
micahgk, testing locally on karmic, then I'll up;load to hardy ppa00:03
asaclots of build targets are required00:03
micahgwell, I left them all00:04
asacyou should leave most. yes00:04
asacjust replace the logic tha currently deals with installing the stuff00:04
asacwith install-xpi i guess00:04
asacand your new logic for getting new orig00:05
micahgwould help if I spelt the build targets right (not dh_shlibdeeps) :)00:05
micahgdon't worry00:05
asacare we doing anything about the maxVersion?00:05
micahgI'm, fixing it all00:05
micahgyeah, I have it set to 3.0.*00:06
asacah ... that happens in update-debian-files?00:06
asacyou misspelled dh_shlibdeeps ?00:06
asacthat means you didnt start with the original one :(00:06
asacwe will see00:06
asachopefully the diff is minimal :;)00:06
micahgI know mine works..now I just need the old stuff00:07
asaci know the old thing works00:07
micahghttp://pastebin.com/f2e34c6b7 line 39 in the new rules file00:07
asacmicahg: create a diff -u00:07
micahgbut that changed00:07
asacand paste that00:07
asac-build-stamp: configure-stamp00:09
asac+build-stamp: configure-stamp00:09
asacrow 7100:10
micahgdoes it not like my spaceS?00:10
asacnot sure00:10
asacmake those diffs go away ;)00:10
asac149 152ff00:11
micahgthey have extra spaces before :)00:11
asacwhats the difference of update-xpi and rebuild-debian-files ?00:12
asacjust the wget?00:12
micahgasac: yes00:12
asacwhat uses rebuild-debian-files?00:12
asacor is that external API?00:12
micahgexternal if you need to fix the control file after you download00:12
asacmake update-xpi: wget rebuild-debian-files00:13
asaci guess00:13
micahgshould I try pushing to hardy?00:13
asac+       cat $(CURDIR)/debian/locales.list >> $(CURDIR)/debian/packages.list00:14
asac+       sort -u $(CURDIR)/debian/packages.list > $(CURDIR)/debian/packages.list.new00:14
asac+       mv $(CURDIR)/debian/packages.list.new $(CURDIR)/debian/packages.list00:14
asacthat probably should be00:14
asacis the >> intentional? then nevermind00:14
asacconsider to make emtpy line in between00:14
micahgyes, so we keep all the previous ones00:14
micahgso we always have a stub package if we published a translation previously00:15
* micahg should probably comment :)00:15
asacthe sort gets rid of duplicates?00:15
asacsecond and third line might be cat FILE | sort -u > $(CURDIR)/debian/packages.list00:16
asacmaybe do this ;)00:16
micahgeven though I'm writing to the same file I'm reading?00:16
asaccat $(CURDIR)/debian/packages.list $(CURDIR)/debian/locales.list  | sort -u > $(CURDIR)/debian/packages.list00:17
asacmy brain still had the > in it00:17
asacbut you can combine 1 and 2 like it ;)00:17
asaci would hope00:17
asacbut not important enough00:18
asacso just keep ;)00:18
micahgasac: before I had uniq FILE | sort >00:18
asacmicahg: ok. did you do a local test build?00:19
asacdo the languages install?00:19
micahgyes, works fine in karmic00:19
micahgjsut erased it00:19
asacplease test the following languages: de, fr, es, pt, en_GB, if more you can take them00:19
asacoh and also zh00:19
asac(if you do release tests of locales)00:19
micahghow do you list the files in a .deb again?00:20
asacif you have the deb?00:20
asacinstalled its dpkg -L packagename00:20
asacdpkg -c filename00:20
micahgyep, appears to be working :)00:21
asacinstall them . test them00:21
asacand then upload to a ppa for lucid00:21
asacand then try hardy00:21
micahgis it enough to just install the .debs locally to test or do I need the language-selector test again?00:21
asacjust install locally00:21
asacand use00:21
asacexport LANG=de00:21
asacexport LANG=zh_TW00:22
asacexport LANG=zh_CN00:22
asacexport LANG=fr00:22
micahgoh, I was using the language addon in TB to switch00:22
asacthats not how we do it00:22
asacwe just use LANG env ;)00:22
asacyou probably need to uninstall that00:22
asacoh ... nowadays we seem to have issues with some extensions00:23
asacwhen starting firefox twice00:23
asacso start twice to test ;)00:23
asacsecond time for greasemonkey it doesnt start anymore for instance00:23
micahghardy worked now :)00:23
asacsame could be true for translations ... until someone has debugged that we should use extra care00:23
asacgood ;)00:24
asacwell done00:24
