
Lee_Ubuni'm going to download and install 8.04 i'll be back00:00
coreyis it safe to remove /usr/share/doc?00:00
GnosizOh, thanks!00:00
jribcorey: why do you want to?  Those files are part of packages and actually contain useful information00:00
coreyjrib, my disk is only 4gb and it's taking up a large portion of my usable space.00:00
wilhart_ubottu: that doesnt help me abit00:00
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:00
Gneahrm, why won't playdeb.net work...00:01
jleeperryIs it possible for Win XP to read files on my 'buntu half of my computer?00:01
PsychoMari0can i route all traffic from a chroot environment through a virtual interface?00:01
jrib!ext3 | jleeperry00:01
ubottujleeperry: ext3 is the default filesystem on Ubuntu, and the most popular on Linux. You can read/write from Windows to ext3 via http://www.fs-driver.org00:01
PsychoMari0jleeperry: if you install ext4 drivers00:01
jleeperryUm...wait, okay, what?00:01
BluesKajjrib, only if your ubuntu partition is ext2 or lower00:02
rhodanIs there a way to know how much progress my distribution upgrade made? In percent or estimated time?00:02
jleeperryInstall ext3 or ext4 drivers?00:02
naereyhttp://www.notionink.in/images/feature/adamimg.png not ubuntu? :/00:02
rwwfs-driver hasn't worked with Ubuntu's default blocksize in a while, iirc.00:02
mcurranAnyone ever get a TRAP 0000006 error when trying to chainload windows xp with grub?00:02
jribBluesKaj: ext3 works. And while I haven't tried using with ext4, I don't see why it wouldn't00:02
jleeperryAnd install the drivers on the win  side or the ubuntu side?00:02
PsychoMari0jleeperry:  whichever format your partition is in00:02
JonathanEllisCraig_Dem: Unfortunately handbrake is not available on Hardy00:02
jribBluesKaj: basically, ext2, ext3, and ext4 should all be mountable as ext2 afaik00:02
cwheelercan I replace the real time ubuntu studio kernel with an ubuntu kernel without causing problmes?00:02
PsychoMari0jleeperry: in windows install the driver corresponding to your filesystem on the ubuntu partition00:03
cwheelerI suspect a problem handling interrupts00:03
ChrisTXnaerey, that is windows + rainmeter00:03
naereyO_O windows can be pretty? gawd00:03
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN00:03
naereyChrisTX: thanks00:04
perryarmstronghey i got firefox 3.7 and firebug is not compatible with it..is there any alternative00:04
jleeperryUmm, okay.00:04
* xfact totally confused 00:04
BluesKajjrib, well, tell me the secret cause I havent been able to get ntfs to read ext3 or 4 f00:04
PsychoMari0is it possible to assign a virtual network device to a chroot?00:05
jribBluesKaj: no secret, nothing special to be done.  (I've only done it with ext3 myself)00:05
jribBluesKaj: http://www.fs-driver.org/faq.html#acc_ext300:06
gyrfalconanything like rainmeter for linux window managers?00:06
S1n1steryo im new to ubuntu. someone know how to transfer music+ from windows?00:06
jribgyrfalcon: rainmeter?00:07
sinboxgyrfalcon, conky or gkrellm00:07
outleradamso there's no way at all to have a hyperlink which directs the computer to SFTP into another computer, or to SSH in?00:07
wilhart_when i open my mplayer i get with HIGH VOLUME static sound00:07
naereyjrib: http://rainmeter.net/RainCMS/00:07
rhodanS1n1ster: No, you can only use Music++, Music# with mono and jMusic.00:07
gyrfalconjrib, the link that was posted a bit ago"<ChrisTX> http://rainmeter.net/RainCMS/"00:07
Craig_DemConky is a phenomenal application.00:07
perryarmstronghey i got firefox 3.7 and firebug is not compatible with it..is there any alternative?00:08
iAmerikanrainmeter is what crashed my windows 7, and made me install ubuntu.00:08
PsychoMari0outleradam not without a specific program installed on the client00:08
JonathanEllisS1n1ster: Do you still have your windows partition? If so you can open it with the file manager and access any files in there00:08
naereyiAmerikan :D00:08
outleradamPsychoMari0: is there a package available?00:08
rhodanperryarmstrong: Just override the version check.00:08
lowaikocan i run Ubuntu Moblin Remix on my desktop? is it possible?00:08
rhodanlowaiko: No problem with that.00:08
perryarmstrongrhodan; in the sense00:08
=== jon is now known as Guest52526
PsychoMari0outleradam: under linux im not sure, but i know in windows you can install winscp and then scp:// links are opened with it00:09
BluesKajjrib, I'll check it out , but i'm not expecting much00:09
lowaikorhodan: so its just ubuntu with moblin user interface, not moblin with ubuntu packages00:09
jribBluesKaj: ok00:09
rhodanlowaiko: >eah, perfectly possible.00:09
Trekis anyone here familiar with configuring openafs?00:09
lowaikorhodan: thanks a lot!00:10
perryarmstrongrhodan; i didnt get you00:10
direpenguinhello everyone00:10
rhodanperryarmstrong: extensions.checkCompatibility=false00:10
BluesKajjrib, fortunately I spend most of my computer time on linux so ntfs access is more important.00:10
zachslimjim are you here? sorry i had to get dinner00:11
Trek!hi | direpenguin00:11
ubottudirepenguin: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!00:11
=== zach is now known as Guest38459
perryarmstrongrhodan; so where do i have to run it00:11
Trekis anyone here familiar with configuring openafs?00:11
rhodanperryarmstrong: about:config...00:11
PsychoMari0Trek: have you tried the openafs channel?00:11
wilhart_can i have a key to NO_PUBKEY 1DABDBB4CEC0676700:12
Trekthere's an openafs channel?00:12
RichturdIs there a channel where I can get help with installing OS's?00:12
PsychoMari0Trek: yeah, on this serve00:12
Guest38459richturd, whats the problem?00:12
PsychoMari0Richturd: depends what OSs00:12
TrekPsychoMari0, rhodan, i'm already there, thanks.00:12
rhodanRichturd: ##windows, #gentoo, #fedora, #archlinux00:13
direpenguinquestion, can i creat partitions when i install linux00:13
RichturdI cannot seem to be able to install windows 7 on my computer00:13
direpenguincause last time when i tired to just install linux on my main HDD area my computer crashed00:13
rhodanRichturd: then ##windows is for you.00:13
RichturdNo one in ##windows00:13
PsychoMari0direpenguin: error message?00:13
TrekRichturd, PM me, i've got another destination for ya00:13
=== Pupuser402-1 is now known as firepuppy
TrekRichturd, PM me, i've got another destination for ya if you need Windows help00:14
direpenguinyea, i got some error msg saying the disk or DVD was bad00:14
direpenguinthen my computer crashed00:14
rhodanRichturd: You best be joking.00:14
rhodanOver 300 users.00:14
direpenguinim reinstalling windows temporarily right now00:14
ChrisTX360 people tbh00:14
PsychoMari0direpenguin: have you run the disk check thingummy when you start the cd ?00:14
Trekrhodan, if Richturd needs specific help, I'm a member of a Windows-mainly support IRC server...00:14
RichturdTrek, mind if I message you privately?00:14
TrekRichturd, go ahead00:15
JULinuxUserCan someone please tell me how to edit the new Grub 2 in Ubuntu 9.10 so that Windows XP boots first?00:15
direpenguinno? i dont know what your talking about, all i did after i put the ISO on a disk was restart my computer and booted from the disk00:15
jrib!grub2 | JULinuxUser00:15
ubottuJULinuxUser: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub200:15
perryarmstrongrhodan; but there's no such option i searched....and my firefox is crashing frequesntly00:15
rhodanperryarmstrong: Then stop using unstable software.00:15
SkrotniklasCan someone help me connect to my server with vncviewer? I have isntaller sthe server and it seems to work but I cannot connect from my windows client00:15
rhodanSkrotniklas: Sure, query me your IP.00:15
PsychoMari0durepenguin: when you booted the disk, did it show the ubuntu logo, and ask for a language?00:15
perryarmstrongrhodan; kk00:16
shoot^Hey folks. I've just installed Ubuntu Server on my VPS, and created a new user. However, whenever I SSH in, the prompt displays '$' (rather than the actual hostname), and pressing "up", "down", "home", "tab" etc. do not behave normally, printing strings of symbols (eg. ^[[A) ...suggestions?00:16
PsychoMari0direpenguin: there should have been options like; try ubuntu, install ubuntu, check disk?00:16
direpenguini got all of that, but when i was installing, when it got to 29% it it said i had a bad DVD/CD then it shut down, then my computer had nothing on it, no OS or anything00:16
wilhart_where can i get xbmc for lucid00:16
Guest38459does anyone know of any mac software that creates a bootable USB drive? Im on my brothers macbook right now because my PC is toast and im tring to get ubuntu 9.10 on it00:16
direpenguini didnt see a check disk00:16
direpenguinwhen windows is done isntalling il try again00:17
direpenguinright now im on my laptop00:17
rhodanSkrotniklas: NAT?00:17
direpenguinbut can i creat a partition while in linux so i can have both linux and windows00:17
PsychoMari0direpenguin: you mean dual boot?00:18
Skrotniklasrhodan: How do I check NAT, sorry my skills are a bit limited00:18
jeeves_Mosshow can I find and mount a NTFS partition that's built on a RAID1 stripe set?00:18
rhodanSkrotniklas: The port is 5901, as revealed by nmap.00:18
PsychoMari0direpenguin: if you install ubuntu after windows, it automatically wants to partition and set up grub for dualboot00:18
direpenguinthe automatic thing is install side by side00:19
direpenguinis that the same thing?00:19
perryarmstrongrhodan; i removed firefox-3.7 and installed 3.6...but i am not getting the updated firefox...instead the 3.0 is opening00:19
PsychoMari0direpenguin: yeah that;s dual boot00:19
JonathanEllisdirepenguin: yes00:19
direpenguincant i set a way for it to have as much space as i want it to?00:19
Skrotniklasrhodan: THANK YOU! Works great!00:19
rhodanWow, I'm exhausted.00:19
direpenguinor would it just share it with vista00:19
direpenguinlike if vista has 100GB left unbuntu has 100GB00:20
PsychoMari0direpenguin: there is a colourful bar when you get to the partitioning part of the installer, there is also a slider on that bar, you can move it around and share the disk space as you wish00:20
direpenguinah, but thats when i click "install side by side"?00:21
PsychoMari0direpenguin: are you talking about when you boot off the livecd; or when you run the program inside windows?00:21
direpenguinboot from the CD00:22
PsychoMari0direpenguin: right, thought so, the defaulting radio button is to install them dual boot, i cant remember the exact wording, but it is something like isntall side by side yes. that is the option it seems you want to choose00:22
direpenguini didnt even know i could install it while running windows at the same time00:23
direpenguinanywaym, whats a good progra i should use to burn so i can be assured nothing goes wrong like last time00:23
direpenguinlast time i used imgburn00:23
direpenguinat 1x speed00:24
visik7anyone got the "Scan Button" works on linux ?00:24
PsychoMari0direpenguin: ive only ever used Roxio, after that i used brasero becuase i didnt have windows left00:24
direpenguinand roxio isnt free is it?00:24
PsychoMari0direpenguin: no00:25
direpenguinis there a free trial00:25
PsychoMari0direpenguin: possibly, it came preinstalled on my computer so i dont know00:25
AlphaOneI got my wireless card working00:26
Guest_1549  AlphaOne want a medal?00:26
AlphaOneyes I do!00:26
AlphaOneI spent all day on it00:26
AlphaOnetoday is my first day of Linux00:26
AlphaOnequestion, I got an old laptop too.  500mhz, 64mb ram. Windows 98 era.  what version of linux will make this fast?00:27
PsychoMari0direpenguin: actually, i was wrong, i used isorecorder as well once, that worked well enough00:27
EricBladealphaone: "fast" according to whom?00:27
PsychoMari0AplhaOne: Gentoo or Xubuntu would make it run acceptably00:27
EricBladealphaone: avoid X11, imo00:27
AlphaOnewhat about Damn Small Linux?00:27
devrethmanDid you just suggest that somebody run Gentoo on a 500mhz computer?00:27
syn-ackAlphaOne: DSL is good from a liveCD but honestly I wouldnt install it00:28
EricBladei actually have a DSL install on a 166Mhz pentium with 48mb ram .. it runs alright, as long as you stay out of X00:28
syn-ackdevrethman: why not?00:28
AlphaOnesyn-ack how come?00:28
PsychoMari0AlphaOne: C**p hardware detection. Look at Puppy linux, that worked on an old laptop of mine00:28
direpenguinwhat will the disk check do00:28
devrethmansyn-ack: Because updates take a month and a half...00:28
EricBladei did upgrade it very painstakingly to whatever was current in the unstable debian tree as of about 6 months ago when i built it00:28
PsychoMari0direpenguin: tell you if the disk has an error on it, if it does it might not install properly00:28
direpenguinoh ok00:29
syn-ackdevrethman: dude, listen, I ran Gentoo on my Blueberry G3 333 with 98 megs of RAM and while it did take a while, I think it was more than worth it00:29
direpenguinis iso recorder easy to use00:29
syn-ackdirepenguin: yes, as long as you read the manual00:29
EricBladequestion re: ubuntu.  i have ubuntu on a netbook (eee) .. and i'd like to see if i can get it to automount a swapfile on a memory card when it's inserted .. anyone know how i'd look into setting that up? like some kind of a script to run on media insert00:29
direpenguinoh kk00:29
PsychoMari0direpenguin: i think so, just choose the iso, choose the drive and burn00:30
devrethmansyn-ack: If you say so...00:30
wilhart_i'm hearing static really loud wheni open mplayer00:30
EricBladeturn the volume down00:30
jribEricBlade: google "writing udev rules" I guess00:30
wilhart_what could it be.00:30
EricBladety jrib00:30
PsychoMari0willhart_:the audio drivers might not be working with your card correctly00:31
EricBladejrib: looks great, i never would've guessed how to search for that one00:31
JonathanEllisIm trying to extract audio from a dvd using VLC. It doesnt matter what transcode options I select, I dont get a playable file. Can anyone help please? I have also tried AcidRip, OGMRip, dvd::Rip, and Thoggen but none of them have an option to rip the audio without the video00:32
locoany1 know anything about unbuntu00:32
JonathanEllisI cant use handbrake as its not available for hardy00:32
locoany1 know asterisk00:33
JonathanEllis!ask | loco00:33
ubottuloco: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:33
PsychoMari0JonathanEllis: They are all dvd ripping programs, do you want the audio track from a dvd; or music which has been burnt to dvd?00:33
locono asterisks peolpe00:34
JonathanEllisPsychoMari0: I want a short section of audio from a DVD00:34
JonathanEllisPsychoMari0: I have extracted audio from a DVD using VLC before and it worked fine so I dont know why its not working now00:34
PsychoMari0JonathanEllis: Look at k9copy, its what i use to 'back up' my dvds. i think you can disable the video ripping and just get the audio00:35
direpenguinman windows takes forever to isntall, i can wait to get linux running on it00:36
=== Gnosiz is now known as Gnosis
hipitihopI have installed the Festival TTS package via synaptic, and although I can get to the festival prompt, any attempt at output gives error "Linux: can't open /dev/dsp"00:36
wilhart_ok getting more static closing programs etc00:36
PsychoMari0direpenguin: what version you installnig?00:36
BluesKajJonathanEllis, investigate ffmpeg, i think it can extract audio  from a dvd or video file with a relatively simple command in the terminal00:36
direpenguinof unbuntu?00:36
=== Gnosis is now known as Gnosiz
PsychoMari0direpenguin: windows00:37
direpenguinoh vista00:37
JonathanEllisBluesKaj: Thanks00:37
PsychoMari0BluesKaj: i didnt think ffmpeg, terminal and simple went together00:37
JonathanEllisPsychoMari0: Thanks00:37
PsychoMari0direpenguin: prepare for a long night :P00:37
direpenguinits almost done00:37
BluesKajPsychoMari0, well if you rely strictly o guis , then you're restricting your options a lot00:38
* syn-ack deletes over 4 gigs of email and Evolution is having a field day with it00:38
PsychoMari0BluesKaj: I use mostly Terminal stuff, except for ripping my DVDs, that is the only thing i reliably find easier with k9copy00:39
kavurtI bought a new toshiba i3 laptop. it doesn't show anything when I boot ubuntu cd. I just hear the booting music. is there anything can be done? or the only way, returning the laptop to the store?00:39
direpenguindoes unbuntu need virus software00:39
Jordan_U!virus | direpenguin00:39
ubottudirepenguin: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2100:39
julioguys, does anyone know of something like the admin board that windows servers pop when you log in?00:39
BluesKajPsychoMari0, well to each his own  :)00:40
juliobut for ubuntu?00:40
karinhej, im new00:40
PsychoMari0direpenguin: its a good idea, but not as important as on windows, you dont want to go passing anything on00:40
direpenguinman thats alot to read lol00:40
karini just installed xubuntu00:40
nerdy_kidi have a dead win disk to fix, is the disk imageing/recovery as easy as this page says it is?  http://www.hanckmann.net/?q=node/1900:40
karinand have problems after the upgrade with mozilla00:40
PsychoMari0karin: tried rebooting?00:41
karinnothing happened00:41
karinit says bus error on terminal00:41
=== Lynx is now known as Guest95621
capronwhy are route commad  take time too show the last wlan gatway00:42
hipitihopI'm trying to use Festival TTS and it complains not being able to open /dev/dsp what is the normal ubuntu dev for the audio ?00:42
PsychoMari0hipitihop: is it permissions problem?00:42
nerdy_kidcan i use dd to image and restore an HD?00:43
PsychoMari0nerdy_kid: yes00:44
direpenguinwill i be able to do cool stuff in linux like in this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E4Fbk52Mk1w if i only got like 800MB of RAM and a nvidia geforece6150LE graphics card00:44
capronnerdy_kid,  It helps alot if the disk have the same size00:44
PsychoMari0direpenguin: theoretically yes, but it will murder your performance00:44
jalmeidahi. I like ubuntu very much00:44
nerdy_kidcapron or....00:45
jalmeidabut I need to use windows in my work00:45
nerdy_kidcapron i need to replace an HD and i am not going to go through the emotional pain of reinstalling Windows00:45
hipitihopPsychoMari0, no idea .. I'm just in the festival prompt and it says "Linux: can't open /dev/dsp"00:46
PsychoMari0hipithop: what happens if you run the same command with 'sudo'?00:46
nerdy_kidhipitihop should try espeak i personaly like it better the festival00:46
capronnerdy_kid,  yes it is a good thing too use dd00:46
hipitihopPsychoMari0, just tried via sudo and same result.00:46
hipitihopnerdy_kid, rpos n cons ?00:47
nerdy_kidcapron ok, but the disks will be different sizes, how much of an effect would that have?00:47
hipitihopnerdy_kid, sorry, keyboard mind of it's own...let try again... why do you think so ?00:47
capronnerdy_kid,  Then the new disk will only use size of dd image00:48
nerdy_kidhipitihop festival had a habit of cutting the ends of the sentences i gave it off, it struck me as very buggy.  espeak in my experance is very stable, and i prefer the voice to festivals.00:49
capronnerdy_kid,  but you can fix that later using other tools00:49
wilhart_probably have to install backport alsa?00:49
nerdy_kidhipitihop the only issue ive ever had with espeak was an issue that was pulseaudio related, but they fixed it in karmic :D00:49
hipitihopnerdy_kid, ok thanks00:49
nerdy_kidcapron thanks a ton mate, just what a wanted to hear! youve saved my day :D00:49
bharat_hi hmmm i have a Dell studio 1555(x64) just installed Ubuntu 9.10. its superb00:50
bharat_but there are a few issues00:50
titan_arkhey, i tried adding the ppa for the latest OOo 3.2 and i am getting errors while doing the update, any idea how i can set it right?00:50
bharat_the brightness  keys dont work00:50
hipitihopnerdy_kid, so how do I get a reasonable human sounding configuration in espeak, it certainyl doe snot sound anything like the festival online demos00:51
bharat_has anyone faced the same problem00:51
jimcok. hi.00:52
jimcI need to be the billionth customer to have trouble with samba.00:52
nerdy_kidhipitihop no, it does sound different then most others, but in my opinion once you get used to the 'accent' (which doesnt take very long) its nicer sounding then festival.00:53
bharat_any help out there!00:53
jimcI have two ubuntu boxes running. I am trying to set up to use both of them with my windows network.00:53
jimcI have swat running.00:53
jimcI have done the smbpasswd thang.00:53
nerdy_kidbharat do the keys work in BIOS?00:54
PsychoMari0jimc: what is the problem exactly?00:54
bharat_yup! just00:54
bharat_works only wen i boot it and lasts a few seconds after login00:54
nerdy_kidbharat hmm, ill try to dig something up for you00:54
jimcThe present problem is that box A ("Silver") sees box B ("tarnish"), but cannot open any shares.00:54
titan_arkhey, i tried adding the ppa for the latest OOo 3.2 and i am getting errors while doing the update, any idea how i can set it right?00:55
bharat_and also, the eject button doesnt work00:55
PsychoMari0jimc: any error messages?00:55
Pianoman13how do I install ACDSee photo software in Ubuntu 9.10, i tried it but always get an error during install00:55
semitonestitan_ark: could you start by postbining the errors?00:55
thechrisDoes anyone know the current way to start gnome or *dm from the command line?00:55
naereyPianoman13: O_o why ACDSee?00:55
thechrisOr where such a setting is located?00:55
Jordan_U!boot | thechris00:56
ubottuthechris: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto00:56
Pianoman13because i have 35,000 photos to work with00:56
PsychoMari0thechris: startx00:56
jimcTarnish, on the other hand, sees only the workgroup ("ozco") but nothing is there when I open it.00:56
Pianoman13and fspot crashes when i try to import them00:56
nerdy_kidbharat have a dell?00:56
Pianoman13i already logged a bug for f-spot00:56
thechrisPsychoMari0: what is gnome called, or will it just load without an xinitrc?00:56
bharat_yup its a dell 155500:56
PsychoMari0thechris: gnome-session00:56
jimcSilver says "unable to open location: failed to retrieve shares list from server"00:57
Pianoman13i have been looking for a sturdy photo management software in Linux but have not found any yet00:57
nerdy_kidbharat check this out, i have to go so cant help you anymore sry.  good luck!  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/39281200:57
bharat_http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1313390&highlight=brightness   i tried that but no luck00:57
bharat_nerdy thnx00:58
nerdy_kidbharat sure thing :) good luck!00:58
titan_arksemitones, i get a few ignores for the OOo and then a 404 error. I removed the ppa from the software sources list but even now i get a few Ign for Ign http://ppa.launchpad.net karmic/main Translation-en_US and similar00:59
BluesKajPianoman13, digikam ?00:59
thechrisPsychoMari0: hmm, that just seems to load the gnome background and an X for a cursor00:59
elementalbrandhi, im having these troubles error: ‘WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT’ undeclared (first use in this function)00:59
titan_arksemitones, http://paste.ubuntu.com/377257/00:59
semitonestitan_ark: huh, I don't know why it would do Ign01:00
Pianoman13digikam is not really a photo management software, it is closer to Photoshop of something like that01:01
titan_arksemitones, even I cant figure that out01:01
jimcOkay, I'll try again.01:01
semitonestitan_ark: you're trying to install the latest OO.o?01:01
Pianoman13i need something in linux that will permit me to import my 35,000 picture database and re-organize it for Ubuntu 9.10 usage01:01
jimcsamba: unable to mount location: failed to retrieve share list from server01:02
PsychoMari0Pianoman13:: what do you mean by reorganise?01:02
Pianoman13i have been stuck with this problem since i started with ubuntu 3 weeks ago01:02
titan_arksemitones, well i was, i found a link that said to add the ppa and try but it dint work. and those 404 errors came up which i could clear out after removing the OOo ppa.01:02
Pianoman13the ACDSee software catalogues the photos01:02
titan_arksemitones, would you know how to install the latest OOo via terminal so that I can get updates01:02
Pianoman13there is nothing like this in linux that i have found so far01:02
ChrisTXelementalbrand, somewhere you code got a lack of #ifdefs01:03
titan_arki dont want to DL the .tar and install01:03
GarliqueI am having a very simple problem with bash is there anyone here knowledgeable in basic bash01:03
ChrisTXWSASOCKETNOSUPPORT is a windows error code lol01:03
Pianoman13so i can only look at individual photos but not at groups01:03
jmspeexI'm considering buying a new laptop with the latest Arrandale integrated graphics. Anyone knows whether that's supported under Karmic?01:03
semitonestitan_ark: I wouldn't want to install from source either -- but I haven't tried getting the latest one, only the one in the standard repos01:03
blakkheimjmspeex: it's not01:03
PsychoMari0pianoman13: i imagine with that many photos most things would crash, except command line things, but then you cant view them01:03
jmspeexblakkheim: how about Lucid?01:03
semitonestitan_ark: any particular reason why you want the lastest one?01:03
Pianoman13i would like to try using wine01:03
blakkheimjmspeex: depends on what kernel lucid uses01:04
Jordan_UPianoman13, Have you tried gthumb?01:04
Pianoman13but i get install error01:04
Jordan_UPianoman13, Or picasa?01:04
jmspeexblakkheim: it's "only" a kernel issue or there's X issues as well?01:04
Garliquesyntax error near unexpected token `else'01:04
Pianoman13so far i have tried f-spot, digikam, gimp01:04
Garliqueis the error im recieving01:04
elementalbrandthe thing is that i have install that project in others linux system, and works ok01:04
titan_arksemitones, why would you not want to install the latest from the source? I am unable to open MS Office's .***x format files01:04
WaYis any way of jailbreaking iphone from ubuntu?01:04
blakkheimjmspeex: i know it's a kernel issue first but i don't know about X yet01:05
jmspeexOK, then I guess I'll wait a bit01:05
semitonestitan_ark: installing from source can be difficult -- though it's often very easy. Have you tried opening those files up in the standard Open Office?01:05
erichammondOn Jaunty bash prompt, hitting Ctrl-C gives a new bash prompt without output to current line.  On Karmic, it displays "^C" then gives new bash prompt. Ideas on how to revert this behavior? readline config? stty config? terminfo config? bash config? ...?01:05
Pianoman13maybe i should try gthumb01:06
titan_arksemitones, Yes I can on my windows box01:06
Garliqueread Cartoon01:06
Garliqueif [ "$Cartoon" = "$Cartoonistrue" ]; then01:06
Garlique                for movie in *.avi ; do01:06
Garliqueecho Processing $movie Episode01:06
FloodBot2Garlique: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:06
Garlique                for movie in *.avi ; do01:06
tj83someone want to explain to me why its ok for ubuntu to strike a deal for cash basically exchanging hands through yahoo from microsoft? why on earth would ubuntu agree to use yahoo as the default search engine for lucid lynx firefox? yahoo being powered by BING. cause i am seriously about to pack my things and move out of ubuntu into fedora.i was all fired up about lucid, been doing the testing, but now, now i hear this.... and wow. sooooooooooo wrong. anyone01:06
tj83have a take on this or no?01:06
semitonestitan_ark: what about the version of open office in the standard repositories?01:06
semitonesin ubuntu01:06
blakkheimtj83: rants go in #ubuntu-offtopic01:07
titan_arksemitones, or is there a way i can uninstall the current OOo and reinstall?01:07
titan_arkSememmon, 3.1.1 is the current one if i am not mistaken?01:07
semitonestitan_ark: just a  sec01:07
semitonesI'm not sure01:07
magn3tsCan I use grub2 to boot my mac instead of refit?01:07
blakkheimmagn3ts: probably not01:07
magn3tsblakkheim, :[01:08
titan_arkoops tabbed the wrong name :P01:08
turbowei /j #ubuntu-offtopic01:08
dj-gatinhoe ai galera01:08
drwho_hello, I am having trouble with the Broadcom STA driver. After downloading and installing the driver from the broadcom site (and its the same with the one I installed before with jockey) the wireless is disabled in the network manager (the icon near the time and date) and I cannot find anything to enable it after trying some things I found on the forum01:09
drwho_I really want to use wireless and it is bothering me that I cannot get this to work at all please help01:09
semitonestitan_ark: to uninstall Open Office and re install it -- the first thing to do would be open Synaptic, and search for Open Office, then remove the ones that are selected01:09
semitonestitan_ark: I need to reboot into ubuntu, brb01:10
titan_arksemitones, but how would i know which all i need to install, i have tried looking at the list but its huge01:10
titan_arksemitones, okay np01:10
billythekidQuestion to any devlopers lurking...01:11
drwho_no one to help?01:12
magn3tsblakkheim, how sure are you? I think that is the point of grub-efi01:12
Guest95621drwho: plug a wire ethernet cable to your laptop and go to system> administration> hardware drives, see if that help01:12
MilitantPotatoBeen ages since I've used Gnome, what's the applet that acts like a drop down quick launch?01:13
duffoloniousFailed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/m/mysql-cluster-7.0/libmysqlclient16_7.0.9-1_amd64.deb 403  Forbidden [IP: 80]01:13
drwho_Guest95621, I installed the drivers from there and still wireless is disabled after the driver is installed01:13
oxeimonhow do you quit without saving in vi?01:13
duffoloniousanyway around this?01:13
=== nathan_ is now known as ipsemet1289
drwho_I am trying to find out how to disable my wireless after installing the drivers01:13
duffoloniousdifferent mirror?01:13
billythekiddoes anyone know if bcmwl is being packaged>01:13
drwho_don't know why this is such a problem..01:13
Guest95621drwho: did you activate all the restrited drivers there?01:14
PingFloyddrwho_: did you switch to it in network manager?01:14
MilitantPotatodrwho_ network manager applet?01:14
drwho_I'll try that also01:14
MilitantPotatodrwho_: or, blacklist the module if you don't want it to load on boot01:15
Bac9anyone use halevt? how do I reference properties of the parent storage device from the 'exec' statement for the volume, i.e. the following does _NOT_ work $hal.block.storage_device.hal.info.vendor$ , and if I use hal-get-property I get a segfault01:15
ipsemet1289hello I'm working on a bash script to make logging in over ssh easier for my users. the Function on line 118 doesn't work correctly http://pastebin.com/d19123899 could someone please advise me as to why01:15
PsychoMari0Bac9: May i enquire how you are using an ipv6 address?01:15
rahdukehey folks, im working on my cousins PC, he has an old SCSI (NTFS) hard drive in it that seems to crapped out. I'm running off alive CD and i've tried to fsck the drive and it reports a bad superblock.... I don't expect to bring the HDD back to working order, however there is alot of data on it I desperately need to salvage. Is there any way possible to get some at least some of this data?01:15
billythekiddoes anyone know if bcmwl is being packaged for karmic?01:16
bloodhow to auto configure setserial?01:16
MilitantPotatoIs there a gnome applet that acts like a drop down menu for launching applications?01:16
thechrisI want to restart the graphical logic in ubuntu.  How do I do this01:16
duffoloniousthechris: huh?01:16
PsychoMari0MilitantPotato: i think there is something called drawer that does something similar?01:16
drwho_MilitantPotato PingFloyd Guest95621 you mean network connections?01:16
thechrisduffolonious: err, the graphical login.01:16
drwho_also in ifconfig the wireless card interface is eth201:16
MilitantPotatoPsychoMari0: it appears to only allow you to add other applets too Drawer01:17
duffoloniousthechris: restrict how?01:17
PsychoMari0MilitantPotato, isnt the top option under add applet one to add a custom command?01:17
drwho_there is nothing under wireless in network connections01:17
PingFloyddrwho_: you may have to create on01:18
thechrisduffolonious: I want the default ubuntu login to work.01:18
rahdukehey folks, im working on my cousins PC, he has an old SCSI (NTFS) hard drive in it that seems to have crapped out. I'm running off a live CD and i've tried to fsck the drive and it reports a bad superblock.... I don't expect to bring the HDD back to working order, however there is alot of data on it I desperately need to salvage. Is there any way possible to get some at least some of this data?01:18
MilitantPotatoPsychoMari0: you're right, thank you01:18
drwho_hm okay01:18
thechrisduffolonious: it has gone away for unknown reasons, and its not called gdm/xdm nor is there an obvious init.d entry01:18
PingFloyddrwho_: edit connections01:19
drwho_I will check the forums again because it should be able to detect connections01:19
Bac9PsychoMari0: by connecting to irc.ipv6.freenode.net01:19
Semitonesis the person I was helping still here01:19
duffoloniousthechris: I see - I wonder if it went to entrance or something compeletely different (outside of gnome/X)01:19
kavurtdoes ubuntu have any problems with i3 processors?01:19
thechrisduffolonious: i wouldn't be suprised.01:20
billythekidrahduke: what format is the disk?01:20
billythekidoh well01:20
billythekiddoes anyone know if bcmwl is being packaged for karmic?01:21
Guest95621kavurt: no, or not that i know of01:21
magn3ts"You can also use grub.efi as standalone loader. "01:21
thechrisDoes anyone know how to get the gnome login screen from ubuntu to come up?01:21
billythekidthechris: can you explain further?01:22
duffoloniousthechris: are you on lucid?01:22
titan_arkanyone able to get the OOo 3.2?01:22
kavurtI just bought a toshiba laptop with i3 processor. it doesn't show anything when I boot karmic cd. is it fixable?01:22
billythekidkavurt: does it show anything during boot at all?01:23
thechrisduffolonious: no01:23
klappiis there a way to reset files in etc to ubuntu factory defaults?01:23
thechrisbillythekid: the default login screen used to appear.  now it doesn't, it just goes to a CLI.01:24
tj83kavurt, not even the language choice? if so, after that use F4 then graphics safe mode to install01:24
billythekidthechris: sounds like an unsupported graphics card01:24
kavurtbillythekid: no. i can select language first. and then i select just try. that's it.01:24
kavurttj83: I can hear the booting sound. but I can't see anything01:25
billythekidkavurt: i believe u may have downloaded the alternative cd01:25
tj83kavurt, press F4 then graphics safe mode, will probably get you moving01:25
thechrisbillythekid: no, fluxbox works.01:25
hdevalencehow do I remap the up-arrow key to the down-arrow key and vice versa?01:25
billythekidthechris: what version?01:25
thechrisbillythekid: 9.1001:25
billythekiddoes anyone know if bcmwl is being packaged for karmic?01:26
duffoloniousthechris: http://paste.ubuntu.com/377269/01:26
duffoloniousit should be gdm01:26
PingFloydbillythekid: sounds like you don't have a DM installed01:26
billythekidstartx perhaps...01:26
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PingFloydbillythekid: or changed the default runlevel01:26
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billythekidnot i, was thechris01:27
thechrisduffolonious: i don't have that01:27
IamReckAnyone here know anything about the magic that is autovivification?01:27
PingFloydthechris: ^^01:27
billythekidthechris: if ur missing gdm, the desktop is not there01:27
demonspork_what is a good media center application. It doesn't need support for watching TV, just watching a preexisting movie collection01:27
PingFloydthechris: do you have gdm, kdm, xdm, or slim installed?01:28
billythekidthechris: what cd are u booting from, is it alternative or server?01:28
billythekiddoes anyone know if bcmwl is being packaged for karmic?01:28
thechrisPingFloyd: so it seems installing gpe removed gdm.01:28
PingFloydoh he's booting from a CD?01:28
freebsdloverhell o01:29
unknownhello, anybody know how can I check current speed of my PCI buss ?01:29
PingFloydthechris: are you trying to boot off a liveCD?01:29
PsychoMari0billythekid: isnt that a wireless driver? i think it already has been, i think im using it...01:29
unknownI mean, is it 33Mhz or 66 Mhz01:29
billythekidPyscho: its the latest01:29
andres_hola linuxeros01:29
direpenguinquestion, i installed linux using Wubi, then it had me restart my computer, then it booted from the disk, was it suppose to do this01:29
billythekidIve had issues with a Dell T550001:29
direpenguinor should i have taken out the disk before restarting01:29
thechrisPingFloyd: no, just trying to get some apps to work.01:30
josiahjust curious, what are people's impressions here of Portable Ubuntu01:30
LordHawke13Is there any way to, in a BASH script that must be run as root through SUDO, represent the actual user as a variable?01:31
billythekidPyscho: using the Dell wireless PCI card01:31
nexus_I need help with my computer... I turn it on and the monitor says no input signal... Monitor going to sleep. I opened it up sn the fans are working as well a the DVD drive01:31
direpenguinis your VGA cable plugged in all the way, and screwed in01:32
billythekidnexus: sounds like either it is not plugged into the graphics card, or the graphics card is dead01:32
duffoloniouswhy libmysqlclient has permission issues I'd be curious to know01:32
duffoloniousbecause it's stopping my upgrade01:32
duffolonious9.10 -> 10.401:33
billythekiddoes anyone know if bcmwl is being packaged for karmic?01:33
nikhilnexus: also clean your RAM and check oncemore01:34
LordHawke13I have a BASH script for making HFS+ images. It's in /usr/bin. It involves mounting the image to copy files to it, so it must be run as root using SUDO. As a result, it is owned by root. Is there a way that I can represent the sudoer's username as a variable so that anyone can use this script?01:34
billythekidLord: su to root01:35
billythekidLord: chmod +s the file01:35
LordHawke13I want to changer the ownership01:36
billythekidLord: as root, it adds the "sticky" bit to the executable so that other people run it as root01:36
billythekidLord: but you have to be root when you do it01:36
LordHawke13I don't want it to be owned by root, though.01:37
LordHawke13I want it clean.01:37
direpenguindo you guys think 30GB of space is enough for linux01:37
direpenguini only got like 10GB of music, and dont think il be installing anything else01:37
billythekidLord: it will be01:37
LordHawke13Somehting like `$ chown ${SUDOER} ${OUTPUTFILE}`01:37
billythekidLord: thats not the clean way01:38
LordHawke13Please tell me there's a way without just putting MY username in the script. . .01:38
LordHawke13I want the owner to be the person who runs the script.01:38
billythekidLord: open a shell, and issue "sudo su"01:38
JayStormi want to sleep01:38
billythekidLord: type in "chown +s <filename>"01:38
=== JayStorm is now known as Jay|Off
blakkheim!away > Jay|Off01:39
ubottuJay|Off, please see my private message01:39
chetnickLordHawke13: you can get way beter help about that on #bash01:39
direpenguinIs 30GB enough space of linux, if i only have about 10GB of music and wont be downloading much stuff besides some pictures off the internet01:39
direpenguinand linux updates01:39
derrick__30 is fine for it01:39
derrick__deponds on how long you plan on having it hough01:39
billythekidLord: if you want the owner to be the person that owns the script, it can not be run as root01:40
direpenguinaround 5 months or so01:40
derrick__you never have enough space01:40
direpenguini dont really download much stuff01:40
LordHawke13chown: invalid user: `+s'01:40
LordHawke13 chgrp: invalid group: `+s'01:40
direpenguinmy music is from CD's and such01:40
* Jay|Off is away: sleep01:40
billythekiddirepenguin: 30G should be enough01:40
nexus_nikhil: What should I clean it with01:40
derrick__yea you wont run into problems if you don't download stuff01:40
direpenguinalright cool01:41
direpenguinim just going to use it for general use01:41
billythekidLord: my bad, its chmod01:41
chetnickLordHawke13: you should mount image as root to some dir, and then change permissions for the dir, and then change to needed user, and copy files.01:41
direpenguinListening to Music, MSN, internet stuffs01:41
titan_arkanyone able to get the OOo 3.2 working?01:41
nexus_direpenguin: Yes it is pluged in an I have checked all connections01:41
billythekid<feeling a bit stupid>01:41
chetnickLordHawke13: i hope you understood what i wanted to say.01:41
LordHawke13chetnick, But how does the script know the username of the person who initiated it? I can change the ownership of the file afterwards but I don't want to have to do that.01:42
direpenguinnexus: try unplugging it and blowing into it, and the slot you plug it into, there could be dust blocking the connection01:42
billythekidchetnick: easier to chmod +s01:42
DamianosI need help getting my ubuntu to boot01:42
nikhilnexus : the best way is to slightly rub the pins with an pencil eraser01:42
chetnickbillythekid: what does +s do?01:43
direpenguinwill unbuntu run smoother then my vista does? i only have like 800MB of ram and a nvidia geforce 6150LE graphics card01:43
billythekidchetnick: adds the sticky bit01:43
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chetnickLordHawke13: persone that initiated the script?01:43
chetnickLordHawke13: if it involves mounting than it has to be superuser.01:43
DamianosI installed ubuntu and got a working LTSP server going and I loved every minute of it...I then installed XP onto a separate HDD and now my ubuntu won't boot01:43
billythekidchetnick: if you own a file and set that, it lets others run it as you01:43
MilitantPotatodirepenguin: yes, Xubuntu would fly01:43
direpenguini dont know if im using xbuntu01:44
chetnickbillythekid: that's perfect solution for him then.01:44
direpenguinim installing what ever was on the homepage of unbuntu's website01:44
LordHawke13I want the BASH script to change the ownership of the resulting DMG file to the person who typed `$ sudo makedmg . . . . .`01:44
almoxarifea wubi question, twice now, right after a update where the kernel was replaced with an updated version my grub loader was trashed, any ideas what may cause it?01:44
carbm2Damianos, You probably need to boot the Ubuntu Alternative cd and select Rescue from the bootup. Then select reinstall Grub.01:44
chetnickLordHawke13: take a look at those sticky bits chmod +s, like bilithekid said.01:44
Damianossweet...I will give that  try...thanks carbm201:44
MilitantPotatodirepenguin:  once it's installed, you'd open Synaptic, in the search type xubuntu, and install xubuntu-desktop01:45
Dr_WillisLordHawke13:  make use of the $USER variable01:45
direpenguindo i want that?01:45
MilitantPotatodirepenguin: at the login screen you can choose between the default (gnome) and Xubuntu01:45
billythekiddoes anyone know if bcmwl is being packaged for karmic?01:46
Semitonestitan_ark, hey, any luck with installing OO.o 3.2?01:46
MilitantPotatodirepenguin: sure, Xubuntu is easier on resources, would be worth trying, wont break anything01:46
lasumeBrasero failed, my CD drive is active, but the disc won't eject. Help.01:46
LordHawke13Dr_Willis, Since SUDO is used, ${USER} = root01:46
direpenguini just got some GNU Grub menu up, i dont know what to type01:46
Dr_WillisLordHawke13:  incorrect... try 'sudo echo $USER'01:46
Dr_Willis sudo echo $USER01:46
carbm2lasume, you can use a straightened paperclip to use the eject button on the front of the cdburner. Or restart... it would eject then.01:47
Dr_WillisLordHawke13:  if you did 'sudo su' -> USER = root01:47
lasumecarbm2: I'd rather do something that doesn't involve making lots of noise or rebooting.01:47
titan_arkSemitones, nope :( tired of trying01:47
lasumecarbm2: Is it a software problem?01:47
direpenguinanyone know what im suppose to do at this GRUB menu, i have no idea what im suppose to type01:47
billythekiddr: easier with chmod +s01:47
MilitantPotatodirepenguin: you only show a grub menu?01:48
