
IngForiguaHi every one01:30
IngForiguasomeone knows any program as http://www.softronix.com/logo.html for linux01:30
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=== Plinker_ is now known as Plinker__
zapotecHello all! I have a question regarding http://edubuntu.org/FAQ: "How is Edubuntu related to Ubuntu?". The section there says that edubuntu is an additional package on top of ubuntu. However, I am currently downloading a 32bit "Edubuntu" DVD. Is this DVD equal to "Ubuntu" + the "edubuntu addon"?03:47
mhall119zapotec, Edubuntu used to be an add-on, as of 9.10 it started to have it's own DVD image again.03:51
zapotecThanks mhall11903:58
hamish_can anyone direct me to a site that recommends/lists business applications developed to run on ubuntu?06:02
mhall119|workhighvoltage: Qimo session packages for Lucid are up! https://launchpad.net/~qimo-maintainers/+archive/ppa/+packages14:57
sbalneavMorning all14:58
highvoltagemhall119|work: great!14:59
highvoltagehi sbalneav14:59
highvoltagejust a reminder that the DMB meeting is starting soon in #ubuntu-meeting, we're last on the agenda so it will probably take several minutes before we're up14:59
sbalneavOK, I'll be there15:01
mhall119|workwhat's DMB?15:01
sbalneavThere now15:01
mhall119|workan, nevermind15:01
mhall119|workdeveloper membership board15:01
sbalneavMail sent on next bug day, Feb 23rd15:09
sbalneavI'll book the day off at work.15:11
sbalneavJust watching the baloney that's going on #ubuntu-meeing.15:16
sbalneavI'm a full GNOME foundation member.  I have git access to all projects, voting on the board, access to a gnome.org mailing address, etc.15:18
sbalneavNever had to take a test.15:18
highvoltageif only #ubuntu-meeting came with a fast-forward button :)15:18
sbalneavNever had to get asked, "So, you have access to Sabayon, please justify to us why you should be allowed access to anything else."15:18
highvoltagesbalneav: to be perfectly honest, I like them being strict about it. I feel more comfortable knowing that MOTUs are expected to know a few things first before they're allowed to mess with packages going on my system15:19
sbalneavAs opposed to all the people you don't know upstream, right?15:20
highvoltagesbalneav: I trust the gnome project's judgement as well!15:20
sbalneavThen why can't we just do like Gnome: one person who HAS motu/coredev access vouches for a new member?  Why the spanish inquisition? :)15:22
sbalneaveh, whatever, doesn't bother me one way or the other.15:22
highvoltageimho 5 minutes worth of questions is hardly all that terrible15:25
highvoltagea motu application is basically some basic details with some endorsements from your sponsors. so it's not so much different from what you're suggesting15:26
highvoltagebut as I've said, I think the process will at least become faster with the archive-reorg15:27
highvoltage(and with that also a bit less "cold" and impersonal)15:28
stgraberGuys, we have a working Edubuntu DVD image today !!! (with the Menu editor and everything !!!)15:31
highvoltagestgraber: AWESOME! I've been eagerly awaiting this image... /me syncs15:33
stgraberI tested 64bit, I don't know if the 32bit one works too but at least it's there15:33
highvoltageI'll be using the 32bit disc15:34
alkisghighvoltage: I guess the developer board meeting is over?15:35
highvoltagealkisg: still going, they're busy with motu approvals we're last on the agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DeveloperMembershipBoard/Agenda15:36
alkisgAh good :)15:36
stgraberI have some real doubts we'll make it to this part of the agenda ...15:38
stgraberI have to leave in 20min for another meeting so I won't be able to do any overtime for that meeting15:38
highvoltageespecially at the current pace :/15:38
stgraberyeah ...15:38
highvoltagewhen would the next DMB meeting be?15:39
stgraberin two weeks (I think)15:40
stgrabernext candidate should be a lot faster though (I hope)15:41
stgraberhighvoltage: doh ... /me wonders why he didn't see that on some wiki page ...15:59
