
* Psilocybin_Elf nods.00:14
meowbuntuCody1, hi are you going to ask your question here instead of #ubuntu00:17
Cody1I was about to, but I found the (possible) answer on the Ubuntu forums.00:21
ubuntududecan i use magicjack under wine? if not is there a Linux alternative?00:36
Cody1hello again00:36
Cody1I'm booting Xubuntu 9.10 off a flash drive... I was wondering if there is a way to do away with the Live User and have a real account and password?00:37
mhall119Cody1, you'll have to customize the LiveCD00:37
Cody1Is that difficult to do?00:37
Cody1aka ~ is it worth the effort?00:38
mhall119nah, it's easy, let me find you a guide00:39
Cody1thank you00:40
ubuntududecan i use magicjack under wine? if not is there a Linux alternative?00:40
mhall119once you get to the point you're in the chroot environment, just run 'adduser' from the command line to create the user account you want00:40
mhall119ubuntudude, no idea, you might try asking in #ubuntu, someone there may know00:41
ubuntududethats where i asked first and still am00:42
Cody1ubuntudude: try this link http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=102756700:42
Cody1hey mhall, any ideas on having my computers hard drive show up while I'm booted in Xubuntu off the flash drive? It shows in Gparted, just not anywhere else that I can see.00:49
Cody1Someone on the forums said to try a few sudo dmraid commands... but those didn't work.00:50
Cody1thanks again00:56
skavezhi there -- i installed xubuntu 9.10 via WUBI onto a netbook, but for some reason grub no longer gives me a menu list, but instead a prompt/shell. i can't find any "root.disk" in my C:, which seems to be needed01:24
skavezjust trying to get into the install, back up my files, and then do a proper partioned install01:24
skavezin C:\disks, there's swap.disk and boot\grub\ but that's empty01:28
XRunneranyone around to help with a issue i've having with Xubuntu 9.1 and my wireless card :( i can't log into my connection its asks for WPA password and I enter it and wont connect to it.. even tried typing in the password in hex and still nothing :(02:36
ed3I have a question on loading adobe flash player.  I have followed the instructions, but cannot get the file to extract properly.  Can anyone describe the correct way to load tar.gz items, or instruct me on loading the flash player for firefox?02:47
psycho_oreoswhy not just install flashplayer-plugin from the repo?02:52
ed3uhhhh... Because I just installed xubuntu, and don't know how to do anything but follow the instructions that I read for each operation that I want to perform.  I think that I may have found the problem.  I am not logged in as root.  However, I have tried to log in as root, and the authentication fails.  I am stuck.03:04
ed3I don't know how to load from the repo, but am willing to try!03:05
skavezed3: I don't have a xubuntu install available atm...but open Accessories: Terminal and type: sudo aptitude install flashplayer-plugin03:12
skavezor: aptitude search flashplayer03:12
ed3Terminal indicated that it couldn't find flashplayer-plugin, and then removed some linux headers.03:20
ed3running the search03:21
ed3nothing returned and I am back at the prompt03:21
skavezed3: have you tried this <http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/install-flash-10-ubuntu-linux-64bit.html#comment-150888>?03:22
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etron_hey my computer isnt recognizing my soundcard05:24
etron_can any1 help me?05:25
ubuntududei have a dual core with 4gb ram, would i notice speed differences between xubuntu and ubuntu?06:48
SogekinguHi I cant seem to set a screen resolution higher than 800x60006:53
Sogekingubtw I am running this within virtualbox.06:53
SogekinguHi I cant seem to set a screen resolution higher than 800x60007:23
Sogekingubtw I am running this within virtualbox.07:23
Cody1I've got Xubuntu 9.10 booting off a flash drive.08:31
Cody1About 3.5hours ago an alert popped up with 135mb of updates..08:32
Cody1So I figured it wouldn't take long to do the updates, so I let it run through.08:32
Cody1And it tooks like 3.5hrs for everything to finish... reboot and now part of the top task bar is missing.08:32
Cody1The applications..places.. all that stuff is gone. :/08:32
TheSheepmaybe it failed to install evertyhgin for some reason?08:35
TheSheepwhat was the last message of the upgrade program?08:35
Cody1Honestly I don't remember.08:36
TheSheeptry finishing the update by running 'sudo apt-get install'08:36
Cody1What folder is the terminal in?08:36
TheSheeppress alt+f2 and ype 'xfce4-terminal08:37
Cody1Ok.. hopefully this doesn't boot me... but this is what I get after doinng the sudo apt-get08:38
Cody1ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install08:38
Cody1Reading package lists... Done08:38
Cody1Building dependency tree08:38
Cody1Reading state information... Done08:38
