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DanaG | weird... I still have no ureadahead. | 00:16 |
mesula | Is it just me or has Lucid's bootsplash changed? | 00:33 |
mesula | Is anyone else having issues with GDM freezing when trying to login? | 00:34 |
ZykoticK9 | mesula, nvidia? | 00:34 |
mesula | ZykoticK9: Intel | 00:34 |
ZykoticK9 | mesula, i have to alt+sysrq+k in order to login almost every time... | 00:34 |
mesula | The problem may be related to how Ubuntu boots me to console and I have to switch to GDM. | 00:34 |
mesula | ZykoticK9: What does that do? | 00:35 |
ZykoticK9 | mesula, restarts GDM | 00:35 |
mesula | If I keep updating, up to when Lucid gets released, will all these annoying bugs get fixed? | 00:36 |
ZykoticK9 | mesula, if people (like you) report them... maybe | 00:37 |
kklimonda | mesula, but this is still alpha quality - don't expect it to work | 00:39 |
mesula | Damn. nm-applet broke and now I won't be able to connect to the internet and update. :( | 00:39 |
mesula | I hope plugging in the ethernet cable and running dhclient will work. | 00:40 |
mesula | Stupid Ubuntu has made me overly dependant on GUI tools. | 00:40 |
mesula | kklimonda: I'm not expecting it to work. That's why I installed it on the PC I rarely use. | 00:40 |
mesula | kklimonda: I still use 9.10 on my main PC and won't upgrade until 10.04 is ready. | 00:41 |
mesula | 9.10 has problems with my Wi-Fi, though. :( | 00:43 |
DanaG | !find cnetworkmanager | 00:45 |
ubottu | Package/file cnetworkmanager does not exist in lucid | 00:45 |
DanaG | aah, so it's not just ARM. | 00:45 |
DanaG | that's missing it. | 00:45 |
mesula | Is Banshee still being considered as the default music player? | 00:46 |
kklimonda | not for lucid | 00:47 |
ZykoticK9 | mesula, i assume you're a KDE user? As there is no Banshee on my Gnome system -- Rhythmbox is the default music player here (not that I use it but...) | 00:48 |
mesula | ZykoticK9: Gnome | 00:48 |
mesula | ZykoticK9: I knew Banshee was being considered for Karmic. | 00:49 |
kklimonda | it was but it wasn't ready | 00:49 |
bjsnider | kklimonda, says you | 00:54 |
BluesKaj | mesula, wicd solves a lot of wifi probs , except for usb wifi adapters | 00:58 |
kklimonda | bjsnider, there was a list of blockers to fix before banshee can be considered to be a replacement for the rhythmbox | 00:58 |
mesula | BluesKaj: One of my Wi-Fi adaptors uses USB. | 00:58 |
BluesKaj | mesula, which chip does it use ? | 00:59 |
mesula | BluesKaj: RT73 | 00:59 |
BluesKaj | mine's the rt2870 , mesula, and i've done everything short of buying anew one, but it just doesn't connect. | 01:01 |
BluesKaj | anyway I use eth0 99% of the time | 01:05 |
BluesKaj | 100% now :) ...it did work with wicd in jaunty tho | 01:06 |
BluesKaj | it=wifi | 01:06 |
ZykoticK9 | I just installed foxit (with bin) & acroread (from DEB), but I didn't find acroread in Partner Repo - was this user error, or is it not currently there? | 01:18 |
cwillu_at_work | DanaG, why did you want to load an older uboot onto a rev c4 beagle? | 01:18 |
DanaG | I thought it was newer, judging by date of last change. | 01:18 |
cwillu_at_work | ZykoticK9, dear god, why would you want to use acroread? | 01:18 |
DanaG | Turned out it wasn't. | 01:18 |
DanaG | But that "older" one also offered usb-serial support. | 01:19 |
cwillu_at_work | DanaG, ah, k. Yes, the uboot on rev c4 is much newer than what was on c3 and earlier | 01:19 |
cwillu_at_work | yes | 01:19 |
DanaG | I went back to the one mentioned in the Angstrom article about validating. | 01:19 |
cwillu_at_work | I think that's available on the newer one still, just not turned on by default | 01:19 |
ZykoticK9 | cwillu_at_work, lol - that's why I started with "I just installed foxit..." in hope of discouraging criticism for the acroread question :) | 01:19 |
cwillu_at_work | s/turned on/configured/ | 01:19 |
cwillu_at_work | ZykoticK9, and I saw straight through your deception | 01:20 |
ZykoticK9 | cwillu_at_work, :) | 01:20 |
ZykoticK9 | cwillu_at_work, by way of comparison foxit is a 3.6MB download, acroread 60.5MB - what bloat? | 01:21 |
cwillu_at_work | bloat doesn't concern me terribly, but considering acrobat's track record for performance and remote execution vulnerabilities, I'm failing to see why one would willingly use it | 01:22 |
DanaG | hmm, trying to use dbus-send... bluez api says: | 01:23 |
DanaG | Serviceorg.bluez Interfaceorg.bluez.Manager Object path/ | 01:23 |
DanaG | array{object} ListAdapters() -- how would I call that? | 01:23 |
cwillu_at_work | the syntax is in man dbus-send | 01:24 |
cwillu_at_work | <array> ::= array:<type>:<value>[,<value>...] | 01:24 |
DanaG | http://talk.maemo.org/showthread.php?t=34918 | 01:25 |
DanaG | ah. | 01:25 |
DanaG | ah, better documentation is in the source of bluez, "test" dir. | 01:26 |
=== commander__ is now known as _CommandeR_ | ||
DanaG | weird... I logged in to gnome, and got compiz working, yet all the window borders are missing! | 02:45 |
DanaG | read(3, 0x20094c4, 4096) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable) | 02:46 |
DanaG | lots of that going on. | 02:46 |
DanaG | ureadahead-other terminated with status 4 | 02:47 |
kklimonda | DanaG, nothing in ~/.xsession-errors ? | 02:52 |
DanaG | Starting gtk-window-decorator | 02:54 |
DanaG | Starting gtk-window-decorator | 02:54 |
DanaG | yeah, it's in there twice in a row. | 02:54 |
bjsnider | maybe your theme is broken | 02:55 |
DanaG | It works fine if I killall gtk-window-decorator and then relaunch it. | 02:55 |
DanaG | hmm, I wonder why my sreadahead aborts. | 03:01 |
DanaG | weird: povray is giving me this: | 03:48 |
DanaG | File Init Error: Writing to '/home/dana/valentine2_ref.tga' is not permitted. | 03:48 |
coz_ | oo | 03:51 |
DanaG | weird... apparently povray.conf tells it it's not allowed to write to my home dir! | 03:52 |
=== DanaG1 is now known as DanaG | ||
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DanaG | http://pulseaudio.org/ticket/678 | 05:47 |
DanaG | hmm, I wonder if I should bother making an ubuntu bug report to match this upstream one. | 05:48 |
vish | hmm , is it just me or does gedit no longer create backups when saving a file | 06:19 |
ZykoticK9 | vish, it's a setting on the Editor tab of Preferences | 06:21 |
vish | ZykoticK9: i didnt change it and even with that , it didnt create backups | 06:21 |
* vish tries again | 06:21 | |
ZykoticK9 | vish, seems to be working here? | 06:22 |
vish | ZykoticK9: huh,... worked here too o.0 | 06:22 |