highvoltagestgraber: I'm quite sure I did, looking for it now. altough the TeamDelegation page does clearly say TB16:01
stgraberhighvoltage: next TB meeting is next week. Can you add it there and book me in Zimbra so I'm sure to attend ?16:01
highvoltagestgraber: will do16:03
stgraberalkisg: ping16:03
alkisgstgraber: pong16:03
stgraberalkisg: can you join nbd-proxy ?16:03
highvoltagestgraber: it's during the edubuntu bug day so it shouldn't be to hard to attend16:04
stgraberhighvoltage: indeed16:05
stgraberalkisg: I should really teach these guys a bit more IRC :) they didn't notice you were on IRC but not in the channel ... ;)16:05
alkisgHeh :)16:05
alkisgstgraber: my tftpd not starting bug - if I just add a 10 seconds delay it works, so it must be a race: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tftp-hpa/+bug/52250916:09
ubottuUbuntu bug 522509 in tftp-hpa "tftpd-hpa doesn't start on boot" [Undecided,New]16:09
mhall119|workhighvoltage: I uploaded my packages to REVU16:12
mhall119|workhighvoltage: oops, I never made an LP bug to package Qimo16:15
mhall119|workcan I make the bug against the Qimo project in LP, or should it be against something else?16:15
highvoltagemhall119|work: yes you'll have to mark each bug in your package changelog as well16:16
highvoltagemhall119|work: yes that will be fine16:16
mhall119|workhighvoltage: so I will need to make new packages?16:29
highvoltagemhall119|work: you can just add it and rebuild, no need even to change the version number16:30
mhall119|workwon't revu reject it if I send a modified package with the same version number?16:30
mhall119|workmy ppa does that16:30
mhall119|workhighvoltage: what is a "needs-packaging" but?  Is that a tag on any bug report?16:39
highvoltagemhall119|work: yes16:40
highvoltagemhall119|work: it's described on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages if you'd like a more complete explanation16:41
highvoltagemhall119|work: revu doesn't care about the version number since revu doesn't build and release the package anywhere16:41
mhall119|workdo I need to make 3 bug reports because i have 3 package?16:42
mhall119|workor just one bug report for all three?16:42
highvoltagemhall119|work: I believe you should do 3.16:45
mhall119|workI have qimo-session, which depends on qimo-wallpaper and qimo-games16:45
mhall119|workI couldn't just make one for qimo-session?16:45
sbalneavhighvoltage: Saw the new "tree" background yesterday.  Looks nice!16:50
highvoltagesbalneav: did you get it via the updated artwork package?16:58
mhall119|workhighvoltage:what's this warning about not having a debian/watch file?17:02
mhall119|workwhat is it, and what should I do with it?17:02
highvoltagemhall119|work: you're supposed to have a watch file, it checks whether there's new releases of the upstream tarball17:06
highvoltagehere's the contents of a watch file for the package enna, for example:17:07
highvoltageoops, not that paste17:07
mhall119|workokay, so it checks a URL pattern for new upstream versions?17:10
mhall119|workbut I don't have upstream packages for Qimo17:10
sbalneavhighvoltage: yeah17:10
highvoltagemhall119|work: hmm, I'm not sure what the exact right thing would be to do in that case. can you ask on #ubuntu-motu perhaps?17:11
highvoltage(I'll listen there as wwell since I'd like to know as well)17:11
highvoltagesbalneav: cool! I hoped that it would make todays image but seems like it didn't17:12
mhall119|workhighvoltage: are you getting all of that?17:32
highvoltagemhall119|work: yep17:33
mhall119|workmaking sense to you?17:34
mhall119|workcause I'm feeling a bit lost17:34
highvoltagemhall119|work: ok, no problem17:35
highvoltagemhall119|work: basically, this is going to be a native package. so you don't need a watch file and the version numbers shouldn't contain an ubuntu suffix in the version number17:35
highvoltagemhall119|work: best is probably to upload what you got then we look at that17:36
mhall119|workit's on revu17:36