Cody1The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:08:38
Cody1  libopenal1 fakeroot libboost-thread1.38.0 libboost-date-time1.38.0 libplib108:38
Cody1  patch libphysfs1 gnash-common freeglut3 libsdl-image1.208:38
Cody1Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.08:38
Cody10 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 11 not upgraded.08:38
TheSheephmm.. ok, so it finished08:39
TheSheepso jus add your menu back to the panel08:39
Cody1I don't know how, lol.08:39
Cody1I'd been looking around in some of the folders trying to find the terminal (didn't know alt+f2), and found XChat in the process.08:40
TheSheepright-click, select 'add', 'xfce4 menu' and 'places'08:40
Cody1lol.. I didn't think it would be so simple.08:40
TheSheepah, check your free disk space08:41
TheSheepmaybe it disappeared because of lack of space08:41
TheSheep'sudo apt-get clean' should delete the cache after upgrade and free some space08:42
Cody1^ Did that, but didn't seem to do anything.08:44
Cody1I've got my menus back now though, so all is good.08:45
Cody1Thanks for that08:46
Cody1I need to look through synaptic... the update seemed to be updating stuff I don't use/don't need.08:48
Cody1It was saying something about updating lubuntu, kubuntu...etc..08:48
paolignoHi. I'm using 9.10 and I can't see the onboard wireless network card. With an older version of xubuntu (maybe 8.10) I could.... what I can do?10:04
psycho_oreospaoligno, pastebin your lspci -nnk output10:28
=== migi is now known as migis
psycho_oreospaoligno, not really recommended with old versions of xubuntu, why 8.10?10:32
paolignopsycho_oreos: ?10:33
paolignoI only remember that with 8.10 it worked10:33
psycho_oreospaoligno, your wireless card would highly favour at minimum karmic or later10:33
psycho_oreosyou might be able to get it working with restricted-drivers10:34
psycho_oreosinstalling wl10:34
psycho_oreosbut you'll need to blacklist b43 stuff10:34
paolignopsycho_oreos: should I  apt-get install wl ?10:34
psycho_oreospaoligno, no I suggest you to try going through hardware drivers option10:35
paolignolet me check10:35
migiscould anyone please show me how can i open and edit xubuntu's loading file (whichever it is).10:36
eXpl0i7ex: sudo mousepad /etc/fstab10:36
psycho_oreosmigis, what do you mean loading file?10:36
paolignopsycho_oreos: great! thanks10:36
psycho_oreospaoligno, working? good to hear10:37
migispsycho_oreos: well, i installed firmware for a wireless device which is, apparently, not on my computer. now my computer does recognize its own wireless at the end of the day, though the installed firmware still tries to load and then shows that it does not recognize it, etc. is there a file which shows which programs are requested to load?10:38
paolignopsycho_oreos: yes thanks again10:39
psycho_oreospaoligno, nw10:39
psycho_oreosmigis, which wireless chipset?10:39
knomepsycho_oreos, congrats. are you ready to step to the next challenge? ;)10:39
psycho_oreosknome, almost always ready lol10:39
knomehehe, good to hear. i'll ask you next time then ;]10:40
psycho_oreosknome, about? wireless?10:40
migispsycho_oreos: well, i wrote this " sudo aptitude install b43-fwcutter && sudo modprobe -r b43 && sudo modprobe b43" though b43 is not on this laptop.10:40
knomepsycho_oreos, about any wicked problems :)10:40
migispsycho_oreos: i just need to know the file which still request that line and then delete it so it doesn't request it anymore.10:40
psycho_oreosmigis, b43 is a driver not a program.. so the driver would request the firmware which is usually in the default path of /lib/firmware10:40
knomepsycho_oreos, wicked as in NOT wicd ;)10:40
psycho_oreosknome, umm well I'm not an all rounder lol10:41
psycho_oreosmigis, if it doesn't request firmware, the driver would not work10:41
migispsycho_oreos: so how can i remove that?10:41
psycho_oreosmigis, remove requesting?10:42
migispsycho_oreos: is there a way to check now when i am using xubuntu what lines were written on the screen when it was loading?10:43
migispsycho_oreos: it just seems that it requests that firmware although it does not exist on my computer.10:44
psycho_oreosmigis, its usually in dmesg for any requesting stuff but you need to install the firmware or the card won't work10:44
migispsycho_oreos: how can i check which wireless drive i use?10:45
psycho_oreosmigis, usually with lspci -nnk10:45
migispsycho_oreos: does this line "30:00.0 Network controller [0280]: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11a/b/g [14e4:4312] (rev 01)10:46
migisKernel driver in use: b43-pci-bridge10:46
migisKernel modules: ssb10:46
migis" show that my card must work with d43 driver?10:46
psycho_oreosmigis, b43... yes10:47
migispsycho_oreos: so how can i install firmware then?10:47
psycho_oreosthat card will work with b43 but it will also require firmware.. usually if you installed the fwcutter, you probably need to restart10:48
