
PRabHow should I report an installation bug I came across with today's Lucid Daily cd?01:35
zeroseven0183Hi! I think "Bug#394003 Gwibber needs new icons (I can make some)" should be classified as Wishlist. Can someone clarify and do the adjustments. Follow the link: https://bugs.launchpad.net/gwibber/+bug/39400301:44
ubot4Launchpad bug 394003 in gwibber "Gwibber needs new icons (I can make some) (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New]01:44
charlie-tcaPRab: did the installation complete?01:49
PRabCrashed right after I choose how I wanted my partitions01:49
charlie-tcaThen you probably have to do a manual report using https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu  -> Report a bug01:50
PRabI looked at that, but was unsure which package to file it against01:50
ubot4Launchpad bug 522425 in base-installer (Ubuntu) "Install crashes after choosing custom partitions. (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New]01:50
PRabDoes that look right? I can move/change it if it would help01:51
charlie-tcaIf it is the alternate cd, use 'debian-installer'01:51
PRabNope, live cd01:51
PRabthe daily build from today01:52
charlie-tcaThen ubiquity, normally01:52
charlie-tcaI must say, that is colorful.01:52
PRablooks like when I kicked my old school Nintendo01:53
charlie-tcahttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingUbiquity  will help some getting logs, sometimes.01:53
charlie-tcaSometimes you can't get any01:53
charlie-tcaThat does look bad, to me. :-(01:54
* wgrant knew something was up when the PNG was 4.5MiB.01:55
PRabso, How do I move it from base-installer to Ubiquity01:55
PRabyeah, forgot to compress it01:55
charlie-tcaI did01:55
PRaband I had to take it with a camera because prtscr couldn't work in condition01:55
charlie-tcaThat is lucid, right?01:56
PRabThanks for the help getting this filed correctly, I'm going to go watch the Olympics01:58
charlie-tcanp, have fun01:58
zeroseven0183Please set Bug#504970 Gwibber could use an Ubuntu-specific theme (shared with Empathy) as Wishlist. https://bugs.launchpad.net/gwibber/+bug/50497002:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 504970 in gwibber "Gwibber could use an Ubuntu-specific theme (shared with Empathy) (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New]02:01
Roxyhart0 hi guy i am having this problem. http://www.mail-archive.com/samba@lists.samba.org/msg102804.html how i can upgrade my samba version (reliable) fro my ubuntu 9.10?04:05
persiaRoxyhart0: There doesn't seem to be a supported backport, so there's no direct path.  Someone in #ubuntu may be able to help you, or you may need to wait.04:07
persiaA clearer understanding of which bugs caused issues would be helpful, as some of them may qualify for an update to 9.10.04:07
Roxyhart0nobody in ubuntu-server tell me nothing i really need to configurate my server cause the really old one just die04:09
Roxyhart0what do you mean with the last part, " as some of them may qualify for an update to 9.10."04:10
nigelbRoxyhart0: well, some of them could be fixed, if the bug is fixed upstream04:11
persiaAnd if they are critical enough, they could be fixed in 9.10, rather than waiting for the new upstream in 10.04.  But this needs to be documented very carefully.04:12
Roxyhart0i had 9.04 before and i update it to 9.10 but in the "bugs" sections say it is a problem with samba version 3.4.0 which i need to upgrade but i dont know how to do that for 9.10 and if it will work or will craush my server04:12
Roxyhart0the bug is already documented but still nothing...04:12
nigelbRoxyhart0: the problem is with samba?04:12
persiaIs the bug in launchpad?04:13
Roxyhart0wait a min04:13
nigelbRoxyhart0: but it is fixed in later versions of samba?04:13
nigelbbut it says the bug is in 3.3.2, and Karmic has 3.4.004:16
Roxyhart0not but say 3.4.1 solve that04:17
Roxyhart0i am cheking where i see more info04:17
nigelbokay :)04:21
TakyojiWould this be an appropriate channel for discussion of Lucid Lynx testing, or?05:05
nigelbTakyoji: #ubuntu+105:05
TakyojiAhh, thanks05:06
