Majost_ | Is there a way to delete a PPA so that I can rename myself? | 00:41 |
Majost_ | its empty anyway, so I wont be loosing any data | 00:41 |
Majost_ | losing rather | 00:41 |
Noldorin | launchpad bzr is down at the moment? | 00:45 |
thumper | Noldorin: what do you mean exactly? | 00:46 |
thumper | Majost_: | 00:47 |
Noldorin | thumper, i'm suddenly getting a nasty error when trying to push. | 00:49 |
thumper | Noldorin: what error? | 00:50 |
Noldorin | C:\Users\Alex\Documents\Visual Studio 2010\Projects\IRC.NET\devel>bzr push lp:ir | 00:50 |
Noldorin | cdotnet --no-strict | 00:50 |
Noldorin | bzr: ERROR: Connection error: Could not resolve '' (11004, 'ge | 00:50 |
Noldorin | taddrinfo failed') | 00:50 |
wgrant | Your DNS resolution is broken. | 00:51 |
Noldorin | thumper, not to worry. my dns server is down :P | 00:51 |
Noldorin | yeha | 00:51 |
Noldorin | just realised that lol | 00:51 |
thumper | Noldorin: :) | 00:51 |
thumper | Noldorin: how are you finding vs2010? | 00:52 |
Noldorin | cheers anyway | 00:52 |
Noldorin | thumper, pretty good. i wasn't too impressed with beta 1, but beta 2 has proven stable enough to use for daily work | 00:52 |
Noldorin | the testing framework is actually pretty nice | 00:52 |
* thumper nods | 00:52 | |
Noldorin | the editor has some more eye candy and a few more helpful features. | 00:53 |
Noldorin | and i hear the RC is blazing fast, which is what i'm really looking forward to. | 00:53 |
* Noldorin is about to upgrade now | 00:53 | |
wgrant | Can I change the default sort order of bugs from heat to something that sucks less? | 01:25 |
wgrant | Like, say, most recently changed. That was actually useful. | 01:25 |
spm | gawd yes - esp when it comes to tracking down persons who futz with bugs.... | 01:28 |
thumper | spm: got a minute for a quick call? | 01:37 |
spm | thumper: sorta, yes. am doing U1 madness atm, but yeah... | 01:37 |
* thumper waits for spm to skype up | 01:37 | |
spm | skype me baby. skype. me. | 01:38 |
hggdh | what should be done with a real spam comment in a bug? Open a question for the admins to deal with the user? | 01:55 |
hggdh | c.f. | 01:56 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 363691 in ubuntu "LAN does not function with Acer Aspire One D250" [Undecided,New] | 01:56 |
spm | hggdh: ta, will delete. | 02:01 |
hggdh | cool, thank you | 02:02 |
micahg | spm: should answers be filed for such things? | 02:11 |
spm | micahg: that's the preferred method, yes; I'm just a tad distracted so went for the easy option today. | 02:12 |
micahg | spm: k, I get htem on occasion, so good to know | 02:12 |
spm | micahg: sure; just create a new request and we'll deal with em. it's still a painful process atm. but we live in hope. | 02:13 |
wgrant | spm: Why's it painful? Isn't there a trivial API call now? | 02:13 |
spm | wgrant: well. most "this is spam requests" are via a URL link above. anything that sends me away from the obvious place - eg the webbrowser that is now showing that page, is QED painful. need to login to server; setup env; call horrible cmd line webbrowser; run suitable magic copying correct places from above. my 2c, the sql method is simpler. | 02:16 |
spm | it may be a trivial api call; but the use of that is awful. | 02:16 |
wgrant | spm: Sounds like you need a few lines of Greasemonkey to display a link on the comment in the browser. | 02:16 |
spm | probably... an admin viewable only button would be nice too. :-) | 02:17 |
wgrant | That oo. | 02:17 |
wgrant | +t | 02:17 |
Peng | Is it just me or does the puller use an excessive number of HTTP connections? | 02:18 |
lifeless | Peng: are you asking if it pulls excessively? | 02:18 |
lifeless | Peng: what would you consider excessive? | 02:18 |
Peng | lifeless: No, I mean the number of TCP connections seems oddly high. | 02:18 |
Peng | Not dangerously -- my web server has only turned it away once -- but still. | 02:19 |
Peng | It's hard to be sure, because I don't track that information, and it's usually pulling several branches at once. | 02:19 |
Peng | Hmm, the one time I counted 6 TCP connections at once, it was checking 5 branches. | 02:21 |
