
tjaaltonhow to correctly rebuild the mainline kernel package? I'd try some nfs4 fixes on top of .33rc708:14
tjaaltonoh there's rc8 too.. will check if they are already applied08:14
tjaaltonhmm no08:17
amitktjaalton: the scripts are in the kteam-tool.git repo on kernel.ubuntu.com08:18
amitkapw might be able to help with details08:18
tjaaltonamitk: thanks, I'll have a look08:19
kermiachi, I'm looking through the info on the wiki for the kernel hugday. I understand that if the battery drains whilst suspended a crash report will be generated & these bugs can be set to invalid. Is there a standard reponse that should be used?09:30
apwkermiac, hrm.  there might be some text you could use on the suspend/resume debugging page09:40
apwas that i think is one of the things to ask09:40
* apw looks embarressed09:41
kermiacyes, that's the first place I looked :)09:41
kermiacI was just in the process of trying to put something together, but any help would be appreciated09:41
apwyeah it does seem to be missing09:43
apwif you want to post your suggestion here, then we can clean it up and get it in the wiki for next time :)09:43
kermiacso far I came up with09:45
kermiacThank you for taking the time to report this bug and helping to make Ubuntu better. I am closing this bug report as this is expected behaviour when the battery drains whilst suspended. Please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelSuspendHibernateResume#Is%20this%20really%20a%20failure? for more information.09:45
kermiacbut that's still very rough09:45
kermiacany suggestions for improving that?09:45
apwI would change the sense round, so you give the reason first09:45
apw(first and last sentence are fine as they are)09:46
apwThis report seems to indicate that your battery drained while the machine was suspended.  In this case a false bug report is generated, we are therefore closing this bug Invald.09:46
apwsomething like that perhaps?09:46
kermiacyes, that sounds good. perhaps we should merge the 2 so that the OP can still refer to the wiki?09:47
kermiacor do you simply mean to replace the middle sentence with that?09:47
kermiacThank you for taking the time to report this bug and helping to make Ubuntu better. This report seems to indicate that your battery drained while the machine was suspended.  In this case a false bug report is generated, we are therefore closing this bug Invald.  Please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingKernelSuspendHibernateResume#Is%20this%20really%20a%20failure? for more information.09:48
kermiacI think that is good. I wasn't happy the middle part of my original text09:49
kermiacty for your help apw :)09:51
apwyeah jus the middle sentence09:52
kermiacif you're happy with that response, may I suggest we add that to the wiki for other triagers to use in the upcoming hugday?09:52
apwlooks good in the final form09:52
apwkermiac, i am happy with that.  i suggest putting it in as a blockquote in the wiki page at the end of that section10:06
kermiacapw: ok, will do. thanks again for your help :)10:07
=== kermiac is now known as kermiac_
=== Sleep-Walker is now known as Sleep_Walker
=== JFo is now known as JFo-afk
Kanohi apw 15:52
Kanois it possible to backport sky2 from 2.6.3315:52
apwnominally i am resistant to backports of anything we don't need, just for supportability ... is there a big gain from that?15:53
Kanothere are new laptops out with mavell 0x4381 id15:54
Kanolike samsung R78015:55
Kanoi tried to compile .33 but that kernel just rebooted...15:57
bjf## Ubuntu Kernel Team Meeting - Today @ 17:00 UTC - #ubuntu-meeting16:05
bjf##      agenda: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Meeting16:05
=== JFo-afk is now known as JFo
Damasceneany one can help with the function keys are not working again on Lucid?18:50
DamasceneIt was almost fixed in Karmic but it's back on Lucid18:50
ubot3Malone bug 232170 in linux "EeePC Volume and Wireless Hotkeys Do Not Function Out-Of-The-Box with Ubuntu (8.04 Hardy LTS, Intrepid Alpha 1)" [Medium,Fix released] 18:51
ubot3Malone bug 518007 in linux "Asus Eee Function Keys (Hotkeys) are not working with Lucid 10.04" [Undecided,New] 18:51
=== KB1JWQ is now known as PancakeStaffer
bdmurraymjg59: should hp-wmi be auto loaded on an HP Touchsmart TM2?  Additionally, I'm receiving an "Unknown key pressed - 2169" message in dmesg.19:44
mjg59bdmurray: What kernel version?19:45
bdmurraymjg59: 2.6.32-13-generic for Ubuntu19:45
mjg59I'd expect it to be, assuming that it binds19:45
bdmurrayHmm, okay well it didn't autoload and after loading it I get the unknown key pressed message for a "rotate screen" button19:46
mjg59As far as the unknown key message, can you open a bug on bugzilla.kernel.org, assign it to mjg59-kernel@srcf.ucam.org and include the output of acpidump?19:46
mjg59Ah, hang on19:46
mjg59That's probably all I need19:47
mjg59Ok. Can you pastebin the contents of /sys/class/wmi ?19:47
mjg59Also, nnngh.19:49
mjg59Three different definitions of rotate screen.19:49
bdmurraythere is no /sys/class/wmi, oh right hmm19:49
mjg59Bizarre. I thought that patch went into .33.19:51
bdmurrayI'm on .3219:51
mjg59Sorry, .3219:51
bdmurrayso what can I give you?19:57
mjg59Well, autoloading won't work without the code to enable autoloading19:58
mjg59Which seems to be in .33 but, presumably, not .3219:58
mjg59Now I just need to figure out which key to assign that button to19:58
manjoakgraner, ping 20:09
akgranermanjo, pong20:09
=== shang is now known as shang_QC
manjoakgraner, I am trying to locate a member of your loco who helped us in Atlanta .. he is a big guy with tattoos20:12
manjoakgraner, he was in dallas UDS as well20:12
akgranermanjo, ahh that itnet7 he's in the FL Loco  - looks like he is online now 20:13
akgranermanjo, I just pinged him...  I'll send him your way if ya want..20:14
manjoakgraner, thanks a ton 20:35
akgranermanjo, just asked him to pop in here and ping you when he gets a chance - he's in the LoCo Council meeting right now..20:42
itnet7manjo: need something?20:43
=== shang_QC is now known as shang
Kanohi, which target builds libc header now20:54
JFoitnet7, did manjo get back with you?21:12
manjoJFo, yes21:12
JFoexcellent :-)21:12
itnet7Thanks JFo !21:21
JFonp itnet7 :)21:21
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
=== PancakeStaffer is now known as KB1JWQ
akgranermanjo, ping22:34
manjoakgraner, pong22:34
akgranermanjo, see PM :-)22:38

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