* smithj grumbles in the direction of qt/kde | 07:45 | |
smithj | agateau! | 07:56 |
smithj | probably a stupid question, but where can i find documentation on PyKDE4.kdeui.KStatusNotifierItem ? | 07:57 |
smithj | nevermind, finally found it | 08:05 |
agateau | smithj: sorry, was only half awake... luckily you found it yourself :) | 08:34 |
smithj | agateau: heh, np. i'm only half awake too, but on the other side (23:37 here) | 08:37 |
agateau | :) | 08:37 |
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smithj | agateau: you still around? | 14:12 |
agateau | smithj: yes | 14:12 |
smithj | you're the kde status notifier expert? | 14:13 |
agateau | I know it quite well, | 14:13 |
agateau | but the real expert is Marco Martin I would say | 14:13 |
Nafai | Good morning guys | 14:14 |
smithj | i'm having trouble understanding why my menu shows up one way when displayed natively (QMenu and QSystemTrayIcon) but doesn't register the same menu entries when displayed through KStatusNotifierItem/KMenu | 14:14 |
Nafai | I'm going to be in and out today, since my wife is off for the holiday. | 14:15 |
Nafai | I'll be back in a couple of hours | 14:15 |
seb128 | hey Nafai | 14:15 |
Nafai | Hey seb128 | 14:15 |
smithj | Nafai: pft. prez day is a fake holiday :-P | 14:15 |
agateau | smithj: weird, do you use QWidgetActions in your menu? | 14:15 |
Nafai | smithj: True, but it is one of the few days my wife gets off of school:) | 14:15 |
smithj | agateau: no | 14:17 |
agateau | smithj: can you post screenshots somewhere? | 14:17 |
smithj | http://www.freethemallocs.com/qmenu.png | 14:23 |
smithj | http://www.freethemallocs.com/kmenu.png | 14:23 |
smithj | agateau: ^^ | 14:23 |
smithj | i'm assuming it has to do with that "Condition failed" message, but I can't figure out what causes it. or it could be a red herring | 14:26 |
agateau | it's probably linked, yes | 14:26 |
agateau | DBusMenuExporter is the class which sends the QMenu to DBus | 14:27 |
agateau | For some reason it was asked an id for each it couldn't find an action | 14:27 |
agateau | so returned no title or icon or anything | 14:27 |
agateau | smithj: What you can try to do is to test how the menu is exported with d-feet | 14:29 |
agateau | start d-feet, look for the object implementing org.freedesktop.StatusNotifierItem, | 14:30 |
agateau | mm no | 14:30 |
agateau | look for the object implementing org.ayatana.dbusmenu | 14:30 |
agateau | and call the GetChildren method | 14:31 |
agateau | use these parameters: 0, "" | 14:31 |
agateau | This should give you a good view of how the menu is exported | 14:31 |
agateau | eventually post the results here | 14:32 |
smithj | agateau: ok. thanks. might take me a bit, i've never used d-feet before | 14:32 |
smithj | but i'll be sure to let you know | 14:32 |
agateau | smithj: it's quite easy, it's all point and click :) | 14:32 |
smithj | point and click debugger? on linux? treason! | 14:33 |
smithj | :-P | 14:33 |
agateau | :) | 14:33 |
smithj | don't seem to have org.ayatana.dbusmenu... have a bunch of org.ayatana.indicator*, but no .dbusmenu | 14:42 |
agateau | mmm | 14:42 |
agateau | be sure to check the right dbus service | 14:42 |
agateau | in the list on the left, there should be a new service just for the StatusNotifierItem | 14:43 |
agateau | the easiest way to find them is to enter the name of the binary in the filter line edit | 14:43 |
agateau | on the top | 14:43 |
smithj | i've got an org.freedesktop.StatusNotifierItem-<pid>-1 | 14:46 |
smithj | and something internal to hplip, but thats it for my process | 14:46 |
agateau | the org.freedesktop.StatusNotifierItem thing is the one you want | 14:46 |
agateau | if you click on it, | 14:47 |
agateau | the tree on the right should have a /MenuBar object | 14:47 |
agateau | which implements org.ayatana.dbusmenu | 14:47 |
smithj | ohhh | 14:47 |
smithj | yeah | 14:47 |
smithj | ok, sorry, i must be blind | 14:47 |
agateau | no pb, it's easy to be confused between service names and interface names | 14:48 |
smithj-ubuntu | [(1, {u'enabled': 0, u'label': u''}), (2, {u'type': u'separator'}), (3, {u'icon-name': u'application-exit', u'label': u'_Quit'})] | 14:51 |
