
nekohayoping jono?02:47
jononekohayo, hey02:47
nekohayohey there, I was curious about something regarding the pitivi MIR... I never really got an answer whether it was possible or not for pitivi to go past the 18th's feature freeze deadline or not02:48
nekohayo(maybe I didn't ask the proper people or clearly enough)02:48
nekohayoI'd just like to know if this is an option available02:48
nekohayoor if it really really has to be done within the next 2 days02:49
nekohayoso wondering if you have any idea regarding that02:49
dobeyisn't pitivi in main already?02:54
dobeyit appears it is02:55
nekohayodobey, yes, but it's an old version02:55
dobeyat least, apt thinks it is, and it was installed when i upgraded to lucid02:55
nekohayo(that's the problem)02:55
nekohayomany bugs are fixed in the dev version, and we'd like to at least have basic crossfade transitions in02:56
* dobey thinks it was a noble goal, but perhaps poor timing, to include pitivi by default02:56
nekohayoif it can't be done it could be postponed to lucid+1, but if it can be squeezed with crossfade transitions, that could do it02:58
nekohayoemdash is working on easy crossfading transitions, but I'm hesitant to say it would be completed in the next 48 hours02:59
nekohayomaybe rickspencer3 would know :)03:01
rickspencer3what's up?03:01
* rickspencer3 has no scrollback03:01
nekohayorickspencer3, http://pastebin.com/d133bc4c03:02
* rickspencer3 braces for rickroll03:02
rickspencer3nekohayo, what do you mean about going past feature freeze?03:03
rickspencer3we typically do lots of bug fixing and tweaking past feature freeze, but stop adding features03:03
nekohayoa freeze exception03:03
rickspencer3(but there are exceptions)03:03
rickspencer3what are you wanting to do?03:03
rickspencer3crossfades and transitions?03:04
nekohayowe'll I'm just evaluating the options, 'cause 0.13.3 is old now, but 0.13.4 is not yet out the door03:04
rickspencer3these are indeed tough calls to make03:04
nekohayothere are many users struggling with weird bugs that are absent from the git version03:04
rickspencer3when is 13.4 currently scheduled to be ready?03:04
rickspencer3we often update to a later version after freeze03:05
nekohayothat's the thing, I'm not sure; https://bugzilla.gnome.org/buglist.cgi?product=pitivi&target_milestone=0.13.403:05
nekohayo <-- could help seeing the bugs remaining03:05
rickspencer3but if there are risky new features in the newest release, we sometimes dig up03:05
rickspencer3patches from upstream to fix bugs in what we've got03:05
rickspencer3so, I guess "it depends"03:05
nekohayowell the git version is more stable/dependable than the 0.13.3 release, from my experience03:06
rickspencer3well, we certainly can evaluate which is the right version to go with03:06
rickspencer3if there is a high probability that 13.4 will be ready well before we release Lucid, it may be a good idea03:07
rickspencer3to just update to it now03:07
* rickspencer3 adds to list of topics for desktop team meeting tomorrow03:07
nekohayolimited to this feature set it would be possible IMHO (but no fancy poney-shaped wipe transitions)03:08
nekohayoso yeah bring it up to the meeting and do tell me what happens03:08
rickspencer3tbh, I'm more interested in the bug fixes, but some basic transitions would be good as well ;)03:08
nekohayomethinks that https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=579230 could be implemented in time for lucid since emdash is currently working on it03:08
ubottuGnome bug 579230 in transitions "easy crossfading transition of overlapping clips" [Enhancement,Assigned]03:08
nekohayoand it's the absolute priority feature for the next release (I "settled" for it :)03:09
nekohayojust not user that it would be done in 2 days03:09
dobeyHrmm. the 'anonymous' access to the LP API is annoyingly annoying03:09
rickspencer3nekohayo, what's you gut tell you about readiness for Lucid?03:09
rickspencer3(regarding pitivi of course ;) )03:09
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nekohayowhat date must it be ready for, before april first I assume huh03:10
* rickspencer3 checks release schedule\03:11
nekohayomy understanding of the situation is that once we get those easy crossfades implemented, and maybe that I kick the devs' butts so that they merged 2-3 patches on those bug reports, the release could be done03:11
dobeyrickspencer3: my gut feeling is that something like pitivi is a pretty big change to be bringing into an LTS, without it having been part of the default install prior to LTS. but maybe the code in git is stable-ish now.03:11
rickspencer3basically, all the features need to be in by next Tuesday, though officially this Thur is the cut off03:12
nekohayodobey, you're not entirely wrong on this, I'd say. On the other hand, I've been worrying a bit about the LTS Thing03:12
nekohayootoh, maybe the visibility will make pitivi contributors appear in droves :)03:12
rickspencer3Then it's fixing bugs up until we ship03:12
dobey3 years is a long time to be supporting unstable software :)03:13
nekohayohm hm03:13
dobeynekohayo: is there a PPA with the git pitivi in it?03:13
nekohayodobey, there is, since a few days03:13
* TheMuso can't believe rickspencer3 is in here on his day/evening off. :p03:13
* nekohayo searches for it03:13
rickspencer3Lets make it stable if we can03:13
rickspencer3it's a good product that users like03:14
dobeyTheMuso: freezes can be at rather inopportune times :)03:14
TheMusodobey: yeah I am aware of that, but a day off is a day off. :)03:14
rickspencer3I'll be off in a few03:14
dobeynekohayo: get kenvandine to use that version for a bit then. I *know* he was having issues with pitivi :)03:14
rickspencer3I was just online wokring on some of my side projects03:15
rickspencer3dobey, it wasn't pitivi that was the problem03:15
rickspencer3his problem was that the gtk-recordmydesktop was not encoding files correctly03:15
dobeyrickspencer3: ah03:15
dobeyrickspencer3: ok. i didn't know if he got it resolved or not :)03:15
rickspencer3he didn't, but the bug is not in pitivi03:16
dobeywell, garbage files are garbage files. probably can't really fix the files i guess. but good to know where the problem is03:16
dobeyTheMuso: eh, I worked today too. trying to get all the ubuntu one client stuff 'done' for feature freeze03:18
nekohayokenvandine, get your crack right there.03:19
nekohayodepends on the gstreamer-developers PPA03:19
nekohayoaah, that good old recordmydesktop03:19
nekohayoI'll feel the pain again when I'll have to make a pitivi 0.13.4 screencast.03:19
rickspencer3nekohayo, just fyi, we are scheduled to make the pitivi go/no go descion for beta 2, I think03:19
rickspencer3oops, beta 1, I mean03:20
TheMusodobey: fair enough03:22
nekohayodobey, /me has more hopes in gnome-shell becoming the new decent screencasting tool than recormydesktop ever being fixed :|03:24
dobeyEh. I wish I could get interest and help on my project. I don't really have time to work on it though.03:26
nekohayorecordmydesktop is yours?03:27
dobeydeskscribe is03:29
* nekohayo searches03:30
dobeyit doesn't do video recording yet, but i want it to03:30
dobeylaunchpad.net/deskscribe :)03:30
nekohayooh I see03:30
AmaranthI've been tempted to resurrect the compiz video recording plugin just to get good screencasts03:32
Amaranthseems using recordmydesktop with compiz requires something better than 2Ghz C2D and intel X3100 graphics03:33
* nekohayo just found out https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=525155 03:33
nekohayothis may explain my recent troubles with r-m-d in karmic03:33
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 525155 in recordmydesktop "Theora is broken in Rawhide" [Medium,Closed: errata]03:33
nekohayobut it doesn't explain the "broken" theora frames (https://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=2827013&group_id=172357&atid=861428)03:33
ubottuError: Sourceforge bug 2827013 not found03:34
nekohayowith istanbul and recordmydesktop being abandonned, my only hope is gnome shell03:37
pittiGood morning07:03
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didrocksgood morning08:10
pittibonjour didrocks08:10
didrockshey pitti08:12
mvoasac: did someone mention the GtkCellRendererSpinner to you yesterday btw?08:15
chrisccoulsongood morning everyone09:03
pittihey chrisccoulson, good morning09:03
chrisccoulsonhey pitti, how are you?09:03
pittiI'm great, thanks! how about you?09:04
* pitti is packaging upower09:04
chrisccoulsoni'm quite tired this morning. my girlfriend is not very well, so i had quite a restless night09:04
chrisccoulsonare we migrating to upower this cycle?09:04
pittiuh, I hope she'll get well soon09:04
pittichrisccoulson: yes, I'd like to (same as udisks)09:05
pittiwill make backporting patches much easier09:05
pittior running backports09:05
chrisccoulsoni subscribed to the bugs in udisks already09:05
seb128hey chrisccoulson pitti09:05
chrisccoulsonhey seb12809:05
pittiand I already did some bug fixes in upstream trunk which the OEM team is waiting on :)09:05
chrisccoulsonHR have arranged a leaving interview here with me on friday morning09:07
chrisccoulsonright at the same time my breakfast arrives!09:07
didrockshey chrisccoulson, seb12809:08
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks09:08
pittibonjour seb12809:08
seb128chrisccoulson, way to finish a week!09:09
seb128chrisccoulson, hope your gf get better too btw09:09
chrisccoulsonthanks :)09:09
seb128hello didrocks, pitti09:09
baptistemmhey chrisccoulson, I saw your message or yesterday this mornig, what so I do so? comment the missing symbols ?09:12
chrisccoulsonhey baptistemm - the missing symbol was never part of the public API, so it's not an issue that it is no longer exported in the new version09:13
baptistemmso I just need to remove it from the .symbols file before the building and that's it09:17
chrisccoulsonbaptistemm: yeah, that will work09:18
chrisccoulsonbaptistemm: the removed symbol was never included in any public headers09:21
chrisccoulsonso i assume that they exported it by accident09:22
pittiseb128: do you have a minute to source NEW upower? (it's just a package rename)09:22
seb128pitti, sure09:22
pittiseb128: merci!09:22
seb128de rien!09:23
baptistemmchrisccoulson, by accident means a bug in dpkg-gensymbols (osrry I have now knowledge about symbol export)09:23
chrisccoulsonbaptistemm: the exported symbols is controlled by upstream09:23
chrisccoulsoni think they ship a symbols file to control that09:24
baptistemmwhat does dpkg-gensymbols to knwo public symbols, does it scan *.h files?09:24
chrisccoulsonbaptistemm: dpkg-gensymbols scans for symbols exported by a library (using nm, I think)09:25
chrisccoulsonbaptistemm: http://people.redhat.com/drepper/dsohowto.pdf09:25
chrisccoulsonthat has a good section of how to control symbols exported by shared libraries09:25
chrisccoulsonsection 2.2 "Export Control"09:27
seb128pitti, do you need shlibs when you use .symbols?09:32
pittiseb128: no, you don't09:33
seb128pitti, ok, because upower has one in the rules?09:33
pittiDEB_DH_MAKESHLIBS_ARGS_libdevkit-power-gobject1 = -- -v1:$(DEB_VERSION)09:33
pittiyou mean this?09:33
pittiseb128: without that, dpkg-makeshlibs drops the epoch from debian/libdevkit-power-gobject1.symbols and complains about the file having totally changed09:34
pittiit gets confused because it gets the package version from debian/changelog usually09:34
seb128ah I see09:34
pittibut debian/rules adds an epoch to the devkit-power-* stuff09:35
pitti(which we need, because 0.9 < 01109:35
pittiwe can drop the libdevkit-power-gobject* bits at some point when everything got ported to libupower-glib09:35
seb128pitti, ok makes sense, looks good, newed09:37
pittiseb128: merci09:37
seb128de rien09:37
seb128what is working on nm-applet there?10:09
seb128what -> who10:09
seb128I got the lazy icon loading change done yesterday evening and waiting for upstream review10:10
seb128I would appreciate review and sponsoring from somebody working on nm-applet if we want that in lucid for alpha3 now10:10
seb128seems the packaging is using source in git and I'm not sure how to deal with it too10:11
seb128asac, ^?10:11
pittiVcs-Bzr: https://code.launchpad.net/~network-manager/network-manager-applet/ubuntu.head10:11
pittioh, it's not that one?10:11
pittiseb128: I'm happy to help out with git stuff, by now I got fairly familiar with it (*sigh*)10:12
seb128pitti, let me look again10:12
seb128I though that was in git I'm not sure why now10:13
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seb128pitti, ok, I think I got confused, I will work on the update now10:15
seb128still a review from somebody else would be welcome once that is done ;-)10:15
seb128pitti, thanks10:15
asacseb128: our packaging doesnt use git10:17
asacits the branch pitti pointed to10:17
seb128asac, yeah I got confused apparently10:17
asacseb128: get me the patch you want reviewed10:18
asacseb128: already submitted upstream?10:18
seb128asac, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=60913410:18
ubottuGnome bug 609134 in nm-applet "should do lazy loading for icons" [Normal,New]10:18
seb128asac, the current change on this bug10:18
asacstartup time?10:18
seb128asac, yes...10:18
seb128lazy icon loading10:18
seb128ie not loading 35 icons for animation when not needed10:18
seb128+ the vpn ones when not using a vpn10:19
kklimondabtw - do you have any idea why are fields in debian/control called Vcs-Bzr: Vcs-Git: instead of (for example) Vcs-Ubuntu: Vcs-Debian?10:19
asacseb128: ok. doesnt look bad on first glance. i assume you want that to be prepatched in our packaging?10:20
seb128asac, I've no strong opinion, I'm fine waiting a few days for dan to comment upstream10:20
seb128pitti, ^ how much do we want that one in for alpha3?10:21
