
EmryI have a quick question. :P If I create a folder inside of my Ubuntu One folder, and then create a symlink iin my home directory pointing to that folder, will dbus properly detect changes to that folder accessed through the symlink?12:22
Emryn/m I just answered my own question.  :-)12:26
EmryI think I just updated my work flow in a pretty major way. O.o  :-)  So far a happy customer.12:29
facundobatistaEmry, the UbuntuOne client does not follow symlinks12:42
Emryfacundobatista, I think you got what I was saying backwards. :)12:43
EmryOr I didn't word it right. ^^;;12:43
EmryEither is possible. :)12:43
facundobatistaEmry, oh, I see12:43
EmryWhat I did was moved my www directory into the Ubuntu One folder, then put a symlinkg at ~/www to ~/Ubuntu\ One/www   :-)12:44
facundobatistaEmry, note that soon you'll have the capability of setting *any* folder under your home to be synchronised by Ubuntu One12:44
Emryfacundobatista, I know!! I am excited.  I just listened to the FLOSS interview today.  :P12:44
facundobatistaEmry, which interview?12:45
EmryFLOSS Weekly rather.12:45
* Emry runs to get the info.12:45
EmryFLOSS Weekly #99: Interview between Jono Bacon and Stewart Langrige.  (I may have spelled it wrong).12:47
EmryA guy from the Ubuntu One team. ^_^12:48
EmryIt was the December 11'th eppisode.12:48
facundobatistaEmry, ah, ok12:49
Emry:-) I get behind easily because I follow about four or five podcasts somewhat loyaly...12:49
EmryAnd that causes me to stay at least a few eppisodes behind on all of them. hehehe12:49
EmryI know that symlinks out don't work yet, but symlinks in are ok! :)13:03
EmryHmmmm.  Are there known bugs with the web based notes feature?13:23
beunoEmry, there are15:38
beunoand I'm going to fix them soon  :)15:38
beunosorry about that15:38
Chris64hi all17:37
Chris64is ubuntu one able to sync data over syncml?17:39
aboSamoorI am using lucid and I can not connect to ubuntuOne !19:07
beunoChris64, it will soon19:13
Chris64beuno: that would be great :D and all data will be stored on the couch, right?21:07
beunoChris64, yes sir21:15
dobeytwitter is weird21:38
Chris64Thank you! Good Night, sir :)21:44

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