's :P | 05:06 |
kklimonda | apple has really done a lot to make it harder to use iphone/ipod without itunes.. | 05:06 |
teethdood | foxbuntu: I only have 1 GB of RAM. you think between ubuntu, virtualbox, winxp and itunes would that be enough? :P | 05:06 |
ZykoticK9 | i'd say being proprietary is BOTH of their faults | 05:06 |
bjsnider | it's not apple's fault? | 05:06 |
bjsnider | whose fault could it possibly be if not apple's? | 05:07 |
foxbuntu | teethdood, sure, I ran an XP VM for quite awhile on 168M allocated to the VM | 05:07 |
bjsnider | those scumbags | 05:07 |
kklimonda | actually I find it surprising that there are people who are dedicated enough to make ipods work with linux.. | 05:07 |
kklimonda | I'd think that anyone smart enough to do it wouldn't really buy anything made by apple | 05:08 |
ZykoticK9 | kklimonda, lol | 05:08 |
foxbuntu | kklimonda, thats a pretty generalizing statement | 05:08 |
bjsnider | you buy one apple product you've bought all of it | 05:08 |
DanaG | argh, my transforms still aren't working. | 05:09 |
kklimonda | foxbuntu, sure | 05:09 |
DanaG | er, wrong tab. | 05:09 |
kklimonda | hmm.. is U1 Music Store planned for Alpha3 release? | 05:09 |
foxbuntu | kklimonda, I have an ipod touch, I write code for various community projects | 05:09 |
teethdood | I actually use the iphone 99% of the time and the computer for 1% of the time. The iphone allows me to ssh/vnc into my box | 05:11 |
billybigrigger_ | ipod touch can ssh/vnc aswell no? | 05:12 |
billybigrigger_ | it's pretty much an iphone, without the phone features | 05:12 |
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foxbuntu | billybigrigger_, yes | 05:12 |
ZykoticK9 | teethdood, if you're ssh/vnced doesn't that mean your using both? | 05:12 |
teethdood | billybigrigger, yes, but you'd have to be around a wifi hotspot | 05:12 |
billybigrigger_ | need to get my ipod working first | 05:13 |
teethdood | ZykoticK9: ssh for the commandline, vnc if I want to use the GUI | 05:13 |
ZykoticK9 | teethdood, oh i understand - but if you connected to your linux box from you iphone - can't you say your using both of them? so the 99% begins to come into doubt. I'm just giving you a hard time ;) | 05:14 |
teethdood | ZykoticK9: haha ok yeah that makes sense | 05:15 |
billybigrigger_ | so with just lucid and my ipod touch, i'm sol until i get to a windows machine to use my ipod? | 05:17 |
foxbuntu | billybigrigger_, no. | 05:17 |
teethdood | ZykoticK9: I should say I'm physically punching things into the iphone 99% of the time :P | 05:17 |
billybigrigger_ | foxbuntu, i don't care if i can't load music atm | 05:17 |
billybigrigger_ | i just want to get past the "connect to itunes" screen | 05:17 |
teethdood | billybigrigger, you can go the psystar route and install OSX | 05:17 |
foxbuntu | billybigrigger_, I am using my ipod touch on lucid right now | 05:18 |
billybigrigger_ | i just want to play around with the bloody thing | 05:18 |
billybigrigger_ | foxbuntu, how so? | 05:18 |
billybigrigger_ | tell me your ways :P | 05:18 |
foxbuntu | billybigrigger_, 1) Plug In USB | 05:19 |
bjsnider | isn't this a bit offtopic? | 05:19 |
foxbuntu | 2) Open RMythBox | 05:19 |
foxbuntu | 3) Enjoy | 05:19 |
bjsnider | aren't there a million threads on apple's forums about this? | 05:19 |
billybigrigger_ | foxbuntu, wish it was that simple | 05:19 |
billybigrigger_ | ubuntu detects my ipod, but just wants to open it for viewing photos | 05:20 |
teethdood | it is offtopic, but it was getting kinda boring in here, so it's better than nothing | 05:20 |
billybigrigger_ | rythmbox doesn't see it | 05:20 |
foxbuntu | billybigrigger_, thats 100% seriously all I did | 05:20 |
billybigrigger_ | seriously... | 05:21 |
foxbuntu | seriously | 05:21 |
billybigrigger_ | foxbuntu, do you know what screen im talking about? | 05:24 |
billybigrigger_ | the connect to itunes screen? that won't let you do anything | 05:24 |
foxbuntu | billybigrigger_, http://imagebin.org/84758 | 05:24 |
bjsnider | it's looking for a daap server | 05:24 |
foxbuntu | billybigrigger_, oh, I dont do itunes on here | 05:25 |
foxbuntu | billybigrigger_, I thought you ment the ipod period, not itunes specifcly | 05:25 |
billybigrigger_ | i don't want to either | 05:25 |
billybigrigger_ | i pulled this out of the box and thats the only screen i get | 05:25 |
foxbuntu | oh.... | 05:25 |
bjsnider | try banshee | 05:26 |
foxbuntu | its a brand new ipod | 05:26 |
billybigrigger_ | i just want to use the damn ipod, i could care less for music/itunes right now | 05:26 |
billybigrigger_ | yeah | 05:26 |
foxbuntu | yeah, Idk on that... banshee is a good idea bjsnider | 05:26 |
billybigrigger_ | 60mb for banshee | 05:28 |
billybigrigger_ | geez | 05:28 |
bjsnider | complain to steve mobs | 05:28 |
foxbuntu | lol | 05:29 |
teethdood | go to blackra1n.com | 05:44 |
billybigrigger_ | ? | 05:44 |
teethdood | and download the windows version, see if it runs under wine. It'll jailbreak your ipod which should also bypass that stupid itunes connect me screen | 05:44 |
foxbuntu | teethdood, billybigrigger_ its things like this that I have kept my decrepid, old, slow, pos winxp desktop sitting around for, every once in awhile the unfortunate situation arises where its requires | 05:47 |
billybigrigger_ | yeah, if i were at home this would be not a problem, xp in vbox would work great | 05:51 |
billybigrigger_ | but im stuck in the middle of the boonies, working | 05:51 |
billybigrigger_ | i'm lucky to have internet here... | 05:52 |
teethdood | billybigrigger have you tried blackra1n yet? | 05:53 |
billybigrigger_ | no | 05:53 |
billybigrigger_ | do i want to jailbreak my iphone if i don't have to? | 05:53 |