asacok. if you say its ok to wait, i can poke him to give his review too10:21
asacseb128: there are some indentation style changes10:22
asaclike here:10:22
asac+nma_icon_check_and_load (const char *name, GdkPixbuf **icon, NMApplet *applet,10:22
asac+gboolean fallback)10:22
seb128asac, do you want a lp bug for that?10:23
asacnot needed if you dont need it ;)10:23
seb128ok good10:23
seb128less work ;-)10:23
asactell me if you want that up today for a310:24
pittiseb128: I don't consider it a blocker for alpha-3, it doesn't have any functional change10:24
pittiseb128: so if it's easier to get in after alpha-3, fine10:24
asaci will let cyphermox commit this to our branch ... so it gets in daily10:25
seb128asac, wait10:25
seb128there is another change required10:25
seb128I'm on it10:25
asacseb128: ok. let me know.10:26
didrocksnote to myself: never work directly in quilt with bzr bd-do… to much chance to exit 0 before quilt refresh…10:28
chrisccoulsondidrocks - oops ;)10:31
chrisccoulsondid you lose much work?10:32
seb128asac, http://people.canonical.com/~seb128/nm-applet.debdiff10:32
didrockschrisccoulson: yesterday's evening work on force refreshing cache10:32
seb128asac, one distro patch needed to be updated for the change10:32
didrockschrisccoulson: but that's ok, 30 min to redo it when you know what to do :)10:33
seb128asac, that one should be good to use10:33
seb128asac, also can we get it to use automake1.10 instead of .9? ;-)10:36
pittididrocks: hang on10:39
pittididrocks: if you exit bd-do, it doesn't wipe anything10:39
pittididrocks: it's still in ../build-tree/gnome-desktop-<version>/10:39
pittijust go back there and diff/hack/copy10:39
didrockspitti: yes, but this morning, I've redone a bzr-do10:39
pittior presumably quilt diff/quilt refresh10:40
pittiah, you lose then :(10:40
didrocksit's ok, I've rewrite it now10:40
didrocksI launched nm on the old bin to see I didn't forget anything10:40
pittididrocks: using the image_serialize bits?10:40
didrockspitti: to force the caching? no, I use some part of the libgnome-desktop API10:41
pittididrocks: no, to write the cache10:41
pittididrocks: right now you are storing a .jpg?10:41
didrockspitti: I didn't changed that yet10:41
pittiah, ok10:41
seb128why does that need to be changed?10:42
didrockspitti: I'm storing in the same format than the original file, why?10:42
pittididrocks: mclasen suggested using this serializing API, which is even faster (avoids decoding the jpg, etc.)10:42
pittimight be worth a try10:42
didrockspitti: right, I just want to finish my WI before alpha3, we can change that later, right?10:43
seb128brb, trying gnome-keyring update10:43
pittididrocks: sure10:43
didrockspitti: I still have this 2D/3D thing that was added last week on netbook-launcher10:43
didrockspitti: so, finishing the command line, postinst is ready and then, go to the other task10:44
baptistemmasac, bluez will have a fixed release about API breakage10:48
didrocksok, work lost again…11:36
seb128didrocks, how did you do that?11:37
didrocksseb128: this time I really don't know. I quilt add Makefile.am to include the file in the build11:38
didrocksrefresh then…11:38
didrocksquilt pop -a11:38
didrocksexit 011:38
didrocksand then, I only see the Makefile.am in the patch, no more source file11:38
* didrocks get stressed11:39
pittididrocks: why would you expect anything else than Makefile.am if you didn't add anything else?11:39
didrockspitti: I added before the other file11:39
didrockspitti: refresh, exit 0, and so on11:39
didrocksI obviously did something wrong, but can't find what now11:40
didrocksso, I will rewrote for the third time the file, out of quilt + bzr, and then, copy to it11:40
pittididrocks: don't rewrite the file, it should still be in ../build-area/dir/11:40
pittiDON'T do bzr bd-do now!11:40
didrockspitti: I saw that the file wasn't there when I did bzr bd which failed logically as no source file there11:41
didrocksso, too late11:41
didrockswell, first time, 1h, second time 30m, third time 15min?11:41
pittiperhaps copy the file to your home dir right before doing the patch building11:41
didrockspitti: I will work in my home dir this time :)11:41
* didrocks start timer11:42
pittiI seldomly do patches in bzr bd-do and quilt these days11:42
pittibut still, it shouldn't be that hard :)11:42
didrocksI don't understand what was wrong this time. I know for yesterday's mistake and it's all my fault. But today…11:43
didrockswell, let's go back to it11:43
asacbaptistemm: great. so when thats out we can update ;)11:44
asacbaptistemm: how happy were they about this incident?11:44
baptistemmasac, Apparently holtman already fixed on saturday night that on git after I had a look there.11:46
baptistemmbut he didn't send an ack on IRC for that11:46
baptistemmso it didn't really care my mail :)11:47
baptistemmasac, should I wait next really or push bluez with the fix11:47
asacbaptistemm: i dont see a reason to make an early push11:47
asacbluez releases often enough11:48
baptistemmhey, they wasn't any really for a month :)11:48
baptistemms/really/release/ doo11:48
asacright. if they dont release in one or two weeks, lets request a release to unbreak api11:49
baptistemmholtman said a release will be pushed soon11:49
kwwiiseb128: hey, I have an update for the humanity-icon-theme package (lp:~ubuntu-art-pkg/humanity/release) can you upload it when you get a chance?11:59
didrocksok, redone. /me triple backups it12:02
seb128kwwii, ok12:05
didrocksah found it, I quilt add after adding the file the tree12:11
seb128well that should make it ignore your change12:13
seb128but not drop other changes12:14
seb128like that doesn't explain the "editing makefile.am dropped source changes"12:14
didrockswell, right, I don't know what I did wrong. This time, I have it, let's build the package. Too much thing for a tiny script a little postinst call :/12:17
seb128kwwii, impressive list of bugs closed by this update mr wimer ;-)12:21
kwwiiseb128: hehe, thanks go to vish (I only made on of those icons!)12:22
kwwiivish: ^ (well done!)12:22
seb128vish, good work!12:25
seb128kwwii, there is no upstream tarball right?12:26
seb128kwwii, ie usually it's just built from bzr12:26
kwwiiseb128: yepp12:27
seb128ok, good12:27
seb128kwwii, ok, I'm uploading that, can you change the bzr to have "0.5.1" as version?12:29
seb128kwwii, since you don't have a diff.gz you don't need an ubuntu revision12:29
seb128kwwii, just delete the "-0ubuntu1" in the changelog12:30
kklimondait seems that bug 434316 is back (at least for me, not every time bug if I use system for a while it shows up eventually) - have it been reported already?12:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 434316 in empathy "Useless black bar in notification area visible" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43431612:31
seb128kklimonda, are you sure it's due to empathy?12:31
kklimondaseb128, if I kill empathy line goes away12:31
seb128ok, so I don't know12:32
seb128djsiegel, so the hundredpapercut you pointed yesterday is not really one12:36
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seb128djsiegel, you don't usually need password storage since once a share is mounted it will stay mounted for the session12:36
seb128djsiegel, and on the smb case it's done this way because sometime you need different credentials to have write access to some shares12:37
seb128djsiegel, and if you were automatically using the default password you would break those usecases12:37
seb128djsiegel, let me know if you disagree there or need extra details12:38
seb128(that's from a discussion with upstream today)12:38
kwwiiseb128: yes, will do13:02
vishkwwii: seb128: thanks :)13:14
didrocksI need to know as well what display the user is on too (so that gdk_init succeed). /proc/{pid}/environ or is there a nicer way?13:16
chrisccoulsondidrocks - consolekit?13:17
didrockschrisccoulson: in a postinst script? is it easy to call?13:18
pittididrocks: eww13:18
chrisccoulsonhmmmm, i'm not too sure13:18
chrisccoulsonwhat are you trying to do?13:18
pittididrocks: aren't you looking for running gnome-settings-daemon processes anyway?13:18
pittididrocks: you could just fish it out of /proc/pid/env13:18
didrockspitti: right, hence my proposal. I was asking if there was a nicer way13:19
pitti$ xargs -0n1 < /proc/$$/environ |grep ^DISPLAY13:19
pittididrocks: not to my knowledge13:19
didrocksok, will use that so. Thanks :)13:20
pittigosh, how hackish; well, sabdfl always wins :)13:20
didrockspitti: yeah, was not that easy… a lot of time for tiny result…13:21
* hyperair wonders if it's okay to be running some graphical program from within a postinst13:23
hyperairsurely all kinds of strange things can happen during installation, like X crashing or something that will cause the postinst to fail spectacularly?13:24
didrockshyperair: it's not running a graphical soft, just need X for gdk getting things13:24
hyperairdidrocks: what if the upgrade was done without X running?13:24
didrockshyperair: g-s-d will not run so13:25
pittiseb128: ah, with yesterday's update teh sound indicator started working \o/ so it wasn't due to a bad PPA13:25
pittikenvandine: does the power indicator still have a chance to land this week? or should we postpone to beta-1?13:26
pittikenvandine: (I'm a bit nervous about that TBH; unlike gnome-volume-control-applet, gnome-power-manager is a huge piece of code to replace..)13:30
hyperaireh? gnome-power-manager's getting replaced?13:31
seb128pitti, there is a gpm port to the indicator system waiting in launchpad13:33
pittiah, it's a patch, not a rewrite13:33
seb128it's gpm patch for now apparently yes13:33
pittitseliot, bryceh: given that the "Fix logic in patches 104 and 105 to correctly select -nvidia when appropriate" work item was postponed, would it be correct to postpone "Auto-config nvidia: Identify logic in jockey which inserts configuration into xorg.conf and create analogous logic in xserver" as well?13:37
pittiISTR that you didn't want to do that kind of magic in lucid?13:37
tseliotpitti: yes, I think we should definitely postpone it. I don't think I will have the time to implement it any time soon13:38
tseliotnot in time for Lucid13:39
pittitseliot: ack, will do13:39
pittitseliot: what about bug 258038?13:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 258038 in fglrx-installer "Look into feasibility of using an alternatives system rather than diversions" [Wishlist,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/25803813:41
pittiI haven't followed using the alternatives system for fglrx13:42
pittiis that even necessary?13:42
pittii. e. does fglrx also divert libGL and the like?13:42
pittiit seemed much less intrusive to me13:42
didrockspitti: g-s-d pushed, postinst and bin on it13:43
tseliotpitti: that's fixed. I have already worked on that together with superm1, we pushed the changes to the upstream git. I will pull them when AMD releases an fglrx driver which works with Lucid's xserver13:43
didrockspitti: as gnome-desktop hasn't been sponsored yet with fixed quality cache. I will try to do the change about serializing now13:43
tseliotpitti: currently the package is not installable and doesn't contain our changes.13:44
pittididrocks: \o/13:44
seb128didrocks, do you need gnome-desktop sponsoring?13:47
didrocksseb128: hum, there is one version waiting, but as I'll erase the changes and saving with serializing the pixbuf, this will go away, so no need now, thanks :)13:48
didrocksjust hackish g-s-d needs :)13:48
seb128didrocks, oh please don't do that for g-s-d13:49
seb128don't patch makefile.am with a new source13:49
seb128you should rather put your .c in the debian dir13:49
seb128and call gcc in the changelog to build it13:49
didrocksoh really? I saw that for gdmsetup and other packages13:49
seb128gdmsetup is code we try to get upstream13:50
pittididrocks: it's fine to do that in your upstream patch, of course13:50
seb128your change has nothing to do with g-s-d code13:50
seb128and it forces us to keep running autoreconf13:50
didrocksthere was already one autoreconf file, but yes, I put the .c in the debian dir, and call gcc in control13:51
seb128(we need it for other changes right now but still we try to get away from those not to add new ones)13:51
seb128well my opinion13:51
seb128didrocks, maybe do that for now and revisit after ff13:51
seb128what you did work but will be extra work over time I feel13:51
seb128we can clean that later though13:51
seb128didrocks, "that" being what you commited now13:52
didrocksok, I'll prefer if we can change that after FF :)13:52
djsiegel1seb128: I see13:52
pittitseliot: so is that blocked on getting a new upstream release which works with our X.org?13:53
tseliotpitti: yep13:53
pittitseliot: thanks13:53
pittitseliot: but still planned for lucid?13:54
tseliotsee my PM13:54
seb128didrocks, did you try how gdk_init behaves if you run your code on vt?13:55
didrocksseb128: I didn't try without X running, but I tried with two connected users (so, one, not being the one connected to current gnome-terminal)13:56
seb128didrocks, well not running X is not the issue, just run the binary on a real vt13:56
seb128didrocks, not under an xorg session13:56
didrocksseb128: the binary will fail, but the postinst should export the right DISPLAY before, let me check to reinstall it13:57
seb128didrocks, does it?13:58
didrocksseb128: right13:58
seb128oh, ok13:58
didrocksseb128: let me check install previous version to try an "upgrade" again on a vt to ensure it works13:58
chrisccoulsondidrocks - does your binary not cause an extra dbus-daemon and gconfd process to run?13:58
chrisccoulsonand do you need to clean those up afterwards?13:58
didrockschrisccoulson: no, it's connect to current gconf13:58
seb128didrocks, also calling sudo in the postinst might lead to pam password prompts13:59
