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kwwii | good morning all | 09:50 |
thorwil | good morning! | 09:59 |
darkmatter | good morning, and don't spay salt water into your head to clean out infected sinuses unless you have a high pain threshhold | 10:09 |
thorwil | 0.o | 10:15 |
kwwii | darkmatter: that is what pills are for | 10:17 |
kwwii | both the infection and the pain :P | 10:17 |
darkmatter | thorwil: bah. recovering from a sinus infection. decongestants, not surprisingly, do not decongest | 10:17 |
thorwil | yeah, the right sort of pills can even make you think the world would be a happy place! | 10:19 |
kwwii | thorwil: anything that helps ;) | 10:19 |
darkmatter | kwwii: well, for the infection yes, for the pain, not really. go on, ask me how many shots I needed the last time I had a medical procedure done :P | 10:20 |
kwwii | :p | 10:20 |
* darkmatter has a high tolerance to anything with an anesthetic or analgesic property. | 10:20 | |
darkmatter | makes dentists and benzocaine uber fun | 10:24 |
kwwii | hehe, done too much | 10:24 |
kwwii | smoke break, bbiab | 10:25 |
thorwil | iainfarrell: it seems Máirín (Fedora art lead) is serious about creating a platform for artwork submissions. to track, compare, discuss and develop things. much more structured than a wiki, reducing overhead and barrier to entry | 10:35 |
thorwil | iainfarrell: might Canonical be interested in joining the development effort? | 10:35 |
iainfarrell | thorwil: That sounds really interesting | 10:35 |
iainfarrell | kwwii and I should get some details from you | 10:35 |
kwwii | thorwil: right, saw that on the list | 10:36 |
iainfarrell | kwwii: Do you know M?ir?n? | 10:36 |
kwwii | iainfarrell: yes | 10:36 |
thorwil | http://mairin.wordpress.com/2010/02/13/random-idea-for-design-collaboration-tool/ | 10:36 |
kwwii | iainfarrell: we've discussed this kind of thing before | 10:36 |
thorwil | iainfarrell: i think her nick is mizmo. easier to type ;) | 10:37 |
kwwii | I think that her idea is not exactly what we need to be mroe procudtive | 10:37 |
kwwii | erm | 10:37 |
kwwii | productive | 10:37 |
kwwii | but the basic idea is good | 10:37 |
thorwil | the "basic idea" is still shape-able | 10:38 |
thorwil | i actually started an attempt at creating a google app engine thing that collects information from our flickr artwork pool | 10:38 |
thorwil | to then allow people with accounts to select items (photos) for the next release | 10:39 |
darkmatter | just use gobby | 10:40 |
thorwil | currently it looks like it's too big a task for me, though | 10:40 |
thorwil | darkmatter: you could as well say: just use morse code | 10:41 |
thorwil | iainfarrell: i think it would be a plus to have artwork for at least ubuntu and fedora in one place, making it easy to compare. could help spurn some cooperation/competition | 10:42 |
thorwil | could be separate instances of one codebase, too, though | 10:43 |
kwwii | I imagine that fedora has slightly different needs than we do, but the basis could easily be the same | 10:43 |
thorwil | yeah, things like having categories (icons/themes/wallpapers/poster-flyer/...) | 10:46 |
thorwil | automatic thumbnails (one of the details making the wiki suck) | 10:46 |
kwwii | yepp | 10:47 |
thorwil | nested comments, where each comment is associated with the version it refers to | 10:47 |
iainfarrell | thorwil: Let me talk to Ken about it, sounds like it could be good but best for him to lead it | 10:47 |
thorwil | iainfarrell: ok. i'm sure you will be able to talk him into taking on some additional responsibility and he will love you for it ;) | 10:48 |
kwwii | :p | 10:49 |
thorwil | (not meant to point to another course of action) | 10:49 |
kwwii | vish: any word on a new humanity-icon-theme package? | 11:01 |
vish | kwwii: working on it as we speak :) adding 16px gpm icons is %*$% I'll request a merge by tomorrow | 11:02 |
vish | soo many icons gpm requires :( | 11:03 |
kwwii | vish: cool, let me know if there is anything I can help with | 11:03 |
kwwii | luckily most of those gpm icons are never used | 11:04 |
vish | yeah almost done , just need to do it again for the dark | 11:04 |
vish | kwwii: the rhythmbox icon is mixed up after the app indicator update , now when rhythmbox starts it use the playing icon instead of the notplaying icon | 11:05 |