teethdood | billybigrigger you absolutely want to jailbreak your ipod. Think of the ipod OS as windows and jailbreaking it brings you Ubuntu | 05:55 |
DanaG | Actually, iPod OS isn't even worthy of being compared to Windows. | 05:58 |
DanaG | =þ | 05:58 |
DanaG | It's more like.... umm... the old PalmOS, maybe? | 05:58 |
DanaG | Or DOS? | 05:58 |
DanaG | Or something. | 05:59 |
billybigrigger_ | just sits there saying wiating for device | 05:59 |
billybigrigger_ | lsusb shows it's connected | 05:59 |
billybigrigger_ | nautilus wants to open fspot when i plug it in | 05:59 |
billybigrigger_ | maybe my touch version isnt supported | 06:00 |
Koterpillar | I am unable to install bzr-gtk due to missing dependencies. Should I wait for something to be built/uploaded or report a bug? | 06:03 |
kklimonda | hmm.. can I use tracker and nautilus to tag files? | 06:17 |
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hyperstream | is pulseaudio audio streaming functioning properly in lucid? is it compatible with karmic's pulseaudio ? | 08:12 |
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maco2 | hyperstream: crimsun says "yes they're compatible. nothing has changed in the stream protocol" | 08:20 |
hyperstream | maco2, cant get it to play the music through the local sound speakers on the machine, and then get my karmic box to sync with it, the best result so far, was sound on the karmic box and no sound on this lappy but i could control volume of the main pc | 08:25 |
hyperstream | altho i had the sound server sender disabled | 08:25 |
hyperstream | where as this machine has sender enabled | 08:25 |
hyperstream | seems each box is connecting to itself. altho at one point this lappy connected to the desktop | 08:26 |
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Bacta | Hai all! | 10:33 |
Bacta | XD | 10:33 |
janisozaur | will there be memtest86+ 4.0 in lucid? | 10:57 |
=== Blizzzek is now known as Blizzz | ||
tgpraveen12 | !info memtest86 | 11:01 |
ubottu | Package memtest86 does not exist in lucid | 11:02 |
vish | ikonia: hmm^ what was the ban? | 11:03 |
ikonia | vish: we don't disucss other peoples bans | 11:03 |
janisozaur | !info memtest86+ | 11:04 |
ubottu | memtest86+ (source: memtest86+): thorough real-mode memory tester. In component main, is standard. Version 4.00-2ubuntu1 (lucid), package size 147 kB, installed size 456 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 kfreebsd-i386 kfreebsd-amd64 lpia hurd-i386) | 11:04 |
vish | ikonia: ah.. yeah , i was wondering if it was accidental .. seemed no activity from user here .. np.. | 11:04 |
ikonia | nope, intended | 11:04 |
vish | ikonia: just a general question.. but does a user get banned on all ubuntu specific channels if he misbehaves on one? [I'v heard this user was causing causing problems in other channels] | 11:06 |
ikonia | vish: if you've got 30 seconds join #ubuntu-ops | 11:06 |
* vish joins | 11:07 | |
tgpraveen12 | janisozaur: ^^ | 11:08 |
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unimatrix9 | hi there | 12:09 |
unimatrix9 | i am trying to install lernid on the Lucid Lynx, i get this error python poppler, any tips are welcome | 12:10 |
unimatrix9 | where would the python poppler package be? | 12:12 |
chelz | unimatrix9: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/python-poppler | 12:20 |
chelz | heh | 12:20 |
unimatrix9 | yeah thanks | 12:23 |
unimatrix9 | i got it | 12:23 |
unimatrix9 | cool | 12:23 |
unimatrix9 | going to test it now, bye bye | 12:24 |
BluesKaj | howdy | 14:17 |
tgpraveen12 | BluesKaj: hey | 14:30 |
BUGabundo | hey BluesKaj tgpraveen12 | 14:31 |
BluesKaj | hi tgpraveen12 , BUGabundo | 14:31 |
BUGabundo | nothing better to do on a Sunday afternoon ? | 14:31 |
tgpraveen12 | my sunday is almost over :-( | 14:35 |
jakubo | hi | 14:59 |
jakubo | i have a very urgent request: can you please tell me who i have to talk to to remove rhythmboxes menu in the taskbar? | 15:01 |
penguin42 | how do you mean remove it? | 15:01 |
jakubo | it sucks | 15:02 |
jakubo | i want the old settings back | 15:02 |
Crashbit | jakubo: left mouse button | 15:02 |
jakubo | i dont want a menu on left click | 15:02 |
jakubo | its nonsense | 15:02 |
* penguin42 points out it's not exactly a 'very urgent request' - if you're machine was on fire and strangling your cat, it might be a very urgent request, or if you couldn't get it to boot - but just because you don't like the menu.... | 15:03 | |
Crashbit | xD | 15:03 |
jakubo | im sry, my cat has gone to schrödinger and hasnt come back yet... | 15:03 |
jakubo | well but honestly, who do i need to treat to persuade him that this is nonsense? | 15:05 |
penguin42 | jakubo: You can file a bug against the rhythmbox package, if it's a general UI principal then I think the ayatana (is that right spelling?) mailing list is for general UI design issues | 15:05 |
penguin42 | there's also a rhythmbox dev list you could subscribe to | 15:06 |
BUGabundo | jakubo: provide a patch and convice upstream to take it | 15:06 |
jakubo | i wrote to rhythmbox but it seems not to be their issue | 15:06 |
BUGabundo | ah | 15:06 |
jakubo | as arch linux for instance doent have that | 15:06 |
jakubo | a patch? i want the old setting back | 15:07 |
penguin42 | jakubo: It could be just we're running newer versions, but it could be an ubuntu change | 15:07 |
jakubo | i dont want to be klicking through menus to get the bloody window open | 15:07 |
BUGabundo | open what ? | 15:08 |
BUGabundo | I never use menus for nothing | 15:08 |
BUGabundo | Gnome-DO power :D | 15:08 |
jakubo | do you have rgythmbox installed? | 15:08 |
* penguin42 switched to Exaile after Rhythmbox annoyed me | 15:08 | |
jakubo | do you have it in upper taskbar? | 15:08 |
BUGabundo | exaile and mocp user here | 15:08 |
