kamalmostafa | hggdh: okay, very good, thank you. I didn't realize that there was a "usually" path for Incomplete bugs (but glad to know that there is!). Thanks folks. | 00:01 |
hggdh | kamalmostafa: yw. And I do like your work here :-) | 00:01 |
kamalmostafa | ... and now that bug 518314 is on the table anyway... Any of you kind folks feel like compiling that quick 10 line program to test it? (Because if strcmp() really doesn't work, I'm going back to MS Windows! ;-) | 00:04 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 518314 in eglibc (Ubuntu) "strcmp crashes (affects: 1)" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/518314 | 00:04 |
kamalmostafa | hggdh: ty | 00:04 |
persia | Do we usually set "Medium" for incomplete bugs? I have been leaving it unset, waiting for more information. Should I change that practice? | 00:06 |
Sinani201 | I'll test the code, since I | 00:12 |
Sinani201 | 'm working in my C++ book right now | 00:13 |
Sinani201 | The code gives an error. | 00:13 |
kamalmostafa | Sinani201: what error? | 00:14 |
Sinani201 | crash.cpp:8: error: invalid conversion from ‘const char*’ to ‘char*’ | 00:14 |
Sinani201 | It's on this line: char *s = (argc>1)?argv[1]:"aa"; | 00:15 |
kamalmostafa | Sinani201: Its a C program (despite the // comments). Build with: gcc -Wall teststrcmp.c -o teststrcmp | 00:15 |
Sinani201 | Oh. | 00:15 |
Sinani201 | I'll test it with c instead. | 00:15 |
Sinani201 | OK, it didn't crash anything. | 00:17 |
kamalmostafa | Sinani201: As I expected. If you wouldn't mind, please add a note to the bug that you couldn't reproduce it either. | 00:17 |
kamalmostafa | Sinani201: Oh, and FYI, inserting "const" before the "char" at the beginning of the line you referenced will make this buildable as a C++ program. (But it still doesn't reproduce the reported bug :-). | 00:18 |
kamalmostafa | Sinani201: And thank you very much for the test. | 00:20 |
Sinani201 | You're welcome. | 00:20 |
hggdh | persia: I usually do it | 00:25 |
persia | hggdh: My feeling for not doing it is that I don't want to annoy the reporter if I have to downgrade it later, but if consensus is that we should do it, I'll change :) | 00:28 |
kamalmostafa | persia, hggdh: Maybe it should be considered on a case-by-case basis... If you can't decide on the importance until you get a response to your questions, then leave it "Undecided" -- but if you can make a case for some other importance even without those answers (based on the info already present), then set it accordingly. | 00:32 |
persia | Oh, I guess I do that already :) | 00:33 |
kamalmostafa | persia: see, I'm full of easy answers. :-) | 00:34 |
hggdh | well, these are two options: (1) set it to medium, then adjust as needed; (2) do *not* set it, then adjust as needed | 00:36 |
hggdh | either one works, I think | 00:36 |
hggdh | obviously, we would still need to have Importance looked at seriously | 00:37 |
persia | Well, sometimes I use option 3) set to some specific value *and* ask for more information. | 00:37 |
persia | For example, I might ask on a feature request for a more detailed description, or on a bug affecting only unusual hardware for device specifics, etc. | 00:38 |
hggdh | yes. If the issue seems really bad, nothing stand against setting it High, then adjusting as more knowledge is acquired | 00:38 |
hggdh | or, of course, the other way around -- looks really Low, set it so, then adjust if needed | 00:38 |
persia | Right. | 00:38 |
persia | OK. I think I've been doing the right thing then :) | 00:39 |
persia | In the case of crashes, I usually do set "Medium" and "Incomplete" if I need more details on the crash. | 00:39 |
hggdh | the point, I guess, is that at the beginning we do not really know how serious (or not) an issue is. For me, setting it to Medium allows me to jiggle around as needed | 00:39 |
hggdh | *not* setting it allows for the same | 00:40 |
hggdh | persia: I am still to see something you do _not_ do right ;-) | 00:40 |
Sinani201 | brb for one second, I think I'm going to use Colloquy from now on for IRC. | 00:41 |
Sinani201 | Much better. | 00:43 |
persia | hggdh: Well, I've been on this channel for almost 5 years, so many of my rough edges have worn off :) | 00:43 |
hggdh | heh. I have been here only 3 and some year, I think, and my edges are still being hammered off | 00:44 |
* micahg hands hggdh some sandpaper :) | 00:44 | |
hggdh | LOL | 00:44 |
hggdh | aspirins welcome also | 00:44 |
Sinani201 | I'm not sure if bug 521921 is really a bug... I think it's caused because the songs are read only. | 01:47 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 521921 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "How to edit song titles (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/521921 | 01:47 |
