cant | my terminal has a blinking cursur but Nothing else.. there is no location or $ or anything?? | 00:00 |
Simon1245 | Could anyone help me my sound doesn't come on Ubuntu but it works great on Windows | 00:00 |
AegNuddel | though I wonder if an animated gof could be used in such a capacity | 00:00 |
BluesKaj | frank007, check apps | 00:00 |
BluesKaj | or places | 00:00 |
Simon1245 | Could anyone help me my sound doesn't come on Ubuntu but it works great on Windows | 00:02 |
cant | Simon1245 check what hardware you have then google the driver for it | 00:02 |
cant | you may need also | 00:02 |
cant | alsa | 00:03 |
Simon1245 | How can I download Alsa? | 00:03 |
Simon1245 | I'm really new to Ubuntu | 00:03 |
FluxD | Hi, I just installed 9.10 on my laptop. I am unable to get internet working through ethernet and wireless. I have a realtek ethernet card and a broadcom wireless card. | 00:03 |
cant | as am I... check google. search alsa for linux | 00:03 |
Simon1245 | Cant, Ok thank you | 00:04 |
Lostinspace_46 | Flannel, Part of the the software for adding keys and repos. | 00:04 |
frank007 | BLUESKAJ - pleae excuse my ignorance but what am i going to check apps for??? | 00:04 |
ZykoticK9 | Simon1245, in a terminal could you run "lspci | grep -i audio" and post back what it says? | 00:04 |
meowbuntu | hey i cant add this ppa:ubuntu-wine/ppa to software sorces. y is that | 00:04 |
meowbuntu | its the right one for karmic | 00:04 |
Simon1245 | ZykoticK9, Ok | 00:05 |
BHoward | FluxD, post the output of your iwconfig and lspci to the pastebin | 00:05 |
ZykoticK9 | meowbuntu, if you're using karmic just use "sudo add-apt-repository ubuntu-wine/ppa" and it will automatically look after adding it for you, with keys | 00:05 |
Happehwalrus | I don't have Add/Remove or the Software Center. Help? | 00:05 |
meowbuntu | | 00:05 |
Simon1245 | ZykoticK9, 04:01.0 Audio device: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT1708/A [Azalia HDAC] (VIA High Definition Audio Controller) (rev 10) | 00:05 |
Lostinspace_46 | Flannel, Apt-get, apt-secure, apt_key, etc. | 00:05 |
milad | hey people ,, do u know any arabic channel ,, !! | 00:05 |
frank007 | Blueskaj - maybe i shld check to see if i have a driver installed for my network card | 00:05 |
piero | Is there a fix to the bug of a Network Manager Tray Icon that disapears or just "transforms" in a copy of volume control ? | 00:05 |
frank007 | how wld i do that? | 00:05 |
BluesKaj | Simon1245, open a terminal and do , sudo apt-get install alsa-base alsa-utils | 00:06 |
cant | Simon1245 alsa is a mixer that I installed and it worked with my hardware.. Its worth a shot... also you can search ubuntu no sound in google. that was the first place I started.. go to the ubuntu help pages | 00:06 |
Simon1245 | cant, Already tried alot | 00:06 |
ZykoticK9 | Simon1245, there is a Bug about your sound card at suggests installing backports as far as i read (didn't read much) | 00:06 |
Simon1245 | BluesKaj, It says it's already installed | 00:06 |
BluesKaj | frank007, ubuntu uses kernel source drivers that are supposed to work with your hardware | 00:06 |
Simon1245 | ZykoticK9, Is there any way to get it working? | 00:07 |
cant | you need to know the hardware, then check the manufacturers website, sometime they have linux software suppoort.. Im also new so Im sorry I cant help you more. | 00:07 |
ZykoticK9 | Simon1245, not sure really - i don't have the same hardware, one guy suggests not selecting modem and that fixed it for him??? | 00:08 |
Simon1245 | Yea, I readed that sentence aswell | 00:08 |
Simon1245 | I will try | 00:08 |
frank007 | ok - so how can i establish that my wireless net work card is working - it seems its not coz i cant connect wirelessly | 00:08 |
Simon1245 | Is he talking about software modem? | 00:08 |
Simon1245 | That's the only modem I see | 00:08 |
frank007 | i am connected thru a cable to the modem | 00:08 |
abelardo | hi | 00:08 |
Flannel | Lostinspace_46: I've never heard of apt-secure, nor do any packages contain a file named apt-secure (or apt_secure). What is it you're missing and hoping to get? | 00:08 |
BluesKaj | Simon1245, open the terminal and type alsamixer , use the M key to unmute any ctrls and arrow keys to navigate | 00:09 |
Simon1245 | BluesKaj, Ok | 00:09 |
Lostinspace_46 | frank007, this should help | 00:09 |
FluxD | BHoward, | 00:09 |
meowbuntu | hey how do i get the latest wine version on ubuntu 9.10 the repos are so put of date. the ubutu team should keep them up to date if they want to become a mainstreem os like windozzy and mac | 00:09 |
meowbuntu | put = out | 00:09 |
frank007 | ok thanks - i'll try it | 00:10 |
Simon1245 | Lol it was muted :D | 00:10 |
meowbuntu | !help | abelardo | 00:10 |
ubottu | abelardo: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 00:10 |
Simon1245 | From Alsamixer :D | 00:10 |
ardchoille | meowbuntu: the repos don't usually get updates of apps, just security fixes and bug fixes | 00:10 |
Simon1245 | Thanks it works now | 00:10 |
ssmy | meowbuntu:, google solves that pretty quick... | 00:10 |
meowbuntu | ardchoille, how do i get latest | 00:10 |
ZykoticK9 | meowbuntu, there is a wine PPA with updated versions. and "Ubuntu is a mainstream OS Better then windows or mac" ;) | 00:10 |
FluxD | Hi, I just installed 9.10 on my laptop. I am unable to get internet working through ethernet and wireless. I have a realtek ethernet card and a broadcom wireless card. Pastebin of lspci | 00:11 |
BHoward | FluxD, this should help | 00:11 |
selig5 | exit | 00:11 |
meowbuntu | ZykoticK9, no not mainstreem or all software you can by games etc would be packeged with a ubuntu installer. | 00:11 |
FluxD | ok thanks BHoward why did they remove it since I know 9.04 had it ? | 00:11 |
ZykoticK9 | meowbuntu, and just so you're not disappointed later with other software - Ubuntu does not typically update any software in a version unless there are security issues | 00:11 |
ssmy | meowbuntu: this is a support channel. have your flamewar elsewhere. | 00:12 |
BHoward | no idea, I just make sure I always stay away from broadcom cards. | 00:12 |
Simon1245 | I'm off bye and thanks for the help | 00:12 |
meowbuntu | ZykoticK9, then thats y ubuntu is behind windozzy and mac | 00:12 |
ardchoille | meowbuntu: That really needs to go to #ubuntu-offtopic | 00:12 |
meowbuntu | ssmy, i know that thanks | 00:12 |
ZykoticK9 | meowbuntu, your comments are offtopic - ardchoille got it | 00:12 |
FluxD | BHoward, any fix for realtek ethernet card? | 00:12 |
BHoward | FluxD, let me check | 00:13 |
hellz_bellz1 | im looking for some help on something i dont wholly under stand | 00:13 |
Flannel | meowbuntu: WineHQ keeps a PPA and/or Repository online with updated Wines (looks like that's already been mentioned) | 00:13 |
hellz_bellz1 | im trying to run a php terminal from my browser | 00:13 |
meowbuntu | well all i want is how to get the latest wine in ubuntu 9.10 | 00:13 |
hellz_bellz1 | but it gives me an error when i try to sudo | 00:13 |
ssmy | hellz_bellz1: from my understanding, those are hilariously insecure... | 00:13 |
B3rz3rk3- | how can i disable power management for wireless cards? | 00:13 |
hellz_bellz1 | meowbuntu download from wine hq | 00:14 |
hellz_bellz1 | well its not a factor here | 00:14 |
hellz_bellz1 | its only on the loopback interface | 00:14 |
meowbuntu | hellz_bellz1, there is no download there only a ppa to add so i'm doing that ok | 00:14 |
ssmy | hellz_bellz1: ah, ok. can't really help you with the prob though sorry. | 00:14 |
Cody1 | Could anyone help me with a HDD problem? I'm booting Xubuntu off a flash drive, and I can't find my main PC hdd anywhere. It shows up in GParted. | 00:15 |
hellz_bellz1 | can you referr me to a place that can help me? | 00:15 |
meowbuntu | hellz_bellz1, if you have errors pastebin them ay be able to help | 00:15 |
Cody1 | I'm not sure where to look other than Places. | 00:15 |
hellz_bellz1 | Error: sudo: no tty present and no askpass programspecified | 00:15 |
hellz_bellz1 | is the only error | 00:15 |
FluxD | BHoward, why doest ubuntu provide compiled versions of the sta driver? | 00:16 |
Lostinspace_46 | Flannel, I want to be able to get..oh, say, a debian repo that is not in the repos that come with ubuntu, as well as the signing key so I can add the repo and have it show up in the package manager. Then I can use apt_get on it and not have to fight dependencies. | 00:16 |
meowbuntu | Cody1, join #xubuntu | 00:16 |
Flannel | Lostinspace_46: that's just apt-key, and that's in the "apt" package | 00:16 |
BHoward | FluxD, another one of those things I dont know about. I just try and workaround the things that the ubuntu people leave out | 00:17 |
hellz_bellz1 | what is the most usefull and most used linux forum? | 00:17 |
FluxD | thanks anyway BHoward :) | 00:17 |
AegNuddel | I am making more floater screensavers | 00:17 |
B3rz3rk3- | how can i disable power management for wireless cards? | 00:17 |
FluxD | BHoward, how do I get build-essential when I dont have internet to compile it :/ | 00:17 |
gjohn | Hi what does a package version mean like "2.22.3-0ubuntu2-ppa2~jaunty" | 00:18 |
munk | Hi all. Theres something about linux that is driving me nutz and I cant figure out why it does this. When I go to install a library (x264 encoder) it puts it in /usr/local/lib and not /usr/lib. Whats the deal with this local directory and why doesnt it search it aswell? | 00:18 |
hellz_bellz1 | fluxd goto the library to use thier internet | 00:18 |
Lostinspace_46 | Flannel, Hmm, I am pretty sure I got an error saying I needed it. Let me check..brb. | 00:18 |
FluxD | hellz_bellz1, My wireless and ethernet is not recognized by ubuntu | 00:18 |
ardchoille | gjohn: version 2.22.3 of that app is in a PPA for jaunty to use | 00:18 |
hellz_bellz1 | or use the internet you are on now | 00:18 |
hellz_bellz1 | oh | 00:19 |
=== gorgonzola is now known as galoise | ||
BHoward | FluxD, cant seem to find much on your card | 00:19 |
gjohn | ardchoille: thanks, does this mean I have a ppa registered in my sources or could this be from an official repository? | 00:19 |
ardchoille | gjohn: how did you get that package? | 00:20 |
FluxD | BHoward, any ideas how I can get the packages to compile it ? | 00:20 |
coppelman | does any 1 know how to put the home floder on your desktop | 00:20 |
FluxD | coppelman, install ubuntu tweak | 00:20 |
gjohn | ardchoille: I don't know, I thought I got the updates from jaunty-updates | 00:20 |
coppelman | how | 00:20 |
ardchoille | gjohn: It's from a PPA, not from the official ubuntu repos, that's why "ppa" is in the filename. you may have the ppa in your sources | 00:20 |
Stoy^ | coppelman: coppelman what do you want to do? | 00:20 |
gjohn | ardchoille: but the "ppa" made me unsure | 00:20 |
coppelman | put the home folder on desktop | 00:21 |
gjohn | ardchoille: in that case, how can I replace it with the repo version? | 00:21 |
BHoward | FluxD, im looking right now. I have seen something about installing packages without internet. | 00:21 |
FluxD | coppelman, | 00:21 |
coppelman | ubuntu 9.10 | 00:21 |
ardchoille | gjohn: you can check your sources: gedit /etc/apt/sources.list <-- but you won't be able to edit it without using gksudo | 00:21 |
Stoy^ | coppelman: do you want to see the contents of your home folder on your desktop | 00:21 |
gjohn | ardchoille: ok, I'll look at that | 00:21 |
BHoward | fluxD, | 00:22 |
Stoy^ | coppelman: or just an icon to go to your homefolder? | 00:22 |
coppelman | in a way yes | 00:22 |
ardchoille | gjohn: Many ppa apps don't have the same, if any, version in the repos, this is why people use the ppa's. you can search your sources with: apt-cache search name_here | 00:22 |
coppelman | i con will work | 00:22 |
BHoward | FluxD, those are directions for installing without internet | 00:22 |
FluxD | thank you BHoward | 00:22 |
coppelman | i cant make a link or i would have tried that | 00:22 |
=== galoise is now known as gorgonzola | ||
Stoy^ | coppelman: in a terminal type, ln -s .. | 00:22 |
BHoward | no problem | 00:23 |
ardchoille | gjohn: I strongly advise making a backup of your sources.list file before editing | 00:23 |
FluxD | coppelman, read the link I pasted | 00:23 |
coppelman | coppelman@ubuntu:~$ ln -s .. | 00:23 |
coppelman | ln: creating symbolic link `./..': File exists | 00:23 |
coppelman | coppelman@ubuntu:~$ | 00:23 |
coppelman | lol theres more right | 00:24 |
Stoy^ | coppelman: sry I got the syntax wrong | 00:25 |
coppelman | lol right on | 00:25 |
coppelman | do i reset ;' | 00:25 |
gjohn | ardchoille: ok, I looked but I can't se any ppm, just main restricted universe multiverse and so on... | 00:25 |
ardchoille | gjohn: ok, you might have downloaded a package manually then | 00:25 |
coppelman | im useing ubuntu studio 9.10 if that helps any | 00:26 |
Stoy^ | coppelman: try ln -s /home/youusername | 00:26 |
gjohn | ardchoille: ok could that have been part of some software application package like Firefox or something ... | 00:26 |
ardchoille | gjohn: you can pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list file and I can take a look if you want | 00:26 |
ardchoille | !paste | gjohn | 00:26 |
ubottu | gjohn: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 00:26 |
Stoy^ | coppelman: replace "youusername" with you actual username | 00:27 |
coppelman | l: command not found | 00:27 |
coppelman | coppelman@ubuntu:~$ ln -s /home/coppelman | 00:27 |
coppelman | coppelman@ubuntu:~$ | 00:27 |
coppelman | nothing thats all it did moved on to next line | 00:28 |
ardchoille | coppelman: you need a target AND destination | 00:28 |
Stoy^ | ardchoille: not according to --help | 00:28 |
coppelman | desktop | 00:28 |
ardchoille | Stoy^: ln needs to know what to link and where to place the link | 00:28 |
B3rz3rk3- | how can i disable power management for wireless cards? | 00:28 |
ZykoticK9 | coppelman, "cd Desktop && ln -s /home/coppelman" | 00:28 |
Stoy^ | coppelman: you need to cd in to you Desktop folder | 00:28 |
sha0 | ubottu: !vpn | 00:28 |
ubottu | For more information on vpn please refer to | 00:28 |
sha0 | ubottu: Thanks. | 00:28 |
ubottu | You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 00:28 |
coppelman | lol what i dont get it im new | 00:29 |
ardchoille | coppelman: what are you trying to do? | 00:29 |
coppelman | i need a home folder on my desktop | 00:29 |
Stoy^ | coppelman: the firstthing to to is to type "cd Desktop" | 00:29 |
coppelman | i cant move 1 there or make a link and i dont under stand y | 00:30 |
ubuntudude | can i run magicjack under wine? if not is there a Linux alternative? | 00:30 |
Stoy^ | coppelman: then run "ln -s /home/coppelman | 00:30 |
ardchoille | coppelman: alt+f2, type gconf-editor and then run it, I'll walk you through the proper way | 00:30 |
gasull | Hi all. Can anybody tell me how to install the Dell V505w printer? I don't know where to start. Thank you. | 00:30 |
gjohn | ardchoille: ok, I've pasted it here | 00:30 |
cant | why is my terminal blank with only a blinking cursur and NOTHING else... no location or anything?? | 00:30 |
coppelman | coppelman@ubuntu:~$ cd desktop | 00:31 |
coppelman | bash: cd: desktop: No such file or directory | 00:31 |
coppelman | coppelman@ubuntu:~$ | 00:31 |
osmosis | how can I make a script run at boot up? | 00:31 |
ardchoille | coppelman: alt+f2, type gconf-editor and then run it, I'll walk you through the proper way. The advice you're getting is wrong | 00:31 |
v8bull | case sensitive | 00:31 |
ZykoticK9 | coppelman, linux is cAsE senstive - but i'd follow the advice ardchoille is giving | 00:31 |
jason12345 | hmm i have a smiliar question osmosis | 00:31 |
zcat[1] | coppelman: Desktop with a capital D, but forget that do what ardchoille 's telling you instead | 00:31 |
ardchoille | coppelman: trust me, been using Ubuntu since 2005 | 00:31 |
jason12345 | has anyone done usb installations using ubuntu alternate 9.10 ? | 00:32 |
BHoward | osmosis, put the script in your startup applications | 00:32 |
=== WaterRatj[A] is now known as WaterRatj | ||
BHoward | osmosis, just make sure the script is executable | 00:32 |
jason12345 | i'm trying to install ubuntu studio from a usb and its a nightmare | 00:32 |
ardchoille | gjohn: your sources list looks good | 00:32 |
ubuntudude | can i run magicjack under wine? if not is there a Linux alternative? | 00:32 |
Stoy^ | ardchoille: why use gconf-editor? is it not just a simple link he wants? I might have gotten it worng somewhere... | 00:32 |
zcat[1] | Ubuntu needs a 'powertools' package to add back all the options the gnome developers keep removing!! | 00:33 |
iflema | FluxD do you have access to a wifi internet connection... or just wired? im aware you have no network? do you hav the install cd? | 00:33 |
ardchoille | Stoy^: there is a proper way to do what he wants | 00:33 |
ubuntudude | jason12345, why alternate? its so much slower than regular | 00:33 |
coppelman | ok im in the | 00:33 |
osmosis | BHoward, how about on a non-gui system? | 00:33 |
coppelman | config editor thang | 00:33 |
jason12345 | ubuntudude what do you mean its slower ? | 00:33 |
ubuntudude | jason12345, the installation | 00:33 |
BHoward | osmosis, give me a sec and ill tell you | 00:33 |
ardchoille | coppelman: go to /apps/nautilus/desktop in the gconf-editor and look at the right pane | 00:33 |
FluxD | iflema, both my ethernet and wireless are not detected, I am using my other desktop to communicate now | 00:33 |
cant | Does anyone know how to reset the terminal??? Mine is literally Blank minus the file menu taskbar on top | 00:34 |
FluxD | iflema, I also have install cd | 00:34 |
FluxD | cant, type in clear | 00:34 |
Stoy^ | ardchoille: a "proper" way humm, perhaps some ubuntu way? as long as he gets what he wants... | 00:34 |
jason12345 | ubuntudud cause the system does not have a dvd drive or a cdrom drive | 00:34 |
coppelman | ok | 00:34 |
BHoward | osmosis, you will need to have init execute it | 00:34 |
autoclesis | gateway sx2840 good for ubuntu 9.10? | 00:34 |
ardchoille | coppelman: now, tick the home_icon_visible checkbox | 00:34 |
ubuntudude | can i run magicjack under wine? if not is there a Linux alternative? | 00:34 |
iflema | FluxD yeah a wired connection or wifi on the other machine..? | 00:34 |
titan_ark | hey i just tried installing 10.04 on virtual box but when i try the updates i get an error saying a partial upgrade si available | 00:34 |
zcat[1] | Stoy^: making a simlink is a bit of a hack, gnome has a config option for showing home, etc on the desktop which should work better | 00:34 |
cant | FluxD it is still blank with a white background and blinking cursur only??? | 00:35 |
ardchoille | Stoy^: this way is better than just a symlink | 00:35 |
gjohn | ardchoille: Ok, thanks for looking at it. I guess I'll use Synaptic to downgrade to a previous version, because this version of libglib seem to cause problems | 00:35 |
greezmunkey | Stoy^, enjoy the lesson... | 00:35 |
=== jarjar_ is now known as MH | ||
jason12345 | ubuntudude the system has no dvd drive... | 00:35 |
coppelman | that is so bad a$$ | 00:35 |
coppelman | thank you | 00:35 |
ardchoille | gjohn: be careful with that, stay within the official repos for that package, several of your apps depend on it | 00:35 |
Stoy^ | ardchoille: zcat[1] greezmunkey, k I guess I just wanted thought my way was quicker and easier | 00:35 |
BHoward | osmosis, check the second post | 00:35 |
ubuntudude | jason do you have a usb flash drive? | 00:35 |
Stoy^ | but there you go | 00:35 |
iflema | FluxD whats the com your on now using wired or wifi? what version of ubuntu? 9.10? | 00:35 |
ubuntudude | can i run magicjack under wine? if not is there a Linux alternative? | 00:35 |
=== MH is now known as Mad_Hacker | ||
jason12345 | the webpage outlines how to complete the installation but the instructions are too complicated on the bottom... | 00:35 |
jason12345 | ubuntudude yes I have a usb drive... | 00:36 |
ardchoille | coppelman: while you're in there, you can tick the other boxes and change the names that appear on the desktop too if you want | 00:36 |
FluxD | iflema, I have access to both wired and wifi, and I am on 9.10 | 00:36 |
greezmunkey | ardchoille, cool - didn't know that was possible! :) thanks | 00:36 |
iflema | FluxD nice..... give me min.... | 00:36 |
autoclesis | why would someone wipe win 7 instead of dual boot | 00:36 |
ardchoille | yw :) | 00:36 |
zcat[1] | hmmm.. my file operations window has nothing in it but obviously it's doing something, files keep appearing in the open nautilus window I copied to.. | 00:36 |
gasull | Has anybody here tried to install a Dell printer? | 00:36 |
=== j-3-r-g_ is now known as jerg | ||
coppelman | im trying to set this up 4 my wife | 00:36 |
cant | I have a blank terminal... I have even tried to uninstall it and reinstall .. No effect | 00:37 |
zcat[1] | weird breakage | 00:37 |
coppelman | o i have installed 3 dell printers wint linux mint 7 and 8 | 00:37 |
jason12345 | ubuntudude can I have a private chat? there's too much happening here... :D | 00:37 |
olympus | Anyone else having trouble with Firefox 3.6.2pre under Karmic? Or am I in the wrong channel? | 00:37 |
BHoward | autoclesis, I just bought a new laptop and didnt even boot it into 7. just a purist I guess | 00:37 |
osmosis | BHoward, I will check it out | 00:37 |
autoclesis | hehe bhoward | 00:37 |
coppelman | lol but i dont think im the man 4 the job | 00:37 |
ubuntudude | jason12345, sure | 00:37 |
=== adam is now known as Guest53850 | ||
Guest53850 | wheres server settings | 00:37 |
zcat[1] | copying 300gb from one usb drive to another usb drive takes quite a long time... | 00:38 |
BHoward | autoclesis, although i do still run windows xp through virtualbox for my college.... | 00:38 |
ZykoticK9 | cant, what do you get if you type "echo $PS1" in a terminal? it should look like "\[\e]0;\u@\h: \w\a\]${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}\u@\h:\w\$" but i'm guessing yours wont | 00:38 |
gjohn | ardchoille: Ok, I'll follow the instructions in this thread, it describes my problem exactly. I just wondered about the weird package name in Synaptic... | 00:38 |
cant | FluxD any other ideas?? I have tried to uninstall the terminal and reinstall but no effect.. Still no location or anything | 00:38 |
autoclesis | but 2.9 ghz and intel media accelerator is sufficient to get all the fancy out of u 9.10 ? | 00:38 |
Maximo | my system is all screwedup !!! | 00:38 |
skavez | Hi -- wondering if anyone has experience fixing a broken WUBI install. When the GRUB menu is supposed to appear, I get the GRUB prompt (sh:grub). I've tried a few different tutorials, but I can't find /boot/vmlinuz* or root.disk. Is there another place these files are located? | 00:39 |
autoclesis | i.e. gateway sx2840 | 00:39 |
skavez | I'm running Xubuntu btw | 00:39 |
zcat[1] | lol at email yesterday, someone I set up ubuntu for a year ago had one of those 'online scan' things come up and tell her she has a bunch of viruses, she wants me to check that it really, really doesn't ... | 00:39 |
gjohn | ardchoille: Seems like a regression in Ubuntu 29.04 repos | 00:39 |
FluxD | cant, mind showing a screenshot ? | 00:39 |
autoclesis | i want to buy the best pc for ubuntu | 00:39 |
cant | its blank | 00:39 |
zcat[1] | also when she tried to install the remover program it didn't work ;) | 00:39 |
BHoward | autoclesis, my little acer aspire one 8.9' has enough power to get all the fancy, It dosent take much | 00:39 |
ZykoticK9 | cant, did you try the "echo $PS1" ? | 00:39 |
ardchoille | gjohn: Ah, yeah, that looks good | 00:40 |
autoclesis | thanks bhoward | 00:40 |
autoclesis | i got lispire on a compaq right now | 00:40 |
titan_ark | do i need to upgrade packages after installing the 10.04 iso? | 00:40 |
ubuntudude | can i run magicjack under wine? if not is there a Linux alternative? | 00:40 |
cant | ZykoticK9 i get echo $PS1 then enter blinking cursur under it | 00:40 |
FluxD | cant, there are other terminals out there too | 00:40 |
autoclesis | but i read compaq preserio troubles with u | 00:40 |
Guest53850 | WHERES SERVER SETTINGS | 00:40 |
ZykoticK9 | cant, that's your problem FYI | 00:40 |
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wipxj3 | #@X | 00:40 |
cant | ???? | 00:40 |
ZykoticK9 | titan_ark, ask in #ubuntu+1 | 00:40 |
ZykoticK9 | cant, PS1 is used to customize what your prompt looks like | 00:41 |
ardchoille | !lucid | titan_ark | 00:41 |
ubottu | titan_ark: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 | 00:41 |
titan_ark | ZykoticK9, okay thank you | 00:41 |
autoclesis | the sx2840 might be overkill, then ? | 00:41 |
zcat[1] | not released, not stable, but it boots hell-fast!! | 00:41 |
BHoward | autoclesis, I just bought a acer 5740-5780 and its great. I had to start the live cd in safe graphics mode and update to a higher xorg and kernel to make the graphics work correctly | 00:41 |
gjohn | ardchoille: Thanks for the help | 00:41 |
ZykoticK9 | cant, do you have a .bashrc file in you home dir? | 00:41 |
ardchoille | zcat[1]: yeah, can't wait to try it :) | 00:41 |
cant | ZykoticK9 yea but isnt the terminal suppose to show your location??? | 00:41 |
zcat[1] | <3 lucid.. will be real nice when it comes out I think | 00:41 |
ardchoille | gjohn: you're welcome :) | 00:41 |
cant | Yes I do | 00:41 |
autoclesis | i'll look it up bhoward | 00:41 |
ZykoticK9 | cant, it's controlled by .bashrc | 00:42 |
ZykoticK9 | cant, look inside .bashrc (or better yet pastebin it) and see if there is a line PS1=blah | 00:42 |
zcat[1] | just put it on my daughter's machine 'cos she kinda broke it trying to install firefox3.6 anyhow. | 00:42 |
iflema | FluxD explore the install disk, under pool/restricted/b install the deb.... | 00:42 |
autoclesis | can you boot win 7, ubuntu and kubuntu ? | 00:43 |
David_ | wheres the off topic channel again? | 00:43 |
ardchoille | !ot | 00:43 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 00:43 |
gjohn | I'm rather unused to IRC, are there shortcuts for addressing individual nicks in conversations and such? | 00:43 |
David_ | thats #ubuntu-ot? | 00:43 |
ardchoille | !nick | 00:43 |
ubottu | Your nick is how people know you on IRC. Please don't change your nicknames too often (use /nick newnick), or it creates a lot of confusion. You should also !register your nick with Freenode. | 00:43 |
ardchoille | wrong factoid, sorry | 00:43 |
titan_ark | use the tab key | 00:43 |
BHoward | autoclesis, it all works. at least i am assuming cause i never tried 7, just formated and went ubuntu | 00:43 |
gjohn | heh | 00:43 |
ardchoille | gjohn: type the first few letters of a ick and then press the tab key | 00:43 |
titan_ark | gjohn, > !tab | 00:44 |
gjohn | ardchoille: ok :-) | 00:44 |
autoclesis | you weren't even curious to mess with win 7? | 00:44 |
autoclesis | hehe | 00:44 |
ardchoille | gjohn: you may have to press the key more than once tho | 00:44 |
zcat[1] | 'ick' ;) | 00:44 |
BHoward | autoclesis, pulled off the windows 7 sticker | 00:44 |
zcat[1] | xchat has ick-completion | 00:44 |
wipxj3 | @Costea | 00:44 |
autoclesis | :) | 00:44 |
cant | ZykoticK9 please don't loose patients but where is the .bashrc and what is pastebin | 00:44 |
ardchoille | zcat[1]: :D | 00:44 |
ZykoticK9 | !paste > cant | 00:44 |
ubottu | cant, please see my private message | 00:44 |
ZykoticK9 | cant, the .bashrc is in your home directory so ~/.bashrc | 00:44 |
sysdoc | xorg.conf on a fresh Karmic install reflects that the driver is "nvidia" and not "nv" what driver is this exactly?? | 00:45 |
gjohn | titan_ark: thanks for the tab tip | 00:45 |
ardchoille | sysdoc: how did you install the driveR? | 00:45 |
sysdoc | ardchoille, I didn't, like I said it is fresh install | 00:46 |
ZykoticK9 | cant, perhaps this is easier - in a terminal "cd ~ && cp .bashrc .bashrc.backup" then get my bashrc from and paste it into a file called, yup, .bashrc and put it into your home directory - then see if the prompt is fixed | 00:46 |
jason12345 | anyone ever install ubuntu studio from a USB ? | 00:46 |
ardchoille | sysdoc: System > Administration > Hardware Drivers may tell you which driver is activated | 00:46 |
sysdoc | ardchoille, X does not load | 00:46 |
gjohn | is there a way also to filter out replies to me? | 00:46 |
ardchoille | jason12345: Ubuntu studio isn't supported here afaik | 00:47 |
BHoward | jason12345, yes | 00:47 |
cant | should I paste it here | 00:47 |
ardchoille | sysdoc: ouch | 00:47 |
ZykoticK9 | cant, NO! | 00:47 |
cant | ok | 00:47 |
sysdoc | ardchoille, yea suckage | 00:47 |
ardchoille | !paste | cant | 00:47 |
ubottu | cant: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 00:47 |
ZykoticK9 | cant, did you see my last (long) message? | 00:47 |
autoclesis | are there wacom -sensitive apps for ubuntu | 00:47 |
autoclesis | besides gimp | 00:47 |
cant | No I didnt | 00:48 |
Mad_Hacker | sysdoc: nv is the open source nvidia driver | 00:48 |
jp-- | hi guys. alsamixer only shows me hdmi audio controls not rca, how can I fix this? I'm only using audio on rca, so I need to increase the volume of these output but alsamixer only shows the hdmi audio controllers... any ideas? | 00:48 |
ZykoticK9 | cant, do you see it now? | 00:48 |
Predaking | hello I have an acer revo 3601 with the latest version of ubuntu. It has an nVidia ION gpu. When I hook it up to my TV via HDMI I lose about 100 pixels on the top and bottom. I can't see the top and bottom bars. It's set to the proper resm 1920x1080 and none of the other resolutions fix this problem. The TV is 1080p. Could this be a known issue? If not what things can I do to troubleshoot it? It's really annoying | 00:48 |
cant | aahhh no | 00:48 |
cant | where should I be looking | 00:49 |
FluxD | thanks iflema | 00:49 |
tron` | simple question, how do i find out what i called this machine (lol) | 00:49 |
autoclesis | oh great i got to worry about the hdmi ? that's what i was happy about | 00:49 |
ZykoticK9 | cant, sorry for the PM but didn't want to flood the channel | 00:49 |
sysdoc | Mad_Hacker, I know but the xorg reflects "nvidia" and not "nv" on a bone stock install... | 00:49 |
iflema | FluxD wooo.... is it going? there may be futher action required | 00:49 |
cant | ok, I see the pm Let me read it.. | 00:49 |
zcat[1] | Ohhh, another question; firefox keeps going frozen grey and dim for 30s at a time, every install, even doing it in lucid. any hints how to troubleshoot this? | 00:49 |
nfrs | hi. I'm having trouble with installing grub on a working ubuntu system. it worked before I installed winxp, now I'm booting off the live cd and trying to configure dual-boot. no matter what I do, I see "error 22" on boot | 00:50 |
nfrs | (#grub refuses to support grub1) | 00:50 |
FluxD | iflema, yea wireless is online :) | 00:50 |
ardchoille | zcat[1]: I would start by looking at which extensions and plugins are installed | 00:50 |
iflema | FluxD goodone | 00:50 |
zcat[1] | !info grub-legacy nfrs | 00:50 |
ubottu | 'nfrs' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, intrepid, intrepid-backports, jaunty, jaunty-backports, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, medibuntu, partner | 00:50 |
zcat[1] | !info grub-legacy | nfrs | 00:50 |
ubottu | nfrs: Package grub-legacy does not exist in karmic | 00:50 |
seanbrystone | what is a good RSS reader for Ubuntu that can play streams or mp3s from podcasts like Google Reader? | 00:50 |
zcat[1] | hmm, wtf? | 00:50 |
jason12345 | no problems | 00:51 |
jason12345 | will try solving it myself in that case :D | 00:51 |
iflema | jason12345 one can convert a regular ubuntu to studio... | 00:51 |
ardchoille | seanbrystone: not sure about the streams and mp3's but you might try liferea, it's in the repos | 00:51 |
seanbrystone | ardchoille, ok ty | 00:52 |
nfrs | zcat[1], perhaps you should just say whatever you wanted to say? | 00:52 |
tron` | would anyone be able to tell me how i find out what i called my machine? total fail on my part.... trying to set up sharing etc lol and cant remember my machine name to map a share from another machine | 00:52 |
autoclesis | repos = repository? | 00:52 |
ardchoille | yes | 00:52 |
ardchoille | !repos | 00:52 |
ubottu | The packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at and - See for the recommended way to set up your repositories | 00:52 |
zcat[1] | nfrs: yeah, I think I spent too much time in squeze already | 00:52 |
autoclesis | ah, gracias ardchoille | 00:53 |
cant | ZykoticK9 Totally cool pastebin stuff here it is... | 00:53 |
zcat[1] | nfrs: should just be a matter on installing the 'grub' package and running update-grub ? | 00:53 |
autoclesis | !liferea | 00:53 |
nfrs | zcat[1], I have the package, now the purpose of update-grub is unclear to me. I run grub-install, which seems to work fine | 00:53 |
ardchoille | ~info liferea | 00:53 |
Mad_Hacker | sysdoc: right, sorry, nvidia is the proprietary driver from nvidia(keep in mind i'm just getting this info from the gentoo xorg install instruction page) | 00:53 |
ardchoille | !info liferea | 00:54 |
ubottu | liferea (source: liferea): feed aggregator for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 1.6.0-1ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 255 kB, installed size 824 kB | 00:54 |
zcat[1] | nfrs: update-grub rebuilds the /boot/grum/benu.lst for you | 00:54 |
zcat[1] | *menu.lst | 00:54 |
=== root_ is now known as Guest66801 | ||
nfrs | zcat[1], I don't need that, menu.lst is already correct | 00:54 |
ardchoille | zcat[1]: grum? | 00:54 |
nfrs | zcat[1], or should be | 00:54 |
zcat[1] | lol, yeah | 00:54 |
sysdoc | Mad_Hacker, That is weird cause no distro that I have ever heard of ever installs the proprietary driver.. | 00:54 |
zcat[1] | my typing sucks | 00:55 |
ardchoille | sysdoc: I thought that a bit weird too | 00:55 |
=== Guest66801 is now known as hackattack | ||
cant | ZykoticK9 can you see my file???\ | 00:55 |
ZykoticK9 | cant, just try adding "source .bashrc or source .bash_profile" to the bottom of the file and restart your terminal to see if it makes any difference (i'm not sure it will) | 00:55 |
ZykoticK9 | cant, ya - i got your file thanks | 00:55 |
cant | ok ill try it | 00:56 |
behappy | I have Iptables disable ftp connection how to empty iptables rules ? | 00:56 |
pr0t0n | hey guys, I need some help with a fresh Ubuntu 9.10 install on my laptop | 00:56 |
jen_ | jen | 00:56 |
zcat[1] | nfrs: there's a way to install grub from the grub command line too, probably !grub links to it ;) | 00:56 |
pr0t0n | the install went fine | 00:56 |
jason12345 | iflema how could i do that ? | 00:56 |
GSF1200S | anyone in here using dual screens with seperate x servers? | 00:56 |
zcat[1] | nfrs: so what was the question anyway? | 00:57 |
pr0t0n | however upon updating and rebooting I get | 00:57 |
ardchoille | ZykoticK9: ~/.bash_profile sources ~/.bashrc itself | 00:57 |
pr0t0n | nit: udevtrigger mainprocess (1283) terminated with status 1 | 00:57 |
pr0t0n | init: udevtrigger post-stop porcess (1283) terminated with status 1 | 00:57 |
ubuntudude | what good alternatives are there to magicjack for Linux? | 00:57 |
sysdoc | ardchoille, Well I got a bone stock POS install of Karmic that will not boot into X. Weird thing is that I have 9.10 already installed on another drive that I upgraded to 9.10 that runs just fine | 00:57 |
nfrs | zcat[1], the question is why does it produce "error 22" on boot... | 00:57 |
ZykoticK9 | GSF1200S, i have before, what's your question? | 00:57 |
cant | ZykoticK9 it already is the last line of code in the file??? | 00:57 |
iflema | jason12345 there is a rather major kernel difference.... look into linux-rt and then in a terminal type sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-desktop ubuntustudio-audio ubuntustudio-audio-plugins ubuntustudio-graphics ubuntustudio-video linux-rt | 00:57 |
ZykoticK9 | ardchoille, i'm just taking it from my .bashrc file - doesn't make much sense i agree | 00:57 |
pr0t0n | I tried using the workaround provided here | 00:57 |
pr0t0n | | 00:57 |
zcat[1] | nfrs: probably confusion between where BIOS sees devices and where grub sees them | 00:58 |
Mad_Hacker | sysdoc: apperantly nv doesn't have 3d acceleration support, so.... | 00:58 |
jason12345 | thanks mate | 00:58 |
ardchoille | sysdoc: if it were me, I'd just do a fresh install, seems something broke.. never heard of Ubuntu installing the nvidia driver during fresh install | 00:58 |
GSF1200S | ZykoticK9: well, its a pretty small question. All im trying to do is get firefox on screen 1 to recognize thunderbird on screen 2, namely for the send link feature. | 00:58 |
ardchoille | ZykoticK9: agreed | 00:58 |
ZykoticK9 | cant, i'd just try copying my .bashrc and replacing it with yours and see if it works | 00:58 |
zcat[1] | nfrs: check the boot order if you have more than one drive, you may be booting from an old broken mbr on the wrong drive? | 00:58 |
sysdoc | ardchoille, Ummm this IS a fresh install...ACK!! | 00:58 |
ardchoille | ZykoticK9: well .bash_profile is for login shells and .bashrc is for non-login shells, iirc | 00:59 |
pr0t0n | however I get E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 00:59 |
ZykoticK9 | GSF1200S, don't think it's going to be possible - communication between screens if virtual nill - and you can't have 2 firefoxs running at the same time, as you have probably already found out | 00:59 |
GSF1200S | ZykoticK9, I tried creating a script with display:0.1 thunderbird and pointing firefox to that.. | 00:59 |
ardchoille | sysdoc: I know, but I would do it over.. I just sense something went wrong somewhere and you never know what else may be borked once you get x working. But that's just me | 01:00 |
nfrs | zcat[1], I've already looked at that... booting from /dev/sdc, root fs is /dev/sda2, /boot is /dev/sda1 | 01:00 |
neezer | can anyone tell me about a dns server? | 01:00 |
nfrs | zcat[1], installing grub onto /dev/sdc | 01:00 |
GSF1200S | ZykoticK9, yeah, however for some reason pidgin communicates with firefox, and they are on different screens. Otherwise, it is nearly impossible it seems | 01:00 |
ZykoticK9 | ardchoille, all we're trying to do is set $PS1 value - any suggestions? | 01:00 |
ubuntudude | what good alternatives are there to magicjack for Linux? | 01:00 |
sysdoc | ardchoille, I have installed from the LiveCD and Alt CD numerous times.... Reinstall will NOT help[ anything | 01:00 |
zcat[1] | ubuntudude: get a linksys ATA adapter and sign up with a SIP provider? | 01:01 |
ardchoille | ZykoticK9: I do that on each install, here's mine: | 01:01 |
ardchoille | PS1='${debian_chroot:+($debian_chroot)}[\W @ \t]\$ ' | 01:01 |
Predaking | hello I have an acer revo 3601 with the latest version of ubuntu. It has an nVidia ION gpu. When I hook it up to my TV via HDMI I lose about 100 pixels on the top and bottom. I can't see the top and bottom bars. It's set to the proper resm 1920x1080 and none of the other resolutions fix this problem. The TV is 1080p. Could this be a known issue? If not what things can I do to troubleshoot it? It's really annoying | 01:01 |
songer | any solition for 64 bits on firefox | 01:01 |
Krux0 | im looking for tool that performs backups of media files which are in a specific directory | 01:01 |
ZykoticK9 | GSF1200S, i'm sorry man, that one is a little beyond me. best of luck. FYI I quickly gave up on separate X sessions and returned to twinview. | 01:01 |
songer | audio problems | 01:01 |
ubuntudude | zcat[1], i don't know what you mean by that | 01:01 |
ardchoille | sysdoc: Ah, ok I understand. Not sure how to help from here but you might try the ubuntu forums | 01:01 |
zcat[1] | magickjack is an internet phone thing right? | 01:02 |
v8bull | yep | 01:02 |
GSF1200S | ZykoticK9, yeah, but twinview is a no go for me as im running two seperate vid cards. Yeah, its a nuisance at times | 01:02 |
ardchoille | ZykoticK9: the part you need to change is between the brackets: [\W @ \t] | 01:02 |
ZykoticK9 | ardchoille, ya it's for cant he doesn't have ANY prompt at all right now | 01:02 |
Predaking | anyone ever heard of a problem like that? | 01:02 |
nfrs | zcat[1], I'll try something else. bb | 01:02 |
Predaking | display getting cut off at top and bottom on proper resolution? | 01:02 |
ZykoticK9 | GSF1200S, ahhh yes that would make twinview difficult ;) good luck man | 01:02 |
GSF1200S | thanks | 01:02 |
Predaking | I'm not sure if that fact that it's HDMI has anything to do with it | 01:02 |
cbelote | Is this the right channel to ask about a problem Im having with ubuntu/apache instalation issues? Cant access my website but everything seems to be setup ok. | 01:02 |
sysdoc | ardchoille, I have been running the buntu for 5 years... Been there done ALL that you could suggest.... Something is jacked in Xorg | 01:03 |
ubuntudude | zcat[1], yes | 01:03 |
ardchoille | sysdoc: want to see my xorg.conf, it may help | 01:03 |
ardchoille | sysdoc: for reference: | 01:04 |
sysdoc | ardchoille, I have one that works just great.... Like I said already... | 01:04 |
chrisboom | hey | 01:04 |
chrisboom | | 01:04 |
zcat[1] | ubuntudude: well it sucks because you have to have your computer on 24/7 to use it and it's OS dependent.. you can get an ATA adapter (A little box) that plugs into your broadband directly, and you plug a phone into it, and you can get phone service from any of hundreds of sip providers with a multitude of different calling plans and you do not need your computer to be on to use it. | 01:05 |
chrisboom | got a motherboard | 01:05 |
chrisboom | installed ebox 1.4 which is on top of ubuntu 8.4 | 01:05 |
ardchoille | sysdoc: how can it be "working great" and "jacked" at the same time? | 01:05 |
chrisboom | can't see the ethernet ports | 01:05 |
chrisboom | the driver is in that link | 01:05 |
ardchoille | sysdoc: nvm, got it | 01:05 |
chrisboom | how do i use it? | 01:05 |
ubuntudude | zcat[1], whats wrong with the computer being on? | 01:05 |
privateabstract | Waste of electricity? | 01:06 |
sysdoc | ardchoille, I said once already the 9.10 is already installed on the machine runs great... Got to 9.10 through distro-upgrades | 01:06 |
infid | where do system fonts get installed? | 01:06 |
ubuntudude | i have a laptop, low power consumption | 01:06 |
chrisboom | anyone? | 01:06 |
privateabstract | still it's unecessarily wasted energy | 01:06 |
zcat[1] | ubuntudude: it's inconvenient and also ties you to one particular OS, much better to have a device that works independently of it. | 01:06 |
sysdoc | ardchoille, Which chipset and driver are you running? Juast for grins | 01:07 |
sysdoc | just* | 01:07 |
ubuntudude | zcat[1], is what you use expensive? | 01:07 |
HammerHead66 | ok I have flash player 10 64-bit installed and it works but I have no sound any ideas on what to do? | 01:07 |
zcat[1] | If you really want you can get a sip adapter and just pretend you still have to have your computer on all the time... | 01:07 |
cbelote | chrisboom: Im no expert but Ill try and help | 01:07 |
chrisboom | cool thanks! | 01:07 |
ubuntudude | HammerHead66, are your speakers on? | 01:07 |
Devrethman | HammerHead66: Flash is pretty sensitive to other things locking the soundcard. Make sure no other apps are running that use sound. | 01:07 |
zcat[1] | the one I use was free... but they're pretty cheap. | 01:08 |
ubuntudude | zcat[1], what is it? | 01:08 |
cbelote | chrisboom: If you run ifconfig do you see it there? | 01:08 |
Devrethman | If you figure out how to make it not do so, let me know, cause getting flash and MPD to coexist is something I've been trying at forever. | 01:08 |
HammerHead66 | everything is turned off still no sound | 01:08 |
ardchoille | !hcl | autoclesis | 01:08 |
ubottu | autoclesis: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see | 01:08 |
chrisboom | just trying to work out how to get from ebox to the terminal | 01:08 |
HammerHead66 | but I can play music box with sound no problem | 01:09 |
autoclesis | excellent | 01:09 |
DrZeus | i need help. I'm trying to build a regular expression to take all the SQL queries in a group of PHP files. I don't know how to write one. Any recommendations? | 01:09 |
zcat[1] | Linksys something.. SPA2100 | 01:09 |
v8bull | try the mysql channel? | 01:09 |
DrZeus | but im using a shell script | 01:10 |
DrZeus | to open each file, and run the reg ex to output them to a file | 01:10 |
ZykoticK9 | DrZeus, you might want to ask in #bash | 01:10 |
chrisboom | hmm | 01:10 |
chrisboom | still in it | 01:10 |
DrZeus | oh, i see ZykoticK9 | 01:10 |
DrZeus | thanks; /join #bash | 01:10 |
cbelote | chrisboom: ctrl+f1 does the trick on plain ol ubuntu | 01:11 |
chrisboom | taha! | 01:11 |
skavez | does anyone know where WUBI would put "root.disk"? it's not in the C:\ubuntu\disks directory | 01:11 |
infid | once i put a .ttf font in /usr/share/fonts/truetype do i have to re-login for xterm*font to recognize it? | 01:12 |
agroker | what package is responcible for automatic mounting of flashdrives? | 01:12 |
chrisboom | ok, im in | 01:12 |
cbelote | sweet :) | 01:12 |
gotsanity | does anyone know why banshee will continualy skip to the next song when i push my bluetooth headphone next button? | 01:12 |
chrisboom | did ifconfig | 01:12 |
chrisboom | told me Local loopback | 01:13 |
chrisboom | inet addr | 01:13 |
chrisboom | mask | 01:13 |
chrisboom | these dont look like good numbers lol | 01:13 |
cbelote | No eth1 or 0 | 01:13 |
cbelote | ? | 01:13 |
chrisboom | lo | 01:13 |
chrisboom | or 1o | 01:13 |
chrisboom | no eth0 or eth1 tho | 01:13 |
ZykoticK9 | infid, verify the fonts you added are owned by root and then in /usr/local/share/fonts/tryptype (did you copy them here?) run "fc-cache" and see if that helps | 01:14 |
chrisboom | its just totally not seeing the eth i think | 01:14 |
BluesKaj | chrisboom, try sudo dhclient eth0 | 01:14 |
chrisboom | thats the downside of using a lts, motherboards that come out a year later not always helpful | 01:14 |
chrisboom | will do BluesKaj: | 01:14 |
ZykoticK9 | infid, see you put the link in your post try fc-cache in /usr/share/fonts/truetype | 01:15 |
cbelote | check compatibility here: | 01:15 |
chrisboom | no such device | 01:15 |
ZykoticK9 | chrisboom, see if the kernel is seeing any network devices with "lspci | grep -i ethernet" | 01:16 |
BluesKaj | ok chrisboom . eth0=dhcp | 01:16 |
chrisboom | ok one sec | 01:17 |
ZykoticK9 | BluesKaj, i don't think if ifconfig doesn't have any adapters listed that dhcp is going to work | 01:17 |
B3rz3rk3r | how can i disable power management for wireless cards? | 01:17 |
chrisboom | so do the ethernet controller atheros communications ar5212/ar5213 | 01:17 |
chrisboom | ignore first bit of that | 01:18 |
chrisboom | i did lspci thing | 01:18 |
chrisboom | go that | 01:18 |
chrisboom | that might be my wifi | 01:18 |
BluesKaj | ZykoticK9, yeah I was afraid of that when he didn't show eth0 after doing ifconfig | 01:18 |
ZykoticK9 | chrisboom, is it only a wifi that you have? | 01:18 |
chrisboom | not sure | 01:18 |
chrisboom | no its both | 01:18 |
chrisboom | i have wifi and ethernet | 01:18 |
chrisboom | ethernet is plugged in | 01:18 |
chrisboom | and then theres an engenius pci card | 01:19 |
krysis | does anyone in here know how to get AGN 4965 wireless card to work?? | 01:19 |
ZykoticK9 | chrisboom, the lspci is only showing your wireless. are you sure it didn't show anything else? | 01:19 |
Guest54047 | hi all | 01:19 |
chrisboom | what did eth0=dhcp mean | 01:19 |
cbelote | Is this the right channel to ask about a problem Im having with ubuntu/apache instalation issues? Cant access my website but everything seems to be setup ok. | 01:19 |
kavurt | what's "BackSpace compatible" screen saver? | 01:19 |
chrisboom | should i try to change a setting | 01:19 |
ZykoticK9 | chrisboom, see if ""lspci | grep -i network" shows anything different | 01:19 |
Guest54047 | I need help with setting up ntp on client mythbuntu | 01:19 |
krysis | anyone have trouble with the Intel 4965 AGN wireless card? | 01:20 |
Guest54047 | its installed but time is wrong | 01:20 |
Guest54047 | server time is correct | 01:20 |
Guest54047 | I have config ntp.conf | 01:20 |
Guest54047 | can anyone help | 01:20 |
infid | ZykoticK9: hmm tried it but xterm still says it cant load the font | 01:20 |
chrisboom | or since, it seems that my nothing happens | 01:21 |
ZykoticK9 | infid, does xterm actually use TTF fonts? | 01:21 |
chrisboom | worst typing in the world there | 01:21 |
chrisboom | nothing happened at all | 01:21 |
chrisboom | that atheros sounds like my wifi card? | 01:22 |
ZykoticK9 | chrisboom, to the second lspci i gave? | 01:22 |
chrisboom | might that be configurable | 01:22 |
chrisboom | yeh | 01:22 |
chrisboom | the network one | 01:22 |
chrisboom | just nothing happened | 01:22 |
ZykoticK9 | chrisboom, in that case the linux kernel is NOT seeing your ethernet card, and only the wireless | 01:22 |
chrisboom | pressed enter, then just showed me the command line again | 01:22 |
chrisboom | cool | 01:22 |
chrisboom | but that means we could connect the wifi? | 01:22 |
ZykoticK9 | chrisboom, i'm glad you think it's cool, lol | 01:23 |
chrisboom | and i can worry about the ethernet another day | 01:23 |
chrisboom | well its better than it seeing nothing | 01:23 |
chrisboom | always look on the bright side and all that | 01:23 |
gotsanity | does anyone know why banshee will continualy skip to the next song when i push my bluetooth headphone next button? | 01:23 |
Devrethman | gotsanity: Is that not what it's supposed to do? | 01:24 |
B3rz3rk3r | how can i disable power management for wireless cards? | 01:24 |
BluesKaj | chrisboom, have you tried ifconfig again ? check to make sure eth0 is not listed | 01:24 |
cbelote | Im having issues with my ubuntu/apache instalation. Cant access my website but everything seems to be setup ok. | 01:24 |
ZykoticK9 | chrisboom, do you see any drivers available in System / Admin / Hardware drivers ? | 01:24 |
gotsanity | Devrethman, it repeatedly will skip to the next song instead of one press one song | 01:24 |
chrisboom | i havent got a gui for that | 01:25 |
chrisboom | ive got terminal and ebox web interface | 01:25 |
gotsanity | Devrethman, i have to stop the skipping manually | 01:25 |
Devrethman | gotsanity: Oh. Sorry, I've never seen that before... | 01:25 |
ubuntudude | any alternatives to magicjack? great deal ones comparatively price wise, not per minute cost | 01:26 |
ZykoticK9 | chrisboom, ahhh, sorry man i got nothing more for you then. Hopefully someone else knows how to install that wireless card without the GUI, as i certainly dont. Good luck man. | 01:26 |
cbelote | Can anyone help with my ubuntu/apache issue? | 01:26 |
Dr_Willis | ubuntudude: thers skype | 01:26 |
ZykoticK9 | !ask > cbelote | 01:26 |
ubottu | cbelote, please see my private message | 01:26 |
gotsanity | Devrethman, its wierd because it doesnt happen all the time. but i cant find a cause | 01:26 |
ubuntudude | Dr_Willis, isn't that prepaid minutes? | 01:26 |
Dr_Willis | ubuntudude: it can be or yearly fee, | 01:27 |
cbelote | Im having issues with my ubuntu/apache instalation. Cant access my website but everything seems to be setup ok. | 01:27 |
chrisboom | ouch | 01:27 |
chrisboom | not looking good | 01:27 |
coppelman | any 1 know how to insatll the wized mouse plugin | 01:27 |
ubuntudude | Dr_Willis, oh i see on the site now. thank. does it give me a phone number so i can have incoming calls? | 01:28 |
coppelman | i cant find much on it | 01:28 |
Dr_Willis | ubuntudude: it can | 01:28 |
Dr_Willis | ubuntudude: skype to skype is free | 01:28 |
autoclesis | i'm too ill-informed to phrase my question | 01:29 |
autoclesis | it's a Catch 22 | 01:29 |
Ricoshady | is there a way to have the OS reconfigure the network and look for a new NIC? | 01:29 |
LogicalDash | autoclesis, What did you try to do? What happened instead? | 01:29 |
ubuntudude | Dr_Willis, its important to have a number i can be reached at also, i don't see anything about that on the site | 01:29 |
chrisboom | ok, i think im gonna give ubuntu 9.10 another go | 01:30 |
Dr_Willis | ubuntudude: look closer - you can have a incoming # for so much $$ a year | 01:30 |
=== trineox is now known as Guest85629 | ||
LogicalDash | you can also do this with most SIP clients | 01:30 |
Guest54047 | can anyone help me with ntp | 01:30 |
coppelman | has any 1 even heard of the wizerd mouse plug in | 01:30 |
Dr_Willis | coppelman: Nope | 01:31 |
coppelman | lol dam | 01:31 |
cbelote | My DNS is forwarding to my routers WAN IP with a valid A record for My router is forwarding port 80 to my servers LAN IP. Localhostworks and apache is listening on port 80. Cant figure it out for the life of me | 01:31 |
ubuntudude | Dr_Willis, still lookin | 01:31 |
renamon | where could i find a codebreaker program? | 01:31 |
Guest54047 | thnaks for your honesty | 01:31 |
coppelman | its the last plug in im missing | 01:31 |
renamon | i need to hack my network cause i have a virus on my windows and i need to hack the virus. | 01:32 |
coppelman | i with renamon with that 1 the 1 on softpidia is a little lame | 01:32 |
danzig | hi | 01:33 |
coppelman | cant you download to virescaner scan the windows disk and just delet it | 01:33 |
renamon | coppelman: softpidia? | 01:33 |
=== chrisboom_ is now known as chrisboom | ||
coppelman | | 01:34 |
coppelman | its in the defalt bookmarks | 01:34 |
renamon | its a bomb of sorts its lockd me out of everything | 01:34 |
coppelman | its like download .com 4 linux | 01:34 |
iflema | Ricoshady it'll most likely just run with it. have you added a new card allready? | 01:34 |
coppelman | you can find just about any thang on | 01:35 |
Dr_Willis | coppelman: most ubunbtu users use various repos/ppa' not that site | 01:35 |
renamon | whats the program called? | 01:36 |
Dr_Willis | it can be a little out of date at times | 01:36 |
coppelman | tru | 01:36 |
nfrs | I can't seem to reinstall grub. update-grub generates a fresh file, where everything is UUID-based. but upon reboot I get "error 17". any help would be appreciated | 01:37 |
nfrs | s/file/menu.lst file/ | 01:37 |
rww | I have a CPU that can step down from 1.6Ghz to 800Ghz with the CPU Frequency Scaling applet. How do I tell it to automatically step down to 800Ghz at startup? | 01:37 |
ZykoticK9 | rww, i'm guessing if you have the CPU Frequency Monitor applet, you could set it to Conservative and it "might" accomplish what you want. I'm just guessing here. | 01:39 |
rww | ZykoticK9: When I change the speed or governor in that applet, it resets when I reboot. I'd like a way that's persistent. | 01:40 |
nfrs | anyone? I tried everything I could think of. out of ideas now | 01:41 |
ZykoticK9 | rww, there is a cli method of setting it, i suppose you could find the settings and create a script for bootup? | 01:41 |
rww | ZykoticK9: Yeah, I could throw it in /etc/rc.local if I knew what the CLI method were. | 01:42 |
jp-- | hi guys. I installed ubuntu but I got no sound. I made aplay -l and it shows this: device_list:217: no soundcards found... | 01:43 |
jp-- | any ideas? | 01:43 |
jp-- | it was working right out of the box on 8.04 | 01:43 |
robertpolson | I need to reinstall windows seven (it got corrupted) - my machine also has ubuntu installed on a separate partition w/ GRUB as bootloader... is it possible to reinstrall win7 without losing my other partitions? | 01:43 |
jp-- | this is on 9.04 | 01:43 |
jp-- | :) | 01:43 |
robertpolson | jp--, did you install all the updates? | 01:43 |
corey | jp--, I also have 9.04 with broken sound =/ | 01:43 |
jp-- | ouch :( | 01:44 |
robertpolson | what might fix it... | 01:44 |
bastid_raZor | cdfhgtlopoazs3hyrkjbhgfd | 01:44 |
robertpolson | if you have another os like windows, install the drivers through there with the cd that your computer came with | 01:44 |
jp-- | robertpolson, yep, I installed all the updates | 01:44 |
robertpolson | your comp should have come with a drivers disc | 01:44 |
bastid_raZor | g?n/j;lgklqdghbikb97d'gbb/jmg,v ,vbn,[jfj'=c | 01:44 |
jp-- | it's an apple tv | 01:44 |
bastid_raZor | nmv fg | 01:44 |
* seanbrystone removes the cat on bastid_raZor's keyboard | 01:44 | |
ZykoticK9 | rww, the command (you've probabaly already found it) is cpufreq-selector | 01:44 |
corey | fight club freak, are you serious? | 01:45 |
robertpolson | jp--, you might be screwed then | 01:45 |
robertpolson | lol | 01:45 |
bastid_raZor | setf | 01:45 |
jp-- | in 8.04 it only recognized rca audio output, but on 9.04 it recognizes hdmi and rca | 01:45 |
bastid_raZor | fhehj | 01:45 |
robertpolson | hm | 01:45 |
jp-- | and when i run alsamixer it only lets me modify hdmi controls | 01:45 |
jp-- | of audio | 01:45 |
robertpolson | im not exactly an expert on this | 01:45 |
robertpolson | but if you post on the ubuntu forum with your specs and stuff | 01:45 |
robertpolson | you might get some ppl who had the same issues | 01:46 |
robertpolson | but do a search first to see if you find anything | 01:46 |
robertpolson | just on google or whatev | 01:46 |
rww | ZykoticK9: Yeah, I'd prefer something that's not in a GNOME-dependent package, though. Modifying the contents of "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq" looks promising. | 01:46 |
robertpolson | I need to reinstall windows seven (it got corrupted) - my machine also has ubuntu installed on a separate partition w/ GRUB as bootloader... is it possible to reinstrall win7 without losing my other partitions? | 01:47 |
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robertpolson | gah | 01:47 |
ZykoticK9 | rww, cpufreq-selector a cli program requires gnome? | 01:47 |
rww | ZykoticK9: cpufreq-selector is part of gnome-applets | 01:47 |
robertpolson | Need to re-install win7 without formatting entire hdd... GRUB is my bootloader though. possible? | 01:48 |
hejo | hello all i have a radeon hd 5770 and i installed the driver but in the bottom right corner of the screen it says "unsupported hardware" ?? | 01:48 |
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Dr_Willis | robertpolson: should be, Yu may need to reinstall grub. | 01:48 |
ZykoticK9 | rww, humm that is surprising -- well best of luck to you | 01:48 |
robertpolson | Dr_Willis, how would i do this? i'm not very good with the technical stuff. | 01:48 |
rww | hejo: Yes. The non-free fglrx driver does that on new graphics cards that it doesn't officially support. | 01:48 |
robertpolson | just a tech enthusiast not an it guy | 01:48 |
echosystm | whats the difference between ubuntu and ubuntu server? | 01:49 |
bastid_raZor | seanbrystone: that was my 2 year old.. sorry room | 01:49 |
echosystm | other than the fact that ubuntu server has no gui by default | 01:49 |
robertpolson | echosystm, ubuntu server is for servers :p | 01:49 |
robertpolson | ubuntu is for a home computer | 01:49 |
hejo | rww, and i cant switch it off? or is an open source driver in development? | 01:49 |
echosystm | that was so enlightening, thanks | 01:49 |
robertpolson | if you don't know what the difference is chances are you won't need ubuntu server | 01:49 |
echosystm | are the kernels the same? | 01:49 |
ZykoticK9 | hejo, that is one of the main reasons i will never use ATI (and am upset that AMD bought ATI) </ot_rant> | 01:49 |
b0n1_ | you know the indian kicking an unholy priest against the wall ? | 01:49 |
b0n1_ | i dont know the name of the video | 01:50 |
seanbrystone | bastid_raZor, lol | 01:50 |
rww | echosystm: I think Server uses the linux-image-server kernel | 01:50 |
b0n1_ | pls tell me the name | 01:50 |
robertpolson | as far as i know, yeah | 01:50 |
rww | !ot | boss_mc | 01:50 |
ubottu | boss_mc: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 01:50 |
robertpolson | but don't quote me on that | 01:50 |
rww | !ot | b0n1_ | 01:50 |
ubottu | b0n1_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 01:50 |
Dr_Willis | !fixgrub | robertpolson | 01:50 |
ubottu | robertpolson: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards. | 01:50 |
rww | boss_mc: sorry, I fail at tabcomplete | 01:50 |
rww | echosystm: apart from that and the lack of the ubuntu-desktop GUI, there's no difference. They both use ubuntu-standard and ubuntu-minimal, and have the same repositories. | 01:51 |
echosystm | i know for a fact ubuntu server requires PAE | 01:51 |
echosystm | so that must be some change to the kernel? | 01:51 |
echosystm | im wondering what the other differences are | 01:51 |
echosystm | otherwise ubuntu server is no different from alternate cli | 01:52 |
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b0n1_ | fleischmann!! | 01:52 |
sten2 | !grub2 | 01:52 |
ubottu | GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to | 01:52 |
rww | echosystm: #ubuntu-server would probably know better. Like I said, to me knowledge, there's no difference apart from the lack of GUI and the different kernel. | 01:52 |
rww | s/me/my/ | 01:52 |
=== Guest77922 is now known as trineox | ||
echosystm | thanks | 01:52 |
echosystm | didnt know about that chanel :) | 01:52 |
robertpolson | Dr_Willis, thanks, but neither of those help me, do you have any other links? | 01:53 |
robertpolson | you know what.. this is probably more of a windows issue anyways | 01:53 |
Dr_Willis | robertpolson: what do you mean neotehr help? You must be a speed reader to come to that conclusion so fast | 01:53 |
Dr_Willis | robertpolson: if you reinstall windows - it will overwrte the linux loader. you then need to reinstrall grub loader, | 01:54 |
robertpolson | okay, but will that overwrite the rest of my hdd? | 01:54 |
Dr_Willis | robertpolson: the bootloader is not the 'rest of the hd' | 01:54 |
Dr_Willis | its the bootloader | 01:54 |
corey | windows only overwrites if you tell it to. select the right partition and everything will work as expected | 01:55 |
robertpolson | hm | 01:55 |
robertpolson | okay | 01:55 |
corey | if you're too lazy to do that, then you deserve your linux to be wiped. | 01:55 |
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robertpolson | it's not that, it's that i have some oem windows disc which doesn't let me do any of that | 01:55 |
corey | then use wubi | 01:56 |
* iflema :) | 01:56 | |
corey | or do what any other geek would do and use VirtualBox | 01:56 |
robertpolson | my windows 7 install doesn't boot | 01:56 |
robertpolson | it's fudged | 01:56 |
Dr_Willis | robertpolson: trhe win7 cd is supposed to have repair features - see #windows channel | 01:56 |
blakkheim | robertpolson: this is normal for windows | 01:56 |
robertpolson | lol. :D | 01:57 |
robertpolson | Dr_Willis, will do. thanks for all the help! | 01:57 |
j-3-r-g_ | hey .....hey hey | 01:58 |
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j3rg | anyone familiar with Triple monitor in Ubuntu with nVidia video card | 01:58 |
Dr_Willis | j3rg: in theory if the card supports it - the nvidia settings tool should set it up with a few clicks | 01:59 |
Out_Cold | so does encoding with ffmpeg, avi to mpeg4 take a considerable amount of time on a standard processor? It's been about 3 hours and I've only encoded 200mb | 02:00 |
Dr_Willis | ive not seen a 'single' nvidia card with 3 Monitoir outs, Seen them with 4 Video outs, | 02:00 |
Dr_Willis | Out_Cold: depends on the options you are using a great deal | 02:01 |
Out_Cold | my nvidia supported 3 outs.... | 02:01 |
Dr_Willis | Out_Cold: and other settings. | 02:01 |
Out_Cold | but the overscan was cruddy | 02:01 |
neezer | is there a networking channel? | 02:01 |
Dr_Willis | neezer: perhaps #networking | 02:01 |
Dr_Willis | but Networking is a BRoAD topic | 02:01 |
Out_Cold | neezer, i'd start here and see where your question leads | 02:01 |
j3rg | thanx Dr_Willis | 02:02 |
krysis | does anyone know how to set up the intel AGN 4965 wireless card? it works for a few minutes then disconnects and doesn't connect anymore =( | 02:02 |
Dr_Willis | My 8800gtsxxx has 3 outputs, 2 dvi and 1 tv out. but it can only do 2 out of the 3 at a time. | 02:02 |
j3rg | i have to admit i didn't much research before coming to the IRC | 02:02 |
j3rg | i'll google machine next time | 02:02 |
j3rg | thanx tho mein | 02:02 |
neezer | I'm looking to set up dns, but I can't seem to find answers online...I think it will allow me to just log into my server and download any files remotely that I have on it. | 02:03 |
Dr_Willis | neezer: dns is what looks up to the ip it actually is | 02:03 |
neezer | I also am wondering if it will allow me to upload files to my server. i think it just woks via a web browser. | 02:03 |
Dr_Willis | neezer: not sure what you are trying to do exactly. but i bet its not got a lot to do with 'dns' | 02:04 |
Out_Cold | Dr_Willis, so the more options, such as size reduction, cuts in on time? is there a fast efficient way to transform avi to mpeg4? | 02:04 |
neezer | ok. thanks Dr_Willis | 02:04 |
alex87 | could somebody help me get an ident response? i'm running the oident daemon | 02:04 |
nfrs | I can't seem to reinstall grub for a working karmic install when booting from livecd. tried everything I could think of. update-grub generates a fresh menu.lst file with everything UUID-based, so the partitions should be specified correctly. but upon reboot I get "error 17". any help would be appreciated | 02:04 |
Dr_Willis | neezer: the 'dynamic dns' service - lets your clients update a web site with their current ip. so yo can always find them from the internet - but thats a specific service/tool running | 02:04 |
Dr_Willis | alex87: why do you even need ident? You may need to forward some ports on your router | 02:05 |
Dracofodder | where can I find out exactly what has been modded in Firefox for the Ubuntu 9.10 release?? I am getting some odd behavior in FF 3.5.7, but doing the same thing in Seamonkey 2.0.2 and it works fine. I've tried the FF troubleshooting of disabling plugins, safemode, resetting preferences and such. No success. Now I am thinking there has to be something else customized just for ubuntu that is breaking FF. any ideas? | 02:05 |
Out_Cold | neezer, yes it sounds like you want a free name such as instead of your IP | 02:05 |
alex87 | Dr_Willis, i'm having trouble with DCC, is that related to ident? | 02:05 |
Dr_Willis | alex87: I do not think ident is in any way related to DCC stuff | 02:05 |
neezer | Dr_Willis, I guess I don't even know what that means.... | 02:06 |
Out_Cold | alex87, most likely related to firewall issues | 02:06 |
alex87 | Dr_Willis, ah ok, thanks | 02:06 |
Dr_Willis | alex87: ident is an OLD way to 'verify' people on various servers/clients - its not used much these days | 02:06 |
Out_Cold | neezer, what is your ultimate goal? | 02:06 |
neezer | Out_Cold: I would like to just do,, or .org or something. | 02:06 |
alex87 | Out_Cold, does ubuntu run a firewall that would block dcc by default? | 02:06 |
Dr_Willis | neezer: check out 'dyndns' or other tools. | 02:06 |
alex87 | Dr_Willis, good, i don't like forwarding ports | 02:06 |
Dr_Willis | !dyndns | 02:06 |
Out_Cold | alex87, i think it does block on default... but cannot confirm.. (doesn't work for me) | 02:07 |
Dr_Willis | neezer: a dynamic dns client/service lets you do that IF the machines are set up right | 02:07 |
neezer | I'd like to be able to share files with friends pictures and things just through a webpage. | 02:07 |
alex87 | Out_Cold, thanks, i'll look into it | 02:07 |
blakkheim | neezer: ftp? | 02:07 |
Dr_Willis | neezer: then you setup a webserver and let them acccess it. | 02:07 |
Dr_Willis | neezer: its much easier to just use a site like dropbox, or ubuntuone, or similer | 02:07 |
BHoward | neezer, if thats your goal why not use dropbox? | 02:07 |
Out_Cold | neezer, dyndns is your answer.... dns name servers help support this but should be automagically set by your ISP | 02:07 |
Dr_Willis | much safer also :) | 02:08 |
neezer | What is much safer? | 02:08 |
Dr_Willis | neezer: you are not running services on your pc you dont need.. = safer | 02:08 |
Out_Cold | Dr_Willis, neezer, dropbox is multi platform though where one is not. | 02:08 |
Dr_Willis | Ubuntuone can be accessed via the web,. i hear a windows client is in the works | 02:09 |
neezer | I see.... | 02:09 |
Dr_Willis | Try them out.. see what they got. | 02:09 |
Dr_Willis | I use a lot | 02:09 |
neezer | Can my buddy just type in and get to a website with my stuff on it then? | 02:09 |
Out_Cold | yes... you can access your one account via windows web browser but you need your launchpad credentials | 02:09 |
neezer | maybe with a username and password or someting.? | 02:09 |
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BHoward | you can setup a domain that will forward to your dropbox or ubuntuone address | 02:10 |
Out_Cold | neezer, ideally yes, you would need a ftp client or apache2 and also dyndns account | 02:10 |
Out_Cold | s/client/server/ | 02:10 |
neezer | hmmm...clearly I need to do more reading on the subject. | 02:11 |
Out_Cold | neezer, if i can suggest... install something like proftpd and set up a new account at Do you have a router? | 02:11 |
neezer | would dyndns allow me to host my own webpage from my server? | 02:12 |
Out_Cold | neezer, yes | 02:12 |
bastid_raZor | neezer: yes | 02:12 |
neezer | I am behind a WRT54G router....linksys | 02:12 |
Out_Cold | neezer, perfect... i can suggest options in your router to support dyndns | 02:12 |
bastid_raZor | neezer: dyndns is a domain provider. it will rought (or whatever you name it) to point at your external IP | 02:12 |
neezer | How do I get my name? | 02:13 |
jakerue1 | hey quick question about openwrt - anyone here willing to help, or point me to an irc channel not full of bots? I already went to freenode and there are 120 users and no one is talking | 02:13 |
bastid_raZor | s/rought/route | 02:13 |
bastid_raZor | neezer: go there and sign up | 02:13 |
neezer | go where? | 02:13 |
bastid_raZor | neezer: | 02:13 |
Out_Cold | neezer, it will be something like or some other extension | 02:13 |
Out_Cold | mine is **** | 02:14 |
neezer | then theoretically anyone could just open up a browser and type and they would get to my page? | 02:15 |
Dr_Willis | my router even has a Dyndns featuer built in | 02:15 |
Dr_Willis | neezer: yes. Go read up at the Dyndns web site. :) | 02:15 |
Out_Cold | neezer, a quick breakdown of your steps would be to register and obtain a domain from dyndns, set port forwarding and dyndns settings in your router, install a ftp or web server on your server, open your firewall for that service. | 02:15 |
Dr_Willis | neezer: thers other services that do a similer thing, DynDNS is just a common/big one | 02:15 |
bastid_raZor | neezer: dyndns has a dameon available to allow you to use it still if you have a dynmic ip.. i used to use it before getting a static ip. | 02:15 |
Out_Cold | Dr_Willis, the wrt543g has same thing | 02:16 |
Out_Cold | -3 | 02:16 |
neezer | Thanks guys. I appreciate the help | 02:16 |
Dr_Willis | I never use the feature - Just too much hassle. The various drop box type sites are handier, ;) | 02:16 |
neezer | would i have to set up UFW or something like that. | 02:16 |
Dr_Willis | neezer: your router has to set up port forwarding yes. | 02:17 |
neezer | I have a port forwarded for my ssh already. | 02:17 |
Out_Cold | neezer, iptables or firestarter would get you going | 02:17 |
Dr_Willis | neezer: and forward other ports. | 02:17 |
Out_Cold | neezer, then the ftp or web would be easy | 02:17 |
Dr_Willis | neezer: This DOES open up your pc to potential attacks. thats why i dont use it. | 02:17 |
neezer | I can access it remotely. I think I am still pretty safe...I don't have any ports besides my ssh port. | 02:17 |
Out_Cold | i agree... i have been broken into twice | 02:17 |
Out_Cold | neezer, do you use rsa keys? | 02:18 |
neezer | well then maybe I don't want to do that. | 02:18 |
neezer | yes I do | 02:18 |
bastid_raZor | fail2ban is a good app to look into. serves me well with ssh and apache | 02:18 |
Dr_Willis | I noticed once i was getting Bulk login attempts on ssh when i left it open for a week | 02:18 |
gantrixx | Is anyone here using the Chrome browser? | 02:18 |
Out_Cold | the ftp users should have a /dev/null as thier shell... much safer | 02:18 |
Dr_Willis | and definatly dont forward ports for vnc and so forth :) | 02:18 |
Dr_Willis | gantrixx: lots of are using it. google chrome, and chromium | 02:19 |
gantrixx | It seems that most of the videos won't play on it and it just sits there and spins with "html5" on the screen | 02:19 |
sysdoc | ardchoille, U there? | 02:19 |
Dr_Willis | neezer: this is why we are saying using dropbox or other services is safer way to get files to other people | 02:19 |
gantrixx | why? | 02:19 |
Dr_Willis | gantrixx: they work here last i tried them | 02:19 |
Ether | hey guys im trying to use ushare to share media to my 360... my ps3 sees the share, 360 doesnt | 02:19 |
neezer | sounds good to me....Thanks Dr_Willis | 02:19 |
neezer | sounds much easier too. I set up a drop box with a windows machine a few years ago. | 02:20 |
Dr_Willis | gantrixx: has it ever worked? got a URL to a video? | 02:20 |
Out_Cold | neezer, i agree with Dr_Willis 100%. It is 'safer' but less practical.. the /dev/null shells and good passwords that are changed regularly, makes a good ftp server | 02:20 |
gantrixx | Dr_Willis, No, it has never worked for least not the ones that say "html5" Here is a URL that doesn't work for me | 02:21 |
jsec | Hi does anyone have any idea why my GDM login window would suddenly change color? | 02:21 |
bastid_raZor | gantrixx: in chrome it works for me. | 02:21 |
Out_Cold | jsec, upgraded recently? | 02:21 |
gantrixx | Is there something else that I need to load? | 02:21 |
jsec | Out_Cold, yeah but I didn't see if gdm was included or not. Is that the standard now? | 02:22 |
gantrixx | a H.264 plugin? | 02:22 |
Out_Cold | jsec, the 9.10 release has changed the way gdm looks and feels... | 02:22 |
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Dr_Willis | gantrixx: i was thinking html5 currently does not support H264 | 02:22 |
sha0 | I managed to install PPTP stuff and did ' modprobe ppp_mppe ' and ' /etc/init.d/NetworkManager restart ' (as root) and killed nm-applet and restarted it but... | 02:23 |
Dr_Willis | at this time at least | 02:23 |
jsec | Out_Cold, no I know that. What I'm saying is that the black login window for my GDM is suddenly an off-white, and I'm trying to figure out how to get it back to black | 02:23 |
compstudent | I <3 Ubuntu | 02:23 |
chu_ | Hi guys, I have a sight problem with Chromium, apparantly my user data is now unavailable? | 02:23 |
sha0 | Every time I enable Point-to-Point Encryption for the VPN connection and go back into Edit -> Advanced, it's been unchecked. | 02:23 |
chussete | any London contractor IT programmer? | 02:23 |
Out_Cold | jsec, never had the issue... did you check the forums? | 02:23 |
jsec | Out_Cold, the only thing searching really yielded was people complaining they couldn't change themes anymore... | 02:24 |
HammerHead66 | can anyone tell me what the the terminal command to fix broken packages is? | 02:24 |
gantrixx | !pastebin | 02:24 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 02:24 |
igie | openssh help: Hi, can anyone tell me how to Chroot multiple users into multiple directories? | 02:24 |
Out_Cold | jsec, that was what i was going to tell you... might be a bug?? check launchpad and maybe file a bug? | 02:24 |
sha0 | igie: As part of their login script? | 02:25 |
gantrixx | I get this error when trying to install things sometimes. How do I fix it? | 02:25 |
Dr_Willis | igie: chrooting users to lock them down is a rather complex task. Not just a trivial one command and its done thing | 02:25 |
jsec | Out_Cold, I'll keep probing into it, but it just seems odd that it would randomly happen. Thx for the help. | 02:25 |
chu_ | When I start Chromium it gives me some error dialog saying "Your profile could not be opened correctly" | 02:25 |
gantrixx | What public key are they talking about | 02:25 |
chu_ | Now, I'm kinda paranoid I have done some HDD damage somehow, or is it possible Chromium just crashed and hasn't released a "lock" (or something?) on my profile.... | 02:25 |
Dr_Willis | chu_: or you somehow ran it as root and goofed up the permissions on the file | 02:26 |
compstudent | what are the weird error codes called that look like "0xc004b011" assembly or hex error codes? Is there a good place to find which each one means, which one is the coolest? | 02:26 |
chu_ | I wouldn't have run Chromium as root. | 02:26 |
Dr_Willis | chu_: you could remove the settings dirs perhaps. | 02:26 |
sha0 | No PPTP VPN users for Ubuntu 8.10? | 02:26 |
igie | Sho0: I used the sshd_config file to confine users for a group to a specific directory... However, I got locked into that directory when I log in over sftp as well... I want to remove myself. | 02:26 |
Dr_Willis | chu_: or move them to some other dir/name and restart the browser | 02:26 |
chussete | is there any London contractor IT programmer? (private) | 02:26 |
Dr_Willis | chussete: the odds of getting a response to that in here are low. | 02:27 |
t0rc | best gdb gui? | 02:27 |
sha0 | igie: You could change your group membership? | 02:27 |
chussete | Willis .. advices? | 02:27 |
igie | Dr_Willis: Thanks, but I already have users of a specific group Chrooted, but when I log it I get confined as well.. I want to fix that, | 02:27 |
chu_ | Dr_Willis - Can you guide me on how-to either remove the settings directory or just move/rename them? | 02:28 |
Out_Cold | chussete, call your local IT from yellow pages... if they have yellow pages in UK | 02:28 |
igie | sha0: thats the first thing I tried, still locks me down though | 02:28 |
sha0 | igie: Has sshd restarted? | 02:28 |
compstudent | What kind of code is this "0xc004b011"? hex from RAM? | 02:28 |
Dr_Willis | chu_: they are in some dir in your home. I dont use 'chromium' so i dont know what they are called | 02:28 |
sha0 | igie: Or otherwise reloaded its config-file. | 02:28 |
igie | sha0: yup | 02:28 |
echosystm | anyone here running 10.04 ? | 02:29 |
Dr_Willis | echosystm: see #ubuntu+1 channel | 02:29 |
igie | Sha0: restarted ssh after adjusting the user group | 02:29 |
sha0 | igie: Sorry I don't know. It doesn't make sense to me that after you've changed your group membership that the singular change you made to sshd's config-file would remain in force. | 02:29 |
infid | t0rc: ddd is a good gdb gui | 02:29 |
Dr_Willis | html5 is working for me in Youtube in firefox 3.6 -> For that guy asking about html5 earlier | 02:29 |
igie | sha0: yea, it has me without a clue. | 02:30 |
t0rc | infid, thanks | 02:30 |
fabstermaster | hi guys | 02:31 |
fabstermaster | Does anyone know a good video editor for linux? Or has experience if adobe premiere works well under virtualbox? | 02:32 |
lee_ | Is there a channel for 9.10 karmic kola problems? | 02:32 |
gantrixx | has anyone tried to install flash with apt-get? | 02:32 |
lee_ | gantrixx yes | 02:32 |
HammerHead66 | gantrixx: are you trying to install flash 10 64-bit | 02:33 |
gantrixx | yes | 02:33 |
gantrixx | HammerHead66, yes | 02:33 |
researcher11 | How can I use Internet Explorer 7 on Ubuntu 9.10 without Wine installed? | 02:33 |
HammerHead66 | gantrixx: ok here's what you do | 02:33 |
ZykoticK9 | Dr_Willis, when your YouTube videos start does it say HTML5 in the middle? My FF 3.6 is not actually using HTML5, Chromium does however. | 02:33 |
HammerHead66 | gantrixx: go to terminal | 02:33 |
gantrixx | I'm there | 02:33 |
kostkon | fabstermaster, you could try openshot → | 02:34 |
gantrixx | HammerHead66, I'm there | 02:34 |
HammerHead66 | type in gksu nautilus | 02:34 |
gantrixx | HammerHead66, ok done | 02:34 |
HammerHead66 | gantrixx: now find all of your adobe file and delete them | 02:34 |
lee_ | I'm having trouble with my computer doing random logoffs. I think its a video setting issue | 02:34 |
Dr_Willis | ZykoticK9: i think it depends on the video. Testing ouit in difrernt browsers. Im on a TV right now not a PC monitor so i cant see the small text saying whats what. | 02:34 |
HammerHead66 | .so files in the plugin | 02:35 |
Dr_Willis | ZykoticK9: I noticed Opera does default to flash even if im subsrived to the html5 beta | 02:35 |
gantrixx | HammerHead66, I assume those would be in some mozilla/plugins directory | 02:35 |
ZykoticK9 | Dr_Willis, i'm under the impression the FF does not support the H.246? codec for copyright reasons | 02:35 |
HammerHead66 | gantrixx: to find them you can go to "file system" | 02:36 |
HammerHead66 | gantrixx: "usr" | 02:36 |
lee_ | I want to know where I can find the error in the log file? | 02:36 |
EViouS | If I install ubuntu server edition, can I use it like it were normal ubuntu? | 02:36 |
HammerHead66 | gantrixx: "lib" | 02:36 |
gantrixx | HammerHead66, ok /usr/lib | 02:37 |
Out_Cold | EViouS, yes and no, you need to install a desktop environment to use GUI | 02:37 |
Dr_Willis | ZykoticK9: no idea on that. Testing with the following video -> | 02:37 |
tp43 | Evil_DuDe, yep | 02:37 |
EViouS | so when I get somewhere i just install gnome? | 02:37 |
XRunner | anyone around to help with a issue i've having with Xubuntu 9.1 and my wireless card :( i can't log into my connection its asks for WPA password and I enter it and wont connect to it.. even tried typing in the password in hex and still nothing :( | 02:37 |
tp43 | EViouS, yeo | 02:37 |
Out_Cold | gnome-desktop | 02:37 |
gantrixx | HammerHead66, ok /usr/lib | 02:37 |
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EViouS | cool thanks. | 02:37 |
jmullet | hey, I'm brand new to linux, I had a friend set me up with a dual boot setup. I have the new karmic koala, I have been having some trouble with it freezing up (pretty well guaranteed each time we try to do anything) and being a bit of a pain. seems to run slow sometimes. who do I talk to and where do i go to get some answers and solutions, (I took a look through the documentation pages and some forums, and it seems that each | 02:38 |
chu_ | Dr_Willis, I *love* you :D | 02:38 |
tp43 | Evious why don't you install desktop version | 02:38 |
Out_Cold | nvm... was gonna tell him about the wifi difficulties.. but too late | 02:38 |
Papertowels | how can I find the brand/model of my RAM | 02:38 |
ZykoticK9 | Dr_Willis, with the link you gave - Chromium is just sitting with a spinning HTML5 logo - and in FF 3.6 - "Your browser does not currently recognize any of the video formats available" | 02:38 |
HammerHead66 | gantrixx: now go to "firefox," "firefox-3.0.17," firefox-addons" flashplugin-nonfree, mozilla and del them all | 02:39 |
Out_Cold | chu_, if you didn't love Dr_Willis we'd castrate you and hang you to die.. | 02:39 |
Dr_Willis | ZykoticK9: on that exactg video. FF3.6 dont do html5, Google Chromium does. Opera is trying.. :) | 02:39 |
researcher11 | is it possible to us Internet explorer in Ubuntu 9.10? | 02:39 |
Out_Cold | Papertowels, on the ram chip | 02:39 |
HammerHead66 | gantrixx: let me know when your done | 02:39 |
Miracle | Hi folks. I am having trouble getting wpa_supplicant to authenticate with my router. Can someone help me troubleshoot it? | 02:39 |
Dr_Willis | Opera is confused about it and trying to load it. | 02:39 |
infid | Papertowels: sudo lswh -C memory | 02:39 |
gantrixx | HammerHead66, you mean delete all the firefox directories? | 02:39 |
chu_ | researcher11: Not entirely sure why you would want to, but perhaps through WINE? | 02:39 |
HammerHead66 | no,no | 02:39 |
Papertowels | I'm not taking the case off it's a load of work going through hundreds of cables lol | 02:39 |
Dr_Willis | ZykoticK9: so i guess the moral is - if using Html5 use Google Chrome | 02:39 |
Papertowels | and lshw -C memory tells me "Manufacturer1" | 02:40 |
infid | Papertowels: that command will tell you teh vendor and everything | 02:40 |
HammerHead66 | gantrixx: the .so files for the adobe plugin | 02:40 |
ZykoticK9 | Dr_Willis, that would be what I would expect from each browser (not sure about Opera actually) | 02:40 |
researcher11 | chu I have wine installed but not Windows XP | 02:40 |
gantrixx | HammerHead66, delete just the | 02:40 |
Out_Cold | Papertowels, i may be mistaken but i'm pretty certain it's the only way | 02:40 |
ZykoticK9 | Dr_Willis, yes that is the moral here ;) | 02:40 |
Dr_Willis | ZykoticK9: ive not tred the Chromium browser. | 02:40 |
HammerHead66 | gantrixx: yes | 02:40 |
researcher11 | one official site on whcih I need to do important work need IE7 browser only | 02:40 |
Papertowels | I wish they'd port CPU-Z over to Linux :( | 02:40 |
HammerHead66 | gantrixx: make sure you get them all | 02:40 |
Devrethman | Papertowels: cat /proc/cpuinfo | 02:40 |
Out_Cold | researcher11, look into firefox agent | 02:40 |
gantrixx | HammerHead66, and the | 02:40 |
Papertowels | Devrethman, that isn't what O | 02:41 |
Dr_Willis | ZykoticK9: another moral is Patented codecs/H.26X is a pain :) | 02:41 |
ZykoticK9 | Dr_Willis, same as Chrome (the new version anyway), but Open source versus Chrome (proprietary) - the outcome is the same | 02:41 |
Papertowels | I'm looking for | 02:41 |
HammerHead66 | yes | 02:41 |
Out_Cold | researcher11, you can change what the website thinks you are using as web browser | 02:41 |
researcher11 | This is the link | 02:41 |
HammerHead66 | gantrixx: yes | 02:41 |
Devrethman | papertowels: What are you looking for, I just started paying attention. | 02:41 |
researcher11 | out-cold: HOW? | 02:41 |
jaypur | does any1 have any netbook??? like aspire one??? i'd like to know if it can run inkscape easiely | 02:41 |
grkblood13 | does sopcast not owrk with 9.10? | 02:41 |
Papertowels | how to get my memory model without opening the case | 02:41 |
grkblood13 | i keepo getting retrying channel on everything | 02:41 |
Dr_Willis | jaypur: Mine runs most apps fine. | 02:41 |
viktor_ | asdf | 02:41 |
* scunizi setting and maintaining a static IP through reboots.. painful but done. | 02:41 | |
Dr_Willis | jaypur: the display is a little tiny for some tasks | 02:41 |
infid | does google make chromium | 02:42 |
Out_Cold | jaypur, i have an eeepc and other than a small kb works the same | 02:42 |
Dr_Willis | jaypur: i do GIMP work on it all the time | 02:42 |
scunizi | infid: yes | 02:42 |
Out_Cold | jaypur, but i don't use inkscape | 02:42 |
kn100 | what brand of laptop network cards works the best with ubuntu | 02:42 |
infid | scunizi: i'm cu rrently running chrome, is there any advantage to chromium? | 02:42 |
jaypur | Dr_Willis, yeah... i'd liek to know that cuz i really would like to get it to my college and stay at the classes upgrading some projects... | 02:42 |