BUGabundo | I run exaile from trunk branch and complain to reg when he messes something :D | 15:09 |
jakubo | what worries me more is that someone obviously invested time into doing such a menu XD | 15:09 |
jakubo | words for describing that reach from stupid over pathetic to hilarious in my eyes | 15:09 |
penguin42 | jakubo: When you try and explain that to them you may have to do it in a way that suggests you don't like it rather than that they are pathetic | 15:10 |
jakubo | i know ^^ | 15:10 |
tgpraveen12 | jakubo: that new menu system is done by ubuntu if u want to protest this change go to #ayatana | 15:10 |
jakubo | ok thank you | 15:11 |
tgpraveen12 | this menu system known as application indicator is what lucid will have for many apps | 15:11 |
jakubo | nooooooooo are you serious? | 15:11 |
tgpraveen12 | and in reality there is very little chance they will go back to old style | 15:11 |
tgpraveen12 | in fact there have been many debates and this is what is going to be. now whethere there is a easy way to disable it or not ask in #ayatana | 15:11 |
* BUGabundo is still trying to figure how to logout without using MOUSE! | 15:14 | |
BUGabundo | I should file a bug for that | 15:15 |
BUGabundo | oh wait... we did... last cycle | 15:15 |
robin0800 | jakubo: its usually in the application you can stop it | 15:15 |
robin0800 | BUGabundo: working here | 15:16 |
BUGabundo | robin0800: how? | 15:16 |
BUGabundo | I can't find a logout button anywhere | 15:16 |
robin0800 | BUGabundo: ctl alt delete | 15:16 |
BUGabundo | eheh | 15:16 |
BUGabundo | how intuitive | 15:16 |
BUGabundo | no LOGOUT there | 15:17 |
BUGabundo | just shudown/reboot | 15:17 |
robin0800 | BUGabundo: its on mine but this is kde | 15:17 |
BUGabundo | doh | 15:18 |
BUGabundo | anyone else wants to try? | 15:18 |
* BUGabundo opens LP..... oopss ubuntu-bug | 15:18 | |
* BUGabundo wonders what package to file it , dough | 15:18 | |
xxploit | i actually like the rhythmbox menu, think they need to do away with the quit icon in the menu though since none of the other indicator apps use icons which makes them look cleaner | 15:20 |
tgpraveen12 | BUGabundo: the bug realting to that was filed last time and is still open now | 15:21 |
tgpraveen12 | and i think ayatana team members have commented on it too | 15:21 |
BUGabundo | tgpraveen12: needs to be bumped to Lucid | 15:21 |
BUGabundo | nothing on my inbox :\ | 15:21 |
tgpraveen12 | BUGabundo: it was filed against the indicator-session or something so doesnt it be still valid even if filed in karmic session | 15:22 |
tgpraveen12 | xxploit: the amin prob with new system is earlier one click to open the app. now more clicks | 15:22 |
xxploit | tgpraveen12, yes its most certainly more clicks, but i still do like the menu | 15:23 |
jadams | I did an in-place upgrade to lucid. My computer hangs on boot now, ctrl+alt+f1 gives me no tty, etc. I tried using a livecd to install but it doesn't see my partitions correctly (I need not to mess up my /home, and it doesn't see it so I'm worried it'll overwrite it). I had to add the 'safe graphics' boot option to get the livecd to boot into a gui, because it would hang just like my install does otherwise. Any ideas what I sho | 15:24 |
jadams | uld do to fix it? I've got a chroot into my old system so I can debug it if that helps | 15:24 |
xxploit | tgpraveen12, there just trying to integrate their app choices into the desktop environment more is all, obviously some will not like it | 15:24 |
BUGabundo | jadams: start by making a backup of your data, then fscking the disk | 15:27 |
BUGabundo | the installer *should not* loss your data if you choose to reinstall *without* formating | 15:27 |
jadams | BUGabundo, there were no fsck-related errors anywhere. I don't know why I would go directly to that. Especially since the livecd exhibits the same lockup behaviour without running it in safe graphics mode | 15:28 |
BUGabundo | ahh | 15:28 |
BUGabundo | nvidia? | 15:28 |
BUGabundo | then it's the plymouth bug | 15:29 |
jadams | yes, nvidia | 15:29 |
jadams | awesome. Any known fix? Searching for bugreport now | 15:29 |
BUGabundo | https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/516412 | 15:29 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 516412 in plymouth "Pressing <Enter> causes X to freeze" [High,Fix released] | 15:29 |
jadams | ty | 15:29 |
BUGabundo | np | 15:29 |
BUGabundo | I got hit by that for a few days last weekend | 15:30 |
BUGabundo | and then I moved to OPEN SOURCE drivers | 15:30 |
jadams | I didn't press enter, fwiw, as I just boot and walk away and it never boots to X | 15:30 |
BUGabundo | even with 3D support | 15:30 |
penguin42 | BUGabundo: You on nouveu ? | 15:30 |
BUGabundo | I LOVE it ... works great, even on multimonitor | 15:30 |
* BUGabundo ducks | 15:30 | |
BUGabundo | penguin42: I admit... I have.... changed | 15:30 |
jadams | I will install nouveau and try to boot....if that fails I'll livecd, chroot, and uninstall plymouth. Decent plan? | 15:31 |
BUGabundo | jadams: you need two PPAs | 15:31 |
penguin42 | BUGabundo: I've been running the O.S. ATI drivers and I'm impressed; still a few things that need to get better; but we might be back almost to where we were 5 years ago where most people could run open source X | 15:31 |
jadams | BUGabundo, ahh, cool | 15:31 |
BUGabundo | Amaranth: I can't use ZOOM compiz plugin with nouveu :( | 15:32 |
penguin42 | BUGabundo: Are you running edgers or lucid X libs ? | 15:32 |
BUGabundo | penguin42: you know I can't stay away from *bleeding* cutting hedge | 15:33 |
penguin42 | BUGabundo: Hehe same here | 15:33 |
BUGabundo | everytime I boot my laptop I wonder if it is going to even start up | 15:33 |
BUGabundo | or take half the world with it | 15:33 |