migismy laptop is HP compaq nx632510:48
migisso i have to write " sudo aptitude install b43-fwcutter && sudo modprobe -r b43 && sudo modprobe b43" in terminal and restart then?10:48
psycho_oreosno, if you can successfully remove b43, it should work but double-check to see if there's b43 firmware inside /lib/firmware10:49
psycho_oreosI think from memory its under /lib/firmware/b4310:50
migisno, there is no /lib/firmware/b4310:50
migisso should i run that line again or do something else?10:51
psycho_oreosI would do each of the commands separately, i.e. one by one10:52
migisand what to do after each of them?10:52
psycho_oreosif they all succeeded, your wireless card should be working10:53
migisok, thanks, i will do that10:53
psycho_oreosI thought that if your wireless card is not one of those pcmcia/express card type things, you might not be able to remove the driver because the driver would be hooked to the actual device. Usually with pcmcia/express card, that is the case and you can get away by issuing stuff like pccardctl eject.. but for pci/minipci/pcie/minipcie/etc the case is different10:55
psycho_oreosusb is completely different altogether10:55
migisok, i have done everything, now rebooting. brb.10:55
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GodzKnightZXubuntu 9.10 + Intel 5100 AGN wireless card = not being able to authentical WPA passphrase... please help13:28
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs13:29
GodzKnightZthanks, but now i'm stuck.. when i use the wpa_passphrase command and hit enter it just goes to a blank line with > on it13:34
vinnlGodzKnightZ, where did you see that command?13:35
GodzKnightZunder the wpa_supplicant config section13:35
vinnlGodzKnightZ, link?13:36
GodzKnightZi have tried everything i can think of and google hasnt been my friend on this.. i've tried everything i've read and to no end has it worked.. i've even tried ditching NM and using wicd but that works worse then NM does for me13:37
vinnlGodzKnightZ, did you supply the ESSID?13:37
GodzKnightZvinnl, yup i enter it exactly how it tells me to and when i hit enter i get a blank line with a > on it and cant do anything till i ctrl+c13:38
vinnlGodzKnightZ, you have to enter your WPA password then13:38
GodzKnightZahhhh thank you!!13:39
psycho_oreoswpa_passphrase accepts two arguments.. one is the ESSID and the other is the passphrase13:40
vinnl...though you don't want to pass your password in the arguments13:40
psycho_oreosI find it faster if you piped the output of wpa_passphrase into wpa_supplicant.conf and edit the conf file from there13:41
psycho_oreoswell if your screen is visible to another naked eye apart from yours :)13:41
vinnlpsycho_oreos, yeah or if someone goes snooping in your logs ;)13:42
GodzKnightZim a total noob just recently gone to linux havent touched it since like RH5 lol so its all new to me again thus why having so much issues with this lol13:43
psycho_oreosvinnl, or that if your system is already compromised13:43
vinnlGodzKnightZ, bad luck I suppose13:43
vinnlNormally WPA just works13:43
GodzKnightZi've read so many people having issues with WPA and 9.1013:44
vinnlYes that's because you went looking for it ;-)13:44
vinnlYou don't typically have people signing up to forums to say "ha, my WPA works, just wanted to say that :)"13:45
GodzKnightZeven in the irc channels and bug reports im seeing alot with WPA problems with laptop wireless cards..13:45
vinnlAh OK13:46
GodzKnightZmy friend installed the prior verson to 9.1 and has no issues (exact same laptop) but i decided to go with 9.1 and  this seems to be my problem. i've read alot of people downgraded some stuff and it works flawlessly but i dont know how to do any of that stuff13:46
GodzKnightZi've noticed from peoples posts that under 8 everything works like a charm then they went to 9.1 and have the same problem im having is there a big difference between 8 and 9 ?13:49
GodzKnightZcause i may just go to 8 and see if it works and if it does just stick with that13:50
vinnlYou could, but you see things like that every release13:50
Sysiyou should use what works best for you' as long as it's supported13:50
GodzKnightZerr not 8 i mean 9.0413:50
vinnlYou also see things like "wow, it never worked with 8.10 but now I tried 9.04 and suddenly it works!"13:51
vinnlYeah what Sysi said :)13:51
* `mOOse` hugs xubuntu13:51
GodzKnightZwell i know when releases come out they should solve problems.. but to create a problem with drivers that didnt have a problem before seems a bit weird to me isnt that kinda defeating the purpose of updating?13:52
`mOOse`er sry...I just...get...so....emotional.....13:53
Sysiit's hard to try support *everything* hardware when things are changing13:53
vinnlGodzKnightZ, that's called a "regression" and happens to all software. When adding enhancements, it might happen that you introduce a bug by oversight13:53