mhall119|workhighvoltage: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/u/mhall11917:38
mhall119|workis there a way to remove older versions from revu?17:39
* mhall119|work feels like he's left a mess17:39
highvoltagemhall119|work: don't :)17:40
highvoltagemhall119|work: it seems a bit daunting in the beginning, it will get better I promise17:40
mhall119|workwell, they're up there, the best I can do I think17:42
mhall119|workwhoops, accidentally hit "archive" on one of my packages17:44
highvoltagemhall119|work: would you like me to comment here or on the revu page? I guess it's probably best to comment there17:45
mhall119|workyeah, for documentation sake17:46
highvoltagemhall119|work: your copyright file mentions CC-BY-SA and GPL and GPLv2, and there's a copy of the GPLv3 in the COPYING file you added17:55
highvoltagemhall119|work: I suppose that COPYING file isn't meant to be there?17:56
mhall119|workit was giving me a warning for not having a copy of the GPL18:04
highvoltagemhall119|work: include it in the copyright file, along with the CC-BY-SA license. looking at the edubuntu-artwork package that seems to be the right way to do it18:07
highvoltagemhall119|work: once we have that we can ping stephane who can review it again, I think it will be fine then and we can upload18:07
mhall119|workI saw somewhere that the path to the GPL-2 was wrong, I'm gonna see if that fixes the warning18:09
mhall119|worknope, didn't fix it18:10
mhall119|workhighvoltage: changed COPYING to be GPLv218:16
mhall119|workstgraber: could you mind reviewing my qimo packages? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/u/mhall11918:17
mhall119|workhighvoltage: I used the same copyright file for all 3 packages, is that an issue with qimo-wallpaper?18:18
mhall119|workI condenced all the licensed to be GPLv218:19
mhall119|workin copyright and COPYING18:19
mhall119|workso it's GPLv2 and CC-BY-SA18:19
mhall119|workstephane is out now, isn't he18:21
highvoltageI believe he's in a meeting18:21
highvoltagechecking qimo-session now and then -games18:22
mhall119|workcool, thanks18:22
LnsAnyone have an opinion of installing Lucid on a production LTSP server, but with the administrator being ...me? :) I use my LTSP server every day for business operations, I'm not scared of running into a bug here or there, but kinda need to have at least basic functionality not breaking. Any experiences to help me decide to do this or not?19:38
Lnsogra: ok =) I trust you!19:39
highvoltageLns: I'm with ogra. as far as I can tell things are quite good at the moment, but you could potentially run into a *big* problem with any update19:39
ogratest server == fine ... production == dont :)19:39
Lnshaha! ok.. well i do have a 1U test server sitting around. I think I need to put it on there at least.19:40
LnsI want to help report bugs as much as possible19:40
highvoltagefor testing I think it's even ok if you run an LTSP server in a virtual machine. probably not ideal when you want to do performance testing though19:41
Lnswhat sucks is that it doesn't have vt extensions :( only one OS at a time, boo19:41
highvoltageoddly enough I haven't noticed much difference on my machines with VT extentions and those that don't19:41
Lnshighvoltage: i hear ya..19:41
Lnshighvoltage: well I can't install libvirt/friends without it unfortunately19:41
Lnsat least in debian, which i really wanted as my host19:42
highvoltageLns: stgraber is working on LXC for lucid, that allows you to create an ubuntu container within ubuntu that will give you very good performance19:42
Lnshighvoltage: w/o vt?19:42
highvoltageLns: yep. it gives you better performance than a virtualized machine with VT, since it's not virtualized19:43
highvoltageLns: it's almost like having chroots but each with their own /proc, etc19:44
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Lnshighvoltage: sounds like bsd jails19:44
highvoltageLns: it's pretty much the same19:44
Lnsi've heard very good things about bsd jails19:44