BUGabundo | penguin42: full edgers plus nouveu ppas | 15:33 |
penguin42 | BUGabundo: Yep, I'm running edgers, but without any radeon specials | 15:34 |
BUGabundo | $ pastebinit sources.list http://paste.ubuntu.com/376241/ | 15:34 |
BUGabundo | deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/xorg-edgers/nouveau/ubuntu lucid main #nouveau | 15:34 |
BUGabundo | deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/xorg-edgers/ppa/ubuntu lucid main #xorg-edgers | 15:34 |
BUGabundo | jadams: ^^^^^ | 15:35 |
jadams | BUGabundo, thanks, I'm trying first just removing plymouth. If that fails, I'll do this. Saving to file | 15:35 |
jadams | be back soon hopefully :) | 15:36 |
BluesKaj | BUGabundo, which nvidia card does he have ...nouveau driver works with all nvidia or? | 15:50 |
BUGabundo | 8400m G | 15:50 |
BUGabundo | no idea of card support... ask a X guy :p | 15:50 |
BluesKaj | 8400m G will run with the 195 ppa driver | 15:54 |
BUGabundo | I don't care | 15:55 |
macman_ | hi all .. so i'm on a dell studio 17 inch .. i got sound working without headphones from a post on google .. how do i post it so everyone can see it ? | 15:55 |
BUGabundo | I'M FREE NOW | 15:55 |
BUGabundo | macman_: running Lucid? | 15:56 |
macman_ | BUGabundo: karmic | 15:56 |
BUGabundo | macman_: please redirect to #ubuntu | 15:56 |
macman_ | BUGabundo: its just stuff that goes into alsaconf that gives me full speakers | 15:56 |
BUGabundo | this # is meant for lucid development | 15:56 |
macman_ | oh ok my bad | 15:56 |
BUGabundo | or try #ubuntu-audio-help | 15:56 |
* BUGabundo was slow | 15:56 | |
_CommandeR_ | btw will lucid use gnome 3.0 ? | 16:08 |
BUGabundo | err | 16:08 |
BUGabundo | Read lucid-desktop-amd64.iso. Target 26.6% complete. | 16:08 |
BUGabundo | downloading from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/lucid-desktop-amd64.iso: | 16:08 |
BUGabundo | Read lucid-desktop-amd64.iso.part. Target 72.7% complete. | 16:08 |
BUGabundo | downloading from http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/lucid-desktop-amd64.iso: | 16:08 |
=== ikonia_ is now known as testor | ||
BUGabundo | how come does kubuntu image changed so much ? | 16:09 |
BUGabundo | testor: everything fine? | 16:09 |
testor | fine | 16:10 |
tgpraveen12 | _CommandeR_: gnome 3.0 will be released in sep '10 | 16:10 |
tgpraveen12 | so no | 16:10 |
BUGabundo | tgpraveen12: cough... and you believe gnome time tables? | 16:11 |
_CommandeR_ | oh wow thought it would be in april | 16:11 |
tgpraveen12 | BUGabundo: heh. i have enough confidence that it will definetely NOT happen before scheduled time | 16:11 |
BUGabundo | haaahahahahahahaa | 16:13 |
* BUGabundo gets on the floor and ROFLs | 16:13 | |
_CommandeR_ | are they so slow with gnome or what? | 16:15 |
BUGabundo | eeh | 16:16 |
BUGabundo | no worse | 16:16 |
BUGabundo | remember it's a FLOSS project with little funds | 16:16 |
_CommandeR_ | floss ? | 16:16 |
_CommandeR_ | KDE devs are flying. | 16:17 |
jadams | BUGabundo, so yeah, I installed those PPAs and did an upgrade, and it installed nouveau, etc, but it still hung. I can see from /var/log/Xorg.0.log that it used the nouveau driver this time...I'm stuck :( | 16:26 |
jadams | I think it may not be the plymouth bug, given that it also wasn't related to the enter key :( | 16:26 |
BUGabundo | a new one ? :( | 16:27 |
jadams | http://gist.github.com/304115 that's the xorg log if that helps | 16:27 |
BUGabundo | hop to #ubuntu-x , pastebin your X logs | 16:27 |
jadams | kk | 16:27 |
=== FunnyLookinHat_ is now known as FunnyLookinHat | ||
LADmaticCA | how do I re-insert the Me Menu/ Session applet? | 16:28 |
BUGabundo | LADmaticCA: right click on the top bar, add, indicator | 16:31 |
BUGabundo | why are ppl having that removed in the 1st place?? | 16:32 |
BUGabundo | I still have both of them :\\\ | 16:32 |
jadams | BUGabundo, in karmic I had that removed w/o my asking on one of my machines, it's odd | 16:32 |
jadams | happened more than once on that machine | 16:32 |
jadams | I just add it back... | 16:32 |
LADmaticCA | BUGabundo, thanks. I removed it because it was broken. When I clicked it I couldn't see any options | 16:32 |
LADmaticCA | BUGabundo, thought adding it back might fix it | 16:33 |
LADmaticCA | BUGabundo, it's actually still broken | 16:33 |
BUGabundo | wfm | 16:34 |
edakiri | In the new nautilus, how do you open a directory from a text description of the path? (like "/usr/lib" for example) | 16:36 |
BUGabundo | edakiri: as always: ctrl+l | 16:37 |
edakiri | BUGabundo: that is not how i used to do it. | 16:38 |
BUGabundo | I always did it like that | 16:38 |
BUGabundo | wb LaserJock | 16:38 |
LaserJock | hi BUGabundo | 16:38 |
edakiri | Ctrl-L is also classically refresh on unix(-like), so i wouldn't have guessed it. | 16:39 |
edakiri | Good thing Ubuntu changes Ctrl-T from Trashing things, I think. | 16:41 |
edakiri | I'm glad at least. I've 'trashed' a few things accidentally that way. | 16:41 |
BUGabundo | wb coz_ | 16:42 |
BUGabundo | ahahahaahah | 16:42 |
BUGabundo | really edakiri? | 16:42 |
coz_ | BUGabundo, hey guy :) | 16:42 |
BUGabundo | I never used ctrl+T for anything else then select all | 16:42 |
LaserJock | isn't ctrl+a select all? | 16:43 |
BUGabundo | not for portuguese local | 16:44 |
BUGabundo | ehe | 16:44 |
edakiri | BUGabundo: default binding for Crtl-T in nautilus is (still?) 'Trash'. When I started using nautilus, I always pressed ctrl-T when I wanted a new Tab. I've still Trashed a few files because of a bug (which i filed) that happens when you rename in place and press 'delete'. | 16:44 |
BUGabundo | AFAIK ctrl+t is new Tab (now in the bottom :( ) ever since Nautilus as tabs | 16:46 |
BUGabundo | edakiri: can you confirm me that its no longer possible to use alt+NUMs to change between tabs? | 16:46 |
