klrguy | i am getting " The import java.util.Scanner cannot be resolved" . how can i resolve this? | 04:57 |
nthykier | slytherin: About the removal of servlet2.4 - eclipse depends on it, so I would appreciate if it was allowed to stay | 07:16 |
nthykier | slytherin: but I am definitely pro the removal of servlet2.3 | 07:16 |
nthykier | ttx: hey - About the removal of servlet2.4 - eclipse depends on it, so I would appreciate if it was allowed to stay, but I am definitely pro the removal of servlet2.3. (I also mentioned it to slytherin just before you joined) | 07:20 |
ttx | nthykier: ok, ideally we would just follow Debian here | 07:21 |
nthykier | ttx: then we should probably sell the idea to Debian :P | 07:23 |
slytherin | nthykier: Ok. But I will make it so that other rdeps of servlet2.4 start using servlet2.5 | 07:23 |
nthykier | slytherin: That would be great | 07:23 |
slytherin | In any case. The first thing on my TODO list for this week is getting JSTL packaged. | 07:24 |
nthykier | I wish I could do the same for eclipse, but sadly it needs both 2.4 and 2.5 at the same time | 07:24 |
slytherin | nthykier: ttx: Does either of you know how can I configure the directory in which jetty will put compiled JSP. I found some references of such a configuration parameter but did not find any actual example. | 07:40 |
ttx | slytherin: hmmm... no. | 07:41 |
slytherin | ttx: Is OpenJDK currently in a state to supersede Sun Java? Any idea who requested the removal of Sun Java? | 10:33 |
ttx | slytherin: I think it was the security team | 10:34 |
slytherin | The removal reason didn't state security reasons. | 10:35 |
slytherin | It just said 'Superseded by OpenJDK'. | 10:35 |
slytherin | ttx: ^ | 10:35 |
ttx | I don't really know the status of this... | 10:36 |
ttx | Maybe it's part of https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/foundations-lucid-dropping-sun-java6 | 10:36 |
slytherin | So many items on the list are TODO. :-( | 10:39 |
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