jp-- | hi guys. can I compile/downgrade the kernel using apt-get install linux-source and then copying to /usr/src a copy downloaded from and then compile it and make deb packages? | 03:58 |
* persia idly wonders if make-kpkg works properly for Ubuntu | 04:04 | |
billy12 | Im sorry to bother ya'll, but dose any know what the BIN file name for "Hardware Drives" is in 9.10? | 06:39 |
czajkowski | /c | 08:15 |
cjwatson | jp--: why would you do anything at all in /usr/src? :-) Even Linus has been telling people to stop compiling kernels in there for a good decade now ... | 09:00 |
jp-- | cjwatson, anyway, I didn't finally compile it. Just switched to a better version of ubuntu :) thanks for replying though! | 09:01 |
cjwatson | jp--: to answer your question, the upstream kernel has 'make deb' targets I believe, but of course on your head be it - you'll have to be careful about the config. I would start from 'apt-get source linux' rather than 'sudo apt-get install linux-source', if I hadn't delegated all my personal kernel-building to my distribution years ago :-) | 09:14 |
jp-- | :) hehe thanks | 09:15 |
sebner | cjwatson: thanks for merging dpkg! | 09:49 |
jp-- | cjwatson, I need your help, if you can. | 09:58 |
jp-- | I play this using sudo: sudo aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav | 09:58 |
jp-- | but when I try to do it on a normal user, it says: audio open error: No such device | 09:58 |
jp-- | any ideas? | 09:58 |
jp-- | ouch. user groups. | 10:01 |
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ari-tczew | hello ubuntu-main-sponsors, please sponsor fake sync @ bug 511448 thanks | 11:46 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 511448 in libxml-security-java "Fake sync libxml-security-java 1.4.3-2 (main) from Debian testing (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 11:46 |
bdrung | pitti: i have some questions how the batch sync works (and how we can implement the XfakesyncY) | 14:03 |
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kees | alright, who broke apache | 17:36 |
kees | zul: mysql-cluster-7.0 breaks libmysqlclient-dev | 17:47 |
kees | mysql-dfsg-5.1 and mysql-cluster-7.0 provide libmysqlclient16 libmysqlclient16-dev but the latter is version 7, which breaks mysql-dfsg-5.1's libmysqlclient-dev | 17:49 |
geser | and the problem is only visible on AMD64 currently as the i386 build of mysql-cluster-7.0 FTBFS | 17:54 |
kees | geser: ah, good call, I was wondering why I'd only seen the amd64 failure emails | 17:55 |
kees | I've opened bug 521815 | 17:55 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 521815 in mysql-cluster-7.0 "breaks all builds requiring libmysqlclient-dev" [Critical,New] | 17:56 |
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dupondje | asac: <window id="main-window" when starting firefox since last update ... | 18:25 |
asac | dupondje: new lang packs? | 18:25 |
asac | ArneGoetje: ^^ | 18:25 |
asac | dupondje: what locale are you running? | 18:25 |
dupondje | dutch (nl-BE) | 18:25 |
asac | maybe hop into #ubuntu-mozillateam | 18:25 |
dupondje | running it with LANG=C firefox it works | 18:25 |
asac | dupondje: what locale are you using? | 18:26 |
dupondje | dutch (nl-BE) | 18:26 |
asac | ok ... i am updating now ... let me see if its also for -de | 18:26 |
asac | takes a bit. stay tuned | 18:27 |
dupondje | pitti: you there ? | 20:06 |
* persia suspects not, given the hour and day of week | 20:07 | |
dupondje | seems like language-pack-nl(-base) is broken :( | 20:08 |
persia | Ugh. | 20:08 |
dupondje | language-pack-nl seems to provide a broken mozilla language file | 20:09 |
persia | Best bet is to file a bug. | 20:09 |
dupondje | it overwrites the mozilla language file of language-pack-nl-base | 20:10 |
dupondje | i'll do :) | 20:10 |
dupondje | | 20:17 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 521876 in language-pack-nl "mozilla languages seems to get broken by last language-pack-nl upgrade" [Undecided,New] | 20:17 |
dupondje | its quite critical imo :) | 20:17 |
persia | Probably only "high" because it only affects nl | 20:17 |
persia | But definitely in need of fixing soon. | 20:17 |
dupondje | it affects some more languages it seems | 20:18 |
dupondje | mozilla doesn't run anymore because of it :) | 20:18 |
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zul | kees: on it | 20:38 |
slangasek | zul: what's your idea for fixing this? | 20:49 |
zul | slangasek: i just removed it from mysql-cluster-7 for now | 20:50 |
slangasek | zul: that doesn't solve the problem in the archive, though, since it's already been accepted on amd64 and taken over the binary package | 20:51 |
IDWMaster | I found a workaround for the DEB upload problem I had yesterday. It is intermittent because Mono doesn't produce Debian-friendly makefiles. | 20:51 |
IDWMaster | I fixed it by manually editing the makefiles. | 20:51 |
zul | slangasek: ok then how do you suggest i fix it? | 20:51 |
slangasek | zul: if I had a good solution, I'd have mentioned it already (or done it) :) | 20:53 |