agateau | What is strange is there should be two entries (beside the separator and the quit entry), right? | 14:52 |
smithj | just one | 14:52 |
smithj | but yeah, that one is missing | 14:52 |
agateau | How is the "HPLIP Status Service" created? | 14:52 |
agateau | Can you pastebin the relevant code? | 14:53 |
smithj | the "HPLIP Status Service" entry is not intended to be present in the kmenu version | 14:54 |
smithj | the origional code had it as a dummy menu entry which did nothing | 14:54 |
agateau | ok | 14:54 |
smithj | the entry i *do* want is this single line: | 14:55 |
smithj | 423 self.menu.addAction(self.__tr("HP Device Manager..."), self.toolboxTriggered) | 14:55 |
smithj | where self.menu is either an instantiated QMenu() or KMenu() | 14:55 |
agateau | Maybe I am missing a item creation here | 14:56 |
agateau | can you try creating the action with action = self.menu.addAction(self.__tr("HP Device Manager...")) | 14:56 |
agateau | then connect it to self.toolboxTriggered | 14:56 |
smithj | ok | 14:56 |
agateau | I am curious whether it would make a difference | 14:56 |
smithj | agateau: no discernable difference | 14:59 |
agateau | :/ | 14:59 |
agateau | I'd need to try it on my machine then | 15:00 |
agateau | Can you upload your code? | 15:00 |
smithj | i feel certain i'm doing something obviously wrong and it isn't the library's fault at all, i just can't find what it is | 15:01 |
smithj | surw | 15:01 |
smithj | sure* | 15:01 |
smithj | hmm, i think i might have found it | 15:11 |
smithj | nope, false optimism | 15:14 |
agateau | :/ | 15:15 |
smithj | WHOOOOOOooooooooooooooo! | 15:45 |
smithj | agateau: as suspected, i was being a raging idiot. the error message about dbusmenuexporter is ignorable | 15:46 |
smithj | i got it to work, and the message is still displayed. so... *shrug* | 15:46 |
agateau | smithj: great! | 15:46 |
smithj | thanks for the help | 15:47 |
agateau | can you share what was wrong? might help me to assist other devs? | 15:47 |
smithj | my self.tray_icon.setContextMenu(self.menu) call wasn't actually being called in the case of kmenu | 15:49 |
smithj | totally my fault | 15:49 |
smithj | but i saw that big red dbus "error" and went down the road of "what is the library complaining?" | 15:50 |
agateau | smithj: :) | 15:51 |
agateau | smithj: the message could be more explicit I guess | 15:51 |
smithj | i'm still not sure what that error means... i get it even now | 15:51 |
smithj | when my menu is working | 15:51 |
agateau | smithj: I am quite confident it's safe to ignore | 15:53 |
agateau | smithj: my guess is it's a transitional state where all data is not available yet | 15:53 |
agateau | smithj: a bit ugly, but it probably has to be fixed in the library itself | 15:53 |
smithj | yeah, i'm not worried about it | 15:54 |
Nafai | I'm back | 16:43 |
smithj | welcome back :) | 16:46 |
Nafai | You working all day on contract stuff? | 16:48 |
smithj | day? what is this "day"? i haven't gone to sleep yet! | 16:49 |
smithj | but once i wake up i will, yes :) | 16:49 |
Nafai | heh | 16:50 |
smithj | i'm a little behind, this'll be a great chance to catch up | 16:50 |
smithj | and on that note, /me goes afk to sleep | 16:54 |
Nafai | Hey jono | 17:01 |
jono | hey Nafai! | 17:02 |
jono | so how is progress? | 17:02 |
Nafai | Not bad, just getting going for the day :) | 17:02 |
jpetersen | Hey jono | 17:03 |
jono | hey jpetersen :) | 17:04 |
jono | jpetersen, how is progress with your work? | 17:04 |
jpetersen | i am just working on a patch for libgnomekbd required to complete the keyboard indicator in gnome-settings-daemon | 17:05 |
jono | jcastro, great, do you expect your assignments to be completed today? | 17:06 |
jcastro | jono, I am off today. :D | 17:07 |
jono | jcastro, oops | 17:07 |
jcastro | jono, after getting your last mail I recommend skipping ekiga | 17:07 |
jono | jpetersen, do you epxect your assignments to be completed today? | 17:07 |
jono | jcastro, ahhh I pinged to check | 17:07 |
* jcastro goes to fix hplip's linkage | 17:08 | |
jono | jcastro, I thought Ekiga would make sense, given our previous discussions | 17:08 |
jcastro | jono, iirc we want to use morphing windows instead don't we? | 17:08 |