Sinani201 | Is bug 521921 a valid bug? Someone please answer... | 01:52 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 521921 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "How to edit song titles (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/521921 | 01:52 |
hggdh | Sinani201: we need more details -- where are the songs (harddrive, external thingie, etc), is there any error reported by rythmbox, etc | 02:04 |
hggdh | and, of course, we need someone familiar with rithmbox -- which I am not really one | 02:05 |
Sinani201 | OK. I asked for more information. | 02:07 |
nigelb | hggdh, hey :) | 02:55 |
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jjardon | Hello, Ubuntu Lucid here, my microphone doesnt work. Is there a page for specific sound problems in Ubuntu? | 05:44 |
jjardon | I have a DELL XPS M1330 laptop | 05:45 |
jjardon | In previous releases I used alamixer to change to digital input, but now that doesnt work neither | 05:46 |
ddecator | jjardon, you can look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems | 05:46 |
* jjardon looking | 05:47 | |
jjardon | ddecator, How Can I know the hardware combination I should use? | 05:53 |
ddecator | jjardon, unfortunately i don't know much about sound problems, so i can't really help you beyond showing you that site. the information on there is more for making sure people include enough information in bug reports | 05:55 |
jjardon | ddecator, thank you. Seems that I found the bug report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/453966 | 06:00 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 453966 in pulseaudio (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "dell xps m1330 regression, integrated digital microphone no longer working [karmic koala] (affects: 11)" [Medium,Confirmed] | 06:00 |
nigelb | jjardon, is that your exact hardware? | 06:00 |
jjardon | nigelb, m1330 with SigmaTel STAC9228 , yeah | 06:03 |
jjardon | Should I look at other component? | 06:03 |
nigelb | jjardon, open the PCImultimedia file from the bug | 06:03 |
nigelb | and open a terminal and run lspci -v | 06:04 |
nigelb | search for the exact device name and rev | 06:04 |
nigelb | only then you can confirm that its the same bug, otherwise, you have to open a new bug for your problem | 06:04 |
jjardon | nigelb, confirmed, exactly the same device | 06:05 |
nigelb | jjardon, okay, then add your comments to the bug :) | 06:05 |
nigelb | sorry to be a bit strict, but otherwise you'd end up frustrated and lost | 06:05 |
ddecator | jjardon, then go ahead and click the "Does this bug affect you?" link at the top of the report | 06:05 |
jjardon | nigelb, no problem, I know the process ;) | 06:06 |
nigelb | ah, great :) | 06:06 |
jjardon | ddecator, Done ;) . Should I mention in the bug that a lucid system is affected? | 06:10 |
ddecator | jjardon, if it doesn't look like it was mentioned then go for it. it shows that it hasn't been fixed yet | 06:10 |
jjardon | I'm still reading all the comments, if nobody mention the bug affects lucid, I'll post a comment | 06:11 |
ddecator | jjardon, sounds good, thanks! | 06:11 |
jjardon | ddecator, nigelb thanks for your help, just commented in the bug | 06:26 |
ddecator | jjardon, thanks for being a good reporter =) | 06:27 |
BUGabundo_remote | morning | 08:41 |
dad__ | time on clients is wrong so mythtv will not open | 10:01 |
dad__ | <dad__> ntp is installed on server | 10:01 |
dad__ | <dad__> I had ntp installed on client as well and I set to receive time from server now this made the time on the client 11 hours ahead of the server | 10:01 |
dad__ | <dad__> now I live in melb au which at presenet is 10 hours +gmt +hr daylight saving | 10:01 |
dad__ | <dad__> when i change client timezone to england/london The time reads correct | 10:01 |
dad__ | <dad__> Its like the time the server is sending the client is already locallized and it adds another 11 hours onto it making the time 11 hours in the future on the the client | 10:02 |
dad__ | <dad__> I have also tried using the pool.au servers to set time on client machine this strangely gives me time the wrong time as well. | 10:02 |
dad__ | I am using mythbuntu karmic | 10:02 |
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dad__ | mythtv will not open if timezone on frontend and backend is different so changing to london is not a solution. | 10:05 |
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kamusin | :) | 12:38 |
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hggdh | well. If you want to use a NTP server, you point to an official one, *not* your own (unless you run it for your network) | 15:05 |