ZykoticK9 | infid, actually Chromium is the opensource project they base Chrome off of. | 02:42 |
gantrixx | HammerHead66, OK and has been deleted from firefox, firefox-3.6.2pre, firefox-addons, and flashplugin-installer | 02:42 |
infid | kn100: intel works fine for me | 02:42 |
Devrethman | Papertowels: Hrrm... cat /proc/meminfo maybe? | 02:42 |
HammerHead66 | gantrixx: mozilla? | 02:42 |
scunizi | infid: chromium / chrome.. I thought they were the same.. you got a link to it? | 02:42 |
researcher11 | Out_Cold HOW do I change what the website thinks you are using as web browser???? | 02:42 |
jaypur | Dr_Willis, update my website... | 02:42 |
Dr_Willis | Open sourced version - Vs Googles Custome Version | 02:43 |
infid | chrome isnt very customizable | 02:43 |
Papertowels | only shows a bunch of numbers, nothing about model or brand :( | 02:43 |
Dr_Willis | researcher11: 'useragent' settings/plugins/extensions normally | 02:43 |
HammerHead66 | gantrixx: don't forget mozilla-firfox | 02:43 |
gantrixx | HammerHead66, OK, yes, and mozzila | 02:43 |
scunizi | infid: looks like Dr_Willis had the answer.. check above | 02:43 |
researcher11 | what is firefox agent? | 02:43 |
infid | ? | 02:43 |
gantrixx | HammerHead66, there is not mozilla-firefox directory in /usr/lib | 02:44 |
Dr_Willis | the browsers useragent setting sends info the the servre telling the server what browser it is. - the browsers can Lie. :) | 02:44 |
ZykoticK9 | infid, no really advantage to chromium right now -- does your chrome have bookmark syncing? if not it's not the newest Chrome (there are a couple of bugs with Chromium that made there way into Google Chrome) | 02:44 |
HammerHead66 | gantrixx: ok now go back to file system | 02:44 |
Out_Cold | researcher11, firefox agent plugin | 02:44 |
gantrixx | HammerHead66, I'm there | 02:44 |
HammerHead66 | gantrixx: then usr | 02:44 |
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gantrixx | HammerHead66, I'm there | 02:44 |
jaypur | Dr_Willis, i think the only problem about netbooks is multiple task rite? | 02:45 |
jaypur | *tasks | 02:45 |
Out_Cold | researcher11, it adjusts your browser headers to appear like IE7 or Opera or Netscape | 02:45 |
michal_ | i have a problem w/ my comp booting from extr drive instead of internal drive | 02:45 |
Dr_Willis | jaypur: mine multitasks just find | 02:45 |
Dr_Willis | jaypur: the onlyu problem i have is the tiny screen and some apps | 02:45 |
HammerHead66 | gantrixx: ok now do the same thing in "lib32" and "lib64" ok let me know when your done | 02:45 |
jaypur | Dr_Willis, what kind of apps | 02:45 |
researcher11 | Out_Cold:Im quite new so will u please guide me step by step? PLEASE | 02:45 |
FluxD | Is there a bug with grub2 where even though the option to hide grub menu is enabled it doesnt hide it ? | 02:45 |
Dr_Willis | jaypur: for most people - the netbooks got plenty of cpu powar | 02:45 |
Dr_Willis | jaypur: ones that display TALL dialogs and windows byu default | 02:46 |
Out_Cold | researcher11, browse around in the firefox plugins. look for an agent.. i have used once so i know of it, not familiar with it | 02:46 |
Dr_Willis | jaypur: bad gui design by many of the app makers :) | 02:46 |
collabra | michal_ : check your computer's bios,... change your boot order | 02:46 |
researcher11 | ok | 02:46 |
jaypur | hmm | 02:46 |
michal_ | collabra: its set w/ internal first | 02:46 |
Dr_Willis | even the ubuntu installers (used to?) have a few dialog boxs that were almost off the bottom of the screen | 02:46 |
Dr_Willis | Ive noticed the problem more with windows apps then linux ones | 02:47 |
collabra | michal_ : are you sure,.... if you are then, are you sure you have an os on your internal drive? | 02:47 |
gantrixx | HammerHead66, OK, done (there wasn't anything in there) | 02:47 |
Dr_Willis | the alt-click anywhere to move - in Linux is a lifesaver :) | 02:47 |
bluephase | does anyone know about ifuse? | 02:47 |
FluxD | How do you hide grub menu in grub2? Is there a bug with grub2 where even though the option to hide grub menu is enabled it doesnt hide it ? Because its not working for me | 02:47 |
michal_ | collabra: the external usb drive is on the very yes i have a os :) | 02:47 |
wterrey | Is Ubuntu good for games? | 02:47 |
jaypur | Dr_Willis, so you're saying that some apps does not fit right in the screen | 02:48 |
torchie | whose games | 02:48 |
lee_ | Question about my ubuntu randomly logging me off | 02:48 |
HammerHead66 | gantrixx: ok now go to this site and download it's on the bottom link | 02:48 |
scunizi | wterrey: sure check out | 02:48 |
ZykoticK9 | wterrey, same as any other linux distro | 02:48 |
wterrey | Thanks | 02:48 |
Out_Cold | wterrey, yes an no.. good for some windows games.. (see !wine) great for linux games | 02:48 |
munk | Hi all. Theres something about linux that is driving me nutz and I cant figure out why it does this. When I go to install a library (x264 encoder) it puts it in /usr/local/lib and not /usr/lib. Whats the deal with this local directory and why doesnt it search it aswell? | 02:48 |
michal_ | collabra: its only on bootup. i have to unplug it before it goes to grub and then its all fine | 02:48 |
HammerHead66 | gantrixx: just save the file to you desktop | 02:48 |
gantrixx | HammerHead66, done | 02:49 |
gantrixx | HammerHead66, I saved it to /tmp | 02:49 |
candy | wterrey, ya its good for games but still high quality games lack | 02:49 |
HammerHead66 | gantrixx: ya that's ok | 02:49 |
torchie | how well does wine run? | 02:49 |
collabra | michal_ : lol,... i'm not sure then,... i'd double check my bios,... there is no reason your computer should only boot to the external. try getting rid of your external boot option in your bios all together. | 02:49 |
Dr_Willis | munk: stuff thtas not from the package manager should be inb /usr/local Not the normal /usr/lib where it COULD conflict with stuff from the package manager | 02:49 |
gantrixx | HammerHead66, untar it? | 02:49 |
HammerHead66 | gantrixx: now extract to the same place | 02:49 |
Dr_Willis | munk: its a feature :) | 02:49 |
wterrey | I was thinking more like first person shooters and strategy | 02:49 |
Dr_Willis | munk: and it does search it here for me | 02:49 |
candy | torchie, depends on ur ram | 02:49 |
PeterT | I just installed wubi ubuntu and now my start-up screen is not centered correctly. Can anyone help me fix this? | 02:49 |
michal_ | collabra: how do i go about doing that? it doesnt seem to have that option | 02:50 |
PeterT | Also note, I uninstalled wubi ubuntu | 02:50 |
ZykoticK9 | munk, how are you trying to install h264 codec? what program you you trying to use it with? | 02:50 |
Out_Cold | wterrey, lots that are linux native.... a handful of windows games also work under wine with proper settings | 02:50 |
HammerHead66 | gantrixx: u see the .so file? | 02:50 |
jeffmr | PeterT, is that windows 7? | 02:50 |
PeterT | jeffmr: No, Windows XP | 02:50 |
gantrixx | HammerHead66, yes | 02:50 |
munk | ZykoticK9, I am trying to compile x264 then compile ffmpeg on top of it | 02:51 |
HammerHead66 | ok right click it and the click copy | 02:51 |
jeffmr | PeterT, you could try the repair option from the cd | 02:51 |
munk | ZykoticK9, to finally compile transcode | 02:51 |
ZykoticK9 | munk, why are you compiling everything? these programs are available in the repo | 02:51 |
PeterT | Hmm? | 02:51 |
PeterT | jeffmr: I don't have the CD | 02:51 |
collabra | michal_: on every computer,... while it's booting up,... it gives you options,... on some is the DEL key on other F10 on other F12,.... press whatever button gets you into your bios and change your boot order | 02:51 |
gantrixx | HammerHead66, I was doing it from the command line | 02:51 |
PeterT | jeffmr: I have the ISO on a usb | 02:51 |
gantrixx | HammerHead66, let me get back into nautilus | 02:51 |
wterrey | Any good titles Out-Cold? | 02:51 |
PeterT | jeffmr: Also, my boot options are screwe up | 02:51 |
munk | ZykoticK9, transcode doesnt support x264 in the repos | 02:52 |
HammerHead66 | gantrixx: ok | 02:52 |
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collabra | michal_ : careful while your in there though,.... | 02:52 |
jeffmr | PeterT, are they still ubuntu? | 02:52 |
michal_ | collabr: i understad that i mean is how do i completly remove that option? | 02:52 |
PeterT | jeffmr: Yes | 02:52 |
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gantrixx | HammerHead66, OK, where do you want me to copy it? | 02:52 |
jeffmr | PeterT, sound like you need to restore the mbr | 02:52 |
PeterT | mbr? | 02:52 |
jeffmr | give me a minute | 02:52 |
michal_ | collabra: my other comp works fine its only on this compaq | 02:53 |
HammerHead66 | to all the places I had you del it from before | 02:53 |
jeffmr | PeterT, master boot record or use msconfig to delete the unneeded entries | 02:53 |
munk | ZykoticK9, and the repo of the x264 library is compiled as 32bit without fPIC | 02:53 |
ZykoticK9 | munk, i'm using Handbrake to do my H.264 or Arista Transcode does it as well i believe. But transcode is a powerful encoder so if that's the one you want i guess compiling is the only way to go - but it's not going to be easy, as you've already discovered. best of luck man. | 02:53 |
collabra | michal_: ah,.. that depends on the bios,... most allow you to change or delete boot up options | 02:53 |
HammerHead66 | gantrixx: to all the places I had you del it from before. make sure it's in all of those places | 02:53 |
PeterT | restore? Doesn't sound good, jeffmr | 02:53 |
chalcedony | bluephase, hi | 02:53 |
grkblood13 | anyone here running sopcast? | 02:53 |
jeffmr | PeterT, its pretty harmless | 02:54 |
jeffmr | just a second | 02:54 |
grkblood13 | my sopcast keeps saying "retrying channel" | 02:54 |
abstrakt | i've got a funky issue with eclipse where my mouse doesn't actually cause buttons to "click" when I click them. the graphics indicate they've been clicked, but I can't actually trigger the appropriate event handlers unless i tab to them with my keyboard and hit enter... any ideas | 02:54 |
grkblood13 | but it plays on my windows box | 02:54 |
munk | ZykoticK9, yea I need transcode to do huge batches of video clips in a bash script | 02:54 |
ZykoticK9 | munk, i figured it would be something along those lines - best of luck man. | 02:54 |
michal_ | collabra: like i said i can change the order but not remove the device...also can i see the bios after i bootup(inside hperterminnal) | 02:54 |
Viktor_L | after the newest samba update i am getting this error msg over and over. | 02:54 |
bluephase | chalcedony: hi, the problem im having is that when i connect the iphone it just mounts it as a digital camera rather than a drive. ive checked google and it suggested using sudo ifuse /media/phone but thats not doing anything either? | 02:54 |
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gantrixx | HammerHead66, many of these must be links because I see in there again | 02:55 |
jeffmr | PeterT, | 02:55 |
MTecknology | 20:49 < Dr_Willis> munk: stuff thtas not from the package manager should be inb /usr/local Not the normal /usr/lib where it COULD conflict with stuff from the package manager | 02:55 |
collabra | michal_: and changing the boot order doesn't solve your problem? | 02:55 |
HammerHead66 | gantrixx: there are but it's important to make sure they all have it | 02:55 |
MTecknology | Dr_Willis: awesome text :) | 02:55 |
michal_ | collabra: nah | 02:55 |
PeterT | jeffmr: Thank you so much! I will try that and will be back with some results, thanks :-) | 02:55 |
chalcedony | bluephase, i do hope other people here will have had some experience mounting an iphone on ubuntu | 02:55 |
jeffmr | PeterT, also you can try start menu - run - msconfig and then under boot delete the unwanted boot option entry for ubuntu | 02:55 |
gantrixx | HammerHead66, OK lib and lib64 have it. There are no firefox/mozilla directories in lib32 | 02:56 |
bluephase | chalcedony: me too! | 02:56 |
collabra | michal_ : that's strange,... i'd take a second look,... sorry i couldn't help you | 02:56 |
jeffmr | PeterT, sure | 02:56 |
michal_ | collabra: no prob thax | 02:56 |
gantrixx | HammerHead66, I'm assume I just restart my browser now | 02:56 |
HammerHead66 | gantrixx: ok try it, it should work | 02:56 |
HammerHead66 | gantrixx: yea | 02:56 |
PeterT | jeffmr: You mean something like "C:\*.mbr: Ubuntu"? | 02:56 |
grkblood13 | noone here is running sopcast? | 02:56 |
jonzbcc | hi, I'm trying to compile the abook utility from the latest source -- but when running ./configure I get an error message "configure: error: no curses library found" -- but I have a version of abook installed from synaptic, and I use midnight commander so I'm sure I hvae the ncurses library installed. any suggestions? | 02:56 |
gantrixx | HammerHead66, thanks | 02:57 |
gantrixx | it works | 02:57 |
bluephase | does anyone know about ifuse? | 02:57 |
HammerHead66 | gantrixx: so it works? | 02:57 |
gantrixx | HammerHead66, yes, it works | 02:57 |
HammerHead66 | gantrixx: good deal I just spent all day fixing that same problem | 02:57 |
gantrixx | HammerHead66, thanks for your help | 02:58 |
jeffmr | PeterT, no there is just a windows that says windows xp and ubuntu and then an option to delete an entry if you want | 02:58 |
Dr_Willis | !info ifuse | 02:58 |
ubottu | ifuse (source: ifuse): FUSE module for iPhone and iPod Touch devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.1-1 (karmic), package size 9 kB, installed size 80 kB | 02:58 |
HammerHead66 | gantrixx: no prob | 02:58 |
jonzbcc | anybody have experience compiling from source? what do you usually edit to make things work? | 02:58 |
itamarjp | anyone can recommend a easy way to upgrade mysql on ubuntu ? | 02:58 |
Dr_Willis | jonzbcc: i usually install the needed -dev packages and do the ./configure, make, sudo make install, and it works | 02:58 |
jeffmr | jonzbcc, the config file | 02:58 |
itamarjp | I want the 5.1.43 version | 02:58 |
PeterT | jeffmr: Under boot.ini? | 02:59 |
jonzbcc | jeffmr: the ./configure file that I ran? vi into it? | 02:59 |
jeffmr | PeterT, its in msconfig under the boot tab | 02:59 |
Dr_Willis | jonzbcc: there may be some config file you actually edit/change stuff in. depending on what you are changeing | 02:59 |
Viktor_L | net usershare' returned error 255 error is the one im getting from samba after i updated my server foolishly | 02:59 |
jeffmr | jonzbcc, usually you don't have to change anything but if you do its the .configure file | 02:59 |
Viktor_L | everything worked pre updating, now i can not access from windows, or log onto from unix to my samba server | 03:00 |
al_ | I thought I had a great idea, I have been removing viruses out of windows machines with my Ubunutu box. I decided to try to run regedit under Wine to open the windows registrys offline - but I couldnt get regedit to work | 03:00 |
jeffmr | PeterT, I can't remember specifically. I don't have windows installed right now | 03:00 |
Dr_Willis | al_: ive seen linux live cd's with rescue/reg edit features like that | 03:00 |
jeffmr | PeterT, but its the boot or boot.ini tab | 03:00 |
PeterT | jeffmr: I see "BOOT.INI", then I see "[operating systems]", then I see some code and "Windows XP", then I see "C:\wubildr.mbr", but I don't see a remove/delete button anywhere | 03:01 |
al_ | Dr_Willis: hmmm, really? which dsitor? | 03:01 |
jeffmr | PeterT, thats it. I think if you select one of them there is some button there that lets you remove one. I don't know if its called advanced or what. Also try right clicking on one or pressing the delete key | 03:01 |
jonzbcc | Dr_Willis: the ./INSTALL file doesn't mention any other files except the steps: ./configure; make ; make install -- and I don't see any obvious files in the directory. do you know anything ncurses? Maybe I could see where my ncurses library is and see if the script is wrong | 03:02 |
robertpolson | How would i use dd to copy my mbr to a file on a thumbdrive? | 03:02 |
alohadoubt | hi, i have installed ubuntu 9.04 in my vps and now i already installed everything mysqserv5.0 php5 apache2 and libraries need now i tried to manually configure the phpmyadmin v3.2.5 when i tries to access my phpmyadmin in my browser i always get a download file with "application/x-httpd-php" also i tried reading some other guide but no luck even with setupscript i dunno know what to do else. | 03:02 |
robertpolson | In the hopes of restoring the mbr later | 03:02 |
PeterT | jeffmr: There isn't actually, I'm going to try this guide: | 03:02 |
here4thegear | Hi all, this isn't exactly ubuntu specific but there isn't a room for pear so, I have an ubuntu server and doing "sudo pear install" and am getting errors on all attempts to install packages that I know exist within my channel list. Am I doing something wrong? is there something I can do to fix this? thanks | 03:02 |
jeffmr | PeterT, yeah that does the same thing | 03:03 |
PeterT | jeffmr: Ok | 03:03 |
robertpolson | Hi, how would i backup my mbr using dd? | 03:04 |
abstrakt | where should I put exports for environment variables so that they always take effect when I log in? | 03:04 |
abstrakt | e.g. export FOO=1 | 03:04 |
carbm1 | robertpolson: is there something special about your MBR than just GRUB? | 03:04 |
here4thegear | abstrakt: .bashrc | 03:04 |
PeterT | jeffmr: Ok, just deleted the boot entry, now trying a restart | 03:04 |
abstrakt | i mean i know i can put it in .bash_profile and it'll be like that when i run a terminal... but is it the same for GNOME? | 03:04 |
abstrakt | here4thegear, k would it be better to put it in .bash_profile ? | 03:05 |
researcher11 | I have installed User Agent Switcher 0.7.2 to enable access to this link which opens with IE6 or IE7 only. But still I cant login for very urgent office work.Can somebody HELP. Thanks Out_Cold anyway | 03:05 |
Dr_Willis | isent it .profile ? | 03:05 |
* abstrakt admits he still doesn't quite understand the difference between rc and _profile | 03:05 | |
robertpolson | carbm1, i have a corrupted win 7 install on another partiton that won't boot, trying to re install windows without erasing my other data | 03:05 |
jeffmr | robertpoison, | 03:05 |
robertpolson | deleting* | 03:05 |
abstrakt | i know i know "one is for login and the other for 'non-login' shells" | 03:05 |
abstrakt | i just need the thing to take effect when i log in to ubuntu as my regular user, like GUI style... the first screen that I see after booting | 03:05 |
Dr_Willis | abstrakt: thats it exactly. one gets ran ONCE normally. other ters ran at each login/new terminal | 03:06 |
jonzbcc | abstrakt: differnt files get run at different steps of login/boot etc. I've read about it a bunch of times and don't remember the details | 03:06 |
here4thegear | abstrakt: .bashrc is where I generally put it all out of habit, I am unsure of what everyone else would say is best practice though. | 03:06 |
alohadoubt | hi i just need lil help here on how am I able to install phpmyadmin in ubuntu 9.04 | 03:06 |
jeffmr | robertpolson, did you try the repair option from the windows 7 cd? | 03:06 |
Dr_Willis | abstrakt: as a test toss in a 'echo this is .profile' at the front of ,profile and similer in the other files and watch when they say they are getting ran | 03:06 |
robertpolson | yes, to no avail | 03:06 |
carbm1 | robertpolson: I dont' know if its possible to install Windows 7 without it overwritting you MBR... but you could use the Ubuntu Alt CD and rescue a broken install and just select fix Grub and all should be back to normal. | 03:06 |
PeterT | jeffmr: you there still? | 03:06 |
jeffmr | PeterT, yes | 03:07 |
Dr_Willis | abstrakt: 'xterm -ls ' will run one (or both) whild just xterm will run one | 03:07 |
jonzbcc | abstrakt: do you use gnome? | 03:07 |
jonzbcc | abstrakt: (sorry I'm totally tail ending the convo here, to help) | 03:07 |
PeterT | jeffmr: Ok, so I've restarted, but boot entry for Ubuntu is gone, but now the boot menu (F12) is missaligned | 03:07 |
abstrakt | yeah i use gnome | 03:07 |
itamarjp | hello, someone can help to upgrade my mysql to 5.1.43 in ubuntu ? | 03:07 |
Tommy89 | Hi, can someone tell me, do you need samba running on a web server? | 03:07 |
abstrakt | KDE = the sux :P (shhh don't tell the KDE ppl) | 03:07 |
robertpolson | carbm1, all i care about is that my other 2 partitions stay intact, if the mbr gets erased that's fine as long as i can restore it | 03:07 |
abstrakt | Tommy89, no, i don't | 03:08 |
jeffmr | PeterT, post your boot.ini to | 03:08 |
abstrakt | what do i win? | 03:08 |
abstrakt | aight well whatever... which one is which, profile is execed everytime and rc is the "only once" variety? | 03:08 |
PeterT | jeffmr: One sec | 03:08 |
jonzbcc | abstrakt: if you have commands you want to be run when you login to your gnome enviornment -- you can put them in a script, then list the script in the "startups" -- its in "system" > "preferences" > "startup applications" | 03:08 |
carbm1 | robertpolson: Even if you run a Windows 7 repair.... NOT A SYSTEM RECOVERY! Your other partitions should remain intact. Backing up your MBR won't save your partitions. You would need to do a FULL system backup to ensure that. | 03:08 |
here4thegear | Tommy89: you need Samba server running, it doesn't have to be on a server it just has to be a discoverable machine within your network | 03:09 |
abstrakt | jonzbcc, aight sounds reasonable, thx for the suggestion | 03:09 |
robertpolson | hm, okay | 03:09 |
jonzbcc | Tommy89: samba is purely for Microsoft networking compatibility. | 03:09 |
abstrakt | jonzbcc, i already answered his question :P | 03:09 |
PeterT | jeffmr: just timedout for me, can I paste it somewhere else? | 03:09 |
abstrakt | i don't need samba | 03:09 |
Tommy89 | I stopped it on my server, because i didn't think i need it? | 03:09 |
jeffmr | pm me | 03:09 |
abstrakt | can't speak for him | 03:09 |
abstrakt | Tommy89, google is ur frend | 03:10 |
here4thegear | Tommy89: is this a server at a work location? | 03:10 |
abstrakt | Tommy89, | 03:10 |
Tommy89 | this server is just for a website, so i wouldn't need samba to run? | 03:10 |
abstrakt | Tommy89, dude if you don't know what samba is, you don't need it | 03:10 |
jonzbcc | abstrakt: :) thanks. didn't see | 03:11 |
Dr_Willis | :) | 03:11 |
here4thegear | abstrakt: don't tell him that!!! | 03:11 |
abstrakt | Tommy89, and plz ejukate urseff b4 asking dumb questions, there's a wealth of information on what samba is | 03:11 |
abstrakt | here4thegear, too late | 03:11 |
jonzbcc | Tommy89: I agree with abstrakt, but just curious -- what does the server serve? | 03:12 |
abstrakt | Tommy89, go read about what it is and decide for yourself whether you want it or not | 03:12 |
Dr_Willis | !info samba-doc | 03:12 |
ubottu | samba-doc (source: samba): Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.4.0-3ubuntu5.4 (karmic), package size 7813 kB, installed size 16080 kB | 03:12 |
FluxD | How do you hide grub menu in grub2? Is there a bug with grub2 where even though the option to hide grub menu is enabled it doesnt hide it ? Because its not working for me | 03:12 |
Dr_Willis | FluxD: you are running update-grub after changeing the configs? | 03:12 |
FluxD | yes Dr_Willis | 03:12 |
here4thegear | Tommy89: if you have other developers on that site, they may be using samba. it's a way of 'mounting' folders to windows (for network mapping) | 03:12 |
carbm1 | FluxD: did you run update-grub after making your changes? | 03:12 |
Dr_Willis | FluxD: just checking, :) | 03:12 |
carbm1 | n/m | 03:12 |
Dr_Willis | ive never tried hideing the menus, so no idea if it works or not | 03:13 |
FluxD | # GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0 | 03:16 |
FluxD | * The menu will be hidden unless a # symbol is present at the beginning of this line. ( # GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=0 ) | 03:16 |
FluxD | * Bugs still exist in this feature. Hiding the menu may or may not work. | 03:16 |
FluxD | :( | 03:16 |
FloodBot2 | FluxD: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 03:16 |
FluxD | oops | 03:16 |
asdfasdfasdfasdf | hello in you can click the add artist to my library button and it'll be added with 0 scrobbligs, question is is there any amarok script/plugin that could do this with my whole collection? i dont want to add artist by artist in page. thx | 03:17 |
robertpolson | not an ubuntu specific question, don't think we can help you | 03:17 |
kinja-sheep | asdfasdfasdfasdf: Do it manually! FUN FUN FUN! YAY! | 03:18 |
asdfasdfasdfasdf | well i use kubuntu..and oh did i mention that you are so pretty,smart and a lovely person robertpolson ?*does angelic face to try to get some help :P* | 03:18 |
XRU-BSP | my wireless card on my laptop wont authenticate with my router (WPA/WPA2 personal) i'm running Xubuntu 9.10 and its a intel wifi 5100 AGN card | 03:18 |
asdfasdfasdfasdf | kinja-sheep, yayy | 03:18 |
loocasss | hey all, i have a litle problem... i cant see gtk apps with gtk-theme, for some reason everytime i change the apearance in the properties it doesnt change the gtk apps look, i dont know what to do, ive deleted rm -rf .* but still cant change them, i dont know what im suposed to do, is there any way to delete all saved configurations? | 03:19 |
robertpolson_ima | god i love macs, why did i ever switch | 03:20 |
robertpolson_ima | you know what.. i think i'll just back my music up via ipod and thumbdrive and just delete everything. | 03:21 |
robertpolson_ima | at this point it seems like the easier way to do things | 03:21 |
Dr_Willis | i gave up on macs - why did i evern try them... | 03:22 |
Dr_Willis | its a freee country - do what you want :) | 03:22 |
here4thegear | free as in speech not free as in beer | 03:22 |
here4thegear | :D | 03:22 |
robertpolson_ima | oh lawdy | 03:23 |
carbm1 | I want to move to a country that has free beer... :) | 03:23 |
robertpolson_ima | writing the mbr to my usb was not a good idea. lol | 03:23 |
jacky | hey guys, what do i need to do to have the bar at the bottom (like the mac) in this theme. | 03:23 |
jacky | E1B2asM2rupvTPMsDmY0RiDKIa0=&ei=HWx3S-jCG9G5rAe8xMj1Dw&sa=X&oi=image_result&resnum=6&ct=image&ved=0CBgQ9QEwBQ&start=0#tbnid=tAykP5C5o8IiSM&start=2 | 03:23 |
robertpolson_ima | now it has no file system | 03:23 |
FloodBot2 | jacky: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 03:23 |
here4thegear | though, Louisiana was bought for a beer | 03:23 |
XRU-BSP | my wireless card on my laptop wont authenticate with my router (WPA/WPA2 personal) i'm running Xubuntu 9.10 and its a intel wifi 5100 AGN card | 03:23 |
jacky | oops, sorry for that link. | 03:23 |
Dr_Willis | jacky: there are OS-X type docks - and some that are actually useable as well | 03:23 |
Dr_Willis | jacky: try the docky dock bar | 03:24 |
crackpot | how do I go about removing PHP command line? i have tried "sudo apt-get remove php/php4/php5/apache2" and all of them say not installed, yet php command works | 03:24 |
jacky | how do i go about doing it? | 03:24 |
Dr_Willis | !find php | 03:24 |
ubottu | Found: cakephp, cakephp-instaweb, cakephp-scripts, dh-make-php, egroupware-phpbrain (and 192 others) | 03:24 |
myk_robinson | evening, all..Need some help with a touchpad, I am unable to load the synaptics driver in Ubuntu 9.10 Details here: | 03:24 |
carbm1 | XRU-BSP: will it connect to an unencrypted wireless? or just not any WPA/WPA2? | 03:24 |
jacky | where can i locate the docky dock bar? | 03:24 |
Dr_Willis | jacky: find the docky ppa's enable/install docky | 03:24 |
skavez | Any ideas as to how to recover "root.disk" from WUBI? I think I've determined that a power failure corrupted the NTFS disk, but I ran chkdsk /r and /f but haven't been able to find the file. I'm running Windows 7 -- does it throw recovered files somewhere other than C:\found? Or is all my data gone? | 03:24 |
here4thegear | crackpot: it's php-cli that you need to remove | 03:24 |
Dr_Willis | jacky: of all the docks ive actually tried.. docky sucked the least. | 03:25 |
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crackpot | is it okay to remove it? i use LAMPP so I was planning on adding the LAMPP dir to $PATH and using CLI that way | 03:25 |
Dr_Willis | skavez: you could boot a live cd and mount the root.disk file and see if you can access data on it | 03:25 |
crackpot | LAMPP runs the latest version of PHP and I have more control over what's going on. | 03:25 |
jacky | Dr Willis, do i install it in software center? sorry, i just started using ubuntu yesterday so might not be understand what you're trying to tell me. | 03:25 |
al_ | hmmm, what can I do about a old PC that doesnt detect my LInux CD? It detects a windows one ok? | 03:26 |
Dr_Willis | !ppa | jacky | 03:26 |
ubottu | jacky: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See | 03:26 |
skavez | Dr_Willis: I can't locate the root.disk file -- it's not in C:\ubuntu\disks | 03:26 |
al_ | got booting.... | 03:26 |
al_ | for booting | 03:26 |
Dr_Willis | skavez: no idea on that. | 03:26 |
Dr_Willis | jacky: i would suggest learning ubuntu basics then and not worry about docks and stuff - the gnome-do tool has a docky theme/feature but Docky is now its own seperate dock/program with more features | 03:26 |
myk_robinson | jacky: take a look at this: | 03:26 |
carbm1 | skavez: The c:\found directory would have renamed the file. Did you find an randomly named file that was LARGE? That might be your missing file. | 03:26 |
crackpot | that did it, thanks here4thgear! | 03:27 |
jacky | dr willis, ok so what are the things i would need to know about ubuntu for a beginner? | 03:27 |
skavez | carbm1: that directory doesn't exist either -- i was hoping Windows 7 might dump it somewhere else | 03:27 |
here4thegear | crackpot: no problem.. also, there might be php5-cli (but it's been a while I can't remember) | 03:27 |
keepsake | Dr_Willis: Arguably the Gnome-Do portion of Docky1 is useful enough to not upgrade to Docky2. | 03:28 |
keepsake | Dr_Willis: At least that's why I've kept Docky1 | 03:29 |
keepsake | Dr_Willis: And by that I mean the integration, since you can run both separately as well | 03:29 |
carbm1 | skavez: That is exactly why I don't run Ubuntu that way anymore. I got tired of that constantly happening. I now resize the partitions and install Ubuntu at the end of the drive. I wish I could be of more help. Maybe you can find a Undelete program for NTFS? | 03:29 |
ZiG|ZaG | question. in your opinions would it be a good idea to start playing with LAMP as a novice linux user before having a deeper understanding of the O/S? My thinking is it would contribute to the overall learning anyway right? | 03:30 |
Flannel | ZiG|ZaG: Sure, getting your hands dirty is a great way to learn | 03:30 |
here4thegear | does anyone have some advice about installing pear packages (php pear)... I keep getting errors while trying to install using sudo pear install <packagename> | 03:30 |
ssmy | ZiG|ZaG: no, use it as a desktop os to get the gist of it then go into lamp. | 03:30 |
Rook-A01 | Hello. I want to compile a static binary for easy distribution of a game but I cannot find a proper howto... Can anyone help me? | 03:30 |
skavez | carbm1: think i'll just go ahead and run it on a separate partition. i sensed this would happen, but i couldn't get any of the usb-creator/unetbootin installs working for a livecd (installing onto a blasted netbook). | 03:31 |
ZiG|ZaG | okok Flannel and ssmy, both valid opinions | 03:31 |
ssmy | here4thegear: pear has never been anything but trouble for me. are you sure the package isn't just packaged in the repos? much easier. | 03:31 |
skavez | carbm1: it's not too much data -- most was on a server, so i can re-create it, but it sucks anyhow. are partitioned installs more stable? | 03:31 |
alohadoubt | someone here have setup phpmyadmin in ubuntu 9.04 ? | 03:31 |
ZiG|ZaG | think i'll go with getting my hands dirty | 03:31 |
keepsake | skavez: Doubtlessly. | 03:31 |
carbm1 | skavez: One reason I used to prefer the Wubi was the simple boot menu. Yes own partitions are much more stable... but you have to have the Grub boot loader. | 03:32 |
here4thegear | ssmy: how can I check that.. pear is one thing that is fairly new to me | 03:32 |
keepsake | carbm1: Grub is pretty easy to use and it doesn't interfere with using Windows though. | 03:32 |
Rook-A01 | Anyone knows? If not because I run static binaries often I'd even say they don't exist judging by the online documentation of the process! xD | 03:32 |
skavez | carbm1, keepsake: thanks -- will try a new install now that i finally got a bootable pendrive working ( | 03:33 |
carbm1 | keepsake: When your trying to explain to to a complete newbie though its a pain. Yes, select the first Ubuntu kernel and then if you want your Windows its the second from the last. If you select the last one you'll boot into your recovery partition so don't do that. Just doesn't go over very well. | 03:33 |
keepsake | Rook-A01: | 03:33 |
carbm1 | keepsake: Keeping in mind I install Ubuntu on every computer that I work on as a separate partition. I've wrote this little grub script to make the grub menu easier... | 03:34 |
here4thegear | ssmy: even this gives me nothing but errors "pear download-all" error after error... nothing downloading | 03:34 |
Rook-A01 | keepsake: Doesn't say anything about creating static binaries :/ | 03:34 |
Rook-A01 | dharma: Vala | 03:34 |
scunizi | dharma: mono | 03:34 |
grkblood13 | i have a single VOB file that contains a bunch of chapters and i want to trim the video, the problem is when i open it in avidemux it only allows me to see the first chapter | 03:34 |
grkblood13 | how do i see the others | 03:34 |
dharma | OK GRACIAS | 03:35 |
keepsake | Rook-A01: Actually it will create a .deb | 03:35 |
here4thegear | "cannot initialize package, invalid or missing package file" I get that for each package | 03:35 |
morrison | hi i am looking for someone who mite know a little about X server | 03:35 |
scunizi | morrison: what's the real question.. there's lots of knowledgable people here. | 03:36 |
jacky | guys, before i installed ubuntu. i have xp installed with 3 partitions on my laptop and did a backup via acronis. so now that i installed ubuntu on my whole hdd instead of a partition, can i simply do a restore of windows xp via acronis again? | 03:36 |
Rook-A01 | keepsake: But a .deb will only work for debian-based systems and will require installing smaller libraries which is a hassle. Also I am considering using a non-standard Lua library... Sure I can do a wrapper but it's not as elegant. | 03:36 |
ZykoticK9 | grkblood13, if you open you VOB with a video player does it see the other chapter? Typically you wouldn't have 1 VOB file but many - i'm worried this file might not contain what you think it does. | 03:36 |
Rook-A01 | A game should be "click and run" | 03:37 |
grkblood13 | ZykoticK9, yes you do | 03:37 |
grkblood13 | its a video from my sony handycam | 03:37 |
Flynsarmy | How can i add gtksourcecompletion to gtksourceview (on 9.10) like this: | 03:37 |
grkblood13 | if i open it selecting DVD with xine i see all chapters | 03:37 |
carbm1 | jacky: You should be able to. You might have to fix your MBR for Windows though. Hopefully your acronis image included the MBR. | 03:37 |
morrison | I am trying to hook my tv up via s-video and ubuntu sees the tv and monitor as one screen i want it to be two screens | 03:37 |
keepsake | Rook-A01: Ah, I can't help you there then | 03:38 |
scunizi | grkblood13: as a different question .. did you create the vob file using a firewire connection between the computer and the camera? | 03:38 |
Dr_Willis | morrison: what video card? | 03:38 |
ZykoticK9 | grkblood13, i have no suggestions for you (but glad the video is all there) | 03:38 |
jacky | whats a mbr? if acronis didn't include it in, what should i do? | 03:38 |
grkblood13 | ZykoticK9, and if i open the single file with vlc all of the chapters play | 03:38 |
morrison | Nvidia | 03:38 |
morrison | hold on i have the actual model | 03:38 |
Dr_Willis | morrison: use the bnvida settings tool and enable seperate X displays | 03:38 |
Rook-A01 | keepsake: Aw...thank you anyway. I wonder why this is such an undocumented process :( | 03:38 |
grkblood13 | scunizi, no | 03:38 |
Dr_Willis | morrison: i tend to use one WIDE desktop and drag my media player to the tv and maxamize it | 03:38 |
grkblood13 | i formatted it with the player | 03:38 |
grkblood13 | hnadycam that is | 03:39 |
morrison | GeForce 7300 LE | 03:39 |
scunizi | grkblood13: darn.. I've been trying to get my system to recognize my camera and ieee1394 card | 03:39 |
Rook-A01 | Well I guess I will try asking at a different time, someone has to know! xD | 03:39 |
grkblood13 | my camera wont recognize my computer | 03:39 |
grkblood13 | or vice versa | 03:39 |
carbm1 | jacky: You'll need a Windows XP cd, boot disk.... or a Windows 98 floppy to fix your MBR. On the XP cd you can boot to the Recovery Console and type "fixmbr"... on the Win98 you can type "fdisk /mbr" | 03:39 |
grkblood13 | i have to format it before hand | 03:39 |
grkblood13 | with usb atleast | 03:39 |
morrison | yeah i tried the seperate x screens through the nvidia setting and it gives me an error | 03:39 |
carbm1 | jacky: but honestly if you imaged your entire hard drive.... it probably includes the MBR. | 03:39 |
ZykoticK9 | scunizi, have you tried kino (with gksu) only way i've been able to dump video from 1394 | 03:40 |
grkblood13 | so the question is, how do i edit a single VOB file with multiple chapters | 03:40 |
kthomas_vh_ | what's the default download directory for epiphany? | 03:40 |
carbm1 | jacky: Theres also a way to do this from inside of Ubuntu so you could technically do it from a live Ubuntu CD. | 03:40 |
Dr_Willis | morrison: i had to save the xorg.conf the settings tool made - to a seperate file first. then copy it to /etc/X11/xorg.conf I recall. or use a backup xorg.conf - the tool gets confused if thers no xorg.conf file at all | 03:40 |
scunizi | ZykoticK9: running it a root? nope..haven't tried that.. I'll give it a shot though. do you have to chown the files after? | 03:40 |
here4thegear | jacky: MBR = Master Boot Record.. it's usually the partition on your hd that begins at (0,0) and holds the information regarding your partition tables | 03:40 |
ZykoticK9 | scunizi, i believe so but don't remember for sure | 03:41 |
scunizi | ZykoticK9: ok.. thanks.. | 03:41 |
hanasaki | what is a good text tool to test network bandwidth? | 03:41 |
morrison | I have tried editing the x.conf file and everytime i go through some forums and try to do something ubuntu boots into low graphics mode | 03:41 |
skavez | carbm1: that script looks great -- i'll be sure to try it. i've never had problems with ubuntu or debian as a server, but something always goes wrong on my desktop installs. i'm usually not "rm -rf /"ing things :) | 03:42 |
morrison | luckily i keep backing the x.conf file | 03:42 |
scunizi | morrison: xrandr controls video.. | 03:42 |
maxflax | I have a problem with my tty:s is not loaded so I only get black screen trying to change.. im on Karmic | 03:42 |
morrison | is that through the terminal as well | 03:42 |
maxflax | worked before upgradring to Karmic | 03:42 |
scunizi | morrison: yes | 03:42 |
scunizi | !resolution | morrison | 03:43 |
ubottu | morrison: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 03:43 |
scunizi | morrison: the last like has xrandr examples.. and settings.. | 03:43 |
maxflax | Is there somthing that mess up the load script of ttys - and is there something i can do to fix it.. beeing forced to manual load the ttys isn't very fun | 03:44 |
LinuxGay | hellow | 03:44 |
LinuxGay | gay linux user here | 03:44 |
LinuxGay | any m4m | 03:44 |
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=== ericaHAt is now known as ericaHat | ||
scunizi | !ops | LinuxGay trolling | 03:44 |
kthomas_vh_ | um, this is not a dating channel | 03:44 |
ubottu | LinuxGay trolling: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia! | 03:44 |
maxflax | Anybody have any knowledge that can help me to fix this mess | 03:44 |
damo22 | LMFAO | 03:44 |
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morrison | i have been at this since yesterday went to bed at 6am and woke up at 12 this after noon and am about to throw it out the window, the whole reason i started this is because windows finnally pissed me off and died | 03:45 |
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scunizi | morrison: the xrandr link specifically shows a svideo configuration line.. | 03:46 |
damo22 | morrison: good choice | 03:46 |
damo22 | except the window singular part | 03:46 |
eclipse_ | anyone here runnin amd 64 | 03:46 |
maxflax | what script loads the ttys at boot.. | 03:46 |
ZykoticK9 | eclipse_, many people actually | 03:46 |
scunizi | eclipse_: yep | 03:46 |
morrison | i have ubuntu on my laptop and i never had problems with it, this is my wifes desktop so i said time to switch you over | 03:46 |
FluxD | I am eclipse_ | 03:46 |
maxflax | must be something wrong with it | 03:46 |
eclipse_ | anyone have broadcom sta drivers working... cant stay connected to a wireless connection and dunno if its the drivers or the router | 03:47 |
eclipse_ | i think its the dns but is on auto | 03:47 |
damo22 | morrison: what are you trying to do? or what seems to be the issue? | 03:47 |
FluxD | eclipse_, I installed the package from the cd | 03:47 |
eclipse_ | where to get driver cd? | 03:48 |
FluxD | eclipse_, its on livecd | 03:48 |
maxflax | anyone? | 03:48 |
grkblood13 | scunizi, i might have a solution | 03:48 |
grkblood13 | it might work | 03:48 |
rww | kthomas_vh_: depending on which version of Epiphany, either "Downloads" in your home folder or nowhere. There's a bug where if you don't set a download location in preferences, Downloads don't actually get downloaded. | 03:48 |
kinja-sheep | eclipse_: You could try and install linux-backports-modules-karmic | 03:48 |
grkblood13 | use ffmpeg to transcode vob to dv | 03:48 |
grkblood13 | open with kino | 03:49 |
damo22 | maxflax: check the rc.d bootup scripts | 03:49 |
scunizi | grkblood13: viola! | 03:49 |
grkblood13 | dunno yet | 03:49 |
scunizi | grkblood13: I think handbreak is in the repos.. it's a pretty good tool | 03:50 |
eclipse_ | i have drivers installed all seems fine i just dunno how to config the setup wrks kindad a wierd issue ive been checkin forum but no one else seems to have same issue on there that i found... | 03:50 |
morrison | the problem is i have the tv hooked up through s-video and I am trying to play movies on the tv but when i take an application into full screen it expands across both screens | 03:50 |
grkblood13 | alrady tried handbrake | 03:50 |
grkblood13 | doesnt work | 03:50 |
scunizi | morrison: you need to set the driver to mirror the screens.. I think that can be done with nvidia-settings. | 03:51 |
scunizi | grkblood13: :( | 03:51 |
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morrison | you mean clone the screens | 03:51 |
scunizi | morrison: yes | 03:51 |
grkblood13 | transcoding sucks | 03:51 |
grkblood13 | so i dont like this option | 03:51 |
grkblood13 | even if it works | 03:51 |
maxflax | damo22 where do I find it? | 03:51 |
damo22 | maxflax: cd /etc/rc.... | 03:51 |
damo22 | or /etc/init.d/rc... | 03:52 |
morrison | that kinda defeats the purpose of having a computer where i can watch movies on one and still do stuff on the computer | 03:52 |
kthomas_vh_ | fww: thanks, it was set to "file system" and working... | 03:52 |
morrison | that kinda defeats the purpose of having a computer with two screens where i can watch movies on one and still do stuff on the computer | 03:52 |
scunizi | morrison: twinview may have other options that will do what you want.. like seperate X screens. | 03:52 |
morrison | i will brb | 03:53 |
hyperstream | Is there any software solutions to Keep multiple Computers sync in playing music(3 pc's through out the house each hooked up to speakers) | 03:53 |
morrison | what was the command to restart x-server | 03:54 |
Dr_Willis | morrison: theres several ways you can do it 2 screens | 03:54 |
maxflax | damo22 - I have rc0.d rc1.d up to rc6.d -- but no rc.d | 03:54 |
scunizi | morrison: sudo session gdm restart | 03:54 |
Dr_Willis | morrison: i use twniview and drag the video plaer to the 2nd monitor and just maxanize it | 03:54 |
damo22 | maxflax: they are the ones | 03:54 |
ZykoticK9 | morrison, scunizi i think it's "sudo service gdm restart" isn't it? | 03:54 |
Dr_Willis | ZykoticK9: is correct | 03:54 |
maxflax | damo22 - why so many | 03:54 |
scunizi | ZykoticK9: morrison yep.. sorry.. thinking lots of stuff right now | 03:55 |
damo22 | maxflax: for different runlevels | 03:55 |
Dr_Willis | !runlevels | 03:55 |
ubottu | In Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab. | 03:55 |
maxflax | damo22 - which runlevel am i running at default now then? | 03:55 |
damo22 | maxflax: karmic? | 03:55 |
maxflax | damo22 - yes | 03:55 |
Dr_Willis | runlevel 2 i think is the default | 03:56 |
maxflax | damo22 - entering the command runlevel returns unknown | 03:56 |
morrison | now i have nothing on the tv | 03:56 |
damo22 | maxflax: install a program called sysvinit-rc or something like that | 03:56 |
grkblood13 | what package includes mediainfo | 03:56 |
ZykoticK9 | grkblood13, "apt-cache search mediainfo" shows dvd+rw-tools | 03:57 |
morrison | okay i got alot of people giving help but is there one person that i can just pull into private chat to help me with this | 03:57 |
grkblood13 | i have that | 03:57 |
grkblood13 | its not on the system | 03:57 |
damo22 | morrison: apt-cache search sysv rc | 03:57 |
Dr_Willis | morrison: i never use 2 X serssions so cant say more then i allready have. Use twinview and drag the video playue rto the 2nd monitor is how i do it. | 03:57 |
ZykoticK9 | grkblood13, did you try "dvd+rw-mediainfo" | 03:57 |
kiborr66 | hello кто русский | 03:57 |
Dr_Willis | morrison: i recall there being some forum threads on using seperate X displays with twinview also | 03:58 |
morrison | yeah is there anyone here who uses xbmc | 03:58 |
damo22 | !russian | kiborr66 | 03:58 |
ubottu | kiborr66: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 03:58 |
Dr_Willis | morrison: yes ive used xbmc. | 03:58 |
pabl0x | hi | 03:59 |
Dr_Willis | morrison: some altenatves to xbmc = enna, moovidia, and a few others,. | 03:59 |
maxflax | damo22 - there is a sysvinit-utils ? is that the one.. and what does it do | 03:59 |
morrison | okay well you know when you hit the "\" key to take it too full screen it expands it across both the tv and monitor but it doesn't just do it with xbmc it does it with all apps | 03:59 |
Dr_Willis | morrison: you need to enable TWINVIEW and it wont do that | 03:59 |
damo22 | maxflax: that is it... it lets you set the bootup scripts manually without messing up the folders of symlinks contained in rc1.d .... 6.d | 04:00 |
morrison | the nvidia-setting see the tv i enable it in twin view and it still does it | 04:00 |
Dr_Willis | morrison: disable xinerama - just use twinview feture, one wide desktpp and apps WILL maxamize to just one display | 04:00 |
Dr_Willis | morrison: Unless xbmc is silly about handlung full screening | 04:00 |
morrison | but it doesn't just do it with xbmc | 04:01 |
maxflax | damo22 - how do I run it? | 04:01 |
morrison | i could understand it being the program if it was the only program that did it | 04:01 |
Dr_Willis | morrison: so it does it with Some apps? or all apps? | 04:01 |
damo22 | maxflax: possibly dont change anything, just run it and see what it looks like | 04:01 |
morrison | all apps even the stupid calculator | 04:01 |
Dr_Willis | morrison: i can drag a xterm or vlc window to the tv display hit maxamize. and it maxamizes to just the tv | 04:01 |
itamarjp | hello, someone can help me to upgrade my mysql to 5.1.43 in ubuntu ? | 04:01 |
Dr_Willis | its a twinview/xinerama setting | 04:01 |
morrison | okay well how do i disable xinerama | 04:02 |
Dr_Willis | morrison: you did restart X - not just logged out right? | 04:02 |
magn3ts | Is it possible to use a three finger swipe in ubuntu (on a MBP?) | 04:02 |
Dr_Willis | morrison: the nvidia settings tool has a check box i reccall | 04:02 |
morrison | i did that last command that someone posted awhile back ago | 04:02 |
damo22 | maxflax: sudo sysvinit<TAB> enter | 04:02 |
Dr_Willis | restarting GDM should restart X totally | 04:02 |
morrison | sudo service gdm restart | 04:03 |
objorn | how do you create a .7z file? | 04:03 |
morrison | this was the last command i typed | 04:03 |
scunizi | objorn: a program called 7zi | 04:03 |
scunizi | *7zip | 04:03 |
damo22 | objorn: sudo apt-get install p7zip-full | 04:03 |
Dr_Willis_ | morrison: my xorg.conf for 2 monitors. i can fullscreen to just one display ---> | 04:04 |
Dr_Willis_ | morrison: the Xinerama "0" entry i beive turns OFF xinerama | 04:04 |
scunizi | Dr_Willis_: does he even have an xorg.conf? I think it's a fairly new install.. | 04:04 |
Dr_Willis_ | scunizi: if he ran nvidia-settings it made one.. or should have | 04:05 |
objorn | scunizi and damo22, i have that installed, i'd like to know how to create a .7z file | 04:05 |
here4thegear | ok, I have pear v 1.7.1 but the majority of the packages I want require v1.4.1 explicitly.. how would I uninstall pear and then install the older version of the installer? | 04:05 |
damo22 | objorn: man 7zip | 04:05 |
morrison | where do i enter that at? | 04:05 |
scunizi | objorn: usually (on windows I know) it's a gui app.. so look in your menu for it. | 04:06 |
objorn | damo22: yeah, that doesn't help | 04:06 |
morrison | in the Xconf | 04:06 |
Dr_Willis_ | morrison: in the xorg.conf those are the imporntant settings | 04:06 |
objorn | think i need to man 7z | 04:06 |
morrison | okay here let me show you my xorg.conf setting | 04:06 |
damo22 | 7z --help | 04:06 |
objorn | but still man 7z sucks | 04:06 |
Dr_Willis_ | morrison: nvidia-settings made that the default for me. | 04:07 |
morrison | Section "Screen" | 04:07 |
morrison | Identifier"Default Screen" | 04:07 |
morrison | DefaultDepth24 | 04:07 |
morrison | EndSection | 04:07 |
morrison | Section "Module" | 04:07 |
FloodBot2 | morrison: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 04:07 |
morrison | Load"glx" | 04:07 |
damo22 | objorn: you cant expect someone here to have memorized the flags for a program... | 04:07 |
objorn | 7z --help isn't terrible | 04:07 |
objorn | tar -xvzf | 04:07 |
objorn | tar -xvjf | 04:07 |
objorn | tar -cvzf | -cvjf | 04:07 |
objorn | it's not hard | 04:07 |
objorn | grep -i -r | 04:07 |
objorn | etc | 04:07 |
FloodBot2 | objorn: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 04:07 |
damo22 | objorn: try 7z c * out.7z | 04:08 |
morrison | can i talk? | 04:08 |
morrison | okay i thought the flood bot muted me | 04:08 |
damo22 | or something like that | 04:08 |
kinja-sheep | morrison: It did. | 04:08 |
objorn | damo22: that's not correct, guess i'll work with it for a few mins | 04:08 |
Dr_Willis_ | morrison: compare the one i pastebin'd to the one you have. I never had to manyually edit mine. | 04:08 |
kinja-sheep | Use unp if you're having problem remembering which commands to extract an array of archives. | 04:09 |
kinja-sheep | !info unp | 04:09 |
ubottu | unp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.15 (karmic), package size 10 kB, installed size 76 kB | 04:09 |
Dr_Willis_ | unp - one of my top 10 'overlooked' commands i always mention inhere :) | 04:10 |
damo22 | objorn: 7z a out.7z * | 04:10 |
objorn | damo22: 7z a output.7z | 04:11 |
Dr_Willis_ | ive never really noticed a case where 7z worked any better for me then other archive formats | 04:11 |
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objorn | damo22: correct | 04:11 |
Palace_Chan | is there a flag or way to make stack space executable for a particular binary ? | 04:11 |
greezmunkey | l | 04:11 |
objorn | how do you specify ultra compression though? | 04:11 |
morrison | yours looks comepletely different from mine | 04:12 |
damo22 | objorn: -m<number> | 04:12 |
Dr_Willis_ | morrison: the 'section 'serverflags' is teh part thats disabling Xinerama | 04:12 |
kiborr66 | how can i change language only for Evolution mail? | 04:12 |
pixelated | have a system running 9.1, altho hostapd is configed to start (proper link in /etc/rc2.d) it doesnt 'seem' to be running on boot, but works fine when started from shell, and i see nothing in the log about it... | 04:12 |
Dr_Willis_ | morrison: you could evn try mine, then see if it works.. then run 'gksudo nvidia-settings' and tweak it some more | 04:13 |
morrison | i will try yours and see what happens | 04:13 |
objorn | damo22: you stuck with me, i respect that | 04:13 |
michal_ | problems with presario cq60 key mapping | 04:13 |
morrison | after all this has been alot of trial and error | 04:13 |
Dr_Willis_ | morrison: ive spent MANY a hr reading nvidia docs and stuff :) | 04:14 |
morrison | isn't going to hurt it more than what it already is | 04:14 |
michal_ | i cant disable the mouse pad with button | 04:14 |
ZykoticK9 | Dr_Willis_, my xorg (also generated by nvidia-settings) has the <Option "Xinerama" "0"> in ServerLayout instead of a separate ServerFlags - I'm sure it doesn't make any difference, just interesting that it is different at all | 04:14 |
Dr_Willis_ | morrison: thers also the command 'sudo nvidia-xconfig --no-xinerama' that Might do it | 04:14 |
damo22 | objorn: 7z a -mhe=on -pPASSWORD out.7z * | 04:14 |
Dr_Willis_ | If xinerama is enabled the apps will fullscreen across both displays, From what ive seen | 04:15 |
Dr_Willis_ | thats normally not what people want | 04:15 |
Dr_Willis_ | Twinview supercedes Xinerama | 04:15 |
morrison | i just think it's interesting that your xconf looks alot different than mine | 04:15 |
michal_ | How do i disable the mouse pad?? | 04:16 |
pixelated | michal_, the button in front of it? | 04:16 |
Dr_Willis_ | the nvidia-settings tool is in need of a Serious upgrade. Its getting Old :) | 04:16 |
Dr_Willis_ | pixelated: thas what i do. :) | 04:16 |
Dr_Willis_ | or the special laptop fn-whatever keys | 04:16 |
hal9k2010 | hello all, need some help installing ubuntu ppc | 04:16 |
morrison | or you can disable the mouse bad through bios | 04:16 |
michal_ | pixelated: yup..i have a presario cq60 running ubunut 9.1 | 04:17 |
morrison | or you can disable the mouse pad through bios | 04:17 |
pixelated | Dr_Willis_, i rem first time i saw one of those, took me some time to realize it was cause the issues... | 04:17 |
damo22 | hal9k2010: i installed ubuntu ppc onto a mac rack server once | 04:17 |
pixelated | michal_, i saw, my mrs has same one, but runs an unmentionable OS on it... | 04:17 |
objorn | damo22: nope, it's the -m switch + some specification of te archive type and x=9 | 04:17 |
objorn | what you had specified was header encryption | 04:18 |
michal_ | pixelated: lol | 04:18 |
hal9k2010 | just got this old imac i think is a 266 , system 9 was corrupted i have no idea of amount of ram | 04:18 |
pixelated | michal_, wish she would go back to linux like she had on her old laptop... | 04:18 |
Dr_Willis_ | hal9k2010: I put ubuntu on my imacDV and lets say... it dident run all that quick | 04:18 |
damo22 | objorn: read the manual dude | 04:18 |
hal9k2010 | downloaded ubuntu 6.06 alt install | 04:18 |
objorn | whoops, damo22 you had specified multithreaded mode | 04:18 |
objorn | damo22: i am, it's how i know this | 04:18 |
Dr_Willis_ | hal9k2010: 256mb ram. 500mhz cpu | 04:18 |
morrison | "sudo service gdm" restart this will restart x correct? | 04:19 |
michal_ | how can i map all my keys??? | 04:19 |
Dr_Willis_ | morrison: yes. | 04:19 |
maxflax | my tty:s are gone in karmic - how do I get them to start up again? | 04:19 |
Dr_Willis_ | sudo service gdm restart | 04:19 |
morrison | here goes nothing, be back soon | 04:19 |
hal9k2010 | i am installing ubu 6.06 now is soooo slow | 04:19 |
webbb82 | ok im stuck i just instyalled hawkscope but when i try to run it i get this brian@brian-laptop:/$ hawkscope | 04:19 |
webbb82 | Error occurred during initialization of VM | 04:19 |
webbb82 | java/lang/ClassNotFoundException: error in opening JAR file /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/jre/lib/rt.jar | 04:19 |
damo22 | hal9k2010: use xubuntu | 04:19 |
pixelated | Dr_Willis_, yeah i made a mistake with debian once and made KDE the default with a Quadra800 i had... Real Time was redefined... | 04:19 |
Dr_Willis_ | hal9k2010: if i could of found a decent ssh client for OS9 i would of left OS9 in my imac.. tried ubuntu - too slow.. so i got os-x back on it. | 04:20 |
Dr_Willis_ | OsX and ssh to teh lunux box. :) its a Purty termial now, | 04:20 |
hal9k2010 | i used a xubuntu 6.06 and boot all the way but never showed the desktop got stock on black screen | 04:20 |
Dr_Willis_ | hal9k2010: why using such old releases? | 04:21 |
michal_ | is there a way to see my touchpad key mapping? | 04:21 |
deadduck | is there a channel for webmin/virtualmin? | 04:22 |
pixelated | have a system running 9.1, altho hostapd is configed to start (proper link in /etc/rc2.d) it doesnt 'seem' to be running on boot, but works fine when started from shell, and i see nothing in the log about it... | 04:22 |
here4thegear | ok, I got my pear issue figured out.. -af forces the download of the package that works for me.. yay | 04:22 |
hal9k2010 | after failure with xubuntu 6.06 i got ubuntu alt install is on 97 % now but it took 4 ever | 04:22 |
leofu1 | hello | 04:23 |
damo22 | hal9k2010: possibly not enough ram | 04:23 |
Dr_Willis_ | hal9k2010: and i relber when those machines were cutting edge! :) | 04:23 |
JULinuxUser | What is isolinux/adtext.cfg for? | 04:23 |
damo22 | must be chugging swap | 04:23 |
Dr_Willis_ | hal9k2010: more ram is a must. but its not worth buyng more ram for the old things any more | 04:23 |
hal9k2010 | i have no idea of how much ram is in this old imac so i am using old versions | 04:23 |
Dr_Willis_ | hal9k2010: old versons do not always mean they use less ram | 04:24 |
hal9k2010 | i see | 04:24 |
ZykoticK9 | deadduck, #virtualmin | 04:24 |
damo22 | hal9k2010: i bet the hard drive is chugging like crazy | 04:24 |
Dr_Willis_ | once it hits swap.. its using swap.. so it proberly dosent matter | 04:24 |
hal9k2010 | i am just playing with this... it was free :) | 04:24 |
Dr_Willis_ | hal9k2010: all i do with my imac is just use it to get a ssh terminal to the linux box :) | 04:25 |
hal9k2010 | i was thinking installing ubuntu and then change the desktop env. to lxde | 04:25 |
damo22 | hal9k2010: did you have to load "open firmware" and play with the boot up parameters using command option O F ? | 04:25 |
Dr_Willis_ | hal9k2010: issue i had was the monitor display was shfted to the left too far. | 04:25 |
Dr_Willis_ | lxde may work better. i dident try it. | 04:25 |
pixelated | hal9k2010, use bash as your UI it would be even faster ;') | 04:26 |
hal9k2010 | no so far is installing good but very very slow | 04:26 |
Dr_Willis_ | hal9k2010: i found the ox-s install to be even slower. :) | 04:26 |
deadduck | ZykoticK9, thanks | 04:27 |
pixelated | after OS9, i went to linux, i couldnt use OSX, i am diabetic and it was waaay too much sugar... | 04:27 |
damo22 | lol | 04:27 |
Dr_Willis_ | Ive not tried any newer macs lately. I imagine the os is still as... interesting as it was back then :) OS X Ver 10.3 is what i was using i think | 04:27 |
ZykoticK9 | deadduck, remember webmin is NOT supported on debian/ubuntu | 04:27 |
=== WaterRatj is now known as WaterRatj[A] | ||
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Dr_Willis_ | OS9 had so many good ideas that OSX tossed out... | 04:28 |
JULinuxUser | I want to learn more about editing the contents of /isolinux/ on the boot disk. Where can I learn about that? | 04:28 |
damo22 | JULinuxUser: syslinux | 04:29 |
morrison | okay well no errors with your file | 04:29 |
hal9k2010 | Dr_willis if this install works should i expect same performance as other ubuntus not ppc ? | 04:29 |
=== viking is now known as Guest56387 | ||
JULinuxUser | syslinux? | 04:30 |
JULinuxUser | damo22 what is syslinux | 04:30 |
damo22 | JULinuxUser: google it | 04:30 |
morrison | but it's still expanding it across both screens and i know it can be contained on a single screen because upstairs on my laptop dual screen i can keep it on a seperate monitor | 04:30 |
Dr_Willis_ | hal9k2010: No idea how much of a diff it would be - finding an intel cpu the same clock speed /same ram - would proberly be just as slow | 04:30 |
JULinuxUser | I dd | 04:30 |
JULinuxUser | did | 04:30 |
ZykoticK9 | !remaster > JULinuxUser | 04:30 |
ubottu | JULinuxUser, please see my private message | 04:30 |
hal9k2010 | ok | 04:30 |
Dr_Willis_ | hal9k2010: just upping the ram to 512mb would proberly 200% boost to speed. :) | 04:30 |
Dr_Willis_ | morrison: pastebin your current xorg.conf | 04:31 |
k4rt33k | Very strange problem. I am able to access irc and some sites but unable to go to gmail and a lot of others.Any thoughts? Everything worked fine till yesterday | 04:31 |
morrison | it's the same one as yours | 04:31 |
Dr_Willis_ | morrison: you reran the nvidia-settings tool ? | 04:31 |
pixelated | hal9k2010, my 8500 when i ran linux on PPC | 04:31 |
Dr_Willis_ | It might want to tweak it. depending on other settings | 04:31 |
morrison | i opened the nvida settings tools open is there something else i need to do | 04:31 |
Dr_Willis_ | morrison: did you save the xorg.conf ? check it afterwards? | 04:32 |
Dr_Willis_ | morrison: pastebin it and lets look at it. | 04:32 |
morrison | yes i did save it and i already opened it | 04:32 |
Dr_Willis_ | morrison: mine was for 2 DVI monitors. it should of changed somthign to be for a tv out. | 04:32 |
morrison | ok give me a sec | 04:33 |
dharma | disculpen network manager pierde mucha señal o a que se debe | 04:33 |
Dr_Willis_ | morrison: also theres the command that Might work --> sudo nvidia-xconfig --no-xinerama and see what chnges it made ot the file. | 04:33 |
deadduck | ZykoticK9, i know. i'm using it on a centos box | 04:34 |
morrison | | 04:34 |
dharma | disculpen network manager pierde mucha señal o a que se debe | 04:34 |
JULinuxUser | Zykotick9 damo22 Ya I just checked those sites out. They are lame. They don't talk about exactly what ISOLinux is or how it works. I need somewhere that discusses each and every file in /isolinux/ and what it does. | 04:35 |
pixelated | ubottu, es | dharma | 04:35 |
ubottu | dharma: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 04:35 |
Dr_Willis_ | morrison: i would rerun the nvidia-settings tool and try to tweak the displays some more. it looks like its still trying the 2 DVI monitors | 04:35 |
kd5pbo | What's the default IM client in ubuntu? | 04:35 |
morrison | i just ran that command you game me | 04:35 |
hal9k2010 | almost done with install , wish me luck brb | 04:35 |
morrison | i am going to look and see if it changed anything | 04:35 |
kinja-sheep | kd5pbo: Empathy or something. I use Pidgin. | 04:35 |
flypiper | I have a problem with network manager GUI.. Im trying to set wireless IP and the Gateway box changes to after I hit the APPLY button. I opened a terminal and configured it with ROUTE command and it works fine. Where do I set the config for the GUI??? | 04:35 |
Flynsarmy | How can i add gtksourcecompletion to gtksourceview (on 9.10) like this: | 04:36 |
Andrew12 | does anyone have any idea how to connect to a WiFi network when using Fluxbox? | 04:36 |
kd5pbo | kinja-sheep: Do most ubuntu users use pidgin or stick with the default? | 04:36 |
Dr_Willis_ | morrison: You have 2 monitors? or a TV and a Monitor? | 04:36 |
morrison | tv and monitor | 04:36 |
kinja-sheep | kd5pbo: I believe they use whatever they like the most. New users might would stick with the default. | 04:36 |
Dr_Willis_ | morrison: well one line i thik is wrong at least -> Option "metamodes" "DFP-0: nvidia-auto-select +1680+0, DFP-1: nvidia-auto-select +0+0" | 04:36 |
kd5pbo | kinja-sheep: Thanks. | 04:37 |
michal_ | what do 'keycode ###' represent? how do i know where to change values? | 04:37 |
Dr_Willis_ | morrison: dfp = a monitor. let me plug in my tv and see what it does/changes | 04:37 |
morrison | ok | 04:37 |
Andrew12 | does anyone have any idea how to connect to a WiFi network when using Fluxbox? | 04:38 |
pixelated | Andrew12, i am sure someone does, but i sure dont, sorry... | 04:39 |
ZykoticK9 | Andrew12, if you still have Gnome installed try running nm-applet | 04:39 |
JULinuxUser | Hey anyone here know how to get the list of installed packages to output to a text file? | 04:39 |
ZykoticK9 | !clone > JULinuxUser | 04:39 |
Andrew12 | thank you!!! | 04:39 |
ubottu | JULinuxUser, please see my private message | 04:39 |
JULinuxUser | Looks like bots are answering me? | 04:40 |
ZykoticK9 | JULinuxUser, i'm sending them to you | 04:40 |
Sarah90 | hey guys. im getting a blank screen after boot. i see the ubuntu logo but then screen just goes black. how do i fix this problem? | 04:40 |
etzerd | hello all | 04:41 |
etzerd | ? | 04:41 |
k4rt33k | Sarah90: Are you reaching till the login screen? | 04:41 |
Some_Person | Why the hell is ubuntu mounting my iPod so that only root has write permissions? It is a Mac-formatted (HFS+) iPod | 04:42 |
Sarah90 | k4rt33k: no, i dont see it. the screen is blank. it was working perfectly this morning. | 04:42 |
=== WaterRatj[A] is now known as WaterRatj | ||
etzerd | I have a Dell Inspiron i5 1764 with an integrade Intel HD video card, everytime I tried to install Ubuntu after the intallation then I reboot the system the screen is all blank. can anyone help me with that? | 04:43 |
k4rt33k | Sarah90: why don't you try running a live cd and checking your grub file. Could be a problem there | 04:43 |
morrison | dr. willis are you here? | 04:43 |
chocotaco123 | Hi everyone | 04:44 |
k4rt33k | Sarah90: And did you reach the grub stage? | 04:44 |
etzerd | it's not only ubuntu. I tried almot all the distro I have the same problem with them all. it seems to me that Linux have a problem the video card that come with this laptop. | 04:44 |
ZykoticK9 | morrison, he doesn't appear to be here right now | 04:44 |
morrison | ok still waiting for him to get back | 04:44 |
Sarah90 | k4rt33k: yes, i did. | 04:44 |
k4rt33k | Sarah90: Then choose a different kernel and try. Any upgrades you recently did? | 04:45 |
ZykoticK9 | morrison, oh maybe he is Dr_Willis is but he was logged in ad Dr_Willis_ a little while ago??? | 04:45 |
h0bb3s | :) | 04:45 |
chocotaco123 | Hi could anyone help me with resizing my drive? | 04:46 |
te_ | chocotaco123: Sure | 04:46 |
Sarah90 | k4rt33k: well i did an update this morning and i removed this program i forgot the name. after it went blank i tried a different kernel but no luck, its the same with all of them. | 04:46 |
morrison | he went to hook up his computer to his tv to see what changes in his xconf settings so i am waiting for results | 04:46 |
etzerd | can anyone help me with the Dell issue here? | 04:46 |
chocotaco123 | I boot from the live usb and I try to resize it but it wont let me | 04:46 |
Sarah90 | k4rt33k: so you suggest that i run the live cd and check the grub file? | 04:46 |
robson | hi | 04:47 |
apipkin | how do i remove items from /tmp/ without being www-data ? | 04:47 |
etzerd | I have a Dell Inspiron i5 1764 with an integrade Intel HD video card, everytime I tried to install Ubuntu after the intallation then I reboot the system the screen is all blank. can anyone help me with that? | 04:47 |
chocotaco123 | Do you have an idea what might be causing this? | 04:47 |
te_ | etzerd: What is the "Dell issue"? | 04:47 |
etzerd | it's not only ubuntu. I tried almot all the distro I have the same problem with them all. it seems to me that Linux have a problem the video card that come with this laptop. | 04:47 |
Sarah90 | k4rt33k: can't i boot the live and ask it to reinstall the drivers or wahtever is messing | 04:47 |
te_ | chocotaco123: Why? | 04:47 |
etzerd | the integrad graphic card is not working with Linux | 04:47 |
chocotaco123 | Why am I having trouble? | 04:47 |
apipkin | there are about 30 images cached, is there something i can do with grep? like sudo rm -f | grep [\d\s]{32} | 04:48 |
te_ | chocotaco123: What are you using to resize? Gparted? or..? | 04:48 |
etzerd | the highest resolution it can display is 1024X768 where the laptop support up to 1600X900 | 04:48 |
chocotaco123 | Gparted | 04:48 |
k4rt33k | Sarah90: You need to install the whole distro.You wont lose your data if you have a seperate /home partition | 04:48 |
chocotaco123 | I am using Gparted. | 04:48 |
Dr_Willis_ | There we go.. DVI mounitor and TV out Xorg.conf file ---> | 04:49 |
Dr_Willis_ | I forget who needed it.. :) | 04:49 |
ZykoticK9 | Dr_Willis, morrison | 04:49 |
Sarah90 | k4rt33k: my /home folder is in the same partition as ubuntu partition, will i lose everything? | 04:49 |
Sarah90 | k4rt33k: i dont mind reinstalling ubuntu but i need to get my stuff out of the partition and i can't access to all folders when i boot from the live cd, why is that? | 04:50 |
morrison | yes | 04:50 |
te_ | chocotaco123: Is it giving you some sort of error? | 04:50 |
k4rt33k | Sarah90: You can access all the folders from a live cd. | 04:51 |
chocotaco123 | No it's not, it just won't let me. | 04:51 |
ZykoticK9 | morrison, see Dr_Willis_'s pastebin above? | 04:51 |
apipkin | is it possible to use a regex with rm ? | 04:51 |
morrison | where? | 04:51 |
ZykoticK9 | morrison, | 04:51 |
Sarah90 | k4rt33k: oki doki, i will try them again. | 04:51 |
Sarah90 | k4rt33k: last Q. is there a chance that i can access them files in ubuntu from windows 7? | 04:51 |
k4rt33k | Sarah90: Nope. Linux uses ext3/4 formats which are invisible to windows | 04:52 |
bmatthew | k4rt33k: not entirely true | 04:52 |
te_ | chocotaco123: Not sure what to make of it. I've use gparted a number of times and it works fine. | 04:52 |
k4rt33k | Sarah90: There are some programs which do that but they are unreliable | 04:52 |
morrison | ah his text color changed no wonder i didn't notice | 04:53 |
k4rt33k | bmatthew: Did I miss something? | 04:53 |
bmatthew | k4rt33k: there are tools for reading ext2 volumes that will also read ext3/4 | 04:53 |
chocotaco123 | I really hate it because I don't want to install Windows. | 04:53 |
morrison | okay let me try this and see what happens | 04:53 |
Sarah90 | k4rt33k: ahh boohoo microsoft. well many thanks for helping me k4rt33k. really appreeshiyate it XOXOX | 04:53 |
k4rt33k | bmatthew: But can we copy files from ext3/4 to windows? | 04:53 |
k4rt33k | bmatthew: AFAIK we can't | 04:54 |
bmatthew | k4rt33k: yes | 04:54 |
te_ | chocotaco123: Explain your situation. | 04:54 |
bmatthew | k4rt33k: gimme a sec i will grab link | 04:54 |
biju | hi | 04:54 |
grkblood13 | scunizi, i made a script for my computer illiterate girlfriend if you want it | 04:55 |
bmatthew | k4rt33k: | 04:55 |
chocotaco123 | I need to install Windows because I need Visual Studio for a class. | 04:55 |
bmatthew | k4rt33k: i can confirm it works with ext4 i just used it a few days ago | 04:55 |
grkblood13 | you prolly dont need it | 04:55 |
te_ | chocotaco123: What do you have now? | 04:55 |
grkblood13 | ffmpeg and kino together work great | 04:55 |
chocotaco123 | Ubuntu Jaunty\ | 04:55 |
natarajan | I'm having bluetooth device i want to install the device | 04:55 |
natarajan | pls guide to me | 04:56 |
morrison | okay you are going to like this one | 04:56 |
morrison | now the monitor does not work | 04:56 |
Dr_Willis_ | morrison: play with the nvidia-settings tool and the apply button. Ive been playing with mine for the last 10 min | 04:57 |
chocotaco123 | I don't get why we have to learn C++ with Visual Studio | 04:57 |
Dr_Willis_ | morrison: whenyou get it working right use the save button | 04:57 |
mawst | I don't understand why flash is such a pain in the arse for 64 bit ubuntu | 04:57 |
Dr_Willis_ | morrison: i can turn on/off the tv now on the fly :) i cant have 2 monitors and the tv however ive learned. :( | 04:58 |
bmatthew | mawst: its a pain in the arse for any OS but windows | 04:58 |
te_ | chocotaco123: Back-up the /home files, wipe and install MS Windows and then install Ubuntu again. Restore your files | 04:58 |
greezmunkey | chocotaco123, $$$ | 04:58 |
morrison | hey what would be the problem if nvidia gives me a save error | 04:58 |
Dr_Willis_ | morrison: you dident run the tool with gksudo nvidia-settings | 04:58 |
Dr_Willis_ | morrison: or you got it real confused | 04:59 |
AJ_Z0 | mawst: The only real pain is finding the 64 bit Flash plugin for Linux on Adobe's site. After that it should work fine | 04:59 |
chocotaco123 | I know its because of money, but if I were to buy an OS I would still buy Ubuntu. | 04:59 |
morrison | hey i followed the tutorial on how to setup nvidia, and i used that command | 04:59 |
Dr_Willis_ | I have bought Linux disrto 'box sets' in the past. | 04:59 |
natarajan | pls guide to me | 04:59 |
te_ | chocotaco123: Sure you would. So would I. | 04:59 |
morrison | i mite just have to say to hell with having both | 05:00 |
te_ | Dr_Willis_: So have I. | 05:00 |
Dr_Willis_ | if ubuntu was in the store and perhaps came with a good book/stickers/plush tux beanie babie... :) | 05:00 |
Dr_Willis_ | If it came with a free copy of Savage 2, that would be good.. :) | 05:00 |
Dr_Willis_ | Or prey. | 05:00 |
chocotaco123 | I think stickers would do it for me. | 05:00 |
chocotaco123 | Alright but what is the best way to back up Ubuntu to an external hard disk?\ | 05:01 |
Dr_Willis_ | Ive not even seen any Linux Disrots In a box at stores in ages | 05:01 |
billybigrigger_ | !iphone | 05:01 |
ubottu | For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod | 05:01 |
billybigrigger_ | !rockbox | 05:01 |
ubottu | rockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See to get started! | 05:01 |
billybigrigger_ | anyone know if there's anyway to revert back to factory software on my ipod touch in linux? | 05:01 |
te_ | Really, we shouldn't have / need an excuse to contribute $$$ to an open source project or distro... But, well, I guess any reason is a good one. :) | 05:01 |
billybigrigger_ | say if i want to try rockbox, but decide i want it back to factory apple software, any way to do this? | 05:02 |
Dr_Willis_ | billybigrigger_: i would say check the rockbox homepage | 05:02 |
chocotaco123 | I like to contribute with a little bit of money. | 05:02 |
chocotaco123 | I'm only a waiter and a student but I still like to help. | 05:02 |
te_ | chocotaco123: It would only take a little... especially if everyone contributed :) | 05:03 |
pRincEss_nHa | aQ gY cnENg nIe | 05:03 |
pRincEss_nHa | c q jg btuh tmen | 05:03 |
Tresmius | Hey | 05:03 |
XRU-BSP | Wireless wont authenticate to WPA router.. Xbuntu 9.1 & intel 5100 AGN wireless card. | 05:03 |
te_ | Mark Shuttleworth contributed a little ... :) | 05:03 |
chocotaco123 | I even bought an Ubuntu sweater but I feel like a real big nerd sometimes. | 05:04 |
bmatthew | XRU-BSP: install wpa_supplicant ? | 05:04 |
te_ | ... a little more than me :) | 05:04 |
Tresmius | Some programs don't seem to be able to access my webcam (/dev/Video0) yet flash in firefox seems to be able to access it fine | 05:04 |
Dr_Willis_ | Tresmius: that is odd..normally flash has a hard time finding the webcams | 05:04 |
XRU-BSP | bmatthew: says the newest version is installed | 05:04 |
te_ | chocotaco123: Well, if you're a real big nerd, you're a real big nerd | 05:05 |
te_ | could be worse | 05:05 |
chocotaco123 | Not in girth though. | 05:05 |
mawst | AJ_Z0, have a link by any chance? | 05:06 |
abhijit | hello | 05:07 |
AJ_Z0 | mawst: Try | 05:08 |
Tresmius | Well I've exhausted google and tried everything I could find on the web | 05:09 |
Dr_Willis_ | well its takeing Morrison longer to get back this time then befor.. :) | 05:10 |
Dr_Willis_ | wonder if his xorg blew up the pc. | 05:10 |
greezmunkey | Dr_Willis_, yikes :( | 05:11 |
Dr_Willis_ | :) | 05:12 |
Dr_Willis_ | Sucks that i cant get 2 monitors AND the tv out going at same time on this card | 05:12 |
=== FunnyLookinHat_ is now known as FunnyLookinHat | ||
Dr_Willis_ | but thats life | 05:12 |
scunizi | Dr_Willis_: too bad he doesn't know irssi | 05:12 |
seanbrystone | how well do TV's work for computer monitors? | 05:13 |
pRincEss_nHa | duh ngebetin | 05:13 |
greezmunkey | Dr_Willis_, I fried a monitor years ago foolin' around | 05:13 |
Tresmius | aren't modern monitors the same as modern TV's? | 05:13 |
diablo-sg | how do you guys set vpn server :) | 05:14 |
anto9us | Tresmius, barring a tuner, yes | 05:14 |
kinja-sheep | Tresmius: TV are just gigantic monitor with TV Tuner built in. :P | 05:14 |
pererik87 | quick syntax question -> if ["$(lsb_release -cs)" == "karmic"]; then echo "fuck work" fi ---->outputs: [karmic: not found | 05:14 |
scunizi | seanbrystone: usually fine but the resolution isn't always the greatest.. my 42" is 1366x800 | 05:14 |
seanbrystone | ouch | 05:14 |
ZykoticK9 | seanbrystone, older TVs are like 640x480 or 800x600 | 05:15 |
Dr_Willis_ | yea - its hard to fry a mondern monitor/tv | 05:16 |
Dr_Willis_ | Ive seen some PC monitors that include a tv tuner that are a bit more $$ then a same sized tv with dvi inputs.. BUT the res is also better on the pc monitor | 05:17 |
Dr_Willis_ | so its a toss up whats a better value | 05:17 |
stormy-nova | #couchlock | 05:17 |
Dr_Willis_ | Do you want higher res. or bigger screen | 05:17 |
scunizi | From across the room lower rez means bigger letters.. easier on old eyes | 05:18 |
MWTC_King | hi | 05:18 |
woodyjlw | Xpress 200M hangs when resuming from suspend with DRI (needs KMS) | 05:18 |
woodyjlw | what is KMS? | 05:18 |
Dr_Willis_ | wife always sets her high res monitor to some nasty low res. so everything is bigger... | 05:18 |
MWTC_King | how do i setup dial up for GC89? | 05:18 |
Tresmius | lol | 05:18 |
Dr_Willis_ | Font Size = 1 inch. :) | 05:18 |
scunizi | MWTC_King: is that a dsl modem or a dialup modem? | 05:18 |
MWTC_King | wireless modem | 05:19 |
scunizi | Dr_Willis_: get her some goggles :) | 05:19 |
Dr_Willis_ | scunizi: she hates to ware her glasses | 05:19 |
MWTC_King | actually EDGE modem | 05:19 |
natarajan | i had installed my bluetooth device but its not working | 05:19 |
Dr_Willis_ | hmm. Morrison is still not back. :) heh | 05:19 |
scunizi | MWTC_King: that I'm not sure about.. if it needs a username password combo you might try the same setup as a dsl modem using pppoe | 05:20 |
MWTC_King | scunizi, its require APN | 05:20 |
woodyjlw | is KMS something I can download or install to fix my legacy ATI card in ubuntu 9.10 and 10.04? | 05:20 |
pitlimit | s it true that linux has a one-to-one member:thread model? | 05:21 |
scunizi | MWTC_King: what's APN? .. | 05:21 |
pitlimit | I meant Ubuntu | 05:21 |
MWTC_King | lol | 05:21 |
pitlimit | As in, if I create a user level member:thread with pthread, that I can be certain that that member:thread will be attached to a kernel level member:thread? | 05:21 |
Inidentificable | Hi | 05:21 |
pRincEss_nHa | duh pucink | 05:21 |
natarajan | hi | 05:21 |
MWTC_King | scunizi, mobile broadband require APN. | 05:21 |
scunizi | MWTC_King: it's a new term for me... and I don't use mobile broadband.. thus the lack of knowledge there.. sorry. can't help | 05:22 |
pitlimit | i meant: As in, if I create a user level thread with pthread, that I can be certain that that thread will be attached to a kernel level thread? | 05:22 |
MWTC_King | scunizi, i stopped using ubuntu about a year ago.... now i wanna use it but i forgot how to configure that modem | 05:23 |
coolkehon | hi | 05:23 |
coolkehon | i'm going to paste something | 05:23 |
coolkehon | its about 4 lines | 05:23 |
coolkehon | i think it looks cool | 05:23 |
coolkehon | everyone cool with that | 05:23 |
scunizi | MWTC_King: now if you'd said "access point" network.. THAT I would have understood | 05:23 |
coolkehon | you have 5 seconds to say no ore i'm basting | 05:23 |
rww | ubottu: pastebin | coolkehon | 05:23 |
ubottu | coolkehon: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 05:23 |
coolkehon | damn | 05:23 |
coolkehon | only 2 more seconds too | 05:24 |
Tresmius | camorama says "Could not connect to video device (/device/video0)", why can't it connect? | 05:24 |
scunizi | MWTC_King: not sure if this will help but on the first page of a google search | 05:24 |
natarajan | hello kindly gudie to me | 05:24 |
djuser1337 | hello | 05:24 |
mawst | Thanks AJ_Z0 | 05:24 |
natarajan | i want to connect via bluetooth | 05:25 |
Jared | hello | 05:25 |
Jared | I need help with ubuntu | 05:25 |
ssmy | !ask | Jared | 05:25 |
ubottu | Jared: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 05:25 |
Jared | ok | 05:25 |
Jared | !ask | 05:25 |
mawst | That didn't say anything about 64 bit though | 05:25 |
mawst | :/ | 05:25 |
Jared | !ask l | 05:25 |
natarajan | Jared: i want to connect my phone to desktop via bluetooth , i had install bluetooth software | 05:26 |
amadeus_ | hello my question is where does Ubuntu 9.10 store its video file for configuring screens, is there a file like xorg.conf use to be and I know you can use xorg too just asking | 05:26 |
natarajan | pls guide to me | 05:26 |
Jared | I'm not tech | 05:26 |
Tresmius | hmm | 05:26 |
scunizi | amadeus_: check out xrandr for resolution settings. | 05:26 |
Tresmius | check /etc/x11/xorg | 05:27 |
mawst | aargh | 05:27 |
abhijit | :) | 05:27 |
Dr_Willis | amadeus_: users can have their own settings somewhere in their home. buti dont know the file | 05:27 |
amadeus_ | scunizi is there a config file laying around somewhere in the system by chance | 05:27 |
amadeus_ | Dr_Willis thanks will look | 05:27 |
Dr_Willis | the xrandr man pages may mention the file | 05:27 |
abhijit | Jared: whats ur actual question? | 05:27 |
Dr_Willis | wow - i had like 10 old kernels on this old box :) | 05:27 |
amadeus_ | Dr_Willis this has always been a mystery, I look it this way, why use xorg.conf if Ubuntu already has me covered | 05:28 |
scunizi | amadeus_: probably but a lot off it seems to be dynamic.. the newer releases have gone to xrandr for control.. however you can create your own xorg.conf to override it. | 05:28 |
Dr_Willis | amadeus_: ages ago there was no such feature. | 05:28 |
Dr_Willis | amadeus_: thats why | 05:28 |
Jared | I wanted to install itunes on ubuntu, how can i do that? | 05:28 |
mawst | Found it! | 05:28 |
Dr_Willis | !itunes | Jared | 05:28 |
ubottu | Jared: itunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee | 05:28 |
bazhang | Jared, you cannot | 05:28 |
abhijit | !players | 05:28 |
ubottu | Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based). Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs | 05:28 |
Devrethman | Ubottu: You forgot MPD! MPD is the best one... | 05:29 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 05:29 |
amadeus_ | Dr_Willis but if I can find the config then I can use it its way and get the same results right? Like having two video cards like I do and two screens act as one | 05:29 |
Jared | MPD? | 05:29 |
abhijit | natarajan which blutooth software you instaled? have u checked their wiki,help or manual? | 05:30 |
Dr_Willis | amadeus_: for some server/features it has to be done when X starts up - that would be in the xorg.conf i imagine | 05:30 |
Jared | how can I get mplayer? | 05:31 |
abhijit | natarajan: which blutooth software you instaled? have u checked their wiki,help or manual? | 05:31 |
BHoward | Jared, which ipod do you have? if you have an iphone or ipod touch you will need to follow some special directions | 05:31 |
Jared | or which one is best one? | 05:31 |
Jared | ipod | 05:31 |
Dr_Willis | amadeus_: nvidia has nvidia-tools tool that can apply diffrent changes. but ive never noticed a way to have user 1 have twinbview enabled.. and user2 to NOT have the thing enabled | 05:31 |
Dr_Willis | amadeus_: it may be possible - but ive not trried it | 05:31 |
amadeus_ | Dr_Willis I'm aware of that too, yet with xrandr or what Ubuntu uses that works so well its just logical for me to find its config and work from there | 05:31 |
Dr_Willis | amadeus_: yep xrandr is a good feature/tool its relatively new also. So there can be quirks with some cards | 05:32 |
BHoward | @jared sudo apt-get install mplayer | 05:32 |
amadeus_ | Dr_Willis well with xorg.conf I can get both screens going but.. its like having two screens I can't drag a window to the other one, however I can drag files to and from screens but thats it | 05:32 |
Jared | @BHoward which one would be best for ipod? | 05:32 |
Jared | how do i put red words? | 05:32 |
amadeus_ | Dr_Willis thanks for the tip, I'll dive right in | 05:33 |
amadeus_ | Dr_Willis why not take advantage of a good thing ;) | 05:33 |
Jared | thats for terminal? | 05:33 |
* Dr_Willis wonders what red words | 05:33 | |
BHoward | @Jared if you just have a regular ipod you can pretty much use anything | 05:33 |
BHoward | @jared yes type that in the terminal | 05:34 |
Jared | !ask BHoward ok | 05:34 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 05:34 |
ruhiger_detlef | hello | 05:34 |
Jared | how do i talk directly to someone? like in red words? | 05:34 |
Dr_Willis | amadeus_: for nvidia cards you want to enable twinview to allow you to have both monitors be one wide desktop | 05:34 |
Dr_Willis | amadeus_: your draggng files.. is actually the gnome desktop/wm seeing the changes - so its trying to be smart. :) | 05:35 |
pRincEss_nHa | duh ngbetein | 05:35 |
BHoward | @jared its automatic when you name is in the text | 05:35 |
ruhiger_detlef | Jared, like that | 05:35 |
amadeus_ | Dr_Willis lol not like windows moving things fully, which I can do with this setup so it has to be possible lol | 05:35 |
Dr_Willis | amadeus_: I enable twinview.. i can drag a program from Monitor #1 to #2 normally | 05:36 |
amadeus_ | Dr_Willis in this setup I have here I"m using xface which I like much ;) will I be able to move files | 05:36 |
Dr_Willis | amadeus_: what video card are you using exactly? | 05:36 |
Jared | BHoward ok i did type that in there, now it says need password | 05:36 |
amadeus_ | Dr_Willis you can drag a folder a window to the other screen | 05:36 |
Dr_Willis | amadeus_: yes.. the 2 moiniotors are one WIIIIDEEEEE desktop | 05:36 |
BHoward | @jared enter your password you set when you installed ubuntu | 05:36 |