direpenguinit wants me to type a command01:48
Dr_Willisbillythekid:  i missed the whole problem.. if its about mac dmg file.s. i proberly dont want to know more. :P01:48
carbm2lasume, Hardware usually... a failed disc just freezes the drive sometimes.  Drop to Terminal and type "eject"01:48
MilitantPotatodirepenguin: is ubuntu installed?01:48
lasumecarbm2: Doesn't work. No output.01:48
Semitonestitan_ark, does open office 3.1 work for you?01:48
billythekiddr: they want to run a command as root by any user01:48
direpenguinit should be, i installed it using Wubi01:48
direpenguinand when i booted up my computer i choose to load up unbuntu01:49
Dr_Willisbillythekid:  they could make a sudoers file entry to allow that for a specific command01:49
Semitonestitan_ark, it's a lot easier to install01:49
Dr_Willisbillythekid:  or as you said. the suid bit.. but that wont work for scripts01:49
titan_arkSemitones, yes it does. except for the docx files01:49
LordHawke13Dr_Willis, You have to type SUDO to run the script. That makes the $USER variable root when it's used in the script.01:49
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Dr_WillisLordHawke13:  it dosent seem to do that here.  let me try it with a script01:49
billythekiddr: sounds like a lot if user may be involved, perhaps giving them sudoers is too much power01:49
LordHawke13Dr_Willis, You got email or IM? I could send this to you.01:50
Semitonestitan_ark, hmm -- well, if you're able to wait for Lucid Lynx, it will probably have the never version of OOo01:50
Semitonescomes out in April01:50
danbhfiveanyone using ubuntuone?  I'm finding that it doesn't sync when I ask it to.  How can I get it to sync?01:50
MilitantPotatodirepenguin: did you install it on C:?01:50
billythekiddr: he wanted an executable owned by root to be executed by anyone01:50
Dr_WillisLordHawke13:  Hmm. yep. a seperate script does do it that way but not via the commandline.. Interesting  how its doing that.01:50
titan_arkSemitones, yes i guess i would have to, for a number of reasons. the power management daemon on this is also screwed01:51
billythekiddr: you have to be root when you set the s bit01:51
Dr_WillisMust because its spawning a different shwll.01:51
LordHawke13billythekid, It has to be run by root to use `mount` but I need it to know 'who' run the file through sudo.01:51
Semitonesdid you try asking for help with that already, titan_ark?01:51
billythekidLord: so u want to track who used it?01:51
billythekiddoes anyone know if bcmwl is being packaged for karmic?01:52
titan_arkSemitones, yes i have. it is a bug with certain hp and dell notebooks. a patch is available but people advised me against doing a kernel recompile01:52
titan_arkSemitones, the bug is reported in launchpad01:52
billythekidLord: create a wrapper script and log the output to /var somewhere making sure it wraps at a set size01:52
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Semitonestitan_ark, ugh, I hate when hardware doesn't work!01:53
titan_arkSemitones, else i need to use the vanilla kernel 2.6.3201:53
titan_arkyeah its irritating01:53
LordHawke13Hold on brb01:53
billythekiddr: u there?01:53
morrisonanyone help me out with a mozilla fire fox problem.  web-pages are not displaying properly, i checked the resolution of the monitor and the settings are correct but mozilla is displaying images blurry and text of web-pages incorrectly01:53
Dr_Willisbillythekid:  im in and out all day.01:54
rahdukeanyone know about testdisk?01:54
titan_arkeverytime laptop recovers from sleep i am told there is no battery in, so i cant put it to sleep. always shot down!01:54
billythekiddr: missed those requirements...01:54
rahdukeIts not picking up a drive that is totally screwed up.... Disk Utility does find it but it wont show up in testdisk...any help?01:54
Dr_WillisOne of the features of sudo thats over looked is its 'auditing' features I recall reading about somewhere01:54
Guest5045any body there01:55
morrisonhey dr. willis thanks for all the help with the x-server i got things working to how i want it01:55
Jennais there any one in here?01:55
Guest5045ya me01:55
Dr_Willismorrison:  yea :) now write a tutorial! :)01:55
LordHawke13billythekid, Dr_Willis, Sorry to have taken your time but I've got to go. Later.01:55
Jennahi ganesh01:55
Guest5045who r u?01:55
billythekidLord: np01:56
freebsdloverhi jenna.01:56
freebsdloverwhats up01:56
Jennanuthun much01:56
freebsdloverlots up there01:56
freebsdloverstars, sky01:56
Semitonestitan_ark, I've had similar problems with Sleep -- I just shut down every time now01:56
freebsdloverthe lot01:56
FloodBot2freebsdlover: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:56
Semitonestitan_ark, ubuntu boots so quickly I don't mind01:56
rahduketest disk is not picking up a drive that is totally screwed up.... Disk Utility does find it but it wont show up in testdisk...any help?? Please!01:57
Guest5045me going, this chat box is so much junky punky humpty dumpty01:57
titan_arkSemitones, yeah i do the same :)01:57
Jennai am boredddd01:57
billythekiddoes anyone know if bcmwl is being packaged for karmic?01:57
titan_arki need some help with my HDD. i have a partition that is not being used, could i convert it to ext 4 and combine it with my present ubuntu partition? i am on a dual boot with win 701:57
Jennaanyone here to chat?01:58
spine55I'm here01:58
billythekidtitan: how many partitions are there?01:58
Dr_Willistitan_ark:  how big is the parittion?01:58
SkrotniklasI am logged in via vncviwer to my ubuntu server but I cannot lock the screen, I do not know if it works without vncviewer either, ideas?01:58
SemitonesJenna, we relax in #ubuntu-offtopic, we do technical chat here01:58
bharat_hey in the terminal wen i type su and type the password it says authentication failure01:58
Dr_Willistitan_ark:  wijdows 7 makes some little partiion that works similer to the /boot/ partion in linux01:59
Jordan_U!root | bharat_01:59
ubottubharat_: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:59
Dr_Willisbharat_:  use sudo  not su01:59
titan_arkDr_Willis, could i pastebin the results of my HDD info? there quite a few partitions. I want to merge a 9 GB partition with my current 10 GB01:59
bharat_oh ok i used to use debian and the command was su01:59
billythekidbharat: use "sudo su"01:59
Jennaok thanx semitones01:59
Dr_Willistitan_ark:  go ahead and pastebin the fdisk -l for others to see01:59
rahdukegrrr where can i go for helpwith testdisk??01:59
Dr_Willisbharat_:  use 'sudo -s' instead of 'sudo su'01:59
rahdukeDr_Willis: can u help?02:00
Jennai  didnt know thaat because i am new to ubuntu02:00
cwheelercan I use an ubuntu kernel with ubuntu studio to troubleshoot a possible problem?02:00
bharat_Sweet it worked! :)02:00
billythekiddr: thankx02:00
Dr_Willisrahduke:  ive missed the problem.02:00
bharat_was tryinh to install the ati drivers02:00
SemitonesJenna, that's cool :) welcome to ubuntu!02:00
bharat_thnx billy02:00
rahdukeDr_Willis: test disk is not picking up a drive that is totally screwed up.... Disk Utility does find it but it wont show up in testdisk...any help?? Please!02:00
Jennamay i ask a question?02:00
billythekidjenna: go ahead02:01
gnuvinceI had rt3090-dkms installed for my wireless card and everything worked great.  One upgrade to and now I get kernel panics.  I tried installing the deb by hand, but it won't compile.  Any other way I can get it?02:01
rahdukeDr_Willis: is there way to tell testdsk to check /dev/sdb for example?02:01
titan_arkDr_Willis, http://paste.ubuntu.com/377289/02:01
Jennahow do i make the words bigger on my screen and the pages02:01
Dr_Willisrahduke:  ive not used testdisk enough to even rember its syntax02:01
rahdukeDr_Willis: thats my issue i think...02:01
billythekidjenna: what does your desktop look like?02:02
billythekidjenna: is it brown?02:02
freebsdloverlol whats that got to do with anything billy?02:02
Jenna uhh i changed it02:02
billythekidkde vs gnome02:02
Jennaare you asking about the verizon?02:02
SemitonesJenna, found it?02:02
Soul_Samplefreebsdlover: i think he's trying to determine which DE she's using02:02
IdleOne!ot | billythekid02:03
ubottubillythekid: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:03
bharat_and theres this other issue, i have a dell studio 1555, the brightness keys and the eject button dont work :(02:03
billythekidubottu: huh?02:03
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:03
billythekiddoes anyone know if bcmwl is being packaged for karmic?02:04
Dr_Willisrahduke:  Looking at testdisk --help -> it can take a 'device'02:04
titan_arkDr_Willis, anything?02:04
Jennadoes anyone know how to make font and size bigger02:04
bharat_i've tried changing the grub thing and still doesnt work...02:04
Dr_Willisrahduke:  What fileysstem is the disk anyway?02:04
billythekidjenna: increase resolution02:04
rahdukeDr_Willis: it doesn't, it doesnt allow me to point to to the location02:04
Soul_SampleJenna: system>preferences>appearance>fonts?02:04
billythekidjenna: rather, decrease i should say02:05
rahdukeDr_Willis: it's a Scsi NTFS02:05
Dr_Willisrahduke:  you are not using /dev/sda when it should be /dev/sda1 ?02:05
Dr_Willistitan_ark:  which partion are you worried about?02:05
rahdukeDr_Willis: the filesystem is so corrupted it wont goto /dev/sda102:05
Dr_Willisrahduke:  or i may have that backwards  may need to be sda instead of sda102:05
rahdukeDisk utility is telling its its at /dev/sda02:05
morrisonhello, does anyone mite have an idea why fire fox is displaying web-pages with blurry images, and text that is like way too big for the page?02:06
Damianoswill using the alt cd and selecting rescue broken system screw up my network settings?02:06
billythekidjenna: {from memory} click on System -> Preferences02:06
Dr_Willisrahduke:  Not sure what else to try. Ive rarely done much disk recovery.02:06
Semitones!info bcmwl | billythekid02:06
ubottubillythekid: Package bcmwl does not exist in karmic02:06
almoxarifebillythekid: bcmwl-modaliases in http://goo.gl/tLKZ02:06
rahdukedoes anyone know anything bout recovery from scsi drives?02:06
billythekidmorrison: sounds like ff has had its preferences changed02:07
Jennahang on brb02:07
Dr_Willisrahduke:  you could try to 'ddrescue' it to a file and try to recover files from that imagefile02:07
rahdukeDr_Willis: ill look into thanks!02:07
morrisonis there a way to set the defaults back02:07
billythekidmorrison: try hitting the CTRL+- key combinatino02:08
almoxarifejust how screwed could things get if one ppa'ed the lucid universe into karmic?02:08
billythekidalmo: probably bad02:08
Dr_Willisalmoxarife:  reinstall may be required02:08
billythekidmorrison: may need to hit that several times02:09
Jennai am back02:09
billythekidit "zooms out"02:09
Jennahow do i change the screen resolution?02:09
morrisonyeah it's not correcting the issues02:09
morrisoni did that02:09
titan_arkDr_Willis, http://imagebin.ca/view/ZESIxY.html , http://paste.ubuntu.com/377289/02:09
billythekidjenna: think its in the system menu under preferences02:09
morrisonbut still parts of the site are not being displayer02:10
morrisonbut still parts of the site are not being displayed02:10
almoxarifebillythekid: I guess I wouldn't recommend that pckg for karmic then, if that is what you are running, then again, vbox box it and try?02:10
Soul_SampleJenna: have you even tried looking under system>preferences?02:10
Semitonesjenna: preferences: display02:10
titan_arkDr_Willis, i want to use the 9.7 GB unallocated partition02:10
billythekidjenna: running on a different desktop, so cant remember the exact names02:10
Semitonesmany things are pretty logically organized :p02:10
billythekidalmo: need it for 9.10 on a dell T550002:11
Dr_Willistitan_ark:  fire up gparted and see what it shows the disk layout to be. Palimpsest is a little vague in ways02:11
billythekidalmo: using a dell wireless PCI cared02:11
Jennai looked under display and there is nothing02:11
_joshI have an issue with Ubuntu where if I alt-tab to a window (e.g. Firefox, Pidgin IM window), sometimes I can't type.  If I alt-tab away and alt-tab back, I can type again; anyone else with this problem?02:11
Dr_Willistitan_ark:  if its at the end of the disk next to the recovery partion - that may make using it a little harder02:11
almoxarifebillythekid: get the card ini from the xp/win side?02:11
daroluIs it possible to mount an ext3 hard drive using 7.04 LiveCD of Ubuntu? I don't remember if ext3 already exsited back then.02:11
Trekgot issues with Java, how can I get java working on Ubuntu 9.04 with Firefox?  I've got the packages (and dependencies for) sun-java6-jre sun-java6-jdk02:12
billythekidalmo: not an option02:12
Dr_Willistitan_ark:  i dont really see the unalocatged space in th fdisk -l output.02:12
billythekidalmo: box locks up about every 5 minutes with the updated dcmwl under 9.0102:12
billythekidalmo: box locks up about every 5 minutes with the updated dcmwl under 9.1002:12
kavurtI just installed karmic on a 16'' toshiba. there's only 1024x768 resolution available. how to fix it?02:13
billythekidalmo: others i work with have same issue02:13
almoxarifebillythekid: set the card up on a machine with xp/win, get the ini and then delete the card from it?02:13
Trekgot issues with Java, how can I get java working on Ubuntu 9.04 with Firefox?  I've got the packages (and dependencies for) sun-java6-jre sun-java6-jdk, yet it refuses to run on the web.02:13
billythekidalmo: problem goes away with card out of box02:13
titan_arkDr_Willis, Okay. i think i need to install gparted. would a apt-get install work?02:13
SemitonesJenna, what happens when you go to display?02:13
billythekidalmo: users on Win with latest driver have issue go away02:14
josiahanyone have problems with updating Portable Ubuntu to v. 9 ?02:14
Dr_Willistitan_ark:  yes02:14
billythekidalmo: thus, the latest driver fixes02:14
Dr_Willisjosiah:  'portable ubuntu' ?02:14
josiahi made a compromise02:14
josiahcuz i dont need linux that much02:14
Jennait says i coped and pasted it here02:14
josiahtheres a versio of ubuntu that runs on CoLinux and integrates with Windows02:15
billythekidalmo: card is a Dell 150502:15
almoxarifeyou mean machine is dell?02:16
billythekidalmo: failed to mention, Win users had lock ups with older driver also02:16
Trekgot issues with Java, how can I get java working on Ubuntu 9.04 with Firefox?  I've got the packages (and dependencies for) sun-java6-jre sun-java6-jdk, yet it refuses to run on the web.02:16
billythekidalmo: no card is dell 150502:16
SemitonesTrek, iirc there's a plugin you need as well02:16
billythekid(made by broadcom)02:16
Semitones!java ?02:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:16
TrekSemitones: system's not recognizing it, could you point me in the right direction?02:16
IdleOneTrek: sun-java6-plugin02:17
Jennait appers that your grapics driver does noot support the nessacary exstentions to use this tool do you want to use your graphics driver vendors tool instead?02:17
Semitonesthere was a guide somewhere..02:17
billythekidalmo: 5 users total with lock ups02:17
SemitonesJenna, click yes :)02:17
billythekidalmo: gone after update to latest02:17
SemitonesJenna, now what do you see?02:18
Lee_UbunAnyone stil use DapperDrake02:18
almoxarifebillythekid:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff ??02:18
SemitonesLee_Ubun, dang, kickin' it old school02:19
Lee_UbunHa just wanted to know02:19
Jennasrry about the caps02:19
SemitonesJenna, yeah, it looks confusing here too --02:21
=== titaniumbrella is now known as carbonish
jonexhow i change room02:21
daroluIs it possible to mount an ext3 hard drive using 7.04 LiveCD of Ubuntu? I don't remember if ext3 already exsited back then.02:21
SemitonesJenna, ok, see where it says X Server Display Configureation on the side? Screen Resolution is in there02:21
qfluidhi, anyone familiar with ivman? I want to mount by label if label is nonempty, otherwise mount by device name, so I have this in my config: http://pastebin.com/m7dcbb75c02:22
MilitantPotatojonex: type /join #roomname02:22
qfluidbut after reading the man page, can't figure out how to do "else"?02:22
SkrotniklasIf I exit vncviwer, does ubuntu automaticly log the user out?02:22
jonexMilitanPotato: thanks02:22
jonexanyone knw about mac rooms?02:23
almoxarifeSkrotniklas: should not02:23
Semitonesjonex, ##mac02:23
Jennai did it thnx02:23
Dr_WillisSkrotniklas:  how did you start the vnc 'service' ?02:23
jonexSemitones: there nobody there lol02:23
JonathanEllisCan I add a repository from the command line without editing sources.lst? I mean can I give a command that will add a repository if I know the deb line?02:24
Semitonesjonex, haha really? try ##apple then02:24
TrekSemitones: I found the plugin, i hope it workes02:24
MurakiWhere should I go if I am looking for help getting a dell wireless card working on a precision M90 laptop. It's giving me troubles.02:24
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories02:24
SkrotniklasDr_Willis: I am connected via putty and ssh if that is what you mean?02:24
Dr_WillisSkrotniklas:  then how does 'vnc' figure into this?02:25
SemitonesTrek, let me know -- I had *oodles of trobule getting mine to work -- Java used to be terrible with 64 bits02:25
SkrotniklasDr_Willis: I tunnel vncviewer via putty and ssh:-)02:25
MurakiIs there a channel I can go to for help with a dell precision M90 wireless card?02:26
Dr_WillisSkrotniklas:  and how did you start the vnc SERVICE ? 'vncserver' command ?02:26
Dr_WillisSkrotniklas:  or are you using the gnome desktop built in vnc SERVER feature?02:26
TrekSemitones: i use 32 bit, i installed these packages: sun-java6-jre, sun-java6-jdk, sun-java6-plugin, and its dependencies with Synaptic02:26
pcuserofftopic url?02:26
SkrotniklasDr_Willis: Manually in the terminal02:26
Guest83750ok guys ive got a huge freaking problem, ive installed ubuntu 9.10, and on the login screen ive got an old fashioned login: and password: text and the screen is flashing like crazy02:26
SemitonesTrek, did it work?02:26
Guest83750any ideas?02:26
almoxarifeMuraki: try this, someone else had a dell card issue, this may help https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx/Feisty_No-Fluff02:26
SkrotniklasDr_Willis: Vncserver02:27
TrekSemitones: it did02:27
Dr_WillisSkrotniklas:  if you ran 'vncserver' then it should keep the vnc desktop alive if you just close the client. If you LOGOUT of the desktop it should close the vncserver as well02:27
SemitonesTrek, awesome!02:27
Dr_WillisSkrotniklas:  try reconnecting and see if it sstill there02:27
Semitonespcuser, are you looking for #ubuntu-offtopic?02:27
TrekSemitones: I didnt realize there was a plugin, once I knew that it was helpful02:27
Trek!ot | pcuser02:27
ubottupcuser: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:27
Guest83750does anyone here know about ubuntu 9.10?02:27
Dr_WillisSkrotniklas:  the peristant 'featre' of vnc  is very handy at times02:27
SkrotniklasDr_Willis: Well that is the problem, for some reason I cannot log out....02:27
=== Guest83750 is now known as buzzaldrin
Dr_WillisSkrotniklas:  what desktop are you using in vnc?02:27
Trekif that helps, pcuser02:27
Jennait worked thanx so much guys02:27
buzzaldringuys id really like help with this if anyone knows ://02:28
SkrotniklasDr_Willis: Gnome02:28
blakkheim!please | buzzaldrin02:28
ubottubuzzaldrin: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude02:28
Dr_WillisSkrotniklas:  you could always just manually kill the vncserver,02:28
lonniecool, it did it02:28
SkrotniklasDr_Willis: Yes but that is not very convinient02:28
Dr_WillisSkrotniklas:  also if running gnome as  the same user More then Once.. you an have some odd quirks. ie: if its running on the remote box, and as a vncserver ont he remote box. or if you got more then 1 vncserver running gnome02:28
eshannonAnyone help me with a new Hard drive? I installed new HD > Partitioned it > Formatted EXT 3. I am able to mount it and open it. I don't have permissions to create folders or anything02:29
Dr_WillisSkrotniklas:  i never run gnome - it just lags vnc too much for me. I use very light desktops/wms in vnc02:29
SkrotniklasDr_Willis: I may have several vncservers running, I-ll check that02:30
Dr_WillisSkrotniklas:  its veyr easy to get several running by mistake02:30
darolu!fstab | eshannon02:31
ubottueshannon: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions02:31
lonnieGuys, just played pretty cool Linux game for the first time and thought I'd pass it along.02:32
almoxarifewhy not kill the vnc server as the last act on vnc? I drove 30 miles one time cause I told the machine to shut down via vnc, not smart02:32
buzzaldrinIs anybody here good with troubleshooting Ubuntu 9.10? I've got a bad problem02:32
lonniesudo apt-get install neverputt02:32
lonnieit is a really cool put put golf game with crazy obstacles at times02:32
SkrotniklasDr_Willis: I killed a second vncserver but I still cannot log out, I cannot lock the screen either.02:33
almoxarifeI am waiting for virtual opensource linux full contact golf02:33
frankS2Anyone know if there is anything like "yttalk" just for even more participants?02:33
Dr_Willisalmoxarife:  vnc runs a script to do the startup/stuff to run. if that script never exists.. then vncserver wont.02:33
lonniewhat is yttalk?02:33
Dr_Willisalmoxarife:   depending on how things run, you can get a vnc desktop with just X going. which is a bit of a pain02:34
grndslmit's that time of the year where i reevaluate 64bit linux/ubuntu...02:34
grndslmwhat do you guys think?02:34
phillipim new to the whole linux world... im trying to install plesk but have never used the terminal command line interface before02:34
Dr_Willisgrndslm:  been using 64bit here for about 2+ years now with no hassles that i can rember02:34
lonniephillip, try:    sudo apt-get install plesk02:35
Dr_Willisgrndslm:  lastest benchmark tests/articals  ive seen bsicaly say use 64bit if you can02:35
=== rainofkayos is now known as SolarisBoy
phillipi got an error message could not find plesk02:35
grndslmDr_Willis... well, if i have an ssd... is 64bit advantage all that great anymore?02:35
grndslmi'm thinking prolly not02:35
sslaccessrocksanyone know of an easy way to install *.deb as non-root in Ubuntu?02:36
grndslmsslaccessrocks:  impossible02:36
Dr_Willisgrndslm:  i dont see how the type of hard disk would matter  in the 64 vs 32 bit debate02:36
grndslmunless you're referring to using sudo, which is still root02:36
Dr_Willisgrndslm:  its about processing speeds/progrm speeds/memory access02:36
grndslmDr_Willis.... well... i mean benefit of 64bit is mostly compiling02:36
Dr_Willisgrndslm:  compiling? Not at all.02:36
grndslmmemory access comes into play only when more than 4gb, tho, eh?02:37
phillipi downloaded the package from the site in tar.gz format02:37
Dr_Willisgrndslm:  thats one are it helps in. but not the only02:37
lonniephillip, that won't work. Check this out: http://www.parallels.com/download/plesk/products/02:37
=== Soul_Sample_ is now known as Soul_Sample
lonnieI've never heard of plesk, but I don't think it is in the repository.02:37
grndslmDr_Willis, basically... i don't see how i could possibly get more of an improvement than this ssd i just got02:37
lonnieoh, I see.02:38
grndslmso if there's still issues with packages not being made for 64bit... i guess i'll have to stick with 32bit :(02:38
Dr_Willisgrndslm:  its not about drive access. its about data processing.  If th02:38
lonniedouble click it.02:38
Dr_Willisgrndslm:  i can think of 1 program ive not found in 64bit02:38
lonniethen drag and drop its contents to decompress02:38
Dr_Willisgrndslm:  http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=616&num=102:38
grndslmright... but in realworld scenarios, ssd torque is more important than 64bit horsepower if you HAD to pick between the two02:38
phillipi did it'll install one by one but it doesnt seem like it should be like that02:38
buzzaldrinok guys, well im going to try to reinstall ubuntu but make it not require me to log in, ill tell you how it goes02:38
judgetis there a win32 opessh client?02:39
lonniewere you doing it with super user privileges?02:39
Seven_Six_Twocd sudo02:39
Dr_Willisgrndslm:  i do video reencodeing. and 64bit helps me more then 32bit would.. I dint see how ssd really affexts it all.02:39
lonniephillip, send me the file.02:39
philliphow do i make super user privs02:39
lonnieI'll look at it.02:39
lucas_hey all, i have a litle question, which opengl mode is the best for desktop effects on kde?02:40
phillipi tried going to the user account section02:40
lonniesometimes you can do it by right clicking the executible file02:40
Dr_Willisgrndslm:  thers some more up to date bencmhark articals then that one.. i saw a good one the other day at that site i think02:40
grndslmDr_Willis, "video reencoding" i can understand02:40
lonnieand setting the execute privilige02:40
grndslmi think that boxee is not released in 64bit for linux yet!02:40
zanberdoI'm trying to build a project from source. I'm passing gcc -lnet but ld informs me that ld: can not find -lnet. What development package will satisfy the -lnet directive?02:40
Dr_Willisgrndslm:  and video playback if the players support it properly02:40
grndslmthat's one example, but i'm not 1% on that02:40
Dr_Willisgrndslm:  boxxee has 64bit02:40
lonnieanother way I do it, is like this    sudo nautilus02:40
Dr_Willisgrndslm:  i got it installed here.02:40
grndslmwow... well, i guess it's worth a shot then02:40
Dr_Willisgrndslm:  latest geexbox/enna has 64bit also02:40
lonnieThat opens up the file browser with you having super priv.02:41
grndslmDr_Willis, what is the one package you were talking about that didn't install??02:41
Dr_Willisgrndslm:  i can think of ONE app (zsnes) thats not 64bit02:41
lonniethen navigate the folder you unzipped02:41
grndslmhmm... that's kinda whack02:41
lonniethen try installing02:41
Dr_Willisgrndslm:  iuts because that program uses 32bit assembly for speed on old machines02:41
sslaccessrocksjudget: yes, using cygwin02:41
Dr_Willisgrndslm:  its like 80% assembly code. :)02:41
phillipthe file is 650mbs02:41
Dr_Willisgrndslm:  ters other snes emulators that work just as well02:41
sslaccessrocksgrndslm: it is possible to make programs from source without root and install to user folders, why not *.deb?02:41
grndslmDr_Willis, so multimedia codes, flash, java, etc. are all traditional "aptitude install" or whatever your preferred installer :) ??02:42
Dr_Willisgrndslm:  i use my 63bit systems sae as i do the 32bit - i rarely notice any differancwe in the ussage at all02:42
Dr_Willisgrndslm:  same install commands and so forth.02:42
TrekDr_Willis: you mean 62-bit02:42
Dr_WillisInstall ubuntu ubuntu-restricted-extras and away i go02:42
TrekDr_Willis: you mean 64-bit*02:42
=== Nightwolf42 is now known as Nightwolf
Dr_WillisTrek:  C6402:43
grndslmsslaccessrocks, "install to user folders" is deceiving terminology... if you just want to unpack it... "unp" is a great program i use to unpack most things, pretty sure it works for deb to... then you can move the files wherever you have permissions to, of course02:43
lonniephillip, install this too:    sudo apt-get install nautilus-gksu02:43
lonniethat eases you ability to do things a super user from the gui02:43
wolf2k_ubuntuEvening. Silly reminder needed...how do I go about installing an input method editor for things such as japanese support?02:43
sslaccessrocksgrndslm: and these files will be already compiled, made, and make installed?02:43
Dr_Willisgrndslm:  heres a newer artical -> http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ubuntu_32_pae&num=102:43
grndslmsslaccessrocks, ask the guy who created the package!!  :)02:44
Dr_Williscompare the performance of Linux between using 32-bit, 32-bit PAE, and 64-bit kernels.  ---> http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=article&item=ubuntu_32_pae&num=102:44
almoxarifesslaccessrocks: imagine a self installing deb, what is another name for that?02:44
grndslmDr_Willis, that reminds me.. what does PAE stand for?02:44
phillipok it installed02:44
Dr_Willisalmoxarife:  thers the autopackage and some other odd formats that no one ever uses any more it seems :)02:44
Dr_Willisgrndslm:  lets 32bit get more then 4gb of ram access02:45
M25I'm looking for a virtual midi keyboard (the kind with octaves, not enter keys), that works without using Jack.  Any recommendations?02:45
unpersonMy (possibly incorrect) understanding is the hibernate writes RAM contents to the swap partition.  Is it possible to setup the OS to not use a swap partition for virtual memory but still be able to hibernate?02:45
grndslmahh... was wondering how i got access to that extra .8gb or whatever it was!!02:45
sslaccessrocksalmoxarife: i don't need it to be self installing, just installed to a user folder without root access involved02:45
unpersoni.e., still have a partition for hibernation but use it only for that purpose.02:45
lonniephillip, with that install (may require reboot to take effect, don't know) each thing you right-click on  in the file broswer, should have an "open as admin" option02:45
grndslmsslaccessrocks, what .deb is this?02:46
almoxarifesslaccessrocks: exactly, suffer a bit, give it your password02:46
sslaccessrocksgrndslm: any *.deb file, not one program in particular02:46
sslaccessrocksalmoxarife: i have no root access on this computer02:46
almoxarifesslaccessrocks: exactly02:46
Dr_Willisgrndslm:  in some cases 32bit  kernel with PAE is worse then just the 32bit kernel02:46
sslaccessrocksalmoxarife: why i asked02:46
almoxarifesslaccessrocks: that comp have an owner?02:47
grndslmsslaccessrocks, "sudo aptitude install unp"  then you can just "unp any.deb" and it will strip naked for you :D02:47
sslaccessrocksgrndslm: i can't sudo (root access required), im compiling from source02:47
almoxarifegrndslm: he can't sudo02:48
grndslmhe just said he didn't want to sudo to install02:48
lonniephillip, if you want to benefit from my experience, you can install everything I've ever need on ubuntu, with this one command:    http://pastebin.com/fb1bc46a02:48
almoxarifegrndslm: he forgot to say he can't sudo02:48
lonniewill take while to download, but it will all install02:48
M25sslaccessrocks: do you have all the libraries/dependencies for the program?  then you can compile with make run instead of make install02:48
sslaccessrocksM25: yeah, its a perl script, so no compilation needed :)02:49
M25sslaccessrocks: do you have perl?02:49
unpersonA related question:  Is it possible to use, say, an external drive for swap (I would think so), and if so, any idea what would happen should that disk be absent at boot?02:49
lonnieat one point, though, you will have to interact to get the java runtime installed02:49
sslaccessrocksM25: yes, its installed by default in ubuntu02:49
lonniebut it will be menu driven02:49
sslaccessrocksgrndslm: thanks, that software fixed my problems i believe, i can now install *.deb without root access in ubuntu; thanks again02:50
grndslmunperson, external drive = bad idea, for usb is slow02:50
M25sslaccessrocks: you said you were compiling from source... but you also said it's a perl script that didn't need compiling... I missed something02:50
sslaccessrocksM25: found out after i said that it was perl script (when the ./configure didn't register :) )02:50
almoxarifeM25: exactly02:50
grndslmsure thing :)02:50
unpersongrndslm, Yes, I agree with you as a general matter.02:50
phillipok cool02:51
unpersongrndslm, I'm debating what to do with my eeepc 4G.  It has 2 GB of RAM and only 4 GB of internal SSD storage.  I was thinking of using an SD card for swap.02:51
unpersongrndslm, I don't actually know about how the throughput to each of those compares on the eee (obviously depends in part on the SD card).02:52
danbhfiveunperson: do you need swap?02:52
lonnieswap what?02:52
unpersongrndslm, I suspect you're right that it would be a bad idea in any case.02:52
j00bari upgraded from intrepid to karmic today, and my software raid setup just stops working on bootup. i get the "gave up waiting for root device" error. none of the workaround on #290153 seem to help. anything new on this front?02:52
wick94go open source or go home, lol02:52
grndslmunperson, go with out it!  just reboot when necessary... like right-click the panel and add the system monitor... right click that and enable the "memory, swap, network, disk, etc." graphs02:53
unpersondanbhfive, I assume I probably could (and should) do without it.  The real issue is that I'd love to be able to hibernate.02:53
wick94what's the new feature coming in 10.0402:53
grndslmunperson, is hibernating really necessary when you've got an ssd?02:53
rwwwick94: discussion and support for 10.04 belongs in #ubuntu+102:54
wick94thnx rww02:54
titan_arkDr_Willis, doesnt work. i cannot unmount home so :(02:54
danbhfiveunperson: ah, I see.  Then yeah, why not use an sd card as swap.  It may destroy the card though02:54
unpersongrndslm, I think it would be faster than the boot process (which may limited by the CPU rather than the storage speed).02:54
_CommandeR_how do i change tty font?02:55
kenthree_is there a server version of the mini iso? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD I can't find it02:55
unpersondanbhfive, Right.  My thinking was that if I destroy an SD card it's no big deal.02:55
grndslmyea, atom processors are pretty slow aren't they?  i'd still figure it'd boot in less than 40 sec, tho02:55
unpersondanbhfive, If I destroyed the internal memory it'd be a lot worse.02:55
calvenatusHello, I need to download the ubuntu repos for use in a remote area without internet access with karmic koala, is this: http://archive.ubuntulinux.org/ubuntu/pool/ what i should be aiming for ? is there a better option ?02:55
Dr_Willistitan_ark:  ive frogotton what you are even trying to do02:55
unpersondanbhfive, It may be possible to do hibernate without using swap for virtual memory.  Or else I could at least set swappiness to zero.02:56
parastaticHey everyone I have a quick question if anyone has the time at the moment.02:56
Semitonesgo for it02:56
Dr_Willisgrndslm:  i find my atom based netbook to be rather speedy.. but it is one of my newest machines :)02:57
danbhfiveunperson: ya, sounds good02:57
bipolarCan someone help me with this preseed file? http://pastebin.com/d72de06ad The local[0,1] repos are not getting added to apt, and when it tries to install ssc-packages it fails since it doesn't have the repos.02:57
parastaticOkay I just got back into using something other then Windows.  :P  And only issue I have is my gfx.  In my Admin selection I dont see a restricted driver manager.  How do I go about finding that package?02:57
Dr_Willisgrndslm:  proberly a 30 sec or less boot time here. I rarely notice. i turn it on.. get out the mouse/mousepad.. and its  booted02:57
unpersondanbhfive, The problem is that if I setup the SD card as swap and then it's absent I don't know what will happen.02:57
danbhfiveunperson: hibernation will fail, that's it, right?02:58
unpersondanbhfive, I have no idea if it will boot mostly normally with some error message or if the boot process will freeze or what.02:58
Dr_Willisunperson:  you can have several swap entries in the fstab. they all will be used. You could set up a second swap partition if ou wanted02:58
Dr_Willisunperson:  id bet it would give a warning/message then go on...02:58
danbhfiveunperson: I think nothing will happen in that regard.  The boot always checks for a hibernation entry...02:59
unpersonDr_Willis, It's a good idea in principle, but in this case I don't think have any other space to use.02:59
no-name_hey i have installed 9.10 on a dell latitude lappy and cant get the display to go full screen.  can someone help?  thanks02:59
grndslmDr_Willis, yup... takes my desktop about 25 sec to boot.  would prolly be less if i had linuxBIOS to just bypass hardware checks 8-)02:59
bolivartechdoes anyone know if there is an ubuntu 9.1 server cd with a lamp setup?02:59
unpersondanbhfive, You mean if I tried to resume from hibernate without the SD card.  But generally I don't know what happens if you try to boot and the swap partition from fstab can't be mounted.03:00
Greig^Hey guys, a little question for anyone, I've recently installed 9.10, but I notice that web pages take long to load up, any tips?03:00
jribbolivartech: during install, you can choose to setup lamp03:00
almoxarifeGreig^: your internet is slow?03:00
Dr_Willis30 sec boot times vs 30+day uptimes on the server :)03:00
danbhfiveunperson: nothing, I run without swap all the time03:01
j00bari upgraded from intrepid to karmic today, and my software raid setup just stops working on bootup. i get the "gave up waiting for root device" error. none of the workaround on #290153 seem to help. anything new on this front?03:01
bolivartechjrib: i don't see that option, just install ubuntu or install cloud03:01
jrib!lamp | bolivartech03:01
ubottubolivartech: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)03:01
Maxdl1any one here that can help a noooooob03:01
unpersongrndslm, I don't know how the boot speed for UNR would compare to the speed of resuming from hibernation.  I guess ideally I'd like to install such that I can try out both options, so I'm trying to figure out what would be the best way to enable hibernation.03:01
Greig^almoxarife: i wish it was, so i knew where to begin, internet's fine, just taking a while to load dam pages :(03:01
jribbolivartech: not a big deal.  It should be there though I haven't checked in karmic, but it's easy enough to run tasksel after you boot up...03:02
Maxdl1cannot get unbuntu to connect to wireless03:02
bolivartechjrib: i will try !lamp03:02
no-name_hey i have installed 9.10 on a dell latitude lappy and cant get the display to go full screen.  can someone help?  thanks03:02
almoxarifeGreig^: you are comparing your web load up to another os on same machine?03:02
unpersondanbhfive, I know you can run without swap just fine, which is what I assume you're doing.  I don't know what happens when the OS is set to use swap but can't find the partition.03:02
Ahmuckdoes anyone know how ibus is used in 9.10?03:03
unpersondanbhfive, I've always had swap on the same physical disk as /, so it never came up.03:03
bolivartechjust wanted to make sure it was setup properly as it's been a while03:03
tenjiHello out there... I am new to Ubuntu, Just installed it on my laptop. HP dv5000 series, and i can't seem to get my video card drivers.. Can anyone help me?03:03
grndslmunperson, gotcha... i wouldn't even be using UNR... so we clearly have different tastes -_-03:03
rolsworthis it possible to backup a ubuntu installation and restore it to another hard drive?03:03
danbhfiveunperson: same thing when you don't have a partition at all.  It just attempts to use the memory it needs.  With 2g of ram, you won't notice anything03:03
blakkheimrolsworth: yes03:03
danbhfiveunperson: unless of course you run allot of stuff...03:03
rolsworthhow can i get that done03:04
wolf2k_ubuntu...I guess my question wasn't seen.03:04
Maxdl1any one help pls03:04
blakkheim!info partimage | rolsworth03:04
ubotturolsworth: partimage (source: partimage): backup partitions into a compressed image file. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.7-2ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 276 kB, installed size 964 kB03:04
Greig^almoxarife: yes to win7 but also to another, slower spec machine also running 9.1003:04
unpersondanbhfive, Nah.  On the early eee's there's not enough CPU to run much.03:04
DerKlempnerAnyone familiar with NFS and firewalls?  I've got a doozy of a problem concerning NFS setup and ufw.03:04
unpersondanbhfive, The physical RAM ought to be plenty, it was just a question of getting hibernation sorted.03:05
almoxarifeGreig^: what browser in ubuntu?03:05
Greig^almoxarife: firefox03:06
Maxdl1if anyone can help me pls pm me03:06
danbhfiveunperson: yeah, I don't think you are going to have any nonobvious issues03:06
Greig^almoxarife: I've also tried chrome but still as slow03:06
EEMPHASISSHi, I want to clone some partitions, what should I use?  Is something like  "cp -a  /home/*  /media/homenew/"  OK? or should I use something else?03:06
hexmareevening all03:07
blakkheim!info partimage | EEMPHASISS03:07
ubottuEEMPHASISS: partimage (source: partimage): backup partitions into a compressed image file. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.7-2ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 276 kB, installed size 964 kB03:07
unpersongrndslm, Perhaps.  The thing is that the eee has a) a slow CPU, b) a very small screen, and c) not much internal storage space, so it seems that an OS that takes those limitations into account is desirable.03:07
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almoxarifeGreig^: not sure this will help, nothing helps a slow connection, I did see a slight increase in page refresh after I installed 'dnsmasq' it's a caching app03:07
unpersongrndslm, Point b) is sometimes the biggest problem, strangely.03:07
wolf2k_ubuntuI'll try asking again. Without having to copy and paste kanji such as 無, what do I require to type kana/kanji natively on Gnome? Some of the guides that I've seen either seem to be targeting earlier versions or reference packages that are no longer available.03:07
Maxdl1Help pls picks up wireless connection but wont connect03:08
Greig^almoxarife: thanks, i'll check that out03:08
DerKlempnerAnyone familiar with NFS and firewalls?  I've got a doozy of a problem concerning NFS shares and ufw.03:08
jribpeople, if you want help, stop being vague and just ask your question03:08
almoxarifeGreig^: chrome is faster than firefox too :)03:08
hexmareis there any particular reason why X always resorts to 800x600 , instead of the mod 5040x1050 that I have configured it for?03:09
bolivartechok I see the they've changed it, made it a package you choose during installation. Thanks for the link!03:09
unpersondanbhfive, Cool.  I appreciate your perspective on it.  I may just give it a go.  The only thing I have to determine is whether it's possible to make the swap partition available only for hibernation and not virtual memory.03:09
DamianosI have a sever boot issue....I tried to use the alt cd to reinstall grub and got a fatal error03:09
Maxdl1noob here just installed ubuntu and it picks up wireless but doesnt connect afte put wepkey in03:09
DamianosUbuntu will not boot03:09
=== simon_ is now known as Guest79841
almoxarifeMaxdl1: you sure you have the right key?03:10
danbhfive!swap | unperson this page has the commands for swappiness03:10
ubottuunperson this page has the commands for swappiness: swap is used to move unused programs and data out of main memory to make your system faster. It can also be used as extra memory if you don't have enough. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SwapFaq for more info03:10
Maxdl1yes its the same key on bottom of dsl modem/router03:10
LizardK|ngswap doesn't make your system go faster03:11
almoxarifeMaxdl1: unless the key was changed03:11
Themarker0Hello, hi everyone, anyone here know off the top of their heads how to configure the DHCP after the fact of installing ubuntu server 8.04 ?03:11
Maxdl1im a noo with this system but every othe pc connects03:11
LizardK|ngno more than flame stickers make your motorcycle go faster03:11
Elive_user58_eni got a problem, i installed ubuntu 9.10 onto my dell dimension 2400, and the screen resolution is 800 x 648, but when i had ubuntu 9.04 i had 1024 x 768 resolution, how can i fix it?03:11
grndslmunperson, right... i'd buy a $100-130 SSD (30-60gb OCZ with rebates) and drop that in there.... reinstall real ubuntu... and if you have issues with the lesser pixels (screen res), you can always *hold* ALT + CLICK anywhere on the window and DRAG with mouse whenever you'd like!03:12
almoxarifeMaxdl1: the setup for wifi, does the router do the dhcp?03:12
grndslmunperson, the screen res is the reason a netbook + windows are no fun.... but on linux, you can drag windows around by holding alt, and clicking anywhere in the window to drag... very nice! :)03:12
