
CIA-6ubiquity: Mario Limonciello <supermario@mlimonciello> * rsupermario@mlimonciello-20100216011044-twekn4cl8m997xxg ubiquity/ (3 files in 3 dirs):01:11
CIA-6ubiquity: Catch some attribute errors if plugins try to use the controller to01:11
CIA-6ubiquity: control allowing page changes too early during initialization due to01:11
CIA-6ubiquity: signal handlers.01:11
superm1doh.  new machine; forgot to bzr whoami01:11
superm1and to set bzr revno's01:12
evbah, looks like I broke user-setup.  Fixing it just as soon as I'm done with langpack installation in oem-config.10:27
ograev, ARGH ! partitioner starts in oem-config !10:35
evit seems like I have a few more bugs to fix then10:36
ograi see /usr/lib/ubiquity/plugins/ubi-partman.py* in my SD card10:47
* ogra removes and re-runs to see if it finishes properly then at least10:48
ograthere is also a migration-assistant, not sure that belongs there10:48
ograah, no, it serems to expect the partitioning step to be done ...10:51
CIA-6ubiquity: evand * r3786 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/components/ubi-usersetup.py):11:09
CIA-6ubiquity: * Consider a failure to set up the user-setup page to be a fatal11:09
CIA-6ubiquity:  error.11:09
CIA-6ubiquity: * Add some missing imports and variables to the user-setup page.11:09
evfor what it's worth, I've created the following page to brain dump some common processes: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Installer/Development/Tips11:12
persiaev: It may be worth noting that it's not only sed, but busybox sed (like normal sed, except more braindead)11:15
evgood point :), fixed11:17
michaelforrest1ev: are you still in the office? can we get you into the designers' back room for a minute when you have one?14:33
evmichaelforrest1: this is what I was talking about re the timezone map: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/36806014:56
ubottuUbuntu bug 368060 in ubiquity "Map of Kashmir when selecting the timezone is incorrect" [High,Triaged]14:56
michaelforrest1ok I've changed it to be assigned to me…. I hope I don't get letterbombed15:00
evmichaelforrest1: also, would you mind just sending me a short email of those tweaks that you wanted? (Perhaps I should have taken a post it note :) )15:04
michaelforrest1ev yeah perhaps ;)15:06
michaelforrest1gimme a mo15:06
michaelforrest1ev: sent15:13
evmichaelforrest1:  awesome, thanks!15:15
Atrycan i assume ev is evand?17:03
Atryusb-creator, can that be used to install a persistant ubuntu os on an external hard drive?17:04
evAtry: usb-creator is simply for putting the Ubuntu ISO on a removable hard disk.  If you want to install to an external hard drive, boot the live CD (or a USB disk you created with usb-creator) and select the external hard drive as the install target.17:07
Atryhad GRUB troubles with that, was referred to usb-creator :(17:07
evAtry: can you elaborate on grub troubles17:08
Atrya comptuer i have was borked recently.  someone tried to install ubuntu to their hard drive (without check googel or the man pages) and it installed GRUB on ithink the internal hard drive while ubuntu was onthe external.  GRUB gives the grub rescue prompt, and the computer can't boot to eitehr ubuntu or the OS (vista) on the internal.17:11
evWas this an old version of Ubuntu?  I could've sworn we set the default to install grub to the MBR of the disk that's being installed to, not (hd0).  I imagine this is fixed in Lucid anyway with the deprecation of grub device names.17:16
evAtry: <https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling from LiveCD> should sort you out.17:17
Atryev: to my knowledge ti was 9.10.  though, i haven't seen the computer yet17:19
AtryAs one person suggested, i shoudl probably just install ibuntu witht he internal hard disconnected17:25
Atryand, if we can find the orginal windwos CD, repair the vista installation first17:25
Atryah, well.  have to work.  will probably drop by later17:51
CIA-6casper: superm1 * r760 casper/ (3 files in 2 dirs):19:40
CIA-6casper: Allow dpkg and apt-get to be installed from within commands that operate19:40
CIA-6casper: in the chroot via early_command or driver updates. (LP: #521218)19:40
CIA-6casper: superm1 * r761 casper/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.21819:48
superm1JamieBennett, ^ there might still be another hiccup related to that debconf-communicate fifo mechanism though.  It seems that when 22gnome_panel_data runs is where the 'debconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable' was coming from, so i'm guessing casper-reconfigure might need some more work20:51
superm1that was the only script using it from what i see20:52
superm1do need to keep in mind though that ubiquity-hooks also use the same casper-reconfigure20:53
superm1although looking at /var/lib/dpkg/info/gnome-panel-data.postinst, why does it need to be reconfigured in the first place?  i dont see anything standing out20:55
CIA-6casper: superm1 * r762 casper/ (debian/changelog scripts/casper-bottom/22gnome_panel_data):22:09
CIA-6casper: Disable casper-reconfigure from 22gnome_panel_data. It doesn't (appear) to22:09
CIA-6casper: serve a functional purpose as the postinst does nothing different for laptops.22:09
superm1if someone does find that it does have a purpose, feel free to revert ^22:10
cjwatsonit used to create different default panel entries on laptops22:12
cjwatsonI agree it doesn't seem to any more22:14
superm1cjwatson, is there another variable that might need to be set to allow templates to be getting registered for those other above commits?  it seems that packages can be installed with both apt-get/dpkg now, but the templates still don't show up after the boot is done22:16
cjwatsonsuperm1: ask me next week when I'm not on holiday?22:19
superm1cjwatson, sure :)22:19

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