chrisccoulsondidrocks: how does it do that? it needs the session bus address to do that13:59
seb128we ran into lot of weird bugs when we did that for gdm gconftool calls13:59
seb128we moved to ship the .xml rather13:59
chrisccoulsonyeah, it can get messy doing things like that from a postinst13:59
pittikenvandine: sound menu> "integrate with the backend components (PA): INPROGRESS" -> what's that about?14:00
didrocksseb128: sudo was to get the user's environnement to get it runned. I don't know how to do in an other way14:00
* didrocks doesn't like that change14:00
didrockstoo much time14:00
didrocksunder fire by everybody14:00
seb128didrocks, we failed for gdm14:00
seb128didrocks, well I highly dislike the hack too, but it's not your fault you are just the messenger there...14:00
seb128didrocks, well I highly dislike the hack too, but it's not your fault you are just the messenger there...14:00
seb128didrocks, I'm just pointing that we fought with bugs about sudo use in postinst for gdm before karmic14:01
seb128and did decide to roll back to not use sudo there14:01
seb128it's a can of worms for issues14:01
didrocksseb128: right, I agree that running sudo is not good…14:01
seb128I'm trying to think to a better way14:01
didrocksso, I need to connect to user's gconfd14:02
seb128do you really need gconf there?14:02
seb128that's to get the background image in use?14:02
didrocksseb128: right14:02
didrocksseb128: I didn't find any other way in the API14:02
seb128dealing with gconf in a postinst is going to be an issue14:03
seb128we really need a proper system to do such things14:03
didrocksI agree14:04
seb128and stop doing things likely to break in maintainer scripts14:04
seb128ask mvo14:04
pittiok, this now sounds too messy to get working, I think14:04
seb128we get so many things going wrong14:04
pittiperhaps we can cowboy it into update-manager for lucid14:04
pittiif we're going to have a better solution for manic monkey anyway14:04
pittiupdate-manager at least has X, gconf, and all taht14:04
didrockspitti: it doesn't have X for other users, so it will still be hackish14:05
pittididrocks: nevermind other users14:05
seb128mvo, ^ how easy would it be to run a small piece of C or python code in update-manager after install?14:05
NafaiGood morning14:05
pittididrocks: the primary user is "good enough" here14:05
mvosorry, I did not follow the discussion14:05
seb128mvo, just for the current user14:05
seb128mvo, we are still try to get the background image cached after upgrade14:05
mvoseb128: without asking? or with a prompt?14:05
seb128mvo, it's basically calling gnome_bg_draw()14:06
pittimvo: noninteractive14:06
seb128which will trigger the caching if new gnome-desktop is installed14:06
seb128mvo, without asking14:06
mvook, you want to run that on first login for every user, right?14:06
seb128mvo, it's just a "trigger background caching by doing a libgnome-desktop call after install"14:06
pittimvo: no, problem is we need to run it after the upgrade, but before reboot14:07
seb128mvo, no, it's too late, we want to do it before reboot14:07
seb128mvo, otherwise we miss the profiling which happens on reboot14:07
mvoohh, but what about users that exist and are not logged in?14:07
seb128Nafai, hey14:07
mvohow would it work for them?14:07
pittiI suppose it doesn't have to be C/Python, we could also call didrocks's small binary14:07
seb128mvo, they lose14:07
seb128mvo, we do profile for one user only anyway14:08
mvowe can add it to u-m, its going to be a bit of a hack because the release-upgrade part runs as root - so we need to so something like sudo -u $SUDO_USER14:09
pittimvo: the UI runs as root as well?14:10
pittiso that doesn't have the user's d-bus connection, etc?14:11
vishseb128: yeah , that icon was a place holder for someone to file a bug :)14:17
* vish currently working on a better icon14:17
vishseb128: also , we have a ppa for humanity , wouldnt we need the "-0ubuntu1" ?14:18
seb128vish, not really no14:18
seb128vish, you can use 0.5.1+r<nn<14:18
vishah , cool14:18
seb128vish, you can use 0.5.1+r<nn>14:19
seb128I meant14:19
seb128if you build from commits14:19
seb128chrisccoulson, btw do you know what is happening with the gpm libindicator change?14:20
pittitedg: good morning14:31
kenvandinepitti, i'll talk to ronoc about it, but i imagine it is still open because it isn't working yet for a lot of people14:36
pittikenvandine: since yesterday's update the slider and mute seem to work14:37
kenvandinepitti, not for me14:37
kenvandinewell, i haven't updated yet :)14:37
pittikenvandine: well, it's not working very well; it feels too much logarithmic14:38
pittibut it does work14:38
kenvandineprogress :)14:38
pittikenvandine: so the "PA integration" means "volume slider/mute button"?14:38
seb128pitti, right, ronoc found the issue some users were having which was a default audiosink selection one apparently14:38
kenvandinei think so14:38
seb128pitti, nice to get confirmation it's working ;-)14:38
tedgGood morning pitti14:38
seb128hey tedg14:39
huatsseb128, for the record I am updating deskbar-applet14:39
pittitedg: I wondered, was there a particular reason for indicator-session to talk to devicekit-power over d-bus directly?14:39
seb128huats, ok thanks14:39
huats(and I have noted that in the page)14:39
seb128huats, how are you?14:39
tedgMorning seb12814:39
huatsseb128, very very good :)14:39
pittitedg: I ported it to libupower-glib today (merge proposal sent), but I wondered why you didn't use libdevkit-power-gobject; to avoid the dependency?14:40
seb128huats, good to hear ;-)14:40
huatswith a cute little by standing next to me :)14:40
tedgpitti: Yes, it needs to find out whether we can suspend and/or hibernate14:40
huatsseb128, you ?14:40
pittitedg: right, for that reason I used the client side lib14:40
seb128huats, quite good actually though a bit tired14:40
pittitedg: the server side can't check policykit privs (i. e. it might be disallowed only for some users)14:40
huatsseb128, yeah I can imagine that during the FF week14:40
tedgpitti: There was an issue with this lib at some point, I don't remember what.  But it should probably be changed.14:41
kenvandinegood morning rickspencer314:41
tedgpitti: I think that it was mostly a port from using the GPM DBus interface, so it was easier to just change the interface rather than port to a lib.14:41
rickspencer3good morning kenvandine14:42
pittihey rickspencer314:42
baptistemmseb128, for https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bugs/456200 the user is user karmic, would you like to have a gnome-bluetooth update?14:42
ubottuUbuntu bug 456200 in gnome-bluetooth "bluetooth-sendto crashed with SIGSEGV in strcmp()" [Medium,Fix released]14:42
seb128baptistemm, not a version upgrade no but feel free to backport the fix if you want14:43
seb128hey rickspencer314:43
mvopitti: sorry, phonecall. no, no dbus connection. there is update-notifier, but that gets deactived during a upgrade14:48
chrisccoulsonhey seb12814:51
chrisccoulsonsorry, i was away from my desk there14:52
chrisccoulsoni thought kenvandine said he was reviewing the gpm appindicator change14:52
chrisccoulsoni can progress that though if it needs someone else to review it14:52
chrisccoulsonkklimonda: do you know when we're likely to see a 1.90 release of transmission?14:54
kenvandinechrisccoulson, i did last week14:54
kklimondachrisccoulson, charles was planning on releasing it this week14:54
kenvandinegave him my feedback and hadn't see anything else14:55
vishseb128: upstream has accepted the commit in Bug #513864 , [you had asked a question]14:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 513864 in f-spot "Resizing to pixels should have a reasonable default value" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51386414:55
kklimondachrisccoulson, but that depends on whenever he has managed to fix two bugs that result in some private trackers banning transmission14:55
kklimondachrisccoulson, also the only new feature is application-indicator so I think we should be safe in case 1.90 miss FeatureFreeze14:56
seb128vish, I just pinged them on IRC14:56
vishseb128: hasnt been committed yet , but accepted.. [rubens seems to have lost his SSH key]14:56
seb128vish, so thanks but I know they are reviewing it ;-)14:56
vishseb128: cool thanks :)14:56
seb128vish, he hasn't lost his key he just doesn't have it on the computer he's using14:56
seb128he might be at work or something14:56
vishah.. k..14:56
seb128vish, thanks for following up though ;-)14:57
kklimondachrisccoulson, there is also some bug in libappindicator that have to be fixed for Transmission to display menu correctly.. but I can't find the bug number now14:59
chrisccoulsonkklimonda: oh, ok. thanks14:59
seb128kklimonda, what does the bug do?15:00
chrisccoulsoni'm thinking about just uploading the appindicator change for transmission15:00
chrisccoulsonit would be nice to start getting user feedback15:00
kklimondachrisccoulson, charles is saying that he's probably going to roll a tarball today to get it into Fedora before freeze15:01
chrisccoulsonbut if we get 1.90 this week, then there maybe isn't much point15:01
chrisccoulsoncool, i can wait for that then15:01
seb128chrisccoulson, doit!15:01
chrisccoulsonheh, i can do that this evening :)15:02
kklimondaseb128, it's easier to show than to explain - basically all menu entries use stock icons and stock names15:02
seb128tedg, ^15:02
seb128tedg, do you know if that's fixed or scheduled for this week?15:03
chrisccoulsonis that a known issue then?15:03
kklimondachrisccoulson, I believe qense has reported it15:03
qenseThe fix for that bug should be in
chrisccoulsonawesome, thanks :)15:04
jcastrochrisccoulson, you're handling the g-p-m upload with the app indicators iirc?15:04
qensekklimonda: bug 52004815:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 520048 in indicator-application "Custom labels in GtkActionEntries aren't resepected by Application Indicators C-bindings" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52004815:05
seb128jcastro, no he isn't15:05
tedgseb128: Yes, it's in trunk as qense said.15:05
seb128<chrisccoulson> sorry, i was away from my desk there15:05
seb128 i thought kenvandine said he was reviewing the gpm appindicator change15:05
seb128<kenvandine> gave him my feedback and hadn't see anything else15:05
seb128jcastro, ^15:05
jcastrokenvandine, I just found a crasher bug in the xchat message indicator thing15:05
seb128tedg, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~qense/indicator-application/fix-520048/revision/8115:06
seb128tedg, that one?15:06
qenseseb128: that should be the fix, yes15:06
* seb128 backports to lucid now15:07
seb128let's get that indicator work moving15:07
seb128qense, tedg: thanks15:07
pittitedg: do you think you'll have time this week to review the merge proposal for indicator-session? it's keeping us from removing devicekit-power (and thus boot time/cd space/etc.)15:07
tedgpitti: Review should be in your mailbox :)15:07
qensebtw, what's holding Anjuta up? For more than a day I've only got a new version for anjuta-common, anjuta itself isn't there yet. FTBS?15:08
tseliotpitti: would it be possible to collect the output of "ldconfig -p | grep GL" and of "update-alternatives --display gl_conf" in apport for nvidia, fglrx and X bugs in general?15:08
pittitedg: ah, thanks; will followup there15:08
seb128qense, am64?15:08
jcastroseb128, yeah Nafai will probably finishing up a bunch of indicator work before FF so it's going to start piling up15:08
* kenvandine waits for evolution to filter the past 3 days worth of email...15:08
qenseseb128: yes15:09
pittitseliot: sure; sounds like it could be added to the "catch all" xorg hook (/usr/share/apport/package-hooks/source_xorg.py)15:09
seb128qense, ftbfs yes15:09
qenseI'll wait patiently then15:09
kenvandineit might finish by feature freeze :)15:09
tseliotpitti: sounds good to me. It would be a real time saver15:09
geserqense: anjuta got hit too by the libmysqlclient16 breakage15:10
qensedamn libmysqlclient16! ;)15:10
chrisccoulsonhmmm, i build anjuta successfully last night on amd64. i thought it FTBFS due to version skew in some build-depends, so i retried the build after i managed to build it at home15:10
chrisccoulsonit still fails?15:10
tseliotpitti: also, any ideas about this? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/39068474/Traceback.txt15:10
geserchrisccoulson: "libsvn-dev: Depends: libaprutil1-dev but it is not going to be installed15:11
pittitseliot: yes15:11
geser" from the build from today morning15:11
pittitseliot: d-bus spawned programs have no $PATH15:11
pittitseliot: you need to call /sbin/ldconfig15:11
chrisccoulsongeser - yeah. that was the same issue as yesterday, but i managed to install that package in my pbuilder and successfully build anjuta15:12
pittitseliot: but probably, since this bit us more than once already, the backend should just check $PATH, and if it's empty, set a reasonable default one15:12
chrisccoulsonso i retried the build, and it still gets the same issue15:12
tseliotpitti: oh, I think I remember that bug from a previous release cycle15:12
kenvandinewow... the new icons in empathy are awesome!15:12
Nafaiseb128: I need version 82 to lucid as well for indicator-application15:12
Zdrakenvandine, ubuntu changed empathy icons?15:12
qenseyes, they look really neat15:13
kenvandinenot sure where they came from15:13
qensethe humanity theme update15:13
kenvandinei just noticed new presence icons15:13
geserchrisccoulson: I still get this error message on amd6415:13
seb128Nafai, does it fix an open launchpad bug?15:13
tseliotpitti: so would it work if I checked os.environ["PATH"]?15:13
pittitseliot: I'd use "if not os.environ.get('PATH')15:13
pittitseliot: I'm not sure whether it's empty, or not present at all15:14
