
dindajjesse: ping16:50
LaserJockhi all, is there somebody or sub-team working on UNE docs?18:01
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LaserJockanybody about?20:20
nixternalwhat's up LaserJock20:21
nixternaloh, UNE stuff...I heard it brought up a few times, but haven't seen anything yet on it20:21
LaserJockok, I started https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuNetbookEdition20:22
LaserJockI just didn't want to step on any toes or duplicate already planned out work20:22
nixternalerr, unless Canonical is doing something for it, but I don't think anything has been done20:31
LaserJockno, I talked to who I think is the lead on UNE and he said nothing was being done20:31
LaserJockso I guess that means it's wide open20:32
LaserJockhmm, did I just paint myself into a corner? :-)20:32

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