
jelknergood morning all15:39
jelknerirc.ubuntu.net is not resolving15:40
jelknerso i couldn't get on irc without changing to freenode15:41
jelknerthat may be a problem for other ubuntu users who don't know what to do15:42
jelkneri don't know much about how dns works15:42
jelknerbut host irc.ubuntu.net15:42
jelkner;; Truncated, retrying in TCP mode.15:42
jelknersocket.c:2486: REQUIRE((((sock) != ((void *)0)) && (((const isc__magic_t *)(sock))->magic == ((('I') << 24 | ('O') << 16 | ('i') << 8 | ('o')))))) failed.15:42
jelkneranyone know to whom i could report this?15:43
jelkneranyway, need to get ready for class15:43
jelknerwe have a meeting here today at 1:40 pm15:43
jelkneris there anybody out there?15:53
jelknerMYabes would like to link his smoke test data to some where15:53
jelkneri told him we should have a wiki portal for that15:54
jelknerhe is recording his data in a google doc15:54
dfarninggood morn, just got done shoveling.15:54
jelknerpublish as web page and link to wiki would be the easiest next step15:54
jelknerdfarning, where should michael link his results?15:54
dfarningjelkner, could he put it under https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuSugarRemix/Test on the wiki?15:55
dfarningMYabes, that way is it available for other to use and build on top of.15:56
dfarning1 register for an account on the ubuntu wiki.15:57
dfarning2.  type the name for the new page in your browser -- https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuSugarRemix/Test/Results15:58
dfarning3 click create new page.15:59
meetingMeeting started at 13:41 UTC. The chair is jelkner.18:40
meetingCommands Available: #TOPIC, #IDEA, #ACTION, #AGREED, #LINK18:40
jelknerOK, anyone here in addition to me for the sugarlabs dc meeting?18:40
jelknermichael is here also, but he is waiting for his computer to boot18:41
jelknerhi michael18:50
jelknerwe are waiting for anurag18:50
jelknerhe is on a public computer18:50
jelknerdownloading chatzilla18:50
jelknerhi Anurag!18:52
Anuraghey sorry for the delay18:53
jelknerok, looks like only you, MYabes and i18:53
Anuragwas using a MAC18:53
jelknerthat's ok18:53
jelknerlet's get started18:53
jelkner1st thing i wanted to do is get you MYabes schedule18:53
Anuragok great18:53
jelknerMYabes, can you tell Anurag which days / times you are here?18:53
MYabestues, thurs,fri 8:30-11:05, 12:30-2:4018:54
jelknerand mon, wed from 1:40 to 2:4018:55
jelknerhgrover is here mon-fri from 1:40 to 2:40 pm18:55
jelknerbtw.  I'm really glad we have this channel auto logging now18:56
jelkneri was able to review the discussion here: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/02/10/%23ubuntu-sugarteam.html18:56
jelknerto look up the meeting commands18:56
jelknerok, Anurag, we need some guidance18:56
jelknerwhich i understand is your department ;-)18:57
jelknerMYabes has been working his way through the smoke test18:57
jelknerhe has a google doc he has created with the results so far18:57
jelknerMYabes, can you please past the url here?18:57
Anuragare you using the smoke test that's on the sugar labs wiki?18:58
Anuragi think that was created last september18:58
jelknerso Anurag, MYabes is looking for guidance18:59
jelkneri can get more folks involved in testing,  but it only makes sense if we can contribute in a real way19:00
jelknerAnurag, what do you think?19:01
Anuragright, I think we need to ask David what specifically he wants to include on the smoke test19:01
jelknerAnurag, when do you work on this project?19:02
jelknerhow many hours per week and which ones?19:02
jelkneri'd like to try to coordinate with you19:02
AnuragI usually work 10 hrs a week19:02
Anuragusually from 12-2 mon - thurs19:03
Anuragand then a couple hrs during the weekend19:03
Anuraghave u seen the smoke test for the .84 release?19:03
jelknergiven MYabes times, is there a possibility to schedule overlap times?19:03
* jelkner looks19:03
jelknerok, this is better19:04
jelknerdo you want us to run this?19:04