jono | jcastro, I thought that was in addition to the app indicator? | 17:08 |
jono | maybe I got the wrong end of the stick :) | 17:08 |
jcastro | or maybe I did | 17:09 |
jpetersen | IBus and gnome-power-manager are done, there will be still some fine tuning of gnome-settings-daemon required which depends on some missing features in libappindicator (I already filed bugs) | 17:09 |
jcastro | mpt? | 17:09 |
jono | jcastro, ok, lets unblock this and ask smithj to do bacula instead | 17:09 |
* jcastro nods | 17:09 | |
jono | jpetersen, ok, great, so you are waiting of tedg to fix those bugs to move on | 17:10 |
jono | tedg, can you check into these as soon as you are back? | 17:10 |
jpetersen | jono, yes | 17:11 |
jono | jpetersen, smithj, Nafai - ok, I will mail you each your next set of assignments | 17:11 |
Nafai | thanks jono | 17:11 |
jpetersen | jono, ok :) | 17:11 |
jono | if you can all have the existing ones completed as much as possible today, that will be great | 17:12 |
Nafai | I still need to get bratsche's changes built so I can test gnome-bluetooth | 17:12 |
mpt | jcastro, yes? | 17:12 |
jcastro | mpt, we wanted to skip ekiga for app indicators and ask them if they wanted to do morphing windows right? | 17:13 |
mpt | jcastro, yes, iirc I suggested you bring bratsche and the Ekiga people together | 17:13 |
jono | ok, thanks mpt | 17:13 |
mpt | since bratsche has code | 17:13 |
bratsche | What do you need code from me for? | 17:15 |
Nafai | bratsche: are your changes you made on Friday in the PPA? | 17:15 |
bratsche | Which changes? | 17:15 |
Nafai | the ones so updates to menus were received | 17:16 |
bratsche | I'm not sure. | 17:17 |
bratsche | But I saw that seb128 backported my submenu parsing stuff into Lucid. | 17:17 |
Nafai | Yeah | 17:18 |
jono | smithj, ignore my previous email to you | 17:18 |
Nafai | I need to test my code against your latest | 17:18 |
bratsche | jcastro, mpt: I need to do something related to Ekiga? | 17:18 |
jcastro | bratsche, not yet | 17:18 |
bratsche | Awesome. | 17:18 |
bratsche | :) | 17:18 |
* jpetersen will be be back in some hours, dinner | 17:19 | |
bratsche | I've got gtk+ and Plymouth work to do this week still | 17:19 |
bratsche | Later jpetersen! | 17:19 |
jcastro | bratsche, yeah when I brought it up at the sprint I was made aware of your lack of time so ekiga's going to have to be a future thing. | 17:19 |
bratsche | jcastro: What aspect of "morphing windows" does Ekiga need? The morphing dialog box, or something more complex? | 17:20 |
jcastro | bratsche, whichever one covers the "someone is calling me and I need to answer the call quickly so I need something in my face" use case. | 17:21 |
jcastro | bratsche, I don't know anything about morphing windows so excuse my ignorance! | 17:21 |
bratsche | mpt probably knows what the solution is. | 17:21 |
bratsche | If it involves using the morphing dialog box, I already have that code sitting around in a branch somewhere and it just needs someone to integrate it into Ekiga. | 17:22 |
seb128 | jcastro, what is wrong with just opening a dialog? | 17:22 |
seb128 | the way empathy is doing it | 17:22 |
mpt | A morphing confirmation alert would be ok but not fantastic | 17:22 |
bratsche | seb128: The idea of the morphing dialog is that if it suddenly pops open, you don't accidentally click on a button you didn't mean to. | 17:23 |
mpt | Fantastic would be morphing the call window itself | 17:23 |
bratsche | Ah, okay. So that's doable but it's going to take some more time that I won't have this week. | 17:23 |
bratsche | But depending on when the cut-off date is for something like that, I may be able to find time for it. | 17:23 |
seb128 | why should be spend time on ekiga when we don't ship it in the default installation? | 17:24 |
seb128 | shouldn't we rather work on the software we ship first? | 17:24 |
seb128 | that's not like we were lacking tasks on those | 17:24 |
bratsche | That's a very good point. :) | 17:24 |
seb128 | jcastro missed that | 17:25 |
bratsche | <seb128> why should be spend time on ekiga when we don't ship it in the default installation? | 17:25 |