edakiri | BUGabundo: confirmed | 16:49 |
BUGabundo | BLERG | 16:50 |
BUGabundo | let me file that on LP and upstream | 16:50 |
BUGabundo | I'll ask you to confirm it | 16:50 |
BUGabundo | [14478:14478:10458891795:ERROR:chrome/browser/printing/print_job_manager_linux.cc(15)] Not implemented reached in printing::PrintJobManager::PrintJobManager() | 16:54 |
BUGabundo | wew | 16:54 |
* BUGabundo writes one of the longest bug titles EVER | 16:54 | |
BUGabundo | zsync SHOULD always run ioniced :( | 16:55 |
BUGabundo | edakiri: care to confirm https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/5217671 | 16:56 |
ubottu | Error: Ubuntu bug 5217671 not found | 16:56 |
* BUGabundo slaps the bot | 16:58 | |
BUGabundo | edakiri: care to confirm https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/nautilus/+bug/5217671 | 16:58 |
ubottu | Error: Ubuntu bug 5217671 not found | 16:58 |
BUGabundo | done, sent upstream | 17:01 |
jadams | BUGabundo, no one on ubuntu-x has replied yet, any thoughts on where to look next to diagnose my hang-on-boot bug? | 17:02 |
BUGabundo | no | 17:02 |
jadams | le sigh, thanks for the help! | 17:03 |
BUGabundo | $ rm -i *.old | 17:05 |
BUGabundo | rm: cannot remove `*.old': No such file or directory | 17:05 |
BUGabundo | SINCE WHEN?? | 17:05 |
jadams | BUGabundo, fwiw, I think this bug is likely it and am trying the fix reported. Thanks again for the help, I'll update this chan if it works :) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/506677 | 17:06 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 506677 in ubuntu "Lucid fails to start freezes at/just before GDM (dup-of: 506951)" [Undecided,New] | 17:06 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 506951 in xorg-server "x locks when starting" [Undecided,Fix released] | 17:06 |
t0m3k | how i can change encoding? In Kubuntu 10.04 by default is ISO-8859-1 but i need UTF-8. | 17:09 |
BUGabundo | https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/zsync/+bug/521782 | 17:14 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 521782 in zsync "[wishbug] zsync should run ioniced" [Undecided,New] | 17:14 |
sherr | help ignore | 17:16 |
Diana | need some help if possible | 17:16 |
penguin42 | Diana: What's up? | 17:17 |
BUGabundo | Diana: don't ask to ask, just ask | 17:17 |
Diana | I've instaled ubuntu in a friend's computer... I wanted to create one user for each one of the who use it | 17:18 |
Diana | but I created a wrong user, I deleted it and create new ones | 17:18 |
BUGabundo | Diana: was it Ubuntu lucid 10.04? | 17:18 |
Diana | 9.10 | 17:18 |
BUGabundo | Diana: please redirect your search to #ubuntu | 17:18 |
BUGabundo | thanks | 17:18 |
Diana | thanks | 17:18 |
BUGabundo | this channel is meant for 10.04 development | 17:19 |
BUGabundo | anyone running Chromium daily ? care to try to open this site? https://caixadirecta.cgd.pt/ | 17:19 |
penguin42 | BUGabundo: It's thinking | 17:20 |
penguin42 | BUGabundo: Well it's done something - I have a white box with some hands 'Nao aceda as suas contas em computadores publicos.' | 17:20 |
BUGabundo | damn | 17:20 |
penguin42 | with various accents in random positions | 17:21 |
BUGabundo | maybe not | 17:21 |
BUGabundo | click the cross | 17:21 |
penguin42 | This is 5.0.307.7 Build 38400 | 17:21 |
BUGabundo | I'm getting a cookie warning | 17:21 |
BUGabundo | 5.0.324.0 (38735) Ubuntu | 17:21 |
BUGabundo | you are quite behind :\ | 17:21 |
penguin42 | no cookie warning, under the box I see a couple of boxes | 17:21 |
* penguin42 wonders why | 17:21 | |
BUGabundo | do you mind upgrading and resting penguin42? | 17:21 |
BUGabundo | daily ppa here | 17:22 |
penguin42 | BUGabundo: Ah it's working on it, It looks like the ppa got disabled on upgrade | 17:23 |
penguin42 | (to lucid) | 17:23 |
BUGabundo | aha | 17:23 |
BUGabundo | good. mean update-manager is working as expected | 17:23 |
* penguin42 hadn't noticed - but that explains why I was seeing a bug people had said was fixed ages ago | 17:23 | |
* penguin42 tries again | 17:26 | |
penguin42 | BUGabundo: Seems OK on latest which is 5.0.329.0 (Dev build 39018) | 17:26 |
BUGabundo | hoy | 17:27 |
BUGabundo | now im the one needing to update | 17:27 |
penguin42 | yeh, slacker! | 17:27 |
BUGabundo | I did when I log on | 17:27 |
BUGabundo | maybe I starte the browser too fast | 17:27 |
BUGabundo | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | 17:29 |
BUGabundo | bzr-gtk: Depends: bzr (< 2.1~) but 2.1.0~rc2-1 is to be installed. | 17:29 |
BUGabundo | blerg | 17:29 |
BUGabundo | 5.0.329.0 (39018) Ubuntu | 17:30 |
BUGabundo | err penguin42 I get the same cookie error | 17:31 |
penguin42 | BUGabundo: Weird | 17:31 |
ZykoticK9 | BUGabundo, someone in here last night had the same problem with bzr-gtk - hope someone files a bus | 17:32 |
ZykoticK9 | s/bus/bug | 17:32 |
syn-ack | Holy hell. | 18:06 |
syn-ack | its about time. w00t | 18:07 |
Damascene | is there any tool to play with windows boot files? | 18:12 |
mauri | is it possibile to have an entire distribution under a folder instead in the root of a partition? | 18:13 |
TheInfinity | mauri: if you like chroots yes, otherwise no | 18:16 |
mauri | TheInfinity: i read something abount chroot but i dont how if it is possibile to set it using grub2 | 18:21 |
TheInfinity | no. | 18:21 |
dupondje | firefox broken ? | 18:22 |
BUGabundo | dupondje: which one ? | 18:25 |
BUGabundo | 3.6 daily ppa working fine here | 18:25 |
hellyeah_ | what will difference be in ubuntu 10.04 than ubuntu 9.10 | 18:27 |
DanaG | http://users.csc.calpoly.edu/~dgoyette/bootcharts/EliteBook-lucid-20100213-3.png | 18:58 |
DanaG | er | 18:58 |
DanaG | http://users.csc.calpoly.edu/~dgoyette/bootcharts/EliteBook-lucid-20100214-1.png | 18:58 |