ZykoticK9 | vish, no wonder i have so many fewer files ending with ~ ;) | 06:23 |
vish | ZykoticK9: a couple of days back it didnt work when i tried the prefs even :s not sure how it started working ;) | 06:23 |
ZykoticK9 | vish, with Lucid - it is not our place to ask why ;) | 06:24 |
vish | :) | 06:24 |
vish | ZykoticK9: ha , there was an update recently :D | 06:25 |
vish | which probably fixed it | 06:25 |
ZykoticK9 | well glad it's working for ya | 06:26 |
vish | oooh , me like the sound of this > * New upstream version: - Misc bugfixes | 06:28 |
DanaG | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/extace/+bug/399565 | 06:40 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 399565 in fftw3 "extace crashed with SIGSEGV in fftw_execute()" [Undecided,New] | 06:40 |
DanaG | hmm, I suppose I should mark that confirmed..... | 06:40 |
DanaG | W: Failed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/m/mysql-cluster-7.0/libmysqlclient16_7.0.9-1_amd64.deb | 06:53 |
DanaG | 403 Forbidden [IP: 80] | 06:53 |
alkisg | ubufox contains only ask.xml, no other searchplugins. Is this by design? Should I file a bug? | 07:36 |
alkisg | Hmm, removing ubufox made the problem go away: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubufox/+bug/355112 | 07:42 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 355112 in ubufox "Ask.com keeps being re-added to Firefox search bar after updates" [Undecided,Confirmed] | 07:42 |
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BUGabundo_remote | morning | 08:41 |
Mohero | anyone about? | 09:16 |
Mohero | since upgrading to 10.04-pre, I have no IPv6 | 09:16 |
Mohero | this is a big problem for me as all my systems use ipv6 for communications | 09:16 |
Mohero | if I set Network Manager to "auto" it times out too fast and I get nothing, 9.10 I could set to "ignored" and it would actually work (using RADVD) - 10.04 it doesn't. | 09:18 |
ikonia | you mean it doesn't get a response from a wifi/dhcp server before the time out | 09:18 |
Mohero | ikonia: correct | 09:18 |
ikonia | oops,, still opped | 09:19 |
ikonia | how did you set the time out in 9.10 ? | 09:19 |
Mohero | but my old machine gets ipv6 without problem | 09:19 |
ikonia | did you set a time out in the older ubuntu release ? | 09:19 |
Mohero | ikonia: I didn't, I set Network manager to "ignored" for IPv6, the system still got an address from RADVD on the router. | 09:20 |
Mohero | looks like there's already a bug for it on launchpad for Network manager | 09:21 |
Mohero | bug #284874 | 09:21 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 284874 in network-manager "IPv6 address no longer assigned via radvd" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/284874 | 09:21 |
ikonia | faie enough | 09:22 |
Mohero | think it should be hight importance, it completely breaks my network :( | 09:22 |
ikonia | fair even | 09:22 |
ikonia | seems like worth posting a request for a priority upgrade | 09:22 |
Mohero | and scripting round it :-) | 09:22 |
Mohero | I have "remote" IPv6 on my laptop (ipv6 is the only way I can ssh into mine & work servers. hense it being rather important | 09:23 |
ZykoticK9 | Mohero, if you do an "lsmod" do you see ipv6 listed? I certainly don't on my system, I wonder if the kernel module for IPV6 has been renamed or if it's not being loaded for some reason? | 09:23 |
Mohero | ZykoticK9: I can manually add the IPv6 address / route / DNS and it all works. | 09:24 |
Mohero | it's just it doesn't get it automagically | 09:24 |
ZykoticK9 | interesting, ok just thought i'd throw my 2 cents in :) best of luck to you | 09:24 |
Mohero | I think ipv6 is built in, and not a module these days. I'll get the code and look, seem to remember it's built in, though | 09:25 |
BUGabundo_remote | ZykoticK9: we no longer have ipv6 as module | 09:27 |
BUGabundo_remote | its built in | 09:27 |
ZykoticK9 | BUGabundo_remote, well that would explain why it's not there then. Thanks. | 09:27 |
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rye | question | 11:43 |
rye | why is /tmp no longer tmpfs ? | 11:43 |
BUGabundo_remote | I found that weird too | 11:45 |
BUGabundo_remote | but debian did that too | 11:45 |
marienz | I added an fstab entry mounting a tmpfs there, and so far nothing has obviously broken | 11:48 |
tsimpson | /tmp has not been tmpfs for a long time | 11:48 |
tsimpson | mostly because the files in /tmp are getting quite large, eg burning CDs/DVDs, viewing PDFs, etc | 11:49 |
tsimpson | and there's no need for it to be a tmpfs, as it is cleared out at boot | 11:50 |
rye | tsimpson, yep, but it looks like my upgrade from karmic to lucid broke some things - ureadahead errors and no packfiles creation and /tmp does not get cleaned (the script exits with $? = 127), so my first thought was... "Hey, if it was tmpfs then it should have been erased automagically"... | 11:53 |
rye | FIred lucid vm with clean install and ureadahead and /tmp cleaning works fine there | 11:53 |
marienz | how are you noticing those failures? | 11:55 |
rye | marienz, i have nvidia card and plymouth was not that happy to start displaying nice graphical boot. init messages get printed to the terminal on boot | 11:56 |
marienz | rye: ah, I guess I should turn splash off the next time I boot then | 11:56 |
rye | but plymouth is the last thing i'd like to debug, since due to its failure I could debug ufw bug that left system w/ broken firewall on lucid | 11:57 |
* marienz generally doesn't pay attention to boot anyway, as long as it gets him to a working desktop eventually | 11:57 | |
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ejat | hi .. | 12:28 |
ejat | why http://paste.ubuntu.com/376824/ this package need to remove while want to upgrade to lucid | 12:29 |
ibuclaw | ejat, deprecated / unused packages. | 12:31 |
ibuclaw | I can vouch that pulseaudio-module-udev has been merged into the main pulseaudio package. | 12:32 |
ejat | so in lucid .. ubuntu-desktop are not use anymore ? | 12:32 |
ejat | ic .. | 12:32 |
ibuclaw | so pulseaudio-module-udev has to be removed to resolve that conflict. | 12:32 |
ejat | so is it ok .. if i just do the dist-upgrade ? | 12:32 |
ibuclaw | ejat, erm, no :) | 12:32 |
ibuclaw | ejat, use update-manager | 12:32 |
ejat | mean .. need to do a fresh install for lucid ? | 12:32 |
ibuclaw | sudo update-manager -d | 12:32 |
ejat | owh ok .. update-manager -d | 12:33 |
ejat | hows ya personal comment for lucid in alpha2 stage ? | 12:33 |
ibuclaw | that is the safe way (it downloads a script to take care of all the nastiness dpkg/apt can't handle :) | 12:33 |
