
NafaiIs there a build somewhere with this revision in it? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/indicator-application/trunk/revision/8200:35
smithjjono: ok, so, seahorse?02:47
jonosmithj, yep02:47
smithjsorry, the timing between "ignore my previous email" and when i read that email was off02:47
smithjk :)02:47
jonoyep, next for you is seahorse :)02:48
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kklimondais there a good explanation of what is indicator applet (and migration from notification area) about?12:11
kklimondasome document I can link people who cry "why yet another standard" to12:12
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NafaiGood morning14:05
jonohey Nafai14:07
NafaiHow's it going jono?14:07
jonogood Nafai, you?14:07
NafaiPretty good, getting started for the day14:08
NafaiGood morning jcastro14:41
NafaiHello qense14:44
jcastrogood morning Nafai!14:44
qensehello Nafai, jcastro!14:45
jcastroqense, I run banshee right outta git so holler at me if you want to test a patch15:00
jcastroqense, also my transmission icon works now!15:00
* hyperair hears banshee15:01
qensejcastro: great, so my latest patch arrived in the nightlies.15:01
jcastroare the nightlies set up for lucid yet?15:01
qenseor weren't you using the Transmission nightlise?15:01
jcastrooh, right, I am15:02
qenseI'm still working on Banshee, I've got the Indicator working, finally, but the menu looks horrible.15:02
jcastroI noticed the icon is busted in lucid too15:02
qensewhat icon?15:02
jcastrothe banshee icon15:02
jcastroI have a dark panel and it has the icon with a grey box behind it15:02
qenseyes, that is a large bug15:02
qensea lot of applications are affected by it15:03
qenseBut it should be fixed when it's using the Indicator Application.15:03
tgpraveen12qense: will u send the patch for banshee upstream?15:18
tgpraveen12have u talked with them about it?15:18
tgpraveen12i use the daily ppa for banshee. so am wondering if it will have it or not.15:19
qensetgpraveen12: I will send the patch upstream. Jcastro has already reported a bug in GNOME Bugzilla. But I won't commit anything until I've got a properly working patch.15:19
jcastrotgpraveen12, I've talked to abock about it briefly15:19
jcastroit likely won't show up in a ppa anytime soon unless upstream accepts it right away or hyperair decides to carry the patch15:20
hyperairjcastro: what patch?15:20
qensehyperair: a currently non-existing patch for giving banshee appindicator support.15:20
jcastrothe hypothetical one  qense is working on but is not ready15:21
hyperairah appindicator support.15:21
hyperairping me when it's ready15:21
hyperairi'll stick it in15:21
NafaiHi LaserJock15:39
NafaiQuestions about indicator applet?15:39
LaserJockyeah, so with gwibber when you open it up you lose the description text15:40
LaserJockbut when I open pidgin it doesn't15:40
Nafaikenvandine: Are you aware of this?15:40
LaserJockso it seems a little inconsistent with telling you what apps are open15:40
tedgLaserJock: Well, two comments there.  One the descriptive text is going away.  Two, that's because the pidgin indicator hasn't been rebuilt for the new libindicate15:40
tedgLaserJock: It should get rebuilt as it gets updated.15:41
LaserJockI see15:41
tedgLaserJock: Right now it's FTBS I would guess.15:41
LaserJockso will there be a visual indication in there that an app is open?15:41
tedgLaserJock: Yes. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MessagingMenu15:42
kenvandinehey guys15:42
LaserJockis there anybody caring for the indicator stuff in pidgin at all?15:43
LaserJockit looks like in that spec that some work might be needed15:43
tedgLaserJock: It'll probably be me, though I doubt I'll get time to extend it to use some of the newer features.  Just get basic functionality working.15:45
LaserJockhmm, in the indicator session applet (I think that's what it's still called) the chat accounts and broadcast accounts things are pretty app-specific15:46
LaserJockwhen I hit chat accounts it takes me to empathy preferences, but I use pidgin, is there a way to change that?15:47
tedgLaserJock: There will be, now it's "demo complete" :)15:47
LaserJockso is this messaging menu thing supposed to land for Lucid or is that the "demo complete" part?15:49
jonoNafai, so how is progress today?16:01
NafaiPretty good.  seb128 just uploaded the latest changes to the app indicators that I need for Brasero and Gnome Bluetooth, so as soon as that comes into the repos, I'll be excited to test those16:04
NafaiLaserJock: all of the app indicator stuff is in Lucid.  We're working hard to get a bunch of applications ported to use it for the Lucid release16:04
LaserJockNafai: great. I'm not a huge pidgin fan but I seem to need it for backup when empathy acts up16:07
tedgLaserJock: Sorry, I missed your message.  I'm working feverishly to get it for Lucid :)16:10
tedgLaserJock: FF is like a freight train :)16:10
LaserJocktedg: yes, I know the feeling. Especially with the LTS pressure of getting things in early for testing16:11
jcastroNafai, how's it coming today?16:35
LaserJockoh wow, I just got the new icons and opened up empathy for the first time in Lucid16:49
LaserJockawesome work people16:49
* hyperair is still waiting for metacontact support in empathy16:53
brettaltonso what's this indicator-applet thing all about and why are all sorts of gnome-panel apps being ported to it? 16:54