DanaG | still no ureadahead! | 18:58 |
DanaG | and no error message, either. | 18:58 |
DanaG | weird... repos have avr gcc, but no ARM gcc. | 19:02 |
guntbert | does anyone want to check/confirm https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/521831 | 19:08 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 521831 in ubiquity "keyboard layout settings from "guess keymap" are not kept" [Undecided,New] | 19:08 |
DanaG | hhmm, where do I get a gcc to cross-compile to ARM? | 19:21 |
ZykoticK9 | The new panel Volume meter doesn't allow me to change volume level - it's locked. Using aumix i'm able to adjust the volume. It was working fine yesterday? | 19:22 |
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DanaG | Wire network... Disconnected | 19:28 |
DanaG | Wire network... Disconnected | 19:28 |
DanaG | Wired network... Disconnected | 19:28 |
DanaG | argh, it keeps spamming me with that same bubble over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over | 19:29 |
jpds | DanaG: Leave that cable alone. | 19:32 |
DanaG | er, I figured it out: | 19:33 |
DanaG | it was trying and failing to start dnsmasq, over and over, on the same connection. | 19:33 |
jpds | Haha, ouch. | 19:33 |
DanaG | oh, and apparently nm-applet IGNORES the "suppress disconnection notices" gconf key! | 19:34 |
ZykoticK9 | Know what package the new volume control applet is a part of? About just bring up "Indicator Applet 0.3.2" | 19:35 |
EverettZ | Good morning. I am completely blind and am trying to load Lucid in a VM. Wondering if anyone can confirm for me the keystrokes to start the CD with speech? Hard to tell what's happening in a VM with no pc-speaker or reliable disk access sounds. | 19:40 |
penguin42 | I may be able to start up a VM to try it | 19:43 |
penguin42 | EverettZ: Hit return once to select english and then f5 gets the 'accessibility' menu | 19:46 |
penguin42 | EverettZ: Pressing down 4 times will then get screen reader | 19:47 |
EverettZ | penguin42: Thanks, can you tell me apx how long from boot to the language menu? And what step is after selecting screen-reader? | 19:47 |
penguin42 | EverettZ: Only a few seconds to the language menu for me on a new machine | 19:48 |
penguin42 | EverettZ: If you hit return after pressing the down 4 times (selecting screen read) you then have a menu where the top option (default) is try without install, the one below that is install | 19:49 |
EverettZ | penguin42: Thanks, I'll give this another shot. Using VMWare Fusion on a MacBook. I know I've done this successfuly with 8.04 and 8.10 but it's been a while. | 19:50 |
EverettZ | penguin42: really appreciate the assistance. | 19:50 |
penguin42 | EverettZ: I'm doing it on KVM, if you need any more help I'd be happy to read a screenshot for you | 19:50 |
penguin42 | hmm, is anyone else missing /dev/kvm? | 19:56 |
ZykoticK9 | penguin42, it's certainly not on my machine - but I haven't install kvm so it doesn't surprise me | 19:57 |
penguin42 | ZykoticK9: If I modprobe kvm it doesn't appear, I'd have expected something would do that | 19:57 |
ZykoticK9 | penguin42, a long time ago in a galaxy far far away - i played with kvm and remember having issues with the device not showing up - but i have NO recollection of how to fix it, good luck man | 19:58 |
penguin42 | I should return to the standard kernel rather than the daily and see if it's better | 19:59 |
ZykoticK9 | penguin42, great job in being able to help EverettZ by the way :) +1 for you! | 20:00 |
penguin42 | ZykoticK9: I knew I had a vm setup with the iso, so it was easy enough - it would have been even easier if KVM would play ball; interestingly it never did speak to me, but I don't know if thats qemu audio or lucid | 20:02 |
ZykoticK9 | penguin42, well when he posted i thought "god i wish i could help" but had NO IDEA how to turn speech on (didn't even know it was an option), I was really glad you where able to give an answer so quickly :) Good job man! | 20:03 |
penguin42 | ZykoticK9: Hey I didn't know either, I just booted it up and noticed the accessibility option | 20:04 |
ZykoticK9 | I learn something new about Ubuntu everyday :) | 20:05 |
penguin42 | yeh, although I'm surprised, I would have thought it would be easier to use a text mode distro if you were blind | 20:08 |
ZykoticK9 | penguin42, while working at Dell we had a technician who was blind - during the interview process his reading software didn't work for some reason, and he was able to fix it on the spot - he got the job :) Listening to his phone calls was very foreign as the reader read VERY fast | 20:10 |
penguin42 | I guess he wants bandwidth! | 20:11 |
DanaG | hmm, I oughtta' try the accessibility stuff some time. | 20:17 |
bjsnider | ZykoticK9, you worked for Dell? | 20:24 |
ZykoticK9 | bjsnider, i'm afraid so... | 20:24 |
bjsnider | where? | 20:24 |
ZykoticK9 | Ottawa Canada | 20:25 |
bjsnider | me too | 20:25 |
ZykoticK9 | lol | 20:25 |
ZykoticK9 | Brandon i don't remember you? where you in DOC or XPS or other? | 20:25 |
bjsnider | doc | 20:25 |
ZykoticK9 | lol - me too | 20:26 |
ZykoticK9 | where you an RS? | 20:26 |
bjsnider | training for xps when they closed the place | 20:26 |
bjsnider | no | 20:26 |
bjsnider | what team were you on? | 20:26 |
ZykoticK9 | do you see my real name at all? | 20:26 |
ZykoticK9 | outbound for LONG time, then RS | 20:26 |
bjsnider | i knew some guys ont eh outbound team | 20:27 |
ZykoticK9 | what is a former Ottawa Dell guy doing in ubuntu+1? i mean other then me, though i was the only one | 20:27 |
bjsnider | can't recall their names | 20:27 |
ZykoticK9 | bjsnider, do you know my "real" name? | 20:27 |
bjsnider | no | 20:27 |
ZykoticK9 | George Standish -- I was Brian Bryneart's sidekick for a long time | 20:28 |