bratsche | shouldn't we rather work on the software we ship first? | 17:25 |
bratsche | that's not like we were lacking tasks on those | 17:25 |
bratsche | jcastro, ^ | 17:26 |
jcastro | seb128, right, we're not spending time on it | 17:26 |
jcastro | it was just on the list | 17:26 |
seb128 | jcastro, is that contractor list or bratsche's list? | 17:27 |
jcastro | contractor list | 17:27 |
seb128 | ok | 17:27 |
seb128 | because it started to look like bratsche was going to do it | 17:27 |
seb128 | bratsche, you need to learn to say "no" to some people ;-) | 17:27 |
Nafai | jcastro, bratsche says no :) | 17:28 |
Nafai | There, did it for him | 17:28 |
bratsche | seb128: Well, in Portland people were asking about morphing windows stuff and as it turns out I had already started working a new widget but I didn't finish it yet. | 17:28 |
bratsche | It's something that I'm going to do at some point anyway. | 17:29 |
mpt | We don't ship bacula in the default installation either :-) | 17:29 |
jcastro | mpt, we're getting to the list of apps now that are in main but not on the CD. | 17:30 |
bratsche | wtf is bacula? | 17:30 |
jcastro | after we do these we hit up universe | 17:30 |
bratsche | Oh, the vampire-themed backup utility or something weird like that. | 17:30 |
mpt | bratsche, one of the other programs having its notification area item retired | 17:31 |
bratsche | Nice. | 17:31 |
bratsche | I'm going to go get some lunch, I'll be back in a bit. | 17:32 |
jcastro | Nafai, fyi for bacula upstream showed interest in just dropping the icon, so this "porting" should just be dropping support for it | 17:35 |
Nafai | jcastro: So I won't have to support both GtkStatusIcon and App Indicators, just app indicators? | 17:35 |
jcastro | Nafai, I think just dropping the feature | 17:42 |
jcastro | Nafai, lemme dig through my mails and I'll forward you the relevant discussion with the bacula guy | 17:42 |
Nafai | thanks | 17:43 |
Nafai | Okay, I Just Skype installed, so next time I need to do a call with someone, I can do Skype, Google Talk with Empathy, or my cell phone | 18:16 |
qense | btw, iirc FileZilla just added a tray icon to its upcoming release. | 18:41 |
Nafai | qense: enjoyed your blog entry! | 18:43 |
qense | Nafai: thank you, I'm glad you liked it. | 18:43 |
Nafai | I really should start blogging again | 18:43 |
Nafai | it's been way too long | 18:43 |
qense | If you'd like to do so, then you surely should! | 18:45 |
jono | qense, awesome blog entry btw :) | 19:11 |
jono | qense, are you working on another app? | 19:11 |
qense | jono: thank you! | 19:11 |
qense | jono: yes, I'm debugging an implementation for Banshee atm | 19:12 |
jono | qense, awesome! | 19:12 |
qense | I hope to be able to submit a patch this evening. | 19:12 |
vish | qense: if a user removes the indicator applet , the old notification area icon reappears, right? | 20:04 |
qense | vish: yes, it should | 20:04 |
vish | qense: yeah , well another user doesnt get it back.. i'll ask them to file a bug | 20:05 |
qense | yes, that's a bug | 20:05 |
vish | qense: hehe , we are going to see a lot of complains about the volume applet ;) | 20:06 |
qense | yes indeed | 20:06 |
vish | we can use mpt as a human shield ;p | 20:07 |
mpt | Complaints? Why? | 20:07 |
vish | mpt: many people dont seem to like the volume slider horizontal ;) | 20:07 |
mpt | oh | 20:08 |
qense | yesterday there was a guy in this channel who was a bit irritated by the new systray, he thought I was making a joke when I said we wanted to port all applications, including the volume monitor thing. | 20:09 |
* vish not sure why people are furious about this change , seems sane to moi.. several are complaining though | 20:10 | |
qense | yes | 20:11 |
qense | everyone: <jono> #ubuntu-app-devel for opp dev discussion and application development | 20:16 |
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gregknicholson | Is it by design that scrolling *up* on the volume slider *reduces* the volume? Cos that seems very backwards. | 23:48 |
gregknicholson | I know leftward usually = top, but not here. Also, the Sound Preferences dialogue has it the other way: up=loud. | 23:49 |
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