brettaltonI heard that the Rythmbox applet, sound applet, clock applet, etc are all being ported to it.. what is it?16:55
LaserJockhmm, there's a wiki page around here somewhere describing it17:00
LaserJocklooking at the topic it looks like https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/ApplicationIndicators is a place to look17:01
jcastroqense, next time you're in the code can you get me the filenames to all the icons transmission uses? Since we're going into each app we figured we'd get the icon filenames to hand off to the design team17:18
brettaltonLaserJock: thanks!17:21
qensejcastro: I'll look it up, give me a sec17:29
jcastroqense, no worries, and no rush17:30
qensejcastro: there are "transmission-main-window-icon", "transmission-tray-icon" and "transmission-notification-icon" that are used for the logo,17:31
jcastroqense, which dir are they in?17:31
jcastrothey need the full path17:31
qensejcastro: they don't exist17:31
qenseso the application falls back to the built-in icon17:32
qensejcastro: of course there is also the 'transmission' icon, that is the default icon used in the menu. However, I haven't found any code using it in the application.17:33
kklimondahmm.. I'm getting a weird widget corruption in the indicator-sound: http://syntaxhighlighted.com/~kklimonda/broken-indicator-sound.png17:51
kklimondaIt may be because i'm using nouveau but that's the first time I've seen such a thing :)17:52
kklimondaI can fix it by moving mouse over the widget17:55
jcastrokwwii, that transmission icon needs love!17:58
kklimondajcastro: you mean it isn't black?17:59
kwwiijcastro: indeed17:59
kklimondait does look out of place currently :)17:59
qenseI've got a list of radio check entries that are displayed by the indicator as radio check items, even though they do behave like radio items. The affected menu items are all created from GtkRadioActionEntry actions. Could this make GTK_IS_RADIO_MENU_ITEM (widget) return False for those menu items?18:03
kklimondais the messaging menu icon supposed to have a green border if there is an event to respond to?18:04
jcastrohe's updated that18:06
jcastrobut yeah18:06
Nafaijcastro, I'm just recompiling gnome bluetooth against the latest app indicator stuff and testing it18:16
Nafaidarn, didn't fix things. :(18:21
jcastroI think cody's off the grid today to Get Work Done(tm) too18:23
NafaiI'll spend a little bit of time investigating and then get back with you if I do need help18:25
NafaiThis is a time that I would like to have Python, makes some print debugging stuff easier18:38
NafaiIs there some convenience function to print out the structure set on a GtkUIManager?18:39
NafaiI want to compare what I'm setting on the indicator to what is already there18:39
Nafailooks like gtk_ui_manager_get_ui() is sufficient18:44
qenseDbusmenu doesn't support complex menu items yet? (Like the rating menu item from Banshee?)18:58
jcastrothe stars will have to go18:58
qensewell, I have no choice ;)19:00
qenseDid anyone use it anyway?19:00
jcastroyeah, it's one of those things that we talked about19:01
jcastroit looks awesome but you wonder who really uses it19:01
NafaiSo I'm unsure how to go about debugging this20:19
jcastroNafai, perhaps move on to the next one?20:20
NafaiYeah, that's what I'll do.  Kind of reached the limit what I can do in a limited time.20:21
jcastroor send cody/ted mails in the meantime20:21
jcastrokklimonda, thanks for the Transmission upload!20:21
NafaiI'll send mail then move on, I imagine they are busy.20:21
jcastroone more down!20:21
jcastrothis week will be tough, feature freeze20:21
Nafaiwhich is frustrating because I want to get in all I can for it too20:22
qensethere is still a merge request of mine for Bzr Gtk waiting to be accepted :S20:32
qensejcastro: atm I'm generating a working patch for Banshee. Yay!20:51
Nafaiqense is getting more done than me! :)20:52
Nafaijcastro, mail sent21:03
jcastroI saw, thanks!21:03
elleucamay I raise bug   #519195 ?21:11
ubot4Launchpad bug 519195 in libindicator (Ubuntu) "No focus using keyboard (affects: 2)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51919521:11
elleucain order to have a good a11y, imho should be marked as blocker for lucid21:11
qensejcastro: patch attached to bug 518171, I'm off now!21:25
ubot4Launchpad bug 518171 in banshee (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Support Application Indicators (affects: 2)" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51817121:25
jcastroqense, thanks!21:25
NateWjust wondering if nm and the clock applet are planned to become indicators?21:47
elleucamay I raise bug   #519195 ?22:14
ubot4Launchpad bug 519195 in libindicator (Ubuntu) "No focus using keyboard (affects: 2)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51919522:14
elleucain order to have a good a11y, imho should be marked as blocker for lucid22:14
Nafaitedg: quick question regarding your mail.  how do I figure out what the dbus name and dbus object are for my indicator?22:18
tedgNafai: I'd use d-feet, it's a visual dbus debugger.22:18
tedgNafai: If the app doesn't register for a name, they'll be ":1.234" or something like that.22:19
tedgNafai: It's like an IP address vs. DNS.22:19
* Nafai nods22:19
Nafaithanks, helped out wonderfully22:20

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