ejat | :) .. owh ok | 12:33 |
ibuclaw | ejat, it's going very well | 12:33 |
ejat | how about projector ? work out of the box ? | 12:33 |
ejat | mean .. extended screen | 12:34 |
ibuclaw | I don't use gnome... but my build of lucid is swimmingly well. | 12:34 |
ejat | ibuclaw: u use ? | 12:34 |
ibuclaw | ejat, I don't have a projector / external monitor, so I can't comment. | 12:34 |
ejat | owh .. | 12:34 |
ejat | u use xfce ? kde ? | 12:35 |
ibuclaw | ejat, openbox | 12:35 |
ejat | ic .. | 12:35 |
ejat | thinking to upgrade it now :) | 12:35 |
ibuclaw | ejat, it is quite minimal in comparison, but set up correctly, can do wonders on a netbook =) | 12:36 |
ejat | brb.. | 12:36 |
rye | mountall & ureadahead: what if my /var partition separated from / ? Is anybody running such configuration here? | 12:37 |
maroy | hi | 12:56 |
maroy | I was sent here from #ubuntu, though I believe I have a generic question: how can I rebuild a .deb package, not having a source repository to it? specifically: I want to rebuild the kernel packages from here: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.33-rc8/ after applying a patch to the kernel | 12:56 |
jrib | maroy: pastebin your sources.list | 12:57 |
maroy | http://pastebin.com/m449b91e9 | 12:58 |
jrib | maroy: because you claim the source repository only does not exist in 10.04... | 12:58 |
jrib | maroy: do you have the kernel-ppa repository elsewhere? | 12:58 |
maroy | jrib, no, I added it a while ago, but it doesn't work, it won't find the Packages.gz file | 12:59 |
maroy | and wouldn't find it for karmic either | 12:59 |
jrib | maroy: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Testing/KernelPPA | 12:59 |
maroy | yes, this is what doesn't work. look here: http://ppa.launchpad.net/kernel-ppa/ubuntu/dists/ | 13:00 |
maroy | it doesn't even have karmic... | 13:00 |
jrib | maroy: yeah, so why are you trying to use this ppa? | 13:00 |
maroy | hasn't been updated for a year | 13:00 |
maroy | I need a recent kernel | 13:00 |
maroy | but this is not my question | 13:00 |
maroy | we're not getting anywhere | 13:00 |
jrib | maroy: so follow ubottu's instructions on using git. | 13:00 |
maroy | my question is: how would I recompile a .deb file | 13:00 |
jrib | maroy: I told you already twice. | 13:01 |
jrib | why are you not listening? | 13:01 |
maroy | well, you haven't | 13:01 |
jrib | !source | maroy | 13:01 |
ubottu | maroy: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html | 13:01 |
maroy | so: how do I recompile a .deb file? :) | 13:01 |
jrib | maroy: you use the source package. | 13:01 |
maroy | but there's _no_ apt-get source | 13:01 |
maroy | man | 13:01 |
maroy | as the repo doesn't work | 13:01 |
maroy | never mind | 13:01 |
jrib | ... | 13:01 |
jrib | so use git... | 13:02 |
jrib | people doing things they don't understand and then insisting on doing them their way... | 13:02 |
* hyperstream shakes his head | 13:02 | |
=== BUGabundo_lunch is now known as BUGabundo_remote | ||
jonathonf | testing xchat-indicator :) | 13:29 |
rye | jonathonf, test | 13:30 |
jonathonf | hmph... what's it supposed to do? i installed it without really knowing :D | 13:30 |
jonathonf | so far it seems to load xchat and that's about it | 13:31 |
* jonathonf looks it up | 13:31 | |
jonathonf | thanks, btw, rye | 13:31 |
rye | jonathonf, it looks like it should put something in the indicator applet | 13:31 |
rye | :) | 13:32 |
jonathonf | well, it does that :D | 13:32 |
jonathonf | i wonder if it would make a difference if i used xchat-gnome rather than plain xchat | 13:32 |
jonathonf | looking ta the blog post i just found that's what he's using | 13:32 |
jonathonf | http://blogs.gnome.org/kenvandine/2010/01/12/xchat-indicator/ | 13:33 |
jonathonf | oh, no, should work the same | 13:33 |
jonathonf | let's see what happens if i click the close button (i reckon xchat will quit) | 13:34 |
rye | :) | 13:42 |
rye | ok | 13:47 |
rye | tsimpson, how about /tmp filesystem on SSD ? | 13:47 |
rye | tsimpson, i believe it will make more writes than needed for flash devices and they will die faster | 13:48 |
tsimpson | that would be a corner case | 13:49 |
tsimpson | but, it probably wouldn't make that much of a difference | 13:49 |
tsimpson | it's not like it's zeroing out the files, it's just removing the entry in the filesystem table | 13:50 |
rye | tsimpson, but with additional cleanup routine that can fail (as in my case) :( | 13:52 |
tsimpson | I mean corner cases require specialization, perhaps the notebook remix should favour tmpfs, or make it an install option | 13:54 |
tsimpson | or a boot option | 13:54 |
* tsimpson points rye to http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/ | 13:55 | |
Fallenou | hi | 13:58 |
Fallenou | i noticed ubuntu lucid iso are too big to be burned on a 700 MB CD | 13:59 |
Fallenou | today's iso, afaik | 13:59 |
Fallenou | is this normal ? | 14:02 |
jpds | Fallenou: Which one? amd64 or i386? | 14:03 |
rye | tsimpson, already there - http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/16244/ | 14:08 |
saxin | Anyone got a blog etc. with pictures and text about the new things in Lucid Lynx? | 14:44 |
vega | saxin: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/lucid/alpha2 | 14:45 |
vega | lucid lynx is lts, so don't expect a lot of fancy new blinking stuff | 14:45 |
bjorkintosh | does ubuntu have a crash dump facility somewhere? | 14:46 |
BUGabundo_remote | bjorkintosh: you mean apport? | 14:46 |
saxin | vega: Thanks. You find it stable? :) | 14:47 |
vega | dunno, never used it :) | 14:47 |
bjorkintosh | apport? hmm. let me see. | 14:49 |
bjorkintosh | i'm about ready to hose my system completely of anything ubuntu. | 14:51 |
bjorkintosh | yes, i know this is ubuntu+1, but it's the exact same problem, every single time. | 14:51 |
bjorkintosh | i915 | 14:51 |
bjorkintosh | the video card. | 14:51 |
BluesKaj | hi folks | 14:52 |
Fallenou | jpds, all of them | 14:59 |
Fallenou | sorry for the late answer | 14:59 |
jpds | Fallenou: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/current/ | 15:00 |
Fallenou | that's what i use | 15:00 |
Fallenou | i used zsync to download from there | 15:00 |
Fallenou | the alternate lucid amd64 is too big | 15:00 |
Fallenou | it's more than 715 Mo | 15:00 |
Fallenou | it does not fit into a 700 MB cdrom, even with extra capacity enabled | 15:01 |
BluesKaj | bjorkintosh, which video card ? | 15:01 |
bjorkintosh | BluesKaj, i915 | 15:02 |
BUGabundo_remote | Fallenou: who still uses CDs? | 15:02 |
BluesKaj | intel ? | 15:02 |
bjorkintosh | yeah. | 15:02 |