amadeus_ | Dr_Willis 1: Nvidia Geforce mx 200 and Ati Radeon 8500 real old | 05:36 |
Dr_Willis | amadeus_: egads.. NVidia AND ati.. good luck :) | 05:37 |
amadeus_ | Dr_Willis good just like xp | 05:37 |
amadeus_ | it'll work | 05:37 |
amadeus_ | lol | 05:37 |
Dr_Willis | amadeus_: enable xinerama perhaps,, and pray. | 05:37 |
Dr_Willis | amadeus_: with just nvidia its a simple click click..done :) | 05:37 |
Dr_Willis | no idea on ati | 05:37 |
Jared | BHoward ok installing it... | 05:37 |
amadeus_ | Dr_Willis the only thing I have found on xinerama is setting up your xorg, but is there an actual xinerama program or something | 05:37 |
Dr_Willis | amadeus_: it sounds like you got 2 seperate X sessions, not one X session using Xinerama | 05:37 |
Dr_Willis | amadeus_: its a feature of X - not a program | 05:38 |
Jared | BHoward ok done, now what? | 05:38 |
Dr_Willis | ati and nvidia both have their own specilized Xinerama features/replacement | 05:38 |
amadeus_ | Dr_Willis xinerama is just something you setup via Xorg right | 05:38 |
mod | how can I tell what wireless card my netbook has and find the right driver for it in 9.04? I've read that it has a Broadcom card and works fine in 9.10, but I'm not ready to fully upgrade yet | 05:38 |
Dr_Willis | amadeus_: right | 05:38 |
BHoward | @jared well its installed so now you can play media through mplayer | 05:38 |
amadeus_ | Dr_Willis then I have to find out how to get xrandr to do it, I did something like that with my Debian system on this drive | 05:39 |
Dr_Willis | amadeus_: thers some Xinerama "0" or "1" setting to turn it on/off | 05:39 |
freeaks | hi there | 05:39 |
Dr_Willis | Ive no idea if xrandr can do that or not, | 05:39 |
Jared | BHoward how can I get to media? | 05:39 |
freeaks | i have a problem with xset | 05:39 |
Dr_Willis | amadeus_: since the way you got it now there are 2 seperate X sessions running. | 05:39 |
Jared | oh sounds in application | 05:39 |
freeaks | when i try to do "xset -r" to stop key auto repeat | 05:39 |
nwidger | anyone know roughly how much space a standard ubuntu install takes up? | 05:39 |
freeaks | its going crazy | 05:39 |
Jared | I'm new to this Ubuntu thing | 05:40 |
BHoward | @jared what are you trying to accomplish? | 05:40 |
Dasuchin | bmatthew: hello | 05:40 |
amadeus_ | Dr_Willis well not now but in my Debian but if I put that exact xorg in there it will do the same most deff | 05:40 |
BHoward | @jared everybody starts somewhere | 05:40 |
Dr_Willis | nwidger: under 4gb i know :) but a Useable ubuntu setup.. thats another story | 05:40 |
Tresmius | I have it on a 150gb partition :P | 05:40 |
freeaks | someone can try xset -r ? | 05:40 |
nwidger | Dr_Willis: im looking at a SSD HD for a mythbox... wondering if 8GB would be enough | 05:40 |
freeaks | is it just me or ? | 05:40 |
Jared | BHoward I'm just trying to fix this for my friend... | 05:40 |
amadeus_ | Dr_Willis is the two seperate displays like I have them setup is that damaging at all, I mean both are 1024x768 at 75hz | 05:40 |
Tresmius | windows 7 on the other 350gb, and all my other "stuff" on the 1tb external | 05:41 |
Jared | BHoward I have more experince on this than my friend.. he just want to use this like itunes stuff like that | 05:41 |
BHoward | @jared it may be a good idea to add the medibuntu repository and install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 05:41 |
freeaks | can i get help here? or this is the wrong place to ask ? | 05:41 |
Jared | BHoward how would I do that? | 05:42 |
mawst | swfdec is bah | 05:42 |
Dr_Willis | amadeus_: i dont see how it can hurt anything | 05:42 |
BHoward | @jared | 05:42 |
freeaks | can someone tell me how to stop key auto repeat on ubuntu (karmic) | 05:42 |
amadeus_ | Dr_Willis that is a relief | 05:42 |
BHoward | @jared just follow the directions | 05:42 |
rww | f | 05:42 |
rww | r | 05:42 |
freeaks | hello ? | 05:42 |
Dr_Willis | freeaks: in the config menus. | 05:42 |
rww | 1 | 05:42 |
Dr_Willis | freeaks: system -> config -> keyboard settings | 05:42 |
freeaks | Dr_Willis, thanks for the answer | 05:42 |
freeaks | i go look | 05:43 |
Dr_Willis | 'exploreign the menus 101' :) | 05:43 |
Dasuchin | anyone know if theres a way to navigate tabs in gnome-terminal? | 05:43 |
amadeus_ | Dr_Willis then I might google xrandr dual monitor setup | 05:43 |
Dr_Willis | Dasuchin: i think theres a keyboard combo. but i never use it | 05:43 |
freeaks | Dr_Willis, thanks it seems to work .. i have no idea why xset doesn't work though | 05:43 |
bazhang | !xrandr | amadeus_ | 05:44 |
ubottu | amadeus_: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X. Information/HowTo here: | 05:44 |
amadeus_ | shazam! | 05:44 |
amadeus_ | thanks | 05:44 |
Dr_Willis | Dasuchin: gnome-termional sesttings for keyboard -> shows the keys to do it | 05:44 |
BHoward | @dasuchin its ctrl-PgUp and ctrl-PgDn | 05:44 |
rww | well, that was fun | 05:44 |
Dr_Willis | People never look in the menus.. :) | 05:44 |
amadeus_ | maybe if Xrandr works better it should be used for all distos indeff | 05:44 |
rww | freeaks: "xset -r" goes crazy, it's not just you | 05:45 |
Dr_Willis | amadeus_: xrandr is a relatively new feature. so its slowly gaining features/ussage | 05:45 |
Dasuchin | Dr_Willis: thanks | 05:45 |
pRincEss_nHa | pd kmN siCH orng | 05:45 |
kthomas_vh_ | is vncserver's access password stored in a secure manner? | 05:45 |
amadeus_ | Dr_Willis It would be cool if one could set it up on any distro a will via packman or apt-get | 05:45 |
freeaks | Dr_Willis, well gfx stuff , like menus, used to never work or didn't provide as much option or flexibility as the command line, so i got used to do stuffs directly in the command line | 05:45 |
Dr_Willis | kthomas_vh_: its in .vnc/passwrd here. | 05:46 |
freeaks | rww, thanks for letting me know | 05:46 |
* kthomas_vh_ looks again | 05:46 | |
Dr_Willis | freeaks: gnome is overriding the X settings i imagine. | 05:46 |
freeaks | gnome ... | 05:46 |
abhijit | hey natarajana u thr? | 05:46 |
Jared | BHoward ok i did install respirotory, now extras? | 05:47 |
Tresmius | Well what's the usual reason a particular program can't access /dev/Video0 ? | 05:47 |
kthomas_vh_ | Dr_Willis, well, it's not plain text :) | 05:47 |
datz | hi, I'm trying to install a gnome theme. I deleted one, and am trying to add it back. Says can't add directory over directory. Where are the themes located so I can delete the right ones? | 05:47 |
freeaks | maybe its time i erase it .. (gnome) xfce or lxde are looking way better and less bloated .. | 05:47 |
tommy^m | hey, i got some problems with the ath9k driver. is i try downloading a iso in wireless mode i will get like bursts of downloading at 2mb/sek and then it goes down to 0kb/sek for 10-30 seconds before downloading again. it takes forever to download an iso?? | 05:48 |
amadeus_ | Dr_Willis this is what I get the NV driver on G80 and higher boards (since 2.0.95), but I don't know if my Nvidia card will support that | 05:48 |
tommy^m | i think maybe its an hardware issue | 05:48 |
BHoward | @jared yes do this sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 05:48 |
amadeus_ | whats with this unwanted private message I keep getting from who knows where, about Haiti | 05:48 |
BHoward | @jared just copy and paste that whole command string | 05:48 |
amadeus_ | someone being a troll it seems | 05:49 |
Tresmius | just some racist guy | 05:49 |
amadeus_ | it sure is | 05:49 |
amadeus_ | he is | 05:49 |
bazhang | amadeus_, they have been taken care of; you can set /mode +R if you wish to avoid unregged users PM'ing you | 05:49 |
Tresmius | What's the usual reason a particular program can't access /dev/Video0 ? | 05:49 |
amadeus_ | I didn't know the command thanks :) | 05:50 |
Tresmius | and what's the command to register? I don't think I got around to it | 05:50 |
bazhang | amadeus_, what irc client? for xchat its /mode nickname +R | 05:50 |
amadeus_ | bazhang_ xchat | 05:50 |
Tresmius | I've used IRC a few times since 2005 but I never really memorised commands or anything | 05:50 |
Dr_Willis | its /mode dr_willis +R In weechat also | 05:51 |
amadeus_ | bazhang_ I have to have their name then?> | 05:51 |
Tresmius | I expected /register would work | 05:51 |
bazhang | just changed with the new ircd | 05:51 |
happyface | how do I fix "wireless is disabled" in gnome-network-manager?! | 05:51 |
bazhang | amadeus_, no your nickname: /mode amadeus_ +R | 05:51 |
Dr_Willis | I wonder how to make weechat rember that | 05:51 |
amadeus_ | I'm actually almark, amadeus is my name on my machine lol silly I didn't change it | 05:52 |
=== amadeus_ is now known as Almark | ||
bazhang | ok | 05:52 |
abhijit | happyface: right click on network icon and select enable wireless after switchin on the wireless button | 05:52 |
happyface | abhijit: that option is greyed out, but I see my device with "iwconfig" | 05:53 |
abhijit | happyface: have u switch on wireless button that is on ur laptop or ur router? | 05:53 |
mjs7231 | Hey Guys, I just installed an Partial Upgrade in Karmic, and now my MacBook Pro won't boot using the latest kernel. | 05:53 |
mjs7231 | How do I force it to always use the older one? | 05:53 |
happyface | abhijit: it's definitely enabled | 05:53 |
IdleOne | Dr_Willis: what does +R do? | 05:53 |
bazhang | IdleOne, blocks unregged nicks from PM'ing you | 05:54 |
IdleOne | bazhang: ahh, thanks | 05:54 |
mee | Hi. I'm trying to upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10 using "do-release-upgrade" or "update manager" (GUI). I want to download the packages myself (with axel, download accelerator) and copy them to /var/cache/apt. How Can I find the name/url of the packages? | 05:55 |
Dr_Willis | IdleOne: supposubly blocks messages from non0-regged users | 05:56 |
Dr_Willis | IdleOne: I guess i will see if it works | 05:56 |
Dr_Willis | Im not sure how to put more t hen one on connect command in weechat :) | 05:56 |
abhijit | happyface: whats definitely enabled? the button or the setting? | 05:56 |
Dr_Willis | so i will have to rember the +R i guess | 05:57 |
abhijit | happyface: then its that u may dont have the drivers | 05:57 |
happyface | abhijit: the wifi is definitely enabled, I see it with nm-tool and iwconfig | 05:57 |
mee | Any ideas? | 05:57 |
Sarah90 | hey is it possible to upgrade from 32bit to 64bit without reinstalling ubuntu? | 05:57 |
bazhang | Sarah90, no | 05:57 |
abhijit | happyface: in my case when i switch off the wireless button the button is red, when i press it to turn on it becomes blue and then i can click on enable wireless | 05:58 |
Sarah90 | what is the difference between 32bit and 64bit? i never quite understood it | 05:58 |
montyboy | mee, any mirror will suffice | 05:58 |
happyface | abhijit: I think it's more complicated than that | 05:58 |
abhijit | happyface: ok | 05:58 |
montyboy | mee, but your in for a painful ride if you're going to do all that package by package | 05:59 |
mee | montyboy: that's not the problem. I just need a list of files to download (from any mirror as you said) | 05:59 |
abhijit | happyface: then try for installing the appropriate drives | 05:59 |
mee | montyboy: something like download script in Synaptic | 05:59 |
happyface | abhijit: how do I do that? | 05:59 |
Almark | is grandr just a front end for xrandr? | 05:59 |
abhijit | happyface: no i dont have deep knowledge of drivers better ask someone else | 06:00 |
happyface | thanks for your help abhijit | 06:00 |
montyboy | mee, dpkg –get-selections will give you a list | 06:00 |
BHoward | @mee this may help. It goes through some of the process you have been talking about | 06:00 |
abhijit | happyface: you can get the details of wireless card with lspci and then search for drivers of that card | 06:01 |
abhijit | happyface: lspci | grep -i net | 06:01 |
Dr_Willis | Almark: its a panel applet i think. SO yes. | 06:01 |
BHoward | @mee step 9 starts doing the download script | 06:01 |
Flynsarmy | How can i add gtksourcecompletion to gtksourceview (on 9.10) like this: | 06:01 |
Almark | Dr_Willis I see | 06:02 |
Almark | Dr_Willis and thank you for your help thus far :) | 06:02 |
tommy^m | hey guys, i get some problems with ath9k driver. here is some output from kern.log | 06:02 |
Dr_Willis | Almark: so many neat panel applets.. :) so little time | 06:02 |
Dr_Willis | Almark: and so little panel space | 06:02 |
happyface | abhijit: I have proper drivers (iwlagn) which normally work, but recently my wireless hasn't been working | 06:02 |
Almark | lol | 06:02 |
abhijit | happyface: search in ubuntu forums there are lots of this type of questions. you may get one of them similar to you and may found your answer | 06:03 |
Yatch | hi, when i try use sudo update-grub in ubuntu kamic, say /etc/default/grub no found, why? | 06:03 |
abhijit | happyface: search in network forum of ubuntu forum | 06:03 |
happyface | thanks | 06:03 |
mee | montyboy: can you explain the whole process of upgrading with your solution? I just know about do-release-upgrade or the GUI | 06:04 |
endriago_ | hola | 06:04 |
Almark | Dr_Willis_ years ago 1999 to be exact on Redhat I was using a 800 x 600 screen and was allowed to move off the screen and it was like having a huge screen but one monitor, the screen moved until it hit the edge | 06:04 |
Almark | Dr_Willis_ what was that? | 06:04 |
Almark | Dr_Willis_ it was cool :) | 06:04 |
endriago_ | alguien que hable espa;ol_ | 06:04 |
montyboy | mee, are you doing this to speed up the downloads or do you need to do an offline upgrade? | 06:04 |
endriago_ | castellano | 06:05 |
mee | montyboy: speed | 06:05 |
montyboy | mee, then save yourself a lot of headache and change your apt sources to a mirror that's 1. close 2. fast | 06:05 |
tommy^m | Almark: multiple desktops? | 06:05 |
Almark | Dr_Willis_ something like that might still come in handy | 06:05 |
tommy^m | you have 2 workspaces in ubuntu as default | 06:06 |
Almark | tommy^m back then no no lol just one screen but you could move your mouse to the edge of the screen it the desktop would move I was using NeXT in linux the windows manager | 06:06 |
Yatch | hello | 06:06 |
tommy^m | yea you still have that | 06:06 |
Yatch | ? | 06:06 |
tommy^m | but you dont move with the mouse | 06:07 |
mjs7231 | Hey Guys, I just installed an Partial Upgrade in Karmic, and now my MacBook Pro won't boot using the latest kernel. How do I default to the older Kernel? | 06:07 |
Almark | tommy^m not like today with different desktops one computer but like one huge desktop that moved when you hit the edge | 06:07 |
Dr_Willis | Almark: thats a feature of X to have a larger then normal screen virtual screen. it was common years ago - these days if peipole see it they think its a bug. | 06:07 |
montyboy | mee, check out the list and pick one near you and test it out | 06:07 |
tommy^m | Almark: try ctrl + alt and right arrow | 06:07 |
mee | BHoward: I'm trying to upgrade a release | 06:07 |
Dr_Willis | Almark: i cant even get the feature enabled on my Netbook which would be handy on it | 06:07 |
Almark | tommy^m ok | 06:07 |
=== miles_ is now known as olim | ||
axisys | where does the ubuntu wallpapers are saved? i wanted to download about twenty of them and make it available for my desktop | 06:08 |
Dr_Willis | Almark: i used it ages ago with gimp to edit largeimages | 06:08 |
tommy^m | axisys: where ever you want | 06:08 |
Almark | tommy^ its not the same my friend | 06:08 |
BHoward | @mee if you going for speed then i would do what monyboy said. much easier | 06:08 |
tommy^m | Almark: hmm ok :/ | 06:08 |
axisys | tommy^m: ok | 06:08 |
Almark | Dr_Willis_ it was cool huh | 06:08 |
Dr_Willis | axisys: i make a Wallpapers directory i use | 06:08 |
Yatch | some can help me? | 06:08 |
Almark | Dr_Willis_ like having a gigantic desktop | 06:08 |
k0rbis | Whats the difference between Wine and PlayOnLinux? | 06:08 |
montyboy | Yatch, what's up? | 06:08 |
tommy^m | axisys: you can add the location of your wallpapers to gnome | 06:08 |
Dr_Willis | k0rbis: PlayOnLinux uses wine - its a front end | 06:09 |
mee | thanks | 06:09 |
Almark | Dr_Willis_ for retro sake I want to do it again lol | 06:09 |
k0rbis | Front End? Whats that mean? | 06:09 |
tommy^m | anyone having problems wth ath9k wireless driver? | 06:09 |
Tresmius | Graphical user interface | 06:09 |
Dr_Willis | k0rbis: it uses wine.. its not a replacement | 06:09 |
Yatch | hmm, whne i try use update-grub, i get /etc/default/grub not found | 06:09 |
BHoward | @k0rbis it just an easy to use interface | 06:09 |
Yatch | when* | 06:09 |
k0rbis | Ah so its just an add on for Wine, correct? | 06:09 |
k0rbis | I see ok thank you. | 06:09 |
tommy^m | Yatch: do you have that file? | 06:09 |
Yatch | yes | 06:09 |
Dr_Willis | its a tool that uses wine.. its not an addon for wine. :) | 06:09 |
tommy^m | Yatch: ls -l /etc/default/grub | 06:09 |
Yatch | exist | 06:09 |
ng0n | wine is the 'engine' inside Play... | 06:09 |
k0rbis | Yeah I got Wine installed right now. | 06:10 |
Tresmius | What's the usual reason a particular program can't access /dev/Video0 ? | 06:10 |
Sumit | if I create a new folder from another application 'Dolphin' dont display it immediately, i need to refresh, but with 'Nautilus' its not necessary, are there any settings in Dolphin to avoid manual refresh??? | 06:10 |
Dr_Willis | it pays to be exacting with words on computers | 06:10 |
tommy^m | Yatch: try reinstalling grub then maybe | 06:10 |
ng0n | it pay anytime | 06:10 |
k0rbis | Had a few problems installing games, I'm sure its my ATI video card.. | 06:10 |
Yatch | hmm i have tried, but i get error 127, | 06:10 |
axisys | Dr_Willis: thanks | 06:10 |
axisys | tommy^m: how ? | 06:11 |
montyboy | Yatch, what steps have you taken to re-install grub? | 06:11 |
axisys | tommy^m: i think u meant dir by location.. i thought u meant url .. thanks | 06:11 |
tommy^m | axisys: rightclick the desktop and choose change desktop background, then click the "Add..." button | 06:11 |
BHoward | @korbis I always have weird problems with wine and games. Sometimes it will kill my samba service, leave me at a strange resolution, or just remove share permissions from folders. Lol just seems like too much hassle | 06:12 |
axisys | tommy^m: understood.. thanks | 06:12 |
magn3ts | I'm having major apt problems with my kernel/modules: I'm scared to reboot. Can someone help me resolve this? Thanks! | 06:12 |
tommy^m | allright =) | 06:12 |
Almark | Dr_Willis_ You know it was like what I see on the Win 7, I have xp ;) on youtube ppl use zoom in and roam around their screen, that was what it was like but it was cool | 06:12 |
k0rbis | Lol yeah its a big hassle for games | 06:12 |
Yatch | apt-get remove, using synaptic, choosing reinstall | 06:12 |
k0rbis | And first off, Linux isn't made for the gaming world. Just stick with the consoles. | 06:12 |
=== Sumit is now known as Sum-it | ||
=== Sum-it is now known as Sum_it | ||
Sum_it | if I create a new folder from another application 'Dolphin' dont display it immediately, i need to refresh, but with 'Nautilus' its not necessary, are there any settings in Dolphin to avoid manual refresh??? | 06:13 |
Yatch | i wanna install, burg | 06:13 |
BHoward | @k0rbis I have however had a high amount of success using cedega. None of the oddball problems. I even get better frame rates on some games then I do in windows | 06:13 |
magn3ts | never mind, it looks like I need to do a dist-upgrade | 06:13 |
montyboy | magn3ts, not htat big of a deal. you're using a backport for your alsa sound and it was compiled against the older kernel | 06:14 |
k0rbis | Yep, I had a friend help me install Call of Duty MW2 on Ubuntu and I get about 20fps more | 06:14 |
ZykoticK9 | is there an equivalent to FreeBSD's "nullfs" to allow you to mount a directory instead of a partition? | 06:14 |
magn3ts | montyboy, actually it looks like alsa backport got installed but the kernel that it was based on didnt | 06:15 |
cf-r3 | ls | 06:15 |
magn3ts | it should be working itself out right now | 06:15 |
Tresmius | gaming consoles sucked after the PSX :P | 06:15 |
mjs7231 | Hey Guys, I just installed an Partial Upgrade in Karmic, and now my MacBook Pro won't boot using the latest kernel. How do I default to the older Kernel? | 06:15 |
montyboy | magn3ts, MBP 5.x? | 06:16 |
Tresmius | What's the usual reason a particular program can't access /dev/Video0 ? | 06:16 |
ZykoticK9 | mjs7231, holding SHIFT after BIOS "should" show you the grub menu, where you can select the old kernel. | 06:16 |
magn3ts | montyboy, hehe, yes. | 06:16 |
tommy^m | mjs7231: check out youre grub config | 06:16 |
magn3ts | montyboy, how'd ya know | 06:16 |
BHoward | @tresmius something else migh be using it at the same time | 06:16 |
montyboy | magn3ts, me too - are you trying to dist-upgrade to 9.10? | 06:16 |
magn3ts | montyboy, no, but I just installed 9.10 and I'm trying to fix the audio | 06:16 |
montyboy | ah, ok | 06:17 |
Tresmius | Well various websites that use flash to access the webcam seem to be able to access it fine (firefox) | 06:17 |
magn3ts | right now my headphone jack doesn't work, and it looks like I'm going to have to patch alsa so that when the headphone jack comes on, it mutes the speakers. The MBP doesn't do it in the hardware | 06:17 |
mjs7231 | tomatoes7, I am able to load the last kernel in the Grub menu, and I actually found a way to make grub remember the last selected option on boot. Now I am worried.. If one more kernel comes out, won't my current *working* kernel be removed from the list? | 06:17 |
mjs7231 | very scarry | 06:17 |
ClearNick | greetings. | 06:17 |
montyboy | magn3ts, where did you get the backport alsa? | 06:17 |
magn3ts | or apparently the firmware either | 06:17 |
Wutwut | ?DCC SEND STARTKEYLOGGER 0 0 0 | 06:17 |
Wutwut | ?DCC SEND STARTKEYLOGGER 0 0 0 | 06:17 |
Wutwut | ?DCC SEND STARTKEYLOGGER 0 0 0 | 06:17 |
Wutwut | ?DCC SEND STARTKEYLOGGER 0 0 0 | 06:17 |
Wutwut | ?DCC SEND STARTKEYLOGGER 0 0 0 | 06:17 |
christopherius | mjs7231, this might help you: | 06:17 |
FloodBot1 | NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information. | 06:17 |
magn3ts | magn3ts, mmmhm, no idea. one of the repos | 06:17 |
tommy^m | mjs7231: make a backup of /boot/grub/grub.cfg then | 06:18 |
rethus | in sources.list i see at last the field main, universe, multivers... what are these options | 06:18 |
Tresmius | camorama says "Could not connect to video device (/device/video0)" | 06:18 |
ClearNick | Is it difficult to get a cellphone to function like a webcam or video capture device under linux ? | 06:18 |
Tresmius | while firefox is able to connect to it fine when I try that | 06:18 |
mjs7231 | tommy^m, So old kernels are never removed from the system, just removed from the list? | 06:18 |
tommy^m | mjs7231: also you might want to backup the working kernel from /boot/vmlinuz | 06:18 |
montyboy | magn3ts, use the ppa mactel repo | 06:19 |
=== ClearNick is now known as TruthLiker | ||
TruthLiker | :) | 06:19 |
magn3ts | montyboy, I have it added already | 06:19 |
tommy^m | mjs7231: as long as there is space on the /boot partition | 06:19 |
magn3ts | montyboy, oh, do they have it patched in the ppa repo? | 06:19 |
joot | NickServ identify joot | 06:19 |
rethus | have this enterd to sources.list and get an error... why: | 06:19 |
rethus | deb karmic | 06:19 |
rethus | istn't this sytax right? i copy it from the wiki | 06:19 |
mjs7231 | tomatoes7, thanks. | 06:20 |
montyboy | magn3ts, i just did a rebuild of my mbp today and that's the repo i have listed and my alsa is working | 06:20 |
IdleOne | rethus: run sudo apt-get update | 06:21 |
montyboy | magn3ts, though, my kernel is 2.6.31-19-generic x86_64 | 06:21 |
rethus | IdleOne: missconfiguratet source.list | 06:22 |
IdleOne | rethus: paste your sources.list please | 06:22 |
IdleOne | !paste | rethus | 06:22 |
ubottu | rethus: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 06:22 |
rethus | works before is only the line above which cahnge and make the error | 06:23 |
rethus | # remastersys - Backup-Tool | 06:23 |
rethus | deb karmic | 06:23 |
rethus | this line | 06:23 |
magn3ts | :[ also, this is still not working properly :[ | 06:23 |
FloodBot1 | rethus: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 06:23 |
joot | How do I get to use alt/del/backspace in Karmic?? | 06:24 |
rethus | and here it comes | 06:24 |
magn3ts | | 06:24 |
ZykoticK9 | joot, alt+sysrq+k instead | 06:24 |
Dr_Willis | !dontzap | 06:24 |
ubottu | To re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see | 06:24 |
montyboy | magn3ts, have you rebooted into the new kernel? | 06:25 |
IdleOne | rethus: after karmic there should be "main" or something similar | 06:26 |
IdleOne | rethus: at the end of the line that is | 06:26 |
magn3ts | montyboy, no | 06:26 |
montyboy | magn3ts, do it, your old one is still there | 06:26 |
magn3ts | what do you mean its still there? | 06:26 |
montyboy | magn3ts, do a uname -r and tell me what it reads | 06:27 |
magn3ts | 2.6.31-14-generic | 06:27 |
rethus | IdleOne: what did this parms mean? | 06:27 |
rethus | main = same folde, and multiverse is the subfolder multivers? | 06:27 |
montyboy | magn3ts, ok, so when you reboot you will have 2 choice (at least) you will have 2.6.31-14 and 2.6.31-20 | 06:28 |
montyboy | magn3ts, boot into the new one and then try the alsa package again | 06:28 |
IdleOne | rethus: where did you get that deb line from? | 06:28 |
rethus | | 06:28 |
joot | I lost my connection please repeat instruction for ctr/alt/backspace | 06:28 |
rethus | problem is, that on the server are no subfolders like main, restricted, multiverse or universe | 06:28 |
TruthLiker | Is it very difficult to get a cellphone to work as a video capture/webcam on linux ? | 06:29 |
ZykoticK9 | !dontzap > joot | 06:29 |
ubottu | joot, please see my private message | 06:29 |
IdleOne | rethus: deb karmic/ see the / at the end | 06:30 |
joot | ZykoticK9: choice thanks...:) | 06:31 |
ZykoticK9 | joot, thank Dr_Willis actually :) | 06:31 |
rethus | great works... thanks a lot | 06:31 |
=== sultan is now known as bebi | ||
IdleOne | rethus: welcome | 06:32 |
joot | Dr_Willis, Zykotick9: Fixed thanks both... | 06:35 |
billy12 | whats the bin name for "hardware drivers"? | 06:35 |
mgoat | hi, trying to create a USB karmic installer from a hardy CD (out of cd-r's), is it possible? | 06:35 |
mgoat | I need ext4 support | 06:35 |
Elv13 | yes it is | 06:35 |
BHoward | '@mgoat look up unetbootin | 06:35 |
Elv13 | mgoat: but use something newer than hardy | 06:35 |
mgoat | Elv13: i will use karmic | 06:36 |
BHoward | @mgoat | 06:36 |
mgoat | i'm stuck in a hardy live cd | 06:36 |
mgoat | thanks BHoward | 06:36 |
Elv13 | mgoat: Ext4 was young when 8.04 came out, I think it was not supported as an install time option, you had to manually upgrade your file system after install | 06:36 |
mgoat | elv13, i know this | 06:37 |
mgoat | thanks though | 06:37 |
nanotube | mgoat: you can use usb-creator to make a liveusb out of a livecd image | 06:38 |
BHoward | I like using unetbootin mainly because you can easily download your distro through it. Plus it wont completely format your flash drive to use it. | 06:39 |
BHoward | Found out the hard way that the ubuntu usb creator likes to format everything... | 06:39 |
Dr_Willis | theresd a windows only alternative to unetbootin called linuxloader - it has some features not in Unetbootin. but has other issues | 06:40 |
nanotube | BHoward: from the unetbootin website: "If you are having trouble with the Linux version, try the Windows version, it usually works better.".... so does using it from linux actually work? | 06:40 |
BHoward | i have never tried it. have to check it out | 06:40 |
BHoward | @nanotube I use it all the time | 06:40 |
nanotube | BHoward: hrm.. ok. a little strange for them to be saying that, then... :) | 06:41 |
BHoward | @nanotube in fact its in the repos but im not sure which version. sudo apt-get install unetbootin | 06:41 |
billy12 | Im sorry to bother ya'll, but dose any know what the BIN file name for "Hardware Drives" is in 9.10? | 06:41 |
BHoward | @nanotube I have never had a problem. been lucky i guess | 06:41 |
cira | list ? | 06:42 |
Dr_Willis | billy12: jockey-gtk i think | 06:42 |
nanotube | BHoward: heh ic. never used it myself - only used usb-creator once for a netbook without a cd drive. ;) | 06:42 |
billy12 | Dr_Willis, perfect thank you! | 06:43 |
=== Chicken is now known as McNuggets | ||
BHoward | @nanotube now I prefer doing almost all linux installs from USB. Much faster | 06:43 |
Almark | good night all :) | 06:43 |
nanotube | BHoward: yea now that i'm onto the whole liveusb concept, i think my cd burning days are behind me. :) | 06:44 |
=== administrator is now known as Guest274 | ||
Guest274 | I want to install jre-6u18-linux-i586.rpm package in my ubuntu but I am unable to do, Help! | 06:45 |
[Bain] | could someone please twell me where my xorg.conf is hiding in ubuntu ? | 06:45 |
mod | where it is on most xorg based distros | 06:46 |
mod | /etc/X11 | 06:46 |
BHoward | @nanotube This will let you do usb installs on older computers without bios usb support | 06:46 |
nanotube | !rpm | Guest274 | 06:46 |
ubottu | Guest274: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported) | 06:46 |
Guest274 | How to change permissions of any file | 06:46 |
joot | guest274: rpm's are for a red hat system | 06:46 |
nanotube | !chmod | Guest274 | 06:46 |
ubottu | Guest274: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at | 06:46 |
Guest274 | Yes I want to install rpm | 06:46 |
ubuntudude | on a dual core with 4gb ram would i notice the speed differences of gnome and xfce? | 06:47 |
dmerricka | is there a command for showing what modules are being used by what interfaces? | 06:47 |
Guest274 | Oh Isn't it for ubuntu? | 06:47 |
[Bain] | mod: appears there arent any video or driver settings in that file | 06:47 |
[Bain] | is it a second location ? | 06:47 |
joot | guest274: NO | 06:47 |
nanotube | Guest274: your best bet is to just install the sun-java6-jre package from the ubuntu repos. no need to be messing around with rpms from sun. | 06:48 |
mod | bain your prolly using default generic drivers | 06:48 |
Guest274 | Actually I am trying to install logmein on my pc, therefore I was installing rpm as they said that we need rpm because ubuntu is debian based | 06:48 |
Dr_Willis | that makes no sence | 06:48 |
nanotube | Guest274: that's precisely wrong. debian-based means we use .deb packages, not .rmps. | 06:48 |
TheMusicGuy | I am trying to create a bzr branch on an NTFS filesystem, and bzr is giving me odd behavior. | 06:48 |
Dr_Willis | :) | 06:48 |
Dr_Willis | !apt | 06:49 |
ubottu | APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE) | 06:49 |
fen` | hmm im seeing some really odd things reported by mount and mtab | 06:49 |
TheMusicGuy | Is there anything "special" I need to do to get bzr to work on an NTFS filesystem? | 06:49 |
ubuntudude | on a dual core with 4gb ram would i notice the speed differences of gnome and xfce? | 06:50 |
Dr_Willis | ubuntudude: doubtfull | 06:50 |
todkon | Hello, I'm having a problem with getting Skype to configure correctly in Ubuntu 9.10, the audio settings only give me "PulseAudio server (local)" as an option, when I make a test call it claims it has failed.. I cannot for the life of me find a solution using Google, someone please help! | 06:51 |
mod | ubuntudude both of those attributes have little to do with the speed of those things | 06:51 |
Guest274 | Okey I am install sun-java6-jre packages | 06:51 |
ubuntudude | mod, really? | 06:51 |
mod | yep, those have most to do with the speed and ram on your video card | 06:51 |
nanotube | TheMusicGuy: something like this is your error? | 06:52 |
mod | just like you'd talk about chipset and cache for a harddrive | 06:52 |
nanotube | Guest274: good choice. :) | 06:52 |
ubuntudude | so there's really no difference in speed of the DE of either? | 06:52 |
joot | guest274: Yep | 06:52 |
mod | no idea what a DE is | 06:52 |
ubuntudude | desktop environment | 06:52 |
ubuntudude | xfce gnome | 06:52 |
TheMusicGuy | nanotube: I do "bzr init" in my project directory, then "bzr add trunk", then "bzr commit", and I get a pointless commit error. | 06:52 |
hyperstream | is there any way i can tell if im using my online internet usage or lan (streaming music on the lan, but all the net is a bit slow on the two wireless pc's , not sure if its just the wifi slowing or if its going on the internet live | 06:52 |
TheMusicGuy | nanotube: when I do "bzr status" I get "unknown: <new line> trunk/" | 06:53 |
Jared | hey | 06:53 |
Jared | I need help | 06:53 |
Jared | I want to play big fish games on ubuntu | 06:53 |
nanotube | TheMusicGuy: hrm.. no idea. any chance you might use a "normal" filesystem instead to solve the problem? :) | 06:54 |
Dr_Willis | Jared: so? | 06:54 |
TheMusicGuy | nanotube: not easily, no | 06:54 |
Jared | Dr_Willis I want to play bigfishgames on ubuntu, how can I do that? | 06:54 |
Dr_Willis | Jared: some work in wine. some dont | 06:54 |
Dr_Willis | !wine | 06:54 |
ubottu | WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu | 06:54 |
TheMusicGuy | Apart from this issue, my NTFS partition mixes in pretty well with the rest of my system | 06:55 |
mod | w.i.n.e. is also c.r.a.p. | 06:55 |
Dr_Willis | mod: so are random comments on irc, :) | 06:55 |
fen` | can anyone explain this? | 06:55 |
mod | hmm that wasn't random | 06:55 |
Dr_Willis | i can play a great many bigfish games in wine.. some dont work hopwever | 06:55 |
Jared | sally ones will work? | 06:56 |
Dr_Willis | !appdb | Jared | 06:56 |
alohadoubt | is there a guide to setup phpmyadmin (manually) in ubuntu 9.04 ? | 06:56 |
ubottu | Jared: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: - Join #winehq for application help | 06:56 |
nanomachine | fen`, what about it? | 06:57 |
so0ky | hello. I do the sudo apt-get install openssh-server command in Ubuntu Server and I get package has no installation candidate. what is going on? | 06:57 |
fen` | mount says /dev/md0 is mounted on /, its not, /dev/sda1 is, /dev/md0 is 750GB not 240. | 06:57 |
Flannel | so0ky: Is this a fresh install? | 06:57 |
so0ky | yes | 06:57 |
Jared | Dr_Willis I see, only 20 games will work? | 06:57 |
Flannel | so0ky: `sudo apt-get update` then try again | 06:58 |
Dr_Willis | Jared: no... | 06:58 |
so0ky | okay | 06:58 |
Dr_Willis | Jared: thers proberly 20 'comments' on differnt games | 06:58 |
=== PancakeStaffer is now known as KB1JWQ | ||
ubuntudude | so neither gnome nor xfce will have a speed difference? | 06:58 |
Jared | Dr_Willis | 06:58 |
Dr_Willis | ubuntudude: on a hight end machoine it wont be noticeable | 06:58 |
ubuntudude | although i'm sure kde seems slow no matter what its on lol | 06:59 |
Dr_Willis | Jared: so? there are 20 entries in the database.. that dosent mean that ONLY those 20 work | 06:59 |
Dr_Willis | Jared: try your game and see. thats the definitive answer | 06:59 |
Dr_Willis | Jared: i have several dozen that do work | 06:59 |
rothsdad | how to display chinese in mplayer? | 06:59 |
Dr_Willis | and a few that dont | 06:59 |
joot | Jared: on some win apps you need the origigal .dll | 06:59 |
fen` | nanomachine, any ideas? | 06:59 |
millertimek1a2m3 | !backup | 06:59 |
ubottu | There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: , , , - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 06:59 |
Jared | Dr_Willis ok example... sally's spaw | 07:00 |
Jared | *spa | 07:00 |
almoxarife | rothsdad: have chinese fonts installed? | 07:00 |
nanomachine | fen`, where is the conflicting information to explain? I don't see anything about /dev/sda1 being mounted on / | 07:00 |
rothsdad | almoxarife: yes, Ive installed | 07:00 |
rothsdad | almoxarife: but no use | 07:01 |
Jared | i get error when I try to open it | 07:01 |
alohadoubt | is my msgs ignored. i feel like i was chatting on machine asking same questions many times. anyone here knows how to manually install phpmyadmin on ubuntu9.04 ? | 07:01 |
Dr_Willis | Jared: try the lat6est wine. run the installer from the cli. look for errors | 07:01 |
almoxarife | rothsdad: the playlist in chinese? | 07:01 |
Jared | my wine is 1.1.38 | 07:01 |
ubuntudude | i noticed i can't install gyachi on 64 bit ubuntu i wonder why | 07:01 |
rothsdad | almoxarife: no | 07:01 |
fen` | nanomachine, the size of /dev/md0 is 750GB, df reports / as being a total of 220GB, mount says /dev/md0 is mounted on /, this is conflicting. | 07:02 |
ubuntudude | i try to import the ppa and it doesn't work like it did in 32 bit | 07:02 |
almoxarife | rothsdad: you want the player to translate it? | 07:02 |
Jared | Dr_Willis: I'm not sure what to do.. | 07:02 |
rothsdad | almoxarife: but smplayer works well | 07:02 |
Jared | Dr_Willis: How do I open it with wine? | 07:03 |
Dr_Willis | Jared: thers No guarentees that it will work at all.. or ever work. if that database dont mention it0- check the wine forums and perhsaps #winehq | 07:03 |
Dr_Willis | Jared: wine pathtoinstraller.exe | 07:03 |
Jared | Dr_Willis: what is that for? | 07:03 |
Dr_Willis | Jared: in some cases ive had to use cracked versions to get them to work in wine | 07:03 |
Dr_Willis | Jared: wine /path/to/windowsapp/whater.exe is how you run a windoes app in wine | 07:04 |
fen` | nanomachine, interestingly if i create a folder, then mount /dev/sda1 that folder along with the rest of the filesystem appears on it. | 07:04 |
Sogekingu | hi I am limited to 800x600 display resolution, anyone can help me? I am running xubuntu. | 07:04 |
Jared | Dr_Willis is that for terminal? | 07:04 |
hyperstream | is there any way i can tell if im using my online internet usage or lan (streaming music on the lan, but all the net is a bit slow on the two wireless pc's , not sure if its just the wifi slowing or if its going on the internet live | 07:04 |
Dr_Willis | Jared: of course | 07:04 |
hyperstream | somethign to monitor the internet and ignore the lan | 07:04 |
nanomachine | fen`, since it is mirrored, wouldn't the size show up as half? | 07:05 |
Guest274 | In Ubuntu I can not install or download two things at a time, is there any application which allows us to do multitask in linux | 07:05 |
Dr_Willis | Guest274: the packagate manger has that limit to keep thigs sane. | 07:06 |
almoxarife | hyperstream: I use wireshark, it can be filtered to remove the lan from the traffic log | 07:06 |
Sogekingu | anyone can help my 800x600 xubuntu problem? | 07:06 |
Dr_Willis | Guest274: otherwise things can get confused/broke real fast | 07:06 |
sandipdev | @Guest274: u cant do that....multiple apps will result in inconsistencies | 07:06 |
Guest274 | That means we have to bear this single task here? | 07:06 |
hyperstream | almoxarife, just looking at wireshark, its a bit hard to understand ;/ | 07:06 |
sandipdev | @Guest274 yes | 07:06 |
fen` | nanomachine, not its a 750GB drive and a 750GB partiion on a 1tb drive, the mirrored size is 750GB | 07:06 |
Dr_Willis | Guest274: if you want a stable system.. yes | 07:06 |
Guest274 | I see, thanks for informing me | 07:06 |
fen` | this is really wierd | 07:07 |
Dr_Willis | ive noticed windows now does it that way also for many cases | 07:07 |
sandipdev | @Dr_willis: they are learning fast then ;-) | 07:07 |
nanomachine | fen`, can you umount /dev/md0? | 07:07 |
Sogekingu | hi I am limited to 800x600 display resolution, anyone can help me? I am running xubuntu. | 07:07 |
fen` | i can try, its got an lvm sitting on it | 07:07 |
Jared | Dr_Willis ok it failed... what now? | 07:08 |
fen` | umount: /: device is busy. | 07:08 |
Guest274 | @Guest is there any application by which I can access my ubuntu 9.04 from windows XP professional? | 07:08 |
nanomachine | fen`, fopen and lsof should show whats using it | 07:08 |
nanomachine | not fopen, i forgot the name of the command | 07:09 |
sandipdev | @Sogekingu: ur graphics card/chipset isnt configured | 07:09 |
sandipdev | install proper drivers | 07:09 |
Dr_Willis | Jared: check google for what the errors mean and #winehq - theres no guarentee that ANYTHING will ever make it work | 07:09 |
Guest274 | @Guest274 I can not use teamviewer in linux, | 07:09 |
fen` | lsof -t reports nothing | 07:09 |
joot | Guest274: not sure about that but the reverse is possible.. | 07:09 |
Dr_Willis | Jared: thatw why theres that wine app database to help people get things going | 07:09 |
millertimek1a2m3 | does anyone know a backup tool that won't just make an image of a partition? like... it will only copy used sectors to the backup file? | 07:09 |
TheMusicGuy | Oddly, I can commit junk fine from inside trunk/ | 07:09 |
sandipdev | @Guest274: there are apps which will let u access ur linux partitions in unix | 07:09 |
Sogekingu | sandipdev how would I do that, I am running it through virtualbox if that helps. | 07:09 |
TheMusicGuy | s/junk/just | 07:10 |
Guest274 | No I want to access my pc remotely from windows | 07:10 |
sandipdev | @Sogekindu: whats the make of ur graphics card? | 07:10 |
almoxarife | Guest274: tried 'vnc'? | 07:10 |
Sogekingu | nvidia gt 240m | 07:10 |
joot | Guest274: Maybe Wubi??? | 07:10 |
TheMusicGuy | millertimek1a2m3: take a look at rsnapshot | 07:10 |
Guest274 | Ok VNC | 07:10 |
hyperstream | almoxarife, how do i apply the filter that excludes Network traffic, and only capture things outgoing | 07:10 |
Sogekingu | sandipdev nvidia gt 240m | 07:10 |
sandipdev | @Guest274: why dont u access it thru Putty with X forwarding enabled | 07:10 |
sandipdev | @Sogekingu: go to add remove and install nvidia drivers..see if that helps | 07:11 |
Guest274 | Should I install putty in windows XP and in linux too, then enable forwarding. right? | 07:11 |
Sogekingu | sandipdev ok ill try. | 07:12 |
sandipdev | @Guest274: Install Putty in Windows and enable SSH server (daemon) on Linux | 07:12 |
TheMusicGuy | millertimek1a2m3: btw, you normally make filesystem backups based on _files_, not based on raw binary disk data (ie. sectors/disk images) | 07:12 |
almoxarife | hyperstream: I usually right click then drill down to the filter option then use the 'not' option, that's for not seeing that particular stream | 07:12 |
millertimek1a2m3 | TheMusicGuy, right, i was just saying make a backup of the only the stuff that is actually there, as in not a 40 gig image of a 40 gig partition that actually only has 4 gigs of files on it | 07:13 |
millertimek1a2m3 | thanks | 07:13 |
millertimek1a2m3 | :) | 07:13 |
hyperstream | almoxarife, ive set it: !(ip.addr == (this is my laptops IP address tho, so will this stop the internet traffic as well?) | 07:13 |
sandipdev | @Sogekingu : I think if u r running in VbOx, tweaking the VM settings for that OS shud work...allocate more video memory to it... etc... | 07:13 |
nanomachine | fen`, can you umount /dev/sda1? | 07:14 |
fen` | mm i think its the uuid to device mappings that are fucked. | 07:14 |
TheMusicGuy | millertimek1a2m3: right. think of backups in terms of _files_, not in terms of _disks_, and you'll get a lot farther. :D | 07:14 |
so0ky | where do i find the different chmod options? | 07:14 |
fen` | excuse the language.. sry/ | 07:14 |
joot | fen; language | 07:14 |
iceroot | so0ky: in the manpage | 07:15 |
Dr_Willis | !chmod | 07:15 |
ubottu | An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at | 07:15 |
iceroot | so0ky: man chmod | 07:15 |
fen` | joot, yeah i already caught myself, two seconds after i did it. | 07:15 |
so0ky | ty | 07:15 |
almoxarife | hyperstream: look at the stream? you may want to filter it so that you don't see your ip (out) or else it excludes the ip show altogether , I think :) | 07:15 |
joot | fen; coolas | 07:15 |
hyperstream | blah | 07:15 |
nanomachine | fen`, what did you do last before this problem occurred? | 07:16 |
semitones | is it possible to change your account name on ubuntuforums? | 07:16 |
almoxarife | hyperstream: why filter? once the log starts and you scroll back you can see all traffic, you should be able to tell if you are streaming outside the lan | 07:16 |
fen` | its not an issue, everything still works but its providing incorrect info | 07:16 |
hyperstream | Are there any other known applications that can tell me what im using through my WiFi - Need to monitor what im using over my network and what im using on the actual internet. | 07:17 |
hyperstream | almoxarife, i get heavyly spammed, with 3 chat clients open, and alot of other stuff utilizing the internet ;/ | 07:17 |
almoxarife | hyperstream: I use firestarter for a personal firewall on ubuntu, there are others, its simple enough, shows what is connected to what and allows you to shut down and open ports as you please | 07:18 |
joot | semitones; yes but i think you lose your beans | 07:19 |
Dr_Willis | limabeans :) | 07:20 |
semitones | joot: as long as I keep my posts.. | 07:20 |
semitones | "threads started by" etc. so I can still find them | 07:20 |
Dr_Willis | i really need to check the forums more. but i can only do so much :) | 07:20 |
Guest274 | I have install sun6-jre, Now how can I install logmein in ubuntu | 07:21 |
Dr_Willis | !info logmein | 07:21 |
ubottu | Package logmein does not exist in karmic | 07:21 |
Dr_Willis | Does LogmeIN have a homepage? | 07:21 |
Sogekingu | hi I am limited to 800x600 display resolution, anyone can help me? I am running xubuntu via VirtualBox. | 07:23 |
Dr_Willis | Sogekingu: for vcbox to get higher res you must install the vbox guest addations | 07:23 |
Dr_Willis | !vbox | 07:23 |
ubottu | virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at | 07:23 |
Sogekingu | Dr_Willis Thank you so much. I been trying to find solution for ages. | 07:24 |
Dr_Willis | theres a reason they made the guest addations :) | 07:25 |
Dr_Willis | im not sure if the guest addons are avail in the repos or not. | 07:25 |
Dr_Willis | or use the latest from vbox | 07:25 |
Sogekingu | yeah I wasnt sure what they were. They are included in VBox | 07:26 |
Sogekingu | I just didnt want to apply somthing I knew little of. | 07:26 |
joot | semi tones: you have to start again take a look at this.. | 07:26 |
Dr_Willis | the vbox 'share' feature is also a must learn/setup feature as well | 07:26 |
Dr_Willis | check the vbox docs. | 07:26 |
rothsdad | centerim is really cool! | 07:26 |
joot | semitones: you have to start again take a look at this.. | 07:26 |
mrpink57 | xp in a vbox on my laptop is just crippling | 07:26 |
semitones | cool thanks | 07:27 |
Dr_Willis | i ran win95 in vbox for ages :) | 07:27 |
Dr_Willis | or was it xp.. i forget... | 07:27 |
Sogekingu | im doing it the other way around XD | 07:27 |
semitones | I signed up for the forums before I started using IRC, and now people know me as semitones :) | 07:27 |
Dr_Willis | wife dident know she was on vbox on linux for over a year | 07:27 |
mrpink57 | i uses all of my resources while my Arch install uses meres percents | 07:27 |
joot | semitones: you can still search though | 07:27 |
Sogekingu | this laptop is too "new" for me to apply linux outright. | 07:27 |
almoxarife | I run win7 in a vbox on ubuntu, fixed the clippy sound by using the oss sound option, everything else clipped | 07:27 |
AbizzalsX | grub doesn't display an entry that's in boot.cfg but does display all other boot.cfg entries correctly | 07:27 |
Dr_Willis | Sogekingu: ive been playing with 'andlinux' also - its linux in a qemu virutal machine + xming so you get the linux apps on your windows dekstop | 07:28 |
AbizzalsX | Any thoughts anyone? | 07:28 |
AbizzalsX | Been battling this for a couple of hours now | 07:28 |
Dr_Willis | AbizzalsX: boot.cfg? You mean grub.cfg? | 07:28 |
AbizzalsX | err yeah grub.cfg | 07:29 |
AbizzalsX | I can change the other menuentries and the updates are reflected when I reboot | 07:29 |
Dr_Willis | AbizzalsX: i noticed a similer thing with some iso files i was trying to boot.. but havent looked into it lately | 07:29 |
AbizzalsX | It's only the "Windows" menuentry that isn't reflected | 07:29 |
Dr_Willis | Hmm these are my own custome entries that are not showing up. | 07:29 |
joot | Abizzal: sudo update-grub | 07:29 |
almoxarife | Sogekingu: I run ubuntu on a very new laptop using 'wubi', creates a dual boot without having to create a new partition, so far so good | 07:29 |
AbizzalsX | Dr_Willis: Ah - I figure I have some parameter wrong...But without error messages or logging it's difficult to sort out | 07:29 |
hyperstream | Whats my best method of setting up a multiple sound system, with 3 ubuntu desktops, each hooked upto a speaker system through out the house, and keeping the audio sync'd | 07:29 |
Dr_Willis | AbizzalsX: not sure what to check really. | 07:29 |
Dr_Willis | hyperstream: puse audio lets one pc play sound to all the other pc;s speakers | 07:30 |
AbizzalsX | joot: Yes been doing that after I fiddle with the 11_Windows | 07:30 |
AbizzalsX | It updated grub.cfg with the new menuentry | 07:30 |
AbizzalsX | But that menuentry isn't displayed at boot | 07:30 |
joot | Abizzal: roflmao | 07:31 |
Dr_Willis | AbizzalsX: i wonder if grub is seeing some mistake and thus ignoring the entry | 07:31 |
so0ky | how do i restart/start a service in Ubuntu Server? | 07:31 |
hyperstream | Dr_Willis, uses too much bandwidth over the Wifi | 07:31 |
AbizzalsX | Dr_Willis: Yeah - Question is what's the mistake? | 07:31 |
Dr_Willis | so0ky: sudo service SERVICENAME restart | 07:31 |
hyperstream | Dr_Willis, slows it down to a crawl. | 07:31 |
Dr_Willis | hyperstream: run wires then i guess. | 07:31 |
so0ky | that is what I thought. | 07:31 |
so0ky | I am root | 07:31 |
so0ky | i do this command | 07:31 |
ghesquiere | Hey guys. Just want some help about my monitor. I just switched monitors and the right resolutions aren't showing up. I already ran sudo nvidia-xconfig and configured xorg.conf but the correct resolutions still aren't showing up in nVidia X-Server Settings. Anyone who can help me? | 07:31 |
so0ky | service networking restart and I get networking stop/waiting | 07:31 |
Dr_Willis | hyperstream: network to stream or, hard wired i guess | 07:31 |
=== rhys is now known as Guest61733 | ||
Guest61733 | hello just a quick favour can u guys help me i have webcam set up webcam | 07:32 |
Guest61733 | my webcam is coming up wit error | 07:32 |
Dr_Willis | ghesquiere: gksudo nvidia-settings dosent show the proper res's ? | 07:32 |
Guest61733 | cant send or recieve until libminic or sumthing is installed | 07:32 |
AbizzalsX | Guest61733: What's the error? | 07:32 |
hyperstream | Dr_Willis, so if i stick with pulseaudio, ive set the network options to steam and stuff(its chewing a huge chunk of bandwidth) but i cant seem to 'tune' into the other pc speakers | 07:32 |
Guest61733 | can anyone help | 07:32 |
AbizzalsX | Guest61733: Best to paste the whole error | 07:33 |
Guest61733 | ok | 07:33 |
Dr_Willis | hyperstream: you have to set up pulse to allow the other pc's access | 07:33 |
ghesquiere | yeah, DrWillis. I usually run this monitor at 1280x1024 but the max it shows is 1036x764. | 07:33 |
Guest61733 | Abizzalsx: You don't have libmimic, so you can't send or receive webcam | 07:33 |
Salva1 | Can I run the theme I have set in Gnome, in KDE? | 07:33 |
hyperstream | Dr_Willis, ahh i picked to require no authentication ? | 07:33 |
FosskritiDemoFor | Salva1: no, not that easily. | 07:34 |
Salva1 | For GTK applications. | 07:34 |
Guest61733 | thats wat it says i have been through this problem on linux mint and fixed it on ubuntu its proving a little more diffecult | 07:34 |
Dr_Willis | hyperstream: let me mesg you this note i made on the topic - ages ago,,, | 07:34 |
AbizzalsX | Guest61733: So do you have libmimic installed? | 07:34 |
hyperstream | Dr_Willis, sure thing mate | 07:34 |
Guest61733 | i go to install them and i will show u wat it says wait u | 07:34 |
Guest61733 | p | 07:34 |
so0ky | i do this command in Ubuntu server as root: "service networking start" and I get networking stop/waiting. what am i doing wrong? | 07:34 |
=== orion is now known as Guest85114 | ||
Guest61733 | AbizzalsX: E: Could not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) | 07:35 |
Guest61733 | E: Unable to lock the download directory | 07:35 |
so0ky | i just configured the server to use DHCP | 07:35 |
Dr_Willis | Guest61733: you do have all package managers closed? | 07:36 |
Guest61733 | ummmmmmmmmmm no im using ubuntu software manager | 07:36 |
Guest61733 | atm | 07:36 |
Dr_Willis | make sure all OTHER package manager tools are closed | 07:36 |
Guest61733 | and it should work no treat rite | 07:36 |
Guest61733 | ? | 07:36 |
ghesquiere | Dr_Willis, if it helps here's my xorg.conf: | 07:36 |
Guest61733 | i will let u kno how i get on Dr_Willis i just have to wait for one install to finish | 07:37 |
Guest274 | What is command to close all running programmes | 07:38 |
Dr_Willis | ghesquiere: what was the actual problem? | 07:38 |
Dr_Willis | Guest274: ALL ? reboot :) | 07:38 |
Dr_Willis | Guest274: or do you want to clarify the question. | 07:38 |
Aida | hi | 07:38 |
ghesquiere | Dr_Willis: xorg.conf modes not showing up in nvidia settings. | 07:38 |
Aida | i need help | 07:38 |
Aida | can some one help me | 07:38 |
Guest274 | All running programmes | 07:38 |
Guest61733 | aida wats ur problem | 07:38 |
mrpink57 | !ask | 07:38 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 07:38 |
Dr_Willis | ghesquiere: nvidia settings tool probes the monitors i think it dosent use the ones from xorg.conf | 07:38 |
Aida | i got a password list and whant to combinate it | 07:38 |
Aida | lick this(user, ser , admin....) | 07:38 |
Aida | this is my password i got 30mb list and i whant to make it licke this user user user ser user admin ser user ser ser ser admin admin user admin ser admin admin do you get it now can some one help me | 07:38 |
FloodBot2 | Aida: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 07:38 |
Dr_Willis | ghesquiere: you could try removing xorg.conf (rename it) and rerun nvidia-settings tool to let it remake it | 07:39 |
Guest61733 | aida plz say that again plz | 07:39 |
Aida | | 07:39 |
Dr_Willis | ghesquiere: the nvidia-xconfig tool is a little old ane may be making a bad config | 07:39 |
ghesquiere | Dr_Willis: Ok. Thanks. I'll try that. | 07:39 |
Dr_Willis | Aida: sed/awk/perl can be used to tweak/change/manipulate text files | 07:40 |
so0ky | i do this command in Ubuntu server as root: "service networking start" and I get networking stop/waiting. what am i doing wrong? | 07:40 |
fen` | nanomachine, i just rebooted, (properly) and it fixed the problem but's like everthing i did on the machine during while it was up that time just disappeared. | 07:40 |
Guest61733 | Aida i have no idea wat ur trying to do | 07:40 |
Guest61733 | ask round for help from the others | 07:40 |
Guest61733 | sorry mate | 07:40 |
Aida | i got a | 07:40 |
Aida | password list | 07:40 |
Aida | licke | 07:40 |
Aida | 1 2 3 4 5 6 | 07:40 |
FloodBot2 | Aida: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 07:40 |
Aida | and i whant it to combinat it lick this | 07:41 |
Dr_Willis | sed and awk can do most anything you would ever need done to a organized text file to alter its layout | 07:41 |
Aida | and i whant to combinat it lick this | 07:41 |
Dr_Willis | theres also the good old cut/paste commands and i recall a few other text manipulation commnads from years past | 07:41 |
Guest61733 | Dr_willis thanks a million working good now | 07:41 |
Guest61733 | thanks | 07:41 |
Dr_Willis | Guest61733: great.. err.. whats working now? | 07:41 |
* Dr_Willis is getting old and forgetfull | 07:41 | |
so0ky | if i do a command and the output takes up more than my screen, how do I scroll up? I'm sorry for being such a linux noob. | 07:42 |
Dr_Willis | so0ky: command | less | 07:42 |
Aida | 1 1 1 2 13 1 4 1 5 16 2 1 22 2 3 24 | 07:42 |
so0ky | ty | 07:42 |
Guest61733 | Dr_willis the download of libminic | 07:42 |
Dr_Willis | Aida: if its all in colum type layout - awk can do all sorts of things to it. | 07:42 |
semitones | so0ky: try the pageup key | 07:42 |
semitones | I think | 07:42 |
n-iCe | !rt73 | 07:43 |
Dr_Willis | so0ky: for the console thers some key vombo also.. or use screen. I forget the combo | 07:43 |
Dr_Willis | Aida: im not going to teach you awk. Its documented all over the web | 07:43 |
almoxarife | Aida: the file is delimited? | 07:43 |
n-iCe | anyone knows about a rt73 wireless card? | 07:43 |
Guest61733 | Dr_willis webcam is now working thank u for ur help | 07:43 |
Dr_Willis | Guest61733: great. :) | 07:43 |
Guest61733 | thank u | 07:43 |
Dr_Willis | now you can chat with your faimly | 07:44 |
AbizzalsX | Seems to me lots of people with grub issues on the community forums - So many it makes searching for people with hte same issure problematic | 07:44 |
Guest61733 | oh dr_willis one problem im trying to install linux mint and i put the cd in and it just keeps saying loading | 07:44 |
Guest61733 | bad image perhaps | 07:44 |
Guest61733 | ?? | 07:44 |
Dr_Willis | Guest61733: i suggest sticking to normal ubuntu not mint. | 07:44 |
nanomachine | fen`, you may be confused about what is where | 07:44 |
Guest61733 | i have run mint b4 | 07:45 |
Dr_Willis | Aida: i would suggest finding some awk tutorials and read them. your problem sounds like one that awk can do rtahter easially. and ive not used awk in over a year. | 07:45 |
semitones | Dr_Willis: did Mint do something to offend ubuntu -- or are they just hard to support | 07:45 |
Dr_Willis | semitones: in some way yes.. | 07:45 |
semitones | Dr_Willis: I am curios! | 07:45 |
semitones | offtopic? | 07:46 |
Dr_Willis | semitones: the tend to badmouth ubuntu a lot. Id rather see them work with ubuntu more then trying to be so divided | 07:46 |
Dr_Willis | semitones: yep definatly OT. :) | 07:46 |
Guest61733 | Dr_willis im only 15 and i am looking for a new operating systems like linux first time trying it and i like it | 07:46 |
joot | ghesquier: I had a similat problem and nvidia would not parse the settings into xorg.conf so I just cut and paste the settings from nvidia to xorg.conf worked for me | 07:46 |
Guest61733 | im just wandering if its the disk or the image | 07:46 |
semitones | Dr_Willis: seeing as they're based on ubuntu, I don't know what they have to gain by being disrespectful.. | 07:47 |
Dr_Willis | I really cant see much need to use Mint any more. of course I know what stuff to install onubuntu to get the stuff going I need | 07:47 |
Sogekingu | hey Dr_Willis do you know how I might be able to have my usb mouse and keyboard hooked up to my vbox exclusively. See I have dual screens so I wanna pretend like I got 2 computers. | 07:47 |
almoxarife | hope it's the image or else you got drive issues | 07:47 |
so0ky | how do you tell a ubuntu box to requery the DHCP server? | 07:47 |
Dr_Willis | Sogekingu: not sure if thats doable or not. try the vbox forums perhaps | 07:47 |
Sogekingu | well it was worth a try, cheers. | 07:47 |
CyberaX2195 | grub2 is a lot more tolerant than the original grub | 07:47 |
CyberaX2195 | thats for sure | 07:48 |
Sogekingu | Thing is I had this working, before I installed the guest addons. | 07:48 |
ZykoticK9 | so0ky, "sudo dhclient eth0" < if eth0 is the adapter you want to refresh | 07:48 |
Dr_Willis | Aida: | 07:48 |
so0ky | omg thanks | 07:48 |
MWTC_King | 1 gb swap is enough right? | 07:48 |
MWTC_King | guys? | 07:48 |
CyberaX2195 | thats what i normally allocate for a VM | 07:48 |
Aida | <Dr_Willis>i am stupit for this can you tel me thwe comand | 07:49 |
semitones | MWTC_King: your swap should at least = your ram | 07:49 |
semitones | I think? | 07:49 |
CyberaX2195 | i thought the rule was swap = 4x ram ? | 07:49 |
almoxarife | Sogekingu: the settings menu of vbox allow you to grab certain usb's | 07:49 |
Dr_Willis | Aida: no i can not.. i dont have your data so i cant tell you the exact awk command.. and if i Did have the data - i would have to spend the next 20 min figureiung out the proper awk syntax/script | 07:49 |
Flannel | CyberaX2195: Once you get past 2GB of swap or so, that gets silly. | 07:49 |
CyberaX2195 | possibly | 07:49 |
Dr_Willis | Aida: or you could use a text editor and create some macro do to the editing and go throguh the file | 07:49 |
dinobar | jj | 07:50 |
Guest274 | I think the rule is swap= 2X ram | 07:50 |
MWTC_King | lol you guys are funny | 07:50 |
semitones | Flannel: the idea being that you're not holding more than 2gb in memory when you hibernate? | 07:50 |
Dr_Willis | 2xram is overkill in many cases | 07:50 |
welcom | ku | 07:50 |
MWTC_King | that mean 4gb for my 2 gb ram? | 07:50 |
om26er | how can I change my window manager to mutter(default)? | 07:50 |
Dr_Willis | Aida: and if you chatted in here instead of msging me - someone else in here who knows AWK might be willing to help | 07:50 |
Guest274 | Yes that would be 4gb for your 2gb ram | 07:50 |
almoxarife | Aida: copy file to foo.csv , load into openoffice spreadsheet, make the changes, save the file, rename it to "????????????? | 07:51 |
semitones | MWTC_King: | 07:51 |
semitones | the definitive answers | 07:51 |
IP-v6 | hi | 07:51 |
IP-v6 | How can i use ie with ubuntu ? I need internet explorer for a government website ? | 07:51 |
Flannel | semitones: Theoretically you don't need *any* swap (if your RAM is big enough that you'll never use the swap). But to hibernate, you need at least as much swap as RAM, because your RAM contents get written to your swapspace | 07:52 |
Dr_Willis | IP-v6: you could change your firefox useragent and many sites that 'need ie' magically work | 07:52 |
IP-v6 | it didn't work | 07:52 |
Dr_Willis | IP-v6: or check out the 'ies4linux' project | 07:52 |
semitones | Flannel: so, saying you have 4gb ram -- would you need a 4gb swap? | 07:52 |
Dr_Willis | complain to the site maintainer also | 07:52 |
rhys_ | hello | 07:52 |
MWTC_King | how many pertition i should create? 1. / 2. /home 3. /var 4. /usr? | 07:52 |
=== rhys_ is now known as Guest37120 | ||
MWTC_King | 5. swap | 07:52 |
Flannel | semitones: If you want to hibernate, yes. | 07:52 |
Aida | can some one help | 07:52 |
Aida | me | 07:52 |
Dr_Willis | MWTC_King: i normally use / /home and swap | 07:53 |
semitones | Flannel: so that's why hibernate never works... :P thanks | 07:53 |
IP-v6 | i am checking ies4linux too, thanks | 07:53 |
Guest37120 | hey can anyone help me it allows me to send webcam but it turns stone whit and then it just doesnt send and cancels it self HELP! | 07:53 |
MWTC_King | Dr_Willis, all users in /home right? | 07:53 |
Flannel | !ies4linux | IP-v6 | 07:53 |
ubottu | IP-v6: ies4linux is a script that quickly and effortlessly helps you install 3 versions of IE in Wine. Information can be found at including instructions specifically for Ubuntu. ies4linux is aimed at web designers and ie-only sites, so please, don’t use any of the IEs to navigate! Use Firefox! | 07:53 |
Dr_Willis | MWTC_King: yep | 07:53 |
Dr_Willis | MWTC_King: all 3 of my users :) | 07:54 |
MWTC_King | okie | 07:54 |
Guest37120 | hey can anyone help me it allows me to send webcam but it turns stone whit and then it just doesnt send and cancels it self HELP! | 07:54 |
MWTC_King | i am gonna use ubuntu again after 2 years | 07:54 |
almoxarife | Guest37120: I have found the simple fix for webcam to be 'vlc' | 07:54 |
Guest37120 | vlc | 07:54 |
Guest37120 | ?? | 07:54 |
semitones | MWTC_King: awesome! welcome back | 07:54 |
joot | !repeat | 07:54 |
ubottu | Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. | 07:54 |
Guest37120 | almoxarife | 07:54 |
Guest37120 | wat u mean vlc | 07:54 |
AbizzalsX | Dr_Willis: | 07:54 |
almoxarife | I mean app 'vlc' | 07:55 |
Guest37120 | ok | 07:55 |
Guest37120 | so i go into ummmm system | 07:55 |
Guest37120 | or terminal thats it | 07:55 |
Dr_Willis | AbizzalsX: whats that all for? :) | 07:55 |
Dr_Willis | i wonder if Aida went off to read/learn awk... | 07:55 |
almoxarife | Guest37120: you need to install vlc, I assume you don't have it | 07:55 |
Guest37120 | the media player | 07:56 |
Guest37120 | ?? | 07:56 |
Guest37120 | ok | 07:56 |
almoxarife | yes | 07:56 |
Guest37120 | i will five it a look | 07:56 |
Guest37120 | thanks | 07:56 |
MWTC_King | what apps should i use to resize C:\? | 07:56 |
FloodBot2 | Guest37120: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 07:56 |
Guest37120 | will it run on ubuntu | 07:56 |
MWTC_King | its tooo big | 07:56 |
almoxarife | yes | 07:56 |
AbizzalsX | Dr_Willis: Output of all the various grub related configs hd settings etc | 07:56 |
Guest37120 | sorry floodbot2 | 07:56 |
Dr_Willis | MWTC_King: vista has a tool for it.. or i use gparted live cd | 07:56 |
nicolasantoniou | hello ubuntu users | 07:56 |
Dr_Willis | AbizzalsX: that the one missing some entries? | 07:56 |
MWTC_King | 300 gb on c:/ | 07:56 |
nicolasantoniou | how do you install wine? | 07:57 |
MWTC_King | Dr_Willis, what tool? | 07:57 |
AbizzalsX | Dr_Willis: Not that I know of? | 07:57 |
Dr_Willis | AbizzalsX: then whats the problem? :) | 07:57 |
MWTC_King | nicolasantoniou, sudo apt-get install wine | 07:57 |
Dr_Willis | MWTC_King: the disk manager tool in vista can resize windows drives even while in use.. Notsure how it manages to do it | 07:57 |
Dr_Willis | !wine | nicolasantoniou | 07:57 |
ubottu | nicolasantoniou: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu | 07:57 |
AbizzalsX | Dr_Willis: The "Windows 7" entry doesn't show up at boot time | 07:58 |
Guest37120 | ubottu: wine isnt always affective it tends to screw up at times | 07:58 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 07:58 |
Dr_Willis | AbizzalsX: ive heard of others with that issue.. but never seen a fix. Perhaps the forum may have an suggestion | 07:58 |
semitones | If I have a lot of ram, will Ubuntu speed up if I change swappiness | 07:58 |
Dr_Willis | AbizzalsX: so its shown in grub.cfg but not in the actual grub menu? | 07:58 |
MWTC_King | ubottu: you are a dumb | 07:58 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 07:58 |
Dr_Willis | semitones: if it never swaps due to lots of ram.. i dont think so | 07:58 |
MWTC_King | ubottu: you are so lame | 07:59 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 07:59 |
semitones | Dr_Willis: that's kind of what I thought | 07:59 |
MWTC_King | ubottu: yes you are not intelligent | 07:59 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 07:59 |
aaron | is Ubuntu cloud computing like microsoft terminal services where you login to a remote server ? | 07:59 |
AbizzalsX | Dr_Willis: Yes | 07:59 |
Dr_Willis | AbizzalsX: ive never had the issue so never looked into it. I think others have had the issue in her befor. but ive never seen a fix. | 07:59 |
Dr_Willis | AbizzalsX: i keep my windows and linux on their own hd's so iu can always set the bios to boot the windows drive directly | 08:00 |
MWTC_King | :@ | 08:00 |
Dr_Willis | MWTC_King: Why use a comercial tool when the gparted live cds can do it for free | 08:00 |
AbizzalsX | Dr_Willis: This is a friends laptop I usually just use VMs myself | 08:00 |
MWTC_King | Dr_Willis, i am friendly with partition magic | 08:00 |
Dr_Willis | MWTC_King: got bought out by a competator perhaps.. | 08:01 |
kinja-sheep | MWTC_King: Because just like every another magic trick, it must end. | 08:01 |
Dr_Willis | MWTC_King: too bad i guess | 08:01 |
so0ky | i don't know what I am doing wrong. my router will not give my server any IP address information. | 08:01 |
AbizzalsX | Dr_Willis: thanks for your help | 08:01 |
AbizzalsX | I'll keep hacking on it | 08:01 |
MWTC_King | i always use cracked apps.... coz i am a pirate :D | 08:01 |
ghesquiere | Dr_Willis, I was the one who was having monitor resolutions problems earlier. You told me to rename xorg.conf and run nvidia-settings. I did as you told me but the correct resolutions are still aren't showing up. I rebooted my pc and saw the nVidia driver was deactivated so I reinstalled and the right resolutions are still not there. | 08:01 |
Dr_Willis | AbizzalsX: ive seen it mentioned in here. so theres proberly 100 threads on it in the forums. | 08:01 |
iflema | MWTC_King the install cd has options to resize partitions during the installation | 08:02 |
Dr_Willis | ghesquiere: the drivers are activated now? if they keep getting deactivated on reboot.. thats going to be aproblem | 08:02 |
aaron | is cloud computing like terminal services? | 08:02 |
Guest37120 | hey Dr_willis it still doing the same thing as wat i told the other guy its starting up but closing | 08:02 |
Guest37120 | help | 08:02 |
kinja-sheep | aaron: I'm RIAA and we'll visit to your lovely town soon! :) | 08:02 |
Dr_Willis | aaron: cloud computing is a bit of a broad vague term tossed about a lot. | 08:02 |
ghesquiere | Dr_Willis, yeah I activated after I rebooted my pc. What should I do? | 08:02 |
Dr_Willis | ghesquiere: not sure. I rarely have any issuesd with my 3 mvidia machines. | 08:02 |
Dr_Willis | ghesquiere: what video card? | 08:03 |
joot | mwtc-king: use can use the ubuntu install to resize windows | 08:03 |
Dr_Willis | ghesquiere: if you activate after reboot.. you need to restart X or perhaps reboot. | 08:03 |
MWTC_King | iflema, yes i know... i have installed ubuntu before... a lot of time but i am not friendly with gparted | 08:03 |
Dr_Willis | If you know partion magic. gpart4d shouldent be too hard to figure out | 08:04 |
semitones | gparted has improved a lot in 2 years | 08:04 |
ghesquiere | Dr_Willis: Yeah, I already rebooted after reactivating it. I'm using GEForce2 MX/Mx 400. | 08:04 |
crawler | my 4 yeaar old sister partitioned my drive using gparted | 08:04 |
Dr_Willis | ghesquiere: thats an old card aint it. :( | 08:04 |
Guest37120 | Almoxarife: its still doing the same thing mate | 08:04 |
Dr_Willis | ghesquiere: i recall in ages past a lot of issues with 'MX' cards | 08:05 |
iflema | MWTC_King one way is just step through the install process and customise partitioned drives....... its the usual install dialog.... ya click along for a bit select custom and resize..... | 08:05 |
Guest37120 | crawler ur sister is a genius | 08:05 |
Guest37120 | man oh man | 08:05 |
crawler | xD | 08:05 |
ghesquiere | Dr_Willis: Yeah, it is. :( But I used to use to this monitor in the same CPU but this is the first time I've encountered this problem. | 08:05 |
crawler | i coached her though, she installed ubuntu | 08:05 |
Guest37120 | crawler u mite be able to make her a hacker | 08:05 |
Guest37120 | haha | 08:06 |
crawler | hehe | 08:06 |
Dr_Willis | linux chix :) | 08:06 |
Guest37120 | yea well ubuntus easy to use | 08:06 |
kinja-sheep | crawler: My fetus partitioned 2TB drive while I was asleep. And she is in my wife's belly! Sneaky. :o | 08:06 |
semitones | not if you have no hands | 08:06 |
Guest37120 | Dr_ willis my webcam still is screwing up | 08:06 |
* semitones chops off hands left and right | 08:06 | |
Dr_Willis | Guest37120: the extent of my webcam knowledge is the !webcam factoid | 08:06 |
reactor | Guest37120, do u have webcam upside-down, eh? | 08:06 |
Guest37120 | nooooo | 08:07 |
Guest37120 | wat u mean reactor | 08:07 |
MWTC_King | hhow do i install from an image? | 08:07 |
riggles | Quick question, have an eeepc (1005pe) and wpa encrpted wap i want to connect to. I've got the windows xp drivers for the atheros ar2427 chipset running in ndiswrapper. How do I set up dhcp so it doesn't fail 95% of the time, and what network manager should I be using, if any? | 08:07 |
Guest37120 | Reactor: it starts to go sending and after 30 seconds it turns off | 08:07 |
semitones | MWTC_King: burn it/boot it | 08:07 |
reactor | Guest37120, or does it work at all? | 08:07 |
Guest37120 | it does | 08:07 |
Guest37120 | i tried it on cheese | 08:07 |
Guest37120 | it turns on i can see myself | 08:07 |
MWTC_King | semitones, i am too lazy to go outside and buy cds | 08:07 |
Guest37120 | but they cant | 08:08 |
semitones | MWTC_King: you can also make a usb that can install ubuntu | 08:08 |
Guest37120 | and after 30 seconds turns off | 08:08 |
reactor | Guest37120, hmm that's not my problem just I have a webcam that is mounted upside down in my laptop | 08:08 |
semitones | MWTC_King: what OS are you on now? | 08:08 |
MWTC_King | win 7 | 08:08 |
MWTC_King | lame 7 | 08:08 |
semitones | I like win 7 :P | 08:08 |
Guest37120 | yea mine just wont send at all | 08:08 |
Guest37120 | oh guys just to clarify we cant swear can we | 08:08 |
semitones | you might be able to make a usb key using it, but I make no promise | 08:08 |
Guest37120 | because in the last one i couldnt | 08:09 |
Guest37120 | flootbot2: any suggestions on webcam fixes | 08:09 |
MWTC_King | I HATE WINDOWS | 08:09 |
Aida | hi | 08:09 |
Guest37120 | haha same man i came to linux | 08:10 |
semitones | !unetbootin | 08:10 |
ubottu | For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see - For a persistent live USB install, see: | 08:10 |
Guest37120 | for a better experience | 08:10 |
semitones | MWTC_King: ^ | 08:10 |
Aida | where can i find hervatisf | 08:10 |
Aida | suport chanell for linux | 08:10 |
Guest37120 | soooo no one can help me wit my webcam problem | 08:10 |
Guest37120 | ok then | 08:10 |
Aida | where can i find hervatis suport for ubuntu | 08:10 |
Guest37120 | aida wat linux flavour u running | 08:10 |
Aida | ubuntu | 08:10 |
Guest37120 | go to the website aida | 08:10 |
semitones | Guest37120: if no one can help you here, you might have better luck on the forums | 08:10 |
Aida | is there a hervatish | 08:10 |
Guest37120 | ok thanks semitones | 08:10 |
Aida | ubuntu chanel | 08:10 |
semitones | No such nick/channel: hervatish | 08:11 |
Aida | is a chanel | 08:12 |
=== JimmyJ is now known as JimmyJ|zz | ||
Aida | croatian suport for ubuntu | 08:12 |
Aida | where can i find a ubuntu chanell that hse croatian suport | 08:12 |
semitones | MWTC_King: did you see ubottu's link about unetbootin? | 08:12 |
Besogon | I wonder what user location for main menu icon is? | 08:13 |
* semitones doesn't know if there is croatian support on irc... | 08:13 | |
Dr_Willis | Besogon: the ubuntu-tweak tool lets you change it. but for some themes - that tool wont work | 08:13 |
Besogon | Dr_Willis: I knew but I'v forgot now. It's just for put there a icon. Have you got ~/.local/share/icons path? (I haven't, may be because I'v not edited menu entry yet on the computer) | 08:18 |
aaron | Kinja-sheep what does RIAA mean? | 08:18 |
ZiG|ZaG | i'm looking for assistance with apache and phpmyadmin, i have apended 'Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf' to apache2.conf and i'm receiving the following message when i try to restart apache: | 08:18 |
linuxpjc780 | I need some help removing a folder I do not have permissions for. I accidentally installed it as a root. | 08:19 |
linuxpjc780 | I already uninstalled it using terminal. | 08:19 |
linuxpjc780 | Can anyone help? | 08:20 |
kinja-sheep | aaron: I hilight you by mistake. You can easily find out what it is on Internet. :o | 08:20 |
Besogon | :-D | 08:20 |
crawler | linuxpjc780: you created this folder as root? | 08:20 |
linuxpjc780 | Yeah, by mistake. I'm new Linux. I should have installed it as non-root. | 08:21 |
linuxpjc780 | New to Linux, I mean ... | 08:21 |
crawler | linuxpjc780: what i do to make it easy is gksu nautilus, then browse to the folder + delete it as normal | 08:21 |
Besogon | linuxpjc780: Can't use "sudo" for it? | 08:21 |
kinja-sheep | linuxpjc780: H | 08:21 |
rasse | any alternative software for dreamweaver in linux, mainly to edit php codes. | 08:22 |
kinja-sheep | linuxpjc780: Err. How did you create a folder as root in first place? | 08:22 |
kinja-sheep | !ide | rasse | 08:22 |
ubottu | rasse: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator | 08:22 |
linuxpjc780 | kinja-sheep: I simply chose the wrong option as it was installing - should have chosen non-root. | 08:23 |
rasse | ubottu, thanks, let me try any one | 08:23 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 08:23 |
Besogon | Someone help me. Look for dir ~/.local/share/icons. Do you have it? please | 08:23 |
linuxpjc780 | crawler: What is the sudo command for deleting it? | 08:23 |
aaron | kinja-sheep I have read about it and installed the server software every thing is to broad. Is it like a OS on a remote system or just web apps I need some kind of tutorial all im finding is not detailed | 08:23 |
kinja-sheep | Besogon: I do. | 08:23 |
Besogon | kinja-sheep: thanks | 08:24 |
linuxpjc780 | I already did "sudo apt-get remove [file name]" | 08:24 |
kinja-sheep | linuxpjc780: You can change it using "sudo chown $USER:$USER /path/to/folder" | 08:24 |
Besogon | linuxpjc780: "sudo rm filename" | 08:24 |
Besogon | linuxpjc780: apt-get is for packages not for files | 08:25 |
linuxpjc780 | kinja-sheep: K - let me try that ... | 08:25 |
Besogon | linuxpjc780: "sudo rm -r filename" for delete foulder recursively | 08:26 |
iceroot | linuxpjc780: use sudo only if it is a file belonging to root | 08:27 |
iceroot | linuxpjc780: normally you will never need sudo rm on a ubuntu-system | 08:27 |
cybersid67 | server | 08:28 |
eras3r | how can i install Ubuntu on a device with a logical sector size of 1024? | 08:28 |
MWTC_King | linuxpjc780, do a sudo rm -rf / | 08:28 |
iceroot | !op | MWTC_King | 08:28 |
ubottu | MWTC_King: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia! | 08:28 |
iceroot | linuxpjc780: dont do it | 08:28 |
iceroot | MWTC_King: also, this is not working with bash anymore | 08:29 |
eras3r | helt pls ! | 08:29 |
eras3r | help pls ! | 08:29 |
iceroot | !ask | eras3r | 08:29 |
ubottu | eras3r: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 08:29 |
ZiG|ZaG | i'm looking for assistance with apache and phpmyadmin, i have apended 'Include /etc/phpmyadmin/apache.conf' to apache2.conf and i'm receiving the following message when i try to restart apache: | 08:29 |
eras3r | how can i install Ubuntu on a device with a logical sector size of 1024? | 08:29 |
Dr_Willis | eras3r: why are you thinking the sector size matters? | 08:30 |
eras3r | i thing the Gparted has some bugs | 08:30 |
eras3r | DR_willis | 08:30 |
linuxpjc780 | kinja-sheep: K - that worked! Thanks. I'm getting the hang of it. | 08:30 |
eras3r | can we talk in prv? | 08:30 |
Dr_Willis | eras3r: not really. Im in and out all day long | 08:30 |
Dr_Willis | ive never had to mess with sector size in years... | 08:31 |
eras3r | yes | 08:31 |
eras3r | i have a External HDD with 320 gb | 08:31 |
eras3r | and i want to install ubuntu live or desktop on it... i have made a stik...with unetbooting (ubuntu 9.10 live) and run the desktop shortcut "Install ubuntu 9.10" | 08:32 |
dragon | I need pointers to setting up Network Audio System, NAS. | 08:33 |
rockz | Hey iam not able to change login screen in ubuntu 9.10 | 08:34 |
eras3r | on my External HDD when the Gparted open said : "Device /dev/sdc has a logical sector size of 1024.Not all parts o GNU Parted support this at he moment, and the working code is HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL" | 08:34 |
eras3r | and then crash | 08:34 |
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dragon | eras3r: that sucks. | 08:34 |
eras3r | bloking at 47% "Statrint up partitioner | 08:34 |
Dr_Willis | eras3r: why not repartion the hd with smaller sector size. I wonder what made the sector size that size. | 08:35 |
rockz | any one can help me | 08:35 |
dragon | rockz: you'll have to wait for the next release. Gnome made some changes to the architecture and the UI isn't ready for the new system. | 08:35 |
nagchampa | i'm trying to get my screen's dpi set properly systemwide, and not just for gnome | 08:35 |
Dr_Willis | ive never seen that error on any of my usb drives. but most all of them have been ext3 formated at one time | 08:35 |
ZiG|ZaG | apt-get purge package < is this adequate for removing software? | 08:35 |
syn-ack | Dr_Willis: NTFS Perhaps? IIRC you can configure it to use that sort of block size | 08:35 |
nagchampa | the xconfig seems to be not in the standard place though | 08:35 |
Dr_Willis | syn-ack: yea but thats not the default id think | 08:36 |
eras3r | i`ve tried on Windows.... to rezise the sector size with 512.... but... nothing... | 08:36 |
v3rr3z | Whats a linuc C++ program? | 08:36 |
rockz | ok | 08:36 |
eras3r | ok | 08:36 |
v3rr3z | linux not linuc obviously. | 08:36 |
Dr_Willis | eras3r: windows can repartion hard drives also. you could make a unallocated space on it to put linux on | 08:36 |
dragon | ZiG|ZaG: yes, it's adequate. | 08:36 |
syn-ack | v3rr3z: most gnome count? | 08:36 |
Dr_Willis | I never do a 'full' type install to usb media | 08:36 |
ZiG|ZaG | ok | 08:37 |
eras3r | i have all my 320 GB unnalocated and when i stat Gparted ....crash error etc | 08:37 |
v3rr3z | syn-ack I am new and you lost me. | 08:37 |
MWTC_King | its so nice to be back :D | 08:37 |
syn-ack | v3rr3z: from what it sounded like you wanted someone to name a Linux C++ so I did | 08:37 |
aaron | so I take it no one is willing to explain what cloud computing is or offer any good resources. | 08:37 |
v3rr3z | Gnome Count? | 08:37 |
pererik87 | Anyone have a decent shell/terminal .sh tutorial to point to. after 4 hours i still haven't successfully managed to create a simple if function with a input value. | 08:38 |
syn-ack | Dr_Willis: Hell the most I've ever done with a USB drive was copy over an image an a kickstart heh | 08:38 |
syn-ack | v3rr3z: no, Does Most of GNOME Count | 08:38 |
Dr_Willis | pererik87: check the advanced bash scripting guide. it has examples | 08:38 |
syn-ack | ? | 08:38 |
netman1 | pererik87: package bash-doc | 08:38 |
v3rr3z | I dont know.. xD Does it. | 08:38 |
Dr_Willis | aaron: its a vague buzzword sort of term | 08:38 |
syn-ack | v3rr3z: yes. | 08:38 |
eras3r | gparted said " Appliocation problem. Sorry, GParted close unexpectedly" | 08:39 |
netman1 | Dr_Willis: ;-) | 08:39 |
v3rr3z | How would I use that.. And would it work if the file type says Visual C++ 9.0 | 08:39 |
Dr_Willis | aaron: all the data is on the servers.. you just run 'clients' gee, like we did 30+ yrs ago..... | 08:39 |
syn-ack | Visual C++ != ANSI C++ | 08:39 |
syn-ack | so in other words, no, it will not work, without modification | 08:39 |
eras3r | can anybody help? | 08:40 |
satz | tell me ur problem? | 08:40 |
pererik87 | @Dr_willis that site looks like it was med in bash :S | 08:40 |
MWTC_King | eras3r, run again | 08:40 |
MWTC_King | with root | 08:40 |
syn-ack | pererik87: what? | 08:40 |
eras3r | on my External HDD when the Gparted open said : "Device /dev/sdc has a logical sector size of 1024.Not all parts o GNU Parted support this at he moment, and the working code is HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL" | 08:40 |
eras3r | and then crash | 08:40 |
v3rr3z | How do you shut down a program if it is frozen | 08:41 |
aaron | DR_Willis: I have installed the ubuntu server cloud and find my self setting at a shell not knowing what to do next. Ill my searching ex-planes that everything is proccessed on the server side I cant find how to setup or configer for all the crap about what it is and even that any to clear | 08:41 |
almoxarife | is it possible to increase the size of root.disk on a wubi install of karmic? | 08:41 |
syn-ack | eras3r: you were told already what to do | 08:41 |
kinja-sheep | v3rr3z: It should prompt up "Force Close / Quit" -- Something of a sort. | 08:41 |
eras3r | ? | 08:41 |
eras3r | run as root | 08:41 |
kinja-sheep | v3rr3z: You could open a terminal -- Type 'xkill' and click on the frozen window. | 08:41 |
eras3r | ? | 08:41 |
syn-ack | eras3r: have you tried to make some unallocated space on that disk via windows? | 08:42 |
Fizix | Greetings! I have an issue where my internet connectivity is rendered useless when I VNC into my netbook running UNR. As soon as I disconnect from the ethernet connection I use to VNC into it, I regain internet access. Any ideas? And yes, I manually set up the IP addresses. | 08:42 |
jbee | hey folks, what permissions, owner has /tmp per default? | 08:42 |
disappearedng | ok I need urgent help, I ran nividia-xconfig and I think it must have erased my xorg.conf settings how do I reset to the original working one? | 08:42 |
denis123 | Hi. I need to update Grub's list of kernel as I installed a newer one. How can I do this from the LiveCD? | 08:43 |
dragon | I need pointers to setting up Network Audio System, NAS. | 08:43 |
denis123 | i have mounted my partition on which Ubuntu is | 08:43 |
darolu | jbee:755 | 08:43 |
darolu | jbee: owned by root | 08:44 |
robbit10 | Hello people. My parents are considering to buy a new laptop for me. What are good brands for use with Ubuntu, but also Windows 7? | 08:44 |
jbee | darolu: thx. | 08:44 |
Fizix | denis123, Grub should automatically see all of the kernel versions, no? | 08:44 |
netman1 | robbit10: general advice: buy a model 6-12 months old. | 08:44 |
disappearedng | anyway to reset xorg settings? | 08:45 |
netman1 | robbit10: less problems with drivers which are not out yet. | 08:45 |
denis123 | Fizix: it didn't I don't know why. I installed newer one via | 08:45 |
robbit10 | netman1: And any advice regarding brands? | 08:45 |
denis123 | Fizix: I also installed xorg edgers which needed a newer kernel. So I can't boot into Ubuntu unless i have newer kernel | 08:45 |
netman1 | robbit10: you can choose between quality, price and speed, as usual. I go for quality, eg. IBM/HP/Toshiba. | 08:46 |
Fizix | robbit10, if it's any help, when I bought my Gateway C-140X tablet when they were just coming out and it works peachy. | 08:46 |
darolu | robbit10: Dell work fine with both OS's that's what I have, I've set up Toshibas and HPs too, not problems at all; now if you want to be extra safe, buy System76 | 08:47 |
robbit10 | netman1: It has to be under 500 euros. I will use it for recording guitar tracks, recording video, editing that video, playing light games (because i have a playstation 3, i don't need heavy games.), and other than that the standard web browsing+listening music+insant messaging+general use of the internet. | 08:47 |
Fizix | robbit10, it might also be worth considering some desktops and laptops that already come with Ubuntu as an option like some Dells; this way you're pretty sure things should work nicely. | 08:47 |
Fizix | Greetings! I have an issue where my internet connectivity is rendered useless when I VNC into my netbook running UNR. As soon as I disconnect from the ethernet connection I use to VNC into it, I regain internet access. Any ideas? And yes, I manually set up the IP addresses. | 08:47 |
robbit10 | darolu: Dell, Toshiba, and HP eh? okay, thanks :) | 08:48 |