highvoltageLns: I have some nice machines that don't have vt extensions so I'm looking forward to using that in lucid too19:44
Lnsthat is awesome. Yeah this is a 2x dualcore xeon 3ghz server. would be nice to take advantage of multiple running OSes19:45
Lnsstgraber should backport LXC to hardy. *ducks*19:46
highvoltageLns: nice thing about lxc is that it's in the upstream kernel, so you don't have to compile kernel modules or do anything weird in order to use it. just install the lxc userspace modules and go with it.19:47
alkisghighvoltage: any HOW TOs available for LXC?19:50
Lnshighvoltage: so they're compiling it directly into the kernel eh?19:50
* Lns waves to alkisg 19:50
stgraberLns: you need at least 2.6.28 to have it working ;)19:51
alkisgHey Lns (I'd use Lucid on my school, but I'd never update until the final is out :P )19:51
Lnsstgraber: darn, i'm still at 2.6.24-27 ;)19:51
highvoltagealkisg, Lns: stgraber blogged about it here: http://www.stgraber.org/2009/11/06/lxc-containers-or-extremely-fast-virtualization19:52
highvoltageunfortunately Lucid hosts doesn't work under lucid yet19:52
highvoltagebut it is being worked on19:52
alkisgNo sugar then19:52
* Lns bookmarks stgraber's site19:53
highvoltageshould only use it for production when lucid is released, of course :)19:53
LnsSo no Lucid alternate cd yet?19:55
highvoltagefor Edubuntu? there won't be.19:56
LnsOh sorry meant ubu19:56
highvoltageLns: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily/20100216/19:57
Lnshighvoltage: yeah downloading that right now :)20:02
Lnsnever heard of zsync before, awesome!20:02
mhall119|workany advice on who at Canonical I can talk to about getting HTTP hosting for the Qimo ISO?20:09
mhall119|workI keep losing USA mirror hosts20:09
sbalneavmhall119|work: Hmmmm, good one.20:13
sbalneavqimo's based on ubuntu, IIRC?20:14
mhall119|workI was going to try plying dinda with alcohol this weekend, but if that falls through...20:14
mhall119|workyes, Xubuntu specifically20:14
dindamhall119|work: heh - I'll hold you to that!  ;)20:14
mhall119|workif it'll get me hosting, I'll do it20:14
dindamhall119|work: was just trying to think of who you might ping on the hosting20:14
dindamhall119|work: it's too big for a PPA, i assume?20:15
mhall119|workI have the packages in the PPA20:15
mhall119|workI need to host an ISO20:15
highvoltagenot sure where they'd host that, they don't currently host any isos that aren't built internally20:17
dindamhall119|work: gotta let you know, it will be a tough sell at the moment, our IS team is pretty overworked and there's no one minding the education/edubuntu shop at the moment20:18
mhall119|workI'm just causing the IS team all kinds of work20:18
mhall119|workwhat with loco-directory and all20:18
highvoltagemhall119|work: well, let them work for their money ;)20:18
dindamhall119|work: yeah, canonical only hosts its own iso s20:18
mhall119|workthey host Edubuntu ISO's don't they?20:18
highvoltagemhall119|work: edubuntu isos are built by canonical build serveers20:19
mhall119|workor is that still officially theirs20:19
mhall119|workeven though it's not funded20:19
dindamhall119|work: yes but i think that is a legacy deal20:19
mhall119|workheck, I'd be happy to use their build servers too ;)20:19
dindauntil Canonical figures out what to do with the whole edubuntu project20:19
highvoltagemhall119|work: it's not officially funded, but Canonical still provides us with all of the Edubuntu infrastucture20:20
highvoltage(same as they do with Xubuntu, Ubuntu Studio, Kubuntu, etc)20:20
highvoltageI can't see any reason why they would stop doing so, it's basically in their best interest20:20
dindahighvoltage: it is :)20:21
mhall119|workokay, who in the Canonical hierarchy has small children that would love Qimo?20:23
highvoltagenixternal: hey there, are you around?20:23
dindamhall119|work: you're a good salesman :)20:23
mhall119|workI'm a good talking salesman, so far I haven't actually sold it20:24
dindamhall119|work: I'm very much looking forward to a demo this weekend20:24