darkmatter | gpm is ghey ;o | 11:05 |
vish | kwwii: also , the MeMenu is using icons with what labels? does it use the -panel icons? | 11:05 |
kwwii | vish: yes, indeed | 11:06 |
kwwii | vish: I talked to ted about that, we agreed on -panel for now | 11:06 |
kwwii | vish: not sure of the names, but they should be straight forward | 11:06 |
vish | kwwii: ah cool , we didnt have monochrome icon leak into empathy since it was using its own labels , but that is about to change for 2.30 , where it would also use the user-* labels... we just need to make sure the MeMenu uses the fallbacks | 11:07 |
vish | with the -panel as the main icons | 11:08 |
kwwii | vish: the icons in the MeMenu are the empathy status icons | 11:08 |
kwwii | vish: right, I can talk to ted about that | 11:08 |
darkmatter | hmmm..... I should install amiga 4.1 | 11:15 |
kwwii | lol | 11:17 |
kwwii | wow, they have made kmail so horribly broken that I will now switch to (eek!) thunderbird | 11:23 |
thorwil | http://www.zacbarton.com/homosapien/customizer/ | 12:09 |
zniavre | hello on the artwork wiki website i remember a page with all darkroom bugs, this page still exists? | 12:20 |
thorwil | zniavre: i don't recall deleting it :) | 12:21 |
zacbarton | what do you think thorwil? | 12:32 |
thorwil | zacbarton: it's a really nice demo | 12:33 |
zacbarton | yeah it's shaping up quite nicely | 12:33 |
thorwil | zacbarton: how did you go about implementing iz? | 12:35 |
zacbarton | i coded a metacity parser in php that replicates the meatcity drawing commands but using php | 12:36 |
zacbarton | so the preview actually is a preview | 12:36 |
thorwil | wow. i thought it would be a simpler and hence limited solution | 12:37 |
zacbarton | na ive spent some time on it :-) | 12:37 |
thorwil | zacbarton: i guess more people should know about it | 12:38 |
zacbarton | thorwil: yea im trying to get the word out. kinda hard to do. | 12:39 |
zacbarton | thorwil: i'll keep plugging away | 12:39 |
zacbarton | thorwil: i hope to add different titlebar styles and different sets of buttons at some point | 12:40 |
zacbarton | thorwil: any suggestions? | 12:41 |
thorwil | zacbarton: Dust and New Wave? | 12:42 |
zacbarton | thorwil: so allow editing the dust and new wave themes? | 12:42 |
thorwil | zacbarton: i just meant for having different titlebar styles | 12:44 |
zacbarton | thorwil: right. then that definitely is do'able | 12:45 |
thorwil | zacbarton: what you have here sits in an odd space between theme authoring and the limited Appearance options on the desktop | 12:45 |
zacbarton | thorwil: thats where creating the parse was the right move | 12:45 |
zacbarton | thorwil: yea. when i first started the theme (on gnome-look) everyone wanted things slightly differently, as i would too. so i decided to let them tweak the theme themselves | 12:46 |
thorwil | it's a shame theming is so opaque, setting up a huge barrier in front of customization. it shouldn't be more difficult than changing a document template for writing letters | 12:48 |
zacbarton | thorwil: yea i agree. editing xml to change just the color or rounded borders isnt very good | 12:49 |
zacbarton | thorwil: so hopefully since editing themes isnt easy the tool ive created helps | 12:51 |
zniavre | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/Incoming/Intrepid/NewHumanTesting yeah found it | 12:54 |
zniavre | this page gives a good ideas of wich apps can work badly | 12:56 |
vish | kwwii: neither the volume applet nor the MeMenu uses the -panel icons :( | 16:53 |
kwwii | vish: yeah, I just noticed that | 17:01 |
kwwii | vish: don't worry, he works for us...it *will* work | 17:01 |
vish | :D | 17:01 |
kwwii | vish: lol | 17:08 |
kwwii | vish: I figured it out | 17:08 |
kwwii | it is no longer using 24 pixel icons | 17:08 |
vish | kwwii: how do i phrase this > http://paste.ubuntu.com/376975/ , for changelog | 17:08 |
vish | yeah | 17:08 |
kwwii | vish: it goes directly in the panel now so it uses 22x22 | 17:08 |
vish | apart from that there is huge list of bugs below but that^ is the part I'm not sure how to phrase it to sound "official" ;) | 17:09 |
kwwii | vish: you can add something like "Included different sizes for various icons | 17:26 |
kwwii | " | 17:26 |
kwwii | vish: ie, I don't need to understand everything for simple stuff like that | 17:26 |
vish | ;p | 17:26 |
