
tonyyarussoSomeone tell mr_steve that I'm pretty sure there is a way to do repeating events with the drupal module, but I haven't set it up yet.01:49
mr_steveGrr my freshly re-incarnated "server" just had a random reboot. I am just not winning with this pile of hand-me-down hardware02:07
tonyyarussoSomeone tell mr_steve that I'm pretty sure there is a way to do repeating events with the drupal module, but I haven't set it up yet.02:11
kermitmr_steve: what he said02:11
mr_stevetonyyarusso, k, I'll let him know02:12
* tonyyarusso just reposted the same as earlier02:12
kermitthis network has a memoserv02:12
mr_steveMust have been the window of time between my server falling over and me remembering to start ZNC again02:13
mr_steveAnywho I've got no real problem just updating the date on the event every time for now02:14
mr_steveI've started putting my ubuntu hour info in there, unpublished for now, with location TBD02:15
* _diablo goes to check on mr_steve's event02:17
mr_steveThat reminds me, I didn't actually see any way to view the events from the home page. Still work-in-progress?02:20
tonyyarussoGeez, Canada is destroying Slovakia in women's hockey...02:21
Alpha_Clusteri havent seen any of the hockey games02:38
* Alpha_Cluster cannot login :(02:38
_diabloAlpha_Cluster, that's not good. why not?02:41
Alpha_Clustercause i am in a small town and the cable provider out here has never actually made me create an online acocunt for stuff02:41
Alpha_Clusterso i still cannto get in :(02:42
* Alpha_Cluster wants to watch more then the televised stuff...02:42
_diabloah, I gotcha02:42
Alpha_Clusteractually the biggest thing is i want to watch the 3rd part of the opening ceremony but they put up their block on the ceremony videos sometime this afternoon >.< stupid NBC02:43
tonyyarussoAlpha_Cluster: it's on CNBC, so I can't watch it either - I'm just watching the score updates online.02:45
Alpha_Clustertonyyarusso: cant login either? or do you not have cable?02:45
tonyyarussoAlpha_Cluster: we have cheap cable.  You're cable package has to include CNBC, and if ours did I'd just watch it on TV.02:46
Alpha_Clusterreally that is so stupid02:46
Alpha_Clustercan you watch it afterwords at least/02:46
tonyyarussoNot the whole thing - highlights yes.02:47
tonyyarussojust the stuff everyone can get02:47
Alpha_Clusterok i vote we start a patition02:47
TakyojiI have to admit, it's quite pathetic: I have a Wii, and they have a web browser on it (which is Opera), and the thing is that you can't view video nor listen to any form of audio unless if it's embedded through Flash and it's accomodating formats..04:02
TakyojiSo for anything that's not a picture or HTML, you're FORCED to use Flash.04:03
Alpha_Clusterflash is udder crap04:06
Alpha_Clusteri hope steve jobs campaign to kill it works lol04:06
TakyojiI'm deeply anticipating Theora and Canvas04:06
TakyojiIt's a bit annoying that Google is resilient against Theora04:07
Alpha_Clusteryeah doesnt help with Microsoft pushing so hard agains it04:07
Takyojitheir own web browser doesn't even support their own HTML5 player to my awareness; last I checked04:07
Alpha_Clusterchome works on youtubes html5 page i thought...04:08
TakyojiGoogle Chrome04:08
* Alpha_Cluster has always used safari though04:08
TakyojiDoes Android have a Flash implementation?04:09
Alpha_Clusterchrome supports it actaully04:09
Alpha_Clustertheora i mean04:09
Alpha_Clusterand no flash is not on andriod04:09
Takyojias I figured04:09
Alpha_Clustermaybe Mobile Wporld announcement?>04:10
TakyojiPeople need to honestly KILL Flash04:10
TakyojiESPECIALLY in regards of mobile device04:10
Alpha_Clusterwell Apple is doing its part04:10
Alpha_Clusterand i thin it will suck on all other mobile devices so that will help as well04:10
TakyojiIt's just so archaic that people use Flash still; because it's the only thing most widely "supported".04:11
Alpha_Clusteri just wish that Silverlight would have used a more open standard for its video codec04:11
TakyojiWhat codec does it use?04:12
TakyojiSomething patent-encumbered, and made by MS?04:12
Alpha_Clusteractually VC-1 is based off mpeg-4 but i believe yeah it is patent-encumbered04:12
