
RJ2didn't notice anything when i upgraded, how can i check?00:00
muxola graphical way is to run kpackagekit00:00
iggiminwhy would wifi adapter work in ubuntu gnome but not kde?00:00
RJ2know the cli way?00:00
muxolin konsole do an "apt-get safe-upgrade"00:01
RJ2well, nothing looks out of place in kpackagekit. apt-get safe-upgrade doesn't appear to be a valid command00:02
Wolfcastlei don't have that feature either...00:03
muxolwell, "aptitude safe-upgrade" certainly is00:03
RJ2ah yes fine with aptitude - nothing to report, completed fine with no new updates00:03
RJ20 packages upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.00:04
Wolfcastlehadn't noticed00:04
Wolfcastlei feel ripped off00:04
muxolwhen i upgrade a number of updates were blocked for whatever reason. i resolved them by running "apt-get dist-upgrade"...but "aptitude safe-upgrade" would've worked just as well00:04
RJ2the whole reason i upgraded was for the tabbed windows :)00:04
muxolit works fine on my system00:04
RJ2did you get 4.4 from ppa backports?00:05
Wolfcastlehehe not me but i wanted to try it00:05
Wolfcastlei did aptitude dist-upgrade00:05
muxolgo to APPEARANCES-->WINDOWS and enable window grouping00:05
muxolyes, i did00:05
RJ2no such option for me :|00:07
muxolwhen you go to help and "about kde" what version does it report?00:07
Wolfcastlei found a part named window tabbing in window behaviour00:08
RJ2Platform Version 4.4.00 (KDE 4.4.0)00:09
RJ2i've tried with and without compositioning enabled too :(00:09
muxolI must say, I thought the feature looked cool on paper but I've found really no use for it00:10
Wolfcastlei guess it's faster to switch with alt-tab00:11
RJ2i have some options for window tabbing in window behaviour - "auto group similar windows" and "switch to automatically goruped windows immediaTELY", but no options anyway to enable it00:12
muxolonce in a while it's nice lumping a bunch of okular instances together...but it annoyingly keeps all instances separate in the taskbar...as it should i suppose00:12
muxolrj2, have you rebooted since the update?00:13
RJ2twice, to be sure :)00:13
muxolhave you jumped up and down twice as well? hands on head?00:13
WolfcastleRJ2: found that too...tried them all and nothing changes the menu on right click00:13
RJ2muxol: i'll trythat next :P00:14
RJ2i get some new options in that menu, like special window settings etc, but not grouping settings00:15
Wolfcastleis there some way of using kbabel in kde 4.x?00:16
muxoli can testify that grouping works without compositing00:17
WolfcastleI mean 3.5 apps should work right00:17
muxol3.5 apps work for me00:17
muxolthey're ugly as hell, but they work00:17
Wolfcastleyes ok so the problem is kbabel isn't in the repo00:17
Wolfcastlei'll look for a deb package on the net00:17
TorchWolfcastle: what do you want with kbabel in kde 4.4?00:19
TorchWolfcastle: or 4.x?00:19
WolfcastleTorch: I don't like lokalize00:19
TorchWolfcastle: ah, ok.00:20
Wolfcastleit just goes on my nerves, I'm used to kbabel00:20
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RJ2ok, so the window decorator needs to support tabbing - i was using plastique, changed to oxygen and it works00:22
Wolfcastlethere we go no problem, kbabel up and running00:22
Wolfcastleyou're right00:23
Wolfcastlenice going RJ200:23
RJ2np :)00:24
RJ2i'll try oxygen for a bit so i can try tabbing00:28
Wolfcastlehow's that tabbing going RJ201:03
WolfcastleIt's all screwed up here01:03
Wolfcastleswitched back to my old window decorator01:03
titan_arkhey, anyone able to get the OOo 3.2?01:24
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biglinuxalguem do Brasil aqui?01:34
Walzmyncan anybody help me with this nepomuk error: http://pastebin.com/d5741a7b6  ?01:36
direpenguinhello everyone01:54
titan_arkhello direpenguin01:55
direpenguinim in need of assistance01:55
direpenguinim installing linux with dual boot01:55
titan_arki could try but quite a n00b myself01:55
titan_arkyes, go ahead01:55
direpenguinand when i booted up my computer, i chose to load linux01:55
titan_arkjust did it for my friend lat night01:55
titan_arkokay and?01:55
direpenguinand now it brought me to some GRUB prompt01:55
direpenguini dont know what to type in it01:55
titan_arkgrub prompt?01:56
titan_arkcould you elaborate?01:56
direpenguinit wants me to type somthing but i dont know what to type01:56
titan_arkdirepenguin, what version of linux are u using exactly?01:58
direpenguinthe one thats on the main page of unbuntus web site01:58
titan_arkdirepenguin, i wont be able to help you with this much info. you could try asking some pros. join the #ubuntu channel as there are more people there02:00
kavurtI just installed karmic on a 16'' toshiba. there's only 1024x768 resolution available. how to fix it?02:11
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lucas_hey all, i have a question, when we select opengl for desktop effects whats the best opengl mode?02:35
lucas_share memory or one of the other options?02:36
=== Soul_Sample_ is now known as Soul_Sample
felipe_ahuraI have Ubuntu instaled on my computer. I just instaled Kubuntu via Synaptic, but when I log into it, the font size of everything except the main applets on the desktop is extremely big, and the configurations of fonts in appearance seems to be normal... anyone experienced this before?02:46
felipe_ahuraI have Ubuntu instaled on my computer. I just instaled Kubuntu via Synaptic, but when I log into it, the font size of everything except the main applets on the desktop is extremely big, and the configurations of fonts in appearance seems to be normal... anyone experienced this before?02:50
felipe_ahuraCan somebody at least tell me which place is the correct for me to post my questions?02:53
bipolarCan someone help me with this preseed file? http://pastebin.com/d72de06ad The local[0,1] repos are not getting added to apt, and when it tries to install ssc-packages it fails since it doesn't have the repos.03:01
jason__<- Ubuntu Newbie.  I am looking for a list of irc servers for use with Konversation  where would I look for this and how do I add the list to Konversation?03:16
DT`anyone have the codes for konversation's command alaised?03:21
hdevalencehow do I remap the up arrow key to the down arrow key and vice versa?03:27
hdevalenceor possibly remap Win+Down to Up03:28
hdevalencemy Up key is broken, you see, and I can't just get a new keyboard, because it's a laptop03:29
DT`that is a very interesting question. were i actually using real kde i could probably find out03:30
hdevalence\j #linux03:35
iggimin_Hi - how do I configure my 00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)?03:43
iggimin_It's not playing speakers or headphones in a fresh Kubuntu 9.10 64-bit install03:43
viashinoanyone have some kind of script to install and configure carom3d to run ?03:48
mase_wkviashino: what is carom3d ?03:50
ev0sx1does anyone here, have kde 4.4?03:50
mase_wkev0sx1: i have a copy :)03:51
viashinoits a poll game ... billiards, dont know the name of the game in anglish03:51
viashinoi like to play 8-ball ^^03:51
ev0sx1mase_wk: do you have problems with your keyboard layout03:51
mase_wkfair enough :)03:51
ev0sx1was it messed up after the upgrade to kde 4?03:51
mase_wkev0sx1: not very specific question but no.03:51
mase_wkyou might have better luck if you just state your problem03:51
iggimin_any idea at all how to setup my sound card?03:52
ev0sx1i can not use proper punctuaction like e´03:52
ev0sx1after i upgraded03:52
iggimin_is it possible to make a keyboard shortcut to launch a terminal?03:52
mase_wkev0sx1:  which layout are you using ?03:52
mase_wkiggimin_: should be possible03:53
iggimin_mase_wk - I think so too. It worked in gnome but KDE is quite different03:54
iggimin_same thing with my sound card - it worked in gnome03:54
iggimin_heheh I search google for kubuntu and it keeps asking if I mean "ubuntu" :)03:54
ev0sx1mase_wk: portuguese03:54
ev0sx1i can write properly on firefox03:54
iggimin_the only other question I have is how do I change my windows switcher animations?03:54
ev0sx1other than that no.03:54
mase_wkyour sound cards are configured in the system settings multimedia03:55
mase_wkyou can choose your output device there03:55
mase_wkyou may also want to check in kmix that your PCM value is audible03:55
iggimin_already checked kmix.03:55
iggimin_what output device? pulseaudio or the HD ATI?03:56
iggimin_(duh - probably the ATI, huh?)03:56
mase_wki dunno, try them and see which one works for you03:56
mase_wkev0sx1: your probably going to have more luck on a mailing list03:56
iggimin_hmm- how do I try them? I click on it and it just highlights. double click does nothing03:57
ev0sx1never tried one03:57
ev0sx1is the 4.4 version available on a fresh install?03:57
ev0sx1or is it only in the backports?03:57
mase_wkiggimin_: you see the 'prefer' 'defer' options at the bottom03:57
mase_wkev0sx1: what are you referring to ?03:57
iggimin_ah! heheh, had to scroll down :D03:57
ev0sx1mase_wk: the new kde 4.4 version?03:58
mase_wkiggimin_: what size is your screen ?03:58
ev0sx1if i download a copy of the kubuntu 9.10, does it come with kde 4.4 or with the previous version 3.5.2?03:58