rolsworththis partimage seems doesn't seem to have a GUI03:12
jribrolsworth: it does03:13
unpersongrndslm, Yeah. I know about the alt key thing, but that gets old fast, trust me.03:13
Themarker0Hello, hi everyone, anyone here know off the top of their heads how to configure the DHCP after the fact of installing ubuntu server 8.04 ?03:13
unpersongrndslm, I mean, if it's a dialog in an app you use often.03:13
Guest79841to run animated wall paper(matrix) i have installed xwinwrap and the following command "xwinwrap -ov -fs -- /usr/lib/xscreensaver/glmatrix -root -window-id WID". it does not work properly rather it has added two panel on the right and left side of my pc and there has no option to remove these panel. what can i do? plz help.03:13
jason_hi all, I just did a fresh install of 9.10 with home dir encryption and I want to install dropbox. Do I have to worry that my dropbox files on other computers will become encrypted. (This is probably good, I just want to know what I'm getting into).03:13
Maxdl1still the same key as the rest of the pcs03:14
Maxdl1spins the wants me to enter it again03:14
Elive_user58_eni installed ubuntu 9.10 onto my dell dimension 2400, and the screen resolution is 800 x 648, but when i had ubuntu 9.04 i had 1024 x 768 resolution, how can i fix it?03:14
wolf2k_ubuntu...I may have something. Restarting the VM03:14
jribjason_: no, they won't end up encrypted03:15
knoppiesElive_user58_en, have a look in System->preferences->display03:15
no-name_hey i have installed 9.10 on a dell latitude lappy and cant get the display to go full screen.  can someone help?  thanks03:15
Guest79841to run animated wall paper(matrix) i have installed xwinwrap and the following command "xwinwrap -ov -fs -- /usr/lib/xscreensaver/glmatrix -root -window-id WID". it does not work properly rather it has added two panel on the right and left side of my pc and there has no option to remove these panel. what can i do? plz help.03:15
EEMPHASISS Hi, I want to clone some partitions from one drive to another, I don't have room to use partimage.   Is  "cp -dpr  /home/*  /media/homenew/"  OK? or should I use something else?03:15
jason_jrib: thanks - that makes life easier (if less secure :) )03:15
Themarker0Cab anyone help? Anyone know off the top of their heads how to configure the DHCP after the fact of installing ubuntu server 8.04 ?03:15
jribEEMPHASISS: I don't understand how you can't have room to use partimage, how do you intend to clone the partition then?03:16
drowhat open source wiki's do you guys run on your ubuntu servers? I tried twiki but it seems overly complicated and I've read a bunch of bad reviews about it03:16
jribdro: I like moinmoin, it's what's at help.ubuntu.com/community03:16
Guest79841to run animated wall paper(matrix) i have installed xwinwrap and the following command "xwinwrap -ov -fs -- /usr/lib/xscreensaver/glmatrix -root -window-id WID". it does not work properly rather it has added two panel on the right and left side of my pc and there has no option to remove these panel. what can i do? plz help.03:16
Themarker0@dro, moinmoinmoin and media wifi are good also03:17
jribGuest79841: stop repeating so often please03:17
drojrib: sweeet i love the one ubuntu uses, I was actually wanting to use it but thought it was something custom03:17
droThemarker0: ty also i will use moinmoin03:17
EEMPHASISSjrib: Just copy from /home/ which is on /dev/sd>>>a<<<5 to /media/homenew which is /dev/sd>>>b<<<5.03:17
jribEEMPHASISS: is /home all of sda5?03:18
knoppiesGuest23059, give me a sec, I should have a website on how to set that up with a nautilus script.03:18
geemoin zusammen03:18
jribEEMPHASISS: maybe you aren't asking the right question.  What are you trying to accomplish exactly?03:18
EEMPHASISSjrib: Yes: /home/ is the only mountpoint for sda503:19
bithashdro: you can also try dokuwiki..super simple :)03:19
unpersonjason_, I'd think no.03:19
unpersonjason_, If it's reading the mounted FS, is should be getting a decrypted version, right?03:19
unpersonjason_, Presumably the encryption is only important when trying to mount the FS or access those areas on the raw device.03:19
unpersonjason_, But I'm no expert.03:19
unpersongrndslm, I do agree that the problem is VASTLY better with ALT for move.  Having not used Windows in years now, I can't comment on how it does in that regard.03:19
FloodBot2unperson: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:19
bipolarCan someone help me with this preseed file? http://pastebin.com/d72de06ad The local[0,1] repos are not getting added to apt, and when it tries to install ssc-workstations it fails since it doesn't have the repos.03:19
jribEEMPHASISS: right, I don't understand how you can say "I don't have room to use partimage" then03:19
drobithash: ty03:19
Guest79841to run animated wall paper(matrix) i have installed xwinwrap and the following command "xwinwrap -ov -fs -- /usr/lib/xscreensaver/glmatrix -root -window-id WID". it does not work properly rather it has added two panel on the right and left side of my pc and there has no option to remove these panel. what can i do? plz help.03:19
jribGuest79841: wait at least 10 minutes please.03:20
taranWindows is more stable than ubuntu!03:20
geehello world03:20
knoppiesGuest23059, have a look at http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Animated+Desktop+(With+XWINWRAP)+Fixed?content=10459803:20
taranWindows is more stable than ubuntu!03:20
jribtaran: I agree.  Go use it and leave us alone :)03:20
knoppiesGuest23059, you might also like: http://compiz-themes.org/content/show.php/i-winwrap+(Animated+Desktop+Script)?content=10482303:20
taranits great that u agree03:20
geeWindows is more stable than ubuntu???????????03:20
Elive_user58_enknoppies, it only has 800 x 648, none other03:20
jribtaran: anyway, if you want to stay, please keep it related to ubuntu support only03:21
EEMPHASISSjrib: where do I put the image?  /home/ is 60GB & nearly full.  /media/homenew/ is an empty 100Gb partition on a new drive.03:21
taranyeah I get errors all the time in ubuntu03:21
knoppiesElive_user58_en, you have a problem I had a while ago, give me a sec while I find the fix.03:21
taranBut not windows03:21
jribEEMPHASISS: so put the image in /media/homenew?03:21
knoppiestaran, sounds like a bad install, Ive always had it the other way around.03:21
no-name_i have installed 9.10 on a dell latitude and am havin g trouble friguring out the display.  cant get it to full screen.  can someone help with this.?03:21
taranThe problem with windows is viruses03:21
jribtaran: that's fine.  This channel is only for ubuntu support though.  If you want help with the actual errors, then let us know what they are exactly03:22
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geeproblem with ubuntu is sondconfiguration ^^03:22
knoppiesElive_user58_en, run the following command, then restart your PC. Hope it helps: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg03:22
Explore2Hi all, i can ping google and yahoo but when i try installing the packages i need it doesnt03:22
EEMPHASISSjrib: doesn't /media/homenew/ need to be an empty drive for the restore command?03:22
taranThink its the ATI drivers03:22
Explore2i tried update --fix-missing, still it doesnt..any help?03:22
Elive_user58_enok, running now...03:22
wolf2k_ubuntuこんいちわ  All I needed was a restart it looks like.03:23
xTheGoat121xEvening everyone03:23
taranWindows & rocks !03:23
jribEEMPHASISS: what you just said makes no sense to me.  You just need to make sure sda5 is not mounted and let partimage save the image somewhere in your filesystem (/media/homenew in this case).  But you never answered my question about what you really want to do so there may be a better way to do whatever it is you really want to do03:23
taranWindows 7 rocks !03:24
knoppiestaran, then go find the windows 7 channel.03:24
Explore2Hi all, i can ping google and yahoo but when i try installing the packages i need it doesnt, any help please..!03:24
knoppiesExplore2, it sounds like your "sources" are not in order.03:24
Themarker0@dro, moinmoinmoin and media wifi are good also03:25
knoppiesExplore2, have a look in System -> administration -> Software Sources03:25
Themarker0Hello, hi everyone, anyone here know off the top of their heads how to configure the DHCP after the fact of installing ubuntu server 8.04 ?03:25
TrizicusWhen I have a java application going I can only hear sound from that application. When I exit that application I can hear sounds from other applications. How do I fix this?03:25
jribThemarker0: I don't think anything special has to be done...03:25
Explore2knoppies: i went to s/w management as i am on 9.1003:26
taran\just use windows server 200803:26
Explore2what do i need to check now?03:26
EEMPHASISSjrib: want to move away from sda which is starting to have retries on its reads.  sdb is new drive.  Eventually want to move other partitions there, too, then shelve the old drive.  sda layout is crap, so I don't simply want to clone te whole drive.03:26
knoppiesExplore2, let me go look on my 9.10 install.03:26
dragon_i respectfully request some assistance with an /etc/fstab with a cifs file share...  I am not sure why I can not get FULL access to the share.  I can read/write all day long.. but thunderbird is having difficult writing... and I see permissions just says access for group and other...  I am confused.  //xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/thunder /media/network/gx270/thunder cifs rw,auto,users,noperm,username=user,password=pass 0 003:26
=== jon is now known as Guest67497
jribEEMPHASISS: I figured as much.  Don't ask how to clone, if you don't want to clone :).  Anyway, just copy the files over and change the mount point in your fstab then03:27
knoppiesEEMPHASISS, something you might want to consider. When you do a new install using the command line, you can choose to copy contents from another /home file (never used it, not sure how it works). This would obviously be a new install though.03:27
jrib!home | EEMPHASISS03:27
ubottuEEMPHASISS: Your home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome03:27
jribEEMPHASISS: that last link is probably relevant for you03:28
semitones_teahey could somebody help me understand the theory behind the real time kernel and tweaks in ubuntu-studio? I'm trying to decide if it would be good for my system03:28
monkey_d_luffyIs there a way to force a write mount (ie, not read-only)?   My system insists on mounting my system read-only  (long story and I'm using debian with loop-aes)03:28
=== cooper is now known as cooper--
acee12345can someone tell me what i need to disable on compiz so the "cube" doesnt bounce back and forth a few times before it settles on selected screen03:28
=== no-name_ is now known as howardTduck
knoppiesExplore2, on my installation its still under System -> administration -> "Software sources"03:30
EEMPHASISSjrib: Thanks: so is something like  "cp -a  /home/*  /media/homenew/"  OK? (-a = "-dpR" = "--no-dereference --preserve=links,--preserve=mode,ownership,timestamps, Recursive")  or should I use something else? What about hidden files?03:31
droThemarker0: do you have any idea what the default moinmoin login is?03:31
outleradamwhat is the advantage of perl over bash?03:31
outleradamor even python or perl over bash?03:31
Themarker0I'll be honest i have no idea dro. I haven't used it in a long tim03:32
knoppiesExplore2, make sure all your (applicable) sources are ticked "Main, universe, restricted, multiverse". Then make sure that the selection box has "Main server" or the server for your country selected.03:32
EEMPHASISSknoppies, jrib: thanks: just saw your posts: I will check out.03:32
WeevilHey, i'm new to ubunto, can someone help me?03:32
Izinucsoutleradam: they are both entirely different things.. perl & python are programming languages and bash is more like "dos" on steriods.03:32
Themarker0Also sorry i know you have to edit a file. (Ubuntu server) for the DHCP03:32
knoppiesWeevil, gee, what do you need help with03:32
semitones_teahey Weevil welcome to Ubuntu03:32
outleradamIzinucs: bash is so powerful though, is there anything it cannot do?03:32
knoppiesIzinucs, I think bash is a lot more than "dos" on steroids.03:33
Izinucsoutleradam: no idea..03:33
cgkadesbash is a shell... perl and python are scripting languages.....03:33
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!03:33
Izinucsknoppies: of course but steroids sort of puts it in context for someone that doesn't know.03:33
Explore2knoppies: where do i see them in 9.10, cant find here..03:33
Weevili have this network problem. When i run ubuntu from cd, it finds my network adapter and installs the driver (broadcom). But when i install it and run it from the HD it won't install the drivers...03:33
knoppiesExplore2, on the menu bar at the top, there should be Applications, Places, System. right? In system is Administration, and in that you should see "Software Sources" right above "Synaptic Package Manager"03:34
semitones_teaWeevil, what happens when you try to install them?03:34
outleradambash .sh is a scripting language as well, it's a scripting host right?      I don't understand what the advantage of using perl or python is over using bash.   It seems that with output redirection and all, bash is the logical choice of any program which does not require alot of graphics.03:34
WeevilI got to the "hardware devices" (or something) - under Administration, but it doesnt show me anything03:35
howardTducki have installed 9.10 on a dell lappy and cant get it full screen.  can someone please help?03:35
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IzinucshowardTduck: what kind of video card?03:36
knoppieshowardTduck, never heard of such a problem, but have you tried increasing the resolution (Im just sucking my thumb here).03:36
Weevilwhen i boot from cd it shows me the drivers to install, but from hd it shows nothing03:36
dragon_I am trying to install a thunderbird profile that is REMOTE... on a windows share directory... so I can connect to the same Data from my windows laptop and my Ubuntu machine... is this concept decent?   when I try to setup my thunderbird profilemanager.  it says it doesn't have write access so i can not create my "network" profile.03:36
howardTduckit is a dell lappy not sure the video in it03:37
knoppiesWeevil, I think you need to enable 'restricted' software sources.03:37
iggimincan I get Kubuntu help in here?03:37
Weevilhow do i do that?03:37
iggimin9.10 64-bit03:37
panfist[laptop]i installed ubuntu onto sde, an ide hard drive amongst 4 sata drives in an existing array. ubuntu decided to install grub onto sda and screw up the raid array03:37
Explore2knoppies: i could install the req package with ap-get thank you..03:37
IzinucshowardTduck: open a terminal window and type "lspci" without the quotes03:37
outleradamhow often do the programs like sed, awk, and cat get changed?    I'm writing a bash script and I'm hoping it survives the test of time03:37
knoppiesWeevil, System -> Administration -> Software sources.03:37
panfist[laptop]also even after reinstalling grub to sde and setting it as a boot drive, i still get an error when booting from that drive03:37
knoppiesExplore2, glad you fixed it.03:37
dragon_on my windows box is a bit sluggish going from one email to the next...  so thinking it might because of it trying to do network share..   I was thinking... maybe be best to get some sort of sync program...  plan on using my ubuntu the most (and keeping it online always, to always collect the mail). but occationally be nice to read it from the laptop too...  any suggestions?03:38
IzinucshowardTduck: in there will be the answer of what kind of card03:38
iggiminHow do I get a fresh install to make this audio card work03:38
iggimin00:14.2 Audio device: ATI Technologies Inc SBx00 Azalia (Intel HDA)03:38
unpersonWell, thanks for your advice, everyone, and goodnight.03:38
iggiminneither headphones or speakers work (it's a Compaq presario)03:38
knoppiesWeevil, then make sure Proprietary drivers for devices (restricted) is ticked and then close.03:38
Weevili see03:38
Weevili'm gonna try it =D03:38
Weevilthanks o/03:38
Elive_user58_enknoppies, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg did not work03:39
knoppiesWeevil, hope it works.03:39
Elive_user58_enstill only 800 x 60003:39
howardTduck01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Rage Mobility M3 AGP 2x (rev 02)03:39
knoppiesElive_user58_en, hmm, then Im not sure. Im going to assume this is the same monitor?03:39
knoppiesElive_user58_en, and that you have installed video drivers.03:39
IzinucshowardTduck: k.. hang on .. I'll look at the ati site03:39
dragon_elive.  i had the same problem (I assume)  as you did the other day.03:39
zanberdowhat is the localhost address for documentation stored in /usr/share/doc ?03:39
dragon_elive    I had to keep editing the xorg.conf file manually till I got it right... it was a BEAR!03:40
Weevilits kinda late today, so i'll do taht tomorrow, but thanks for the info o/03:40
Elive_user58_eni havent installed any video drivers03:40
knoppiesElive_user58_en, that may be your problem03:40
IzinucshowardTduck: did you install 32 bit or 64?03:40
Elive_user58_enand i never had to in ubuntu 9.0403:40
direpenguinhow do i register an account with this server03:40
Elive_user58_en32 bit03:40
dragon_elive... and to be honest... I don't know what the heck I did and what websites I utilized to do it...  it was already preinstalled for my case.. just ubuntu just seemed to not like the darn thing...03:40
zanberdoI understand I can view them via firefox with a localhost addy, but I'm not able to figure out what the path is03:41
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution03:41
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode03:41
Elive_user58_enubottu, i will try that03:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:41
nomnexwhere is mkisofts in Karmic? I don't find it in the repos + and what difference with mkisofts/growisofs/genisoimage? Confusing03:42
direpenguin     /msg nickserv register <0211347> <michael_gonzalez456@hotmail.com>03:42
direpenguinlol that didnt work03:42
EEMPHASISSknoppies, jrib:  Yeah, important line from that page was     "find . -depth -print0 | cpio --null --sparse -pvd /new/"03:42
lookyasoi can manually mount my floppy drive with no issues but when i right click to mount floppy from "computer"  i am prompted with unable to mount location no media in the drive. i know this is not the case cause i can mount it manually. ??03:43
direpenguin     /msg nickserv register 0211347 michael_gonzalez456@hotmail.com03:43
direpenguinbah that didnt work either03:43
bithashdirepenguin: its NickServ03:43
Elive_user58_enubotto, still 800 x 600 resolution03:43
blakkheimdirepenguin: i hope that password isn't the same one you use for your email03:43
JPetersonWhat does this mean: W: Failed to fetch http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/apache2/apache2-utils_2.2.11-2ubuntu2.3_i386.deb03:44
IzinucshowardTduck: their site doesn't reference that card.. being agp 2x it sounds older.. have you done a full update of your system? if so have you looked in system>admin>hardware drivers?03:44
knoppiesElive_user58_en, ubottu is only a bot. Im the one who called his factoid.03:44
direpenguinno i use different passwords for everything dont worry03:44
knoppiesElive_user58_en, Im not sure what the issue is, but I would assume its a driver thing.03:44
Elive_user58_enoh i didnt know03:44
Elive_user58_enwell, how do i get drivers for ubuntu 9.10?03:44
howardTduckIzinucs im looking now03:45
direpenguindo i still want the brackets03:45
direpenguinthe <these>03:45
knoppiesElive_user58_en, thats alright. I would make sure 'restricted' sources are enabled, and then System -> Administration -> hardware drivers03:45
direpenguin     /msg NickServ register <0211347> <Michael_gonzalez456@hotmail.com>03:45
Elive_user58_enok, i will try that03:45
lookyaso  /msg03:45
dragon_elive_user58_en  I had a similar situation, I believe...  I did a fresh install of 9.10 and it never CREATED an xorg.conf file... I had to get one generated manually, then add some modelines and modes info...03:45
direpenguin /msg NickServ register 0211347 Michael_gonzalez456@hotmail.com03:45
lookyasokill whitespace03:45
howardTduckIzinucs says no proprietary drivers installed03:46
direpenguinstill didnt work, bah03:46
Shirakawasunahi!  I'm trying to put the ubuntu iso on my usb drive, which is actually a MicroSD adapter (which usually works just fine).  I'd like to do an install from this USB drive to a used laptop, but I'm failing to get one working.  So far, I've tried using unetbootin and the usb-creator utility.  The unetbootin completes its task, but the drive doesn't boot (black screen when I select it).  fdisk -l shows that the bootable flag is on.  I03:46
direpenguinbe back later03:46
Shirakawasunacan't get the other option working at all.03:46
ShirakawasunaAre there other ways?03:46
panfist[laptop]is this the proper place to ask a question about jaunty?03:46
ShirakawasunaI'd be fine doing things manually (working from linux)03:46
zanberdoah, it appears it's defined in /etc/apache2/sites-available/default as /doc/03:46
zeleftikamhi all :) brand new ubuntu user here, installed 9.10 Server on brand new hardware, can't get networking going. it is physically linked by ethernet to my router, the light on the mobo is green, the cable check in the BIOS runs successfully. any idea where to start?03:46
howardTduckand yes i have done an update.  have jusat installed03:46
IzinucshowardTduck: try "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" then look in there again.03:46
panfist[laptop]when using a full disk LVM installation on jaunty, which partition is supposed to get the boot flag? i'm struggling to get a vanilla jaunty installation to boot for the first time03:46
psycho_oreosis there anyway to download bcmwl-binary for karmic or ndiswrapper kernel module/driver?03:47
semitones_teazeleftikam, hmm hopefully we can get this working03:47
knoppiesShirakawasuna, I made a USB bootable drive in windows (of a linux ISO). I also had problems booting from the drive until I put it before the local HDD on the Bios boot order (even though I was using the boot menu)03:47
Shirakawasunazeleftikam: open up a terminal, type 'ifconfig' and tell us what's there (if necessary, copy it to pastebin.ca manually)03:47
semitones_teazeleftikam, do you see network manager in the top right corner?03:47
Izinucs!jaunty | panfist[laptop]03:47
ubottupanfist[laptop]: Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/90403:47
EEMPHASISSbye, bye03:47
Shirakawasunaknoppies: hmm, I'll check and see what the boot order is, that's a good idea03:47
abstrakthow can i set gvim as my default text editor in nautilus?03:47
abstraktright now it's gedit03:47
zeleftikamSemitones, no, i am using Server03:47
Izinucspanfist[laptop]: sorry.. I thought jaunty was EOL.. no yet but close03:47
trismabstrakt: right click, select properties, open with tab, change the radio button to gvim03:48
zeleftikamShirakawasuna, ipconfig: command not found03:48
psycho_oreoszeleftikam, ifconfig03:48
Shirakawasunazeleftikam: ipconfig is for dos.  try ifconfig :)03:48
PingFloydyou're thinking Winders03:48
=== outleradam is now known as OutlerAdam
knoppiesShirakawasuna, yea, it was weird. It failed to boot until I put it first. The other thing I did, was mount the drive on another PC to make sure the data was still in tact, and then I "un mounted" it. That might have also been the problem.03:48
Shirakawasunazeleftikam: at least, tell me if it lists eth0 (or something similar)03:48
panfist[laptop]izinucs i'm using it for its xen kernel03:48
zeleftikamah! haha thank you. ifconfig says: lo (only)03:48
Shirakawasunazeleftikam: aha03:48
zeleftikamno eth003:48
abstrakttrism, any way to do that for *all* file types that are currently set to use gedit... e.g. all at once, so I don't have to do it for every file type?03:49
Shirakawasunazeleftikam: that's the problem :)03:49
zeleftikamso what do i do :)03:49
knoppieszeleftikam, do "ifconfig -a"03:49
Shirakawasunazeleftikam: see what 'ifconfig eth0 up' does03:49
Izinucspanfist[laptop]: ah.. so is jaunty the only os on the system? and what seperate partitions have you created?03:49
Shirakawasunazeleftikam: if you type ifconfig afterwards, does eth0 appear?03:49
Shirakawasunazeleftikam: oh, sorry, you might need to do sudo.  'sudo ifconfig eth0 up'03:49
nomnexwhat difference between mkisofs and genisoimage?03:49
zeleftikameth0: ERROR while getting interface flags: No such device03:50
panfist[laptop]i have four other hard disks that were an existing raid array. when i installed it i used an entire other disk configured with LVM. it looks like it has one primary partition with LVM on it first, then a 250MB ext2 partition on the end with /boot03:50
howardTduckIzinucs still nada....03:50
knoppieszeleftikam, try "ifconfig -a" and see if eth0 (or something similar) pops up.03:50
rahdukehey, im trying to recover data off a busted SCSI drive, i've tried to ddrescue and test disk the location of the drive but neither work....how can i tell whether or not the drive is really totally shot03:50
Shirakawasunazeleftikam: see what knoppies said03:50
panfist[laptop]sooo...yes...jaunty is the only os on the system03:50
zeleftikamknoppies, Shirakawasuna, there is eth1 there03:50
IzinucshowardTduck: I'm stuck sorry.. ati can be tough to impossible sometimes. maybe someone else will know03:51
zeleftikameth1, lo, pan003:51
Shirakawasunazeleftikam: try 'sudo ifconfig eth1 up'.03:51
trismabstrakt: I'm sure there are, but I don't know of any specific tools for it right at the moment03:51
zeleftikamShirakawasuna, okay, that ran without complaints03:51
rahdukehey, im trying to recover data off a busted SCSI drive, i've tried to ddrescue and test disk the location of the drive but neither work....how can i tell whether or not the drive is really totally shot03:51
knoppieszeleftikam, glad we could help.03:51
Izinucspanfist[laptop]: boot flag on the boot partition?  might be the logical choice03:51
Elive_user58_enknoppies, i checked 'restricted' in software sources, then went to system-->adminastration-->hardware drivers and it came up with none03:52
zeleftikamknoppies, well, it's not connected to the internet.03:52
zeleftikamthat didn't seem to help03:52
Shirakawasunazeleftikam: type 'ifconfig' again.  Is eth1 there?03:52
Elive_user58_endragon_ i searched my file system for xorg.conf, and i came up with nothing03:52
panfist[laptop]i have no idea what the logical choice would be...i'll give that a shot03:52
zeleftikamShirakawasuna, yes.03:52
zeleftikameth1 appears03:52
knoppiesElive_user58_en, you have to "reload" using the Synaptic Package Manager (if you havnt already)03:52
Shirakawasunazeleftikam: type 'iwconfig'.  What does it say for eth1?03:52
Elive_user58_eni did that alredy03:53
psycho_oreosis there anyway to download bcmwl-binary for karmic or ndiswrapper kernel module/driver?03:53
zeleftikameth1 no wireless extensions.03:53
knoppiesElive_user58_en, then I don't know. Sorry i couldnt help.03:53
zeleftikamShirakawasuna ^03:53
Elive_user58_enno biggie03:53
Shirakawasunazeleftikam: sweet03:53
semitones_teawhat's the irc channel for community documentation?03:53
alphapupI need some help with a ppc install.  Installer does not recognize my HD controller on a G4... says I need to choose a driver from a list.  Is this common?  Is there a common solution?03:53
Shirakawasunazeleftikam: I'm not sure if ubuntu has dhcpcd... try running 'dhcpcd eth1'03:53
blakkheimShirakawasuna: it has dhclient by default i think03:54
zeleftikamnope, no dhcpd03:54
Shirakawasunazeleftikam: try unplugging and replugging the ethernet cable03:54
blakkheimShirakawasuna: look at what i just said03:54
zeleftikamShirakawasuna, good thought. one moment03:54
PingFloyduses dhclient by default03:55
Elive_user58_endragon_, i searched my file system, for xorg.conf, and only found"xorg.conf.5.gz"03:55
Shirakawasunablakkheim: I'm looking up dhclient right now to see how to use it ;).  I always use dhcpcd03:55
=== |nightrid3r| is now known as nightrid3r
knoppiesElive_user58_en, then maybe you have to create a xorg.conf file. Give me a sec I might know how to do that.03:55
zeleftikamShirakawasuna, no magic03:55
resnohello all, i am looking for a bittorrent client that can run on a headless server that supports rss.03:55
blakkheimzeleftikam: sudo dhclient eth103:55
Shirakawasunaoh, lol03:55
Shirakawasunawhat blakkheim said, zeleftikam03:56
knoppiesElive_user58_en, (im just guessing from here on out, but it might be worth a shot). Someone told me to run "sudo nvidia-xconfig" to create a xorg.conf file.03:56
zeleftikamblakkheim, MAGIC03:56
knoppiesElive_user58_en, assuming your card is an nvidia one.03:56
knoppiesElive_user58_en, that also might need the nvidia drivers.03:56
lakotajameshi guys.  My nautilus doesn't work.  "sudo apt-get --reinstall install nautilus" gives me "Reinstallation of nautilus is not possible, it cannot be downloaded."03:56
zeleftikamTHANKS EVERYONE!!!03:56
Elive_user58_enok, i will try it03:56
zeleftikamwill my networking work as expected from now on?03:56
zeleftikamif i shut down, etc03:57
zeleftikamit should be okay tomorrow?03:57
Elive_user58_enknoppies, it said commmand not found03:57
knoppiesElive_user58_en, hmm, ok. then Im not sure.03:58
Shirakawasunazeleftikam: maybe03:58
Shirakawasunazeleftikam: cross your fingers ;)03:58
zeleftikamhaha. maybe is not a good answer! i'll try it03:58
knoppieszeleftikam, you might want to restart now just to test it.03:58
Elive_user58_enok, no biggie03:58
semitones_teaDoesn't network manager have a cli version nowadays?03:59
blakkheimsemitones_tea: wicd does03:59
semitones_teaI thought nm did too03:59
zeleftikamknoppies, no magic, it breaks when i reboot04:00
semitones_teathere's got to be a way to do it automagically04:01
Izinucszeleftikam: I've missed most of this.. you trying to set a static IP?04:01
lakotajames:/ I really need help with this.04:01
zeleftikamIzinucs, greetings. i am trying to get a network/internet connection at all04:01
lakotajamesnautilus doesn't work any more, and it's fairly important that it does.04:02
Izinucszeleftikam: wireless or wired?04:02
zeleftikamIzinucs, wired, desktop computer, brand new hardware build04:02
q0_0panyone here know what service uses udp port 40024?04:02
q0_0pi'm using ubuntu karmic04:02
zeleftikamthe scholars here had me going just fine a moment ago, but then i restarted and it's no longer working04:02
abstrakthow can i use find to find all files that have the word foo somewhere in the filepath?04:02
Izinucszeleftikam: can you pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces file?04:02
zeleftikamIzinucs, no, not really, since the computer has no networking ability whatsoever04:03
abstrakte.g. /usr/lib/foo/something.txt /var/www/foo/index.php04:03
Izinucszeleftikam: take a look at it.. does it have only 2 lines?04:03
=== cooper is now known as cooper--
abstraktwhen i do find . -name \*foo\* -print i only get folders named foo and files with the name foo, not all files under folders named foo04:03
lakotajamesguys, please help me,  what do I do when I get the "Reinstallation of nautilus is not possible, it cannot be downloaded." message?04:04
semitones_teazeleftikam, didn't you get it to work?04:04
zeleftikamIzinucs, it references lo and eth0, iface eth0 inet dhcp and auto eth004:04
zeleftikami think maybe i should change these to eth1 since that's what worked earlier ;-)04:04
lakotajamesam I even on irc correctly?04:04
semitones_tealakotajames, could you try reinstalling it from a cd?04:04
zeleftikamlakotajames, i can hear you04:05
MilitantPotatolakotajames: make sure your software sources are set right04:05
lakotajamessemitones_tea: how do I go about doing that?04:05
Izinucszeleftikam: worth a try.. open the file with sudo nano /etc/networking/interfaces04:05
lakotajamesMilitantPotato: which source is nautilus in?04:05
zeleftikamIzinucs, i used pico, that's ok right?04:05
semitones_tealakotajames, you would add the cd to your software sources -- but seeing as you are connected to the internet already, you might want to try another way04:05
PingFloydlakotajames: did you try reinstalling via apt-get?04:05
Izinucszeleftikam: yep04:06
zeleftikamIzinucs, ok, i changed them to eth1, restarting now04:06
zeleftikamwe'll see if she works from the get-go now04:06
lakotajameslakota@lakota-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get --reinstall install nautilus04:06
lakotajamesReading package lists... Done04:06
lakotajamesBuilding dependency tree04:06
lakotajamesReading state information... Done04:06
FloodBot2lakotajames: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:06
lakotajamesReinstallation of nautilus is not possible, it cannot be downloaded.04:06
lakotajames0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.04:06
renegaidubuntu takes forever to boot when I attach all my hard drives. when disconnected it boots up quickly04:06
semitones_teaIzinucs, do things in /etc/networking/interfaces start automatically?04:06
Izinucssimplexio: yes04:06
Izinucssemitones_tea: yes04:07
PingFloydlakotajames: did you do an apt-get update first?04:07
semitones_teaIzinucs, thanks, got to remember that :)04:07
MilitantPotatolakotajames: main04:07
lakotajamesPingFloyd: I think so, lemme do it again to make sure.04:07
nomnexanybody? mkisofs 2.01 is not what you see here. This line is only a fake for too clever04:07
nomnexGUIs and other frontend applications. In fact, this program is:04:07
nomnexgenisoimage 1.1.9 (Linux)04:07
Izinucssemitones_tea: sometimes it helps to uninstall network manager and install wicd..04:07
lakotajamesPingFloyd: yes, I did.04:07
zeleftikamIzinucs, we have magic! Working great. Thanks very much. This problem was caused because I installed Ubuntu Server on one PC, and got it running great, then i built a new PC with an IDENTICAL motherboard and put the disk in it and it booted but for some reason it's eth1 on this mobo and eth0 on the old one. strange.04:07
Izinucszeleftikam: great.. :)04:08
PingFloydlakotajames: maybe you're just having troubles with the repo you have in the source.list04:08
nomnexdifferent names but same app?04:08
semitones_teaIzinucs, Hmm, for me it was the opposite. I had lubuntu which uses wicd, and it was flaky for me04:08
semitones_teaIzinucs, uninstalling wicd and installing nm fixed it04:08
Izinucssemitones_tea: I couldn't set a static ip with network manager I had to use wicd04:09
zeleftikamThanks again everyone, the efficiency with which I got help has convinced me that Ubuntu is the correct platform for my business applications. I couldn't have had help from Apple or Microsoft this quickly for their products. Ubuntu forever!04:09
semitones_teaIzinucs, I see -- I'll remember that04:09
zeleftikamCheers all :)04:10
JPetersonWhat's the equivalent of pause in a batch file (#!/bin/bash)?04:10
lakotajamesPingFloyd:  http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/377339/04:10
lakotajamesPingFloyd: am I missing something important?04:11
NoOutletHey everybody. Is there a way to subscribe to iTunes podcasts without using iTunes?04:12
nomnexgot my answer, http://cdrecord.berlios.de/private/linux-dist.html if the info is correct, it's a thumb down for Debian04:13
bipolarCan someone help me with this preseed file? http://pastebin.com/d72de06ad The local[0,1] repos are not getting added to apt, and when it tries to install ssc-workstations it fails since it doesn't have the repos.04:13
craigbass1976I've a new acer laptop.  The number pad doubles as home, end, page up, and page down.  This is generally fine.  But if I hit shift and home (in preparation for deleting a whole line of text), I get 7.  Any ideas?04:13
JPetersonOk, I found it "read -p "Press any key… start #"04:13
JPetersonIs there any alternative to read -p that accepts any key?04:14
Ternpen/lib/modules/`uname -r`/source does not resolve as a proper link; anyone know how to fix this?04:14
PingFloydlakotajames: seems ok at a glance, he's a list of mirrors http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors04:14
Elive_user58_enknoppies, dragon_, i tried to create a xorg.conf file by following ubuntu's instructions, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/910 (bottom of page) and it didnt work, then i tried this page, http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/create-a-xorgconf-file.html and this page http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/How_to_create_xorg.conf and none of them worked04:15
jazzwould a linuxmint theme be compatible with ubuntu? icons wallpaper and sounds?04:15
lakotajamesPingFloyd: this line is most important, right?  "deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ karmic-updates main restricted universe multiverse"04:16
knoppiesElive_user58_en, I wouldn't know. If it is that important to you, you could consider doing a fresh install again.04:16
mrpink57 /quit04:16
IzinucsElive_user58_en: nvidia card?04:16
lakotajamesjazz: yes.04:16
Elive_user58_enno, built in intel04:16
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jazzlakotajames,  thanks i kinda thought so but best not to assume when messing with root04:17
PingFloydlakotajames: I believe that one tries to redirect you to another one in round robin fashion04:17
PingFloydlakotajames: I would just try adding another repo to the source.list and then apt-get update and try again04:18
lakotajamesPingFloyd: thanks.  I'll try that.04:18
Elive_user58_enwell, cya all later, nd thanks for trying04:18
jazzis there a room for themers?04:19
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lakotajamesronj: hi.  in the future, don't say hello, you can just ask your question first thing.04:21
ronjlakotajames, I like to say hello when I enter a room04:21
lakotajamesronj ok, but people in here don't like it. :p04:22
jazzronj,  as do i04:22
ronjthat's sad04:22
jazzkinda like walking into a conversation you excuse yourself04:22
Izinucsronj: there's 1200+ people here.. they won't remember you said hello..04:22
lakotajamesronj: well, right now isn't that bad, but when this room is really active people don't want stuff that's not relevant to ubuntu support taking up space.04:23
ronjIzinucs, OK about your point. I'm not used to chans with so many people. Noted.04:23
un214spawning irc as root gets you kicked off the server immediately !?!04:24
jazzlakotajames,  good to know im new to irc myself - there isnt a room for themers would there?04:24
ronjI'm more active in smaller chans and you're right that 1200 people saying hello means more hell than hello04:24
ronjnow, my question :P04:24
lakotajamesjazz: I'm sure there is, but I don't know what it is. :p  you might try and find the gnome channel, and ask them.04:25
alphapupAnybody with ppc install experience?04:25
jazzlakotajames,  thanks04:25
un214all right how do I make a custom X enviornment -- the world is too borked04:25
renegaidwhen I boot ubuntu with my windows 7 raid 0 drives attached it takes a long time to boot. anyone know why?04:26
Izinucsalphapup: there is a channel for ppc... #ubuntu-ppc or #ubuntu-powerpc04:26
Izinucsalphapup: not many in there though04:26
ronjI'd like to bind certain home folders to specific folder icons (like Documents, Downloads, Music... by default). xdg-user-dirs is here for this and indeed I'm able to add entries to .config/user-dirs.dirs, but I'm unable to find how to specify icons. The freedesktop specification doesn't mention it and my attempts at digging how it was made by my icon theme were unsuccessful. any help?04:27
un214Anybody know how to fix this: depends python-qt4 (<4.7.0-2ubuntu2+~) but 4.7.0-u2buntu3 is to be installed04:28
Nitsugaronj, The places icons are  in <icon folder>/places/<size>/04:28
Nitsugaronj, for example the humanity icons in 64x64px are in /usr/share/icons/Humanity/places/6404:29
ronjNitsuga, yes I found this, but suppose I declare a new XDG_APPLICATIONS_DIR="$HOME/Apps" in my .config/user-dirs.dirs . Where should I place this "applications" icon?04:30
lakotajamesronj: from google: " It is possible to chose a custom icon for a given folder in Nautilus by right-clicking and opening the folder's "properties" dialog."04:30
lakotajamesronj: don't know if that'll help or not.04:30
un214Look apt-get dist-upgrade removed kde and left me with no usable login session04:30
ronjNitsuga, I tried following the naming structure, meaning creating a /usr/share/icons/gnome-wise/scalable/places/folder-applications.svg but it seems it's not enough04:31
ronjlakotajames, that'd work for a single user, but I'm looking for a solution easily deployable without a lot of clicks04:32
Nitsugait seems we'll have to RTFS04:32
NitsugaRead the Fucking Source [code]04:32
un214what's the apt-get syntax to request a force-install of a specific version of a specific package?04:32
lakotajamesronj: what if you did it once, then copied the configuration for nautilus across all users?04:32
semitones_tea!ohmy | Nitsuga04:33
ubottuNitsuga: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.04:33
semitones_teajust the foul language part :)04:33
lakotajamesnitsuga: I think they don't even want you to use rtfm, or rtfs04:33
pd_firewe'll have to stick with rts then?04:34
pd_fireor rtm04:34
ronjlakotajames, hmmm maybe. any idea where would this configuration be stored? deep inside a gconf structure?04:34
Nitsugaread the... Full Su¡ource04:34
semitones_teaf could stand for freaking04:34
Nitsugaof Full04:34
Nitsugaor Famous04:34
semitones_teaI like famous04:34
bipolarCan someone help me with this preseed file? http://pastebin.com/d72de06ad The local[0,1] repos are not getting added to apt, and when it tries to install ssc-workstations it fails since it doesn't have the repos.04:34
ronjbut anyway, I like this clean XDG definition and that would be nice to follow it04:34
lakotajamesNitsuga: fine, is what I usually say it means.  but they usually don't like it anyway.04:34
lakotajamesronj: probably deep in gconf.  Maybe if you're lucky it'll be in .nautilus or something, though ^_^04:35
JonathanEllisAnyone know an application where I can trigger sound files by pressing keys : that is different sound files mapped to various keys?04:36
ronjNitsuga, I wasn't successful at reading the famous source. maybe you'll be better than I was04:36
dagnachewhi all04:36
JonathanEllisI want to use it to play sound effects in a theatre or jingles in a radio station04:36
dagnachewDevice 0 (VID=041e and PID=4158) is a Creative ZEN V 2GB.04:36
dagnachewQueried Creative ZEN V (Video)04:36
dagnachewBus error04:36
FloodBot2dagnachew: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:36
NitsugaI don't think that it is in gConf or .nautilus because when using HUmainity in KDE it shows the icons04:36
un214ok looks like apt-get update sources are not replaced atomically04:39
un214a new apt-get update yielded an installable kde04:39
Izinucsunimatrix: you mean unstable?04:40
Izinucsunimatrix: sorry.. un214 left04:40
torasukuIs there a way to remove a MOUNTED object from my "bookmarks" in Nautilus?04:42
q0kDoes Ubuntu have a GUI programming tool?04:42
Izinucstorasuku: right mouse click delete?04:43
ronjq0k, Glade for example04:43
torasukuIzinucs, mounted object. Specifically, my external HDD also mounts a fake "CD" that I don't want appearing.04:43
Izinucstorasuku: that's strange.. does it also come up with a mount point?04:44
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torasukuIzinucs, yes. And if I eject it it also ejects my HDD..04:44
Izinucstorasuku: I've never seen that.. gnome or kde?04:45
torasukuGNOME, Nautilus :\04:45
Izinucstorasuku: nvm.. nautilus would mean gnome04:45
Ternpenanyone know how to force load a kernel module?04:46
ronjNitsuga, found this http://osdir.com/ml/svn-commits-list/2009-06/msg03882.html which lists a fixed number of folders. I hope it's not hardcoded :-/04:46
