=== hansfbaier_ is now known as hansfbaier | ||
* abogani waves | 08:33 | |
=== hansfbaier_ is now known as hansfbaier | ||
* abogani wondering if choice about kernels was taken... | 12:08 | |
=== hansfbaier_ is now known as hansfbaier | ||
dholbach | hiya | 17:05 |
ScottL_ | hi dholbach | 17:07 |
dholbach | hey ScottL_ | 17:07 |
dholbach | stochastic_: ever heard of xwax playing tracks much too fast? | 17:08 |
dholbach | stochastic_: which timecode vinyl do you use? | 17:09 |
ScottL_ | TheMuso: since you deal with the assessibility, I read about Orca lead developer being fired lately :( http://lwn.net/Articles/373475/rss | 18:14 |
* abogani waves | 18:28 | |
abogani | Anyone are around? | 18:34 |
ScottL_ | hi abogani | 18:42 |
abogani | ScottL_: Fee... _live_ in this channel... | 18:42 |
abogani | :-) | 18:42 |
ScottL_ | are you asking if I live in this channel? | 18:43 |
abogani | No I ask if there are _life_ in general in this channel. | 18:43 |
abogani | There are two days that I try to know if someone has taken decisions about kernels. | 18:44 |
ScottL_ | yes, I was wondering if any decisions were made about the kernel as well | 18:44 |
abogani | ScottL_: What is your TZ? | 18:45 |
ScottL_ | Central (US) | 18:45 |
abogani | ScottL_: What is the nearest to you big city? I would want add your TZ into Gnome Clock | 18:47 |
ScottL_ | Houston, Texas probably. I would also suggest Dallas but I expect Houston will be there because of NASA. | 18:48 |
ScottL_ | abogani: I'm curious as well, where do you live? | 18:49 |
abogani | ScottL_: Prato, 17Km Florence in the middle of Italy | 18:50 |
abogani | I meant 17km near Floirence | 18:51 |
abogani | Florence | 18:51 |
abogani | ScottL_: http://maps.google.com/places/it/prato-city?hl=en | 18:54 |
abogani | ScottL_: Do you know TZ of others Studio Developers? | 18:56 |
ScottL_ | heh, I was guessing Italy by your (presumably) last name :) | 19:01 |
crimsun | I'm EST (currently -0500) | 19:02 |
crimsun | so is mma | 19:02 |
ScottL_ | re: Studio Developers - I know generalities but no specifics | 19:02 |
ScottL_ | cory was east coast, themuso is in Australia, stochastic is somewhere in Canada | 19:02 |
abogani | crimsun: Could you give a city name, please? | 19:03 |
ScottL_ | abogani: those are some extremely beautiful pictures shown on the link you gave | 19:04 |
ScottL_ | that is something that the US does not have that Europe does...such a long, rich history, archetecture and CASTLES! | 19:04 |
abogani | Florence have betters one :-) | 19:04 |
ScottL_ | yeah, the US actually does have a few castles, but not like Europe | 19:04 |
ScottL_ | http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&g=Prato+PO%2C+Italy&q=montgomery%2C+texas&btnG=Search+Maps | 19:05 |
crimsun | abogani: Washington, DC | 19:05 |
ScottL_ | that's the closest city to my house...we live in an unincorporated area (or otherwise know as "outside the city limits") | 19:06 |
abogani | ScottL_: Cool | 19:06 |
abogani | ScottL_, crimsun: Thanks! | 19:07 |
abogani | I go to eat something... | 19:07 |
* abogani comes back | 19:33 | |
* abogani listen "Canon e Gigue" by Remsky | 19:42 | |
TheMuso | ScottL_: Yeah thats old news to me. :) | 21:02 |
* abogani , meanwhile continuously request review on -motu, notice that Luke is around... | 21:35 | |
abogani | TheMuso: Good morning! 08:35 ? | 21:35 |
TheMuso | Hi abogani. | 21:36 |
ScottL_ | TheMuso: did you have secret, insider information or is information in the article old? | 21:42 |
TheMuso | ScottL_: Its rather public info from a couple of weeks back. | 21:42 |
TheMuso | ScottL_: But I was one of the first to find out. | 21:42 |