spm | Peng: ahh. yes. it does. there should be abug for that.... | 02:25 |
Laibsch | LP still oopses when I try to convert bug 464060 even a few weeks after I initially reported the issue. Today's oopses: OOPS-1507A219 and OOPS-1507L246 | 02:40 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 464060 in ibus "9.10 cannot use ibus or scim to input Chinese" [Undecided,New] | 02:40 |
ubottu | | 02:40 |
ubottu | | 02:40 |
thumper | Laibsch: that stinks of a missing index | 02:43 |
thumper | hmm... | 02:44 |
thumper | no staying power | 02:44 |
spm | Peng: found it. Bug #519159 fwiw, you were equal parts victim and cause there. :-( | 02:45 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 519159 in launchpad-code "branch mirror script can overload on a single site" [Undecided,New] | 02:45 |
mwhudson | thumper: "# Non-sql time: 15935 ms" / | 02:45 |
mwhudson | ? | 02:45 |
thumper | hmm.. | 02:45 |
thumper | mwhudson: probably being stupid | 02:46 |
thumper | mwhudson: the code path that is | 02:46 |
mwhudson | yeah | 02:46 |
spm | I note that mwhudson has pretty quick with the ambiguous stupid claim there. curious... When's the next performance review cycle? | 02:48 |
lifeless | spm: the 360' ;) | 02:49 |
spm | lifeless: clearly you *were* a sysadmin. such evil. impressive. :-D | 02:50 |
Peng | It mirrors most of my branches at about the same time because whenever something breaks and it stops mirroring them, I click all the "Try again" buttons at once. :D | 02:50 |
lifeless | spm: its like riding a bike | 02:51 |
spm | Peng: Ah Ha! So you ARE the guilty party. Right. Fix coming up. /me goes to suspend pengs account.... | 02:52 |
Peng | spm: I'm usually not the one who broke my branches, though. :P | 02:53 |
spm | heh | 02:53 |
ojwb | hi, I just got a timeout error from launchpad | 02:58 |
ojwb | but the error page oddly tells me: | 02:58 |
ojwb | "Our edge server has a lower timeout threshold than, so we can catch those before they hit a wider audience. As a member of the Launchpad Beta Testers team, you're more likely to experience them. If this is blocking your work, you can disable redirection." | 02:58 |
ojwb | AFAIK (and launchpad seems to agree) I'm not a member of that team | 02:58 |
Peng | ojwb: Were you on https://* or https://* | 02:58 |
Peng | IIRC that page always says you're on edge, even when you're not. | 02:59 |
ojwb | "(Error ID: OOPS-1507F245) " and "(Error ID: OOPS-1507G246)" | 02:59 |
ubottu | | 02:59 |
ubottu | | 02:59 |
ojwb | I wasn't on edge | 02:59 |
ojwb | Peng: it's a bit confusing if it always says that - I wondered if I'd somehow been added to that team | 03:01 |
wgrant | Yes, the logic used to display that message is reversed. | 03:01 |
wgrant | It has been for several months. | 03:01 |
wgrant | But nobody has fixed it yet. | 03:01 |
Peng | Oh, there is logic, but it's reversed? Funny. :) | 03:01 |
wgrant | Bug #403863 | 03:03 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 403863 in launchpad-foundations "Timeout edge redirect notice logic inverted" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 03:03 |
nigelb | hm, LP down? | 03:06 |
wgrant | nigelb: Looks OK to me. | 03:07 |
ojwb | not for me | 03:07 |
nigelb | wgrant, probably jut a random failure. Let me refresh again | 03:07 |
ojwb | not down for me, I mean, just to be clear | 03:08 |
nigelb | hehe, it works fine now. It was some random failure. :) | 03:12 |
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=== geser_ is now known as geser | ||
bunjee | Hi Guys. | 10:30 |
bunjee | I'm currently downloading the sources of Launchpad through the installer, and this seems to be rather slow, I'm stuck at 33760 or something and it freezes from time to time | 10:30 |
bunjee | Can we download them from another place? | 10:30 |
geser | can someone with access to the gina logs (bigjools?) please look why gina didn't pull the "clxclient" package from Debian unstable? LP Debian "mirror" has 3.6.1-1 while Debian unstable has 3.6.1-1.1 (uploaded on 2010-02-05) | 10:35 |
jml | ronoc, hi :) | 11:19 |
jml | ronoc, so, you're trying to merge lp:~cjcurran/wasilla/indicator-sound-default-sink-trace/ into its parent lp:indicator-sound and it's not working | 11:20 |
