
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
ryanakcaUnpacking replacement kubuntu-firefox-installer ...00:54
ryanakcadpkg: error processing /var/cache/apt/archives/kubuntu-firefox-installer_10.04ubuntu6_i386.deb (--unpack): trying to overwrite '/usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop', which is also in package firefox-branding 0:3.6+nobinonly-0ubuntu100:54
ryanakcaapachelogger: ^^ ... need me to file a bug for you?00:54
groo_hi/2 all01:50
groo_i fixed my network problems with ppa, im back to contributing packages :)01:50
groo_apachelogger: Pici01:50
groo_apachelogger: ping01:50
groo_Riddell: ping01:50
groo_JontheEchidna: ping01:51
Picigroo_: I guess you weren't actually looking for me.01:51
groo_Pici: lol one tab too many, unless you are a motu01:52
* groo_ is hunting for motus oO01:52
Picigroo_: Nope ;)01:52
groo_Pici: hmmmm snif snif...01:52
* groo_ scents a motu near him01:53
groo_Pici: prove you arent a motu!01:53
groo_anyway :D im opening a needs-packaging for kx11grab01:55
groo_and i did a package for the newer skrooge... since the old version is already in kubuntu, what kind of bug i open? [needs-upgrading]? or something similar?01:55
* persia notes that when the hunter announces their intent, the quarry have new incentives to make themselves scarce01:56
* groo_ aims for persia01:58
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
JontheEchidnaoh shit, bug 438279 never got merged upstream02:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 438279 in packagekit "Kpackagekit ask to report some errors " [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43827902:30
* JontheEchidna prepares an emergency upload02:31
JontheEchidnaI'll be marking dupes for that bug for weeks now :(02:34
groo_JontheEchidna: hi jon02:45
groo_can some motu sponsor this: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=780502:45
groo_JontheEchidna: jon a question, i did a skrooge 0.6.x package... since skrooge is already in kubuntu (old version) what is the proper thing to do?02:45
JontheEchidnafile an upgrade bug02:46
groo_JontheEchidna: yeah, a url pls? its the same procedure but [needs-update] instead of [needs-packaging]?02:48
JontheEchidna"Update to skrooge 0.6.0", add the "upgrade" tag to the bug, subscribe universe sponsors02:48
groo_JontheEchidna: ok, but nevermind, someone punch me to it :D02:49
groo_JontheEchidna: but kx11grab is new :)02:49
JontheEchidnabrace yourself :P02:50
groo_JontheEchidna: hu? ¬¬02:50
JontheEchidnafor the revu02:50
groo_JontheEchidna: ????02:50
JontheEchidnayou wanted me to revu your kx11grab package, yes?02:50
groo_JontheEchidna: ah yes :) shoot02:51
groo_JontheEchidna: in theory it should be all a ok, since i did pratically the same for the wally package02:52
groo_JontheEchidna: btw kudos for making motu :)02:52
JontheEchidnagroo_: well, I became motu for almost a year, but thanks all the same :D02:53
JontheEchidna*almost a year ago02:53
groo_JontheEchidna: news take some time to get here :D02:53
groo_JontheEchidna: so? wheres the revu? lol02:56
JontheEchidnaworking on it02:56
groo_JontheEchidna: thanks :)02:57
JontheEchidnagroo_: all done03:25
groo_JontheEchidna: anything for me to do?03:26
JontheEchidnahttp://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/kx11grab <- pointy-clicky link03:27
groo_JontheEchidna: oh nvm, my browser was slow :D03:27
groo_JontheEchidna: thanks for the looong review :) a lot of broken stuff, gonna get to work tonight (if i can stay up (im old you know ;)) or the best, tomorrow, and upload a new version :)03:30
JontheEchidnathat is a fairly exhaustive list. I don't forsee any further issues other than the ones I've listed03:31
groo_JontheEchidna: very complete indeed, gonna learn a lot as usual :)03:31
groo_JontheEchidna: i need to have more attention to details.. and lintian :P03:32
groo_JontheEchidna: but the more oficial packages i do, the sharper i get...03:32
JontheEchidnarunning lintian over the source.changes file and the .deb file give new insights that debuild -S -sa won't give03:32
groo_JontheEchidna: in my defense... the cbds is a moving target, i never know what goes with what03:32
groo_JontheEchidna: how do i do that?03:32
JontheEchidnagroo_: lintian kx11grab_0.1.12-0ubuntu1_source.changes03:33
JontheEchidnaand lintian mydeb.deb03:33
groo_JontheEchidna: nice, didnt knew that :)03:33
JontheEchidnaoh, and actually there's some new packaging conventions that don't use cdbs at all, that are currently coming in to favor03:34
JontheEchidnaI'm perfectly fine with sponsoring cdbs-based packages, though03:34
groo_JontheEchidna: ¬¬ like i said... moving target... where can i get some more info on what is the best practice? besides being informed in here :D03:36
JontheEchidnaso yeah, things are moving a bit fast. Every release the KDE cdbs stuff has changed, and now this release things are starting not to use cdbs at all, but new debhelper magic03:36
groo_JontheEchidna: no, pls, not dh --kde... its a nightmare to costumize :P03:36
JontheEchidnaheh, yeah. Like I said, I'm perfectly fine with sponsoring cdbs packages03:37
JontheEchidnasource format 3.0 is the other big thing03:37
groo_JontheEchidna: but where can i get some more info? is there a wiki or something?03:37
JontheEchidnaallows you to use orig.tar.bz2 instead of orig.tar.gz if you wish, and has quilt built in03:37
groo_JontheEchidna: nice :)03:38
JontheEchidnathis is the big article about it: http://wiki.debian.org/Projects/DebSrc3.003:38
groo_JontheEchidna: i think i playerd with it for my rekonq packages03:38
groo_JontheEchidna: which btw i still defend as the big change for kubuntu (rekonq as default!!!) pls think about it03:38
JontheEchidnawell, it's not up to one person to make the decision about default browser, you must understand03:39
JontheEchidnaThe Kubuntu Council will decide that03:39