ScottL_ | TheMuso: so, it sounds like a little "yes" for options then :) | 21:43 |
TheMuso | ScottL_: I don't follow. | 21:46 |
abogani | persia: Are you around? | 21:47 |
ScottL_ | TheMuso: sorry, English is my first language, i'll be better at my second one J/K | 21:47 |
TheMuso | ScottL_: heh | 21:48 |
ScottL_ | i meant 'yes' to BOTH options - meaning you sort of had insider information if you were on of the first people to find out and the information was public for a while now | 21:48 |
TheMuso | ScottL_: oh ok | 21:50 |
TheMuso | ScottL_: yeah that sounds about right | 21:50 |
ScottL_ | anyone heard from luis lately? cory was supposed to send an email but I haven't seen him lately either :( | 21:51 |
TheMuso | I've heard nothing. | 22:02 |
abogani | TheMuso: May I disturb you for a minute? | 22:16 |
TheMuso | abogani: Sure. | 22:23 |
abogani | TheMuso: Have you followed discussions about kernels on Lucid for Studio (that is -preempt vs -lowlatency vs -rt vs -generic)? | 22:25 |
TheMuso | abogani: Not really I am sorry, I have been busy with other things. | 22:30 |
abogani | TheMuso: Ok. I don't want waste your time so only a question: | 22:31 |
TheMuso | sure | 22:31 |
abogani | TheMuso: In your opinion do you have a chance to convince Tim Gardner to release i386 -preempt kernel also? | 22:32 |
abogani | TheMuso: Ubuntu Kernel Team provide only amd64 one. This is why we are the -lowlatency. | 22:33 |
abogani | Into our PPA | 22:33 |
TheMuso | abogani: No sorry, I don't really have time to try and chase that up, and unfortunately my experience is trying to get such things done with the kernel guys is sometimes like going against a brick wall. | 22:34 |
abogani | TheMuso: Same for me :( | 22:34 |
abogani | TheMuso: Do you have any problems if I request per-package upload rights on linux-rt? | 22:36 |
TheMuso | abogani: No, but I haven't really seen any of your recent work appart from that rt upload a while back. | 22:36 |
TheMuso | abogani: So I am not sure how strong your packaging skills are yet. | 22:36 |
abogani | Always better than nothing | 22:39 |
troy_s | Side note, has anyone done any tests regarding illustration / drawing and low latency kernels? | 22:40 |
troy_s | Sorry to jut in, but I could easily see real time kernels being useful to artists. | 22:40 |
abogani | Really? I always supposed that -rt was useful only for audio artists. | 22:43 |
ScottL_ | hi troy_s, also, i'm intrigued by your comment :) | 22:44 |
ScottL_ | but I'll read about it when I get home | 22:44 |
troy_s | ScottL_: Well that's too bad. | 22:44 |
troy_s | abogani: Well so did I | 22:44 |
troy_s | abogani: I'm wondering though. | 22:44 |
troy_s | abogani: In a traditional workflow, you are sketching and drawing large strokes etc. | 22:45 |
troy_s | abogani: If you do this with a tablet, and draw larger strokes (as on a 6x11 tablet) or fast strokes, you get polygonal responses - the kernel can't seem to keep up with the speed of input. | 22:45 |
troy_s | abogani: I'm wondering if _maybe_ -rt would help to bring that latency down? | 22:45 |
abogani | troy_s: Sorry but I don't have direct experience with tablet: I really don't know. The only chance to discover it is testing. | 22:47 |
abogani | unfortunately I don't have any tablet :-( | 22:47 |
troy_s | abogani: I'd test, but I can't think of a way to really prove conclusively with numerical data. | 22:47 |
abogani | troy_s: I suspect that only "user experience" are valid. | 22:49 |
abogani | Sorry guys. It is very late for me. Bed is calling me :-) | 22:51 |
abogani | Ciao! | 22:51 |
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