seb128Zdra, depends what you call empathy icons, humanity icon theme got updated15:14
Nafaiseb128: Let me check, part of it fixes something I just told bratsche, but there might be a bug for part of it15:14
pittitseliot: so let's rather account for both15:14
tseliotpitti: ah, ok15:14
seb128Zdra, so some status icons are nicer in the humanity theme now15:14
vishZdra: yeah ,i added those icons in humanity.. as emapthy-*    is that not allowed ?15:14
Nafainope, I didn't file a bug for this one, just told bratsche about it15:15
qensevish: I think the bug report that was fixed said they should have been called user-*15:15
Nafaiseb128: Should probably get in the habit for filing bugs for everything15:15
tseliotpitti: I would do that from my own library though. Is it ok?15:15
vishqense: works both ways :)15:15
vishqense: there are those too15:15
seb128Nafai, ok, what is the effect of the bug?15:15
pittitseliot: sure15:15
tseliotpitti: thanks for your help15:15
pittitseliot: you're welcome!15:16
Nafaiseb128: Changes made to menus after it has been set on the indicator were not being reflected15:16
Zdravish, sure it's allowed, we (empathy upstream) asked MANY times to have fd.o icon naming spec include IM related icons so we can drop that "empathy-" prefix15:17
vishZdra: yeah , the emapthy bug upstream seemed to have stalled , so i just added it for now :)15:17
seb128Nafai, bug #521181?15:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 521181 in indicator-application "Menuitem visibility changing isn't handled" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52118115:19
Nafaioh yeah :)15:19
* vish just realized that it was kenvandine who pinged Zdra with an "empathy" highlight .. got confused earlier :)15:19
NafaiI didn't file it15:19
kenvandinevish, the icons look awesome :)15:20
kenvandinehey rodrigo_15:20
vishkenvandine: thanks :)15:20
rodrigo_hi kenvandine15:20
kenvandinerodrigo_, i see a tarball15:20
Zdravish, yep I have an highlight on "empathy", to spy what people do with it :D15:20
seb128Nafai, ok, backporting that too15:20
rodrigo_kenvandine, yes, 0.2.1, ready to be packaged15:20
kenvandinerodrigo_, i can do that today :)15:21
rodrigo_kenvandine, cool!15:21
Nafaikenvandine: Looks like seb128 is taking care of packaging the latest changes for app indicator  that I need.  So you can ignore the email jcastro sent15:22
kenvandineNafai,  cool15:23
* kenvandine still can't get into email... i really think evo has gotten slower at filtering mail15:23
Nafaievo has always been slow whenever I've tried it15:23
chrisccoulsoncongrats hyperair \o/15:24
kenvandineit's always been slow at filtering for sure... but this is nuts15:24
kenvandinei started it an hour ago and it is 23% done  with filtering new mail15:24
chrisccoulsonhyperair for MOTU :)15:24
kenvandineit is only 3 days worth!15:24
seb128Nafai, qense: kenvandine: both changes uploaded to lucid15:24
kenvandineunless seb128 had a really busy day :)15:24
seb128jcastro, ^15:24
qenseseb128: that's great, thank you!15:24
jcastro\o/ seb12815:24
kenvandinethx se15:24
kenvandinethx seb12815:25
jcastrowow, lots of great stuff fixed today!15:25
qenseI suspect that some of my issues with Banshee will also be fixed by this new upload of Indicator Application.15:25
Nafaiseb128, Yay!  thanks15:25
pittitedg: replied and updated, thanks for review15:29
tedgpitti: Cool, I'll look when LP catches up :)15:31
tgpraveen12vish: with the humanity theme update with new status icons of empathy in the panel with me menu the status icons have colour15:33
tgpraveen12no longer mono chrome15:34
vishtgpraveen12: thats not humanity bug ;)  .. the memenu needs to be fixed to use the monochrome icons15:34
vishtgpraveen12: the icons are in humanity now with the -panel names...15:35
* vish looks at tedg ;)15:35
tgpraveen12ok and the green border drawn on the message indicator envelope is intentional?15:35
tgpraveen12it also breaks mono chrome scheme15:36
desrttgpraveen12: it's debugging15:36
tedgvish: Ah, I didn't think of doing that in -me as well.  I'll put that on my TODO list.15:36
desrtwait.  disregard.15:36
tedgvish: AppIndicators should look for -panel now.15:36
seb128tedg, Nafai: r82 seems to make rhythmbox crash on closing15:37
vishtgpraveen12: it was a placeholder icon , since i didnt have time to do it for today's upload15:38
tgpraveen12also sound pref icon has changed. and sound indicator icon looks bad in dark theme (though this was the case earlier also). i should probably hope over to #ubuntu-artwork now15:38
seb128vish, next time let we know before upload so we wait for upload15:38
seb128vish, it's sort of weird to have a placeholder icon for alpha315:38
vishseb128:  shall i push the fix for the mail icon?15:38
vishi have done it now..15:38
LaserJockis there a better place to talk about the indicator applet than here?15:38
seb128vish, would be nice15:39
seb128LaserJock, #ayatana15:39
tgpraveen12LaserJock: ayatana15:39
vishseb128: cool , i'm uploading the change15:39
seb128vish, thanks15:39
seb128tedg, could you try if rhythmbox crashes on closing for you?15:42
tedgseb128: No, I don't think so.  Let me try again.15:43
pittirickspencer3: ah, you are currently editing https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2010-02-16 ?15:44
* pitti was just about to add his report15:44
rickspencer3pitti, I cancelled15:44
rickspencer3but bryceh started it without the template :,(15:44
pittioh, why that?15:44
rickspencer3pitti, on call now, will ping back soon15:45
pittirickspencer3: page templateified, added my report15:46
seb128#0  0x021da1dc in setup_dbusmenu (self=0x8388190)15:48
pittitseltiot, ArneGoetje, ccheney, didrocks, Riddell, kenvandine, seb128: can you please add your report to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2010-02-16 ? TIA15:48
seb128    at libappindicator/app-indicator.c:125515:48
seb128#1  0x021da271 in client_menu_changed (widget=0x8982050, child=0x8979f10,15:48
seb128    indicator=0x8388190) at libappindicator/app-indicator.c:127615:48
seb128pitti, ok15:48
pittiseb128: sorry for breaking your stacktrace15:48
seb128tedg, it crashes with that since I backported r8215:48
tedgbratsche: ^15:48
seb128pitti, np, you didn't break it, or at least not seen from there ;-)15:48
seb128tedg, you don't get the issue are you sure?15:49
seb128bratsche, hey ;-)15:49
tedgseb128: Let me start from teh command line incase I accidentally turned of apport.15:51
vishseb128: uploaded the icon  change to branch.. lp:humanity15:55
vishis that good or how would you wish for me to do it?15:56
seb128vish, that's good thanks, I will check with kwwii for the package update15:59
vishhehe , he'll probably ask me to propose a merge anyway...16:00
* vish gets started on that ;p16:00
bratscheseb128: Hey.16:15
seb128bratsche, hello, how are you?16:16
bratscheseb128: I'm okay.  I see a stack trace above that has my name on it though. :)16:17
seb128bratsche, yeah, seems ted is blame you for this one...16:17
seb128bratsche, rhythmbox crashes this way every time I close it since I backport r81 and 8216:18
seb128speaking about indicator-application16:18
seb128bratsche, do you think you would have time to look at the issue? or at least try if you get it too ;-)16:18
bratscheseb128: Okay I just pushed r83 that checks priv->menu for non-NULL first.16:19
bratscheseb128: I think this will fix it, but if not then ping me again. :)16:19
seb128ok thanks16:19
seb128will try in a bit16:19
bratschetedg: I just committed r83 without review, hope that's cool.  It's just checking something for non-NULL.16:20
tedgbratsche: Cool with me.  Thanks for fixing it!16:21
rickspencer3team meeting in 5 minutes16:26
seb128is there anybody who would like to write a mir for mako there? ;-)16:26
vishtedg: the rhythmbox app indicator icon is mixed up.. the icon now uses the playing icon when the app starts. [app is actually not-playing ] before with notification area , it used to use the not-playing icon16:27
tedgbratsche: ^  (/me is having fun pinging bratsche for things ;) )16:28
bratscheYeah, this is why I said I'm going to work from a coffee shop with no Internet today.  Yesterday I managed to hardly work on my own stuff. :)16:30
rickspencer3meeting time!16:30
didrockstseliot: still editing?16:30
seb128bratsche, just close IRC ;-)16:30
tseliotdidrocks: yes, I was about to save16:31
rickspencer3bryceh, ccheney, didrocks, kenvandine, pitti, Riddell, seb128, tseliot16:31
rickspencer3who am I missing?16:31
kenvandinehey hey hey!16:31
Riddellhi hi16:31
* rickspencer3 taps gavel16:31
tseliotdidrocks: just a sec16:32
rickspencer3I forgot "previous actions"16:32
rickspencer3an oversite which will save us some time16:32
rickspencer3kenvandine, partner update?>16:32
pittirickspencer3: they are on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Meeting/2010-02-0916:32
tseliotdidrocks: done, you can edit the wiki now16:33
didrockstseliot: thanks :)16:33
rickspencer3previous actions seem done16:33
rickspencer3# Bryce to BP/WIify new work assigned on the sprint16:33
rickspencer3Alberto to add missing alpha-3 WIs to foundations-lucid-boot-experience16:33
kenvandinei am still waiting on dbarth to update the weekly releases page16:33
kenvandineso that should happent oday16:33
brycehrickspencer3, done16:34
rickspencer3bryceh, tseliot did you guys get those?16:34
tseliotrickspencer3: yep16:34
pittirickspencer3: I think I'm done with the alpha-3 BP mangling16:34
rickspencer3(sorry kenvandine)16:34
pittirickspencer3: except for one which I'd like to discuss in the meeting16:34
rickspencer3ok, so now ...16:34
rickspencer3kenvandine, partner update?16:34
kenvandineOLS is rocking the desktop, libubuntuone and rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store just had releases16:34
kenvandinei will get the packages ready for review later today for lucid16:34
pittiwe need to rush them through NEW, etc.16:34
pittiFF in two days16:35
kenvandinethe service isn't quite there, but damn close16:35
kenvandinepitti, yeah.. hopefully today :)16:35
kenvandinei have been maintaining the packages locally :)16:35
rickspencer3pitti, does someone need to be ready to do the NEW rush?16:35
kenvandineso shouldn't take me long16:35
pittirickspencer3: a prod to whoever's archive day is is prudent, I think16:35
pitti(I'll be away later tonight, sorry; but I can have a look tomorrow morning)16:35
rickspencer3pitti, ok16:36
Riddellthat'll be me today16:36
kenvandinepitti, it will be ready for you in the AM :)16:36
kenvandineor Riddell later today :)16:36
rickspencer3kenvandine, all done partner update?16:36
kenvandinethe new U1 client is still coming this week, i will harass dobey asap for real code :)16:36
seb128kenvandine, ping me if you want review and sponsoring16:37
kenvandineseb128, will do :)16:37
seb128I can probably do a first check and uploads16:37
pittikenvandine: do you know when we'll drop the U1 applet?16:37
seb128then Riddell and pitti can NEW16:37
dobeypitti: it's already dropped in trunk16:37
pittidobey: \o/16:37
kenvandinedobey, release eta?16:37
dobeykenvandine: this evening or tomorrow. i'll be poking statik to upload when ready16:38
kenvandineonly new dep is libu1?16:38
dobeyno, libu1 isn't a dep for ubuntuone-client any more16:38
kenvandineoh... ok16:38
dobeywebkit will be though16:38
dobeypython-webkit i guess. whatever the package for the py bindings is16:39
kenvandinemoving along16:39
pittikenvandine: pywebkit is already on the CD, no prob there16:39
kenvandineyay for gwibber too :)16:39
dobeyand music store :)16:40
* dobey goes off to lunch16:40
rickspencer3kenvandine, all done?16:40
rickspencer3thanks kenvandine16:40
rickspencer3Riddell, Kubuntu status?16:40
Riddell* 4.4 final is in16:40
Riddell* daily images are looking good for i386/amd64 except for blocking on mysql fixed, amd64 should fit in CD size tomorrow16:40
Riddell* kdebindings not compiling on ARM (the important bits do compile so we can just work around the unimportant bits)16:40
Riddell* Qt 4.6.2 due today, and then we're in a good position for feature freeze16:40
rickspencer3thanks Riddell16:41
rickspencer3ccheney, mozilla update?16:42
ccheneyrickspencer3: i got everything that i think belongs into soup done, there are about 4 symbols left that it uses that i understand probably belong in glib/gnutls directly and that is what i am working on next16:42
rickspencer3ccheney, how long until you complete it?16:43
ccheneyrickspencer3: i was off thu - mon, so haven't progressed since my last update with you16:43
ccheneyrickspencer3: hopefully not more than a day or two for that part, will need to discuss with asac how to make sure i don't break anything in the process since i will be modifying glib directly it is the most dangerous part of the change16:44
rickspencer3moving on16:44
pittias long as we just add new code/symbols, it should be okay16:44
asacthe glib changes really looked confined well16:44
pittiand glib has a large test sutie16:44
asacbut yes, lets look together16:44
ccheneyasac: ok16:45
asac(just convenience funcs for thread-local stuff)16:45
rickspencer3so next team meeting we should hear that libsoup is complete16:45
rickspencer3and work has started on the next item16:45
ccheneywrt OOo 3.2.0 is now out upstream but hasn't been updated by ooo-build and debian yet, hoping to get the final uploaded to ubuntu in the next week16:46
* rickspencer3 crosses fingers16:46
ccheneyyes soup should be done by next week16:46
asacyes. webkit and ephy is next16:46
asacwebkit -> easy (just the rename is painful); ephy require a few symbols (not that many from what i saw)16:46
rickspencer3ccheney, thanks for the update on OOo, too bad it won't be ready for A3, but not a real problem16:46
ccheneyyea, hopefully no more cascading effects like with soup/glib, heh :)16:46