JontheEchidnaand I'm just one of six council members03:39
JontheEchidnaI must say that, if not for 10.04, I'd love to see rekonq as default for 10.1003:40
JontheEchidnaI'm just a bit leery about changing the default browser to a newcomer for an LTS cycle03:40
JontheEchidnabut then, that's just my opinion03:41
groo_JontheEchidna: newcomer? did you check latest 0.3.92?03:41
JontheEchidnarelatively speaking, it's been around for less than a year03:41
groo_JontheEchidna: im following rekonq since the begining... granted.. its new, but its very stable and featured.. only lacks java for now03:41
groo_JontheEchidna: rekonq its a shell for webkit, and yes, its new, but it has a lean codebase and very few bugs...03:42
JontheEchidnaI still get the odd crash with it from time to time03:42
groo_JontheEchidna: from a user perspective i believe its much more usable then konqueror... since its almost identical to chromium, and its a browser, not a army swiss knife like konqueror (which i love, but its not for the average joe)03:43
groo_JontheEchidna: and you DONT with konqueror? :D03:43
groo_JontheEchidna: can you point me to a url that crashes rekonq?03:44
JontheEchidnano, it's a bit more random than that03:44
groo_JontheEchidna: what version?03:44
groo_JontheEchidna: strange, i very rarelly have crashes with rekonq, and i browse with it a lot (even benchmarks i do) :D03:45
JontheEchidnaBut like I said, I love rekonq too, it's just a bit young to be set out as default browser to be supported for 5 years since it's less than a year old and has not had widespread testing03:45
JontheEchidnaand this is all my opinion03:46
groo_JontheEchidna: i agree in terms.. but my concern is that konqueror is even more fragile for browsing then rekonq is... and hasnt been any work for it in a long time (besides the bug fixing), not talking about khtml but the fronteend in itself03:47
groo_since 4.0 it has stayed basically the same03:47
JontheEchidnawell, the interface hasn't really changed, but that'03:47
groo_khtml is mych better now03:47
JontheEchidnas really to be expected.03:47
JontheEchidnathere have been plenty of bugfixes for the shell though03:48
JontheEchidnadfaure is paid to do such things, afaik03:48
groo_JontheEchidna: yes i agree... but konkie is a beast.. the bugs are spread across is many functions, but the browser part is probably one of the more neglected ones03:48
groo_JontheEchidna: konkie is old and it shows... rekonq is well.. peppy and fresh , like wii :D03:49
JontheEchidnaheh, <3 wii03:49
groo_just put your wife/mother in law, grandmother in front of both konkie and rekonq and ask them to browse the web.. see which one gives the best usability results...03:50
JontheEchidnaoh wow, that brings back some memories. can't believe 05 was 5 years ago03:50
groo_JontheEchidna: :)03:51
groo_JontheEchidna: im not the only one getting old :P03:51
JontheEchidnabut I'm only 18 D:03:52
groo_JontheEchidna: im gonna be 35 this year...04:19
freeflyinggroo_: :)04:21
groo_freeflying: :D04:22
apacheloggerryanakca: does firefox-branding have a replaces kfi? because it should :S07:14
Riddellmorning Kubuntus07:20
apacheloggera very good morning to you too Riddell!07:23
* apachelogger thinks that diffing on revu is broken07:23
RiddellKarmic users needed to test Amarok from ~kubuntu-ppa/beta07:23
Mamarokwhat is going on with user management in KDE SC 4.4? https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=22707907:31
ubottuKDE bug 227079 in general "Manage Users module of the systems settings program reports itself missing" [Crash,Unconfirmed]07:31
Mamarokwhy does it require a python module? Looks like Kubuntu specific07:32
apacheloggerthat is userconfig07:32
apacheloggerand yeah it is kubuntu specific07:32
apacheloggerand no I do not like it being pyware07:32
Mamarokand how can I make this work again?07:32
apacheloggerand yes KDE should fix up kuser :P07:32
apacheloggerMamarok: what does it spit out if you run kcmshell4 userconfig07:34
apacheloggerin konsole obviously :)07:34
apacheloggerMamarok: bug should be closed as downstream though07:34
Mamarokit triggers the same crash as before07:34
apacheloggerMamarok: no, I mean what does it say there?07:35
apacheloggerif nothing ... run kdebugdialog and turn on everything, then try again07:35
Mamarokah, second...07:35
Mamarokapachelogger: http://pastebin.com/d52c67e807:36
apacheloggerthe fuck07:39
apacheloggerMamarok: is your system all up-to-date?07:39
apacheloggerespecially pyqt407:39
MamarokI would say so, but let me check if I missed an update...07:39
apacheloggerbecause I should have fixed that bug 2 days ago07:39
apacheloggeror so I thought07:39
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 2 could not be found07:39
Mamarokyep, all up-to-date07:40
apacheloggerfor some reason I have debian/patches/patches07:41
apacheloggervery weird07:41
Mamarokhm, I don't have that many bindings installed though, only python-qt-4 and python-qt4-dbus07:41
Mamarokshouldn't others be installed if there is a hard dependency?07:42
apacheloggeryou must have python-kde4, otherwise I dont think it would come to fail at that bug in pyqt407:42
Mamarokthat is installed07:43
apacheloggerfor some reason the whole pyqt4 package does not apply patches07:44
apacheloggeryou know07:45
apacheloggereverytime I look at some pystuff I get to hate it more07:45
MamarokI feel with you :)07:45
Riddellapachelogger: phil had a query about your patch by the way http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.pyqt-pykde/1850507:47
apacheloggerRiddell: some thing in userconfig07:47
apacheloggersomehow I managed to screw up that pyqt4 for karmic07:51
apacheloggerpyqt4 uses quilt but doesnt use quilt Oo07:54
Riddellapachelogger: it's source format 3.0 in lucid so there the patches get applied when the package is extracted07:55
Riddellno so in karmic07:55