iggimin_it's a 15-inch; how do I see the size?03:58
mase_wkev0sx1: previous version afaik03:58
ev0sx1i guess ill stick with the old version until this one works ok03:59
mase_wkev0sx1: just ask on the mailing list03:59
mase_wksomeone will know about keyboard layouts03:59
iggimin_neither the ATI or the pulseaudio will work - I've preferred and deferred both03:59
mase_wklots of intelligent people on there03:59
iggimin_do I need to logout or reboot if I change the preference for sound?03:59
mase_wkiggimin_: dunno sorry, thats the limit of my knowledge. Maybe check out how to configure pulse..maybe its doing somethign strange04:00
iggimin_no worriez04:01
iggimin_what about setting a keyboard shortcut to launch a terminal? anyone :D04:01
iggimin_oh well 0/3 - I'll try another time. thanks!04:02
upgradei was hping maybe somebody could help me connect to another irc04:12
Speedy2Hey all.  I'd like to compile a vanilla kernel for my machine.  I know the kernel devs have some mainline kernels, but I'm still fuzzy on the process.  Any pointers?05:00
qZonecan someone tell me why I can't enable the 3D desktop on Kubuntu as root?05:44
marco____Hi. I have a wireless connection. KDE can detect it but I cant connect to internet. I put the key several times but it doesnt connect to internet. Is there a solution?06:03
RnFstRuckHrdAnyone else switch to KDE 4.4?06:34
RnFstRuckHrdooops, sorry I did not realize this was the support channel - Sorry!06:35
jussi01RnFstRuckHrd: #kubuntu-offtopic :)06:36
RnFstRuckHrdjussi - TY   :-)06:36
chenzyapeace!! :006:55
RnFstRuckHrdhmmmm - an imposter!07:17
RnFstRuckHrdugh sorry again - I am going to leave this channel until I have a real reason for support. Sorry again!07:18
RiddellKarmic users needed to test Amarok from ~kubuntu-ppa/beta07:23
pmvwhat's a good way to change themes in KDE apps without running KDE07:35
WaltzingAlongwhich packages need to be installed for f1 help to show something other than help:/digikam/index.html does not exist?07:50
WaltzingAlonghello megaman07:50
megamanyou can hear me?07:51
WaltzingAlongno but i can read what you have typed, megaman07:52
megamancool where can i get kubuntu help07:56
WaltzingAlongmegaman: you are here07:58
WaltzingAlong!ask | megaman07:58
ubottumegaman: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:58
megamani got a geforce 2 mx/mx 400 graphics card will that support desktop effects like the cube?08:00
megamanits 64mb08:01
WaltzingAlongmegaman: i do not know. have you tried it? did you enable the binary nvidia driver?08:02
megamani know how to enable it because i´ve done it on another machine... in hardware drivers it says nvidia accelerated graphics driver (version 96) [recomended] i have a green light at the corner thats says drivers is activated and current...but i cant get it to work08:08
megamaniḿ not sure what binary nvidia driver is08:09
Vroomfondlethat's the binary nvidia driver.08:10
WaltzingAlongmegaman: ok so with the green light then it seems to be enabled already. you could check though.08:11
megamanhow do i check08:11
WaltzingAlongmegaman: copy/paste the contents of /var/log/Xorg.0.log   to http://paste.ubuntu.com             that log will show you which driver has been loaded08:11
WaltzingAlongmegaman: the cube can be configured in system settings/desktop/...08:12
megamanalso iḿ not sure why the greenlight came on because it wasnt before...when i first used the hardware driver program it never finished it said error when i tried to activate08:12
megamanthen i downloaded the driver through adept...and it said ¨a differnt version of this driver is in use¨ then i uninstalled that download....then it started to say the driver is enable and current....wierd i know08:14
infect3dkubuntu 9.10 is  not detecting the sound devices on my hp dv200008:15
infect3dit was workin fine in the mornin08:15
infect3dany idea wat needs to be done?08:15
WaltzingAlonginfect3d: worked fine in the morning with kubuntu 9.10?08:16
megamanwaltz how do i paste to that website.............sorry iḿ very new to linux08:16
WaltzingAlongmegaman: open that file with Kate; then open that website with konqueror. select all the text in kate. copy. then to the website, you type in your name at the top and paste in the big 'content' section. click the paste! button. this will give you a new URL paste.ubuntu.com/?????? share that new url here08:18
megamani think i did it right08:19
RecycleCorn It is time to put those Haitian jigaboos in their place!  No matter how many times the civilized world donates money, opens schools, rebuilds their nation, and holds their little monkey paws, the damn niggers can never get it right.  They never will!  The same goes for New Orleans!  Cancun in Mexico suffered few fatalities after their major hurricane, and the rebuilding is already completed.  What have the niggers in08:20
RecycleCornNew Orleans done? If you are sick of this, join Chimpout Forum!  http://www.chimpout.com/forum08:20
FloodBotK3RecycleCorn: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:20
WaltzingAlongmegaman: ok. you see that several lines start with NVIDIA ? well this is the binary nvidia driver. loaded and running at 1280x1024.08:22
megamanI have no idea what any of that stuff in that file means...thats alot of freakin text..08:22
WaltzingAlongmegaman: :D08:23
WaltzingAlongmegaman: ok so configure the cube. system settings / desktop effects08:23
megamanFailed to activate desktop effects using the given configuration options. Settings will be reverted to their previous values.08:25
megamanCheck your X configuration. You may also consider changing advanced options, especially changing the compositing type.08:25
megamani got that message08:25
WaltzingAlongmegaman: which compositing type is checked? also an option in desktop effects08:26
megamanok on the advanced tab it says open gl08:26
megamanand i have a option for xrender08:27
WaltzingAlongmegaman: try one of the other options08:27
megamanok i got a window in the corner of the screen that says ¨KDE Window Manager : The following effects could not be activated.... desktop cube and desktop cube animation08:31
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WaltzingAlonganyone else here know these better?08:33
megamanyeah it really sucks i mean i can totally live without desktop effects but i think my computer should be capable of enabling them.......i wish i could just find out if like i dont have a strong enough graphics card or something, so i can lay it to rest, but i heard of computers with very low specs running these effects so it makes me think i can.08:36
WaltzingAlongmegaman: yeah maybe it is just a setting somewhere; i do not know08:39
megamanthank you for you help anyways08:39
WaltzingAlongmegaman: confirm direct rendering is enabled:  The command "glxinfo | grep -i direct" should read "Yes"; in konsole, run       glxinfo | direct -i direct09:00
koltrollI would like to remove the taskbar, but keep the system tray to the far right. I have no idea how to do this, but I guess it's real simple and I'm probably overlooking something here :)09:07
xjjkkoltroll: I do the same09:09
xjjkkoltroll: it's not obvious, but it is simple...09:09
koltrollxjjk, ooh I'm waiting with great excitement to hear how it's done! :)09:10
xjjkI'm not sure how to explain it...09:10
xjjkfirst, remove the taskbar09:10
xjjkwhen in the panel editing mode, just move the sliders that control maximum size/etc09:10
xjjkalso under the 'more settings' button you can select the alignment of the panel, i.e. which side of the screen to appear on09:11
koltrolljesus fucking christ I can't remove the taskbar without closing all apps?! There's no place to rightclick so that I can reach the taskbar settings! amazing!09:13
WaltzingAlongkoltroll: could also check in #kd09:13
WaltzingAlongkoltroll: could also check in #kde i meant09:13
koltrollxjjk, so the taskbar is gone. what am I supposed to do with the sliders?09:16
koltrollWaltzingAlong, yea man I know, tho since I'm not a registered freenode user it seems I cannot write in there09:16
koltrollI should register I guess09:16
xjjkkoltroll: er, click the "cashew"09:16
xjjkor whatever it's called09:16
xjjkyou can remove the taskbar apply easily09:16
koltrollyea the taskbar is gone09:16
koltrolland I have clicked the 'cashew' :)09:17
xjjkso, you'll see the sliders09:17
koltrollnow the tray is to the far left, just to the right of the "K"09:17
koltrolland the whole panel is maximized.09:17
koltrollyea I see them09:17
xjjkokay, where did you want it?09:17
koltrolldude I just added a "spacer" now09:17
WaltzingAlongyou may also want a spacer in there09:17
koltrollit's all good with a spacer :)09:18
koltrollthanks alot you guys!09:18
xjjkwhatever you want09:18
koltrolloh another thing. How can I configure "show desktop" to a keyboard shortcut?09:19
Torchkoltroll: the show desktop plasmoid can be assigned a global shortcut in its settings09:22
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=== otswim is now known as babalu
pmwissehi, thanks for the backport 4.4 builds10:07
pmwissethey are quickly improving10:08
megamananyone using a nvidia geforce 2 mx/mx 400 64mb graphics card?10:08