darolu | robbit10: yes, I have tested those brands, and found no problems at all. Check System76, they come with Ubuntu by default and are cheap. | 08:48 |
mneptok | robbit10: brands are less important than components. i'd rather have a Dave's Inexpensive Laptop with Intel wireless and graphics than a gold-plated Thinkpad with Broadcom wireless and nVidia graphics. | 08:48 |
joshyg6__ | hi, why do i keep getting disconnected from the irc chat?? | 08:49 |
* mneptok notes that robbit10 is in the Netherlands and Sys76 does not provide warrantee support outside the US | 08:49 | |
joshyg6__ | Robbit, any big brand works well usually.. I recommend the HP's on Newegg.. Great price. | 08:50 |
darolu | mneptok: oh I didn't read the part where he said he was dutch, sry; ok nvm sys76 rob | 08:50 |
* mneptok again notes that robbit10 is in the Netherlands and does not seem to exist :) | 08:51 | |
darolu | jeez... 30 mins in msn and I'm alrady typing sry and nvm?? | 08:51 |
mneptok | darolu: srsly. | 08:51 |
robbit10 | darolu: Keep using the real words.. | 08:51 |
darolu | mneptok: i no' tty brb | 08:51 |
nagchampa | anyone know how to change the dpi setting that's returned by xdpyinfo? | 08:52 |
denis123 | is there any way to install a new kernel onto my installed Ubuntu via my LiveCD (I can't log into Ubuntu because I installed xorg-edgers which requires newer kernel - yet I don't think my kernel update worked) | 08:53 |
MWTC_King | guys. what apps should i use to burn images in win? | 08:53 |
robbit10 | Fizix: How is the first one in this list?: | 08:53 |
Dr_Willis | denis123: chroot in properly - install packages via command line | 08:53 |
rileyp | anyone help me with ntp setup on diskless myhbuntu | 08:53 |
Fizix | Anyone proficient at setting up a remote desktop server? I can connect through the server and VNC, but I lose my internet availability (still connected). It returns once I disconnect the ethernet connection I use for VNC. | 08:54 |
Dr_Willis | MWTC_King: thers a few free tools i use in windows. | 08:54 |
Dr_Willis | MWTC_King: infrarecorder, burnatonce, and a few others | 08:54 |
Dr_Willis | !butn | 08:54 |
Dr_Willis | !burn | 08:54 |
ubottu | CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see | 08:54 |
MWTC_King | which one is best? | 08:54 |
Dr_Willis | MWTC_King: there is no 'best' :) | 08:54 |
Dr_Willis | depends on your needs. | 08:54 |
Dr_Willis | that url above mentions others. | 08:54 |
MWTC_King | i just wanna burn img to cd. thats all | 08:55 |
Dr_Willis | MWTC_King: imgburn is another one i use a lot | 08:55 |
denis123 | Dr_Willis: which packages in particular? I need a 2.6.32 kernel | 08:55 |
Dr_Willis | MWTC_King: flip a coin. they can all do that | 08:55 |
iceroot | MWTC_King: this is ubuntu-support not windows support, also because of your (sudo rm ...) there is no support (from me) | 08:55 |
ZykoticK9 | wondering if anyone else is experiencing the same thing. Chromium will no longer allow me to get to Google's main search page, I'm redirected to iGoogle instead. Using Firefox this does not happen. I asked in #chromium-support first, but got no reply. | 08:55 |
=== EtienneP is now known as WindPower_ | ||
MWTC_King | lol iceroot | 08:55 |
Fizix | robbit10, seems fine but it depends on what you're using it for. Don't expect to be pumping out some high fps when gaming in your Windows partition with a Celeron w/ 1MB of L2 cache | 08:55 |
Dr_Willis | denis123: not sure kernel-######## proberly use the package manager tool to search for the proper name | 08:55 |
=== WindPower_ is now known as WindPower__ | ||
rileyp | help with ntp time set up on diskless clients ubuntu | 08:56 |
=== root is now known as Guest90383 | ||
=== Guest90383 is now known as rider | ||
MWTC_King | iceroot, i didnt ask for you help. | 08:56 |
iceroot | rileyp: diskless = thin-client with terminal server? | 08:56 |
robbit10 | Fizix: What I mostly want to do with it is edit video's, create flashes using Adobe Flash, and record music (playing guitar etc) | 08:56 |
iceroot | MWTC_King: and you wont get help at all | 08:56 |
rileyp | err mythbuntu diskless | 08:56 |
=== rider is now known as Guest66148 | ||
Dr_Willis | robbit10: flash is amazing in how much cpu it sucks down | 08:56 |
MWTC_King | i will never need your help anyway | 08:56 |
robbit10 | Fizix: oh and record video's using the built-in webcam | 08:56 |
nagchampa | christ, i can't even find whta config file the x server is useing | 08:56 |
Dr_Willis | nagchampa: it auto configs for the most part. then uses xorg.conf also | 08:57 |
bazhang | !ot > MWTC_King | 08:57 |
ubottu | MWTC_King, please see my private message | 08:57 |
Guest66148 | Anybody can help me with some stuff ? | 08:57 |
robbit10 | Dr_Willis: Yes but it's a very nice program to use to create cartoons. | 08:57 |
iceroot | MWTC_King: if you have a ubuntu-support-question aks here, for windows support ##windows otherwiese #ubuntu-offtopic | 08:57 |
rileyp | time on clients is wrong | 08:57 |
MWTC_King | bazhang, iceroot started it | 08:57 |
=== Guest66148 is now known as riderel | ||
darolu | Zykotick9: what chromium build are you using? I have no problem going to regular | 08:57 |
rileyp | mythtv wont work unless client and server have same time..... | 08:57 |
Fizix | robbit10, the webcam bit shouldn't be too bad as normally they are lo-res, but if you're editing high-res video, I know you would want some serious processing power and memory to compile it without fear of advancing in age too much. | 08:58 |
MWTC_King | iceroot!*@* added to ignore list. | 08:58 |
bazhang | MWTC_King, take chat elsewhere please | 08:58 |
MWTC_King | i just ignored him | 08:58 |
ZykoticK9 | darolu, 5.0.307.5 | 08:58 |
robbit10 | Fizix: Yep. | 08:58 |
iceroot | bazhang: thx | 08:58 |
nagchampa | Dr_Willis: is there some way with hal to tell it that my monitor has a particular dpi | 08:58 |
ZykoticK9 | darolu, do you happen to use iGoogle at all? | 08:58 |
nagchampa | so when x starts it sees the right one? | 08:58 |
nagchampa | where is the default 96dpi set? | 08:58 |
Dr_Willis | nagchampa: no idea. ive never had to tweak that. There proberly is | 08:58 |
darolu | Zykotick9: I'm running 5.0.323.0 (38568) Ubuntu; maybe if you clicked the igoogle link once (if you were logged in) it sets that way anywhere | 08:59 |
Fizix | robbit10, if you can afford it, I'd say get the cheapest Dell with a Intel Core i3 and load up on the optional RAM. | 08:59 |
riderel | i have installed oidentd on my ubuntu 9.10 and when i connect to irc i still got the *No ident response* ... ? can anybody give me some hints to fix this ? | 08:59 |
darolu | Zykotick9: I used it for a while ~2 weeks, can be useful | 08:59 |
robbit10 | Fizix: It has to be near 300 euros (not 500, sorry, i just asked my dad for the budget limit) | 08:59 |
ZykoticK9 | darolu, i'm guessing this is a cookie or something, as I have tried logging out of iGoogle with no change... | 08:59 |
rileyp | iceroot can you help time on clients seem to be gmt not melb aus | 09:00 |
rileyp | yet timezone is set | 09:00 |
Dr_Willis | riderel: forward proper ports on your router. WHy are you bothjerint with an identd server anyway? | 09:00 |
ZykoticK9 | darolu, ironically i just tried with Google Chrome and it does NOT happen | 09:00 |
Fizix | Anyone proficient at setting up a remote desktop server? I can connect through the server and VNC, but I lose my internet availability (still connected, mobile broadband). It returns once I disconnect the ethernet connection I use for VNC. | 09:00 |
riderel | I get glined if i dont have identd started | 09:01 |
darolu | ZykoticK9: I hope they are not planning to force us to use it, after buzz in my gmail I expect anything from them. | 09:01 |
Dr_Willis | riderel: glined by who? | 09:01 |
band_of_koala | Can anyone help me pick a router? | 09:01 |
darolu | Ironic indeed. | 09:01 |
bazhang | band_of_koala, try ##hardware | 09:01 |
band_of_koala | thanks | 09:01 |
rileyp | band_of_koala yes belkin | 09:01 |
GreenDance | morning all | 09:02 |
rileyp | band_of_koala or billion | 09:02 |
netman1 | robbit10: Forget editing video on a E300,- box. | 09:02 |
rileyp | iceroot can you help or you no good time stuff | 09:02 |
darolu | band_of_koala: any router from Cisco | 09:03 |
rileyp | I need hlp setting ntp correctly on mythbuntu diskless clients | 09:04 |
nagchampa | anyone here know about the xorg setup and defaults? i'm trying to figure out how to get xorg to read the dpi of the screen properly, or force it to what it shoudl be, but only for the current monitor | 09:04 |
Dr_Willis | !fixres | 09:04 |
ubottu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 09:04 |
iceroot | rileyp: sorry dont know if you say that the timezone is set correctly | 09:05 |
rileyp | ok thanks | 09:05 |
Jedcat | Hi^ lolz! | 09:06 |
Dr_Willis | there is the #mythbuntu channel | 09:06 |
nagchampa | Dr_Willis: seeing as it's not a resolution problem, but a calculated screen size problem, i don't think that helps really | 09:06 |
rileyp | yeah no one answers there.... | 09:06 |
Dr_Willis | nagchampa: no idea untill You look. It mioght give links to other pages/fix;s | 09:06 |
rileyp | Illl try | 09:07 |
rileyp | thanks | 09:07 |
Jedcat | it may be offtop... Where can i chat about Crysis game on Ubuntu?) | 09:07 |
nagchampa | nope | 09:07 |
darolu | Jedcat: #Ubuntu-offtopic would be my guess. | 09:07 |
Dr_Willis | Jedcat: running it in wine? thats amazing it even works | 09:07 |
dragon | I'm setting up Network Audio System. I installed the server and ran it, but the clients cannot connect to it. Ideas? | 09:07 |
Jedcat | it works)) | 09:08 |
Jedcat | but it BUGs =/ | 09:08 |
darolu | Jedcat: are you serious? what kind of hardware do you have? that game is insane | 09:08 |
denis123 | What's an easy way for me to upgrade my kernel to 2.6.32 in Karmic. Is there a PPA? | 09:08 |
Jedcat | i am serious) | 09:08 |
Jedcat | i'v got an gamer's pc and Ubuntu on it %) | 09:09 |
Jedcat | am i mad?) | 09:09 |
Fizix | Anyone proficient at setting up a remote desktop server? I can connect through the server and VNC, but I lose my internet availability (still connected, mobile broadband). It returns once I disconnect the ethernet connection I use for VNC. | 09:09 |
anita | holaa | 09:09 |
Tm_T | Jedcat: please continue in #ubuntu-offtopic (: | 09:10 |
Jedcat | thenks) | 09:10 |
anita | alguien q able español?? | 09:10 |
Jedcat | йа рашн)) | 09:10 |
nagchampa | this is frustrating | 09:10 |
darolu | anita: hola yo hablo, pero aquí se habla inglés; vamos a #ubuntu-es | 09:10 |
psycho_oreos | !es | anita | 09:10 |
ubottu | anita: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 09:10 |
nagchampa | the xorg default is 75dpi, somewhere it's being set to 96dpi but i can't find where, and it's ignoring my actual screen's dpi | 09:11 |
anita | aaaam | 09:11 |
anita | esq no tengo ni dea de ingles | 09:11 |
nagchampa | first, having a default dpi for lcd screens is a stupid idea | 09:11 |
psycho_oreos | !ru | Jedcat | 09:11 |
ubottu | Jedcat: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 09:11 |
darolu | anita: escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) ahí te alcanzo | 09:11 |
nagchampa | it shoudl calculate it from the screen size | 09:11 |
nagchampa | so if xorg isn't falling back to its defautl of 75dpi | 09:12 |
nagchampa | ubuntu must have it set somewhere | 09:12 |
Jedcat | ыыыы | 09:12 |
=== PhilippeD_ is now known as PhilippeD | ||
Jedcat | народ, шо за фигня етот вин?) | 09:13 |
anita | como era?? | 09:14 |
denis123 | how can I upgrade my kernel to 2.6.32 on Ubuntu Karmic? | 09:14 |
anita | esq no me aparece la pagina | 09:14 |
denis123 | I found: now how can i install em. Just download and run all the i386 ones? | 09:15 |
Jedcat | sudo apt-get install kernel xD | 09:15 |
anita | alguien españool | 09:15 |
darolu | anita: en realidad es simple... escribe /join #ubuntu-es y pulsas enter. | 09:16 |
Dr_Willis | denis123: enable the ppa repository and use teh package manager | 09:16 |
denis123 | Dr_Willis which ppa though? I can't find it | 09:16 |
anita | eeooooo | 09:16 |
anita | i dont understand | 09:17 |
Dr_Willis | denis123: the url you gave was a PPA | 09:17 |
Dr_Willis | search teh PPAs site perhaps | 09:17 |
nagchampa | from my Xorg log: | 09:17 |
nagchampa | Option "UseEdidDpi" "false" | 09:17 |
nagchampa | woops | 09:17 |
nagchampa | that's not it | 09:18 |
Jedcat | if you woud like to be Admin - press Alt+Ctrl+F2 | 09:18 |
nagchampa | (==) intel(0): DPI set to (96, 96) | 09:18 |
nagchampa | but why? | 09:18 |
psycho_oreos | Jedcat, don't say things like | 09:18 |
Jedcat | OK) | 09:18 |
psycho_oreos | Jedcat, like that* | 09:18 |
Jedcat | OK)) | 09:18 |
bazhang | Jedcat, please take chat elsewhere, this is Ubuntu support only | 09:18 |
=== om26er_ is now known as om26er | ||
Dam0 | hello | 09:19 |
anita | no me aparecee | 09:19 |
Jedcat | i am ubuntu user, and i want to use PlayOnLinux for wine. HOW can I install games on it?) | 09:19 |
=== adam is now known as Guest15247 | ||
bazhang | Jedcat, wine support in #winehq , check the appdb for your games | 09:20 |
bazhang | !appdb | Jedcat | 09:20 |
ubottu | Jedcat: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: - Join #winehq for application help | 09:20 |
almoxarife | | 09:20 |
=== Mowee`Bnc is now known as Mowee | ||
=== rhys is now known as Guest66911 | ||
Dr_Willis | i wonder if the play on linux homepage/program has docs/guides | 09:24 |
Guest15247 | hey guys, im trying to change my GDM. how can i do so? i swear they removed some feature from 9.04 | 09:24 |
Dr_Willis | Guest15247: yes they did remove features | 09:25 |
Dr_Willis | Guest15247: its not as themeable now | 09:25 |
Dr_Willis | Guest15247: what re you wanting to change exactly? | 09:25 |
Guest15247 | just my login | 09:25 |
Dr_Willis | clarify what you mean | 09:25 |
Guest15247 | everything else im good with. i got openbox so im happy :) | 09:25 |
Guest15247 | i just want to change the actual user login. where i can login as other users. change the entire look | 09:26 |
Guest66911 | hey everyone | 09:26 |
Dr_Willis | Guest66911: theres a few tools to change the default theme for gdm. but its a pain | 09:26 |
Guest15247 | just point me in the right area is all i need | 09:26 |
Seveas | Dr_Willis, wrong guest ;) | 09:26 |
Guest66911 | haha | 09:26 |
Guest66911 | i was bout to say | 09:27 |
Dr_Willis | Seveas: kick them all :) | 09:27 |
Guest15247 | i have been looking online, but everything is for edgy | 09:27 |
Dr_Willis | Guest15247: you need gdm2 config tools | 09:27 |
Guest15247 | lol. im not usually guest. i just got lazy today | 09:27 |
Seveas | Guest15247, google for 'gdm2 themes' and remember that gdm2 is a complete rewrite, gdm1 themes will not work | 09:27 |
Guest66911 | haha | 09:27 |
Dr_Willis | epidermis is one. theres another one. i got links to them at under the gdm tags | 09:27 |
Guest66911 | Dr-willis i found out wat was rong wit my webcam | 09:27 |
Guest66911 | ur advice helped | 09:27 |
Guest66911 | thank u for earlier | 09:27 |
Dr_Willis | it did? | 09:28 |
Guest66911 | yea | 09:28 |
* Dr_Willis is always suprised at that | 09:28 | |
Guest66911 | i just had to go user | 09:28 |
Seveas | the hidden talents of Dr_Willis | 09:28 |
Guest66911 | and turn off a setting and it worke | 09:28 |
Guest66911 | d | 09:28 |
FloodBot2 | Guest66911: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 09:28 |
Seveas | FloodBot2, hey, shut up kthxbye :) | 09:28 |
Guest66911 | haha lol | 09:28 |
Guest66911 | u cant rite more than 4 lines b4 it calls u a flooder | 09:29 |
Guest66911 | haha | 09:29 |
Seveas | !u | Guest66911 | 09:29 |
ubottu | Guest66911: U is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see for more information. | 09:29 |
Fizix | Anyway to vary off/on my webcam in UNR? | 09:29 |
Guest66911 | Fizix | 09:29 |
Guest66911 | wat are u trying to do | 09:30 |
kickar | hey guys where I do find my keyboard settings .. i have just atached new keyboard but the media keys are not working properly | 09:30 |
Guest66911 | ok Kickar | 09:30 |
darolu | !kthxbye | Seveas | 09:30 |
Seveas | kickar, system -> preferences -> keyboard shortcuts | 09:30 |
Guest66911 | haha | 09:30 |
darolu | (me trying to be humorous) | 09:30 |
Guest66911 | Seaveas | 09:30 |
Guest66911 | beat me 2 it | 09:30 |
kickar | Seveas, thanks | 09:30 |
Seveas | darolu, you fail :P | 09:30 |
Guest66911 | haha | 09:30 |
Guest66911 | thanks | 09:30 |
dam93 | hi | 09:31 |
Guest66911 | hey | 09:31 |
Seveas | hello dam93, what can we do to you today? | 09:31 |
Fizix | It's no longer working--neither in 'Cheese' or any web-based program--and I'd like to somehow vary it off and on (something equivalent to Device Manager in Windows where I would disable and re-enable a peripheral) so I don't have to restart my netbook. | 09:31 |
dam93 | Don't worry | 09:31 |
anita | alguien españool | 09:31 |
darolu | funny ubottu sent me private telling me she doesn't know what kthxbye is | 09:31 |
Seveas | !es | anita | 09:31 |
ubottu | anita: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 09:31 |
Guest66911 | ok Fizix go to system user and groups | 09:31 |
dam93 | where do you come from ?? | 09:31 |
Seveas | Fizix, that would be equivalent to modprobe -r drivername_here; modprobe drivername_here | 09:32 |
Guest66911 | and go to it and make sure u check off use video devices | 09:32 |
Guest66911 | tell me how u get on | 09:32 |
anita | esq no me aparecee | 09:32 |
darolu | anita: por cuarta ocasión, es sencillo, escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (aquí en el irc chat) y presiona enter; yo te alcanzo | 09:32 |
Seveas | drivername_here would be something with v4l, check the output of lsmod | 09:32 |
* Condoulo is having an issue where I am not getting any sound from Amarok | 09:32 | |
anita | dice q no existe!! | 09:32 |
darolu | lo escribes sin comillas? /join #ubuntu-es | 09:33 |
Rotwang | HI! | 09:36 |
meway | the tirminal at the bottom of my screen I minimized dissapeard It is still runing how do I make it visible with the other window that was there? | 09:36 |
meway | and nvm | 09:36 |
TCD | Hey. Can anybody either help me, or direct me to a decent tutorial on how to install/boot Ubuntu onto a USB stick? I have an .iso file from the ubuntu website, and googling comes up with a load of different things. | 09:36 |
meway | got it | 09:36 |
Rotwang | i've got problem with gnome-screensaver and xscreensaver, after locking the screen and trying to unlock it, both screensavers says the password is wrong! | 09:36 |
Rotwang | both have support for pam so i assumed that teh problem is with pam | 09:37 |
Seveas | !install | 09:37 |
ubottu | Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see for documentation. Problems during install? See - Don't want to use a CD? See - See also !automate | 09:37 |
meway | TCD actually its kind of easy if you already have ubuntu | 09:37 |
Seveas | TCD, see ubotu above | 09:37 |
root51 | hello guys | 09:37 |
Rotwang | it is older release of ubuntu like 9.* or eveb 8.* | 09:37 |
Rotwang | even* | 09:37 |
TCD | meway: I'm running off a Windows machine atm. | 09:37 |
kickar | Seveas, the Numlock numers and the F keys are not working how do i fix that ? | 09:37 |
Lusule | hi there :) does anyone know why, when I boot up, I don't have sound until I do sudo /sbin/alsa force-reload ? | 09:37 |
root51 | how make background in grub using menu | 09:37 |
Satoru-san | ooo there is an ubuntu channel | 09:37 |
root51 | any idea | 09:37 |
Seveas | Satoru-san, indeed :) | 09:37 |
root51 | i want my menu to make backgound | 09:38 |
dot | when I watch a youtube video on my ubuntu 9.10 the audio can suddenly just disappear. How can I fix such bug? | 09:38 |
TCD | This looks good. Thanks. :D | 09:38 |
Seveas | !grub | 09:38 |
ubottu | grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before Karmic (9.10). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See - GRUB how-tos: - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards. | 09:38 |
root51 | im using karmic | 09:38 |
Seveas | !grub2 | 09:38 |
ubottu | GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to | 09:38 |
meway | TCD, oh I see sorry I am a nube at tht | 09:38 |
Seveas | root51, see what ubotu just said | 09:38 |
Fizix | Guest66911, I went to User & Groups, modified what the user is allowed to do (video) off and on to no avail. Seveas, where would I find the name of this video driver? I'm afraid I'm not too proficient in command-line although I'd very much like to be. | 09:38 |
Satoru-san | I would help here, but I spend all my time helping on gentoo forums and ubuntuforums, and gentoo IRC >_< | 09:38 |
Seveas | Fizix, in the commandline, type this: lsmod | grep v4l | 09:39 |
Seveas | Fizix, in the output, the first item is a drivername. run this: modprobe -r drivername_here; modprobe drivername_here | 09:39 |
Seveas | do that for everything with v4l in it | 09:39 |
Seveas | that will reload the v4l (= video4linux = webcam) drivers | 09:39 |
cesc | Hello. I want to post the list of things one has to do after installing Ubuntu 9.10 on an ASUS EEE 1101 HA so that nobody else needs to waste 2 days. What section of Ubuntuforums is the right place to post such info? | 09:40 |
TCD | Hmm. Just looking at the wiki, is unetbootin any good? | 09:40 |
Dr_Willis | TCD: it works very well | 09:41 |
darolu | cesc: General help or Installation sounds logical to me. | 09:41 |
Seveas | cesc, a wikipage would be nicer, that way people who don't use forums can find it too :) | 09:41 |
* TCD thanks everyone and runs off to find his USB stick | 09:41 | |
Condoulo | Is there any reason as to why I am not getting any audio from Amarok? | 09:41 |
Fizix | Seveas, the only one that came up was: v4l1_compat 14496 2 uvcvideo,videodev | so modprob -r v4l1_compat and so forth? | 09:42 |
Seveas | Condoulo, probably you have a terrible taste in music and amarok shields you from yourself ;) | 09:42 |
Lusule | hi there :) does anyone know why, when I boot up, I don't have sound until I do sudo /sbin/alsa force-reload ? | 09:42 |
cesc | darolu, Seveas: I have a google page. Would it make sense to post the info there and then post a link in the Ubuntu forums? I've never posted anything and I'm not sure what the correct procedure is so that nobody gets pissed off :) | 09:42 |
Seveas | Fizix, slightly more complicated in this case | 09:42 |
Viper1432 | lmao Seveas , its not THAT good a player. heh heh | 09:42 |
Condoulo | >.< | 09:42 |
Seveas | Fizix, modprobe -r uvcvideo videodev v4l1_compat; then modprobe them all again | 09:43 |
darolu | cesc: I would post the tutorial directly in the forums, but a link is all right too; now what Seveas said is true, a wikipage would be really neat. | 09:43 |
cesc | darolu, Seveas: ah, you mean the ubuntu wiki! sure, that's the reasonable place. Thx! | 09:44 |
ardchoille | I agree with Seveas , and the wiki syntax is easy to learn | 09:44 |
darolu | cesc: don't worry if you post it in the wrong section; it is something useful and won't get deleted, staff can move it if it is in the wrong place -that's the worst that can happen | 09:44 |
Guest66911 | h | 09:44 |
Guest66911 | h | 09:44 |
Guest66911 | h | 09:44 |
FloodBot2 | Guest66911: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 09:45 |
Chinta | Hi everyone! Can anyone suggest this newbie a programme to make free phone calls to fix telephones via IP protocol? (kind of like voip in windows). | 09:45 |
cesc | dare, alles klar =) Thanks for the info. *posting* | 09:45 |
Seveas | Chinta, ekiga, skype | 09:45 |
Seveas | ekiga does sip, skype does skype protocol. | 09:45 |
Chinta | The stress being in free. | 09:45 |
Fizix | Seveas, I get this: FATAL: Module uvcvideo is in use. | Anyway to force it off? | 09:46 |
root51 | grafical menu in grub2 | 09:46 |
root51 | any idea how configure graphical menu in grub | 09:47 |
Chinta | Can ekiga call to fixed telephones for free? | 09:47 |
Seveas | Chinta, google for TANSTAAFL | 09:47 |
Chinta | Tanstaafl, OK. Thanks Seveas. | 09:48 |
Viper1432 | that moon was a very hard mistress. | 09:48 |
Seveas | Fizix, yeah. Take the easy route and reboot :) | 09:48 |
Xaero252 | So, I'm here regarding a security issue, are there any KNOWN current security holes in 9.10 that would allow a user to remotely control my machine? | 09:48 |
Seveas | Xaero252, no. If they were known, they'd be fixed already :) | 09:49 |
* Chinta grins | 09:49 | |
darolu | lol | 09:49 |
Seveas | if you found one, please contact | 09:49 |
Fizix | Seveas, lol, that's what I thought. Thanks for teaching me about this modprob deal; I'm sure it'll come in handy not before too long what with how much I like to tinker. | 09:49 |
Xaero252 | Interesting, seveas: are you sure because I just had someone remotely controlling my desktop and rdesktop is completely disabled, not even installed | 09:49 |
Xaero252 | just now, I banned their entire IP range etc | 09:50 |
Chinta | Well, you are mistaken, there IS such a free lunch. VoIP is a software that can be run on Windows which allows you to call to fixed net for free. | 09:50 |
Seveas | Xaero252, intriguing. Could you pastebin the output of: sudo netstat -ltnup | 09:50 |
Xaero252 | they weren't able to do anything since I'm not logged in as superuser. | 09:50 |
Seveas | they could still destroy your files, which is worse than killing /usr/bin imho | 09:51 |
Chinta | Anyway, thanks for your help. | 09:51 |
Xaero252 | seveas: | 09:52 |
Xaero252 | I don't see anything fishy personally | 09:52 |
Seveas | nope, nothing fishy | 09:52 |
lv_ | hi guys, ive cloned a virtualbox image of jaunty-jackolope successfully to my linode box, on boottime i'm getting this udev error: udevd[940]: GOTO 'persistent_net_generator_end' has no matching label in: '/etc/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules' -- any clues? | 09:52 |
Seveas | also, you're behind nat, so I find it really weird that someone from the internet was able to reach your pc at all | 09:53 |
Xaero252 | ^ | 09:53 |
Xaero252 | however my router is a POS | 09:53 |
root51 | i figured out right now | 09:54 |
Seveas | I guessed as much, otherwise you wouldn't be running dnsmasq locally :) | 09:54 |
Xaero252 | I'll be logging my internet traffic for the next few days, storing packets etc to see if I find anything fishy | 09:54 |
Xaero252 | wait a minute ZiG|ZaG as in KaW/Smiley? | 09:55 |
lv_ | hi guys, ive cloned a virtualbox image of jaunty-jackolope successfully to my linode box, on boottime i'm getting this udev error: udevd[940]: GOTO 'persistent_net_generator_end' has no matching label in: '/etc/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules' -- any clues? | 09:55 |
javax4u | how to add svn in ubuntu? | 09:55 |
lv_ | javax4u, sudo apt-get install subversion | 09:56 |
Seveas | Xaero252, here's a nice one for you: | 09:56 |
Seveas | sudo iptables -A INPUT -m state --state new -j LOG --log-prefix 'New connection: ' | 09:56 |
Seveas | that'll log all new incoming connections | 09:56 |
Xaero252 | kk | 09:56 |
Xaero252 | ty seveas | 09:56 |
Seveas | ends up in /var/log/messages | 09:56 |
Seveas | but will have some false positives | 09:57 |
ZiG|ZaG | Xaero252 the issue has been resolved, i was concerned with some errors when restarting apache server | 09:57 |
Lusule | hi there :) can anyone shed any light on why sound won't work on startup until I do sudo /sbin/alsa force-reload ? | 09:57 |
Xaero252 | Seveas: could I potentially lose control over USB peripherals and have sporatic input due to low voltage on the USB? | 09:57 |
Seveas | also, the rule needs to be reapplied after reboot :) | 09:57 |
Seveas | Xaero252, doesn't sound unreasonable | 09:57 |
Xaero252 | Seveas: know where I might find voltage probes for usb in /sys? | 09:58 |
Seveas | no | 09:58 |
Xaero252 | Seveas: cool, thanks I'll poke around, I'm doing a DD of two USB hard disks on a laptop now and that may be the case, although completely loss of control of both keyboard and mouse as well as somewhat reasonable and accurate mouseclicks seems too good for it to be sporratic behavior | 09:59 |
ZiG|ZaG | Xaero252 i'm not sure where you got that from lol | 09:59 |
Xaero252 | ZiG|ZaG: Rumormill about ZiGZaG Being KaW/Smiley from the In The Groove franchise ;) | 09:59 |
ZiG|ZaG | ah | 09:59 |
Xaero252 | Fairly certain they are indeed one and the same due to Incognito/Indulgence/Pandemonium (ZigZag songs) being on KaW's website ;) | 10:00 |
ZiG|ZaG | unaware of the artist, his works do sound familiar | 10:01 |
ZiG|ZaG | also the name | 10:01 |
ZiG|ZaG | not me :p | 10:02 |
Xaero252 | :D | 10:02 |
Xaero252 | Also, anybody know what I could do about getting a project added to the repositories? | 10:03 |
ardchoille | Xaero252: iirc, you'd need to contact MOTU, try #ubuntu-motu | 10:03 |
Seveas | !motu | Xaero252 | 10:03 |
ubottu | Xaero252: motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See | 10:03 |
Xaero252 | ardchoille: thanks, I'll check it out | 10:03 |
ardchoille | Xaero252: also see what ubottu just posted | 10:04 |
alabd | hello ,If we want write 2 lines about what a user should has done to use Gnu/Linux before first distributions , what can we write (it's required for a book that humble will write)? | 10:04 |
Xaero252 | alabd: not sure what your asking, like experience you should have before diving into the gnu/linux world? | 10:05 |
Dr_Willis | learn how to learn, and learn that thers always more to learn :) | 10:08 |
alabd | Xaero252: no , humble mean before first distributions gnu/linux at 1991 | 10:08 |
DaZ | learn not to lick metal poles during winter. | 10:09 |
Seveas | :) | 10:09 |
Xaero252 | Seveas: what could be causing this, I have my dd process being monitored by a watch -t 10 sudo pkill -USR1 ^dd$ init: rsyslog-kmsg main process (30147) killed by USR1 signal | 10:10 |
badbandit | hey if I upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10 | 10:11 |
badbandit | could I run into problems? | 10:11 |
Seveas | Xaero252, pkill dd will kill a random dd. rsyslog-kmsh uses a dd to log kernel messgaes, you just killed it. | 10:11 |
badbandit | aka should i backup my whole laptop | 10:12 |
Xaero252 | Seveas: but -USR1 to DD means "report progress and continue" iirc? | 10:12 |
alabd | Xaero252: f we want write 2 lines about what a user should has done to use Gnu/Linux before first distributions of gnu/linux at 1991 (first days) , what can we write (it's required for a book that humble will write)? for example he should knew about libs and proper gnu executables to boot and run OS himself and what other did he require to know | 10:12 |
soreau | badbandit: There are always a potential for unforeseen circumstances and backups are never a bad idea | 10:12 |
Blindsite | hello can someone help me get ubuntu to detect my sansa fuze mp3 player | 10:13 |
Seveas | Xaero252, that's not documented behavior | 10:13 |
Xaero252 | alabd: Oh jesus, he would have been required to know a lot before distributions came about... | 10:13 |
Seveas | alabd, this channel is for ubuntu support, please take offtopic talk elsewhere | 10:13 |
ardchoille | Blindsite: the only way I have been able to do that is use rythmbox to tranfer the mp3 files | 10:13 |
Bacta | Hai! | 10:13 |
Bacta | Bacta's the name, trollin's the game! | 10:13 |
Seveas | Xaero252, scratch that, it is.... | 10:13 |
Blindsite | RB doesn't even see it | 10:13 |
Blindsite | how'd you get RB to detect it | 10:14 |
Blindsite | I've got it on MSC mode but its stll not showing up | 10:14 |
ardchoille | Blindsite: open rb, I'll walk you trhough the plugins | 10:14 |
Blindsite | k | 10:14 |
Blindsite | gimme a sec | 10:14 |
Xaero252 | Seveas: should I just not use USR1 to monitor my other dd process? I know it can be done with pv but pv is being really buggy atm with 9.10 (its not displaying progress unless I use ^C to break the command mid execution) | 10:15 |
Blindsite | kay | 10:15 |
Blindsite | RB is open and the sansa is plugged in | 10:15 |
ardchoille | Blindsite: unplug your fuze, then go to rb and click Edit > Plugins | 10:15 |
Blindsite | now what | 10:15 |
Blindsite | oh ok | 10:15 |
Seveas | Xaero252, The dd you killed was started from initramfs. It is thus a busbox dd which does not understand USR1 | 10:15 |
Blindsite | kay I'm at the plugins menu | 10:16 |
ardchoille | Blindsite: make sure both plugins for "portable players" are checked and close the plugins window | 10:16 |
Seveas | Xaero252, yes you can monitor your dd, but use kill -USR <pid here> to make sure you have the correct dd in your sights | 10:16 |
Xaero252 | Seveas: Ah, that makes entirely too much sense, I'll just use dd if=* of=* & pid=$! && kill -USR1 $pid then from now on :D | 10:17 |
Blindsite | kay | 10:17 |
ardchoille | Blindsite: now plug in your fuze player and it should be recognized in the left pane of rb, click on it and you should be able to drag and drop mp3's in there now | 10:17 |
Seveas | Xaero252, :) | 10:17 |
Blindsite | nope its not showig up | 10:19 |
=== adam is now known as Guest53743 | ||
ardchoille | Blindsite: have you set your fuze player to the required mode? in Settings on the fuze player there is a certain mode you need to use | 10:19 |
ardchoille | Blindsite: I think it's MTC | 10:19 |
Guest53743 | hey guys. im having some troubles pasting into the /usr/share/gmd/themes folder i tried this command and no luck. sudo cp brit-waves /usr/share/gdm/themes/brit-waves | 10:20 |
ardchoille | I don't have my fuze with me | 10:20 |
ardchoille | Guest53743: is brit-waves a folder? | 10:20 |
Guest53743 | yes it is | 10:21 |
Blindsite | i've tried with auto, MTC and MSC | 10:21 |
Blindsite | still not showing up | 10:21 |
ardchoille | Guest53743 sudo cp -r brit-waves /usr/share/gdm/themes | 10:21 |
badbandit | hey | 10:21 |
The_ManU_212 | hi | 10:21 |
ardchoille | Blindsite: hmm.. worked great here | 10:21 |
Xaero252 | seveas: any reason rsyslogd would be eating 100% of 1 core? | 10:21 |
Blindsite | what mode do you have yours on? | 10:22 |
Seveas | Xaero252, I think because you just killed it's dd and now it's confused | 10:22 |
The_ManU_212 | i have a netbook, the batterie is empty after 2 hours and the fan turns the whole time after 25 minutes if the netbook was cold, otherwise it spins the whole time | 10:22 |
The_ManU_212 | can u help me? | 10:22 |
ardchoille | Blindsite: perhaps the menu item Music > Scan removable media ? | 10:22 |
Xaero252 | seveas: any downside if I kill it? | 10:22 |
ardchoille | Blindsite: I don't have my fuze with me | 10:22 |
Seveas | Xaero252, that or the iptables line I gave you is somehow broken in your situation and it is logging an awful lot :) | 10:22 |
The_ManU_212 | i have powertop installed biut it doesnt help | 10:22 |
Seveas | Xaero252, you'll lose logging | 10:22 |
Xaero252 | seveas: any way to check that iptables line? | 10:23 |
Guest53743 | lol how embarrassing | 10:23 |
Lantizia | Is anyone familiar with the Dell Recovery Media Builder (for 9.10 and up?) | 10:23 |
Seveas | ls -lah /var/log/messages | 10:23 |
Guest53743 | i forgot to check for cp switches | 10:23 |
Seveas | if that's huge, oops! | 10:23 |
Guest53743 | thanks for the help | 10:23 |
ardchoille | Guest53743 :) | 10:23 |
Blindsite | nope | 10:24 |
Blindsite | scanned on both modes | 10:24 |
ardchoille | Blindsite: Sorry, that works here, I've no more advice :( | 10:24 |
Xaero252 | seveas: nothing over .5mb | 10:24 |
Seveas | that's fine then | 10:25 |
Blindsite | i was reading on one of the forums about having to force load it or something | 10:25 |
Seveas | you might need to reboot | 10:25 |
Seveas | not sure what effects killing that dd process has | 10:25 |
Xaero252 | Seveas: I'd really not like to do that In the middle of my DD lawl :D | 10:25 |
Seveas | you've at least lost all kernel logging now, which to me is already a good reason to reboot :) | 10:26 |
ardchoille | Blindsite: on a positive note, if you put an sd card in the fuze, it should show up as a mass storage device | 10:26 |
Xaero252 | Seveas: it kept trying to restart it, until I stopped my watch | 10:26 |
Seveas | heh, ok. Kill syslog and reboot when dd is done :) | 10:26 |
Xaero252 | at which point it restarted | 10:26 |
Lantizia | Has anyone used the Dell Recovery Builder tool? for Ubuntu 9.10 and up? | 10:27 |
Guest24130 | terminal command to set timezone please | 10:28 |
Lantizia | dpkg-reconfigure tzdata | 10:28 |
sildur | bonjour | 10:29 |
Blindsite | ardchoille: does your fuze show up on your computer or just in RB? | 10:29 |
ardchoille | Blindsite: it shows up in nautilus if I have an sd card in it, otherwise I need to use rb | 10:29 |
Guest24130 | lantizia thanks bro | 10:30 |
Lantizia | np | 10:30 |
Blindsite | ah | 10:30 |
=== migi is now known as migis | ||
migis | hello | 10:30 |
ardchoille | Blindsite: I'll admit, the fuze is the first Sanza mp3 player I've this much trouble with | 10:30 |
migis | can anyone tell me please where i can find xubuntu's loading file? | 10:30 |
ardchoille | migis: ask in #xubuntu | 10:31 |
Blindsite | :( guess it was just a bad call then. | 10:31 |
Blindsite | tell me | 10:31 |
Blindsite | does the ipod work? | 10:31 |
migis | there is no one there. then please tell me where i can find ubuntu's loading file. | 10:31 |
ardchoille | Blindsite: never had one so don't know | 10:31 |
Blindsite | ah | 10:31 |
wgrant | migis: What are you talking about? | 10:32 |
wgrant | What do you mean by "loading file | 10:32 |
wgrant | "? | 10:32 |
migis | i have installed firmware which my laptop does not support and now on every loading it says that it does not exist, etc. how can i remove that line, so it won't require it. | 10:32 |
ardchoille | Blindsite: I do remember seeing other get iPod help here so you may keep asking and see if someone canhelp | 10:32 |
Blindsite | yeah well mom is interested in my fuze and my birthday is coming up | 10:32 |
Blindsite | so she might just get me an Ipod | 10:32 |
ardchoille | Blindsite: oh, you're in a very good position :) | 10:33 |
ardchoille | Blindsite: I do know there is an app called gtkpod in the repos | 10:33 |
migis | it was a firmware for wireless | 10:33 |
ardchoille | !info gtkpod | Blindsite | 10:33 |
ubottu | Blindsite: gtkpod (source: gtkpod): manage songs and playlists on an Apple iPod. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.99.14-2ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 270 kB, installed size 708 kB | 10:33 |
Xaero252 | Blindsite: the newest Ipods have compatibility issues due to encryption on GNU/Linux, although some people have found workarounds | 10:33 |
ardchoille | Xaero252: Ah, good to know, thanks | 10:34 |
tom | hi, i used "pmap" to measure memory usage of processes on ubuntu and on debian and found out that a process running on ubuntu uses a lot more memory, here's an example with /bin/bash: now is there a way to reduce the usage on ubuntu, also what are the lines with "-----" which are not present on the debian box? | 10:34 |
Blindsite | as much as I'm pissed at apple about DRM they do generally make good products. | 10:34 |
Blindsite | awww i wanted a nano with a camera | 10:34 |
Dr_Willis | good straightjackets are still straightjackets :) | 10:34 |
Blindsite | is there a list of what hardware works and what doesn't | 10:35 |
Blindsite | so I don't end up wasting money again | 10:35 |
migis | hello, anyone? | 10:35 |
Blindsite | hello migis | 10:35 |
alexxio | hi | 10:37 |
Blindsite | hi | 10:37 |
alexxio | i installed ubuntu on my laptop, the it started | 10:37 |
alexxio | *then | 10:37 |
alexxio | but after that it downloaed some proprietary driver and now it doesnt boot | 10:37 |
Blindsite | oh and i have another completely dif problem. I installed Ubuntu on my desktop | 10:38 |
alexxio | just after the grub screen, after a while, i get a black screen, then i can reboot with ctrl alt canc | 10:38 |
Blindsite | but it doesn't see my router via my ethernet cord | 10:38 |
TCD | Hey everyone. I got ubuntu running, it's awesome. | 10:38 |
edeca | Blindsite: What do you mean "doesn't see" | 10:38 |
Blindsite | it doesn't detect the router, and subsequent internet connection | 10:39 |
alexxio | blindsite, do you know what ip you have now? | 10:39 |
Blindsite | I'm on DHCP | 10:39 |
Blindsite | i know the ip of the router but thats about it | 10:39 |
edeca | Blindsite: Check the output of ifconfig (or ip addr) and the contents of /etc/networking/interfaces | 10:39 |
edeca | Er, /etc/network/interfaces | 10:40 |
alexxio | blindsite: open a terminal and copy/paste your sudo ifconfig -a | 10:40 |
alexxio | now, for my problem, i told kernel to run into runlevel 3 putting 3 on the grub command line, but the error is the same, black screen, can you please tell me what can i do? | 10:41 |
Blindsite | kay I've been doing some reinstalls on that desktop so just hold on. I'll boot off the live cd for now | 10:41 |
wgrant | Blindsite: Why are you playing with runlevels? You probably don't want to. | 10:42 |
wgrant | alexxio: ^^ | 10:43 |
wgrant | Blindsite: Sorry, misread. | 10:43 |
alexxio | ;) | 10:43 |
Blindsite | ok while the desktop is booting up | 10:43 |
Rotwang | im looking for xscreensaver without pam support | 10:43 |
Rotwang | so maybe someone has a package? | 10:43 |
WierdAAR | Hello, is there an easy way to get all the dependencies for a package other then ./configure and then find what's missing? (That is for packages not in synaptic) | 10:44 |
alexxio | wgrant: i get a black screen on booting, i don't know what else to do , i don't want to install again | 10:44 |
Blindsite | i'd just like to comment: whenever I use -help with most of the terminal commands half the time it just lists them but doesn't explain their various functions | 10:44 |
wgrant | alexxio: Adding 'text' to the kernel commandline will inhibit X from starting. | 10:44 |
wgrant | alexxio: If that still isn't enough, add 'single' and you will be dumped into a root shell early on in the boot. | 10:45 |
LinuxPhreak | I'm making an Ubuntu remix with remastersys but I can't find the Ubiquity icon to change it. Can someone tell the directory? | 10:45 |
alexxio | wgrant: mmmh..thanks .. | 10:45 |
alexxio | wgrant: but after i get on a shell, is there a way to see which drivers it installed (maybe in /var/log/messages?) and how to uninstall them? | 10:46 |
wgrant | alexxio: What sort of driver? | 10:46 |
alexxio | actually i remember 3 proprietary driver it was installing, one of which is about ati drivers | 10:47 |
frodoleggins | alexxio: nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf and replace, in device section, ati with vesa | 10:48 |
wgrant | frodoleggins: By 'ati' you mean 'fglrx'? | 10:48 |
Blindsite | holy shit.... I just booted up ubuntu and somehow its detected my router this time | 10:48 |
Blindsite | i have no idea how | 10:48 |
frodoleggins | alexxio: by ati, I mean ati | 10:48 |
wgrant | 'ati' is not proprietary. | 10:48 |
Blindsite | but i've got internet... | 10:48 |
WierdAAR | Hello, is there an easy way to get all the dependencies for a package other then ./configure and then find what's missing? (That is for packages not in synaptic) | 10:49 |
Blindsite | imma install ubuntu on the harddrive there and see if it sticks | 10:49 |
erUSUL | WierdAAR: sudo apt-get build-dep package | 10:49 |
frodoleggins | wgrant: the name of driver used, I have not an ati, but he have to set driver to vesa, so he can run into X | 10:49 |
erUSUL | WierdAAR: you have to enable src sources in System>Admin...>Software Sources | 10:49 |
Lantizia | erUSUL, he said it wasn't in synaptic | 10:49 |
frodoleggins | and then try to fix all not from shell | 10:50 |
erUSUL | Lantizia: right you are ;) | 10:50 |
wgrant | frodoleggins: Yes, but he said he installed the proprietary ATI driver, which is 'fglrx', not 'ati'. | 10:50 |
marienz | WierdAAR: if it's not packaged yet you'll have to dig into the source package. If you are packaging I'm a fan of sbuild-lvm and the like, which build in a clean chroot (which means any deps you missed cause the build to fail) | 10:50 |
Lantizia | WierdAAR, if it's not in synaptic... no afraid not - hopefully the developer will list dev packages needd | 10:50 |
LinuxPhreak | does anyone know where the Ubuiquity Icon is stored. I checked /usr/share/icons/ | 10:50 |
frodoleggins | ok, tell him to replace fglrx to vesa | 10:50 |
LinuxPhreak | but I don't know what directory inside ofr their it is | 10:51 |
TCD | Hey. Does anyone know of any decent material online about how to get started with the commands on Linux/Ubuntu? I have no idea what they do, but they look interesting. If you get what I mean. | 10:51 |
=== TCD is now known as HotGirl|Naked | ||
=== HotGirl|Naked is now known as TCD | ||
erUSUL | !cli | TCD | 10:52 |
ubottu | TCD: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE). Guide: or type in it: man intro | 10:52 |
TCD | Thanks. | 10:52 |
WierdAAR | Lantizia, Ok, Well then I just have to find them manually | 10:52 |
LinuxPhreak | TCD: I know orrielly books are great but no online info | 10:52 |
TCD | Okay. I don't think I can really afford a book on it. :( Shame. | 10:52 |
LinuxPhreak | TCD: I would google Ubuntu commands | 10:53 |
Seveas | TCD, the best one is 'man' :) | 10:53 |
wgrant | TCD: I would use the link that ubottu gave you a few lines back. | 10:53 |
Lantizia | "Ubuntu Commands" | 10:53 |
Lantizia | excuse me while I puke | 10:53 |
TCD | I'm using the link I got from ubottu, btw. :D Thanks everyone. | 10:53 |
erUSUL | TCD: there should be a lot of free books around the net. a little googling does not hurt anybody | 10:53 |
Xaero252 | Seveas: it appears my little friend is back, seeing as theres nothing important here on this computer, I'll let him fool around, my pointer has (twice now) deliberately opened the about gnome box as well as my desktop wallpaper, although he hasn't done anything malicious yet at all... | 10:54 |
TCD | :/ Sorry. I have a habit of underestimating google. | 10:54 |
farchad | em | 10:54 |
Seveas | Xaero252, pastebin the output of netstat -ntapu | 10:54 |
Seveas | TCD, then use yahoo/bing :) | 10:55 |
LinuxPhreak | TCD: As much as I use google I'm pissed off at them. I've tried everything possible to get a good PR but no luck | 10:55 |
farchad | hello | 10:55 |
LinuxPhreak | the kicker is my Alexa is near perfect | 10:55 |
TCD | Seveas: No, I just know I use google too little for problems. :/ | 10:55 |
TCD | Or any search engine for that matter. Mainly due to the lame speed I got on windows. | 10:56 |
LinuxPhreak | would anyone mind assisting me with my problem? | 10:56 |
gngkai | hi | 10:56 |
gngkai | after upgrading to 9.10 I noticed that sometimes wrong theme is loaded | 10:57 |
Seveas | LinuxPhreak, is ubiquity still installed on your machine then? | 10:57 |
Xaero252 | Seveas: I ran it without sudo first and then with sudo | 10:57 |
gngkai | what can I do to correct this bug? | 10:57 |
LinuxPhreak | yes to my knowledge it is along with Remastersys | 10:57 |
Xaero252 | interestingly enough when I tried to run it with sudo, before I could finish typing the command my terminal's contents were pasted into my terminal to prevent me from typing anything for a few seconds | 10:58 |
Hawks | Ïðèâåò, ðóññêèå åñòü ? | 10:58 |
Seveas | Xaero252, and the output of 'ps axu' please | 10:58 |
Seveas | Hawks, english only please | 10:58 |
Seveas | !ru | Hawks | 10:59 |
ubottu | Hawks: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 10:59 |
raven | hello | 10:59 |
Xaero252 | seveas: | 10:59 |
Seveas | LinuxPhreak, find /usr/share/icons -name '*ubiquity*' | 11:00 |
wgrant | LinuxPhreak: Or 'dpkg -L ubiquity', and look for anything that looks like an icon. | 11:00 |
Seveas | Xaero252, and the output of 'ps axu | cat' please (the last one trimmed the useful bits) | 11:00 |
raven | i need a SIMPLE tool to do jpeg-shots for observate changes | 11:00 |
LinuxPhreak | ? | 11:01 |
Seveas | LinuxPhreak, it's a command. Run it in the terminal :) | 11:01 |
Xaero252 | | 11:04 |
Xaero252 | gotta scroll down a bit | 11:04 |
Xaero252 | seveas: | 11:04 |
Xaero252 | he tried hard to not let that one thru, so theres 400 lines of blank spae | 11:05 |
Xaero252 | *space | 11:05 |
LinuxPhreak | Well I got a bunch of results. But I didn't see anything pertaining to the icon | 11:06 |
Xaero252 | seveas: somehow killed pidgen | 11:07 |
=== ogra_ is now known as ogra | ||
Xaero252 | Seveas: not sure if you got the pastbin or not or replied | 11:07 |
Seveas | Xaero252, looks all innocent. odd. | 11:07 |
motaka2 | how to type french in openoffice | 11:08 |
chrisboom | hey, installed 9.10 server | 11:08 |
chrisboom | cant see the network | 11:08 |
chrisboom | last time i installed on same machine no problems | 11:08 |
Xaero252 | Seveas: very odd, because this stuff is pretty deliberate, changing desktops in compiz, closing terminals, bringing up information and settings panes, etc | 11:08 |
chrisboom | this time in the installation it cant pickup the ethernet | 11:08 |
Seveas | motaka2, comme celui-ci | 11:08 |
chrisboom | plugged in exactly the same as it was. very frustrating | 11:08 |
Seveas | Xaero252, yeah | 11:08 |
motaka2 | Seveas: mais mon ami j'ai besoin les characteres avec les accents | 11:09 |
Seveas | Xaero252, you have a ghost in your machine | 11:09 |
satz | have any one tryed using etherboot on ubunutu 9.10 | 11:09 |
Seveas | motaka2, I use the right alt key for that. system -> preferences -> keyboard. To type accents I now do <alt> followd by e and ' é | 11:10 |
Xaero252 | Seveas: Theres also nobody else attached to my network O.o so unless hes changed his Mac Adress to match mine (which can only be done on a handful of G cards to begin with).... | 11:10 |
Seveas | motaka2, you can also do 'dead keys', then you don't need the alt but need to type ' followed by <space> to get a single ' | 11:10 |
Xaero252 | Seveas: I'll just treat it as a ghost for now, until I see something deliberate and malicious, hopefully its just some strange quirk that goes away lololol | 11:10 |
Seveas | hehehehe | 11:11 |
chrisboom | any ideas? | 11:11 |
emilien | Anyone any tips for syncing samba shares ? | 11:12 |
magn3ts | How do I image a memory card without copying the empty data? | 11:13 |
edeca | emilien: rsync? | 11:13 |
edeca | magn3ts: dd with conv=trunc, possibly | 11:13 |
edeca | magn3ts: Or dd then bzip/gzip it | 11:13 |
emilien | edeca: Il look into it thanks | 11:14 |
richee_ | hi I want to replace the string in all the files present in this directory - how can I do this ? | 11:15 |
richee_ | for file in '/home/ar/test/*' | 11:15 |
richee_ | do | 11:15 |
richee_ | echo $file | 11:15 |
richee_ | sed -e 's/xyz/abc/g' $file | 11:15 |
richee_ | done | 11:15 |
FloodBot2 | richee_: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 11:15 |
jrib | richee_: sure, that will kind of work | 11:16 |
Simulate | xD | 11:16 |
edeca | richee_: sed -i for edit in place | 11:16 |
raven | MOTION shoots a picture every third second - what is missing to change it to MOTION only? | 11:16 |
richee_ | edeca, let me try this | 11:16 |
edeca | richee_: for file in '/blah/files/*'; do sed -ie 's/pattern/replacement/g' $f; done | 11:16 |
iceroot | is it possible to copy 8gb data from a 16gb harddrive to an 12gb harddrive? (so source is bigger then target, but the data itselfs fits to both drives) | 11:16 |
Dr_Willis | iceroot: yes | 11:17 |
edeca | A 16GB hard drive? ;) | 11:17 |
iceroot | edeca: ssd | 11:17 |
* edeca has memories of SCSI back in the day | 11:17 | |
edeca | Ah, nice. | 11:17 |
richee_ | edeca, thank you.... | 11:17 |
edeca | richee_: It worked? | 11:18 |
raven | MOTION shoots a picture every third second - what is missing to change it to MOTION only? | 11:18 |
richee_ | edeca, yes :D | 11:18 |
edeca | raven: Have you read the manpage? | 11:18 |
vskram21 | have any one tryed using etherboot in ubuntu 9.10 | 11:18 |
raven | edeca, several times but i do not find it | 11:18 |
edeca | raven: Well motion itself detects the motion from a video stream, it doesn't take pictures | 11:19 |
edeca | raven: So you must have something taking the pictures | 11:19 |
raven | ok i was too fast now it seems to work correctly | 11:20 |
edeca | raven: There are some options for tweaking sensitivity, too | 11:20 |
raven | ok tnx | 11:21 |
=== paul__ is now known as wishy | ||
mdc_ | !list | 11:26 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » | 11:26 |
richee_ | !PASTEBIN | 11:28 |
ubottu | For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 11:28 |
rmn | i can't get karmic alternate cd to work, neither from USB nor CD. it complains about no common CD/DVD drive found | 11:28 |
richee_ | !pastebinit | 11:29 |
ubottu | pastebinit is the command-line equivelent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit | 11:29 |
richee_ | !pastebinit var=`cat /home/ar/` | 11:29 |
richee_ | for i in $var; do | 11:29 |
richee_ | echo $i | 11:29 |
richee_ | done | 11:29 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 11:29 |
FloodBot2 | richee_: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 11:29 |
rmn | it boots, but it just won't mount the cd when it comes to select packages and format | 11:29 |
richee_ | this is a script which reads the contents of the file, now how do I search for a string in this file ? | 11:30 |
richee_ | | 11:30 |
richee_ | can anyone help me ? | 11:31 |
Blindsite | hi | 11:32 |
Blindsite | im back | 11:32 |
Blindsite | stil tring to get my net working on my desktop | 11:32 |
Blindsite | it works on the live cd | 11:32 |
Blindsite | but not post installation | 11:32 |
Blindsite | can anyone help | 11:33 |
Blindsite | or am i alone in here | 11:33 |
aethelrick | hi Blindsite | 11:33 |
Blindsite | hi | 11:33 |
aethelrick | did you use network manager to setup your network? | 11:33 |
Blindsite | yeah, its a DHCP | 11:33 |
Blindsite | and like i said | 11:34 |
Blindsite | when I used the live cd it worked | 11:34 |
aethelrick | wireless or wired? | 11:34 |
elgh | Anyone played Xmoto? | 11:34 |
Blindsite | but after i installed it on the drive it didnt | 11:34 |
Blindsite | wired | 11:34 |
mdc_ | ciao raga | 11:34 |
aethelrick | can you see the network icon on the top bar on the desktop | 11:35 |
Blindsite | i can | 11:35 |
rmn | does network install allow LVM and cryptsetup? | 11:35 |
Blindsite | it configured a eth1 during the live cd (which worked then) but now that connection keeps droppig out | 11:35 |
edeca | Define "dropping out"? | 11:35 |
Blindsite | disconnectiong | 11:36 |
Blindsite | i select eth1, it tries to connect, and fails | 11:36 |
mdc_ | !list | 11:36 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » | 11:36 |
aethelrick | k gimme a sec... just starting an ubuntu VM | 11:36 |
edeca | One thing that sometimes happens is adapters change names after install, have you tried eth0 Blindsite? | 11:36 |
Blindsite | k | 11:37 |
edeca | Running 'sudo mii-tool' would help identify which one is plugged in | 11:37 |
* edeca wonders if mii-tool is installed by default | 11:37 | |
tiger_ | hey guys what is an alternative to wine | 11:37 |
Blindsite | please don't ask me to copy/paste large amounts of info. Im talking to you via my laptop here. I'd have to manually copy whats on the screen | 11:37 |
Blindsite | but hold on i'll go try mi-tool, or wee you talking to someone els | 11:38 |
tiger_ | use Blindsite | 11:38 |
aethelrick | open a terminal Blindsite and type ifconfig<enter> into it | 11:38 |
edeca | Good plan. | 11:39 |
tiger_ | so guys is there an alt software to wine for linux | 11:39 |
Blindsite | um | 11:39 |
Blindsite | it didnt like the <center> part | 11:40 |
wgrant | tiger_: There is no other Free Windows API reimplementation. | 11:40 |
Blindsite | keeps asking for a newline | 11:40 |
jrib | tiger_: crossover, cedega? | 11:40 |
aethelrick | lol, sorry... type ifconfig then press the enter button | 11:40 |
Blindsite | oh | 11:40 |
Blindsite | ok | 11:40 |
Blindsite | did that | 11:40 |
GodzKnightZ | Xubuntu 9.10 wont authenticate to my router with WPA/WPA2 Personal passphrase :( | 11:40 |
tiger_ | dedega ?? | 11:40 |
Blindsite | what am i looking for | 11:40 |
tiger_ | cedega | 11:40 |
FloodBot2 | Blindsite: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 11:40 |
Blindsite | :( | 11:41 |
aethelrick | Blindsite: you should now have one paaragraph of info per network card | 11:41 |
Blindsite | i didnt mean to flood | 11:41 |
Blindsite | yeah | 11:41 |
aethelrick | Blindsite: do you see eth0 or eth1? | 11:41 |
Blindsite | what am i looking for there | 11:41 |
Blindsite | both | 11:41 |
aethelrick | ok | 11:41 |
vskram21 | what kind of s/w ru going to use emulate @tiger | 11:41 |
Blindsite | theres an interrupt error at the end of both | 11:42 |
aethelrick | Blindsite: do either of them have an "inet addr" | 11:42 |
Blindsite | hold on | 11:42 |
Blindsite | lemme look | 11:42 |
GodzKnightZ | Xubuntu 9.10 wont authenticate to my router with WPA/WPA2 Personal passphrase :( | 11:42 |
BeeStone | how come that when I connect my cordless logitech keyboard to my ubuntu 9.10, the only working key is the "sleep" -key? | 11:42 |
tiger_ | then get your self a wpa/wpa2 key gen and problem sorted | 11:43 |
Blindsite | nope, eth1 has a int6 addr but not an int addrss | 11:43 |
Blindsite | the loopback DOES have an inet add though | 11:43 |
BeeStone | how come that when I connect my cordless logitech keyboard to my ubuntu 9.10, the only working key is the "sleep" -key? | 11:43 |
elgh | Anyone knowing anytrhing about Xmoto? | 11:43 |
Dr_Willis | elgh: its a game | 11:44 |
Dr_Willis | elgh: its a hard game | 11:44 |
jrib | elgh: someone probably knows something. Just ask your real question | 11:44 |
jrib | see, Dr_Willis knows TWO somethings! | 11:44 |
elgh | How do you start faster? Like WR recs. | 11:44 |
Dr_Willis | elgh: no idea what you mean | 11:44 |
BeeStone | hello peopleee | 11:44 |
BeeStone | how come that when I connect my cordless logitech keyboard to my ubuntu 9.10, the only working key is the "sleep" -key? | 11:44 |
aethelrick | Blindsite: is your network setup for ipv6 or ipv4? | 11:45 |
jrib | !repeat | BeeStone | 11:45 |
ubottu | BeeStone: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search or while you wait. | 11:45 |
Blindsite | ipv4 | 11:45 |
BeeStone | k sorry :) | 11:45 |
elgh | It's impossible to accelerate as fast as WR ghosts. | 11:45 |
Dr_Willis | elgh: so? | 11:45 |
Blindsite | no one around here uses ipv6 | 11:45 |
Dr_Willis | its not a speedy game? | 11:45 |
jrib | BeeStone: you might see if booting with it already connected makes a difference | 11:45 |
aethelrick | Blindsite: can you pastebin the ifconfig output please | 11:46 |
elgh | Well, if a ghost can go that fast, so should I be able to do? | 11:46 |
mi6 | when i try to open the "display settings" then nothing happen. why not..??? | 11:46 |
Blindsite | how | 11:46 |
Blindsite | my desktop doesn't have internet | 11:46 |
konman | hi! | 11:46 |
Dr_Willis | elgh: no idwa what you mean by ghost. Ive played the game all of 10 min | 11:46 |
GodzKnightZ | is it normal for XU when installing to create a 10g swap partition? | 11:46 |
elgh | Then you don't know anything about it Dr_Willis. | 11:47 |
rumpsy | :) . . . Happy Valentine's Day | 11:47 |
jrib | GodzKnightZ: who is XU? | 11:47 |
GodzKnightZ | jrib, Xubuntu | 11:47 |
jrib | GodzKnightZ: 10gb is a lot of swap. How much ram do you have? | 11:47 |
Blindsite | *sigh* ok simpler question ow do you "pastebin" I guess ill have to manually copy all that | 11:47 |
Blindsite | awww | 11:47 |
Blindsite | he elf | 11:47 |
FloodBot2 | Blindsite: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 11:47 |
Blindsite | left | 11:47 |
GodzKnightZ | jrib, ah 4gigs | 11:47 |
rumpsy | Blindsite: ? what do you want? | 11:48 |
Blindsite | i want to get internet working on my desktop | 11:48 |
jrib | GodzKnightZ: Just use 4gigs of ram then so you can hibernate | 11:48 |
jrib | GodzKnightZ: Just use 4gigs of swap then so you can hibernate | 11:48 |
Blindsite | it worked via the live cd but not now after i've installed it | 11:48 |
rumpsy | Blindsite: Then how do you chatting now? | 11:48 |
Blindsite | im on my laptop | 11:48 |
Blindsite | dif comp | 11:48 |
Blindsite | thats how | 11:49 |
rumpsy | Blindsite: okay starup the comp, which is not having internet | 11:49 |
GodzKnightZ | jrib, well i just let Xubuntu install itself cause i havent touched linux in forever and got sick of microsofts BS so just let it do it all itself and it seems sluggish and wasnt sure if it was normal for a 10g swap partition | 11:49 |
Blindsite | done | 11:49 |
erUSUL | !pastebinit | Blindsite | 11:49 |
ubottu | Blindsite: pastebinit is the command-line equivelent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit | 11:49 |
rumpsy | Blindsite: What interface you are having? i mean ethernet card type? | 11:49 |
jrib | GodzKnightZ: 10gb won't hurt, you just won't have that space available for your files. Check if you are actually even using swap (free -m) | 11:50 |
richee_ | hi edeca I have a script awk '/Blah/' {print} /etc/passwd, now I want to print success if it was found and unsucessfull if the keyword was not found how would I do that. I tired using $? but it's not giving the correct output | 11:50 |
=== orion is now known as Guest19185 | ||
Blindsite | um im using a wired connection | 11:50 |
rumpsy | Blindsite: use auto DHCP | 11:50 |
rumpsy | Blindsite: use auto DHCP | 11:50 |
Blindsite | i was | 11:50 |
Blindsite | it doesnt work post installation | 11:51 |
ninni | Buongiorno | 11:51 |
GodzKnightZ | jrib, Swap: 9705 0 9705 <-- says 0 under used column heh | 11:51 |
rumpsy | Blindsite: use this command, ifconfig, and tell me what it shows, pastebin it | 11:51 |
konman | i'about to download ubuntu 9.10 to install it on an AMD Phenom II X4 965 BE machine with 8GB OCZ DDR3-1333 ram. should i take the 64bit version or 32bit with PAE? is 64 ready for main stream? | 11:51 |
jrib | GodzKnightZ: yep | 11:51 |
Dr_Willis | konman: use 64bit | 11:52 |
rumpsy | konman: use 64 | 11:52 |
GodzKnightZ | jrib, so i don't even need the swap partition? | 11:52 |
Blindsite | how do i pastebin from another comp? | 11:52 |
Blindsite | but hold on | 11:52 |
Blindsite | im going to go copy it manually anyway | 11:52 |
Blindsite | since people keep asking | 11:52 |
jrib | GodzKnightZ: you're likely only to need it if you want to suspend to disk (hibernate) | 11:52 |
rumpsy | Blindsite: wait | 11:52 |
konman | so 64 is for main stream | 11:52 |
konman | cool | 11:52 |
DontKnow | hello, can anyone tell me what could be wrong if Ubuntu sometimes, after booting up, lacks like hell and after a while locks,without giving any error messages while next boot up everything is fine again? | 11:52 |
rumpsy | Blindsite: tell me first two line | 11:52 |
Dr_Willis | 64bit works fine on my 3 machines | 11:53 |
konman | thanks | 11:53 |
GodzKnightZ | jrib, ahh kk thanks :) you got any suggestions on how to get my wireless card to authenticate with WPA passphrase to my router ? | 11:53 |
konman | i try it out :) | 11:53 |
rumpsy | konman: :) | 11:53 |
rumpsy | Blindsite: Give me the first two line of that command. | 11:54 |
capron | GodzKnightZ, Net-Workmanger shud fix that wpa connect | 11:54 |
DontKnow | hello, can anyone tell me what could be wrong if Ubuntu sometimes, after booting up, lacks like hell and after a while locks,without giving any error messages while next boot up everything is fine again? | 11:55 |
Blindsite | um | 11:55 |
Dr_Willis | DontKnow: run a memtest for starters | 11:55 |
Blindsite | ok | 11:55 |
DontKnow | @Dr_Willis how to do? | 11:56 |
Dr_Willis | DontKnow: look at the grub menus there an item for it | 11:56 |
GodzKnightZ | capron, well networkmanager is already installed, i've even tried wicd and to still will not connect to WPA | 11:56 |
Dr_Willis | clean out pc , reseat ram, check cables.. dust it out... | 11:56 |
Blindsite | eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:11:95:c5:22:f0 | 11:57 |
konman | i always do the Ubuntu System Test on any new machine and i upload the results. do the devs read these reports? | 11:57 |
=== rainofkayos is now known as SolarisBoy | ||
Blindsite | Up broadcast multicast: mtu:1500 | 11:57 |
rumpsy | Blindsite: goto system->preference->network | 11:57 |
natrixnatrix89 | How can i add processes that would start on init. (without using graphical system>preferences>startup applications) | 11:57 |
natrixnatrix89 | Is there a configuration file for that | 11:58 |
Blindsite | k | 11:58 |
DontKnow | @Dr_Willis found an article using grub with memtest86+ is that sth you mean? | 11:58 |
natrixnatrix89 | I looked at man init, but didnt really understand | 11:58 |
Dr_Willis | DontKnow: grub by default has an entry for memtest.. use that .. that is mentest867+ | 11:58 |
rumpsy | Blindsite: unlock it, by using your password | 11:58 |
DontKnow | @Dr_Willis oh okay i will take a look thx | 11:59 |
Blindsite | it didnt ask for the password | 11:59 |
rumpsy | Blindsite: okay | 11:59 |
capron | GodzKnightZ, I don know , Might want too close networkmanger , and wpa , and then try manully using wpa_supplicant , some older nic dont support wpa | 12:00 |
rumpsy | Blindsite: can you see two things, wired connection and point to point | 12:00 |
Blindsite | wired, wireless mobleboardband, vpn, dsl | 12:00 |
Blindsite | no point to point | 12:00 |
rumpsy | choose wired, and click properties | 12:01 |
pelandrit | hello folks, i'm trying to install an "alternate" version from usb stick, i tried it folowing instructions from here but when i boot from usb stick instead of the boot menu i only get a "boot:" prompt, what must i write in that promp? os must i try other way to boot? | 12:01 |
=== paissad_ is now known as paissad | ||
=== cmm_ is now known as chadou | ||
Blindsite | edit which one | 12:01 |
Blindsite | eth0 or eth1 | 12:02 |
rumpsy | Blindsite: wired connection's properties | 12:02 |
Blindsite | there is no properties button | 12:02 |
Blindsite | i can edit either connection i have | 12:02 |
Blindsite | maybe im in the wrong area | 12:03 |
Blindsite | i dont know | 12:03 |
rumpsy | Blindsite: first select wired connection | 12:03 |
Blindsite | i did | 12:03 |
Blindsite | thre are 2 connections under it | 12:03 |
Blindsite | eth0 and eth1 | 12:03 |
rumpsy | Blindsite: choose eth0 | 12:03 |
Blindsite | kay | 12:04 |
mdc_ | !list | 12:04 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » | 12:04 |
rumpsy | Blindsite: make it as autoconfiguration DHCP | 12:05 |
abhijit | !bot | 12:05 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 12:05 |
Blindsite | its already configured as that | 12:05 |
rumpsy | okay, check now | 12:05 |
InHisName | Does a 'disk track editor' exist for linux (ubuntu) ? I need to examine and possibly fix some sectors. | 12:05 |
BeeStone | why my ubuntu 9.10 can't install .bin packages? | 12:05 |
Dolmio | why does su not work in ubuntu 9.10? | 12:06 |
Dr_Willis | BeeStone: i imagine you are doing it wrong | 12:06 |
bazhang | BeeStone, which packages | 12:06 |
abhijit | palandrit: may the os is not installed on usb | 12:06 |
Dr_Willis | Dolmio: use sudo not su | 12:06 |
Dolmio | ok | 12:06 |
Blindsite | nope | 12:06 |
Blindsite | its not even showing up on te list | 12:06 |
BeeStone | i installed this program to get my cordless logitech wave working | 12:06 |
Blindsite | either of them | 12:06 |
dsfr | could anyone help me get a game working on the internet using wifi...I get disconnected from the router when I start it :( | 12:06 |
BeeStone | or downloaded it, i dont know how to install it :S | 12:06 |
rumpsy | Blindsite: restart network service | 12:06 |
=== nikolam__ is now known as nikolam | ||
bazhang | Blindsite, please dont hit the enter key after one or two words | 12:06 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as unimatrix9 | ||
rumpsy | Blindsite: use this command, sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart | 12:07 |
bazhang | Blindsite, does eth0 show up when you type ifconfig in the terminal | 12:07 |
abhijit | palandrit: hve u bought new usb stick? or created by urself? | 12:07 |
unimatrix9 | hello there | 12:07 |
warc | Hello, I am running Debian testing and I the /etc/hal/fdi/policy/*fdi files no longer work, I am trying to set my mouse acceleration scheme to lightweight, nobody seems to have done this (at least not on google), here is my 90-local-xorg.rules: | 12:07 |
rumpsy | bazhang: okay, you look after him.. time to move from here, bye | 12:07 |
BeeStone | so what I should enter to the prompt to install a package called "hidpoint1-0.bin" | 12:07 |
rww | warc: Debian help in #debian | 12:07 |
abhijit | palandrit: u thr? | 12:07 |
Blindsite | yes the both do. And hold on rumpsy I'll do the etc command | 12:07 |
bazhang | warc, #debian for debian questions | 12:07 |
warc | ok | 12:08 |
warc | tx | 12:08 |
silv3r_m00n | a printer connected to ubuntu jaunty , and other pcs xp and ubuntu .......need to share that printer seamlessly across all computers .... how ? | 12:08 |
unimatrix9 | trying to install lernid, on karmic, i get an error , concerning python-doppler, wich package do i need? | 12:08 |
=== cmm_ is now known as chadou | ||
unimatrix9 | sorry i mean the Lucid Lynx | 12:08 |
=== gaetan is now known as Guest69940 | ||
Dr_Willis | BeeStone: did you read the install docs at the web page. you DONT just double click it | 12:09 |
unimatrix9 | installing lernid | 12:09 |
bazhang | Blindsite, the ethernet cable is presumably connected. what does sudo dhclient eth0 return | 12:09 |
Dr_Willis | BeeStone: | 12:09 |
bazhang | unimatrix9, #ubuntu+1 for lucid | 12:09 |
unimatrix9 | oki doki | 12:09 |
BeeStone | yeah, but I suck at using the prompt + it's hard to understand those, I'm not a native english speaker. | 12:09 |
Dr_Willis | BeeStone: time to learn some linux basics then they give the exact commnds you use | 12:10 |
Dr_Willis | chmod +x whatever.bin | 12:10 |
Dr_Willis | sudo ./whatever.bin | 12:10 |
Dr_Willis | thats the normal way one 'runs' bin installers | 12:10 |
BeeStone | okay, thx | 12:10 |
Dr_Willis | thats what the install docs said to do.... not too complex | 12:10 |
Blindsite | um the sudo command rumpsy gave me doesnt seem to be working | 12:11 |
* Dr_Willis has no idea if that hidpoint stuff is going o actually Improve anything.... | 12:11 | |
Blindsite | or maybe its just takng a long time | 12:12 |
bazhang | Blindsite, did you try the command I gave you to run | 12:12 |
Dolmio | hey im trying to install ssh but i seem to have a error when i restart it....i dont think its setup correct on my ubuntu box! any ideas? | 12:12 |
Blindsite | the ifconfig? | 12:12 |
Blindsite | yes eth0, eth1 and lo are showing up there | 12:12 |
Rysiek_X64 | is anybody using pingin to connect to msn network ? | 12:12 |
Blindsite | i am rysiek | 12:13 |
bazhang | Blindsite, does eth0 show up there? then sudo dhclient eth0 | 12:13 |
Dr_Willis | BeeStone: that site een has a video demo of how to install the software | 12:13 |
Tek-5-8-6 | When installing from the Ubuntu 9.10 DVD, what is the difference between the 2 on instalation ? | 12:13 |
Dr_Willis | | 12:13 |
Rysiek_X64 | hi bindsite, cab yoy connect to msn server, is not responding to m e | 12:13 |
Dr_Willis | thats a first... :) | 12:13 |
Tek-5-8-6 | sorry, whats the difference between the DVD and CD installs | 12:14 |
Dr_Willis | Tek-5-8-6: not much really | 12:14 |
Dr_Willis | Tek-5-8-6: i think the dvd has more languages on it | 12:14 |
Blindsite | ok i did | 12:14 |
Tek-5-8-6 | the dvd seems to tale much longer to install | 12:15 |
Blindsite | no working leases in persistant database | 12:15 |
Tek-5-8-6 | Crap, How can I un-install the language packs? | 12:15 |
Tek-5-8-6 | dont want all the extra bagage on my HD | 12:16 |
Dr_Willis | Tek-5-8-6: no idea really. I dont know that it even does install them all | 12:16 |
Rysiek_X64 | thx blindsite, do you have as server and port 1863 (default), I can not even ping to this adres, | 12:16 |
=== bob is now known as Guest53035 | ||
pelandrit | help, i know the kernel is in /install/vmlinuz but when i write that route on the boot prompt only says "could not find kernel image: /install/vmlinuz" | 12:16 |
Blindsite | baz are you still there | 12:17 |
Dr_Willis | pelandrit: what kernel is in /install/ ? | 12:17 |
BeeStone | now it's installing, thanks! | 12:17 |
Dr_Willis | pelandrit: also case is imporntant | 12:17 |
unimatrix9 | any one here running lernid , that works? | 12:17 |
pelandrit | Dr_Willis: did you read my first question? | 12:18 |
Blindsite | *sigh* im never going to get this net connected | 12:18 |
Dr_Willis | pelandrit: if it was noire then 15 lines ago 0- its past the toip of my screen | 12:18 |
pelandrit | hello folks, i'm trying to install an "alternate" version from usb stick, i tried it folowing instructions from here but when i boot from usb stick instead of the boot menu i only get a "boot:" prompt, what must i write in that promp? os must i try other way to boot? | 12:18 |
Dr_Willis | pelandrit: theres also the grub 'root' option to tell it where / starts | 12:18 |
Dr_Willis | pelandrit: i would say your syslinux.cfg on the stick is wrong/bad/ | 12:19 |
Dr_Willis | but why is it using grub and not syslinux.. Hmmm | 12:19 |
Dr_Willis | pelandrit: how did you make that flash drive? | 12:19 |
bazhang | Blindsite, odd that you have eth0 and eth1; does sudo dhclient eth1 give any returns/leases? | 12:20 |
pelandrit | Dr_Willis: i tried it with usb-creator and also with unetbootin from the cd iso, both with the same resutl | 12:20 |
hyperstream | Dr_Willis, still no luck, hours of googling now lol | 12:21 |
Dr_Willis | pelandrit: you could also set uop grub2 to boot the iso file as a 3rd way | 12:21 |
Blindsite | didn't check. right now im booting into the live cd to see if i can get my net back there | 12:21 |
Blindsite | might be able to copy the settings or something | 12:21 |
hyperstream | Dr_Willis, the best i got with pulseaudio over the network was, the PC could control laptop(working backwards) but no sound from PC speakers | 12:21 |
onaogh | hyperstream, wats up | 12:21 |
Dr_Willis | pelandrit: ages ago i had a issue wuth unetbootin where it dident properly install the bootloader. i had to zero the flash drive with dd and reformat it.. then it worked right | 12:21 |
hyperstream | onaogh, pulseaudio drama's | 12:22 |
Dr_Willis | hyperstream: heh . I had no issues. but i was wired | 12:22 |
bazhang | Blindsite, were you hotplugging the ethernet cable? ie after your system had already started uo | 12:22 |
hyperstream | onaogh, last several hours, been googling since this morning. | 12:22 |
Dr_Willis | hyperstream: proberly One chekcbox to mess with | 12:22 |
hyperstream | Dr_Willis, i tried every setting combination you could imagen | 12:22 |
hyperstream | Dr_Willis, both machines are wired now :) | 12:22 |
pelandrit | Dr_Willis: i dit it, even changed the partition table and deleted the partition | 12:22 |
hyperstream | Dr_Willis, definatly exhausting everything i can think of lol | 12:23 |
jimcooncat | Running Karmic LiveCD for first time, wanting to show off to some interested Windows users. When first started, Restricted Drivers notification had me install nvidia drivers, then asked me to reboot. If I do, won't it wipe that back out? Can I just restart X for it to work? | 12:23 |
Blindsite | same problems in the live cd now | 12:23 |
Blindsite | this is very confusing | 12:24 |
pelandrit | Dr_Willis: you say something about syslinux.cfg, i can see that file if i mount the stick in a running system, can i fix the text of the file to solve the problem? | 12:24 |
hyperstream | Does anyone know of another method of streaming music across a network(2 Ubuntu machines) and them being sync or very close to? failed with VLC media player as well, think im'a have to buy another copy of windows 7 for my main box >< | 12:24 |
=== cmm_ is now known as chadou | ||
mikeconcepts | what is postfix, update asking me to select mail server, I just use thunderbird mail from cable company | 12:24 |
Dr_Willis | pelandrit: but you said its udsing grub: that dosent make sence, syslinux is an alternatiove bootloader to grub, | 12:24 |
Dr_Willis | pelandrit: the 2 do not shre the same config files or syntax | 12:25 |
Dr_Willis | pelandrit: it sounds like somehow grub stayed on the hd and syslinux never got installed | 12:25 |
Dr_Willis | never installed to the MBR that is, | 12:25 |
jimcooncat | so how to restart X now that ctrl-alt-backspace has been disabled? | 12:25 |
Dr_Willis | !dontzap | jimcooncat | 12:26 |
Blindsite | i just used the dhclient on eth1, its not working either | 12:26 |
ubottu | jimcooncat: To re-enable the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace combination that restarts your X server see | 12:26 |
Gangrel | anyone can tell me why when i use sudo apt-get update after some rep updates i get stack on 99% ? | 12:26 |
Dr_Willis | jimcooncat: sudo service gdm restart is one way | 12:26 |
mmm | Mike-Martin-Mielke | 12:27 |
pelandrit | Dr_Willis: well, i think the syslinux is installed on the stick because the first line when i boot is "SYSLINUX 3.5.3 ....." | 12:27 |
Blindsite | baz u there | 12:27 |
Tek-5-8-6 | Was reading up on the ext4 file system, Currently is there still an issue with Delayed allocation and data loss ? | 12:27 |
Dr_Willis | pelandrit: then you are ysunbg syslinux, not grub. i am not sure of the proper syslinux command line commands | 12:27 |
pelandrit | Dr_Willis: and after that appears the "boot:" prompt | 12:27 |
Dr_Willis | pelandrit: but the 2 are very different | 12:27 |
bazhang | Blindsite, this is on the livecd? and sudo dhclient eth0 fails on the live cd as well? what does lspci say about that ethernet | 12:27 |
korenbloem | aaa | 12:28 |
Blindsite | ok im going to dhclient eth0 again, and whats lspci? | 12:28 |
Dr_Willis | pelandrit: it could be looking for the wrong syslinux.cfg file | 12:28 |
Dr_Willis | pelandrit: check the drive for other ones and see if theres a wrong/differnt one in some other location | 12:29 |
bazhang | Blindsite, it will tell us the card (eg realtek, or other) | 12:29 |
Dr_Willis | pelandrit: iver had unetbootin make wrong syslinux cfg files befor | 12:29 |
Blindsite | whats the syntax | 12:29 |
Blindsite | i'll run it after dhclient is done | 12:29 |
Dr_Willis | pelandrit: as an alternative theres an nother usb disk maker tool (for windows) called linuxloader that can make a flash drive as well - it mnay be a little smarter. (or not) | 12:30 |
bazhang | Blindsite, try sudo dhclient eth0 first, then lspci and tell us the ethernet card | 12:30 |
pelandrit | Dr_Willis: i think the problem is i'm using an alternate version | 12:30 |
jimcooncat_ | thanks Dr_Willis , ctrl-alt-backspace did the trick now | 12:30 |
Blindsite | no leases for eth0 either | 12:30 |
Dr_Willis | pelandrit: i Think ive done a usb install with the alt versiuon. The Server version i think does not work with usb flash installs | 12:30 |
Dr_Willis | pelandrit: with grub2 i set up to boot iso files for 4 differnt ubuntus from a single flash drive. :) | 12:31 |
Dr_Willis | pelandrit: im not sure if i tried the alt cd or not. | 12:31 |
jimcooncat_ | New livecd user, is there a quick shortcut from the menu to get to irc #ubuntu? I had to connect with web interface, and want to show new users the quick way to get here using the livecd. | 12:31 |
Dill | I have an Eee 1005HA and had the Ubuntu 9.10 NBR and had problems with the external microphone. Someone helped me fix it but I ended up going from the NBR to the standard version because i hated the side dock. Now the problem is back. doesn anyone out there know how to fix this and feel like giving me a hand? | 12:31 |
Blindsite | yeesh thats a lot of info | 12:31 |
pelandrit | Dr_Willis: thanks, i'm going to read about syslinux configuration, i think it would be the faster way | 12:31 |
anita | holaa | 12:31 |
david__ | hola | 12:32 |
abhijit | !nickserv | 12:32 |
bazhang | !es | anita | 12:32 |
ubottu | anita: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 12:32 |
jimcooncat_ | I started Empathy but it wasn't clear how to connect to irc | 12:32 |
anita | q pesaoo | 12:32 |
bazhang | anita, /join #ubuntu-es | 12:32 |
Dr_Willis | pelandrit: syslinux is a handy tool to know | 12:32 |
bazhang | anita, this is English only. | 12:32 |
Gangrel | can someone explain me why when i check my repositories i get stack and nothing is working ? | 12:32 |
jeeez | where is the default trash folder in ubuntu? | 12:32 |
Blindsite | and now the bloody comp has frozen | 12:32 |
Blindsite | hold on restarting | 12:32 |
Blindsite | im starting to really hate this pos | 12:33 |
fsl | Hello | 12:33 |
GrayRobes | hello :) | 12:33 |
anita | me aburro | 12:33 |
bazhang | anita, please stop that | 12:34 |
bazhang | anita, /join #ubuntu-es for espanol | 12:34 |
anita | aam | 12:34 |
prodigel | hi all. I have a sound problem (at least) with my ubuntu 9.10 installation. Yesterday it worked, today is broken. I have no hardware device in my sound preferences also. Please help :D | 12:34 |
anita | esq eso no me saleee | 12:34 |
hyperstream | Does anyone know of another method of streaming music across a network(2 Ubuntu machines) and them being sync or very close to? failed with VLC media player as well | 12:34 |
GrayRobes | what's no working? | 12:35 |
GrayRobes | *prodigel* - what's not working in 9.10? | 12:35 |
Blindsite | are we looking for the communication controller? | 12:35 |
Dr_Willis | !mpd | 12:35 |
fsl | hyperstream: mpd | 12:35 |
abhijit | how to reset password for this irs nickname? | 12:35 |
anita | alguien español? | 12:35 |
david__ | si | 12:35 |
Dr_Willis | hyperstream: try mpd perhaps | 12:35 |
zenyatta | Jeeez: The EXACT location is: /home/<username>/.local/share/Trash/Files | 12:35 |
david__ | yo | 12:35 |
prodigel | GrayRobes, audio is not working. | 12:35 |
david__ | que te pasa anita? | 12:35 |
anita | pos olaaa | 12:35 |
jeeez | zenyatta: thanks | 12:35 |
hyperstream | Dr_Willis, ill look into that, thank you very much | 12:35 |
bazhang | david__, anita /join #ubuntu-es | 12:35 |
Blindsite | i ran the lspci but i'd like to know what specifically im looking for | 12:36 |
djdarkman | Hi, the mysql package is broken, but how long will it remain that way? is there a fix for it? | 12:36 |
abhijit | how to reset password for this irc nickname? | 12:36 |
k4rt33k | abhijit: Check out freenode registration procedure | 12:36 |
zenyatta | jeeez: no probs :) | 12:36 |
prodigel | GrayRobes I'm using gnome, and going to preferences -> sound I have no hardware devices listed | 12:36 |
overmind | abhijit: Ask to staff in #freenode | 12:36 |
abhijit | k4rt333k: and overmind: ok | 12:36 |
Blindsite | bazhag? | 12:36 |
bazhang | Blindsite, yes? | 12:36 |
GrayRobes | hrm, haven't come across that before - what system are you running? | 12:37 |
Blindsite | bazhag i ran the lspci | 12:37 |
Blindsite | but theres a lot of info here | 12:37 |
Blindsite | what exactly am i looking for | 12:38 |
prodigel | GrayRobes, was that for me? | 12:38 |
rothsdad | what's the difference between qemu-kvm and qemu-system-x86_64? | 12:38 |
Blindsite | theres nothing explicitly labeled "network card" | 12:38 |
fiona | heya. why is it that everytime I try and start firefox, I get a notification that it's already running an not responding. This happens even after reboot and I don't see any related processes running. | 12:38 |
bazhang | Blindsite, ethernet network controller ? | 12:38 |
reeniginEesreveR | how can i find out the compilation options for a particular package? I have nginx installed using apt-get, i wanna know which modules were compiled alongwith it | 12:38 |
babo1 | i've entered this in /etc/profile but oracle isn't on my path in shell | 12:38 |
babo1 | export ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1 | 12:38 |
babo1 | export PATH=$PATH:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/bin | 12:38 |
babo1 | anyone have any idea why not ? | 12:39 |
AmM | helow! | 12:39 |
=== abhijit is now known as abhiji_ | ||
GrayRobes | prodigel - yes it was | 12:39 |
=== abhiji_ is now known as abhijit_ | ||
GrayRobes | sorry, I just started using IRC recently | 12:39 |
rothsdad | babo1: are u use gdm? | 12:39 |
babo1 | rothsdad: gdm ? | 12:40 |
Blindsite | nVidia Corperation MCP65 Ethernet (rev a1) | 12:40 |
zenyatta | fiona: what version of FF you running, can you upgrade? | 12:40 |
rothsdad | babo1: or kdm? | 12:40 |
babo1 | rothsdad: gdm | 12:40 |
prodigel | GrayRobes, no worries. I'm using ubuntu 9.10 64bit, lspci tells me the soundcard is Azalia, which I recall is right. | 12:40 |
babo1 | i'm using terminal in gnome | 12:40 |
babo1 | rothsdad ^ | 12:40 |
fiona | zenyatta: how do I check that if I can't turn it on? | 12:40 |
zenyatta | fiona: ahhh i see. I'd try re-installing it - thats what i was getting at | 12:41 |
Blindsite | thats my eth controller | 12:41 |
rothsdad | babo1: maybe you could put the export into the .xinitrc | 12:41 |
fiona | zenyatta: okies, that was my last option as well | 12:41 |
bazhang | Blindsite, what about sudo ifup eth0 | 12:42 |
Rysiek_X64 | does anyone more use pingin to connect to msn network ? | 12:42 |
babo1 | rothsdad: it should work as is though right ? | 12:42 |
bazhang | Blindsite, followed by sudo dhclient eth0 | 12:42 |
rothsdad | babo1: maybe | 12:42 |
rabbi1 | rhythmbox doesn't play any song | 12:42 |
rabbi1 | same .mp3 also not playable in movie player | 12:43 |
rabbi1 | any help? | 12:43 |
rothsdad | Rysiek_X64: i use centerim | 12:43 |
anita | porq ablais en ingles?? | 12:43 |
bazhang | rabbi1, did you install the codecs | 12:43 |
bazhang | anita, this is English only. Last warning. | 12:43 |
Blindsite | ignoring unknown interface eth0=eth0 | 12:43 |
anita | aa | 12:43 |
rabbi1 | bazhand, have no idea about the codecs, new to linux | 12:43 |
Blindsite | whic hdoesn't sound good | 12:43 |
anita | y no se puede ablar en español?? | 12:43 |
Kebap__ | hi all! When I try to "ping" then nothing happens - 100% packet loss. however, I can easily surf to their page and use it normally. What is wrong with my ping? How can I reset it? | 12:43 |
bazhang | rabbi1, ubuntu-restricted-extras is the package name | 12:44 |
rothsdad | anita: you maybe need a traslator | 12:44 |
zenyatta | fiona: you still there? | 12:44 |
Rysiek_X64 | do You use as server ? | 12:44 |
rabbi1 | thx bazhang, will check n get back | 12:44 |
frankS2 | Hello, In windows i used bonzibuddy to keep my passwords safe, is there any program like bonzibuddy for ubuntu? | 12:45 |
=== qwerty is now known as Guest94442 | ||
Kebap__ | frankS2: try keepassx | 12:45 |