asacmaybe give the full roundtrip a try too ... e.g. does updating xpis sstill work etc.00:24
* micahg will have to remove the broken .xpis again, but ok00:25
asacbroken xpis?00:26
micahgyeah, tehre were 3 languages that had whitespace00:26
micahgbug...package names need to be lowercase...00:29
asacprobably ;)00:29
micahgall is ok now :)00:35
micahgtest build in ppa on lucid and karmic00:38
micahgasac: should I spin a TB3 build as well?00:38
micahgbdrung: thanks, all is working on hardy :)00:43
asacmicahg: yes00:55
micahgasac: is it worth denting about pushing stuff to my personal PPAs?01:12
micahgasac: also, have you reviewed my changes for TB3?01:13
micahgasac: TB3 built fine on lucid amd6401:31
asaci think all security stuff should be up now01:31
asacminus xul 1.9.1 lucid01:32
micahgthat's great then01:32
micahg63 pending builds01:32
micahgBTW, debian apaprently has a fix for sparc01:32
asacwe should disable-jit there01:32
asacuntil we have upstream fix01:32
asacwe have that fix in 1.9.1 i thought01:32
asacat least karmic ?01:33
micahgfor sparc?01:33
asacso in karmic 1.9.1 builds for sparc01:33
micahgah, yes01:34
micahgso, that needs to be ported fwd as well?01:35
micahgto 3.6?01:35
asacyes. though i think there is an upstream fix pending01:36
asacarmin76 would know ;)01:36
micahgI get this now ...01:37
micahg(process:20696): Gtk-WARNING **: Locale not supported by C library.01:37
micahg        Using the fallback 'C' locale.01:37
micahgwhen I try this:  export LANG=de01:37
asacis it in german?01:38
asacmight be you need for language packs01:38
asacbut tbird should be german still, isnt it?01:38
asacexport LANG=de_DE01:39
asacexport LANG=de_DE.UTF-801:39
asacthen there is something wrong ;)01:39
asacthe warning shouldnt be the problem01:39
* micahg probably needs the langpacks01:39
asactry it... but afaik, tbird doesnt care for that01:40
* micahg has it01:40
micahgno go01:40
asacrather check if all is right01:40
micahgwhen I use the locale switcher, it works01:40
asachave you uninstalled that now?01:40
micahgthe langpacks show up in tb01:40
asacgo to config editor01:40
asacsearch for matchOS01:41
asacmost likely that messed with that setting01:41
micahgah, I might not have that...01:41
asacit should be default aka true01:41
asacyou should have that01:41
asacbut probably set to false01:41
micahgfalse :)01:41
asacfrom the extension shit01:41
asacsorry for bad tone01:41
micahgsays the default is false01:42
asacthats a problem then01:42
asacfor firefox we ship it like:01:42
asacgrep matchOS /etc/firefox/pref/*01:42
asacpref("intl.locale.matchOS", true);01:42
asacso in the syspref file01:42
* micahg is chcecking with a clean profile01:42
asacmost likely we dont even have a syspref patch?01:42
asacyes, try everything clean01:42
asacwe dont even ship /etc/thunderbird ?01:43
asacwe need the syspref feature from firefox01:43
asacand the link from APPDIR/defaults/sysprefs /etc/thunderbird/pref01:43
micahgyes,w e do01:43
asacmicahg: thats not shipped by our tbird 3 package, or is it?01:44
micahgyes, that's from the tb3 package01:44
asacif its shipped we need a patch and a link like above01:44
asacAPPDIR/defaults/sysprefs /etc/thunderbird/pref01:45
asaclike in firefox01:45
asacb ls debian/patches/*sys*01:45
asacthats what we need in tb3 i guess01:46
asacfor the syspref dir01:46
micahgshould I pull hte patch from ff3.5?01:48
micahgor rather xul19101:48
micahgI grabbed the xulrunner patch and it's bulding now02:04
asacmicahg: from 3.602:21
asacbut i think it just applies02:21
asacfrom 1.9.102:21
micahgasac: I pulled the patch from xul191 since that's what TB3 is built on02:23
asacall good i guess02:23
micahgshould be almost done building02:23
asacmicahg: remember that the link needs to be created02:23
micahgare the rest of my patches ok?02:23
asacno idea02:23
* micahg forgot the link...I'll let it build first :)02:23
asaci assume you picked the other patches from xul etc.?02:25
asacthen they should be fine02:25
asacplease commit the rest of the stuff (incl. the link and the script) i will review and upload tomorrow02:25
asacyou can make a release commit on your branch ... just in case that its perfect ;)02:26
asactry a few cases for the profile migration and see if decide later makes it pop up again and so on02:26
asaci have to drop to bed ;)02:26