bdmurraywell there is ubuntu-testing for topics specifically related to testing05:07
Roxyhart0Hi guys i have this problem and i have ubuntu 9.10 how i can uograde my samba version to 3.4.1 compatible with ubuntu 9.1005:36
Roxyhart0sorry this is the same problem  https://admin.fedoraproject.org/updates/F11/FEDORA-2009-944305:38
micahgRoxyhart0: we generally do not upgrade versions in a stable release05:42
micahgis there a specific bug you are trying to fix?05:42
Roxyhart0i cant join machines to my domain controler05:43
micahgah, I see now05:43
micahglet me see if I can find the patch05:43
Roxyhart0ok, thanks a lot05:43
micahgif it's small, we might be able to do an SRU05:44
Roxyhart0what is that?05:45
micahgstable release update05:45
Roxyhart0ah ok, could be great05:45
Roxyhart0i remebeer that i read somwhere somebody form ubuntu was working in 3.4.3 or something like that?05:46
micahglucid has 3.4.505:46
Roxyhart0ah ok05:46
micahgRoxyhart0: hold on05:48
micahgRoxyhart0: I have to go to sleep, can you please file a bug for this and subscribe me?05:52
micahgI'll check tomorrow if the patch is SRUable05:52
Roxyhart0is my first time whitch that how i can do that?05:53
micahgRoxyhart0: do you have an ubuntu desktop machine?05:54
micahgor only a server?05:54
Roxyhart0only server05:54
Roxyhart0about 4 server05:54
Roxyhart0but 9.04 and now 9.1005:54
micahgRoxyhart0: k, then use this for now: http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/+filebug?no-redirect05:55
micahgRoxyhart0: to subscribe me, after you submit the bug, just click subscribe someone else and type my nick05:57
Roxyhart0ok, thansk a lot.what time is there?05:59
micahgalmost midnight05:59
* micahg is in Chicago05:59
Roxyhart0ok, thanks a lot again05:59
micahgRoxyhart0: np, just subscribe me and I'll look in the morning06:00
Roxyhart0thanks a lot06:04
Roxyhart0hi guys i am trying to report a bug at lunchpat and i got this error. what it means Sorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad.06:14
Roxyhart0We’ve recorded what happened, and we’ll fix it as soon as possible. Apologies for the inconvenience.06:14
Roxyhart0Trying again in a couple of minutes might work06:14
Roxyhart0i has trying to do it 3 times06:15
ddecatorRoxyhart0, trying it again in a few minutes sounds good, it could have been a connection problem. if you have the same problem again then we can help you figure out what is going on and file the report06:16
Roxyhart0ok, thanks06:16
Roxyhart0Hi guys..this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/+bug/164544 look like similar to my problem ans there was some of adavances but i am not sure where i can get it or they send to the people that did the report bug?06:21
ubot4Launchpad bug 164544 in samba (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Error while join to domain (Unable to create machine account)" [Undecided,Triaged]06:21
ddecatorRoxyhart0, what version are you using?06:23
ddecatorsorry, what samba version?06:24
ddecatori'm not sure if that patch is still relevant since there have been upgrades. go ahead and create a new report, just include a link to that bug you found so micahg can take a look at it in the morning06:25
Roxyhart0ok, thanks06:26
ddecatoryw =)06:27
ddecatorRoxyhart0, let me know if you're able to file the bug successfully this time. i'll stay on here until i know if you have or not before i go test a different bug06:27
Roxyhart0ok, i am doing it now06:28
nigelbom26er: re: gnome power manager bug, your guess is as good as mine06:31
nigelbI was hoping some dev would take a look at it06:32
om26ernigelb, that bug has been there from the alpha days of karmic06:32
nigelbom26er: I know, I remember triaging it back then06:32
nigelbbut I have absolutely no clue what is to be done...06:33
nigelbtalk to one of the devs perhaps06:33
om26eris there any gnome-power-manager available here at the moment?06:35
nigelbor try upstream?06:35
nigelbbtw, attaching details of your hardware might be a good idea06:36
om26ernigelb, how to do that?06:36
nigelbyou use a laptop rite?06:36
nigelbadd a comment about your laptop make and model06:37