zul | slangasek: heh | 20:53 |
slangasek | zul: I'm inquiring whether we can get soyuz to accept downgrading the binaries in lucid on a one-off basis | 20:53 |
slangasek | and considering whether I should yank the broken binaries that have already been uploaded | 20:53 |
slangasek | in fact, I'm reasonably convinced that the latter is sane anyway | 20:54 |
slangasek | (it will break debootstrapping and CD builds and various package builds that are already broken, but will limit the spread of the damage) | 20:55 |
zul | frig...sorry about this | 20:55 |
kamalmostafa | I'm still having trouble with requestsync. slangasek, you reported that this worked for you in Lucid but I get the same problem with Lucid or Karmic. Any more advice?... | 20:56 |
kamalmostafa | $ requestsync --lp -d unstable -s clxclient lucid | 20:56 |
kamalmostafa | E: Did not retrieve any changelog entries. Was the package recently uploaded? (check | 20:56 |
slangasek | oh, this is odd; the source package says it ships libmysqlclient16-dev, but that's still at version 5.1.41-3ubuntu4 in the archive | 20:57 |
slangasek | kamalmostafa: DNS issue or web proxy that's preventing requestsync from downloading the changelog entries? | 20:57 |
slangasek | ah, because libmysqlclient16-dev is Arch: all and i386 FTBFS, heh | 20:58 |
kamalmostafa | slangasek: I don't use a web proxy, and I can see the updated changelog entry fine in my web browser so I don't think it could be a DNS issue. I had wondered if perhaps requestsync itself was somehow caching it, but I get the same problem in a fresh VM of Lucid alpha2 where it couldn't possibly be cached. I'm bewildered. Perhaps I should file jus | 21:01 |
slangasek | kamalmostafa: you cut off at "should file jus" | 21:02 |
kamalmostafa | Perhaps I should file just file a bug? | 21:02 |
slangasek | but I really don't know what's causing the problem for you, sorry. The next step would probably be to trace requestsync and see what it's doing | 21:02 |
slangasek | yes, filing a bug probably makes sense | 21:02 |
lifeless | kamalmostafa: uhm | 21:03 |
lifeless | kamalmostafa: I'd have a look at tcpdump / wireshark and see what actual request/response is going over the wire | 21:04 |
lifeless | that may well help you determine whether its environmental (and not something a software change will help) or a bug | 21:04 |
kamalmostafa | slangasek: I'm no python-guru, but I'd be happy to add whatever the equivalent of /bin/sh's "set -x" to the top of requestsync, to collect more info for the bugreport. | 21:04 |
kamalmostafa | lifeless: slangasek can't reproduce the problem, so I do think its likely to be something different about my env -- hence hoping to sort it out locally before filing a bug -- thanks for the advice, I'll see what I can determine. | 21:06 |
slangasek | zul: best idea I've come up with so far, which doesn't involve hard-resetting the package version number in soyuz, is to have mysql-dfsg-5.1 manually build the libmysqlclient16 package with a version number of 7.0.9-really-$curver | 21:15 |
slangasek | zul: that can be scripted in the build, and the delta cleans itself up in the future when libmysqlclient16 really does advance past version 7.09 | 21:15 |
slangasek | the only caveat is that, if libmysqlclient16 7.0.x adds new symbols, the shlibs need to have a minimum version strictly greater than 7.0.9-really-5.* | 21:17 |
zul | slangasek: k looking | 21:17 |
slangasek | if you get something together that you think does the job, I'm happy to review it before upload | 21:18 |
zul | k | 21:18 |
zul | slangasek: so you are just changing the package name arent you? | 21:18 |
slangasek | no, the version number | 21:18 |
slangasek | dpkg-gencontrol can take an option to force override the version number of the binary package | 21:19 |
slangasek | (which can be passed via dh_gencontrol, if that's how you invoke dpkg-gencontrol) | 21:19 |
kees | zul: we should try to fix this in soyuz if we can; I'd like to avoid a XreallyY in binary packages if at all possible. | 21:24 |
zul | either or | 21:26 |
slangasek | right - I think it's good to have the package ready to go in case we decide that's the solution, but please don't upload it until we've exhausted other possibilities w/ soyuz | 21:28 |
geser | kamalmostafa: have you checked if the changelog on PTS for that package is uptodate? | 21:38 |
slangasek | geser: running the same command here, I don't get this error | 21:39 |
kamalmostafa | geser: Yes, it does appear up to date (includes 3.6.1-1.1): | 21:39 |
geser | ok, as that caused some trouble in the past days as the changelogs didn't get updated | 21:39 |
zul | slangasek: couldnt we use makeshlibs as well? | 21:41 |
kamalmostafa | slangasek, geser: bug 521904 | 21:42 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 521904 in ubuntu-dev-tools "requestsync fails: Did not retrieve any changelog entries" [Undecided,New] | 21:42 |
slangasek | zul: use it for what? | 21:44 |
zul | slangasek: nm i was just reading the man page | 21:45 |
