
semitones_teahey, would anybody mind looking over my revision of the wiki for the flash page? The old version only had instructions for 9.04, so I re-wrote it to be for 9.10 as well03:57
semitones_teaI'm just not sure that installing flash is this simple03:57
rwwsemitones_tea: it is for 32-bit. There's a separate page for 64-bit flash with more convoluted instructions04:15
ubottuYou can run Flash, Real, and Java plugins in AMD64 bit computers with Firefox. see the steps to follow at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxAMD64FlashJava04:15
semitones_teaAlright -- but are the instructions on the 32 bit page complete as they are?04:16
semitones_teaI contributed04:16
rwwyay, rwwilco left #ubuntu. My highlight log was going crazy >.>12:26
jussi01rww: lol12:29
DasEisome time ago I googled around for more grounded knowledge on ubuntu, found amongst specific (theme-based) lecture the ucp-program, along with a copy of ucp1 I got for free; is there a way to gather the ucp2 and so on stuff from someone ? or other suggestions for free self studies ?15:55
Tickocan i get support here?22:04

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