asacthe locale packages are in your ppa now?02:26
asacthe debhelper 5 ones? good02:27
micahgwell, I have it for dh602:27
micahgsince that's what hardy has02:27
asaci am quite sure your script works with 5 too02:27
micahgprobably :)02:27
asacthe previous rules didnt have anything newer02:27
asacplease use whatever was used in the previous package02:27
micahgthat was 402:27
asacthen that02:27
micahgand I had lintian complaints02:27
asaci think 5 is decent old02:28
asacbut whatever. i might change it on upload02:28
asacit definitly needs to match what you have as lower versoin in control02:28
micahgthat's what I set both at 602:28
micahgwell, control is 6~02:29
micahgdo I need a .js file for tb02:29
asacuse hte one from the old pakcage02:29
asactbird 202:29
asaccat /etc/thunderbird/pref/thunderbird.js  | pastebinit02:29
asacdont ask me why we have those ;)02:30
asacmatchOS is important02:30
asacno idea about pref("extensions.update.enabled", true);02:30
asacfeels like its really old02:30
micahgok, I got rid of the line and added it to the .install file02:33
asacthe line?02:34
asacyou mean dh_install?02:34
micahgdebian/thunderbird.js etc/thunderbird/pref02:34
micahgnow,do i need to link that to the TB dir in addition?02:34
asaclike in ffox3.602:34
micahggot it02:38
* micahg is changing compat back to 402:41
micahgasac: good night02:43
micahgI'll try to be on around 13:00 UTC02:43
micahgasac: locales work now :)02:59
ArneGoetjeasac: orz... respinning language-pack updates now.05:01
ArneGoetjeasac: uploading07:17
asacArneGoetje: i wanted to update the searchplugins today ... now we need another run :(10:22
ArneGoetjeasac: actually I need to leave now... how much time do the changes need?10:23
asacno clue10:23
asaci will talk to pitti10:23
asacjust give me instructions how to run that stuff10:23
asaci dont like the idea doing it manually :/10:23
asaci have all the info now10:23
ArneGoetjeasac: respin the language packs?10:24
asacwe need to do that10:24
ArneGoetjeasac: the latest tarball for lucid in unpacked in /srv/language-packs.ubuntu.com/langpack-o-matic/temp10:25
ArneGoetjeasac: edit rosetta-lucid/timestamp.txt and bump the version number to .3 and +1 for every respin.10:26
asacArneGoetje: so this time bump it to .3, right?10:26
asacArneGoetje: and how to run?10:26
ArneGoetjeasac: from temp/, build a new tarball, so that the top level directory in the tarball is rosetta-lucid/10:26
ArneGoetjeasac: yes10:26
ArneGoetjewhen you have the tarball, cd to /srv/language-packs.ubuntu.com/langpack-o-matic10:27
ArneGoetjeasac: the run ./import $tarball lucid 1> ../logs/lucid.log 2>../logs/lucid_errors.log10:27
asacdoes the tarball name matter?10:27
ArneGoetjeasac: no10:28
asacand then?10:28
ArneGoetjeasac: then check the logs and tarballs in ../lucid/sources-update/language-pack-$languagecode/data/mozilla.tar.gz10:28
ArneGoetjeasac: if everything is fine, run dchroot -d /srv/language-packs.ubuntu.com/langpack-o-matic/packages upload10:29
ArneGoetjeasac: done.10:29
asachmm ok10:29
asacArneGoetje: i dont see any langpacks on the builders10:29
asacdoes that mean it just takes a few hours to build all?10:29
ArneGoetjeasac: are they in the queue?10:30
asacwhich queue?10:30
ArneGoetjeasac: or maybe built already?10:30
asacno idea10:31
asacArneGoetje: does that automatically produce update langpacks?10:31
asacits odd... i thought we push 100 langpacks or so10:32
asachow can it be that they already finished?10:32
asaci see the -nl is already build10:32
ArneGoetjeasac: the updates are not that big10:32
ArneGoetjeasac: those are not full-exports from rosetta, just deltas10:32
asacwhat does it mean?10:32
asacso langpack-o-matic checks later if there were any changes and decides to not upload all?10:33
ArneGoetjeasac: yes10:33
asacwhere can i see what was uploaded?10:33
asacArneGoetje: how does it determine that?10:33
asacnow that we have searchplugins its more than just the .po files10:34
asacdoes it produce all sources and then compare the content of those sources?10:34
asacArneGoetje: i need to run everything as langpack from above?10:34
ArneGoetjeasac: no, it goes through the language codes in the rosetta tarball.10:35
asacand compares the tarballs?10:36
ArneGoetjeasac: only those languages which actually have updates in the tarball get built.10:36