jml | ronoc, what's the error you're seeing? | 11:20 |
ronoc | yep | 11:20 |
bigjools | geser: no errors in the gina log, I'll check the mirror process | 11:20 |
ronoc | on launchpad it says - branch is not mergeable into lp:indicator-sound | 11:20 |
jml | ronoc, oh. hmm. I think I know this. | 11:21 |
jml | ronoc, Launchpad, for reasons that escape me now, only allows you to merge branches that are in the same project, or the same package, or merge between upstreams and their packages | 11:22 |
jml | ronoc, indeed, there may even be a bug filed for this... | 11:22 |
ronoc | ahh okay | 11:22 |
ronoc | jml: so if i push this branch to :~cjcurran/indicator-sound would it work then | 11:23 |
jml | ronoc, yes, that's right. | 11:24 |
ronoc | jml: thx will try that now | 11:25 |
jml | ronoc, is probably the most relevant bug for you | 11:29 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 446716 in launchpad-code "Can't target an arbitrary branch for merge" [Low,Triaged] | 11:29 |
ronoc | jml: thx | 11:30 |
maxb | If there's a LOSA around with a spare moment, could you look at and tell me why it's disabled? | 12:19 |
mthaddon | maxb: I think you'd need to ask jelmer about that | 12:20 |
lool | Hey there, perhaps related to the above, the Launchpad bzr mirror of wasn't updated in the last days and I'm waiting on a Pas commit to enable building of valgrind on armel | 12:21 |
jelmer | hi maxb, mthaddon | 12:21 |
maxb | mthaddon: jelmer doesn't know. I think he even has a Launchpad question open asking why | 12:21 |
lool | / lp:packages-arch-specific is the branch I'd like to see updated with the latest commits | 12:21 |
jelmer | mthaddon: The web UI doesn't allow me to change whether that mirror is enabled | 12:21 |
jelmer | maxb: There's an open bug on launchpad-code | 12:21 |
maxb | Could it be to do with differing bzr format between launchpad and the remote end? | 12:21 |
mthaddon | jelmer: nothing in the web UI for me either | 12:22 |
wgrant | lool: It says "Contact cjwatson for updates." | 12:22 |
lool | Oh actually the branch says "contact cjwatson" | 12:22 |
lool | wgrant: Ack | 12:22 |
lool | Sorry about that | 12:22 |
lool | Thanks all! | 12:23 |
maxb | If no one knows why it's disabled, what's the appropriate next step? | 12:26 |
mars | Good morning Launchpad | 12:31 |
mars | bunjee, we used to have the sourcecode as a tarball, but I can't find the download page. | 12:39 |
mars | might have been too much out of date | 12:39 |
wgrant | It has indeed been removed. | 12:39 |
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=== ChanServ changed the topic of #launchpad to: | Read for help | Recent problems browsing branches should be fixed. | Help contact: mars | Join | This channel is logged: | Launchpad is open source: see channel #launchpad-dev | ||
kwwii | can anyone tell me how to add upload bits to for another user on our private ppa? | 15:10 |
mars | bigjools, ^ ? | 15:11 |
noodles775 | kwwii: You need to be a member of the team that owns the private ppa to have upload rights. So you could sign their upload? | 15:15 |
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noodles775 | kwwii: or did you mean how can you grant them access to upload themselves? If so, add them to the owning team (if that's what you really want). | 15:17 |
kwwii | noodles775: I want them to be able to upload without help from me ;) | 15:20 |
kwwii | noodles775: I'll check on the team stuff and see if I can figure it out, thanks | 15:20 |
bigjools | kwwii: you can add upload rights for a person outside the team using the API | 15:21 |
bigjools | or just add them to the PPA team | 15:21 |
kwwii | bigjools: the person I want to have upload rights is already on the team | 15:26 |
bigjools | kwwii: then they already have upload rights | 15:26 |
kwwii | bigjools: ok, then there must be something else wrong, thanks | 15:26 |
bigjools | kwwii: ok let me know if I can assist | 15:27 |
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jamalta | hi, i'm having an issue pushing to a bzr branch but it's an error i hadn't seen before | 16:29 |