Izinucstorasuku: sorry I don't know.. I'm not sure what mounts an external usb HD, upstart? or hal? .. might check the bugs on launchpad..04:47
ubyserverHello Ubuntu Community.04:47
IzinucsTernpen: what kind? graphics?04:47
Ternpendvb card04:48
q0kubyserver, Hello!04:48
ubyserverHope you are all having a beautiful day.04:48
ubyserverHey q0k :)04:48
Nitsugaronj, as I can see in  the.. Fantastic Source it IS hardcoded04:48
IzinucsTernpen: modprobe <something> as root I think04:48
Nitsugayou should file a bug04:48
ubyserverAlright, I am beginning a quest with setting up a webserver.04:49
TernpenIzinucs, modprobe fails due to symbol disagreement. I want the kernel to ignore that.04:49
ronjNitsuga, in which package did you find this? xdg-user-dirs?04:49
ronjNitsuga, which file?04:49
ubyserverI have a ununtu 8.04 webserver in which I would like to install cPanel, LAMP.04:49
Izinucsubyserver: sudo tasksel .. then choose LAMP04:49
ubyserverAlright, will begin with that.04:49
ubyserverI'm connected to the server via Putty.04:49
Nitsugait is in gnome04:49
Nitsugaglib, precisely04:50
ronjNitsuga, wooooow04:50
ubyserverNitsuga: My first and only option reads OpenSSH Server04:50
ubyserverLAMP is not in this list.04:51
ubyserverMaybe it is already installed.04:51
ubyserverLet me do some research to see how to check this.04:51
Nitsugaubyserver, did you install ubuntu minimal, desktop or server?04:51
ubyserverIt's Ubuntu Server 8.0404:51
ubyserverPurchased from ServerBeach host.04:52
ronjNitsuga, my eyes are bleeding. I'll file and link GNOME/LP bug couple04:52
Nitsugaubyserver, it should come preinstalled04:52
ki4cgpubyserver, you can also try installing phpmyadmin04:52
ShazamAnyone willing to walk me through getting a webcam operational, or point to a good walkthrough? Logitech Quickcam family.04:52
ronjNitsuga, thanks04:52
ubyserverronj: For bloody eyes the doctor is the best.04:52
mehsiuhi there.04:52
IzinucsShazam: install cheese and see if it works with that.. after that I'll defer to others04:52
Speedy2Hey all.  Any suggestions on compiling a VANILLA kernel with Ubuntu?04:52
Nitsugaronj, as a workaround you may use XDG_DIR_PUBLICSHARE. I don't wind any use to that folder04:53
here4thegearNot sure what language I need to use for this on an ubuntu server (Command Line Only). I have file arialbd.ttf In windows, when I hover over this file, I see a tooltip for a title: which says "Arial Bold"... I need to find a way on my server to get that title.04:53
Nitsugaubyserver, try typing the server's IP adress ina browser04:53
ronjNitsuga, yup, or do it manually like lakotajames suggested04:53
Nitsugait should say "It works!" or something like that04:53
Nitsugaronj, but in my nautilus that option isn't present04:54
ubyserverNitsuga: Returns Unable To Connect.04:54
Nitsugaubyserver, maybe it is installed but it is not running sudo service apache2 status will tell you04:55
Nitsugaubyserver, maybe it is installed but it is not running: `sudo service apache2 status` will tell you04:55
ubyserverhmmm command not found.04:55
ubyserverMaybe I'm typing it wrong.04:55
Nitsugaor server edition doesn't have sudo04:56
ubyserverI typed exactly that and No go.04:56
NitsugaI forgot that :P04:56
Nitsugalogin as root, typing su and root's password04:56
ronjNitsuga, yes it is. Right click on a folder > Properties > Click the icon04:56
IzinucsNitsuga: server does have sudo04:57
Nitsugaronj, can't believe that i didn't see that04:57
Nitsugaubyserver, now run /etc/init.d/apache2 stat04:58
Nitsugaubyserver, now run /etc/init.d/apache2 status04:58
rolsworthis there a way to auto mount a hard drive? i always have to enter the password when i need to mount it04:58
Nitsugarolsworth, you can do so with the /etc/fstab file04:58
ubyserverrun not found.But I did ls /etc/init.d04:59
ubyserverAnd I don't see apache2 in there.04:59
Nitsugaopen it as root ( gksudo gedit /etc/fstab )04:59
jazzhow does one pm again in x chat?04:59
Speedy2rolsworth: Yes, add it to your fstab file.04:59
ubyserverSo maybe apache isn't pre-installed.04:59
Nitsugaubyserver, so (surprisingly) it hasn't apache installed04:59
Speedy2jazz: /msg <user> <message>04:59
jazzSpeedy2,  thank you04:59
ubyserverNitsuga: What would you recommend if I would like to setup LAMP + cPanel04:59
ubyserverI reckon I install LAMP first?05:00
Nitsugayou _must_ install LAMP first05:00
rolsworthhow exactly do i add it?05:00
Speedy2jazz: No problem.  Look into "IRC commands", xchat just uses standard IRC commands05:00
Speedy2rolsworth: Dude, you can do a google search on "fstab" and try to understand.05:00
Nitsugarolsworth, in the las line write the partition device, an space, the mount point, an space and the partition format05:01
rolswortheverything seems to be very complicated. thanks for the help05:01
jazzSpeedy2,  x-) thanks a mill.05:01
Speedy2rolsworth: You'll need to know the device name (/dev/sda, /dev/sdb), etc. and the partition (1, 2, 3, etc)05:01
Nitsugarolsworth, example: /dev/sda2              /media/Windows7 ntfs-3g05:01
ratsneed some help with this 'E:Type 'ain' is not known on line 2 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/awn-testing-ppa-karmic.list, E:The list of sources could not be read.'05:01
Speedy2rolsworth: type sudo fdisk -l to get an idea of how your system05:01
asdffdsasdffds23Hi, how do I give myself permission to mount external hard-drives?05:01
Speedy2rolsworth: And look at /etc/fstab to see the organization.  You will have to be careful about owner/user mask if you're mounting a "UNIX" volume (xfs, ext2/3/4, JFS, etc)05:02
Izinucs!fstab | rolsworth05:02
ubotturolsworth: The /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions05:02
allo_946Hi, how do I give myself permission to mount external hard-drives?05:03
ratscan some one help me with this erroe 'E:Type 'ain' is not known on line 2 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/awn-testing-ppa-karmic.list, E:The list of sources could not be read.'05:03
Nitsugaubyserver, instal the packages apache2 php5 mysql-server05:03
ubyserverFor some reason I'm trying ' apt-get install apache2' And Error = cound't find package05:04
Nitsugaubyserver, you may also want phpmyadmin05:04
Izinucsubyserver: try apt-cache search apache205:04
ubyserverNothing happens :(05:04
Benbongubyserver, have you done apt-get update before ?05:04
ubyserverJust did it05:05
Benbongyou should check your repository then05:05
here4thegearI'm pretty sure it's just apt-get install apache05:05
here4thegearbut, I could be mistaken, it's been a while05:05
ubyservernow it worked05:05
Shazammy webcam is properly listed under lsusb, I've installed the qc-usb driver (its a Logitech Quickcam) What's the next step I should be looking for in terms of basic functionality05:05
ubyserverapt-get install apache2 worked05:05
Nitsugaubyserver, great05:06
Izinucsubyserver: sudo tasksel will probably work now too05:06
NitsugaI personally have had some trouble with tasksel05:06
ubyserverOh after the update It shows LAMP server in the list05:06
ubyserverNitsuga: copy that.05:06
Izinucsubyserver: you may want to "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" to fully update your system05:06
ubyserverShould I not do the tasksel , LAMP server and DNS server now?05:07
ubyserverOr should I do the apt-get upgrade first.05:07
Izinucsno.. do the update first05:07
ubyserverHow do I uninstall the apt-get apache205:07
ubyserverThat I just did or no worries?05:07
Izinucsno worries05:07
ubyserveralright, going to run those commands on the server.05:07
thecliff"General Error - Unable to mount file system" when first loading Ubuntu 9.10 using GRUB 2 -- any ideas?05:08
Nitsugaabout apt-get upgrades: Is teher any repo administrator/ in this channel? I have some trouble with the main Ubuntu repo, is gives me a 403 Forbideden error while trying to update libmysqlclient16 ( http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/m/mysql-cluster-7.0/libmysqlclient16_7.0.9-1_amd64.deb )05:08
Shazamhuh. my webcam isn't listed under video devices.05:08
ubyserverapt-get upgrade complete. Now on to apt-get distro..05:09
Izinucssudo tasksel .. lamp05:10
ubyserverNow go on and run the tasksel and select DNS + LAMP server?05:10
thecliff"General Error - Unable to mount file system" when first loading Ubuntu 9.10 using GRUB 2 -- any ideas?05:10
Izinucsubyserver: do you need a dns server? probably not05:11
ubyserverIt's an online server that I purchased05:11
ubyserverWill have multiple domains05:11
Nitsugaubyserver, that doesn't mean that you need DNS05:11
ubyserverOh alright.05:11
ubyserverId din't know.05:11
allo_946Hi, how do I give myself permission to mount external hard-drives? Just a good link will do, I'm not looking for techy support! (Please:))05:11
ubyserverSo I can leave it out?05:11
Nitsugaubyserver, yes05:12
here4thegearI need to read attributes (like title) from ttf files. I'm familiar with php, bash, and some py.. can either of those do it for me?05:12
ubyserverAlright awesome.05:12
ubyserverShould I leave OpenSSH server checked?05:12
Nitsugaubyserver, of course05:12
Nitsugaotherwise you will uninstall it and loose control of the server05:12
ubyserverWould not want that.05:12
Izinucsubyserver: install screen too. but you can do that later05:13
ratshow to install avant-window-navigator05:13
ubyserverWhy not now :)05:13
Izinucsif you can go for it05:13
ubyserverNah I would rather stick to command line though.05:13
ubyserverI want to overhaul the learning process :)05:13
Izinucsscreen *is* command line..05:13
ubyserverI thought you meant gui05:13
lostinspace_46How do I give one piece of software permission to write to another piece of software?05:14
Izinucsno.. screen is a terminal multiplexer.. so you can start a process .. disconnect and come back later to see what happens05:14
NitsugaI would install byobu05:14
Nitsugais in fact a screen profile05:14
Nitsugabut very useful05:14
ubyserverAlright. Installing packages.05:14
unpersonWhat repository should I add in order to install skype on Ubuntu Netbook Remix 9.10?05:15
ubyserverAlright just set root passwd05:17
rats'E:Type 'ain' is not known on line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/awn-testing-ppa-karmic.list, E:The list of sources could not be read.' can osme one help05:17
ubyserverLAMP server installed.05:17
ubyserverI now have the beautiful var/www05:17
Nitsugaubyserver, you may want phpmyamdin to manage your database05:17
resnoi lost the password to mysql and cant recover it. i have stoppped the instance, and have tried access it through mysql but its not working.05:18
ubyserverShould I installed Plesk or cPanel05:18
ubyserverOr stick to PHPmyadmin05:18
here4thegearlostinspace_46: I don't know the 'proper' way exactly but, I believe it would work if you simply added the two softwares to the same group05:18
Nitsugarats, press alt-f2 and then type gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.d/awn-testing-ppa-karmic.list05:18
Nitsugaremove the first line, save and voilà05:19
here4thegearubyserver: isn't phpmyadmin part of cpanel?05:19
ubyserverYes it indeed is.05:19
ubyserverI forgot.05:19
ratsNitsuga: k05:19
ubyserverIt is also apart of Plesk. I did forget this :)05:19
here4thegearubyserver: I like cpanel, but that's just me.. I've never used Plexk05:19
ubyserverNitsuga: Awesome, the IP now shows It works!05:19
ubyserverThey both get the job done.05:19
ubyserverI'm used to both.05:19
lostinspace_46here4thegear, I agree, but I don't know how to add software to a group.05:20
ratsNitsuga: did that .. what do i do now05:20
zepherAnyone have some tips for getting a WPA wireless connection to work?05:20
here4thegearlostinspace_46: run the software and while it's running do ps auxx then you will know what user:group is is running as?05:20
Nitsugarats, save the file and try again05:20
ubyserverInstalling phpmyadmin by apt-get install phpmyadmin05:21
ratsNitsuga: there is only ain in the file05:21
ratsdo i still save it05:21
ubyservernow webserver to configure automatically has 'apache2, apache, apache-ssl, apache-perl, lighttpd05:21
ratsNitsuga: do i still save it05:21
ubyserverShould I select all of the above or just what I have installed apache2?05:21
here4thegearlostinspace_46: er, no... duh, it will show as your user:group.. never mind.. lol05:21
Nitsugayes, if you want you can delete it05:21
Nitsugarats, sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/awn-testing-ppa-karmic.list05:22
ubyserverI'll just go with apache205:22
Nitsugaubyserver, choose apache2 and apache-ssl05:22
ubyserverAlright so I'll do it again05:22
ratsNitsuga: nothign came05:22
ubyserveruh oh :(05:23
Nitsugarats, it menas that everything is ok05:23
ubyserverII tried apt-get autoremove with no luck.05:23
ratsNitsuga: hang on something came05:23
ubyservergot it05:23
ratsNitsuga: rm: cannot remove `/etc/apt/sources.list.d/awn-testing-ppa-karmic.list': No such file or directory05:23
ubuntu-noob can anybody help me with this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/377094/ ... many thanks...05:23
Nitsugaubyserver, it will ask you again with dpkg-econfigure phpmyadmin05:23
Nitsugaubyserver, it will ask you again with dpkg-reconfigure phpmyadmin05:23
Nitsugarats, it already deleted it05:24
lostinspace_46here4thegear I didn't realize software was grouped.  Knowing that, I will see what I can do. Thanks!05:24
Nitsugait's done05:24
ubyserverIf I will be using perl as well should I include?05:24
ratsNitsuga: oh k .. thanks05:24
Nitsugaubyserver, no, apache-perl is for apache105:24
allo_946Hi, how do I give myself permission to mount external hard-drives? Just a good link will do, I'm not looking for techy support! (Please:))05:24
Nitsugausing perl and CGI to get access to phpmyadmin05:24
ubyserveruh oh now the errors come up.05:25
ratsNitsuga: how do i go abt to downlad awn then05:25
Nitsugain apache2 you can use modules, wich are much faster and reliable05:25
petrichormouse sensitivity not adjusting in preferences -- any ideas? -- googled all around, cant find anything05:25
ubyserverinvoce-rc.d: unknown init script, /etc/init.d/apache-ssl not found05:25
petrichorubuntu 9.10 w/ wubi05:25
Nitsugaubyserver, so forget about it05:25
Nitsugafor now05:25
ubyserverBut you recommend this because it is the best way to go.05:26
ubyserverSo maybe just remove phpmyadmin05:26
ubyserverand redo?05:26
Nitsugaubyserver, unless you have https access to your server and a certificate05:26
ubyserverNope no cert.05:26
bigtom21485this is gunna sound really lame but does anyone know how to get "virtuaGirl HD" to run on linux?05:26
Nitsugaso forget for the moment05:26
lostinspace_46rats,  See the chown and chmod manuals05:26
Nitsugait is compleining because https isn't configured05:26
ratslostinspace_46: where do i find that05:26
ubyserverso now phpmyadmin is installed.05:26
ubyservernext is cPanel?05:26
ronjbigtom21485, is that a windows app?05:27
bigtom21485ronj: yeah it is05:27
lostinspace_46rats,  In theminal type man chown and man chmod05:27
ronjbigtom21485, have you tried wine? if wine doesn't work, try wine-1.205:27
bigtom21485i drink wine in real life but but not sure where or what wine is on linux05:28
Nitsugarats, to install awn jut look for it in the software centre05:28
Nitsugaor type sudo aptitude install avant-window-navigator05:28
ubyserverWith some research, I've found that cPanel best supports CentOS and RH.05:28
ubuntu-noob can anybody help me with this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/377094/ ... many thanks...05:28
iflemapetrichor is there a change if you put acceleration all up and sensitivity all down?05:29
ubyserverHave you managed cPanel on Ubuntu?05:29
ubyserverOr should I go with something like Webmin?05:29
ratsNitsuga: i did that but it shows an error .... The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources.05:29
ronjbigpresh, ok, wine is a program that lets you run Windows applications under Ubuntu05:29
ronjbigtom21485 sorry, ok, wine is a program that lets you run Windows applications under Ubuntu05:29
Izinucsubyserver: webmin isn't recommended in ubuntu.. it doesn't follow their conventions05:29
jiohdiWINE lets you runs SOME windows apps... not all05:29
Izinucs!ebox | ubyserver05:29
ubottuubyserver: ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox05:29
here4thegearubyserver: no, I've used it on centos only so far05:29
bigtom21485ronj: thats badass how do i get it05:29
Nitsugarats, first do a sudo aptitude update05:30
ronjjiohdi, yeah, let's try with him to see if it works on his case05:30
jiohdiif you find USB windows apps, they will work best under wine05:30
ubyserveralright, checking that out.05:30
ratsNitsuga: k ill do that ..05:30
Nick_Meisterhi guys im having a small issue, my quadcore phenom 2 is only being recognized as one processor instead of 405:30
ronjbigtom21485, open System > Administration > Synaptic package manager05:30
bigtom21485lol ill trade you...j/k05:30
IzinucsNick_Meister: you running 64 bit?05:30
Nick_MeisterIzinucs, yep05:31
bigtom21485ronj: done05:31
IzinucsNick_Meister: sorry.. I had to ask.. even though I don't have the answer .05:31
nick125Nick_Meister: Can you pastebin the output of 'cat /proc/cpuinfo' (in a terminal, without quotes)?05:31
Nick_Meisterit was running fine till i updated to new kernel through the auto updates05:31
bigtom21485ronj: which version of wine do i want?05:31
seanbrystoneNick_Meister, now you got me curious how do you check processors? I got the same chip05:31
ronjbigtom21485, then licate the package called "wine", right click, click "Install", then "Apply" in the toolbar05:31
nick125Nick_Meister: Hmm. That has me curious. What does uname -a say?05:31
NitsugaNick_Meister, what happens if you do a echo 1 | sudo tee /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/online05:31
ronjbigtom21485, let's try first with wine (which is wine 1.0.something)05:32
ubyserverJust read the help page for eBox.05:32
ratsNitsuga: its giving me an error when i try updating05:32
BenbongNick_Meister, try dmesg | grep CPU05:32
ronjbigtom21485, once it is installed, try installing/launching your windows app. if it doesn't work, try installing wine1.2 which is more recent, less stable, but may work better for some apps05:33
Benbongyou should have the number of cpu recognized by the kernel05:33
Nick_Meisterok thats for the cat one05:33
Nitsugarats, now or before editing/deleting that file?05:33
ratsNitsuga: after deleting05:33
ronjbigtom21485, also, have a look at the WINE Compatibility database: http://appdb.winehq.org/05:33
seanbrystonehow do you scroll up in screen?05:33
ubyserverJust looking at the ebox rdepends, I would not know which modules I require.05:33
ratsNitsuga: E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the list directory05:33
klappihello i want to make ubuntu hybernate after 2 hours but i only have suspend to ram as option using ubuntu-desktop how can i change that?05:34
Nitsugarats, try again in a few seconds05:34
ratsNitsuga: k05:34
Nick_MeisterBenbong, http://pastebin.org/9236705:34
ronjbigtom21485, apparently your app is is the AppDB with a Gold rating meaning it globally works with some minor configuration or some glitches. http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=14480&iTestingId=3341705:35
Nick_MeisterIzinucs, http://pastebin.org/9236605:35
BenbongNick_Meister, [    0.000000] SMP: Allowing 4 CPUs, 0 hotplug CPUs05:35
Benbongyou have 4 cpus05:35
ubyserverOh wow.05:35
nick125It's only pulling up one CPU, though. Oddly.05:35
Nick_Meisterbut the system monitor is not displaying anything05:35
ubyserverEbox Dashboard looks sweet.05:35
ubyserverSo shall I just install all of ebox packages?05:35
nick125Nick_Meister: What do you get from uname -a?05:36
IzinucsNick_Meister: I believe that was for nick12505:36
Nick_MeisterBenbong, [   16.035629] Brought up 1 CPUs05:36
ronjbigtom21485, I have to leave. have a look at the Howto on the AppDB page, it seems quite straightforward05:36
Nick_Meisternick125, Linux Nemesis 2.6.31-19-generic #56-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 28 02:39:34 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux05:37
seanbrystonedoes 32 bit linux support 4 cpu's? or only 64bit?05:37
ubyserverinstalling ebox.05:37
Benbonglinux 32 and 64 supports more than 4 cpus05:37
nick125Nick_Meister: Do you know which kernel you were running before?05:37
Nick_Meisteri think the default one before that05:38
Nitsugaseanbrystone, 32 bit generic Ubuntu kernel supports up to 64 CPUs05:38
BenbongNick_Meister, it seems that your system has shut down 3 cpus, strange05:38
Nick_Meisteri didnt do anything fancy05:38
Nick_Meisterjust let the updates roll05:38
Nick_Meisterwhat should i do T.T05:38
seanbrystoneNitsuga, ok ty, one last question how do i scroll up in screen?05:38
seanbrystoneim trying pgup05:38
ronjbigtom21485, last word: if it works and you want to be a good WINE citizens by improving the compatibility database, think about registering and adding a report that it works on your wine version (probably 1.1.38)05:38
nick125Nick_Meister: Can you pastebin the full dmesg? (output of 'dmesg')05:39
ALapohello friends anyone use vmware tools on ubuntu server?05:39
BenbongNick_Meister, did you updated the kernel ?05:39
bigtom21485cool, thanks for your help05:39
BenbongNick_Meister, you need a smp kernel05:39
ALapoi am unable to get the vmxnet module to work05:39
bigtom21485i will def. come back and report my findings05:39
bigtom21485goodnight everyone05:39
nick125Benbong: He has a smp kernel.05:39
NitsugaNick_Meister, do a ls /sys/devices/system/cpu/05:40
Nick_Meisternick125, http://pastebin.org/9236805:40
ubyserverebox installed.05:40
ALapowhen i remove the pcnet32 module... and depmod -a, modprobe vmxnet ... i cant get the interface u05:40
Nick_MeisterBenbong, whats smp  kernel?05:40
EremiteI have a question about compiz window decorations.  I want to remove the window decorations from mplayer (not Movie Player).  How do I remove window decorations for a specific window?  Big thanks for any help.05:40
ubyserverOh this is sweet.05:41
Nick_MeisterNitsuga, cpu0     kernel_max  online         possible  sched_mc_power_savings05:41
Nick_Meistercpuidle  offline     perf_counters  present05:41
ubyserverLogging into Ebox platform05:41
Nitsugaok according to dmsg your 3 coes are "not responding"05:41
nick125Nick_Meister: Hmm. It's saying that the CPUs aren't responding.05:41
Nitsuga[   10.734076] Booting processor 3 APIC 0x3 ip 0x600005:41
Nitsuga[   16.035614] Not responding.05:41
FloodBot2Nitsuga: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:41
nick125I wish pastebin wouldn't add those #s. Ugh.05:42
Nick_Meisterwhat should i do?05:42
BenbongNick_Meister, symetric multi-sth processor (more than 1 cpu)05:42
Nick_Meisterwhy arent they responding?05:42
Nick_Meisterand is my cpu broken?05:42
rats_Nitsuga: i am still nto able to get thru05:42
BenbongNick_Meister, try to reboot to see if the problem still exists05:42
NitsugaNick_Meister, why don't you try booting with a different kernel05:42
Benbongand to the dmesg | grep CPU after reboot05:42
Nitsugaou should have them in GRUB05:43
Nitsugahold the Shift key to make it appear05:43
EremiteI have a question about compiz window decorations.  I want to remove the window decorations from mplayer (not Movie Player).  How do I remove window decorations for a specific window?  Big thanks for any help.05:43
Nick_Meisteris there any way to tell cpu temp incase it overheated?05:43
BenbongNick_Meister, can you do a uname -a05:43
Nick_Meisteri already did05:43
Nick_Meisteri put it up05:43
Nitsugarats_, are you using "sudo"05:44
Nitsuga"sudo aptitude update05:44
rats_Nitsuga: sudo apt-get update05:44
marks256Is there a way to automatically sync a file's ownership based on the directory it is being placed in? I want to be able to have an "administrator" ftp account, and when i copy a file into another user's directory, i want that file to take on their ownership, not the admin's ownership05:45
Nitsugarats_, be shure that you don't have synaptic opened05:45
Nitsugaor aptitude, or the update manager05:45
BenbongNick_Meister, there seems to ba a problem with your APIC05:45
rats_Nitsuga: yeah its not open05:46
ubyserverJust reading some of ebox documentation and forum. I see people mentioning that I can't manage phpmyadmin or mysql, etc.05:46
nick125Benbong: If/when he comes back, I think we should have him try a newer kernel. Prehaps the one from one of the other repos (-proposed, etc)05:46
Nitsugarats_, ok i'm out of ideas. You can try a reboot to slve the problem05:47
Nick_Meisterok i rebooted05:47
Benbongnick125, I had some trouble with  APIC with a athlon x205:47
Nick_Meisterit seems the cores are back05:47
rats_Nitsuga: k ill try that05:47
Nick_Meistercould it be that its overheating?05:47
NitsugaI'll go to bed05:47
Benbongnick125, there was a setup in the bios that I had to adjust to have it working properly05:47
Nitsugahere it's too late to be waken up05:47
BenbongNick_Meister, APIC is here to save power when you don't need it05:48
Benbongas I was telling nick125 I had issues with an AMD and APIC before05:48
NitsugaNick_Meister, I think that it was more under-voltage than over-heating05:48
BenbongNick_Meister, and I had to change something in the BIOS05:48
eshannonI just added a new Hard drive and I am editing the fstab could any tell me if this looks right?05:48
Nick_Meistersomething like what?05:48
eshannonUUID=0eb33378-2dde-4e91-949a-96e717adeb8e /media/BigStorage ext3    relatime,errors=remount-ro 0       105:48
BenbongNick_Meister, did you changes anything in your BIOS recently ?05:48
kdasdasfhi i have trouble with my php installation, the php-cgi just crashes in some file: http://pastebin.com/d5cfcc0a5 <-- this is what strace says05:49
=== jon is now known as Guest57979
Nitsugahere in Argentina the under-voltage is pretty common in hot days in summer, and I can't boot my computer or it slows down to about 700Mhz, and more weird things05:49
BenbongALapo, yes I do use vmware tools05:50
Nitsugaeshannon, just remove the 1 at the end05:50
eshannonNitsuga thanks05:50
EremiteI have a question about compiz window decorations.  I want to remove the window decorations from mplayer (not Movie Player).  How do I remove window decorations for a specific window?  Big thanks for any help.05:50
thadwhats the program thats like a mac dock for ubuntu?05:51
vatzecHey, I'm considering installing Ubuntu on my "netbook" now. Here's my question: is a decent office suite (GNOME's Abiword+Gnumerica OR OpenOffice.org) replaced with Google Docs in the most recent release available?05:51
nick125thad: Docky, avant-window-navigator05:51
bastid_raZoreshannon: instead of completely removing the one.. make it a 2  .. so that it is checked after the / partition.05:52
Nitsugavatzec, it was going to be repaced05:52
nick125thad: I personally like Docky better, but you could try both of them.05:52
Nitsugabut finally they decided no to do so05:52
vatzecNitsuga: it's a horrible idea BTW :C05:52
vatzecglad to hear that ;)05:52
Nitsugavatzec, I don't think so05:52
NitsugaOO.o is pretty bulky05:52
vatzecbut AbiWord is not05:52
Nitsugaand anyway you can install it if you want05:52
vatzecand I don't like volunteering *all* of my my personal data to a company05:53
nick125Yeah, OO.o is rather bloated.05:53
vatzecI know, but just please don't make Google Docs the default >_>05:53
vatzecI know, guys, I know.05:53
thadmmm ubuntu is a lot easier and funner than vista05:53
=== goldenfox is now known as Guest51671
Eremitevatzec, Ubuntu does not force you to the cloud.05:53
vatzecWhatever you say, Microsoft's Office is a very good suite. I know it's closed. But it's very good.05:53
NitsugaI don't like seeing OO.o with a start time of more than 8 seconds on the same machine that starts Microsoft Office in 1.2 seconds05:53
Eremitevatzec, yes and OpenOffice is almost a perfect replacement.05:54
nick125Even if GDocs was the default (doubt it), it's _not_ hard to use something else.05:54
NitsugaPD: MS Office 201005:54
EremiteAnd free05:54
vatzecEremite: But it's super-slow.05:54
thadwhere is avant window manager located at?05:54
vatzecEremite: Don't get me wrong, I'm a long-time free software supporter and I've been encouraging people to switch for like 5 years now.05:54
nick125I really wish Abiword/Gnumeric would catch up with OO.o, feature-wise.05:54
nick125thad: It's probably in a third-party repository.05:55
ubyserverGoing to make another sandwich.05:55
ubyserverReturn in a couple05:55
EremiteI have a question about compiz window decorations.  I want to remove the window decorations from mplayer (not Movie Player).  How do I remove window decorations for a specific window?  Big thanks for any help.05:55
nick125ubyserver: Make me a sandwi...oh, you probably already know where this is going.05:55
vatzecnick125: Yeah. Speaking of OO.o's bloat-ness, AbiWord works fast like a lightning.05:55
vatzecnick125: Hahaha :D05:55
ubyservernick125 You have Fedex :)05:55
vatzecAlright, guys, going to try out Netbook Edition. If it's too third-party-ish, I'm going back to Debian. (Which I'd rather not, because the packages are from prehistory.)05:56
eshannonI need some help with permissions on my new hard drive. I installed it and can use it but can not create a folder or add files05:57
ahmedramdanehi everyone05:57
ubyserverahmedramdane: Hey :)05:57
ahmedramdanei am tring to install lucid on my laptop but it freezes all the time05:58
ubyserverHope this ebox package does not hang my server. That would suck :(05:58
ahmedramdaneis intel core i3 compatible with ubuntu?05:59
nick125ahmedramdane: It should be. I wouldn't suggest installing Lucid, as it's very much still in development.05:59
Eremiteahmedramdane,  yes05:59
rumpsyheya :)06:00
tjdogI don't have a place-> network servers06:00
ahmedramdanei did try karmic but the screen stays black and my laptop freezes till i power rebbot it06:01
ubyserverOOh my god06:01
ubyserverOh my god06:01
ubyserverServer down.06:01
ubyserverThis sucks06:02
EremiteI have a question about compiz window decorations.  I want to remove the window decorations from mplayer (not Movie Player).  How do I remove window decorations for a specific window?  Big thanks for any help.06:02
tjdogI installed this ubuntu a long time ago using the install accross ineternet method (mayb server and nnot desktop) and in the places panel i don't have a network servers.  what is it called so i can add it?06:02
ahmedramdanecan i downgrade from lucid to karmic? by an chance06:03
ubyserveroh my god06:04
lonnieWhat's good game on Ubuntu I've missed?06:05
magn3tshow do I check the version of a package available in the repos from the CLI?06:05
rumpsyahmedramdane: if you found there is a serious prob, then you can06:05
bastid_raZormagn3ts: apt-cache policy packagename06:05
nick125magn3ts: sudo aptitude show <packagename>06:05
ubyserverIzinucs I messed up :(06:06
lonnieLooking for people's favorite games that are in the repositories06:06
rumpsyahmedramdane: Try  to install the stable kernel version06:06
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages06:06
magn3tsthanks both of you06:06
magn3tsalso, why does eclipse want to install gcj, I'd really prefer it used sun06:07
cssCan I use Paypal to transfer funds into a bank account?06:07
Adman65I just created a new account and when i do ls -la ~/.ssh all i get is ?'s instead of directory permissions and user/owner ids06:07
Adman65what gives?06:07
cssor paypal only works paypal to paypal?06:07
magn3tscss, this is #ubuntu friend06:07
rumpsyAdman65: its ls -al06:08
nick125css: Not sure on the details, but you can link an bank account to Paypal.06:08
bullgardWhat programs use the environment variable ORBIT_SOCKETDIR?06:08
tjdoghow do I add 'network server' under places06:08
Adman65rumpsy: even so, still have ?'s06:08
ahmedramdanei just installed lucid on my laptop it is working in x mode and i did sudo apt-get update after that i did sudo apt-get upgrade everything is fine. all the packages are installed but when i log in gnome mode the computer freezes till i power reboot it so what can i do?06:08
eshannonany help me with permisions on my new hard drive please? I haven't found what I need to do in the forums06:08
rumpsyahmedramdane: Are you using any restricted drivers, for your nvidia or ati... graphic card06:09
bastid_raZor!lucid | ahmedramdane06:09
ubottuahmedramdane: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+106:09
ahmedramdanehow would i know?06:10
rumpsyahmedramdane: is that your computer?.. if then you have to know hardware details06:10
ubyserverOh this is awesome06:11
ubyserverI can reload my own server06:11
ubyserverOh this is sweet.06:11
rumpsyahmedramdane: use this basic command to check that, lspci06:11
ahmedramdanei just bought it06:11
Adman65hmm not to self, don't create .ssh yourself06:11
RecycleCorni just got cable internet with an ubee modem,  how do I set up the wireless features with ubuntu?06:12
RecycleCorni can't find a driver or the software06:12
marco____Hi. I have jut installed Kubuntu. It detects my wireless but it doesnt connect to internet. is there a solution?06:12
ahmedramdaneok i am trying right now one moment please06:12
tjdoghow do I browse the network under xfce?06:13
RecycleCornand supposedly it has a default password given06:13
rumpsymarco____: you have to goto #kubuntu06:13
RecycleCornbut i can't connect wirelessly06:13
RecycleCornanybody know about ubee modems and ubuntu?06:13
strayhyenaDoes ubuntu use non-free firmware for wireless cards by default?06:13
EremiteI have a question about compiz window decorations.  I want to remove the window decorations from mplayer (not Movie Player).  How do I remove window decorations for a specific window?  Big thanks for any help.06:14
q0kHi, I want to resize a Windows XP boot partition (this is the only one I have) to give some room to Ubuntu. I am going to do it from live CD using GParted.. Is there anybody of you who did *this* /himself/?  Will Windows XP boot after GParted shrinks its partition?06:14
BHowardtjdog, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=304131 this may help06:14
ahmedramdanemy VGA compatible controller: intel corp core processor integrated Graphic controller (rev 12) does that help?06:14
rumpsystrayhyena: i don't thing so, ubuntu use free drivers06:14
rumpsyahmedramdane: Are you in x-terminal06:15
ubyserverTime to redo this06:15
ahmedramdanex term is working and i have internet connection too06:15
rumpsyahmedramdane: Try this command, sudo service gdm stop06:15
Shoopadoopq0k i recommend defraging your windows filesystem first06:15
RecycleCornhow do you configure a wireless modem in ubuntu06:16
RecycleCorni have never used one06:16
rumpsyahmedramdane: And then, sudo startx06:16
RecycleCornand much less in ubuntu06:16
rumpsy!modem | RecycleCorn06:16
ubottuRecycleCorn: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up06:16
RecycleCornnot dialup  it is wireless06:16
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs06:17
ubyserverGood night everyone06:17
ahmedramdanewhen i enter sudo service gdm stop, I get stop: unknown instance06:18
rumpsyahmedramdane: okay, goto this command, sudo startx06:18
rumpsy!who | ahmedramdane06:20
ubottuahmedramdane: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)06:20
ahmedramdanei just did and the gui start but just for 5 second and it freezes06:20
John-_Lady Gaga is addicting x_x06:20
rumpsyahmedramdane: oh.. so that may be due to wrong driver..06:21
ahmedramdanei have to reboot the computer again06:21
rumpsyahmedramdane: no06:21
ahmedramdanei was looking in the forums and a lot of people have the same problem06:21
eshannonWhat is the command for make file system?06:22
rumpsyahmedramdane: wait, let me check, can you give few sec06:22
pectoralmke2fs -j for ext306:22
pectoralmke2fs is ext206:22
ahmedramdanerumpsy off course06:22
klexI need a bit of help!, I cannot install ubuntu desktop 9.10 i386, the cd starts up fine goes to the menu with options, if i select install ubuntu it proceeds to a black screen with a blinking cursor and remains there forever any ideas??06:22
ahmedramdanetake your time06:23
pectoralyour video card is likely a pos06:23
pectoraldid you try "alt + ctrl + f7" ?06:23
pectoralsounds like you might, some how, have ended up on an invalid tty06:24
klexpectoral : is that reffered to me?06:24
eshannonThanks pectoral06:24
rumpsyahmedramdane: install this package, sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-dev06:24
KazuhiroSo I have two systems (hardy 8.04.4), both have the exact same apt/sources.list.d files. But on one system I can apt-cache search augeas and see results on the other I see no matches. Again both systems have the exact same repos. What am I missing here?06:25
klexpectoral : so what exactly does alt + ctrl + f7 do? and do i try that on the blinking cursor?06:25
pectoraljust be careful not to run it on something that's important or has stuff on it06:25
soldadohi all06:25
pectoralyea you try that on the blinking cursor.  It takes you back to tty7.06:25
klexpectoral : ok one moment trying06:25
meowbuntuhi anyone know of a free app that can read .pub and other publisher files06:26
magn3tsIs the Java JDK6 EE in Ubuntu repos?06:26
pectoralyou can also try ctrl alt f1 which will bring you to your tty1 which should give you out your system messages (usually)06:26
rumpsyyes, magn3ts06:26
pectoralAnd if something is failing, it will be there06:26
rumpsymagn3ts: check that @ 3rd party repo or multiverse, or restricted repos06:27
ahmedramdaneok rumpsy i am back06:28
rumpsyahmedramdane: oh, any changes06:28
ahmedramdanerumpsy i did install the package06:28
rumpsyahmedramdane: okay, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, use this now06:28
klexpectoral : no luck on those commands on the blinking cursor screen06:29
magn3tsrumpsy, well I have sun-java6-jdk but is that the full EE6 jdk?06:29
klexpectoral : they seem to have no effect in what im seeing06:29
ahmedramdaneok just one moment06:29
ratscan some one help me with this error06:29
ratsE: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the list directory06:29
rumpsymagn3ts: For a developer, JDK is more than enough06:29
ratscan some one help me with this error E: Could not get lock /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to lock the list directory06:30
magn3tsrumpsy, uh, I'm an EE developer working on an EE project, I actually do *need* the EE libs. I think I'm just going to grab the netbeans/glassfish bundle. This is only temporary anyway06:30
rumpsyrats: check that you use sudo06:30
ratsrumpsy: for wat06:31
rumpsymagn3ts: go ahead06:31
meowbuntuhow can i search for files in terminal06:31
pectoralfind /path/to/stuff -type f -iname "names"06:31
rumpsyrats: use sudo as prefix, to proceed your installation command06:31
pectoralor locate filename06:31
strayhyenais it a bad idea to install debian packages into ubuntu?06:32
ahmedramdanethank you for you help but i still have the same problem06:32
ratsrumpsy: yeah i do tat06:32
ratsrumpsy: but i still get the error06:32
phpmonkany good fingerprint scanner api? i tried fprintlib0 it do not recognize my secugen device.06:33
rumpsyrats: check whether you opened synaptic package manager, or any other installation is going in another terminal06:33
rumpsyahmedramdane: what did with that last commad, how you proceeded?06:34
ratsrumpsy: no nothing is open06:34
jazzanyone know of a font site for linux?, not just gnome-look.org06:35
constantincan anybody  help me to install aircrack or bactrack306:35
rumpsyrats: Are you sudo user? . .  i'm are you admin, if not you can't do any installation06:35
rumpsyrats: Are you sudo user? . .  i mean are you admin, if not you can't do any installation06:36
ahmedramdanei did exactlly ass you said but the computer still freezes after few second when it is in gui mode06:36
ratsrumpsy: yeah i am admin06:36
ratsrumpsy: i use my laptop all alone06:36
Kazuhirowas libaugeas-ruby1.8 removed from the hardy repos?06:36
rumpsyahmedramdane: please remove compiz, sudo apt-get remove compiz*06:37
ahmedramdaneok right now06:37
rumpsyrats: when and why you get that error?06:38
ratsrumpsy: i am not sure06:38
elnurWhen I turn Xinerama on, video acceleration stops working. It works when just TwinView is turned on. Is there a way to keep video acceleration with Xinerama enabled?06:38
ahmedramdanerumpzy it is taking few moments06:38
ahmedramdanerumpsy compiz is removed now06:39
rumpsyrats: I think still you are running some installation in terminal..06:39
rumpsyahmedramdane: startx now, sudo startx06:39
constantin_can anybody tell me how to change sudo user to admin06:39
ahmedramdanedo i start x again?06:39
pectoralsudo -u admin06:40
root_Hello All...06:40
ratsrumpsy: k can i do some thing to recehck this06:40
ahmedramdanewow so far it working my friend06:40
constantin_it doent works06:41
ahmedramdaneusually it freezes after few seconds06:41
=== root_ is now known as Guest39414
ahmedramdanebut now it is working06:41
pectoralsorry its -U06:41
pectoralnot -u06:41
Guest39414what are the different values for variable ACTION in udev ?06:41
rumpsyahmedramdane: compiz was your problem, so don't install it again06:41
ahmedramdanethank rumpsy very very much06:41
ahmedramdaneso why is that? rumpsy06:42
cbxHey, I'm trying to find the compiz control panel06:42
rumpsyahmedramdane: you can install compiz, after it released for lucid06:42
cbxcan someone guide me to the compiz control panel?06:42
Guest39414anyone knows ?06:42
ahmedramdaneok thank you again rumpsy for you help06:43
rumpsyahmedramdane: i think its not stable for lucid for now, but in future they may fix this bug06:43
rumpsyahmedramdane: np , stay happy06:43
constantin_how can i change sudo user to admin???06:44
rumpsyconstantin_: wait06:45
ahmedramdanerumpsy haha i have been trying for the last few days and i was think of returning my laptop but now i am going to keep it thank you again rumpsy06:45
gravitonconstantin_: What exactly do you mean?06:45
Guest39414are koi hai yaha pe jo jawab de sake.....06:46
ahmedramdanehave good night everyone06:46
elnurWhen I turn Xinerama on, video acceleration stops working. It works when just TwinView is turned on. Is there a way to keep video acceleration with Xinerama enabled?06:46
ahmedramdanei have to go sleep now06:46
rumpsyconstantin_: are you there?06:46
rumpsyconstantin_: this is command, have this as example, sudo adduser <username> <groupname>06:47
strayhyenai wanted to install debian but ubuntu does everything it does right?06:49
cbxCan't install flash on ubuntu :( it says:06:50
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jeepkidchange ur souce06:50
graviton!cn | jeepkid06:50
ubottujeepkid: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk06:50
ugliefrogcan some one help me with stencil maps06:50
ugliefrogdangit wrong channel06:51
rumpsycbx: What you tried to install06:52
cbxfrom the site06:52
cbxtrying to install from package manager now, rumpsy06:52
rumpsycbx: okay,  before that, check repos, and reload06:53
Adman65apache2 -S keeps reporting bad $APACHE_RUN_USER but they're set in the envvars file?06:53
jeepkideverybody use opera or xchat on irc??06:55
RecycleCornok this is wierd  i checked the wireless and modem documentation06:55
RecycleCornnothing about ubee06:55
RecycleCornmy wireless card has worked everywhere06:55
RecycleCornwhy isn't it working now for my new cable modem?06:56
RecycleCornI am using a ddw260006:56
RecycleCornthe ethernet works fine06:56
RecycleCornit asks for my password06:57
almarkHello i'm using Ubuntu 9.10 I was just wondering and i'm reading up on grub 2 knowing that my windows partition was missing "smirk" and grub is no longer a walk in the park, is the beta version of grub 2 safe?06:57
RecycleCorni give the default, which is 610d65376206:57
RecycleCornthen it won't connect06:57
RecycleCorni have googled06:57
RecycleCornand checked everywhere06:57
RecycleCornnothing seems to work06:57
cbxalmark, I'm using grub 2 with win 706:58
cbxno problems06:58
cbxdon't know about beta version06:58
jeepkidalmark,u can try fdisk  /mbr06:59
cbxjeepkid, won't that replace grub?06:59
almarkYour saying I should check my Master boot record?06:59