rickspencer3ok, thanks ccheney and asac16:47
rickspencer3moving on ...16:47
ccheneyrickspencer3: yea i doubt the ooo-build/debian stuff will be done by thu16:47
asacrickspencer3: next week upload would hit a3, wouldnt it?16:47
asacbut please dont upload ooo in a3 week ;)16:47
rickspencer3Transitioning from A316:47
* asac with armel hat on16:47
ccheneyasac: yea i won't be uploading it unless it is done by friday16:47
rickspencer3ok, Transitioning from A316:47
rickspencer3so, this is pretty much the last week for blueprint work16:47
rickspencer3so anything that you don't think will be done by Thursday, consider it more or less postponed to Lucid + 116:48
rickspencer3if you have any concerns about specific work items, please discuss with pitti, and if he is not available, you can ask me as well16:48
rickspencer3after this week, we have three areas of focus16:49
rickspencer3 1. Find and fix the worst bugs (how to find and track?)16:49
rickspencer3 1. Ensure a smooth upgrade experience (how to test?)16:49
rickspencer3 1. Integrate the latest and greatest16:49
rickspencer3in terms of the first two items, I feel there is some ambiguity16:49
rickspencer3hmm, pedro is not around :/16:49
desrtrickspencer3: all tied for first place priority? :)16:49
pittion a tangent, http://people.ubuntu.com/~mvo/automatic-upgrade-testing/16:49
rickspencer3desrt, yes, of course, I am an manager16:49
rickspencer3note that the list is subject to change :/16:50
rickspencer3just kidding, that's just Moin formatting16:50
pittiin short, defualt install upgrades are all working now16:50
rickspencer3thanks pitti16:50
rickspencer3I would like to discuss with QA team how we can better organize upgrade testing with the community16:51
rickspencer3this is ofter a sore point, and since we have created a good amount of time to focus on quality, I am hoping we can do a good job there16:51
mvoI'm working on a stepmaker based upgrade test (in addition to the one that pitti showed)16:51
rickspencer3mvo, are you working with marjo on this?16:51
rickspencer3or ara or pedro?16:51
rickspencer3also, we probably need to define some upgrade behaviors and make sure they work well16:52
mvorickspencer3: no, I discussed it with soren at the sprint and created a profile. but I will and hope they can take it over16:52
rickspencer3like, different cases if the user removed or moved an indicator, etc...16:52
rickspencer3mvo ok16:52
rickspencer3anyone particularly passionate about upgrade experience who would like to work on planning for this aspect?16:53
pittithe trouble with us developers is that we don't have good real-life test cases for upgrades16:53
* rickspencer3 listens to crickets chirping16:53
pittiwe upgrade every day16:53
pittiso we do them in small steps16:53
rickspencer3yeah, I think we need to organize some test cases and some community efforts around this16:54
rickspencer3ACTION: rickspencer3 to engage QA wrt upgrade testings16:54
pittiwe need to receive lots of feedback at beta-1, when all Canonical folks upgrade16:54
rickspencer3^sound okay?16:54
pittilikewise with community feedback, of course (around beta-1)16:54
rickspencer3pitti, right, but I would like to see some more organized, rigorous testing, since we have created a long period of time to focus on quality16:55
pittiwell, synthetic upgrades are already tested automatically16:55
rickspencer3ok, I have an action item16:55
rickspencer3tseliot, bryceh have you anything set up to test upgrades wrt the new alternatives system?16:55
pittiwhat they miss is customizations in /etc/, wild package combinations, nvidia drivers, broadcom wifi, all the stuff that makes real boxes explode16:55
tseliotrickspencer3: yes, today I've put my new nvidia card in my testing box so now I should have all the hardware I need16:56
rickspencer3tseliot, so you are doing all the testing yourself?16:56
rickspencer3(until the community starts upgrading)?16:57
pittiI seriously think that we'll get lots of bug reports after beta-116:57
rickspencer3pitti, I know16:57
brycehrickspencer3, I have hardware set up for it as well, but time is the main limiting factor16:57
rickspencer3I would like to get some of those earlier if we can16:57
tseliotrickspencer3: yes but we also have a mailing list for that16:57
seb128pitti, upgrade bugs or just bugs?16:57
pittiso far our problem has always been to fix everything, not really not getting enough feedback16:57
pittiseb128: upgrade problems16:57
pittiseb128: well, "bugs" as well, of course16:57
tseliotbryceh: +1 on lacking the time16:58
rickspencer3I will talk to marjo and see if we can organize something a tad more methodical than "everyone update for beta-1 and tell us what is broken"16:58
rickspencer3so, that brings us back to16:58
rickspencer3find and fix the worst bugs16:58
rickspencer3I think that with the new gravity system, we might be a tad more effective at picking out actionable and important bugs16:59
rickspencer3thoughts on how we could do better finding the worst bugs?16:59
rickspencer3moving on17:00
pittirickspencer3: btw, ISTR that ara wanted to organize that as well17:00
brycehrickspencer3, hehe17:00
brycehrickspencer3, I think that same question gets asked every release ;-)17:01
pittirickspencer3: "that" > driver upgrade testing, etc.17:01
rickspencer3bryceh, yes17:01
rickspencer3and we have taken some action wrt the problem17:01
brycehrickspencer3, in fact I was asking myself the same question in the shower this morning17:01
rickspencer3gravity + JSON searches17:01
rickspencer3by next week I will have the perfect bug finding workflow figured out17:02
rickspencer3speaking of which17:02
rickspencer3so, we are to decide by beta 1 if pitivi is in or out17:02
rickspencer3but we didn't really discuss the criteria for that17:02
brycehwhats the word on the street?17:03
pittiideally we'd have a set of use cases that it needs to fulfill17:03
pittiIOW, a "test plan"17:03
pittiand then check the bug situation (incoming bugs vs. activity on them)17:03
seb128I still failed to do anything useful with pitivi17:03
seb128but maybe that's only me17:03
pittiI just don't see anyone who currently maintains it on the Ubuntu side17:03
rickspencer3bryceh, works on the street that the next version will be ready almost on time, fixes a lot of bugs, and has simple fade transitions17:03
rickspencer3pitti, right17:04
rickspencer3does someone want to step up and be ubuntu pitivi maintainer?17:04
* seb128 hides17:04
rickspencer3also, of course, the pitivi team has a big say in this, especially if they don't feel it is ready17:04
seb128I'm fine doing updates17:05
seb128but I don't want to do extra work on it17:05
pittiseb128: would not make much sense anyway if you aren't even using it17:05
rickspencer3there may be some codecy stuff that needs to be tweaked17:05
seb128pitti, well I'm doing updates for lot of GNOME things I don't use17:05
rickspencer3seb128, right, I think he was referring to the "extra work" part17:06
pittiseb128: is that an argument that you want pitivi maintenance pushed to you? :-)17:06
seb128noooo ;-)17:06
rickspencer3ok, let's carry this over to next week17:06
rickspencer3see how everyone feels after ff ;)17:07
rickspencer3perhaps I will have talked someone into it by then17:07
rickspencer3pitti, did you have an "other business" item?17:07
pittianyone at least got a video cam?17:07
pittirickspencer3: some stragglers17:07
* rickspencer3 hands mic to pitti17:07
pittikenvandine: I saw that power-indicator just got dropped, so that settles question 117:07
pittiI cleaned up a little today (some people got nagging questions from me, sorry)17:08
pittiso we are by and large back on track17:08
pittiI went through the remaining WIs, and they seem sensible and current to me17:08
pittiif you sort this list by number of "todo", you'll see that 9 specs are just having 1 WI left17:08
seb128there is probably some that can be moved there17:09
seb128like speeding xrandr17:09
pittialso, things like "write test plan", etc.17:09
pittiwhich can be done after FF, and in freezes17:09
pittistartup-speed is obviously the biggest one left17:09
pittiwe still have some stuff in the pipe17:09
pittioh, btw17:09
pitti10.8 s!17:10
pittithat's with some tweaks of Keybuk which will get uploaded soon17:10
rickspencer3oh man17:10
rickspencer3go go go17:10
pittiall other bits are in the budget, just desktop is at 4.817:10
pittibut this is awesome17:10
rickspencer3so where do we get the .8 seconds?17:10
pittikenvandine: sfts -> remaining ones is integration (MIR and the like)? or still coding work to do?17:11
pittiit gets tight for this17:11
pittirickspencer3: we still have some stuff in the pipe, like seb128's current work on nm-applet17:11
pitti(which doesn't influence this particular chart, though)17:12
seb128I'm done with it17:12
kenvandinepitti, just one coding item17:12
seb128it has been handed to upstream and nm-applet packaging team now17:12
kenvandineand a few docs17:12
kenvandinepitti, i still hope to be done17:12
kklimondachrisccoulson: bug 522726 - builds fine, haven't found any problems17:12
pittiseb128: rock, thanks a lot17:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 522726 in transmission "Update to 1.90" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52272617:12
seb128pitti, you're welcome17:13
rickspencer3pitti, any other wi business to discuss?17:13
pittithe other bigger bit is the remaining mobile-lucid-une-2d-launcher17:13
didrockspitti: so, you think that the 2D/3D detection added last week is still relevant? (this will slow down the boot, without speaking I wasn't able to work on that today)17:13
pittididrocks: you had some concern there which is worth discussing?17:13
pittididrocks: heh, snap :)17:13
rickspencer3asac has stepped out17:14
didrockswell, with the bg cache WI always changing, I don't know if I will have the time to do this (the 3 WI related)17:14
rickspencer3but I wanted to discuss with him today17:14
pittididrocks: I saw another WI in a different spec which just said "if mutter fails to load, present a dialog and explain how to switch" or so?17:14
didrockspitti: right, hence the "3" :)17:14
rickspencer3what is the consequence of not getting those items done?17:14
pittididrocks: we certainly shouldn't reintroduce something like the compiz wrapper17:14
kwwiiseb128: lp:~ubuntu-art-pkg/humanity/release is updated with the new message menu icon17:15
didrockspitti: that was the plan: a wrapper to choose right "netbook-launcher{,-efl}17:15
seb128kwwii, danke17:15
didrocksbut well, as it has been added at some kind of last minute effect, I don't know if it is really important17:15
pittididrocks: can't we put that as code into n-l itself, with a very cheap test?17:15
pittididrocks: anyway, I don't think it's an alpha-3 blocker17:16
pittiif we need it, it can land by beta-117:16
rickspencer3ok, I'll talk to asac about just removing it from Lucid altogether17:16
pittiif we determine that the current behaviour breaks too much on boxes without 3D support17:16
didrockspitti: so, asking for a FFe?17:16
rickspencer3pitti, but if we keep working on it, that's less bandwidth for:17:16
rickspencer31. find and fix teh worst bugs17:16
rickspencer32. ensure a smooth upgrade experience17:16
pittididrocks: well, a fallback to the 2D launcher is a bug fix if starting thhe 3D launcher totally breaks the box17:16
didrockspitti: heh, right17:17
pittiright, it's not even an upgrade problem, is it"17:17
pittikarmic's netbook-laucher totally screws up in kvm17:17
pittii. e. on non-3D machines17:17
didrocksno, nothing was done previously17:18
* Amaranth sees compiz mentioned17:18
pittididrocks: so if at all, I'd like to see the live system installer make the change (with an alternative perhaps)17:18
pittidepending on whether the live system detects 3D caps or not17:18
didrockspitti: only on the live system so, what if you have a nvidia card and install 3D acceleration?17:19
pittididrocks: then you have a postinst to change the alternative17:19
pittibut still, it seems quite complex to me17:19
pittiso my question would rather be, how much are we required to get this in the first place?17:19
pittididrocks: if we can do something cheap and easy, like a 0.01 s runtime test in n-l which, when fails, executes n-l-2d, that's fine17:20
didrocksthat's not on my call, asac or rickspencer3, maybe :) for me, at least, it's not a regression, just a better experience thing17:20
pittididrocks: right, it's a question for asac17:20
didrockspitti: right, not sure about the test to do yet TBH17:20
rickspencer3_my tubes!17:20
pittirickspencer3_: wb17:21
pittiseb128 fell off the planet as well17:21
rickspencer3_my network connection went down, am on 3g now :/17:21
pittididrocks: ok, too complex for meeting topic; let's discuss tomorrow morning with asac, shall we?17:21
seb128sorry about that17:21
seb128I'm back17:21
rickspencer3_pitti, all done?17:21
didrockspitti: sure17:21
pittirickspencer3_: yes, from my side17:21
rickspencer3_any other business?17:22
kenvandinenot from me17:22
* rickspencer3_ taps gavel17:22
rickspencer3_thanks all!17:22
pittithanks everyone17:22
pittidinner o'clock17:22
* didrocks returns fighthing the deserialize stuff17:23
LaserJockdidrocks: so I got around the UNE panel immutability thing by creating my own ubuntu-netbook-default-settings for the short term17:28
seb128LaserJock, why don't you just change your session to be similar to une in that regard?17:28
seb128ie one bar with the applets you ned17:28
didrocksright, after discussion, UNE panel will keep the mandatory layout as the "UNE experience". if people wants to configure their panel, they can change the default GNOME session to fit their need (if you want to write a doc on that, I can help you)17:30
ccheneypitti: are the changes to reach 10.8s going to make alpha 3?17:30