jamalta | | 16:29 |
jamalta | any clue what it could mean? | 16:29 |
* mars looks | 16:32 | |
mars | jamalta, have you successfully pushed to that branch before? | 16:33 |
mars | jamalta, that looks like a simple permissions problem: what is your username? Are you a member of the ~zeitgeist team? | 16:36 |
jamalta | mars: yes | 16:36 |
jamalta | no, but i'm the maintainer of that project | 16:36 |
jamalta | jamalta is the username | 16:36 |
jamalta | and by yes, i meant i have been able to push to that branch before | 16:37 |
jamalta | mars: oh wait, yeah i get why now | 16:38 |
jamalta | sorry | 16:38 |
mars | jamalta, out of curiosity, what was the solution? | 16:38 |
jamalta | mars: i haven't fixed it yet | 16:39 |
jamalta | but i just realized the branch is owned by ~zeitgeist and i'm not a part of the team anymore | 16:39 |
mars | If you do not want to wait to join the team you could just push it to ~jamalta/zeitgeist-project-website/trunk instead | 16:41 |
jamalta | mars: right letm e try that | 16:41 |
mars | later they will have to merge your changes, or give you team access. But at least the code will be online for others to review. | 16:42 |
jamalta | yeah | 16:43 |
jamalta | i think i may just take ownership of that branch instead and make mine the trunk | 16:43 |
thekorn | jamalta, I can make you member of the team, if you like | 16:43 |
jamalta | thekorn: i think seif wants to create a zeitgeist webstie team | 16:44 |
jamalta | instead | 16:44 |
thekorn | ah ok | 16:44 |
dnjl | hi, i've got a problem with launchpad builds: | 16:45 |
dnjl | it complains about unmet dependencies udev (>=111-0ubuntu1) and initramfs-tools (>=0.85eubuntu24). But in hardy there are already newer versions available (udev >=117 and initramfs-utils >=0.85eubuntu36). | 16:45 |
dnjl | What is the problem and how can I resolve this? | 16:45 |
mars | bigjools, ^ ? | 16:45 |
bigjools | otp, one sec | 16:45 |
mars | bigjools, unless someone else from soyuz has a sec to help dnjl? | 16:46 |
bigjools | noodles775 perhaps | 16:46 |
dnjl | the same happens in intrepid - but in jaunty+ it works | 16:46 |
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dnjl | re | 16:59 |
geser | dnjl: the "problem" is that there is somewhere a (version) conflict in the dependency-chain for lvm2 (but apt only lists the top-most package) | 17:07 |
kwwii | bigjools: I simply cannot figure this out...a member of the team can see the ppa page, etc but when he uploads a package it accepts it but does not show it in the ppa list | 17:09 |
bigjools | kwwii: | 17:10 |
dnjl | geser: mmh, well - but which lvm2 package? - there is no additional package source containing lvm2 | 17:14 |
dnjl | mmh, i will do a new test installation... | 17:14 |
geser | dnjl: trying to find this out right now | 17:14 |
dnjl | kk | 17:15 |
jcastro | Lord help me I need to register the sprint for the next UDS in launchpad and I have no idea where the UI for that could possibly be | 17:26 |
mars | jcastro, looking. It may have moved in the 3.0 site re-design. | 17:26 |
elmo | jcastro: ? | 17:27 |
mars | elmo, did you find a link, or hack the url? :) | 17:27 |
mars | ah, I see a link:, on the lower right-hand side. Not the most visible place. | 17:28 |
elmo | mars: it's linked off in a portlet on the right, below the 'Register a blueprint' one | 17:28 |
geser | dnjl: found the problem: qemu-kvm: Breaks: udev (< 136-1) but 117-8ubuntu0.2 | 17:34 |
geser | dnjl: qemu-kvm 0.12.2-0ubuntu6.1~dnjl0~hardy2 | 17:35 |
dnjl | geser: ah, well - thanks! How can I resolve this myself in future? | 17:37 |
dnjl | or does anyone know a good dependency-analyzing-tool? | 17:38 |
james_w | dnjl: chdist in devscripts can help with this task | 17:39 |
geser | dnjl: I used a pbuilder, setup all used repos and tried to install the build dependencies like mention in the changelog, got the error message, added the mentioned package (here udev) to the list of to be installed packages until you get the to real error | 17:40 |
dnjl | james_w, geser: thanks very much! | 17:43 |
Lns | Hi all | 18:17 |