zul | slangasek: i was thinking something like this but i have go feed my son so ill be back later thanks for you help | 22:07 |
geser | kamalmostafa: good news, I can reproduce it | 22:07 |
kamalmostafa | geser: really! Well, that is good news! | 22:07 |
geser | kamalmostafa: the debian LP mirror didn't sync the new version yet, and LP still believes that 3.6.1-1 is the most recent version | 22:09 |
slangasek | zul: aren't there other calls to dh_gencontrol already in the rules? I would expect 'dh_gencontrol -Nlibmysqlclient16; dh_gencontrol -plibmysqlclient16 -v$version' to be sufficient | 22:09 |
geser | I should make the error message more useful | 22:09 |
slangasek | zul: also, you shouldn't hard-code the value of the -v option in rules, it should be derived from debian/changelog (it needs to automatically increment with each package upload) | 22:09 |
zul | slangasek: ok ill fix when I get back | 22:10 |
kamalmostafa | geser: Oh, okay, so is this the same problem I keep having with "bzr branch" not yielding the latest version then? | 22:10 |
slangasek | zul: ok - my apologies if lvm2 wasn't using debhelper, I didn't actually look at it before pointing to it as an example (it's hard to even come up with any examples of this) | 22:10 |
kamalmostafa | geser: and how is it that slangasek doesn't also experience the problem? | 22:10 |
geser | kamalmostafa: no, as the package branches are independent of the LP mirror | 22:11 |
slangasek | apparently I have REQUESTSYNC_MAGIC=1 set in my environment ;) | 22:11 |
geser | kamalmostafa: slangasek didn't use --lp | 22:12 |
slangasek | yes, I did | 22:12 |
kamalmostafa | geser: and actually, I can reproduce the problem with or with --lp. | 22:12 |
slangasek | I was trying to reproduce his problem, and copied his commandline verbatim | 22:12 |
geser | hmm | 22:13 |
kamalmostafa | No, I take that back. I can **no longer** reproduce the problem without --lp but I certainly could 5 days ago. | 22:13 |
geser | with --lp I can reproduce it, without --lp it works here (I've an editor open with the changelog entry) | 22:13 |
kamalmostafa | I remembered that --lp versus no --lp was the solution to my previous requestsync problem, so it was the first thing I tried. | 22:14 |
geser | I don't know when exactly the changelogs get fixed but they weren't up-to-date in the recent days | 22:14 |
slangasek | oh, y'know what | 22:14 |
slangasek | $ requestsync --lp -d unstable -s clxclient lucid | 22:15 |
slangasek | Changes have been made to the package in Ubuntu. | 22:15 |
slangasek | Please edit the report and give an explanation. | 22:15 |
slangasek | Not saving the report file will abort the request. | 22:15 |
slangasek | Press [Enter] to continue. Press [Ctrl-C] to abort now. | 22:15 |
slangasek | kamalmostafa's output didn't include that message, so I assumed I couldn't reproduce the bug | 22:15 |
slangasek | but if I hit enter, I get the error | 22:15 |
kamalmostafa | Ah... no REQUESTSYNC_MAGIC after all then? ;-) glad of that at least! | 22:16 |
kamalmostafa | geser: I will leave bug 521904 to you then, as a "make the error message more useful" request, yes? Okay if I proceed with my clxclient request or will you need it left as is? | 22:20 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 521904 in ubuntu-dev-tools "requestsync fails: Did not retrieve any changelog entries" [Undecided,New] | 22:20 |
geser | kamalmostafa: I will as the soyuz guys why the LP mirror is not up-to-date for clxclient | 22:20 |
=== asac_ is now known as asac | ||
kamalmostafa | geser, slangasek: thanks for all the help sorting this one. | 22:25 |
geser | slangasek, zul: looking at the new FTBFS log for mysql-cluster-7.0: doesn't it now need to build-depend on libmysqlclient16 to let dpkg-shlibdeps succeed? (once this got resolved) | 22:34 |
dutchie | hi, apologies if this is the wrong place, but would it be an enormous pain to sync texlive 2009 from debian testing? It seems a bit odd to be shipping 2007 in a distro released in 2010 | 23:11 |
lifeless | dutchie: see the ubuntu wiki for developer docs; you want | 23:12 |
dutchie | saw that, it looks quite scary | 23:12 |
geser | dutchie: lucid will have TeXLive 2009 | 23:13 |
dutchie | geser: ah, sweet | 23:13 |
dutchie | thanks | 23:13 |
lifeless | dutchie: that is however the thing to check; irc is the wrong place ;) | 23:14 |
dutchie | lifeless: notice I didn't ask "Please sync it", I asked "Would it be a pain to sync it" | 23:14 |
dutchie | if someone had come out and said "no, and here are reasons x, y and z", I would have said "Oh, OK, I won't bother going through the process" | 23:15 |
dutchie | if nothing had happened, I would have gone ahead and done it | 23:16 |
dutchie | but, as it is, I don't have to care | 23:16 |
lifeless | sorry for misjudging the request | 23:16 |
dutchie | I probably didn't quite make it clear enough | 23:16 |
lifeless | we get a fair number of 'please do x' from folk that haven't looked at all | 23:16 |
dutchie | I'm sure you do | 23:16 |
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