kwwii | vish: essentially, the changelog is important for me to be able to get your latest stuff and view the changes so that I can include them in ubuntu without being afraid you've b0rked something :P | 17:26 |
kwwii | or included something inappropriate, etc | 17:27 |
vish | and i also figured out the gtk volume icon blurriness , yay and finally included a new volume icon ;) | 17:27 |
kwwii | vish: killer ;) | 17:28 |
vish | gtk need a file named .png ... so i added a symlink named volume-*.png to a svg and it is solved :D | 17:28 |
vish | crappy gtk ;p | 17:28 |
kwwii | vish: I am going to head back to my hotel in about half an hour. When you're happy with your changes let know and I will get it uploaded asap | 17:28 |
kwwii | lol | 17:28 |
kwwii | vish: funny how gtk is with that stuff, it reads the image header to determine the type but then hardcodes file name extensions | 17:29 |
vish | argh! lp is killing me :/ | 18:46 |
vish | ah! anyone know what I'm doing wrong > bzr push lp:~vish.../ubuntu-art-pkg/humanity/release/new | 18:53 |
vish | bzr: ERROR: Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:~vish.../ubuntu-art-pkg/humanity/release/new": No such project: ubuntu-art-pkg | 18:53 |
vish | kwwii: around^ ? | 18:53 |
vish | bah , nvm , i gonna use humanity as root :s | 18:55 |
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zniavre | good evening | 19:19 |
zniavre | the new indicator "thing" is a part of gnome or ubuntu ? | 19:19 |
vish | zniavre: huh? dint understand... canonical is doing it, if that was the question :) | 19:20 |
zniavre | sorry my bad english (im too old to improve it now , and you can't hear my accent hopefully) | 19:21 |
vish | zniavre: actually , its not your fault English is the bad one ;) | 19:22 |
vish | zniavre: is there any way to change the treeview -/+ to the old arrow? | 19:24 |
vish | rather gtkexpander | 19:24 |
zniavre | i do not know. using clearlooks style ? | 19:24 |
vish | ah right.. | 19:24 |
vish | the new murrine change doesnt look good :/ | 19:25 |
zniavre | the new indicator stuff change does not look good too | 19:25 |
zniavre | i do not like it at all | 19:25 |
zniavre | there is no alternatives | 19:26 |
vish | zniavre: heh , i use a vertical panel and it sucks even worse :/ ... all the icons[except one] are out of the screen | 19:26 |
zniavre | the "stuff" display horizontal even the panel is vertical ? | 19:26 |
vish | yeah :/ | 19:27 |
vish | i havent restarted my session[after indicator-sound] just to prevent volume applet getting out of the screen | 19:27 |
vish | indicator-sound update* | 19:27 |
zniavre | im quite angry they took out the old volume applet | 19:31 |
zniavre | it was my request > where to complain about that ? | 19:31 |
vish | zniavre: if you remove the indicator applet the old volume applet will return | 19:32 |
zniavre | no | 19:32 |
vish | but you will also loose the the messaging menu | 19:32 |
zniavre | im not social personn | 19:33 |
zniavre | i do not use empathy/evolution/thunderbird/facebook | 19:33 |
vish | zniavre: then you can remove the indicator applet , it is supposed to fallback to old notification area icons/applet , if it doesnt it is a bug | 19:33 |
zniavre | a ok | 19:34 |
zniavre | opening launchapd bug right now | 19:34 |
vish | zniavre: have you restarted session after removing the indicator applet? | 19:35 |
zniavre | i will try right now too 2sec | 19:35 |
zniavre | so i got a bug | 19:36 |
vish | yeah :/ | 19:36 |
zniavre | gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/panel | 19:38 |
zniavre | oops sorry | 19:38 |
zniavre | vish, are you sure about that ? (old volume-controler coming if i delete he indicator-applet) ? | 20:02 |
vish | zniavre: that was what i was told... :) i can check again if you like | 20:03 |
vish | zniavre: filed the bug? | 20:03 |
zniavre | not yet im first asking question | 20:03 |
zniavre | i do not know why i hav the feeling reporting a bug is much longer/complicated tahn before , im right ? | 20:04 |
vish | zniavre: just asked , if it doesnt return it is a bug | 20:05 |
zniavre | filing a bug is a real pain now ... | 20:10 |
kwwii | vish: hey | 21:46 |
kwwii | vish: just saw your merge request, I'll get it done and uploaded asap | 21:49 |
kwwii | thanks ;) | 21:49 |
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