pmwissejust a quick question about the last major bug10:08
pmwisseafter resume from suspend to ram10:08
pmwissemy plasma-desktop crashes every time10:08
pmwisseis that known?10:08
olenzHi! Has anybody ever manager to open an OpenVPN connection via knetworkmanager?10:21
WaltzingAlongolenz: i have an openvpn connection but not through knetworkmanager10:24
olenzi always used GNOME's nm-applet so far10:25
olenzthat worked fine10:25
olenzI would prefer to switch to the KDE tool however10:25
WaltzingAlongmegaman: have you tried in #kde ?10:26
olenzOr: does anybody know how to deactivate knetworkmanager (without removing it)?10:26
megamanwhats that?10:27
WaltzingAlongmegaman: the channel for kde10:27
megamanoh no i havent10:27
megamaniĺl try it10:27
WaltzingAlongmegaman: the issue you are having might not be kubuntu specific10:28
olenzAnd: what happened to the networkmanager plasmoid?10:29
kavurthow can I fix the resolution problem?11:07
andriesDoes anyone know how to get kubuntu to actually logout and shutdown using the GUI (instead of the command console)? For some reason the exit/logout button does not work.11:07
babaluhi, how can i try koffice2 on kubuntu?11:17
WaltzingAlongbabalu: install it? think it is koffice-kde411:22
WaltzingAlong!info koffice-kde4 | babalu11:22
ubottubabalu: koffice-kde4 (source: koffice2): KDE Office Suite. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.0.2-2ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 9 kB, installed size 52 kB11:22
babaluWaltzingAlong: oh thanks11:22
AzikaCorpneed help ??11:41
WaltzingAlongAzikaCorp: are you looking for help or for someone to whom to offer your help?11:44
AzikaCorpI am boring, so want to offer help :p11:45
olenzAzikaCorp: Well, if you ask for it: do you have an idea how I can disable knetworkmanager?11:47
olenzAzikaCorp: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3110104.011:48
vova_kobyzevspricht jemand deutsch__11:49
vova_kobyzevrussian ??11:50
WaltzingAlong!de | vova_kobyzev11:51
ubottuvova_kobyzev: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.11:51
WaltzingAlong!ru | vova_kobyzev11:51
ubottuvova_kobyzev: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke11:51
vova_kobyzevgood good11:52
WaltzingAlongvova_kobyzev: cheers11:52
WaltzingAlong!info konversation > lalalol_11:55
RepRapDudeShort question: I don't have audio in adobe flash (latest flash, Kubuntu Jaunty), tried lots of things, where can I best ask (on IRC)??11:58
WaltzingAlongRepRapDude: because another program is running with the audio? such as amarok?11:58
RepRapDudeWaltzingAlong: not amarok, but there might be something. How can I determine this?11:59
RepRapDudeWaltzingAlong: My setup is slightly complicated, I have a USB soundcard (cmedia chipset) and onboard sound (to go to a receiver). However, neither work. I can use mplayer with -ao oss:/dev/dsp1, however.12:00
WaltzingAlongRepRapDude: sometimes i have had success wrapping firefox with aoss. check out the alsa-oss package12:02
RepRapDudeWaltzingAlong: sounds good, do I just isnstall that?12:02
* RepRapDude closes 32 tabs12:03
WaltzingAlong32 tabs :D12:04
RepRapDudeI apt-got alsa-oss... what's next? :)12:05
WaltzingAlong$ aoss firefox &12:06
WaltzingAlongthen try a flash video in there12:06
RepRapDudeWaltzingAlong: it doesn't start firefox, the command doesn't give me anything back12:08
RepRapDudeWaltzingAlong: I guess I should configure a .asoundrc file?12:09
WaltzingAlongperhaps but ... not sure why firefox did not start12:09
RepRapDudels -la `which firefox` gives me: /usr/bin/firefox -> firefox-3.512:10
RepRapDudeWaltzingAlong: It fails/hangs fairly early in starting firefox, I'll postbin an strace12:13
WaltzingAlongwell ok. maybe the asoundrc file like you mentioned12:13
RepRapDudeWaltzingAlong: This is what the command does: http://pastebin.com/d2e1c6c0212:15
RepRapDudeWaltzingAlong: Never mind, google chrome does start, so I can test with that. Sound doesn't work for chrome either12:16
RepRapDudeIf I fix it for chrome I can try firefox after that...12:16
krabadoropinions on 4.4.0?12:17
WaltzingAlongkrabador: what are you running now?12:20
krabadorWaltzingAlong, 4.3.512:21
olenzkrabador: I like 4.4.0, and don't have any problems. I'm using it since first ports were available.12:27
RepRapDude_I fixed it by using the script that creates an .asoundrc for you!12:40
WaltzingAlongRepRapDude_: great!12:42
WaltzingAlongRepRapDude_: then feel free to remove alsa-oss12:42
RepRapDude_WaltzingAlong: Thanks for the support. You did point me to the solution, even though it was with the intention of letting me try something else :)12:43
WaltzingAlongRepRapDude_: thanks for sharing credit ;)12:44
RepRapDude_This is where you can find the script (should someone else have the same problem): http://alsa.opensrc.org/index.php/.asoundrc12:44
LantiziaHey are there any other KDE based distro's that use a Ubuntu base?12:50
LantiziaI just find the apps that Kubuntu comes with as default arn't all that up to much, and it's a bit of a mess12:51
VroomfondleNot that I know of12:51
EagleScreenLantizia: why do you need a Ubuntu base?12:51
Vroomfondlefrankly, KDE-based distros in general are thin on the ground these days12:51
LantiziaWell I only know of Mint KDE12:51
EagleScreenLantizia: have you tried OpenSuse? it is wonderful12:52
LantiziaI detest Novell12:52
* Vroomfondle uses SuSE on his laptop, and it is rather good12:52
LantiziaSorry but I just won't touch it12:52
LantiziaFirst thing I do on Ubuntu is get rid of Mono, F-Spot, TomBoy12:53
Vroomfondlethen you're not going to succeed in your quest12:53
EagleScreenOpenSuse is free software, made by comunity, at least a major part12:53
LantiziaDoes the GPLv3 affect SuSE or OpenSUSE then?12:53
aapzakfedora's effort on KDE appears to be quite good12:54
LantiziaDoes perhaps any other DE use Qt?12:55
aapzakhome laptop is running F12/KDE 4.3.512:55
aapzakLantizia: is qt your only wish? You could run qt apps on openbox ...12:56
EagleScreenyou can run Qt apps in any OS and any DE12:56
aapzakmany OS I'd say :)12:56
EagleScreenQt4 apps are well integated on Win32, Gnome, KDE ...12:57
aapzakso Lantizia, what about that?12:57
LantiziaI'm not sure12:58
LantiziaI want to get in to Qt development more especially since my N900 is going that way, it's not LGPL and the Qt Creator looks ace12:58
LantiziaSo I figured having a Qt DE would be a benefit too, get in to the general feel of the apps12:58
aapzakqt creator looks awesome indeed12:58
Lantizia*now LGPL12:59
Lantizianot not lol12:59
EagleScreenLantizia: it seeks that Opensuse 11.2 is under GNU General Public License version 212:59
EagleScreenLantizia: you can learn Qt programming in any OS and any DE13:00
aapzakthats true13:00
LantiziaEagleScreen: so any more up to date tools from GNU under v3 can't be in SuSE products?13:00
EagleScreenyes they cna be, ofcourse13:01
Lantiziathought due to the MS & Novell collaboration and the new restrictions of GNU GPL v3 that Novell wouldn't use it13:01
EagleScreeni am not very documented about it13:02
EagleScreenwhy dont ask in #suse channel?13:02
Lantiziaok :)13:03
toimistocan i use gvts in kde?13:03
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aapzakLantizia: what is your goal? qt programming? who cares about the licences of your OS? It is a minor detail, at least in my opinion. Just start hacking!13:03
aapzakI mean it :) I see myself reinstalling all the time but its very counter productive. You're better of with just starting to hack right away13:04
WaltzingAlongaapzak: coders code. others type about all of the reasons why they are not coding. those are not coders13:07
aapzaktnx WaltzingAlong, no fun to realize but you're probably right :)13:08
WaltzingAlongwell my being right does not get things coded either ;)13:08
satepcanyone on?13:21
LantiziaHey... I really hate Kubuntu - wait there more... I hate it as it comes when you do a normal install13:36
LantiziaAny way I can just get like the basics... perhaps a kde-core ?13:36
AzikaCorpLantizia, what is exactly your problem ??13:39
AzikaCorpLantizia: something works wrong ?13:39
LantiziaNo I just want the KDE desktop/bar/widgets/preferences13:40
LantiziaNot any of the silly applications that all have a K in them13:40
LantiziaThey're all naff13:40
Lantiziathats a british term for... a bit crap13:41
WaltzingAlongLantizia: sure13:42
AzikaCorpLantizia: what is shure, there is not "a better interface". It must fit you :D13:43
Lantizianah I like the interface of KDE... just not the apps13:44
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Lantiziabut I like the ubuntu repositories too much to move from kubuntu13:44
AzikaCorpunderstand :), it looks pretty but it is heaver than gnome13:45
rethuswhen does new kde released?13:46
rethusand does kubuntu automaticly upgrade to new kde or have i to add special repos?13:46
AzikaCorpyou have to add a special repos13:46
AzikaCorpand pray that nothing bad append  ^^13:47
Lantiziakonquerer - naff, quassel - oh so naff... kmail/kontact - pretty naff13:47
Lantiziakopete, not bad - but a bit naff13:47
Lantiziakrdc very nice :)13:47
Lantiziaamarok - incomplete13:47
Lantiziaand naff13:47
AzikaCorpin my case, I needed to reinstall "plasma-desktop"13:47