hggdh | but if you run NTP, it will not be 11 hours ahead. What will be off if your TZ | 15:08 |
nigelb | hggdh, you around? | 15:36 |
hggdh | nigelb: yes, I am | 15:36 |
nigelb | hggdh, is there a place where I can see documentation to make sense of debug logs? | 15:37 |
hggdh | nigelb: difficult to answer in general. Each application/package/programme can write different things to a so-called 'debug log' | 15:38 |
hggdh | can you be more specific? | 15:38 |
nigelb | hggdh, adopted rhythmbox package :), so trying to make sense of the logs in incomplete bugs | 15:39 |
hggdh | nigelb: give me a bug # to look at with you | 15:44 |
nigelb | okau | 15:44 |
nigelb | bug 328864 | 15:50 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 328864 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "rythmbox plays a short piece of a song and skips to the next song in order (affects: 2)" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/328864 | 15:50 |
hggdh | nigelb: yes... as I said, debug logs are quite specific to the application. IN this case, this really looks like the developers added code to print out (when running --debug) some details of the internal structures | 15:57 |
hggdh | so you *need* to look at the source code to find out why this was printed out | 15:58 |
nigelb | ohh | 15:58 |
nigelb | aw :( | 15:58 |
hggdh | :-) | 15:58 |
hggdh | so: looking upstream at the home page for rithmbox, and following the ML, and joining their IRC channel may help | 15:59 |
nigelb | ah, ok. will do | 15:59 |
nigelb | I want to talk to pedro too.. he is the supervisor for rhythmbox, he may know a lot of stuff | 15:59 |
nigelb | hggdh, btw, I submitted an upstream patch (2 actually) | 16:00 |
hggdh | good :-) | 16:01 |
nigelb | one to gnome and one to freedesktop | 16:01 |
hggdh | looking at the debug log, it looks like they lost a connection to <something> and, after that, we start to see the errors | 16:02 |
hggdh | so it looks like the state is not corrected cleaned up after the lost connection | 16:02 |
ddecator | micahg, i know i need to focus on triaging in general since i'm still learning, but what point would be good for me to start learning more about firefox bugs specifically? | 16:04 |
nigelb | seb128, at what point do you want bugs assigned to desktop team? when its triaged status? | 16:27 |
hggdh | eeeBotu will be off for 5 minutes due to a reboot after security updates | 17:37 |
hggdh | eeeBotu is back. All hail Ubuntu's fast reboot | 17:39 |
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edakiri | The only example to use the template is Bug #200462 . Propose removing other examples. | 19:45 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 200462 in gvfs (Ubuntu Hardy) (and 2 other projects) "Copying Files From CD/DVD Sets Permissions To Read Only (affects: 1) (dups: 1)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/200462 | 19:45 |
edakiri | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/RegressionTracking | 19:45 |
edakiri | don't know what the good version is, or am uncertain, should I use the template? | 19:47 |
hggdh | edakiri: I am sorry, but what are you talking about? | 20:25 |
edakiri | hggdh: in the page at the URL i pasted, there is a 'template' to insert into regression bugs | 20:57 |
edakiri | where is the WWW package search, like you get with ubufox? | 20:59 |
edakiri | here it is http://packages.ubuntu.com/ | 21:05 |
BUGabundo | who who ? | 21:05 |
micahg | edakiri: that's in the firefox-launchpad-plugin package | 21:06 |
edakiri | thanks micahg | 21:07 |
kermiac_ | https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingRemovableDevices doesn't seem to contain much info. Anyone know a better page for debugging "SD card not recognised" issues? | 21:37 |
kermiac_ | well, this is regarding an SDHC card... bug 522207 | 21:38 |
ubot4 | Launchpad bug 522207 in ubuntu "sdhc card not recognized (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/522207 | 21:38 |
m_tadeu | hi all...my kubuntu just reboots on random situations...how can I start checking what the problem is? | 21:52 |
BalleClorin | m_tadeu try #ubuntu or #ubuntu-xx (xx= languagecode) for support. If you think this is a bug, first try searching if it's already reported, if not file a new one here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs | 22:02 |
m_tadeu | it's not reported and launchpad tells me to come here | 22:04 |
BalleClorin | m_tadeu: create a launchpad account, file the bug here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug/?no-redirect, then run apport-collect bugnr to add system information to the report. | 22:12 |
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