bjsnider | why do you put "real" in quotes? | 20:28 |
ZykoticK9 | well ZykoticK9 isn't | 20:28 |
bjsnider | name doesn't ring a bell | 20:28 |
ZykoticK9 | well that's good - as i don't have to feel so bad about not remembering you | 20:28 |
bjsnider | most of us had so little contact with the outbound team, there was no time to get in touch with them | 20:29 |
ZykoticK9 | bjsnider, holy cow man - have enough Karma on Launchpad? that's awesome man! | 20:29 |
bjsnider | it's because of all of the ppas | 20:30 |
bjsnider | ever since they changed the karma system i'm not sure what's a lot | 20:31 |
ZykoticK9 | well you're certainly way ahead of my 119 lol - mind you i've only been registered for 11 days | 20:32 |
ZykoticK9 | bjsnider, so to get ontopic for a moment - what do you think of Lucid? | 20:34 |
bjsnider | i'm not running it except in a vm | 20:34 |
penguin42 | seems OK to me | 20:34 |
bjsnider | this is a production system, so i can't afford to have +1 on it | 20:35 |
* penguin42 has lucid on this machine and karmic on that one | 20:35 | |
ZykoticK9 | bjsnider, good thinking -- i was just too anxious to ditch karmic so I installed as my desktop (haven't run into too many issues actually - i've been pretty lucky) | 20:36 |
bjsnider | why ditch karmic? | 20:36 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
ZykoticK9 | bjsnider, 9.04 was in my opinion the best Ubuntu yet -- I started out LOVING karmic, but just had too many issues. I view Karmic as the pre-alpha of Lucid | 20:37 |
Kohar | Hey guys just update to lucid my notebook and have little problem, can some how work together usplash and gdm? | 20:37 |
penguin42 | ZykoticK9: There are always some issues; at least you could find out if these were cured in lucid yet | 20:38 |
Volkodav | what is the kernel option to boot with res 1024x 800 or similar ? | 20:39 |
ZykoticK9 | penguin42, well i can say Pulse is behaving better for me under Lucid then it did under Karmic -- the game Quake4 for instance was unplayable in karmic due to sound distortions and works fine under Lucid | 20:40 |
Volkodav | I try to boot in recovery mode and only see first lines of verbose and then it goes black when the monitor kicks to 1920x1080 | 20:40 |
penguin42 | ZykoticK9: Yeh pulse rarely causes me problems now; karmic was the first one it was stable with me | 20:41 |
yofel | WTF? Just installed updates (or tried to...) and the kdm update stopped kdm... | 20:42 |
* penguin42 would hope it would restart it | 20:42 | |
yofel | it shouldn't even stop it... | 20:43 |
yofel | just lost half an hour of work *-.- | 20:43 |
penguin42 | why did you lose work from it stopping kdm? | 20:43 |
yofel | penguin42: it killed X? | 20:43 |
yofel | well, nothing important anyway | 20:44 |
penguin42 | ah, I'd have expected X to survive killing kdm, I'd just have thought new sessions wouldn't start | 20:44 |
DanaG | weird... u-boot seems to think my board is rev.A. | 20:47 |
penguin42 | is it? | 20:48 |
niekie | Firefox broke, it seems. | 20:48 |
ZykoticK9 | niekie, you are at least the 2nd person today to mention Firefox problems - mine seems to be working fine, what is "broke"? | 20:50 |
DanaG | Nope, mine's a C4. | 20:51 |
dupondje | its broken | 20:51 |
dupondje | language file broken | 20:52 |
penguin42 | At ff startup I do get something saying new addins have been installed, one yesterday was en_GB, it didn't break it though | 20:52 |
dupondje | http://paste.ubuntu.com/376427/ | 20:55 |
dupondje | those languages are broken | 20:55 |
dupondje | niekie: what language ? :) | 20:57 |
niekie | dupondje: Dutch. | 20:59 |
niekie | So nl.po | 21:00 |
dupondje | if you want to fix: dget -ux https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archive/primary/+files/language-pack-nl-base_10.04+20100206.1.dsc | 21:00 |
dupondje | cd data | 21:01 |
dupondje | tar -zxvf mozilla.tar.gz | 21:01 |
dupondje | this contains the firefox-3.6-nl.jar | 21:01 |
dupondje | copy it over from the installed :) and it works again :D | 21:01 |
dupondje | or wait some hours, i'm fixing it with developper :) | 21:02 |
niekie | I also have weird wifi issues. | 21:02 |
niekie | [ 2518.348259] No Probe response from AP CE:NS:OR:ED:AP:ID after 500ms, disconnecting. | 21:03 |
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dupondje | niekie: http://people.canonical.com/~asac/tmp/nl.tar.gz | 21:08 |
crimsun | nekohayo: that's just mac80211 being more strict, though it potentially could be a bug | 21:08 |
dupondje | replace and firefox will work again ;) | 21:08 |
crimsun | nekohayo: sorry | 21:08 |
crimsun | niekie: ^^ | 21:08 |
niekie | crimsun: well, if it's gonna disconnect every time that'll cause issues :| | 21:09 |
crimsun | niekie: if you're comfortable confirming with compat-wireless-2010-02-12.tar.bz2 or newer, I recommend that | 21:09 |
niekie | Hrm. | 21:10 |
crimsun | niekie: there are at least a couple points to look at: mac80211 and your driver | 21:10 |
crimsun | i.e., I can easily reproduce the issue with ar9170 but cannot with ath9k | 21:11 |
crimsun | (both using compat-wireless-2010-02-12.tar.bz2) | 21:11 |
niekie | Using ath5k here it seems. | 21:11 |
niekie | Samsung NC10. | 21:12 |
niekie | Hm/. | 21:15 |
niekie | Seems it might be a broken AP. | 21:16 |
crimsun | broken APs are often the culprit | 21:17 |
crimsun | "broken APs" in this context really means "the firmware probably needs to be fixed, perhaps already available in an update" | 21:17 |
niekie | Might need to be rebooted too, it's been running for ages. | 21:18 |
niekie | Lots of Bluetooth traffic around here too. Apparently this AP has a "Bluetooth Coexistance Mode" which was turned off. Let's see what happens when turning it on. | 21:21 |
niekie | Hrm. Still getting that in logs. | 21:24 |