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* Xubuntu hugs `mOOse` 13:53
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GodzKnightZtrue.. tends to happen with outdated hardware that cant support the newer software but the 5100 AGN card isnt that old lol <shrug> time to download 9.04 and see if things work..13:55
TheSheepmy scanner finally worked out of the box, after 3 years of compiling drivers after every ugrade13:55
`mOOse`GodzKnightZ, sometimes fixing one problem creates 3 more13:55
`mOOse`this is a constant in the art of coding13:55
TheSheepa success story :)13:55
VinnlOh, what is handy by the way, is that you can just run a livecd to check whether everything works :)13:55
VinnlTheSheep, \o/13:55
TheSheepVinnl: especially since I reported a bug with exact solution 3 years ago ;)13:56
`mOOse`you will find this relevant in any OS at any time to more or less varying degrees13:56
GodzKnightZmy first mistake was buying a HP laptop lol so that can only be blamed on me.. ive noticed people tend to have issues with dells and hp's more then any other brand out there hehe13:56
VinnlUgh >.<13:56
GodzKnightZvista wont even recognize my wireless card unless i download the drivers from the HP site13:57
migisdoes anyone know why i get an error opening message when trying to open pdf on oracle?14:49
migissorry, i meant "ocular", not "oracle"14:50
ubuntududea while back i switched from gnome to xfce because i had a netbook, but now that i've got a powerful system does it really make a difference which one i use as far as speed goes?15:05
ubuntududeoops i was typing before it logged in and didn15:06
ubuntududedidnt get it all15:06
justgregi have an interesting problem15:16
justgregmy toolbars  disappeared after a restart15:16
justgregdo any of yall know how to fix this problem15:17
ubottuDid your panels disappear? Press alt+f2 and run: xfce4-panel | See also: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XubuntuPanels | Want to theme your panels? See http://xubuntu.wordpress.com/2007/10/12/howto-set-a-background-image-for-your-panel/15:30
justgregthanks for the help15:50
justgregsorry it took so long to reply i was in another channel trying to get some help15:51
justgregi should have stayed here15:51
justgregthat fixed it right away15:51
Sysinp :)15:51
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The-Kernelhey all19:47
The-KernelIs there any known working webcam software/apps for xubuntu?19:47
MTecknologyhow do I make it so the Session and Startip app doesn't load when I log in? and how can I shut down from a session?19:57
MTecknologyI'm trying to find a config for what is loaded when you login19:59
becker_11The-Kernel: have you tried mplayer?? apparently it works20:01
becker_11The-Kernel: the code is mplayer -fps 15 tv://20:02
The-Kernelok thanks20:02
The-KernelI'll try it20:02
becker_11The-Kernel: otherwise there are several that work but have gnome dependecies20:03
joker_i'm truble, i starting xubuntu 9.10 via live CD and now they ask me on a login?22:41
anom01yhow do I get the visualizations to work in amarok22:42
joker_anom01y: you meaning me?22:42
joker_anom01y: I not understand your question?!22:44
anom01yjoker_, download the desktop version ?22:44
joker_yes desktop version22:44
joker_but... hmm... maybe... can be the alternate.. how i can see it?22:44
joker_i'm bruning new.22:45
joker_I'm Downloading last month too the alternate for my ps3... and yesterday i would to burn the desktop adm64 image.. and i turn a roling (no write anything on it) to my drive... and than starting a xubuntu screen... and i think, wow nice... dont needed to burn! i found the losted cd...22:48
joker_now i'm unsure... it can be too the alternate cd... :-)22:49
joker_but in 10 minutes we know more..22:49
joker_okay now it works!22:57
joker_its be wrong version on roling22:57
`mOOse`are ppl using xubuntu on netbooks?23:09
ubottuU is the 21st letter of the modern latin alphabet. Neither 'U' or 'Ur' are words in the English language. Nor are 'R', 'Y', 'l8', 'Ne1' or 'Bcuz'. Mangled English is hard for non-native English speakers. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/abbreviations/ for more information.23:09
TheSheep!hi | tf2ftw23:10
ubottutf2ftw: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:10
tf2ftwhow do you change the default file manager?23:10
TheSheepI don't think it's defined anywahere, you just use a different program for manageing your files23:11
tf2ftwtheres gotta be a way to change the default file manager.23:26
TheSheeptf2ftw: default for what?23:26
TheSheeptf2ftw: I mean, what program starts it?23:27
TheSheeptf2ftw: usually you start a file manager yourself, so just start a different one23:27
tf2ftwi want to use dolphin instead of thunar23:27
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