Alpha_Clusteryou can get a binary blog that makes it work in linux though04:12
TakyojiOtherwise I give a nice golf clap to those whom implemented HTML5 capabilities in Silverlight along with Theora support04:12
Alpha_Clusterthe reason i like silverlight is cause it can at least rescale video when your bandwith changes04:13
Alpha_Clusterlike when your watching a video it will will degrade nicely instead of stopping when your bandwith gets messed up that is something flash has never done and html5 doesnt solve04:14
Alpha_Clusteri think the real way to solve the video thing woudl be to find a way to un encumber h.26404:15
TakyojiGoogle supposedly might buy out On2 Technologies04:16
Alpha_Clusteri thoguth they bought On2 awhile back>04:16
tonyyarussoMe too - I think they did a while ago.04:17
Alpha_Clusteroh wait04:17
Alpha_Clusterits an pending offer04:17
Alpha_Clusterits waiting for a stockholder approval04:17
tonyyarussoso, announced, but not completed04:17
Alpha_Clustervote will take place on the 17th04:17
Takyoji4 days from now?04:18
Alpha_Clusteracording to wikipedia04:18
Takyojiotherwise if they do acquire On2; hopefully they may open it up, and perhaps "drop" the patents in some fashion04:22
Alpha_Clusterdepends on if google wants to play fair04:22
Takyojiand if that happened; I wonder what would come of Theora..04:23
Alpha_Clusterlol who knows Google iseems to be being more evil04:23
Alpha_Clusterw00t USA gets gold in womens mogals!04:23
Takyojisuch examples being?04:24
Alpha_Clusterwell we can look at the google books dealings04:25
Alpha_Clusteror the privicy messups with teh buzz launch04:26
TakyojiI don't quite understand the case with Google Books04:26
Takyojior even really know of it04:26
Alpha_Clusterbasically google thinks it has the write to OWN the digital copies of public domain works04:27
Takyojiand be a copyright holder of the digital copies?04:28
Alpha_Clusteri think that is pretty much what it wouldbe04:28
Alpha_ClusterThis Week in Google did a few good shows on the deal04:30
TakyojiYou know; I'd be quite curious.05:10
TakyojiSomeone should try to benchmark between Javascript (various browsers) and Actionscript (Flash)05:10
Takyojiheh; interesting: http://jacksondunstan.com/articles/53405:14
TakyojiSafari and Firefox's implementation of Javascript perform between than ActionScript 3 in Flash; based on the details tested05:16
TakyojiIt's in regards operations such as arrays, sorting, MD5, etc05:17
TakyojiSomeone should write a comparison using Canvas and graphical elements created with ActionScript; and benchmark it somewhere on that basis05:18
Alpha_Clusterflash has never really seen speed gains so i wouldnt be to surprised if canvas could out do it05:22
Alpha_Clusterspecially since they could easily utalize openGL for hardware acceleration if they really needed it05:23
TakyojiAnd my system froze again; tried any possible key combinations to no avail. Any suggestions?05:29
Alpha_Clusterwhat are you doing when it freezes?05:31
TakyojiIt just happens at random. Usually just switching to a different tab in Empathy as someone says something05:32
TakyojiAny error log(s) that would be useful for troubleshooting the issue?05:32
Alpha_Clusteractually i remember last time i used ubuntu having odd issues with empathy i dont remember it crashing eveyrthing but i know that it crashed a few times05:33
TakyojiOtherwise I'm able to move the mouse just fine; everything else is unresponsive05:33
TakyojiCan't switch to a terminal screen with Ctrl+Alt+F#, etc05:33
Alpha_Clusteryeah i think i remmber that happening a few times >.<05:33
Alpha_Clustertry using pidgin?05:34
TakyojiThat's my kernel log until the point I restarted05:39
Alpha_Clusteri think its cause empathy is crap[05:40
TakyojiAlthough that shouldn't cause the whole system to be dysfunctional05:43
Alpha_Clusterwell it somehow does >.> problbly cause it more tied into gnome then it should be05:45
TakyojiOf all things; why does it seem that the common instant messaging clients are considerably crap?05:54
Alpha_Clusteri dont know pidgin has never been bad for me05:54
TakyojiPidgin has a couple bugs as well; ESPECIALLY with some things regarding IRC05:55