asacmakes sense10:36
asacenjoy your holiday10:36
asacand sorry for the disturbance ... i really didnt expect you to come back ;)10:36
ArneGoetjeasac: IOW, when we implement the searchplugins stuff for all languages, we need to get new -base packages, means a full-export from rosetta. And then need to change the code in po2xpi to detect changes in the searchplugins folder, since they are independent from the rosetta-tarballs.10:37
ArneGoetjeasac: currently it doesn't do that10:38
ArneGoetjeasac: but languages, which ave upstream XPIs, get updated in any case.10:38
ArneGoetjeasac: if you have trouble or questions, ping me later, I will probably be online again after 4 hours, when my kids are asleep.10:40
asaci dont get that.10:40
asaci thought rosetta tarballs means the .tar.gz produced by rosetta10:40
asaci thought mozilla.tar.gz is included in each of that10:40
ArneGoetjeasac: but from tomorrow on I will be travelling with my family for the rest of the week and won't always have internet connectivity.10:41
asacso if the searchplugins change ... the mozilla.tar.gz changes ... the rosetta tarball changes10:41
ArneGoetjeasac: no.10:41
asacArneGoetje: thanks. i think its ok this week10:41
asaci just need to change the existing searchplugins ... or maybe add one more (or does that not even work?)10:41
ArneGoetjeasac: the rosetta tarballs only include the .po files of those languages which have changes.10:42
ArneGoetjeasac: the mozilla.tar.gz tarballs are produced by po2xpi10:42
asaclangpack-o-matic should do a full run and then compare the output rather than the input10:42
asacArneGoetje: i know. thats why i wondered if it works ata ll if i rerun10:42
ArneGoetjeasac: if you are volunteering to write the code to do that, go ahead. ;)10:42
asacwhy does it work if i rerun now?10:43
asacin my book the .po files didnt change10:43
asac-> searchplugins wont get included10:43
asacfta: https://launchpad.net/bugs/52207810:45
ubottuUbuntu bug 522078 in chromium-browser "Crashes reproducibly when trying to edit events in Google Calendar" [Undecided,New]10:45
ArneGoetjeasac: it doesn't matter if the po files changed. If they are present, the language will get updated.10:45
asacmdz says its not crashing from beta channel ppa, but from archive10:45
ArneGoetjeasac: and somehow those languages with upstream xpis also get rebuilt... need to check the code in po2xpi to figure out how this works and why10:46
asacah ok10:47
asacArneGoetje: so it means we might not have gotten all langpacks?10:47
asacerr searchplugins10:47
asachave you checked that at least those languages were included?10:47
ArneGoetjeasac: I have only checked de and zh-hant, not all languages10:48
asaci will see10:49
asacenjoy your holiday10:49
ArneGoetjeasac: ok, thanks10:49
asacfta: how can we verify that our release really matches the beta channel?10:51
=== BUGabundo_remote is now known as BUGabundo_lunch
fta2asac, http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=3472512:15
asacfta2: so go for in-source?12:17
asacwhat are we still using from system?12:17
asacgtk, nss/nspr? anything else?12:17
asacon jpeg?12:17
asaclets upload with libxslt also dropped then12:18
fta2GYP_DEFINES += \12:18
fta2        use_system_bzip2=1 \12:18
fta2        use_system_zlib=0 \12:18
fta2        use_system_libjpeg=1 \12:18
fta2        use_system_libpng=1 \12:18
fta2        use_system_sqlite=$(USE_SYSTEM_SQLITE) \12:18
fta2        use_system_libxml=0 \12:18
fta2        use_system_libxslt=0 \12:18
fta2        $(NULL)12:18
fta2so just bzip2, jpeg and png12:18
asacthey dont have their own apng?12:19
fta2i don't think so12:19
asacwonder if we should just set everything to 0 ;)12:19
asacfta2: maybe do that and update the beta channel archive upload if you have time12:20
fta2ifeq (1,$(WANT_SYSTEM_LIBS))12:20
asacmaybe we should disable that for beta builds now that we have that in archive ;)12:20
asacthough ... i am not sure we should have system libs12:20
asacif upstream doesnt care12:20
fta2i have to regenerate all tarballs then12:20
asacfta2: huh?12:20
asacfta2: thats a build time option, isnt it?12:21
asacor are we stripping based on GYP_DEFINES?12:21
fta2because when USE_SYSTEM_SQLITE is set, i strip the corresponding dirs from the tarball12:21