AzikaCorpwhich player do you use, I quite agree with you, except concerning amarok13:48
Lantiziaark looks nice13:48
rethusAzikaCorp: what repos13:48
Lantiziaamarok can't even write ogg comments - such a failure13:48
Lantiziai use songbird13:48
rethusand wwhy pray... does it so experimental?13:49
AzikaCorpno, but kde 4 is not yet in official kubuntu repo13:49
Lantiziai don't know why konquerer hasn't swapped to webkit yet - khtml has been surpassed13:49
Lantiziakhtml doesn't even pass acid3 tests13:50
AzikaCorpLantizia, I agree with you13:50
rethusAzikaCorp: if it becomes in official kubuntu-repo does it updatet automaticly or have i to add other repos?13:50
rethusi only wan't to use stable... but i doesn't want it like on suse before... there you have all the time your old kde... and only bugfixes..13:51
AzikaCorpto surf, I often switch with ff for plugin, opera my favorite one, and chromium (I surf speeder in my case)13:51
issamhi everyone13:51
Lantiziagoogle chrome is to die for sometimes for speed13:51
issamplzz can i ask u something13:51
AzikaCorple salon francais => #kubuntu-fr :p13:51
issamazika hi13:52
issami'm a new user of linux13:52
AzikaCorpI cannot confirm that It will update automaticly13:52
issamand i want to install WLM & IE but i dunno how13:52
Mamarok!ask | issam13:52
ubottuissam: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:52
rethushow can i make an distribution update13:52
rethusaptitude dist-update ?13:52
AzikaCorprethus, yes13:53
issamok sorry !!13:53
rethusdist-upgrade seems not to exist13:53
AzikaCorpI did it to install kd4.4 , after adding a reop13:54
issamhow can i install WLM and IE ??13:56
AzikaCorpissam, IE !!! 0_O ?? :p. Just a question, why ?13:57
AzikaCorpWLM doesn't exist, you can try : emesene, kopete13:58
issamazika i use speaky web chat voice but it doesn't work with any navigator exept IE13:58
AzikaCorpissam, just crap ! you can try to install IE using wine ...13:59
issamok sir thanx a lot (f)13:59
AzikaCorpI you sure that it work only with IE ?14:00
cuzntyou can install ie with wine?14:04
cuzntthere is one program site i must use IE with for my math....14:04
ubottuies4linux is a script that quickly and effortlessly helps you install 3 versions of IE in Wine. Information can be found at http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Main_Page including instructions specifically for Ubuntu. ies4linux is aimed at web designers and ie-only sites, so please, don’t use any of the IEs to navigate! Use Firefox!14:04
AzikaCorpwine execute ".exe" file14:05
cuzntty i complained that a help site geared for the itt-tech community should not just be IE. how un geeky14:06
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snarkfishanyone else having issues with flash?14:24
snarkfishi have no sound at all anymore.14:24
kiraitachieveryone in the beginning and same with sound..14:24
snarkfishany answers to how to fix it?14:25
snarkfishand that is the end of that line of communication. LOL14:28
kiraitachihi anyone can give me a hand?14:32
kiraitachiplz? i would like to add in quassel irc another network...14:32
kiraitachibut got no idea on how to do it..14:33
robin0800kiraitachi: Use file/ network /configure14:33
kiraitachidone that...14:34
kiraitachibut when i add this network...:irc://irc.malvager.com/hackforums14:34
robin0800kiraitachi: Now add14:34
kiraitachinothing happens...14:34
kiraitachithis is the site http://www.hackforums.net/14:35
Vgecan i use gvts in kde?14:35
BluesKajkiraitachi, which irc client are you using ?14:35
robin0800kiraitachi: remove /hackforums14:35
kiraitachiquassel IRC14:35
kiraitachithe one that comes up with kubuntu14:36
BluesKajthis  :irc://irc.malvager.com/hackforums ,connects with konversation irc client14:36
robin0800kiraitachi: for server you just want irc://irc.malvager.com14:36
snarksterman this is killing me.. I watch my tv shows on hulu and without sound in flash i cant watch my show..14:37
olskolircI need a desktop recorder recordmydesktop isn't in my menu and when I type it, it tell me to use --no-sound and I don't even know where my file went - I want a recorder that take the sound as well with a gui14:37
robin0800kiraitachi: ignore the first part irc// not needed14:37
kiraitachiok done now connects but says this14:38
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kiraitachia ok14:38
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robin0800kiraitachi: now join a channel #channel14:39
kiraitachiok got it thanks guys14:40
BluesKajsnarkster, alt+f2, kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list ,and remove all#'s in front of urls starting with deb , then sudo apt-get up date , then sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras flashplugin-nonfree14:42
BluesKajerr ,sudo apt-get update14:43
mefisto__olskolirc: try xvidcap. lots of options to choose different codecs, etc14:43
olskolircthanks mefisto__14:44
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snarksterthanx Blueskaj14:46
snarksterill give that a try14:46
snarksterthis kinda problem will deffinately keep people from using linux.14:46
snarksterbrb rebooting14:47
snarkfishafter restarting i got this nice little window telling me that hda analog sound isnt working falling back to pulseaudio14:52
snarkfishstill no sound in hulu or youtube14:54
snarkfishman this VERY aggrevating14:55
snarkfishit used to work just fine...14:55
BluesKajsnarkfish, install libdvdcss214:56
AltrortlAHello... I have a internet connection on a XP home PC and I'd like to share this connection with a Kubuntu 9.04 PC (SOME TIPS?)14:56
snarkfishPackage libdvdcss2 is not available, but is referred to by another package.14:57
BluesKajAltrortlA, how are you going to  share this connection, thru a router or modem or ?14:57
BluesKaj!medibuntu | snarkfish14:58
ubottusnarkfish: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org14:58
AltrortlABluesKaj: I got a internet connection trought a Mobile Modem UMTS14:59
snarkfishah crapper!!. i was already dloading the new 115 updates. when i tried to add the medibuntu repo.. did this break anything?15:00
wizkodersnarkfish: did you already install "ubuntu restricted extras" and "kubuntu restricted extras"?15:01
snarkfishi installed the kubuntu restricted not the ububntu15:01
AltrortlABluesKaj: then the PC (an XP Home) is conneted to the Eth LAN and have a Secondary ip configured (this is to let that DHPC assign the IP ....15:02
snarkfish5 min till the 115 are done then ill do the medibuntu and the ubuntu15:02
AltrortlABluesKaj: in this moment smb4k do not see the line, (before I have no secondary IP, but just DHPC, and I was able to see and shere trought the line)...15:03
BluesKajAltrortlA, is there more than one ethernet port on the modem ?15:03
BluesKajI have to leave for a few mins ...bbl15:05
flacostehi there15:05
AltrortlABluesKaj: is a Mobile ... it is conneted directly to XP PC with its cable (USB)15:05
flacostei've updated to KDE 4.4.0 through the backport PPA15:05
flacosteand the system tray doesn't work anymore15:06
flacosteskype, amarok, choqok don't appear in it15:06
AzikaCorpyou have a black screen right :) ?15:06
AzikaCorpflacoste: but you can move you cursor and lauch app with ALT+F2 right ?15:06
flacosteAzikaCorp: yes15:06
flacostealso, on login it complains that neomopuk wasn't started15:07
bigjoolsflacoste: I was going to update to 4.4, maybe I won't now :)15:07
AzikaCorpinstall plasma-desktop15:07
AzikaCorpI add the same problem , installing plasma-desktop sloved it15:08
anoneemouseHI. I upgraded to kde 4.4 and now i keep getting an error: Nepomuk needs the virtuoso rdf server to store its data15:10
mefisto__AzikaCorp: plasma-desktop wasn't installed? or did you reinstall it?15:15
anoneemouseshould i install virtuoso?15:16
anoneemouseif so which version/package?15:16
mefisto__anoneemouse: virtuoso-nepomuk15:16
AzikaCorpmefisto__: it wasn't install after the upgrade15:17
anoneemousedid kpackagekit change? the sidebar and settings seem to be missing15:17
AzikaCorpmefisto__: so I installed plasma-desktopthemes-artwork, and plasma-desktop15:18
poyntzkubuntu karmic doesn't recognise my iphone.. help15:21
poyntz- ubuntu (gnome) did15:21
poyntzwhen i connect an ipod it kdm gives me an option for gwen view or dolphin to browse the device. with the iphone it shows nothing...15:22
AzikaCorppoyntz: when you type fdisk -l , do you see your iphone ?15:23
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BluesKajAltrortlA, sorry , I don't know anything about connecting a mobile phone to internet thru a pc15:27
shadeslayerAltrortlA: yeah i tried that.... you can connect the laptop to the internet via a phone... not the other way round15:28
shadeslayergenii: its not possible :P15:28
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BluesKajguys , I'm not sure that's what he meant , when ppl talk about a mobile I assume it's aphone15:29
snarkfishwell he did say tether didnt he?15:29
shadeslayerBluesKaj: i would guess that too...15:29
BluesKajI'm old i just my cellphone for phone calls and the odd text message15:29
flacosteAzikaCorp: plasma-desktop is already installed15:30
snarkfishdo i need to reboot the system or just restart firefox to see if i have sound in hulu or youtube?15:31