Riddellit'll need debian/rules in karmic07:55
apacheloggeryeah, bad backport :P07:59
Riddellshtylman: has the button order changed in ubiquity?08:06
Riddellshtylman: funky new progress bar but I think it caused a crash08:07
apacheloggerRiddell: userproperties-details.ui from userconfig08:08
apacheloggeras per http://pastebin.com/d52c67e808:09
ghostcubemorning :)08:09
Riddellshtylman: bug 52250208:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 522502 in ubiquity "kubuntu ubiquity crashes on partitioner" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52250208:12
Riddellshtylman: also the new "update from internet" button could do with some explanation08:12
agateauRiddell: just a quick head up on M.I: I uncovered some issues which needs a new version of libindicate and libindicate-qt, hopefully it should be there before the end of this week09:16
apacheloggerjussi01, tsimpson: ping09:26
tsimpsonapachelogger: pong09:29
Riddellagateau: does that mean we get the spark icon back? :)09:30
apacheloggertsimpson: sudo cp /home/apachelogger/kubotu.conf /etc/init/09:30
apacheloggertsimpson: gotta test if that beast actually works upon startup09:31
apacheloggerwhich is really what it is meant for :D09:31
apacheloggerMamarok: please try upgrading with pyton-qt4 from the staging ppa, if I am not mistaken it should fix userconfig09:31
* apachelogger reboots to test upstart job09:31
apacheloggertsimpson: thanks, seems to be working09:34
apacheloggerkubotu: you lucky bot now got autostarting upon boot :D09:35
agateauRiddell: yes09:38
agateauRiddell: that's the major issue it's addressing :)09:38
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apacheloggerkubotu: python?09:46
apacheloggerkubotu: hello09:46
kubotuhello owner :)09:46
apacheloggeroh my :D09:46
agateaunext release ok kubotu will say "yes master" :)09:47
apacheloggerwell, I think that can be easily changed wihtout new release :D09:49
apacheloggerkubotu: karmastats09:49
kubotu499 items. Best: C (193); Worst: < (-97)09:49
apacheloggerwe need a policy to use <= instead of <--09:50
Mamarokapachelogger: hm, no staging ppa for me today, I still need this machine for work this afternoon, so I can't afford to break anything09:55
Mamarokit wasn't that important, I rarely use the userconfig, was just trying to find some settings in the groups when I stumbled on it09:55
jussi01apachelogger: ++09:56
jussi01(for the init script)09:56
apacheloggerMamarok: there should be no upgrades in staging other than python-qt410:05
apacheloggerand that should at the very best improve something ;)10:05
Mamarokapachelogger: you will be responsible for my money loss if it goes wrong :)10:06
apacheloggerlike kde is responsible for the money loss due to kaddressbook :P10:06
apacheloggerindeed I must agree with them users, that the kaddressbook regression is a bit of a fail10:07
a|wenany reason why we have amarok 2.2.1 and not 2.2.2 in the updates-PPA? shouldn't we just copy the 2.2.2 from the backports-PPA (running it together with kde 4.3.5 works)10:10
Mamaroka|wen: Amarok 2.2.2 is in the backports, no?10:11
* apachelogger thinks launchpad needs a central point to control version deployments10:11
a|wenMamarok: true; but shouldn't 2.2.2 be in updates?10:11
Mamaroka|wen: well, yes, but since there is such a confusion about what should go where in those PPAs, a clear policy for everybody should be written in stone once and for all10:12
Mamarokelse it will continue being a mess at every single release10:13
apacheloggerclaydoh started work on that10:13
apacheloggerbut dropped the ball10:13
Mamarokapachelogger: because it is a mess?10:13
apacheloggerpretty much so10:13
a|wenMamarok: it was written and posted to the ML a year ago or such ... but well, everybody tends to forget over time :)10:14
apacheloggera|wen: that was incomplete10:14
Mamarokcarving it on the back of the hands maybe?10:14
Mamaroka tattoo :)10:15
Mamarokwhich would also be a nice way to identify Kubuntu packagers :)10:15
a|wenapachelogger: i remember it being pretty complete; but we have probably discovered some extra cases that wasn't covered since then10:15
* a|wen wonders where the groceries-list should go then ;)10:16
apacheloggereither way the ml is not place to write policies down :P10:16
a|wentrue that10:16
a|wenwell, amarok 2.2.2 copied to updates10:16
apacheloggera|wen: rebuild I hope10:18
apacheloggerotherwise there might be linkage problems10:18
a|wenapachelogger: it was built against kde 4.3.2 so shouldn't be needed10:20
apacheloggeryou are repsonsible if something breaks :P10:20
apacheloggertalking about breaking10:20
apacheloggerMamarok: did you try new python-qt4?10:20
a|wenapachelogger: i know ;)10:21
Mamarokapachelogger: I am doing as we speak...10:21
Mamarokit works :)10:21
* Mamarok hugs apachelogger10:21
* jussi01 grumbles at desktop effects being evil and dropping me to a nice balck screen with a flashing _11:47
markeyis this normal or bad:11:48
markeyThe following packages will be REMOVED:11:48
markey  libglu1-xorg-dev{u} libkrosspython0{u} liblcms1-dev{u} libmng-dev{u} libpq-dev{u} libqt4-phonon-dev{u} libscim8c2a{u} libsqlite0{u} libsqlite0-dev{u} libxmu-dev{u}11:48
markey  libxmu-headers{u} qt4-demos{u} qt4-designer{u} qt4-dev-tools{u} qt4-doc{u} xlibmesa-gl-dev{u}11:48
markey(wanted to install gtimelog)11:48
jussi01markey: aptitude?11:48
markey"sudo aptitude install gtimelog"11:49
markeyis what I did11:49
markeythen I got that result11:49
jussi01curious. I dont use aptitude myself, but lemme try with apt-get11:49
markeyI love aptitude, normally. it's nice that it does all things in one program11:49
markeyno need to use several11:49
persiaIf your previous command was `apt-get build-dep ${something}`, this is expected behaviour: it's removing the stuff you don't need and haven't marked as explicitly wanting.11:49
markeypersia: I didn't do that, not that I could remember11:50