TakyojiPidgin stores all credentials in plaintext05:55
Alpha_Clusteroh i use irssi or Xchat for irc05:55
TakyojiI use XChat05:55
Alpha_Clusterempathy soters in plaintext too i would think05:55
TakyojiIt uses the keyring05:56
Alpha_Clusterah ok05:56
Alpha_Clusterdidnt know it did that05:56
Alpha_Clusteri know waht keyring you meant05:57
TakyojiIf only more things actually implemented it..05:59
TakyojiEvolution and Empathy are the only things that use it, that I know of05:59
Alpha_Clusteryeah probably06:00
Alpha_Clusterthat is one of hte reasons i use OSX now like everything utalizes teh keyring06:00
TakyojiI almost feel like writing a script that extracts all passwords from a system; just to see how pathetic it is.06:03
Takyojiof course, it's far worse on Windows since there is no keyring at all06:03
TakyojiI wonder if the keyring is accessible from Python06:06
Alpha_Clusterthe gnome-keyring should be it is written in06:06
TakyojiBut how would you access it though?06:07
TakyojiI guess there's a Python library for accessing it06:08
Alpha_Clusterwell otherwise though the C API06:08
mr_steveTakyoji, I've used gnome-keyring in Python06:11
mr_steveIt's not the most fun thing to do, but it's doable06:11
TakyojiSomeone wrote a simple script to access it in Python, based upon the interface provided06:13
mr_steveThere's a python module for it, but the interface is only documented by example. It basically follows the C interface though06:14
mr_steveMy largely abandoned Google Voice app uses the keyring, if you want some practical example code06:14
mr_steveIt's on launchpad at https://launchpad.net/gvoicebox06:15
mr_stevespecfically, this file: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Esmcgrath23/gvoicebox/trunk/annotate/head%3A/gvoicebox/controllers/auth.py06:16
TakyojiDead for what reason?06:16
mr_steveI haven't had the time to keep coding it06:17
mr_steveThat code there should be pretty easy to follow, if you ignore the GtkMVC stuff. A keyring object is created in __init__, and accessed by get_auth and set_auth06:18
TakyojiSeems fairly straightforward06:19
mr_steveI was doing heavy debugging at that time, so it's still liberally sprinkled with logging statements06:20
Takyojiheh ahh06:20
mr_steveI really should start working on that again, I have some free time next week. It was fun06:21
h00ktonyyarusso: I never did forward that email about the Global Jam, did I?16:35
_diabloh00k, I didn't get it if you intended to send it to the group16:41
h00k_diablo: I didn't, but I should18:26
_diabloyup :)18:26
h00k_diablo: there you go!18:28
TakyojiApparently H.264 is also used for ATSC transmissions as well..18:51
TakyojiMPEG2 or H.26418:53
tonyyarussoh00k: yeah you did.19:33
mr_steveSo, I'm tired of OpenOffice Writer's crap. I'd rather write papers with VIM, but I gotta submit them in MSOffice .doc format. Any ideas?19:38
Alpha_Clusterthere is that other app... why cant i think of it19:39
mr_steveabiword? Yeah, I might give that a shot again too19:39
Alpha_Clusterits gotten alot beter19:39
mr_steveEither that or learn LaTex and submit my papers as PDF, that'd probably work. Maybe a little hardcore tho.19:40
Alpha_Clusterlol i always wanted to do taht19:40
Alpha_Clusteri knew someone that clamed he did htat19:40
_diablomr_steve, that's what I've been doing for my stats class19:40
_diablooffice doesn't work well with math functions19:41
mr_steve_diablo, very true. I keep meaning to learn LaTex, it does make for beautiful documents19:41
Alpha_Cluster_diablo: i thought office 07 worked pretty good for math stuff19:41
mr_steveI think I'll just try out Abiword for now. I used to use it on Gentoo because compiling OOo took a weekend.19:42
_diabloAlpha_Cluster, office 07 on gnu/linux19:44
mr_steveOpenoffice has just been driving me nuts. It's always asking me to recover something, and if I leave it alone for 5 minutes while I research something, it bombs as soon as I start typing again19:44
_diablomr_steve, what version?19:44
Alpha_Clusterlol i think it works in wine19:44
tonyyarussoOOo Writer works fine for me....19:44
Alpha_Clusterleast i rember using it in wine i thought19:45
mr_steveI'm using 1:3.2.0~rc2 I think, but I had the same problem in karmic too19:45
