
micahgif freenode says someone was banned from a channel, but the user says they never entered it, what to do?01:01
micahgnhandler: ^^01:03
IdleOnemicahg: does the ban list have him listed and who set the ban? ask them about it is what i would do01:06
micahgIdleOne: user has no knowledge of the ban01:06
micahgor so they say01:06
micahgcould've been an IP ban01:06
micahguser is in #ubuntu-devel, can someone check?01:06
IdleOnewell I guess you could lift the ban and then keep an eye out01:07
micahgI don't sit in the channel, user wants to get support in #Ubuntu01:07
IdleOnemicahg: ask in #ubuntu-ops or send him there to ask about it01:07
micahgIdleOne: isn't this #ubuntu-ops?01:08
IdleOnenope this is #ubuntu-irc01:08
IdleOneops idle here also01:08
micahgI must have my labels backwards...01:08
persiaThis is really the best channel in which to ask such questions.01:08
* persia suspects a too-wide ip-range ban01:09
IdleOnepersia: agreed but ban disputes need to be discussed in #ubuntu-ops where the ops can let the user know why they got banned01:09
IdleOnethat is why I suggested sending the user to -ops01:10
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m4vsome locobots seem missing..14:58
m4v..all of them actually14:59
DJonesm4v: When we noticed that locobot_2 had dropped off irc last week, I sent an email to admin@ubuntu-eu.org and they restored it quite quickly, might be worth dropping them an email to let them know.  I'm not sure which irc channel the locobot admin's hang out in to get directly in touch with them15:02
tsimpsonI think #ubuntu-eu15:11
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