Anuragyea, at least use it as a foundation19:05
jelknerlet's get our wiki info down here19:05
jelknerto refer to later19:05
jelknerwe should use the ubuntu resources19:05
jelknerso the ubuntu wiki19:05
jelknerdo we have a home page on the wiki?19:05
jelknerAnurag, do you know if we have a home page on the wiki?19:06
jelknerlike a start page19:07
jelknerfrom which we can link everything else?19:07
Anuragdon't think we have a home page19:07
AnuragI can make one19:07
Anuragtitled "Ubuntu Sugar Remix" ?19:07
jelknerlet's confirm with dfarning19:08
jelknerbut that sounds good to me19:08
jelkneras a wiki word19:08
jelkneri can make it if you like19:08
jelknerbut i didn't want to do it if it is already there19:08
jelknerlet me look19:08
Anuragyea sure that would be great19:09
Anuragpretty sure it's not there already19:09
jelknerit is there19:09
jelknerAnurag, do you have a launchpad account?19:09
jelknerso this is the portal page19:10
jelknercan you create a smoke test page?19:10
Anuragyea, as a subpage?19:10
Anuragyea I can do that19:11
jelknerthen copy the smoke test from the .84 version you showed us19:11
jelknerand we can modify it to suit our needs19:11
jelknersound like a plan?19:11
Anuragsounds good19:11
jelkneruntil recently, USR wouldn't load from gdm19:11
jelkneri checked yesterday and it did19:12
jelkneri have testing machines available19:12
jelknerso as soon as we have a good process19:12
jelknerMYabes can have at it19:12
satellit_hello I have been testing USR also here19:12
jelknersatellit_, awesome!19:12
jelknerlet's get a test process on the wiki19:12
jelknerso we can all be reading from the same script19:13
Anuragis there a USR image accessible?19:13
satellit_I have VBox and VMworkstation here and several netbooks19:13
jelknerAnurag, what is your job description?19:13
jelknerwhat exactly are you tasked with for your 10 hours?19:13
jelkneri want to include that in my thinking on how we can work together19:14
jelknersatellit_, great19:14
Anuragcaroline and I usually work together to set my objectives19:14
hgroverhello all19:14
Anuragbut she wants me to spend a lot of my time this semester working with USR19:14
jelknerAnurag should i ask her then?19:14
Anuragand testing Blueberry19:14
jelknerif we could know your availability19:15
jelkner(and i'll ask her)19:15
jelknerthen we can plan better19:15
jelknercan you be responsible for the smoke test?19:15
Anuraglooks like this time would be the best since it works for all of us19:15
jelknerthis time is great for our weekly meeting19:15
jelkneri'm not suggesting we change that19:16
jelkneri'm just talking more in general19:16
satellit_will USR work with http://schooltool.org/?19:16
jelknersatellit_, yes19:16
jelknersince USR runs on top of ubuntu19:17
jelknerand schooltool does too19:17
Anuragwould you have to "sugarize" it first19:17
jelknerAnurag, it is a web app19:17
jelknerso no19:17
Anurago ok, then yea it should definitely work19:18
jelknerit runs as a service on localhost:708019:18
jelknerafter installing the debs19:18
jelknerok, i have students19:19
jelkneri need to attend to19:19
jelknerAnurag, can you talk to MYabes and hgrover about what they should do this week?19:20
jelknerand then i'll check back in and close the meeting19:20
Anuragyea no problem19:20
jelknerso, we have a few goals:19:20
jelkner1. get the smoke test up19:20
jelkner2. start using it to test19:20
jelkneri'll send the minutes to dfarning and caroline19:22
Anuragok great19:22
jelknerand see if there are other things that should be on the list.19:22
hgrover(the smoke test isn't still up?)19:22
Anuragso it looks like our times overlap 1:40- 2:40 on pretty much all week days19:22
Anuragno it's not up yet19:23
hgroveris that just an unfinished version? sorry for being confused, i think i missed something =)19:23
Anuragoh I've never seen this page, looking over it right now, one sec19:25
hgroveryeah, i think it's in the process of being updated constantly19:26