mr_steveI filed bug #521607 but I haven't had a chance to get a backtrace yet19:46
ubot3Malone bug 521607 in openoffice.org "Openoffice Writer crashes after inactivity" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52160719:46
Alpha_Clusterjust learn LaTex19:47
Alpha_Clusterthat nevercrashes19:47
mr_steveAlpha_Cluster, exactly. And I can edit in Vim. I think I'll start reading about it, but not until after I finish this current paper19:48
_diablotruth. I've had no problem with OO.o. I use it pretty intensively as well19:48
Alpha_Clustermr_steve: i think KDE has a very good LaTex editor too if you want a IDE19:48
_diablomr_steve, I hear VIM has a very good LaTex editor.19:50
Alpha_Clusteryeah i have heard taht as well i just never trusted VIM for the lack of spell checking19:51
Alpha_Clusteror can you add that and i just missed it?19:51
mr_steveAlpha_Cluster, spellcheck is built in, though it has a learning curve19:52
_diabloIt's not soooooo awful.19:52
mr_steveYou do :set spell, and it'll highlight misspelled words. And then in insert mode you can put the cursor on a word and do Ctrl-X s to get a pop-up of suggestions19:53
mr_steveI'm using Vim more and more and it's actually starting to make sense. Scary.19:54
Alpha_Clusterthere is another option19:55
mr_steveKinda nifty. I can probably get by just fine in Vim though, maybe with some add-ons. The most fancy formatting I'd be using is italics, and the occasional bulleted/numbered list.19:56
mr_steveI don't have to write papers for my math class, thank $DEITY19:56
Alpha_Clusteryeah if your not doing math stuff then you could use gedit19:56
_diablough. gedit is so limited. and you're locked to the rat to use it20:00
* tonyyarusso <3 gedit20:02
Alpha_Clusteri love gedit and kate20:29
Alpha_Clusterboth are better then VIM or Emacs20:29
_diabloAlpha_Cluster doesn't know what (s)he is taking about20:44
Alpha_Clusteroh trust me i know what i am talking about20:51
h00ker. You can't use gedit if you don't have x running.20:54
h00kDifferent tools for different jobs.20:54
_diablogedit also lacks all the sweeeet fast editing capabilities of VIM21:01
_diabloe.g. line-jumping, word-jumping21:02
Alpha_Clusteractually i should say i am a fan of LSE21:22
_diablolondon stock exchange? london school of economics?21:23
_diablo!google LSE21:23
ubot3Factoid google lse not found21:23
_diablooh, we don't have a bot that does that. oops.21:23
Alpha_Clusterits something something editor21:24
Alpha_Clusterits on VMS21:24
tonyyarussoLanguage Sensitive Editor21:25
_diablowhy are you running VMS?21:25
Alpha_Clusterwell my school had a VMS cluster still21:26
Alpha_Clusterand companies still use VMs21:26
_diablotonyyarusso, I know what it is lol, Just wondering why21:28
_diabloyeah, that's fair enough21:28
Alpha_Clusterso if you google search turbotax mac its like intuit hten all torrent trackers21:29
Alpha_Clusterwho would torrent tax software?21:30
kermitwho would use turbotax?21:31
tonyyarussoWe used to, but they kept charging more and more for fewer features, so we said screw it and hired an accountant instead.21:31
kermiti havent had much luck with turbotax or accountants, i do my own now21:31
tonyyarussoMy parents, that is.  I do mine by hand.  :S21:31
tonyyarussoMy parents have a combination of complicatedness of their taxes and value of their time that makes doing their own no longer make sense.21:32
mr_steveI'd still like to get a SupyBot in here for Googley goodness and etc. I think freenode says 1 bot per channel though, and we've already got ubot3 and the logger21:32
kermiti havent found that accountants or turbotax do anything but make things more complicated21:32
_diablomr_steve, are you sure that's freenode's policy?21:32
tonyyarussoFreenode has no such policy.21:33
kermiti've never heard that policy21:33
h00k^ this21:33
h00kIt's per channel21:33
tonyyarussoI don't see what the point of a googlebot would be though.21:33
h00kperhaps it should just give lmgtfy links.21:33
mr_steveheh, now I'm totally going to write such a plugin for Supybot21:34
Alpha_Clusteri perfer turbotax cause i dont trust myself to not messup doing it by hane21:35