BUGabundo_remote | use an usbstick | 15:02 |
bjorkintosh | it was working just fine under (ubuntu+1)-1 | 15:03 |
bjorkintosh | everything else works. | 15:03 |
bjorkintosh | except for that. | 15:03 |
BUGabundo_remote | or netboot.me or BKO | 15:03 |
Fallenou | BUGabundo_remote, it's done to fit into CDrom | 15:04 |
BUGabundo_remote | only on milestones and release | 15:04 |
BUGabundo_remote | not for dailies | 15:05 |
Fallenou | hum i guess your right | 15:05 |
Fallenou | i will try with usb stick | 15:05 |
Fallenou | thanks | 15:05 |
BluesKaj | bjorkintosh, dunno, I suppose you've tried the driver from the intel site ? | 15:07 |
bjorkintosh | BluesKaj, i've never had to use that at all. | 15:08 |
bjorkintosh | but, i'll look into it. thanks. | 15:08 |
BluesKaj | http://intellinuxgraphics.org/user.html | 15:08 |
bjorkintosh | thanks for that too. | 15:08 |
bjorkintosh | that hopefully might solve that problem. | 15:08 |
BluesKaj | bjorkintosh, the url above | 15:09 |
BUGabundo_remote | ehe my boss Debian PC got messed up by X updates, and is now installing Ubuntu Karmic ahhaha | 15:16 |
bjorkintosh | anyone having issues with skype on ubuntu+1? | 15:31 |
BluesKaj | bjorkintosh, what kind of issues | 15:52 |
bjorkintosh | the mic's sound is completely garbled, even though the mic works fine and i can hear it. | 15:55 |
bjorkintosh | clarification: the mic's recorded output from skype sounds completely garbled. | 15:57 |
BluesKaj | bjorkintosh, I'll bet you have pulseaudio installed | 16:02 |
bjorkintosh | your bet is correct. | 16:04 |
bjorkintosh | is there an alternative to it? | 16:04 |
bjorkintosh | or should i just remove the blasted thing? | 16:04 |
BluesKaj | bjorkintosh, some skype versions depend on pulseaudio , I use the skype_static- version which doesn't need PA ..PA is just a redundant sound server meant for fancy sound systems , not ordinary 2 channel setups like laptops | 16:06 |
BluesKaj | bjorkintosh, depending on which skype you have , your sound may ot may not work if you purge PA | 16:07 |
BluesKaj | ot=or | 16:07 |
bjorkintosh | i have | 16:08 |
bjorkintosh | -1 | 16:08 |
bjorkintosh | if i get rid of pulse, won't the audio for the other things just die? | 16:08 |
BluesKaj | well purge PA and see what happens , may be a reinstall might fix the sound | 16:08 |
BluesKaj | no, alsa-base and utils is the real kernel source driver on ubuntu anyway , so everything shouls work fine | 16:10 |
bjorkintosh | BluesKaj, is alsa-base multiplexed? | 16:10 |
BluesKaj | yes , i think so , i can use 2 sources at once if that's what you mean | 16:11 |
BluesKaj | never tried more | 16:11 |
BluesKaj | sound sources | 16:11 |
bjorkintosh | what precisely is P.A. needed for then? | 16:16 |
bjorkintosh | it comes automagically | 16:16 |
bjsnider | pulse gives you multiple audio streams at once | 16:18 |
bjorkintosh | from where? | 16:18 |
bjorkintosh | different cards? | 16:18 |
chris| | different apps | 16:19 |
bjorkintosh | can't the other services do that already? | 16:19 |
bjsnider | it can do that, but i mean if you have two apps playing sound at once pulse makes that happen without glitches | 16:19 |
bjorkintosh | ah. | 16:19 |
bjsnider | it can combine sound cards, it can send sound to other computers | 16:19 |
bjorkintosh | so i can't necessarily get rid of it, can i? | 16:19 |
bjsnider | no one should want to get rid of it | 16:20 |
BluesKaj | bjsnider, without glitches ...interesting observation ...I get nothing but glitches with PA :) | 16:20 |
bjsnider | BluesKaj, not my department. works fine here | 16:20 |
BluesKaj | well, my philosphy is ...if it works keep it , if it doesn't , say goodbye | 16:21 |
chris| | BluesKaj, you should eliminate pebkac then :) | 16:21 |
bjsnider | BluesKaj, have you told anyone about this, or do you suffer it in silence? | 16:22 |
bjorkintosh | i think it's time to move to arch. | 16:22 |
LaserJock | I believe most PulseAudio problems are because of underlying alsa issues, etc. that get manifested in Pulse Audio | 16:22 |
bjorkintosh | this machine, has never once crashed. whereas i deal with 8 crashes or more in ubuntu. | 16:22 |
LaserJock | bjorkintosh: are you using Lucid? | 16:23 |
bjorkintosh | LaserJock, yes. | 16:23 |
bjorkintosh | it also seems a bit more bloated for my needs than i'd like. | 16:23 |
bjorkintosh | (ubuntu in general) | 16:23 |
LaserJock | well, crashing is generally more common in the development release | 16:24 |
LaserJock | though I personally don't have much problem | 16:24 |
BluesKaj | well, you guys can speculate about PA all you want , it distorts the sound and glitches on my setup so i just don't use it , that's all there is to it. | 16:24 |
LaserJock | for bloat you could always try a lighter deriv like Xubuntu or Crunchbang | 16:25 |
bjorkintosh | LaserJock, i only run xubuntu. | 16:25 |
bjorkintosh | nothing else. | 16:25 |
bjsnider | and it's still too bloated | 16:25 |
LaserJock | LXDE might be better than | 16:26 |
bjsnider | all you want is a kernel and a black screen with a blinking cursor | 16:26 |
bjsnider | anything else is bloat | 16:26 |
LaserJock | well, there's always Ubuntu Server :-) | 16:27 |
bjorkintosh | bjsnider, that's what my debian-ppc is. | 16:27 |
bjsnider | cool | 16:27 |
bjorkintosh | a blinking cursor which is always logged into the xubuntu thingy... | 16:27 |
bjorkintosh | sudo shutdown -r now is always up and ready when it dies. | 16:27 |
bjorkintosh | that's how often it crashes. | 16:27 |
BUGabundo_remote | if you guys had to suggest a multi user open source image/album gallery CMS, what would say? | 16:34 |
BUGabundo_remote | bjorkintosh: don't like $ halt ? | 16:35 |
BUGabundo_remote | eheh | 16:35 |
BUGabundo_remote | always funny to see ppl write the all shutdown command | 16:35 |
bjorkintosh | BUGabundo_remote, i've never used halt. | 16:36 |
bjorkintosh | however, i use shutdown -r now so often, that it's almost always the most recent thing in my command history. | 16:36 |
bjsnider | BUGabundo_remote, wordpress can do that | 17:21 |
BUGabundo_remote | bjsnider: MEW | 17:33 |
Armi^ | hi all. Who can help me with updating 10.04. Last week a new kernel didnt configure right and now it wants me to do 'dpkg --configure -a' all the time, but this command doesn't complete. There must be a command that lets me skip this step right? Anyone that knows a way to let me update again? | 17:39 |
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez | ||
BluesKaj | Armi^, sudo dpkg --clear-avail | 17:44 |
Armi^ | BluesKaj: k i'll try | 17:45 |