highvoltagemhall119|work: I could host some images for you in germany20:24
mhall119|workdinda: I'm getting it ready as we speak, and highvoltage has been helping me get the packages ready20:24
dindamhall119|work: will you have a booth or demo area?20:24
highvoltagemhall119|work: most of europe and africa should have a speedy connection to there, it's in hetzner's datacenter20:24
mhall119|workwe were between Debian and O'Reilly last year20:24
mhall119|workhope for an equally good spot this year20:24
ubuntu-newbieCan someone point me in the right direction?  Trying to get a Classmate 3 (M&A Companion Touch) running UNR 9.10, to get the touch screen to work.  WOrks in WIn XP home and will "click" but can't get pointer to track.20:24
mhall119|workhighvoltage: we've got some european mirros20:25
mhall119|workit's my USA mirrors that keep getting overburdened and taken down20:25
ubuntu-newbieTried Qimo and found the "dock" thing in the bottom got in the way.20:25
highvoltagemhall119|work: don't the universities there all have big mirrors with admins who will happily host it?20:25
highvoltageubuntu-newbie: hang around a bit, ogra might be able to tell you20:26
mhall119|workubuntu-newbie: it's not so much a dock as it is a launcher, and the games should all go fullscreen20:26
dindamhall119|work: that's what I was just thinking - maybe some Uni with a big education program20:26
mhall119|workhighvoltage: I don't know, I haven't tried the universities yet20:26
dindamhall119|work: I know Univ. of Texas and some others are mirror sites20:26
highvoltagein my country pretty much all the universities mirror everything20:26
mhall119|workyeah, there's a bunch that mirror other OSS apps20:27
highvoltageuhm, I mean, mirrors pretty much everything20:27
mhall119|workI'm just not sure how to get on the list20:27
dindayeah, ack, that University in Oregon that hosts everything FOSS20:27
dindajust read an article on them20:27
highvoltagemhall119|work: usually they have some form of a mirror index with the administrators e-mail address on there20:27
* dinda goes to find the article bookmark20:27
highvoltagemhall119|work: just did a quick google and it seems like you could try harvard at least: https://wiki.med.harvard.edu/Software/Mirrors20:29
mhall119|workI should try my own university first I suppose20:29
mhall119|workah ha!  found a contact, thanks for the advice20:30
nixternalhighvoltage: yes20:30
dindafound it20:31
highvoltagenixternal: do you perhaps have a few moments to review some packages? they're not big ones at least20:31
nixternalhighvoltage: sure, I can review some20:31
highvoltagenixternal: it's the 3 ones on http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/u/mhall11920:31
highvoltagenixternal: if we can get it in before Thursday then we can ship a Qimo desktop as option with Edubuntu, which would be quite cool20:32
sbalneavThat would be awesome.  Would also solve mhall119|work's hosting issues.20:42
mhall119|worknot really20:42
mhall119|workI'd still need to host the ISO20:42
nixternalhighvoltage: reviewed...need a bit of work yet... mhall119|work fyi, 80 chars wide or less for all files under debian/ directory20:51
mhall119|worknixternal: I was afraid of that, creative commons didn't supply a nice plain text version of the license text20:52
nixternalcopyright files are a pita honestly since archive admins are typically pretty anal over them, so you need to lists the files that fall under each license20:52
highvoltagenixternal: thanks!20:52
mhall119|worknixternal: how should I do that?20:52
nixternalmhall119|work: there is a plain text version, it is just hard as hell to find...I found it once20:52
mhall119|workjust CC_BY_SA:20:52
mhall119|workfile 120:52
mhall119|workfile 220:52
mhall119|workfile 320:52
mhall119|workfile 420:52
nixternallet me do something really quick and pastebin it for you20:53
nixternalok, mhall119|work for instance...qimo-wallpaper package, COPYING file is GPLv2, but none of the png files are GPL, just CC-by-SA20:55