james_wmy gpg agent grabbed all keyboard input to the system17:31
james_wthen displayed the results in the box17:31
james_wwithout masking any of it17:31
james_whas anyone else seen that?17:31
didrocksjames_w: what version of seahorse-plugin do you have?17:32
didrocksseahorse-plugins* even17:33
james_wthat's not necessarily what is running in my session though, if this was recently fixed17:33
didrockshum, not me this time ;) let me have a test, I have to build something17:33
james_wseb has already fixed it17:34
* james_w hugs him17:34
LaserJockdidrocks: I guess I didn't know it would be easy to convert a normal GNOME panel into a netbook one, what about things like the launcher?17:35
kklimondajames_w: I have a problem with merging transmission using bzr full source branches - sid packages is using new source format, it have patches from debian/patches/ applied but no .pc directory so when I try to generate source package I get errors. known problem or am I doing something wrong way?17:36
didrocksLaserJock: just add a symlink from /etc/xdg/autostart/netbook-launcher.desktop pointing to /etc/xdg/xdg-une/netbook-launcher.desktop (same for maximus)17:36
* seb128 hugs james_w17:36
didrocksLaserJock: if you want to write a doc for others people wanting customization and who don't care having both session, that whould rock :)17:36
LaserJockdidrocks: yeah, I think I'd be up for that17:37
seb128or if that's for your user only add those to your session17:37
didrocksLaserJock: if you want me to have a look once done, do not hesitate17:37
LaserJockdidrocks: that seems like a decent compromise for "power" users17:37
didrocksseb128: right, maybe easier this way17:37
LaserJockdidrocks: is there an existing "space" for UNE docs?17:37
james_wkklimonda: I haven't come across that17:37
didrocksLaserJock: I agree. And as seb128's suggested, we can do one part "for all users" and one part "for your user only"17:38
james_wkklimonda: I know there have been a couple of dpkg bugs in this area, perhaps it is related to those17:38
didrocksLaserJock: TBH, I don't know :)17:38
james_wkklimonda: I don't think it's specific to the merge is it? You can't build the sid branch?17:38
LaserJockdidrocks: in the past the Netbook wiki pages have often been pretty outdated and less-than-helpful just due to the in-development nature of things17:39
didrocksLaserJock: true, maybe lucid is time to write something small and up to date17:39
pitticcheney: I think so17:42
kklimondajames_w: I can and that's why I'm wondering if I do something wrong - do you have any documentation I could read? Things I've found were.. incomplete :)17:43
ccheneypitti: cool :)17:44
kklimondajames_w: right now I branch lucid branch, merge debian branch, fix all conflicts (and I get a few outside of the debian/ directory), then commit and use bzr bd to create package - at this point I get "dpkg-source: warning: patches have not been applied, applying them now"17:44
james_wkklimonda: looking17:46
pittididrocks: actually, perhaps we could just install n-l on i386/amd64, and n-l-efl on armel by default17:49
didrockspitti: yes, this is the default fallback. It would just be a little better if we can be more fine-grained17:50
didrockspitti: the issue is not technical issue, just time issue17:50
pittiif that's good enough for asac, let's keep it that way17:51
didrockspitti: the background cache is just failing on deserialization now btw17:51
* pitti hugs didrocks17:51
didrocksI'm stuck with it for 30 min now :/17:51
* didrocks hugs pitti back17:51
pittididrocks: like, the deserialization doesn't work?17:53
asacdidrocks: whats up?17:54
didrockspitti: right17:54
asactoo hard to implement the fallback?17:54
asac(or too time consuming?)17:54
didrocksasac: just no time. I haven't been able to even give it a look17:55
didrocksI was thinking working on that yesterday and today17:55
asacdidrocks: ok. no problem.17:55
asacjust dont seed the 3d launcher on armel ;)17:55
pittiasac: are there actually any arm devices which can (and should) run n-l instead of n-l-efl?17:55
asacin theory most ... its just a driver issue17:55
chrisccoulsongood evening everyone17:56
seb128hey chrisccoulson17:56
chrisccoulsonhey seb128. have you had a good day?17:56
didrocksas pitti said, we can still consider that as a bug and so, target it just after FF17:56
didrocksasac: ^17:56
asacdidrocks: works for me17:56
pittithe other major question is how much effort (boot speed wise) it is to figure out 3D support17:56
seb128chrisccoulson, okish, I managed to get some work today but I think I got a cold too17:56
didrocks(in exchange, I hope to have a FFe for Quickly too ;))17:57
asaci thought you planned to do that anyway?17:57
pittiasac: we certainly don't want another compiz wrapper thing, taking more than a second17:57
didrockspitti: right17:57
seb128I've a start of running nose17:57
pittiseb128: urgh, cold?17:57
chrisccoulsonseb128 - thats not good. i hope the cold doesn't develop in to something too bad17:57
pittiseb128: hot tub, book, bed?17:57
seb128pitti, yeah, something like that I guess ;-)17:57
didrockspitti: I'll try to have a look on netbook-launcher, see where it fails and so, respawn netbook-launcher-efl in that case17:57
seb128still half an hour finishing things and I'm off for diner and relaxing17:57
pittididrocks: if it properly fails, launching -efl in a kind of "exception" handler is best; saves the startup cost up-front17:58
didrockspitti: right, seems to be a good things. We should just check if it properly fails in those case17:58
didrocksasac: do you have some arm where you can try netbook-launcher and see if it fails or just hang on?17:59
didrocks(clutk_init or clutter_init should fail, I guess)17:59
didrockss/arm/arm hw/18:00
asaci will ask someone to try that ;)18:00
didrocksthanks asac :)18:00
chrisccoulsonkklimonda, thanks for doing transmission18:02
chrisccoulsoni'll sponsor that now18:02
LaserJockdidrocks: is there a mailing list for UNE where there could be a doc discussion?18:06
chrisccoulsonkklimonda, i can't merge your transmission branch18:07
kklimondachrisccoulson: problem with rich support or something else?18:08
chrisccoulsonbzr: ERROR: KnitPackRepository('file:///home/chr1s/src/transmission/ubuntu-desktop/ubuntu/.bzr/repository/') is not compatible with CHKInventoryRepository('file:///home/chr1s/src/transmission/kklimonda/lp.522726/.bzr/repository/')18:08
didrocksLaserJock: not from what I know of, there are some bug triagers mostly but not a proper doc handling (as there it's diveded more on multiple components).18:08
didrocksLaserJock: if you find one, ping me, I'll subscribe :)18:08
chrisccoulsonooh, nice icons:)18:09
LaserJockdidrocks: help.ubuntu.com/community has a number of wiki pages but only on specific netbook hardware (eeepc, aspire one, etc.)18:09
kklimondachrisccoulson: maybe I have a newer version of bzr?18:09
chrisccoulsonkklimonda, what version do you have?18:09
kklimondachrisccoulson: when I branch lp:~ubuntu-desktop/transmission/ubuntu I get "Doing on-the-fly conversion from <RemoteRepositoryFormat> to <RepositoryFormat2a>."18:09
seb128chrisccoulson, bzr upgrade I would say18:09
didrocksLaserJock: maybe time to gather everything if you are interested in it. that would rock :)18:10
chrisccoulsonseb128 - thanks, that fixed it :)18:10
LaserJockdidrocks: yeah, looks like a landing page would be good, then clean up of the outdated stuff18:10
kklimondachrisccoulson: no - it wasn't that but seb128 has helped as always :)18:10
LaserJockdidrocks: then adding of LTS documentation for things like this panel issue18:10
seb128chrisccoulson, you might also want to bzr upgrade lp:~ubuntu-desktop/etc18:10
seb128chrisccoulson, or you will not be able to push I think18:11
didrocksLaserJock: so, should I understand that you volonteer? ;)18:11
seb128sort of stupid but I got stucked due to that several times18:11
chrisccoulsonseb128 - thanks, i will do that before i push then18:11
LaserJockdidrocks: to some extent, yes18:11
LaserJockdidrocks: I'll start working on it and see how far I get18:12
didrocksLaserJock: sweet! thanks a lot. Ping me if you need help (after FF) :)18:12
LaserJockdidrocks: my full-time "production" machine is an Aspire One, it benefits me to have good docs ;-)18:12
didrocksLaserJock: sure ;-)18:12
LaserJockI also have a horrible memory, that's the other reason18:12
pittigood night everyone18:28
didrocksgood night pitti18:29
kklimondachrisccoulson: I got a black vertical line from empathy again - any idea how to debug it? ;)18:30
kklimondaseb128 has just went to sleep :/18:30
chrisccoulsonkklimonda, i'm not sure. i've noticed that too18:30
chrisccoulsonkenvandine - have you noticed that too?18:31
seb128I'm uploading gnome-keyring 2.29 to the ubuntu-desktop ppa for those who want to try it18:53
seb128out of mission-control which fails after autologin (but works after being restarted) it seems to work fine there18:54
qensefta: the version number used in the Gwibber PPA makes it older than the release included in the Lucid repositories. Is this desired?19:03
rickspencer3kenvandine, I am loving the multi stream view in Gwibber19:05
qenseso am I19:06
james_wkklimonda: I've managed to reproduce now19:08
rickspencer3seems some folks are having good success with pitivi: http://www.0xdeadbeef.com/weblog/2010/02/sunrise-over-sweden/19:09
LaserJockdidrocks: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuNetbookEdition is an intitial stab at rounding up pages19:11
james_wkklimonda: it's not the .pc dir19:12
james_wit's that the top patch has to fuzz to apply now19:12
didrocksLaserJock: awesome, will be a good base for gathering everything :)19:13
chrisccoulsonyay, transmission with app-indicator support uploaded \o/19:14
kklimondaand I've heard people at #ayatana talking about making a new icon for transmission :)19:14
qensekklimonda: It would be nice if Humanity would include a monochrome tray icon for transmission.19:15
LaserJockdidrocks: I'm not sure what to do with all the stuff for like pre-karmic releases, I guess maybe first thing should be to get more Lucid docs and then archive the rest?19:16
ftaqense, no, but as kenvandine (upstream) uploads to lucid as soon as there's an upstream commit, there's nothing i can do ;)19:16
chrisccoulsonqense - vish might be the person to ping about that19:16
chrisccoulsonbut yeah, it would be nice :)19:16
didrocksLaserJock: I'm in favor on that, "UNE" is only lucid (and karmic) interface19:16
qensechrisccoulson: I think jorge was going to talk with some people about the icon.19:17
didrocksgrrr, g_file_get_contents () doesn't give me the right length, this is from where come the error19:17
qensefta: well, then I'll just wait until a new version lands in Lucid. ;)19:17
vishqense: transmission icon? for now i havent icon any new monochrome icons.. the ones in the recent update were rather old ones which only got pushed recently   ;)   [/me still waiting for info from UX team]19:20
vishhavent done*19:21
qensevish: jorge was going to hand the transmission icon names to the design team, so I'm not sure if you'll be asked to do it19:21
jcastroI told kwwii about it, I'll bug him about it tomorrow19:21
* vish uses vuze19:22
vishqense: i have a neat vuze icon though ;)19:22
kklimondajames_w: any guidelines how to fix it or should I just sit tight and wait? :)19:22
qensevish: Well, someone better give Vuze Indicator Application support then!19:23
james_wkklimonda: quilt push; quilt refresh; quilt pop; would be a good start19:23
NafaiIs there a way to print the XML from a GtkBuilder?19:23
ftaqense, the daily starts at 4am UTC (or when someone asks me to boost it manually)19:23
qensefta: but the version of Gwibber in Lucid really is older than the one in the PPA. I think it's because of the ~ that 2.29.1 is regarded as newer than a later commit.19:24
didrocksspotted the bug, I think \o/19:26
mvojames_w: or edit-patch ;)19:26
james_wmvo: \o/19:27
ftaqense, well, it's not my choice, the packaging should either use "+" instead of "~" in g-o-s, or upstream should bump the version just after release19:28
ftakenvandine, ^^, could you please do one of those?19:28
qensefta: but in lucid we've got gwibber 2.29.1-0ubuntu1 whereas the PPA as got 2.29.1~bzr597-0ubuntu2~daily119:29
qense2.29.1 is older than revision 59719:29
ftaqense, i know19:29
fta2.29.1~bzr597-0u1 < 2.29.1-0u1 < 2.29.1+bzr597-0u1 < 2.29.2~bzr597-0u119:30
chrisccoulsonvish - why use vuze?19:30
chrisccoulsontransmission rocks ;)19:30
chrisccoulsonwe should be ditching the icons in the transmission menu though shouldn't we?19:30
chrisccoulsonall of the items there are actions rather than objects19:31
kenvandinefta, i'll bump it19:31
vishchrisccoulson: havent used transmission recently, but earlier[1-2yrs ago] it seemed to lack a lot of features.. been using vuze since a long time19:31
vishchrisccoulson: the first thing after an install i do is remove transmission ;p19:32
chrisccoulsonvish - which features in particular? the newer transmission releases are pretty sweet :)19:32
chrisccoulsonalthough, i don't use that many features19:32
Nafaivish: Yeah, vuze has been my usual choice, that's mainly out of habit though19:32
chrisccoulsoni tend to stick with all the applications on the stock install19:33
chrisccoulsonit's difficult for me to test apps that i don't use daily19:33
vishchrisccoulson: i think it was per torrent speed control.. but not sure ,  that might be it... i should try transmission.. vuze  just hogs memory :(19:33
qensevish: Transmission really improved over the last few releases19:34
ftakenvandine, thanks19:34
* vish takes transmission for a spin19:35
vishooh.. transmission has indeed improved , neeeat :D19:43
chrisccoulsonbrb, session restart19:44
chrisccoulsondoes gnome-screensaver fade out work for anybody running proprietary nvidia drivers in lucid?19:49