jussi01ahh, I thought it would be something like that11:50
markeyso, you think it's safe to proceed?11:50
markeycan I make it not remove this stuff somehow?11:50
markeyI'd rather keep it...11:50
persiamarkey: `aptitude unmarkauto <list>` tells it to remove those from the uninstallation candidate list.11:51
markey"sudo apt-get install gtimelog"11:52
markeythat works better11:52
markeyit only suggests to remove the packages, but doesn't do it by default11:52
persiamarkey: Be aware that large chunks of the archive are not tested to ensure they are compatible with aptitude's resolver, so you may end up with unexpected behaviour.11:52
markeygood to know11:52
* persia is a huge aptitude fan, but often has to work around certain classes of bug11:52
markeyisn't that a bit confusing, having two different tools, with different behavior?11:52
persiamarkey: There's lots of that sort of thing around.  One claim is that having two different implementations of a policy is a good way to differentiate bugs in policy from bugs in tools.11:59
markeyyeah, understandable12:00
olenzHi Developers! Can anybody tell me about the state of the plasma-widgeth-networkmanagement?12:06
olenzIf I see it right, its not a plasma widget, but knetworkmanager instead, right?12:07
olenzWhat happened to the widget?12:07
Riddellolenz: right, the plasmoid isn't finished, maybe agateau will finish it next week12:09
olenzso knetworkmanager is only a temporary walkaround?12:09
olenzAh, very good, thanks for this info!12:10
RiddellLex79: how did you get on with qt 4.6.2?12:42
* Riddell publishes http://www.kubuntu.org/news/amarok-2.3-beta12:46
neversfeldeRiddell: the news is wrong, it is in beta backports not n backports13:41
neversfeldeI'll correct that13:41
Riddellok thanks13:41
shtylmanRiddell: will look into those tonight13:42
shtylmanRiddell: progress bar is part of main window now to stop annoying popups13:42
ejatRiddell: why amarok 2: still build with kde 4.3.2 ?13:48
Riddellbecause it's for karmic13:48
Riddellshtylman: keyboard maps is impressively correct13:48
ejatowh .. for lucid its already build with kde 4.4 ?13:49
Riddellmm hmm13:50
RiddellNightrose: I got timeline and file searching working!13:52
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Riddellkubuntu-netbook daily works!14:24
jjessewooot woot14:25
* jussi01 giggles again at the "details" while kpackagekit is installing/downloading updates14:33
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=== EagleSn is now known as EagleScreen
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NightroseRiddell: yay16:29
Nightroseany way i can get it to work as well?16:29
RiddellNightrose: you need to install shared-desktop-ontologies, and remove ~/..kde/share/config/dolphinrc16:30
Riddelland /usr/share/kubuntu-default-settings/kde4-profile/default/share/config/dolphinrc16:30
Nightroseah ok - will try when i'm at home16:30
Riddelland fiddle around with the settings until it decides to work16:30
* Riddell wonders who CarlSymons is16:44
RiddellNCommander: when would you like to have a kubuntu-dev interview? any of the green ones at http://doodle.com/tyizyw72vm67w7qw16:45
NCommanderRiddell: all of the above is fine. I leave it up to you to decide when is best for you16:52
Riddellno jon around, will ping him when he appears16:54
apacheloggerjussi01: oh yes those details are very much gigglible18:05
Lex79Riddell: obviously we need a new Phonon patch to build Qt18:05
RiddellLex79: oh.  phonon.  foo.18:05
Lex79I talked with sandsmark but he didn't reply yet18:07
apacheloggerRiddell: shared-desktop-ontologies should be in the dep chain already18:10
apacheloggernot sure whether I uploaded it to lucid though18:10
Riddellapachelogger: it wasn't, I added it to kdebase-runtime depends as per trueg advice and debian practice18:12
NightroseRiddell: hmmm shared-desktop-ontologies was installed already here18:24
Nightroseand dolphin settings shouldn't affect showing of content in timeline:/ no?18:25
apacheloggerRiddell: oha, I added it to kdelibs518:29
apacheloggersince that beasty build-depends on it18:29
apacheloggerRiddell: possibly I committed the dep to the kdelibs bzr branch18:30
RiddellNightrose: no it shouldn't18:31
NightroseRiddell: mphf - any other idea why it doesn't work here?18:31
apacheloggerNightrose: broken repository18:32
Nightroseapachelogger: ?18:32
apacheloggerscrewed up virtuoso stuffs18:32
apacheloggermaybe getting .kde/share/apps/nepomuk out of the way helps18:32
apacheloggerNightrose: also, it is very very very slow18:33
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RiddellNightrose: if you killall nepomukserver and run it on the command line, what's the output?18:33
* Nightrose tries18:33
NightroseRiddell: http://pastebin.com/d730f269418:35
Riddell"Failed to start Virtuoso" that doesn't look good18:37
Riddell"This server does not read this pre 6.0 format."18:38
Riddelldo you have virtuosoconverter installed?18:38
Nightroseindeed... :D18:38
* Nightrose looks18:38
NightroseThe following packages have unmet dependencies:18:39
Nightrose  virtuoso-server: Depends: virtuoso-opensource-6.0 but it is not going to be installed18:39
Nightroseyes virtuosoconverter is installed and in newest version18:40
Riddellvirtuoso-server isn't needed, virtuoso-nepomuk is the one now18:40
_Groo_hi/2 all18:42
_Groo_apachelogger: ping18:45
apachelogger_Groo_: pong18:46
apacheloggerNightrose: well, youd need to runt he converter really18:46
Nightroseapachelogger: how do i know that? how does $randomuser know this? ;-)18:46
_Groo_apachelogger: hi apachelogger, im fixing the kx11grab, can you sponsor it when im finished (since jontheechidna is MIA)18:46
apacheloggerNightrose: go complain to trueg18:47
_Groo_Nightrose: nepomuk? ;) the converter isnt working very well18:47
apacheloggeror rather to the virtuoso god18:47