asaccan you just append +1 or something to the upstream version?12:21
asacor does that kill the beta ppa?12:22
fta2yep, already did +0 last week for libxml12:22
asacok so thats already done right ;)12:22
asacproven to work (TM)12:22
asacso all or just xslt this round?12:23
asacin-sourcifying that is12:23
asacfta2: maybe comment on the launchpad bug and close it for the upload (or ask mdz etc. to verify a testbuild from beta ppa) ... so you get the credits ;)12:27
=== BUGabundo_lunch is now known as BUGabundo_remote
micahgasac: I'm getting a different rich root support error when trying to merge dmitrij's branch13:41
asacmicahg: yeah. then he has to redo his branch ;)13:50
asacmicahg: what do you have for bzr info ?13:50
micahgbranching now to cehck13:51
micahgStandalone tree (format: unnamed)13:51
micahgsame as ours..weird13:51
micahgasac: ^^13:54
asacmicahg: i would suggest to start with a fresh branch13:55
asacmaybe even the branch attempt messes up our format13:55
micahgmaybe all the branches got upgraded?13:57
micahgshould I just grab the diff and apply manually?13:58
micahgor ask him to redo13:58
micahgasac: ^^14:09
asaci dont know ;)14:16
asaci would hope he made a mistake such as bzr upgrade14:16
asaclets ask on #bzr14:17
asacmicahg: run info -v14:24
asacto get more info14:24
asacbzr info -v14:24
asaccan you paste that output?14:24
micahgyeah, his is using rich roots (2a)14:28
micahgasac: ^^14:28
micahg repository: Repository format 2a - rich roots, group compression and chk inventories14:29
micahgours: repository: Packs containing knits without subtree support14:29
maxb<asac> i would hope he made a mistake such as bzr upgrade14:31
maxbUnfortunately there's a hideous trap for the unwary where if you 'bzr init-repo' and then 'bzr branch' a remote project into that repo, you can unwittingly get a local branch that is rich-rooted14:31
asacthat feels bad ;)14:32
maxbvery bad14:32
micahgasac: is it bad to ping on identi.ca?14:32
asacmicahg: for what?14:33
micahgasac: to get dmitrij to update his branch14:33
asacyou can ask on the merge request14:33
micahgasac: what can I do in the mean time, prepare the update?14:33
asacmicahg: testing it14:36
asacthe bits are there14:36
asacfor 3.0 and 3.514:36
asacmicahg: also just apply his branch manually and reject14:37
asachis merge14:37
asacsaying that he upgraded branch format14:37
micahgasac: I asked you that and already replied :(14:37
asacyeah. you can update ;)14:38
asacand say you changed your mind because someone else was stupid ;)14:38
asacmicahg: xulrunner-1.9.2.head is pack-0.9214:45
asacsame for firefox-3.6.head14:45
asacnot sure why you think it isnt14:45
asacso the reason is that they submitter branched firefox in a rich-root repository14:46
micahgI'm doing xulrunner-1.9.114:46
asacbzr info https://edge.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/xulrunner/xulrunner-1.9.1.head14:46
asacRepository branch (format: pack-0.92)14:46
asacyou have a local repository?14:47
micahgI've tried branching anew 3 times14:47
asacand local checkout is14:48
asacbzr info14:48
asacStandalone tree (format: pack-0.92)14:48
asacmicahg: you probably have a repository in the top level directory where you branch it14:48
asaclike you ran bzr init-repo at some point14:48
asacnever do that ;)14:48
asacits messy14:48
asacat least i only have bad experiences with repositories14:48
asacthey cause things like this14:48
micahgnot a branch14:48
asacpaste bzr info -v14:49
asacanyway. i dont know then14:49
asacmaybe you have something odd in .bazaar?14:49
micahgii  bzr                                             2.0.4-1~bazaar1~karmi14:49
asacworking tree format is 4 for me14:50
asacfor you its 614:50
micahgnothing in the conf file14:50
micahgasac: which version of bzr do you have?14:51
asacfrom lucid14:52
micahgshould I upgrade?14:52
asacto lucid?14:53
micahgno, to the 2.1rc214:53
asacdo that in a time when it doesnt block your work :)14:53
asaci dont know14:53
asacseems your commits at least dont trash the online branch ;)14:53
* micahg wonders why using the stable bzr branch is worse14:53
asacprobably a bug in 2.0.414:54
asac15:52 < asac> so guess that was a bug in karmic bzr?14:55
asac15:52 < asac> thats 2.0.414:55