AzikaCorpflacoste: alright, you seems to have another problem15:31
BluesKajrestart FF , snarkfish15:31
AzikaCorpflacoste: what exactly doesn'nt work ?15:31
flacostesome apps don't register in the system tray15:32
flacostewell, all the ones that i normally use15:32
flacostekonversation, skype, chopok, amarok15:32
AzikaCorpcan you see your systray ?15:32
AzikaCorpflacoste: strange15:33
flacostethere is kmix, the printer, korganizer and the notification applet in it15:33
soonI've spent HOURS trying to connect to my workplace MS Exchange server with Evolution. I can connect via firefox (web-interface) and via my iPhone, but not via Evolution: couldn't communicate with gnome keyring daemon via dbus ...The name org.gnome.keyring was not provided by any .service files ... e-data-server-ui-Message: Key file does not have group 'Passwords-Exchange'15:33
soonany suggestions?15:33
mefisto__flacoste: and there are no hidden icons in systray?15:34
shadeslayersoon: i think you would get a better answer at #ubuntu15:34
soonfair enough ... I'll try that (I am running Kubuntu though :-) )15:34
flacostemefisto__: you mean when i click the triangle?15:34
flacosteif i click it, it hides some of those i mentioned15:35
chuckfsoon: you may want to try either #ubuntu, #evolution, or #gnome as Evolution is not a KDE program15:35
flacostethe apps show only in the taskbar15:35
BluesKajflacoste, as they should , some apps need to be configured from within themselves to appear in the system tray15:36
mefisto__BluesKaj: but skype and amarok? I guess amarok has upgraded and settings may have changed, but skype should still appear in systray at least15:37
pushaxhow to I upgrade to KDE SC 4.415:37
flacosteBluesKaj: they are all configured15:38
flacosteit was working before the upgrade15:38
pushaxarrr PPA backports..15:38
pushaxIs KDE SC4.4 jsut the next version up or a special social networking version?15:39
mefisto__flacoste: I had odd problems with my panel after upgrade (not just systray) and I renamed ~/.kde/share/config/plasmarc and logged in again. that resolved the weirdness for me15:39
tsimpsonpushax: SC == Software Compilation15:39
poyntzAzikaCorp: nothing. also if i type lsusb i don't get anything either...15:40
pushaxpoyntz:what does that mean for average KDE users???15:40
pushaxpoyntz: what does that mean for average KDE users???15:40
tsimpsonpushax: it's the "new" name for what we normally call KDE15:40
AzikaCorppoyntz: strange15:40
tsimpsonKDE is a community, KDE SC is the product15:40
pushaxtsimpson: arr ok. another confusing acronym15:40
poyntzAzikaCorp: yaa. if the comp doesn't recognise it i wudn't hav a clue how to fix it... :/15:41
pushaxtsimpson: so it's recommended to upgrade from 3.4 to get extra features?15:41
poyntzAzikaCorp: but like i said. it was picked up on gdm15:41
mefisto__pushax: the idea I think is that KDE is more than just the desktop - it's lots of other software too, that isn't necessarily tied to the KDE desktop15:42
tsimpsonKDE SC 4.4 is the next major release from KDE 4.315:42
tsimpson(the SC is particularly important now KDE apps can run on Windows and Mac OSX now)15:42
pushaxtsimpson: yeah my mistake writing 3.4.  I have 4.3.515:42
AzikaCorppoyntz: replug your iphone and have a look to "dmesg".15:43
AzikaCorppoyntz: Do you see something ?15:43
pushaxtsimpson: so to get new SC 4.4 goto launchpad and get repository?15:43
flacostemefisto__: ok, about to try that15:43
tsimpsonpushax: you don't need to go to launchpad, just add the ppa repository and update15:44
pushaxmefisto__: cool15:44
tsimpsonsee the topic for instructions15:44
pushaxtsimpson: can you paste that repository15:44
tsimpsonsee http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-sc-4.415:44
pushaxtsimpson: wow getting heaps of updates since I added 'deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu  karmic main'15:48
bazhangblphgr, hi15:48
pushaxTHANKS ALL.  Night...15:48
blphgrbazhang, hi15:48
blphgrmy firefox just crashed twice15:49
blphgrfix it please15:50
blphgrI need commercial support, right now, I pay 500$15:52
ikoniacanonical.com for comercial support15:52
blphgrthey told me to look up the ubuntu irc channels15:52
AzikaCorpfirefox is heavy, use chromium or opera15:52
arcadeTrying to get wireless to work on a samsung X420, with Kubuntu 9.10.  The box has a Intel WiFi 5100 chipset.15:52
arcade.. but I cannot seem to get it to work.15:53
tsimpsonblphgr: if you have commercial support, I suggest you use it15:53
blphgrI using firefox because opera and chromium chrashed more than just twice15:53
arcadeiwlist wlan0 scanning shows the accesspoint (so does knetworkmanager), but I cannot seem to connect.15:53
ikoniaarcade: intel normally has good support, where ar eyou up to15:53
arcadeikonia: Hm?15:53
ikoniaarcade: ok so you know the cards there as iwlist works, but it just can't hit the access point15:53
blphgrhi ikonia15:53
AzikaCorpblphgr: a problem with flash player ?15:53
ikoniaarcade: nothing like mac address blocking on the access point ?15:53
arcadeikonia: It can find the access point, but .. it doesn't send any packets (according to ifconfig, no rx or tx packets).15:54
arcadeikonia: Nope.15:54
arcadeikonia: No packets leaving the box as far as I can tell with tcpdump -nli wlan015:54
ikoniaarcade: have you configured the encyption ?15:54
blphgryes flash is always a problem15:54
arcadeikonia: Yeps.15:54
arcadeikonia: (And I would expect to see incoming packets with the tcpdump, albeit encrypted).15:54
ikoniaarcade: can you do a dhclient on the device ?15:54
ikoniado you see any packages then ?15:55
ikoniapackets even15:55
arcadeikonia: I can try.  Just rebooting the box again now.15:55
arcadeikonia: I'm not entirely sure now.. how do I use dhclient before associating with the access point?  I can't seem to associate,.15:56
blphgrbye mates, happy to fuck your days: I need to lay down a brick!15:56
arcadeikonia: dmesg does show a "ADDRCONF(NETDEV_UP): wlan0: link is not ready" message, though15:57
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ikoniaarcade: link not ready just means not associated - I think15:57
lalalol_who in here has gloobus?15:57
ikoniaarcade: can you force it to associate with iwconfig ?15:57
arcadeikonia: Do you have a command line for me?  I've tried with iwconfig wlan0 essid <essid> key <key> .. but that doesn't seem to work.15:58
poyntzAzikaCorp: can't find anything15:59
AzikaCorpis your iphone switch on ? ^^15:59
poyntzyou mean is my iphone turned on?15:59
lalalol_who can help me with gloobus?16:00
AltrortlA_Heilà.... done ........................................ :-))))16:01
anoneemousefor some weird reason my soundcard started working normally in kubuntu after i did an update the other night16:02
anoneemouse:) now i can listens to music!!!16:02
AzikaCorpanoneemouse: have fun :)16:02
AltrortlA_configured interfaces for samba client...16:02
mefisto__anoneemouse: probably something to do with the updates :P16:03
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anoneemousemefisto__: it must be, it is odd though... this is probably the first time in my life that im using linux and everything is working16:03
flacostemefisto__: removing plasmarc didn't change anything16:04
arcadeikonia: Also, link quality / signal level / noise level are all equal to 0.16:04
arcadeikonia: But when I use iwlist wlan0 scanning it says quality 70/70 and signal level=-28 dBm.16:05
mefisto__flacoste: did you get all the updates? did all the packages configure? try sudo dpkg --configure -a16:05
flacostemefisto__: i did, dpkg --cojnfigure -a does nothing16:06
flacostei removed and re-added the system tray16:06
flacostestill the same icons in there16:06
flacosteand not the apps16:07
mefisto__anoneemouse: btw, what soundcard was not working?16:07
mefisto__flacoste: do you have another user to test? maybe create a new user if not, and see if you have the same systray problem16:08
dragi uninstalled my sound driver (alsa) and now when i start pc kubuntu says that no driver found for my sound blaster vx1.. please tell eme how to reinstall it or get sound driver back :(16:11
krivedkoвсем привет)16:11
bazhang!ru | krivedko16:11
ubottukrivedko: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke16:11
dragany one ?? :(16:12
AzikaCorpdo you heard sound ?16:14
AzikaCorpdrag: or nothing16:14
dragbefore this happened ther was no sound at that time too .. but when i tested my snd card in control panel .. it sounded like a white noise .. i sollowed some steps given to solve that on other forum ..and i mistakenly uninstalled my drivers :(16:15
dragAzikaCorp: any solution ?? :(16:19
AzikaCorphow did you uninstall it16:21
AzikaCorpdrag: do you remember the name of the drivers ?16:21
dragwell i think they were inbuilt .. alsa driver was being used at that time .. and in hardware settings it showed my creative sound card " sound blaster vx1 " :)16:22
[-Haza-]Anyone use KEEP? Backup tool?16:23
harjotused to16:23
harjot[-Haza-]: why?16:24
[-Haza-]harjot: okay, can i ping you about it when i get back. Have to nip out for about 320 minutes16:25
[-Haza-]*30 minutes16:25
harjot[-Haza-]: i need to go16:25