nigelbthat would definitely help help06:37
ubot4Launchpad bug 492327 in gnome-power-manager (Ubuntu) "charger disconnected notification comes after 40secs (affects: 1)" [Undecided,Confirmed]06:41
Roxyhart08hi ddecator i just did that https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/+bug/522482. no sure if is ok, i couldn to see where i need to send to the specific person?06:41
ubot4Launchpad bug 522482 in samba (Ubuntu) "Domain Members can not join to Samba DC (ubuntu 9.10). (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New]06:41
ddecatorRoxyhart08, i'll take care of adding micahg, let me look at it a sec...06:41
nigelbRoxyhart08: can you add the samba version and your OS version too please?06:42
nigelb(version number like 3.0.0. and Os version like 9.10 or 9.04)06:43
ddecatorRoxyhart08, i added micahg and posted the possible duplicate in a comment for micahg to look at in the morning06:44
nigelbom26er: I guess you have to wait now :)06:44
om26ernigelb, thanks for the help :)06:45
ddecatorRoxyhart08, just add the info nigelb asked for and it should be good =)06:45
nigelbno problem :)06:45
ddecatoralright, i need to go test a UNE bug then head off to bed. night all06:46
Roxyhart08yes ..but thank a lot really guys...thanks a lot! you are very kind06:48
Roxyhart08good night over there06:48
ubot4Launchpad bug 520579 in empathy (Ubuntu) "Empathy cannot connect to IRC (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New]07:11
om26erthis bug is reported by a crunchbag linux user so what should I do about this?07:11
kermiac_om26er: maybe assign it to crunchbang? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/crunchbang/+bugs07:17
kermiac_just guessing though :)07:17
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Roxyhart08i got another question...when configurate a folder for every user and they can see this folders but when i copy data from the server to each user folder they can't see this new data, just the old one and the permisions are the same "users". i mean it does not refresh? any idea?07:29
nigelbRoxyhart08: can you ask in #ubuntu please? that is the main support channel07:30
zeroseven0183Bug #379855 looks like is a feature request/improvement (wishlist)07:52
ubot4Launchpad bug 379855 in gwibber "Insufficient notification (affects: 2)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37985507:52
LimCorean interesting article about why open source model (standard bazaar model) can fail - http://blogs.msdn.com/shawnhernan/archive/2010/02/13/microsoft-s-many-eyeballs-and-the-security-development-lifecycle.aspx09:22
LimCorethinking of it, perhaps ubuntu could use real, payed, security and bug fixing teams09:23
LimCoreas we spoken recently; Is any such effort on the way?09:23
edakiriLimCore: they fix bugs on what is in main09:31
edakirii believe09:31
kermiacis there a standard response for kernel bugs set to invalid due to the battery draining whilst suspended?09:32
kermiacI have asked in #ubuntu-kernel but noone's around09:33
LimCoreedakiri: yes there is one security team; also I was thinking we could use more, more formialized, perhaps payable, not just I-do-what-I-like-open-source help for more areas09:35
edakiriLimCore: as far as i know, cash flow to allocate for that has not yet been established.  No profit to spend unless maybe cuts were made somewhere else.09:36
edakiriunless things have changed since i last knew09:37
persiaLimCore: There's a fair number of funded developers who work on various areas of Ubuntu.  If you want more, or someone working on something specific, you'll want to arrange to pay them :)  There's lots of people who'd be happy to receive the money to focus on certain areas.09:37
kermiacFor anyone participating in the upcoming kernel hugday, a canned response for invalid "battery drained whilst suspended" bugs is...09:58
kermiacThank you for taking the time to report this bug and helping to make Ubuntu better. This report seems to indicate that your battery drained while the machine was suspended.  In this case a false bug report is generated, we are therefore closing this bug Invald.  Please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelSuspendHibernateResume#Is%20this%20really%20a%20failure? for more information.09:59