asac15:54 < fullermd> No, 2.1 does it too.14:55
asac15:54 < asac> why not for me?14:55
asac15:54 < asac> 15:51 < asac> i have http://pastebin.com/f230277fa14:55
asac15:54 < asac> thats bzr info -v14:55
asac15:54 < fullermd> Because you're using http; it's preserving it over that.14:55
micahgkarmic released with 2.0.0 and was updated to 2.0.214:56
* micahg follows the bzr teams' PPA14:56
asacso over http its ok14:56
asacseems the working tree format only matters for local trees according to bzr14:56
asacok lets move on14:56
asacwhats up with the tbird script?14:57
asacthats tested thoroughly?14:57
micahgmigrator?  should be done14:57
micahgI did some testing14:57
asacall cases?14:57
asacand langpacks are also tested?14:58
* asac pulls latest14:58
micahglangpacks work14:58
* micahg tested with .m-tb and .tb3 and keep, .m-tb and .tb3 and use .tb3, .m-tb w/out .tb3, and migrated .m-tb and .tb3 and use .tb314:59
asacyou didnt add all commits to changelog?15:00
asaclike rev 12115:00
micahgasac: those were my fault from the import15:01
micahgshould be the same as TB215:02
asacmicahg: i assume we dont have the orig production fixed?15:02
micahgasac: nope, I fixed it in my branch :)15:02
asacoh we have15:02
asaclet me try that15:02
micahgasac: should I get someone to test it15:02
micahgI mean TB315:02
micahgasac: I added fta's fix so that we can do rc's as well15:03
asacif your ppa is clean (e.g. locales + tb3) you can ask someone, yes15:03
asaci would test the upgrade locally first once though15:03
asacif i was you that is15:04
micahgunfortunately, it's 2 ppas since I messed up with the first .orig.tar.gz15:04
micahgI did test them locally first :)15:04
micahgasac: I15:06
micahgasac: I'll merge in the changes for on my way to work15:06
asacmicahg: thanks15:48
micahgasac: I should be back online in 1.5-2 hours15:56
kindofabuzzwhere's the builds been?17:11
BUGabundo_remoteasac: fta: is adobe flash in parter missing ? flash installer just 404's17:59
asacBUGabundo_remote: needs to get updated18:04
asaci need to ping the guy18:04
BUGabundo_remoteasac: karmic clean install, full upgrade, adding ppa stable release to get FF 3.6, it loses icon on top bar18:14
BUGabundo_remoteasac: FYI security repo seems to have the last one, while partner doesn't18:23
micahgBUGabundo_remote: you talking about flash?18:24
asacmicahg: BUGabundo_remote strange18:25
asacmicahg: oops18:25
micahgmicahg: hi18:25
micahgasac: I have stuff for you :)18:25
asacmicahg: looking at tbird i wonder why the locales dont alternativeyl depend on language-support... anymore?18:26
* asac runs18:26
micahgasac: doesn't exist18:26
asachave you checked with pitti what to use instead and he said nothing?18:26
micahgasac: I asked ArneGoetje and he said nothing18:27
micahghe said that the language selector installs it automatically18:27
asacpitti confirmed18:29
asacmicahg: so you had something for me?18:30
micahgasac: yes, sorry..I took dmitrij's changes and just enhanced the changelog18:31
* micahg is pushing now18:31
asacis lucid ready then?18:31
asacis it on 1.9.2 too?18:31
micahgI also added the apport hook for ff and added PPA support for it hopefully, but I need to test18:31
micahgasac: not yet18:31
asacright. so ffox is done?18:32
* asac checks if its ready for upload18:32
micahgasac: which ff?18:32
asacthe others are in the security ppa ;)18:33
micahgoh, I wanted to test the apport hook first :)18:33
asacwe dont upload 3.5 to lucid anymore18:33
micahgasac: lucid xul191 is ready though18:33
micahgI jsut pushed18:33
asacok let me put that in security ppa18:35
BUGabundo_remotemicahg: I was18:35
asacactually its not ffox ... let me upload that directly18:35
micahgBUGabundo_remote: yeah, partner updated over the weekend and security team didn't get to it yet18:36
micahgasac: should I set dmitrij's branch to merged since I merged it in manually or is that deceptive?18:36
asaccomment that you manually did it now18:36
micahgasac: done18:38
micahgasac: I'm test building 3.6 now18:38
asacso the migrator seems to be more or less happy for main cases18:41
asacin contrast to tbird itself ;)18:41
asacseems i didnt open it for a bit ;)18:41
asacnow it has 250K messages to index ;)18:41
micahgah, yeah, we had a complaint about the global search18:42