* Nightrose kicks them18:47
apacheloggerafter all that beast did not even decide to provide the converter themself18:47
* _Groo_ thinks is gonna record a video.. with him crying.. leeva trueg alone!!! lol18:48
apacheloggerkind of funny when you think about it, one of the pillars of kde depends on an upstream that does not even get to migrate data across versions18:48
apacheloggerthen again kde did not bother to migrate large parts of KDE 3 data either :P18:48
_Groo_apachelogger: it happens in IT... for ex.. im migrating a telecom from WAS 4.0 to 5.x18:49
apacheloggerno no18:49
_Groo_apachelogger: IBM migration docs: dump 4.0 data, install 4.3 (intermediary).. pray for conversion to work18:49
* Nightrose grumbles and gets food18:49
apacheloggerI did never ever see postgres loose data upon upgrade18:50
_Groo_apachelogger: dump again, install 5.x, repeat praying18:50
apacheloggerthere is a difference between sensible solutions and not so sensible ones18:50
Tm_Tapachelogger: indeed18:50
JontheEchidnaoh hai18:50
JontheEchidnajust read irclogs.ubuntu.com18:50
_Groo_apachelogger: agreed, but for what i gather, Virt6.0 was a rewrite.. couldnt mantain backward data compatbilty, but i agree its a screw up18:51
* _Groo_ greets JontheEchidna18:51
apachelogger_Groo_: you do not need to maintain backward compability18:51
_Groo_JontheEchidna: just saying to apachelogger that im gonna fix the revu and ping you guys for sponsorsgip18:51
apacheloggeryou need to migrate the freakin data18:51
Tm_Tapachelogger: I actually decided to lose all my nepomuk data, conversion results caused nepomuk to eat cpu and ram more than my heaviest system could handle18:51
_Groo_Tm_T: same... it was "easy" to just loose and remake18:52
_Groo_Tm_T: easier18:52
apacheloggerso, imagine they decide to rewrite again for v7 or v818:52
Tm_Tand this shouldn't happen, really18:52
apacheloggerand again fail to provide migration18:52
Tm_Tapachelogger: I don't need to imagine, I pretty much expect that to happen18:52
* _Groo_ imagines popular uproar, forks, fires... ppl screaming.. groo rising from the ashes as a popular leader, taking kde mankind to the next step18:53
apacheloggerpeople are bitching a lot about kaddressbook not showing data, now what if nepomuk actually looses data18:53
_Groo_apachelogger: this is all very experimental, kde is pushing the envelope on what we can do with our data.. colateral damage is inavoidable18:54
apacheloggerthis is a trial'n'error approach IMHO18:55
Tm_T_Groo_: doesn't mean things couldn't be done better, but I am not blaming trueg at all, he seems to be quite alone with this18:55
apacheloggerwe are at KDE 4.4 and the 3. data storage backend for nepomuk18:55
apacheloggerfirst we had that slow beast of which I forgot the name, followed by the java thingy that ate all your ram, and now we have a somewhat decently fast thingy that fails to migrate data18:55
JontheEchidnanonfree java thingy that ate all your ram, nonetheless18:56
_Groo_sesame and redland18:56
JontheEchidnavirtuoso still likes to nom on your RAM, but you can set the lower limit to 50 MB18:56
_Groo_if my memory doenst fail me18:56
_Groo_well semantic desktops are very cutting edge, no one else is doing this stuff like kde is... road  bumps are expected18:57
_Groo_i for one welcome our new semantic overlords18:57
JontheEchidnaI've never seen anything with a GUI to set RAM usage before (or anything with the need for such a gui, actually)18:58
_Groo_and anyway, theres always the call center approach to bitching18:59
_Groo_JontheEchidna: its because in mac/windows they just eat up all your ram WIHTOUT asking :D18:59
_Groo_JontheEchidna: they know better18:59
JontheEchidnait seems that it could just smartly schedule things based on the amount of free ram, without creating a whole gui for it19:00
apacheloggerit cant even migrate data :P19:00
_Groo_JontheEchidna: logically true, but DBs dont work that way19:00
JontheEchidnawell, it has a manual RAM limiter. It also has access to numbers on the amount of free ram19:00
apachelogger_Groo_: that has nothing to do with it being a db19:01
RiddellJontheEchidna, nixternal_, apachelogger: how does 23:00 today suit to quiz NCommander?19:02
JontheEchidnaRiddell: should work fine for me19:02
apacheloggerrather latish for me19:02
apacheloggermore like it19:03
markeyRiddell: I had a slight problem with KMail from 4.4: overall it worked great, but PGP support didn't work. then Paul Adams just gave me this advice:19:03
markey""Run gpg-agent --daemon, copy the result into a konsole and then launch !kontact  from that konsole. Ping the packager to fix this."19:04
apacheloggerif I do not fall asleep :D19:04
markeyis it a packaging issue?19:04
JontheEchidnadoesn't really sound like a packaging issue at all19:04
markeyI couldn't tell...19:04
markeyit's just what Paul dented19:04
markeythat said, I did have KPGP running19:05
markeyand it normally works fine19:05
markeyor whatever it's called19:05
neversfeldedo I need to override a lintian warning like this: "W: mdic: extra-license-file usr/share/doc/mdic/COPYING.gz" ?19:13
_Groo_guys how can i make sure nepomuk search is actually searching anything? according to search service, i have 8000+ files indexed (mostrly mp3s all tagged) and a few folders with odt and pdf, but a search results always shows empty in dolphin :(19:29
apacheloggerneversfelde: you should not install that license file :P19:37
apacheloggerunless it is necessary19:37
apacheloggerwhich it hopefully is not19:37
apacheloggeralso I personally am against overriding lintian warnings altogether19:37
neversfeldeapachelogger: I am not sure, why this file is installed19:38
_Groo_guys, little bug, please open knotes and quit knotes.. it will crash.. it was fixed in latest kubuntu kde ubuntu3 but is broken in ubuntu4 again19:39
nixternal_Riddell: that time is good for me19:39