BluesKaj | Armi^, if that doesn't work, sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock | 17:46 |
bullgard | https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-lucid-dx-integration is headlined: "Integrating DX work into Lucid desktop." What is meant by 'DX work'? | 17:52 |
JontheEchidna | work by the Desktop eXperience team | 17:54 |
JontheEchidna | application indicators, me menu, etc | 17:55 |
=== wouter__ is now known as Armi^2 | ||
Armi^2 | BluesKaj, tried both and problem is still there :( | 17:58 |
Armi^2 | BluesKaj, E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem. | 17:59 |
Armi^2 | BluesKaj, it also says this: E: Couldn't rebuild package cache | 17:59 |
BluesKaj | Armi^2, are you familiar with the TTY , it's ashell like the terminal but without any graphics,ctrl+alt+f2 , then do service gdm stop , run the configure -a command , then startx | 18:02 |
Armi^ | BluesKaj: sure, i'll try that | 18:02 |
Nafai | Is there a supported way of installing Skype yet for Lucid? I did a fresh install and so I don't have Skype left over from my karmic install | 18:02 |
om26er | Nafai, download it from skype.com | 18:05 |
=== wouter__ is now known as Armi^2 | ||
Nafai | Ah, I didn't realize they had packages there, I had always installed with something like mediabuntu | 18:05 |
Armi^2 | BluesKaj, that didnt help either | 18:05 |
BluesKaj | Nafai, yes but it depends on which version you want to run | 18:05 |
Nafai | Oh yeah? | 18:06 |
BluesKaj | Armi^2, I should have mentioned reboot :P | 18:06 |
BluesKaj | Nafai, I run the skype static version , it's not depenedent on pulseaudio | 18:07 |
Armi^2 | BluesKaj, this is the error that i'm getting: Processing triggers for initramfs-tools ... | 18:08 |
Armi^2 | update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-12-generic | 18:08 |
Armi^2 | cpio: ./lib/udev/firmware.sh: Cannot stat: No such file or directory | 18:08 |
Armi^2 | update-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd.img-2.6.32-12-generic | 18:08 |
Armi^2 | dpkg: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1 | 18:08 |
Armi^2 | BluesKaj, should i still reboot and dpkg in tty? | 18:08 |
Nafai | BluesKaj: Is that the one downloaded from their website? | 18:08 |
BluesKaj | Armi^2, your latest kernel update failed, try an older one then update again | 18:09 |
Armi^2 | BluesKaj, k i'll do that | 18:09 |
BluesKaj | Nafai, yes, the static one on skype's site | 18:10 |
Nafai | thanks | 18:11 |
Armi^ | BluesKaj: still no luck | 18:33 |
Armi^ | BluesKaj: whatever i do, the 'dpkg --con....' error keeps popping up | 18:34 |
BluesKaj | Armi^, the last resort is to remove the offending kernel altogether with a package manager like synaptic , it's very effective , then restart | 18:38 |
BluesKaj | Armi^, but hang on for a minute , gonna check something | 18:39 |
Armi^ | BluesKaj: k, just in time, was about to start synaptic ;) | 18:40 |
Armi^ | BluesKaj: lol, even synaptic gives me the dpkg error and closes again :P | 18:42 |
BluesKaj | Armi^, try this again , sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock | 18:44 |
BluesKaj | then sudo dpkg --configure -a | 18:44 |
BluesKaj | Armi^, and make sure the update notifier isn't running | 18:45 |
metricpiano | what does sudo dpkg --configure -a do? I mean I've used it more than a few times successfully, but when I do I'm not sure what's happening | 18:45 |
BluesKaj | metricpiano, it basically stops any installs that can't pull down the required dependencies for applications | 18:47 |
rabbi1 | where can i c the screenshots of 10.04 | 18:47 |
metricpiano | rabbil I don't think it looks any different from 9.04 or 9.10 personally what exactly are you looking for? | 18:48 |
Armi^ | BluesKaj: no luck :( Did it in a tty and stopped gdm (so no update notifier), but as i said ... no luck | 18:49 |
rabbi1 | metricpiano: nothing ِimp, jus a curiosity | 18:49 |
BluesKaj | Armi^, well, my well is dry , short of a reinstall to / | 18:50 |
metricpiano | well, not to be like "Google it", but there are screenshots under Google images... http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2625/4187174337_fa65b6f9ba.jpg for example | 18:50 |
rabbi1 | does 10.04 supports AMD64x with inbuilt nvidia graphics card ? | 18:50 |
BluesKaj | rabbi1, yup, you're looking at one | 18:50 |
Armi^ | BluesKaj: np, i think i'll install ubuntu again from scratch. Thanx for the help anyways :D | 18:51 |
BluesKaj | Armi^, sorry i couldn't help you any further ...that one has me stumped | 18:51 |
metricpiano | is there an easy to eliminate the extraneous fonts that come with ubuntu? specifically I only need english fonts and want to remove all extended character fonts | 18:52 |
BluesKaj | anyway i have stuff to do ...BBL | 18:52 |
Armi^ | BluesKaj: well its still alpha so i expected something like this to happen. No worries m8 | 18:52 |
rabbi1 | does 10.04 supports AMD64x with inbuilt nvidia graphics card ? | 18:54 |
metricpiano | rabbil, i believe BluesKaj said that it does above (that's how I read it anyway) | 18:59 |
rabbi1 | http://ubuntu10-04.blogspot.com/2009/11/gimp-will-be-removed-from-ubuntu-1004.html | 19:02 |
rabbi1 | whts wrong with GIMP now ? | 19:04 |
Armi^ | rabbi1: have to agree with ubuntu devs | 19:04 |
rabbi1 | Armi^: :( | 19:06 |
Armi^ | rabbi1: ultra n00b should understand ubuntu so that it will be used by a wider public. Gimp is not a program for the John Do's out there. And as aptitude install gimp does the tric anyways ;-) | 19:06 |
Armi^ | as=an | 19:07 |
metricpiano | if Fspot would crop and resize... | 19:07 |
Tscheesy | ack - but Pain.NET cant be the solution ;) | 19:07 |
Tscheesy | sry *Paint... ^^ | 19:07 |
Armi^ | metricpiano: true, not a fan of f-spot either | 19:08 |
metricpiano | any good lightweight image alternatives? | 19:08 |
rabbi1 | Armi^: i am very good in psd. i find no prb using GIMP | 19:09 |
Armi^ | as long as the program that they choose is simpel and has the basic features. I like gwenview :D | 19:09 |
rabbi1 | anyways, its not default, so still there is room | 19:10 |
Armi^ | rabbi1: yes, but when i ask somebody averige (like a windows user ;-) ) then they will find it hard to use. Therefore it should not be a default ubuntu app | 19:11 |
Armi^ | rabbi1: and as i said before, aptitude install gimp is all you have to do | 19:11 |
rabbi1 | Armi^: anyways, new users shld not spend time searching for it ;) | 19:13 |
Armi^ | rabbi1: why not ... the software center is soooooooo easy :P | 19:13 |
rabbi1 | room, i have succesfully installed LAMP in my system, now any link for me to start over | 19:13 |
