
=== wers is now known as wers|afk
visham i the only one who sees something shooting out of the elephants ass!  >  http://www.flickr.com/photos/j_baer/4354379009/     /me wonders why kwwii really liked it ;p11:59
darkmattervish: nah. that elephant looks burrito powered :P12:02
kwwiivish, darkmatter: hehe, I saw the pic and thought I need to go to a special place12:28
kwwiivish: we'll need to look into how well the coloured icons work in the panel13:30
kwwiivish: I'm busy today, but once this is tested a bit we can work on improving things as needed13:30
kwwiivish: I assigned the bug to you, but I'll help fix it ;)13:37
vishkwwii: yeah , i expected that bug ;)13:51
kwwiivish: cool, I think we'll test it a bit and see chat comes of the discussion13:53
vishi'm testing a few versions of that icon , rather than waiting and using it later , i felt having a bug would help push an upload later ;p13:53
kwwiiyes, indeed13:55
dashuakwwii, bzr branch lp:~dashua/human-theme/HumanLoginMurrine13:58
dashuaLooks pretty sexxy.  Let me know what you think?13:58
kwwiidashua: thanks, I'll check it out13:58
dashuaCode needs some cleansing, but all is working.13:59
vishkwwii: a heads up for the battery-fully-charged icon too , for now i'v just used a hue shift for the green , it seems to be able grab more attention for the battery , for the indicator-messages though i wasnt sure13:59
kwwiivish: yeah, I was worried about how the green and red will show up on the panel13:59
kwwiivish: we might need to add a very slight outer line or such13:59
vishkwwii: the red i havent changed anything , its the same from karmic14:00
kwwiivish: right, and I think it needs tweaking ;)14:00
kwwiivish: one thing I noticed is that it is impossible to copy the files in Humanity to another dir in the terminal because it complains about the symlinks being too deep14:01
vishkwwii: not sure what you mean?14:01
kwwiivish: we need to be carefull that the symlinks are logically used... I think it will also make the theme slower to load14:01
kwwiiwell, normall you have one source file and a bunch of symlinks pointing to it14:02
kwwiibut now, we have one source file and a couple of symlinks pointint to it, and then other symlinks pointing to those symlinks14:02
vishkwwii: ah , right  , thats been a problem for some time.. for now I'v corrected a few such things , gpm for example..14:02
vishthere are a lot more :(14:03
kwwiiError opening file '/home/kwwii/source/humanity-icon-theme-0.4.1ubuntu6~ppa2/Humanity/apps/24/menu-editor.svg': Too many levels of symbolic links14:04
kwwiithat is the error I get14:04
kwwiibut anyway14:04
dashuaRoigh screen14:04
vishkwwii: yeah ,  symlinks pointing to other symlinks are actually new specific icons which need to be done.. which would replace the symlink.. but yeah , thats a mess :)14:05
kwwiivish: indeed ;)14:12
tgpraveen12vish: is it intentional to have new icons for openoffice files15:42
vishtgpraveen12: what?15:42
vishtgpraveen12: hmm that sounded rude.. rather .. huh? :)15:42
tgpraveen12after the update all my .doc and .ppt files etc have different kind of icons15:42
tgpraveen12wasnt being rude15:42
tgpraveen12sorry if it sounded that way15:43
vishtgpraveen12: nah , my response seemed to sound rude ;)15:43
vishtgpraveen12: yes , more MIME icons have been added15:43
vishtgpraveen12: do you have a screenshot of the messaging menu?15:44
vishtgpraveen12: is is blurry? i'm not sure if it uses a 16px or 22px icon15:44
tgpraveen12me menu?15:44
tgpraveen12one sec i will do it15:44
tgpraveen12vish: ^^15:46
zniavre_good evening21:18
zniavre_what is the name of the red underlined zone please? > http://img197.imageshack.us/img197/4349/capture1cc.png21:19
zniavre_is it themeable ?21:19
zniavre_i can't find the name with eXperience21:23
troy_szniavre_: I strongly suspect that uses 'selected' tone.22:23
zniavretroy_s,  could you please repeat my xchat crashed unfortunatly ?22:38
troy_szniavre: I am not entirely sure you can theme that region, as it isn't horribly clear what region it is. I'd strongly suspect it is using the selected tone for the colour.22:59
troy_svish: How are things cooking for you?22:59

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