mr_steveI'm doing my taxes by hand this week and it sucks. Partnership return for my failed business, and mine and the GFs 1040s21:36
_diablothat's going to be painful21:37
Alpha_Clusteryeah that sounds hard21:37
mr_steveThe 1065 for partnerships is a nightmare. Way more complicated than it has to be.21:37
mr_steveIt's like 8 pages of forms just to report the $300 profit I had last year.21:38
kermitAlpha_Cluster: to me it seems turbotax gives you more opportunities to mess up than doing it by hand21:39
h00kI'll consider either using TurboTax online or do it by hand, I haven't decided21:40
kermitany tax software still has to ask you for all the same information as is on the tax forms, or if it doesnt then it'll miss that information.21:40
Alpha_Clustermore the issue is messing up the math21:40
kermiti use efile express, which is the tax forms, except it'll calculate the calculated fields21:40
kermitbut you're entering the info directly on the actual forms21:40
h00kMy taxes aren't too complicated, anyway.21:41
Alpha_Clusterbtw the Department of reenue is running sun servers21:41
mr_steveWhat I liked about turbotax last year was just the way it presented most questions cleary. With the IRS forms/instructions you get stuck in a chain of "See page 10, see page 7, see form 8859 line 14b, see page 12, etc."21:41
Alpha_Clusteryeah taht is waht confuses me21:42
kermith00k: i remember when i was 18 and did mine with touch-tone on a phone call to the IRS, no forms!   oh the simple life.21:42
Alpha_Clusteror i sit there thinking "do i need to fill this field out"21:42
kermitmr_steve: thats becasue turbotax just leaves out stuff most people dont use.. you're just as free to NOT see page 10, etc etc, on the real forms, and hope it doesnt apply to you21:42
h00kkermit: I think I did that, once.21:43
Alpha_Clusterkermit: only like 10% of people need to see that page probably21:43
kermitthe IRS will actually ask if you qualify for the one legged hermaphrodite tax credit.. turbotax just doenst bother.21:43
kermiter, the IRS forms/instructions21:43
Alpha_Clusterdid you qualify for that?21:44
kermitits a good thing i was using the actual forms!21:44
mr_stevehaha I spent an hour yesterday looking through the list of tax credits for the business, trying to figure out if any of them applied. Finally I just decided I don't care.21:45
Alpha_Clusterlike i said the real forms tend ot just add more confusion with teh "check page X if you qualify" then page x says "check the table on page y21:45
mr_steveThe various software packages are usually pretty good about asking you "did you do this? Did you do this? okay, then you need to do this:"21:46
kermiti'm not sure how turbotax just not asking you at all is easier than choosing to not check if you use the IRS forms.21:46
Alpha_Clusterkermit you can quickly get lost and confused with the forms21:46
kermitbetter than over paying $10k of taxes because some software app didnt ask you about something21:47
tonyyarussoAlpha_Cluster: it's okay, if you do mess up doing it by hand the IRS just sends you a nice letter saying "uh, box 83 looks wrong - I think you owe us $80.  plz send that in?  kthxbai"21:47
Alpha_Clusteri mean i can fill out a 1040EZ in minutes sure but turbotax makes sure i caught allthe stuff i needed and does the math right21:47
Alpha_Clusterlol tonyyarusso yeah i gnerally get money from them21:47
Alpha_Clusternever actually had to pay in after filing21:47
mr_steveI'm pretty sure the IRS is going to have a problem with some part of my 1065, but I'm gonna tell 'em to get stuffed. I figure if I make an honest attempt to report my business activities correctly, I shouldn't need to be familliar with thousands of pages of tax law.21:48
tonyyarussoyeah, last year I owed over a thousand bucks due to having the wrong exemption on file with one employer :(21:49
kermitgod if you're using a 1040EZ i'd just use a pen.21:49
tonyyarusso(I took a second job, but employer #1 was only deducting for me having one.)21:49
Alpha_Clusterkermit i have used a pen for filling them out in class 2 times21:49
tonyyarussoand yeah, the 1040EZ is super simple, but I didn't qualify for it last year.21:49