rabbi1 | Armi^: u never know this gates and window users, they never reach home from gate and window | 19:14 |
Armi^ | rabbi1: lol, just typed 'photo' in software center and guess what was the first hit ;-) | 19:15 |
rabbi1 | Armi^: britney spears :) | 19:15 |
Armi^ | rabbi1: close, paris hilton :P | 19:16 |
rabbi1 | Armi^: :)) | 19:16 |
rabbi1 | :-D | 19:16 |
rabbi1 | Armi^: i have started using linux 100% since a weak ;) | 19:17 |
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rabbi1 | Armi^: y don windows name there next release as butt ny tears | 19:19 |
rabbi1 | Armi^: i have succesfully installed LAMP in my system, now any link for me to start over | 19:23 |
edakiri | !help | 19:54 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 19:54 |
BUGabundo | yes edakiri? | 20:00 |
edakiri | i just wanted to know what the name of the bot was | 20:01 |
edakiri | its nick | 20:01 |
BUGabundo | ehe | 20:04 |
BUGabundo | edakiri: you can try it on #ubuntu-bots | 20:04 |
guntbert | there have been at least two reports about mouse pointer integration with lucid in virtualbox - guest additions installed :-) --- any idea how to find what is the culprit? | 20:16 |
guntbert | I forgot: MI doesn't happen (is greyed out in the menu) | 20:17 |
pmatulis | during installation of alpha2 64-bit server i keep getting "continue without installing grub". no way around it. ideas? | 20:30 |
eagles0513875 | hey guys im having issues trying to upgrade :( to lucid for some reason using network update | 20:47 |
eagles0513875 | can anyone tell me if http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main repo is down as im trying to upgrade and im getting a 403 from that repo | 20:49 |
Oxymoron | eagles0513875: I would recommend the alternate cd instead ;) | 20:50 |
eagles0513875 | Oxymoron: im upgrading from karmic | 20:51 |
alex_mayorga | RAOF, you there? | 20:53 |
Oxymoron | eagles0513875: Yeah, download the alternate cd for lucid and upgrade trough the cd by running "sudo sh /cdrom/cdromupgrade" and you will get Lucid. That was what I did and it went on smoothly even if it took awhile :P | 20:56 |
eagles0513875 | i think one of the repos isnt synced or something of the sort | 20:56 |
ZykoticK9 | Someone in #ubuntu reports seeing update to 10.04 in there Update Manager - anyone else reporting this? | 20:56 |
dupondje | haha :D | 20:58 |
dupondje | my aptitude patch made it into lucid :D | 20:58 |
eagles0513875 | ZykoticK9: its not possible unless they are running lucid already and they just dont remember upgrading | 21:00 |
ZykoticK9 | eagles0513875, ok - just checking - figured this channel would be buzzing if it was :) | 21:00 |
eagles0513875 | ZykoticK9: ask them to do a uname -a and if its 32 or 33 kernel not sure what they are using in lucid but either one of those then they are on lucid if not they they arent on lucid | 21:01 |
dupondje | BUGabundo: my aptitude bug is fixed now | 21:17 |
dupondje | enjoy it ;) | 21:17 |
BUGabundo | WOOT | 21:18 |
BUGabundo | I never had trouble with it :D | 21:18 |
dupondje | well yea :P | 21:19 |
dupondje | its fixed for me now | 21:19 |
BUGabundo | crimsun: the new sound applet is bugging me... I mute it, increase sound to max, and its still muted | 21:20 |
BUGabundo | crimsun: the last one, would unmute, and set proper volume | 21:20 |
crimsun | BUGabundo: the what? | 21:27 |
BUGabundo | the volume applet | 21:27 |
BUGabundo | the new one with blue | 21:28 |
BUGabundo | bars | 21:28 |
crimsun | huh | 21:30 |
crimsun | does it go into indicator applet area or something? | 21:31 |
crimsun | (it doesn't appear for me) | 21:31 |
alex_mayorga | just got bite by Bug #178038 | 21:31 |
alex_mayorga | any tips? | 21:31 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 178038 in nspluginwrapper "npviewer.bin crashed with SIGSEGV " [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/178038 | 21:32 |
crimsun | fix nspluginwrapper? don't use nspluginwrapper? | 21:32 |
alex_mayorga | crimsun, is that still required to display flash on firefox? | 21:33 |
crimsun | alex_mayorga: if you use Flash from the repo, yes. | 21:33 |
alex_mayorga | bjsnider: ping | 21:33 |
alex_mayorga | crimsun, thanks | 21:33 |
bjsnider | alex_mayorga, mmmyyyessssss? | 21:35 |
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alex_mayorga | just got this on launchpad "The following errors were encountered: * Server error, please contact an administrator. OOPS ID:OOPS-1507EA643" | 21:35 |
ubottu | https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=1507EA643 | 21:35 |
alex_mayorga | bjsnider: do you remember the 64 flash from your ppa? | 21:36 |
bjsnider | i do | 21:36 |
bjsnider | it's still there | 21:36 |
bjsnider | some of the ubuntu-x guys told me that it's fine from a legal standpoint so it's enabled now | 21:37 |
alex_mayorga | if I try to aptitude remove nspluginwrapper I get "flashplugin-installer [ (lucid, now) -> | 21:37 |
alex_mayorga | (lucid)]" How bad is that? | 21:37 |
bjsnider | means you have the lucid repo version | 21:37 |
alex_mayorga | so it got updated over your ppa? | 21:38 |
bjsnider | that's what the "now" means | 21:38 |
alex_mayorga | bjsnider: would you bump your version? | 21:39 |
bjsnider | yes it did get updated because theirs in newer | 21:39 |
bjsnider | how can theirs be newer than mine? | 21:39 |
* alex_mayorga is clueless | 21:39 | |
bjsnider | 10.0.45? | 21:39 |
alex_mayorga | bjsnider: would your approach also fix this Bug #178038 ? | 21:40 |
ubottu | Error: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/178038) | 21:40 |
crimsun | since the native 64-bit Flash plugin doesn't use nspluginwrapper, that symptom would not be relevant. In a way, 'yes it would fix it'. | 21:40 |
crimsun | However, to be pedantically correct, it does not fix the bug; it only works around it. | 21:41 |
bjsnider | well, i'll be a monkey's uncle. it appears that adobe has actually released an updated version of the plugin | 21:41 |
bjsnider | the flash developer has taken a break from whining and has done some coding | 21:42 |
bjsnider | alex_mayorga, gimme a few minutes and i'l package the new one | 21:42 |
alex_mayorga | both bjsnider's and lucid are lagging, right? According to Adobe's site is out there somewhere | 21:43 |
alex_mayorga | bjsnider, thanks! | 21:43 |
bjsnider | that's probably the 32-bit version | 21:43 |
bjsnider | whoever develops that one writes code and not winy blog posts | 21:43 |
alex_mayorga | yea, 64 bit is http://download.macromedia.com/pub/labs/flashplayer10/libflashplayer- | 21:45 |