palican anybody help mewith atheros thingy?06:59
disappearedngAny good string matching library in python06:59
cbxalmark, I'm confused on what you're wanting to do07:00
bullgardWhat programs use the environment variable ORBIT_SOCKETDIR?07:00
jeepkidcbx yes,07:00
GabrielSOEHey all, how do I install a folder of fonts in one go?07:00
almarkcbx_ I just need to know should I revert back to grub, because I have no choice but to your the new grub, i'm thinking is so intertwined into Ubuntu that I might damage it but simplicity is sweet compared to the new grub07:00
jeepkidjust use fdisk /mbr ,  it can help u find your windows partition07:01
cbxalmark, grub 2 is safe07:01
cbxdon't worry07:01
* almark bites off finger nails with fingers 07:01
almarkok lol07:01
cbxI've not had problems so far, and I've done almost everything you can with os's07:01
cbxand I still don't know anything about linux07:01
cbxall I did was googled and copy pasted grub entries for windows :P07:02
paliHello. i just installed karmic and found that the wireless connection is very slow compared to the wired connection.been searching the net,do all the suggestion and internet still slow. How can I get up to max speed?07:02
almarkcbx_ i'm reading a site http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/grub-2.html about it, very good site I might add07:02
cbxpali, fwiw, wireless speeds depend on range and signal07:02
cbxcheck that first07:02
almarkcbx_ hey i'm one for shortcuts too :P lol then I read all the nuts and bolts when I can07:02
cbxand check if its a ubuntu problem or not pali07:03
cbx(is it same in windows?)07:03
palithe signal is very strong07:03
jeepkidhehe,i`m using the GNUgrub07:03
eshannonhow can I mount a drive I just installed and create folders if I not logged in as root07:03
paliand not the same when using windows07:03
palieven in karmic, if i use lan still can get high speed07:04
palii meant quick connection07:04
mrpink57eshannon: mount /dev/<drive> /path/you/choose07:04
almarkcbx_ I can see the huge improvements with grub 2 over grub, being able to actually automatically find partitions for you, that is a new one lol but its very hard to grasp07:04
mrpink57eshannon: then to make folders just do mkdir07:04
almarkcbx_ Just give me menu.lst anyday ;)07:04
mrpink57eshannon: you can just add sudo in front of your commands then put in your password07:05
strayhyenais ubuntu for linux experts too?07:05
cbxalmark, true, the new one was very confusing07:06
mrpink57strayhyena: no not at all07:06
almarkanyone that is using Ubuntu 9.10 missing their smbpasswd from samba? I am I need to know how to get it installed though it didn't install with apt-get install samba like normal07:06
cbxstrayhyena, ubuntu's USP is that its for masses, and well, newbies ;)07:06
almarkIts just not there07:06
cbxwhats not there?07:07
eshannonmrpink57 I get this error mount point /media/Big does not exist07:07
cbxhrm yep07:08
almarkthe program to setup samba passwords and stuff07:08
almarkits just not there07:08
cbxinstalling samba is another pain in the ass :P07:08
klappiwich script is run on suspend? can i change that suspend calls hibernate?07:08
eshannonmount /dev/sdc1 /media/Big07:08
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* th0r[A] is now away - Reason : Auto-Away (Away from Keyboard)07:08
* almark lets out a big sigh again from all the other ones from 9.10 :P07:08
palii think i have a problem with karmic slow dns resolve07:08
GabrielSOEHey all, how do I install a folder of fonts in one go?07:09
almarkcbx can I private message you07:09
poetI copied a large file over to the LiveCD filesystem and now I am out of diskspace.  I deleted the file but still the same problem.  How can I clear up some space?07:12
meowbuntugood by gnome hello openbox07:13
ptspoet: is it maybe laying in the trash bin still taking place?07:14
poetpts: the trash is empty07:14
poetI would just reboot but I can't unmount the partitions I have mounted because of no disk space07:15
potterDoes anyone know the classic rock song/artist that's at the very end of this video? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fFgLvT-ghrQ07:16
palii need help with wifi connection07:16
paliwifi connection is very slow compared to wired07:16
palii use atheros ar5007eg and just finished installing the ath5k but still can get max speed07:17
paliplease help me07:18
Gamrokhey how can i change my gdm theme in ubuntu 9.10 guys07:19
Gamrokor can i revert back to the old gdm07:19
wdstudiodownload gdn theme..07:19
Gamrokno that's not what i meant wdstudio what i was akin was where is the configuration window to select the gdm themes07:20
wdstudioo ..07:20
indushello folks07:22
indusGamrok, you cannot07:22
indusGamrok, that easily07:22
indusGamrok, but did you try under system>admin>login window07:22
wdstudioctrl + alt + f107:23
eshannonwhy can't I create folders on my new hard drive. I installed it and used Gparted to create partition and file system07:23
wdstudioexport DISPLAY=:0.007:23
wdstudiosudo -u gdm gnome-control-center07:23
wdstudioand ready to change gdm07:23
jazzare there any sites with icons and fonts for ubuntu other than gnome look?07:24
indusjazz, gnome art, also try deviantart07:24
indusjazz, deviant art is a great site for artwork07:24
wdstudiothey are more or less the same07:24
almarkpoet_ you still having that problem with disk space?07:25
jazzindus,  how do i download from deviant art? i seen some wallpapers take me to there from gnome art but i gave up07:25
indusjazz, deviant art , just use keyword ubuntu in search and you should be good to go07:25
jazzindus,  thanks...07:26
almarkthanks all for the help :)07:26
=== arooni________a is now known as arooni
mrpink57 /quit07:27
wdstudioany one use chromium07:27
wdstudioi had some prob with chromium07:28
wdstudioi cant export bookmarks from chromium07:29
magn3tsI would like to run a simple VM. Would it be okay/acceptable/appropriate to use KVM for this? Or should I stick with virtualbox?07:32
Roxyhart08i got another question...I got a samba server and I configurated users folders . They can see some data in their folder and some dont. For example, I just copy data from the server to each user folder they can't see this new data, just the old one and the permisions are the same "users". i mean it does not refresh? any idea?07:32
jazzwhat exactly is metacity? is that the rest of the windows and the buttons emerald dont theme? is there a themer turotial for karmic? (and lucid eventually)07:33
pmvgood day07:34
pmvwhat's a good way to change themes in KDE apps without running KDE07:34
=== supercom32 is now known as super2
=== supercom32 is now known as Trenton_Net
Trenton_NetDoes anyone know how to gain access to a USB mount once another user has it?07:37
nixpethello all!07:38
=== Trenton_Net is now known as supercom32
pmvsupercom32, how is it mounted07:39
pmvunless you're a superuser or it's mounted on a commonly-accessible mountpoint, you can't really07:39
nixpetnothing like a fresh ubuntu install at 2:40 AM. Mount troubles?07:40
supercom32pmv: It is mounted by just plugging it in and showing up in nautilus. When I switch users to another one on the same machine, if he clicks the device, it won't give him access. And I don't know how to get nautilus to unmount it and ask the other users nautilus to mount it.07:40
Kazuhiroanyone with hardy can you run apt-cache search augeas for me, do you get some results back?07:41
pmveh, I've no idea how nautilus/dbus/whatever does it07:41
pmvnewfangled things07:41
pmv<- grumpy old man at 25yo07:42
supercom32pmv: would going to the mount location as root and chmod'ing the location work?07:42
pmvas root, probably07:42
pmvif it's a network mount, it might not even show up when you run 'mount'07:42
elnurWhen I turn Xinerama on, video acceleration stops working. It works when just TwinView is turned on. Is there a way to keep video acceleration with Xinerama enabled?07:43
pmvor if you're root, you can just remount it07:43
pmva device can be mounted mounted more than once07:43
mawstDoes ubuntu even read the xorg.conf?07:44
nixpeti believe so mawst why? problems i assume xp07:44
mawstGetting a sync out of range error on my monitor with most games (that use 800x600 by default)07:45
mawstI know it can do 800x60007:45
mawstI tried lowering the sync rates in the xorg.conf07:45
huntHi, since I themed gdm2 I've got an accessability icon in the systray, how can I get it to disappear?07:45
nixpetthe hz might be off then07:45
aodellhi. i'm trying to mount a floppy disk image provided by a professor. we're supposed to read the partition table off it. i'm having trouble getting the image mounted though. he tells us to run dd if=floppyimage of=/dev/fd0. this command hangs. any suggestions?07:46
aodelloh and i am sudoing07:47
jazzhow can i get to root nautilus again?07:47
pmvoh okay I got my answer - qtconfig07:47
nixpetare you sure the disk is good?07:47
nixpetmawst can you reset the xorg to default values by any chance?07:47
nixpethey there07:48
ryty_very strange. Fresh install of ubuntu amd64, 12 GB of memory in the machine07:48
ryty_cat /proc/meminfo only shows 807:48
ryty_any ideas?07:48
ranjanhello every body i am having some problem with rythembox when i use to brouse my collection of mp3 files the player turns gray and it goes un responsive so does any body have any idea how to fix it on ubuntu 9.10 any help would be of great help to me .. thanks in advance07:48
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ubunturanjan, Is this an exceptionally large directory of files?07:49
aodelli'm trying to mount a floppy disk image provided by a professor. we're supposed to read the partition table off it. i'm having trouble getting the image mounted though. he tells us to run dd if=floppyimage of=/dev/fd0. this command hangs for several seconds, then prints "dd: opening `/dev/fd0': read-only file system". any suggestions?07:49
indusranjan, how much ram do you have07:50
knoppiesaodell, you could try "mount" it. man mount and search for loop. But Im no expert, you probably want someone who knows what they doing.07:50
knoppiesaodell, I have no idea how to use/mount a floppy in linux, Never done it.07:51
indusranjan, but if you leave it some time, it should come back to normal, takes time to import sings07:51
Jordan_Uaodell, Do you have a floppy drive?07:51
ranjanya i am having  20gibs of mp3 files and i am having an 1gibs of ram ..07:51
aodellJordan_U: i might have a connection for one on the MB, but i don't think its plugged in07:51
jazzwhere does ubuntu 9.10 keep the icons?07:52
Jordan_Uaodell, That is why that command is failing then07:52
indusaodell, sudo mount  /dev/fd0 /mnt/somemountpoint07:52
phpmonkanyone know about any fingerprint scanning tool/lib?07:52
indusranjan, ok then 20 gb is too big , have to wait07:52
vinayanI'm getting the error - Do you want to continue [Y/n]? Y07:52
vinayan(Reading database ... 24408 files and directories currently installed.)07:52
vinayanRemoving phpmyadmin ...07:52
vinayandpkg: error processing phpmyadmin (--remove):07:52
vinayan subprocess post-removal script returned error exit status 1007:52
vinayanErrors were encountered while processing:07:52
FloodBot2vinayan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:52
indusranjan, give it time07:52
vinayanany Idea how to overcome it.07:53
Error404NotFoundi added "Match group sftp X11Forwarding no ChrootDirectory %h AllowTcpForwarding no ForceCommand internal-sftp" to sshd_config to implemented chrooted sftp, but i get an error: "Unsupported Match attribute X11Forwarding - /etc/ssh/sshd_config line 76: Bad Match condition"07:53
aodellJordan_U: so how do i get the image mounted in my situation07:53
F3nixhey, anyone have any ideas how I can get my logitech webcam to work with skype? I have 9.04 jaunty07:54
indusF3nix, well , what shows under 'test' in skype?07:54
Jordan_Uaodell, I don't know to be honest07:54
vinayanHi Guys07:54
F3nixindus: let me check07:54
vinayanI'm getting the error - http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m5ed436d507:54
vinayanwhile trying to remove phpmyadmin..07:55
aodellJordan_U: what is it about the floppy that's bad making it fail? if i plug the drive in, would it work. i haven't used it in years, but still have it07:55
F3nixindus: It's a black screen, and sometimes a grey screen07:55
Jordan_Uaodell, I'm sure there is a better way, but if you want to follow your teacher's instructions you can create a virtual machine with a virtual floppy disk reading from that image07:55
indusaodell, remove the floppy, then put it back in and check dmesg | tail07:55
ranjanone more thing my cpu uses sudennly rises to 100 % when i use to brouse the colection in rythembox :: indus :: ubuntu :: do you know why there is an suden jump in cpu uses ..07:55
indusF3nix, model webcam07:55
Jordan_Uaodell, That command writes the image to the floppy drive, that's why it's failing :)07:56
indusranjan, it needs cpu thats why07:56
aodellindus: not a physical floppy. image file07:56
indusaodell, oh sorry07:56
indusmissed that07:56
aodellno prob07:56
vegombreiim trying to make an audio cd with 58 tracks that are all 1mb, how do i remove the breaks and make the cd like its all just one continuous track07:56
ranjanthank you indus07:56
F3nixindus, just checking07:56
aodellanyone know how to mount a floppy image using a loop07:56
indusF3nix, lspci in terminal07:57
RecycleCornWhen I am at some wireless hotspots, my atheros card connects without any problems with the wifi network, using the given key.   Others are impossible, while others connect easily.  I just got cable service with an ubee router, and I cannot connect or configure my wireless network!07:57
RecycleCornHow do I solve this?07:57
RecycleCornI am using the latest ubuntu07:57
cbxHow do I use this theme in ubuntu? http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Avalon?content=10901607:58
huntHi, since I themed gdm2 I've got an accessability icon in the systray, how can I get it to disappear?07:58
=== sacho_ is now known as Sacho
aodellJordan_U: so if i plugged the floppy drive in, would this command work then possibly?07:58
Jordan_Uaodell, Yes07:58
F3nixindus, ahh doesnt show, could it be because the webcam is plugged into my usb hub?07:58
ranjanvegombrei :: i think you nead to edit all those media file and have to join into one file .. i use Audacity for that part ..07:58
aodellJordan_U: thanks07:58
Jordan_Uaodell, You can also try "sudo mount -o loop /path/to/floppy.img /mountpoint" but without a floppy image on hand and never having tried it I don't know if it will work.07:59
k-p4xhi :)07:59
vegombreiranjan: is brasero really the ultimate cd burner for ubuntu?07:59
jazzfrom what i understand then background folder in usr>shar>backgrounds isnt the same as right clicking and getting backgrounds. in fact there are a few pics in there not shown in right click back ground. how do i make these new pics show on right click and where do i locate the icons folder.08:00
almarkhello I'm trying to get grub 2 to boot my xp drive my linux drive is the Master while the xp drive is the slave when I go to type update-grub I get this grub-probe: error: Cannot find a GRUB drive for /dev/sdb1.  Check your device.map.08:00
ranjanvegombrei :: there are lots of choices you can gave an try .. or you can try k3b .. this one is more towards kde environment08:01
Jordan_Ualmark, Are you running update-grub from a LiveCD?08:01
almarkJordan_U nope, but I install this system from one08:01
almarkJordan_U pure:dyne08:01
almarkJordan_U I'm using Ubuntu 9.10 and its fully installed to my hard drive so its a full system08:02
ranjanvegombrei :: brasero have done my work for burning dvd's ...08:02
indusF3nix, what do you mean08:02
Koharalmark looks like you need reinstall grub so he see right device map08:02
Jordan_Ualmark, Try renaming /boot/grub/device.map so that grub creates one on the fly, like "sudo mv /boot/grub/device.map /boot/grub/device.map-bak"08:02
indusF3nix, all webcams are usb isnt it08:02
almarkJordan_U hmm I didn't see a device map in there let me check08:03
F3nixF3nix, yeah but my webcam is plugged into my additional usb hub08:03
F3nixindus *08:03
indusF3nix, ok dont know that one08:03
F3nixindus, ahh okay man08:03
almarkJordan_U too many files so little time lol08:03
indusF3nix, did you try plug it into normal usb08:03
almarkJordan_U I see it08:03
almarkJordan_U ohhhhh lol08:04
F3nixindus, trying now08:04
F3nixindus, webcam turns on as indicated by the light, but I have no picture08:05
indusF3nix, click on test?08:05
almarkJordan_U_ its set to use sda but its on sdb its actually suppose to be on (hd1) /dev/sdb its showing (hd0) /dev/sda08:05
F3nixindus, tried but just get a grey/black screen08:05
indusF3nix, lspci \08:05
F3nixindus, kk08:05
indusF3nix, lspci command output08:05
FirstSgt2how do you make a script in /etc/init.d run automatically?08:06
indusF3nix, just pastethe webcam line here08:06
FirstSgt2like on startup.08:06
F3nixindus, okay let me see08:06
Jordan_Ualmark, Then renaming the file should work, device.map won't even be created by default in the next version of Ubuntu since it's not really needed any more.08:06
CoBHCanyone else have problems with flash being laggy?08:06
almarkJordan_U_  I got it!08:06
indusCoBHC, yes we all do08:06
Jordan_U!boot | FirstSgt208:06
ubottuFirstSgt2: Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto08:06
indusCoBHC, with firefox i mean08:07
CoBHCthere a way to fix it? or just deal with it until a patch or something?08:07
indusCoBHC, use windows and firefox08:07
indusCoBHC, no patch , keep trying new versions08:07
almarkJordan_U_  thanks here let me share what I did I added (hd1) /dev/sdb to the file as well as the (hd0) /dev/sda and it worked and updated08:07
F3nixindus, i cant see any entry referring to logitech or my webcam08:07
indusCoBHC, or use flash 9 if you find it08:07
F3nixindus, just five USB controller: Intel coporation08:08
tomcheng76which flash version make laggy ??08:08
almarkJordan_U_  Ok thanks again I'm going to see if this puppy will reboot to windows08:08
CoBHC10 tomcheng08:08
indusF3nix, ok remove webcam, plug in and check command dmesg | tail08:08
Jordan_Ualmark, np08:08
F3nixindus, okay sure08:08
indus!paste | F3nix08:08
ubottuF3nix: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.08:08
tomcheng76CoBHC i was thicking my 9550 too slow...08:08
CoBHCi dont think so, i just got rid of the RC 7100 build of windows 7 and it was running fine...08:09
CoBHCdecided to go linux for a bit08:09
tomcheng76so it is linux version problem?08:09
indusyes a firefox problem08:09
CoBHCi think its the new flash thats the problem...08:09
indusruns fine on windows08:09
CoBHCis it FF?08:09
industry chrome, works much better08:10
F3nixindus, done i'll just use paste.ubuntu.com to give you output08:10
CoBHCthey have chrome for linux?08:10
indusF3nix, YES08:10
mrpink57he's right webkit is much better then gecko08:10
induswww.google.com/chrome CoBHC08:10
CoBHCty ty08:10
F3nixindus, http://paste.ubuntu.com/377431/ please take a look :P08:10
tomcheng76not all website render well with webkit because of the market share. despite it passes acid3.08:11
indusits amazing how fast it installs too08:11
RecycleCorn It is time to put those Haitian jigaboos in their place!  No matter how many times the civilized world donates money, opens schools, rebuilds their nation, and holds their little monkey paws, the damn niggers can never get it right.  They never will!  The same goes for New Orleans!  Cancun in Mexico suffered few fatalities after their major hurricane, and the rebuilding is already completed.  What have the niggers in N08:11
RecycleCornew Orleans done? If you are sick of this, join Chimpout Forum!  http://www.chimpout.com/forum08:11
elnurWhen I turn Xinerama on, video acceleration stops working. It works when just TwinView is turned on. Is there a way to keep video acceleration with Xinerama enabled?08:11
industomcheng76, trust google to take careof that soon08:11
FloodBot2RecycleCorn: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:11
ranjanone thing i have found at my set up of ubuntu 9.10 few days back i was transfering lot's of data from my pc to my friends laptop and with the help of usb stick i was using 3 different usb stick out of which i found two to be operational @ a time i was wondering .. why was the third not responding .. i don't know .. does any body exprienced this short of problem or any body have any solution for this .. thanks in advance08:12
F3nixRecycleCorn sounds like a redneck, and this conversation does not belong here08:12
daroluthe only problem I've found with webkit based browser is xml dom parser08:12
RecycleCornit belongs here08:12
indusF3nix, hmm a uvc camera , cool08:12
F3nixindus, haha what does uvc mean?08:12
indus!ops RecycleCorn08:12
rww!ops | RecycleCorn: chimpout spam08:12
ubottuRecycleCorn: chimpout spam: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!08:12
rwwindus: needs more | :)08:13
indusrww, yeah sorry, iam pretty new to this irc thing really08:13
induswhats a redneck?08:13
rustambekanyone who understand networking, need a help08:13
mrpink57tomcheng76: it has a pretty decent market share since its on safari for windows, mac and also on the iphone08:13
rwwindus: Probably best to drop the topic :)08:13
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras08:13
indusF3nix, tell me the complete model of webcam08:14
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!08:14
elnurwhat's that?08:14
tomcheng76mrpink57: you are right, chrome and safari helps a lot.08:14
F3nixindus, alright let me look it up08:14
induselnur, it calls the cops08:14
elnurindus, kk, thx08:14
induselnur, dont use it :) unless some emergency08:14
jazzi typed in nautilus in my terminal but how do i get acces to paste folders into it?08:14
mneptokelnur: yes?08:14
elnurindus, got it08:14
elnurmneptok, sry, just was trying unkown command08:15
rustambekheloooooo anyone08:15
psycho_oreosif I were to download all the stuff required to get 14e4:4315 to work on linux via another computer, what is the best way to transfer those apps? I was thinking of copying all the deb files in /var/cache/apt/archives but would it help if I also copied those db files and somehow make it work on my dualboot 9.10?08:15
indusF3nix, is lspci sayinh anything now , just check08:15
rustambekpiple I have question08:15
elnur!ask | rustambek08:15
ubotturustambek: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:15
mrpink57tomcheng76: i'm just glad Apple decide to relase the code.  Shows Apple is not a closed source whore.08:15
Snicksiehi, for some reason my firefox and opera (both of them -.- ) don't work good anymore. For some reason they both don't run a particular js-script that should work, have worked before and didn't change. nothing changed etcetera. What could it be?08:15
indusF3nix, havet oeat lunch , tell me make of webcam fast !!08:16
F3nixindus, nothing I can see but i can paste it if you want08:16
rwwubottu: language | mrpink5708:16
ubottumrpink57: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.08:16
rustambekthanks, problem is the Realtek driver 817208:16
bazhangmrpink57, watch the language and take offtopic chat elsewhere08:16
darolupsycho_oreos: whatever way you choose to copy and install those debs, make sure you also have the necessary debs to meet all dependencies.08:16
rustambekUbuntu 9.1008:16
elnuris here a command to list all !commands?08:16
tomcheng76mrpink57: which code? safari source? any link?08:16
F3nixindus, sorry its Logitech Quickcam pro 500008:16
mrpink57tomcheng76: look at what MS did with the usb boot option, stealing from GNU and then putting it closed source.08:16
Gumbyhi all.  I am looking for something in a gui flavour that I can transcode mpeg2 and mpeg4 files to divx.  Can anyone recomment anything?08:16
rwwubottu: bot | elnur08:16
ubottuelnur: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots08:16
bazhang!ot | mrpink57 tomcheng7608:16
ubottumrpink57 tomcheng76: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:16
indusrww, thanks :) for the bot link08:16
elnurrww, ty08:17
mrpink57tomcheng76: last thing I will say on it is it's on wikipeda08:17
indusF3nix, iam not sure why it wont show in lspci, can u paste it08:17
F3nixindus, sure08:17
indusF3nix, paste lspci also08:17
rustambekafter installing wifi driver Realtek 8172, laptop restarts itself without wifi it works perft08:18
F3nixindus, k08:18
psycho_oreosdarolu, yeah the thing is that I'm planning to do this via virtualisation whereby I have access to internet.. but as soon as I reboot back into ubuntu 9.10 via real mode I have no internet access via wireless. I figured that if I simply copied all those deb files it wouldn't work, is there a way to make aptitude figure it all out by reading the database that maybe stored in /var/cache/apt ?08:18
Leito[F3nix] sgo?08:18
F3nixindus, here you go http://paste.ubuntu.com/377435/08:18
daroluGumby: I recommend using ffmpeg, but if you need GUI app, I think you can do that with Acid Rip or other ripping dvd software08:18
tomcheng76ty mrpink5708:19
Gumbythx darolu08:19
elnurWhen I turn Xinerama on, video acceleration stops working. It works fine when just TwinView is turned on. Is there a way to keep video acceleration with Xinerama enabled?08:20
indusF3nix, read this http://www.ubuntux.org/node/922108:20
indusF3nix, no dont08:20
F3nixindus, kkk08:20
F3nixindus, do i just need drivers?08:21
indusF3nix, which version of ubuntu you using??08:21
indusF3nix, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=118517&page=308:21
indusi gtg lunch08:21
F3nixuhm 9.10 jack08:21
indusgood lucj08:21
F3nixindus, alright indus thanks for helps08:21
darolupsycho_oreos: you don't need internet to install deb files, if that's what you mean, you simply install by double clicking in GUI or with dpkg -i in command line; anyways you can check dependencies and more with apt, read the manuals: man apt-get, man apt-cache, man apt-config and man dpkg. You'll learn all you need from those manuals.08:21
Adman65i have this werid thing when I'm ssh'd from my mac to my ubuntu box, when I hit backspace it does a forward delete?08:21
tomcheng76Adman65: a|b , a got delete or b ??08:22
RanyAlbegHi all , might be a stupid question but where is the "General" Tab08:23
psycho_oreosdarolu, no but what I meant is that if I were to simply get bcmwl-source, it will have all the deps like kernel-headers, etc right? so if I were to go on virtualisation, I download all those necessary deb files, I then copy all those deb files and the database to the dualbooted 9.10.. paste it in the right spot.. and aptitude install bcmwl-source and it would work by reading the database?08:23
tomcheng76Adman65: http://fredericiana.com/2006/10/16/fixing-backspace-and-delete-for-ssh-in-os-xs-terminalapp/08:24
darolupsycho_oreos: in theory, yes, it should work just fine.08:24
elnurAnyone has experience with Xinerama and NVidia?08:24
psycho_oreosdarolu, rather then having to install each and every deps, just simply make it run through and install all of it on its own08:24
elnurOr maybe just with Xinerama?08:24
psycho_oreosdarolu, cool thanks08:25
tomcheng76Adman65: i think you just need export TERM=linux08:25
meowbuntuhow does vlc compare to mplayer(smplayer) for video.08:25
Adman65i'll try that08:25
daroluRanyAlbeg: "General-tab"? what app? what are you trying to do?08:26
mrpink57meowbuntu: to be honest I do not see much of a difference, smplayer might have a few more codecs and not as bloated.08:26
Adman65term=linux did the trick np08:26
rumpsymeowbuntu: i prefer xine, i donno about you mentioned08:27
shawnboyWhen logging into remote (web host) via SSH, I get warning message that remote host key has changed. Any way to double check whether it's a real risk or maybe they just upgraded their server?08:27
xen_hey anyone able to run counter strike 1.6 wid proper FPS..???08:28
meowbuntumrpink57, smplayer needs mplayer first is that still lighter than vlc08:28
meowbunturumpsy, who is mentioned ????08:28
F3nixanyone know why svn checkout http://svn.berlios.de/svnroot/repos/linux-uvc/  command requires authentication08:28
xen_counter strike FPS issue on linux... help me plzzzz08:29
psycho_oreosmeowbuntu, if bloating is your concern, why not just use mplayer instead?08:29
rumpsymeowbuntu: This thing, "how does vlc compare to mplayer(smplayer) for video"08:29
darolushawnboy: the only -100% safe- way to know that is to contact the web host admin and ask; keys change relatively often, i.e. when they install upgrades.08:29
meowbuntupsycho_oreos, smplater is better can do more08:29
psycho_oreosmeowbuntu, no its more or less a GUI front end for mplayer itself08:29
mrpink57meowbuntu: actually i just did a check they're about the same with smplayer, i do think smplayer loads faster for me at least.08:29
shawnboythanks, meowbuntu.08:30
mrpink57meowbuntu: however as psycho_oreos is saying that's all it is and I just use mplayer by itself now08:30
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meowbuntuwhats the default movie player for ubuntu. i think i removed it08:38
juanubuntu 10 .408:39
mawstmeowbuntu, totem08:40
juanis woking fine whi son erro08:41
xen_while watching video files,,,, the colour of the vids seem to be more of bluish and black rather than its original colour... some1 plzzz help me,...08:42
xen_while watching video files,,,, the colour of the vids seem to be more of bluish and black rather than its original colour... some1 plzzz help me,...08:42
djamelxen_, use VLC and enable advanced controls08:42
jazzis metacity the window part behind the file-edit-view-history-  on a window?08:42
xen_yaa wait08:43
djamelxen_, so you can tweak contrast,saturation, gamma etc08:43
psycho_oreos!repeat | xen_08:43
ubottuxen_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.08:43
xen_nothin g happening its the same08:43
xen_yaa its like wenever i try watching any video its more of bluish n reddish..... probably some damage wid the codecs... any ideas hw to reinstall the codecs..?08:44
r3zahi guys , i have thunderbird mail client on my windows xp and and i want to import all of message to evolution in ubuntu karmic , how can i do that ?08:44
xen_help me08:45
koltrollOk. I have no sound, which I found very strange since ubuntu always has been great with soundrivers for me.08:45
koltrollI know I haven't got anything muted.08:45
koltrollWhere do I start? :)08:45
xen_psycho_oreos: help me08:46
Koharkoltroll look at lspci -v if no sound then install driver08:46
psycho_oreosxen_, try some other media player, not vlc08:46
ogexr3za, http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/Applications_GUI_Multimedia/Howto_migrate_from_Thunderbird_to_Evolution08:46
xen_i tried using the default movie player... no changes but the same08:46
r3zaogex: thanks a lot dude08:46
rwwubottu: helpme | xen_08:47
ubottuxen_: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude08:47
psycho_oreosxen_, and mplayer?08:47
xen_1 sec08:47
koltrollKohar, Kernel modules: snd-hda-intel08:47
antileetHi! I installed ubuntu 10.04 lucid and my qt apps don't have the native gtk themes on my non-gnome window manager. I have gnome-settings-daemon running. Does anyone know a workaround to force qt apps to pick up gnome theme?08:47
koltrollBut I did notice one thing, it has also loaded a module for the sound-something on my graphics card. ati.08:48
rwwantileet: Support for development versions of Ubuntu is in #ubuntu+1, not here.08:48
antileetrww, thanks. noted08:49
C-S-Bam i being an idiot. I get nothing from blkid?08:50
vivekuprading ubuntu from 9.04 to 9.1 will give any problem ?08:50
Koharkoltroll aplay -l08:50
overloadvivek it depend of your computer08:50
overloadsome mini computer got problem with the power management08:51
overloadlike blinking brightness08:51
vivekbut i have got  p  4 with 2.808:51
beyondcrcould some one point me so a easy way or some good documentation on creating a custom distro08:51
koltrollKohar, result: http://pastebin.com/m1692456508:51
overloadthen i cant tell you try on a usb key first if u can boot on it08:51
overloador live cd08:52
Koharkoltroll grep 'audio' /etc/group08:52
viveki dont have live cd i am upgrading it from net so08:52
rumpsyvivek: 9.10 works fine for me, i'm having P4 2.8ghz08:52
koltrollKohar, "audio:x:29:"08:53
iflemabeyondcr check out LFS linux from sratch08:53
OerHeksbeyondcr,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization?action=show08:53
overloadya lol a little risky then look if your hardware is suported on the net08:53
beyondcrty iflema and DerHeks08:54
AnxiousNutcan anybody give me link for a good ubuntu poster?08:54
overloadi dont know but would like to get one on murphys laws08:55
hidensofthi every one08:55
ColwoodI'm trying to install Google Earth.  I have downloaded the .bin file but don't know what to do next08:55
hidensofti have problem with wine08:55
mandwhat can i do so "ssh server sudo apt-get update" does not reveal my password? right now, it shows in clear text when i enter it08:55
Koharkoltroll try add user sudo nano /etc/group ausio:x:29:your_username08:56
hidensofti trying to run windows program08:56
hidensofti got some error08:56
shawnboyI just discovered sshfs and it's COOL!08:56
hidensofti past it now08:56
iflemaColwood you need to make it executable08:56
OerHeksAnxiousNut, http://www.gasteropodica.net/hannes/wp-content/uploads/2007/05/ubuntu_poster.jpg or http://www.linuxcrypt.net/downloads/ubuntu/posters/Ubuntu%20Poster.png or a VERY OLD ONE http://fc01.deviantart.com/fs18/f/2007/171/8/8/Uncover_Ubuntu___Advertisment_by_ArtByScott.png08:57
koltrollKohar, done.08:57
hidensoftplease help me08:57
whiskyhello everybody08:58
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rumpsyhidensoft: check java version08:58
Koharkoltroll still no sound?08:58
=== Guest67772 is now known as Gateway`
hidensoftrumpsy, im new in ubuntu , how i can check that ?08:59
koltrollKohar, no - but I haven't done anything more than edited that file. Do I need to restart computer? Reload modules? Restart programs that's suppose to use sound?08:59
whiskyhow to access share folder of other pc in xubuntu?08:59
AnxiousNut<OerHeks> thanks alot :)08:59
Colwoodiflema, I've made it executable now.08:59
rumpsyhidensoft: open synaptic package manager and search for it08:59
iflemaColwood in a terminal     its name with ./ in front08:59
hidensoftrumpsy, where is it ?09:00
koltrollKohar, I GOT TEH SOUND!09:00
rumpsyhidensoft: system->synaptic package manager09:00
My-ComputerIm running on easypeasy 1.5 which has openoffice 3.1 pre-installed. "whats the terminal sintax to install a language pack such as spanish?"09:00
hidensoftrumpsy, do you understand i got this error in wine ?09:00
Koharkoltroll good09:01
rumpsyhidensoft: yes09:01
koltrollKohar, thank you so much man! Appreciate it big time!09:01
rumpsyhidensoft: i think it needs java09:01
hidensoftrumpsy, i have java09:02
ColwoodGreat, thanks iflema09:02
mandhow can i force ssh (maybe through ~/.ssh/config) to always allocate a pseudo tty for every connection?09:02
hidensofti can run java application09:02
hidensoftbut i wine i got that error09:02
=== mpoz2 is now known as hellp
ColwoodWhere should I install it so all users can use it?09:02
rumpsyhidensoft: what version you are having09:02
hidensofti think wine can't run java application09:02
obvsalut à tous!09:03
rumpsyhidensoft: what version of java you are having09:03
rumpsy!channel | obv09:04
OerHeksAnxiousNut, this is de off. marketing directory > http://doc.ubuntu.com/~marketing/spreadubuntu/09:04
hidensoftSun Java(TM) Runtime Environment (JRE) 5.009:04
shawnboyany bluefish or komodo edit users here?09:04
grndslmhow can i drop down to different runlevels??  like 3 perhaps? .. with no gui, specifically gdm???09:04
rumpsyhidensoft: so, is that app you tried using winne09:05
rumpsyhidensoft: so, what is that app you tried using wine09:05
hidensoftTMbot manager09:05
Kohargrndslm sudo runlevel 309:06
My-Computer"whats the terminal sintax to install a language pack such as spanish?"09:06
bharat_can anyone help me out configure the brightness and the eject keys on a dell studio laptop 155509:06
hidensofti need to run windows versian of that09:06
ineedhelphey is there anyone in here that can help me connect my sony eyetoy with skype? ive read a bunch of stuff but i cant understand how to do it09:06
KoharMy-Computer apt-cache search whatyouneed sudo apt-get install programm09:06
bharat_can anyone help me out configure the brightness and the eject keys on a dell studio laptop 155509:07
rumpsyhidensoft: i know that, wine could do that... but the error says, classnotfound !09:07
KoharMy-Computer or you can use aptitude syntax same09:07
rumpsybharat_: :) . .  can you see fn key on laptop09:07
My-Computerthanks kohar09:07
shawnboybharat_ I can09:07
shawnboyif ur using karmic09:07
indusF3nix, hi any luck09:08
rumpsybharat_: press and hold that, and press f6 or f709:08
bharat_9.10 yes09:08
shawnboyGPU? which one?09:08
bharat_nothing happening09:08
bharat_ati radeon hd 457009:08
shawnboyok. same as mine09:08
shawnboyadd "noapic" to grub line. voila.09:08
ineedhelpanyone know of a webcam messenger i can use with koala? needs to b compatible with windows09:08
bharat_so is everything in fine order with ur laptop09:09
shawnboyfinally. yes09:09
bharat_and what abt the eject button09:09
shawnboylots of trial and error and forum time.09:09
shawnboymine works by itself.09:09
shawnboyevery time.09:09
hidensoftrumpsy, wine have channel ?09:09
shawnboybrightness. everything.09:10
hidensoftrumpsy, wine have IRC channel ?09:10
rumpsyhidensoft: yes09:10
bharat_the brightness keys and the eject work only for a few mins after logging in09:10
hidensoftwhat is that ?09:10
hidensoft#wine ?09:10
rumpsyhidensoft: no09:10
bharat_ the brightness keys and the eject work only for a few mins after logging in09:10
hidensoftplease tell me09:10
shawnboybharat_ u tried "noapic" at end of "linux" line in grub?09:10
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rumpsyhidensoft: its #winehq09:11
bharat_is this what ur talking about   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1313390&highlight=brightness09:11
hidensoftthanks for hep09:11
rumpsyhidensoft: np09:11
pintookhello to u all09:11
shawnboybharat_ : yes, essentially. I am running ATI proprietary drivers 9.10 using apt-get ... then added noapic to grub and all works fine for m09:13
bharat_u mean nolapic rite?09:13
shawnboyi have studio 1555 with ati 457009:13
bharat_and ya i just added the ati drivers this morning09:13
bharat_we have the same config!09:14
shawnboynice to meet another hardware compadre09:14
bharat_haha :)09:14
bharat_dude u have no idea how happy i am now :P09:15
bharat_ok what exactly did u do?09:15
shawnboyyes. I do!09:15
bharat_bcoz i can see namy modifications in the grub line on that post09:15
shawnboylet me find my thread. I put it all in forums to hopefully help SOMEONE.09:15
indusi have a 485009:15
euphorianhelp.. cant install xubuntu or boot to windows.  i am on the livecd atm.  i need to install xubuntu or re-burn the cd.  the iso is on my windows partition. what should i do?09:15
induseuphorian, what do you mean cant install09:15
NET||abusehi guys, i've a server that someone else setup, but i'm getting to grips with it, they created 3 logical volumes with lv, I want to create a new logical volume.09:15
euphorianit has read errors at like 34%09:16
euphorianand then goes into the gui09:16
ttyXeuphorian, if you still have the iso then try unetbootin09:16
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NET||abusefirst thing is how do i see how much unused space is on the array?09:16
bharat_shawn this is how it looks on my grub09:16
bharat_GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"09:16
bharat_what changes should i do09:16
shawnboybharat_: easy. after splash, just add a space and then "noapic"09:18
LantiziaHey does anyone know what the Ubuntu Mobile channel is?09:18
bharat_sweet! ill try it out now and lwt u know  soon.09:18
induseuphorian, the cd is bad i think, first check the iso with md5sum like so in terminal $md5sum iso09:18
Lantizianvm got it09:18
ColwoodGoogle Earth is now running.  thanks for your help09:18
pintooki have a problem with my open office09:18
induseuphorian, then burn slowly like at 8x09:19
shawnboyAnybody know if there's a mobile version of Ubuntu Forums?09:19
hipitihopanyone know of Festival TTS can be easily integrated with the default notification framework in ubuntu ?09:19
shawnboyk, bharat_09:19
euphorianbrand new cd but maybe cause i didnt let it cool down at all after burning it09:19
Jordan_Ueuphorian, Did you try the integrity check at boot?09:20
induseuphorian, cool down? that s not an issue really but do one thing, when live cd boots up and comes to the menu, check cd for defects09:20
shawnboyFestivus for the Restofus. Ooops. sorry. I saw Festival something and got excited.09:20
timClickshow do I use dpkg to build a deb from a source I would like compiled?09:21
hipitihopwhy has VirtualBox stopped automatically updating and now the Ubuntu version is 2 versions behind09:21
euphoriani tried the check but it just went to black screen for a long time09:21
* iflema good idear cruger09:21
mngrifwould someone be kind enough to tell me how to enable using the mouse wheel (z axis) on the gnome desktop to switch virtual desktops? i'm an ex-kde user and i just can't find this tick-box anywhere in gnome!09:21
induseuphorian, ok try wit h new cd then, or do a usb boot09:21
indus!nick euphorian09:21
indus!WHO | euphorian09:22
ubottueuphorian: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)09:22
induspintook, hi\09:22
pintookhi indus09:22
induspintook, how may we help you09:22
pintookthank u09:22
ttyXdoes anyone kknow how do I remove outdated language packs from firefox?09:22
{g}Hey People! Im trying to set a resoulition via "xrandr --addmode HDMI-1 2560x1600_60.00" and I get "X Error of failed request:  BadMatch (invalid parameter attributes)". I googled for this and found the error a couple of times but no solutions. Maybe someone here has an idea?09:22
ineedhelpso i have this eyetoy and it works great with cheese, i get a white screem with everything else09:22
euphorianok sorry about that ubottu09:22
induseuphorian, ubottu is a bot :) not human09:22
pintookindus; my openoffice text does not show09:23
euphorianlol, smart bot09:23
induspintook, english ?09:23
indusubottu, thanks09:23
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)09:23
pintookindus; eg. if u click on file the dropdown text is blank09:24
induseuphorian, do you have pen drive? do you want to try usb boot09:24
euphorianis unetbootin an effiecent way to install linux09:24
induspintook, what version of ubunth09:24
induseuphorian, yes it is indeed09:24
ttyXeuphorian, works fine for me evrytime09:24
euphorianok ill do that then09:24
induspintook, ubuntu version ? ubuntu or xubuntu09:24
induspintook, the file menu is empty you mean?09:25
shawnboystink. I just learned about the tab key in IRC. That's handy.09:25
induspintook, what theme are you using09:25
ubuntuStop saying my name!09:25
icerootshawnboy: also working on the same09:25
pintooki do not know the theme u are talking about09:25
icerootubuntu: change your nick09:25
induspintook, i mean did you change the way ubuntu loooks09:25
ubuntuiceroot: YOU DISOBEYED MY REQUEST!09:26
pintookindus; no pls09:26
ubuntuindus: YOU TOO!09:26
iceroot!ops | ubuntu09:26
ubottuubuntu: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!09:26
shawnboyiceroot: Help me out... my attn span is short tonight.09:26
indusubuntu cut it out09:26
indusubuntu like the ops say, this is not a joke channel, change your nick09:26
indus!UNETBOOTIN | euphorian09:27
ubottueuphorian: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent09:27
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.09:27
induseuphorian, aah no ignore that link, go to unetbootin with google09:27
pintookindus; waiting09:27
euphorianhey umm, i tried it, and its trying to install it onto the live cd09:27
induspintook, sorry forgot09:27