hgroverwe're basically trying to fill it up with our goals, which i'm sure jeff has told you about anurang?19:26
Anuragyea looks like david updated it yesterday19:27
Anuragnow do you know if anyone has had a chance to run this smoke test on USR?19:27
hgroveri think that's what myabes is supposed to be doing, he just ran to the water fountain19:28
hgroveryeah, myabes ran through it and made a google doc about what worked and what didn't19:28
hgroverwhat was the link, michael?19:28
AnuragI saw the link19:28
hgrover(i didn't =))19:29
AnuragMichael did you just basically try running a bunch of different activities?19:29
Anuraghave you done any of the other tests on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuSugarRemix/Test ?19:29
satellit_how are you doing smoke test? Virtual Box /CD/USB?19:30
AnuragHenry do you know?19:31
hgroveri don't, let me help him find out19:31
AnuragI'm assuming VM19:32
hgroverhe actually installed karmic on his laptop, then installed USR from the ppa19:32
MYabesi just tried all of the activities on usr, to see if they worked or not19:32
hgroverso no VM craziness at all19:32
satellit_ovf import works well in sun Virtualbox19:33
hgroverI'm a little confused about the state of things.  Did we ever get a place where one could just download USR VDI's?19:34
satellit_http://people.sugarlabs.org/dfarning/  for DL of iso and ovf files (4required)19:34
hgroverah, awesome19:35
satellit_david builds them with script19:35
Anuragso I think we should create a spreadsheet that covers the different parameters on david's version of the smoke test19:35
Anuragand then come up with some kind of testing schedule19:37
hgroveryeah.  myabes has a good amount of time each day, a little bit of which i think was portioned to the smoke test (is that right, michael?)19:37
hgroveralright, awesome19:38
hgroverso as changes are made, michael can tell us what works and what doesn't, wherfe should this spreadsheet be though? a shared googledoc?19:38
Anuragyea just make it a shared google doc19:39
hgroverand it's 2:40, we have to go catch our bus >.<19:39
Anuragso we can all update it19:39
hgroverand alright, that sounds good19:39
Anuragalright i'll stay on until jeff gets back19:39
hgroveri can come back tomorrow at this time, if there's anything more to be discussed? alright19:39
Anuragsounds good jeff or I will probably send an email19:39
MYabesi have to go now, cya19:40
meetingMeeting finished at 14:42.19:40
meetingLogs available at http://me.etin.gs/ubuntu-sugarteam/ubuntu-sugarteam.log.20100216_1341.html19:40
* dfarning read logs:)19:41
satellit_note: USR does not shut down correctly use terminal sudo shutdown -h now19:41
Anurago ok19:41
satellit_otherwise it hangs if you use F3 dropdown "shutdown" and you cannot get to terminal19:42
dfarningsatellit_, still  a know problem.  It won't get fixed until lucic developers settle on a startup/shutdown process.19:42
satellit_OK I wa just warning them of the way it is......: )19:43
Anuragdavid do you know if anyone has run through your smoke test yet?19:44
dfarningsatellit_, there are hooks in the most recent iso so crashes get sent ot llaunchpd via arport.19:44
satellit_do you have to log in to use it?  that has stopped me in the past19:45
dfarningAnurag, not that I know of... I just cut a pasted a smoke test that I set up for some students at RIT last semester.19:45
Anurago ok, I was wondering why it kept referring to an XO19:46
dfarningsatellit_, Yes, I think you need to be logged into LP19:46
satellit_dfarning: that would be better if you did not have to...?more people would use it19:46
satellit_like fedora smolt19:46
dfarningAnurag, yes the exercis was set up as a first lecture/first lab so the students got familiarity with the xo and worked through problems together.19:47
Anuragdavid, have people been using the USR launchpad page to report problems?19:50
Anuragor was that page set up recently?19:53

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