rodrigo_hey kenvandine, how's the libu1 work going? do you need anything from me?19:52
kenvandinerodrigo_, nope19:53
rodrigo_kenvandine, ok, cool!19:53
kenvandinerodrigo_, :)19:53
kenvandinerodrigo_, congrats on the 3G modem19:53
* kenvandine wants one19:53
rodrigo_kenvandine, yeah, works great indeed, just had to tweak a wvdial.conf file19:53
rodrigo_kenvandine, I got it for free from my DSL company19:54
rodrigo_kenvandine, maybe you can get one from yours?19:54
kenvandinei wish19:54
rodrigo_kenvandine, I won't use it much, but it's great to be able to do some work while travelling :-)19:54
chrisccoulsonmdeslaur, mind running gnome-screensaver --debug for your fade issue?19:55
chrisccoulsoni suspect the issue is the proprietary driver19:55
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: sure...19:56
chrisccoulsonmdeslaur, it seems g-s uses the XRANDR extension now for doing the fade, and the proprietary nvidia driver might not support that19:57
didrockspitti: I honestly wonder if the serialization thing is good: On my laptop (1920x1200) original file: 175058, serialized_file: 3183453 (18x bigger!). If you want to give a benchmark test tomorrow morning, here you will find the i386 debs: http://people.canonical.com/~didrocks/19:58
vishchrisccoulson: qense: thanks for reminding me of transmission :D   , it does indeed look nicer now.. only problem i loose all my ratio in vuze :(19:59
qensevish: well, write a convertor for it!19:59
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: I attached the debug log to the bug19:59
vishqense: meh.. too much work just for bragging.. i lost similarly when i converted from windows ;)20:00
chrisccoulsonmdeslaur, thanks20:00
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: curiously, it used to work with 2.29.1, and I don't see any changes related to that in git20:00
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: unless the stoopid nvidia driver changed20:01
vishmaybe i'm like Nafai still liking the trusty old vuze  :)20:01
chrisccoulsonmdeslaur, oh, that's strange if it worked in 2.29.120:01
chrisccoulsonthat version uses the new fade20:01
asac /win720:02
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: let me downgrade for a sec...my memory is usually unreliable :)20:02
vishqense: does the memory usage stay low?  what i see now is 1/10th of vuze 0.o   unbelievable20:03
kenvandineasac, is win7 better than vista ?20:03
* kenvandine ducks20:03
chrisccoulson[gs_fade_init] gs-fade.c:889 (14:58:13): Fade type: 320:03
chrisccoulsonwhich is FADE_TYPE_XRANDR20:03
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: you're right, it stopped fading with 2.29.120:04
qensevish: I never tested it, but I also never noticed it using a lot of memory.20:05
chrisccoulsonmdeslaur, i suspect then that this is not supported in the nvidia driver20:05
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: yeah20:05
chrisccoulsonmdeslaur, would you mind running gnome-screensaver through xtrace, so i can see the X protocol calls?20:05
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: sure, hold on a sec20:06
kklimondavish: it does20:09
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: I've attached an xtrace20:10
asackenvandine: lol20:11
vishneat...  now i have to wean from vuze slowly ;)20:12
kklimondavish: transmission's developer have made a benchmark some time ago: http://pastehtml.com/view/091108Kw3uDGmn.html20:12
kklimondavish: you can't really even compare T with Vuze in terms of memory usage - it isn't fair fight20:13
vishyeah , vuze consistently stays over 120MB :(20:13
chrisccoulsonmdeslaur, so, it seems like it's not supported by the nvidia drivers20:20
chrisccoulsong-s thinks it is, because:20:21
chrisccoulson000:>:002c:32: Reply to QueryVersion: major-version=1 minor-version=320:21
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: great...it says it supports RANDR, but it doesn't really :)20:21
chrisccoulsonthe server says it supports version 1.3 of the RANDR extension, which is a lie20:21
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: typical proprietary crap :)20:21
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: thanks for taking a look, I'll close the bug20:22
chrisccoulsoni'll try and think of a way to work around that in g-s, that still makes it possible for us to have the nice fade :)20:22
chrisccoulsonyou can keep ths bug open for now, as we will probably have to work around it anyway20:22
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: by "us", you mean the smart devs who bought an intel chipset, right? :)20:22
chrisccoulsonthe proprietary drivers won't be going away unfortunately20:23
chrisccoulsonmdeslaur, yeah, the people with an intel chipset ;)20:23
chrisccoulsonalthough, my desktop upstairs has a nvidia card too, but it still runs karmic20:23
NafaiAre they intel chips that go up to 1920x1200?20:23
chrisccoulsonso, it would be nice if i could fix it20:23
NafaiThat's one of the reason I like the nvidia card in my Thinkpad20:24
NafaiThis looks like an interesting program: http://kaizer.se/wiki/kupfer/20:33
* mvo hugs james_w for bzr-builddeb20:38
superm1hi.  can someone desktopy take a look at gnome-panel-data's postinst and see if there is any logical reason why we're still calling (casper|dpkg)-reconfigure as the live cd boots?  I don't see any particular reason that code snippet needs to stick in there and reconfigure the package20:57
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
bryceherf, this shifting from X blueprint work to bugs again is rough.  There are **so** many bug reports 8-|21:34
bigonsorry to ask again but could somebody make that merge ? https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/papyon/+bug/52069921:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 520699 in papyon "Please merge papyon (0.4.4-1) from debian testing" [Wishlist,New]21:34
chrisccoulsonmdeslaur, i'm trying to figure out how to work around this nvidia issue. i don't know if you have time for doing any debugging, but i'm interested in whether xrandr_fade_setup returns FALSE when attempting to do the fade (because gnome_rr_crtc_get_gamma returns FALSE)21:35
chrisccoulsonand if that's the case, i'm trying to figure out what triggers the blanking of the screen eventually21:36
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: sure, I've got time21:36
chrisccoulsonfrom comparing xtrace with and without nvidia, i think we can work around the issue and fall back to the non-randr gamma fade on nvidia21:37
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: let me install the debugging symbols and figure out how to check with gdb21:39
chrisccoulsonmdeslaur, thanks :)21:42
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: it's returning TRUE21:45
chrisccoulsonoh, that's unexpected ;)21:46
chrisccoulsonmdeslaur, does xrandr_crtc_whack_gamma get called when the fade is meant to happen?21:49
chrisccoulsonand does "if (gamma_info->size == 0)" evaluate to TRUE in xrandr_crtc_whack_gamma ?21:50
chrisccoulsoni suspect that is probably what happens21:50
chrisccoulsonit certainly doesn't get as far as setting the gamma, as i don't see any calls in xtrace21:51
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: yes, xrandr_crtc_whack_gamma gets called a bunch of times, and always return with that condition being true21:52
chrisccoulsoncool, thanks. that's probably all i need to know for now then21:52
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: cool, let me know if you need anything else21:53
Ian_CorneHello :)21:56
rickspencer3TheMuso, robert_ancell hi22:00
robert_ancellrickspencer3, hi22:00
seb128hey robert_ancell22:00
robert_ancellseb128, hey22:00
seb128kenvandine, still needing sponsoring?22:00
seb128robert_ancell, how are you?22:00
robert_ancellseb128, good, just woke up :)22:01
TheMusorickspencer3: yo22:02
rickspencer3TheMuso, robert_ancell I'm putting the irc log on the meeting agenda right now22:03
rickspencer3TheMuso, robert_ancell Eastern Edition?22:05
rickspencer3let me know when you've read it through22:05
kenvandineseb128, yup22:08
* kenvandine looks for branches22:08
kenvandinetemp branches, then need to go to lp:ubuntu/NAME22:09
robert_ancellrickspencer3, I'll put my hand up for pitivi but not until I return to Desktop22:09
robert_ancell(full time)22:09
kenvandinethen i will delete them22:09
* TheMuso has read22:10
rickspencer3robert_ancell, thank you22:10
rickspencer3maybe we can find someone to fill in until then22:10
rickspencer3let me run through the high points as I see them22:10
rickspencer31. lots of U1 stuff is going to land this week22:10
rickspencer31.1 I mean *lots*22:10
rickspencer31.2 seriously22:10
rickspencer32. Kubuntu seems in quite good shape, Riddell seems to have it in hand (no surprise there I suppose)22:11
rickspencer33. Libsoup porting is almost done and should be done this week (I report for about the 5th week running)22:12
rickspencer34. Post A322:12
rickspencer3this part I am not sure impacts TheMuso and robert_ancell so much, but it bears repeated22:12
rickspencer3blueprint work should finish off this week22:12
rickspencer3A3 will be substantially what the desktop team will deliver for final22:12
robert_ancellblueprint work = blueprints for Lucid?22:12
rickspencer3robert_ancell, yes22:12
rickspencer3so the rest of the cycle is:22:13
rickspencer31. find and fix the worst bugs22:13
rickspencer32. ensure a smooth upgrade experience22:13
rickspencer33. integrate teh latest and greates (as appropriate)22:13
rickspencer3robert_ancell, are there work items for lucid that you are concerned about?22:13
robert_ancellrickspencer3, no, I think mine are all postponed/been claimed by seb128 :)22:14
rickspencer3thank you robert_ancell22:14
rickspencer3TheMuso, audio update?22:14
TheMusorickspencer3: Nothing significant this week other than the fix for the ideapad machines being committted upstrea and available in crack of the day now.22:15
rickspencer3oh, great22:15
TheMusoupstream even, and I wasn't the one who wrote the patch, someone else did for another ideapad variant which uses the same chip.22:15
rickspencer3that's great news22:15
rickspencer3ok, so in terms of #1 above, no one had any great ideas about how to improve our ability to find the right bugs to fix22:16
rickspencer3I am intending to work on this a bit with marjo, I am hoping that bdmurray's new tools help (especially gravity)22:16
TheMusoNot really, other than scane packages one works on to find the bugs./22:16
seb128robert_ancell, oh please feel free to still do you gdmsetup hacks if you get to that first though ;-)22:16
rickspencer3too late22:17
robert_ancellrickspencer3, :P22:17
seb128I will bug fix gdm otherwise to turn login sound off by default22:17
rickspencer3for #2, I would like to see some more planning and rigor in finding upgrade bugs a bit earlier22:17
robert_ancellseb128, did you find a good method to do that?22:17
seb128which is a "ups, default value changed I don't know why"22:17
rickspencer3but again, no one had any good ideas, so I will approach marjo abotu that as well22:17
seb128robert_ancell, we have a custom gconf config which sets the theme etc22:18
seb128robert_ancell, I can add the key there22:18
seb128(sorry to disturbe the meeting)22:18
robert_ancellseb128, ok, talk about it later22:18
rickspencer3for Easter Edition, any other business?22:18
TheMusoseb128: please no22:18
TheMusoa11y people will go skitso over that22:18
rickspencer3TheMuso, he's teasing me, don't worry, seb128 wouldn't really do something like that :P22:19
seb128TheMuso, let's discuss it after meeting but 99% of users don't need sound and get embarassed in public places due to that22:19
rickspencer3robert_ancell, what about the new configurator that you blogged about22:19
rickspencer3can we get that into universe?22:19
robert_ancellrickspencer3, yes, talking with the developers about it22:19
TheMusoseb128: Ok, I can turn it on for a11y profiles during the install.22:19
* TheMuso sighs.22:19
rickspencer3so I think that is just grand22:19
seb128robert_ancell, I'm not sure I'm happy about you promoting hacking things having pygtk running under sudo and gconftool calls btw ;-)22:20
rickspencer3seb128, not turning the sound off "by accident"22:20
robert_ancellseb128, a hack is good enough for most people :)22:20
rickspencer3seb128, are you concerned about the implementation of the new gdm configurator?22:20
seb128rickspencer3, yes, cf my reply on the list22:20
seb128it's a very hackish way to do things22:20
TheMusoAn alternative is to allow people to mute the sound from within gdm. The volume will be saved for the gdm user, and no harm will be done once users do that.22:21
seb128sorry I though you were reading this one22:21
rickspencer3man, I have no recollection of that thread :/22:21
robert_ancell(which was my earlier question, seb128 have you worked out a safe way of settings gdms gconf?  or are you moving to a global gconf setting only used by gdm)22:21
* rickspencer3 has tooooo much email22:21
seb128I know the feeling ;-)22:21
seb128robert_ancell, not really no, but changing from the greater would be easier since it runs as gdm user no?22:22
rickspencer3seb128, I assume you mean "hackish" in a "can lead to bad results" way, and not in a "clever problem solving" way22:22
robert_ancellseb128, oh, I see22:22
seb128rickspencer3, no, I mean "running gui under gksudo when we try to move away from this model" and "doing things like system("gconftool...")"22:22
seb128or rather sudo -u user gconftool --set...22:23
rickspencer3seems fine for a universe app, and a good contribution for users who want it22:23
seb128I would like to see useful options available in the default install though22:24
seb128but not really a meeting topic ;-)22:24