BlackZkermiac: which bug?10:04
kermiacbug 35645610:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 356456 in linux (Ubuntu) "[Hewlett-Packard HP Compaq nx6325] suspend/resume failure (affects: 2)" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35645610:05
kermiaci've already added the response & inavlidated it10:05
kermiacas the op stated the "Battery went empty during suspend"10:05
BlackZkermiac: yes, well done10:06
kermiacthe stock reply has been added to the bottom of the wiki now for future reference10:13
kermiacnight all :)10:13
=== kermiac is now known as kermiac_
thekornwell done and good night kermiac ;)10:14
kermiac_night thekorn :)10:14
q0kDoes this bug affect you? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/installation-guide/+bug/52211211:10
ubot4Launchpad bug 522112 in installation-guide (Ubuntu) "version number confusion in 9.10 installation guide (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New]11:10
q0kDoes this bug affect you? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/installation-guide/+bug/52211211:17
ubot4Launchpad bug 522112 in installation-guide (Ubuntu) "version number confusion in 9.10 installation guide (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New]11:17
q0kubot4, does it or not ? ;)11:17
ubot4q0k: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:17
kklimondaq0k, it has already been reported as bug 522112. Also pasting your question or link once is sufficient - if you don't get any answer immediately it just means that we aren't looking right now.11:19
ubot4Launchpad bug 522112 in installation-guide (Ubuntu) "version number confusion in 9.10 installation guide (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52211211:19
kklimondabug 50572311:19
ubot4Launchpad bug 505723 in installation-guide (Ubuntu) "9.10 install guide reads 9.04 and Jaunty, not 9.10 and Karmic (affects: 1)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50572311:19
kermiac_q0k: !bot11:20
ubot4Hi! I'm #ubuntu-bugs's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots11:21
q0khi ubot411:21
q0kubot4 thanks for your knowledge about PLENTY of bugs11:21
ubot4q0k: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:21
q0kubot4 I know but thanks anyway11:22
ubot4q0k: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:22
q0kbug 50572311:25
ubot4Launchpad bug 505723 in installation-guide (Ubuntu) "9.10 install guide reads 9.04 and Jaunty, not 9.10 and Karmic (affects: 2) (dups: 1)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50572311:25
BUGabundoHappy Carnaval o/12:34
BUGabundohey kklimonda12:37
kklimondagreat, looks like I've scared away a user who had a problem with automouting his disk..12:45
kklimondaI've asked him to use ubuntu-bug storage and *gasp* register on launchpad12:46
kklimondadamn me and my demands..12:46
BUGabundoyes , LP needs a lower entrie12:46
kklimondaBUGabundo, how lower it can get?12:46
kklimondacan it*12:47
BUGabundoif it goes to low, they ask ubuntu cds in LP user ml12:47
BUGabundooh wait, that already happen12:47
kklimondaheh "you can't order CDs by using this page. go to shipit..."12:47
kklimondaBUGabundo, but seriously - how hard is registering on LP now? do you even have to confirm it by clicking some link that is sent to you?12:48
BUGabundoI remember a period when it was harder to file a bug against LP itself, then to end a termo nuclear war12:48
kklimondaoh wait, he's back12:49
BUGabundokklimonda: errk truth be told,  LP doesn't like hotmail12:49
BUGabundomost emails never get there12:49
kklimondaBUGabundo, I don't like hotmail12:49
BUGabundoor is it MSFT that doesn't like FLOSS?12:49
BUGabundoI never make them apart :D12:49
kklimondaBUGabundo, and people are starting to ask "can we just blacklist all @hotmail.com emails because we get more spam from them than from anywhere else"12:49
kklimondaheh, apparently he's waiting for the confirmation email.12:50
kklimondamaybe we should start asking people to register on LP during installation12:51