shawnboybharat_: well?09:28
induspintook, does it not show only in file menu ?09:28
odb|fideli am looking for an application which let me configure the function of each mouse-button app-specific. On osx i am using steermouse for that task - is there something similar known for linux/ubuntu?09:28
oz7ti am radioamateur. Looking for people knowing something about programming simply graphic with gcc in ubuntu 9.1009:28
bharat_shawn. sorry mate no luck :(09:28
bharat_this is how the grub line looks09:28
bharat_GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash noapic"09:28
MrEgg964hi all - I need some help with acl (for files and directories). I have set rw acls for a user (setfacl -m u:fred:rw myfile), and yet the user cannot delete the file. What am I missing? Thanks09:28
rumpsyubuntu, you are still here? change your nick to someother09:29
ttyXmy deps are screwed i think :(09:29
shawnboyah darn. hmmm... i'm thinking09:29
hipitihopis it possible to configure the notification system to one of the tts engines ?09:29
oz7tif yoy can call me on skype as olebole1252 thanks09:29
bharat_does it have anything to do with the ati drivers?09:29
icerootoz7t: try ##c, ##c++ or something like that09:29
rumpsybharat_: follow shawnboy09:29
mngrifgod bless bharat_ you're still here!09:30
ttyXor qt4 for gui programming in c++09:30
rumpsybharat_: change that line in grub09:30
bharat_rumpsy amen09:30
oz7ticeroot thanks09:30
icerootoz7t: you are welcome09:30
euphorianhow do i eject the live cd09:30
icerooteuphorian: not possible if you are in that live system09:30
induseuphorian, well, select option boot from first hard disk09:30
induseuphorian, then press button09:30
euphoriani do that and get a grub error09:31
rumpsyeuphorian: while you are working using that, its impossible, shutdown to get it09:31
shawnboybharat_, so... had u tried installing other vid drivers before current ones?09:31
induseuphorian, cant boot from hard disk? hmm09:31
mneptokubuntu: either change your nick, or if you do not have a support issue, /part the channel. but please stop with the (really lame and overused) jokes.09:31
induseuphorian, ok restart09:31
oz7ticeroot i have heard it is not simly with gcc and graphic09:31
euphorianrestart and then what?09:31
bharat_shawn this is what i downloaded and installed09:31
hipitihopanyone using virtualbox here ?09:31
Jordan_Ueuphorian, What error?09:32
shawnboybharat_, I've heard it can be important to keep that stuff all clean. So, if not using opensource, uninstall b4 going ATI.09:32
induseuphorian, remove cd from tray by pressing button what else09:32
bharat_im sorry i didnt get u09:32
euphorianindus: that will get me nowhere as i cannot boot09:32
induseuphorian, before it goes to live cd boot again that is, or enter bios09:32
icerootoz7t: you know that gcc is a compiler? not a graphic manipulation programm like gimp?09:32
induseuphorian, why cant you boot into windows?09:33
euphorianbecause of the grub error09:33
shawnboybharat_, my experience, and I can't offer explanation, is I used terminal like in my post.09:33
indusoz7t, you want to program in c ? gcc is for that09:33
indusoz7t, the gnu c compiler g  c  c09:33
oz7ticeroot yes but some libaries should help but ??09:33
bharat_oh... ok so what do i try now...09:33
shawnboybharat_, when I tried the .run files I got mixed results, so I uninstalled everything the way it needed, then did the apt-get cleanly09:34
mngrifoz7t: do you already know c?09:34
Jordan_Ueuphorian, "sudo apt-get install mbr && sudo install-mbr /dev/sdX", where X is your drive, like sda, should allow you to boot windows again.09:34
ddavidsi mistakenly deleted my shutdown icon... how can i restore the default panel?09:34
induseuphorian,oh you mean you cant enter windows either from grub?09:34
bharat_ok so how do i remove them the software centre?09:34
bullgardWhat programs use the environment variable ORBIT_SOCKETDIR?09:34
Jordan_U!panel | ddavids09:34
indusddavids, right click on panel >add to panel09:34
euphorianindus: no Jordan_U i'll try it.09:34
icerootoz7t: yes, ##c or ##c++09:34
icerootoz7t: there is a better place for that09:34
mngrifddavids: right click a blank area of the menu and add item. look for it there to re-add it09:35
oz7tindus yes oki have made a little parallel program calling my port  that okbut i would made some graphich round my program09:35
indusJordan_U, apt-get ? from where ? live cd?09:35
Jordan_Uindus, Yes09:35
euphorianBus error (core dumped). 0%09:35
indusJordan_U, how can you run that command if you cant boot into ubuntu????09:35
induseuphorian, do you have the windows cd with you?09:35
shawnboybharat_, hold on a sec. please.09:35
Jordan_Uindus, Like you said, from the liveCD09:35
bharat_take ur time :)09:36
indusJordan_U, the live cd wont boot i said09:36
shawnboy<humbly asks> uh... ok, so I'm in xchat. how do I start a private chat?09:36
euphorianlive cd boots09:36
euphorianwindows doesnt09:36
euphorianlive cd doesnt boot windows09:36
induseuphorian, it does? you get to a desktop?09:36
mngrifshawnboy: /query user09:36
euphorianbut live cd doesnt install buntu09:36
euphorianindus: ya im on it right now09:36
shawnboymngrif, thanks.09:36
induseuphorian, ok then do what Jordan_U says probably09:37
Simon1245Hello indus :)09:37
indushello Simon1245 :)09:37
oz7twww.olehasselbalch.dk  posippletot translate in other languis09:37
euphoriantried it and got an error :909:37
ddavidsi have done that but i it doesnt appear like it used to be...09:38
induseuphorian, use windows cd and repair mbr09:38
indusddavids, yes add user switch applet09:38
oz7toz7t is my amateur call my name is ole living in denmark09:38
shawnboybharat_, join me in the private chat.09:38
shawnboybharat_, and no that's not a come-on.09:38
Jordan_Ueuphorian, Can you mount any partition on the hard drive ( preferably ext* but it can be anything )?09:38
euphorianyeah i can09:39
ddavidsi would like to have it the default way pls09:39
indusddavids, what is default way09:40
ddavidsthe way it looked on fresh install09:40
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »09:40
indusits given tehr09:40
Jordan_Ueuphorian, Try "sudo grub-install --root-directory=/mountpoint /dev/sdX"09:40
ddavidsi saw something online but i dont know if it'll work 'sudo debconf gnome-panel'...09:40
indusddavids, try above link first09:41
ddavidsindus: thanks, i'll give it a shot09:41
indusddavids, nothing special about panel, you can add or remove stuf to it anyway,09:41
mngrifwould someone be kind enough to tell me how to enable using the mouse wheel (z axis) on the gnome desktop to switch virtual desktops? i'm an ex-kde user and i just can't find this tick-box anywhere in gnome!09:41
Jordan_U!resetpanel | ddavids09:42
ubottuddavids: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »09:42
OerHeksmngrif install compiz manager, then you can add desktop effects via system> preferences.09:43
ddavidsubottu, indus: thanks alot09:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:43
oz7thttp:// is my homepage on my ubuntu server09:43
mngrifOerHeks: wow that's an obscure spot for such a setting :\ thanks though :)09:43
=== steveire_ is now known as steveire
llutz!ot | oz7t09:44
ubottuoz7t: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:44
oz7tubottu ok thanks but i am newbeginner here hi hi09:45
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:45
beeznI have a annoying question - I installed ubuntu 9.10 and when I reboot to complete the install I get flashing vertical stripes and nothing else on my screen. I am using component cables through a geforce 6700. so what do you think is up?09:45
indusoz7t, no problems, just stick to ubuntu support question09:45
OerHeksmngrif before doiing desktop effects, you have to turn it on via > system preferences theme [tab[ desktop effects09:45
beezner, ist a 760009:45
oz7tindus ok thanks09:45
ubuntuubottu, Will you marry me?09:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)09:46
ubuntuThats okay, I don't mind, Ubottu!09:46
usuario__alguien ai09:48
beeznso... ideas?09:48
fhermeniI have an issue with preseed: netcfg works fine by getting all the network stuff from dhcp but still asking for a hostname. I try to add the line "d-i netcfg/get_hostname string unassigned-hostname" on the config file but no change. Any idea ?09:49
mngriffhermeni: any reason you're working without a hostname?09:50
fhermenimngrif: it retrieves the hostname but I still have to press enter :/09:51
mngriffhermeni: ooooh. i see. sorry, can't help. my problem with it is it doesn't set my default route :(09:52
Simon1245Is it possible to have Photoshop on Linux?09:52
Simon1245And if so, How?09:52
mngrifi'll tackle that problem once i can manage windows properly :)09:53
mneptokSimon1245: tried The GIMP?09:53
shawnboywhile I'm waiting for bharat_  to return, are there any users of bluefish or komodo edit here?09:53
Simon1245mneptok, It's kinda hard, I don't understand that program. I've tried it once though09:53
shawnboyI'm looking for opinions.09:53
mneptokshawnboy: i use Komodo. i like it a lot. a bit slow on first launch, but that's a small niggle.09:54
Simon1245mneptok, I prefear Photoshop better. It's much more easier.09:54
mneptokSimon1245: well worth the time to learn it, considering the cost of Photoshop09:54
Simon1245mneptok, Well, I donwload :D09:54
mngrifbluefish serves my needs well but tbh i just use vim 99% of the time09:55
maxagaz_my usb devices are not mounted automatically anymore, probably because i removed some package, what should I do ?09:55
icerootSimon1245: use gimp, but if you want photoshop, use wine09:55
Dolmiohow do i forward a free hostname that i own to my ip?09:55
iceroot!wine | Simon124509:55
ubottuSimon1245: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu09:55
Simon1245I will try to learn Gimp, If I success I let Photoshop be..09:55
Simon1245Thanks for the wine idea, iceroot.09:55
icerootSimon1245: yes, learning and using gimp (free software) is much better then photoshop09:56
mneptokSimon1245: and stop stealing.09:56
shawnboymneptok, I was thinking about trying bluefish (& still will try it) but then stumbled upon Komodo Edit. It looks decent.09:56
Dolmioow do i forward a free hostname that i own to my ip?09:56
Simon1245mneptok, I just barrow :D09:56
shawnboyman I hope I don't bork this kid's system.09:57
coz_shawnboy,  a few borked systems under the belt and all will be well :)09:57
Simon1245iceroot, mneptok, gimp isn't that different from Photoshop :S09:58
shawnboycoz_, :)  I'm only trying to help him out and we have identical hardware, but... sometimes things happen09:58
llutzDolmio: edit your nameserver-settings09:58
Simon1245iceroot, mneptok I think I can use it aswell09:58
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP309:58
coz_shawnboy,  they sure do  so I wouldnt bet too worried09:59
bharat_shan im back to trouble u :P09:59
Dolmiollutz,  thanks09:59
indusgimp now looks like photoshop  i hear10:00
tiger_how do i extract rar part files in linux10:00
llutzDolmio: edit A-record of your host to point to your IP10:00
Dolmiollutz, where do i find these files?10:01
llutzDolmio: usually at your domain-hosting site10:01
industiger_, install unrar package10:01
tiger_sounds easy10:02
zepherAnyone have tips for a quick JRE install? I can't seem to get it right.10:02
industiger_, sudo apt-get install unrar-nonfree10:02
Simon1245unp is easier I think10:02
bullgardWhat programs use the environment variable ORBIT_SOCKETDIR?10:02
Simon1245The one Dr_Willis suggested10:02
Simon1245tiger_, You can try unp aswell if you want... sudo apt-get install unp10:03
indusSimon1245, it does unrar?10:03
Simon1245tiger_, Then you can just unp filename.zip10:03
Simon1245indus, Yea10:03
indusyou ae a genius10:03
Simon1245Lol :P It's thanks to Dr_Willis he told yesterday10:04
Simon1245He also said you can unrar almost any type of file10:04
indus!info unp10:04
ubottuunp (source: unp): unpack (almost) everything with one command. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.15 (karmic), package size 10 kB, installed size 76 kB10:04
indusi prefer pzip10:04
indusor 7 zip rather10:04
tiger_unrar is not available it seems10:04
indusits unbelievable10:04
ubottuFiles with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression10:04
Simon1245unp is really easy :D I go for it :D10:05
industiger_, its not?  ok go to system>admin > software sources and see if multiverse and univers is ticked10:05
Simon1245unp filename.extension and it's done :D10:05
Simon1245Isn't it sudo apt-get install unrar, I did that yesterday or 2 days ago10:05
Simon1245tiger_, Do sudo apt-get install unrar10:06
Simon1245tiger_, That will download it10:06
indusSimon1245, thee is also a unrar-nonfree10:06
indusSimon1245, its proprietary stuff this unrar10:06
Simon1245indus, Oh ok, I didn't know :D10:07
indus!info unrar10:07
ubottuunrar (source: unrar-nonfree): Unarchiver for .rar files (non-free version). In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:3.9.3-1 (karmic), package size 100 kB, installed size 248 kB10:07
Simon1245indus, But wouldn't you have to pay for the nonfree version? Since it says "not free"..10:07
indusnoone pays for software on linux :D10:07
Simon1245Everything for linux is 100% free?10:08
MyrttiSimon1245: no, but most is10:08
indusSimon1245, mostly10:08
bazhangSimon1245, indus please take this to #ubuntu-offtopic10:08
Simon1245Wow cool10:08
Simon1245nvm, I will stop talking about it :D10:08
Gateway`hello everybody, when I do a ping I got this message error " icmp_seq=2 (BAD CHECKSUM)Destination Port Unreachable "10:08
indusbazhang, its not off topic i think, he had a general lunux question10:08
indusok nvm10:08
indusSimon1245, feel free to chat in #ubuntu-offtopic for discussions10:09
indusi never go there though10:09
Simon1245I will stay here :D10:09
Simon1245Gateway`, Sorry, I can't help you I hope someone else will be able to..10:09
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras10:10
Simon1245Hello wangdx10:10
wangdxHow can I user chinese input10:10
mngrifok after fiddling with compiz manager for the past 20 minutes i've found every single feature under the sun aside from how to bind the mouse wheel to changing desktops10:10
vivekits network problem i think u can try once more10:10
bazhangwangdx, which version of ubuntu10:11
bazhangmngrif, may want to ask in #compiz as well10:11
Simon1245Hello hartog10:11
bazhangwangdx, its iBus from Karmic, formerly was scim10:11
hartogjust tried to do vigr on a fresh karmic. It complained vim is not installed. Should I report this as a bug or is it a fluke?10:12
ToxiCsisMDoes anyone have any tips for installing the Java6 JRE? I can't seem to get it right.10:12
bazhang!java | ToxiCsisM10:12
ubottuToxiCsisM: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java products search for sun-java6 -packages from the !Multiverse repository10:12
mngrifbazhang: it's an ancient unix feature since mice had wheels, way back when they still had balls. i can't believe it's this difficult to find :(10:12
bazhangToxiCsisM, do you have the multiverse repo enabled10:12
vivekHello could u tell me how to message each person personally ?10:12
wangdxbazhang: thinak you10:13
bazhangvivek, please ask them first then /msg nickname  message10:13
ToxiCsisMI do not. Let me take a look at that link above and I'll get back to you guys. Thanks for the help.10:13
hartogno comment?10:14
vivekok bazhang10:14
q0kHI did you ever use mozdev.org?10:14
bazhanghartog, its optional, need to install10:15
hartogyeah, but vigr depends on it so then it seems no longer optional10:15
hartogcan remember older versions of ubuntu shipped with vim per default10:15
hartogthink it is strange that vigr would use vim over vi though10:16
hartogless code for root apps == better, right?10:16
indusunp wont unpack rar10:17
alabdhello , how to capture/see read/write on disks ?10:19
hartogaladb: cat /proc/diskstats10:20
indusq0k, hi10:21
vivekUpgrading ubuntu from 9.04 to 9.1 will give some display setting problem ? and if yes any remedy ?10:22
q0kindus, hi, my question above10:23
=== choonming_ is now known as choonming
indusdont see no question10:23
q0kindus, 19:1610:24
induscan you paste again10:24
q0kDid you ever use mozdev.org?10:24
q0kDid you ever use a your own mailing list?10:24
vivekUpgrading ubuntu from 9.04 to 9.1 will give any display setting problem ? and if yes any remedy ?10:24
q0kUpgrading ubuntu from 9.04 to *9.10* will give any display setting problem ? -- shouldn't give any problems10:25
Chris_Hello all I am hoping someone can help me out... installing ubuntu for the first time. I get to the Prepare partitions page and its not seeing my drive, any clue what to do ? Thanks10:25
pintookindus;sorry i am back10:25
=== Gateway is now known as Guest50024
alabdany opinion ?10:27
induspintook, heh10:27
vivekUpgrading ubuntu from 9.04 to 9.1 will give any display setting problem ? and if yes any remedy ?10:27
coz_Chris_,  on that screen   which option are you choosing?  side by side...erase disk?10:27
=== Guest50024 is now known as Gateway`
indusvivek, generally it shouldnt10:27
Chris_@Coz - I am not getting any options just the window with nothing showing under device10:28
vivekok let me try indus10:28
mikebeechamhi there...does anyone know if there is a Hotspot Shield alternative for Linux/Ubuntu?10:28
induschris_ run the installer again10:28
coz_Chris_,  oo   first thing check the disk  by restarting and chooseing check disk  to be sure the cd itself is burned correctly and has no errors10:28
laegi just copied an 8gb folder to a portable hard drive, then moved the original to trash and emptied trash but i only have an extra 4gbs - how can i fix this?10:29
Chris_@indus, this is the second time I have run it. @Coz okay thanks let me try that now. Will still be here as its for a different pc10:29
swethaCan anyone tell how to start a ftp server on a port othere than 2110:29
=== choonming_ is now known as choonming
th0rswetha: the port is usually in the config file for the ftp server10:30
mistryniteshis there a command to tell if a new mail has arrived in my local mailbox?10:30
mistryniteshstill better the number of new mails in the local mailbox10:30
indusswetha, edit the /etc/vsftp/vsftpd.conf10:31
brontosaurusrexmistrynitesh: 'mail'10:31
pintookindus; i am back pls10:31
induspintook, whats up10:31
indusswetha, provided yo are using vsftp10:32
pintookindus; my openoffice10:32
swethayes i am using vsftp10:32
induspintook, yes i asked something but you left10:32
mistryniteshbrontosaurusrex: i don't want to read the new mail; the command should only give the number of new mails and exit10:32
vivekis ubuntu 9.1  is stable version ?10:32
indusswetha, then sudo gedit /etc/vsftp/vsftpd.conf10:32
pintookindus; i had to attend to some urgent work10:32
induspintook, dont we all :)10:32
induspintook, no problem10:32
brontosaurusrexmistrynitesh: thats what it does here10:33
pintookindus; sorry about that10:33
swethai have the file as /etc/vsftpd.conf10:33
induspintook, i was asking , does no text show only in file menu or all menus10:33
indusswetha, yes that one , search for port10:33
pintookindus; on all menue10:33
dunytohello everyone10:33
brontosaurusrexmistrynitesh: the other was is to cat or tail the correct etc10:33
fabbio84hi all10:33
swethais this line has to be modified? connect_from_port_20=YES10:33
dunytocan someone help me with something10:33
pintookindus; on all menue the text does not show10:33
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fabbio84i've a problem with my network10:34
dunytome too10:34
indusswetha, do you see a listen_port line?10:34
fabbio84dunyto: you're not alone10:34
indusswetha, http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/change-vsftpd-ftp-server-port-21/10:34
dunytoi guess i'm not10:34
indusits damn easy really10:34
dunytowhat's your problem10:34
induspintook, ok can u take a screenshot10:34
induspintook, i would love to look :)10:34
mistryniteshbrontosaurusrex: when i give 'mail' on my terminal, it lists the new mail and waits for me to quit10:35
swethai dont have the line listen_port10:35
swethacan i add the line ?10:35
brontosaurusrexmistrynitesh: what is mail --version saying?10:35
indusswetha, no , can i see your conf file please, paste it10:35
indus!paste | swetha10:35
ubottuswetha: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.10:35
mistryniteshinvalid option10:35
pintookindus; ok10:36
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto10:36
fabbio84i use a pc with 2 eth , one connected to the modem, the 2nd one goes to the switch to share the connection10:36
mistryniteshbrontosaurusrex: invalid option10:36
brontosaurusrexmistrynitesh: then we have different 'mail'10:36
brontosaurusrexmistrynitesh: mail (GNU Mailutils 2.0)10:36
shawnboyI'm insane. It's 4:30 am. Must... get .... sleep....   g'night all.10:36
neongrauis there a way to get OOo 3.2 installed on 9.110:37
ubottuDual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot10:37
brontosaurusrexmistrynitesh: find the 'cat /etc/something' option10:37
indusmistrynitesh, install mailutils10:37
hartogsleep tight10:37
indusswetha, do you understand?10:37
dunytosounds a lot like my problem10:37
brontosaurusrexmistrynitesh: or what indus said10:37
indusswetha, just paste the file contents there and give me the url after clocking on send button10:37
pintookindus; where do i get the screenshot10:37
swethahttp://paste.ubuntu.com/377503/ here is the url10:37
induspintook, press alt- print screen10:38
WacemanHi guys, does anyone know why when I connect with my E220 Huawei dongle, skype connects, but my browser does not?10:38
mistryniteshbrontosaurusrex: indus will check mailutils10:38
indusswetha, yes that line connect frrom port 20 is correct ,chgne it10:39
indusswetha, let me know how it goes10:39
laegi just copied an 8gb folder to a portable hard drive, then moved the original to trash and emptied trash but i only have an extra 4gbs - how can i fix this?10:39
mistryniteshby the way, the only reason to ask this is so add it to the screen hardstatus, so that it can notify me of new mails10:39
mistryniteshis there another way of doing this?10:39
prodigel_hi all. I have a cifs mounted directory on my computer uid,gid,user and password apparently set correctly. The problem is that although from console I'm able to recursively copy a directory, in nautilus I get a permission denied error.  Also If I copy the files one by one I get no error.10:40
swethabut port20 is the port which server uses for data connection in case of active ftp .if we change this line what port does the serer uses for data connection if its active ftp10:40
indusswetha, rememnber, this is the for the port with which client listens or conencts10:40
indusswetha, ok dont know taht much10:40
ChillyXWhat is the file I use to set the IP address of eth0 so it is persistent? I have set it with "ifconfig eth0" but want it to retain this IP after rebooting. I also need to do it through the command line. Thanks.10:40
ubottuFTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd10:40
mawstFileZilla 64 Bit > *10:40
swethaindus:Thanks, i will check with what ever you have said. I will try it and reply back10:40
indusswetha, wait my mistake10:41
bullgardWhat programs use the environment variable ORBIT_SOCKETDIR?10:41
indusswetha, sorry correct, this is for server port yes10:41
indusswetha, so client has to listen on this port 2010:41
mistryniteshbrontosaurusrex: by the way, the only reason to ask this is to add it to the screen hardstatus, so that it can notify me of new mails10:42
indusswetha, which client are you using gftp?10:42
swethaindus: can i add the line listen_port?10:42
GabrielSOEwhere is the icons folder where I can place new icons sets?10:42
ChillyXWhat is the file I use to set the IP address of eth0 so it is persistent? I have set it with "ifconfig eth0" but want it to retain this IP after rebooting. I also need to do it through the command line. Thanks.10:42
swethaindus: i am using ftp10:42
indusswetha, you can but i dont know what it will do10:42
indusswetha, i mean software for client ftp10:42
brontosaurusrexmistrynitesh: hold on, trying to remeber what/how to cat this...10:42
indusswetha, gui ? no?10:42
mistryniteshbrontosaurusrex: ok10:42
swethaindus: no gui, i use command line ftp client ( my client is also ubuntu)10:43
indusswetha, ok nice10:43
industhen fine10:43
indusswetha, i think typically listen is for receiving connections so the line should work10:43
indusswetha, try and tell me what happens10:43
swethaindus:sure i will do that10:44
pintookindus;my openoffice is not displaying text for me to read and select10:44
Shurakaiswetha, btw. I'd recommend the ncftp command line tool. It's much more comfy and allows e.g. recursive downloading...10:44
ShurakaiYou definitely should take a look at it :)10:44
pintookindus;my openoffice is not displaying text for me to read and select10:45
ChillyXWhat is the file I use to set the IP address of eth0 so it is persistent? I have set it with "ifconfig eth0" but want it to retain this IP after rebooting. I also need to do it through the command line. Having it set through /etc/network/interfaces doesn't seem to be working.10:45
pintookindus;my openoffice is not displaying text for me to read and select10:46
vivekindus, i am upgrading ubuntu from 9.04 to 9.1 but i has got struck its not updating any soln ?10:46
brontosaurusrexmistrynitesh: how about 'cat /var/mail/username' ?10:46
mistryniteshbrontosaurusrex: just a minute!10:47
vivek i am upgrading ubuntu from 9.04 to 9.1 but i has got struck its not updating any soln ?10:47
TheMusicGuyI can't run crontab. It just hangs.10:48
TheMusicGuywith or without sudo.10:48
brontosaurusrexmistrynitesh: or 'tail /var/mail/username'10:48
icerootTheMusicGuy: crontab -e ?10:48
TheMusicGuyOh, right. thanks10:49
TheMusicGuyI'm new to using cron, in case you can't tell. :)10:49
* TheMusicGuy slowly scuttles away10:50
mistryniteshbrontosaurusrex: cat prints the whole contents of the mailbox (complete message with headers and all)10:50
brontosaurusrexmistrynitesh: mail (GNU Mailutils 2.0)10:50
alecshi there!10:51
mistryniteshbrontosaurusrex: will install it; thanks :)10:51
alecsis anyone here that is running ubuntu server edition on a dell poweredge 2950 ?10:51
brontosaurusrexmistrynitesh: the package is 'mailutils' i think10:51
bullgardWhat programs use the environment variable DEBEMAIL?10:52
mistryniteshbrontosaurusrex: yes, reading the apt-cache description of the package10:52
pintookindus;my openoffice is not displaying text for me to read and select10:53
pintookhello i need help with my open office10:54
hazriihi all10:55
pintookhello i need help with my open office10:55
psycho_oreosany of you guys using jack audio server with audacious? I'm having no luck getting audacious to work, all I hear is the noise from no reception from TV (the sound of sands dropping amplified) all other players using jack has no problem except for audacious10:56
psycho_oreosI'm starting to suspect its the jack audio output plugin from audacious is not working properly10:56
Simon1245pintook, What's wrong with it?10:57
iceroot!ask | pintook10:58
pintooksimon;the text in the menu does not show10:58
ubottupintook: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:58
induspintook, hi10:59
icerootpintook: openoffice using english? or another language which is installed on the system?10:59
pintookubottu; ok10:59
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)10:59
induspintook, did you take screenshot?10:59
indusi asked the same question , is it english :)10:59
icerootindus: ok10:59
pintooki do not know how to do it since text is blank10:59
induspintook, just go to accessories> take screenshot and take it11:00
tiger_has anyone tries and sucseeded in playing games in wine or trough virtualbox11:00
tiger_by games i mean windows games11:00
brontosaurusrexpintook: close the office, open your homw folder with nautilus, click ctrl+h, find .openoffice.org folder, rename it to .openoffice.org.old and restart office11:01
hazriihow make faster broadband in ubuntu11:01
indus!appdb | tiger_11:01
ubottutiger_: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help11:01
indusbrontosaurusrex, good idea11:01
tiger_ubottu; windows games11:02
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras11:02
industiger_, yes that link shows what games run adn what dont etc11:02
unimatrixis Synaptic's package locking broken in karmic? anyone know anything about that?11:02
indusunimatrix, no it isnt11:02
indusunimatrix, why11:02
* mjuaji waves hello11:02
alecsis anyone here that is running ubuntu server edition on a dell poweredge 2950 ?11:03
unimatrixindus: well i've locked a package and it still keeps overwriting it everytime i update11:03
indusunimatrix, oh11:03
q0kDoes this bug affect you? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/installation-guide/+bug/52211211:03
indusunimatrix, then i dont know11:03
hazriiall ask : how to make faster broadbnd in ubuntu11:04
mihawould anyone know how to see what command is executed at X11AudioMute? where is this actually defined?11:04
indushazrii, hi11:04
=== ubuntu is now known as gamefreak264
indushazrii, it wont work faster than the connection itself11:04
hazriiThere is not a solution?11:05
indushazrii, what exactly is the problem you have?11:05
brontosaurusrexhazrii: takes full available bw here11:06
induspintook, did you take screenshot?11:06
indusall those windows tips for improving speed is all non sense11:06
pintookhold on11:06
hazriisory bad englis11:06
=== Chris_ is now known as ___Gbe300___
indushazrii, which internet you have?11:06
hazriiindus, do you have solution11:08
bullgardWhat programs use the environment variable DEBEMAIL?11:08
pintookindus ; i am sending it11:08
mistryniteshbrontosaurusrex: installed mailutils, and 'mail --version' gives 'mail (GNU Mailutils 1.2)'11:09
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mistryniteshbut 'mail11:09
mistrynitesh but 'mail' still does not exit after printing the status11:09
brontosaurusrexmistrynitesh: how about 'mail -p' and if that fails 'mail --help' ?11:10
WasserDragoonhi im looking for an alternative to http://trac.calendarserver.org/wiki because its really bad documented and it doesn't work here, and i dont want to waste time anymore on it11:10
pintookindus ;receive it11:11
=== ___Gbe300___ is now known as Chris_DeSanto
mihaWasserDragoon probably not what you want, but http://z-push.sourceforge.net/soswp/ z-push for activesync is kinda cool :D11:13
WasserDragoonmiha, no thats not what i want but thanks, any other suggestions?11:14
WasserDragooni dont need a mail server, i just need a calendar server11:14
mihai think it can do calendar too11:14
AzikaCorpocncerning what exactly ? (I just come)11:15
mihabasicly you implement backend, protocol is done by z-push :D11:15
=== choonming_ is now known as choonming
WasserDragoonAzikaCorp i need a calendar server11:16
WasserDragoonan alternative to http://trac.calendarserver.org/wiki because its really bad documented and it doesn't work here, and i dont want to waste time anymore on it11:16
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brontosaurusrexmistrynitesh: got it to work?11:18
mistryniteshbrontosaurusrex: ok, some progress... 'mail -H' writes a header summary and exits... so now, which command can take that as an input and print the count of lines begining with 'N'?11:18
pintookbront; it dod not work11:18
HackeMatehello, configuring my network using wpa_supplicant i get this error http://pastebin.com/m6d9d28bd - no clue11:18
brontosaurusrexmistrynitesh: text filtering? i thinks thats something to do with sed/awk11:19
WasserDragoondoes anyone knows a good calendar server software?11:19
pintookbrontosaurusrex; it did not work11:20
brontosaurusrexmistrynitesh: and grep11:21
pintookbrontosaurusrex; still openoffice does not display text11:21
brontosaurusrexpintook: no idea then, sorry11:21
pintookbrontosaurusrex; it has created a new folder with old added to the name11:23
brontosaurusrexpintook: the idea was to reset user settings, so that what it should do11:23
pintookindus are u there11:24
AzikaCorpyes, I am11:24
pintookbrontosaurusrex; ok11:24
mistryniteshbrontosaurusrex: ok, thanks for the tips, will go to study about sed/awk/grep :)11:24
pintookbrontosaurusrex; do i have to delete the old one11:25
brontosaurusrexpintook: as you wish11:25
brontosaurusrexmistrynitesh: i think grep with --count will work somehow11:25
pintookbrontosaurusrex; ok11:25
pintookubottu; can u be of help11:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:26
brontosaurusrexmistrynitesh: something like 'grep ^N --count'11:26
brontosaurusrexmistrynitesh: check http://www.computerhope.com/unix/ugrep.htm11:26
babaluhello, how can i know the binary files installed by some package?11:26
mistryniteshbrontosaurusrex: ok11:27
mistryniteshbrontosaurusrex: will try11:27
Jordancookhello, how do i allow postfix to relay emails11:27
induspintook, hi11:29
induspintook, taken screenshot?11:30
babaluhello, how can i know the binary files installed by some package with dpkg?11:30
mngrifbabalu: dpkg -L11:30
indusbabalu, meaning? the packages are downloaded to /var/cache/apt/archives11:30
babaluindus: i'm looking for the /usr/bin/ files that the package has added when it was installed11:31
mngrifbalachmar: for example dpkg -L gcc11:31
indusbabalu, ah ok what mngrif said11:31
MrEgg964Hi all. I'm trying to set advanced user permissions on files and directories. More specifically, I'm trying to allow users to create new files and modify existing files, but not deleting them. Is there any way this can be achieved?11:31
indusbabalu, try that for packge11:31
q0kWhy is administrative access called *sudo* :?11:31
babalumngrif: indus: this only gives me the files added in /usr/share/doc11:31
babaluq0k: super user do11:31
indusbabalu, no look closely it lists all11:31
babaluindus: http://pastebin.com/f3795105211:32
indusbabalu, which package11:32
babaluindus: koffice-kde411:32
indusbeacuse its not installed then11:32
indusmngrif, what do you think?11:32
babaluindus: i just installed it :D "koffice-kde4 is already the newest version."11:33
q0kand what's the longer variant of "gksudo "?11:33
indusbabalu, hmm no idea then11:33
icerootq0k: man gksudo11:33
q0kIf the program you wish to run as an administrator is graphical, such as the Gnome text editor (Applications → Accessories → Text Editor), you should use the command gksudo...11:33
q0kwhy graphical is "gk"?11:34
icerootq0k: i would guess gnome/kde-super-user-do11:34
safccan you give me a qq11:34
bullgardWhat programs use the environment variable DEBEMAIL?11:34
kavurthow can I fix screen resolution in karmic?11:34
pintookubottu; can u help11:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:34
mngrifbabalu: i'm not sure what's going on, dpkg -L has always worked for me.11:34
indusbabalu, try dpkg -s11:34
icerootq0k: manpage says gtk = gk11:34
q0kwhy graphical is "gk"? are you sure it's because of "gnome/kde"?11:34
safcwho have qq of this system11:35
m_anish_looks like pintook is also a bot ;)11:35
indusbabalu, try dpkg -S11:35
indussorry caps S11:35
icerootq0k: as i said  man gksudo11:35
induspintook, ubottu is not human11:35
induspintook, where is the screenshot?11:35
* indus sighs11:35
babaluindus: almost the same output as -L11:35
q0kiceroot, what's gtk?11:35
pintookindus; i sent it u did not receive it11:35
iceroot!gtk | q0k11:35
ubottuq0k: GTK is the !GIMP toolkit, which forms the base of !GNOME and is used by many applications to provide a !GUI11:35
induspintook, no didnt see11:35
q0kubottu sorry I didn't know that... thanks11:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:36
q0kubottu sorry I didn't know that...11:36
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:36
induspintook, dont send, just paste the link here11:36
induspintook, i cant receive files11:36
HackeMatehello, configuring my network using wpa_supplicant i get this error http://pastebin.com/m6d9d28bd - any clue will be apreciatted11:37
pintookso how do u get to view it indus11:37
iceroot!paste | pintook11:37
ubottupintook: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:37
induspintook, did you paste it at paste.ubuntu.com?11:37
induspintook, then you click on send and then copy the url from browser addressbar11:37
indusand paste it here11:37
mistryniteshbrontosaurusrex: eureka! 'mail -H | grep -cw N' prints the number of mails marked 'N' :)11:39
m_anish_pintook: please put the uid of the person you are talking to before your message by     <name>!<tab>11:39
indus!who | pintook11:39
ubottupintook: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)11:39
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induspintook, oh no not like that11:40
induspintook, ok sorry11:40
induspintook, go to imagebin.org and upload the screenshot11:40
pintookindus;so how11:40
induspintook, then get the url link and paste here11:41
induspintook, understand? fill the details on the site and then send11:41
icerootpintook: open the url ubottu gave you and look at it11:42
icerootpintook:  http://tinyurl.com/imagebin11:42
induspintook, no , in this page, attach screenshot and clic k submit , then you will get a new url11:42
induspintook, also tickmark 'i agree to imagebin terms of service'11:43
brontosaurusrexmistrynitesh: cool, thats the exact command-line?11:43
pintookindus; i have just uploaded it11:44
induspintook, now give me that url link11:44
induspintook, it will be different now11:44
mistryniteshbrontosaurusrex: yes11:44
inveratuloq0k, eclipse also runs really well11:44
inveratulooh wow11:44
pintookindus; http://imagebin.org/8499411:44
inveratulothat response was 8 hours late ^_^ sorry11:45
pintookindus; is it ok11:45
induspintook, yes thank you, i see that your menu is missing11:45
induspintook, reinstall open office11:45
induspintook, from synaptic11:46
induspintook, menu > system>administration >synaptic package manager  , search for open office11:46
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induspintook, or from terminal type sudo apt-get install openoffice.org11:48
induspintook, or from terminal type sudo apt-get install openoffice.org311:48
indusyou understand?11:48
AzikaCorpuse aptitude, it is better :)11:48
induspintook, try from synaptic its best11:48
pintookindus; if i search for openoffice wht do i do next11:49
BobGreenwilli'm out of Japan and out of USA... i can't buy a fujitsu s7220 laptop here... if i order it from japan and ubuntu doesn't run on it i'll have big troubles...i didn't find this model at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/Fujitsu ... maybe you could test it and add your results to that page?11:49
mngrifAzikaCorp: different tool for a different way of doing the same job. they both rule over apt-get11:49
induspintook, when you search , you will see a lot of open office packages, just install openoffice.org311:49
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induspintook, right click on it and select reinstall11:50
=== BobGreenwill is now known as Greenwill
AzikaCorpnot really, aptitude is better for conflicts and so one. and, when you type "aptitude search "11:51
Greenwillyou know anything about ubuntu and  fujitsu lifebook s7220 ?11:51
AzikaCorpyou have a description of the paquet , and a flag which to know if it's already installed :).11:51
induspintook, which version of ubuntu are you using?11:52
mngrifAzikaCorp: yeah, just like synaptic. they are feature-compatible. one lets you point and click, the other lets you point and click sometimes :)11:52
pintookindus ubuntu koala11:52
induspintook, ok did you reinstall ?11:53
induspintook, i have more tips for you if it dont work11:53
kjelleHello. I am creating a debian package, when I just make a new package (.deb) file, the dpkg -i <file> says my configuration file X is updated, and asks what I want to do. How do I overwrite this to default yes?11:53
pintookindus when i right i only see mark for installation11:53
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!11:53
brontosaurusrexGreenwill: i can give you the address on where to send the laptop and i will quicktest, i promise ;)11:53
tiger_ok one more question hopeing to get answerd how do i burn dvd video so as i can play it in my dvd player11:53
Greenwillubottu hi!11:53
induspintook, hmm its not already installed?11:54
kjelleOr, why does it think it is a configuration file, as I just did "cp -r X $(CURDIR)/debian/mypackage/etc/init.d/" in the debian/rules file's "install:"? It is a init script, not a configuration file!11:54
Greenwilli'm in korea11:54
induspintook, which file are you selectng? there are more than 1 open office, select the one you see installed11:54
induspintook, openoffice.org311:54
indus there is a 3 at the end pintook11:54
Greenwillbrontosaurusrex, i can send the laptop to me myself, don't bother11:54
kristof78I want to setup an FTP server on my Ubuntu server11:55
induspintook, which graphics card do you have?11:55
kristof78but what do I use11:55
Greenwillbrontosaurusrex, just quick test - how long will it take?11:55
kristof78I also use webmin to make thing easy11:56
brontosaurusrexGreenwill: i was kidding11:56
tiger_www.net2ftp.com is good no need for install works online11:56
pintookindus i do not know11:56
ubottuwebmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.11:56
brontosaurusrexkristof78: i'am running pureftpd11:56
induspintook, ok open a terminal and type after the $sign  lshw -C display11:56
indus$lshw -C display11:57
tiger_ubottu dvd video11:57
pintookindus; this is what it dispayed11:58
* Accio buon pranzo a tutti11:58
pintook *-display UNCLAIMED11:58
pintook       description: VGA compatible controller11:58
pintook       product: Radeon Mobility M6 LY11:58
pintook       vendor: ATI Technologies Inc11:58
pintook       physical id: 011:58
FloodBot2pintook: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:58
pintook       bus info: pci@0000:01:00.011:58
induspintook, paste it , pastebin.org and similar like laste time11:58
induspintook, just copy the output and paste it to that site inside window11:59
pintookindus    http://pastebin.com/d4b2604be12:00
brontosaurusrexis there an easy way to speed-limit apache bandwidth?12:00
pintookindus; how do i work on the openoffice12:02
induspintook, wait 1 min12:03
GreenwillHELLO everybody. Who has a Fujitsu s7220... please contact me...  i'm out of Japan and out of USA... i can't buy a fujitsu s7220 laptop here... if i order it from japan and ubuntu doesn't run on it i'll have big troubles...i didn't find this model at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/Fujitsu ... maybe you could test it and add your results to that page? please let me know when you do...12:03
Greenwill...it bobgreenwill@openoffice.org thanks in advance12:03
pintookok indus12:03
GreenwillWho has a Fujitsu s7220... please contact me... i'm out of Japan and out of USA... i can't buy a fujitsu s7220 laptop here... if i order it from japan and ubuntu doesn't run on it i'll have big troubles...i didn't find this model at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/Fujitsu  ... could you test it ? please let me know bobgreenwill@openoffice.org thanks in advance12:03
FlynsarmyAfter reading this http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=Nzc5NQ is the Nouveau driver now competitive in any way to the binary nvidia driver or is it still recommended to use hte binary?12:04
induspintook,go to the open office hidden folder12:04
GreenwillWho has a Fujitsu s7220... please contact me... i'm out of Japan and out of USA... i can't buy a fujitsu s7220 laptop here... if i order it from japan and ubuntu doesn't run on it i'll have big troubles...i didn't find it at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LaptopTestingTeam/Fujitsu  ... could you test it ? (take installation video)please let me know bobgreenwill@openoffice.org  thanks in advance12:04
induspintook, did you try delete that folder12:05