harjot[-Haza-]: for about an hour to 2 hours soz16:25
[-Haza-]harjot: No worries :_)16:25
drag?? :(16:27
BrazuckaHi there. I am trying to setup a Ubuntu - Vista lan without success. Could anyone help me, please? I am not able to ping Vista machine from Ubuntu.16:29
mefisto__drag: sudo apt-get install alsa-base16:30
dragk lemme try :)16:30
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dragit says :16:31
dragReading package lists... Done16:31
dragBuilding dependency tree16:31
dragReading state information... Done16:31
dragalsa-base is already the newest version.16:31
drag0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 219 not upgraded.16:31
FloodBotK3drag: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:31
nonameNNBrazucka: u should check the cables man...16:31
arcadeikonia: Finally got it to work :D16:32
BrazuckanonameNN: I did. With different cables.16:32
BrazuckanonameNN: And Vista can ping Ubuntu machine16:32
nonameNNBrazucka: configure both computer to use dhcp16:32
BrazuckanonameNN: Ok, let me try it.16:34
mefisto__drag: got a few upgrades waiting16:34
snarkfishBluesKaj: Not that you are worried about this or not, but still no sound from flash apps..16:34
mefisto__drag: what did you uninstall exactly?16:34
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dragactuly i was following a post on  how to reinstall alsa from sratch :-|16:35
dragit asked me to install oss first so i uninstalled alsa and installed oss16:35
mefisto__drag: and how did you uninstall alsa?16:35
nonameNNBrazucka: do that and try to ping again16:35
dragthen there was instruction if still sound is not coming then install alsa from scratch .. and from then i cant install alas again and  no sound is ther too :|16:36
dragonly pulse audio is listed now all other drivers are listed grey colored16:36
mefisto__drag: so how did you uninstall alsa?16:36
dragi think i black listed it somewhere :D16:36
dragand i dunno know where as m noob hehe :)16:37
mefisto__drag: do you have a link for the instructions you were following? was the blacklisting in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf ?16:38
dragwell i forgot the link acutalyy but yeah it was modeprobe ..something :)16:38
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mefisto__drag: browser history?16:40
dragchking that waitz :)16:40
draghere u go this is the link i was folllowing :    http://www.megacomputers.com.my/version2/content/making-sound-blaster-51vx-work-ubuntu16:41
draghere is what i get in multimedia settings : http://sites.google.com/site/piccolodbz35/snapshot1.png?attredirects=016:44
mefisto__drag: if you select pulseaudio and click the test button, do you get any sound?16:46
dragno i dont get any sound from pulseaudio :(16:46
neptune_does anyone know why apt-get install freeglut-dev doesn't work for me?16:49
anoneemousewill virtuoso constantly eat ~20% cpu?16:51
Torchanoneemouse: no.16:51
anoneemouseonly while strigi is indexing?16:51
dragneptune_ : tried running apt-get upgrade ? :)16:53
mefisto__drag: did you actually delete anything from blacklist.conf ?16:54
neptune_doing it now drag16:54
dragmefisto__ : no i dindt del any thing form there :)16:55
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BrazuckanonameNN: No ping. Not even unreachable host, this time.16:57
mefisto__drag: so what did you actually do? I'm confused16:57
nonameNNBrazucka: u configured them with dhcp and restarted?16:57
dragwell as in the link i gave i followed step till oss driver installation and then i rebooted to see if oss works fine .. as i restared it showed me that if i want kubuntu to forget about uninstalled drivers :( and the data in that windows was similiar to the one pic i gave the link for16:59
BrazuckanonameNN: I did not restart.16:59
nonameNNBrazucka: restart them and check again16:59
nonameNN!network | Brazucka16:59
ubottuBrazucka: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:59
Brazuckaubottu: I am trying to run a wired network to an Ubuntu - Vista share. ;)17:00
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:00
[-Haza-]So folks... How do i set a time and such for the KEEp backup utility to do a backup automatically?17:01
lalalol_who can help me with Gloobus?17:02
mefisto__drag: so you did step 2 and rebooted?17:02
dragyah :D to chk if oss working17:02
mefisto__drag: so you followed that link in step 2 and followed those instructions?17:05
dragyah after i rebooted i tried to do the commands given in that link and reinstalled alsa-base  but still no sound17:06
dragcant i reinstall the alsa and make it work ??17:06
mefisto__drag: sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-sound-base   and choose ALSA (we tried installing alsa, but you said it was already installed)17:06
dragk lmm chk :)17:07
dragits showing screen with three options .. alsa oss and default17:08
AzikaCorpinstall alsa-utils , alsa-base17:08
mefisto__drag: choose alsa17:08
dragow ?17:08
FloodBotK3drag: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:08
mefisto__drag: now install what AzikaCorp said17:08
mefisto__drag: sudo apt-get install --reinstall alsa-utils alsa-base17:09
jamehi all17:09
dragnow ?17:09
AzikaCorpjame: hi17:09
mefisto__drag: reboot and cross fingers :)17:10
lalalol_my sound is freaking out!!! help!!!17:10
AzikaCorpdrag: did you install alsa-base and alsa-utils ?17:10
draghehe :D okz hope it gets confgured properly :)17:10
jamehow to enabled voice & video chat with gmail?17:10
lalalol_help plz!! its urgent!!!!17:10
BrazuckanonameNN: I cannot even get a connection now.17:12
lalalol_my sound is freaking out17:12
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs17:13
lalalol_it mixes all the sound of the music and it sounds messed up17:13
nonameNNBrazucka: try ini that page17:13
dragback :)17:13
dragsound configured but17:14
dragagain the same thing :(17:14
dragwhite noise is all i get17:14
BrazuckanonameNN: Sorry, what page?17:14
daskreechlalalol_: Do you have pulseaudio?17:14
daskreech what do you mean they are mixed up/?17:14
lalalol_whats that daskreech?17:14
lalalol_im listening to a song17:14
nonameNN https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs there should be some link to another web with info about ethernet connections17:14
dragmefisto__: ??17:14
mefisto__drag: ok, so that was the original problem before you found that guide you linked to?17:14
lalalol_and it sounds completely different17:14
lalalol_some tunes are in the wrong place17:15
daskreechlalalol_: As in not that song?17:15
dragyep .. again back to that :(17:15
lalalol_im listening via youtube17:15
BrazuckanonameNN: ok17:15
daskreechlalalol_: Ah Umm17:15
daskreechcan you play a song from your computer?17:15
lalalol_as in: tunes getting switched from their respective places :S17:15
lalalol_thats what im doing...17:15
dragmefisto__: any solution to remove this white noise ?? :(17:16
daskreechOh You jsut said it was from youtube17:16
lalalol_ill try with a songfile on my HDD17:16
daskreechThat's what I meant :)17:17
nonameNNBrazucka: wait ill give you some webpage17:17
nonameNNBrazucka: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/ubuntu-networking-configuration-using-command-line.html or https://help.ubuntu.com/8.10/serverguide/C/network-configuration.html17:18
lalalol_daskreech, thank god, it works with a file17:18
lalalol_daskreech, so its the fault of flash i think17:18
daskreechlalalol_: Yeah that's what I was going to postulate17:18
lalalol_whats postulate?17:18
BrazuckanonameNN: Thank you17:18
dragmefisto__: ?? :(17:18
daskreechSometimes due to how the Flash was put together it has some crazy CPU spikes which mess up the underlying streams17:18
daskreechlalalol_: put forward as an idea17:18
mefisto__drag: do you have windows on this machine?17:19
lalalol_stupid flash17:19
daskreechGo HTML517:19
dragyah i had actuly .. before i installed kubuntu i was on windows only .. and this sound card worked on that xp .. so  i think firmware is initialized already17:19
lalalol_daskreech, how?17:19
daskreechlalalol_: how what?17:20
lalalol_"go html5"17:20
mefisto__drag: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1104738    says there that if you boot into windows, then reboot into k/ubuntu it works without the noise17:20
dragmefisto__ :  but i have already done this when i was on xp17:20
zyxonhello. Is there a version of Kubuntu 9.10 available with the older version of KDE?17:21
lalalol_im gonna try html5 on YT17:22
lalalol_woah it works17:22
zyxonOlder version I mean 3.*17:22
dragmefisto__: any other solution ?17:23
lalalol_daskreech, will i use html5 on every site now? or just on YT?17:23
daskreechlalalol_: if you want. it your choice :)17:24
lalalol_daskreech, i opted for the html5 beta on yt, will it also count on other sites or not?17:24
daskreechWell at some point it won't be a choice everyone will just do it but for now...17:24
daskreechlalalol_: Oh no each site will choose when they will move to that17:25
daskreechA lot will though17:25
daskreechit's a lot nicer17:25
mefisto__drag: dunno. seems it's a driver problem with your soundcard. do you have another soundcard? onboard?17:25
lalalol_yeah, but a question, yt is working now, but when i right click on the video it says about adobe flash player 10, so its playing with flash? :S17:25