alex_mayorga | seems to be it | 21:45 |
* alex_mayorga wonders when HTML5, ogg would take over | 21:46 | |
Damascene | hello, sound isn't working on my laptop. I read about the backport enabling thing. but I'm on lucid does that apply? | 21:47 |
Hyperzid | I'm wondring if lucid will get 2.6.33.. Most likely it wont get hyper-v support.. so then I cant choose ubuntu. | 21:49 |
DanaG | hmm, now that I have 3 gigs of RAM instead of 4 (since I moved 1 gig to the netbook), is there still any benefit to 64-bit, compared to 32-bit? | 21:49 |
crimsun | Damascene: no, we're deprecating linux-backports-modules now that we have daily builds | 21:50 |
crimsun | Damascene: also, lucid's daily builds are broken until Brad next uploads my fix | 21:50 |
crimsun | Damascene: so, probably tomorrow try it | 21:50 |
Damascene | ok thanks. | 21:51 |
DanaG | oh yeah, thanks for the wifi backports... now I can stop manually building compat-wireless. | 21:51 |
DanaG | I was doing that to get the new "led_mode" parameter in iwlcore -- to stop that damn blinking. | 21:52 |
Hyperzid | Anyone know which kernel 10.04 will get?? | 21:53 |
xnguard | Can someone tell me if it's possible to restore the Wine menu using dpkg-reconfigure or similar, and what I need to do first? | 21:53 |
Hyperzid | 2.6.33 will soon be released... | 21:53 |
crimsun | Hyperzid: 2.6.32. | 21:55 |
DanaG | hmm, oh yeah, the thing I _was_ wanting 2.6.33 for was samsung-laptop, but now I found out how to compile it on 2.6.33 -- and then found out that it doesn't do what I'd expected it to do. =þ | 21:57 |
Hyperzid | crimsun, do you know how ofen the kernel will be upgraded in 10.04? | 21:57 |
Hyperzid | crimsun, will be kernel keep the same version.. only patched.. or will it be upgraded? | 21:58 |
BUGabundo | crimsun: back, sorry. I have no idea. I got it with regular updates. I though it was a design update to lucid | 21:58 |
BUGabundo | its an Indicator applet too | 21:58 |
crimsun | Hyperzid: there will be SRUs, yes, but no major version bumps. However, you will be able to choose to install newer versions. | 22:00 |
crimsun | BUGabundo: right, I can't test the new one on this account, because i-a is completely broken in this setup. | 22:00 |
crimsun | I'll create a new user and see if I can sift out what's happening. | 22:00 |
BUGabundo | just use Guest Session | 22:01 |
BUGabundo | that's what I always do to test a clean profile | 22:01 |
Hyperzid | crimsun, but its possible to get security updates for the old 2.6.32 kernel for the whole 5 year period? | 22:01 |
crimsun | Hyperzid: yes | 22:01 |
Hyperzid | *old* :-p | 22:01 |
Hyperzid | Cool. | 22:01 |
crimsun | BUGabundo: guest session is completely broken. | 22:01 |
BUGabundo | crimsun: let me know if you feel I should file a bug on the applet behaviour | 22:01 |
crimsun | BUGabundo: I have to use a new user account | 22:01 |
BUGabundo | crimsun: worked for me last week | 22:01 |
BUGabundo | let me try it now | 22:02 |
BUGabundo | if I don't come back, I guess it doesn't work :D | 22:02 |
crimsun | BUGabundo: I don't expect it to ever work for /this/ account; it isn't a standard GNOME env | 22:02 |
BUGabundo | crimsun: FYI just works | 22:03 |
BUGabundo | I wish everything would go as smooth as that | 22:03 |
BUGabundo | new session, changed volume, logout, restored this one | 22:03 |
BUGabundo | but still, the behaviour of change volume doesn't unmute stays | 22:03 |
RAOF | Man, the volume indicator should totally present volume controls for all your sinks. | 22:07 |
crimsun | RAOF: just like Windows does? | 22:07 |
RAOF | I don't know; I've never used Windows 7. | 22:08 |
crimsun | BUGabundo: I don't know what you mean | 22:08 |
DanaG | Win7 does offer multi-card controls if you tell it to. | 22:08 |
BUGabundo | crimsun: relating to what point ? | 22:08 |
RAOF | But given there's a (disabled) “mute all” button there, it's a logical step :) | 22:08 |
crimsun | 17:03 < BUGabundo> but still, the behaviour of change volume doesn't unmute stays | 22:08 |
BUGabundo | trying to be clear: | 22:09 |
DanaG | My biggest gripe: setting zero volume makes gnome assert the mute pin. | 22:09 |
BUGabundo | if you mute sounds, raise volume, it will still be muted | 22:09 |
DanaG | That's wrong. KDE doesn't do that. Windows doesn't do that. My firmware doesn't do that! | 22:09 |
DanaG | Zero volume is minimum... mute, is off. | 22:09 |
crimsun | DanaG: PA is open-source, have at it. | 22:10 |
DanaG | It's not a PA issue... it's a gnome "feature". | 22:10 |
RAOF | GNOME is open source - have at it! :P | 22:10 |
BUGabundo | aahaahaahaha | 22:10 |
DanaG | The problem is the gnome devs' stubbornness. | 22:12 |
DanaG | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-settings-daemon/+bug/332081 | 22:12 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 332081 in gnome-settings-daemon "Panel volume icon state changes to "mute" when volume reaches zero" [Low,New] | 22:13 |
bjsnider | alex_mayorga, alright, the build is queued. it will be 15-30 minutes i imagine. i built it in pbuilder. it installs and works, so you shouldn't have any problems | 22:13 |
bjsnider | except waiting for the build system to build it that is | 22:13 |
DanaG | http://www.mail-archive.com/usability@gnome.org/msg02187.html | 22:13 |
crimsun | what's the effective differencne between setting the master volume to zero and muting it? | 22:15 |
DanaG | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-media/+bug/444548 | 22:15 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 444548 in humanity-icon-theme "Not having a muted icon for the volume applet causes confusion" [Undecided,Fix released] | 22:15 |
DanaG | In my case, the effective difference is that zero volume doesn't turn my mute LED orange. | 22:15 |
BUGabundo | LOL | 22:16 |
BUGabundo | all because of a led | 22:16 |
BUGabundo | woot | 22:16 |
DanaG | Win7 icons do this: high->low show decreasing numbers of "waves"... and zero has no waves. | 22:16 |
DanaG | Mute... has an "X".\ | 22:16 |
crimsun | DanaG: and which codec do you use? | 22:16 |
bjsnider | DanaG, you've been complaining about this for a long time now | 22:16 |
DanaG | ADI1984. | 22:17 |
high-rez | I'm trying to do a aptitude full-upgrade and I'm seeing this: | 22:17 |
DanaG | Or rather, 1988. | 22:17 |
DanaG | Software-wise, I think it's about the same. | 22:17 |
high-rez | Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com lucid/main libmysqlclient16 7.0.9-1 / 403 Forbidden | 22:17 |
DanaG | Also, that mute behavior tends to desync my hardware mute from the software state -- though that is a different bug. | 22:20 |