Blindsite | btw bazhag, in case i forget later I'd like to thank you now. You've been a real trooper. | 12:45 |
kane77 | hi, I have a problem running minirok and bluemindo music players, both give error "ImportError: No module named gst" what do I do? | 12:45 |
anita | porq no se puede ablar en español?? | 12:45 |
Blindsite | but yeah it appears my systme is ignoring my wired connections | 12:46 |
Blindsite | what next | 12:46 |
kane77 | !es anita | 12:46 |
rabbi1 | bazhang, its getting installed, shld check only after restart ? | 12:47 |
=== abhijit_ is now known as abhijit | ||
progre55 | hi people! I have a usb-modem plugged in. how do I find out if it's in /dev/ttyACM0 or ACM1 or etc? | 12:47 |
Blindsite | bazhag you there? | 12:47 |
bazhang | rabbi1, don't recall it needs a restart, just closing the musicplayers and trying them again should do it; you may wish also to check out for the w32codecs | 12:48 |
bazhang | Blindsite, yep | 12:48 |
Blindsite | kay | 12:48 |
Blindsite | well i ifuped both connections | 12:48 |
rabbi1 | bazhang, wht abt this msttcorefonts uses defoma? | 12:48 |
Blindsite | and it appears they're being ignored | 12:48 |
bazhang | Blindsite, and it said ignoring for both? | 12:48 |
kane77 | ok, neither exaile run (the same error ImportError: No module named gst.. | 12:48 |
=== abhijit is now known as abhi_nav | ||
Blindsite | yep | 12:49 |
bazhang | rabbi1, are you installing from the terminal? | 12:49 |
rabbi1 | nop, package manager | 12:49 |
bazhang | rabbi1, you will need to okay the license for java as well | 12:49 |
Blindsite | brb | 12:50 |
`mOOse` | mr0n | 12:50 |
zenyatta | progre55: try lsusb | 12:50 |
rabbi1 | bazhang: its not askin for anything, that config msttcorefonts is grayed n hangging | 12:50 |
q0k | Hi. | 12:50 |
bazhang | rabbi1, should be a dropdown in the installer that reads 'details' click that and click ok | 12:50 |
=== abhi_nav is now known as abhi_nav_ | ||
p0thead | do linux users smoke marijuana? | 12:51 |
q0k | !ot | p0theat | 12:51 |
rabbi1 | bazhand, s, did it, its downloading | 12:51 |
ubottu | p0theat: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 12:51 |
progre55 | zenyatta: I did, even "lsusb -v" but didnt find any useful info there.. well anyways, tried /dev/ttyACM0, and worked =) thanks for the reply though | 12:51 |
Gangrel | !themes | 12:51 |
ubottu | Find your themes at: - - - - - - - Also see !changethemes and | 12:51 |
EsatYuce | Why is my Internet connection too slow? | 12:51 |
q0k | !ot | p0thead | 12:52 |
ubottu | p0thead: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 12:52 |
rabbi1 | bazhang, well, i forcequit that config of some font | 12:52 |
fabio123 | ... /dev/ttyACM0: nokia phone there | 12:52 |
Blindsite | k | 12:52 |
Blindsite | im back | 12:52 |
Blindsite | so baz, what do i do next? | 12:53 |
=== trineox is now known as Guest74941 | ||
q0k | I'm outside of Japan. Fujitsu laptops aren't sold here. I want to buy one and to install Ubuntu; but if Ubuntu doesn't run I'll have big problems (will certainly not get the refund, will have to sell it myself, etc.) Do you have a Fujitsu s7220 to test Ubuntu on it? | 12:53 |
Kebap__ | hi all! When I try to "ping" and alike pages, then nothing happens - 100% packet loss. however, I can easily surf to their page and use it normally. What is wrong with my ping? How can I reset it? | 12:54 |
bazhang | Blindsite, you are starting up with the ethernet cable attached? and this connection works reliably with other computers? no mac address filtering on the router or the like? | 12:54 |
rabbi1 | baz, its still the same after installing the package u mentioned | 12:54 |
Xaero252 | seveas: if your still up and or about, I figured out my issue, it was voltage related, although the clicks seemed EXTREMELY deliberate; just for future reference | 12:54 |
rabbi1 | baz, my rhythm turns gray ! | 12:54 |
sebsebseb | Hi | 12:55 |
=== erwan is now known as roanito | ||
abhi_nav | hello everyone :) | 12:55 |
administrator | can I access my ubuntu remotely from windows xp? | 12:55 |
aluex | hi | 12:55 |
q0k | hi | 12:55 |
bazhang | rabbi1, lets keep this in channel please | 12:55 |
Xaero252 | administrator: yes, easily | 12:55 |
abhi_nav | smilyes are allowed in irc? | 12:55 |
=== administrator is now known as Guest58987 | ||
Signum | Evening. Can I tell the network manager to pull up my WLAN interface even though I'm not yet logged into Gnome? I want to use autofs with NFS4 and libpam-ldap. But I have a chicken-egg problem because the login won't work before libpam-ldap runs which can't work before the network is there which is activated from within Gnome. :) | 12:56 |
=== progre55_ is now known as progre55 | ||
Xaero252 | abhi_nav: thats pidgin, not irc doing the smilies :D | 12:56 |
Guest58987 | Please tell me the process | 12:56 |
sebsebseb | !vnc | Guest58987 | 12:56 |
ubottu | Guest58987: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. describes how to use it securely. It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX | 12:56 |
bazhang | abhi_nav, in the offtopic channel preferably | 12:56 |
sebsebseb | wanted to pm that, nevermind | 12:56 |
rabbi1 | bazhang, its still the same prob | 12:56 |
Guest58987 | How to configure VNC on Xp and Ubuntu | 12:56 |
abhi_nav | Xaero252: and bazhang: ok | 12:56 |
progre55 | I have a simple bash script.. and it was two commands in it. does bash wait until the first command finishes or does it fire them one after another? | 12:56 |
rabbi1 | u want me to restart ? | 12:56 |
`mOOse` | Kebap__, don't use www. - try just "" (without the quotes) | 12:56 |
q0k | !ot | abhi_nav | 12:56 |
ubottu | abhi_nav: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 12:56 |
abhi_nav | q0k: thnx | 12:57 |
Guest58987 | Can you tell me the whole process of accessing ubuntu from xp remotely | 12:57 |
Kebap__ | `mOOse`: same result | 12:57 |
q0k | I'm outside of Japan. Fujitsu laptops aren't sold here. I want to buy one and to install Ubuntu; but if Ubuntu doesn't run I'll have big problems (will certainly not get the refund, will have to sell it myself, etc.) Do you have a Fujitsu s7220 to test Ubuntu on it? | 12:57 |
biopyte | 9.10 here. cant start flash videos on youtube? whats the matter? | 12:57 |
aluex | progre55: yes if you don't use "&" | 12:57 |
Blindsite1 | bloody batteries died | 12:57 |
Blindsite1 | had to plug my laptop back in | 12:57 |
q0k | I'm outside of Japan. Fujitsu laptops aren't sold here. I want to buy one and to install Ubuntu; but if Ubuntu doesn't run I'll have big problems (will certainly not get the refund, will have to sell it myself, etc.) Do you have a Fujitsu s7220 to test Ubuntu on it? | 12:57 |
rabbi1 | bazhang? | 12:57 |
biopyte | flasgplugin packages are installed | 12:57 |
Xaero252 | rabbi, that sounds like dns resolver issues to me, if you can browse the site normally but cannot ping it using the domain name, try doing a tracert to, and see if that goes through fine, if it does, the dns resolver cache may just need to be reset | 12:57 |
Blindsite1 | so wat do i do now | 12:58 |
`mOOse` | Kebap__, show me exactly what you're typing | 12:58 |
Blindsite1 | comp is ignoring my connections | 12:58 |
Xaero252 | rabbit: disregard that, I meant for blindsite | 12:58 |
rabbi1 | xaero, i am talking abt rhythmbox sir | 12:58 |
Xaero252 | rabbi* | 12:58 |
Xaero252 | rabbi1: yeah sorry >< | 12:58 |
progre55 | aluex, oh I see, then I'll use & | 12:58 |
Kebap__ | `mOOse`: it worked well some hours ago and i didnt change anything... however, i had this error before and i am pretty sure if i restart the pc then everything works again... i just dont want to restart every time this error occurs | 12:58 |
rabbi1 | its ok, no prob | 12:58 |
furythor | Hello I am working on my home server project and installing Open LDAP according to this guide is it valid ? | 12:58 |
rabbi1 | could anybody help with my rhythmbox | 12:59 |
Blindsite1 | Xaero | 12:59 |
Blindsite1 | my desktop comp has no internet | 12:59 |
Blindsite1 | so no there | 12:59 |
bazhang | rabbi1, all players, or only rhythmbox | 12:59 |
`mOOse` | Kebap__, ...ok, why does that concern you though? If your dns is down temporarily? Is there a concrete effect on your using the web? | 12:59 |
rabbi1 | bazhang. not sure, coz my movie runs well in movie player | 13:00 |
Blindsite1 | we've been trying to get this to work for the last couple hours | 13:00 |
Xaero252 | blindsite: what networking hardware are you using, presumably a cable or dsl modem, but what is in between the two computers, a wired router, wireless router or a switch? | 13:00 |
TCD | Apparently I have 100% disk usage in the ubuntu folder. How is this possible; I've only had it for literally 4 hours. | 13:00 |
rabbi1 | bazhand. its jut i have prob with my .mp3 files i guess | 13:00 |
Blindsite1 | wired | 13:00 |
Blindsite1 | ethernet | 13:00 |
Kebap__ | `mOOse`: i want to play an online game that also cant connect to its servers anymore, even though they are on. no, the browser is not affected. here is what i was trying to ping: | 13:00 |
progre55 | aluex, btw, is it just on & or two &&? | 13:00 |
Blindsite1 | bazhag knows | 13:00 |
q0k | I'm outside of Japan. Fujitsu laptops aren't sold here. I want to buy one and to install Ubuntu; but if Ubuntu doesn't run I'll have big problems (will certainly not get the refund, will have to sell it myself, etc.) Do you have a Fujitsu s7220 to test Ubuntu on it? | 13:00 |
Blindsite1 | been working with him] | 13:00 |
bazhang | rabbi1, on the same drive? shared with a windows install? | 13:00 |
Blindsite1 | but he seems to be busy | 13:01 |
=== musictoto is now known as graphicsnoob | ||
`mOOse` | Kebap__, well, your dns is working obviously....(looking).... | 13:01 |
rabbi1 | i tout abt that, so i copied few files to linux drive from fat32 | 13:01 |
Xaero252 | blindsite1: is this wired hub a router or a switch, if its only a switch it doesnt have the neccesary software on the device to assing ip adresses and direct internet traffic so the first computer connected would be the one to get the internet | 13:01 |
bazhang | rabbi1, so this is from a flash key? | 13:01 |
rabbi1 | baz. sorry baz no idea abt that.... | 13:01 |
Blindsite1 | its a router. inet goes to my router and to my various comps | 13:02 |
bazhang | rabbi1, try rebuilding the database with only the files you copied over, also go to the folder where they are and simply hold your mouse over one of them | 13:02 |
Blindsite1 | i know the router is working because im talking to you here on my laptop | 13:02 |
`mOOse` | Kebap__, - ping is timing out for me too (I'm in NY)....I'm going to say it's the site, and not us, ok? ;-) | 13:02 |
Xaero252 | blindsite1: can you pastebin me the output of ifconfig? | 13:02 |
graphicsnoob | hello - a friend of mine has ubuntu 9.10 and a ATI Radeon Xpress 1150 graphics card. We tried 2 methods for getting the 3D accelleration to work, both of them didn't work correctly. and . anyone know how to get it right? | 13:02 |
`mOOse` | brb - coffee!! | 13:02 |
Blindsite1 | no i can't i'd have to type it manually | 13:03 |
rabbi1 | baz. ok. wht will that do? | 13:03 |
Kebap__ | `mOOse`: when you ping google, you get no response either? | 13:03 |
Blindsite1 | what part exactly do you want | 13:03 |
abhi_nav | good gnome themes website other than gnome-art itself?? | 13:03 |
Blindsite1 | my desktop doesn't have internet. So i'd be copying manually | 13:04 |
rabbi1 | ubuntu-restricted-extras is fully installed | 13:04 |
bazhang | rabbi1, just to test your sound, and see if the mp3 files are corrupted | 13:04 |
Kebap__ | `mOOse`: the game would react differently if it senses the servers are down.. i am pretty sure, it is something on my side of the connection so it wont even start | 13:04 |
graphicsnoob | abhi_nav: | 13:04 |
sonic | Hi! Having some trouble with glc-capture. Can someone help? | 13:04 |
Xaero252 | Blindsite1: what it says for eth0 or eth1, look for UP or DOWN in the text next to those two entries, also look for "inet addr:" as well as "Bcast:" & "Mask:" | 13:04 |
rabbi1 | baz. files are fine, runs well in win | 13:04 |
abhi_nav | graphicsnoob: i know this. i want any other great site | 13:04 |
tiger_ | is there a linux alt to the internet download manager | 13:04 |
rabbi1 | baz, and also some movies will run well in movie player | 13:05 |
abhi_nav | sonic: what is glc? | 13:05 |
bazhang | rabbi1, they are shared from a separate partition? you mentioned something about fat32 | 13:05 |
rabbi1 | baz. my sound cards are also fine. | 13:05 |
Blindsite1 | well right now i can tell you neither eth0 or eth1 have inet addr | 13:05 |
q0k | I'm outside of Japan. Fujitsu laptops aren't sold here. I want to buy one and to install Ubuntu; but if Ubuntu doesn't run I'll have big problems (will certainly not get the refund, will have to sell it myself, etc.) Do you have a Fujitsu s7220 to test Ubuntu on it? | 13:05 |
Blindsite1 | lemme check on the rest | 13:05 |
Xaero252 | abhi_nav: heres a good one: | 13:06 |
rabbi1 | baz. yeap. b4 i was tryin to lstn from there but din't work, then i copied to my music folder even then its the same, and other movie file saved it fat32 works well | 13:06 |
sonic | abhi_nav glc is an openGL and ALSA Capture tool. Especially usefull for games. I am uploading youtube vids about games and trying to use GLC for better results. | 13:06 |
graphicsnoob | tiger_: | 13:07 |
abhi_nav | thnx this one is also great: | 13:07 |
tiger_ | thanks | 13:07 |
Blindsite1 | up broadcast multicast 1500 metric 1 | 13:07 |
Blindsite1 | no mask | 13:07 |
bazhang | rabbi1, try tab completing my name: baz <tabkey> otherwise I will miss your responses; your sound is fine, as are the files, thus it may be an issue with accessing the shared drive and the reason I asked you to rebuild the database of only the files copied to the same partition as your ubuntu install. | 13:07 |
Blindsite1 | no Bcast | 13:08 |
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam | ||
Xaero252 | Blindsite: do the following: sudo ifconfig eth0 down (repeat for eth1) then bring up eth0 with sudo ifconfig eth0 up | 13:08 |
Xaero252 | see if it obtains an ip adress then | 13:08 |
rabbi1 | baz, if i open .mp3 in movie player, it says wrong argument | 13:08 |
bazhang | rabbi1, tab complete | 13:08 |
Xaero252 | bazhang: cool, i never knew you could do that LOL | 13:09 |
Xaero252 | bazhang: at least not in pidgin | 13:09 |
rabbi1 | bazhang: ok, will try | 13:09 |
sonic | abhi_nav: glc is an openGL and ALSA Capture tool. Especially usefull for games. I am uploading youtube vids about games and trying to use GLC for better results. | 13:09 |
abhi_nav | sonic: i got it thnx | 13:09 |
bazhang | rabbi1, try with rhythmbox to rebuild the database with only the songs you have copied over. | 13:09 |
sonic | Well sorry for the double post then. ^^; | 13:09 |
avogadro | How do you change CPU throttling from cli ? | 13:10 |
abhi_nav | sonic: i dont know that so i asked you. i know about sdl only | 13:10 |
Hb_Kai | hi, i'm trying to use "split" to split a 26.7 but i can't get why it won't work. how can i split the file in GB and not Bytes? | 13:10 |
Xaero252 | Hb_Kai: try using the doing 26.7G | 13:10 |
Xaero252 | Hb_Kai: wow horrid english try doing 26.7G | 13:10 |
sonic | abhi_nav: Well thought so. this program is a bit new, so didn't think I would find someone so easily who can help me with it. I'm asking the forum. Thx anyway! =) Bye | 13:11 |
Blindsite1 | xaerox i entered those comands | 13:11 |
Blindsite1 | they didnt do anything | 13:12 |
usuario__ | hello | 13:12 |
Blindsite1 | and the output from ifconfig hasn't changed | 13:12 |
rabbi1 | bazhang: i tried, but no luck, let me restart and check, or just logoff will do? | 13:12 |
bazhang | rabbi1, ok | 13:12 |
abhi_nav | sonic: by | 13:12 |
Xaero252 | Hb_kai: most commands have useful info like that built into them try man -k <command> or info <command> or <command> --help | 13:12 |
Xaero252 | Blindsite1: hmmmm lemme check something real quick | 13:13 |
Blindsite1 | k | 13:13 |
ionut | hi.i have a new partition and when i want to create a new folder i can't do that (i have all priviledges) | 13:14 |
Dr_Willis | ionut: the partion itself has a owner and permissions | 13:14 |
Hb_Kai | yeah, i tried that and it said to use split for what i want to do. sorry, i didn't mention what i was trying to do before; i want this text file split into 5gb pieces | 13:14 |
ionut | how can i modify that ? | 13:15 |
Guest58987 | I have install VNC now tell me the process to configure it. | 13:15 |
Dr_Willis | ionut: check the owner/permissions of the mountpoint after its mounted | 13:15 |
Dr_Willis | ionut: sudo chown owner:owner /media/whatver | 13:15 |
jrib | ionut: what filesystem? | 13:15 |
GodzKnightZ | ok google has not been my friend through this ordeal with my wireless card and not authenticating with my router (wpa) can anyone help? im running xubuntu 9.10 and its a Intel 5100 agn wireless card | 13:15 |
Dr_Willis | Guest58987: what exactly did you install? | 13:15 |
ionut | jrib: what ? | 13:15 |
Dr_Willis | ionut: ext2/3/4 ntfs? vfat? | 13:15 |
Guest58987 | I installed VNCserver | 13:16 |
ionut | ext2 | 13:16 |
ionut | Dr_Willis: ext2 | 13:16 |
Dr_Willis | Guest58987: normally you run 'vncserver' command. give it a password.. and then connect with a client | 13:16 |
Guest58987 | then I give a password to it, Now when I run it from terminal I get error | 13:16 |
Blindsite1 | hmm | 13:16 |
Dr_Willis | ionut: so set the permissions/ownership of the root of the drive.. or of a single dir on the drive tobeowned by the user you want | 13:17 |
Dr_Willis | Guest58987: and the error is? | 13:17 |
ionut | Dr_Willis: how can i do that ? | 13:17 |
Dr_Willis | ionut: sudo chown owner:owner /media/whatver | 13:17 |
abhi_nav | Hats off to Open Source Community!!! :) :) :) | 13:17 |
Dr_Willis | ionut: or sudo mkdir /media/whatever/UsersStuff | 13:17 |
ionut | Dr_Willis: first owner is my username ? | 13:17 |
Dr_Willis | ionut: yes . | 13:17 |
Xaero252 | Blindsite1: when you right click on the network manager icon and then click on edit connections is there an Auto Eth0 connection? | 13:17 |
ionut | and the second is for example root ? | 13:18 |
Guest58987 | New 'Benq:3 (administrator)' desktop is Benq:3 | 13:18 |
Guest58987 | Starting applications specified in /home/administrator/.vnc/xstartup | 13:18 |
Guest58987 | Log file is /home/administrator/.vnc/Benq:3.log | 13:18 |
Dr_Willis | ionut: No.. its also your user | 13:18 |
Guest58987 | I received this | 13:18 |
ionut | ow | 13:18 |
Blindsite1 | aye | 13:18 |
Dr_Willis | ionut: ls -ld /home/username to see waht the perms/owner should be | 13:18 |
ionut | Dr_Willis: done | 13:18 |
ionut | Dr_Willis: tnx a lot | 13:18 |
Blindsite1 | thats what weve been working with | 13:18 |
Dr_Willis | Guest58987: so? thats not an error.. thats telling you wnat it did | 13:18 |
Dr_Willis | Guest58987: you seem to have 3 vnvsessions going now | 13:18 |
Guest58987 | Then what should I do to connect it? | 13:19 |
Dr_Willis | Guest58987: you can force them to close with 'vncserver -kill :1' (where :1 can be :2 or :3 also) | 13:19 |
Xaero252 | interesting, is there a particular reason you cant, say, use a static IP adress for this computer? since DHCP seems to not be working correctly and I havn't the knowledge about 9.10 to do anything about it | 13:19 |
Guest58987 | Okey | 13:19 |
Dr_Willis | Guest58987: run a vnc client and connect to the whatever:3 machine/session like its saying | 13:19 |
Guest58987 | VNC client should be running on ubuntu or on xp (from which I want to access my ubuntu) | 13:20 |
Xaero252 | Guest58987: XP | 13:20 |
Guest58987 | Okey | 13:21 |
Dr_Willis | Guest58987: a client connets to the server.. You could run it from whatever machine you want | 13:21 |
Dr_Willis | You can test it on the local machine if you wanted | 13:21 |
anurag | join /#ubuntu-beginners | 13:21 |
Guest58987 | Okey, Do I also need VNC Client? | 13:21 |
rabbi1 | bazhang: nothing workin even after restart | 13:21 |
Blindsite1 | my router is configured for dhcp | 13:21 |
Dr_Willis | Guest58987: if you want to connect to a server.. you need a client.. yes | 13:21 |
Guest58987 | I am receiving same message after killing :1, :2, and:3 , What should I take next step? | 13:22 |
Blindsite1 | basicallhy i need my comp and router to communicate | 13:22 |
trijntje | hi all, is it possible to play .ppt files with sound on ubuntu? | 13:22 |
bazhang | rabbi1, you killed the ubuntu-restricted-extras before it configured, after it had downloaded? | 13:22 |
zicho | how can i check if dbus is working correctly? | 13:22 |
rabbi1 | bazhang: ok will remove and install again then? | 13:23 |
Dr_Willis | Guest58987: you need ONE running or you are typing somthign wrong | 13:23 |
Xaero252 | Blindsite1: I don't know enough about linux networking to help you out on DHCP not getting information from the router | 13:23 |
ionut | hei,does anyone knows a good slideshow application (like a gadget) for my desktop ? | 13:23 |
Xaero252 | Blindsite1: I'll google around a bit tho | 13:23 |
Blindsite1 | k | 13:23 |
bazhang | rabbi1, just try to install and see if you get an error | 13:23 |
Dr_Willis | vncserver -kill :1 ---> to kill #1 | 13:23 |
Guest58987 | I am typing: 'vncserver' in terminal | 13:23 |
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Blindsite1 | baz what are your thoughts on all this | 13:23 |
Dr_Willis | Guest58987: 'vncserver' spawns more vnc sessions... | 13:24 |
Dr_Willis | Guest58987: 'vncserver -kill :#' KILLS the specific vnc session | 13:24 |
bazhang | rabbi1, you killed it before it was finished downloading? correct? or only after it has started configuring the packages | 13:24 |
furythor | Hello I am working on my home server project and installing Open LDAP according to this guide is it valid ? | 13:24 |
Guest58987 | Oh I see, But I want to run vncserver, Now what should I type to run it accurately | 13:24 |
Dr_Willis | Guest58987: KILL all the extra sessions.. start ONE with 'vncserver' | 13:25 |
Guest58987 | Ok | 13:25 |
F3nix | hey can anyone help me? I accidentally got rid of the tookbar at the top and cant get it back | 13:25 |
F3nix | toolbar* | 13:25 |
F3nix | of the terminal that is | 13:25 |
Dr_Willis | F3nix: F3nix try the righ click menu | 13:26 |
Dr_Willis | theres a check box to hide/show the menus | 13:26 |
F3nix | oh my god | 13:26 |
F3nix | i cant believe I didnt realise that | 13:26 |
Dr_Willis | :) | 13:26 |
F3nix | thanks | 13:27 |
F3nix | doc | 13:27 |
Xaero252 | Blindsite1: do sudo cat /etc/network/interfaces, it should have an auto eth0 (new line) iface eth0 inet dhcp (two lines approx) for each connection, does it? | 13:27 |
Dr_Willis | proberly some key combo also.. but i dont rember it | 13:27 |
Blindsite1 | k | 13:27 |
Blindsite1 | hold on | 13:27 |
rabbi1 | bazhang: did reinstall, still the same prob | 13:28 |
bazhang | rabbi1, it was hanging on the microfont fonts and you killed the process a second time? | 13:28 |
lasume | My PC is connected to two different Wi-Fi networks. How do I route Bittorrent through one specific network? | 13:28 |
anodesni | I have a freeNAS server with NFS enabled. I want to access the share, added it to /etc/fstab and I do sudo mount /files, it says "access denied by server while mounting" | 13:29 |
anodesni | How is this possible? | 13:29 |
furythor | what is that command to see stats when I log in with SSH to my server machine ? | 13:29 |
jrib | furythor: what "stats"? | 13:29 |
Blindsite1 | no all it has is the lo info | 13:30 |
Xaero252 | jrib: furythor agreed, "stats" is too vague, disk usage, cpu usage, temperature?? | 13:30 |
Blindsite1 | eth connections don't even show up | 13:30 |
furythor | stats mentioned in that | 13:30 |
katesmith | hey hi | 13:31 |
l3ns | hi everyone | 13:31 |
katesmith | wow there are lots of people in here this is a real big channel | 13:31 |
l3ns | what software in ubuntu that I could use to download the videos off youtube? | 13:31 |
Xaero252 | Blindsite1: add auto eth0 iface (new line) eth0 inet dhcp to the bottom of that file (sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces), save the file and then do sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart | 13:31 |
furythor | Hehe, main support frontier | 13:31 |
bazhang | rabbi1, same problem is the install of the ubuntu-restricted-extras package? | 13:31 |
furythor | !offtopic | 13:32 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 13:32 |
bazhang | l3ns, youtube-dl | 13:32 |
l3ns | bazhang, thanks, i look around for it :) | 13:32 |
Xaero252 | l3ns: any firefox addon that downloads youtube videos will work on ubuntu :D | 13:32 |
ThA-LaN-LaW | hi | 13:33 |
ThA-LaN-LaW | in my vmware workstation runs ubuntu 8.04 with lvm | 13:34 |
rabbi1 | bazhang: same prob | 13:34 |
ThA-LaN-LaW | i resize in vmware workstation the size of the harddisk | 13:34 |
rabbi1 | bazhang: it jus hangs, but when i restarted linux run a scan | 13:34 |
jiohdi | Xaero252: there is one add-on which has three colored balls, works on youtube and all other flv sites | 13:34 |
ThA-LaN-LaW | how can i extend the lvm partition on /dev/sda to the new size | 13:34 |
furythor | Xaero252: Check firefox addons, I think Download helper atleast can do that, but also youtube actively tries to prevent videos being downloaded | 13:34 |
bazhang | rabbi1, please clarify: same problem = not installed, you killed it mid-process? how long did you allow for it find new mirrors | 13:35 |
Xaero252 | fury, jiohdi I was informing someone not asking but thanks :D | 13:35 |
Xaero252 | Blindsite1: I totally fudged that addition to /etc/network/interfaces, it should be auto eth0 (new line) iface eth0 inet dhcp | 13:35 |
Migi32 | what open-source application/software can I use to record my MIDI keyboard straight into a printable music file? | 13:35 |
rabbi1 | bazhang: i jus forcequit whn it asked for mttffont somthing | 13:35 |
Xaero252 | Blindsite1: i had the (new line) in the wrong spot, its too early for this | 13:35 |
bazhang | rabbi1, yes, I understand, how long did you let if find new mirrors, or not at all | 13:36 |
Xaero252 | Migi32: | 13:36 |
Migi32 | thx | 13:36 |
Xaero252 | (google is amazing) | 13:36 |
Migi32 | Xaero252, not very useful... | 13:36 |
Migi32 | getting results like "Midi Sheet Music Viewer" | 13:37 |
rabbi1 | bazhang: u there? | 13:37 |
rabbi1 | just tell me at once now wht i have to do? | 13:37 |
bazhang | rabbi1, well, when you are not in a hurry, you will need to let the installer find new mirrors, not kill the process, let it finish configuring the packages it did download, etc | 13:38 |
rabbi1 | will remove extra package, will restart and then again will install, then restart and c. shall i? | 13:38 |
catzz | Hello please advice good program for CD burn | 13:38 |
Xaero252 | Migi32: sorry, I misread what you wanted, you want to record your midi keyboard into say, a .midi or .mp3? | 13:38 |
bazhang | rabbi1, that wont help as you keep killing it mid-process before it has configured the packages. | 13:38 |
Migi32 | Xaero252, no, midi -> printable music sheet. The google results were about viewing existing music sheets or sheet -> midi | 13:39 |
rabbi1 | ok, it jus went gray, i tout i hung and no process active | 13:39 |
bazhang | !burn > catzz | 13:39 |
ubottu | catzz, please see my private message | 13:39 |
rabbi1 | bazhang: its mistake, will check this time, will be very patient also. | 13:39 |
rabbi1 | ;) | 13:39 |
bazhang | rabbi1, did you click details? | 13:39 |
rabbi1 | bazhang: yeap, i did click details it was still loadin and it said done | 13:40 |
bazhang | rabbi1, ie to accept the license terms? | 13:40 |
rabbi1 | nop. | 13:40 |
catzz | thanls | 13:40 |
catzz | thanks | 13:40 |
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rabbi1 | bazhang: din't ask any, ok now i will retry the process. :) wht say? | 13:41 |
bazhang | rabbi1, good luck, please address your issues to the channel as I will not be around for a while | 13:41 |
rabbi1 | bazhang: thx a lot, catch u later, hopefully will be ok this time ;) | 13:42 |
catzz | !burn | 13:42 |
ubottu | CD/DVD Burning software: K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast (GNOME), wodim (terminal-based). Burning .iso files: see | 13:42 |
rabbi1 | bazhang: thx a lot again, don mind, i am new to linux stuff | 13:42 |
wojox | !factoid | 13:42 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 13:42 |
furythor | I need help to get SSL to work on my webserver | 13:42 |
furythor | so should I rather ask in httpd channel ? | 13:42 |
rabbi1 | bazhang: and i also have lot of prob with LAMP, could u suggest me a channel? | 13:43 |
furythor | #httpd is one option but don't know others | 13:43 |
pier | Hi, I'm looking for a belkin driver N1 wireless USB , model F5D8051 Where Can I find this please ? | 13:43 |
Xaero252 | Migi32: I'm not sure such software exists, although if you can record to .mid(i) and then parse it through a viewer it would do essentially the same thing, providing you with both a digital and paper copy ;) | 13:43 |
Blindsite1 | it failed | 13:43 |
timmarshall | how does ubuntu one work its confused me?? | 13:43 |
Blindsite1 | Xaero it failed to restart | 13:44 |
Migi32 | Xaero252, too bad. Thanks for helping, though | 13:44 |
Blindsite1 | apparantly it didnt like the changes | 13:44 |
wojox | !foo | 13:44 |
ubottu | bar | 13:44 |
Xaero252 | Blindsite1: I totally fudged that addition to /etc/network/interfaces, it should be auto eth0 (new line) iface eth0 inet dhcp | 13:44 |
Blindsite1 | ok | 13:45 |
Blindsite1 | i'll go change it | 13:45 |
Xaero252 | Blindsite1: thats because I made a mistake, its early >< | 13:45 |
Xaero252 | kk | 13:45 |
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woden | How do you make Epiphany use the Tor/Privoxy Services? | 13:45 |
Blindsite1 | (just want to point it takes awhile between these missions because i have to get up and go to the comp, and sually have to come back a few times to ensure i get the right syntax) | 13:46 |
furythor | rabbi1 what kind of problem you have ? | 13:46 |
catzz | K3b (KDE), gnomebaker, brasero, serpentine, graveman, Nautilus-CD-Burner, GToaster, xcdroast which is best? | 13:46 |
Xaero252 | Blindsite1: I just hope we can get it working :) | 13:46 |
wojox | !forget foo | 13:47 |
Migi32 | !foo | 13:47 |
ubottu | bar | 13:47 |
Xaero252 | lol | 13:47 |
wojox | !unforget foo | 13:48 |
archboxman | hello | 13:48 |
Blindsite1 | no lease | 13:49 |
archboxman | gt 240 compatible with ubuntu ???? | 13:49 |
Blindsite1 | restart worked but it didnt connect | 13:49 |
Xaero252 | Blindsite1: interesting, so it attempted to get an ip adress but failed? are their multiple ethernet ports on the computer? | 13:50 |
SwedeMike | I've successfully gotten a gt210 to work with the latest nvidia stable drivers (downloaded directly from nvidia) | 13:50 |
overmind | archboxman: Please, specify more :) | 13:50 |
Xaero252 | archboxman: all nvidia graphics cards are currently supported under the nvidia restricted drivers (if you download and install them from nvidia and NOT the ubuntu repository) | 13:50 |
wojox | archboxman: nvidia yeah | 13:50 |
archboxman | Geforce gt 240 eva 1gb nvidia card :) | 13:51 |
overmind | archboxman: nVidia works fine in Ubuntu, they make drivers specially for Linux. | 13:51 |
troythetechguy | using apt-get update, I noticed there is a package called mysql-common that needs updating. Does this package mean I have mysql installed on my system? I did a standard install of crunchbang and did not know mysql was part of the standard install. | 13:52 |
archboxman | just making sure going to run it up on ArchLinux want a backup if Archlinux won't take it... :) later | 13:53 |
fucnqshun | hello can anyone answer my question pls: | 13:53 |
twinforce | hey | 13:53 |
Xaero252 | archboxman: as long as you have the kernel source and such available for your arch install doing an nvidia driver install shouldn't screw anything up | 13:53 |
fucnqshun | hi twinforce | 13:54 |
Blindsite1 | no just 1 ethernet port | 13:54 |
twinforce | hey fucnqshun | 13:54 |
archboxman | Xaero252: they run a full xorg.conf file no problem with kernel its a rolling distro | 13:54 |
fucnqshun | twinforce can you answer my question: | 13:54 |
Troggie | Hi all, I wonder if someone can help me. Here goes. I just upgraded my Ubuntu 9.04 to Ubuntu 9.10 , the server is using hardware RAID 1. I get dropped to Busybox but when I type "a) fsck -a b) mount -a c_ CTRL + D" the server boots with GRUB 2. What can I do to recitfy this ?? | 13:55 |
Xaero252 | archboxman: they have the nvidia-xconfig util, but I'm not certain if I remember running it breaking things or not running it breaking things >< at any rate you can always just re-run the install or backup xorg.conf | 13:55 |
marcuy | Troggie, 9.10 comes with Grub2 | 13:55 |
marcuy | try to uninstall it and install grub 1 | 13:56 |
SwedeMike | marcuy: it doesn't go grub2 when doing an upgrade, normally (hasn't for me anyway) | 13:56 |
twinforce | funcqshun: I believe that would be a hardware issue causing it to logout. I don't know for sure what it would be, but I would try reinstalling Ubuntu and see if that helps. But I am leaning towards there being a hardware issue | 13:56 |
marcuy | that's right SwedeMike, but seems that he has upgraded it anyway | 13:56 |
Xaero252 | Blindsite1: I'd say keep poking your head out, maybe some networking guru will stick his head out >< | 13:56 |
archboxman | Xaero252: that is what the terminal is for to update the xorg.conf file and run the nvidia-xconfigure ... Theres no problem there | 13:56 |
Troggie | it had Grub and i upgraded to Grub 2 does exactly the same thing | 13:56 |
umang | Hi! Is there any way I can use a certain repository for only one package (with updates) without actually adding that repository to my sources? (e.g I wan foobar from backports, but everything else from the normal repos) | 13:57 |
Blindsite1 | ok | 13:57 |
Blindsite1 | i just went into my router | 13:57 |
Blindsite1 | an checked | 13:57 |
Blindsite1 | my routher sees my desktop | 13:58 |
guntbert | !enter | Blindsite1 | 13:58 |
ubottu | Blindsite1: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 13:58 |
Blindsite1 | but my desktop isnt pickingu p my router | 13:58 |
=== dragon is now known as Guest50448 | ||
Troggie | marcuy, it did the same thing with Grub and Grub 2. I went onto the net and it seems like there's either a problem with initfs or RAID 1 2nd HDD no having Grub installed | 13:58 |
Guest50448 | I am having an issue with my Thunderbird.. everytime I try to start it... it says thunderbird is already running.. not responding and need to close or restart the system... I've restarted. and ps -A and don't see any thunderbirds listed... any ideas? ubuntu 9.10 | 13:58 |
Blindsite1 | i keep annoying people. I'm sorry | 13:58 |
Xaero252 | Blindsite1: okay now thats just freaking bizzare | 13:59 |
Blindsite1 | yeah | 13:59 |
SwedeMike | Troggie: I thought you said hw raid1, why wouldn't second hd have the same information as the first? | 13:59 |
Xaero252 | Blindsite1: ignore fags like that that sit in here all day hassling people looking for help, you used the enter key like twice, so what? | 13:59 |
Troggie | that's what the forums said. all i know is I have to type fsck -a and mount -a followed by CTRL + D to boot it | 13:59 |
FiremanEd | !language | 14:00 |
ubottu | Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 14:00 |
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Kohar | Guest50448 open terminal do ps ax and check thunderbird | 14:00 |
Blindsite1 | im getting the feeling it has to do with conflict of mac addresses | 14:00 |
Blindsite1 | theres 2 eth connections on my comp but only 1 eth port and the router is only picking up one | 14:00 |
funqshun1 | twinforce: are yo uhere | 14:01 |
twinforce | funqshun1: yes | 14:01 |
patriotaSJ | hi | 14:01 |
Xaero252 | Blindsite1: check the list of attached devices on your router to see if there are two identical mac adresses, | 14:01 |
funqshun1 | did you answer my question sorry i logged out | 14:01 |
patriotaSJ | how can i find a ubuntu channel that speak spanish? | 14:01 |
guntbert | !es | patriotaSJ | 14:01 |
ubottu | patriotaSJ: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 14:01 |
Blindsite1 | that would be a no | 14:01 |
LonelyDragon757 | kohar I did the ps ax... pretty sweet... but don't see anything that sticks out as thunderbird | 14:02 |
Blindsite1 | they're all unique | 14:02 |
patriotaSJ | thanks man | 14:02 |
Threetimes | Hi, i'm getting this error when using DVDstyler: | 14:02 |
Troggie | marcuy, do u have any idea what could be the problem? | 14:02 |
umang | Hi! Is there any way I can use a certain repository for only one package (with updates) without actually adding that repository to my sources? (e.g I wan foobar from backports, but everything else from the normal repos). (Is this a enough gap before repeating my question?) | 14:02 |
Blindsite1 | however the name for one is blank | 14:02 |
neverAFK | is there way besides removing /etc/init.d/apache2 from that dir to keek it from auto starting on boot? | 14:02 |
twinforce | funqshun1: Not on the forum, but here I did. I don't really know what is going on, but I have a feeling it is a hardware error | 14:02 |
Blindsite1 | but that could be my moms comp or this one for that matter | 14:02 |
Threetimes | umang: you could download the .deb from | 14:03 |
funqshun1 | twinforce: what do you suggest i do? | 14:03 |
twinforce | twinforce: Does your laptop make any weird noises when writing to the hard drive? This could be a tell-tale sign that you damaged your hard drive | 14:03 |
umang | Threetimes: And then what about updates? | 14:03 |
Blindsite1 | scratch that, this one is labeled | 14:03 |
funqshun1 | twinforce: were you asking me? you put your own name there | 14:03 |
Blindsite1 | and unless mom is up extra early its probably not hers | 14:03 |
Threetimes | umang: you will have to add a repo for it if you want automatic updates. | 14:03 |
BluesKaj | neverAFK, check usr/bin and usr/sbin too | 14:03 |
twinforce | funqshun1: sorry, my bad. It was for you | 14:03 |
Xaero252 | Blindsite1: I really have no idea at this point, like I say, networking gurus out there? anybody? | 14:03 |
umang | Threetimes: So I cannot do it only for one package? | 14:04 |
funqshun1 | twinforce: no, no strange sounds | 14:04 |
myk_robinson | morning.. In ubuntu 9.10, how do i edit my grub menu? Apparently it is no longer in /boot/grub/menu.lst | 14:04 |
Xaero252 | Blindsite1: we could try doing a static IP adress for that computer only. | 14:04 |
funqshun1 | twinforce: so theres no way to disable logout? | 14:04 |
twinforce | funqshun1: ok. Do you have Windows on your thinkpad as well, or is it soley linux? | 14:04 |
Threetimes | umang: you could install it, but not auto-update it. Maybe you could find a PPA for the package you're looking for | 14:04 |
carbm2 | myk_robinson, /etc/default/grub ... or /etc/grub.d/ | 14:04 |
guntbert | Blindsite1: what is your problem? | 14:04 |
carbm2 | myk_robinson, then run update-grub | 14:04 |
twinforce | funqshun1: Well I would Google "disable logout ubuntu" | 14:04 |
Blindsite1 | would that work | 14:05 |
umang | Threetimes: OK. Thanks. :) | 14:05 |
Threetimes | Hi, i'm getting this error when using DVDstyler: | 14:05 |
twinforce | but besides that I don't really know what to do, unless we found out what is triggering it | 14:05 |
BluesKaj | !grub2 | myk_robinson | 14:05 |
ubottu | myk_robinson: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to | 14:05 |
carbm2 | myk_robinson, What are you trying to accomplish? | 14:05 |
funqshun1 | twinforce: thx :-) | 14:05 |
patriotaSJ | sorry, where a i write <ubottu> patriotaSJ: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 14:05 |
wojox | gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub | 14:05 |
pixelated | neverAFK, update-rc.d apache2 disable | 14:05 |
twinforce | funqshun1: quick question, did you install any updates around the time you dropped your laptop? | 14:05 |
rsFF | | 14:05 |
Kohar | LonelyDragon757 try move $HOME/.mozilla-thunderbird or just reinstall | 14:05 |
rsFF | ups wrong button | 14:06 |
Troggie | Hi all, I wonder if someone can help me. Here goes. I just upgraded my Ubuntu 9.04 to Ubuntu 9.10 , the server is using hardware RAID 1. I get dropped to Busybox but when I type "a) fsck -a b) mount -a c_ CTRL + D" the server boots with GRUB 2. What can I do to recitfy this ?? | 14:06 |
myk_robinson | carbm2: I want to reduce the time the menu shows. I left the recovery partition on this laptop just in case I want to sell the laptop later and put it back to factory condition. I use Linux full time, though, and the 30 second menu is annoying | 14:06 |
ikonia | Troggie: is it real hardware raid or fake raid (motherboard raid) | 14:06 |
Troggie | real | 14:06 |
neverAFK | pixelated: thanks chief | 14:06 |
Threetimes | Hi, i'm getting this error when using DVDstyler: | 14:06 |
Troggie | LSI SCSI controller | 14:06 |
Xaero252 | guntbert: he has multiple computers in a network, all of them are able to lease ip adresses and connect to the internet but the ubuntu machine in question, which sees eth0 but does not assign ip adresses, manually adding eth0 to /etc/network/interfaces with dhcp doesnt adress the issue, and simply restarting networking or bringing interfaces down and up doesnt work either; furthermore after configuring to forcefully use dhcp, it gives an | 14:06 |
ikonia | Troggie: ok, and that's got your root file system on ? | 14:06 |
Thyzor | sup | 14:06 |
furythor | Does apache2 support LDAP and in what extent ? | 14:06 |
pixelated | neverAFK, chief? i aint no chief, i am so low on the totem pole i am under ground... | 14:07 |
carbm2 | myk_robinson, Then you want to edit /etc/default/grub | 14:07 |
Troggie | ikonia: yes everything on the array | 14:07 |
Thyzor | i need someone with alot of knowlage of backtrack to help me anyone up for it ? | 14:07 |
Xaero252 | !ot | Thyzor | 14:07 |
ubottu | Thyzor: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 14:07 |
neverAFK | ./var/lib/update-rc.d ./usr/sbin/update-rc.d | 14:07 |
ikonia | furythor: there is an ldap module for it, try httpd channel | 14:07 |
BluesKaj | myk_robinson, open /etc/default grub an change your time out to however many secs you like | 14:07 |
myk_robinson | carbm2: i notice the entry for WIndows Vista (which is actually the Windows 7 recovery partition) is not listed on here, nor are the different kernel revisions. WHere can I change the name? | 14:07 |
dsuch | umang: that's an interesting issue.. so how would it work, if 2 repos provide a package 'foo', you'd like to somehow give one precedence over another? | 14:08 |
Kohar | LonelyDragon757 go to you home directory then .mozilla-thunderbird/some_director(like mscn5jo3.default) and check LOCK file if here move him somewhere and try run again | 14:08 |
Xaero252 | Blindsite1: I'm not certain that using a static ip adress will fix the problem, however, a static ip adress doesn't rely on DHCP or the router to obtain an ip adress | 14:08 |
ikonia | Troggie: using a seperate /boot patition ? | 14:08 |
Troggie | ikonia: no | 14:08 |
BluesKaj | myk_robinson err /etc/default/grub | 14:08 |
myk_robinson | carbm2: I want to just boot straight to Ubuntu with no menu unless I press a key. Recommendations? | 14:08 |
carbm2 | myk_robinson, Grub2 is script based. The days of editing menu.lst are gone. You edit that file and run update-grub | 14:08 |
neverAFK | Pixelated: ./var/lib/update-rc.d ./usr/sbin/update-rc.d [which to modify?] | 14:08 |
dsuch | umang: can you give me a real example? I'd like to try to figure it out, how to do it. | 14:08 |
ikonia | Troggie: is grub set to boot of the meta device or the physical disk ? | 14:08 |
Serpico | hi | 14:08 |
hyperstream | !shoutcast | 14:08 |
umang | dsuch: when I install, I do something like apt-get install foobar --repository="unstable" | 14:08 |
carbm2 | myk_robinson, The options are there... I'm not exactly sure which one it is though. | 14:08 |
autoclesis | Are there any processors that are manifestly unfriendly to Ubuntu | 14:08 |
pixelated | neverAFK, dont modify them. what i gave you was a command line | 14:09 |
rabbi1 | bazhang: i did reinstall, it din't ask me for anything, i did from synaptic manager | 14:09 |
umang | dsuch: So I state that *when* I install. | 14:09 |
Threetimes | Hi, i'm getting this error when using DVDstyler: | 14:09 |
hyperstream | are there any music clients that can stream my live audio to a icecast2 server? | 14:09 |
Troggie | ikonia: i presume the physical device. this has been a system from Ubuntu 8.10 | 14:09 |
BluesKaj | yeah carbm2 , I miss being able to edit the menu list directly | 14:09 |
Blindsite1 | ok | 14:09 |
Blindsite1 | heres a question | 14:09 |
rabbi1 | bazhang: even now its same prob, nothing is working | 14:09 |
Xaero252 | Blindsite1: yes? | 14:09 |
Blindsite1 | wouldn't i need all my information to make a static ip work | 14:09 |
ikonia | Troggie: there should be zero problem with that at all, | 14:09 |
dsuch | umang: and you'd like it be used for the updates as well, right? | 14:09 |
Blindsite1 | and my internet is still dependant on the router | 14:09 |
umang | dsuch: yes. | 14:09 |
carbm2 | BluesKaj, I agree... but the power of doing it script wise is good... just hard to get used to. | 14:09 |
umang | dsuch: e.g lintian, debhelper, etc | 14:10 |
funqshun1 | twinforce: nothing relevant to me shows up :-( | 14:10 |
ikonia | Troggie: did you upgrade to grub2 when you upgraded, or leave it on grub2 | 14:10 |
ikonia | grub 1 sorry | 14:10 |
BluesKaj | autoclesis, not that anyone has encountered so far | 14:10 |
neverAFK | pixelated: okay. thanks for the help. | 14:10 |
autoclesis | thanks blueskaj | 14:10 |
Troggie | ikonia: everytime i restart, it says ALERT: .dev.sda1 does not exist.. the fsck -a and mount -a and CTRL + D and in I am | 14:10 |
Threetimes | hyperstream: try VLC | 14:10 |
Xaero252 | Blindsite1: nope, thats not quite how it works, it just manually tells the computer how to talk to the network, instead of getting the information from the router | 14:10 |
pixelated | neverAFK, np | 14:10 |
rabbi1 | any help here with rhythmplayer ? | 14:10 |
ikonia | Troggie: .dev.sda1 pr /dev/sda1 ? | 14:10 |
Troggie | ikonia: it stayed at grub 1 but i upgraded to grub 2 | 14:10 |
Threetimes | Hi, i'm getting this error when using DVDstyler: | 14:10 |
BluesKaj | autoclesis, which cpu were you worried about ? | 14:10 |
Blindsite1 | ok so what do i do | 14:11 |
dsuch | umang: how about ? | 14:11 |
hika | exit | 14:11 |
autoclesis | i'm thinking of getting ... | 14:11 |
Troggie | ikonia: /dev/sda1 | 14:11 |
hyperstream | Threetimes, ive got that atm, trying to figure out how to stream to the server | 14:11 |
autoclesis | hold on, let me get the exact name | 14:11 |
ikonia | Troggie: I suspect that's the problem, when grub2's been installed and it recreates the menu.list it's pointed it at the meta device | 14:11 |
umang | dsuch: thanks, I'll read it now. | 14:11 |
hyperstream | Threetimes, no option for icecast or shoutcast | 14:11 |
claudio83 | ciao a tutti ! | 14:11 |
autoclesis | Intel Core i3-530 | 14:11 |
rabbi1 | guys, any help with rhythmplayer ? | 14:11 |
autoclesis | in a Gateway | 14:11 |
Troggie | ikonia: it's trying to boot to a UUID and i think the problem is there. | 14:11 |
dsuch | umang: let me know if that's okay, I sort of feel I'll need it too soon :) | 14:12 |
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claudio83 | mi sono iscritto da 2 giorni ..... ed è fantastico .... | 14:12 |
rabbi1 | guys, need help with rhythmbox | 14:12 |
Xaero252 | Blindsite1: basically; undo the changes we made to /etc/networking/interfaces, and the right-click on network-manager and click edit connections | 14:12 |
heroin | Hey | 14:12 |
rabbi1 | bazhang: no solution sir | 14:12 |
Xaero252 | Blindsite1: you just need to know the ip adress of a computer with a working connection, and the ip adress of your router | 14:12 |
Threetimes | hyperstream: what does icecast need as input? | 14:12 |
heroin | im trying to run a .exe and it says ".net framework initialization error please set registry key" | 14:13 |
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heroin | and that i have to point something to something | 14:13 |
guntbert | !it | claudio83 | 14:13 |
ubottu | claudio83: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) | 14:13 |
hyperstream | Threetimes, not quite sure | 14:13 |
mun | hi | 14:13 |
Blindsite1 | got both | 14:14 |
Troggie | ikonia: any ideas? | 14:14 |
autoclesis | i may be over-worried | 14:14 |
mun | i'm trying to write a python script that loads up a notification in Ubuntu (the black bubble on the top right). does anyone know how that can be done? | 14:14 |
BluesKaj | autoclesis, | 14:14 |
Blindsite1 | this laptop here has a working connection | 14:14 |
autoclesis | wow | 14:14 |
autoclesis | cool blueskaj | 14:14 |
rabbi1 | guys, need help with rhythmplayer | 14:14 |
jrib | mun: what do you mean by "loads up"? | 14:14 |
rabbi1 | guys, need help with rhythmbox player | 14:14 |
phpmonk | I have deleted files /etc/ssh, now even if i install ssh those files are no being installed, any way? | 14:14 |
Blindsite1 | so after that what do i need | 14:14 |
pixelated | have a system running 9.1, altho hostapd is configed to start (proper link in /etc/rc2.d) it doesnt 'seem' to be running on boot, but works fine when started from shell, and i see nothing in the log about it... | 14:15 |
mun | jrib, basically sends a message inside such notification when a condition is met. | 14:15 |
Threetimes | Hi, i'm getting this error when using DVDstyler: | 14:15 |
jrib | mun: you want python-notify | 14:15 |
mun | jrib, ah thanks | 14:16 |
Blindsite1 | xaero? | 14:16 |
Xaero252 | Blindsite1: okay, when you go to edit connections, add a new connection, call it whatever you want, but make sure of the following: the ip adress should match all 3 of the first fields, and be close to the last number as possible (but not the same as any other computers on your network (ip adress conflicts are bad, and you need to make sure its in your routers subnet)) the subnet mask for your purposes should be, and the De | 14:16 |
Xaero252 | Blindsite1: sorry, its a lot to type | 14:16 |
autoclesis | i'm going to read that blueskaj | 14:16 |
funqshun1 | hello is there anyway to disable logout altogether in karmic? | 14:17 |
Blindsite1 | its cool, continue | 14:17 |
Tronx | how do i start a new terminal from a bash script ? | 14:17 |
jrib | funqshun1: no idea but I would start by reading the two documents about locking down GNOME at | 14:17 |
Tronx | other than using gnome-terminal -e | 14:18 |
Troggie | ikonia: this only happens on my RAID 1 server, my single HDD servers its cool | 14:18 |
jrib | Troggie: why "other than"? | 14:18 |
ikonia | Troggie: that would make sense | 14:18 |
jrib | Tronx: why "other than"? | 14:18 |
Tronx | jrib : because thats not going to work for me | 14:18 |
jrib | Tronx: then you have to tell us why not. Tell us what you actually want to accomplish | 14:18 |
Troggie | ikonia: how so? what can i do to make it boot into the OS properly? | 14:18 |
Threetimes | Hi, i'm getting this error when using DVDstyler: I think it is ffmpeg-related... | 14:18 |
Threetimes | !ffmpeg | 14:19 |
ikonia | Troggie: boot from a livecd, mount the raid arrary and check the grub config | 14:19 |
ikonia | Troggie: out of interest why did you upgrade manually to grub 2 ? | 14:19 |
Tronx | jrib : i need to start a new terminal on maemo 5 that doesnt have gnome-terminal | 14:19 |
Xaero252 | Blindsite1: once you fill out the IP adress, dns mask, default gateway and at least 1 ip adress, click okay to save the connection and mark the new connection as the default connection, then try and connect to it (click the network manager, and then click the connection if it doesnt automatically try to connect) | 14:19 |
jrib | Tronx: so use whatever terminal emulator it does have? | 14:19 |
rabbi1 | need help with audio in ubuntu 8.04, i use nVidia AMD 64x | 14:19 |
heroin | Could someone help me get mono fixed | 14:19 |
Troggie | ikonia: thought that, that would be the problem. i am on the server now and have full access. what do I check for in the GRUB conf? | 14:20 |
Xaero252 | Blindsite1: in 9.10 you dont set it to default, just make sure connect automagically is checked | 14:20 |
Tronx | jrib : i think its called xterminal | 14:20 |
clrg | !ask > heroin | 14:20 |
ubottu | heroin, please see my private message | 14:20 |
jrib | Tronx: probably xterm | 14:20 |
zloog | Anyone have a recommendation for minimum system specs to decode HD video? | 14:20 |
Tronx | jrib: but im not sure how to start it from command line | 14:20 |
ikonia | Troggie: check where it's looking for a.) the boot info (kernel etc) b.) it's root file system | 14:20 |
umang | dsuch: found this: | 14:20 |
Tronx | jrib : no | 14:20 |
Dr_Willis | zloog: my netbook can do it. but depending on a codec it can give it a workout | 14:21 |
clrg | zloog: Depends on how much time you want to invest. Make sure you have a powerful CPU. | 14:21 |
jrib | Tronx: ask maemo support forums then I guess | 14:21 |
heroin | clrg: the problem is wine spits out a .net error | 14:21 |
heroin | im trying to run a .exe and it says ".net framework initialization error please set registry key" | 14:21 |
Troggie | ikonia: i presume it is still from /boot/grub: | 14:21 |
ikonia | Troggie: well, yes, but it's also genereted from /etc/grub, you /may/ want to consider rolling back to grub1 | 14:22 |
aImee | \leave | 14:22 |
clrg | heroin: That doesn't appear to be an Ubuntu problem, then. Ask maemo or wine. | 14:22 |
phpmonk | i have deleted configuration files of ssh how to install back? | 14:22 |
qdb | hello. test. | 14:22 |
dsuch | umang: ya, I've just read it as well, and does it work fine with automatic updates? | 14:22 |
heroin | cl maemo? or mono? either it is shipped w. ubuntu | 14:22 |
umang | dsuch: pretty much the same thing, except, I was going to use it to fool around a little, so I didn't want the deps installed from bad repos. ;) Except, I don't understand whether those numbers are supposed to signify anything. (i.e. 700 and 600 could well have been 670 and 660, no?) | 14:22 |
Troggie | ikonia: how would i role back? apt-get install grub? once that is done. how will it fix the problem? | 14:22 |
umang | dsuch: Oh. I haven't tried that :P | 14:22 |
dsuch | umang: yes, I suppose so | 14:22 |
dsuch | umang: the numbers themselves are probably irrelevant, their relative values should matter | 14:23 |
ikonia | Troggie: well the way that grub1 manages the menu.lst is much better and easier, and you'd remove the grub2 package, install the grub1 and maybe have to do a few tweeks | 14:23 |
umang | dsuch, yeah, I was just confirming. | 14:23 |
umang | :) | 14:23 |
Troggie | ikonia | 14:23 |
paccer | anyone who's in possession of an apt installation history script? (probably a /var/log/dpkg.log* parser) | 14:23 |
Troggie | ikonia: can u help me though the tweeks? | 14:23 |
rabbi1 | guys, need help with rhythmbox player | 14:23 |
ikonia | Troggie: sure, tons of people in the channel also | 14:24 |
rabbi1 | need help with music | 14:24 |
funqshun1 | rabbi1: ask away | 14:24 |
=== xomas_ is now known as xomas | ||
umang | dsuch: I'm going to look up pinning a bit more and I'll see if I can find anything relevant to upgrading packages. | 14:24 |
rabbi1 | funqshun1: i am unable to play songs | 14:24 |
funqshun1 | does anyone know where i can find gconf keys to edit? | 14:25 |
rabbi1 | funqshun1: sounds work in login screen when i check | 14:25 |
Troggie | ikonia: do i just type apt-get install grub? it will remove grup 2? sorry I am new to Linux booting | 14:25 |
dsuch | umang: in that time, I'm still looking for OmniGraffle alternatives :) | 14:25 |
ikonia | rabbi1: do you have the correct audio codecs installed | 14:25 |
funqshun1 | rabbi1: have you tried turning it off and on again | 14:25 |
jrib | funqshun1: tells you how to edit gconf | 14:25 |
ikonia | Troggie: no need to apologies, I've not done it as a downgrade through apt myself. My personal opinion, remove grub2 pacakge, then install grub1 | 14:25 |
funqshun1 | jrib: its circular and not very clear | 14:25 |
jrib | funqshun1: not really. What page are you reading exactly? | 14:26 |
Troggie | ikonia: ok done, what do i do now? | 14:26 |
rabbi1 | ikonia: i am not sure, i have installed ubuntu-restricted-extras | 14:26 |
ikonia | Troggie: really. grub2 gone and grub1 back ? | 14:26 |
cornwall | rabbi1, what format is the music? | 14:26 |
BlueColibri | i8k.ko file doesn't load at startup also not with the option force=1 anybody know a work around | 14:26 |
ikonia | rabbi1: that's not all of the codecs, | 14:26 |
rabbi1 | funqshun1: turn on and off wht? | 14:26 |
Troggie | ikonia: aptitude install grub, it removed grub 2 as well | 14:26 |
funqshun1 | jrib: | 14:27 |
ikonia | Troggie: with a bit of luck it maybe that simple, try a reboot ? | 14:27 |
rabbi1 | ikonia: ok, wht else is req, and how to? | 14:27 |
Troggie | ikonia: ok chat now | 14:27 |
ikonia | rabbi1: where did you get the music | 14:27 |
negev | hi, i've got an established vpn with pppd/pptp. how can i route all traffic over the vpn? | 14:27 |
ikonia | negev: add a network route with route add | 14:27 |
umang | dsuch: Absolute values seem to have significance also. | 14:27 |
rabbi1 | ikonia: .mp3 files, saved in my music folder, which i copied from an fat32 partition | 14:27 |
jrib | funqshun1: the first section in the book explains gconf: | 14:27 |
negev | ikonia i figured as much, not sure what the route should be though. if i route all traffic over it, won't the packets going to the vpn server also get re-routed? | 14:27 |
ikonia | rabbi1: but where di dyou get the actual music | 14:28 |
BlueColibri | i8k.ko file doesn't load at startup also not with the option force=1 anybody know a work around | 14:28 |
ikonia | negev: if you want to route everything over the vpn, change the default route to the vpn gateway | 14:28 |
rabbi1 | ikonia: from stores | 14:28 |
Troggie | ikonia: ok booting up | 14:28 |
ikonia | rabbi1: from which stores | 14:28 |
ubuntu____ | can anyone walk me thru restoring grub from livecd post winblows install? i tried the web tutorial and no luck | 14:28 |
ikonia | Troggie: if it's this simple, I'll be made up | 14:28 |
rabbi1 | ikonia: from music store in bangalore | 14:29 |
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ikonia | rabbi1: online ? | 14:29 |
rabbi1 | ikonia: nop, just went to store and got it | 14:29 |
ikonia | you walked into a store and got mp3.....doesn't sound very normal | 14:29 |
rabbi1 | ikonia: and few from my friends, | 14:29 |
funqshun1 | jrib: it is unclear to me, if i wished to disable logout what do i do: | 14:29 |
Troggie | ikonia: it says : booting from hd(0,0) ext 3 XXX-XX , then starting up and now in shell | 14:29 |
ikonia | Troggie: which shell, grub or bash ? | 14:30 |
jrib | funqshun1: I don't know. I only gave that link and the other main document on locking down gnome as something for you to check | 14:30 |
cornwall | rabb1: this will be helpful to you: | 14:30 |
Troggie | ikonia: grub | 14:30 |
rabbi1 | ikonia: which are the other codecs i need to download/install? | 14:30 |
cornwall | Who here is good with cron? | 14:30 |
ikonia | rabbi1: well getting music off your friends is illegal, I'm asking so I know which fprmat they are in | 14:30 |
jrib | cornwall: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line) | 14:30 |
ikonia | Blindsite1: please don't, | 14:30 |
=== root_ is now known as Guest67509 | ||
umang | dsuch: Do you know what the c=, o= and l= mean in """Pin: release v=2.2*,a=stable,c=main,o=Debian,l=Debian""" (on the same page) | 14:30 |
ikonia | Troggie: rats, ok, do you know how to use the grub shell ? | 14:30 |
Kohar | ubuntu____ load from live cd, make directory like /media/sda then mount you linux / partition with mount command then grub-install --root-directory=/mnt/ /dev/sda where /dev/sda it's yout hdd | 14:30 |
Blindsite1 | static ip didnt work however when i put in my router's ip as the dhcp client id THAT worked | 14:31 |
rabbi1 | cornwall: thx , tht page will solve the prob? | 14:31 |
ChwanzusLongus | hello, i got a problem with my ubuntu 9.10: when starting up i get some errormessages that the ICEautority file can not be updated an that nautilus can not be startet... the /home/../Desktop and the /home/.../.nautilus folder can not be created ... | 14:31 |
Kohar | ubuntu____ and /mnt it's directory where you mount you / partition | 14:31 |
jrib | funqshun1: it seems to be exactly what is explained in 10.2.1 actually.... | 14:31 |
cornwall | rabbi1, most likely. A little terminal work, but you'll have everything you need | 14:31 |
Troggie | ikonia: i typed a) fsck -a b) mount -a , waited 3 secs and pressed CTRL + D and now im in bash shell | 14:31 |
rabbi1 | ikonia: few in mp3 and few in .cda | 14:31 |
funqshun1 | rabbi1: check your private messages pls | 14:31 |
alexxio | my /etc/X11 folder does not contain xorg.conf...where is it?? | 14:31 |
rabbi1 | cornwall: no prob, thx will check it out | 14:31 |
jiohdi | ChwanzusLongus: somehow you probably shifted iceauthority permissions from you to root, you just need to set it back... | 14:32 |
ikonia | rabbi1: that's a file extension, not encoding | 14:32 |
ikonia | Troggie: why ??? | 14:32 |
Guest67509 | hello | 14:32 |
jrib | alexxio: it doesn't exist by default. Xorg detects things automatically | 14:32 |
rabbi1 | funqshun1: good to here | 14:32 |
jiohdi | ChwanzusLongus: chown yourname .iceauthority | 14:32 |
ikonia | Troggie: if you can use fsck and mount -a that's not a grub shell | 14:32 |
Troggie | ikonia: thats the only way i can get into the OS, must i remain in grub shell? | 14:32 |
rabbi1 | ikonia: ok, so u want me to decode those files ? | 14:32 |
ikonia | Troggie: that doesn't sound like a grub shell | 14:32 |
Troggie | ikonia: fsck and mount, yes it doesnt recognise it, then if i wait a few seconds, press CTRL + D and it boots | 14:33 |
ikonia | rabbi1: no, just know what they where encoded with so we can find the right codec | 14:33 |
=== lexi is now known as Guest35575 | ||
alexxio | jrib: i have a black screen on boot, probably because i installed ati proprietary drivers. entering in single text mode, i can have a shell. how can i uninstall those drivers? | 14:33 |
cornwall | I have a cron job to run the Lynx text web browser every 11 hours and then exit. Lynx is always running after the job, though. How can I trail the program's to see output? | 14:33 |
ikonia | Troggie: ok, are you in a booted OS now ? | 14:33 |
Troggie | yes | 14:33 |
dsuch | umang: I'd venture a=archive, c=component, o=origin, l=label | 14:33 |
jrib | alexxio: afaik, to be using the ati drivers you should have a /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 14:33 |
rabbi1 | ikonia: o, thts a big task then | 14:33 |
ikonia | Troggie: ok, can you pastebin a few files for me 1.) /boot/grub/menu.lst 2.) /etc/fstab please. | 14:33 |
joe_evans | cornwall could you redirect output to a text file? | 14:34 |
alexxio | jrib: | 14:34 |
alexxio | :D | 14:34 |
alexxio | so i don't know what to do!!! :P | 14:34 |
B3rz3rk3r | how can i disable power management for wireless cards? | 14:34 |
jrib | alexxio: check your /var/log/Xorg.0.log to see what the problem is | 14:34 |
autoclesis | games are necessary , i was just curious if maybe i could play Unreal online | 14:35 |
alexxio | ok | 14:35 |
autoclesis | aren't necessary, rather | 14:35 |
ChwanzusLongus | jiohdi: Could not update ICEauthority file ... didnt help | 14:35 |
alexxio | thank you | 14:35 |
cornwall | joe_evans: I have done so: | 14:35 |
ChwanzusLongus | :/ | 14:35 |
Guest58987 | How can I know my VNC Server name? | 14:35 |
=== trineox is now known as Guest49551 | ||
jiohdi | ChwanzusLongus: did you change owner as root? | 14:35 |
ChwanzusLongus | y | 14:35 |
umang | dsuch, although I don't know all that much to know what each of them means, I guess I know enough now to get what I want. Technically, I can have debian unstable as one of my sources and tip a couple of packages to a repo and not a version (which what I though pinning was about till today). So that is nice. :) I think I've got what I was looking for. | 14:35 |
cornwall | It looks like it's successful. But I've even had the process start eating my cpu | 14:35 |
sudobash | my cousins pc is a celeron m400 with 1GB ddr2 and I can install ubuntu but when gdm/X comes up It freezes after like 15 sec but I can get through text based installer and get to a terminal to update/upgrade and it wont freeze until I got to X | 14:35 |
umang | dsuch, *pin a couple | 14:36 |
sudobash | wait I mean celeron 420 | 14:36 |
jiohdi | ChwanzusLongus: use a file manager, find the file and check its permissions under properties | 14:36 |
jiohdi | who owns it? | 14:36 |
joe_evans | cornwall: could you use mget or ftp or do you really have to use lynx? | 14:36 |
dsuch | umang: soo.. it's doable, right? :) | 14:36 |
cornwall | * */11 * * * means every eleven hours in a crontab, correct? | 14:36 |
cornwall | joe_evans, Are there any other text based web-browsers that I can automate keystrokes for? | 14:37 |
Guest58987 | When I type vncserver in terminal I receive this "Starting applications specified in /home/administrator/.vnc/xstartup | 14:37 |
Guest58987 | Log file is /home/administrator/.vnc/Benq:2.log | 14:37 |
Guest58987 | " What is my vnc server name | 14:37 |
Ganang | is there any, available package that install thumbnails for nautilus for openoffice documents? | 14:37 |
=== soreau_ is now known as soreau | ||
cornwall | joe_evans, my goal is to access a website, log me off, and log me back on again. I can do that with Lynx's cmd_script | 14:37 |
Troggie | ikonia: sure , | 14:38 |
autoclesis | !lucid lynx | 14:38 |
ubottu | Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 | 14:38 |
Linus | bom dia pessoal | 14:38 |
ubuntu____ | kohar how do i mount the live filesystem? | 14:38 |
joe_evans | cornwall: do you know if there is a particlur page you can log off with? | 14:38 |
Guest58987 | Help!! When I type vncserver in terminal I receive this "Starting applications specified in /home/administrator/.vnc/xstartup | 14:38 |
Guest58987 | Log file is /home/administrator/.vnc/Benq:2.log | 14:38 |
Guest58987 | " What is my vnc server name Please tell me | 14:38 |
umang | dsuch, yes. pretty happy about that. :) Although I might care later on (when a package I am going to be the maintainer of clears Debian NEW), I'll leave how all this pinning handles popcon (debian popcon, not ubuntu) for now. | 14:38 |
bob__ | xcell | 14:38 |
cornwall | joe_evans, I'm sorry, I don't get what you mean | 14:38 |
Blindsite1 | ikonia: I've been trying to get my internet to work for the last 8 hours. I finally got it to work. 1 line of jubalation is not going to end the world. Don't be such a wet blanket. | 14:39 |
Xaero252 | Blindsite1: so wait, its working now? | 14:39 |
umang | dsuch, Thanks! :) | 14:39 |
Blindsite1 | yes | 14:39 |
Xaero252 | Blindsite1: O_O | 14:39 |
dsuch | umang: sure, I learnt something new too :) | 14:39 |
ikonia | Blindsite1: don't need extra noise, pleased your working, but please try to control yourself | 14:39 |
Blindsite1 | i put in my router ip as the dhcp client id | 14:39 |
Blindsite1 | that did it | 14:39 |
Linus | alguem fala portugues ae? | 14:39 |
autoclesis | !dhcp | 14:39 |
ubottu | dhcp is Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, a protocol for automatic IP assignment from a router. Ubuntu uses dhclient as a DHCP client but other ones (and DHCP servers too) can be obtained from the !repos. More info at | 14:39 |
jrib | !pt | Linus | 14:39 |
ubottu | Linus: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado. | 14:39 |
Kohar | Guest58987 ask person who install vnc server | 14:40 |
Troggie | ikonia: did u see the pastebin? | 14:40 |
Blindsite1 | it was so simple | 14:40 |
joe_evans | cornwall: see your msg | 14:40 |
Xaero252 | Blindsite1: indeed; high five! | 14:40 |
ikonia | Troggie: looking now, do a sudo blkid see if the block id's match up | 14:40 |
ikonia | Troggie: they should match up fine as your booted | 14:40 |
Ganang | is there any, available package that install thumbnails for nautilus for openoffice documents? | 14:40 |
Troggie | ikonia: they do | 14:41 |
Blindsite1 | *high fives Xaero* When I'm done with the patchs and have downloaded pidgin on there i'll switch over | 14:41 |
ikonia | Troggie: ok cool, lets try something else | 14:41 |
ikonia | Troggie: how many disks are in your system in total ? | 14:41 |
Troggie | ikonia: 2 x SCSI hard drives in RAID 1 | 14:41 |
ikonia | Troggie: perfect, that should be easy | 14:41 |
ikonia | Troggie: please do sudo grub | 14:41 |
Troggie | ikonia: done | 14:42 |
doddo | Heloo! !! just installed ubuntu seems as if DNS lookups are real slow, I dont have ipv6, so what's up with that? | 14:42 |
ikonia | Troggie: is / the first partition on your disk ? | 14:42 |
umang | doddo: OpenDNS? | 14:42 |
Troggie | ikonia: all i get is grub> | 14:42 |
Linus | #ubuntu-br | 14:42 |
ikonia | Troggie: that's fine, that's the grub shell | 14:42 |
doddo | umang: nope!! ISP provided DNS ! | 14:43 |
Troggie | ikonia: so what must i type? | 14:43 |
ikonia | Troggie: is your / partition the first partition on the disk | 14:43 |
woden | How do you make a service automatically start in Ubuntu? | 14:43 |
Troggie | ikonia: yes sda1 | 14:43 |
umang | doddo, Try setting OpenDNS. My ISP provided that was really bad. | 14:43 |
doddo | woden: I use chkconfig <service> on | 14:43 |
Xaero252 | umang: opendns is starting to be blocked by companies though, its a shame | 14:43 |
zai | question: when I am in my volume control, choose an USB webcam with mic as "Device", I see the little mic icon X-ed out. When I activate it, leave the floaer with "Close", then reopen it again, it's X-ed out again. Can't use it for Skype, although it worked once. Any idea what's going wrong? (Ubuntu 9.04) | 14:43 |
ikonia | Troggie: perfect, so lets do this "root (hd0,0)" | 14:43 |
jrib | woden: if you install it through APT it usually starts automatically | 14:43 |
ikonia | Troggie: does that error ? | 14:43 |
Linus | #ubuntu-br | 14:44 |
Troggie | ikonia: no | 14:44 |
umang | Xaero252, I wonder why that is. Google's new one? | 14:44 |
Troggie | ikonia: i presume without the "" "" | 14:44 |
Xaero252 | umang: ex. Hulu >< | 14:44 |
ikonia | Troggie: good news, now lets do "setup (hd0)" | 14:44 |
umang | Xaero252, ? | 14:44 |
Linus | como entro em uma sala portugues? | 14:44 |
doddo | umang: hmm I would only that when dual booting to my arch installation, queying the same DNS is much faster so this seems to be something in ubuntu ratherthan my DNS | 14:44 |
woden | jrib: How do I know if it is started? | 14:44 |
Xaero252 | umang: hulu actively blocks opendns, all sorts of websites are picking up on it... | 14:44 |
Troggie | ikonia: succeeded and done | 14:44 |
jrib | woden: ps? | 14:44 |
ikonia | Troggie: quit and reboot, make a note of any warnings or errors on boot | 14:45 |
Troggie | ok | 14:45 |
Xaero252 | doddo: I'd still try openDNS, its really fast, and their dns servers are pretty intelligent when you make typos | 14:45 |
kiborr66 | Does any1 know how to change language only for 1programm? (mail agent Evo) | 14:45 |
ikonia | Troggie: we'll get there | 14:45 |
Linus | como entro em uma sala português? | 14:45 |
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sebsebseb | !pt | Linus | 14:45 |
ubottu | Linus: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado. | 14:45 |
woden | jrib: I get a lot of hits for tor with that query. But no hits for privoxy | 14:45 |
Troggie | ki4cgp | 14:45 |
umang | doddo, Yeah. You've got a point. I'm no expert so can't help you further.... | 14:45 |
iwan | sexx | 14:45 |
Troggie | ikonia: its rebooting | 14:45 |
umang | Xaero252, Why would it do that? | 14:45 |
autoclesis | am i to understand that the HCL on the ubuntu wiki, being incomplete, means there are many machines that are running U 9.10, but no one has bothered to write a wiki entry ? | 14:45 |
doddo | umang Xaero252 ! Thanks guess i could try that DNS :c) | 14:45 |
woden | Or does anyone here actually know how to make tor and privoxy automatically boot upon system startup | 14:46 |
timmarshall | how do i install my login screen | 14:46 |
rabbi1 | guys, i tried AMD64 w32codecs from medibuntu, but its not getting installed | 14:46 |
jrib | woden: should have related wiki pages | 14:46 |
ikonia | rabbi1: find out what they where encoded with | 14:46 |
Troggie | ikonia: its an IBE Eserver, dont know if that helps | 14:46 |
ikonia | Troggie: I know the IBM's ok | 14:46 |
Troggie | ikonia: IBM * | 14:46 |
rabbi1 | ikonia, have no idea, how shall i do it sir? | 14:46 |
Myrtti | rabbi1: w64codecs then? | 14:46 |
ikonia | rabbi1: easy way is to contact where you got them from | 14:46 |
timmarshall | how do i install another login screen? | 14:47 |
Xaero252 | umang: Something about openDNS being used by piracy fanatics ripping episodes, at any rate it was a stupid issue they really shouldnt have but they did it just to spit in the open communities face | 14:47 |
sebsebseb | timmarshall: that's easy | 14:47 |
migis | hello | 14:47 |
timmarshall | private message it me please | 14:47 |
migis | does anyone know why i get an error opening message when trying to open pdf on oracle? | 14:47 |
sebsebseb | timmarshall: right you don't like the default GDM in Karmic? I don't hence why I did kdm. sudo apt-get install kdm | 14:47 |
sebsebseb | !pm > timmarshall | 14:47 |
ubottu | timmarshall, please see my private message | 14:47 |
Troggie | ikonia: back to grub shell now. Error: /dev/disk-by-uuid/718XXXX does not exist | 14:48 |
ikonia | Troggie: ahhh ha | 14:48 |
umang | Xaero252, Grr. Not that I use it, but that is just stupid. Anyway, it doesn't affect me and there's nothing I can do about it, so I'm going to forget it for now... | 14:48 |
ikonia | Troggie: we have a winner | 14:48 |
Troggie | ikonia: and who would that winner? how can we make him work? | 14:49 |
migis | does anyone know why i get an error opening message when trying to open pdf on oracle? | 14:49 |
rabbi1 | Myrtti: Package Installer : Status -> Error: Wrong architecture 'amd64' | 14:49 |
dsuch | migis: Oracle site you mean? | 14:49 |
migis | dsuch: i am sorry, i meant "ocular" | 14:49 |
negev_ | hi, i've got a pptp vpn connected. i want to route all outbound connections over the vpn, but retain the ability to connect to the server on its regular public ip. if i change the default gw to the vpn gateway, i can only access it via the vpn and not via its original ip. anyone know how to fix this? | 14:50 |
ikonia | Troggie: the problem is the meta device for your raid1 partition is not created before the OS boots, there are two options / reasons for this 1.) the kenrel drivers for your raid card need to be dumped in your initrd 2.) change the uuid of the disks from the metadevice uuid to the uuid for /dev/sda1 in the grub menu.list, that will get grub working and you'll still be working off your raid1 partition | 14:50 |
dsuch | migis: ah heh, I don't know, I use Evince | 14:50 |
ikonia | Troggie: either one of those should fix it | 14:50 |
thierry_ | thierry | 14:50 |
timmarshall | gdm or kdm :S | 14:50 |
Pirate_Hunter | anyone care to tell me if there are any folder in the / file system that I can allow other users to access? | 14:50 |
thierry_ | thierry | 14:50 |
B3rz3rk3r | how can i disable power management for wireless cards? | 14:50 |
sebsebseb | timmarshall: gdm is the default for Ubuntu. you can do kdm or xdm instead | 14:50 |
erUSUL | B3rz3rk3r: iwconfig wlan0 power off | 14:51 |
ikonia | Pirate_Hunter: /tmp is normally open | 14:51 |
Troggie | ikonia: how do i do option 2, sounds quicker | 14:51 |
B3rz3rk3r | erUSUL, cool, how can i make that sticky? | 14:51 |
K1ng\ | hey | 14:51 |
erUSUL | B3rz3rk3r: i have it in my rc.local | 14:51 |
ikonia | Troggie: mount your disk and update the menus.list with either /dev/sda1 or the uuid for /dev/sda1 in the "root" line | 14:51 |
B3rz3rk3r | erUSUL, im not sure where that is? /home? | 14:52 |
uncola | hey | 14:52 |
rabbi1 | Myrtti: Package Installer : Status -> Error: Wrong architecture 'amd64' | 14:52 |
erUSUL | B3rz3rk3r: /etc/rc.local | 14:52 |
uncola | if I wanted to buy some ram for a laptop | 14:52 |
uncola | what's the best place? | 14:52 |
Pirate_Hunter | ikonia, except for /tmp it is for new vb hds, isn't there any other folder that are safe which I can give non-root access? | 14:52 |
Troggie | ikonia: can you give me an example please. sorry about this | 14:52 |
jrib | uncola: #ubuntu-offtopic | 14:52 |
B3rz3rk3r | erUSUL, sweet, thx! | 14:52 |
timmarshall | ldconfig deferred processing now taking place ???????? but its not doing anything | 14:52 |
Xaero252 | !ot | uncola | 14:52 |
ubottu | uncola: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 14:52 |
Xaero252 | uncola: although its off topic I would personally say | 14:52 |
ikonia | Pirate_Hunter: a new vb hds ???? | 14:52 |
Guest58987 | I installed | 14:53 |
rabbi1 | ikonia: i friend says few files are pirated, he has no idea abt encoding and all | 14:53 |
K1ng\ | what apps should i add for desktop effects? | 14:53 |
ikonia | Troggie: look in your menu.lst see the line that says kernel, there is a line that says root=UUID-blah change that to root=/dev/sda1 | 14:53 |
Pirate_Hunter | ikonia, need to create new virtual machines /home is full and I dont wish to erase any of the data also havent got a decent backup system up yet | 14:53 |
timmarshall | k1ng\ put a dock in it | 14:53 |
ikonia | rabbi1: not helping you resolve pirate music, please don't ask in this channel | 14:53 |
ikonia | Pirate_Hunter: just make a directory then, eg: /srv/vm | 14:54 |
rabbi1 | ikonia: thts ok, but wht shall i do with my original music then ? | 14:54 |
Guest58987 | I installed my vnc server myself, But How can I come to know about my server name | 14:54 |
ikonia | rabbi1: find out what encoding that has | 14:54 |
iceroot | Guest58987: ifconfig | 14:54 |
rabbi1 | ikonia: okie | 14:54 |
erUSUL | !ccsm | K1ng\ | 14:54 |
ubottu | K1ng\: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz | 14:54 |
K1ng\ | timmarshall, not just dock.... there was a package for effect... | 14:54 |
Pirate_Hunter | ikonia, oh didnt know I could do that :p, hmmm now I just feel uncomfortable for not thinking of that :s | 14:55 |
kahen | anyone else experiencing that flash in the middle of a video decides to not play sound any more? | 14:55 |
timmarshall | lol | 14:55 |
ikonia | Pirate_Hunter: don't worry about that, sometimes the obvious answers are hard to see | 14:55 |
Troggie | ikonia: and the UUID field? remain the same? | 14:55 |
ikonia | Troggie: yes | 14:55 |
Pirate_Hunter | ikonia, thanx will do that | 14:55 |
kahen | do we have an op here? Bahrain seems to spam people on joining | 14:55 |
gngkai | after upgrading to 9.10 I noticed that sometimes wrong theme is loaded at first login | 14:56 |
gngkai | any hints? | 14:56 |
sebsebseb | gngkai: wrong theme? | 14:56 |
rabbi1 | ikonia: MPEG 1 Audio, Layer 3 (MP3) | 14:56 |
K1ng\ | erUSUL, yes compiz.... thanks buddy | 14:56 |
gngkai | sebsebseb: yes, it does not load theme I set | 14:56 |
sebsebseb | gngkai: oh right Gnome theme not log in theme, not sure about that | 14:56 |
Troggie | ikonia: dropped back to grub shell? | 14:56 |
ikonia | rabbi1: that's not the encoding | 14:56 |
ikonia | Troggie: really ??? | 14:57 |
ikonia | Troggie: remove the uuid line | 14:57 |
rabbi1 | ikonia: thts the codec rite | 14:57 |
Troggie | ikonia: /dev/sda1 does not exist | 14:57 |
ikonia | rabbi1: no | 14:57 |
K1ng\ | where is grub's config located? | 14:57 |
Troggie | ikonia: /dev/sda1 does not exist | 14:58 |
ikonia | Troggie: I can't see how that doesn't exist | 14:58 |
K1ng\ | !compiz | 14:58 |
ubottu | Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see and more help #compiz | 14:58 |
sebsebseb | K1ng\: Grub 2 default for clean installs of 9.10 don't have a menu.lst instead it's another file that would be edited, your on 9.10? | 14:58 |
ikonia | Troggie: yes I can ! | 14:58 |
ikonia | Troggie: sorry, it's hardware raid, so it's presenting your raid array as /dev/sda1 | 14:58 |
ikonia | Troggie: apologies, I totally got that wrong in my head | 14:59 |
K1ng\ | sebsebseb, yes | 14:59 |
sebsebseb | K1ng\: Ok this page should be helpful | 14:59 |
sebsebseb | !grub2 | K1ng\ | 14:59 |
ubottu | K1ng\: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to | 14:59 |
Troggie | ikonia: so what must i do? | 14:59 |
ikonia | Troggie: well, the only thing I can think of is that the install can't see your raid device until it's booted, so you'll need to put the lsi kernel module in the initrd | 15:00 |
ikonia | Troggie: that's all it can be | 15:00 |
Troggie | ikonia: how do i do that? | 15:00 |
ikonia | Troggie: let me see if I can find a guide, | 15:00 |
Troggie | ikonia: is it maybe that the timeout is too short, waiting for it to boot? | 15:01 |
C1sM0 | Does anyone know how to access a windows share drive from my Ubuntu Laptop? (I do have SAMBA Running) | 15:01 |
ikonia | Troggie: no | 15:01 |
jrib | C1sM0: Places -> Network | 15:01 |
joe_evans | anybody recommend a good chat program for ubuntu that works with more than one message source | 15:02 |
JoshuaL | pidgin | 15:02 |
K1ng\ | 04:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM43xG 802.11b/g (rev 03) | 15:02 |
K1ng\ | 04:00.1 Serial controller: Broadcom Corporation EDGE/GPRS data and 802.11b/g combo cardbus [GC89] (rev 03) | 15:02 |
K1ng\ | how do i add them to ttys?? | 15:02 |
joe_evans | thanx joshuaL | 15:02 |
ikonia | Troggie: this may be of use to you and I'll be back in 15 minutes | 15:02 |
jrib | joe_evans: bitlbee with irssi or weechat. Or pidgin. Or empathy (the default one) | 15:02 |
JoshuaL | yw joe_evans | 15:02 |
joe_evans | thanx jrib | 15:03 |
C1sM0 | jrib: I did that and I got a message "Fail to mount location" | 15:03 |
jrib | !samba | C1sM0 | 15:03 |
ubottu | C1sM0: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: and - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 15:03 |
researcher1 | WIll somebody guide me to convert .avi file into 3GP format for use in a mobile ? | 15:03 |
K1ng\ | : example /dev/ttyS3? | 15:03 |
jrib | researcher1: use ffmpeg | 15:03 |
bala150985 | hi | 15:03 |
researcher1 | whats ffmpeg? | 15:03 |
Dr_Willis | !find avid | 15:04 |
ubottu | Found: avida-base, avida-qt-viewer, avida-viewer, mediawiki-metavidwiki, sword-comm-tdavid (and 6 others) | 15:04 |
kahen | researcher1: it's all in the mencoder manual | 15:04 |
C1sM0 | jrib: Thanks =P | 15:04 |
Dr_Willis | reactor: the tool avidemux can do it. as can winff i belive | 15:04 |
jrib | researcher1: first thing you should do "ffmpeg 3gp" in google :) | 15:04 |
bala150985 | I am using jaunty for the past one month | 15:04 |
reactor | Dr_Willis, ? | 15:04 |
bala150985 | I have trouble with my MIC recording volume. | 15:04 |
Dr_Willis | researcher1: winff or avidemux can do it | 15:04 |
Dr_Willis | researcher1: but you may have to change teh default extension - thats what i use for my phone | 15:05 |
researcher1 | Dr-willis how do I do that? | 15:05 |
Guest58987 | Dr_Willis: Please tell me the way that I can acess my ubuntu from Windows XP, what is easiest way? | 15:05 |
Troggie | ikonia: that has really confussed me | 15:05 |
Dr_Willis | researcher1: install and use the tools i mentioned... | 15:05 |
Dr_Willis | Guest58987: places -> connect to server.. should let you | 15:05 |
researcher1 | which tool u suggested? | 15:05 |
Dr_Willis | Guest58987: or use the networking icon to browse the network | 15:05 |
migis | hello | 15:05 |
Dr_Willis | researcher1: winff or avidemux can do it | 15:05 |
researcher1 | ok. im trying | 15:05 |
Dr_Willis | researcher1: those are front ends to ffmpeg and mencoder | 15:06 |
Pirate_Hunter | on update one of the ppa key(s) fails I wish to identify which key does it belong to, how do I go about doing so? | 15:06 |
migis | does anyone know an ubuntu pdf viewer which wouldn't have "sharp" letters? | 15:06 |
Dr_Willis | researcher1: one of them can use presets that you can get from the programs homepage . i forget which one. | 15:06 |
jrib | migis: evince? or be more specific | 15:06 |
Dr_Willis | migis: last i heard someone ask about pdf antialiasing of fonts. it was a font that was embeded in the pdf that was causeing the no antialiasing issue | 15:07 |
researcher1 | Ok. Dr-Willis I will install both n try whats possible | 15:07 |
bala150985 | Even if I try to unmute the Mic and close it, the mute still appears | 15:07 |
lesshaste | I am trying to add support for spotify:... links but am having no luck | 15:08 |
migis | Dr_Willis: so what is the pdf viewer to see fonts as antialising? | 15:08 |
lesshaste | anyone got this working with firefox? | 15:08 |
Lee_ubun | I'm having problems with unexpected logouts, can anyone help? | 15:08 |
lesshaste | I just get "spotify is not a registered protocol." | 15:08 |
Dr_Willis | migis: last i heard of a problem like that it was teh PDF file/generator that caused teh ugly fonts. | 15:09 |
IdleOne | Dr_Willis: may I message you ? | 15:09 |
Dr_Willis | migis: not the viewer | 15:09 |
Dr_Willis | IdleOne: sure. but its almost my bedtime :) | 15:09 |
Gibby | Can anyone help me out, I am following these instructions and I get this when I try to install my new kernel | 15:09 |
IdleOne | Dr_Willis: I'll keep it short | 15:09 |
migis | but i know that the same document is perfect on windows acrobat. evince shows it pretty porly. | 15:09 |
migis | poorly | 15:09 |
jrib | lesshaste: | 15:10 |
Dr_Willis | migis: adobe has acrobat for linux also | 15:10 |
timmarshall | can someone please personel message me on how to change my login screen please | 15:10 |
migis | Dr_Willis: how to install it | 15:10 |
jrib | timmarshall: on karmic? | 15:10 |
timmarshall | yeah | 15:11 |
liveD | hi | 15:11 |
migis | i downloaded it but it cannot install. | 15:11 |
jrib | timmarshall: you can't with gdm on karmic, it hasn't been implemented yet | 15:11 |
timmarshall | when will it then?? | 15:11 |
xneoinmatrix31 | hi | 15:11 |
Dr_Willis | migis: its in some of the ppa'a or at medibuntu i recall | 15:11 |
hero1900 | there is an IDE that enable you to do programing bu drawing any one knows its name? | 15:11 |