JontheEchidna_Groo_: bug 52101119:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 521011 in libdbusmenu-qt "Knotes crash on close" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52101119:42
=== nixternal_ is now known as nixternal
binarylooksconcenring kubuntu lucid on netbooks. the following line was missing in the kwinrc file:19:44
nixternalI AM BORED!!!19:45
ScottKneversfelde: It should not be installed.  The lintian warning is correct.19:47
markeynixternal: GOOD LORD!19:47
markeynixternal: THIS CANNOT STAND!19:47
markeynixternal: chop chop!19:47
neversfeldeapachelogger, ScottK: thanks, I'll have a look at it19:47
markeymake some coffee for Shuttleworth19:47
nixternali would rather swallow gasoline and a lit match19:50
ScottKI'd pay to see that.19:52
nixternalthanks :p19:52
* _Groo_ raises hand.. ill buy the popcorn is nixtenral sets himself on fire :D19:52
_Groo_if nixternal*19:53
ScottKYou should feel good.  I've got about zero time for Kubuntu development right now, but I still have time to abuse you.19:53
ScottKYou're a high priority.19:53
nixternalhaha, ass19:54
apacheloggernixternal on fire19:57
apacheloggerno no! I do not like that!19:57
apacheloggerwe must also love the windows users19:58
apacheloggerthey cant help being what they are :/19:58
nixternalI should go back to Windows19:58
nixternalseeing as I interviewed yesterday with microsoft :D19:58
apacheloggeryou did?19:58
* apachelogger always wanted to work at microsoft's19:59
nixternalyeah, my buddy, and someone in this channel, pushed me :p19:59
apacheloggeruntil I got to meet MS austria's academic evangelist19:59
apacheloggerhe freaked me out quite a bit19:59
nixternalit was a phone interview, but it went well...it will be working with Open Source, but from the way it sounds, they have a ton of people they are interviewing20:00
_Groo_guys how do i reset the entire strigi/nepomuk data?20:00
_Groo_i remove .kde/share/nepomuk , anything else?20:01
nixternalactually said they are interviewing people who have a lot of "community" experience20:01
apacheloggernixternal: you do have that with your loco work and all, dont you?20:02
nixternali would have thought so, but from the way it sounds, they either want someone with more community experience20:02
nixternaldon't know how much more community experience one can have...all it takes is being friendly...isn't like it is a damn skill or anything20:03
apacheloggerjono makes it sound like a science20:03
apacheloggeralways impressed by how important one can make "being friendly" sound like :P20:03
apacheloggeroh, on a related topic is opportunistic a new fancy word to use instead of python?20:05
JontheEchidna"people who crap out python scripts and call them apps" :P20:06
nixternalopportunistic is a bit deeper than python20:06
ScottKIronically I'm in the middle of crapping out a Python script.20:06
nixternalthough you wouldn't think so, seeing as all of the so-called opportunistic apps we have seen have been written with python20:06
nixternalI am learning Mono/C#/.NET20:07
nixternalso, I am in the middle of crapping out my life20:07
JontheEchidnaScottK: you must be an opportunistic developer :P20:08
apacheloggernixternal: how much deeper than python?20:08
nixternalapachelogger: think Apps Store or such for iPhones20:08
apacheloggernixternal: I recon python is already very deep shit20:08
apacheloggerapp store for linux20:08
nixternalall of those really shitty apps, well opportunistic programming makes all those shitty apps, easily available for Ubuntu20:08
apacheloggeroh, we have that already20:08
apacheloggersoftware center or what is it called now20:08
nixternalyeah, but I guess people need more opportunity20:09
ScottKJontheEchidna: When there is an opportunity to be paid for it, yes.20:09
apacheloggerI think I get the concept now20:09
nixternalyeah, seeing as I don't get paid for Linux, it isn't opportunistic enough20:10
nixternalI have 2 hobbies that are fairly big...cycling and linux/floss stuff20:10
nixternalright now, cycling > linux/floss stuff...I am not burning out, I am just getting bored20:10
apacheloggercreate buzz about how you will create a shitty app by calling yourself opportunistic programmer => create shitty app => sell it via ubuntu => excuse the shittyness with it being opportunisticly programmed => create more shitty apps to sell via ubuntu20:10
nixternaldocumentation and packaging is cool and what not, but I have done it for so long, that I need to find something new to do20:11
apacheloggerthat might become a whole new business opportunity20:11
apacheloggernixternal: you could become artist20:11
nixternalit hasn't yet, and seeing that I need a business oppoturnity really soon, I need to start doing something else20:12
apacheloggerpeople who are burned out often take art classes I have been told20:12
nixternalI suck at art now20:12
nixternalI am not burned out, I am bored20:12
apacheloggerthat is why you take an art class first20:12
apacheloggerso you learn art20:12
apacheloggernixternal: you could buzz the opportunistic business model20:13
apacheloggerbecome the guru of OBM20:13
apacheloggerthen write a book about it20:13
JontheEchidnacreate the fanceh icons for opportunistic apps :D20:13
JontheEchidnabut in each one hide a transparent turd outline20:14
nixternalkind of like someone did with GTD20:14
apacheloggeropportunistic icons!20:14
nixternalI should make up some fake ass thing like that, write a book20:14
apacheloggerconsisting only of lines20:14
apacheloggerjust imagine the possibilities20:14
apacheloggerthin lines, thick lines, colored lines, no lines, straight lines....20:15
apacheloggerthat alone would be worth a book20:15
JontheEchidnaLet me push a, dare I say, exciting idea: dotted lines20:15
apacheloggerAn opportunistic artist's guide to icon design with inkscape20:15