rwwilcoa question regarding xorg.  I've done a very basic install of ubuntu(didn't select any packages from the installer, just whats default).  Now i am trying to build up the most basic X11 install on top of it i can.  I've installed xserver-xorg, but sudo X -configure is giving me a bad xorg.conf12:05
pintookindus which folder12:05
induspintook, from .openoffice.org12:05
induspintook, delete that folder12:05
rwwilcomost things online suggest sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but that gives no output, just back to command line12:05
pintookok indus12:06
induspintook, just open the window manager and select 'show hidden files and folders' and delete the .openoffice.org folder12:06
pintooki have done that indus12:07
rwwilcothe heart of my question really is:  without installig a million things through the tasks list, how do i get the standard ubuntu xorg configurator running?12:07
rwwilcowhat is the standard xorg configurator, how does ubuntu do that?12:07
induspintook, so did you reinstall open office ?12:08
induspintook, so try open word doc now12:08
bullgardWhat programs use the environment variable DEBEMAIL?12:08
jribbullgard: packaging programs12:09
pintookindus i hve not done the reinstallation12:10
induspintook, do it12:10
rwwilcoso any ideas, anyone know what program is used to setup the xorg configuration if i had just installed the ubuntu-desktop task or whatnot?12:10
pintookindus how do i go about it12:10
induspintook, i told you, from synaptic12:10
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+)12:10
peopeI can only see 4gb ram of 8gb although I have x64 version installed. from uname -a "Linux silver 2.6.31-19-generic #56-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 28 02:39:34 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux"12:11
peopeHow can I make it use 8gb instead?12:11
pintookindus i am there but there are to many openoffice file names12:11
jribrwwilco: why do you assume such a thing exists?  It doesn't afaik12:11
induspintook, ok can i  see a screenshot ?12:11
rwwilcojrib: so when ubuntu is installed it just drops the user on the command line?  i expected that when not installing X, but i assume when X is installed it will be configured12:12
jribrwwilco: no, it doesn't just drop you in the command line.  gdm starts by default.  Is that your question?12:12
rwwilcowell, i dont want gnome or any of that,  Its a netbook with 8gb cf card, no room for gnome12:13
rwwilcoso the magic to configure it is inside gdm package?12:13
pintookindus http://imagebin.org/8500212:13
jribrwwilco: no, what window manager will you be using?12:14
rwwilcojrib: basically blackbox and a web browser, thats about all i'm looking for12:14
jribrwwilco: install blackbox and xorg then12:14
jribrwwilco: and gdm/kdm/xdm/whatever if you want to get X starting by default12:15
rwwilcoi have the pair of them installed, just not sure where to go from there xorg needs configuration12:15
Dolmiohow do i make it so that proftpd (ftp server) as one of my start up programs/services? when i reboot?12:15
patsbinDoes anybody have an idea why ubuntu doesn't detect ntfs partitions which are encrypted with truecrypt on startup? blockdev --rereadpt solves the problem, but I'm just wondering why ubuntu doesn't detect it automagically.12:15
jribrwwilco: xorg needs no configuration12:15
rwwilcojrib: hmm, because with no configuration it just pulls up a black scren, and i alt-f1 to get back to console12:16
jribrwwilco: how are you running it?12:16
rwwilcojrib: thank you btw, getting somewhere usefull now i think :)12:16
rwwilcojrib: startx12:16
jribrwwilco: check /var/log/Xorg.0.log12:16
jribrwwilco: wait.  You setup a window manager right?12:17
rwwilcorwwilco: in ~/.xsession12:17
rwwilcojrib: in ~/.xsession i have the blackbox command12:18
peopeWhich kernel should I use to have a 64bit ubuntu version access > 4gb ram?12:18
jribrwwilco: right, so when you say "black screen" you are sure X is not running?12:18
rwwilcoyea, it has the blinking underscore for where the cursor is :12:18
alankilapeope: kernel doesn't matter for 64-bit12:18
rwwpeope: the standard linux-image-generic accesses it fine.12:18
jribrwwilco: check /var/log/Xorg.0.log though you should copy your .xsession to .xinitrc just to be sure12:18
rwwilcohmm, might be xinitrc instead,  been a few years here :)12:19
rwwilcolemme try switching it over12:19
peopeProblem is it only shows 4gb ram although I have 8gb12:19
inveratulopeope does your bios show that it recognizes all the ram?12:20
peopeinveratulo: yes. And it dual boots into vista 64 bit and shows 8 gb12:20
rwwilcojrib: switching to .xinitrc solved it,  i wonder is xsession an outdated filename from XF86 then?  xorg uses new convention . . . either way doesn't really matter glad it works now :)12:21
inveratulopeope: Can we see your "uname -a" ?12:21
peope"Linux silver 2.6.31-19-generic #56-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jan 28 02:39:34 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux"12:22
inveratulopeope: and "free -m" ?12:22
jribrwwilco: .xsession gets used by session managers like gdm,kdm,xdm :)12:22
zamanianyes indeed it did12:22
Xintruderhow can I install xchat with a command in terminal, in ubuntu?12:22
inveratulopeope: try "free -m |grep -i mem" for one line :-P12:23
peopeinveratulo: "Mem:          3956       2343       1612          0        124        454"12:23
rwwXintruder: sudo apt-get install xchat12:23
jribrwwilco: personally, I just link them so they are the same file...12:23
peopeinveratulo: ^^12:23
peopeIt's a core i7 (intel 860) system12:24
Xintruderhow to update all applications using a command?12:24
rwwXintruder: sudo apt-get update, then sudo apt-get upgrade12:24
jribrwwilco: Anyway, if you install gdm/kdm/xdm you don't even need one since the blackblox package provides a system-wide one12:24
jrib!apt > Xintruder12:24
ubottuXintruder, please see my private message12:24
peopeXintruder: apt-get upate && apt-get dist-upgrade12:24
ownerhello, can anyone explain me, please... My apache2(ubuntu 9.10) avialable not on 80 port, it's on 13496... why did it open 13496, but not 80? almost all configuration is default. I did not change Listen port to something other than 80 ever. Thank you)12:24
peopeinveratulo: any ideas? I'm puzzled12:25
bullgardjrib: Do you mean all the programs that are mentioned in https://help.ubuntu.com/6.10/ubuntu/packagingguide/C/index.html?12:25
jribbullgard: no, I don't mean "all"12:25
Xintruderthanks you all12:25
jribbullgard: I mean "at least one" :)12:25
patsbinDoes anybody have an idea why ubuntu doesn't detect ntfs partitions which are encrypted with truecrypt on startup? blockdev --rereadpt solves the problem, but I'm just wondering why ubuntu doesn't detect it automagically.12:26
inveratulopeope: yea i was looking around... seems odd. one sec12:26
bullgardjrib: Where is the relation between 'packaging' AND e-mail?12:26
jribbullgard: package author field usually contains name and e-mail12:26
blinkizHi. I need to find out if I have ECC memories or not installed into my Dell server here. Anyone know a command which can see if ECC is used or not?12:27
bullgardjrib: Ah! --  Thank you.12:27
inveratulopeope: can you pastebin "sudo dmidecode|head -n 300"12:27
Kartagishow do I know if my webcam is UVC compatible?12:27
kristof78I tried to install ebox on my Ubuntu server, but it seems that they only support LTS and not my 9.1012:28
kristof78so i'm stuck12:28
Dr_Williskristof78:  there may be ppa's or some other sources for it12:28
kristof78are you sure about that12:28
Dr_Williskristof78:  do i look like google? :) ive no idea. But you just going to sit there and do nothing or are you going to look? :)12:29
inveratulopeope: sorry that's a lot of stuff, just looking towards the top where it shows the memory slots12:29
Dr_Williskristof78:  theres always the source12:29
peopeinveratulo: http://www.peope.net/tmp.txt12:30
cbxHow long does the average app take to compile? I'm compiling launchy on ubuntu, its using qt12:30
kristof78ok thanks Dr_Willis12:30
ownerhello, can anyone explain me, please... My apache2(ubuntu 9.10) avialable not on 80 port, it's on 13496... why did it open 13496, but not 80? almost all configuration is default. I did not change Listen port to something other than 80 ever. Thank you)12:31
Dr_Williscbx: 'average app' is rather broad. :)12:31
cbxDr_Willis, true :D12:31
cbxanyway, it compiled rather quickly12:31
cbxhow do I set an app to start on startup?12:31
Dr_Williscbx:  yep. in this day and age most things dont take ttoo long12:31
Dr_Willis!startup | cbx12:32
ubottucbx: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot12:32
inveratulopeope: I'm stumped.  your memory is recognized.  what does "top" show?  what first gave you the impression the OS wasn't showing you had 8gb of ram?12:32
Dr_Williskristof78:  see --> http://ppa.launchpad.net/ebox/experimental/ubuntu/dists/ perhaos12:32
Kartagishow do I know if my webcam is UVC compatible?12:33
rwwpeope: How much memory does your BIOS say you have at startup?12:33
peopeinveratulo: Mem:   4051180k total,  2417016k used,  1634164k free,   128540k buffers12:33
peoperww: I would guess 8gb...12:33
peopeCould reboot to make sure12:33
rwwubottu: it | TemporaNigra12:33
ubottuTemporaNigra: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)12:33
rwwpeope: That would be a useful diagnostic.12:34
TemporaNigraubottu: grazie12:34
peoperww: ok... rebooting12:34
`Devil`TemporaNigra :D12:34
ddavidscbx: To add programs to start up with ur system, go to system>preferences>startup applications. WHen it opens click on add and type the name of the application u want to include, put the same name in the command box but make sure its all in small case, then close. u shld now see it in the list of start up applications. you can then restart ur system...12:35
cbxddavids, thanks got that done :)12:35
fen`anyone know of a way in bash to execute something on exit of an interactive login?12:35
Dr_Willisfen`:  there used to be a .logout script or somthing similer12:36
cbxIs it possible to make the taskbar icons only ? (Like win7?) [remove the labels]12:36
Dr_Willisfen`:  i havent messed with that in years. :)12:36
fen`yeah its .bash_logout12:36
peoperww: BIOS said 8192MB OK12:36
peopeand now the system is finding the 8GB12:37
rachaHello i need a little help about my 5.1 so ....12:37
peopeMaybe I used the wrong kernel?12:38
fen`Dr_Willis, its ssh agent but i've written it to start on selected screen session (based on name) and this will help me kill the process prior to exit using a pid var stored in the environemnt.12:38
selik soy española12:38
inveratulopeope: you booted from the same kernel right?12:38
rwwubottu: es | seli12:38
ubottuseli: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:38
fen`thanks for the pointer12:38
rwwooo, factoid changed12:38
peopeinveratulo: I think so... but it would be logical if I didn't.12:38
peopeWell... thank you very much for your kind help :)12:39
inveratulopeope: yea.  I cannot rationalize why, given what you told us before, it wasn't working12:39
rwwpeope: either something you changed took effect after reboot, or you're having RAM problems :/12:39
rwwubottu: es > seli12:39
ubottuseli, please see my private message12:39
inveratulorww, peope, i thought that but dmidecode came back with chips on all four slots, and it recognized all the ram even tho the OS was not12:39
bazhangseli, here is english only12:39
bazhangseli, /join #ubuntu-es12:40
peopeinveratulo: that is comforting at least :)12:40
inveratulopeope: maybe its time to go play the lottery :-p12:40
peopeMaybe need to upgrade the distro or something12:40
peopeinveratulo: lol12:40
peopeAs I said. Thank you very much for you kind (and free help) ^^12:41
peopeI will try to bug it somewhere if it happens again12:41
minderaserThere's a command that will tell you what OS and web server a site is running, but I can't remember what it is. Any help?12:42
peopeminderaser: telnet?12:42
rachaI need help with my 5.1 i cant get it to work ... when i play my song it don't work but when i go back to stereo and then turn on 5.1 its working, after restarting that same application its not working agein ...12:42
cbxIs it possible to make the taskbar icons only ? (Like win7?) [remove the labels]12:42
cbxAnd can I get titlebar transparency?12:42
peopetelnet <host> 80 .... then HEAD / 1.012:43
peopenmap would make it possible to guess the os12:43
Dr_Williscbx:  check out the 'dockbarx' and 'dockbar' panel applets12:43
bazhangcbx, the panels? right click properties and choose solid color then adjust the transparency level12:44
cbxTransparency for the titlebar's12:44
cbxI just moved from win7, and that looked really good :P12:44
Dr_Williscbx:  compiz has more features for silly useless eyecandy then you can imagine12:44
Dr_Willis!ccsm | cbx12:45
ubottucbx: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz12:45
minderaserpeope: thanks, but that didn't work for me. And I just realized I have to run. I'll look into it later12:45
* Dr_Willis finds transparent titlebars annoying and harder to read12:45
* peope find most default installed themes on ubuntu more or less unreadable :)12:46
Dr_Willisdockbarx - a smaller 'window listing applet' for the panel http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/DockbarX?content=10160412:46
rambo3Dr_Willis, is transparent12:46
peopeHuman is really good though12:46
Dr_WillisIm using some theme from 9.10  right now. :)12:46
PsychoMari0is it possible to assign a virtual interface (eth0:1) to a chroot environment?12:46
om26er!info telepathy-sofiasip12:48
PsychoMari0is it possible to assign a virtual network interface to a single process?12:48
ubottutelepathy-sofiasip (source: telepathy-sofiasip): SIP connection manager for the Telepathy framework. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.18-1 (karmic), package size 72 kB, installed size 272 kB12:48
peopewell... I would guess a virtual network interface in terms of eth0:1 is just another ip-address to the interface eth0?12:49
eddy1can we use dcop command to rename konsole tab ? I am using ubuntu 9.1012:50
PsychoMari0peope: yes, i want to have a few services running in my chroot which has a different IP to that of the main computer, but i want it to think the virtual interface is actually the only real one12:50
peopePsychoMari0: there *might* be some way with iptables... but I am not sure. Never seen that configuration.12:51
peopehowever I doubt a chroot can be tied to an ip-address just like that12:52
PsychoMari0peope: there must be  some good use for it... it might be implemented somewhere...12:53
peopePsychoMari0: there is virtualization.. but I havn't seen any chroot implementations12:53
fen`hmm it appears under screen that .bash_logout doesn't work.12:53
PsychoMari0peope: http://www.r1ch.net/stuff/forcebindip/   there is a windows version of the same kind of thing12:54
jribfen`: isn't bash_logout only for login shells?12:54
wildmanhello there. I'm using 9.10 64 bit version, I had firebug installed in Firefox. After some update, a few months ago, Firebug stopped working (I *need* it in my developing toolbox) crashing firefox each time I tried to open Firebug. Any ideas?12:54
fen`ah right, is there a .logout for any interactive shell?12:54
jribfen`: doubtful, why do you want one?12:55
jribfen`: I don't use ssh-agent but I'm sure it's used enough that the documentation should cover setup, no?12:56
fen`i only start it as a part of .bashrc if a specific screen session is being started, i want to close ssh-agent if screen gets closed.12:56
peopePsychoMari0: If you are interested in programming I have made a lib/prog that set the ip for a specific process being run. (Alpha though)12:57
peopePsychoMari0: http://www.peope.net/old/dev/setip/12:57
ensihello anyone know how to startup an application at startup with upstart? i when emit a signal to start my app with initctl it just runs and stops straight away12:57
icerootfen`: maybe rsh with screen?12:57
icerootfen`: rsh is only executing one command and then close the connection after the command is finished12:58
wildmanFirefox segfaults when trying to open Firebug12:58
wildmanway to go...12:58
perryarmstronghow can i edit my apache2 configurations..where is it located12:58
wildmanperryarmstrong: /etc/httpd/ IIRC12:58
icerootperryarmstrong: sudo vim /etc/apache2/apache2.conf12:58
jribfen`: can't you do something like ssh-agent COMMAND   to start your shell?12:58
wildmanah, apache2 :)12:59
cbxtime to find out best way to share files between winblows and ubuntu12:59
jribfen`: man ssh-agent: "If a commandline is given, this is executed as a subprocess of the agent. When the command dies, so does the agent.12:59
be2nzshai all12:59
fen`jrib, its more like eval `ssh-agent` and then kill $SSH_AGENT_PID12:59
f4bryusing cmake I obtain this message: Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/gcc -- broken12:59
perryarmstrongthank you12:59
jribfen`: yes, that's what you are trying to do.  But the man page and some other random tutorials I just came across suggest another way13:00
fen`spose i could use that and create a screen alias13:00
fen`old habits break hard :)13:00
icerootfen`: rsh or ssh command13:00
fen`iceroot, rsh isn't secure.13:00
stdiseasef4bry, do you have g++ installed?13:01
peopePsychoMari0: wouldn't put my typing-puke excuse of a program on a production system though :)13:01
icerootfen`: why?13:01
be2nzshai all i cant on line in yahoo messenger using kopete any ideas13:01
icerootfen`: its ssh13:01
fen`ssh is what im using ssh-agent to manage, so thats a chicken and egg game that one.13:02
peopePsychoMari0: If you explain what you want to do I *might* come up with an alternative solution? :)13:02
f4brystdisease, yes13:02
f4brystdisease, well....I think13:03
wildmanFirebug 1.4.5 works fine, Firebug 1.5 makes Firefox segfault. Any ideas?13:03
Piciwildman: 64 bit?13:03
f4brystdisease, if I try to reinstall it....he tell me it is just installed13:03
wildmanPici: yes, 9.10 64 bit13:03
wulingfenghow to play c&c tiberian sun on ubuntu without wine?13:04
fen`iceroot, rsh is basically like sending ur password over network (and/or world readable /tmp socket) in plain text13:04
Dr_Williswulingfeng:  short answer. You dont.13:04
Piciwildman: I believe this bug has already been reported, let me find a link for you.13:04
Dr_Williswulingfeng:  unless you want to run windows in virtualbox or somthing13:04
wulingfengaint there a fork out there?13:04
PsychoMari0peope: basically i want to run things like ssh ftp apache etc. inside a chroot, with a seperate IP from the host machine, i know i can do with with the config files for all the programs, but i want to have it so that the chroot has its own interface, so that any traffic comes in and out of it, regardless of config files13:04
Elive_user58_enhi everybody, i cant seem to get totem working inside firefox on ubuntu 8.04, 9.04, and ubuntu 9.10, any other players that have a plugin for firefox that works? (i have firefox 3.0)13:04
stdiseasef4bry, are you able to run 'g++' from the command line?13:04
Dr_Williswulingfeng:  no idea. never hared of a GPL spinoff.. if one exists then google would know13:04
wildmanPici: ok, thx13:04
Dr_Williswulingfeng:  but thats not what you asked about. :)13:05
peopePsychoMari0: maybe a virtualization alternative would be proper?13:05
f4brystdisease, man g++ works13:05
root_grapefruithello does anybody know how to copile c code that uses ldap.h ?13:05
stdiseasef4bry, also try running 'cmake CXX=g++ ...'13:05
wulingfengok, freecnc will work13:05
wulingfengthanks Dr_Willis13:06
Dr_Williswulingfeng:  google pointed me to --> http://cnctdredux.cnc-comm.com/news.php13:06
peopePsychoMari0: something like http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenVZ perhaps?13:06
=== asd is now known as Guest36060
PsychoMari0peope: yeah, probably, but that involves setting up a whole new OS. i have used virtualbox before, it would be so much easier using a chroot, becuase then i can copy file to a from really easily. but if virtualisation is the only way, ill have another look13:06
root_grapefruitI tried gcc -o bind bind.c -ldap but i did not work13:06
Piciwildman: See https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox-3.5/+bug/449744 and http://blog.getfirebug.com/2010/01/19/64-bit-firefox-on-linux-crashes-with-firebug-1-5-0/13:06
ikoniaroot_grapefruit: what are you trying to do ?13:06
Elive_user58_enhi everybody, i cant seem to get totem working inside firefox on ubuntu 8.04, 9.04, and ubuntu 9.10, any other players that have a plugin for firefox that works? (i have firefox 3.0)13:06
peopePsychoMari0: Wouldnt say it is the only way13:06
wulingfengyes, found freecnc and freera13:07
PsychoMari0peope: that openvz looks interesting...13:07
wulingfenggonna take a look at the src13:07
stdiseaseroot_grapefruit, what output do you get??13:07
wildmanPici: I will, thank you!13:07
Dr_Williswulingfeng:  dont forget freecol and freeciv  and free beer. :)13:07
peopechroot alone is not very safe13:07
rwwwulingfeng: freecnc is a copy of the original C&C, not Tiberian Sun. It also appears to be unmaintained.13:07
wulingfengDr_Willis, dont forget to free the world13:08
Elive_user58_enhi everybody, i cant seem to get totem working inside firefox on ubuntu 8.04, 9.04, and ubuntu 9.10, any other players that have a plugin for firefox that works? (i have firefox 3.0) and i cant get any newer flash then 9.0 into firefox for ubuntu 8.0413:08
PsychoMari0peope: hmmm... there seem to be tools in the repos for openvz, but not the program itself?13:08
stdiseasef4bry, I don't have a linux system at my disposable at the moment but you should be able to override the 'CXX' variable with a value of your own choosing13:08
wildmanthx ppl, bye13:08
peopePsychoMari0: sorry to say I am not an OpenVZ expert13:08
wildmanI'll keep FB 1.4.5 for now ;)13:08
cbxhow do I create a shortcut on the desktop? Dragging isn't working13:08
peopecbx: right-click and "Create Launcher..."13:09
PsychoMari0peope: no worries, looks like it has its own repos13:09
icerootfen`: thank you for the info, then i was wrong about rsh, though it was the same as ssh command13:09
Elive_user58_en hi everybody, i cant seem to get totem working inside firefox on ubuntu 8.04, 9.04, and ubuntu 9.10, any other players that have a plugin for firefox that works? (i have firefox 3.0) and i cant get any newer flash then 9.0 into firefox for ubuntu 8.0413:09
f4brystdisease, if I try g++ -v I have:13:10
f4bryUsing built-in specs.13:10
f4bryTarget: x86_64-redhat-linux13:10
stdiseasedear god no13:10
fen`iceroot, it actually is on more modern boxes, its just symlinked to ssh via /etc/alternatives13:10
Kartagiswhat is the webcam brand that can be installed the easiest?13:10
fen`(i literally just looked)13:11
peopedolphin738: mkay?13:11
Pici!zh | dolphin73813:11
ubottudolphin738: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk13:11
Elive_user58_enany body help?  i cant seem to get totem working inside firefox on ubuntu 8.04, 9.04, and ubuntu 9.10, any other players that have a plugin for firefox that works? (i have firefox 3.0) and i cant get any newer flash then 9.0 into firefox for ubuntu 8.04 any help? anybody?13:11
fen`love the non-latin charsets.13:12
patsbinDoes anybody have an idea why ubuntu doesn't detect ntfs partitions which are encrypted with truecrypt on startup? blockdev --rereadpt solves the problem.13:12
indusall those regional rooms are mostly empty13:12
Elive_user58_enbecause they are encrypded13:12
induswhy do you keep pointing people there13:12
indusits better to learn some english and come in here13:12
Elive_user58_enya :D13:12
induseasy language too13:13
industakes a week to learn really13:13
peopewell... if you point them there they will be empty no more ;)13:13
industhey still wont go there13:13
Dr_WillisIv heard the #ubuntu-redneck room is really hopping!13:13
phpmonkhow to update tripwire policy?13:13
indusfor example, ubuntu has an indian channel too, but all indians speak english there :)13:13
ubottu#ubuntu-in is the channel for Ubuntu in India13:13
peopeI guess it is a nicer way to say "stfu nub"13:13
Dr_WillisEvery time i say 'no hablo' people think i can speek spaish and start pming me stuff in spanish. :)13:14
ownerTeach me to constrain my Ubuntu do what I say and want to13:14
fen`peope, people wouldn't say that this is ubuntu, nice and friendly community.. of idlers.13:14
icerootindus: sometimes its hard to descripte the problem in another language, also its hard to post screenshots/pastebin with non-english text13:14
peopeWhat is really needed is a support-channel in esparanto13:14
Dr_Willispeope:  how about sign-language13:15
fen`Dr_Willis, try no hablo de espanol.13:15
peopeDr_Willis: that would be cool!13:15
induswhatis no hablo13:15
Elive_user58_enhi all i cant seem to get totem working inside firefox on ubuntu 8.04, 9.04, and ubuntu 9.10, any other players that have a plugin for firefox that works? (i have firefox 3.0) and i cant get any newer flash then 9.0 into firefox for ubuntu 8.0413:15
indusElive_user58_en, forget totem, use vlc plugin13:15
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indusElive_user58_en, i hardly see nay sites these days with anything other than flash13:15
Elive_user58_enok, but is there a interface with that? (play pause stop etc)13:16
peopeNo. But it comes with fries ;)13:16
* peope is such a jackass... sorries13:16
indusElive_user58_en, yes13:16
fen`google says its "Yo no entiendo español"13:16
zamanianFlash is so god awful. My biggest pet pieve is youtube with its crappy player, and how if I click on the player, I'm unable to scroll the page unless I click somewhere on the page. What a piece of crap.13:16
Elive_user58_enbut when i install it, it only comes up a blue screen, then the video13:17
icerootzamanian: whatch your language13:17
Elive_user58_enfor the firefox plugin13:17
induszamanian, its a firefox/flash problem13:17
induszamanian, works fine on windows ff13:17
aluexyou can visit www.adobe.com13:17
icerootzamanian: also you can use totem and other players for youtube, so you dont need a browser13:17
peopeFree flash support is one of the top priority projects for GNU13:17
Cheeryhi, what do I need for virtualbox on ubuntu?13:17
zamanianindus: Not just firefox, no13:17
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras13:17
induszamanian, try swfdec its great13:17
icerootCheery: virtualbox, that is all13:17
indusKartagis, i see thatyou use the webcam factoid a lot today, what is the problem13:18
zamanianiceroot: Not if you want to make comments and use any kind of functionality of youtube. Also, what language? :-/13:18
Elive_user58_enya, but yahoo video says "please install flash pleyer" they dont recconnize it13:18
Elive_user58_enwhen i got swfdex installed13:18
icerootzamanian: yes for comments and so on you need a browser13:18
fen`iceroot, no, virtualbox and an operating system to run in it :)13:18
indusdoes anyone know wher eto find the flash version 913:18
zamanianindus: What does swfdec do? :)13:18
indusit was so brilliant13:18
Elive_user58_engo to the archives13:18
induszamanian, it plays flash videos in browser and independently also13:18
Kartagisindus, I am trying to find a webcam that can be installed easily13:18
icerootindus: version 9 is in the repo13:19
indusKartagis, just buya logitech or creative13:19
indusiceroot, huh huh huh what really?13:19
icerootindus: isnt flashplugin-nonfree == version 9?13:19
Kartagiszamanian, indus, swfdec sucks13:19
indusiceroot, hmm no it s 1013:19
Kartagisindus, any model of those webcams?13:19
Elive_user58_eniceroot, i thought it is 1013:20
iceroot!info flashplugin-nonfree13:20
indusswfdec works ok for me13:20
ubottuflashplugin-nonfree (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer (transitional package). In component multiverse, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)13:20
vegombreifirefox isnt playing videos of youtube anymore .. is there an update or patch to fix this?13:20
indusholy cr*p13:20
fen`Kartagis, checkt the webcam section here http://www.zoneminder.com/wiki/index.php/Supported_hardware13:20
induswhy the hell am i using flasj 1013:20
indusfen`, rather link to official docs13:20
zamanianKartagis: Okay, what makes it suck? indus says it's great. :D What do I do? I guess test it.13:20
indus!hardware | Kartagis13:21
ubottuKartagis: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection13:21
indusiceroot, that was a revelation13:21
fen`indus, what official docs?13:21
Kartagiszamanian, when you view a webpage with flash, you see huge play buttons13:21
Elive_user58_enindus: http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/142/tn_14266.html is where the archives for adobe flash are, just click and download the version you want13:21
indusElive_user58_en, does it have a 64 bit flash 9 :P13:21
wulingfengdamn, the source is like six years old13:21
dayoi ftp'd into a server. how do i check disk usage in the current directory? `du -sh .` won't work.13:21
indusfen`, nvm13:21
Elive_user58_enno, 32 bit flash13:21
zamanianKartagis: Isn't that flashblock doing that? :)13:21
indusfen`, ignored13:21
Elive_user58_enbut i can only get version 9 opn my ubuntu 8.04, cant get version 1013:22
Kartagiszamanian, no, I removed swfdec and voila13:22
indusElive_user58_en, you can of couse, download from adobe dick13:22
industhe reference is to the whale of course13:22
Elive_user58_enindus, if you mean archives for version 10, i tried but not working13:22
indusi tried gnash but i found swfdev more smooth13:23
indusElive_user58_en, not working ?did you remove old flash13:23
indusElive_user58_en, flash 10 will work fine for you13:23
Elive_user58_enok, io will try it agina13:23
AzikaCorpdid you restart your web browser after the install ?13:23
indusya restart13:23
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Elive_user58_eni did13:23
indusclear cache too13:23
indusclear your head too13:24
Elive_user58_eni did that 213:24
zamanianKartagis: very strange. Well, flash is a pile of junk and has been since forever because it's used in such poor ways. Like complete site design, and video playing. :S13:24
fen`the first time i looked at the official doc for webcams, it took ~10 seconds to load the actual content, i assumed it was empty.13:24
induszamanian, dont call it junk, its hard work to create such stuff13:24
indusjunk or no junk13:24
Elive_user58_enok now flash 9 is removed....noiw going out to install version 1013:24
indusi rephrase it , flash 10 is junk, but 8 was super13:24
indusand 9 i remember13:25
indushow can you make a newer version that is so so bad13:25
zamanianindus: Hard work doesn't equal high quality necessarily :)13:25
indusyeah but thats being human no13:25
induslike hard work in the potty :D13:26
zamaniannah not necessarily13:26
indusok off topic13:26
zamanianYou can't polish a turd and make it beautiful as someone said13:26
indusis anyone using the eyefinity feature of new ati cards?13:26
zamanianno matter how flashy you make a flash site, it'll be slow and have problems, surely13:26
ownerI am usgin13:26
zamanianthen again I'm a minimalist13:27
indusowner, you rich then , how many monitors you using?13:27
zamanianbut don't let that fool you and think I don't like flashy design, it's just that it can be efficient.13:27
ownerone and one13:27
indusowner, so works good ? which game you play13:27
ownerworks beautiful13:28
indusowner, doesnt work on linux i believe13:28
indusowner, have drivers?13:28
ownerunder win-713:28
Elive_user58_enindus, i removed 9, then went out to get adobe 10, chose .deb for ubuntu 8.04+, and it says "error: depandacy not satisfiavle: libpango1.0-0"13:29
indushere is a tip> i was helping a guy all afternoon with menus not displaying in open office , just change the fonts , enable subpixel smoothing13:29
Elive_user58_enso now what?13:29
indusElive_user58_en, aah yes you have 8.0413:29
zamaniananybody knows a windows 7 channel? I'm having some problems with my fonts showing as italic.13:29
stdiseaseElive_user58_en, try the rpm and use 'alien'13:29
Elive_user58_enyep, 8.0413:29
vegombreifirefox isnt playing videos of youtube anymore .. is there an update or patch to fix this?13:29
indusElive_user58_en, dont use deb, use the tar, the move the libflashplayer.so to mozilla plugins folder13:29
rwwzamanian: ##windows13:29
stdiseaseElive_user58_en, if all fails use the .tar13:29
indusprobably bad idea be careful13:29
Elive_user58_enokey i will...13:29
zamanianrww: Thanks so much13:30
stdiseaseor package your own .deb from the .tar13:30
ubottuAutomount is the modern way to mount directories over a network. It is much easier to manage and  more economic in bandwidth than static mounts via fstab. For more info - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Autofs13:30
indusvegombrei, are you playing with html 5?13:30
eb111good morning13:30
stdiseaseeb111, and good morning to you13:30
cbx!automount startup13:30
indusElive_user58_en, in 64 bit, thtas all i do, move the file from tar to plugins dir13:30
indusElive_user58_en, so its safe but but why use flash 1013:30
perryarmstrongwhich players can play .swf files?? can anyoen tell me13:30
vegombreiindus: whats html5?13:30
indusElive_user58_en, its really bad13:30
Elive_user58_enokey, but i got 32 bit13:30
indusvegombrei, ok nvm if you dont know13:31
AzikaCorpperryarmstrong: firefox13:31
indusElive_user58_en, dont use flash 1013:31
Gangrelis it possibile that ubuntu cannot see an hdd?13:31
indusElive_user58_en, iam gonna use 9 tonight13:31
Elive_user58_enbut starz and other sites need flash 10, not 913:31
indusGangrel, yes13:31
Elive_user58_enoh ok13:31
Elive_user58_enwell thanks13:31
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indusElive_user58_en, ok then use the tar from adboe and untar13:31
perryarmstrongAzikaCorp, so what plugin is required??13:31
indusi gtg now13:31
Gangrelindus, hi.. but bios sees the hdd13:31
vegombreiindus: whats nvm?13:31
Elive_user58_enok, cya13:31
Elive_user58_ennever mind13:31
AzikaCorpGangrel: whatr is your problem exactly ?13:31
indusvegombrei, never mind is nvm13:31
indusGangrel, ubuntu cant see a partition or HDD? is it extarnel?\13:32
K10i have a problem with iptables: "sudo ip6tables -A INPUT -m limit ! --limit 10/minute -j DROP" prints out "iptables v1.4.4: limit does not support invert"13:32
K10the manual tells me it should support invert13:32
vegombreiindus: how do i fix this tho? everytime i goto youtube i the video window just doesnt show up13:32
Pianoman13hi d3vic313:32
K10so, whats my mistake?13:32
PsychoMari0can  anyone recommend a VPS program that works in ubuntu 9.10 (not openVZ)13:32
GangrelAzikaCorp, i just installed a WD 1Tb hdd that i just bought , bios sees it ubuntu doesn't13:32
histovegombrei: is flash installed?13:32
d3vic3 Pianoman13: hi :)13:32
Gangrelindus, it is internal13:33
vegombreihisto: yep .. i mean it was working a few days ago13:33
indusvegombrei, hmm any mesage? errors? maybe a youtube problem13:33
AzikaCorpGangrel: you mean that it is not mounted13:33
histovegombrei: try reinstalling flashplugin-nonfree13:33
indusAzikaCorp, aah easy just type mount -a at terminal13:33
GangrelAzikaCorp, nope i mean when i use sudo fdisk -l it does not appear13:33
induswill mount you also13:33
vegombreiindus: nope no message or error .. the vidoe window just doesnt show13:34
d3vic3Pianoman13: is your wifi working out of the dock now?13:34
* indus bad joke :|13:34
indusvegombrei, just reinstall flash then13:34
K10i have a problem with iptables: "sudo ip6tables -A INPUT -m limit ! --limit 10/minute -j DROP" prints out "iptables v1.4.4: limit does not support invert"13:34
indusvegombrei, are yu using 64 bit ubuntu13:34
histoGangrel: hrm... fdisk -l doesn't show it listed?13:34
perryarmstrongAzikaCorp, can you tell me the plugin for firefox which plays swf file?13:34
Gangrelhisto, nope13:34
rekhi, what's the name of the package to get skype?13:34
histoGangrel: wow13:34
vegombreiindus: sudo apt-get install flash?13:34
indusrek, www.skype.com13:34
d3vic3Pianoman13, try a manul config like in the snapshot13:34
histovegombrei: sudo apt-get reinstall flashplugin-nonfree13:35
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vegombreihisto: thanks13:35
indusrek, http://www.skype.com/download/skype/linux/13:35
AzikaCorpGangrel: strange. hum, what append when you replug and type "dmesg"13:35
histoGangrel: is it a sata drive?13:35
Gangrelhisto, yes13:35
indusAzikaCorp, how can he so easily replug an internal HDD?13:35
rekindus,  9.10 is strange13:35
indusnot possible13:35
AzikaCorpGangrel: do you see your drive ? sdb or something like that?13:35
histoGangrel: internal?13:35
reki had 8.0413:35
Gangrelhisto, yes13:36
PsychoMari0is there a simple VPS for ubuntu 9.1013:36
GangrelAzikaCorp, dmesg gives many many thing and yes i can see the hdd13:36
indusGangrel, hm the HDD Is maybe not properly connected?13:36
histoGangrel: try running sudo udevadm see what fdisk says after that13:36
Pianoman13d3vic3, i am experiencing problems with the popupwindows13:37
Gangrelindus, huh? there are only 2 cables to connect13:37
indusGangrel, master slave13:37
indusanyways follow histo13:37
indusi go13:37
indussee u later13:37
Pianoman13you sent something13:37
Pianoman13a window opened but i lost it?13:37
d3vic3Pianoman13, here is the file one more time, if you still experience problems i'll send it another way13:38
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eb111good morning13:39
Gangrelhisto, now from fdisk -l i get this Disk /dev/sdb doesn't contain a valid partition table13:39
vegombreihisto: didnt work:(13:39
histoGangrel: now you should be able to partition it and add whatever fstab entries you want.13:39
Gangrelindus, it is sata not need to define it13:39
eb111help please, remember czech for skype13:39
histovegombrei: the command or the reinstalling of the plugin?13:40
Gangrelhisto, how do i partition it from console?13:40
histoGangrel: cfdisk13:40
vegombreihisto: the reinstalling13:40
histoGangrel: sudo cfdisk /dev/sd(x)13:40
histovegombrei: did you restart firefox afterwards?13:40
vegombreihisto: yes13:41
histovegombrei: go to about:plugins  in FF and see if the flash plugin is showing.13:41
histovegombrei: put about:plugins in your address bar13:41
Pianoman13cannot find the file13:41
K10i have a problem with iptables: "sudo ip6tables -A INPUT -m limit ! --limit 10/minute -j DROP" prints out "iptables v1.4.4: limit does not support invert"13:42
Pianoman13wlan_config is hiding somewhere13:42
histo!who | Pianoman1313:42
ubottuPianoman13: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)13:42
vegombreihisto: its all yes13:42
Gangrelhisto, on cfdisk menu what option do i use?13:42
vegombreihisto: how do i reset firfox13:43
Gangrelhisto, new or write?13:43
Pierrebi have a retarded problem, my wireless network is working as usual but when i insert a password in ubuntu it wont accept it13:43
d3vic3Pianoman13, do a find -name wlan_config.png in your home directory13:43
histoGangrel: haven't used it in ages but you want to create a parition then write the changes to the disk. Let me see if I can find a page explaining13:43
histoGangrel: just make sure you are doing it to the right drive.13:43
Pierrebit work with my iphone and other laptop but not this one13:44
histovegombrei: reset?  I meant restart.13:44
ouyesi want to remove a directory? how to do it?13:44
Pierrebi just installed ubuntu and have no clue why its not working, any ideas?13:44
d3vic3ouyes, rm -rvf directory13:44
AzikaCorpouyes, rm -r13:44
Gangrelhisto, don't worry about the right drive it is the only drive except the one running ubuntu :)13:44
ouyesd3vic3, thanks13:45
histoGangrel: yeah just select new and create the partition.13:45
vegombreihisto: not restart .. but reset .. apparently firefox has somekinda file that must be flushed in order to reset firefox which might make flash work again13:45
roxdragonerrore with internet conso0le dj :( help me please13:45
Pianoman13d3vic3, I gues it did not get saved because i read failed in one of the windows13:45
ouyesPierreb,  you have to install some applications to make it work13:45
histovegombrei:  try ctrl+shift+del in firefox you can delete all the temporary files etc...13:45
Gangrelhisto, primary or logical?13:46
Pierrebapparently it works now, rebooted 4 times and now it accept the pw13:46
grobda24Hi. Is this correct procedure to update initramfs for rt kernerl ? Thanks. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedFilesystemLVMHowto#Rebuild%20ramdisk13:46
ouyesPierreb, such as codes for playing movie and music,13:46
roxdragonhelp me please :(13:46
histoGangrel: what are you using the drive for?13:46
ouyesPierreb, update13:46
d3vic3Pianoman13, hold on, i'll upload it somewhere else and give you a link13:46
Gangrelhisto, downloads, back-ups13:46
Pianoman13d3vic3, this is all so new that i turn around and i am confused13:46
d3vic3Pianoman13, you'll get it right the next time, keep trying ;)13:47
roxdragonragazzi xD13:47
histoGangrel: is it a backup drive for windows or linux?13:47
Gangrelhisto, linux...not using windows13:47
grobda24roxdragon, did you install through package manager ?13:47
histoGangrel: just one big partition on the drive?13:48
histoGangrel: I would go with primary and use ext3 or ext4 which ever you prefer.13:48
d3vic3Pianoman13, http://www.filesavr.com/wlanconfig13:48
histoGangrel: if you need to split the drive up in to multiple drives I would create a primary and extended section with logical drives.13:49
Pianoman13d3vic3, got it13:49
roxdragongrobda24, yes13:49
histoGangrel: then make sure you add the drive to fstab so its mounted on boot.13:50
histoGangrel: also format it.13:50
Gangrelhisto, i will format it after reboot... so brb rebooting13:50
roxdragongrobda24,  http://paste.ubuntu.com/377596/ :'(13:50
d3vic3hello every body, a very good service for sharing files without signing up : http://share1t.com/13:50
grobda24roxdragon, k, what does this mean ? "Impossibile trovare il motore del tema in module_path" ?13:50
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ashishranjancan't use voice chat in pidgin. how to do it? it is between two gmail accounts..13:51
Pici!es | JUANILLO13:51
ubottuJUANILLO: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.13:51
d3vic3grobda24, theme renderer not fond in module_path13:51
grobda24d3vic3, thanks13:52
BoSSay alguien??13:52
Pici!es | BoSS13:52
ubottuBoSS: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.13:52
roxdragongrobda24, i don't know i have install with sudo apt-get install idjc icecast2 flac vorbis-tools13:52
luckymuralihi to all13:53
luckymuraliunfortunately i deleted a file using shift-del13:53
Gangrelhisto, hmmm still doesn't see it13:53
histoGangrel: yeah you'll have to run that command again to get fdisk to see it.13:54
luckymuralils -lA /proc/ -  to list all the files13:54
histoGangrel: then format it while its unmounted.13:54
luckymuralibut I dont know how can i grep the file what i deleted13:54
luckymuraliplease help me13:54
Pici!undelete | luckymurali... and good luck13:54
ubottuluckymurali... and good luck: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel13:54
roxdragon grobda24, i don't know i have install with sudo apt-get install idjc icecast2 flac vorbis-tools13:55
histoGangrel: udev is aparently having a problem getting the uuid for the device on boot.13:55
histoGangrel: after your run that command the system can see it. You should be okay adding it to fstab after its formated etc..13:56
Gangrelhisto, any idea how to fix that?13:56
Pianoman13d3vic3, i cannot apply the button does not get activated13:57
Gangrelhisto, ermm cannot add it to fstab it doesn't allow me to add this device13:57
histoGangrel: You'll most likely have to add it by uuid13:57
roxdragonhelp me http://paste.ubuntu.com/377596/13:57
histoGangrel: you also have to format it first, create a mount point, and then add it to fstab.13:58
tiger_ok guys i have one more lil problem as if they ever not a problem13:58
indusGangrel, the uuid can be seen with sudo blkid13:58
tiger_while i play movies or music on the comp the sound is there but if i want to watch a youtube video the sound is gone13:58
tiger_i am useing firefox as my browser13:59