lesshaste | jrib: thanks but the about:config route isn't working.. how can I dump mine to show you? | 15:11 |
jrib | lesshaste: that page is all I know about the issue | 15:12 |
Simon1245 | I got a stupid question, If I have cd Desktop how can I come back to the directory I was at? on terminal ofcoruse... | 15:12 |
migis | Dr_Willis: what is ppa or medibuntu? | 15:12 |
jrib | Simon1245: cd - | 15:12 |
liveD | i want to know how to insert a sound after the login | 15:12 |
Simon1245 | jrib, Is there any other command? | 15:12 |
=== Sildur[ABS] is now known as Sildur | ||
lesshaste | jrib: ah | 15:12 |
rabbi1 | pls help me with my audio in ubuntu | 15:12 |
D-M1n0r | exit | 15:12 |
jrib | Simon1245: what do you want to accomplish? | 15:12 |
Simon1245 | jrib, I think there was something like cd.. | 15:13 |
clrg | Simon1245: cd /your/old/path | 15:13 |
Simon1245 | clrg, The cd - is easier :D | 15:13 |
Simon1245 | clrg, Thanks for replying :) | 15:13 |
jrib | Simon1245: cd .. goes to the parent directory, which happens to be the same in the scenario you proposed, but it's not what you asked | 15:13 |
Pirate_Hunter | when using command update how do I make apt-get show the sources that have failed? | 15:13 |
vlt | Hello. I'm trying to install skype on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS (hardy). I added the medibuntu repo but the only package I can find is "skype-mid". What is this? | 15:13 |
Simon1245 | jrib, Oh ok, Thank you :) | 15:13 |
Dr_Willis | !ppa | migis | 15:13 |
ubottu | migis: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See | 15:13 |
jrib | Pirate_Hunter: it does that by default | 15:14 |
Dr_Willis | !medibuntu | migis | 15:14 |
ubottu | migis: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 15:14 |
Gibby | anyone? | 15:14 |
ardian | How do i mount a usb drive i cant go in my usb ? | 15:14 |
migis | hmmm.... how could i work it out whether i can install acroreader on my pc and how could i do that? | 15:15 |
clrg | ardian: Execute "sudo fdisk -l" to see all your disk. Mount it using "sudo mount /dev/whatever /mnt/whatever" | 15:15 |
orion | Gtk-Message: Failed to load module "pk-gtk-module": cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 15:15 |
orion | ???? | 15:15 |
K1ng\ | why i cant edit /boot/grub/grub.cfg? | 15:15 |
=== orion is now known as Guest68929 | ||
ardian | aha thanks clrg | 15:15 |
=== Guest68929 is now known as orion76 | ||
clrg | K1ng\: Are you root? | 15:16 |
K1ng\ | no but with sudo | 15:16 |
liveD | sudo make me a sandwitch | 15:16 |
clrg | orion: I believe you're missing a library. Search for it, then install it. | 15:16 |
chavez | hi all! | 15:16 |
K1ng\ | sudo gedit /boot/grub/grub.cfg | 15:16 |
Gibby | Can anyone help me out, I am following these instructions and I get this when I try to install my new kernel | 15:16 |
K1ng\ | You are trying to save the file on a read-only disk. Please check that you typed the location correctly and try again. | 15:17 |
IdleOne | K1ng\: use gksudo with GUI apps | 15:17 |
chavez | got some problem with terminal - it doesnt display the username@computer and up arrow doesn't work | 15:17 |
clrg | K1ng\: Your boot partition is mounted read-only. | 15:17 |
K1ng\ | IdleOne, okie | 15:17 |
jrib | chavez: and you have no idea why? | 15:17 |
chavez | ah, yeah, i got | 15:17 |
chavez | it used to be ok | 15:18 |
K1ng\ | so i cant edit anything in /boot? | 15:18 |
chavez | but got some bads in home partition | 15:18 |
jrib | !enter | chavez | 15:18 |
clrg | chavez: If "echo $0" does not return bash, type "bash" | 15:18 |
ubottu | chavez: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 15:18 |
chavez | and lost all files in /home | 15:18 |
Love20 | can any one help me to connect my mobile to pc......... | 15:18 |
clrg | K1ng\: Not until you get write access to it | 15:18 |
K1ng\ | clrg, how do i do that? | 15:19 |
=== Guest49551 is now known as trineox | ||
clrg | K1ng\: Type "mount | grep boot" to see whether the read-only flag is set. Read mount's manpage to find out how you can mount a partition with read-write access. | 15:19 |
chavez | so created new username, added it to sudo list, all works fine, but just that annoying problem in terminal (doesn't matter if it is konsole or terminal through ctrl+alt+f1) | 15:19 |
K1ng\ | chmod +w worked | 15:20 |
K1ng\ | fixed :P | 15:20 |
liveD | happy valentine's day | 15:20 |
clrg | K1ng\: Then it was a problem with the file permissions. Next time, use vi as editor, not gedit. If you can't write, use ":x!" as exit command in vi, it will then override the read-only permissions of the file. | 15:21 |
Troggie | ikonia: u there? | 15:21 |
K1ng\ | clrg, i dont know how to use vi | 15:22 |
nagar | is there any GUI available for grub2 | 15:22 |
liveD | nagar: serach for burg in google | 15:22 |
K1ng\ | burger? | 15:23 |
KamaL | Hello.. linux noob here. I have a VPS with ubuntu server 9.10-x86. How can install a GUI to be able to connect to it remotely? | 15:23 |
KamaL | as a remote desktop? | 15:23 |
chavez | jrib: thanks, it fixed the thing! any idea, how to make it default? | 15:23 |
hamzaatova2 | how can i make vlc to open the radio files????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? | 15:23 |
Pirate_Hunter | KamaL, | 15:23 |
sebsebseb | KamaL: #ubuntu-server would be a better channel to ask in | 15:24 |
Pirate_Hunter | KamaL, simplest method | 15:24 |
KamaL | yes? | 15:24 |
jrib | hamzaatova2: a single '?' is sufficient | 15:24 |
Pirate_Hunter | KamaL, oops never mind you're talking about vps hmmm | 15:24 |
KamaL | ok | 15:24 |
=== Simulate is now known as Access_Denied | ||
clrg | K1ng\: Once you understand the basic concept, its actually pretty easy. Just read some sites, use it a few times, and you'll soon know how to use the best editor in the world. | 15:26 |
Blindsite | im back | 15:26 |
BluesKaj | hamzaatova2, look in view . playlist , if you have chosen any radio feeds from the media/services discovery drop down | 15:26 |
Blindsite | now ive got new problems | 15:26 |
Blindsite | i updated ubuntu | 15:26 |
Blindsite | restarted | 15:26 |
Blindsite | and now my network keeps blanking my settings | 15:27 |
Blindsite | also eth0 has mutated, its now ifupdown (eth0) and i cant delete it or edit it | 15:27 |
clrg | !enter | Blindsite | 15:27 |
ubottu | Blindsite: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 15:27 |
uncola | l | 15:28 |
uncola | l | 15:28 |
uncola | l | 15:28 |
uncola | l | 15:28 |
uncola | l | 15:28 |
uncola | l | 15:28 |
uncola | l | 15:28 |
FloodBot2 | uncola: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:28 |
uncola | l | 15:28 |
uncola | l | 15:28 |
autoclesis | which graphics card do i need to play UT3 online with Ubuntu 9.10 | 15:28 |
Blindsite | anyway could someone help me | 15:28 |
=== secret is now known as Guest2413 | ||
iceroot | autoclesis: there is no ut3 nativ version yet | 15:28 |
autoclesis | oh no | 15:29 |
liveD | ajo sguanoz! i need for a fuckin' script to add for a sound after the login i'm using ubuntu and openbox | 15:29 |
autoclesis | thanks iceroot | 15:29 |
autoclesis | another hope and dream annihilated | 15:29 |
clrg | !lang | liveD | 15:29 |
iceroot | autoclesis: just ut 99, 2003 and 2004 are nativ for linux | 15:29 |
liveD | i'm sorry man | 15:29 |
Blindsite | clrg stop being an anal retentive that was a single line question | 15:29 |
FatCookies | @@join #debian | 15:29 |
Pirate_Hunter | W: GPG error: karmic Release: ... : NO_PUBKEY A89C60605BF9EDB1 - how can I fix this? | 15:29 |
autoclesis | is the intel integrated media accelerator 4500 AD sufficient for games , iceroot ? | 15:29 |
FatCookies | @@join #archlinux | 15:29 |
FatCookies | @@join #gentoo | 15:30 |
FatCookies | @@join #python | 15:30 |
iceroot | autoclesis: i dont think so that an intel vga is good for newer games | 15:30 |
ionut | does anyone knows from where i can get some gadgets? | 15:30 |
clrg | Blindsite: As long as you don't understand channel bot commands, don't spam, thank you | 15:30 |
FatCookies | @@join ##c++ | 15:30 |
autoclesis | Thanks | 15:30 |
mawst | The netbook version of ubuntu.... is that gnome-shell? | 15:30 |
iceroot | FatCookies: /join #channelname | 15:30 |
BluesKaj | FatCookies, IM commands don't work on irc | 15:30 |
FatCookies | i know | 15:30 |
FatCookies | idiets | 15:30 |
autoclesis | Games aren't my goal but i was curious | 15:30 |
FatCookies | it's my bot | 15:30 |
iceroot | FatCookies: disable it please | 15:30 |
* autoclesis fires a redeemer at iceroot | 15:30 | |
FatCookies | why? | 15:30 |
timmarshall | when will we be able to install other logins ?? | 15:30 |
autoclesis | j/k | 15:30 |
iceroot | FatCookies: its spaming the channel | 15:31 |
FatCookies | i am just adding lines to its database | 15:31 |
jrib | FatCookies: do not spam the channel like that. If you do have a bot, make sure he does not speak publicly | 15:31 |
FatCookies | he doesnt | 15:31 |
Blindsite | my network settings are not saving. I enter the DHCP client id, apply, password but it doesn't save. | 15:31 |
FatCookies | i just needed to add him to popular channels | 15:31 |
jrib | FatCookies: do it privately | 15:31 |
chavez | any ideas about making bash default in the terminal instead of /bin/sh | 15:31 |
FatCookies | sorry | 15:31 |
jrib | chavez: you shouldn't have to but, dpkg-reconfigure dash will let you | 15:31 |
iceroot | chavez: change /etc/passwd to /bin/bash | 15:32 |
Blindsite | :( no help? | 15:32 |
jrib | !helpme | Blindsite | 15:32 |
ubottu | Blindsite: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude | 15:32 |
iceroot | chavez: but why need bash? | 15:32 |
clrg | chavez: usermod -s /bin/bash yourusername | 15:32 |
v3n0m | !help | 15:32 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 15:32 |
liveD | !lang liveD | 15:32 |
autoclesis | can i use one router for a mac and a ubuntu pc | 15:32 |
skypce | hi, i am looking for a cable modem mac scanner for linux do you know some for it? | 15:32 |
Tresmius | What's the usual reason a particular program can't access /dev/Video0 ? | 15:32 |
iceroot | autoclesis: yes | 15:32 |
autoclesis | cool | 15:33 |
jrib | chavez: ah yes, ignore what I said. I misunderstood your question | 15:33 |
autoclesis | i'm on dialup right now | 15:33 |
Tresmius | I know the device is working because the webcam works fine in flash apps in firefox | 15:33 |
autoclesis | we're setting up two new high speed , one mac, one ubuntu | 15:33 |
lv_ | is there anyway to use yahoo webcam on linux? pidgin? | 15:33 |
autoclesis | !pidgin | 15:33 |
ubottu | The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) ( supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete | 15:33 |
jophish | If I had PATH including /usr/bin and /usr/bin/gnu, each with a ls file (the /usr/bin/ls being a busybox link, the /usr/bin/gnu/ls being the full program) which one would bash use when I ran ls? | 15:33 |
Tresmius | I think there are webcam plugins for pidgin | 15:34 |
ChogyDan | how can I test dma? is there a specific test that will make sure dma is working? Not just a probe with hdparm -i... | 15:34 |
iceroot | jophish: which ls will tell you | 15:34 |
KamaL | i'm trying to install GNOME for remote desktop on a ubuntu server installation. I tried apt-get install gnome, but I get : Couldn't find package gnome | 15:34 |
iceroot | KamaL: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop | 15:34 |
iceroot | KamaL: but why using server-edition then? | 15:35 |
KamaL | because it's the default one with LXADMIN | 15:35 |
clrg | KamaL: Use ssh to administer your server, not a GUI. | 15:35 |
KamaL | i'm a total noob, and i need a GUI | 15:35 |
Blindsite | ... Fine. I shall repeat my situation on one line. I had my net working. I did the updates. I restarted. Now my network keeps blanking my DHCP ID and it won't let me save it. In addition i have an unmodifiable ifupdown (eth0) how do i get rid of it and input my DHCP ID into eth1 so i can connect to the internet? | 15:36 |
KamaL | i would have installed ubuntu desktop, but can't rebuild the VPS with the desktop version | 15:36 |
iceroot | KamaL: if you are a "noob" then dont run a server on the internet, because of open-relay-spam, botnet, hacked ftp (warez) and so on | 15:36 |
jophish | thanks iceroot | 15:36 |
chavez | clrg: thanks :) iceroot: somehow need autocomplete functionality, got used to it through time | 15:36 |
Noble | The screen dimmer goes berserk after a while, have to manually restart HAL to stop it. Anything I could do to fix it? | 15:36 |
ionut | !gadget | 15:36 |
clrg | Blindsite: "ifconfig -a" to see all your interfaces. Locate the one you want to use to connect to the internet, then execute "sudo dhclient interfacename" to get an IP from your DHCP server. | 15:37 |
KamaL | iceroot: that doesn't answer my question really, but thanks for the advice | 15:37 |
Noble | Blindsite: dhcpd eth1 | 15:37 |
iceroot | KamaL: i answered your question how to install gnome | 15:37 |
Noble | Blindsite: or rather dhcplient eth1 | 15:37 |
Blindsite | thing is eth1 wont let me save the dhcp id | 15:38 |
Noble | Blindsite: Check /etc/network/interfaces | 15:38 |
KamaL | iceroot: I get same error | 15:38 |
KamaL | E: Couldn't find package ubuntu-desktop | 15:38 |
KamaL | do i have to download it first? | 15:38 |
iceroot | KamaL: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop if that is not working, post the output of less /etc/apt/sources.list to pastebin | 15:39 |
liveD | KamaL: type "sudo apt-get update" | 15:39 |
iceroot | !paste | KamaL | 15:39 |
ubottu | KamaL: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 15:39 |
BluesKaj | Blindsite, open /etc/network/interfaces as root and make sure you have auto eth0 iface eth0 inet dhcp | 15:39 |
KamaL | | 15:40 |
Blindsite | yes but i cant modify the eth0 | 15:40 |
Aouta | no you can't | 15:40 |
autoclesis | are there wacom-harmonious apps for ubuntu | 15:40 |
BluesKaj | Blindsite, in the terminal eth0=dhcp | 15:41 |
Troggie | ikonia: u there? | 15:41 |
iceroot | KamaL: /etc/apt/sources.list | 15:41 |
robert__ | which performs better 32 bit or 64 bit ubuntu? | 15:42 |
calrik | hi all for some reason my mysql server keeps stopping, and karmic koala not really reporting any errors :( how best to figure why it keeps stopping? | 15:42 |
clrg | Blindsite: Listen buddy, if you don't want to try out the possible solutions the community is offering you, you should probably ask somewhere else. You got four responses. | 15:42 |
BluesKaj | Blindsite, then in the terminal , sudo dhclient eth0 | 15:42 |
iceroot | calrik: reading the logs or start it with debug-modus | 15:42 |
chiiiiiz | Hello again | 15:42 |
calrik | iceroot: nothing in the logs | 15:43 |
chiiiiiz | I have a multimedia drive (USB disk with Audio and Video outputs) | 15:43 |
clrg | robert__: If you have more than 3GB of RAM, use the 64bit-version. | 15:43 |
chiiiiiz | it is a Verbatim disk, formated in W95 FAT32 | 15:43 |
robert__ | clrg, thanks i will :) | 15:43 |
robert__ | 4 here | 15:43 |
=== K1ng\ is now known as MWTC_King | ||
chiiiiiz | I have 118 files, weighing 60 Gb to copy, and everytime, the copy freezes at 415 Mb.... | 15:44 |
chiiiiiz | any idea? | 15:44 |
calrik | iceroot: how to start mysql with debug-modus? | 15:44 |
=== MWTC_King is now known as K1ng\ | ||
BluesKaj | robert__, I run 64 bit with 2 G of RAM , with no probs | 15:44 |
chiiiiiz | Shall I copy smùaller pieces? I still have 350 Go free... | 15:44 |
iceroot | calrik: mysqld --verbose | 15:44 |
g0rAngA | I've read a bit about ext4 file corruption issues recently. While some places indicate that these issues seem to have been resolved, other places show that they still exist. Have these things been fixed, and specifically, is it safe to resize an ext4 fs online? | 15:44 |
John-_ | Happy Valentine's Day everyone <3 | 15:45 |
clrg | BluesKaj: Of course it does. Usually people want 32bit because of the better compatibility to older software, but if you've got a lot of memory, 32bit is a bad idea, since you can't address all of it and therefore only use 3-4GB of the available memory. | 15:45 |
KamaL | iceroot: may i pm? | 15:45 |
avogadro | Is there a way to change the cpu frequency (throttling) on the command line? | 15:45 |
Blindsite | clrg: It's not that I don't want help or that I'm not "listening" its just I've been over this and you're leaving out information but just fyi i am following up on those responses. I've been dealing with this since 2am. Forgive me for being a little short with techs that don't want to listen to the feedback I'm giving about the problem. | 15:45 |
iceroot | KamaL: why not posting the content of that file to pastebin? | 15:46 |
=== avogadro is now known as Avogadro | ||
KamaL | how do i see what;s inside it :PO | 15:46 |
iceroot | KamaL: less /etc/apt/sources.list to pastebin | 15:46 |
clrg | Blindsite: The best advice so far was to check /etc/network/interfaces (ubuntu stores the configuration for your network interfaces there). Did you check it? | 15:47 |
KamaL | | 15:47 |
BluesKaj | clrg,even most older apps have 64bit versions now ..your answer was true a yr ago but things ahave changed alot since | 15:47 |
REY | hay alguien que hable español | 15:48 |
REY | h | 15:48 |
REY | er | 15:48 |
REY | f | 15:48 |
REY | r | 15:48 |
REY | r | 15:48 |
FloodBot2 | REY: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 15:48 |
REY | r | 15:48 |
clrg | !es | REY | 15:48 |
REY | r | 15:48 |
ubottu | REY: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 15:48 |
REY | r | 15:48 |
KamaL | iceroot: | 15:49 |
=== DaZ_ is now known as DaZ | ||
calrik | iceroot: I run what you say this is the output I got | 15:50 |
=== homer is now known as Guest84655 | ||
orzech79 | /quit | 15:50 |
pixelated | have a system running 9.1, altho hostapd is configed to start (proper link in /etc/rc2.d) it doesnt 'seem' to be running on boot, but works fine when started from shell, and i see nothing in the log about it... | 15:51 |
timmarshall | firefox 3.6 is out | 15:52 |
John-_ | o snap | 15:52 |
Blindsite | ok i went in to /etc/network/interfaces and double checked | 15:53 |
Blindsite | they have iface <connection> inet dhcp | 15:53 |
Blindsite | still not working | 15:53 |
Blindsite | and i cant edit them now in the network panel | 15:53 |
Lee_ubun | I'm having problems with unexpected logouts, I believe its a graphic issue. Running 9.10 - Graphic Card is: 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Devi. Can anyone help? | 15:53 |
timmarshall | try re-installing ubuntu all together | 15:54 |
Blindsite | im going to ask this question AGAIN how do i save the dhcp id (aka my router address) in the connection It keeps deleting itself. | 15:54 |
timmarshall | you may have the rare linux viruss | 15:54 |
timmarshall | wait | 15:54 |
macman_ | hi all .. so i'm on a dell studio 17 inch .. i got sound working without headphones from a post on google .. how do i post it so everyone can see it ? | 15:54 |
timmarshall | do a viruss scan you can get the program of software centre | 15:55 |
adifire | linux virus!!!?!?!?! | 15:56 |
TheDodo | macman_: Post it where, exactly? In a forum, or a wiki or something? | 15:56 |
adifire | is it true?? | 15:56 |
clrg | Blindsite: DHCP addresses are requested by broadcast. A DHCP client doesn't have to know the IP of the DHCP server (your router) in order to get an IP. For god's sake, execute "sudo dhclient yourinterface" | 15:56 |
timmarshall | yeah theres about 500 of them | 15:56 |
timmarshall | but dont worry we are safe they carnt to much harm unless you dont have passwords or sudo's | 15:57 |
clrg | adifire: In fact it is. But its pretty hard to get them on your system, the user needs to be especially stupid. | 15:57 |
EmilioTucci | Hi all | 15:57 |
gyrfalcon | I haven't used ubuntu for a little bit... what's up with the liveCD install, and the installer being simplified to stupidity? is there a way to get more advanced install options? | 15:57 |
macman_ | hi all .. so i'm on a dell studio 17 inch .. i got sound working without headphones from a post on google .. how do i post it so everyone can see it ? | 15:57 |
adifire | timmarshall: ya right, hope no one is.. :) | 15:57 |
EmilioTucci | I am running Ubuntu 8.10, I want to upgrade to 9.10, however in the Update Manager I have only the option "Update to 9.04", ?? Any clue? | 15:57 |
clrg | macman_: Its already posted in a forum, right? | 15:57 |
timmarshall | :) | 15:58 |
clrg | EmilioTucci: I guess you need to update to 9.04, and then to 9.10 | 15:58 |
Kohar | EmilioTucci update to 9.04 and then to 9.10? | 15:58 |
macman_ | clrg: i doubt it .. i will check first though | 15:58 |
Soul_Shadow | Heads up to Ops a PM bot bahbrain | 15:58 |
erUSUL | EmilioTucci: you have to do it in steps. first go to 9.04 then to 9.10 | 15:58 |
EmilioTucci | LOL | 15:58 |
Xaero252 | my brain just exploded all over my room | 15:58 |
EmilioTucci | I thought it was more straightforward! | 15:58 |
clrg | macman_: No, what I meant is, its already posted where you got it from.. So why post it again. | 15:59 |
macman_ | clrg: i think it was on launchpad or somewhere | 15:59 |
Soul_Shadow | if your using Xubuntu 9.10 is nice | 15:59 |
Lee_ubun | EmilioTucci, If you do a clean install it will be straightforward | 15:59 |
EmilioTucci | Lee_ubun, yeah but then I will lose all my data, ...2 yeasr data | 15:59 |
autoclesis | clean install means ? | 15:59 |
BluesKaj | EmilioTucci, you can't jump over one version on netinstalls , you have install the next in the sequence to preserve all upgrades from one release to another , unless of course you do a fresh install | 15:59 |
EmilioTucci | OK | 16:00 |
EmilioTucci | I am updating now to 9.04 | 16:00 |
Avogadro | Is there a way to change the cpu frequency (throttling) on the command line? | 16:00 |
Lee_ubun | EmilioTucci: You'll just have to backup all you data | 16:00 |
BluesKaj | Avogadro, install cpufreq-utils | 16:00 |
calrik | hi all I need some help with someone who experienced with running mysql on karmic koala, the #mysql channel seems does not answer me, anyways mysql will shutdown afterwhile for no reason :( | 16:01 |
Kohar | EmilioTucci don't forget make back up =) | 16:01 |
bastid_raZor | Avogadro: cpufreq-set | 16:01 |
Avogadro | I have tried changing the freq using the standard CPU applet in but it does not change according to /proc/cpu | 16:01 |
autoclesis | clean install means, ubuntu for the first time, wiping win ? | 16:01 |
KamaL | hey, i'm trying to update repos to install desktop on a server ubuntu, and I get this: | 16:01 |
gyrfalcon | avogadro, it needs root level access to operate... ubuntu guys don't give it that by default | 16:01 |
EmilioTucci | Lee_ubun, but I have been so much time fine tunnign so many files in my Ubutu, since 2 year ago, mysql, VPN, etc.. that now making a back up of each single file is impossible for me I don't even remeber what I did 2 years ao | 16:01 |
Avogadro | bastid_raZor: cpufreq-set -f khz just responds with an epmty line and hangs there | 16:01 |
Kohar | autoclesis clean install mean load from live cd and install it's with format partition | 16:02 |
clrg | KamaL: Iceroot is right. If you don't know how to properly administer an Ubuntu server, don't do it at all. | 16:02 |
BluesKaj | autoclesis, you can make a clean install on a partition formatted to ext4 | 16:02 |
Avogadro | gyrfalcon: Even upon authenticating the app there is no change | 16:02 |
KamaL | clrg: i just need a working gui | 16:02 |
autoclesis | thanks kohar | 16:02 |
BluesKaj | autoclesis, still preserve windows on the fist partition | 16:02 |
autoclesis | and live cd is the cd you get straight form ubuntu ? | 16:02 |
Kohar | KamaL Could not resolve '' did you have internet connection? try ping | 16:03 |
Lee_ubun | EmilioTucci: You might have some issues when you update, so for the future backing up with probably be a good idea for you, when you make changes | 16:03 |
autoclesis | excuse my ignorance | 16:03 |
Soul_Shadow | !Op Bahbrain Join Pm Spammer.. | 16:03 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 16:03 |
LjL | Soul_Shadow: it's !ops | 16:03 |
BluesKaj | autoclesis, yes | 16:03 |
clrg | KamaL: Try "apt-get install gdm" | 16:03 |
KamaL | i'm connecting to it through SSH, so it much have interneet | 16:03 |
gyrfalcon | avogadro, hrm weird... that's how I solved it last time. | 16:03 |
autoclesis | okay, i'm getting ahead of myself. thanks | 16:03 |
LjL | Soul_Shadow: also, a | before the reason | 16:03 |
bastid_raZor | Avogadro: man cpufreq-set to see the man page on it. and yes you will need to use sudo | 16:03 |
banisterfiend | hey guys i have a problem with the grub boot loader, whenever i boot the grub screen appears (saying starting grub) but then it disappears after about 1 second and then the screen goes black and it stops. I have one partition only and it's installed on the MBR. Anyone have any idea? (i've also tried this with two different motherboards and two different harddrives) | 16:05 |
KamaL | clrg: E: Couldn't find package gdm | 16:05 |
Soul_Shadow | !Ops Bahbrain Join Pm Spammer.. | 16:05 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 16:05 |
Soul_Shadow | Bah guess there is not Ops here... | 16:06 |
bastid_raZor | Soul_Shadow: you're using the !command in correctly !ops | username .. use that format | 16:06 |
Lee_ubun | I'm having problems with unexpected logouts, I believe its a graphic issue. Running 9.10 - Graphic Card is: 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Devi. Can anyone help? | 16:06 |
rizon | I am a newbie. How can i share my files and Folders on LAN | 16:06 |
Kohar | banisterfiend boot from live cd, chroot to your linux system and check dmesg | 16:07 |
jrib | rizon: right click -> share | 16:07 |
prodigel | hi all. I have problems starting X: At boot I get the console and nothing more. If I log in and run startX I get this message: "/tmp/.X11-unix has suspicious mode (not 1777) or is not a directory, aborting. giving up." If I delete .X11-unix from tmp and startx again it works, but with no sound. Also I've noticed all the root folders have 'r/oot' group. Any idea? | 16:07 |
Xaero252 | anybody here ever tried to understand malbolge? | 16:07 |
clrg | KamaL: It seems Ubuntu wants you to use ssh =) Also the guys in #ubuntu-server might know the answer. | 16:08 |
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rizon | I have done that.I have also installed samba but i m getting some error message as 'Failed to execute child process "testparm" (No such file or directory)'. So what do i do?? | 16:09 |
BitWraith | Is there any difference between a root shell opened with sudo su - on ubunu and logging in directly as root on another distro? | 16:10 |
autoclesis | !samba | 16:10 |
ubottu | Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: and - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT. | 16:10 |
autoclesis | !SWAT | 16:11 |
Tm_T | BitWraith: you should use sudo -i | 16:11 |
Kohar | BitWraith it's almost same | 16:11 |
Tm_T | BitWraith: and should be no difference for you as a user | 16:11 |
Avogadro | bastid_raZor: What does it mean by postfixing ? cpufreq-set --freq GHz1.83 does not work | 16:12 |
autoclesis | !sudo | 16:12 |
ubottu | sudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE) | 16:12 |
K1ng\ | how do i install flash? | 16:12 |
BitWraith | I am trying to use xcdroast, and it is complaining that there is a permissions error preventing it from accessing files it needs, even when executed with higher priviledges. | 16:12 |
Soul_Shadow | king using firefox?? | 16:13 |
BitWraith | I'm not in the mood to struggle with it, so if anybody knows of a burner that will "just work" I'm open to suggestions | 16:13 |
Soul_Shadow | nero Linux | 16:13 |
Soul_Shadow | works on all but puppylinux | 16:13 |
BitWraith | Soul_Shadow, I don't see that in the package manager | 16:14 |
Avenegra | BitWraith: tried k3b? | 16:14 |
no0tic | hi, can you tell me a good USB headset that works with ubuntu 9.10? | 16:14 |
BitWraith | I haven't | 16:14 |
Avogadro | bastid_raZor: nm, the clue was in post I guess :P | 16:15 |
Avenegra | it just works | 16:15 |
Timo_ | no0tic, take the Sennheiser PC31 | 16:15 |
krishna_36 | Can any one tell me any sql clients like toad to work with oracle in ubuntu | 16:15 |
zaccour | how do i know what bit ubuntu i'm running? | 16:15 |
Timo_ | no0tic, or the Sennheiser PC30, both 20 euro's, very good quality. | 16:15 |
BitWraith | no0tic, I've yet to find one that doesn't work, although I've only tried one so I might have just been lucky. Most of them use the cmedia chipset that is well supported AFAIK | 16:15 |
Avenegra | zaccour: type uname -a in a terminal | 16:16 |
no0tic | Timo_, BitWraith thank you very much | 16:16 |
BitWraith | you might be able to find a list of supported headsets if you google for further informaiton on the snd-usb-audio kernel module | 16:16 |
hellz_bellz | how would i go about binding a terminal to a port on local host? | 16:16 |
utente1 | hi all some1 can help me with config wireless Netgear WG311 v3, thanks!!! | 16:16 |
unop | hellz_bellz, ssh ? | 16:17 |
zaccour | 2.6.31-14-generic #48-Ubuntu SMP Fri Oct 16 14:04:26 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux? | 16:17 |
krishna_36 | Can any one tell me any sql clients like toad to work with oracle in ubuntu? | 16:17 |
no0tic | BitWraith, I'll certainly do it | 16:17 |
hellz_bellz | any kind of tutorial or do i need to read alot of manuals? | 16:17 |
zaccour | Avenegra, which one is that? | 16:17 |
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam | ||
Avenegra | zaccour: it's 32-bit ubuntu (i686) | 16:17 |
Redric | а | 16:18 |
Redric | рш фдд | 16:18 |
Redric | hi all | 16:18 |
Redric | need help | 16:18 |
Avenegra | zaccour: if it'd been 64 bit it'd say instead "x86_64" | 16:18 |
zaccour | Avenegra, thats weird lol i selected the 64 bit download at the site. no wonder chrome 64 install wouldn't install lol | 16:18 |
onaogh | hellz_bellz, netcat | 16:18 |
clrg | hellz_bellz: Why don't you just configure ssh to listen on the port you want the terminal to run? | 16:18 |
onaogh | hellz_bellz, netcat does that | 16:18 |
utente1 | hi all,please some1 can help me with config wireless Netgear WG311 v3, thanks! | 16:20 |
valerio | film sharlok holmes | 16:20 |
zaccour | is it possible unetbootin turned the 64 but ubuntu into 32? maybe thats whats wrong | 16:21 |
chicoboia | Hi guys. I have ubuntu 9.10 64 bits. I'm trying to get gcc to generate 32-bit code (i have my reasons to do that). When i compile with -m32, i get the following error: /usr/include/gnu/stubs.h:7:27: error: gnu/stubs-32.h: No such file or directory | 16:21 |
chicoboia | any ideas of how to solve that? | 16:21 |
abhi_nav | hello everybody whats up? | 16:22 |
utente1 | me please | 16:22 |
zaccour | its weird how i downloaded 64 bit version and it installed 32 lol | 16:22 |
onaogh | utente1, what is your problem with netgear ? | 16:23 |
alumno00 | hallo. Can any tell me how can I have sound on HDMI? I've a HDA ATI HDMI, Ubuntu 9.04 | 16:23 |
abhi_nav | !ubottu | 16:23 |
ubottu | Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at - Usage info: | 16:23 |
utente1 | onaogh: i can't find driver 4 Linux... wich 1 can i put? | 16:23 |
abstrakt | anyone know how to get the flash image uploader to work on Karmic? the official howto from is only for 8.04 | 16:24 |
abstrakt | it says to install v9 of player, not v10, is there any way to get v9 for Karmic? | 16:24 |
onaogh | utente1, | 16:25 |
onaogh | did u google utente1 | 16:25 |
onaogh | utente1, | 16:25 |
onaogh | utente1, | 16:25 |
zaccour | its weird how i downloaded 64 bit version and it installed 32 lol i don't know why | 16:26 |
Lee_ubun | I'm having problems with unexpected logouts, I believe its a graphic issue. Running 9.10 - Graphic Card is: 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Devi. Can anyone help? | 16:26 |
utente1 | thanks,i've just google...2 days...the last 2 is fresh i try ,thanks! | 16:27 |
Macha | There's a corrupt file on the IE mirror that prevented me from upgrading 9.04 -> 9.10 until I edited my host file to use the UK mirror instead. Where do I report this? | 16:27 |
=== FunnyLookinHat_ is now known as FunnyLookinHat | ||
Macha | (Or archives or whatever they're properly called: vs ) | 16:28 |
hellz_bellz | will ssh or netcat have an associated tty? | 16:28 |
hellz_bellz | can i sudo on it? | 16:28 |
hellz_bellz | i want full functionality | 16:28 |
iceroot | hellz_bellz: you have with ssh | 16:29 |
hellz_bellz | nice | 16:29 |
hellz_bellz | thanks! | 16:29 |
gent | How to secure my Home Folder | 16:29 |
robertpolson | "GRUB loading. / error: unknown filesystem / grub rescue>" | 16:29 |
robertpolson | :/ | 16:30 |
robertpolson | help? | 16:30 |
Macha | What's you drive label? | 16:30 |
robertpolson | <-- should be more careful with the dd command. | 16:30 |
robertpolson | huh? | 16:30 |
doudoustaff1 | Hello every one! I'm trying to compile NAGIOS sources but it returns me an error : . Can somebody tell me where is the issue? Thanks | 16:30 |
Macha | Oh, umm, never mind, thought it was a different problem | 16:30 |
robertpolson | Nah, this isn't a bug, it's my own doing. | 16:30 |
robertpolson | basically i have overwritten my MBR, i think, just how f**ked am I? | 16:31 |
LjL | robertpolson: the MBR is easy to restore, but are you sure it's the MBR that you lack? if GRUB starts at all, that seems to mean the MBR is there, to me | 16:31 |
ChogyDan | robertpolson: can you just install grub again? | 16:31 |
carbm2 | robertpolson, if grub started then you didn't overwrite you MBR. Sounds like you messed up your partition table and it can't find it now. | 16:32 |
robertpolson | hm | 16:32 |
ruhiger_detlef | clear | 16:32 |
robertpolson | carbm2: that makes sense | 16:32 |
zaccour | its weird how i downloaded 64 bit version and it installed 32 lol i don't know why | 16:32 |
gent | How to secure my Home Folder | 16:32 |
=== alessio is now known as Alessio | ||
robertpolson | is there a way to restore the partition table somehow? | 16:32 |
robertpolson | or should I just say to hell with it and load up my windows recovery disc? | 16:33 |
carbm2 | robertpolson, Probably not. | 16:33 |
robertpolson | okay. thanks | 16:33 |
gyrfalcon | robertpolson, partition table or mbr? if partition table what type of partition? | 16:33 |
robertpolson | multiple :/ | 16:33 |
zaccour | robertpolson, i had a Marine drill instructor named polson | 16:33 |
carbm2 | robertpolson, I would load the live cd and have a look with GPARTed. | 16:33 |
zaccour | its weird how i downloaded 64 bit version and it installed 32 lol i don't know why any ideas? | 16:33 |
carbm2 | robertpolson, to see whats going on with your patition tables. | 16:34 |
robertpolson | okay | 16:34 |
autoclesis | Do you learn just drills , or other tools | 16:34 |
robertpolson | what's the fastest way to download the disc image for karmic? | 16:34 |
robertpolson | :/ | 16:34 |
nightfrog | zaccour: you didnt download the 64 bit version | 16:34 |
zaccour | it was bootcamp lol | 16:34 |
carbm2 | robertpolson, If you load the live cd... you can run "sudo sfdisk -l" to list all the partitions where you could pastebin it. | 16:34 |
autoclesis | hehe | 16:34 |
nightfrog | robertpolson: torrent | 16:34 |
johnnyboy_ | can anyone help me with a regular expression?? | 16:34 |
robertpolson | hm | 16:34 |
zaccour | nightfrog, i remember specifically doing so | 16:34 |
robertpolson | okay | 16:34 |
nightfrog | johnnyboy_: what language? | 16:35 |
johnnyboy_ | python? | 16:35 |
johnnyboy_ | i am trying to search for values greater than 0.0067 | 16:36 |
nightfrog | johnnyboy_: oh. dont know python sorry :-( | 16:36 |
johnnyboy_ | in a huge spreadsheet | 16:36 |
johnnyboy_ | what language do you know? | 16:36 |
iba | when i login to the ubuntu live cd Xorg works fine, how can i get to the xorg config file its generating ? | 16:37 |
nightfrog | perl and C. little lisp | 16:37 |
johnnyboy_ | im just doing it by command line | 16:37 |
jimi_ | Anyone know a vpn client that supports SPD files? | 16:37 |
johnnyboy_ | not writing a program | 16:37 |
iba | johnnyboy_: whats the problem im a python dev | 16:37 |
Wazzzaaa | Does any1 know how I can add words to the aspell dictionary? | 16:37 |
mee | Hi. I've just upgraded to Karmic from Jaunty. Firefox 3.5.7 in it is very very buggy and unstable, same for you?! | 16:37 |
johnnyboy_ | i need a regular expression to find values greater than 0.0067 | 16:37 |
johnnyboy_ | in a spreadsheet | 16:38 |
robertpolson | carbm2: do i want the alternate installer or the regular? | 16:38 |
rabbi1 | help required in playing mp3 | 16:39 |
iba | does anyone know where ubuntu locates the xorg.conf for the live cd | 16:40 |
seba__ | #poland | 16:41 |
onaogh | iba, ubuntu 91.0 doesn't creat xorg.conf | 16:41 |
abhi_nav | rabbil: do u need to know about players or codecs or what? | 16:41 |
iba | how does it do it onaogh | 16:41 |
rabbi1 | 91.0 ? wow | 16:41 |
onaogh | however, it will use xorg.conf if you creat it | 16:41 |
onaogh | 9.10 | 16:41 |
=== homer is now known as Guest28395 | ||
enkidu | hi there, I got weird problem. my udev is not starting, I have to call it manually, can someone help me? | 16:42 |
rabbi1 | got problem with my codecs, can anybody help out | 16:43 |
abhi_nav | 91.0 :) :) :) | 16:43 |
robertpolson | does the alternate installer still contain a live cd? | 16:43 |
rabbi1 | bazhang: u there for help? | 16:43 |
abhi_nav | rabbil: have u looked in multimedia forum of ubuntu | 16:43 |
abhi_nav | ?? | 16:43 |
robertpolson | i need to run gparted from a live cd, which one do i download? | 16:43 |
rabbi1 | yes, done | 16:43 |
iba | i need it to create me a xorg.conf | 16:43 |
rabbi1 | abhi_nav: tried all that, tried fluendo also | 16:44 |
abhi_nav | rabbil: then? i mean have u installed all codecs, gstreamer, vlc etc? | 16:44 |
abhi_nav | rabbil: vlc will run 99% codecs | 16:44 |
rabbi1 | abhi_nav: installed gstreamer | 16:44 |
rabbi1 | abhi_nav: vlc ? | 16:44 |
enkidu | argh, I forgot to call init, need to spawn more consoles... brb | 16:44 |
rabbi1 | abhi_nav: ok will check out | 16:44 |
abhi_nav | rabbil: install vlc | 16:44 |
abhi_nav | rabbil: sudo apt-get install vlc | 16:44 |
rabbi1 | abhi_nav: 30.6MB disk space required, am i in correct codecs ? | 16:45 |
rabbi1 | abhi_nav: libdvbpsi4 libdvdnav4 libebml0 libiso9660-5 libmatroska0 libmodplug0c2 | 16:46 |
rabbi1 | libtar libvcdinfo0 libvlc0 libwxbase2.6-0 libwxgtk2.6-0 libxosd2 vlc-nox | 16:46 |
rabbi1 | vlc-plugin-pulse | 16:46 |
abhi_nav | rabbil: yeah | 16:46 |
rabbi1 | abhi_nav: thx | 16:46 |
abhi_nav | rabbil: ok. try it and tell me | 16:46 |
rabbi1 | abhi_nav: i hope i don have to restart the system fot that | 16:47 |
abhi_nav | rabbil: no u dont | 16:47 |
rabbi1 | abhi_nav: whts the problem actually, y can't codecs loaded in advance and whts the use if the player can't read mp3 format | 16:47 |
abhi_nav | rabbil: no i am not that much intelligent. i am intermidiate user. But i found 'vlc' is the best solution | 16:48 |
abhi_nav | rabbil: 1 min. I come back in 1 min. u install it, try it and tell me | 16:49 |
robertpolson | imo, vlc is the best media player no matter what system you're on | 16:49 |
robertpolson | download it whenever you do a new install | 16:49 |
`mOOse` | rabbi1, abhi_nav - um, why not just install the codecs from the restricted repo? | 16:49 |
abhi_nav | rabbil: and i dont know wht may go wrong with ur gstreamer installtion | 16:49 |
rabbi1 | robertpolson: vlc hagged lot of time in WinXP | 16:49 |
`mOOse` | VLC is great and everything, but it doesn't install the mp3 codecs for all the other players out there | 16:49 |
robertpolson | well | 16:49 |
abhi_nav | m00se: because he said he tried all those option already | 16:49 |
`mOOse` | apparently not | 16:50 |
abhi_nav | `m00se`: because he said he tried all those option already | 16:50 |
rabbi1 | m00se: tried all that restricted repo didn't work | 16:50 |
`mOOse` | since it's still not working ;-) | 16:50 |
`mOOse` | rabbi1, did you install the ubuntu extras? | 16:50 |
rabbi1 | moose: s i insalled it | 16:50 |
abhi_nav | `m00se`: yah u r right. :) but then i thought vlc is one click solution | 16:50 |
rabbi1 | i even tried fluendo | 16:51 |
`mOOse` | then he's got another problem | 16:51 |
aj_ | hey i forgot my password.. im logged in now though.. am i screwed? | 16:52 |
`mOOse` | yes vlc will work indeed but if he installed the restricted non-free stuff and he's still got no joy...well.... | 16:52 |
rabbi1 | abhi_nav: after vlc can i remove extras permanently then reinstall from scratch and try ? | 16:52 |
robertpolson | is there a mac channel on freenode? | 16:52 |
abhi_nav | rabbil: try it | 16:53 |
robertpolson | nvm :) | 16:53 |
rabbi1 | abhi_nav: whts this "ldconfig deferred processing now taking place" | 16:53 |
autoclesis | !fluendo | 16:53 |
rabbi1 | abhi_nav: "music player" paused not responding :( | 16:54 |
trijntje | how can I make an exact clone of dvd's in ubuntu? | 16:54 |
robertpolson | trijntje: you might be able to use dd, but be very careful what you type in with that :) | 16:54 |
abhi_nav | rabbil: wait | 16:54 |
pixelated | trijntje, dd will do it... | 16:54 |
enkidu | so, re | 16:55 |
kernel_j | Where is the best place to find information about getting my webcam to work? Didn't find much on forum... | 16:55 |
rabbi1 | this rhythmbox is waste | 16:55 |
`mOOse` | deferred processing means that the program can't finish installing until another processs is complete - akin to windows saying "reboot now" - except you don't usually need to reboot in linux | 16:55 |
robertpolson | trijntje: be careful with dd, you can brick your computer with it easily if you don't know what you're doing | 16:55 |
autoclesis | is there a bigger HCL than the one on the ubuntu wiki ? | 16:55 |
agrualon | i cant get my wireless net to work :( | 16:56 |
rabbi1 | mOOse: i need to reboot now ? | 16:56 |
enkidu | my udev and hal are not working properly, I had to fire system up (without X) with commands | 16:56 |
jrib | autoclesis: google "ubuntu hardware-in-question" and see if other people are complaining :) | 16:56 |
Lee_ubun | I'm having problems with unexpected logouts, I believe its a graphic issue. Running 9.10 - Graphic Card is: 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE Chipset Integrated Graphics Devi. Can anyone help? | 16:56 |
autoclesis | thanks jrib! | 16:56 |
autoclesis | in question is a good phrase | 16:56 |
abhi_nav | rabbil: u thr? | 16:57 |
jrib | autoclesis: I mean put the actual hardware you are curious about there. what is it by the way? | 16:57 |
autoclesis | i'm not complaining, i'm choosing so i don't have to complain | 16:57 |
trijntje | robertpolson, pixelated ill look into it, but I dont have two drives so that complicates things | 16:57 |
autoclesis | i'm going to buy whatever ubuntu works best on | 16:57 |
marcuy | anyone knows how to rename a usb pendrive? | 16:58 |
pixelated | trijntje, you would dd to a iso file on your HD and then burn the iso to a disc | 16:58 |
robertpolson | marcuy: right click, rename | 16:59 |
abhi_nav | trijntje: in brasaro dic burner there is option of create copy of disk, there u insert disc1 make copy of it and immeditly after rmving disc1 insert disc2 | 16:59 |
abhi_nav | trijntje: is this wht u r looking for? | 16:59 |
disappearedng | happy chinese new year everyone | 16:59 |
marcuy | thanks robertpolson for your answer, but I have already done that and this option is disabled | 16:59 |
abhi_nav | marcuy: cannut u rename it from right clicking it? | 16:59 |
trijntje | abhi_nav, looks like it, thanks | 17:00 |
robertpolson | right click, properties | 17:00 |
robertpolson | try in there | 17:00 |
marcuy | it's disabled abhi_nav | 17:00 |
=== Mowee is now known as Mowee`Bnc | ||
robertzaccour | how do i force my disc drive to open? | 17:00 |
abhi_nav | marcuy: disabled means? u r not admin of ur pc? | 17:00 |
rabbi1 | abhi_nav: no luck :( | 17:00 |
rabbi1 | i got to take off everything i guess | 17:00 |
autoclesis | does the brevity of the HCL mean, there are other systems that work fine, but no one has bothered to write a wiki entry? | 17:00 |
abhi_nav | rabbil: wait | 17:00 |
trijntje | pixelated, it looks like brasero can also clone dvd's, so i'm trying that first. thanks for your time | 17:00 |
abhi_nav | rabbil: installed vlc? | 17:00 |
abhi_nav | rabbil: y/n? | 17:00 |
marcuy | abhi_nav, it seems to be some sort of the pendrive protection | 17:01 |
rabbi1 | abhi_nav: y installed, | 17:01 |
marcuy | robertpolson, no place to change it properties | 17:01 |
rabbi1 | abhi_nav: installed rebooted | 17:01 |
abhi_nav | rabbil: riht click on ur song and open with vlc | 17:01 |
abhi_nav | rabbil: u dont need to reboot | 17:01 |
abhi_nav | rabbil: play some song | 17:01 |
xper | getting a flood of messages like "[23879.099138] Xorg:1230 freeing invalid memtype 602a2000-602b2000" in dmesg, vlc crashes only when rhythmbox is playing... karmic is treating me strangely. any ideas? | 17:01 |
rabbi1 | abhi_nav: still my rhythm turns gray and inactive | 17:01 |
marcuy | formating should work robertpolson ? | 17:02 |
robertpolson | no idea | 17:02 |
robertpolson | try it | 17:02 |
HammerHead66 | does anyone know how to get the audio to work on linux 64-bit, readon 3600 video card, using flash player 10 64-bit? | 17:02 |
abhi_nav | rabbil: look 'vlc' dont do anything to ur another media player. vlc is independet player it plays song on himself | 17:02 |
robertpolson | that will eraser everything on there | 17:02 |
xper | hammerhead -- check adobe's forums? | 17:02 |
HammerHead66 | xper:I have | 17:02 |
robertzaccour | how do i force my disc drive to open? | 17:03 |
marcuy | yes I'm gonna try it | 17:03 |
rabbi1 | abhi_nav: vlc works, wht shall i do with rhythmbox then ? | 17:03 |
rabbi1 | abhi_nav: my dustbin is empty | 17:03 |
HammerHead66 | robertzaccour: in terminal type 'eject' | 17:03 |
thingfish | Hi, I just wanted to stop in and say that Ubuntu can go fuck itself. | 17:04 |
Evet | my gui network settings app doesn't obey /etc/resolv.conf . what can i do? | 17:04 |
robertzaccour | HammerHead66, thank ya sir | 17:04 |
HammerHead66 | robertzaccour: np | 17:04 |
rabbi1 | abhi_nav: thx for help, one more help, shall i dump rhythmbox and movieplayer now, i don want to keep useless this, when atleast using linux :) wt say ? | 17:04 |
banisterfiend | fiuck u | 17:04 |
* xper recommends a shortcut on the panel to "eject" | 17:04 | |
arunbabu | i am unable access windows share in my local lan? any idea? i have installed smbfs | 17:05 |
sebsebseb | !language | banisterfiend | 17:05 |
ubottu | banisterfiend: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 17:05 |
abhi_nav | rabbil: i told u i am intermidiate user not advanced so i cannt give u exact solution for rhythmbox | 17:05 |
abhi_nav | rabbil: u can delete them | 17:05 |
rabbi1 | abhi_nav: its ok, will dump | 17:05 |
rabbi1 | :) | 17:05 |
abhi_nav | rabbil: u can just rely on vlc | 17:05 |
rizon | what is testparm? | 17:05 |
rabbi1 | abhi_nav: thts enough, | 17:05 |
abhi_nav | rabbil: ok ;) | 17:06 |
abhi_nav | rabbil: sorry | 17:06 |
abhi_nav | rabbil: :) | 17:06 |
=== Mavrik- is now known as Mavrik | ||
rabbi1 | abhi_nav: thx a lot abhi | 17:07 |
t0m3k | why default encoding in Kubuntu 10.04 is ISO-8859-1 and how I can change it to UTF-8? | 17:07 |
rabbi1 | abhi_nav: u in bangalore? | 17:07 |
abhi_nav | rabbil: welcome :) | 17:07 |
abhi_nav | rabbil: i am Mumbai | 17:08 |
abhi_nav | rabbil: in | 17:08 |
marcuy | hey robertpolson just in case anyone else asks.. I found the command "mlabel" to change msdos labels ;) | 17:08 |
sebsebseb | !10.04 | tobago | 17:08 |
ubottu | tobago: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 | 17:08 |
rabbi1 | abhi_nav: i am from bangalore | 17:08 |
robertpolson | nice! | 17:08 |
sebsebseb | tobago: wrong one | 17:08 |
sebsebseb | t0m3k: see above | 17:08 |
abhi_nav | rabbil: i am comp stud. u? | 17:08 |
tobago | sebsebseb, you woke me up! | 17:08 |
t0m3k | sebsebseb: thx ;) | 17:08 |
tobago | ;) | 17:08 |
rizon | I m not able to share folders on LAN despite samba being already installed | 17:08 |
U8untu | hey... what is the difference between Ubuntu and Kubuntu? | 17:09 |
BluesKaj | !kubuntu | 17:09 |
ubottu | kubuntu is Ubuntu with the KDE Software Compilation instead of !Gnome. See for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde | 17:09 |
rizon | i m getting an error message as 'Failed to execute child process "testparm" (No such file or directory)' when i m trying to share a folder | 17:09 |
BluesKaj | !ubuntu | 17:09 |
ubottu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see | 17:09 |
arunbabu | i am unable access windows share in my local lan? any idea? i have installed smbfs | 17:10 |
abstrakt | how can I install flash player v9 on karmic? | 17:10 |
rizon | help please | 17:10 |
xiong | The Hawking HWUN3 external USB wifi device is not supported; there is no native driver available, it seems. But I bought one anyway. A buddy of mine put together a patch and now it works for me very well. How should I make this patch available (if indeed, I should)? | 17:10 |
abstrakt | only v10 seems to be available | 17:10 |
arunbabu | someone pls look into it | 17:10 |
K1ng\ | what is the best email client? | 17:10 |
U8untu | BluesKaj ..and..which is the best? Ubuntu or Kubuntu? I want to install it | 17:11 |
xper | k1ng -- for what? | 17:11 |
abstrakt | !best @ K1ng\ | 17:11 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 17:11 |
abstrakt | !best > K1ng\ | 17:11 |
ubottu | K1ng\, please see my private message | 17:11 |
K1ng\ | lol | 17:11 |
xper | there's a best for you... | 17:11 |
xper | but no unqualified best. | 17:11 |
BluesKaj | !best | U8untu | 17:11 |
ubottu | U8untu: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 17:11 |
xper | er qualified | 17:11 |
autoclesis | is there a worst? | 17:12 |
xper | autoclesis: elm. :-) | 17:12 |
abstrakt | yes, KDE is the worst | 17:12 |
abstrakt | so is emacs | 17:12 |
autoclesis | okay | 17:12 |
johnnyboy_ | lol .. | 17:12 |
xper | see, this is how a holy war gets started. | 17:12 |
Maaha | hi newbie here looking for assistance | 17:12 |
autoclesis | 'ranking' is a natural thing | 17:12 |
xper | abstrakt pees on emacs, which is beloved to many... and then nothing gets done for the next 10 minutes :-) | 17:12 |
erUSUL | xiong: make a bug report against the affected package (kernel ? xorg? ) attach the patch as solution | 17:12 |
U8untu | BluesKaj but its a thing which annoys me..when i start the asks me of Windows XP or Ubuntu..this is Ok...but..when I choose Ubuntu..I have another menu.. twice ubuntu..and windows can i make it to not show it anymore? | 17:12 |
abstrakt | still looking for a way to install flash 9 on karmic | 17:13 |
sebsebseb | !ask | Maaha | 17:13 |
ubottu | Maaha: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 17:13 |
autoclesis | can you 'triple boot. ubuntu kubuntu win 7 | 17:13 |
sebsebseb | abstrakt: sudo apt-get instal flashplugin-installer | 17:13 |
jrib | abstrakt: just get the tar.gz and extract the .so to ~/.mozilla/plugins/ | 17:13 |
BluesKaj | autoclesis, yes | 17:13 |
abstrakt | sebsebseb, you apparently don't use karmic | 17:13 |
sebsebseb | autoclesis: yes, but you can have ubuntu and kubuntu in the same install | 17:13 |
abstrakt | sebsebseb, i'm looking for flash 9 | 17:14 |
autoclesis | gracias | 17:14 |
BluesKaj | U8untu, sorry i don't know | 17:14 |
damjanzg | My question is how to display variable contents with libnotif-send i.e. libnotify-send 'title' 'body $LIST' dont work | 17:14 |
autoclesis | is there a reason not to ? | 17:14 |
abstrakt | sebsebseb, or maybe you didn't read my question... flash *9* | 17:14 |
abstrakt | karmic uses 10 | 17:14 |
sebsebseb | autoclesis: Flash is one of those programs that it is actsaully a good idea for sure to have the latest version, since the amount of security holes and such | 17:14 |
=== Mowee`Bnc is now known as Mowee | ||
sebsebseb | stupid autocomplte not autoclesis ,but abstrakt | 17:14 |
jrib | autoclesis: not much point in dual booting ubuntu and kubuntu, they are the same distro with different defaults. Just install the kubuntu-desktop package on ubuntu and you'll have a choice for gnome and kde at the login screen | 17:14 |
autoclesis | it's all good | 17:14 |
BluesKaj | time for my daily walk ...bbl | 17:14 |
xiong | erUSUL, Cool. I'll do that. | 17:15 |
abstrakt | sebsebseb, that's nice, so now do you know how to get flash 9 on karmic or no? | 17:15 |
autoclesis | Thanks jrib! | 17:15 |
U8untu | BluesKaj .. why when I install asks for password? can it be without password..i`m sick of typing the pass :)))) even on windows i put a pass..but that is for my security..cuz others use my pc :)) | 17:15 |
darina | :-D | 17:15 |
autoclesis | i'm used to konquerer | 17:15 |
xper | U8untu, you should be able to hjave it boot straight into a given user account | 17:15 |
autoclesis | but i could learn | 17:15 |
U8untu | xper now i am installing ubuntu..directly from the pc...and it asks me about installation size, drive, language, user, and pass :)) | 17:16 |
xper | yes | 17:16 |
xper | you have to have one | 17:16 |
xper | but you do not neccesarily have to supply those credentials to boot straight into the system | 17:16 |
U8untu | why should i give a pass? i dont want :| | 17:16 |
xper | then don't. | 17:17 |
xper | it should allow it | 17:17 |
U8untu | it wont allow it | 17:17 |
xper | you can certainly reset it to a blank passwd | 17:17 |
arunbabu | i am unable access windows shared folders in my local lan? any idea? | 17:17 |
jrib | arunbabu: expand on "unable" | 17:17 |
liveD | how to add a sound in a "" file? | 17:17 |
pepe | little problem: how can i play my mp4 videos with sound? | 17:17 |
nibblebot | Hi, i want to have a task switcher that shows only the icon of the application, I am using ubuntu 9.10 w/ compiz and I don't see options to remove the thumbnail of the applications in the task switcher. Any ideas? | 17:17 |
autoclesis | !compiz | 17:18 |
ubottu | Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see and more help #compiz | 17:18 |
U8untu | xper and another problem i have with that..when i start the pc..its ok.. it ask me about Windows XP or Ubuntu..i press enter on Ubuntu..but..when ubuntu is loading..i have another menu.. I guess GRUB.. showing Ubuntu twice and then windows could i remove that menu?:| | 17:19 |
arunbabu | jrib: the other computers having windows 7 OS are not showing up when i check into Places->Network | 17:19 |
xper | U8untu, i don't know anything about dual booting, i'm sorry | 17:19 |
jrib | arunbabu: do other windows versions work? | 17:19 |
xper | you can certainly set grub not to show a menu | 17:19 |
robertpolson | xper, can grub be set to show a pretty gui? | 17:19 |
robertpolson | like boot camp type of thing | 17:20 |
K1ng\ | how do i install php, mysql and apache? | 17:20 |
ionut | can anyone tell me some nice gadgets for my desktop ? (i am using ubuntu 9.10 ) | 17:20 |
PeterT | Hi all, I downloaded and burned the ubuntu iso and loaded it on startup. I select English -> Install Ubuntu, then it goes into some kind of screen, then it goes black. It does nothing else (so far), and I am forced to reset it. I should also mention this isn't the first time this has happened. | 17:20 |
jrib | !lamp | K1ng\ | 17:20 |
ubottu | K1ng\: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 17:20 |
robertpolson | ionut: docky | 17:20 |
xper | robertpolson, not really. but ytou can add background graphics to it | 17:20 |
jrib | PeterT: run "check cd for defects" | 17:20 |
timmarshall | my ubuntu is having trouble installing my arm to my body what should it do? | 17:20 |
arunbabu | jrib: all are windows 7... also none of them are able to access from my machine | 17:20 |
PeterT | jrib: Ok, but if it has defects then what? | 17:20 |
jrib | arunbabu: can they access each other? | 17:21 |
PeterT | jrib: Then my iso burner is screwed up? | 17:21 |
arunbabu | jrib: yeah.. very well... | 17:21 |
jrib | PeterT: check md5sum of iso, if that fails, redownload. Else, burn again at 2x | 17:21 |
xper | anyone have any idea why vlc would crash constantly on attempts to play anything while rhythmnbox was running, but work perfectly when it was not? | 17:21 |
xper | is this an alsa thing? | 17:21 |
jrib | arunbabu: smb://ip_of_server/sharename in nautilus' location bar | 17:21 |
tomkis__ | HI does it make sense to install antivirus on ubuntu? for example avast? | 17:21 |
robertpolson | xper: maybe they just don't like eachother | 17:21 |
pepe | i can't listen mp4 videos | 17:22 |
robertpolson | :p | 17:22 |
robertpolson | honestly i don't know though, sorry | 17:22 |
djdarkman | hello, is there a solution/fix for pulse audio breaking sounds in games? | 17:22 |
xper | robertpolson, they've always been friends before. | 17:22 |
xper | and get along on the other 3 ubuntu desktops here. :-) | 17:22 |
robertpolson | maybe there was a girl involved? | 17:22 |
xper | ... | 17:22 |
PeterT | jrib: Ok, one sec, i'm doing htat | 17:22 |
djdarkman | or is there a way to disable pulse audio while I want to play a game? | 17:22 |
chrisdone | how do I stop the pulseaudio service? I am using Renoise which likes to use ALSA directly and pulseaudio is blocking it, except now I can't get pulseaudio to go away | 17:22 |
xper | robertpolson, you may actually be on to something. | 17:22 |
robertpolson | LOL | 17:23 |
chrisdone | djdarkman: haha, hopefully someone will answer you | 17:23 |
robertpolson | haha | 17:23 |
K1ng\ | anyone how how do i add terminal as background? | 17:23 |
ionut | !docky | 17:23 |
djdarkman | chrisdone: I's annoying the hell out of me | 17:23 |
ionut | robertpolson: is it good docky ? | 17:23 |
K1ng\ | and mac os doc? | 17:23 |
robertpolson | are they both trying to use something that can't be shared very well at the same time? | 17:23 |
robertpolson | ionut: people here like it | 17:24 |
Diana | Who can help me with some users (login) issue ? | 17:24 |
deathspike | I'm trying to compile XFI drivers for Ubuntu but get the following error "error: sound/driver.h: No such file or directory", what should I do? | 17:24 |
ionut | robertpolson: if u want,can u tell me what can do ? | 17:24 |
robertpolson | Diana: what's your problem, what won't work? | 17:24 |
PeterT | jrib: Doesn't seem to work for me | 17:24 |
chrisdone | robertpolson: I think pulseaudio locks the alsa service because it's greedy, and so does renoise. so I want to stop pulseaudio | 17:24 |
Darks7ar | hi. anyone with an idea of how to change the minimal downclock level of nvidia because my nvidia has 4 performance levels and when nothing seriously is running its automaticaly downclocking to level 0. this results in bad performance. i want the minimal downclock to be level 1 | 17:24 |
PeterT | jrib: I will test the cd for defects | 17:24 |
robertpolson | ionut: i've never used it... google it, there should be a website | 17:24 |
PeterT | jrib: thanks | 17:24 |
calrik | sigh karmic so buggy :( | 17:24 |
Diana | robertpolson: I had to install ubuntu 9.10 in a friend's computer, which is used for four people | 17:24 |
Diana | I created a user for each one of them, but I did realize that one of the users was wrong (wrong name) | 17:24 |
robertpolson | there's an article out there comparing the diff docks for linux | 17:25 |
ionut | robertpolson: ok,tnx | 17:25 |
Maletor | Should I set up my Raid 5 configuration through my BIOS or through Ubuntu 9.10 Alternate? I have ASUS m4a79xtd evo?. | 17:25 |
chrisdone | djdarkman: I can't get the damn thing to go away, and I don't want to uninstall it | 17:25 |
Diana | robertpolson: So I deleted it and created new users | 17:25 |
Diana | And now, even when there is no more folders in Home for those deleted user, they still appaer in the login windows =( | 17:25 |
Maaha | i just installed sun virtual box on windows 7 and wish to run ubuntu remix on it . can any help | 17:25 |
pepe | how can i do for listening mp4 videos? | 17:25 |
sebsebseb | Maaha: hrm netbook version on a normal PC or? | 17:25 |
djdarkman | yes chrisdone I know GNOME is dependant on it and will stop working if you dare remove pulse audio | 17:25 |
Darks7ar | anyone with an idea of how to change the minimal downclock level of nvidia because my nvidia has 4 performance levels and when nothing seriously is running its automaticaly downclocking to level 0. this results in bad performance. i want the minimal downclock to be level 1 | 17:26 |
Maaha | sebsebseb: netbook version | 17:26 |
robertpolson | Diana: did you delete them through the add/remove users in administration or did you use terminal? | 17:26 |
djdarkman | that is why I'm looking for a way to simply disable it if I want to use something that doesn't work with it | 17:26 |
chrisdone | djdarkman: I am about five minutes away from loading renoise on my ibook. this is what I bought it for, because linux sucks at sound/video/anything media | 17:26 |
sebsebseb | Maaha: are you on Windows 7 on a normal PC, wanting to vm the netbook version? | 17:26 |
Diana | robertpolson: the administration, not terminal | 17:26 |
Maaha | sebsebseb: i have win 7 on a laptop and wish to run ubuntu remix under vm | 17:27 |
robertpolson | diana: i don't know then, someone else here probably does though. good luck! | 17:27 |
Darks7ar | anyone with an idea of how to change the minimal downclock level of nvidia because my nvidia has 4 performance levels and when nothing seriously is running its automaticaly downclocking to level 0. this results in bad performance. i want the minimal downclock to be level 1 | 17:27 |
BlitzHere | Hello, I'm trying to use Wubi to install Xubuntu. Problem is i have a pretty bad connection. I spent the last 12 hours (I've had a few weird errors - "access to file denied" and had to restart) downloading the xubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent file, and now Wubi has restarted downloading xubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso file which is gonna take another 10 this normal? | 17:27 |
karel_ | good evening | 17:27 |
djdarkman | chrisdone: it's not Linux, it's wise guys who make smart sound servers that don't work and people who quickly want to depend on it | 17:27 |
Diana | robertpolson: thank anyway :D | 17:28 |
sebsebseb | Maaha: well I guess it's like installing a normal vm then, just the vm itself maybe won't work like it would on a net book in certain ways. This is something I want to do, but haven't done yet vm in virtualbox, netbook OS's such as UNR, on a normal desktop PC. | 17:28 |
mcurran | virtualbox works like a charm | 17:28 |
djdarkman | chrisdone: I think I found it | 17:28 |
arunbabu | jrib: ip_ shud be ip of router ri8? wat is sharename? | 17:29 |
mcurran | download the package from the web though, not through synaptic | 17:29 |
Maaha | sebsebseb: just downloaded sun virtual machine | 17:29 |
djdarkman | trendzetter's comment chrisdone, follow that | 17:29 |
chrisdone | djdarkman: nice one!! | 17:29 |
chrisdone | djdarkman: thanks bro, we're home free! | 17:29 |
ionut | robertpolson: is nice, you know another gadget (for example one that gets all your photo from pictures folder and show them ) onto my desktop | 17:29 |
mcurran | screenlets has one | 17:30 |
Kohar | BlitzHere try choose same folder where you already download .iso file | 17:30 |
robertpolson | diana: no prob :) | 17:30 |
robertpolson | ionut: i don't know, try looking around on google | 17:30 |
deathspike | Where can I get sound/driver.h? | 17:30 |
sebsebseb | Maaha: you can get a good manual from the website/webserver altough installing a vm into virtualbox is rather straight forward really | 17:30 |
karel_ | I recently installed Ubuntu 9.10, and Firefox 3.5.7 came with it, and every webpage is blurry and the fonts are small everywhere (almost). I really wouldn't like to change to a different browser. Anyone has any ideas how to make the webpages more clear/readable? | 17:30 |
chrisdone | djdarkman: I feel like I should post this on just so the next poor guy trying to figure this out gets it on the first google result | 17:30 |
robertpolson | i think there's a way to make a slideshow from a folder, ionut | 17:30 |
deathspike | karel: Install restricted extra's does the trick for me. | 17:31 |
LizardK|ng | how do i set up a vpn connection in karmic? if i open the VPN tab in networking, Add is grayed out | 17:31 |
PeterT | Ok, I just checked the cd's integrity and it was fine. | 17:31 |
djdarkman | chrisdone: I feel like blogging about it :) | 17:31 |
PeterT | jrib: ^^ | 17:31 |
karel_ | deeathspike thanks, I think I have already installed them, checking | 17:31 |
jrib | PeterT: try the alternate cd to see if you can at least get it installed, then troubleshoot the video | 17:32 |
ionut | robertpolson: you know that hole slide bar in windows , and there ia a gadget which is set up to show all photos from pictures folder. like that .. | 17:32 |
PeterT | alternate cd? | 17:32 |
tpfennig | Hi. I get this when executing passwd "passwd: Authentication information cannot be recovered" on Ubuntu 9.10 standard installation Any ideas? | 17:32 |
robertpolson | ionut: no idea, google is prob your best bet | 17:32 |
Darks7ar | anyone with an idea of how to change the minimal downclock level of nvidia because my nvidia has 4 performance levels and when nothing seriously is running its automaticaly downclocking to level 0. this results in bad performance. i want the minimal downclock to be level 1 | 17:32 |
Samp | is there a guide to the jscal -s option? I cant find any documentation on it | 17:32 |
ZykoticK9 | tpfennig, just asking but have you changed your hostname recently? | 17:33 |
ionut | robertpolson: tnx | 17:33 |
Samp | and I need to set the correction level on a couple axes of my ps3 controller | 17:33 |
tpfennig | ZykoticK9, nope | 17:33 |
robertpolson | np :) | 17:33 |
ZykoticK9 | tpfennig, ok just asking - best of luck | 17:33 |
PeterT | jrib: You there? What other cd? | 17:33 |
Darks7ar | anyone with an idea of how to change the minimal downclock level of nvidia because my nvidia has 4 performance levels and when nothing seriously is running its automaticaly downclocking to level 0. this results in bad performance. i want the minimal downclock to be level 1 | 17:34 |
Darks7ar | anyone with an idea of how to change the minimal downclock level of nvidia because my nvidia has 4 performance levels and when nothing seriously is running its automaticaly downclocking to level 0. this results in bad performance. i want the minimal downclock to be level 1 | 17:34 |
karel_ | deathspike: you meant "ubuntu-restricted-extras"? unfortunately I have already installed it :/ | 17:34 |
Darks7ar | anyone with an idea of how to change the minimal downclock level of nvidia because my nvidia has 4 performance levels and when nothing seriously is running its automaticaly downclocking to level 0. this results in bad performance. i want the minimal downclock to be level 1 | 17:34 |
FloodBot2 | Darks7ar: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 17:34 |
Malmis | does someone know if there is possible to pxe boot ie. debian live cd or ubuntu live cd as persistent when booting it from a nfs server? how could i access ie. casper-rw persistant filesystem when the livecd is mounted as cdrom read-only when the casper-rw should be in the root? :/ | 17:34 |
=== DaZ is now known as losowyktos | ||
ZykoticK9 | Darks7ar, please don't do that again - if someone knew they'd tell you | 17:35 |
Maletor | Should I set up my Raid 5 configuration through my BIOS or through Ubuntu 9.10 Alternate? I have ASUS m4a79xtd evo. | 17:35 |
=== losowyktos is now known as DaZ | ||
abstrakt | how can i figure out what version a package is? | 17:35 |
abstrakt | e.g. i just want to basically get general info about a package | 17:35 |
deathspike | karel: Yes, unfortunatly that is indeed what I mean, this is what I did for 8.04 to make it work nicely: | 17:35 |
abstrakt | man apt-get only has installation and removal options | 17:35 |
K1ng\ | how do i know if my ubuntu is 64 bit or 32 bit? | 17:35 |
abstrakt | i see no info command | 17:35 |
ZykoticK9 | abstrakt, "apt-cache policy $FOO_PACKAGE" will give some info | 17:36 |
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ZykoticK9 | K1ng\, "uname -r" | 17:36 |
PeterT | Is there a channel with not so many people where you can actuall get your problem solved? | 17:36 |
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sebsebseb | PeterT: What's your issue? | 17:36 |
Darks7ar | ZykoticK9: its really annoying when u cant find help. neither here or in nvidia channel. and its not the first time i ask | 17:36 |
ZykoticK9 | K1ng\, sorry use "uname -a" instead | 17:36 |
K1ng\ | ZykoticK9, 2.6.31-19-generic | 17:36 |
sebsebseb | PeterT: Yes a lot of people in here, but most of them don't even put messages here, or so it seems. | 17:36 |
Darks7ar | who the heck can help even google is powerless | 17:37 |
Malmis | Is there SOMEONE here that can help with Live stuff? | 17:37 |
K1ng\ | 2.6.31-19-generic #56-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 28 01:26:53 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux | 17:37 |
robertpolson | Darks7ar: that's where maturity comes in | 17:37 |
sebsebseb | !details | Malmis | 17:37 |
ubottu | Malmis: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 17:37 |
PeterT | sebsebseb: I get a black screen after presing "install" (boot upon cd). Press Install -> Ubuntu Logo -> Some console screen -> Black Screen and nothing happens | 17:37 |
K1ng\ | 32 bit? | 17:37 |
Lee_ubun | Why does my mouse pointer disappear when I change my screen resolution? | 17:37 |
ZykoticK9 | K1ng\, you have 32 | 17:37 |
sebsebseb | PeterT: ok a bad CD maybe | 17:37 |
Jargs | Hello | 17:37 |
PeterT | sebsebseb: No, I already checked that | 17:37 |
K1ng\ | grr | 17:37 |
ZykoticK9 | K1ng\, it's "uname -m" for just the CPU info | 17:37 |
Jargs | I need help with MySQL database issues | 17:37 |
abhi_nav | Jargs: hi | 17:37 |
robertpolson | Darks7ar: there's a chane you're the first person to have this specific problem | 17:37 |
PeterT | sebsebseb: I ran the ubuntu cd intergritiy thing | 17:37 |
Jargs | Hi | 17:37 |
Lusule | is there a way to get a desktop-menu on right click with ubuntu? | 17:37 |
sebsebseb | PeterT: You downloaded a CD and chckeced the ISO? | 17:38 |
Malmis | sebsebseb i did that.. no respons... | 17:38 |
sebsebseb | PeterT: that's only for the pshyical CD, not the ISO | 17:38 |
Jargs | abhi_nav: you think you can help? | 17:38 |
PeterT | Oh | 17:38 |
abhi_nav | Jargs: have u asked the question? | 17:38 |
PeterT | sebsebseb: Well, what should I do, RE-download it? | 17:38 |
Jargs | abhi_nav: shall i pm you? | 17:38 |
Pershian007 | hi | 17:38 |
Darks7ar | robertpolson: i don't think so | 17:38 |
PeterT | sebsebseb: It's like the 4th fricken time | 17:38 |
Jargs | abhi_nav: pm me | 17:38 |
Pershian007 | E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) | 17:38 |
sebsebseb | PeterT: still got the ISO? | 17:38 |
Darks7ar | robertpolson: maybe the others knew how to overcome it :) | 17:38 |
PeterT | sebsebseb: Yse | 17:38 |
K1ng\ | i686 | 17:38 |
sebsebseb | PeterT: ok good | 17:39 |
robertpolson | Darks7ar: and if not, you'll be a pioneer ;) | 17:39 |
sebsebseb | !md5sum | PeterT | 17:39 |
ubottu | PeterT: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see or | 17:39 |
K1ng\ | i am on core 2 quad... i dont think its 32bit | 17:39 |
nytek_ | Lusule: i dont believe that is possibe, but if you install a different vm you could get that capibility | 17:39 |
PeterT | sebsebseb: Ok, Will look at that | 17:39 |
plumpskunk | hi! How can I get Ibus and deadkeys and compose key to work together ? | 17:39 |
abhi_nav | Jargs: yah u can | 17:39 |
Turtl3 | How can I test my Power Supply | 17:39 |
Lusule | nytek_: I tried xubuntu because I prefer xfce, but there was too much I couldn't get to work with the distro :( Ubuntu mostly works, just the DE isn't exactly how I like it | 17:39 |
bastid_raZor | K1ng\: the processor may be 64bit capable.. doesn't mean you installed a 64bit OS though. | 17:39 |
autoclesis | !deadkeys | 17:40 |
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grkblood13 | does anyone have issues with connecting their ubuntu box to the vga port of their tv? | 17:40 |
Malmis | i have problem with ubuntu 9.10 live cd, i wan't to run it as persistent over a pxe boot, could someone help? | 17:40 |
alexxio | hi, i want to install apache2 and php, but the ubuntu software center doesn't have such programs. is it possible? how can i get them? | 17:40 |
grkblood13 | windows boxes work fine | 17:40 |
sebsebseb | PeterT: Burning a CD a bit slower could help. Once you got a good ISO. Then the disk check on the CD must pass as well. Then your CD should be fine | 17:40 |
Crewsr3 | I'm new to rsync was wondering if someone could help me understand the output...... | 17:40 |
nytek_ | Lusule: im with you, i use xfce exclusively | 17:40 |
BlitzHere | Kohar: I didn't change any directories at all... it uses C:\ubuntu - and it started downloading the second 8 hour file immediately after the first file. I didn't have to interact with it at all... | 17:40 |
LizardK|ng | how do i set up a vpn connection in karmic? if i open the VPN tab in network connections, Add is grayed out | 17:40 |
nytek_ | Lusule: check out fluxbox, it has a great right click menu | 17:40 |
plumpskunk | !deadkeys | 17:40 |
nytek_ | Lusule: xfce is a little bloated imo, but it does the job | 17:40 |
Pershian007 | help me i cant update synapic error : E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) | 17:40 |
plumpskunk | !ibus | 17:40 |
sebsebseb | PeterT: your trying to do Ubuntu on a lap top? it's lap tops that tend to get the issues, because of unsupported hardware, as in manufactures that don't support Desktop Linux properly or at all | 17:40 |
Lusule | nytek_: I agree, I've tried it, but again, there isn't a distro that I can get to work straight out the box for it, I don't have time to fiddle to get things working properly | 17:41 |
PeterT | sebsebseb: I have md5sum.exe for windows | 17:41 |
PeterT | sebsebseb: No, it's a desktop, and it's pretty beefy | 17:41 |
nytek_ | Lusule: (xfce right click menu is bloated), not the whole wm. lol | 17:41 |
Lusule | nytek_: i've gone for ubuntu on this occasion because it seems reliable | 17:41 |
K1ng\ | Pershian007, apt-get is already running | 17:41 |
sebsebseb | PeterT: it gives you a code, and you compare it to what Ubuntu provide | 17:41 |
Jargs | Hello guys, is it possible to backup a complete mysql database by backing up the datadir folder? Or are there some other factors which I will need to backup??? | 17:41 |
PeterT | sebsebseb: I know, but this is taking forever | 17:41 |
pepe | Help please | 17:41 |
Pershian007 | K1ng\ no | 17:41 |
K1ng\ | Pershian007, or a package manager. you may use only apt or package manager | 17:41 |
pepe | how can i hear mp4 videos? | 17:41 |
K1ng\ | Pershian007, yes | 17:42 |
nytek_ | Lusule: again, im with you. i mean, im able to fiddle with everything for it to work properly, but i want to get straight into the work i need to do | 17:42 |
sebsebseb | pepe: you wil have to install a codec | 17:42 |
nytek_ | Lusule: plus, i love the unix enviornment. everything at my fingertips | 17:42 |
Jargs | Hello guys, is it possible to backup a complete mysql database by backing up the datadir folder? Or are there some other factors which I will need to backup??? | 17:42 |
K1ng\ | Pershian007, try sudo killall apt-get | 17:42 |
Crewsr3 | Can someone tell me if this rsync out put is trying to create new files or is just confirmation they are there | 17:42 |
pepe | i installed a lot of codecs, but it doesnt work | 17:42 |
Pershian007 | K1ng\ no i only ruuning synaptic | 17:42 |
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sebsebseb | pepe: hrm not so sure about mp4 if this command will take care of it or not sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras if not I guess medibuntu has something for it | 17:42 |
Guest2733 | Hello, I cant boot from a CD on a HP Pavillion, any help please approciated? | 17:42 |
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sebsebseb | !medibuntu | pepe | 17:42 |
ubottu | pepe: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See | 17:42 |
K1ng\ | Pershian007, then its already running | 17:43 |
PeterT | sebsebseb: Ok, I'm checking/comparing now | 17:43 |
PeterT | sebsebseb: One sec | 17:43 |
Lusule | nytek_: someone has just pointed out to me they think might work | 17:43 |
Jargs | Hello guys, is it possible to backup a complete mysql database by backing up the datadir folder? Or are there some other factors which I will need to backup??? | 17:43 |
deathspike | Help! I want to compile XFI drivers for my sound card but require sound/driver.h! Where can I get this? :| | 17:43 |
Pershian007 | K1ng\ i cant see this | 17:43 |
pepe | sebseb i aldeady installed restricted extras, but nothing | 17:43 |
Lusule | nytek_: i don't know how bloated/reliable it might be though | 17:43 |
Jargs | I need help with mysql :( | 17:43 |
sebsebseb | pepe: ok I guess medibuntu then | 17:43 |
sebsebseb | !codecs | pepe | 17:43 |
ubottu | pepe: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 17:43 |
K1ng\ | deathspike, google | 17:43 |
pepe | sebseb thankyou | 17:43 |
nytek_ | Lusule: i dont use compiz, i prefer bare systems | 17:43 |
autoclesis | !mysql | 17:43 |
ubottu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 17:43 |
Guest2733 | nick/ richardM | 17:43 |
Jargs | that doesn't help | 17:44 |
ZykoticK9 | !google > K1ng\ | 17:44 |
Jargs | at all. | 17:44 |
ubottu | K1ng\, please see my private message | 17:44 |
nytek_ | Lusule: strictly preference though | 17:44 |
deathspike | K1ng\, thank you very useful. Tried that, turned up nothing, "it just works". Everyone seems to HAVE these headers. | 17:44 |
abstrakt | anyone, flash 9 on karmic? | 17:44 |
sebsebseb | pepe: Good Luck! | 17:44 |
capron | Jargs, better too use mssql backup tools | 17:44 |
nytek_ | Lusule: try it, see how you like it :D | 17:44 |
Pershian007 | K1ng\ i power system and click to synapatic and click Reload | 17:44 |
Jargs | capron: there is my problem | 17:44 |
frodoleggins | guys, someone knows why a vodafone internet key freeze my pc?? | 17:44 |
pepe | sebseb i'll look for it on medibuntu | 17:44 |
Jargs | capron: i cannot start mysql because the disk drive is full | 17:44 |
plumpskunk | How can I get Ibus and deadkeys and compose key to work together ? | 17:44 |
Jargs | capron: well not the disk drive, the partition | 17:45 |
sebsebseb | pepe: ok | 17:45 |
PeterT | 17:45 | |
ubottu | While Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question. | 17:45 |
LizardK|ng | "google-fu?" | 17:45 |
K1ng\ | ZykoticK9, they were asking for a .h file.... only way to get it by google | 17:45 |
PeterT | sebsebseb: The MD5Sums are the same | 17:45 |
guntbert | LizardK|ng: like kung fu :) | 17:45 |
K1ng\ | lol | 17:46 |
sebsebseb | PeterT: program gave you the same factoid as that hash's link on Ubuntu? | 17:46 |
PeterT | sebsebseb: yes | 17:46 |
sebsebseb | PeterT: factoid what am I thinking heh heh. I just used bot factoids. anyway yeah I mean code | 17:46 |
LizardK|ng | i like | 17:46 |
ZykoticK9 | K1ng\, and if you had said that all to deathspike i wouldn't have sent you the bot message but using "deathspike google" in not acceptable behaviour in this channel | 17:46 |
capron | Jargs, Okey I see , it shud be possible too backup mysql only copy the files , But I am not sure about what files are needed | 17:46 |
karel | deathspike: thanks a ton, fonts are nicer now, although still ridiculously small, but I guess the zooming will have to do it, | 17:46 |
lantizia | Hey are there instructions on how to generate a debianized version of the nVidia 190 driver? (i.e. so if the kernel updates - it keeps the drivers?) | 17:47 |
bullgard | /etc/login.defs includes the »Configuration control definitions for the login package«. What is "the login package"? | 17:47 |
sebsebseb | LizardK|ng: I think it's best to give people direct links to stuff in this channel, rather than doing that lmgtfy stupidity | 17:47 |
K1ng\ | .... | 17:47 |
chrisdone | djdarkman: definitely blog about it :p | 17:47 |
K1ng\ | ok | 17:47 |
bullgard | sebsebseb: +1 | 17:47 |
LizardK|ng | how do i set up a vpn connection in karmic? if i open the VPN tab in network connections, Add is grayed out | 17:47 |
Pershian007 | K1ng\ help me | 17:47 |
PeterT | sebsebseb: So? The md5sums are the same | 17:48 |
Pershian007 | ;-) | 17:48 |
sebsebseb | bullgard: :) | 17:48 |
marc__ | I have VirtualBox with a guest WindowsXP OS. then I tried KVM but now Virtualbox complain about VMX mode... I found how to disable the kvm module using "modprobe -r kvm_intel" but I don't need KVM anymore, so how can I disable that module completly? (KVM is already uninstalled) | 17:48 |
mcurran | lantizia - installing the nvidia drivers as they are from is pretty easy anyways - Just hit Ctrl-F1 and then type sudo killall gdm, and then navigate to desktop or download location and run the installer ./<> | 17:48 |
K1ng\ | Pershian007, with what? | 17:48 |
sebsebseb | PeterT: you could try burning a new CD and a bit slower, but the one you had before passed the disck check you put? | 17:48 |
NEREIDA | ola hay alguien conentado | 17:48 |
sebsebseb | !es | NEREIDA | 17:48 |
ubottu | NEREIDA: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 17:48 |
PeterT | sebsebseb: Yes, it had | 17:48 |
lantizia | mcurran, yeah I know how to do that - but doing so will kill the drivers off when the kernel upgrades | 17:48 |
NEREIDA | ubuntu | 17:48 |
sebsebseb | PeterT: ok what are the issues again? | 17:48 |
bullgard | !es | NEREIDA | 17:49 |
K1ng\ | Pershian007, how i gonna help you without a question? | 17:49 |
rabbi1 | hurray, solved the codec prob, guys use vlc for no trouble music | 17:49 |
Simon1245 | Can anyone tell me how to login as root in the terminal? I need to be root to install FoxitReader. | 17:49 |
rabbi1 | jus add sudo ....... | 17:49 |
Pershian007 | K1ng\ i cant update synaptic error : E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) | 17:49 |
PeterT | sebsebseb: I click Install Ubuntu, it goes to the ubuntu logo -> then it gives some kind of a console which gives some errors then a black screen which doesn't go away | 17:49 |
Pershian007 | E: Unable to lock the list directory | 17:49 |
sebsebseb | Simon1245: sudo -i I think | 17:49 |
Avogadro | Is there a good guide for connection wlan from command line, then ones I have tried this far do not work? | 17:49 |
mcurran | lantizia - my modules always rebuild??? You could use the drivers in synaptic | 17:49 |
K1ng\ | Simon1245, use sudo | 17:49 |
bullgard | Simon1245: Prepend your command with 'sudo'. | 17:49 |
jsec | Simon1245: sudo su | 17:49 |
Pershian007 | i rebooted system | 17:49 |
abhi_nav | Jargs: i read in the post of backup and restore that we can backup in .tar and can direct it to take it on another drive (e.g. pen drive) and then afterwars can restore it | 17:49 |
Simon1245 | Ok thanks guys :) | 17:49 |
sebsebseb | PeterT: ok tell me more about the computer, how old is it? how much RAM? which graphics card? | 17:50 |
K1ng\ | sudo -i works | 17:50 |
PeterT | sebsebseb: Just got it, maybe 3 months ago, 4 GB ram, nvidia (I Think?) | 17:50 |
abhi_nav | Jargs: u thr? | 17:50 |
PeterT | sebsebseb: Anyway, the graphics card is insane | 17:50 |
K1ng\ | Pershian007, sorry i cant help.. | 17:50 |
Jargs | abhi_nav: yea.. | 17:50 |
askhader | Is there such a thing as a graphical front end for wpa_supplicant such that I don't have to touch wpa_supplicant.conf ? | 17:50 |
sebsebseb | PeterT: in sane as in rather new? | 17:50 |
abhi_nav | Jargs: read above | 17:50 |
PeterT | sebsebseb: Yes | 17:50 |
Jargs | abhi_nav: that doesn't really help | 17:50 |
sebsebseb | PeterT: that could be part of the issue | 17:50 |
sebsebseb | PeterT: or the issue | 17:50 |
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abhi_nav | Jargs: ok | 17:51 |
PeterT | sebsebseb: Is there a solution? | 17:51 |
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sebsebseb | PeterT: Ubuntu is good with most standard hardware, if you use something that isn't that standard, you may bump into issues | 17:51 |
Pershian007 | K1ng\ 10 Q | 17:51 |
legend2440 | lantizia: | 17:51 |
marc__ | K1ng\, thanks! I was using "sudo gnome-terminal" :P didn't know about the -i | 17:51 |
sebsebseb | PeterT: However Nivida do provide pretty good graphics card support in general, if not the best | 17:51 |
K1ng\ | you welcome | 17:52 |
lantizia | legend2440, no thats not what I'm on about | 17:52 |
HTC | how to see all partitions from the terminal? | 17:52 |
lantizia | back when I was using Debian... on their wiki they had working instructions for generating .deb's for the nVidia drivers | 17:52 |
sebsebseb | PeterT: try another CD if you want after burning a bit slower. Still no luck, try another distro maybe | 17:52 |
lantizia | legend2440 ^^ | 17:52 |
PeterT | sebsebseb: Why must this be so complicated | 17:52 |
sebsebseb | PeterT: or an older version of Ubuntu such as 9.04 or 8.04 | 17:53 |
mcurran | Anyone know a command to sort desktop icons - or sort by name | 17:53 |
=== rusty is now known as Guest22638 | ||
PeterT | sebsebseb: I'll try another ISO burner | 17:53 |
K1ng\ | how do i install mac os dock? | 17:54 |
K1ng\ | osx | 17:54 |
K1ng\ | !dock | 17:54 |
K1ng\ | !docky | 17:54 |
mcurran | lantizia - did you try alien | 17:54 |
=== Myszka is now known as rapcore | ||
lantizia | I'm clearly asking in the wrong place | 17:54 |
sebsebseb | PeterT: what did you use to burn the ISO? imgburn is good | 17:54 |
mcurran | alien -d <filename> - It converts rpm's but i think it works for a lot of others two | 17:54 |
soreau | K1ng\: You probably want cairo-dock or avant-window-navigator | 17:54 |
PeterT | sebsebseb: FreeISOBurner.exe | 17:55 |
K1ng\ | soreau, which is good? | 17:55 |
sebsebseb | PeterT: I don't know about that one, doesn't sound popular also | 17:55 |
K1ng\ | soreau, 2 years ago its was buggy | 17:55 |
K1ng\ | cairo-dock | 17:55 |
PeterT | sebsebseb: Thanks for all the help | 17:56 |
PeterT | sebsebseb: I'm trying infrarecorder from the guide | 17:56 |
sebsebseb | PeterT: ok no problem good luck | 17:56 |
soreau | K1ng\: awn is generally more stable and doesn't require a compositing window manager to be running. cairo-dock on the other hand offers more eye candy, but requires a compositing manager to be running and has a few more bugs | 17:56 |