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: dont be silly20:16
apacheloggeralthough, maybe it could work, if you wrap it in some more traditional lines20:16
JontheEchidnainnovative opportunistic artowkr :P20:16
apacheloggeryou knwo how people are about revolution in the field of art20:16
JontheEchidnathey hate it, until you opportunistically die :D20:17
JontheEchidnathen they take that opportunity to sell your crap for too much money20:17
apacheloggervery much so20:17
nixternalInnovative Diabolic Intelligent Opportunistic Technology20:17
nixternalthere we go20:18
* nixternal starts writing20:18
apacheloggergo nixternal go!20:18
JontheEchidnaInnovative opportunistic buzzword business model20:18
nixternalisn't that "Cloud Computing"?20:18
* apachelogger agrees20:18
apacheloggersweet baby jesus20:21
JontheEchidnaso how can we synergize today?20:22
seeleam i imagining things or is the performance on an encrypted harddrive really bad?20:35
apacheloggerwell, there is an unavoidable decription/encryption overhead20:36
apacheloggerunless it is hardware encrypted, though even then there is an overhead I have been told...depends on the model as well I suppose20:37
nixternalI am using openSUSE, and the encryption performance is fine, when I was using it on Kubuntu it was fine there as well, though I have heard of people having performance issues20:41
neversfeldeI never had a problem with encryption performance when using Kubuntu20:42
claydohapachelogger: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuPPAs work in progress20:49
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
claydohoy ppa confusion remains :(21:33
claydohkubuntu-backports, beta-backports are pretty easy to describe21:34
claydohwhat about kubuntu-updates and -experimental?21:34
claydohcan I more or less ignore their use in the wiki page?21:35
claydohand focus only on the first 2?21:36
neversfeldeclaydoh: kubuntu-updates contains the maintenance releases21:36
neversfeldelike 4.3.521:36
neversfeldebefore they go to the real backports21:36
claydohthen -backports is for major release, aka 4.421:37
claydohwhich won't make it to real backports21:37
claydohand -beta is, well, for beta :)21:37
claydohI think I gots it, and might even be able to explain it :)21:38
neversfeldeclaydoh: mhh, I think 4.4 can go to backports, too although it is in the backports ppa, so this is not a criterion21:39
neversfelde"Updates for Kubuntu releases which are due to go to Ubuntu Updates. Mostly KDE point releases."21:39
claydohneversfelde: iirc the qt update would keep it out of there, someone mentioned that to me21:39
neversfeldeclaydoh: yes, it did not happen for Karmic and Lucid21:40
claydoh'point releases' is what I am explaining :)21:40
neversfeldebut afair it happended for Jaunty21:40
claydohwell it is still explainable21:42
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
JontheEchidnaRiddell: could you remove and blacklist the knetworkmanager source package? It's popped back up21:55
JontheEchidna(the old kde3 package)21:57
Riddellcan do21:59
RiddellNCommander: about?21:59
RiddellJontheEchidna: hmm, or maybe i can't22:09
ZoraelCurrent live image of Lucid can't install; Ubiquity throws a python fit. Known issue? (AttributeError: 'PartMan' object has no attribute 'allow_change_step')22:11
RiddellZorael: yes, shtylman said he'd be fixing it this evening22:12
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
shtylmanZorael: indeed... will be taking a look at these issues tonight. Alot of my code was recently merged with some major installer changes ... so breakage expected22:18
ZoraelRiddell, shtylman: All right, thanks22:18
RiddellJontheEchidna, nixternal, ScottK, apachelogger: anyone about to quiz NCommander22:27
ScottKSorry, I've been very focused on $WORK lately and lost track.22:28
ScottKIs it time for the meeting?22:28
Riddellthat was the plan, JontheEchidna and apachelogger said they'd be around22:29
Riddelland NCommander just showed up, at least in my /msg22:29
* JontheEchidna is around22:29
* ScottK is sort of around.22:29
Riddellthree of us is good22:29
ScottKNo Tonio22:29
RiddellNCommander: want to say why you want to be a kubuntu-dev?22:29
ScottKnixternal: around?22:29
ScottKRiddell: I guess not.22:32
Riddellmm, I'm sure he's just busy fixing kdebindings on ARM or something22:33
ScottKI'll take that for an excuse.22:33
nixternali am here22:36
NCommanderRiddell: sorry, I'm back.22:38
* NCommander was an hour off on his UTC conversion22:38
RiddellNCommander: still want to be in kubuntu-dev?22:39
Riddellgroovy, why's that?22:39
NCommanderTo help keep Kubuntu an dKubuntu netbook working on ARM mostly22:39
Riddellvery noble22:40
NCommanderAnd to help upload and update the packages to newest upstreams as they are mor eavailable22:40
NCommanderand to help keep Debian and Ubuntu patches in sync22:40
RiddellNCommander: Feature Freeze is happing this week, what does that mean for uploading newest versions?22:40
NCommanderRiddell: bug fix releases only can be uploaded without approval; for releases with new features, ubuntu-release or a delegated representative has to approve on a case-by-case basis22:41
ScottKNCommander: How's it going with getting arm stuff upstreamed to KDE?22:42
NCommanderScottK: all the major patches should be upstreamed and should build out of the box, although I admit I haven't built SVN from source in some time on ARM22:42
ScottKnixternal: Since you're bored, ask something hard.22:43
nixternaldon't need to, I know his technical capabilities22:43
JontheEchidnahe's packaged with the ninjas plenty of times, +1 here too22:43
RiddellNCommander: do you know the answer to the last question on http://article.gmane.org/gmane.comp.python.pyqt-pykde/18505 ?22:44
NCommanderRiddell: it makes sure python-qt4 properly supports floats for QLists and QVectors versus qreal which is required on ARM22:44
