
=== doctormo_ is now known as doctormo
doctormonhandler: I'm trying to fix your bug about locked branches, but I can't figure out how to lock a branch01:10
daubersHey all, I'm investigating the idea of running an "Introduction to Python for non-Programmers" workshop type thing at Oggcamp and am looking for views on doing such a thing12:58
cjohnstonmornin Pendulum14:55
nigelbmorning cjohnston :)14:55
cjohnstonhey nigelb14:56
nigelbcjohnston: hows the beautiful morning?14:57
cjohnstonim at work.. :-/14:57
cjohnstonthats what i said when i woke up14:58
nigelbcjohnston: any idea if pleia2 has moved?14:59
nigelb(I'm waiting for the wonder of her IRC nick being offline)14:59
cjohnstonI believe its today that she is flying15:00
nigelbah :)15:00
nigelbcjohnston: btw, I think persia meant chriscoulson15:00
Pendulumhi cjohnston15:00
pleia2sorry to disappoint nigel, but my nick won't go offline17:28
pleia2I irc from a server which isn't moving ;)17:28
cjohnstonpleia2: does exist and isnt just a bog!17:48
cjohnstonbot either17:48
* pleia2 is at the airport for a few hours17:48
Pendulumpleia2: how's your weather?17:50
pleia2Pendulum: there were flurries this morning, but it's just cloudy now17:51
Pendulumhe's snowing here (and has been all morning) so I hadn't been sure if you'd gotten one last going away gift ;)17:51
pleia2actually there was about a half an inch on the car this morning, I was a little scared it would mess up all my plans17:51
pleia2but the cats' plane just left, and mine is on schedule17:51
PendulumI am glad it didn't!17:52
pleia2me too :)17:52
Pendulumdo the cats arrive before you?17:52
pleia2no, they have a layover in atlanta so they leave first and land last17:52
Pendulumheh. so you will be there to feel the full brunt of their anger when they get there ;)17:52
pleia2lucky me!17:52
=== doctormo__ is now known as doctormo
doctormoHey pleia218:00
pleia2hey doctormo :)18:00
doctormopleia2: Haven't spoken in a while18:03
pleia2doctormo: yeah, both been busy I think, I'm currently at the airport waiting for my flight to california18:04
pleia2all my stuff has been shipped or stored, my back hurts, woo moving :)18:05
doctormopleia2: *hug* travel safe18:05
pleia2doctormo: *hug* thanks :)18:07
doctormoThey probably have aromatheropy in CA, I recommend18:07

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