russell5 | so when i set up a recording from the main menu under recordings it doesnt record. when i go to status it says neither tuner is recording. also if i go into livetv after that its on the channel it was supposed to record. when i go into livetv and either hit record or go the the program guide from livetv it records without an issue. can someone offer any insight? | 00:45 |
foxbuntu | russell5, I would tend to think its your method of setting up the recording rules for shows rather than something broken based on your description. Explain your exact steps for further details on your issue. | 02:37 |
russell5 | well from the main menu i go to manage recordings> schedule recordings>program guide. then i pick something to record and set it to record.then went back to the main menu. then at the time the show should start recording i go into information center > system status > tuner status and both my tuners says not recording. and this is a few minutes after the show starts. | 02:40 |
russell5 | But if i go from the main menu into watch tv then pull up the menu and program guide and from there set a show to record then back out to infocenter and tuner status it says recording on one of the tuner cards | 02:41 |
russell5 | the odd thing is if i set it from manage recordings and then at the time of the recording if i go to watch tv its tuned to the channel it is supposed to be recording | 02:49 |
dad__ | i ned some help with mythbuntu diskless client | 09:45 |
dad__ | time on clients is wrong so mythtv will not open | 09:45 |
dad__ | ntp is installed on server | 09:45 |
dad__ | I had ntp installed on client as well and I set to receive time from server now this made the time on the client 11 hours ahead of the server | 09:47 |
dad__ | now I live in melb au which at presenet is 10 hours +gmt +hr daylight saving | 09:48 |
dad__ | when i change client timezone to england/london The time reads correct | 09:49 |
dad__ | Its like the time the server is sending the client is already locallized and it adds another 11 hours onto it making the time 11 hours in the future on the the client | 09:50 |
dad__ | I have also tried using the servers to set time on client machine this strangely gives me time the wrong time as well. | 09:53 |
dad__ | mythtv will not open if timezone on frontend and backend is different so changing to london is not a solution. | 10:05 |
dad__ | hey | 11:54 |
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tmkt | hey to i rest the audio settings with mythbuntu? seems it got switched to pulse when i installed mpd | 17:34 |
tmkt | removed mpd | 17:34 |
tmkt | and can't find a place to switch back to alsa and get my audio in myth working again | 17:34 |
dj_segfault | Hey. I am experiencing some small problems on my Ubuntu (NOTE NOT Mythbuntu) Karmic, and on a previous visit here someone told me they were all problems fixed in Mythtv, but Ubuntu repos doesn't have them, so I should set up autobuilds ( even though I'm not using Mythbuntu. I'm trying to do that, but my server wants to do a partial upgrade, whatever that is. When it does, i | 20:56 |
rhpot1991 | dj_segfault: you will have to do a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade | 21:06 |
rhpot1991 | we changed some packaging around, and it will need to remove the old ones and install the new ones | 21:06 |
dj_segfault | But will that fix it trying to get the wrong version? | 21:07 |
dj_segfault | OK, doing it now. Looks like it's trying to grab the later build. So far so good.. | 21:08 |
dj_segfault | BTW, since I don't have mythbuntu I don't have the nice config GUI, but I ran dpkg-reconfigure mythbuntu-repos. I didn't see an option for "testing" or "fixes" as described on that page. Or do they mean .23 vs .22? | 21:09 |
* rhpot1991 grumbles | 21:26 |
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