NCommanderRiddell: on ARM, qreal == float versus double, and this requires some special handling w.r.t. to upcasting and such in structs.22:45
JontheEchidnagotta go, but +1 for NCommander in general22:46
RiddellNCommander: when we upload packages should we be taking into consideration the heavy use of the ARM buildds?22:46
Riddelle.g. on Qt or KDE SC uploads22:46
NCommanderRiddell: Yes, just as we do i386/amd64, and especially during freezes when the release team may need priority on the buildds22:47
RiddellNCommander: which is better, KDE or Gnome?22:49
NCommanderRiddell: KDE of course ;-)22:49
RiddellNCommander: ooh, don't let them hear you say that in #ubuntu-desktop :)22:50
nixternaloh, you didn't specify "Better at sucking"22:50
Riddellgroovy, I think I'm done, +1 from me for being very competant and useful22:50
nixternalhe fell asleep on his walker22:50
ScottK+1 from me too22:50
ScottKSorry.  Multitasking.22:51
ScottKUnlike nixternal, I got stuff to do.22:51
nixternalyeah, I have 0 to do professionally right now22:51
nixternaltotal downtime, no money, hating life22:51
Riddellgreat, welcome in NCommander, thanks for taking the grilling22:51
ScottKnixternal: Sounds like you're about ready for the Army.22:51
nixternalto old22:51
RiddellNCommander: whats your launchpad ID?22:52
NCommanderRiddell: mcasadevall22:52
NCommanderyay, now I have the power to upload stuff!22:52
neversfeldecongratulations NCommander22:53
Riddelluse it wisely22:53
* NCommander promptly uploads World Domination Virus 0.1 to the archive :-)22:53
Riddelland remember you uploads are still quite limited, kubuntu stuff only, and that doesn't include kde4libs or qt22:53
NCommanderRiddell: ?22:54
NCommanderRiddell: those packages were on the ACL when I checked.22:54
Riddellhmm, I forget the magic runes for the ACL but JontheEchidna has been disappointed in his restrictions22:54
* NCommander looks22:55
NCommanderRiddell: that seems a strange oversight, I can upload OOo for instance22:58
neversfeldemhh, two new upstream releases of kfritz today, because I complained :)22:58
Riddellyes, it's weird22:58
NCommanderRiddell: who controlled this list?22:58
neversfeldethat's what I call a good connection to upstream22:58
RiddellNCommander: it's done automatically using colin's setup22:58
Riddellneversfelde: nice22:58
ScottKNCommander: We've asked and it's on purpose the way it is.22:59
* ScottK gives JontheEchidna a kick about his core-dev application.22:59
* NCommander is amazed I can upload OOo, but not Qt ...22:59
neversfeldeI cannot upload my package to revu, because it is not officially released, but would someone have a look at it. I do not want to dissapoint upstream by missing the ff22:59
Riddellneversfelde: sure23:00
nixternalhttp://www.kde-apps.org/content/show.php/KFritz?content=120190  <- you sure it isn't officially released?23:02
Riddellooh a package using  libindicate-qt-dev, agateau will be pleased23:02
neversfeldeyep :)23:02
neversfeldenixternal: yes, it is 0.0.3, 0.0.2 linked against libssl-dev23:03
neversfeldethey changed it23:04
neversfeldenixternal: I can understand you feelings, cause I am unemployed at the moment, too. I am sure better times will come :)23:05
nixternalthey better come soon23:07
* ScottK avoids the temptation to engage in political discourse.23:08
Riddellneversfelde: packaging all looks good23:09
Riddellwhen I start the app nothing much happens23:10
nixternalpolitics aren't helping, but what people are looking for I am not skilled in...everything here in Chicago is C++ for Stockbroakers, or Ruby for yet another stupid get your groceries website23:10
neversfeldeRiddell: cool, do you have a Fritz!Box?23:10
nixternalseriously been thinking about changing my profession23:10
neversfeldeRiddell: so, you cannot use it then :)23:11
neversfeldeI'll upload it to REVU once it is released. It is really cool software for fritz!box users, which should be 50% of DSL customers here in germany23:13
neversfeldenixternal: I can destract you, you could write an endorsement for me https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ChristianMangold/MOTUDeveloperApplication23:18
neversfeldeyou reviewed my minitube package, so you should know parts of my work :)23:18
JontheEchidnaScottK: core-dev app sent to devel-permissions23:29
ScottKJontheEchidna: Excellent.  Please let me know when the meeting is.23:30
JontheEchidnaScottK: k. I'm hoping to get on next week's meeting23:30
JontheEchidnawe'll see, though23:30
shtylmanRiddell: is 4.4.1 gonna be in lucid?23:32
Riddellshtylman: probably 4.4.2 will be23:35
shtylmanooo cool23:35
Riddellgot a fix you want in?23:35
shtylmanheh yea23:35
shtylmanI backported something into the 4.4 branch23:35
shtylmanlittle stuff23:36
shtylmanbut I was just curious23:36
JontheEchidnaRiddell: got some time to do a handful of removals/syncs?23:38
RiddellJontheEchidna: is ~ubuntu-archive subscribed?23:40
RiddellI'm doing those bugs now23:40
JontheEchidnaRiddell: yeah, should be23:40
RiddellI'll get to them shortly then, if I don't collapse from jetlag23:41
JontheEchidnaoh, Tuesday is your archive admin day, isn't it?23:41
JontheEchidnaRiddell: libksquirrel accidentally wasn't, I just added it23:41
JontheEchidnathanks, btw23:42
JontheEchidnahrm, kfocus isn't building without aRts either...23:42
shtylmanRiddell: did you subscribe me to that bug you pointed out this morning?23:45
Riddellshtylman: no but it's on ubiquity, I thought you subscribed to ubiquity bugs23:46
shtylmanI do23:46
shtylmanif I could remember what it was called :p23:46
shtylmanI get lots of bug emails ...23:47
shtylmanRiddell: found it :)23:47
shtylmanI don't get auto subscribed23:48
shtylmanI just get emails23:48
shtylmanso it makes it a bit hard to actually track down the bugs I am interested in23:48
shtylmanif I havn't been subscribed23:48

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