kklimondaby telling them how awesome ubuntu one is12:51
kklimondawe would all burn in hell though for lying..12:52
=== BUGabundo is now known as BUGabundo_FOODZ
porthosehggdh ping! would you please renew my bug squad membership (cjsmo)  ;)13:03
LimCorejdstrand: glad to see your apparmor work ;)  It really do need polishing13:08
vishyofel_: can you ping me when you are triaging bugs? i need someone using kubuntu to have a look at  a couple of bugs13:12
LimCorejdstrand: if you need better example with the ssh keys security thing, ping me (bug #505493)13:26
ubot4LimCore: Bug 505493 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/505493 is private13:26
=== BUGabundo_FOODZ is now known as BUGabundo
hggdhporthose: it has already expired, has it not?14:06
porthosehggdh, not sure, was checking email and found the notice :)14:07
hggdhporthose: I found it (was looking for cjsmo, it was listed under your name ;-)14:09
hggdhporthose: done, thank you14:09
porthosehggdh, thank you :)14:09
thekornmaybe https://edge.launchpad.net/~bugsquad/+members is an extreme example, but this kind of list needs a separate overview of all admins of a team14:23
kklimondathekorn, or sorting by status should actually work as expected14:25
thekornyeah, and not on a per page basis14:25
thekornwhich is kind of useless14:25
kklimondathat's my point exactly14:27
hggdhI agree. And an easy way to zeroing in somebody14:27
hggdhlike a search facility (I know, I am in wishlist territory)14:27
nigelbtry using the API for now14:28
* vish wonders where all the members triaging kubuntu bug hang out14:29
nigelbI didn't know there was a separate team for kubuntu14:29
hggdh#kubuntu, or #kubuntu-bugs?14:29
nigelb#kubuntu-bugs is nonexistent14:30
nigelband #kubuntu is probably support14:30
nigelbmy best guess is #kubuntu-devel?14:30
vishno k-devel either.. :s14:31
BUGabundono one tracks down k bugs :D14:31
BUGabundothere are NONE14:31
* BUGabundo hides14:31
persiaUm, there are a number of people tracking Kubuntu bugs.14:32
persiaSome of them even hang out here.14:32
persia#kubuntu-devel is kinda like #ubuntu-desktop or #ubuntu-motu or #ubuntu-server, etc. : a developer team channel.  Bugs are looked at there, but not always the first-pass stuff.14:33
BUGabundoI was jk of course14:33
hggdhBUGabundo: I had forgotten it's carnival time :-(14:44
hggdhand I am here, working! Life is unfair.14:45
qensecarnival in the south here as well. Fortunately we're calvinist here. :P14:45
hggdhheh. I am not sure about the 'fortunately' part ;-)14:48
nigelbhggdh: hello :)14:51
nigelbhggdh: uploaded another bug fix, this time on a main package :)14:52
hggdhnigelb: great! And, of course, you tested it ;-)14:54
nigelbhggdh: yep.  test builded it here and uploaded dediff before hitting the bed.  Now its sponsored :)14:54
hggdhgood work, nigelb14:55
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bcurtiswxbug #203111 since pymsn is getting removed from lucid (if it hasn't been done already).. what to do with this one?17:48
ubot4Launchpad bug 203111 in pymsn (Ubuntu) "telepathy-butterfly crashed with AttributeError in process_response() (affects: 7) (dups: 6)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20311117:48
kklimondabcurtiswx: it isn't removed from previous releases so the bug is still valid (if it wasn't fixed in the meantime :) )17:49
bcurtiswxkklimonda: thx :D17:49
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om26erif a bug is being worked on upstream should I change it from triaged to in progress?18:10
bcurtiswxom26er no look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Status18:12
charlie-tcano, it is still triaged for us18:12
bcurtiswxom26er: make sure to look at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Importance18:12
om26erif a bug is already triaged and I have ask a question(s) from the reporter should I mark it incomplete or leave it triaged?18:14
bcurtiswxom26er: which bug are you taking about?18:15
om26erbcurtiswx, not available at the moment but there have been a few that are triaged but dont seem to be happening18:16