nixternalactually, I don't think qimo-wallpaper package will fly, as there is no source files for the png files20:55
mhall119|workhuh what?20:56
mhall119|worksource for the png?20:56
nixternalcopyright file should state where I can download the source20:56
mhall119|workof an image?20:56
nixternalwell, I don't think those png files were created with gimp, I am fairly certain they were created with inkscape, in which there should be an svg file somewhere20:57
nixternalor, if they were created with gimp, I think the gimp source file is a .xcf file, a file that has all of the layers of the image20:57
mhall119|workI'm pretty sure they were created in Photoshop20:58
nixternalthen there should be a .psd file20:58
mhall119|workI didn't make them20:58
nixternalor .psd files20:58
mhall119|workwhy is that required?20:58
nixternalopen source :)20:59
nixternalyou need the source, as the .png files are a graphics binary equivalent20:59
mhall119|workbut the images are cc-by-sa, that's not required for that20:59
nixternalahh, the upstream tarball doesn't contain them either20:59
highvoltagenixternal: are you 100% sure that the image sources need to be included? I don't believe we've done that for the edubuntu-artwork ever20:59
nixternalahh, yeah, that silly GPL COPYING file is throwing me off21:00
nixternalmhall119|work: thanks for reminding me they are cc21:00
mhall119|workI will make individualized copyright files for each package to avoid this confusion21:00
highvoltagemhall119|work: I'm quite sure it all needs to go into the debian/copyright file21:00
nixternalheh, since you can manipulate that you upstream silly you :D21:01
mhall119|workshould I inline the GPLv2 text into debian/copyright, or is it okay to leave in COPYING?21:01
nixternalin the debian/copyright file, if you have a COPYING file in the tarball that has the full CC-by-SA text, then all you need in the copyright file is the CC Deed part21:02
nixternalwhy is there is GPLv2 in the first place?21:02
nixternalthe images in qimo-wallpaper are cc-by-sa right?21:02
nixternalthere is no gplv2 code that I can see anywhere21:02
mhall119|worknixternal: yes21:03
mhall119|worknot in the -wallpaper package21:03
mhall119|workI just used the same debian/copyright for all 3 packages21:04
* mhall119|work was being lazy21:04
Lns....holy crap. My new install of lucid (ubuntu) just booted up in like 5 seconds.21:13
Lnsfaster than standby!21:13
mhall119|workhold crap the cc-by-sa is long21:13
highvoltageLns: heh, it is quite nice isn't it? :)21:21
Lnsanyone know about the status of sun java for 10.04? It's not in the latest build, I see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1406969&page=2 that points to repo politics...anyone know if it's going to (try to) be in 10.04 final?21:22
Lnshighvoltage: crazy fast!!21:22
mhall119|workcrap, I've got to go home21:25
mhall119|workhighvoltage: nixternal: I'll finish the copyright changes this evening (eastern time)21:26
mhall119|workLns: I heard it's being removed from Debian, so Ubuntu has been trying to phase it out as well21:26
nixternaland I will be watching the olympics this evening (chicago time) :p21:26
mhall119|workNBC doesn't even start coverate until 8pm here21:26
nixternalyou need AT&T U-Verse21:27
nixternalwe have the Olympic's Channel21:28
nixternalwith multi-view which is really nice21:28
nixternalI was watching curling earlier21:28
highvoltagemulti-view, that sounds nice21:29
highvoltageso is that like, picture in picture or do you cycle through angles?21:30
mhall119|workyeah, I have Verizon FiOS21:30
nixternalhighvoltage: there is a main screen, then down the right side of the screen are the other channels displaying different olympic events, then there are selections for news, medals, and such along the bottom...there is some interactive stuff as well such as online games too which is pretty neat21:38
Ahmuck-Srsbalneav: www.dropbox.com :)23:22

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