rickspencer3seb128, right, maybe Lucid + 122:24
rickspencer3I think the meeting is over, actually22:24
rickspencer3there was no other business22:24
seb128I think that ought to be in lucid22:24
rickspencer3seb128, well, feature freeze is in 2 days22:24
seb128I will spend weekend time on it I guess if nobody gets to it first22:24
seb128it really sucks to have your computer being loud at boot in library or plane22:24
robert_ancellseb128, this is an idea - we make a new gconf key "/desktop/gnome/login_mute" that is only read by gdm and set the default from gdmsetup22:25
seb128it gives me a feeling of job not well done22:25
rickspencer3seb128, I suppose, I don't think it's that big of a deal22:25
seb128ie that was the sort of things I mentionned when we talked some days ago that I was envisioning getting fixed in a lts22:25
rickspencer3well, I suppose we can treat that as a bug22:25
rickspencer3no, I think the sound should be on by default22:25
robert_ancellrickspencer3, a _lot_ of people complain about it.  And the worst thing is PA takes so long to register the mute button that you hear it for a few seconds (in a crowded room)22:25
TheMusoyou only need to turn off /desktop/gnome/sound/event_sounds and the libcanberra desktop ready autostart event will not be run.22:26
seb128TheMuso, right, which as you pointed is an a11y issue22:26
robert_ancellTheMuso, yes, but we need to set that in gdm's gconf from another user22:26
TheMusorobert_ancell: right22:26
seb128TheMuso, I mean if we do it by default22:26
rickspencer3robert_ancell, we can't just change the whole start up experience as a bug fix to a problem that annoys us22:26
robert_ancellwhich is easy if you are root22:26
TheMusoseb128: Right, if we really want it off by default as I said, I can turn it on for a11y profile users.22:26
seb128otherwise we need a gui way to set gconf keys for an another user22:26
rickspencer3there must be myriad ways to turn off the start up sound22:27
seb128rickspencer3, I would argue that having no sound by default and sound only in a11y profile is a better default then22:27
seb128which I can get in by ff22:27
TheMusoThere are, but turning off /desktop/gnome/sound/event_sounds is probably the best.22:27
rickspencer3seb128, no22:27
rickspencer3like I said, we can't just change the startup experience like that22:27
rickspencer3there are too many stake holders22:27
seb128rock, hard place, us?22:28
rickspencer3nice Friends reference, seb12822:28
seb128it's really a show stopper for many users22:28
seb128rickspencer3, ;-)22:28
rickspencer3well, now they have a sweet tool that they can use to make GDM do whatever they want22:28
rickspencer3and it's community contributed software, too22:29
seb128if they go to universe is fetch it22:29
seb128anyway I think we agree22:29
rickspencer3I think we should rather focus on code defects and such22:29
seb128I just with we could have fixed that by now22:29
seb128but that's life22:29
robert_ancellseb128, there'll be enough forum posts pointing out how to do it22:29
seb128we can't get everything done22:29
rickspencer3we would have if we hadn't lost robert_ancell22:29
rickspencer3see robert_ancell we really miss you!22:29
robert_ancellrickspencer3, blame OEM, blame O-E-M!22:29
* seb128 hugs robert_ancell22:29
seb128come back!22:29
seb128we will be nice to you22:30
robert_ancellseb128, that will make a change :P22:30
robert_ancellseb128, if I get around to it i'll make that second gconf key patch and it will automagically work :)22:31
seb128$beers++ for you at next uds ;-)22:31
seb128kenvandine, did you consider those review ready for upload?22:33
seb128kenvandine, or do you just want a first quick review?22:33
kenvandineseb128, i wonder what that means :)22:34
kenvandinebad errors?22:34
seb128honest question22:34
kenvandineoh... yeah... they should be ready22:34
seb128libubuntuone has no COPYING22:34
seb128or any license22:34
ebartilsonhello, I have a quick problem, I have a server computer at work, when I go to install ubuntu ( any iteration)  when i click install only a dialog box appears22:34
kenvandineoh... damn22:34
rickspencer3ebartilson, hi22:34
ebartilsoni think its not allowing the CD to load into ram22:34
seb128kenvandine, so I was wondering if that was just a "review the packaging they will sort licenses"22:34
ebartilsonHow're y'all doin?!22:34
seb128kenvandine, or it's that a "ups"22:34
kenvandineit's in trunk22:34
rickspencer3ebartilson, this channel is typically for developers working on the distro22:34
kenvandinebut not be in dist22:34
kenvandineseb128, let me look again22:35
seb128ebartilson, hi, you might want to ask on #ubuntu rather22:35
rickspencer3support questions typically get answered better in #ubuntu22:35
kenvandinei reviewed it before doing a source package branch import thingy22:35
seb128kenvandine, ok ;-)22:35
kenvandinewhich sucks in the tarball22:35
ebartilsonI'm sorry, I've tried boot and server22:35
rickspencer3ebartilson, but you are sure welcome to hang out!22:35
ebartilsonthanks tho!22:35
ebartilsonill leave the channel open thank you22:35
ebartilsonI haven't used an IRC client in ages!, I'm using a web based one and it sucks22:37
ebartilsonI feel like im not synced with any servers22:37
seb128kenvandine, also22:39
seb128$ grep "version 2 of the GNU Lesser" libubuntuone/* -r22:39
seb128libubuntuone/syncdaemon.c: * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU Lesser General Public22:39
seb128libubuntuone/syncdaemon.h: * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU Lesser General Public22:39
seb128libubuntuone/u1-music-store.c: * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU Lesser General Public22:39
seb128libubuntuone/u1-music-store.h: * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU Lesser General Public22:39
seb128kenvandine, those are under the LGPL222:39
seb128kenvandine, which is neither in the debian copyright on in the missing COPYING22:39
kenvandineit is in the copyright file22:39
seb128libubuntuone/xmalloc.c: GPL (with incorrect FSF address)22:40
seb128it's the other way around22:40
seb128kenvandine, ^22:40
seb128kenvandine, sorry, that one is under GPL and not LGPL22:40
kenvandineah... i can fix that :)22:40
seb128good ;-)22:40
seb128kenvandine, configure.ac looks for gconf-2.022:43
seb128kenvandine, but you don't build-depends on libgconf2-dev22:43
seb128dbus-glib-1 and libxml-2.022:43
kenvandinei bet those aren't needed22:44
* kenvandine checks22:44
seb128well they are using in configure22:44
seb128so configure will fail if they are not there22:44
* TheMuso assumes the meeting is done...22:45
seb128so you need to fix either configure or build-depends22:45
rickspencer3TheMuso, sorry22:45
rickspencer3yeah, like 20 minutes ago :/22:45
TheMusorickspencer3: np22:45
seb128TheMuso, <rickspencer3> I think the meeting is over, actually about 21 minutes ago there22:46
seb128I added what is after the ","22:46
rickspencer3TheMuso, thanks!22:46
seb128ir rather the "about 21..."22:46
seb128kenvandine, right, gconf doesn't seem to be used22:47
seb128libubuntuone/u1-music-store.c:#include <libxml/HTMLparser.h>22:47
seb128libubuntuone/syncdaemon.c:#include <dbus/dbus-glib.h>22:47
seb128kenvandine, ^ those are though22:47
kenvandinethis has been building in my ppa... so i would be confused if it actually fails to build22:47
seb128well transitional depends22:48
seb128like webkit probably triggers some22:48
seb128it doesn't mean you package should rely on those22:48
seb128webkit might stop doing that one day22:48
seb128you should trigger what you actually need22:48
seb128or pull what you need rather22:48
seb128we had quite some of those bugs when things stopped using deprecated gnome libs22:49
seb128other things started failing to build because they were relying on depends to be installed by other packages which stopped doing that22:49
kenvandineyeah, good practice to include what you check for :)22:50
seb128kenvandine, out of the xmalloc.c GPL issues and the missing explicit build-depends it seems good ;-)22:50
seb128and the lack of COPYING22:50
seb128kenvandine, debian/tmp/usr/share/libubuntuone/javascript/*22:51
seb128in libubuntuone-1.0-1.install22:51
seb128that's also problematic22:51
seb128library packages usually have only the library22:52
kenvandinewell, but those are used by the library22:52
seb128you need to be able to install several soname versions together22:52
seb128the binaries would conflict there22:52
kenvandinei guess a new package it is :)22:52
seb128can't you version the dir too?22:52
seb128like having it follow the soname22:52
seb128so if the abi change the dir change22:53
kenvandineok, that will require rodrigo to make code changes and a new release :)22:53
seb128and you avoid the conflict22:53
kenvandinebut that is the right thing22:53
seb128otherwise you need a new binary package22:53
kenvandinethe lib might need a specific version of the js22:53
kenvandinecan we ship this version like this and advise him to fix it?22:53
seb128just fix the license issue22:53
seb128other ones can be fixed after alpha322:54
seb128the build-depends are easy to fix too while you are at it22:54
seb128the versionning can wait22:54
seb128it needs to be fixed before lucid though22:54
kenvandinedone... just verifying all is sane in pbuilder22:54
seb128good ;-)22:54
seb128kenvandine, also the find and delete .a and .la in rules can be dropped22:55
seb128those are not installed by the .install22:55
seb128brb, session restart and I will review the other source ;-)22:56
chrisccoulsonmdeslaur, if you're still around, would you mind testing this patch: http://paste.ubuntu.com/377969/22:58
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: sure, give me a few minutes22:59
kenvandineseb128: libubuntuone should be good23:00
kenvandineseb128: libubuntuone should be good23:03
seb128kenvandine, looking23:03
seb128kenvandine, you need a COPYING.GPL too23:05
seb128kenvandine, since you have a GPL source23:05
kenvandineoh crap... yeah :)23:05
kenvandineone sec23:06
seb128sorry to be picky there23:06
kenvandineno prob23:06
seb128but if I'm not pitti will not accept those tomorrow ;-)23:06
kenvandineglad upstream will be happy to accept my merge proposal :)23:06
seb128the other bzr doesn't work23:06
kenvandineoh... i blame aquarius23:07
seb128is it private?23:07
kenvandineaquarius, i bet cause it is stacked on your branch that had been private!23:07
* kenvandine grumbles23:07
aquariusmbarnett unprivated my branch and the default setting for the project, but probably didn't do the other branches in the project. Sorry.23:07
aquariusit is my fault, although in my defence the fact that you have to get a losa to fix it for you is *not* my fault :)23:08
kenvandineseb128, aquarius has been battling that for a bit today :)23:09
seb128so still an extra bit to go ;-)23:10
aquariusmy bit of advice for today: do not get a launchpad project made private. Doing so will make your life a misery later on when you change your mind.23:10
kenvandineseb128, libubuntuone pushed23:11
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: works great!23:12
chrisccoulsonmdeslaur, excellent!23:13
chrisccoulsoni'll get that uploaded in a few minutes23:13
seb128kenvandine, sorry still one issue, debian copyright says LGPL2+ when license is LGPL223:13
seb128is the any later version should not be there23:14
kenvandineall the source files say or any later version23:14
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: sweet :)23:14
seb128" * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or23:14
seb128 * modify it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU Lesser General Public23:14
seb128 * License as published by the Free Software Foundation.23:14
mdeslaurchrisccoulson: and thanks!23:14
kenvandineor not23:14
seb128kenvandine, libubuntuone/syncdaemon.c23:14
chrisccoulsonyou're welcome:)23:14
seb128kenvandine, ;-)23:14
kenvandineok, that is easier to fix :)23:14
* kenvandine has read lots of license files today :)23:15
seb128that's something that upstream tends to always get wrong for some reason23:15
seb128like most of us wouldn't care about those details for some reasons ;-)23:15
kenvandineseb128, so the COPYING file's example text includes the "or (at your option) any later version."23:17
kenvandinebut since the headers don't have that, i should just make the copyright file match what's in the headers?23:17
rickspencer3seb128, kenvandine is the latest pitivi in the default install atm?23:18
seb128rickspencer3, yes23:18
seb128kenvandine, I fail to parse that I think23:19
kenvandineseb128, the example block in that COPYING file is exactly how it is in the copyright file23:19
kenvandinebut the source headers don't include the "or later version" bit23:19
seb128kenvandine, just delete what is after the "," in the debian copyright23:20
kenvandineso make it match the source headers :)23:20
seb128the COPYING section you mention is " How to Apply These Terms to Your New Libraries"23:20
seb128ie it's an howto about how you can do it23:20
seb128if the source text dropped the "or..." do the same in the copyright23:21
kenvandineseb128, pushed23:22
* kenvandine needs to head afk for a bit, kids are begging me for dinner :)23:22
seb128kenvandine, ok, seems good now, I will get that one in by time you get up tomorrow23:22
kenvandinelets look at rb tomorrow :)23:23
seb128kenvandine, drop me an email if you get the other one public or do a source upload somewhere23:23
kenvandinewell, if i recreate the branch23:23
seb128I will review that by time you get up23:23
kenvandineit will be public23:23
seb128and upload if it's good23:23
kenvandineso i can do that tonight23:23
seb128ok good23:23
seb128enjoy your evening23:23
seb128see you tomorrow!23:23
rickspencer3by seb12823:25

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