crimsun | bah, I hate Analog Devices | 22:20 |
DanaG | Test case: press mute soft-key. LED turns orange, but software doesn't acknowledge muting (that's a bug). now slide down to zero and back up... it unmutes the hardware mute. | 22:20 |
DanaG | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/284319 | 22:21 |
ubottu | Ubuntu bug 284319 in linux "mute, brightness buttons on new HP 6930p laptop" [Medium,Confirmed] | 22:21 |
DanaG | I posted some observations on GPIO behavior there. | 22:21 |
crimsun | yeah, that's a driver issue; we're obviously not doing the right thing WRT GPIOx | 22:21 |
DanaG | (The zero->mute is a subjective thing.) | 22:21 |
crimsun | I e-mailed Takashi about it some time ago; I just don't have any hardware to test. | 22:21 |
DanaG | aah. | 22:22 |
crimsun | can you pastebin your codec again, please? | 22:22 |
alex_mayorga | bjsnider, thanks appreciated | 22:22 |
BUGabundo | high-rez: sudo aptitude update firsr | 22:23 |
DanaG | er, the alsa-info? | 22:24 |
high-rez | BUGabundo: i did already. | 22:24 |
crimsun | DanaG: sure, or /proc/asound/card*/codec* | 22:24 |
BUGabundo | high-rez: change mirrors then | 22:24 |
high-rez | BUGabundo: In fact, I have a tcpdump to prove it. :) | 22:24 |
BUGabundo | maybe its not updated, or corrupted | 22:24 |
DanaG | http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=5dc8c17bce13208bcf2287dba668cea7a5e5596f | 22:25 |
crimsun | DanaG: I can emulate the codec, but it isn't the same as testing on bare metal | 22:25 |
crimsun | thanks | 22:25 |
Ian_Corne | when i take on the dev versions, i always switch repos to main server | 22:26 |
DanaG | I wish companies would let devs borrow devices for the sake of testing these sorts of things. | 22:26 |
Ian_Corne | just to be sure :) | 22:26 |
eagles0513875 | hey guys anyone able to upgrade from karmic to lucid | 22:26 |
high-rez | I have, but I can't do an upgrade today as one of the mirrors is broken :( | 22:27 |
DanaG | Cheapest thingy I can see with the same HP ADI thingy is a refurb of the 5101 netbook. | 22:28 |
BUGabundo | Ian_Corne: I run both main ,and a local mirror, to save bw | 22:29 |
BUGabundo | Ian_Corne: how is that android app going ? | 22:29 |
DanaG | It's also interesting that ALSA offers bitrates the card doesn't claim to offer in Windows with official drivers... but DOES claim to offer with default HDA driver in Windows. | 22:31 |
DanaG | That makes it hard to tell what the card actually supports. | 22:31 |
eagles0513875 | high-rez: ok i noticed that the mirror for the mysql-cluster package seems to be broken for me | 22:32 |
eagles0513875 | :( | 22:32 |
crimsun | DanaG: sometimes they do (cf. Canonical OEM team has NDAs with various manufacturers) | 22:32 |
DanaG | This wouldn't even need nda; it's already-released hardware. =þ | 22:33 |
crimsun | sure, but I'm not even under that umbrella | 22:33 |
DanaG | Bummer. | 22:33 |
crimsun | I rely on either my chequebook or a kind soul | 22:33 |
DanaG | Dang. I wish they'd hook you up with the OEM team, even just on a lending-hardware basis. | 22:36 |
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Ian_Corne | BUGabundo: slowly, need to do uni work first :p | 22:40 |
DanaG | Oh yeah, just noticed the "no modem function group found" -- I turned off HDA modem in BIOS. | 22:41 |
DanaG | Oh, and stereo digital out? Wonder if that's for the dock, only. | 22:42 |
BUGabundo | err | 23:08 |
BUGabundo | anyone care to add Mounter applet to a gnome bar | 23:08 |
BUGabundo | and tell me what happens? | 23:08 |
BUGabundo | nevermind | 23:10 |
BUGabundo | PBCK | 23:10 |
alex_mayorga | RAOF, ping | 23:12 |
RAOF | alex_mayorga: contentless pong. | 23:13 |
alex_mayorga | RAOF, should I enable nouveau now? | 23:14 |
RAOF | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Testing/NouveauEvaluation should be working, I think. | 23:15 |
alex_mayorga | RAOF, even in my crazy laptop LCD | 23:15 |
RAOF | I've been away in Hobart, so I'm not totally up to date on the past couple of days' work. | 23:15 |
RAOF | If you haven't already tested & filled out a row of that support matrix, you probably should - whether it works or not :) | 23:16 |
alex_mayorga | RAOF, thanks, I'll check it out, I just need to remove the mode thing from GRUB, right? | 23:19 |
BUGabundo | RAOF: im loving the new drivers | 23:24 |
BUGabundo | even 1080 vids work nice | 23:24 |
BUGabundo | just a shame on every boot something new breaks | 23:24 |
BUGabundo | so now I got newer kernel working, but -12 dead, and no 3D either :\ | 23:24 |
alex_mayorga | RAOF, mine says 2.6.32-12.1 not ~pre3 | 23:27 |
RAOF | alex_mayorga: Your what? | 23:28 |
RAOF | Your linux-backport-modules-nouveau-2.6.32-13-generic package? | 23:28 |
alex_mayorga | linux-backports-modules-nouveau-2.6.32-12-generic | 23:28 |
alex_mayorga | yup | 23:28 |
RAOF | It *should* be linux-backport-modules-nouveau-2.6.32-1*3*-generic | 23:29 |
alex_mayorga | RAOF, I'll check the URL you sent tonight and add my results if anything, thanks | 23:30 |
BUGabundo | linux-backports-modules-nouveau-2.6.32-12-generic: | 23:32 |
BUGabundo | Installed: (none) | 23:32 |
BUGabundo | Candidate: 2.6.32-12.1 | 23:32 |
BUGabundo | linux-backports-modules-nouveau-2.6.32-13-generic: | 23:32 |
BUGabundo | Installed: 2.6.32-13.2 | 23:32 |
RAOF | Ah. There's a newer one in the main archives. That's right. | 23:33 |
RAOF | Which is probably the one you want, anyway. It's got -rc7's nouveau. | 23:34 |
bjsnider | BUGabundo, are you still interested in having "lessfs" packaged? | 23:34 |
BUGabundo | bjsnider: remind me, please | 23:35 |
bjsnider | you asked a few months ago to have lessfs packaged, for reasons only you know | 23:36 |
BUGabundo | I know | 23:43 |
BUGabundo | I remember about it , a little bit | 23:43 |
BUGabundo | not sure what for | 23:43 |
bjsnider | Lessfs is an userspace (fuse) inline data de-duplicating filesystem for Linux that includes support for lzo or QuickLZ compression and encryption. | 23:44 |
BUGabundo | ahh right | 23:47 |
BUGabundo | de-dup stuff | 23:47 |
BUGabundo | I needed that to make a volume and remove dupes | 23:47 |
BUGabundo | thanks for reminding me | 23:47 |
BUGabundo | is it packaged in debian already? | 23:47 |
BUGabundo | or the dependy resolved? | 23:47 |
bjsnider | i'm working on it tonight | 23:49 |
BUGabundo | ok | 23:49 |
BUGabundo | cool | 23:49 |
ripps | meh, somebody needs to update libgjs0 so it install properly with new xulrunner | 23:51 |
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