dragyah its intel onboard chip :| but isn't alive anyomre :P17:25
Torchzyxon: try here: http://apt.pearsoncomputing.net/ -- this is entirely unsupported and will probably go down in flames for you.17:26
mefisto__drag: as in, dead, does not work at all?17:26
Torchzyxon: also, kde4 is great.17:26
lalalol_daskreech, ?17:26
dragmefisto__: yeah :D dead totally17:26
dragmefisto__: thats why i baught this  one :D17:26
daskreechlalalol_: Possibly depends on the video17:27
daskreechYoutube cannot change all the videos at one time17:27
lalalol_ok daskreech, thx man17:27
ubottuKubuntu 8.04 ships with KDE3 and full support. Jaunty does not include KDE3 but a remix install CD can be obtained at  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Jaunty . This is not officially supported. Support, instructions and ways to contribute can be found on the wiki page17:27
lalalol_daskreech, wanna help me with something else?17:27
daskreechHmm that needs updating17:27
zyxonTorch: thanks a lot.17:27
daskreechlalalol_: If I can17:27
lalalol_ok daskreech, its about Gloobus17:27
dragmefisto__: so it means i gotta install windows again ?? :(17:28
daskreechWhat's gloobus?17:29
mefisto__drag: don't know if it will work, just going by that forum post17:31
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dragmefisto__: me too doing that .. :)17:31
mefisto__drag: ideally, find a patched driver for your card, or get a different card (perhaps avoid creative)17:31
mefisto__drag: creative may have a linux driver on their website, but I doubt it17:32
dragmefisto__: no they dont :(17:32
dragmefisto__ : http://mailman.alsa-project.org/pipermail/alsa-devel/2008-October/011333.html chk it and tel me if any solution from this :)17:33
mefisto__drag: yeah I saw that. it would involve compiling the driver from source, with those changes17:34
draghmm where to get that source i cantry compiling :)17:34
mefisto__drag: what is your card again? X-Fi ?17:37
dragSB vx 117:37
mefisto__drag: I'm looking here: http://opensource.creative.com/soundcard.html17:39
dragmefisto__ : kk lmm chk too :)17:39
PsychoMari0how come installing pidgin in kubuntu asks for loads of gnome stuff, but when i installed it in opensuse KDE it didnt?17:50
daskreechOpensuse ships with a lot of Gnome libs or Ubuntu (quite likely) makes Pidgin as Gnome dependent as possible17:51
PsychoMari0ok, anyone got any recommendations for a client that does IRC MSN and Facebook chat? kopete wouldnt connect to my msn, and it doesn have IRC17:51
genii!pm | Gamrok17:51
ubottuGamrok: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:51
daskreechPsychoMari0: try installing Pidgin with --no-reccomends17:52
PsychoMari0daskreech: how would i do that?17:52
daskreechcommand line17:53
PsychoMari0i dont see an option in the apt-get help...17:54
PsychoMari0ah, got it17:54
PsychoMari0apt-get --no-install-reccommends17:54
mefisto__drag: might want to bookmark this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting  there's a section there about compiling alsa drivers, if you decide to try that route17:55
PsychoMari0nope that doesnt work, still wants to install loads of gnome stuff17:55
daskreechPsychoMari0: Bleah17:55
dragmefisto__: thanx.. i also got source for oss will try compiling that too :)17:56
lalalol_who can help me with gloobus?17:57
geniilalalol_: Gloobus is for Gnome desktop, not KDE18:00
lalalol_genii, but i want something like gloobus18:01
mefisto__there's preview in kde4, but it doesn't work any more for me :(18:02
dragmefisto__: hey have a look http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=92c003a27f5f796d1498171dbd5b1ade277a146a18:03
dragmefisto__ : is it ok ? :)18:03
lalalol_mefisto__, yeah there is, but its not as nice as Gloobus18:04
geniilalalol_: They have a channel here on freenode, #gloobus18:05
lalalol_i know genii, im in it18:05
mefisto__drag: most of it is over my head, but it looks like a driver is being used for your onboard sound. disable the onboard sound in your bios settings if possible, since it doesn't work18:09
dragmefisto__: ok :) i will do.. well thanx for all your help man you awesome ;) .. bye18:10
flacostewow, my systray problem just suddenly fixed itself!18:11
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lalalol_who has knowledge about wine?18:19
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ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu18:20
mefisto__flacoste: how? on login? reboot?18:21
dragmefisto__: hey i downloaded the source code of alsa driver and added the lines as there are on this link .. :http://mailman.alsa-project.org/pipermail/alsa-devel/2008-October/011333.html  my sound card number is sb1071 but dont know the serial number is there any way to get it ? :(18:26
daskreechlalalol_: #winehq18:26
lalalol_im in it daskreech18:26
flacostemefisto__: no, i just went for lunch, and then click on the panel when i came back and it just switched back to working18:27
flacostevery odd18:27
mefisto__drag: not sure, but try    lspci | grep -i creative   and    lshw -c multimedia18:29
dragmefisto__: k18:29
dragmefisto__: it says grep : no such file or directory18:30
mefisto__drag: this is a single command: lspci | grep -i creative18:30
BluesKajdrag, why do you need a serial # ?18:31
dragyah i copy pasted it but still saying  the same : grep: and: No such file or directory18:31
draggrep: lshw: No such file or directory18:31
draggrep: multimedia: No such file or directory18:31
TresmiusHey I just installed KDE, I was using gnome before18:31
WaltzingAlongTresmius: welcome18:31
TresmiusThere is no desktop however, just a background and a terminal18:31
Tresmius<- newbie18:32
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WaltzingAlongTresmius: and you installed the kubuntu-desktop package?18:32
BluesKajdrag, aplay -l18:32
dragBluesKaj: actuly i have added those 4 lines in the driver source of alsa-base  ... in ca0106_main.c so there it needs serial number of the card :D18:32
TresmiusI hope so18:32
Tresmiuswell yes18:33
TresmiusI'll try that in the terminal now to make sure18:33
Tresmiuskubuntu-desktop is already the newest version.18:33
Tm_TTresmius: you have to select KDE in login menu as session18:34
WaltzingAlongTresmius: ok and then at the login screen .. .^^18:34
Tresmiusk >.<18:34
dragmefisto__: ??18:34
Tresmiusand how do I logout? :O18:34
Tm_TTresmius: write "exit" in that terminal18:35
Tresmiusit suggested that when i tried logout18:35
Tresmiusbut all it did was close the terminal18:35
WaltzingAlongTresmius: ctrl+alt+backspace?18:35
Tm_TTresmius: if you rightclick somewhere in the screen, do you get any menu?18:36
Tresmiusonly at the top18:37
Tm_Tok, there's "exit" in that menu?18:37
mefisto__drag: copy/paste the whole thing, including the | symbol -->   lspci | grep -i creative    <--18:37
mefisto__drag: the other command is:  lshw -c multimedia18:38
mefisto__drag: and BluesKaj's command should give you similar info:  aplay -l18:39
TresmiusFile > close window logged me out though18:39
Tresmiusthanks for the help :-)18:39
dragmefisto__ : got every info but not serial number .. lolz :P18:40
TIM_48Hi, amyone speaks portuguese and can help me?18:42
TIM_48How do I DCC download files qith Quassel???18:43
dragmefisto__: hey i have compiled the alsa-driver ... do i need to again reconfigure the drivers ?? o_O18:44
takis___what's the solution of this problem after update?18:44
TIM_48Any1 can help me? How do I DCC download files (.mp3) qith Quassel???18:46
dragmefisto__: ??18:49
geniiTIM_48: Quassel doesn't yet have that feature18:51
Ultraputzhello all18:52
TIM_48Thanks genii....Do you know any other Kubuntu/KDE IRC client that allows DCC downloads?18:53
Ultraputzpresently having an issue where kicker and panel appear as... grids18:53
Ultraputzcan't see anyhting18:53
Ultraputzi can click to open the kicker, but it's just a rectangle filled with a multi-colored grid, like the panel. desktop and upper-right menu are fine18:53
geniiTIM_48: Konversation18:54
TIM_48Thanks once more genii....18:54
Ultraputzany idea on how to proceed?18:55
Ultraputzalso: gnome works just fine on the same box -- no display issues, etc.18:56
mefisto__drag: not sure. refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting#ALSA%20driver%20Compilation or maybe someone else could advise you18:58
dragmefisto__ : ok thankx for this help man ;)18:58
Ultraputzhere's a screenshot of my issue: http://img535.imageshack.us/img535/4186/kdewtf.png19:02
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RelookNAhi guyz!19:11
Tresmiuswhy hello there19:11
somekool!kubuntu tasks list19:24
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:24
binarylooks_I am on a netbook wtih kubuntu lucid. since a few days, my windows have titlebars again (they should be alwys maximized with no titlebars)19:32
binarylooks_when I do kin --replace from konsole, the titlebars disappear for a second and then reappear again:19:32
binarylooks_anybody got an idea?19:32
FloodBotK3binarylooks_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:33
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jimmy51_does anyone recommend running antivirus software under kubuntu?19:48