Alpha_Clusterand i actually dont know if the 1040EZ will work for me this year21:50
tonyyarussoI had to do a regular 1040 AND some Schedule C thing, plus something else.21:50
tonyyarussoI did however get a kick out of reporting the $0.74 I had paid in foreign taxes.21:50
mr_steveI had use the regular 1040 last year but I got to use schedule C-EZ21:51
kermittonyyarusso: that's something like what happened to the treasury secretary21:51
Alpha_Clusteryou reported .74 cents?21:52
tonyyarussoThere was a box for it!21:53
tonyyarussowell, no.  .74 *dollars*.  74 cents.21:53
Alpha_Clusterlol good point21:53
Alpha_Clusteri dont think you wold have known about 3/4 of a cent21:54
tonyyarusso(It was from dividends on foreign stock.)21:54
Alpha_Clustersee i have no actual investments i hold like that cause they are messy21:54
tonyyarussoThankfully, my broker sends me a packet will all of the IRS form and box numbers marked, so I can just copy values over from their summary to my filing.21:54
Alpha_Clusterlol well they are required to send you a form of some kind to prove it happend21:55
tonyyarussoYeah, but they aren't required to add them all up and mark which ones are classified which way and all of that, but they do, which makes me happy.21:55
tonyyarusso(There were like 10 pages of the actual reports, but then a cover page just for "how do I mark this on my taxes" stuff)21:56
Alpha_Clusterreally i thought with tax stuff you had to be blunt and say "here is X you use for filing"21:56
tonyyarusso(I have holdings in ~60 different stocks/funds, so adding everything up right myself would kinda suck)21:58
Alpha_Clusteryeah that would21:58
Alpha_Clusteri just let money trickle into my 401K21:58
tonyyarussoYay for teh Intarnetz and the advent of fractional shares!21:58
Alpha_Clusterfiguring when it really matters it will be there21:58
tonyyarussoIt's pretty funny though when they send out a mailing that probably cost them $10 just to ask me how I'd like to cast my .0000000004% vote on the board of directors for things.21:59
Alpha_Clusterhey your vote matters22:00
Alpha_Clusterlegally i mean not actually lol22:00
tonyyarussoI think my vote matters more in actual elections than any of my financial holdings.22:01
tonyyarussoI mean, what was Franken's final margin, like 300?22:01
_diabloand that's saying somethign :)22:01
kermiti managed to get my 2008 return down to 24 pages22:01
Alpha_Clusteryeah i still cant believe franken won22:01
kermittonyyarusso: did you know you can send your broker's gain/loss summary as-is for a D-1, rather than copying all the transactions on a D-1 ?22:02
kermittonyyarusso: some of my accountants/tax preparers liked to copy it all, then charge me a lot for the pointless service22:02
tonyyarusso312, according to Wikipedia.22:03
tonyyarussokermit: no, I didn't.22:03
kermittonyyarusso: i've been doing it for 8 years22:05
kermittax software  doesnt like you to know that either :)22:05
Alpha_Clusterwell software genearlly doesnt like you22:06
kermitwith efiling  i just put a line "D-1 sent via mail" with the total from the broker's gain/loss sheet, then mail it to them seperately.22:07
Alpha_Clusterless your playing a dating sim then it pretends to22:07
kermitAlpha_Cluster: that sounds like a fun game22:17
tonyyarussoomg, why is it that responding to someone once makes them convinced they should keep highlighting you about their question for hours?22:18
Alpha_Clusterkermit: what you want to play a dating sim22:25
kermitAlpha_Cluster: yes22:27
kermitAlpha_Cluster: i didnt know such a thing existed22:27
Alpha_Clusterthey are huge in japan22:27
_diablosome guy just married his GF in one22:29
kermitit'd save me a fortune on strippers22:30
Alpha_Clusterwait do you want clean dating sim or ergo games?22:30
Alpha_Clusterh-game >.<22:30
Alpha_Clusterbasically its a dating sim with hentai22:31
_diabloaka nerd-gf22:31
kermitwhichever is most realistic22:31
Alpha_Clusteris it just me or is luge the most boring sport ever?22:32
tonyyarussoexcept when they crash, but now we're hoping they won't, so yes.22:33
kermitAlpha_Cluster: wow this is neat, i'm playing the Summer Session demo.22:34
Alpha_Clusterserously you didnt know about these?22:34