niekie | And rebooted the AP too. | 21:24 |
niekie | Ok, connected to another AP now, we'll see... :) | 21:32 |
reddos | ho un problema su ubuntu 10.4 http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/376441/ gia fatto ma non va | 22:03 |
jpds | reddos: Per correggere il problema è necessario eseguire "sudo dpkg --configure -a". | 22:05 |
reddos | gia fatto | 22:06 |
bjsnider | what does gia fatto mean? | 22:06 |
bjsnider | it sounds like a horrible insult | 22:06 |
reddos | lo rifatto adesso ma non va | 22:07 |
reddos | mi da questo nel terminale http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/376475/ | 22:08 |
voidmage | I reported a lucid bug in launchpad a couple weeks ago then it got marked as incomplete to ask for more information about reproducing the bug. Then I provided the information that they asked for and now it's saying the bug is up for expiration. What can I do now? | 22:12 |
voidmage | (the bug in question is 513852) | 22:12 |
kklimonda | bug 513852 | 22:14 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 513852 in rhythmbox "mouse jumps to top left corner when using media keys" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/513852 | 22:14 |
dupondje | voidmage: because you need to change status to new again | 22:15 |
voidmage | oh | 22:16 |
voidmage | thanks | 22:16 |
dupondje | and not leaving it to incimplete | 22:16 |
dupondje | incomplete* | 22:16 |
dupondje | changed it now | 22:16 |
BUGabundo | dupondje: that should be automagic | 22:18 |
BUGabundo | :\ | 22:18 |
ZykoticK9 | The new volume control applet, can anyone tell me what package it is from? | 22:44 |
marienz | ZykoticK9: indicator-sound? | 22:45 |
ZykoticK9 | marienz, thanks | 22:45 |
DanaG | ugh, indicator-sound thingy fail: doesn't respond to mouse wheel. | 23:00 |
DanaG | And it's grayed out, too! | 23:01 |
ZykoticK9 | DanaG, i just filed a bug about the grayed out part (it was working yesterday for me, today not so much) -- the mouse wheel never worked | 23:02 |
DanaG | ARGH, now xorg started without acceleration! | 23:02 |
DanaG | Previous session had it working perfectly fine! | 23:02 |
Scunizi | nightly build won't install on vbox.. stuck at "Starting init crypto disks...." .. | 23:03 |
Scunizi | or should I just wait | 23:03 |
ZykoticK9 | Scunizi, i didn't have issues with VBox installing the Alpha2 CD - but there was something about ACPI=off or similar to allow Lucid to boot in VBox (sorry i don't have more info) | 23:04 |
Scunizi | ZykoticK9: I'll give it a try | 23:04 |
Scunizi | ZykoticK9: where do I disable that option in vbox? | 23:06 |
ZykoticK9 | Scunizi, i'm affraid i don't know | 23:06 |
Scunizi | ZykoticK9: AH!.. probably on the initial boot menu of the install routine.. | 23:06 |
ZykoticK9 | Scunizi, that would make sense. see https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/virtualbox-ose/+bug/510571 for further details | 23:07 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 510571 in virtualbox "-11 & later kernels won't boot with acpi, -10 works, Lucid" [Unknown,Fix released] | 23:07 |
Ian_Corne | my GDM keeps hanging :'( | 23:07 |
Scunizi | ZykoticK9: looks different loading now... hopefully it will work | 23:07 |
DanaG | cp: reading `VBoxLinuxAdditions-x86.run': Operation not supported | 23:09 |
DanaG | argh, what the heck? | 23:09 |
Scunizi | ZykoticK9: yep.. loaded | 23:10 |
bjsnider | why are u copying it? just run it | 23:10 |
ZykoticK9 | Scunizi, :) glad it's working | 23:10 |
DanaG | I used archive mounter... and execute bit was not set. | 23:11 |
Scunizi | ZykoticK9: unfortunately there's a mount problem with the guest additions.. I'll work on that. | 23:11 |
DanaG | hmm, weird... it un-broke once I actually opened the "mounted" thing in nautilus. | 23:11 |
DanaG | Guess it wasn't actually "fully" mounted. | 23:11 |
ZykoticK9 | Scunizi, are you using the OSE version of VBox? I only had an issue with the Guest Additions not allowing mouse integration (i'm using the PUEL version from Sun, errr Oracle) -- for the mouse fix used a workaround I documented at http://sites.google.com/site/lucidlynxdreams/how-tos/virtualbox-mouse-integration-in-alpha2 | 23:13 |
ZykoticK9 | bjsnider, do you happen to use Chromium on Lucid? | 23:13 |
Scunizi | ZykoticK9: no.. got it from vbox.. I typically need the usb support.. it actually looked like the guest additions were mounted after the system was booted into the iso.. but I haven't "instsalled" yet.. kinda jumped the gun so to speak | 23:14 |
ZykoticK9 | any Canadians using Lucid + Chromium? | 23:18 |
bjsnider | i use chromium on karmic | 23:25 |
ZykoticK9 | bjsnider, reason i ask (i use iGoogle as well) and on Chromium I can no longer get to google.ca (or .com), it opens iGoogle instead (although the address does NOT show the typical /ig at the end) -- it doesn't happen in Firefox or Google Chrome, only Chromium, but this was not able to be duplicated by someone in the UK - wanted another Canadian to try | 23:27 |
ZykoticK9 | i didn't have the issue on karmic? | 23:29 |
bjsnider | try it in a vm | 23:29 |
bjsnider | if you have one handy | 23:29 |
ChogyDan | ZykoticK9: maybe you are using the chromium daily, and they are testing something out | 23:30 |
ZykoticK9 | ChogyDan, I'm using the Chromium from the regular Lucid repo | 23:30 |
ChogyDan | i see | 23:31 |
bjsnider | ZykoticK9, when i go to igoogle, i see a link beside my email that says "classic home". that sends me back to the regular google page | 23:32 |
ZykoticK9 | lol thanks bjsnider that is a functional work-around! thanks. Pays to be able to read. | 23:33 |
ZykoticK9 | yup now when i type in google.ca it is working as expected | 23:34 |
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