jimmy51_i never have19:48
ubottuA/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2119:49
Vroomfondlejimmy51_: not really much point unless you want to run a fileserver which will be used by Windows hosts19:49
Vroomfondlethough I expect that, eventually, someone will find a way to release a really nasty virus under Linux. No software is perfect.19:50
jimmy51_ah, ok19:50
WaltzingAlongVroomfondle: viruses exist19:57
WaltzingAlongjimmy51_: i have clamav installed for when connecting hard drives from windows, scanning then to clean things19:58
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mefisto__ questions about nepomuk: how long before a new file's filename can be found by nepomuk? and strigi indexes file *contents* so nepomuk should still find filenames without strigi being enabled, right?21:07
Lunar_LampMy "panel" has frozen; clicing on it gives no response, and I cannot change between windows using it (only alt+tab).  How can I respawn it? (equivalent to doing 'killall gnome-panel' in gnome)21:15
Pavel_anyone know how to get silverlight working?  I installed the firefox addon, but when I tried to view content with it firefox shuts down21:17
mefisto__Lunar_Lamp: alt+F2 kquitapp plasma-desktop   and alt+F2 plasma-desktop to start it again21:19
mefisto__Lunar_Lamp: does more that kill and restart just the panel, but it will do what you want21:19
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Lunar_Lampmefisto__: I type "kquitapp plasma-desktop" in the alt+f2 dialog box? Nothing seems to happen.21:20
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mefisto__Lunar_Lamp: do you get a menu if you right-click the desktop? maybe it's already not running21:23
Lunar_Lampmefisto__: well, it was running for several days, and just appears to have stopped.21:24
Lunar_Lamp(I'm not normally a user of KDE)21:24
mefisto__Lunar_Lamp: what about killall plasma-desktop ?21:25
Lunar_LampWell, it's gone now!21:25
Lunar_Lamp"plasma-desktop" in a terminal is sufficient to restart it?21:25
Lunar_LampOr do I need to run it out of some script?21:26
mefisto__Lunar_Lamp: yes, but in terminal, you'll need to keep that terminal running to keep plasma going21:26
Lunar_LampIf I alt+f2 it'll auto-disown?21:26
mefisto__Lunar_Lamp: should work in the alt+F2 dialog21:26
Lunar_LampIt appears to have done, thanks21:27
alexxio_hi, i need a very powerful gparted alternative, can you help?21:27
Lunar_LampI'm not too familiar with all this GUI thing ;-)21:27
mefisto__Lunar_Lamp: that alt+F2 thing (krunner) does all kinds of clever things, not just execute commands. searches files, bookmarks, opens urls, simple calculator, etc etc21:29
Lunar_Lampmefisto__: yeah, I got a glimpse that it might do some funky stuff just in using it now :-)21:29
mefisto__Lunar_Lamp: there's something similar in gnome, isn't there? gnome-do?21:30
Lunar_LampI believe so, but I haven't used it /o\21:30
chuckfgnome-do seems more powerful from what I've seen21:30
Lunar_LampI just have win+t to bring up a terminal, and spend my entire day in terminals, with an email client, web-browser and music player all running in the background.21:30
mefisto__Lunar_Lamp: I use yakuake for a terminal. I feel lost without it now21:32
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Lunar_LampIs that the drop-down one from teh top of the screen?21:33
mefisto__Lunar_Lamp: yep21:33
Lunar_LampDoes that scale well to having 20-30 open at once? I just assumed it wouldn't.21:33
mefisto__20-30 what open at once?21:36
mefisto__oh, 20 terminals?21:37
mefisto__you can open new tabs. on my screen I can see 15 tabs at once, but you can have more than what's visible21:39
Lunar_LampYeah, I know I *can* use tabs, but I always seem to find that harder to work with for some reason. Maybe yakuake solves that.21:42
MuffinPimpummm I get this error when launching the kubuntu-firefox-installer21:44
MuffinPimpI'm useing KDE4.421:44
MuffinPimpIf that's useful information21:44
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mefisto__MuffinPimp: I just tried it. seems to be specific to kde4.4.21:52
nonameNNive two questions, first whats up with screensavers on kde 4.4? and second, can me change the theme of notifications21:53
MuffinPimpmefisto__: Do you know what packages it installs?21:54
mefisto__MuffinPimp: just firefox packages, afaik. same result as sudo apt-get install firefox21:55
MuffinPimpOh I thought somehow it was packaged more ubuntu frendly21:56
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mefisto__MuffinPimp: someone in here told me about a ppa with firefox + kde integration that I've been using21:57
mefisto__MuffinPimp: https://launchpad.net/~debfx/+archive/firefox-kde21:58
MuffinPimpI'll check that out21:59
mefisto__MuffinPimp: gives you kde file open/save dialogs and associates firefox with default kde apps (text editor, file browser, etc)22:00
MuffinPimpBtw just wondering when will 3.6 be in the repos?22:01
mefisto__MuffinPimp: don't know, but it's in lucid 10.4 now22:03
WaltzingAlongMuffinPimp: will not be in karmic22:03
MuffinPimpOh ok22:04
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qemqemqemhas anyone tried having multiple GUI terminals simultaneously?  That is to say, run separate instances of Xorg or separate window managers22:36
Pepcokhello everyone, i have a question; i found solution for a problem but it's showed how-to on gnome, while I'm using KDE; where can I find Gnome's System-Preferences-Main menu (where should be list of programs) in KDE?22:44
PepcokIt's probably not System Settings->Multimedia22:45
mefisto__qemqemqem: I've tried it. tried it just now when I read your question :)22:46
qemqemqemawesome; did it work?22:46
mefisto__qemqemqem: yes. I did ctrl-alt-ins to start a new session22:47
qemqemqemXorg gave me errors when I tried to start it from a standard text terminal22:47
qemqemqemthat's neat!22:48
mefisto__Pepcok: what are you looking for? what system prefs do you need?22:49
Pepcokmefisto__:  Well, I have problem with Audacious 2 scrobbling plugin - it doesn't work; i found solution which tells me to go System->Preferences-> Main menu and then click sound and video (solution is in my languange so i hope i translated it correctly) and then do something with program22:51
Pepcokchange stomething in program's preferences22:52
Pepcokbut in KDE I can't find it22:52
qemqemqem_sort of messed up KDM though22:52
mefisto__Pepcok: do something with audacious? in system preferences?22:53
Pepcokit seems that way22:54
mefisto__Pepcok: do what?22:54
Pepcokchange audacious2  to audacious 222:54
Pepcokchange audacious2  to audacious 222:54
Pepcokchange audacious2 % U to audacious 222:54
mefisto__Pepcok: in the menu that starts the program?22:55
Pepcok(there is no space between % and U)22:55
mefisto__Pepcok: right-click the menu button, menu editor. then find audacious and change it the way you need22:55
Pepcokin the menu Sound and Video; there should be icon with audacious22:56
mefisto__Pepcok: in kde menu, it's in the multimedia section22:57
mefisto__Pepcok: so it should be "audacious2 %U" instead of "audacious2 % U" ?22:59
PepcokSystem Settings-> Multimedia? I can see only my device preferences and backend23:00
Pepcokno, audacious instead audacious23:00
Pepcokno, audacious instead audacious % U (I have to do space because of my program)23:01
mefisto__Pepcok: no, in menu editor. start the menu editor by right-clicking the menu button23:01
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Pepcokooo i see now23:01
mefisto__so just remove the %U and it fixes it?23:01
Pepcokthank you very much23:02
miglohi! from time to time my dsl connection does not get successfully established during the startup of kubuntu. das someone have a clue what this could be? a known bug?23:02
Pepcokno then change in properties of mp3 file audcaious2 not audacious2 GTKui23:02
Pepcokand it should worl23:02
qemqemqem_what network manager are you using?23:02
migloI have immediately removed this network manager because it never worked for me and used as usually pppoeconf23:03
mefisto__Pepcok: you might need to do that change in systemsettings > file associations, for mp3 files23:03
mefisto__Pepcok: file associations is in the advanced tab in systemsettings23:04
migloI see the interface ppp0 in the failure situation but am not able to connect to any host23:04
miglowhat I do is to re-eastablish the connection manually23:05
miglobut this is really annoying :|23:06
Pepcokmefisto__: it helped audacious 2 is now working correctly23:06
=== fran is now known as Guest89696
cbwcjwHello! Does anyone know how to change the amount of time the notification bubble stays up in KDE 4.4/4.3?23:45
mefisto__cbwcjw: good question23:47
cbwcjwmefisto  : I really did look around for it.23:48
cbwcjwHowever, that's not my main question. I'm having a bit of an issue with akregator...23:51
cbwcjwIt's not cooperating when I try to 'import' a feed. Does anyone use it?23:51
mefisto__import as opposed to add feed? like, from a file or something?23:53
cbwcjwmefisto__: My error, Nevermind to that second question, haha.23:56

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