Schuenemann | hey, how I find mirrors for UNR? | 17:56 |
marc__ | anyone know how to disable KVM? (Ubuntu 9.10) I tried KVM but now VirtualBox won't load my VM unless I do "modprobe -r kvm_intel" after every reboot... | 17:57 |
mcurran | lantizia - debhelper is the primary tool alien uses, so you might only need that. | 17:57 |
fabio123 | awn requires a compositing manager, cairo uses also fake transparency | 17:57 |
K1ng\ | i am gonna use avant-window-navigator then | 17:57 |
aliihsan | avant is the good choice | 17:57 |
bullgard | /etc/login.defs includes the »Configuration control definitions for the login package«. What is "the login package"? | 17:57 |
marc__ | mcurran, lantizia has left a while ago :P | 17:57 |
MindVirus | My Rhythmbox CPU usage is ~20%. Can someone explain why?\ | 17:57 |
MindVirus | *why? | 17:57 |
rabbi1 | guys help on LAMP, or any IRC ? | 17:58 |
nycod | .info | 17:58 |
Schuenemann | UNR's page only has a download page that does not allow me to see download link | 17:58 |
rabbi1 | .info | 17:59 |
BluesKaj | !lamp | rabbi1 | 17:59 |
ubottu | rabbi1: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 17:59 |
MindVirus | Any advice? | 18:00 |
BluesKaj | MindVirus, got pulseaudio installed? | 18:00 |
MindVirus | BluesKaj: Yes. | 18:00 |
ZykoticK9 | Schuenemann, have a look at this page choose a mirror and see if you can find the direct link | 18:01 |
MindVirus | BluesKaj: And, yes, PulseAudio uses ~10% CPU. | 18:01 |
brianherman | rabbi1: apt-get install apache2 | 18:02 |
BluesKaj | MindVirus, what kind of sound setup do use ? | 18:02 |
Schuenemann | ZykoticK9, there isn't UNR there | 18:02 |
brianherman | rabbi1: apt-get install mysql-server | 18:02 |
BluesKaj | you use | 18:02 |
MindVirus | BluesKaj: I have an onboard soundcard in my netbook. | 18:02 |
brianherman | rabbi1: apt-get install php-server | 18:02 |
brianherman | rabbi1: | 18:02 |
ZykoticK9 | Schuenemann, once you choose a mirror select 9.10 and you should see ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso. Schuenemann where are you from? What mirror would be appropriate? | 18:02 |
mcurran | So nobody knows a command or bash script for sorting the desktop icons? It's not on the net anywhere that I can find either - Strange. Or maybe a terminal that would show verbose of any actions performed through gui's - So I could sort and watch what the actual command would be... | 18:02 |
ZykoticK9 | Schuenemann, sorry i pasted the wrong iso name -- netbook-remix | 18:03 |
Schuenemann | ZykoticK9, brazil | 18:03 |
rabbi1 | brianherman: thx dude | 18:03 |
BluesKaj | MindVirus, then you don't need pulseaudio , it's basically redundant ... alsa should suffice for laptops | 18:03 |
ZykoticK9 | Schuenemann, one moment | 18:03 |
mcurran | yeah pulseaudio sucks | 18:03 |
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MindVirus | BluesKaj: Do you recommend me remove it completely? | 18:03 |
mcurran | never wants to work for everything | 18:03 |
BluesKaj | yes | 18:03 |
BluesKaj | MindVirus, purge it | 18:04 |
MindVirus | BluesKaj: It removes ubuntu-desktop. | 18:04 |
mcurran | Anyone know how to get YouTube videos get sound on firefox 3? | 18:04 |
SorenMaelstrom | Hi! | 18:04 |
Schuenemann | ZykoticK9, it's ok, I know how to do it. I just didn't know I would find UNR under karmic | 18:04 |
ZykoticK9 | Schuenemann, | 18:04 |
SorenMaelstrom | Someone knew anything about glc? | 18:04 |
BluesKaj | MindVirus, what? | 18:04 |
Schuenemann | thanks | 18:04 |
ZykoticK9 | Schuenemann, glad to help | 18:05 |
mcurran | you could reinstall ubuntu-desktop afterwards, before you restart | 18:05 |
MindVirus | BluesKaj: Removing pulseaudio removes ubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-netbook-remix. | 18:05 |
ZykoticK9 | MindVirus, if you remove Pulse you won't have a volume control in your panel! | 18:06 |
BluesKaj | MindVirus, that's odd , I was running gnome not long ago and purged PA without any other removals ...must be the netbook-remix | 18:06 |
Schuenemann | ZykoticK9, do you know if those USB instructions will preserve my other partitions? | 18:06 |
Darks7ar | my gpu can be clocked in 2 modes. one is in 2d and second in 3d. but when the 2d frequencies are used. | 18:06 |
MindVirus | BluesKaj: No. | 18:06 |
MindVirus | ZykoticK9: That's fine. | 18:06 |
ZykoticK9 | Schuenemann, other partitions on a netbook? wow. I have no idea really. | 18:07 |
carbm2 | Anybody know if there is a solution to Flash eating up so much CPU when running? Even if its just one tab in firefox that has flash on it the CPU on all 5 of my computer running Ubuntu go to 100%. | 18:07 |
BluesKaj | ZykoticK9, i removed PA , it didn't remove the mixer | 18:07 |
BluesKaj | purged rather | 18:07 |
Schuenemann | ZykoticK9, no, partitions on the flash drive (I have other distros installed) | 18:07 |
johnataylor | ubuntu 9.10 better than windows 7 | 18:07 |
MindVirus | mcurran: Installing ubuntu-desktop will install pulseaudio. | 18:07 |
SorenMaelstrom | I need some help about glc-capture. It is a screencast program for OpenGL and ALSA. I want to take Videos from Wine with this, but it doesn't start with wine. With other Games like Nexuiz it works like a charm | 18:07 |
MindVirus | In other words, ubuntu-desktop depends on pulseaudio | 18:07 |
MindVirus | . | 18:07 |
ZykoticK9 | MindVirus, see if you want to remove Pulse | 18:08 |
MindVirus | That is the most ugly thing I've ever seen. | 18:08 |
BluesKaj | MindVirus, not if you have a regular gnome desktop installation | 18:08 |
MindVirus | BluesKaj: I do. | 18:08 |
MindVirus | BluesKaj: I have both ubuntu-desktop and ubuntu-netbook-remix. | 18:08 |
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ZykoticK9 | MindVirus, ubuntu-desktop or unr-desktop are just meta packages they CAN be safely removed | 18:08 |
MindVirus | ZykoticK9: I know. | 18:08 |
MindVirus | I want them. | 18:09 |
`mOOse` | xfce ftw | 18:09 |
ZykoticK9 | MindVirus, then leave pulse | 18:09 |
MindVirus | ZykoticK9: How do you recommend me stop using it? | 18:09 |
`mOOse` | carbm2, which flash are you using? | 18:09 |
Schuenemann | MindVirus, why you want them? | 18:09 |
ZykoticK9 | MindVirus, i don't | 18:09 |
MindVirus | Hi, are there any ops around? | 18:09 |
SorenMaelstrom | Well looks like no one has an idea... :( | 18:09 |
MindVirus | sebsebseb just PMed me telling me to switch to Mandriva. | 18:10 |
seanbrystone | lol | 18:10 |
ajipubuntu | hi guyz! | 18:10 |
Schuenemann | hehe | 18:10 |
SorenMaelstrom | Thanks anyway and have a nice day, everyone... | 18:10 |
Schuenemann | there's nothing wrong with that I believe | 18:10 |
Schuenemann | neither with mandriva | 18:10 |
* `mOOse` coughssuse | 18:10 | |
ajipubuntu | can Ubuntu 9.10 work with Projector? | 18:10 |
iceroot | ajipubuntu: sure | 18:10 |
iceroot | ajipubuntu: if projector == beamer | 18:11 |
MindVirus | Schuenemann: They keep packages as dependencies. | 18:11 |
MindVirus | Important ones. | 18:11 |
mcurran | MindVirus - What do you need ubuntu-desktop for anyways? | 18:11 |
sisym | Hey. I have major problems with buggy firefox 3.5.7 in karmic after upgrading from jaunty. how can I downgrade to 3.0? | 18:11 |
Schuenemann | MindVirus, I don't think so. They're just metapackages | 18:12 |
MindVirus | No. | 18:12 |
ajipubuntu | iceroot: need software for it? | 18:12 |
sisym | Installing firefox3.0 from apt will end up with 3.5! | 18:12 |
iceroot | sisym: : sudo apt-get install firefox | 18:12 |
MindVirus | Schuenemann, mcurran: They keep packages as dependencies. Meta-packages without this functionality would be useless. | 18:12 |
sisym | iceroot: it will install firefox 3.5.7! | 18:12 |
iceroot | sisym: firefox 3.5 is called firefox3.5 or shiretoko | 18:12 |
mauri | is it possibile to have an entire distribution under a folder instead in the root of a partition? | 18:12 |
iceroot | sisym: not on jaunty | 18:12 |
tvjudge | when u do a lshw and some devices come up as unclaimed what does that men? | 18:12 |
sisym | iceroot: I'm in Karmic! | 18:13 |
Pricey | bans | 18:13 |
iceroot | sisym: ah sorry missread | 18:13 |
iceroot | sisym: there is no ff3.0 in the normal repos on karmic | 18:13 |
Schuenemann | MindVirus, they're just used to install other packages | 18:13 |
mcurran | Anybody here running kde3 | 18:13 |
sisym | iceroot: what do you suggest? | 18:13 |
MindVirus | Schuenemann: Packages that ubuntu depends on. For example, Xorg is a dependency. | 18:14 |
Tronx | possible to script the creation of an ssh tunnel ? | 18:14 |
gerrin | trying to watch a standard dvd, everytime i try to run the disk in a player, it says unable to read disk, dont have permission, how can i solve this problem | 18:14 |
Tronx | or to request the password via zenity ? | 18:14 |
rpassos | hello | 18:14 |
raven | is there a tool for making STEREO VIDEOS and IMAGES? | 18:14 |
sisym | iceroot: upgrading to karmic is a big mistake!! | 18:14 |
iceroot | sisym: solvng the problem with ff 3.5.7 ad use that version | 18:14 |
Schuenemann | MindVirus, xorg will not be removed if you remove ubuntu-desktop | 18:14 |
iceroot | sisym: its not | 18:14 |
MindVirus | Schuenemann: Jesus Christ. | 18:14 |
MindVirus | I understand that. | 18:14 |
ZykoticK9 | mcurran, your more likely to find KDE users in #kubuntu | 18:14 |
mmm | MSN | 18:14 |
mcurran | My desktop icons get covered by a top panel I created when I startup x. So I need a script that sorts the desktop icons again after x loads, which I will put in Autostart folder. Anyone have similar prob... | 18:14 |
MindVirus | Schuenemann: But ubuntu-desktop keeps it as a dependency. | 18:14 |
mcurran | oh thanks | 18:14 |
sisym | iceroot: it's a bug! tabs won't close | 18:14 |
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iceroot | sisym: but not a common bug | 18:15 |
MindVirus | Schuenemann: This is important. | 18:15 |
Schuenemann | MindVirus, what will happen if you remove ubuntu-desktop? | 18:15 |
iceroot | sisym: never heard of that bug | 18:15 |
gerrin | cant get standard video dvd's to play, help please | 18:15 |
Scunizi | The latest kernel upgrade (or other) has removed the grub boot timer.. so when booting it just sits at the grub menu until you hit enter.... frustrating change. | 18:15 |
MindVirus | Schuenemann: Literally nothing. | 18:15 |
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sisym | iceroot: I think it happens when I want to browse a Persian site. | 18:15 |
MindVirus | You will not convince me to remove the meta-package though. | 18:15 |
MindVirus | It is important. | 18:15 |
ajipubuntu | iceroot: my 3D dekstop effect not work anymore! what was wrong? | 18:15 |
Schuenemann | MindVirus, then I don't understand why it is important | 18:15 |
MindVirus | It keeps important software depended upon. | 18:15 |
coldfire2122 | can someone tell me how to disable a video card? mine has 2 and it is draining the battery fast | 18:15 |
iceroot | ajipubuntu: dont know | 18:15 |
MindVirus | That is all. | 18:15 |
iceroot | sisym: maybe the site is broken? its using flash or other stuff? | 18:16 |
ajipubuntu | iceroot: ok.. | 18:16 |
sisym | iceroot: site was ok with jaunty. 3.5.7 has problems with flash? | 18:16 |
mcurran | MindVirus - I always remove the meta package when using linux mint - It's necessary for removing pulseaudio, and as far as i know it is all pulseaudio items in it (only) use synaptic to check out the packages contents | 18:17 |
MindVirus | How do I kill pulseaudio hard enough so that it doesn't start up again? | 18:17 |
iceroot | sisym: you have the url? i am here on ff3.5.7 | 18:17 |
sisym | iceroot: | 18:17 |
iceroot | sisym: working fine here | 18:17 |
mcurran | look for a startup script for pulse in /etc/init.d - if there is one, then do sudo update-rc.d <nameofscript> remove | 18:17 |
iceroot | sisym: and i can close the tab again | 18:18 |
iceroot | sisym: start firefox from the terminal to have debug-output and see the problem | 18:18 |
sisym | iceroot: thanks for checking | 18:18 |
iceroot | sisym: if that is not working, install firebug to see further problems | 18:18 |
MaLoY777 | Привет | 18:19 |
MindVirus | How do I kill pulseaudio so that it doesn't start up again? | 18:19 |
mcurran | MindVirus - I just told you | 18:19 |
MindVirus | !english | MaLoY777 | 18:19 |
ubottu | MaLoY777: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit | 18:19 |
InHisName | Does a 'disk track editor' exist for linux (ubuntu) ? I need to examine and possibly fix some sectors. | 18:19 |
MindVirus | mcurran: Please highlight; I didn't know you were talking to me. | 18:19 |
ZykoticK9 | !ru > MaLoY777 | 18:20 |
ubottu | MaLoY777, please see my private message | 18:20 |
elgh_ | Is it possible to make a game play in Windows mode, and if so, how? | 18:20 |
iceroot | elgh_: windows or window? | 18:20 |
BluesKaj | MindVirus, you remove it from /usr/bin | 18:20 |
elgh_ | Windowed mode. | 18:20 |
MindVirus | BluesKaj: ... | 18:20 |
ZykoticK9 | elgh_, depends on the game - try alt+enter and see if that works | 18:20 |
iceroot | elgh_: depening on the game | 18:20 |
elgh_ | It's Elasto Mania. | 18:21 |
mcurran | MindVirus: Look for a startup script in /etc/init.d - go to /etc/init.d and do ls | grep 'pulse' and then take note of the name - then do sudo update-rc.d <filename> remove | 18:21 |
iceroot | mcurran: what about deinstalling? | 18:21 |
MindVirus | mcurran: I know, I scrolled up. Thanks though. :) | 18:21 |
elgh_ | I use Wine to play Diablo 2, and in that game I can enter resolution, but that doesn't work for Elasto Mania. | 18:21 |
iceroot | mcurran: sorry wrong nick | 18:21 |
mcurran | He doesn't want to remove it that way (iceroot) | 18:21 |
tp43 | elgh_, most games you go into options and change it there | 18:21 |
MindVirus | mcurran: * PulseAudio configured for per-user sessions | 18:21 |
elgh_ | tp43, I know. But not with this game. | 18:21 |
mcurran | sudo update-rc.d <filename> remove --force | 18:21 |
tp43 | elgh_, which game is it? | 18:22 |
MindVirus | mcurran: It is run as a user process. | 18:22 |
elgh_ | tp43, Elasto Mania. | 18:23 |
askhader | Does wpa_supplicant need to be running as a daemon in order to start wpa_cli ? | 18:23 |
tp43 | elgh_, its a windows game? or is it from ubuntu repo? | 18:23 |
elgh_ | It's a Windows game. | 18:24 |
iceroot | elgh_: using wine? | 18:24 |
elgh_ | Yes, Iceroot. | 18:24 |
iceroot | elgh_: winecfg, there you have to create a virtual desktop | 18:24 |
iceroot | elgh_: then you have window-mode for all wine-applications | 18:24 |
BluesKaj | askhader, yes , i beleive so | 18:24 |
purpzey-is-a-guy | Good afternoon, I wanted to update Firefox from 3.0.17 to 3.5, is this not possible b/c it's not in repos? | 18:24 |
iceroot | purpzey-is-a-guy: jaunty? | 18:25 |
mcurran | MindVirus - Did you try "sudo update-rc.d <filename> remove --force" | 18:25 |
purpzey-is-a-guy | iceroot: Yeah. | 18:25 |
iceroot | purpzey-is-a-guy: sudo apt-get install firefox-3.5 | 18:25 |
MindVirus | mcurran: You may not understand what I'm saying. | 18:25 |
MindVirus | mcurran: First of all, yes, I did. | 18:25 |
iceroot | purpzey-is-a-guy: in the jaunty repos there is 3.0 and 3.5 | 18:25 |
purpzey-is-a-guy | iceroot: Do I need to remove the old one first or will it just upgrade? | 18:25 |
ng0n | .. | 18:25 |
askhader | BluesKaj: How do I "start" wpa_supplicant? When I issue a wpa_supplicant -Dwext -ieth1 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf and then start wpa_cli it says that is unable to connect to wpa_supplicant | 18:25 |
renegaid | looks like none of the video players can play wmv hd | 18:25 |
iceroot | purpzey-is-a-guy: but dont be scared, firefox 3.5 is not called firefox there, its shiretoko | 18:25 |
iceroot | purpzey-is-a-guy: no, you can use both | 18:26 |
MindVirus | mcurran: But if you remove it from the rc list, that changes nothing. | 18:26 |
MindVirus | mcurran: It is run as a USER process. | 18:26 |
elgh_ | iceroot, gonna test soon. | 18:26 |
`mOOse` | purpzey-is-a-guy, 3.5.7 would be on the kharmic install cd as well | 18:26 |
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MindVirus | mcurran: When I try to killall -s9 pulseaudio, another pulseaudio process opens. | 18:26 |
mcurran | I don't care what process it is - I'm just telling you how to remove it, because that's what you asked for - You don't want to remove it correctly through apt, so I told you how to disable startup scripts, that's all I got for ya - You can decide to use my advice or not, but I suggest just removing it and the meta package if necessary. | 18:26 |
iceroot | renegaid: vlc can | 18:26 |
MindVirus | mcurran: You are telling me how to disable its SYSTEM STARTUP SCRIPTS which is NOT how its being run. | 18:27 |
BluesKaj | askhader, pastebin your /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf file | 18:27 |
mcurran | MindVirus: It's probably your default sound - which will switch correctly if you uninstall it. | 18:27 |
renegaid | it doesn't. plays video no audio. it says vlc does not support the audio or video format wmap. unfortunately there is no fix | 18:27 |
MindVirus | mcurran: I want to uninstall it so bad. | 18:27 |
MindVirus | mcurran: But I want to keep ubuntu-desktop so much more. | 18:27 |
mcurran | MindVirus - Just do it, open synaptic and highlight the meta-package and it'll tell you what it holds in the summary - It's not much important. | 18:28 |
iceroot | MindVirus: sudo apt-get remove --purge pulseaudio should not kill ubuntu-desktop | 18:28 |
MindVirus | mcurran: That's what it holds right now. Dependencies change. | 18:28 |
ZykoticK9 | MindVirus, you need to make a choice: either uninstall Pulse and loose ubuntu-desktop, OR leave Pulse and live with it... You can't have your cake and eat it too - sorta thing. Personally I'd just leave Pulse. | 18:28 |
MindVirus | iceroot: It will REMOVE ubuntu-desktop. | 18:29 |
mcurran | MindVirus - What is so goddamn good about the ubuntu desktop package - It's not your literal desktop... | 18:29 |
iceroot | MindVirus: that is a metapackage | 18:29 |
MindVirus | iceroot: Which depends on other packages. | 18:29 |
iceroot | MindVirus: its not removing gnome or other stuff | 18:29 |
askhader | BluesKaj: | 18:29 |
MindVirus | iceroot: I know. | 18:29 |
MindVirus | ZykoticK9: My preferred course of action is to leave pulseaudio on the system but have it NEVER running. | 18:30 |
MindVirus | I don't know how to kill the damn parasite. | 18:30 |
elgh_ | Thanks iceroot! | 18:30 |
MindVirus | When I kill it, it starts up again. | 18:30 |
`mOOse` | xfce!! xfce!!! | 18:30 |
MindVirus | mcurran: I know. | 18:30 |
BluesKaj | askhader, it's empty | 18:30 |
mcurran | MindVirus: That's because you should just remove the startup scripts and then restart | 18:30 |
askhader | BluesKaj: Uh wooops one sec | 18:30 |
iceroot | MindVirus: why not installing alsa, oss and alsa-oss and use that by default? | 18:30 |
PingFloyd | MindVirus: ubuntu-desktop is a metapackage that pulls in all the rest of the dependencies to give you the loads of package for the ubuntu-desktop. Since pulse audio is a dependency, then you'd have to remove ubuntu-desktop and then install all the other related dependies explicitly. | 18:30 |
askhader | BluesKaj: | 18:31 |
ZykoticK9 | MindVirus, i don't think that's possible... There is NO easy way to disable Pulse Audio, it's rather tied into Gnome (which you can see by the ubuntu-destkop metapackage being removed if you try removing Pulse) | 18:31 |
MindVirus | Oh my god. | 18:31 |
MindVirus | PingFloyd: I understand that. | 18:31 |
MindVirus | One second. I will restart like mcurran suggested. | 18:31 |
PingFloyd | MindVirus: you could opt to create a metapackage with the dependencies you prefer | 18:31 |
BluesKaj | askhader, that link isn't working either | 18:32 |
K1ng\ | cairo-dockE: Couldn't find package cairo-dock | 18:32 |
K1ng\ | king@king-Server:~$ ^C | 18:32 |
K1ng\ | any idea? | 18:32 |
askhader | BluesKaj: Works for me | 18:32 |
askhader | Make sure you' | 18:32 |
askhader | 've typed it correctly :p | 18:32 |
askhader | BluesKaj: I can upload it elsewhere if it's not working | 18:33 |
ZykoticK9 | K1ng\, what version of Ubuntu are you running? "lsb_release -a" to check. | 18:33 |
`mOOse` | it works for me askhader | 18:34 |
Lusule | how do I get ubuntu to play UK-based dvd formats in VLC? I've followed the guide at but neither VLC nor movie player seem to be working | 18:34 |
MindVirus | mcurran: Just like I said, your advice was not useful. | 18:34 |
MindVirus | mcurran: Pulseaudio still runs. | 18:34 |
MindVirus | I did exactly what you said. | 18:34 |
MindVirus | And I can't kill it; it restarts. | 18:35 |
BluesKaj | askhader, ok got it ..try : sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart | 18:35 |
gerrin | help, trying to play a dvd, and everytime i try to load one it says that i dont have permission to run/read disk | 18:35 |
muhammad_ | hi all, | 18:35 |
gerrin | what can i do to fix that? | 18:35 |
carl | hi all | 18:36 |
MindVirus | How do I kill pulseaudio without it restarting? | 18:36 |
ericjames | hi all, how do I enable the default gnome/Nautilus behavior of opening each folder in a new window? | 18:36 |
ericjames | sry for the noob question, but I didn't see this option in the edit>preferences menu. | 18:36 |
muhammad_ | i have recently updated ubuntu kk 9.10 with suggested updates , and now the screen locks almost every 1 minuet by itself. | 18:36 |
Tm_T | MindVirus: "pactl exit" ? | 18:36 |
muhammad_ | Can anyone help me with the problem | 18:37 |
ZykoticK9 | gerrin, have you install libdvdcss2 (libdvdread4 will install it in Karmic)? | 18:37 |
gerrin | no i havent | 18:37 |
MindVirus | Tm_T: It isn't killing it. | 18:37 |
BluesKaj | gerrin, install ubuntu-restricted-extras and libdvdcss2 | 18:37 |
Tm_T | MindVirus: but stops it? | 18:37 |
gerrin | ok thanks | 18:37 |
ericjames | muhammad: have you tried preferences>screen saver? | 18:37 |
MindVirus | Tm_T: It seems to do the same thing as killall pulseaudio. | 18:37 |
askhader | BluesKaj: Well now even the ethernet card lost its connection :P | 18:37 |
askhader | BluesKaj: And wpa_cli still cannot connect to wpa_Supplicant | 18:38 |
richard123 | Hi, can anyone help me with gparted - getting a new partition inside an already created one for windows? please. | 18:38 |
muhammad_ | yes i ahve set it to 1 hour but the problem persists. | 18:38 |
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ZykoticK9 | gerrin, libdvdcss2 is in the Medibuntu repo! BUT if you install libdvdread4 and run the script after install it will grab it for you | 18:38 |
gerrin | where can i install libdvdcss2 from | 18:38 |
MindVirus | richard123: That makes no sense. You can't put a partition into a partition. | 18:38 |
MindVirus | gerrin: Medibuntu. | 18:38 |
K1ng\ | !Devilspie | 18:38 |
ubottu | devilspie is a tool that performs actions on windows in GNOME's metacity such as resizing, positioning, and pinning. Usage information can be found at | 18:38 |
muhammad_ | also i am actively using the keyb and mouse , but still locks | 18:38 |
ericjames | richard123: first resize your windows partition, then create the new one. | 18:38 |
muhammad_ | to be precise the system has locked three times since i started this chat session. | 18:39 |
ghufran | hi .. can someone help me mount a usb hdd? i tried using mount but im getting an error | 18:39 |
ericjames | anybody know how to enable the Nautilus behavior of opening each folder in a new window? | 18:39 |
richard123 | ericjames: i can resize the parition, but because there are too many partitions on the drive already preinstalled, it wont let me make a new one? | 18:39 |
MindVirus | Tm_T: So, any suggestions? | 18:39 |
K1ng\ | hey i cant install devilspie... please help | 18:40 |
Tm_T | MindVirus: no, sorry | 18:40 |
BluesKaj | askhader, ok run sudo dhclient eth0 , to reconnect your wired/ethernet | 18:40 |
ericjames | richard123: i've never encountered that problem, sory. | 18:40 |
askhader | BluesKaj: Yeah already did that. | 18:40 |
MindVirus | Tm_T: There is seriously no way to kill pulseaudio? | 18:40 |
ericjames | sorry* | 18:40 |
askhader | BluesKaj: But the original problem remains. | 18:40 |
abadr | How do I find out what version of a package I would get from the apt repository? | 18:40 |
Tm_T | MindVirus: I don't know, I don't use it, nor have it running | 18:41 |
iceroot | abadr: apt-cache show packagename | 18:41 |
MindVirus | Tm_T: OK. Thanks anyways. :) | 18:41 |
abadr | thanks iceroot | 18:41 |
Lusule | hi guys, i'm trying to run a dvd but when i try to load it through either vlc or totem i get the same error: libdvdnav: ifoRead_TITLE_VOBU_ADMAP vtsi failed... <player>: /build/buildd/libdvdnav-4.1.3/src/vm/vm.c:1485: process_command: Assertion `0' failed. - what does this mean and how do I fix it? I've checked my dvd drive is linked to the same region as the disk i want to play | 18:41 |
BluesKaj | askhader, what does wpa_cli have to do with wpa_supplicant? | 18:41 |
richard123 | Hi, can anyone help me with gparted - getting a new partition inside an already created one for windows? please. - gparted wont let me make a new one because there are too many eisting partitions. | 18:41 |
PingFloyd | richard123: you need to create logical partitions | 18:41 |
askhader | BluesKaj: Uhh have you ever run wpa_cli before? | 18:41 |
ghufran | when i do mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdd1 /media/directory it says No such file or directory .. even though sudo fdisk -l shows this path :S | 18:41 |
BluesKaj | i just run the commands in the terminal, askhader | 18:42 |
PingFloyd | richard123: you can have either 4 primary partitions per HD, or 3 primaries and an extended to hold logical partitions | 18:42 |
richard123 | pingfloyd: please explain how, thank you? | 18:42 |
ZykoticK9 | ghufran, does the folder /media/directory exist? | 18:42 |
askhader | BluesKaj: Okay well perhaps that question is just about as useful as the question 'Why does wpa_cli say that it failed to connect to wpa_Supplicant" ? | 18:42 |
ghufran | richard123: u can only have 4 primary partitions per physical disk | 18:42 |
BluesKaj | i have wpa supplicant installed for my USB wifi adapter , | 18:42 |
PingFloyd | richard123: I presume you currently have 4 primaries right now? | 18:42 |
ghufran | ZykoticK9: yea i made it | 18:42 |
muhammad_ | ericjames , any idea ? | 18:42 |
hardwired | 'llo. I tried to update my server via console. I ran do-release-upgrade in a screen session, and detached from it. I perdiodically reconnected to answer questions that do-release-upgrade asked, and each tie, detached from screen again. At some point, the screen execytable was not found anymore. | 18:43 |
ZykoticK9 | ghufran, see if "mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdd1 /mnt" works | 18:43 |
BluesKaj | askhader, failed to read or failed to connect ? | 18:43 |
ikonia | hardwired: ahh it must have updated screen | 18:43 |
hardwired | what should I do? There is some screen process still around, but apt-get install screen complains that there is a lock around. | 18:43 |
ericjames | muhammad: nope, sorry. | 18:43 |
askhader | BluesKaj: "Could not connect to wpa_supplicant - re-trying" | 18:44 |
hardwired | ikonia: a rehash didn't help either | 18:44 |
ikonia | hardwired: there is a lock as the upgrade process is still running | 18:44 |
ghufran | ZykoticK9: same result | 18:44 |
richard123 | pingfloyd: yes, I have 1MB unallocated, ntfs system on 200MB, main ntfs (windows) on 578GB, and a windows recovry of 10GB | 18:44 |
hardwired | ikonia: so I just keep on waiting? I have been waiting for avout half an houtr already. | 18:44 |
ZykoticK9 | ghufran, then the /dev/sdd1 must be the problem | 18:44 |
ericjames | anybody know how to enable the Nautilus behavior of opening each folder in a new window? | 18:44 |
ikonia | hardwired: it may have hung if it's lost it's controlling tty (screen) | 18:44 |
BluesKaj | askhader, what command is creating that output in the terminal ? | 18:44 |
ZykoticK9 | ghufran, you are using sudo before the command right? | 18:45 |
gerrin | i did that and still not playing back, anything else i can try | 18:45 |
PingFloyd | richard123: so you only have 3 primary partitions? | 18:45 |
askhader | BluesKaj: wpa_cli | 18:45 |
ghufran | ZykoticK9: how so? if i restart.. it will mount automatically without any issues | 18:45 |
ZykoticK9 | ghufran, are you using sudo? | 18:45 |
hardwired | ikonia: should I see that in ps? The TTY in ps of the screen process is displayed as a ? | 18:45 |
ghufran | ZykoticK9: yes. using sudo | 18:45 |
jeeves_Moss | what do I have to remove from a desktop install to strip it out to make the install a CLI only server? | 18:45 |
richard123 | pingfloyd: how do I identify if it is primary or not (but assume I have more because gparted tells me 'cnt have more than 4') | 18:45 |
alexxio | do you know how can i switch off wireless from X ? is there a shell command or a desktop button? | 18:45 |
ZykoticK9 | ghufran, is it mounted right now? can you pastebin "mount" | 18:45 |
PingFloyd | richard123: you can't have more than 4 | 18:46 |
ikonia | hardwired: you should see apt or the dpkg process running | 18:46 |
ikonia | hardwired: or run a lsof on the lock file | 18:46 |
PingFloyd | richard123: to have more, you would have to make the 4th partition becomes an extended partition which in turn contains logical partitions | 18:46 |
richard123 | understood. I must have this at least because gparted gives me that error message when I shrink the main one and try to put in a new one? | 18:46 |
ZykoticK9 | PingFloyd, you can only have 4 Primary paritions, to have more you need to use Logical (this is a BIOS limitation) | 18:47 |
PingFloyd | ZykoticK9: that's what I said | 18:47 |
hardwired | ikonia: the lock file is still opened by a running dpkg process. But how can I check whether it is running or hanging? | 18:47 |
Turtl3 | were you sleepless? | 18:47 |
ZykoticK9 | PingFloyd, oh sorry - misread you. my bad. | 18:47 |
PingFloyd | ZykoticK9: why are you telling me? | 18:47 |
ikonia | hardwired: you won't be able to (strace it maybe ?) now you've lost your controlling console | 18:47 |
richard123 | how do i make an extended partition? | 18:47 |
PingFloyd | richard123: how many partitions do you have total right now? | 18:47 |
hardwired | ikonia: bummer. I was following a guide for the upgrade, since I am new to ubuntu, and that guide suggested using screen. | 18:48 |
ginji | olaaaa | 18:48 |
richard123 | how do i make an extended partition? | 18:48 |
ikonia | hardwired: it's good advice normally | 18:48 |
ZykoticK9 | !es > ginji | 18:48 |
ubottu | ginji, please see my private message | 18:48 |
ginji | is espanish | 18:48 |
ikonia | richard123: same as any other partition, but you need free space | 18:48 |
ikonia | richard123: when it asks you for the partition type, tell it extended instead of primary | 18:48 |
richard123 | pingfloyd: 6 listed in gparted. | 18:49 |
ginji | soy español | 18:49 |
hardwired | ikonia: maybe I can find how much cpu time the process uses and see if that increases. | 18:49 |
PingFloyd | richard123: all on the same HD? | 18:49 |
ikonia | hardwired: doubtful | 18:49 |
ginji | ayayayay | 18:49 |
Phurl_ | hi all, anyone see gpart kill a windows partition after resize. the windows logo just displays for a while... | 18:49 |
ZykoticK9 | !es > ginji | 18:49 |
richard123 | pingfloyd: yes, that is what is listed in gparted on a new machine. | 18:49 |
hardwired | ikonia: ps just displays 0 seconds for cpu time | 18:49 |
ubottu | ginji, please see my private message | 18:49 |
ericjames | got it.. had to switch from browser mode to spacial mode via 'edit>preferences>behavior' then unchecking 'always open in browser windows'. odd way to adjust the behavior, but so long as it works I'm satisfied. (^_^) | 18:49 |
ghufran | ZykoticK9: here u go.. | 18:49 |
ikonia | hardwired: could be because it's waiting for user input from you | 18:50 |
PingFloyd | richard123: then you must already have an extended partition set up. So all you need to do it create a logical partition | 18:50 |
hardwired | ikonia: ahh, good idea. | 18:50 |
ZykoticK9 | ghufran, that wasn't for me -- for PingFloyd perhaps? | 18:50 |
richard123 | pingfloyd: please tell me how to identify what is an extended partition? | 18:50 |
ghufran | ZykoticK9: u asked me to pastbin output of 'mount' | 18:51 |
ZykoticK9 | ghufran, oh sorry - one second | 18:51 |
bartek_ | ahhh | 18:51 |
bartek_ | how many users ;d | 18:51 |
banisterfiend | ZykoticK9: do u like me the way i like u | 18:52 |
richard123 | pingfloyd: is that dev/sda1, dev/sda2 etc? | 18:52 |
ghufran | ZykoticK9: i posted output of fdisk -l, mount -t ntfs.. , and mount, and ls /media | 18:52 |
ZykoticK9 | ghufran, you seem to have 2 partitions on sdd - have you tried mounting sdd5 instead of sdd1? | 18:52 |
ghufran | ZykoticK9: i tried all of them .. all of them result in the same response | 18:53 |
richard123 | pingfloyd: is that dev/sda1, dev/sda2 etc? | 18:53 |
hardwired | ikonia: it probably was waiting for user input. I killed that dpkg process, and from what I see through ps, the update is now continuing. | 18:53 |
PingFloyd | richard123: no | 18:53 |
ZykoticK9 | ghufran, your sdd drive was not currently mounted - perhaps if you reboot (so it automounts) we can see what/where it's getting mounted | 18:53 |
ikonia | hardwired: hopefully you've got away with it, | 18:54 |
richard123 | pingfloyd: how do i identify what is what? | 18:54 |
sobber | Hello, how was it one found out what kernel module is used for the network card? | 18:54 |
Lusule | hi guys, i'm having trouble with playing dvd movies, i get errors which cause both vlc and totem to crash out, can anyone help me diagnose the problem please? | 18:54 |
guntbert | ZykoticK9: sudo mount -a is better than rebooting in that case | 18:54 |
ghufran | ZykoticK9: it mounts in /media/Ghufran_ and /media/Ghufran2_ since the partitions are named Ghufran and Ghufran2 and those directories are taken | 18:54 |
ikonia | Lusule: what sort of errors ? | 18:54 |
PingFloyd | richard123: they're the indented ones | 18:54 |
hardwired | ikonia: I am not sure... another dpkg spawned. Once the next input is required, I think it'll stop again | 18:54 |
Migi32 | please help, I'm having garbled high-pitch sound that occasionally slowly becomes gradually lower pitch (as if it's slowly losing power), then when it's become very low pitch with a "pop" sound goes back to high pitch instantly | 18:54 |
Lusule | hi ikonia! Long time no see... libdvdnav: ifoRead_TITLE_VOBU_ADMAP vtsi failed | 18:55 |
Lusule | vlc: /build/buildd/libdvdnav-4.1.3/src/vm/vm.c:1485: process_command: Assertion `0' failed. | 18:55 |
ZykoticK9 | ghufran, what device is mounted to those spots? | 18:55 |
ikonia | Lusule: is the dvd encrypted ? | 18:55 |
ikonia | Lusule: eg: is it a paid for movie ? | 18:55 |
Kohar | sobber lspci -v | 18:55 |
Lusule | ikonia: i guess so, but it's a region 2 and so's my dvd drive | 18:55 |
richard123 | pingfloyd: in gparted, I just have a list, no idented | 18:55 |
sobber | Kohar, Thanks a bunch | 18:55 |
ikonia | Lusule: you still have to decrypt it | 18:55 |
ZykoticK9 | guntbert, didn't know "mount -a" also did automount stuff, though it only did fstab -- thanks for the tip! | 18:55 |
Lusule | ikonia: i've gone through the ubuntu guide for encrypted dvds | 18:55 |
ikonia | Lusule: did you install the decryption stuff | 18:55 |
ikonia | !dvd | 18:55 |
PingFloyd | richard123: plus in the diagram, they're shown as housed in the extended partition | 18:55 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: - See also - But please use free formats if you can: | 18:55 |
Lusule | ikonia: yeah i've gone through that guide | 18:56 |
guntbert | ZykoticK9: :) | 18:56 |
ikonia | Lusule: including the component ? | 18:56 |
PingFloyd | richard123: they'll usually be sda5 and higher | 18:56 |
Lusule | ikonia: especially the component | 18:56 |
Migi32 | please help, my sound usually works but occasionally I'm having garbled high-pitch sound that slowly becomes gradually lower pitch (as if it's slowly losing power), then when it's become very low pitch with a "pop" sound goes back to high pitch instantly. Rebooting solves this temporarily | 18:56 |
ikonia | did it error ? | 18:56 |
=== demonspork_ is now known as demonspork | ||
Lusule | ikonia: not that i could see, i've tried it a couple of times | 18:56 |
ghufran | ZykoticK9: nothing i had made these directories to manually mount .. worked fine earlier .. guntbert: how do i use mount -a exactly? | 18:57 |
richard123 | pingfloyd: only have up to sda4. diagram doesn't seem to show housed ones. | 18:57 |
ZykoticK9 | ghufran, try "sudo mount -a" then repost the "mount" | 18:57 |
ikonia | Lusule: can you re-run it and pastebin it please | 18:57 |
Lusule | ikonia: okay hold on a mo | 18:57 |
ikonia | Lusule: thank you | 18:57 |
PingFloyd | richard123: then you have 4 pri partitions | 18:57 |
guntbert | ghufran: you type sudo mount -a to get every line from /etc/fstab mounted without rebooting | 18:57 |
PingFloyd | richard123: you'll have to copy/backup the data in the 4th one to some where and then make the 4th partition and extended one | 18:58 |
Lusule | ikonia: | 18:58 |
ghufran | ZykoticK9: | 18:58 |
richard123 | pingfloyd: how do I make an extended one? | 18:58 |
PingFloyd | richard123: you can't until you're down to 3 primaries | 18:59 |
ikonia | Lusule: that all loks fine | 18:59 |
ikonia | looks | 18:59 |
ZykoticK9 | ghufran, ya unfortunatly still not seeing sdd mounted! Guess you'll have to reboot afterall :( | 18:59 |
ikonia | give me a few minutes, need to step out | 18:59 |
Lusule | ikonia: sure thing | 18:59 |
ghufran | ZykoticK9: hmm .. ok thanks anyways :) | 19:00 |
PingFloyd | richard123: so you'll need to copy or backup your data and remove the 4th one. This will lose all the data on that partition. So after you create the extended partition and how ever many logical ones, you'll restore the data to the logical partition | 19:00 |
ghufran | its quite annoying though .. the cable is slightly loose and gets disconnected .. and then doesnt auto mount when i plug it in .. | 19:00 |
=== nozes is now known as nozes_volto_agor | ||
richard123 | pingfloyd: OK, think I have got it: please check is this is correct: the main one (sda2) is the windows user space, I back up my files from this, delete this partition? Then will I have unallocated space in gparted to creat a new partition within? | 19:02 |
PingFloyd | richard123: no | 19:03 |
PingFloyd | richard123: it has to be sda4 that you do it with | 19:03 |
=== stella is now known as Guest94497 | ||
richard123 | pingfloyd: why? | 19:03 |
coldfire2122 | can someone please help me disable a video card? my laptop has two and i only need one | 19:04 |
PingFloyd | richard123: lvm makes life easier | 19:04 |
InHisName | Does a 'disk track editor' exist for linux (ubuntu) ? I need to examine and possibly fix some sectors. | 19:04 |
richard123 | pingfloyd: why sda4, what is lvm? | 19:04 |
PingFloyd | richard123: just how it is | 19:05 |
richard123 | pinkfloyd: what is lvm? (OK) | 19:05 |
PingFloyd | richard123: anyway, you should backup the system before you go and do anything | 19:06 |
guntbert | richard123: logical volume management - a way to assign diskspace at will later | 19:06 |
richard123 | pingfloyd: can I use lvm now? | 19:06 |
PingFloyd | richard123: lvms are logical layer over partitions | 19:07 |
PingFloyd | richard123: lvm allows you to do think like online resizing | 19:08 |
richard123 | pinkfloyd: OK, so should I go with backing up and deleting sda4, then go from there? | 19:08 |
PingFloyd | richard123: yeah, but you may want to read up on lvm2 to see if that is helpful to you | 19:09 |
PingFloyd | richard123: I use lvm2, but it's too involved to explain how to setup over irc | 19:10 |
PingFloyd | richard123: there's plenty of how-tos for it though | 19:10 |
richard123 | pingfloyd: I think it might be over my head. | 19:10 |
scroll | how can I add an entry to indicator applet? | 19:10 |
PingFloyd | richard123: you might find this helpful for understanding | 19:12 |
valerio | !list | 19:15 |
ubottu | This is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » | 19:15 |
richard123 | pingfloyd: I got the gist of it: does the 'format to' option in gparted help me at all? | 19:15 |
richard123 | pingfloyd: for reformatting existing sda4? | 19:15 |
PingFloyd | richard123: it will be a destructive process to the data | 19:16 |
PingFloyd | richard123: when you format, all the data on the effected partition will no longer be linked | 19:17 |
anon | I had to wipe and restore my system from a backup, and now the Gnome login screen falls back to the default theme and won't let me log in with my password. (My username still appears there.) What should I do? | 19:17 |
richard123 | pingfloyd: OK. so once I have deleted existing sda4, what exactly do I do after deleting existing sda4- do i size down the windows partition, and create a new partion in the freed up space? | 19:18 |
erUSUL | coldfire2122: you can not disable t in the machine's BIOS ? | 19:18 |
=== nozes_volto_agor is now known as nozes | ||
PingFloyd | richard123: yeah, but make sure the new one will be an extended partition. And then you'll create the logical partitions in that. I recommend you back everything up as contingency. | 19:19 |
toni_ | | 19:19 |
PingFloyd | richard123: everything | 19:19 |
PingFloyd | richard123: things can go wrong from user error and/or bugs | 19:19 |
fbc-mx | Is there anything that will batch normalize mp3 files? Maybe a rythmbox plugin or a seperate app? | 19:19 |
richard123 | pingfloyd: OK understood - how do I specify an extended partition? and how do I get ubuntu into that? | 19:20 |
ZykoticK9 | fbc-mx, there is the cli program normalize-audio if that helps you | 19:20 |
fbc-mx | ZykoticK9, only does wav files | 19:21 |
erUSUL | !info mp3gain | 19:23 |
carnrov | Hey everyone.. Had a quick question about remote desktop... When changing preferences it like to connect to this address (vino preferences )um... just curious to what is actually taking place? | 19:23 |
ubottu | mp3gain (source: mp3gain): Lossless mp3 normalizer with statistical analysis. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.4.6-8 (karmic), package size 58 kB, installed size 168 kB | 19:23 |
Fraxtil | I had to wipe and restore my system from a backup, and now the Gnome login screen falls back to the default theme and won't let me log in with my password. (My username still appears there.) What should I do? | 19:23 |
ZykoticK9 | fbc-mx, actually if you install that package you'll find the command "normalize-mp3" | 19:23 |
fbc-mx | erUSUL, I can't figure out how to make mp3gain go into batch mode. | 19:24 |
coldfire2122 | erUSUL: no its a hybrid graphics system. there is a switch to change between them in windows but it doesnt work in linux | 19:24 |
erUSUL | fbc-mx: find music_folder/ -type f -iname '*.mp3' -exec mp3gain -a -k '{}' + | 19:24 |
fbc-mx | erUSUL, damn, you told me before I even asked the question... that's freaky | 19:25 |
hardwired | ikonia: the upgrade seems to have worked mostly. I am now correcting the fallout. Thanks for your help! | 19:25 |
* erUSUL takes of his mind reading hat | 19:25 | |
Fraxtil | I just now noticed that =, whoops :S | 19:25 |
ratita | hola | 19:25 |
richard123 | pingfloyd: have deleted sda4 but now main partion does not allow resizing in gparted? | 19:25 |
erUSUL | !es | ratita | 19:25 |
ubottu | ratita: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 19:25 |
richard123 | (I did back up - not much data, new machine) | 19:25 |
carnrov | Hey everyone.. Had a quick question about remote desktop... When changing preferences it like to connect to this address (vino preferences )um... just curious to what is actually taking place? | 19:26 |
bdrung | hi, what does -vsync mean in the Xorg.0.log: Modeline "1920x1200"x0.0 154.00 1920 1968 2000 2080 1200 1203 1209 1235 +hsync -vsync (74.0 kHz) | 19:26 |
prodcutnews | hi, i had 8 experience in oracle started as coder, later being occasionally shifted in support works ( check business flow, and change business logic in oracle/unix shell scripts ), in doing so i had manytimes lost my coding skills , at last left over with out the touch of the subject ...can u help how to come back and stick firmly to get atleast bit of bread and butter for survival ..hope u might have faced y situation once in ur life ..? these days im | 19:26 |
`mOOse` | erUSUL is our favorite bot ;-) | 19:26 |
nosse1 | Hello guys. My Ubuntu server has just been upgraded to karmic, and the disk containing the user's home is fsck during startup (due to fstab "0 2"), yet users are allowed to login! Where can I configure SSH not to allow login before e2fsck is done? | 19:26 |
erUSUL | ^.- | 19:26 |
ratita | hola quien eres | 19:26 |
=== Yos_ is now known as Yos | ||
guntbert | !ot | prodcutnews | 19:27 |
ubottu | prodcutnews: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 19:27 |
Fraxtil | Also, is it bad if there's no /etc/shadow file on my system? | 19:28 |
erUSUL | Fraxtil: pretty bad; that's where passwords are stored | 19:29 |
carnrov | Hey everyone.. Had a quick question about remote desktop... When changing preferences it like to connect to this address (vino preferences )um... just curious to what is actually taking place? | 19:30 |
prodcutnews | ubottu : im also unix shellscripter too, oracle server, unix admin go hand in hand for stable and secuirty of business ..that is the reason i put here | 19:30 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 19:30 |
Fraxtil | erUSUL: I think when I backed up my system, it didn't copy /etc/shadow for whatever reason. How should I recover this? | 19:30 |
Guest26870 | pingfloyd: the major division is showing a key graphic next to it- ie locked? in gparted | 19:30 |
guntbert | prodcutnews: this channel is ONLY for ubuntu support | 19:30 |
zilkomaa | How can i fix video tearing with vlc player in twinview to tv ? | 19:30 |
Alaric` | Hey folks ... got a fast question I'm hoping someone here knows the answer to. My wife was just given a new Dell laptop, which I'm installing Xubuntu on for her. The disk has three partitions: 70MB fat16 sda1 Dell utility partition, 10GB ntfs sda2 not specified, 49GB ntfs sda3 Vista Basic. I'm ASSUMING sda2 is a Vista recovery image. | 19:31 |
djzn | Hello!!! Is it true that you CAN'T compile anything on a DEV Application on Windows XP under VIRTUALBOX ? | 19:31 |
prodcutnews | guntbert :im ubuntu user ..its is very fast to use and quick to install and portable | 19:31 |
zilkomaa | Video is fine in monitor. | 19:31 |
erUSUL | Fraxtil: :/ dunno if it is even possible ... | 19:31 |
aliquerer | I have a LaTeX template - but i need to use swedish letters in it. How do I do? | 19:31 |
guntbert | prodcutnews: you misread again: ubuntu support - not merely ubuntu related | 19:31 |
Alaric` | now, I'm ALSO assuming that if I blow away Vista and the presumed Vista recovery image, there's no reason I need to keep the 70MB Dell utility partition .... right? | 19:32 |
alankila | aliquerer: wasn't it something like \use{inputenc}[latin1] or something? my latex is awfully rusty, though. | 19:32 |
scroll | how can i add an entry to the indicator applet? | 19:32 |
erUSUL | aliquerer: #latex seems a bettwer place to ask ... | 19:32 |
nosse1 | aliquerer: I seem to recall something similar | 19:32 |
Kohar | Alaric` don't know about dell but ibm use os/2 partition for recovery | 19:32 |
`mOOse` | Alaric`, right | 19:32 |
guntbert | nosse1: #ubuntu-server might be better suited | 19:32 |
nosse1 | guntbert: Thanks | 19:33 |
richard123 | pingfloyd: have deleted sda4 but now main partion does not allow resizing in gparted? | 19:33 |
Alaric` | OK, that's what I thought. Thanks. | 19:33 |
`mOOse` | dell uses a fat32 hidden partition for the recovery | 19:33 |
richard123 | can anyone help me: I am stuck in a re-partioning process and gparted is showing that the major devision sda2 is locked for some reason? | 19:34 |
sambagirlx | the latest release of ubuntu is awesome | 19:35 |
erUSUL | richard123: it is mounted? | 19:35 |
=== GiNeeRInG is now known as RussellAlan | ||
pelandrit | does anybody know if the alternate ISO of 9.10 uses casper? | 19:36 |
richard123 | erUSUL: how do I check this please? | 19:36 |
Ganymede | so what's the deal with all these operating systems that claim, "supports up to 256 TB of memory"...when will you ever find a machine with 256 TB physical memory? (or do they mean virtual memory?) | 19:36 |
Alaric` | richard123, what filesystem is on it and which direction are you trying to resize it? Some filesystems can be grown, but not shrunk | 19:36 |
Ganymede | oh, i should take this to offtopic actually | 19:36 |
redshadowhero | Would anyone be able to tell me if the rt2860sta module supports 802.11n? | 19:36 |
richard123 | Alaric/erSUL: dev/sda2/ | 19:37 |
richard123 | [I could shrink it before I deleted sda4] | 19:37 |
erUSUL | richard123: right click in gparted in the gparted gui. there should be an option to mount/umount the partition iirc | 19:37 |
* erUSUL brainfart | 19:37 | |
Fraxtil | Okay, I found a tutorial for recovering /etc/shadow, I'll try it out | 19:38 |
richard123 | erUSUL: it only gives me an umount option, so assume mounted. | 19:38 |
erUSUL | richard123: correct | 19:38 |
EverettZ | wondering if anyone can confirm for me the steps to start the Lucid live CD with blindness accessibility enabled? Using a VM with no pc-speaker and have no idea what's going on. | 19:38 |
jrib | EverettZ: #ubuntu+1 for help with lucid, it is still in development | 19:39 |
guntbert | !lucid | EverettZ | 19:39 |
=== Blue-Omega_ is now known as Blue-Omega | ||
ubottu | EverettZ: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+1 | 19:39 |
richard123 | erUSUL: there is a keys graphic next to it indicated locked? | 19:39 |
EverettZ | Thanks. | 19:39 |
richard123 | erSUL: this was not the case 5 minutes ago before I deleted sda4 (had too many partitions).? | 19:39 |
erUSUL | richard123: dunno, how many paritions do you have? | 19:40 |
erUSUL | !tab | richard123 | 19:41 |
ubottu | richard123: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 19:41 |
hardwired | what do I have to install to get 'add-apt-repository'? | 19:42 |
alabd | | 19:42 |
Grim147 | has anyone used unetbootin ? | 19:42 |
hardwired | alabd: 2007? | 19:43 |
Guest26870 | erUSUL: OK problem was I needed to unmount it. | 19:43 |
Grim147 | it doenst seem to work | 19:43 |
porter1 | Is there any way to prevent pulseaudio from crackling when using more than 2 outputs? | 19:43 |
blakkheim | porter1: you could remove pulseaudio | 19:44 |
Flannel | blakkheim: Please be helpful | 19:44 |
soreau | hardwired: python-software-properties | 19:44 |
porter1 | blakkheim, I could, but then I wouldn't know if I would completely ruin all sorts of annoying dependencies, or if some strange programs would complain | 19:44 |
richard123 | erUSUL: OK problem was that it was mounted. | 19:45 |
erUSUL | richard123: ok; | 19:45 |
Avogadro | How do you change the background when you login with xterm option ? | 19:45 |
richard123 | erUSUL: then do I creat a new partition in the new unallocated freed space? | 19:46 |
hardwired | soreau: thanks! | 19:46 |
dharma | install emesene webcam help | 19:46 |
richard123 | erUSUL: then do I creat a new partition in the new unallocated freed space? | 19:46 |
erUSUL | richard123: or you can just let the instaler do it for you ... but yes you can create the paritions there, | 19:46 |
soreau | hardwired: np. | 19:47 |
ZykoticK9 | Avogadro, if you arent' joking - you might be able to install eterm and use the Esetroot command to do it (not sure it's going to be possible), good luck | 19:47 |
erUSUL | richard123: an extended parition. insede it a parition for swap one for root and another for home | 19:47 |
=== homer is now known as Guest19734 | ||
erUSUL | richard123: root mounted in / of about 10 GiB the rest for home minus a swap parition equal to your ram | 19:48 |
dharma | cual es la sala de ubuntu español | 19:48 |
Avogadro | ZykoticK9: well when I use the xterm login, the backgound stays the same as the default deep red login page | 19:48 |
ZykoticK9 | !es | dharma | 19:48 |
ubottu | dharma: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 19:48 |
richard123 | erUSUL: will the installer do this automatically for me? | 19:48 |
erUSUL | richard123: installer wont do a separate home parition | 19:49 |
ZykoticK9 | Avogadro, xterm login is designed for troubleshooting not really to be used -- Esetroot "might" work, if it's that important to you. | 19:49 |
erUSUL | richard123: it will do swap + root | 19:49 |
zilkomaa | Has someone idea how to get tearing off with twinview in tv? using vlc player compiz, video is fine in monitor but in tv out video is tearing.. | 19:49 |
richard123 | erUSUR: so I must do install manually? | 19:49 |
Flannel | pelandrit: The alternate (and server, and mini) ISOs use debian-installer, which is not casper (only the LiveCDs use casper) | 19:50 |
Flannel | pelandrit: Going back to your question a long time ago, at a boot: prompt, you should be able to just hit enter there. | 19:51 |
richard123 | erUSUR: will you be around in a hour to walk me through the install? it is taking a few minutes now to shrink the partition to free space? | 19:51 |
Avogadro | ZykoticK9: that will only set the background of the xterm itself, not the image under the xterm :/ | 19:52 |
elgh_ | I want to have more special effecs on desktop, but have some problems. If I chose higher effects then none, my terminal goes transparent. Why? | 19:52 |
ZykoticK9 | Avogadro, Esetroot is to change the background of Xorg | 19:52 |
pelandrit | thanks Flannel but when i hit enter on that promp only get a "cant find linux" | 19:53 |
erUSUL | richard123: dunno; but if i'm not around i'm sure someone else can guide you. the installation process should be strightforward | 19:53 |
ZykoticK9 | Avogadro, it's what I used back in my Gentoo/Fluxbox days to control the background image | 19:53 |
richard123 | erUSUL:OK thanks. | 19:54 |
Flannel | pelandrit: Ah. Try following this guide: | 19:54 |
richard123 | erUSUL: but basically I need 3 areas. Do I FIRST create the partition in gparted, and of what type? | 19:54 |
gumis | hallo what is it ? | 19:55 |
Avogadro | ZykoticK9: you were right, it works, cheers :P | 19:55 |
ZykoticK9 | Avogadro, glad to help :) | 19:55 |
pelandrit | Flannel: that tutorial is for 8.04, it will work as well with 9.10? | 19:55 |
erUSUL | richard123: if you already have two paritions i would create a extended partition. then inside that i would create the 3 needed partitions (logical ones) | 19:55 |
gumis | jest ktoś z Polski? | 19:56 |
FiremanEd | !pl | gumis | 19:57 |
ubottu | gumis: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl. | 19:57 |
MindVirus | Rhythmbox is using ~70% of my CPU. | 19:57 |
gumis | ok | 19:57 |
richard123 | I have some minor unallocated space and then sda1/2/3. does that make sense? How do I create a logical partition within unallocated space in gparted? | 19:57 |
bthornton | Karmic comes with a disk utility that shows drive status, but I forget what it's called. Can someone help me here? | 19:57 |
richard123 | erUSUR: I have some minor unallocated space and then sda1/2/3. does that make sense? How do I create a logical partition within unallocated space in gparted? | 19:57 |
bthornton | palim... something | 19:57 |
MindVirus | Any suggestions? | 19:57 |
erUSUL | richard123: to create a parition jusr right click on unallocated space and choose new | 19:58 |
`mOOse` | richard123, did you bother to read anything AT ALL about partitioning hard drives? | 19:58 |
resno | how likely am i to botch my linux install by install windows to dual boot? | 19:58 |
`mOOse` | resno, got windows on there now? | 19:58 |
richard123 | mOOSe: yes - have done it before but forgot a lot. | 19:58 |
resno | `mOOse`: no, i want to install windows | 19:59 |
`mOOse` | resno, windows first, then linux - that way grub will "see" windows and give you proper boot menu | 19:59 |
richard123 | erUSUL: OK, and then specify 'extended'? | 19:59 |
resno | `mOOse`: how about if i dual boot but install on seperate hdd? | 20:00 |
richard123 | mOOSe: the problem is that the installer used to have a sliding bar to help partition- now that seems to have disappeared. | 20:00 |
es21593 | siema | 20:00 |
`mOOse` | resno, that's not the problem - you want to be able to boot to ubuntu AND windows - that requires a boot loader with a menu - windows will not recognise linux and so will write over your mbr - then you won't be able to boot into ubuntu | 20:01 |
resno | `mOOse`: so i really need to reinstall the whole thing? | 20:02 |
guntbert | MindVirus: just kill it and restart it | 20:02 |
`mOOse` | resno, no but there's a method to regaining your grub - what rev ubuntu are we talking about? | 20:02 |
Migi32 | how do I stream all output of a command to a file ("$command > outputfile" only streams normal std::cout, not std::cerr etc) | 20:02 |
alabd | Hello , how many times will hard disk be parked per minute in kernel 2.6.28-11 | 20:02 |
resno | `mOOse`: i am using 9.10 ubunutu | 20:03 |
hardwired | I have tty startup script in both /etc/init and /etc/event.d/ wehat is the difference? | 20:03 |
tomek_ | hi all | 20:03 |
Migi32 | how do I stream all output of a command to a file ("$command > outputfile" only streams normal std::cout, not std::cerr etc) | 20:03 |
macman_ | asking again .. trying to find teh size of a title of a movie .. lsdvd just shows the lenght i want to know the actual size .. anways to do this | 20:04 |
Sinani201 | For the gedit plugin "External Tools," what code should I put in to compile C++ code? | 20:04 |
Keller | how do i make console emit C-tab and C-S-tab sequences? | 20:04 |
Chinta | Hi, Im a hopeless newbie trying to use ubuntu. I downloaded an iso of a game and mounted it, but when I try to run in the command line (with sudo) I get "command not found". Whats the problem? Can anyone help me? | 20:04 |
Migi32 | Come on, how hard can it be? How do I stream all output of a command to a file ("$command > outputfile" only streams normal std::cout, not std::cerr etc) | 20:04 |
`mOOse` | resno, hang on | 20:05 |
* Chinta hopes for an asnwer | 20:05 | |
Sinani201 | migi32: If you run the file in Terminal, it should show the output. Then you can copypaste it in a text file | 20:05 |
`mOOse` | resno, | 20:05 |
hardwired | Migi32: someCommand > somewhere 2>&1 | 20:05 |
usser | Migi32, something like command 2>&1 > output | 20:05 |
Migi32 | Sinani201, the output is too long so not all output is visible | 20:05 |
Migi32 | thx hardwired and usser | 20:05 |
Sinani201 | For the gedit plugin "External Tools," what code should I put in to compile C++ code? | 20:06 |
hardwired | Migi32: and write that down somewhere, because if you're like me, you keep forgetting it. | 20:06 |
[-jon-] | if there is a process running (this is ubuntu server edition) as /tmp/.x11-####, any assumptions as to what it could be? | 20:06 |
[-jon-] | Sinani201: g++ | 20:06 |
christopherius | Chinta, did you change directories in the command line to the location of | 20:06 |
usser | Sinani201, i dunno, g++ $1 | 20:06 |
hardwired | [-jon-]: udp socket for x11 | 20:07 |
Sinani201 | usser: OK, I'll try that | 20:07 |
Migi32 | hardwired, you're right I had already heard about this, but googling stuff like 2>&1 is pretty hard :) | 20:07 |
Chinta | christopherius: What? Sorry, I dont know what you are talking about. | 20:07 |
[-jon-] | hardwired: hmm, thats what I sort of figured | 20:07 |
hardwired | [-jon-]: (and that is an assumption only) | 20:07 |
[-jon-] | but the strange thing is that its running as www | 20:07 |
christopherius | when u open the terminal u gotta change directories with the cd command | 20:08 |
Chinta | oh, is it that I have to "go" to the directory where the is? I tried the whole path to it. | 20:08 |
hardwired | [-jon-]: strange indeed. If it's be a process spawned by some haxoring that came in through your webserver, that might be bad. | 20:08 |
[-jon-] | yeah, and www has a bash running | 20:08 |
hardwired | [-jon-]: try lsof |grep pid-of-that-process? | 20:08 |
Sinani201 | usser: I want the input file to be the file that's being edited in gedit, what characters should I use to represent the file? | 20:08 |
[-jon-] | there's two of them, one is using 100% of a core | 20:08 |
usser | Sinani201, hang on lemme try that | 20:09 |
mahdii | hi all | 20:09 |
[-jon-] | hardwired: its getting just no pwd entry for uid ############# | 20:09 |
mahdii | i need to kill some one | 20:09 |
hardwired | [-jon-]: something strange in netstat, such as outgoing connections to port 25? | 20:09 |
mahdii | :) | 20:09 |
BinaryMan | anyone know the command to delete a row from a mysql table? | 20:09 |
en1gma | can ubuntu live cd do the same thing as acronis true image home (when you use the bootable media) to backup and restore....i not talking about how acronis runs in a windows talking about when you insert the acronis bootable media and then do a complete backup or a complete restore | 20:10 |
[-jon-] | hardwired: the thing is, I'm not the only one running things on this server, but I dont recall ever seeing that | 20:10 |
hardwired | BinaryMan: delete from yourtable where somecondition | 20:10 |
Sinani201 | en1gma: Probably | 20:10 |
en1gma | there is probably a distro out similar to acronis bootable media that does the same thing | 20:10 |
Chinta | No, it doesnt work. I still get the "command not found" error. | 20:10 |
en1gma | what would the commands be | 20:10 |
LaptopBrain | hi, i have an existing gentoo installation on ext3, which i want to install over the top with ubuntu. i dont want to reformat the partitions im installing onto. i take it this is possible in the ubuntu livecd? just thought i'd ask before i waste any time if it cant | 20:10 |
hardwired | [-jon-]: maybe it's a cgi, dunno | 20:10 |
BinaryMan | hardwired: that's what i thought. | 20:10 |
en1gma | i mean how does this work | 20:10 |
[-jon-] | it was spawned by bash | 20:10 |
Sinani201 | en1gma: Well, probably not. Are you trying to backup/restore a winodws machine? | 20:10 |
[-jon-] | I cant think of a reason for www to have a shell | 20:10 |
en1gma | i have a soft raid0 | 20:10 |
resno | thanks `mOOse` | 20:10 |
BinaryMan | hardwired: the table was just a single line, so i just left out the where clause. | 20:10 |
BinaryMan | and it worked. | 20:11 |
hardwired | [-jon-]: the name though wouldn't be from a friendly cgi though, the name smells of obfuscationb | 20:11 |
en1gma | yea it will be most likely but i also have a seperate hd i keep ubuntu on (single non-raid drive) that i can backup also | 20:11 |
Asmob | how i can install cursor theme for ubuntu | 20:11 |
`mOOse` | good luck resno | 20:11 |
resno | thanks! `mOOse` ill be sure to backup incase | 20:11 |
mahdii | wooooooooooow | 20:12 |
mahdii | hi man | 20:12 |
[-jon-] | any idea of a way to see how that shell was actually spawned? | 20:13 |
christopherius | Chinta, did u type 'sh'? | 20:13 |
LaptopBrain | hmm, stupid livecd. its trying to detect floppies and hanging in a loop - i dont have any floppies plugged in | 20:13 |
Asmob | how i can install cursor theme for ubuntu? | 20:13 |
LaptopBrain | how long does it go on doing this before timeout? | 20:13 |
becker_11 | I spent most of tonight on a mates windoze machine being frustrated because I couldn't create new windows in my screen session using putty as soon as I try it on linux it works perfectly | 20:14 |
ZykoticK9 | [-jon-], perhaps "ps axf" might shed some light? | 20:14 |
Sorrel | hello, does anyone here know if the Wacom "Pen" working in 9.10 ? | 20:14 |
becker_11 | crappy windows software for you | 20:14 |
hardwired | [-jon-]: ps aux maybe? | 20:14 |
[-jon-] | htop shows the tree | 20:14 |
usser | Sinani201, gcc -x c - | 20:14 |
cbleslie | sorrel: yes. | 20:15 |
usser | Sinani201, thats for C for C++ it would be g++ -x cpp - i suppose | 20:15 |
Sinani201 | usser: OK, I'll try that | 20:15 |
erUSUL | richard123: yes; extended | 20:15 |
Jaunty | jumper vc esta aki | 20:15 |
MindVirus | Rhythmbox uses ~70% CPU. | 20:15 |
usser | Sinani201, also make sure you select Input: Current Document and Output: Display in Bottom Pane | 20:15 |
Asmob | also i use emerald theme and after restart i need set it again... | 20:15 |
Sorrel | cbleslie: what do I need to download to get it to work? | 20:16 |
Sinani201 | usser: I know, I already have that check | 20:16 |
=== sisu_math is now known as moomlyn | ||
fbc-mx | erUSUL, that command line for mp4 gain you gave if giving a bunch of my audio file -5 gain... does that make them louder? | 20:16 |
[-jon-] | where does ubuntu store secure logs? /var/log/kern.log? | 20:16 |
cbleslie | sorrel: you need yo configure it in gimp. | 20:16 |
Sorrel | I already downloaded the xserver-xorg-input-wacom and wacom-tools through apt | 20:16 |
fbc-mx | erUSUL, sorry meant mp3gain | 20:17 |
usser | Sinani201, what this external tools plugin does is it pipes the current document from gedit to the command, gcc by default operates on files, so gcc -x c - specifies the language of the text piped to gcc (-x c) and tells it to grab input from the pipe ( - ) | 20:17 |
Sorrel | k | 20:17 |
cbleslie | yeah you should be good | 20:17 |
erUSUL | fbc-mx: -5 should be quieter; afaics | 20:17 |
ZykoticK9 | Asmob, re: cursor - installing gcursor will give you a GUI method of installing cursors (i read) -- re: emerald, emerald is no longer developed and you should "think" about dropping it (i know of no replacements i'm afraid) | 20:17 |
kazulu | hello friends | 20:18 |
happyface | can anyone help with this wifi problem? | 20:18 |
kazulu | of Ubuntu Comunity... | 20:18 |
rolsworth | is there a simple way to share videos with the xbox 360 on ubuntu | 20:18 |
LaptopBrain | damit | 20:18 |
=== jaystorm is now known as JayStorm | ||
Sinani201 | Usser: Since I am trying to compile c++ code, I used g++ instead of gcc. I got a bunch of errors that I am not getting when I run the code in the terminal. | 20:18 |
LaptopBrain | i cant get around these end_request I/O error dev fd0 errors :( | 20:18 |
ZykoticK9 | Asmob, ^ s/cursor/pointers | 20:18 |
LaptopBrain | so i cant boot the installer | 20:18 |
Asmob | ZykoticK9, i use command emerald --replace can i set it auto use at startup? | 20:18 |
erUSUL | !emerald | 20:19 |
ubottu | emerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives. | 20:19 |
ZykoticK9 | Asmob, try install fusion-icon | 20:19 |
* christopherius 'waves at kazulu' | 20:19 | |
* LaptopBrain goes to try floppy=off | 20:19 | |
Asmob | what fusion-icon do | 20:19 |
usser | Sinani201, can you pastebin the errors | 20:20 |
Sinani201 | OK | 20:20 |
ZykoticK9 | Asmob, it give an icon in panel to choose WM / Decoration / etc - seems to remember things though | 20:20 |
kazulu | hello friends | 20:20 |
usser | Sinani201, i dont have g++ installed but the idea is the same find the command line switch for g++ that lets you pipe the input to it | 20:20 |
usser | Sinani201, instead of reading it from the file | 20:20 |
fatman | anyone able to assist with syncing windows mobile 6.1 to Karmic? I am getting an error when trying to add a member for to msynctool for Evo | 20:22 |
Sinani201 | usser: errors: | 20:22 |
Sinani201 | gcc -x c - | 20:22 |
Sinani201 | ... | 20:22 |
Sinani201 | wait | 20:22 |
FloodBot2 | Sinani201: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 20:22 |
ZykoticK9 | !paste > Sinani201 | 20:22 |
ubottu | Sinani201, please see my private message | 20:22 |
Asmob | ZykoticK9, do you now cmmand to reset menubars..? | 20:22 |
Sinani201 | wait a minute, lemme get the pastebin | 20:22 |
LaptopBrain | im stumped. floppy=off hasnt worked, all_generic_ide hasnt worked, can anyone please tell me how to stop the livecd trying to find a floppy drive? | 20:22 |
ZykoticK9 | !panel | Asmob | 20:22 |
ZykoticK9 | !panels | Asmob | 20:23 |
ubottu | Asmob: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » | 20:23 |
Sinani201 | | 20:23 |
Sinani201 | Those are the errors | 20:23 |
Happehwalrus | For some reason the Ubuntu 9.10 Software Center was removed, help? | 20:23 |
ZykoticK9 | Happehwalrus, was this after an upgrade to 10.04? | 20:23 |
iceroot | Happehwalrus: what you need? a way to install software? | 20:23 |
usser | Sinani201, thats because gcc is a C compiler, it doesnt understand c++ use g++ in your case | 20:23 |
guntbert | Happehwalrus: simply use synaptic for now | 20:23 |
becker_11 | Happehwalrus: do you really need it? can't you use apt-get or synaptic? | 20:24 |
iceroot | usser: gcc is a compiler collection, not a compiler itself | 20:24 |
OerHeks | Happehwalrus, make a new starter, command: /usr/bin/software-center | 20:24 |
Happehwalrus | ZykoticK9: Yes, everyone on #ubuntu+1 is dead and can't help. | 20:24 |
Sinani201 | usser: I know. I took your text and replaced the gcc with g++ and still got those errors. | 20:24 |
hellyeah_ | hey | 20:24 |
usser | iceroot, well yea, i mean gcc command wont compile c++ code | 20:24 |
Happehwalrus | Synaptic is confusing - I'm new to linux. | 20:24 |
phiberoptik | ubuntu french please | 20:24 |
KamaL | what's the closest torrent client to UTORRENT on ubuntu? | 20:24 |
hellyeah_ | what will difference be in ubuntu 10.04 | 20:24 |
ZykoticK9 | Happehwalrus, i remember your issue from the other day -- i have no suggestions either, good luck | 20:25 |
iceroot | usser: it will | 20:25 |
Sinani201 | usser: I'm using g++ -x c - | 20:25 |
erUSUL | KamaL: deluge | 20:25 |
iceroot | usser: because its calling g++ | 20:25 |
guntbert | !fr | phiberoptik | 20:25 |
ubottu | phiberoptik: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois | 20:25 |
usser | iceroot, hm. | 20:25 |
Happehwalrus | Also I use apt-get all the time - just hate having to find the package. | 20:25 |
maggs | woah, konsole is ugly... | 20:25 |
iceroot | usser: imo | 20:25 |
fatman | anyone able to assist with syncing windows mobile 6.1 to Karmic? I am getting an error when trying to add a member for to msynctool for Evolution | 20:25 |
`mOOse` | KamaL, Deluge | 20:25 |
iceroot | maggs: its beautifull, you got a terminal-question? | 20:25 |
Happehwalrus | becker_11: Yes, I need it. | 20:25 |
raj | Kamal: Deluge | 20:25 |
usser | iceroot, not in his case since he specifies the language explicitly gcc -x c - | 20:25 |
gh0st_ | hello boys and girls! im having quite the time with grub! im using a ubuntu server install, and was wondering is there a way to get to the grub commandline/prompt via ssh? | 20:25 |
usser | Sinani201, try gcc -x cpp - | 20:26 |
Happehwalrus | iceroot: I have other ways, just need something like the software center or add/remove. | 20:26 |
becker_11 | Happehwalrus: has it been totally removed? can you start it from the terminal or alt+f2? | 20:26 |
iceroot | usser: ah yes, sorry , there was a parameter, i thouggh gcc is using g++ if it is detecting c++ code/file-extension | 20:26 |
maggs | no, i've just installed kubuntu and fired up konsole, sshed into my server for irssi, and it looks horrible atm | 20:26 |
iceroot | Happehwalrus: apt-get | 20:26 |
Sinani201 | usser: This error shows up: gcc: language cpp not recognized | 20:26 |
iceroot | maggs: then use another theme/profile | 20:26 |
llutz | maggs: use xterm, be happy | 20:27 |
Sinani201 | Should the language be c++ instead of cpp? | 20:27 |
Happehwalrus | becker_11: Thank you. It's not fully removed, I just don't have it in my main menu. | 20:27 |
usser | Sinani201, gcc -x c++ - sorry | 20:27 |
gh0st_ | hello boys and girls! im having quite the time with grub! im using a ubuntu server install, and was wondering is there a way to get to the grub commandline/prompt via ssh? | 20:28 |
becker_11 | Happehwalrus: no prob I don't know the correct name but someone may be able to help you with that then you can start it from alt+f2 | 20:28 |
llutz | gh0st_: no | 20:28 |
maggs | i have a question now, how do i get kubuntu to let me have dual display, it finds both my laptop screen and my monitor, lets me set different resolutions for both, but won't let me set them up as multiple monitors | 20:28 |
OerHeks | becker_11, command = /usr/bin/software-center | 20:28 |
Happehwalrus | becke_11: Yes, I can. | 20:28 |
fatman | anyone able to assist with syncing windows mobile 6.1 to Karmic? I am getting an error when trying to add a member for to msynctool for Evolution. getting error that plugin is not found. | 20:28 |
Sinani201 | usser: Still more errors: | 20:28 |
llutz | maggs: krandr | 20:28 |
gh0st_ | llutz: damn, i just want to run vbeinfo damn! | 20:28 |
usser | Sinani201, can you pastebin the .cpp file so i can try to compile it here | 20:29 |
Sinani201 | usser: It's not very much code. I can post it if you'd like. | 20:29 |
Happehwalrus | becker_11: I use Netbook Remix so I'm not sure how to make a launcher on my desktop. | 20:29 |
becker_11 | Happehwalrus: OerHeks> becker_11, command = /usr/bin/software-center | 20:29 |
powiedz_mi_ktos_ | dziala? | 20:29 |
powiedz_mi_ktos_ | nie | 20:29 |
Sinani201 | usser: | 20:30 |
becker_11 | Happehwalrus: me neither I haven't taken the time to find that out yet | 20:30 |
hhfkhc | u suck dick? | 20:30 |
Sinani201 | It's from C++ for Dummies | 20:30 |
Asmob | ZykoticK9, so u say not tu use emerald.? | 20:31 |
maggs | llutz: krandr won't let me have multiple monitors either (well, it lets me have both monitors running, but both showing the same thing) | 20:31 |
ZykoticK9 | Asmob, you can if you want - it's up to you! | 20:31 |
fatman | anyone able to assist with syncing windows mobile 6.1 to Karmic? I am getting an error when trying to add a member for to msynctool for Evolution. getting error that plugin is not found. | 20:31 |
llutz | maggs: nvidia graphics? use nvidia-settings | 20:31 |
ZykoticK9 | !emerald > Asmob | 20:31 |
ubottu | Asmob, please see my private message | 20:31 |
hhfkhc | u suck dick | 20:31 |
stefan | hello | 20:32 |
Asmob | ZykoticK9, i try it and is realy cool i also try to add command at startup programs and maybe it will run theme at startup.. | 20:32 |
ZykoticK9 | Asmob, i agree Emerald does look very cool | 20:33 |
usser | Sinani201, well that seems to work for me g++ -x c++ - | 20:33 |
usser | Sinani201, gcc -x c++ - doesnt work | 20:33 |
maggs | llutz: looking into it | 20:33 |
Asmob | ZykoticK9, and i didnt understand that about mouse pointer... can u write me directory where i need put files... | 20:34 |
Sinani201 | usser: g++ works for me in the terminal, but not when I'm using the custom external tool in gedit. | 20:34 |
Sinani201 | usser: Wait... nevermind | 20:35 |
xfact | Hello I am Ubuntu Karmic user and using Firestarter firewall | 20:35 |
Sinani201 | It's working! | 20:35 |
ZykoticK9 | Asmob, i'm not sure where to put the files actually -- but i read the program "gcursor" allows you to install pointers in a graphical environment (rather then copying files) | 20:35 |
Sinani201 | Thank you usser!\ | 20:35 |
VCoolio | Asmob: mouse pointer themes go with gtk into ~/.themes or /usr/share/themes | 20:36 |
xfact | but the problem often a service 'Microsoft-ds' creating 4-5 serious connections, and thats making my network slow, what is it? Any ideas? | 20:36 |
usser | Sinani201, its quirky, question why not use something like anjuta that supports external compilers natively | 20:36 |
Samp | how do I use jscal's -s option? it requires an argument, but the example just shows <x,y,z ...> | 20:36 |
Sinani201 | usser: I was looking for a good c++ editor on ubuntu in the software center, but all I found was qt 4. C++ for dummies is a command line. Is anjuta good for that? | 20:37 |
rsr | hi | 20:37 |
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel | ||
Asmob | VCoolio, do i better need instal gcursor | 20:37 |
SuspectZero | couple of quick questions. 1.) my Fn+f7 or Fn+f8 doesnt turn down my screens brightness? am i missing something here? cause the <9.10 did it by default | 20:37 |
mcurran | #Windows | 20:38 |
xfact | Sinani201, Geany or Eclipse are good IDEs | 20:38 |
rsr | I am choosing a distro to be my learning one. I see ubuntu is really compatible but ive heard it is being polluted by windows api by it's own developers. And that noone does nothing to stop this | 20:38 |
usser | Sinani201, anjuta and one other that i really liked forgot the name, yea Geany, it was great | 20:38 |
Samp | ugh, ubuntu is just useless with this ps3 controller | 20:38 |
VCoolio | Asmob: I don't know gcursor and I don't care about mouse themes anyway; just try it, won't harm anything i guess, if you like, use it; maybe also dropping the tar.gz on appearance window works | 20:38 |
usser | Sinani201, eclipse is a bit too bloated for my needs | 20:38 |
SuspectZero | 2.) how can i configure my special visual effects keyboard shortcuts? | 20:38 |
Happehwalrus | SuspectZero: Try using the left and right keys. Tell me if it works. | 20:38 |
LjL | !offtopic | rsr | 20:38 |
ubottu | rsr: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 20:38 |
xfact | in Firestarter firewall, often a service 'Microsoft-ds' creating 4-5 serious connections, and thats making my network slow, what is it? Any ideas? | 20:39 |
Sinani201 | usser: Geany looks exactly the same as ajuta | 20:39 |
SuspectZero | Happehwalrus, Fn+left or right? | 20:39 |
SuspectZero | cause that doesnt work | 20:39 |
rabbi1 | how to upgrade evolution mail ? | 20:40 |
Happehwalrus | SuspectZero: Yes. Sorry, can't help you. Fn + left/right works for me. | 20:40 |
usser | Sinani201, anjuta has a bit more features | 20:40 |
SuspectZero | no worries Happehwalrus | 20:40 |
becker_11 | rabbi1: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade works for me | 20:40 |
Sinani201 | usser: OK, anjuta is finished downloading… running it now | 20:40 |
rabbi1 | becker_11: thx beck | 20:40 |
xfact | Where to get Anjuta? | 20:40 |
LjL | !info anjuta | 20:41 |
Happehwalrus | How long does it take to install Frets on Fire from Software Center? It's taking a really long time for me. | 20:41 |
ng0n | is wubi as fast as ubuntu ? | 20:41 |
ubottu | anjuta (source: anjuta): A GNOME development IDE, for C/C++. In component universe, is optional. Version 2: (karmic), package size 1504 kB, installed size 3884 kB | 20:41 |
LjL | from the repositories. | 20:41 |
usser | Sinani201, anjuta is more like IDE with stuff like project management, debugger etc, geany is just a text editor really | 20:41 |
blakkheim | ng0n: no | 20:41 |
ng0n | tnx bl. | 20:41 |
rabbi1 | becker_11: i have installed it for first time, and configured 2 of my gmail account, and they have about 8K mails, will all be downloaded or how is it? | 20:41 |
xfact | Thanks LjL , :) | 20:41 |
Sinani201 | usser: If that's the case, I'll probably use Geany. | 20:42 |
becker_11 | rabbi1: dunno depends on settings I think in Gmail got to your gmail account on the web click settings and click forwarding and pop I believe the information is in there | 20:42 |
KamaL | guys, I just installed ubuntu desktop on a ubunte-server, now when i try to connect to shell, Putty closes itself.... is this normal?? | 20:42 |
rabbi1 | becker_11: i have done that, i can access my mails, my ques is will it download all the mails ? | 20:43 |
becker_11 | KamaL: dunno but why you using putty?? you can ssh from a standard shell in ubuntu | 20:43 |
KamaL | i'm on windows, just installed desktop on a ubuntu server on a VPS... | 20:44 |
KamaL | i wanna be able to connect to remote desktop | 20:44 |
becker_11 | rabbi1: go to settings like I said and assuming you used imap there is a learn more link there click it and read what it says the answer will be there I don't know | 20:45 |
churl | for the newest release, do i want to apt-get virturalbox or virtualbox-3.0? | 20:45 |
becker_11 | KamaL: fair enough | 20:45 |
lava2 | Hi all, do we need to install VGA drive or is it pre-installed in Ubuntu. If so I am not able to see my monitor on my tv. currently there is a vga cable connected from my laptop to TV. Any help would be appreciated | 20:45 |
KamaL | so what should i do now to connect to remote desktop? | 20:45 |
rabbi1 | i am using hardy and willing to upgrade to 9.10, but here i had issues with my nvidia drivers, but now all is solved in 8.04. if i upgrade to 9.10 will i have the same prob again of nvidia drivers (AMD AthlonX 64 inbuilt nvidia chipset) | 20:45 |
rabbi1 | becker_11: thx becker for u r time. | 20:46 |
rabbi1 | i am using hardy and willing to upgrade to 9.10, but here i had issues with my nvidia drivers, but now all is solved in 8.04. if i upgrade to 9.10 will i have the same prob again of nvidia drivers (AMD AthlonX 64 inbuilt nvidia chipset) | 20:46 |
becker_11 | rabbi1: no prob | 20:46 |
xfact | rabbi1, What kind of nvidia driver problem you are thinking to have? | 20:47 |
rabbi1 | becker_11: u sure dude? | 20:47 |
rabbi1 | xfact: i had resolution probs, solved in xorg.conf | 20:47 |
Happehwalrus | Anyone here with an acer aspire one having problems with the mic working with skype? | 20:47 |
KamaL | rabbi1: any idea what i can do? | 20:48 |
SuspectZero | how can i configure my special visual effects keyboard shortcuts? | 20:48 |
truelynoob | what's the problem? | 20:48 |
xfact | rabbi1, don't worry I have same mother board, there should be any problem | 20:48 |
lava2 | Hi all, do we need to install VGA drive or is it pre-installed in Ubuntu. If so I am not able to see my monitor on my tv. currently there is a vga cable connected from my laptop to TV. Any help would be appreciated | 20:48 |
KamaL | i should install a vnc server to be able to connect, but shell closes imediately | 20:48 |
rabbi1 | xfact: if i upgrade does my xorg.conf file change ? | 20:48 |
xfact | rabbi1, I am not sure but chance is rare | 20:49 |
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rabbi1 | KamaL: s tell me.... | 20:49 |
VCoolio | rabbi1: i guess yeah, back it up, I don't even think karmic has a xorg.conf by default; i just copied my old one over, wasn't maybe necessary | 20:49 |
xfact | rabbi1, Fore me nothing wrong happened | 20:49 |
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KamaL | rabbi1: yes? | 20:49 |
becker_11 | rabbi1: sure about what? That I don't mind helping? yeah it's just frustrating when I know where the answer is and the person I'm helping wont look there btw it's the 2nd question at the bottom of the page after the learn more link I mentioned ...fwiw | 20:49 |
rabbi1 | after this ans still i am doubtful | 20:49 |
shai | 0 | 20:49 |
kernel_j | Hmm... /part | 20:50 |
rabbi1 | becker_11: not abt that? my new doubt is different | 20:50 |
rabbi1 | becker_11: kindly becker that mail thing is solved | 20:50 |
VCoolio | rabbi1: try the live cd to check if graphics work a bit, back up your xorg.conf, if that's the only part of the solution then hardy is easily restored if trouble arises, right? | 20:50 |
xfact | rabbi1, But if you try to update to latest 190.53 driver from Karmic's default driver, then it may conflict with your gdm, | 20:50 |
n00p | every now and then my ubuntu session crashes, before hitting b in alt+sysreq+reisub, I get this error: ext2-fs error (device sda1): ext2_get_inode: unable to read inode block - inode=... block=... | 20:51 |
n00p | anyone know the cause? | 20:51 |
lava2 | Hi all, do we need to install VGA drive or is it pre-installed in Ubuntu. If so I am not able to see my monitor on my tv. currently there is a vga cable connected from my laptop to TV. Any help would be appreciated | 20:51 |
becker_11 | rabbi1: yeah I don't know about that other than to say drivers are usually rolled out to the latest distro first then rolled back to older rleases soo that being the case you should be fine | 20:51 |
xfact | rabbi1, May I know your Graphics card model? | 20:51 |
rabbi1 | xfact: i forgot the command to check, can u help? | 20:52 |
rolsworth | how can i automatically mount a drive? | 20:52 |
becker_11 | rabbi1: xrandr I think it is | 20:52 |
fbc-mx | lava2, usually you have to enable that. by pressting a function+f key combination | 20:53 |
VCoolio | rabbi1: lspci | grep VGA | 20:53 |
rolsworth | everytime i boot i have to input the root key to mount it | 20:53 |
Tata7 | i need an application to convert (rm-mp3-ram) to ogg can any one help | 20:53 |
xfact | rabbi1, I am also bad at commands, in your 'nvidia X server settings' it is written | 20:53 |
fbc-mx | lava2, onmy hp laptop it's func+f4 | 20:53 |
Happehwalrus | Is there a smaller version of indicator-applet? | 20:53 |
xfact | How to check graphics driver model? | 20:53 |
rabbi1 | VCoolio: thx thts the rite one | 20:53 |
xfact | VCoolio, Thanks | 20:53 |
n00p | rolsworth: automatically mount on boot? | 20:54 |
rabbi1 | VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GeForce 7050 PV / nForce 630a (rev a2) | 20:54 |
rabbi1 | becker_11: xrandr gives u the resolutions | 20:54 |
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n00p | rolsworth: what do you mean root key? | 20:54 |
rabbi1 | becker_11: u can add and change the resolution using the command | 20:54 |
becker_11 | rabbi1: yeah sorry | 20:54 |
rabbi1 | xfact: VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GeForce 7050 PV / nForce 630a (rev a2) | 20:55 |
lava2 | lava@lava-laptop:~$ lspci | grep VGA | 20:55 |
lava2 | 00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03) | 20:55 |
fbc-mx | lava2, however if you reboot the laptop with your cable connected if should automatically enable.. then all you have to do it set your TV to the right input. | 20:55 |
rabbi1 | becker_11: its ok, don be sorry, v r here to make mistakes and learn | 20:55 |
[-jon-] | how does ubuntu handle /tmp cleanup? | 20:55 |
akujiki_ | heu hi there! does anyone know how to use open movie editor. I'm a little bit lost on the IRC chat right now | 20:55 |
lava2 | fbc-mx, i had wire and then rebooted the laptop and set the source to vga its not working | 20:56 |
Tata7 | rabbil: i need an application to convert (rm-ram-mp3,...) to ogg | 20:56 |
xfact | rabbi1, ok, you can go ahead to upgrading process, back up is recommend, but any problem should not occur... :) | 20:56 |
n00p | akujiki_: I would suggest finding a channel that is relevant to "open movie editor"... | 20:56 |
fbc-mx | lava2, then find the function key combination to making it work. | 20:56 |
llutz | [-jon-] grep TMPTIME /etc/default/rcS tells you how long /tmp will be stored | 20:56 |