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Lns | I had an idea the other night.. are there any facilities for something of a "virtual ppa" ? What I mean is, maybe a PPA URL that simply 'contains' an administrated list of other PPAs..kind of like a ppa group | 18:23 |
maxb | Lns: No, there aren't. I can't imagine any truly useful uses which wouldn't be big holes in the apt gpg signing scheme | 18:29 |
akheron | gives 404 even though it's in .changes and there's a link to it in package details page | 18:29 |
Lns | maxb: well I haven't thought through the GPG signing, but just think of being able to point to a single central "virtual ppa" that could be administrated on the back-end, who could add/delete PPAs from it and not have to touch the possibly hundreds of servers' sources.list(.d) | 18:31 |
Lns | would save a lot of admin time and headache | 18:31 |
Lns | as long as it's secure and verifiable, of course! | 18:32 |
maxb | Lns: Well, consider this: *either* you require that the owner of the virtual PPA sign off manually on every package change ... in which case you can achieve that by copying packages into the new PPA ... *or* you let it all happen automatically, in which case you have to have complete trust in _every_ included PPA. | 18:33 |
Lns | hmm | 18:34 |
maxb | Also... if you have means to roll out updates to those servers, you have means to roll out changes to the sources.list :-) | 18:34 |
Lns | Wouldn't there be a way to verify GPG keys in LP itself for the vppa? | 18:34 |
Lns | before it links new versions perhaps? | 18:35 |
Lns | maxb: True, but it's an extra step that could be avoided :) | 18:35 |
maxb | It's not a question of verifying keys. It's a question of trusting the union of uploaders to all subscribed PPAs | 18:35 |
Lns | true | 18:35 |
Lns | I definitely see the security concern | 18:35 |
Lns | kinda trusting someone's brother's friend type of thing | 18:35 |
maxb | Lns: So make a package containing /etc/apt/sources.list.d/Lns-favourite-ppas.list and install that on all your servers :-) | 18:36 |
Lns | maxb: hehe, i guess that's a good workaround! | 18:36 |
Lns | I dunno, it was just a thought I had the other night. I work with the edubuntu / ltsp communities and there are a lot of PPAs around that help out stuff with those, was just thinking of a neat way to consolidate that kind of thing | 18:39 |
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mars | akheron, that is odd. | 19:17 |
mars | akheron, If no one can help before tomorrow, consider pinging bigjools or noodles about it. It is evening for them, but they should be online again ~14h from now. | 19:18 |
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geser | akheron: works, so it looks like only the web ui has a problem with it | 19:35 |
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akheron | geser: yep | 19:46 |
akheron | mars: ok | 19:46 |
mars | akheron, as you and geser said, looks like a web UI bug. Would you mind filing a bug in Launchpad for it? | 19:47 |
mars | good night everyone! | 21:34 |
thumper | night mars | 21:38 |
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ahasenack | I wonder why a failed PPA build eats up that version/revision number. It was never published (because the build failed), so why blacklist that version and revision number? | 22:44 |
geser | ahasenack: but the source was published | 22:45 |
ahasenack | does this error mean that upstream at some point released a different tarball under the same version? "File puppet_0.25.4.orig.tar.gz already exists in puppet, but uploaded version has different contents." | 22:46 |
ahasenack | geser: thanks | 22:46 |
maxb | It means that differing tarballs have come into existence. You'll have to evaluate whether it was upstream's fault or not | 22:47 |
ahasenack | to bypass this I need to download the file from LP and use that one in the upload then, right? | 22:47 |
ahasenack | and bump the release, of course | 22:47 |
wgrant | First work out where the second one came from, and which one is right. | 22:48 |
geser | is having issues again? it takes pretty long to respond | 22:49 |
ahasenack | I'm glad release numbers are cheap | 23:02 |
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