bcurtiswxom26er: like which bugs for example?18:16
om26erbcurtiswx, I dont have the example at the moment :(18:16
bcurtiswxom26er: what do you mean by but there have been a few that are triaged but dont seem to be happening18:17
om26erbcurtiswx, I looked at them a few days ago18:18
bcurtiswxso which ones did you look at?18:18
om26erbcurtiswx, they were gwibber and netbook-launcher bugs I should search them18:19
om26erbcurtiswx, found one in empathy( not triaged though) I faced it in karmic whenever I tried to drag a chat tab and then in Lucid until 2.29.5 but was fixed after that18:22
ubot4Launchpad bug 476449 in empathy (Ubuntu) "empathy crashed during moving im chat tab from one window (1 tab) to another (1 tab) (affects: 2)" [Medium,Confirmed]18:22
om26erthis was the problem that I tested with every minor update of empathy and at last in 2.29.6 it got fixed (its was not upstream issue)18:23
bcurtiswxom26er: not entirely sure.  since the bug is karmic, but its fixed in lucid.. someone else wanna pipe in on how to treat that18:26
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BalleClorinof course om26er quit before I could reply...18:59
Damascenedo you have some link to problem that was fixed in the stable release and are back on the development release?19:00
kklimondaDamascene: for example bug 43431619:01
ubot4Launchpad bug 434316 in update-notifier (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Useless black bar in notification area visible (affects: 6) (dups: 2)" [Low,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43431619:01
kklimondabug report hasn't been touched to reflect that though - we are still hoping nobody is going to notice it and we can fix it ;)19:02
Damasceneno I mean bug 51800719:03
ubot4Launchpad bug 518007 in linux (Fedora) (and 1 other project) "Asus Eee Function Keys (Hotkeys) are not working with Lucid 10.04 (affects: 2)" [Unknown,Unknown] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51800719:03
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elleucamay I raise bug   #519195 ?21:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 519195 in libindicator (Ubuntu) "No focus using keyboard (affects: 2)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51919521:02
elleucain order to have a good a11y, imho should be marked as blocker for lucid21:03
kklimondaelleuca: you should try on #ayatana as this is the place when discussion about libappindicator and the rest of indicators takes place.21:09
nigelbbdmurray: that video is great :)21:10
nigelbcan you put the slides up somewhere too?21:10
elleucakklimonda: thanks, I'll try21:10
bdmurraynigelb: yep - http://people.canonical.com/~brian/presentations/21:11
bdmurraynigelb: and thanks!21:11
nigelbbdmurray: I guess that solves the trouble of a general "how to triage classs".  All that would be need now would be about specific packages and their preferences21:12
bdmurraynigelb: well until the Launchpad UI changes significantly ;-)21:12
nigelbyea ;)21:13
nigelbI'll set up the smaller classes starting from lucid release wrt to each of the smaller teams21:13
nigelb^ makes sense?21:14
bdmurraynigelb: I'm not quite certain what you mean21:14
nigelbbdmurray: well, something like how to deal with X bugs, or sound bugs (like the earlier one dan gave) or firefox bugs21:15
nigelbnot a class as such, more like a Q and A session21:15
bdmurraynigelb: okay, yes that makes a lot of sense21:15
nigelbbdmurray: thanks for taking the time to look into it :)21:16
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edakiriwhere is a good place to read/learn about ddebs?21:39
micahgedakiri: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingProgramCrash21:41
LimCorelol, konversation shows being banned as "gives channel owner privileges" woot?23:51
ddecatorbug 522489 was made public by the OP but still has a coredump file23:55
ubot4Launchpad bug 522489 in firefox (Ubuntu) "firefox-bin crashed with SIGSEGV in pthread_mutex_lock() (affects: 1)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52248923:55

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