rabbi1 | xfact: apt-get update , i did this its saying done after few downloads | 20:56 |
n00p | Tata7: what do you mean by "rm-ram-mp3"? | 20:56 |
lava2 | this is dell d620 | 20:56 |
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lava2 | any idea which key | 20:56 |
Threetimes | I need a tool to make a DVD with an animated menu. DVDstyler doesn't work for me. | 20:57 |
fbc-mx | lava2, on every laptop there in a key to enable it. you just gotta find it | 20:57 |
rabbi1 | xfact: apt-get update , i did this its saying done after few downloads | 20:57 |
xfact | rabbi1, Ok from which version you are trying to update to Karmic Koala? | 20:57 |
Tata7 | rabbil: music extension | 20:57 |
fbc-mx | lava2, on my HP laptop it's function+F4 | 20:57 |
[-jon-] | llutz: I killed two processes which I think were comprimised a few minutes ago, and now one of the binaries is gone | 20:57 |
xfact | rabbi1, 9.04? | 20:57 |
rabbi1 | xfact: i now have to upgrade to 8.10 | 20:57 |
fbc-mx | lava2, what model laptop do you have? | 20:57 |
rabbi1 | xfact: now i am in 8.04 | 20:57 |
diddy | I am having huge problems with USB. Copying stuff from disk to USB stick takes literally hours. | 20:58 |
xfact | rabbi1, Ok follow my instructions | 20:58 |
diddy | Is there any setting or anything that I could change? | 20:58 |
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Threetimes | I need a tool to make a DVD with an animated menu. DVDstyler doesn't work for me. | 20:58 |
xfact | rabbi1, Go to 'Software Source' from System>admi | 20:58 |
diddy | I already updated my BIOS. | 20:58 |
Achilleas | diddy that is often a problem of the USB stick | 20:58 |
llutz | [-jon-] you are running things from /tmp? | 20:58 |
lava2 | I tried fnc f4 it did not work | 20:58 |
xfact | rabbi1, I mean System>admin | 20:58 |
fbc-mx | diddy, how much stuff are you copying? | 20:58 |
diddy | Achilleas, no it is the same with all of my USB sticks. | 20:58 |
[-jon-] | llutz: I suspect it was comprimised | 20:58 |
rabbi1 | xfact: can u come in pvt | 20:59 |
diddy | 1.6 GB. It starts off at 15 MB/s really fast. Copies a few hundreds megs and then goes down to 300KB/s | 20:59 |
[-jon-] | llutz: there were two of the processes (running as www). I killed them one at a time, and now only one binary is left | 20:59 |
xfact | rabbi1, I am there | 20:59 |
diddy | Now I have to wait for 2 hours to finish according to Nautilus. | 20:59 |
fbc-mx | diddy, yeah,, cuz it's buffing to RAM first... | 21:00 |
n00p | diddy: that's just the way USB sticks are | 21:00 |
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diddy | It is USB 2.0 and in the past or on other PCs it copies within a couple of minutes not 2 hours. | 21:00 |
fbc-mx | diddy, try getting a usb 2.0 stick on a usb 2.0 port and that's the best your going to do. | 21:00 |
n00p | diddy: yes with a brand new, unused drive it may take a couple of minutes... this is because of the way NAND flash works. | 21:01 |
n00p | USB 2.0 has nothing to do with it. | 21:01 |
diddy | n00p, exactly. It is a brand new USB stick. Used it only once. | 21:01 |
n00p | diddy: how does NAND flash overwrite small amounts of data? | 21:02 |
diddy | n00p, the stick I am copying to at the moment I only wrote to once, last week. | 21:02 |
n00p | answer the question, please | 21:02 |
Achilleas | Diddy i've known this issue to exist even in windows vista, where in vista a stick would be copied at 500kilobits and in xp at 30mb/s | 21:02 |
Achilleas | i dont know anything else | 21:02 |
diddy | damn | 21:03 |
derp | ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ | 21:03 |
n00p | diddy: once you answer that question, you will know why NAND flash is slow. | 21:03 |
purpzey-is-a-guy | Can someone tell me the simplest way to transfer a large amount of data from machine to another over a wired network? | 21:03 |
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OerHeks | is there any good active equaliser for rhymebox ? i've found rbeq > but itś not nice to activate after every setting, so i want a 'normal' equaliser | 21:03 |
diddy | n00p, then why was I able to copy at 10 MB in the past from start to end same speed | 21:03 |
llutz | purpzey-is-a-guy: nfs, scp, netcat, ftp, sftp | 21:04 |
v068381 | could someone help me figue out who to get my wireless card to work | 21:04 |
tavi | is a command to reinstall the sistem? or something like that? | 21:04 |
v068381 | how** | 21:04 |
purpzey-is-a-guy | llutz: I am going to try transfer like 10 gb. Any recommendations give the size? | 21:04 |
diddy | n00p, and why are the first couple of MB copied at 15 MB and then all of a sudden it goes down to 300 KB/s ? | 21:04 |
n00p | diddy, this question has the same answer as the one you just asked: how does NAND flash overwrite small amounts of data? | 21:04 |
fbc-mx | diddy, NTFS is SLow+ Too many write Cycles for same data stored try formatting the stick as ext4 | 21:04 |
porter1 | purpzey-is-a-guy, rsync | 21:04 |
AegNuddel | hmm I finally figured out how to make my package install but now I can't seem to get it to work... I get this error (application is called GiftWrap) Does anybody know what I need to do? | 21:04 |
llutz | purpzey-is-a-guy: if you already have ssh running, scp/sftp | 21:04 |
becker_11 | purpzey-is-a-guy: type the command and go to bed? | 21:05 |
n00p | diddy: are you going to attempt to do the research required to answer my question? | 21:05 |
enav | hello people | 21:05 |
diddy | fbc-mx, it is formatted with FAT32 at the moment because I want to watch a movie with my DVD player on TV | 21:05 |
enav | some 1 here know JAVA programming? | 21:05 |
astrojp | Does anyone know if there are any PC Games on GameStop for Linux? | 21:05 |
v068381 | could any one help me out with a wireless issue | 21:05 |
diddy | n00p, no | 21:05 |
v068381 | ? | 21:06 |
v068381 | could any one help me out with a wireless issue | 21:07 |
n00p | diddy: in order for your computer to write 1 byte to a flash cell, there is a certain procedure it must go through | 21:07 |
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n00p | if the media is blank the process may be faster | 21:08 |
diddy | n00p, yes but that procedure it also had to go through in the past and it did it at 15MB/s constant | 21:08 |
n00p | yeh, right | 21:08 |
phox_ | Hi! I want to install Ubuntu 9.1 from a cd on my HP Windows xp machine. So i enter bios, and change the boot order so that the dvd is first. But when i restart the computer, i dont get any option to like press a button to start from the cd. The already installed XP is fucked up so i cant boot from there. I have been able to boot cd's before. | 21:09 |
n00p | you have some learning to do diddy | 21:09 |
diddy | n00p, the problem is that I am getting tons of read/write errors in demesg and my cpu utilization in top is: Cpu(s): 9.8%us, 1.3%sy, 0.0%ni, 0.0%id, 88.8%wa, 0.2%hi, 0.0%si, 0.0%st | 21:09 |
rabbi1 | VCoolio: how to back up few of my files and xorg.conf? | 21:09 |
diddy | 88.8% | 21:09 |
n00p | well diddy why didn't you mention this earlier? | 21:09 |
diddy | I did. | 21:09 |
diddy | I have been asking for help for days now with this problem | 21:10 |
theTroy | I seem to be getting a lot of unrelated, but regular (every 10-15 seconds) internet activity, usually upload of 44b and download of 2.5Kb. with just clean load of the system without any user programms running | 21:10 |
becker_11 | n00p: yeah first I've heard of any errors | 21:10 |
rabbi1 | VCoolio: ? | 21:10 |
calrik | hi all mysql fails to start at boot time I have to manually start it each time, I have checked its start up using BUM (BootUp Manager) and it seems fine any other suggestions? | 21:10 |
diddy | Someone here in this channel told me that it could be a driver problem BIOS problem, capacitor problem | 21:10 |
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rabbi1 | VCoolio: how to back up few of my files and xorg.conf? | 21:10 |
diddy | The capacitors are OK, I update the BIOS to the latest version | 21:10 |
diddy | updated | 21:11 |
AegNuddel | <sarcasm>Windows messing up? What a shock!</sarcasm> | 21:11 |
taraduffy | can someone walk me through what to select in the ubuntu installer 'prepare disk space' step? | 21:11 |
llutz | theTroy: use tcpdump/wireshark to identify traffic, then try to find its source | 21:11 |
Guest62447 | i have a question about installing ubuntu. i have an older computer have ubuntu installed 9.10. I went to the pkg manager and installed xfce4. my question is would there be a difference in computer performance by just installing xubuntu rather having gnome on the system? | 21:11 |
diddy | I was wondering if there is an setting I could change in the OS. | 21:11 |
enav | Some 1 here know about JAVA programming? | 21:12 |
calrik | Guest62447: for best peformance on older systems us xubuntu | 21:12 |
calrik | use* | 21:12 |
calrik | hi all mysql fails to start at boot time I have to manually start it each time, I have checked its start up using BUM (BootUp Manager) and it seems fine any other suggestions? Im running ubuntu 9.10 workstation | 21:12 |
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zoran119 | we run a ubuntu server and i reguraly do 'aptitude update; aptitude upgrade'... i have noticed the the kernel version is not getting updated (have to do dist-upgrade for that) but does 'aptitude upgrade' install kernel security patches or am i vournable? | 21:13 |
taraduffy | can someone walk me through what to select in the ubuntu installer 'prepare disk space' step? | 21:13 |
Guest62447 | so i am defeating the purpose by doing what i did, | 21:13 |
LaptopBrain | i cant boot 9.10 from usb stick. | 21:14 |
LaptopBrain | all i get is this over and over again: | 21:14 |
LaptopBrain | kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds | 21:14 |
magn3ts | Do I have to reboot after installing libdvdcss2? | 21:14 |
akujiki_ | hum excuse is there anyone that know how to use the rendering with open movie editor or anyone that can help me out ? | 21:14 |
becker_11 | Guest62447: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop | 21:14 |
Guest62447 | ty | 21:14 |
hansaplast | need some help with upstart | 21:15 |
becker_11 | Guest62447: no prob | 21:15 |
ardchoille | magn3ts: no | 21:15 |
diddy | n00p, it seems I am not the only one. I am using the 64 bit version of Ubuntu: | 21:15 |
magn3ts | ardchoille, reinsert the disk? | 21:15 |
ardchoille | magn3ts: how did you install it? | 21:15 |
magn3ts | never mind, I did need to reinsert the disc, thanks | 21:15 |
ardchoille | magn3ts: ah, ok | 21:16 |
rabbi1 | guys my USB isn't working now | 21:16 |
zoran119 | anyone know? | 21:16 |
phox_ | Hi! I want to install Ubuntu 9.1 from a cd on my HP Windows xp machine. So i enter bios, and change the boot order so that the dvd is first. But when i restart the computer, i dont get any option to like press a button to start from the cd. The already installed XP is fucked up so i cant boot from there. I have been able to boot cd's before. | 21:16 |
* becker_11 #ubuntu Time for bed night all | 21:16 | |
rabbi1 | xfact: got stuck with USB now, got any help ? | 21:16 |
llutz | phox_: check md5sum of the cd, sounds like a bad-burn | 21:17 |
Tata7 | noop sorry but what is application is? | 21:17 |
taraduffy | anyone can help me with the disc space stage of the installer CD? | 21:17 |
rabbi1 | help with USB, my USB is not recognised | 21:17 |
Guest62447 | after doing sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop will i have a choice of what desk top i want to use at boot? | 21:17 |
xfact | rabbi1, Please explain it. | 21:17 |
diddy | It is definitely a problem with Karmic: | 21:17 |
rabbi1 | xfact: o god, i jus insert my usb for few file backups, its now showing | 21:17 |
ardchoille | Guest62447: you can choose on the login screen | 21:17 |
phox_ | llutz: but the thing is, ive tried with several cd's that i know work, and still it wont boot. Plus the cd worked like an hour ago, and now it wont boot from it. | 21:18 |
taraduffy | phox: restart and press F12/2 or delete before windows boots and you will enter BIOS screen and go from there | 21:18 |
rabbi1 | xfact: its not recognized at all | 21:18 |
calrik | hi all mysql fails to start at boot time I have to manually start it each time, I have checked its start up using BUM (BootUp Manager) and it seems fine any other suggestions? Im running ubuntu 9.10 workstation | 21:18 |
diddy | n00p, exactly what my problem is: | 21:18 |
Guest62447 | thanks to evryone! | 21:18 |
calrik | dmesg output is as follows | 21:18 |
xfact | rabbi1, You should ask others, I am not expert in this portion :( | 21:18 |
rabbi1 | guys, got my USB in nonworking condition, help me | 21:19 |
guntbert | zoran119: the recommended command is now sudo aptitude safe-upgrade as opposed to full-upgrade - but security upgrades should be included in any case | 21:19 |
zoran119 | guntbert: cool... so doing 'aptitude upgrade' will keep the same kernel but any security issues should be patched? | 21:20 |
phox_ | taraduffy: i know very well how you adjust boot-sequence and how you can force it to boot at for example dvd. Thats not the problem. The thing is that it just doenst work! | 21:22 |
guntbert | zoran119: I'm not sure about the kernel - but what would be the point not to include security fixes ? | 21:22 |
calrik | heya guys I just had a chat with the guys @ #mysql regarding my mysql start up problem they suspect its related to apparmor how do I configure apparmor to allow mysql to start up correctly? | 21:22 |
* xfact Downloading Linux Mint 8 | 21:22 | |
calrik | or can I even just get rid of it? | 21:22 |
llutz | phox_: if you know all that and be sure, your cd booted before, it sounds like a broken cd-rom | 21:22 |
llutz | drive | 21:23 |
Lee_Ubun | If an error just occured on your computer which log file will you check, in the log view? | 21:23 |
lava1 | VGA component is not working for me any idea please | 21:24 |
guntbert | Lee_Ubun: /var/log/syslog | 21:24 |
zoran119 | guntbert: yeah... i'm just not sure of the best way to update our 8.04 LTS ubuntu server | 21:25 |
taraduffy | phox_: sorry. | 21:25 |
Lee_Ubun | guntbert thanks | 21:25 |
calrik | can someone please help me I need to reconfigure apparmor guys over @ #mysql suspect its broke my mysql from starting up? | 21:25 |
guntbert | zoran119: maybe someone in #ubuntu-server knows better? | 21:26 |
guntbert | Lee_Ubun: you're welcome :-) | 21:26 |
daniskami | Hi everybody. I'm on Xubuntu Karmic (9.10). Tried to disable gdm by setting /etc/X11/default-display-manager "false", which brings me to CLI login. Unfortunately, sound stops working when gdm is not loaded. I haven't yet found out what's missing, does anybody have an idea? | 21:26 |
ProblemGuy | can anybody help me | 21:26 |
daftykins | daniskami: pulseaudio starts within X as a user process i think, so that'll be why | 21:26 |
daftykins | !ask | ProblemGuy | 21:27 |
ubottu | ProblemGuy: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 21:27 |
Flannel | zoran119: You want full-upgrade | 21:27 |
diss3ntive | I have ulimit set to unlimited and the core_pattern set to core....where is my core file going? | 21:27 |
ProblemGuy | Ubuntu 9.10, Lenovo Ideapad S10e, Using the Live-Version by USB-Stick, everything(WLAN) works, after install on HDD the WLAN-Card is not found... | 21:28 |
ProblemGuy | i hav no idea | 21:28 |
diddy | Is there a way to make the cp command show the speed at which it is copying (transfer rate)? And how much is already copied? | 21:28 |
ProblemGuy | i repeated several times... | 21:28 |
daftykins | ProblemGuy: have you booted the livecd and the wireless been fine in it since the install? | 21:28 |
calrik | can someone please help me I need to reconfigure apparmor guys over @ #mysql suspect its broke my mysql from starting up? I have been asking the right questions for ahwile now if no ones knows anyone can guide me the right direction? | 21:28 |
tavi | hey? | 21:29 |
tavi | i can reinstall sistem?????????????????????? | 21:29 |
daniskami | daftykins: thanks, I will check | 21:29 |
tavi | whitout cd dvd or dowload something | 21:29 |
tavi | ? | 21:29 |
zanticus | Hi, I tried installing ubuntu 9.10 inside of parallels, and when logging into X it logs out immediately (possibly restarting X entirely) | 21:29 |
rabbi1 | help needed with USB, not recognising | 21:29 |
daftykins | tavi: not easily. | 21:29 |
diss3ntive | calrik: Whats the logs say on startup? | 21:29 |
tavi | ? | 21:29 |
tavi | how | 21:29 |
tavi | ? | 21:29 |
kandinski | how can I find a firefox session in the disk? | 21:29 |
kandinski | an old one, I mean | 21:29 |
ProblemGuy | yes, live cd booted, everythings fine, after installig it on HDD WLN-Card not found | 21:29 |
zanticus | how do I start X with minimal programs loading to see if that, or the entire install is bad? | 21:30 |
rabbi1 | help me with USB drive, its not recognized | 21:30 |
daftykins | calrik: have you read ? | 21:30 |
Lee_Ubun | My computer just logged me out and brought me to the login in screen and i'm checking the error logs, the syslog | 21:30 |
calrik | diss3ntive: | 21:30 |
tvjudge | no sound with my new 9.10 install anyione care to assist me | 21:30 |
Lee_Ubun | should it tell me the error | 21:30 |
millertimek1a2m3 | does anyone know if there is some way to get the new firefox on ubuntu? | 21:30 |
millertimek1a2m3 | without | 21:31 |
Nielsen | diddy, i don't think cp has that option. You might have better luck with tools like rsync | 21:31 |
rabbi1 | USB not recognised, kindly help me | 21:31 |
soreau | ! audio | tvjudge | 21:31 |
ubottu | tvjudge: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 21:31 |
daftykins | millertimek1a2m3: 3.6? only way will be finding another APT repo or installing from the website. | 21:31 |
diddy | Nielsen, thx | 21:31 |
mcurran | tvjudge - you need to uninstall pulseaudio, or try to fix it (a nightmare) just uninstall - trust me | 21:31 |
daftykins | rabbi1: does it work on another computer? | 21:31 |
millertimek1a2m3 | having to like, unzip the download that mozilla is providing for linux and going through the hell of installing manually... | 21:31 |
millertimek1a2m3 | maybe it's actually easier than i think | 21:31 |
rabbi1 | daftykins: ok, thts good, but i don have other comp to check | 21:31 |
calrik | daftykins: yes I have read that post and it wasnt helpfull, nothing regarding mysql or if safe to delete policies etc | 21:31 |
rabbi1 | it was fine, couple of days back | 21:31 |
millertimek1a2m3 | gaaayyyy. how come we can't get our junk updated faster? | 21:32 |
soreau | millertimek1a2m3: Is there something that the new firefox provides that is not in the current version you have currently? | 21:32 |
diddy | There seems to be a huge USB issue with 9.10: | 21:32 |
tvjudge | ok so i did a sudo apt-get remove pulse audio | 21:32 |
osvelcobolpot | anyone know a channel to solve math problems? | 21:32 |
tvjudge | after that it should work? | 21:32 |
millertimek1a2m3 | soreau, yea, personas | 21:32 |
soreau | osvelcobolpot: #math | 21:32 |
millertimek1a2m3 | you know, where you can set the images and stuff at the top so it looks good | 21:32 |
ProblemGuy | yes, live cd booted, everythings fine, after installig it on HDD WLN-Card not found | 21:33 |
purpzey-is-a-guy | Can someone help me out, I just installed Firefox 3.5.7 from the repos (Shiretoko), but now, any program that calls for my default browser is calling the old version of FireFox. | 21:33 |
soreau | millertimek1a2m3: Well you're pretty much on your own. You will have to figure out how to install it | 21:33 |
rabbi1 | daftykins: it was fine, couple of days back | 21:33 |
daftykins | calrik: ok i have no more ideas then if a reinstall doesn't help | 21:33 |
* calrik goes and sits in the too hard basket :( | 21:33 | |
=== zleap1 is now known as zleap | ||
daftykins | purpzey-is-a-guy: you need to run the default programs app and set shiretoko as your default browser. | 21:33 |
soreau | millertimek1a2m3: see purpzey-is-a-guy's comment, maybe you can ask him | 21:33 |
joebodo | millertimek1a2m3, ubuntu tweak program has the repo for new firefox - makes it very easy | 21:33 |
calrik | daftykins: I have done complete reinstalls of mysql many times already, reinstall ubuntu workstation will result in alot of downtime :( | 21:34 |
soreau | millertimek1a2m3: There you go, tweak out your ubuntu | 21:34 |
purpzey-is-a-guy | daftykins: Where do I find the default programs app? | 21:34 |
calrik | so confirm no one this channel knows nothing about apparmor? | 21:34 |
daftykins | purpzey-is-a-guy: it's off system -> preferences i think | 21:34 |
millertimek1a2m3 | joebodo how do i do what you're talking about? like tweak is a program i can add or i should just tweak my stuff out | 21:34 |
mcurran | anyone know the command for sorting desktop icons? | 21:35 |
joebodo | millertimek1a2m3, "ubuntu tweak" is the program | 21:35 |
rabbi1 | help with USB, notrecognizing, kindly help | 21:35 |
daftykins | rabbi1: open a terminal, type "sudo fdisk -l", type your password, then pastebin the result | 21:35 |
toenailTL | real easy question i forget how to do it . i have xp on my other pc and installed win 98 though dos 98 boot cd. now when it boots it doesnt give me the dual boot option what command do i type and in what file think its autoexec.bat but dont remeber | 21:35 |
daftykins | !pastebin > rabbi1 | 21:35 |
ubottu | rabbi1, please see my private message | 21:35 |
trism | millertimek1a2m3: describes several ways to get the new firefox | 21:35 |
toenailTL | i know this is non related to ubuntu | 21:36 |
trism | millertimek1a2m3: firefox-stable ppa is probably the way to go | 21:36 |
ProblemGuy | Ubuntu 9.10, Lenovo Ideapad S10e, Using the Live-Version by USB-Stick, everything(WLAN) works, after install on HDD the WLAN-Card is not found... | 21:36 |
millertimek1a2m3 | ok | 21:36 |
AegNuddel | aw forget it | 21:37 |
millertimek1a2m3 | when i searched for tweak in both the synaptic package man and USC it didn't bring anything up... should I use sudo apt-get | 21:37 |
millertimek1a2m3 | ? | 21:37 |
calrik | karmic koala got new apparmor implementation and no one here knows nothing about it and searching google can not find any documentation... Good Game | 21:37 |
daftykins | ProblemGuy: boot the livecd again, right click the network manager icon and select "connection information" then write down what "Driver" is being used | 21:37 |
ubuntu | hello | 21:37 |
toenailTL | installed 98 cause i found a floopy that i compressed with drvspace | 21:38 |
n00p | man apparmor | 21:38 |
robert__ | in empathy how do i send files? | 21:38 |
robert__ | i think maybe i should install pidgin lol | 21:38 |
kandinski | my computer (a Toshiba) has lost the abiliy to manage the screen lighting on upgrade to 9.10. How can I recover it? | 21:38 |
daftykins | calrik: what do you expected from a channel with volunteer helpers :) | 21:38 |
ProblemGuy | k, mom | 21:38 |
rabbi1 | daftykins: kindly check u pm | 21:39 |
rabbi1 | !pastebin > rabbi1 | 21:40 |
daftykins | rabbi1: if that's all you get, no USB device is coming up. either try another USB slot or you need to reset your USB ports by turning off your computer and removing the power cable for 10 seconds. also remove the battery if it's a laptop | 21:40 |
rabbi1 | daftykins: thx daftykins, can u again pastebin, let me c how to do it, i am new here | 21:40 |
purpzey-is-a-guy | What does the variable %s indicate? | 21:40 |
robert__ | in empathy how do i send files to other yahoo users? | 21:41 |
neophreak | can anyone help me with wicd? | 21:41 |
Happehwalrus | robert_: Get Pidgin. Much better than Empathy. | 21:42 |
daftykins | !pastebin | rabbi1 | 21:42 |
ubottu | rabbi1: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 21:42 |
jrib | purpzey-is-a-guy: you need to give context... | 21:42 |
daftykins | this is the message you would have gotten in PM ^ | 21:42 |
twomonkies | I got some serious displayproblems with my TV and ubuntu, can't get res to 1366x768! Tried modifing xorg with no results. Anyone know how to solve this? | 21:42 |
Ganang | is there any way to add thumbnails for openoffice files to nautilus?any plugins available? | 21:42 |
twomonkies | ANY display/resolution EXPERT here?!?! | 21:43 |
jrib | twomonkies: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line) | 21:43 |
twomonkies | just did | 21:44 |
SwedeMike | twomonkies: what res are you getting then? | 21:44 |
ProblemGuy | when i start the live cd, i can choose which driver to use | 21:44 |
jrib | twomonkies: please wait patiently then | 21:44 |
joebodo | !resolution | 21:45 |
ubottu | The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: | 21:45 |
twomonkies | SwedeMike: 1280x720 (16:9) | 21:45 |
SwedeMike | twomonkies: are you sure your display aren't reporting that resolution via EDID? | 21:45 |
SwedeMike | twomonkies: that link from ubottu seems promising as well | 21:46 |
Ganang | twomonkies: if you type xrandr -q , which resolutions do you get? | 21:46 |
tavi | muie | 21:46 |
tavi | ? | 21:46 |
tavi | muie | 21:47 |
tavi | muie | 21:47 |
FloodBot2 | tavi: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 21:47 |
twomonkies | Ganang: i get 1280x720 as current | 21:48 |
Ganang | twomonkies: are you using vga or s-video, or which output? | 21:49 |
twomonkies | Ganang: DVI>HDMI | 21:49 |
Ganang | ok, copy and paste for me both your xorg file and the output of xrandr -q | 21:50 |
Ganang | | 21:50 |
daniskami | daftykins: it seems to be something else; when I start pulseaudio manually it only outputs to a dummy device | 21:52 |
daftykins | right-o my bad then | 21:53 |
daniskami | daftykins: I will have another look at which processes are started by gdm | 21:53 |
Hitch | hi alll | 21:55 |
`mOOse` | what's the trigger to show compatible laptops for ubuntu? | 21:55 |
`mOOse` | !laptops | 21:55 |
ubottu | Laptop support information can be found on - - - | 21:55 |
`mOOse` | nevermind ;-) | 21:55 |
Hitch | everybody can help me? I have an http server and one webpage. And have another server, with the my page's mirror. How can I use immediately redirect the visitors to secondary webserver? | 21:57 |
_black | @Hitch, presuming you have some sort of control panel on server 1 (cPanel, usually), you can redirect your address to another IP | 21:58 |
Hitch | no-no.. I think it's full automaticaly | 21:59 |
ubuntu_ | hey my buddies home directory was encrypted I guess his machine was compromised but its running Ubuntu 9.10 and he is locked out of his data I booted up Ubuntu Live, is there any way to get his data back? | 22:00 |
Hitch | I think the main IP is an MikrotikOS ad the first and sacondary server is tunneling to my mikrotik. If the tunnel is loss with first server, the mikrotik nat the ip to secondary | 22:00 |
chris| | ubuntu_, ecryptfs-mount-private | 22:01 |
ubuntu_ | yeah I tried that, we never set encryption | 22:01 |
ubuntu_ | I think his PC was compromised and the encryption was put on his stuff | 22:02 |
itamarjp | hi, someone can help me to install mysql 5.1.43 in my ubuntu ? | 22:02 |
ubuntu_ | is there anything I can do? | 22:02 |
ubuntu_ | or is his data lost to the encryption | 22:02 |
ubuntu_ | ? | 22:02 |
tvjudge | mcurran i tried to uninstall pulse but still no sound and then my volume control went away did I misunderstand you? | 22:03 |
blakkheim | ubuntu_: if someone other than you encrypted it i'd say you're SOL | 22:03 |
Threetimes | I need a tool to make a DVD with an animated menu. DVDstyler comes close, but it doesn't work for me. | 22:04 |
starstreams | hi, I'm new to anything linix, I was trying to do a CD to get to my desktop, I can get to the home folder, but not my user folder, it just says, directory not found. what am I doing wrong? Tha sk | 22:04 |
Blindsite | ok i need help getting a wired connection going from my computer to my router. Its a DHCP, its configured that way. Unless your willing to tell me how to get rid of it or be specific on what everything does, do not tell me to use sudo gedit /etc/network/interfaces to input <connection> <new line> iface <connection> inet dhcp - because after restart not only are all other connections deleted but the "ifaceupdown" connections are unmodifiable and it r | 22:04 |
Seveas | starstreams, cd ~/Desktop | 22:04 |
blakkheim | starstreams: first of all it's linux not linix, also can you pastebin the actual command you're running? we can help you find the problem | 22:04 |
knasto | Help, I can no longer boot to Ubuntu. | 22:05 |
Sinani201 | knasto: We need more info... | 22:05 |
ubuntu_ | knasto whats it say on the screen? | 22:05 |
starstreams | I'll by that, by the way, black, what is pastebin? | 22:05 |
ubuntu_ | knasto type: sudo fsck | 22:05 |
blakkheim | !paste | starstreams | 22:05 |
ubottu | starstreams: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use | To post !screenshots use | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic. | 22:05 |
abstrakt | anyone know how to get flash 9 on karmic? | 22:05 |
ubuntu_ | anyone know of a way to crack the Ubuntu encryption | 22:05 |
starstreams | ok, Thanks | 22:05 |
jrib | abstrakt: i told you already hours ago | 22:06 |
abstrakt | jrib, i didn't see your reply sorry, i've been doing a lot of other stuff | 22:06 |
abstrakt | maybe it's still in my logs, hold on | 22:06 |
chris| | ubuntu_, if you did not set any encryption, the you should figure out how it was encrypted first | 22:06 |
epaphus | Hello, what packages comes with g++ compiler ?? | 22:06 |
knasto | Sinani201, basically what happend was I was trying to shutdown one day, and Ubuntu hung while trying to shutdown. Then I presssed ALT-Sysreq REISUB to shut it down. Now, it doesn't work anymore. I'm running Karmic 64bit. | 22:07 |
jrib | epaphus: you probably want build-essential | 22:07 |
epaphus | thanks | 22:07 |
jrib | knasto: "doesn't work" is always *too vague* | 22:07 |
ubuntu_ | chris Im not sure how it was encrypted how can I find out? | 22:07 |
knasto | Sinani201, the screen keeps flashing randomnly during the boot logo | 22:07 |
Sinani201 | All you can see is the boot logo? | 22:07 |
Sinani201 | Does anything show up before that? | 22:07 |
tvjudge | In the troubleshooting page it says to double click the sound control to access the mixer mine doe not do that | 22:08 |
chris| | ubuntu_, there is no simple answer to that question | 22:08 |
hansaplast | Is there a way to detect if drivers are loaded during boot using the upstart mechanism? | 22:08 |
knasto | Sinani201, jrib, the white boot logo shows, then the brown logo, then the screen keeps flashing until finally it turns black with white lines | 22:09 |
ubuntu_ | is there anyway to crack the encryption? | 22:09 |
ubuntu_ | I dont want him to loose his data | 22:09 |
Sinani201 | ubuntu_ there might be a way to do it in the terminal... | 22:09 |
abstrakt | jrib, ok so that now begs the question of where do I get the tarball for flash 9... google and adobe only seem to want to give me flash 10, and it's not in tarball format | 22:10 |
chris| | not if it's a half decent encryption | 22:10 |
ubuntu_ | well I am booting up to a live ubuntu cd so I have access to a terminal and the HDD | 22:10 |
chris| | and you don't own a nasa super computer | 22:10 |
knasto | Sinani201, jrib, i can still get in through the recovery mode to the terminal | 22:10 |
Chris___ | are there any security faults to using myphpadmin? | 22:11 |
ubuntu_ | knasto do you have nvidia video card? | 22:11 |
tvjudge | Aand I do not see the mixer with all the slider or the open volume control selection when I right click on the sound control | 22:11 |
Sinani201 | knasto: I'm not sure what you can do… I would recommend putting in a Live CD, backing up, and then reinstalling. | 22:11 |
trism | abstrakt: old flash versions are archived here , you need to download an archive with all the releases for a specific version | 22:11 |
starstreams | I tried the ~/Desktop, but it says directory not found. Basically I'm in the home directory, and I see my user name when I type ls -alt, but the user name is light blue and I can't do a cd /username, it just says directory not found. btw, what is it I should copy and paste exactly, thank you? | 22:11 |
alabd | Hello , How to turn off auto hard disk parking that occurs some times in minute in linux ? | 22:11 |
knasto | ubuntu_, i have like an intel integrated chip, everything worked fine until now. windows 7 even still boots perfectly | 22:11 |
=== PeterT_ is now known as PeterT | ||
ubuntu_ | knasto: sudo fsck and if that doesnt work i would check to see if your xorg.conf has changed | 22:12 |
ubuntu_ | sudo fsck does a File System Check | 22:12 |
abstrakt | trism, thanks | 22:12 |
ubuntu_ | and can fix errors on your HDD if there are any | 22:12 |
knasto | ubuntu_ i tried running 'checking disk' from a live usb using the graphical interface | 22:13 |
tvjudge | has anyone else had sound issues with the HP G61-632NR laptop? this had sound qith Hardy but not with 9.10 | 22:13 |
knasto | ubuntu_, how to I check my xorg? | 22:13 |
=== farner_ is now known as farner | ||
ubuntu_ | knasto: boot up from your HDD into the recovery mode in the grub menu and run sudo fsck from there | 22:14 |
ubuntu_ | when you boot what does it say like kernel panic or does it freeze or does it say something else? | 22:14 |
ubuntu_ | I get ERROR: Encrypted private directory is not setup properly | 22:15 |
Asmob | where ubuntu save all icon themes..? | 22:17 |
knasto | ubuntu_, when i run 'sudo fsck' im getting "runing e2fsck on a mounted filesytem may cause SEVERE dammage." | 22:17 |
sysdoc | knasto, could trash the fs don't do it | 22:17 |
chris| | ubuntu_, the encrypted private directory is an overlay mount. if it was not enabled from the start, the data in the home dir will not get encrypted if enabled later | 22:18 |
knasto | ok thanks sysdoc | 22:18 |
llutz | knasto: to check your /, "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will check after reboot | 22:18 |
ubuntu_ | so wait can I DD the drive and maybe get his stuff back? | 22:18 |
knasto | ubuntu_ i get no error messages | 22:18 |
=== ineiros is now known as ineiros_ | ||
knasto | ubuntu_ i mean it doesnt says kernal panick or anything | 22:18 |
ubuntu_ | knasto: mount ( see what is mounted ) the umount it (unmount) | 22:18 |
jrib | abstrakt: use your resourcefullness? | 22:19 |
sysdoc | llutz, thanks I was just looking for that | 22:19 |
chris| | ubuntu_, if the home drive contains any data in /home/$USER that is encrypted without eryptfs-private is mounted, than the private dir is not your problem | 22:19 |
jrib | abstrakt: you understand that using old flash versions opens you up to security risks right? | 22:19 |
llutz | sysdoc: since *buntu castrated -f/-F from shutdown .... | 22:20 |
abstrakt | jrib, ur an ass | 22:20 |
alabd | Hello , How to turn off auto hard disk parking that occurs some times in minute in linux ? is it enabled in kernel 2.6.28 ? | 22:20 |
sysdoc | Anyone have a M Audio 1010LT sound card working in Karmic from a fresh install?? | 22:20 |
jrib | guess he didn't want the link to it... | 22:21 |
ubuntu_ | so what are you saying exactly, in the home dir there is README.txt and a files called Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop but when I try to login to desktop it says something about ICE not configured correctly | 22:21 |
sysdoc | Love to know WTH is up with the buntu and 1010LT | 22:21 |
knasto | ubuntu_, i cant check it says because device is busy so im going to listen to llutz and run "sudo touch /forcefsck shutdown -r now" | 22:21 |
ubuntu_ | yeah that will work sorry I didnt see that | 22:21 |
LinuX2half | how do I format my removable device? | 22:22 |
ubuntu_ | llutz knows what he is talkin about | 22:22 |
llutz | ubuntu_: only sometimes and i didn't follow your issues. just put in a hint, how to check /-fs | 22:22 |
ubuntu_ | LinuX2half right click on the device and format | 22:22 |
ubuntu_ | or use gparted ( youll have to install with: sudo apt-get install gparted ) but make sure you dont nuke the wrong drive | 22:23 |
zleap | hi | 22:23 |
ubuntu_ | you will also have to umount the device before you can fromat | 22:23 |
knasto | ubuntu_, llutz, wait now that im rebooted should i select recovery or the normal one to check the filesystem? | 22:23 |
llutz | normal boot knasto | 22:24 |
Devrethman | What does PulseAudio do, other than lock my soundcard and be a general nuisance? | 22:24 |
ubuntu_ | try normal first | 22:24 |
jibadeeha | anyone here used simplescan as it nicer than xsane - suppose that is subjective, but interested in what you think | 22:24 |
LinuX2half | ubuntu_: alright, I'll see what I can do | 22:24 |
ubuntu_ | chris| so what are you saying exactly, in the home dir there is README.txt and a files called Access-Your-Private-Data.desktop but when I try to login to desktop it says something about ICE not configured correctly | 22:25 |
ubuntu_ | so i created him another user so he could use his pc in the mean time | 22:25 |
knasto | ubuntu_, lutz, it showed 'check filesystem' then it looked like it finished and it switched to the brown/white boot screen. Then it did the thing where it kept flashing a black screen like 3 times, then total black, | 22:25 |
chris| | ubuntu_, that's strange, cause the attacker would have do make a backup, wipe the home, encrypt it and copy it all back | 22:26 |
ubuntu_ | knasto I think you have a xorg.conf issue check /etc/X11/ directory for backups of /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 22:27 |
knasto | ubuntu_, ok | 22:27 |
LinuX2half | I'm able to located the device, even though its unmounted | 22:28 |
ubuntu_ | chris so what if the users password was changed and perhaps we forgot we encrypted the home dir when I installed it could that cause problems? | 22:28 |
chris| | ubuntu_, you can look for your friends data in /home/.ecryptfs/$USER/.Private and the credentials in /home/.ecryptfs/$USER/.ecryptfs | 22:29 |
LinuX2half | It only detects file systems. | 22:29 |
chris| | what you need to do to decrypt it pass for the private home is to decrypt the wrapped-passphrase with a password | 22:29 |
chris| | if you can't do that, you have zero chance | 22:29 |
knasto | ubuntu_, im here in the directory, i don't see a xorg.conf at all. I see a xorg.conf.failsafe though | 22:30 |
LinuX2half | How do I format my removable device...? | 22:30 |
Asmob | where ubuntu save all icon themes..? | 22:30 |
jrib | LinuX2half: you may use gparted | 22:30 |
jrib | Asmob: why? | 22:30 |
LinuX2half | jrib: I | 22:30 |
ubuntu_ | knasto do this: sudo cp xorg.conf.failsafe xorg.conf | 22:30 |
LinuX2half | jrib: I'm using it right now though | 22:30 |
jrib | LinuX2half: what is "it"? | 22:30 |
knasto | ubuntu_, isnt that the new xorg though it doesnt have a xorg.conf file | 22:30 |
nyberg | hi there.. im trying to get the NIC or wireless on an acer aspire 5710z to work with recent ubuntu but cant get it to work. | 22:30 |
ubuntu_ | well you can force one | 22:31 |
knasto | ubuntu_, oh ok | 22:31 |
LinuX2half | jrib: it can only detects file system.... I'm referring to Gparted | 22:31 |
ubuntu_ | it doesnt use one but if you specify one it uses it | 22:31 |
Asmob | jrib, to take icon for trash | 22:31 |
jrib | LinuX2half: gksudo gparted | 22:31 |
Asmob | jrib, for cairo dock | 22:31 |
knasto | ubuntu_, i did that. what now? | 22:31 |
jrib | Asmob: the themes you install end up in ~/.icons/ . The default system-wide ones are in /usr/share/icons/ I believe | 22:32 |
ubuntu_ | restart | 22:32 |
ubuntu_ | or | 22:32 |
ubuntu_ | sudo service gdm start | 22:32 |
LinuX2half | jrib: yes, I've run the program with full root permission but I still can't see my device. | 22:32 |
jrib | LinuX2half: there's a drop down menu in gparted | 22:32 |
knasto | ubuntu_, i did sudo gdrm start and it says gdm start running, process 2335 | 22:33 |
knasto | ubuntu_, maybe i should restart instead? | 22:33 |
karl_ | hi everyone | 22:33 |
LinuX2half | jrib: oh I see.... | 22:33 |
maven | hi | 22:33 |
ubuntu_ | yes restart instead start | 22:33 |
=== ubuntu_ is now known as sudobash | ||
LinuX2half | jrib: thanks for help! | 22:34 |
karl_ | does any one know of how to get the blackberry manager on the ubuntu karmic so i can use it on the usb modem please i have been searchin all night???? | 22:34 |
ardian | Hi i have a program that i want to start it when the computers starts | 22:34 |
ardian | sudo /home/ardian/ipv6/test/bin/gw6c -f /home/ardian/ipv6/test/bin/gw6c.conf | 22:34 |
Asmob | jrib, ty that works.. | 22:35 |
jrib | Asmob: no problem | 22:35 |
=== alan_ is now known as ahgilbert | ||
knasto | sudobash, ubuntu_, did that still no change. any ideas? | 22:36 |
knasto | sudobash, ubuntu_, this is really strange because it was working fine last night, and i change any settings | 22:36 |
karl_ | hello everyone does any one know of a blackberry manager for ubuntu karmic please? | 22:36 |
knasto | sudobash, ubuntu_, i mean i didnt* change any settings | 22:37 |
ubuntu | hello | 22:37 |
sudobash | did you update anything? | 22:37 |
karl_ | hi | 22:37 |
ubuntu | i was wondering | 22:37 |
knasto | sudobash, are you still here? | 22:37 |
karl_ | yer? | 22:37 |
ubuntu | why when i choose | 22:37 |
sudobash | yeah | 22:37 |
knasto | sudobash, any ideas? | 22:38 |
ubuntu | compiz > cube 3d | 22:38 |
ubuntu | i have white screen | 22:38 |
=== WindPower_ is now known as WindPower | ||
karl_ | try and update graphics vard | 22:38 |
karl_ | card* | 22:38 |
ZykoticK9 | ardian, the problem - as i see it, is you're going to have to add gw6c to the sudoers file (so it doesn't require a password), then you could potentially add it to startup (sorry I can't personally guide to on how to do either), best of luck man | 22:38 |
sudobash | try this knasto: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg | 22:38 |
ubuntu | its help | 22:38 |
karl_ | sudobash | 22:39 |
=== farner_ is now known as farner | ||
Michael__ | hi | 22:39 |
LinuX2half | thanks again everyone | 22:39 |
abdra7im | slt | 22:39 |
IdleOne | karl_: check out barrybackup-gui | 22:39 |
sudobash | so how do I decrypt wrapped-passphrase? | 22:39 |
karl_ | what in google | 22:40 |
=== Michael__ is now known as direpenguin | ||
pixelated | have a system running 9.1, altho hostapd is configed to start (proper setup in /etc/init.d etc) it doesnt 'seem' to be running on boot, but works fine when started from shell, and i see nothing in the logs about it... | 22:40 |
IdleOne | karl_: in Synaptic package manager | 22:40 |
direpenguin | hi | 22:40 |
n00p | 9.1? | 22:40 |
direpenguin | i have a question and requier assistance | 22:40 |
n00p | 9.10... is not 9.1 ;) | 22:40 |
=== direpenguin is now known as direpenuin | ||
IdleOne | direpenuin: ask away :) | 22:40 |
magn3ts | awesome: 20 0 6364 1892 1428 R 100 0.1 8:11.39 sudo | 22:41 |
knasto | sudobash, should i restart now? | 22:41 |
pixelated | n00p, ok try this... i have a question, can anyone answer it? | 22:41 |
magn3ts | why would sudo be at 100% CPU usage? | 22:41 |
direpenuin | i want to try unbuntu, but i dont know if il be able to partiion i to my HDD because i already got MINT on there, and dont know how to get it off | 22:41 |
coz_ | direpenuin, is windows on there as well? | 22:41 |
calrik | pixelated: I just had similiar problem with mysql, what I did was install "bum" (bootup manager) then change the priority of the application you want to start to a higher number | 22:41 |
sudobash | knasto yeah try it in normal again | 22:42 |
karl_ | idleone yep got that then what | 22:42 |
LizardK|ng | how do i set up a vpn connection in karmic? if i open the VPN tab in network connections, Add is grayed out | 22:42 |
jrib | direpenuin: well you can just install ubuntu over mint if that's what you want | 22:42 |
pixelated | calrik, yeah i have changed the load order for it, from (default of 20) earlier and later, but does change... | 22:42 |
IdleOne | karl_: should of installed a new item in the Applications menu. start it up and see what it does. I don't use it so I casn't help much more | 22:42 |
pixelated | err doesnt change the problem... | 22:43 |
coz_ | direpenuin, if you dont have windows on that drive and you dont want to keep mint...which I suggest not keeping... then just stick the ubuntu cd in the drive and when it comes to the partition area just erase and use entire disk | 22:43 |
abdra7im | ouuf vous allez trop vite j rien pj | 22:43 |
karl_ | that appreciated very much thank you idle one | 22:43 |
knasto | sudobash, same thing again. could it be some kind of weird hard drive corrupted issue? | 22:43 |
karl_ | any one else got any idea to try?? | 22:43 |
IdleOne | !fr | abdra7im | 22:43 |
ubottu | abdra7im: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois | 22:43 |
calrik | piexelated: changed to a number like 92? | 22:43 |
sudobash | might want to just backup and install fresh | 22:44 |
=== Mowee is now known as Mowee`Bnc | ||
sudobash | you can boot up a Live Ubuntu CD and back up the drive most likely | 22:44 |
abdra7im | merci idleone | 22:44 |
knasto | sudobash, or maybe some component inside the laptop broke? i dont know? | 22:44 |
pixelated | calrik, yup, changed to all the way from first, to just after DHCP (which runs fine) to completely last | 22:44 |
archboxman | direpenuin: Linux Mint and Ubuntu play with each other nice if you have windows and Linux Mint You can easliy adjust the size of the partition since both are Debian it allows you to slide the partition size around.... good luck | 22:44 |
Sinani201 | yaba daba dooooo | 22:45 |
jrib | direpenuin: just choose mint's current partition during ubuntu's install | 22:45 |
sudobash | knasto try to boot up an Ubuntu live CD or DVD and see if it pulls up for you then you can do a backup just in case | 22:45 |
anom01y | what is the best amarok2 alternative ? | 22:45 |
calrik | pixelated: that I do not know sorry :( | 22:45 |
pixelated | calrik, only thing i didnt do was put it in rc.local | 22:45 |
knasto | sudobash, like it was working yesterday, and now its not. i dont understand. this has never happend before | 22:45 |
tharok | I'm able to connect to my mobile broadband carrier while running Gnome's built in network connection manager. But how to start the connection from terminal? Considering moving over to fluxbox | 22:46 |
pixelated | calrik, better then no response at all ;') | 22:46 |
=== clueless is now known as Guest88221 | ||
eclugtesting1 | hi any iranian here? | 22:46 |
karl_ | idleone do i have to run install on terminal? | 22:46 |
knasto | sudobash, i have ubuntu on a usb and it works fine. the files inside my hard dirive are recognized and everything | 22:47 |
IdleOne | karl_: if you selected the package in Synaptics and then clicked apply it is installed. If you can't find it in the menu type barrybackup-gui in terminal and it should start the app | 22:47 |
MindVirus | My rhythmbox CPU usage is ~50%. | 22:47 |
MindVirus | Any advice? | 22:47 |
peterhe | Hi all, I've got a printer connected on the usb port, how do I install it with cups? | 22:48 |
nonameNN | MindVirus: install exaile and see what happens | 22:48 |
MindVirus | nonameNN: Please don't advise people like that. | 22:48 |
IdleOne | peterhe: System > Administration > Printing | 22:48 |
nonameNN | MindVirus: like wat? | 22:49 |
MindVirus | nonameNN: That is about the same thing as telling people to switch to Mac if Linux is using too much memory. | 22:49 |
nonameNN | peterhe: sudo apt-get install cups and thats pretty much it | 22:49 |
MindVirus | Or Windows. Doesn't matter. | 22:49 |
peterhe | i got cups installed | 22:49 |
IdleOne | nonameNN: he didn't ask how to install cups | 22:49 |
peterhe | im using kubuntu btw | 22:49 |
sudobash | knasto the only other thing I can think is try to install openssh-server and let someone connect and try and get it working for you | 22:49 |
IdleOne | nonameNN: if you don't know the answer, please don't. | 22:49 |
peterhe | so im looking the cups web interface | 22:50 |
nonameNN | MindVirus: nope, i just want to see wheres the error... if its rythmbox or the engine playin the audio files... never mind google | 22:50 |
anom01y | what is the BEST amarok alternative that can use projectM ? | 22:50 |
MindVirus | nonameNN: It is most certainly Gstreamer. | 22:50 |
MindVirus | nonameNN: To prove my point, when I pause, CPU usage goes down to 0%. | 22:50 |
IdleOne | peterhe: hmm not sure, try asking in #kubuntu | 22:50 |
nonameNN | MindVirus: gstreamer-properties check there if theres any optionthat would help u | 22:50 |
peterhe | thanks | 22:51 |
emmanuel | holaxxx soy nuevo | 22:51 |
knasto | sudobash, if it's not xorg than what could it be? | 22:51 |
IdleOne | !es | emmanuel | 22:51 |
ubottu | emmanuel: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter. | 22:51 |
MindVirus | nonameNN: Everything is directed to ALSA. | 22:51 |
MindVirus | This is more CPU usage than when I used PulseAudio. | 22:51 |
KamaL | hello, i have a VPS with ubuntu server 9.04 on it, and after installing ubuntu SERVER, something is messed up with configs, and i can't even ping to any site anymore. why is that?? | 22:51 |
nonameNN | MindVirus: also check if u have any plugin runing on rythmbox..., ok there we go, so why are u using just alsa? | 22:51 |
archboxman | nonameNN: I agree... 100% ,,, may Not be what you want to here MindVirus | 22:52 |
MindVirus | nonameNN: PulseAudio is shit. | 22:52 |
KamaL | *i mean ubuntu DESKTOP | 22:52 |
MindVirus | archboxman: PulseAudio is shit. | 22:52 |
IdleOne | !language | MindVirus | 22:52 |
ubottu | MindVirus: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 22:52 |
nonameNN | MindVirus: works perfect for me... | 22:52 |
MindVirus | nonameNN: That's great. | 22:52 |
larry_ | What is the command line to suspend in 9.10? | 22:52 |
nonameNN | MindVirus: whats wrong with pulse on ur computer? | 22:52 |
MindVirus | nonameNN: You may not be familiar with the extreme waves of despair amongst Pulse users. | 22:53 |
=== homer is now known as Guest72379 | ||
MindVirus | It uses too much CPU and is difficult to fix. | 22:53 |
MindVirus | Causes random crashes. | 22:53 |
daniskami | When I login using gdm, sound works, but when I disable gdm and login at the CLI, it's broken (GStreamer was unable to detect any sound devices). From the list of processes, I can't tell what gdm loads that I need | 22:53 |
nonameNN | MindVirus: im a pulseaudio user and dont have any of that problems | 22:53 |
sudobash | chris: hey so what you are saying is it has to be decrypted with ecryptfs utils? | 22:53 |
MindVirus | nonameNN: That's good for you. You are a lucky one. | 22:53 |
MindVirus | nonameNN: If you don't believe me that PA causes a lot of problems, Google it. | 22:54 |
knasto | sudobash, well thanks for trying to help me. | 22:54 |
archboxman | MindVirus: Great idea just blame everything ,but rythmbox ..... Whats next Ubuntu... Well thank God I run ArchLinux you can't blame them.... Its Linux you have to figure out what is wrong... Not pass Judgement on software.. | 22:54 |
nonameNN | MindVirus: i dont have any problems with pulse, if u know alsa is the problem then dont use it | 22:54 |
emmanuel | how do I install gta san andrea on linux with wine and prove | 22:54 |
MindVirus | nonameNN: I said that I know Pulse was the problem. | 22:54 |
MindVirus | archboxman: You are not helpful. Please leave me alone. | 22:54 |
sudobash | knasto: if I think of anything else I will let you know | 22:55 |
sebsebseb | emmanuel: I don't think that game will work well in Wine, if at all | 22:55 |
MindVirus | archboxman: Furthermore, you are wrong, but that's beside the point. | 22:55 |
anom01y | how can I play visualiations like projectM seperately? | 22:55 |
archboxman | MindVirus: lol, been running Linux 15+ years | 22:55 |
knasto | sudobash, thanks | 22:55 |
MindVirus | archboxman: You are awesome and better than me. | 22:55 |
sudobash | knasto: try to boot up recovery mode and try some of the things in the menu | 22:55 |
larry_ | MindVirus: What you say becomes true. | 22:55 |
emmanuel | and how do I | 22:56 |
nonameNN | MindVirus: for some reason developers dont use alsa as main sound server, checkout the repos there are a lot of tools for configuring pulse | 22:56 |
MindVirus | larry_: Please, explain yourself, my friend. | 22:56 |
archboxman | MindVirus: do research dont bother use with this idea... lol | 22:56 |
sebsebseb | emmanuel: 3D virtualization support is slowly getting there, not tired myself, but you could try Virtualbox set up to use 3D, and maybe you can do it like that, but your game might be slow | 22:56 |
MindVirus | archboxman: I don't even understand what you're saying. | 22:56 |
larry_ | MindVirus: Hard to explain manifestation. Google it perhaps? | 22:56 |
MindVirus | nonameNN: You are misinformed. | 22:56 |
MindVirus | larry_: 2+2=3. | 22:56 |
MindVirus | Nope, still 4. | 22:56 |
MindVirus | Or do you want me to repeat it over and over? | 22:57 |
purpzey-is-a-guy | If I installed FireFox-3.5 Can I safely uninstall the other version? | 22:57 |
archboxman | Research there are millions of users with same hardware and problems look at ubuntu forums and google search rythmbox problems in google you find a user with the same problem we are a community that helps each other.... | 22:57 |
Drakonslayor | Hi, does anyone know how to run windows graphics drivers through playonlinux, cause CSS really doesn't want to run on my computer with wine or playonlinux (wine program) any ideas? | 22:57 |
nonameNN | MindVirus: ok, no one seems to know whats wrong with ur sound server, google | 22:57 |
sebsebseb | emmanuel: #wine for help with Wine and #vbox for help with Virtualbox, and check out the Wine app db | 22:57 |
sebsebseb | !appdb | emmanuel | 22:57 |
ubottu | emmanuel: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: - Join #winehq for application help | 22:57 |
happyface | can anyone help with this wifi problem? | 22:57 |
MindVirus | nonameNN: Perhaps because the only advice that was given was TO INSTALL EXAILE. | 22:58 |
nonameNN | !sound | MindVirus | 22:58 |
ubottu | MindVirus: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see - - - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 22:58 |
emmanuel | I have a video card integrated NVIDEA | 22:58 |
MindVirus | nonameNN: You didn't ask for any diagnostic information. | 22:58 |
erUSUL | Drakonslayor: you can not use windows graphic drivers in linux. | 22:58 |
MindVirus | nonameNN: You asked me why I wasn't using Pulse and you're trying to convince me to use it. | 22:58 |
alyssum | my audio was working just fine (on mythtv box), but while using shell-fm it suddenly started showing errors that the sound card couldn't be found. Sure enough aplay -l lists "no soundcards" BUT lspci does list it and so does /proc/asound/cards. what's going on? how to debug this? | 22:58 |
MindVirus | nonameNN: I am not having problems with sound. | 22:58 |
sebsebseb | emmanuel: that's #winehq not #wine | 22:58 |
Drakonslayor | you can install them using wine... just wondering if you can utilise them? | 22:58 |
MindVirus | nonameNN: I can hear everything. | 22:58 |
nonameNN | MindVirus: i have already given u an answer... use pulse | 22:58 |
trism | MindVirus: an invalid bug, but the problem seems similar, and there is a workaround alsa config there, might be worth a shot | 22:58 |
MindVirus | Everything is wonderful. | 22:58 |
MindVirus | nonameNN: You are fairly useless. | 22:59 |
archboxman | nonameNN: hold on I go to research this rythmbox and when I get back with an answer your going to make me unhappy MindVirus | 22:59 |
MindVirus | nonameNN: I just told you that Pulse causes problems. | 22:59 |
MindVirus | archboxman: Pardon? | 22:59 |
nonameNN | MindVirus: an so is alsa | 22:59 |
archboxman | MindVirus: unhappy with your ideas about Linux ... :( | 22:59 |
MindVirus | archboxman: Do you know what my ideas about Linux are? | 23:00 |
MindVirus | No, you don't. | 23:00 |
emmanuel | does not work with wine??? | 23:00 |
archboxman | MindVirus: Its no pulseaudio because that only runs a sound card... | 23:00 |
MindVirus | archboxman: PulseAudio is a sound server. | 23:00 |
sebsebseb | emmanuel: it might, but in that case probably not properly, also to get it working well or reasonably well you probably have to configure Wine | 23:00 |
archboxman | MindVirus: what hardware are you using???? | 23:00 |
MindVirus | archboxman: Onboard sound in my netbook. | 23:00 |
purpzey-is-a-guy | If I installed FireFox-3.5 Can I safely uninstall 3.0 or is 3.5 dependent on it? | 23:00 |
archboxman | lspci -nn .... sound card pls | 23:01 |
hb_ | hello.. | 23:01 |
MindVirus | PulseAudio is a sound server, which means that it routes requests to the sound driver into itself. | 23:01 |
MindVirus | It is an extra layer. | 23:01 |
sebsebseb | purpzey-is-a-guy: Which Ubuntu you on 9.04? | 23:01 |
MindVirus | ALSA has a built-in mixer. | 23:01 |
purpzey-is-a-guy | sebsebseb: Jaunty, 9.04 yep. | 23:01 |
emmanuel | ummmm | 23:01 |
MindVirus | I don't need sound over TCP/IP. | 23:01 |
hb_ | ask...only | 23:01 |
MindVirus | I just want direct sound access. | 23:01 |
sebsebseb | purpzey-is-a-guy: ok yeah that uses the 3.0 series by default, how did you install 3.5? | 23:01 |
archboxman | MindVirus: if it is a sound card issue then swap it 10 BUCKS problem solved | 23:02 |
purpzey-is-a-guy | sebsebseb: via the repos. | 23:02 |
MindVirus | PulseAudio for my purposes is useless, and furthermore, causes problems. | 23:02 |
nonameNN | MindVirus: what version of ubuntu are u using? | 23:02 |
MindVirus | archboxman: Do you know what a netbook is? Do you even know what my problem is? | 23:02 |
MindVirus | nonameNN: 9.10. | 23:02 |
emmanuel | in graphic | 23:02 |
sebsebseb | purpzey-is-a-guy: ok so you got shiretoko? | 23:02 |
emmanuel | ???? | 23:02 |
purpzey-is-a-guy | sebsebseb: Yes. | 23:02 |
nonameNN | MindVirus: kernel? | 23:02 |
MindVirus | nonameNN: 2.6.31-20-generic | 23:02 |
knasto | sudobash, which things? also now i tried again and the orange/white boot screen wont even appear at all. I feel it's like getting progessively worse. Also I forgot to mention that earlier today I was able to get to the login screen. But when I enterred my password the screen would start flashing again. Then, after that the login screen wouldnt appear, it was just the brown/white. Now the brown/white is gone, its just the black/whit | 23:02 |
archboxman | MindVirus: I had 3 netbooks 2 acer aspire ones and Asus eee 901 | 23:02 |
MindVirus | archboxman: You realize that you just told me to replace my soundcard? | 23:03 |
MindVirus | archboxman: I am sorry, it is hard to take you seriously. | 23:03 |
MindVirus | I don't mean to be rude, but you've been the part yourself. | 23:03 |
fission6 | how can i find out what cpu / hardware my desktop has? | 23:03 |
archboxman | MindVirus: hard to take you serious ... :( | 23:03 |
sebsebseb | nonameNN: if you upgrade to 9.10, that might go wrong by the way, your 3.0 install will be upgraded to 3.5 with the FIrefox logo and Firefox user agent string. If you stay on 9.04 you can remove 3.0 ,but you don't really need to | 23:03 |
=== Michael__ is now known as direpenguin | ||
sebsebseb | nonameNN: why am I messaging you? | 23:03 |
MindVirus | archboxman: That's funny because nothing I said was even close to being anywhere near what could be considered around where "wrong" is. | 23:03 |
nytek_ | does anybody know much about evilwm? | 23:03 |
archboxman | MindVirus: learn something | 23:04 |
sebsebseb | purpzey-is-a-guy: see above, I messaged wrong person | 23:04 |
purpzey-is-a-guy | sebsebseb: I follow. thanks. | 23:04 |
MindVirus | archboxman: You're telling me to look through a list of distributions. You want me to learn something, right? | 23:04 |
alyssum | how can i removed everything related to sound drivers and reinstall? what packages are those? | 23:04 |
MindVirus | archboxman: Have you ever done any C programming/ | 23:04 |
nonameNN | MindVirus: check this out | 23:04 |
MindVirus | archboxman: Do you know what RC scripts are? | 23:04 |
karl_ | hi everyone does any know of a blackberry download for use as a modem? | 23:04 |
archboxman | MindVirus: there is more then one netbook distro try another if your unhappy.... | 23:05 |
MindVirus | archboxman: Do you know my problem? | 23:05 |
MindVirus | archboxman: No, you don't. | 23:05 |
MindVirus | archboxman: My problem is that Rhythmbox uses too much CPU usage. | 23:05 |
MindVirus | archboxman: Which means it's a problem with Gstreamer or the sound engine. | 23:05 |
MindVirus | archboxman: I am very familiar with my choice in distributions. Thank you. I choose Ubuntu. | 23:05 |
archboxman | MindVirus: let me guess your running a ipod on the rythmbox or mp3 player yes...??? | 23:06 |
so0ky | hi, does Ubuntu Server 64 bit have the ability to run .bin files after a fresh install? If not, is there a command to allow the server to run .bin files? | 23:06 |
nonameNN | MindVirus: how do u know if its rythmbox? did u try any other player? | 23:06 |
MindVirus | archboxman: Yes, I am, good guess. | 23:06 |
MindVirus | nonameNN: Let's try. | 23:06 |
jrib | so0ky: of course. But why would you want to? | 23:06 |
archboxman | MindVirus: it uses power from your cpu to find files wow... | 23:06 |
so0ky | i am trying to install cs 1.6 server on my box, and I am following the instructions of the article. the next step is to run a .bin file. | 23:06 |
MindVirus | archboxman: It finds files throughout the entire song, eh? | 23:07 |
karl_ | hi any know of a blackberry download for karmic? | 23:07 |
MindVirus | archboxman: You sound like you know your stuff, my friend. | 23:07 |
erUSUL | so0ky: you probably just have to make it executable (chmod +x file.bin) | 23:07 |
MindVirus | archboxman: Just constant file-finding, yeah? | 23:07 |
archboxman | MindVirus: no but it has to use constant power because ipod charges the device | 23:07 |
so0ky | if that is accomplished, does the file appear green? | 23:07 |
so0ky | i think i have already done that, and the file won't run | 23:07 |
MindVirus | archboxman: Because iPod charges the device. Constant power from my CPU. | 23:07 |
MindVirus | archboxman: Nice. | 23:08 |
sebsebseb | purpzey-is-a-guy: ok np | 23:08 |
gwildor | you guys are charging stuff with your ipod ? | 23:08 |
MindVirus | gwildor: No. | 23:08 |
MindVirus | We are not. | 23:08 |
karl_ | does any know of a blackberry download for karnic? | 23:08 |
karl_ | karmic* | 23:08 |
archboxman | MindVirus: that is why its a netbook it was not designed for using external devices on go unless plugged into a outlet | 23:08 |
gwildor | and constant power from PSU, not cpu. | 23:08 |
MindVirus | archboxman: Wow. | 23:09 |
MindVirus | archboxman: Wow, wow, wow. | 23:09 |
jrib | so0ky: it's likely it's meant to run on 32bit. Maybe install the ia32 packages... | 23:09 |
ubuntu3456 | how do i install skype on ubuntu 9.10 | 23:09 |
jrib | !skype | ubuntu3456 | 23:09 |
ubottu | ubuntu3456: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see - To record on Skype, check: - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga | 23:09 |
karl_ | has any one got a blackberry? | 23:09 |
erUSUL | so0ky: erro messages? | 23:09 |
MindVirus | archboxman: You are telling me that my iPod is being charged, so when I PAUSE my Rhythmbox, my CPU usage is non-existent, but when I play it's high? | 23:09 |
archboxman | gwildor: understand , but it puts a load on the cpu because not enough power for the system to run basic operation | 23:10 |
MindVirus | archboxman: 15+ years. | 23:10 |
so0ky | you are most likely right, i didn't think of that. what are the ia32 packages? does it allow programs to be tricked in thinking it is a 32 bit system? | 23:10 |
olskolirc | download it ubuntu3456 and then do: sudo dpkg -i skypepackage.deb | 23:10 |
MindVirus | archboxman: A load on the CPU because nto enough power for the system to run basic operation. | 23:10 |
alyssum | ok, i've tried removing and reinstalling linux-sound-base and alsa-utils...but same problem | 23:10 |
ubuntu3456 | olskolirc: Is there a package for 9.10? | 23:10 |
gwildor | archboxman, if anything, on the netbook, it will step down to a slower core speed, or disable a core.... it will not put a load on it.... | 23:11 |
erUSUL | so0ky: not tricked; it just probides the needed 32 bit libraries | 23:11 |
jrib | alyssum: irc channels as big as this one have a 1-line memory | 23:11 |
karl_ | hello can any one help??? | 23:11 |
MindVirus | archboxman: You realize a load on the CPU causes more power consumption? | 23:11 |
olskolirc | yes ubuntu3456 any of the ones for ubuntu will do | 23:11 |
ubuntu3456 | 32bit | 23:11 |
MindVirus | archboxman: You are a troll. | 23:11 |
jrib | !helpme | karl_ | 23:11 |
ubottu | karl_: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude | 23:11 |
alyssum | my audio was working *FINE* just an hour ago. the sound card is recognized by's just the driver has seemed to got messed up? anyone? | 23:11 |
so0ky | i see. would you know how to install the ia32 packages on ubuntu server? | 23:11 |
`mOOse` | MindVirus, use xubuntu - problem solved | 23:11 |
erUSUL | alyssum: rebooted ? | 23:11 |
archboxman | MindVirus: I worked in Us Coast Guard and Us Army with a top secert clearence we had lots of equipment drawing from tanks and other external charges that drag down the system... | 23:11 |
jrib | !apt > so0ky | 23:11 |
ubottu | so0ky, please see my private message | 23:11 |
alyssum | erUSUL: did that once already. but i'll try again after the reinstalls... | 23:11 |
gwildor | archboxman, no, you didnt | 23:12 |
MindVirus | `mOOse`: Please stop. | 23:12 |
MindVirus | archboxman: You are awesome. | 23:12 |
erUSUL | alyssum: no need if you already tried | 23:12 |
archboxman | gwildor: yes I did lol | 23:12 |
archboxman | lol | 23:12 |
archboxman | lol | 23:12 |
FloodBot2 | archboxman: Please don't flood, use to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 23:12 |
MindVirus | archboxman: You are not very used to the Linux community then. | 23:12 |
MindVirus | archboxman: Or at least how Linux works. | 23:12 |
jrib | archboxman: please keep the discussion related to ubuntu support only | 23:12 |
gwildor | archboxman, then you should inform the us coast guard that drawing power from a battery does not put a load on a cpu... | 23:12 |
MindVirus | Could someone help me decrease Rhythmbox usage? | 23:12 |
MindVirus | archboxman: 15+ years don't mean anything if you've not learned anything since then. | 23:13 |
meowbuntu | uhi what is up with it is broken. its better site as it gives oprtopn to poste for a day a week or month. over where you casnt even delete posts | 23:13 |
karl_ | does someone know of a blackberry download to use it as a modem? | 23:13 |
ChogyDan | MindVirus: maybe this command can give some insight: time gst-launch-0.10 filesrc location=foo.mp3 | 23:13 |
gwildor | MindVirus, i would suggest maybe using a lighter player, xmms or beep maybe will give better results. rythmbox is heavy for me, even when plugged in | 23:13 |
magn3ts | How can I get to try the new single window gimp in ubuntu? | 23:14 |
MindVirus | gwildor: Perhaps, but Rhythmbox used to use ~20% CPU with Pulse. | 23:14 |
MindVirus | Now uses ~40%. | 23:14 |
archboxman | MindVirus: yes I am they think power and connections in a different way they don't see that gui can drag down the system preformance.l.. I hang out in ArchLinux , Slackware and Debian they understand cpu usage because they run Fluxbox and other windows managers for this | 23:14 |
peterhe | guys please, i need some help with my printer. i cant set it up in cups | 23:14 |
peterhe | it is connected via usb | 23:14 |
Happehwalrus | magn3ts: Single window Gimp? | 23:14 |
MindVirus | archboxman: You should really stop advising people on what you don't know. | 23:14 |
anom01y | xmms | 23:14 |
archboxman | MindVirus: furthermore look into crunchbag to reduce the load | 23:14 |
erUSUL | !xmms | 23:14 |
ubottu | xmms is no longer being developed, see for more details. Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead. | 23:14 |
magn3ts | Happehwalrus, heh, been under a rock? I kid, but its all the rage! | 23:14 |
jrib | MindVirus, archboxman: move on. please. | 23:14 |
magn3ts | Happehwalrus, | 23:14 |
MindVirus | jrib: OK. | 23:15 |
archboxman | MindVirus: your not very bright are you... | 23:15 |
MindVirus | Bye. | 23:15 |
so0ky | thanks you so much for your help thus far. how do I get a list of packages to install? | 23:15 |
meowbuntu | ok is there anything else i need to select here in my sorclist | 23:15 |
archboxman | lol good bye ... bye bye :) | 23:16 |
jrib | so0ky: ubottu's link explains | 23:16 |
so0ky | okay | 23:16 |
MindVirus | ChogyDan: Still around? | 23:17 |
meowbuntu | so0ky, what are you truying to install | 23:17 |
ChogyDan | MindVirus: ya, but I don't know much more than what I posted | 23:17 |
meowbuntu | ok is there anything else i need to select here in my sorclist | 23:17 |
karl_ | any know of a blackberry device to use as a modem?? | 23:17 |
jaypur | my usb start up disc software is creating a bootable usb, but it's freezing at 99%, is it normal?? | 23:17 |
MindVirus | ChogyDan: I don't know how to use your command, though. | 23:17 |
ChogyDan | MindVirus: it would be something you run on the terminal, change foo.mp3 to an mp3 that you have | 23:18 |
MindVirus | ChogyDan: I know that. | 23:18 |
HaPK | hello | 23:18 |
MindVirus | ChogyDan: ERROR: from element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstFileSrc:filesrc0: Internal data flow error. | 23:18 |
MilitantPotato | I can't get a share to work at all for two ubuntu machines | 23:18 |
meowbuntu | jaypur, what application are you using to create a bootable usb | 23:18 |
ChogyDan | MindVirus: eek, I don't know | 23:18 |
MilitantPotato | how do you browse nfs shares? | 23:19 |
HaPK | My scanner doesn't seems to work... it's a Genius ColorPage HR6X Slim, can somebody help me? | 23:19 |
jaypur | meowbuntu, the one that comes with ubuntu 9.10 | 23:19 |
MindVirus | ChogyDan: Aye. | 23:19 |
MindVirus | Thanks anyways. | 23:19 |
ChogyDan | MindVirus: I found it on the gnome bug linked from here: | 23:19 |
meowbuntu | jaypur, are you doing it from a live cd or full install os | 23:19 |
MilitantPotato | !nfs | 23:19 |
ubottu | nfs is the network file system. See for information on installing and configuring NFS. | 23:19 |
jaypur | meowbuntu, ;iso | 23:19 |
JrodDCx | jaypur: You Should Try Unetbooten to make a bootable USB | 23:20 |
meowbuntu | jaypur, no are you running in live cd mode or hdd os | 23:20 |
so0ky | i think i am downloading the needed libraries now. thank you so much for your help. | 23:20 |
jaypur | meowbuntu, running what??? | 23:20 |
christopherius | clear | 23:20 |
meowbuntu | your system | 23:20 |
jaypur | i'm on ubuntu, and i need to create a usb start up | 23:20 |
HaPK | My scanner doesn't seems to work... it's a Genius ColorPage HR6X Slim, can somebody help me? | 23:20 |
jaypur | JrodDCx, thx | 23:21 |
meowbuntu | yes jaypur i know is it an os or a live cd you are on now | 23:21 |
meowbuntu | ^ of ubuntu | 23:21 |
JrodDCx | jaypur: No Problems :) | 23:21 |
jaypur | meowbuntu, on my laptop X) | 23:21 |
meowbuntu | jaypur, anyway just run the usb startup disrk creater should work fine. | 23:22 |
HaPK | My scanner doesn't seems to work... it's a Genius ColorPage HR6X Slim, can somebody help me? | 23:22 |
jaypur | meowbuntu, i'll use other... | 23:22 |
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meowbuntu | jaypur, yes so its a ful insxtall on your laptop. and not a live cd | 23:22 |
jaypur | meowbuntu, the one that comes with ubuntu is freezing at 99% | 23:22 |
bikcmp | Hello all, kinda having a issue with my server: I accidently used apt-get install php5 & (note the &) and keeps running although detatched. | 23:22 |
bikcmp | I've killed it with ps x a few times but keeps coming back | 23:23 |
bikcmp | any ideas? | 23:23 |
meowbuntu | jaypur, if you are using a full os installed on laptop then get unetbootin | 23:23 |
Sinani201 | bikcmp: Do you want to get rid of php5 | 23:23 |
jaypur | meowbuntu, just got it X) | 23:23 |
bikcmp | Sinani201: I was trying to install something and had a & symbol in it | 23:24 |
meowbuntu | jaypur, | 23:24 |
bikcmp | and now apt won't die | 23:24 |
=== XlX is now known as ShKoDrAnI | ||
meowbuntu | jaypur, what filesys is on usb | 23:24 |
karl_ | any one know of a blackberry manager download for karmic please?? | 23:24 |
jaypur | meowbuntu, i dont know, how can i see that | 23:24 |
HaPK | My scanner doesn't seems to work... it's a Genius ColorPage HR6X Slim, can somebody help me? | 23:25 |
erUSUL | bikcmp: tried --> « fg %1 » | 23:25 |
jaypur | lol unetbootin does not have 9.10 live | 23:25 |
bikcmp | HaPK: Repeating doesn't do anything | 23:25 |
erUSUL | !sane | 23:25 |
ubottu | Scanning software: XSane, the GIMP (GNOME), Kooka (KDE). For instructions see and to see supported hardware: - See also !OCR | 23:25 |
cjcopi | bikcmp: you can bring it to the foreground using fg | 23:25 |
bikcmp | erUSUL: try that command? | 23:25 |
MilitantPotato | In NFS, how do you enable the client to access sub directories? | 23:25 |
meowbuntu | jaypur, usb flashdrives, hdd usually come with fat 32 install gparted adn run that it will tel you | 23:25 |
karl_ | hello | 23:25 |
erUSUL | bikcmp: that should bring apt back to the terminal | 23:25 |
bikcmp | erUSUL: hrm | 23:25 |
HaPK | so nobody can help me? oh... :( | 23:25 |
bikcmp | it won't | 23:25 |
bikcmp | no job? | 23:26 |
meowbuntu | !gparted | jaypur | 23:26 |
ubottu | jaypur: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at | 23:26 |
erUSUL | bikcmp: run « jobs » | 23:26 |
Scunizi | 9.10.. I've suddenly lost the ability to switch to a TTY using ctrl+alt+F1-6 .. any solutions? | 23:26 |
bikcmp | erUSUL: nothing happens | 23:26 |
bikcmp | when I ps x | 23:26 |
karl_ | hello? | 23:26 |
bikcmp | yes? | 23:26 |
erUSUL | bikcmp: are you sure apt is still running? | 23:26 |
bikcmp | erUSUL: ps x: 20092 pts/0 T 0:00 apt-get install php5- | 23:26 |
bikcmp | :/ | 23:26 |
bikcmp | kill 20092 doesn't work either | 23:26 |
erUSUL | bikcmp: sudo kill 20092 | 23:27 |
bikcmp | killall -HUP apt? | 23:27 |
netuser | ive got a problem:my usb flash disk froze(my computer sees it but cannot recognize it). is there a way to fix this? | 23:27 |
jaypur | meowbuntu, getting it;;; | 23:27 |
Scunizi | bikcmp: sudo kill -9 20092 | 23:27 |
karl_ | hello | 23:27 |
erUSUL | bikcmp: apt is run with sudo must be killed with sudo | 23:27 |
bikcmp | !hello | karl_ | 23:27 |
ubottu | karl_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at . Enjoy your stay! | 23:27 |
bikcmp | erUSUL: it doesn't do anything with sudo either | 23:27 |
karl_ | bikcmp do you know of a blackberry download to use it as a modem? | 23:27 |
=== nikolam_ is now known as nikolam | ||
bikcmp | Scunizi: -9 worked | 23:28 |
erUSUL | bikcmp: sudo kill -9 20092 | 23:28 |
Tourist | Anyone actually running Ubuntu on a little netbook? I'd like to run it with Wine so I can load MS Visual C++ | 23:28 |
mark7 | Scunizi: Are there getty instances running? | 23:28 |
bikcmp | -9 worked, thanks you guy's :) | 23:28 |
bikcmp | what does -9 flag do? | 23:28 |
Scunizi | mark7: ? | 23:28 |
meowbuntu | jaypur, when you find out what filesys you have let me know | 23:28 |
mark7 | Scunizi: You said that you can't switch to your ttys | 23:28 |
alyssum | still working on this problem: audio worked fine, but suddenly alsa no longer saw card (while playing shell-fm). have tried rmmod snd-intel8x0 and then modprobe it. no errors. have purged alsa-utils and reinstalled. still aplay -l returns "no soundcard" and lspci /proc/asound/cards list them fine... help! | 23:28 |
jaypur | meowbuntu, i just got a new unetbooting just a sec | 23:28 |
Scunizi | mark7: ah.. didn't relate the question to mine.. I'll check | 23:28 |
alyssum | does my user need to belong to some audio group?? | 23:29 |
mark7 | Scunizi: There should be one getty process running for each tty. If not, it won't have been allocated. | 23:29 |
erUSUL | bikcmp: send the sigkill signal a signal that processes can not avoid | 23:29 |
v3rr3z | I was wondering, does a game that is only for windows run faster, slower, or at the same speed with running wine on linux? | 23:29 |
karl_ | bikcmp | 23:29 |
erUSUL | bikcmp: should not be used lightly | 23:29 |
Scunizi | mark7: what's the easiest way to find that out? cli | 23:29 |
mark7 | Scunizi: ps auxw|grep getty | 23:29 |
erUSUL | v3rr3z: slower; the wmulation does allways have some overhead | 23:29 |
erUSUL | v3rr3z: slower; the emulation does allways have some overhead | 23:30 |
mark7 | v3rr3z: IME, typically slower but disk I/O and VM tends to be faster | 23:30 |
karl_ | do you know of any system for blackberry to use it as a modem any one | 23:30 |
Scunizi | mark7: there's one listed .. lists in red and no pid associated with it. | 23:30 |
alyssum | ok, new update, sudo aplay -l does it is indeed a permissions issue... my groups for my user are: alyssum adm dialout cdrom video plugdev mythtv admin | 23:30 |
jaypur | meowbuntu, gparted on what do you wanna know? | 23:30 |
Scunizi | mark7: must be tty7 | 23:30 |
v3rr3z | thanks | 23:30 |
mark7 | mark7: You should have lines like this: "/sbin/getty -8 38400 tty4" etc for each tty in use | 23:31 |
Scunizi | mark7: might have something to do with plasma craching.. or something else.. some of my widgets on the screen are black.. and "notify" crashed earlier too.. might have to restart. | 23:31 |
mark7 | Scunizi: I doubt it | 23:31 |
Scunizi | mark7: nope.. nothing like that listed in the grep of getty.. | 23:31 |
meowbuntu | filesystem type of flash drive remember | 23:32 |
mark7 | Scunizi: Do you have entries in /etc/init/tty[1-6].conf? | 23:32 |
meowbuntu | is it fat 32 | 23:32 |
meowbuntu | ^ jaypur | 23:32 |
=== JimmyJ|zz is now known as JimmyJ | ||
karl_ | any one know of a device for blaackberry | 23:32 |
=== tabris|away is now known as tabris | ||
meowbuntu | karl_, a device for blackberry is a blackbery ??????? | 23:33 |
usser | erUSUL, theoretically wine should give native performance though | 23:33 |
karl_ | sorry meant install to use as a modem | 23:33 |
Scunizi | mark7: yep | 23:33 |
mark7 | Scunizi: So for some reason upstart just hasn't started them. Hmm. | 23:33 |
meowbuntu | karl_, you meaning an application on ubuntu that can run blackberries | 23:33 |
Scunizi | mark7: should I /etc/init.d/getty start ? | 23:34 |
karl_ | meowbuntu yer thats the one | 23:34 |
mark7 | Scunizi: I doubt that there's a script for that | 23:34 |
mark7 | Scunizi: It's treated specially | 23:34 |
Scunizi | mark7: your right.. :( | 23:34 |
alyssum | ok, it's fixed. needed to add user to the audio group after all.... don't know how that was lost to begin with though. | 23:34 |
meowbuntu | karl_, try | 23:34 |
Scunizi | mark7: it's weird .. this is the first time I've noticed they are not available.. | 23:35 |
meowbuntu | karl_,;jsessionid=6F5BBAEEE98D64EE2A94A8F8C315799D | 23:35 |
Scunizi | mark7: I do use them on occasion .. at least every other day. | 23:35 |
mark7 | Scunizi: What happens when you run sudo /sbin/getty -8 38400 tty1? | 23:35 |
meowbuntu | karl_, just google ubuntu "9.10 blackberry" that should get you lots of info | 23:35 |
meowbuntu | !blackberry | 23:35 |
Ganang | can anyone recommend a good svn client for linux, like tortoisesvn for windows? | 23:36 |
mark7 | Scunizi: Do you get complaining about some sort of error, or can you now switch to tty1? | 23:36 |
meowbuntu | ok is there anything else i need to select here in my sorclist | 23:36 |
Scunizi | mark7: nope.. that worked for tty1 .. | 23:36 |
mark7 | Scunizi: Hmm. So for some reason, getty works, you have the config files telling upstart to start them, but they aren't running | 23:37 |
mark7 | Scunizi: Nothing in /var/log/messages about getty? | 23:37 |
Scunizi | mark7: something must have changed in the latest update.. I'll check the logs | 23:37 |
happyface | how do I apply a kernel patch/ just "patch patchname"? | 23:38 |
meowbuntu | happyface, what do you mean | 23:38 |
kad__ | hey ! i want messenger have webcam/voice other than aMSN coz it crash :( any ? thx | 23:39 |
Scunizi | mark7: nope.. therer are some kernel segfaults for npviewer.bin though.. and a couple for pulseaudio (expected) | 23:39 |
Welshy-Rob | hi , i just (not on purpose) deleted the top task bar panel, is there a way i can get it back :s? | 23:39 |
=== direpenguin_ is now known as direpenguin | ||
Seveas | Welshy-Rob, rightclick the bottom panel, select 'new panel' | 23:39 |
meowbuntu | what is in my sorce list should i turn it on | 23:40 |
Seveas | Welshy-Rob, then add the application menu, the notification area, and all other things back to it | 23:40 |
Welshy-Rob | Seveas, okay thanks | 23:40 |
happyface | meowbuntu: to apply a patch, I just use "patch patchname"? | 23:40 |
meowbuntu | what is in my sorce list should i turn it on | 23:41 |
meowbuntu | !patch | 23:41 |
ubottu | Patches are files describing the changes in code to achieve some results. There are a number of ways these can be produced, but and may provide some useful guidelines. | 23:41 |
Scunizi | mark7: any other ideas? | 23:41 |
meowbuntu | ^ happyface see ubotto there | 23:41 |
choro_vw | hi all, after several power outages my ubuntu 9.10 install won't boot, are there any tutorials to recover my broken system? | 23:42 |
mark7 | Scunizi: You grepped your /var/log/messages (and zgrepped the .gz ones) and didn't turn up anything about getty that looked suspicious? | 23:42 |
Devrethman | Is there a way to set the default $TERM in gnome-terminal to xterm-256color instead of just xterm? | 23:43 |
Scunizi | mark7: only looked in "messages" .. I'll look in the .gz ones.. what's the grep line.. "messages | grep getty" ? | 23:43 |
mark7 | grep getty /var/log/messages* | 23:44 |
mark7 | zgrep getty /var/log/messages*gz | 23:44 |
Scunizi | k | 23:44 |
kad__ | hey ! i want messenger have webcam/voice other than aMSN coz it crash :( any ? thx | 23:44 |
Devrethman | Or like, is there some equivalent of ~.bashrc that only runs in gnome-terminal? | 23:44 |
Scunizi | mark7: nothing returned. | 23:44 |
mark7 | Scunizi: One wild shot -- for some reason, your system might be in a runlevel that it doesn't start them at | 23:45 |
Scunizi | mark7: with either command. | 23:45 |
mark7 | Scunizi: I don't know why X would start then, but... | 23:45 |
mark7 | Scunizi: Might try running runlevel | 23:45 |
Scunizi | mark7: how do I check what run level I'm in? | 23:45 |
jaypur | meowbuntu, fat32? | 23:45 |
mark7 | Scunizi: the first value is your last runlevel, the second your current | 23:45 |
mark7 | Scunizi: I'd expect it to read "N 2" | 23:45 |
Scunizi | mark7: interesting.. running runlevel returns "unknown" | 23:46 |
mark7 | Scunizi: I don't know what exactly would cause *that*... | 23:46 |
mark7 | Scunizi: Looks like that's it's generic error code... | 23:46 |
Scunizi | mark7: I'll restart and see what happens.. | 23:47 |
choro_vw | hi all, after several power outages my ubuntu 9.10 install won't boot, grub actually does initiate, but just after the Ubuntu logo it freezes, any help, please? | 23:48 |
FeedHunter | . | 23:48 |
mortus | hello? | 23:48 |
mortus | testing,anyone home/ | 23:49 |
Sinani201 | Yes? | 23:49 |
mortus | hi,been a few years on Ubuntu,looking for best Reference to get step by Step Install,compile for an older Dell.any Recomendation? or is there a better channel to go ask? thanks. | 23:50 |
visik7 | hi | 23:50 |
Scunizi | mark7: runlevel still reports "unknown" | 23:50 |
mortus | have inteligence,but light/medium on the Linux side...basically a Newbie, forgot too much. | 23:51 |
visik7 | anyone know how to use the scan button on a psc 1600 ? | 23:51 |
mortus | google search for the Model is comeing up with a bunch of Garbage from 2004,of people having driver issues. I just want a Clean,Fast Install on a Dell 2400... | 23:52 |
mortus | any help, would be Appreciated Major!!!I need this thing to Be Fast, only has base 512 Memory. | 23:52 |
Sinani201 | Do you plan to wipe the hard drive? | 23:52 |
Sinani201 | It's not that hard… just run the disc as live cd and install. | 23:53 |
mortus | Yes, I will,but the Live CD is Hardware Locking after Xwin is Up, thats why Im looking for Step by Step,over the Video Drivers. Seems the 9.10 has an Issue during Xwin Run. | 23:53 |
Sinani201 | I can't help you with that. | 23:54 |
jef91 | Help! My internal hard drive is failing to mount with this message: | 23:54 |
Sinani201 | You could as it on the forums. | 23:54 |
mortus | whats diff between Kubuntu and Ubuntu? never used Kubuntu, I have Ubuntu back at 8.x, 7.x, | 23:54 |
psycho_oreos | mortus, kubuntu is simply ubuntu with kde frontend | 23:55 |
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mac9416 | Is sources.list consistently kept in /etc/apt/ in all Debian derivatives and Ubuntu flavors? | 23:55 |
mortus | ah, Danka...that was bloody Easy! 8-) | 23:55 |
=== dmbq is now known as dmb | ||
Scunizi | mark7: with the latest kernel upgrade another strange thing happened.. all my installed printers disappeared.. the next day there was a cups update and they reappeared.. probably not related *but*... | 23:55 |
jaypur | i just erased my usb and it can't run anymore... i set it to be like (0,0) something like that | 23:55 |
kisuke | what it the full mand to mount with the remove_hiberfile option? | 23:56 |
jaypur | can't open my pendrive anmore | 23:56 |
kisuke | command? | 23:56 |
mortus | psycho,quick question based on above, dell dimension Circa 2003,would be wise to Install ubuntu 7.x,or 8.x,instead of 9.10?for Performance?I really need this little machine to smoke in Speed like a Kiosk? Thanks, for any input. | 23:57 |
jef91 | Help! My internal hard drive is failing to mount with this message: | 23:57 |
jef91 | mortus - always use the latest *buntu. Its the DE that determines speed most times | 23:57 |
blakkheim | mortus: it would be best to use a minimal iso and don't use any desktop environment | 23:57 |
mortus | jef91, thanks,whats a minimum with Xwin/Network .iso,what Label? I pulled current about 681mg .iso? | 23:59 |
blakkheim | !mini > mortus | 23:59 |
ubottu | mortus, please see my private message | 23:59 |
mortus | Thanks, | 23:59 |
blakkheim | mortus: have a look at that | 23:59 |
kisuke | what it the full command to mount with the remove_hiberfile option? | 23:59 |
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