kermitAlpha_Cluster: no22:34
Alpha_Clusteri feel kind of bad22:35
kermithuh why wasnt Leisure Suit Larry listed on http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dating_sim22:35
Alpha_Clusterthat i may have just enabled you to a datig sim addiction22:35
Alpha_Clustercause that is not at all like what a dating sim is technically like i htink >.<22:36
kermityeah but maybe i'll save a fortune on strippers, booze, taxis, and the liability of having giant house parties.22:36
kermitif i learn some dating skills22:36
Alpha_Clustermind you most of what  i know about the dating sims is what i have learned from Anime since i have not played dating sims22:36
* Alpha_Cluster has also watched many Animes that are based on Dating sims >.<22:37
Alpha_Clusterthat sounds silly doesn tit22:37
kermitno thats great, i need these animes, if they're at all realistic22:38
Alpha_Clusterwhat do you mean? they are all clean the ones i watch and tehy are just your standard romance anime22:38
kermiti've been spending about $2-3k/mo for the last 8 months girl chasing.. i managed to get one gf for 10 days during that time.22:38
Alpha_Clusteri hope to god your joking22:39
kermitno, every other line on my bank statement is an ATM22:39
kermitAlpha_Cluster: what anime films to you recommend?22:41
Alpha_Clusterwhat kind of anime are you wanting?22:42
tonyyarussoThat's......beyond pathetic and well into just plain worrying.22:42
kermitAlpha_Cluster: what we were talknig about.. dating simulation22:42
Alpha_Clusterwell there are no films that i can think of covering that22:42
Alpha_Clusterbut the anime Shuffle! and To Heart were both based off dating sims i believe22:42
kermittonyyarusso: i'd be impressed if many people on freenode are doing better22:42
tonyyarussokermit: even if they aren't managing to get relationships they aren't blowing their salary in their failure.22:43
kermitAlpha_Cluster: i thought you just said you've seen many that are based on dating sims22:43
tonyyarussoaka, "ur doin it wrong"22:43
kermittonyyarusso: its true not trying means not failing22:43
_diabloMetropolis was good.22:44
_diabloAlso, death note22:44
tonyyarussoYou don't need to spend obscene amounts of money to "try".  Doing so merely means you don't have anything legitimate to try with.22:44
tonyyarussoYou're basically just pretending to court when actually you're just bad at shopping for hookers.22:44
Alpha_Cluster_diablo: we were dissuing ones bassed off dating sims >.<22:44
Alpha_ClusterSchool Days is another22:44
kermittonyyarusso: what's your approach o wise one?22:45
_diablooh... fun22:45
tonyyarussokermit: currently?  Not particularly looking.22:45
tonyyarussoBut in general, uh, anything other than whatever the heck you're doing.22:45
kermittonyyarusso: yet preaching your skills, interesting.22:45
kermittonyyarusso: obviously you're just blowing smoke.22:46
tonyyarussoSeriously, how do you even manage to spend $100 a day?22:46
tonyyarussoNo, I'm not.22:46
tonyyarussoNormal people can date on less than $36,000 a year for their dating budget...22:47
kermittaxis.. $20, bar drinks $50, cover $15, cigarettes $6.. that's $90.. 3 times per week thats $1k/mo22:47
kermitthen add another $1k for the strippers after bars close.22:47
tonyyarussoOkay, start by not smoking, then go places that don't have a cover, for starters.22:48
kermiti love how freenoders can take such pride in their lack of failure while admitting they arent even trying.22:48
kermittonyyarusso: cafes?22:48
tonyyarussokermit: or just normal restaurant/bars that aren't "clubs".22:48
tonyyarussoYou know, where grown-ups go.22:49
Alpha_Clustermost younger poeple dont go clubing22:49
kermithmmthe only place i know without a cover has the youngest croud22:49
kermit(because there's no cover..)22:49
tonyyarussoSurely you can't consider $3,600 per day of actual relationship to be a success.22:50
kermitactually i know one place with no cover.. my house..  and cheaper drinks, i think that will work well.  last weekend i had about 60 people here.22:52
tonyyarussohey, it's snowing some more.22:56
TakyojiSame here22:57
Alpha_Clusternot even very cloudy here23:04

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