micahgthere's an upstream bug to add some control over it in 3.118:42
asacmaybe its even a bit better in 3.0.118:42
asacmicahg: do you know 3.6.1 scheduled?18:47
micahgasac: 3.6.1 was skipped18:47
micahgI think they wanted to do 3.6.2 soon18:48
micahgbut that didn't seem to happen18:48
asachow many bug fixes piled up upstream for 3.6 branch?18:49
* micahg checks18:49
micahg10 fir 3.6.118:51
micahgjdstrand: BTW, ff 3.0.18/3.5.8 is supposed to be released tomorrow from mozilla19:09
asacfta2: seems it was fixed19:10
asaccan we get that in archive?19:10
asacremember to close the lp bug ;)19:14
asacwell done :-P19:14
micahgasac: I'll update the firefox-stable PPA after we get ubuntu3 in19:20
* asac waits for the bits19:22
micahgalmost done building :)19:22
jdstrandmicahg: I'm off today, but what testing has been/will be performed on those?19:25
micahgjdstrand: sorry, they were uploaded to the security PPA, idk what needs to be done, I'll ask asac, I just figured I'd let you know so that someone has time to write the USN19:26
jdstrandmicahg: yes, I'll write the USN and do some testing, but normally asac et al does a bunch of testing. I wanted to make sure that was being done this time19:27
micahgjdstrand: k, sorry for bothering you on your day off19:27
jdstrandnp :)19:28
BUGabundomicahg: I was only reporting back19:49
micahgBUGabundo: k :)19:49
BUGabundosince my boss did a clean install after he messed his debian squeese19:50
BUGabundowent (k)ubuntu19:50
BUGabundoand flash and FF upgrades gave him probs19:50
BUGabundoI'm still waiting for a packaged 64bits flash19:50
micahgBUGabundo: as soon as it's released :)19:50
BUGabundoI should upgrdade mine19:50
BUGabundorunning a old one19:51
BUGabundoShockwave Flash 10.0 r4219:51
crimsunr45 doesn't help with hulu, unfortunately19:51
* micahg doesn't have a problem with hulu and nspluginwrapper19:51
BUGabundodon't have it here19:52
crimsunmicahg: right, only 64-bit is affected19:52
asacBUGabundo: adobe stopped doing 64-bit afaik for the last few releases19:53
BUGabundo$ md5sum /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so19:53
BUGabundo57fb976761aac898897e96101ee1a4e0  /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so19:53
BUGabundoasac: they did ?19:53
micahgcrimsun: 64 bit flash doesn't work wiith hulu?19:53
BUGabundoso what is this ??19:53
asacmaybe they resurrected it again. i know that they skipped a release at least19:54
BUGabundo64bits devel doesn't keep up with main team19:54
micahgwhich is why we can't publish it :)19:54
micahgand otehr reasosn..19:54
BUGabundobut that's either cause its small audience, doesn't affect it, or lacks man power19:54
* micahg thinks it's because it's pre-release19:55
BUGabundomicahg: being pre is only cause they don't want to go full support19:55
BUGabundoie very small audience19:55
BUGabundoif they did release full support on all archs, browsers19:55
BUGabundoit would be a mess19:55
micahgBUGabundo: no, because it's not ready yet, they plan on releasing with 10.1+19:55
BUGabundoMSFT is doing the same with silverlight19:55
BUGabundomicahg: I dough they will ever make it a full rlease like 32bits19:56
BUGabundonot enough quota19:56
micahgBUGabundo: you mean limited current use or potential userbase?19:56
BUGabundomany of us use 64bits but still we are very few19:56
micahgBUGabundo: they said they plan too sometime after the 10.1 release19:56
BUGabundoWin is still mostly 32bits, so is mac, and even canonical *only* shipps 32b CDs19:56
BUGabundomicahg: not from what I've read...19:57
micahgBUGabundo: server CDs are 64 bit :)19:57
BUGabundono. they are multi kernel19:57
BUGabundowith PAE support19:57
BUGabundocould be wrong, stop following kernel ML last cycle19:57
* BUGabundo should catch up on mozilla team ML19:57
micahgBUGabundo: http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer10/faq.html#flashplayer10FAQ_64-bit0319:57
micahgBUGabundo: the CDs I have say 64 bit only19:58
BUGabundohow long as that been there??19:58
micahgsince jaunty at least19:58
BUGabundosince the beginning ?19:58
BUGabundoI'vent asked for server CDs19:58
BUGabundoI only get 50 32bits on each cicle19:59
BUGabundoI have a Remaning one!19:59
micahgBUGabundo: apple is moving to 64 bit only I think and MSFT is now installing 64 bit win7 on capable machiens19:59
BUGabundogave the last ones last Saturday, on my FLOSS class :D19:59
BUGabundoand when did Linux moved to 64bits?19:59
micahg10 years ago?19:59
BUGabundoI've been using 64bits for 2 or more years19:59
micahgasac: non distro apport doesn't seem to work20:08
micahgneeds more debugging20:08
micahgshould I push everything else?20:08
ftayou can trick apport20:10
micahgfta:yes, but I need to figure out what's wrong :)20:23
ftaasac, what's the impact of MeeGo for Moblin/Ubuntu?20:29
dupondjeany eta btw on the broken search engines ?21:02
micahgdupondje: lucid or firefox-stable ppa?21:03
micahgI guess that depends on whether or not we need to wait for PPA apport hooks21:04
micahgasac: what do you think ^^21:04
dupondjewhats need to be done for it ? as its just broke recently21:04
micahgdupondje: fix is already commited21:05
dupondjebut ... :)21:06
ftaBUGabundo, http://www.theregister.co.uk/2010/02/11/street_view_finland//print.html21:10
BUGabundofta: getting snaps again :(21:12
ftawith this page?21:12
BUGabundofta LOLOL21:13
BUGabundono not this page21:13
BUGabundogoogle ones.21:13
BUGabundolike gmail and greader21:13
BUGabundofta can you open https://caixadirecta.cgd.pt/ ?21:13
BUGabundogives me prob with cookies21:13
ftagmail should be fixed with the last batch (except trunk)21:14
BUGabundoso its know21:15
BUGabundoI don't understand how they break their own products21:16
BUGabundoremind me the time when we couldn't login to greader21:16
ftaasac, micahg: maybe something you should reuse? http://glandium.org/blog/?p=90021:21
ftaBUGabundo, they didn't, i sort of did (system lib related issue)21:22
micahgfta: I saw that21:22
micahgbut it seems we already had it working for karmic/ff3.6 in lucid21:22
BUGabundoah ok21:23
BUGabundomicahg: explain !?21:41
* [reed] rolls eyes at all the patches glandium does for Debian21:41
micahgBUGabundo: unlimited.status.net vs brainbird bs identica21:42
BUGabundowhats glandium ?21:42
micahgBUGabundo: mike hommey from debian21:43
BUGabundowell BB is hosted by deepspawn21:43
BUGabundothanks micahg21:43
BUGabundomicahg: one of the reasons that makes me run on other server other then identica21:46
BUGabundois to _force_ SNI to improve Federation, aka OMB21:46
BUGabundothey are now launching the new OStatus21:46
BUGabundothat should improve it a lot21:47
micahgBUGabundo: so you're telling me I'm using the twitter of open source microblogging?21:49
BUGabundono no21:50
BUGabundowhy ?21:50
micahgI thought you meant it's the big dog and people aren't paying attention to the rest of the network21:50
BUGabundowell yes , a bit21:52
BUGabundoand evan gets mad when ppl move away21:53
BUGabundoI think he forgets its all a single network21:53
BUGabundono mather in which server the user is21:53
micahgBUGabundo: l21:53
ftaBUGabundo, http://amix.dk/22:19
BUGabundoyou got lost about it ?22:19
ftakenvandine, with gwibber gone from the tray, i no longer see it, so i no longer think of using it :P22:42
BUGabundouse the indicator22:44
ftatoo slow22:45
ftacompared to the tray22:45
ftaif it was like rhythmbox, that would be acceptable22:46
micahgis there a way to zero out xsession-errors w/out restarting?22:51
micahgmine grew to 35G22:51
ftacat /dev/null > ~/.xsessionblabla22:58
ftamicahg, ^^22:58
micahgfta: will that actually give me the space back and keep writing to the file new stuff?22:59
ftayes, unless a process still has the file opened22:59
ftalsof could tell you22:59
micahg92 processes have it open :(23:00
* micahg guesses he will have to reboot23:00
micahgthanks anyways fta23:01
ftamicahg, well, no. try. it should work as it doesn't change the inode23:02
micahgwell, it gave me the space back at least :)23:04
* micahg won't actually need the info in the file until I report a bug against the program causing the issue23:05
micahgand it looks like new stuff is being written, even better, thanks fta23:06
micahgthere a problem with wine/audio23:07
ftaasac, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/39246642/buildlog_ubuntu-intrepid-amd64.chromium-browser_5.0.322.2~r38810%2B0-0ubuntu1~ucd1~intrepid_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz23:37
ftafunny error23:37
micahgBUGabundo: does identi.ca support /me?23:48

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