grobda24roxdragon, I think you might need a seperate icecast server setup ?13:59
d3vic3Pianoman13, which one, which step?13:59
indusGangrel, so later add it to fstab as so, on one line #/dev/partitionname and on next line uuid <filesystem type> etc13:59
grobda24roxdragon, hence the socket errors maybe13:59
indushisto, hi what was the pproblem with the HDD not showing?13:59
marlenhow can I shift some icons on the left of the upper panel? I'using xubuntu..13:59
wacekhey, why can't I remove Firefox from Ubuntu?14:00
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stdiseasetiger_, hmm try flashplayer-nonfree-extrasound if you have that14:00
nitinhow to know from a bash command whats the device for mount point '/'14:00
icerootnitin: df14:00
indusnitin, mount does it14:01
Pianoman13d3vic3, last step14:01
llutznitin: df /14:01
d3vic3wacek, do you have permissions to remove applications?14:01
icerootwacek: sudo apt-get remove --purge firefox14:01
nitiniceroot: I get to see /dev/root14:01
stdisease'file /dev/root'14:01
histoindus: I thinik its a problem with udev not seeing it on boot. But if he invokes udev to search it will see it.14:01
nitinand its a symbolic link to /dev/hda114:01
wacekI do, I can't remove it through the software center thingy though. There's no remove button, only update.14:01
nitinbut all this I need to know in a script14:01
roxdragongrobda24,  but http:ip_server_iscecast:port work14:01
icerootnitin: then you know the device14:01
indushisto, so how do you invoke it?14:01
wacekRemoving through sudo indeed does work though. Isn't that just weird?14:01
d3vic3Pianoman13, did you clicked button 8 first?14:01
roxdragondon't work internet console dj14:02
icerootwacek: no14:02
wacekHow does the control center determine when you can remove apps then?14:02
FeedHunterwhat's a good multi-window chat client....Im using xchat but I dont like having to bounce between windows.14:02
icerootwacek: you always need sudo for such operations14:02
nitiniceroot: I didn't get you14:02
Pianoman13d3vic3, yes14:02
wacekiceroot, no, you don't get my point. It asks you for root permissions when you want to install something. (The control center.)14:02
wacekI know Linux.14:02
nitinU mean the script should further check whats the link pointing to?14:02
icerootwacek: correct14:02
Pianoman13d3vic3, all the date is ther, entered but the button remains greyed out14:02
icerootwacek: and for that you need sudo or gksudo14:02
llutz!pm > Simon124514:03
ubottuSimon1245, please see my private message14:03
iceroot!sudo | wacek14:03
ubottuwacek: sudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)14:03
wacekMy point is, there's no "Remove" button in Firefox list item, but there is one for eg. X-Chat. Why so?14:03
wacekI know Linux.14:03
histoFeedHunter: pidgin or empathy14:03
histo!best | FeedHunter14:03
ubottuFeedHunter: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:03
Simon1245 llutz Ok14:03
induswacek, the software center is not finished14:03
icerootwacek: dont know, i am not using a gui for that, just using apt-get14:03
wacekYou're making an idiot out of me, when my question is: why can't I remove something from the control panel, when I can do it for other programs and apt-get remove works fine.14:03
FeedHunterIm sorry I meant IRC client14:03
histoindus: sudo udevadm trigger14:03
wacekiceroot, yeah, but at times it's nice to use graphical tools. :)14:04
wacekindus, oh, I see. :) Thanks!14:04
induswacek, also i believe firefox is integral to ubuntu and so maybe software center doesnt allow14:04
icerootwacek: maybe14:04
Simon1245llutz, Can you read what I wrote? :D It's not a question regarding Ubuntu14:04
wacekindus, yeah, I thought so, but apt-get remove works fine and doesn't delete any more apps.14:04
induswacek, but frankly avoid it till 10,04 comes out, i cant see either install or remove button sometimes14:04
wacek... other than Firefox.14:04
icerootwacek: because of that, apt-get is better then a gui, because it is working and doing what you want :)14:04
wacekindus, oh, okay, I thought they should have released it by now. This is my first Ubuntu after like a year.14:05
induswacek, released what14:05
indusi love synaptic14:05
indusits brilliant14:05
wacekindus, the new app-store like control center14:05
grobda24roxdragon, hmmm, don't know then. Does idjc have an IRC channel, plus try searching for those errors on te net :)14:05
Simon1245indus, Ubuntu Control Center is cool aswell or whatever it's called14:05
induswacek, yes the store might come in with 10,04 i think for now its just install .remove14:05
Simon1245Ubuntu Software Center14:05
histoindus: you can remove firefox from ubuntu.14:06
d3vic3Pianoman13, may you give me a screenshot like mine plz?14:06
indushisto, yes i know, just gueesing you cant from software center i mean14:06
induswacek,  had that issue14:06
histoindus: yeah you can14:06
indusok then wacek cant14:06
FeedHunterIm just looking for an irc client that will allow me to tile multiple channels14:06
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines14:07
wacekindus, Ubuntu store? Like what could you buy there?14:07
histoindus: software center / synaptic shouldn't matter. Its just a gui version of apt.14:07
Pianoman13d3vic3, i will try to do that14:07
Simon1245indus, You can write sudo apt-get remove firefox :D I just tried14:07
histowacek: you don't buy anything14:07
Simon1245It worked but i'm not sure if it really uninstalls :D14:07
roxdragongrobda24,  what's the channel irc idjc??14:07
wacekSimon1245, yeah, but that doesn't really remove Fx. You have to also input firefox-3.5.14:07
indushisto, well, it does because functionality is limited with the center compared to synaptic14:07
indusbut nvm14:07
wacekhisto, so you the software center?14:07
histowacek: indus they've got it currently named Ubuntu Software Center14:07
Simon1245wacek, Oh ok, I don't want to remove it though :D Firefox owns :D14:07
Gangrelhisto, i am formating it via gparted14:07
induswacek, you could buy stuff from 10,04 is what i hear14:07
perlas_hi all14:07
wacekSimon1245, I prefer SeaMonkey. :)14:07
histowacek: indus in lucid14:07
Simon1245Btw, Is it possible to run Chrome on Linux?14:08
histoGangrel: k14:08
forceflowSimon1245: yep14:08
forceflowjust download latest chrome .deb from chrome website14:08
KamalinOhey all.. i finished installing ubuntu desktop on a server 9.04, everything works fine, expect NAUTILUS doesn't really work. Here's the output when trying the command: sudo nautilus14:08
Simon1245wacek, I've never tried SeaMonkey :P14:08
forceflowI prefer it over firefox14:08
KamalinOany idea?14:08
Simon1245forceflow, Ok thanks for answering14:08
indusi was testing it before and i read that somewhere thats why they called it store before14:08
grobda24roxdragon, sorry, don't know if they have one14:08
Simon1245forceflow, Do you run Firefox or Chrome?14:08
wacekSimon1245, you can fix various annoyances right from the default options dialog and you don't need any extensions. :)14:08
perlas_does exists someone from lithuania?14:08
forceflowSimon1245: Chrome14:08
indusKamalinO, always use gksu nautilus14:08
FeedHunterSimon1245 ...so do I..Chrome is a good fit14:08
indusKamalinO, for graphical apps always gksu14:09
histoGangrel: I have to go but you should be able to get help on mounting the drive just make sure you get the uuid and create the mount point.14:09
Pianoman13d3vic3, sorry i dont have my Snagit and cannot easily capture just that monitor alone14:09
Simon1245forceflow, FeedHunter, Oh ok, I might try it later14:09
Simon1245wacek, Cool14:09
wacekIt's a good thing they release something that's not finished yet. >_>14:09
wacekI mean the dudes from Canonical.14:09
Simon1245forceflow, FeedHunter What's better with Chrome that Firefox doesn't got? Speed difference or anything like that?14:09
induswell, kind of gets more feedback befoer the LTS14:09
KamalinOhere's error message i get with gksu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/377621/14:09
indusKamalinO, what is your graphics?14:10
perlas_what is a kde?14:10
Pianoman13d3vic3, ok i found the ubuntu snagit, where do i send the file to?14:10
indusperlas_, its a desktop environment14:10
indus!kde | perlas_14:10
ubottuperlas_: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde414:10
FeedHunterSimon1245 ...I think speed and IMHO it just feel more natural...easier to use14:10
KamalinOindus: it's a VPS, running through HYPERVM14:10
wacekIs Evolution superior to Thunderbird in any way (except for Ubuntu integration)?14:10
Simon1245FeedHunter, Oh ok14:11
indusoh thats why maybe , sorry i dont know about vps14:11
ubottuThere are several solutions for running other operating systems (or their programs) inside Ubuntu, while using the native CPU as much as possible: !QEmu (with !KQemu), !VirtualBox, !VMWare, as well as !WINE and !Cedega for Windows applications14:11
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d3vic3Pianoman13, try these commad lines : "sudo ifconfig wlan0 netmask broadcast up" than "route add default gw 192168.15.1"14:11
histowacek: more like gnome intergration not ubuntu integration.14:11
KamalinOconnecting through VNC works fine, and i can use GNOME and everything, all except NAUTILUS14:11
d3vic3Pianoman13, oups! don't forget to sudo the second one as well14:12
d3vic3Pianoman13, sudo route add default gw
Pianoman13d3vic3, i do not know how to sudo it, sorry i am only 3 weeks old14:12
wacekhisto, yeah.14:12
indusKamalinO, maybe a bug14:12
histo!sudo | Pianoman1314:12
ubottuPianoman13: sudo is a command to run command-line ( see !cli ) programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)14:12
d3vic3Pianoman13, i just corrected :)14:12
wacekSo then?14:12
KamalinOi see14:12
Pianoman13d3vic3, you mean in a terminal ok14:12
d3vic3Pianoman13, yep14:13
Pianoman13d3vic3,  thanks14:13
indusKamalinO, you have to read more on this , just copy the error and google wit hit14:13
perlas_what things is the same with gdm?14:13
perlas_and kde is only another desktop style or another programs and more?14:13
histoperlas_: gdm is the login manager you want a different one?14:13
indusperlas_, it has its own softwarre etc14:14
Gangrelhisto, ok bro thanks14:14
histoGangrel: np14:14
histocya guys14:14
indusperlas_, all softwae is different from default ubuntu , also it looks incredible14:14
giwrgoshi guys14:14
perlas_if I change my desktop to kde then my all programs disapears?14:14
indusperlas_, check out www.kde.org14:14
indusperlas_, you cant change unless you install it14:14
giwrgosi want to help me someone14:15
indusperlas_, and no programs will be mixed with gnome applcations14:15
iceroot!ask | giwrgos14:15
ubottugiwrgos: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:15
indusgiwrgos, what help14:15
perlas_thank you14:15
indusperlas_, i mean14:15
d3vic3giwrgos, http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html14:15
giwrgosi want to install messenger in my pc14:15
indusperlas_, gnome and kde apps will appear together and will make a mess14:15
icerootgiwrgos: which one?14:15
giwrgosi don't know14:15
icerootgiwrgos: for what? icq? msn? irc?14:16
giwrgosamsn for example14:16
icerootgiwrgos: sudo apt-get install amsn14:16
Pianoman13d3vic3, should i now test it?14:16
indusaah yes if you see under menu>applications>internet you will find empathy messener which connects to msn ,yahoo, google etvc14:16
giwrgosi don't know how to download amsn14:16
perlas_if I want to install kde I should unistall gdm?14:16
icerootgiwrgos: i told you how to install14:17
d3vic3Pianoman13, yep14:17
icerootperlas_: no need14:17
indusaah yes giwrgos if you see under menu>applications>internet you will find empathy messener which connects to msn ,yahoo, google etvc14:17
indusperlas_, no14:17
icerootperlas_: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop  for installing kde14:17
indusgiwrgos, in ubuntu just open a terminal and type after the $sudo apt-get install amsn14:17
Pianoman13d3vic3, ok see you later maybe and thank you14:17
AzikaCorpperlas_, just install kde-desktop14:18
indusgiwrgos, but i suggest use default empathy messenger in ubuntu14:18
giwrgoswho has iPhone?14:18
industhere is voice /video for msn also available14:18
ikoniagiwrgos: why ?14:18
* indus doesnt work properly though :D14:18
Simon1245indus, You use Empathy messanger instead of Pidgin?14:18
ikoniaSimon1245: empathy replaces pidgin in 9.1014:18
indusSimon1245, its default so i use, i prefer pidgin though14:19
Simon1245ikonia, You can still use it I think14:19
giwrgoswho speaks Greek/14:19
ubottu#ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes14:19
ikoniaSimon1245: sure14:19
perlas_but if I want to back to gdm then I shoul make sudo apt-get install gdm-desktop?14:19
danb1Lookin for help with fixing the resolution on 9.1014:19
indusis that greek?14:19
Simon1245ikonia, I mean it comes installed when you install 9.10'14:19
ikoniaSimon1245: you sure can14:19
icerootperlas_: no14:19
ikoniaindus: it is14:19
icerootperlas_: you have gnome still installed14:19
indusikonia, ok thanks14:19
danb1plz send a private mesage14:19
iceroot!pm | danb114:20
ikoniadanb1: talk in the channel,so more people can help14:20
ubottudanb1: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.14:20
indusSimon1245, if you upgraded from 9.04 you have pidgin but on fresh upgrades no14:20
Simon1245indus, :S Weird, I did fresh install :D14:20
giwrgosok... bye guys see you later!!!!14:20
Simon1245No upgrade14:20
indushope that is correct14:20
indusno , on fresh installs its empathy14:20
indusyou installed later maybe14:20
Simon1245Can't remember :D14:20
d3vic3perlas, Login managers != window managers, read this http://ask.metafilter.com/65411/GDM-KDE-GNOME-KDM-XDM-XFCE-ARGH14:21
d3vic3perlas_, Login managers != window managers, read this http://ask.metafilter.com/65411/GDM-KDE-GNOME-KDM-XDM-XFCE-ARGH14:21
danb1how can i fix my low rez problem? using an S3 ProSavage PM13314:24
nerdy_kidam i correct in saying that the bs flash in dd is basicly the copying speed?14:25
SwedeMike!resolution | danb114:25
ubottudanb1: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution14:25
nerdy_kidam i correct in saying that the bs flag in dd is basicly the copying speed?14:25
SwedeMikenerdy_kid: no, it's how much data it copies per time it copies, block-size.14:25
rwwnerdy_kid: bs=block size=how much data to copy at a time14:25
rwwso if you set it to 1MB, it'll read 1MB from the input file, then write it to the output file14:26
llutznerdy_kid: it effects the speed14:26
nerdy_kidrww SwedeMike does it affect the final image that im copying?14:26
danb1how can i fix my low rez problem? using an S3 ProSavage PM133         I have tried the Wiki and not been able to correct the problem14:27
llutznerdy_kid: no14:27
rwwnerdy_kid: no, it won't change what data is copied (assuming you don't use count, just how fast it is)14:27
nerdy_kidrww llutz SwedeMike thanks! :)14:27
rwwcount), just how fast it is ***14:27
hamneggayou could just type "restartx" or Ctrl+Alt+Backspace [nerdy_kid}14:28
mamouscan I ask some thing please14:29
nerdy_kidhamnegga how about no14:29
mamouscan I ask something if any one can help me please14:30
llutz!ask | mamous14:30
ubottumamous: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:30
abhi_navmamous: directly come to the point ask ur question14:30
mamousok first thanks14:30
mamousI have a problem when starting ubuntu14:30
mamousnot on this pc14:30
mamouson my laptop14:30
Pianoman13d3vic3, still as before14:31
mamouswhen I install ubuntu I make to the advance and mount the /home, /temp, /14:31
mamousall alone14:31
mamouswhen I boot14:31
mamousit gives me error14:31
mamousit say14:31
mamouscannout miount ntfs ...................14:32
d3vic3Pianoman13, you were not able to connect with the command line?14:32
inveratulomamous: looks like you're trying to mount a linux filesystem on a partition which already contains a windows partition14:32
abhi_navmamous: i think u have not formated /home and /temp with ext3?14:32
Pianoman13d3vic3 you mean i was suppose to do that when not docked in?14:32
d3vic3Pianoman13, yep14:33
Pianoman13d3vic3, my memory is not that good14:33
joe642am tryin to do root passwd recovery on ubuntu 914:33
d3vic3Pianoman13, take care ;) just try and tell me what you did and what you got14:33
ikoniajoe642: where is no root password unless you set one14:34
Pianoman13d3vic3, i undocked, then i tried access to internet without success then14:34
mamousone sec I will give you the exact error14:35
joe642i edit the /etc/passwd file  ... delete the root password hash value - save . When i reboot .. to sudo the passwd is not blank as expected14:35
Pianoman13d3vic3, i opened a terminal and scrolled through the last commands in ther and repeated the ones you gave me, without success14:35
ikoniajoe642: why are you doing this ? the account is locked on ubuntu, if you wanted to set the password you just need to set it14:35
joe642am i missing sthin?14:35
Pianoman13d3vic3, now i am ready to succeed14:35
fhermeniAny users of preseed ?14:35
sidhGreetings Gentlemen14:35
fhermeniI have trouble when autoconfiguring the network14:36
ikoniajoe642: the passwords are in /etc/shadow not passwd14:36
ikoniajoe642: and why are you trying to do this ?14:36
joe642ikonia: had been using the system. forgot the sudo passwd again14:36
ikoniajoe642: ok - so that's "your" password, not the root one14:36
d3vic3Pianoman13, go ahead14:36
ikoniajoe642: resetting the root password won't fix that14:36
Pianoman13d3 thats it14:37
joe642ikonia: the sudo , super user passwd needed for installs14:37
ikoniajoe642: sudo password is your user password14:37
ikoniajoe642: eg: if you are joe624 and do "sudo apt-get update" the password you type is joe642's password14:37
Pianoman13d3vic3, why did it not let me save the info ?14:38
d3vic3Pianoman13, you may not have permissions :)14:38
Pianoman13d3vic3, that screen is still empty, the ipv4 screen14:38
Pianoman13d3vic3, i am the only owner14:38
d3vic3Pianoman13, aha! you should fill it!14:39
sidhI would need your advices, I just receive a new laptop (recent chipset) and as i will need a linux distro on it , i'm wondering about ubuntu for its better hardware compatibility. As i would like to use exactly the light apps i need (mutt/fluxbox/elinks and so on) what is better , start from an alternate or start from ubuntu server iso ?14:39
gypsymauroI can install a 32 bit os on a 64 bit machine? or better.. how can I know if my machine supports the 64 bit version of ubuntu?14:39
Gangrelanyone can drive me automounting a HDD?14:39
Pianoman13d3vic3, remember i cannot save after i fill it14:39
llutz!minimal |sidh:14:39
ubottusidh:: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD14:39
n16h7f0xif($var)... if the condtion is true $var is 0 or 1?14:39
Pianoman13d3vic3, running around in circle, catch 2214:39
sidhgreat bot, thanks ubottu14:40
Pianoman13d3vic3, should i try the other option on that screen: auto addresses only (DHCP)14:40
Raphi974Hi everyone14:40
olskolircI need a desktop recorder recordmydesktop isn't in my menu and when I type it, it tell me to use --no-sound and I don't even know where my file went - I want a recorder that take the sound as well with a gui14:41
Pianoman13d3vic3, then fill in the DNS, Domain, ID14:41
djtotounzip megaflooder.mrc into your mirc\ directory then type:14:41
djtoto/load -rs megaflooder.mrc14:41
djtotoLoads dialo14:41
djtotoPlease do not rip.14:42
hikenbootanyone able to recommend free domain dynamic dns service?14:44
d3vic3Pianoman13, just keep in mind : the button wont activate until you enter sufficient valid data14:44
hikenbootI have a domain name with register.com but it doesn't support dynamic dns. so  i need some kind of redirector14:44
llutzhikenboot: no-ip.com14:44
Pianoman13d3vic3, ok then that probably means that there was another field that i did not filled in the third screen where number 8 is14:45
Pianoman13d3vic3, let me redo it all over14:45
PyroPheliaquick question, i've got a file on my server with nonstandard US characters, how do I delete it?14:45
Pianoman13d3vic3, if i can find your png file again lol14:45
d3vic3Pianoman13, it may be on any windows where the button is unclickable14:46
PyroPheliaI can't delete it through ssh because all I get is ???????? and random letters14:46
d3vic3Pianoman13, it's still at the same url : http://www.filesavr.com/wlanconfig14:46
d3vic3Pianoman13, i'll be back in a min :)14:47
Pianoman13d3vic3, imagine that, i found it before you14:47
d3vic3Pianoman13, lucky ;)14:47
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=== Dougdoug45 is now known as Dougdoug4
ubyserverGood morning everyone!14:47
ikoniahamnegga: can you chec your pm's please14:48
ikoniacheck even14:48
ubyserverHope you are all having wonderful days.14:48
ikoniaubyserver: well is well, welcome to ubuntu support discussion, use /topic to check the channels topic14:48
* abhi_nav is away: I'm busy14:49
* abhi_nav is back (gone 00:00:02)14:49
ikonia!away > abhi_nav14:49
ubottuabhi_nav, please see my private message14:49
erUSULPyroPhelia: tab completion can't help ?14:49
PyroPheliaerUSUL, negative14:50
llutzPyroPhelia: if all fails, use mc14:50
abhi_navikonia: i used /away only14:50
erUSULPyroPhelia: how many files are on the same directory ?14:50
ikoniaabhi_nav: it appears to do more than that14:51
abhi_navhow to use /away silently14:51
rwwabhi_nav: Which IRC client are you using?14:51
llutzPyroPhelia: rm -- *random-letter*14:51
abhi_navrww: xchat14:51
erUSULPyroPhelia: "rm -i *" could be an option (or even with a more restrictive glob pattern) ??14:51
ikoniaabhi_nav: what client are you using14:51
abhi_navikonia: rww: xchat14:51
PyroPheliaerUSUL, 2 files in the directory with the nonstandard chars14:51
ubyserverAnyone here use webmin to manage their webserver?14:52
erUSUL!webmin | ubyserver14:52
ubottuubyserver: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.14:52
ikoniaabhi_nav: join #xchat and ask for help14:52
abhi_navikonica: ok14:52
rwwabhi_nav: Settings > Preferences > General > uncheck "Announce away messages"14:52
abhi_navrww: ok14:52
ubyserverI actually installed ebox last night and thought my server broke after reaching the package webserver pr something like that.14:52
ikoniarww: maybe that's worth logging as bug in the default ubuntu install, that should be cleared14:52
abhi_navrww: done now i try it14:53
rwwikonia: It's not set by default.14:53
ikoniarww: thank you14:53
abhi_navrww: it worked. thnx14:53
ubyserverCame back about an hour later and the server was responsive.14:53
mamouspidgin keep giving me14:53
mamousconnection error from notification server14:53
ubyserverShould I install ebox before installing LAMP?14:53
rwwabhi_nav: glad to help14:53
abhi_navrww: ikonia: thnx14:54
Gangrelhow can i give read and write access to a mounted hdd?14:58
erUSULGangrel: what filesystem ?14:58
ikoniaGangrel: if it's mounted read-only you have to re-mount it, if it's just permissions, use chmod and chown to change the permissions/owner14:59
mamousone or more of the mounts listed in etc fstab cannot yet be mounted14:59
GangrelerUSUL, ext414:59
plouffeIs there a way to run a c# (aspx) project someone sent me that was made in Visual Studio on Ubuntu14:59
erUSUL!addingfs | Gangrel14:59
ubottuGangrel: If you are adding space to your Ubuntu installation mounting a newly created unix filesystem (ext3, xfs, jfs, etc) you can not set permissions (read, write, etc) filesystem-wide like you do when mounting filesystems that do not support unix permissions (vfat, ntfs, hfs, etc).  See !permissions and !fstab14:59
ikoniamamous: walk though each one manually and see which one comaplains14:59
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:00
mamousit is the same error15:00
Piciplouffe: you *might* be able to import it into monodevelop, but I'm not if that will work.  At least that'll give a direction to do some research in.15:00
erUSULplouffe: you can try to run it in mono. i dunno what the level of compatibility there is. check the mono website. should be some tools to help port that things15:00
ikoniamamous: which file system/mount is it complaining about15:00
Gangrelikonia, take a look here http://paste.ubuntu.com/377649/15:01
plouffethanks Pici, erUSUL I search in synaptic15:01
ikoniaGangrel: what about that ?15:01
jackbrownhello there15:01
jackbrownanybody available to help me ?15:01
ikoniajackbrown: if you ask a question, we'll all try15:01
adyanwhat problem?15:02
Gangrelikonia, this is what i used to mount it .. how do i add permisions?15:02
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions15:02
jackbrownthanks, i have trouble to install TOR on my UBUNTU 9.1015:02
erUSULplouffe: http://www.mono-project.com/ASP.NET15:02
ikoniaGangrel: well, it appears to be mounted ok, so you need to either make it writable for your user, or make your use the owner15:02
abhi_navjackbrown: what is TOR?15:02
jackbrownis anyone available to help me15:02
abhi_navjackbrown: i want to know15:02
llutzjackbrown: what kind of trouble?15:02
bahhabhi_nav> sort of proxies15:02
plouffethanks erUSUL15:03
abhi_navbahh: ok15:03
jackbrowni'm following the instructions on the site15:03
jackbrownbut i'm not able to install it properly15:03
allo_946Hi how do I take ownership of files?15:03
jackbrowncan anyone follow me during the installation15:03
jackbrowni'm n00v15:03
rwwjackbrown: Can you be more specific as to what's not working, please?15:03
ikonia!toar | jackbrown15:03
Gangrelikonia, what do i add there to make it read and write for the user?15:03
ikonia!tor | jackbrown15:03
ubottujackbrown: Many Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks15:03
jackbrownrww from the beginning15:03
rwwikonia: !tor is useless for actually setting up TOR :(15:04
ikoniarww: just noticed that !15:04
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions15:04
ikoniaGangrel: look at the chmod and chown command's15:04
llutzjackbrown: www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.it15:04
ubottuAn explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions15:04
rwwjackbrown: Alright, for a start, you should be following Option 2 on http://www.torproject.org/docs/debian.html.en15:04
ikoniaGangrel: are you actually reading the document that trigger keeps giving you15:04
jackbrownrww i'm on it15:05
mamouscan I send a file over here15:05
Gangrelikonia, i am but cannot really understand it :S15:05
mamousso I can give you the /etc/fstab/15:05
llutz!paste | mamous use this15:05
ubottumamous use this: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:05
mamousand you all see the error15:05
erUSULGangrel: quick'n'dirty way is to just « chown -R $USER:$USER /mount/point/ » . More clean aproach is to make folders inside the parition and give the apropiate permissions to those folders (more finegrained)15:05
rwwubottu: pm | jackbrown15:06
ubottujackbrown: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.15:06
ikoniaGangrel: ok, what don't you understand ?15:06
jackbrownok sorry15:06
allo_946Thanks! Gangrel15:06
mamousI can't use the screen shot thing15:06
mamousbecaose it is blocked15:06
ikoniamamous: what line in /etc/fstab is it erroring on15:06
ikoniamamous: just tell us, you don't need to give us a screen shot15:07
Gangrelikonia, i cannot understand what to add in fstab so my mount takes read and write access15:07
rwwjackbrown: Okay, so you're doing those instructions... at which point do you have problems?15:07
Gangrelallo_946, ermm for what?15:07
ikoniaGangrel: you dont need to add anything in /etc/fstab, you need to use chown and chmod15:07
=== JFo is now known as JFo-afk
jackbrownwhen i try to add deb     http://deb.torproject.org/torproject.org <DISTRIBUTION> main15:07
abhi_navjackbrown: thnx for introducing me to tor. i found it useful15:07
jackbrownit gives me an erro15:07
allo_946Gangrel: sorry, wrong conversation. You said something related and it might be what I was looking for15:07
rwwjackbrown: what error?15:07
ikoniaGangrel: where in that page that I've asked you to read does it say anything about updating /etc/fstab ?15:08
jackbrownrww this error http://pastebin.com/d2c6357db15:09
llutzjackbrown: edit sources.list, karmic without <>15:10
rwwjackbrown: You're supposed to remove the <brackets>. so "karmic", not "<karmic>" :)15:10
jackbrownok ok15:10
jackbrowncopyng and pasting15:14
jackbrownapt-get update apt-get install tor tor-geoipdb15:15
jackbrowni get the error in the pastebin15:15
rwwjackbrown: put "sudo" before each of those commands15:15
fananinice to meet u15:15
bredotohi all15:15
rwwsudo apt-get update, and sudo apt-get install whatever15:15
renata_hello, how to get xubuntu karmic to show my audio-CD info(artist, track name, album). I only see track1, track2 etc on vlc or exaile. thanks.15:15
fananii'm fanani15:15
Tresmiushello fanani15:15
fananihello tremius15:16
fananinice to meet u15:16
fananican u help me ,15:16
hamneggaAnyone know how to make a syncronized folder like windows briefcase, so it would automatically update the files within it by itself (not just one time).15:16
fananii'm a newbie with ubuntu15:16
jackbrownhttp://pastebin.com/d42607bf1 at the end of SUDO get-apt install tor ....15:16
Tresmiusme too15:16
TresmiusI tried debian to no successful outcome in 200315:17
bredotoI Need help! Does anyone know how to mount rootfs on sd memory card if it is mounted as read-only. How can i mount or remount her dinamically or something that15:17
Tresmiusand haven't tried linux again until this month15:17
Tresmiusunder places at the top left15:17
jackbrownRWW why i get that error ? http://pastebin.com/d42607bf115:17
Tresmiuscheck if your memory card is there15:17
wangdxHi who can tell me a good talk tools, such as icq15:18
Pici!br | francisnaia15:18
ubottufrancisnaia: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.15:18
Tresmiuspidgin is good15:18
reactorwangdx, pidgin ftw15:18
Tresmiusapt-get install pidgin :D15:18
bredotoicq sucks15:18
francisnaiavlw kra..15:18
fananihe empaty15:18
rwwjackbrown: I don't know, your mirror works fine for me.15:18
francisnaiaprimeiro dia de linx..15:18
francisnaiato apaixonado..15:18
Tresmiussudo apt-get install pidgin15:18
wangdxthe most hots is what?15:18
jackbrownthat must be my problem then15:18
TresmiusCan anyone recommend any games for ubuntu?15:18
iceroot!games | Tresmius15:19
ubottuTresmius: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php15:19
DasEi!bets | wangdx15:19
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:19
llutzjackbrown: sudo apt-get -f install15:19
wangdxthe best talk tools is what?15:19
mamousI copy the /etc/fstab15:19
mamousyou want me to past it here15:19
icerootwangdx: read what ubottu told you15:19
iceroot!paste | mamous15:19
ubottumamous: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:19
loner__I use a firefox add-on called chatzilla and I like it very much15:20
llutzjackbrown: and if you paste errors again, please use "LANG=C sudo apt-get.... " to make errors readable to non-italians too :)15:20
wangdxOk! thanks a lot15:20
d3vic3Tresmius, http://djl.jeuxlinux.fr15:20
DasEiwangdx: see best above, depending on your needs, you can also search synaptic or apt-cahce search icq | less15:20
bredotohey anyone? How to remount memory stick card if it is in ro mode?15:20
DasEicache* , wangdx15:20
DidrikI'm having connection problems with my Huawei E122 modem in ubuntu 9.10, can someone help me set it up?15:21
Pianoman13d3vic3, any suggestions as to how to solve the problem?15:21
wacekWhat filetype should I use for an image in order to use it as a GNOME menu item icon?15:21
wacekI guess .svg's work, but does anything else?15:21
DasEiDidrik: don't know that modem, a cable modem on eth0 ?15:21
jackbrownllutz: http://pastebin.com/d5a5a321515:21
jackbrownhow can i set language15:21
DidrikDasEi it's a 3g modem15:21
jackbrowni did not understand15:21
bastid_raZorwacek: png's work also15:21
jackbrowncan we talk in a private channel15:21
llutzjackbrown: LANG=C command...15:21
jackbrownit's too messed here15:21
wacekThey don't. :( I've tried one.15:21
FloodBot2jackbrown: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:21
DasEiDidrik: wired ?15:22
d3vic3Pianoman13, i think you should have someone handy and try to configure it for you :)15:22
sandmandoes someone have a PPA to sun-java6-plugin?15:22
DidrikDasEi it's a usb stick15:22
fananihey i have a problem with keenel15:22
Pianoman13ok thanks d3vic315:22
fananido u all help me15:22
d3vic3Pianoman13, it may be something that i couldn't think about it...15:22
DasEiDidrik: try if sudo pppoeconfig find it15:22
AzikaCorpdesiatkina: hi15:22
desiatkinahow are you15:22
Pianoman13d3vic3, well you know a heck of a lot more that i ever will15:23
mamousso what to do15:23
desiatkinai dont now15:23
erUSUL!info sun-java6-plugin | sandman15:23
ubottusandman: sun-java6-plugin (source: sun-java6): The Java(TM) Plug-in, Java SE 6. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 6-15-1 (karmic), package size 1 kB, installed size 52 kB (Only available for all amd64 i386 lpia ia64)15:23
DidrikDasEi The problem is not installing it, that works like a charm, the problem is getting it to connect after the setup. Unfortunantly this is the only way I have to connect to the internet so I'm not in ubuntu right now.15:23
erUSULsandman: is in tha main repo why should a ppa exist?15:23
wacekohb66, they work when you input the full path instead of trying to select it.15:23
erUSULsandman: s/main/multiverse/15:23
DidrikDasEi http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8835337#post883533715:24
sandmanerUSUL: it was removed.. have come back. Using lucid15:24
wacekohb66, no, it was my fault all along. You should pick a DIRECTORY containing the images for use as icons, not a specific icon, then you get them displayed in the pane. :) Sorry.15:24
erUSUL!lucid | sandman15:24
ubottusandman: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+115:24
DasEi!info pppoeconfig | Didrik,  reading post know ..15:24
ubottuDidrik,: Package pppoeconfig does not exist in karmic15:24
wacek(stupid TAB-before-comma habit)15:24
DasEi!info pppoeconf | Didrik,  reading post know ..15:24
d3vic3Pianoman13, just google with different keywords till you find a solution ;)15:24
ubottuDidrik,: pppoeconf (source: pppoeconf): configures PPPoE/ADSL connections. In component main, is standard. Version 1.18ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 22 kB, installed size 340 kB15:24
desiatkinai sorry but a dont understand  i dont speak english very well15:24
=== inveratulo is now known as Uberz1aq-x12sw2|
=== Uberz1aq-x12sw2| is now known as inveratulo
d3vic3Pianoman13, you may re-ask your question here as there are so many  that can help you here... enjoy15:25
Picidesiatkina: What is your native language?15:25
DidrikDasEi thanks15:25
AzikaCorpdesiatkina: write again your questoin15:25
mamousso any one can help me15:26
ekohi all :)15:26
AzikaCorpeko: hi15:26
System-7Er, what is the name of the Ubuntu logo pixmap?15:26
ekowhat help do yuo need?15:26
DidrikDasEi Can we tralk in priv?15:26
DasEiDidrik: I still don't get how that works, has it got a sim card connecting via umts ? is it a wireless nic connecting to a router ? why private ?15:26
guestcan u tell me how to use irc15:26
mamousI have an error when I boot my ubuntu15:26
hamneggaAnyone know if it's possible to retrieve a users IP Address (public) from any IM app.  I'm using pidgin, but could use other...15:26
mamousand it gives me like this15:26
Pici!enter | mamous15:26
ubottumamous: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:26
desiatkinabueno adios me tengo k ir15:26
DasEiguest: #freenode is a good chan for that15:27
DidrikDasEi just because there's a lot of text in here. It has a simcard. and connects through PPA15:27
desiatkinaal menos k alla alguien k able en español15:27
rwwubottu: es | desiatkina15:27
ubottudesiatkina: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:27
Pici!es | desiatkina15:27
rwwi win15:27
hamneggaI tried tcpdump, but i was too messy, output was so much I couldn't keep track of when and where to look for packets15:27
=== DaZ_ is now known as DaZ
DasEiDidrik: ic, you will have to find the devicename , like ath0 (ifconfig may show) and set it up in your /etc/network/interfaces, should be similar to :15:28
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs15:28
Didrikok thanks for your help , brb15:28
guesthow to change the id15:28
System-7What's the name of the Ubuntu logo pixmap?15:28
nickkontoshello, i've just instaalled ubuntu in my flash drive (from a  live cd - normal install - not usb startup disk creator) and now I want to install ubiquity  so that i can install ubuntu on other pc with my usb flash... can i do that and how?15:28
hamneggaDidrik:  You should try the linux mint iso, it comes with mounting and forcemounting usually setup out-of-the-box, so you probably won't have to configure anything, nautilus just usually works.15:28
mamousone or more mounts listed in etc fstab cannot be mounted15:28
DasEihamnegga: he just left15:29
DasEimamous: your usb issue ?15:29
hamneggaanyone got info on retrieving ip addresses?15:29
rob_phamnegga: ifconfig15:30
DasEi!pm | mamous15:30
ubottumamous: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.15:30
AzikaCorphost 10;2015:30
AzikaCorpsorry, host <IPADRESS>15:30
hamneggaNo, I need to retrieve the ip address of a remote host, from and IM client15:30
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.15:30
llutzhamnegga: wireshark, tcpdump15:30
hamneggaifconfig would only provide a local ip also.15:30
ekohow can i install kde?15:30
llutzeko: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop15:31
DasEihamnegga: netstat shows your running connections15:31
hamneggallutz - I tried both of those, but couldn't figure out how to filter all the crap, I'll check it out some more15:31
llutzhamnegga: lsof -i15:31
rob_phamnegga: Had you specified that to begin with, it would have helped.15:31
hamneggarob_p sorry, I did, but it was further back15:31
rwwrob_p: they did specify that to begin with.15:31
ekoar yra kas i6 lietuvos?15:31
DasEimamous: so waht is your problem with fstab ?15:31
rob_phamnegga: Ok, no worries.  :-)15:32
rob_prww: Thanks15:32
blphgrdoes anyone know how to configure a non-j**ish ejabberd server with an ldap backend?15:32
rwwhamnegga: It's generally not possible, since IM works user <-> server <-> user, not directly from user to user. AIM (for example) has direct connection for sending files, and you could use netstat or wireshark to trace that.15:32
mix22891Please! how do i setup sound?15:33
mix22891no sound15:33
guestyour country15:33
blphgrjust plug in the damn speakers!15:33
DasEimix22891: sudo apt-get install alsamixergui15:33
ikoniablphgr: clamdown pleas,e that's not helpful15:34
=== amit is now known as Guest71769
bedshi, is /etc/environment global to all users?15:34
renegaidwhere does the live cd storage come from? I was able to transfer 2gb to the live cd desktop15:34
DasEi!who, mamous, weel saw paste lately15:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:34
DasEi!who| , mamous, weel saw paste lately15:34
ubottu, mamous, weel saw paste lately: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:34
blphgrdon't open the damned subshell!15:34
ikoniarenegaid: it's held in ram and swap15:34
rwwbeds: yes15:35
soonI've spent HOURS trying to connect to my workplace MS Exchange server with Evolution. I can connect via firefox (web-interface) and via my iPhone, but not via Evolution: couldn't communicate with gnome keyring daemon via dbus ...The name org.gnome.keyring was not provided by any .service files ... e-data-server-ui-Message: Key file does not have group 'Passwords-Exchange'15:35
ikoniablphgr: enough - stop now15:35
soonAny suggestions ?15:35
ikoniarenegaid: if you reboot, you'll find those files are gone15:35
DasEimamous: so you get an error of sth. not mounting ?15:35
renegaidprobably ram then15:35
mamouswhen I start the pc15:35
DasEi!who | mamous15:35
ubottumamous: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:35
mix22891Tanks alot DasEi !15:35
mamousit tells me15:35
blphgralright, but a subshell might fuck-up your entire system by allocating too much memory lol15:35
hyperstreamHmm, if i have a wireless g router, and this laptop has a wireless N card(backwards compatitble im guessing) and my Desktop is using a G card, the laptop has 90% signal and desktop has 100%, in theroy this is 54mbps ? isnt this 6000 or so KB/s ? If it is, then why is my pulseaudio(800KB/s total) skipping while streaming over the network?15:35
rwwubottu: enter | mamous15:35
ubottumamous: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!15:35
mamousthe /home and other is not mounted15:35
DasEimix22891: working already ?15:35
TresmiusDoes anyone play eternal lands? I just installed it and it keeps crashing.15:35
ekowho loves uBuntu? :D15:36
AzikaCorpeko: what a question o_O15:36
ikoniaeko: welcome to the ubuntu support channel15:36
ekohi :)15:36
alabdhello , how to use this pade ? http://www.worldwidetelescope.org/webclient/15:36
renegaidif I update from the live cd woud I still need to update when I install15:36
inveratuloalabd that page requires Silverlight.15:36
wasutton3__i am using karmic, and i was wondering how to increase the number of decimal points in the "power statistics - device information" window available by right clicking on the battery icon15:36
DasEimamous: sudo apt-get install pastebinit15:37
mamouswhat is that15:37
DasEimamous: mount | pastebinit15:37
alabdinveratulo: yes15:37
DasEimamous: pb.. is a autopaster for cmd-line, see :15:37
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.15:37
hamneggaOther packages can overlook proxy servers, so I was hoping I could unmask and ip through an IM in a similar fashion - Without setting a direct connection...15:38
mix22891DasEi no. i have to restart?15:38
hyperstreamikonia, extra ] on the end of that ban ?15:38
DasEimix22891: NO15:38
mix22891so. no :(15:38
DasEimix22891: (in trml) alsamixergui15:38
rwwhamnegga: nope15:38
ekowhich IRC client is best?15:38
DasEimix22891: gui up ?15:38
ikoniahyperstream: well spotted, just testing15:38
rwwubottu: best | eko15:38
hyperstreamikonia, :)15:38
ubottueko: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:38
DasEi!best | eko15:39
Tresmiuswhat's the normal location for installation of programs?15:39
Piciikonia: already fixed ;)15:39
mix22891<DasEi> im new at ubuntu. i didnt understand15:39
ikoniatoo quick15:39
Peloeko, xchat-gnome is default in ubuntu , but most ppl seem to prefer the regular xchat, it's also available in the repos15:39
DasEimix22891: enter alsamixergui in terminal (trml)15:39
ekothe ubuntu programs center is not working?15:39
rwwPelo: xchat-gnome isn't installed by default in Ubuntu. The only IRC client installed by default is empathy, and it's rather bad at it.15:40
wasutton3__is there a way to increase the number of decimal points in the battery charging data window?15:40
DasEimamous: ?15:40
ubottueko: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.15:40
Pelorww, my mistake , it use to be , been a while since I've seen a default install15:40
TresmiusDoes anyone know if they're planning on developing BitchX?15:40
patsbinDoes anybody have an idea why ubuntu doesn't detect ntfs partitions which are encrypted with truecrypt on startup? blockdev --rereadpt solves the problem.15:40
rwwTresmius: no, they're not15:40
Peloeko, use the terminal, just type  sudo apt-get install xchat15:40
ekoubottu  you're right15:40
ekoI alerdy have xchat :“15:41
DasEi!brain | eko15:41
ekoI alerdy have xchat :)15:41
ubottueko: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots15:41
DasEieko: ubot.. is a ro-bot15:41
bazhangzedd_, /join #ubuntu-cn for Chinese15:41
hamneggaWell, back when pidgin was gaim, it had the ability to present the other client ip address, so it must be possible, unless the whole structure of the software had been changed.15:41
ekoou :)15:41
rob_peko: irssi is good if you like CLI15:41
rwwhamnegga: For AIM at least, it could only do that if you had a direct connection established.15:42
guest1谁说 中文15:42
rob_pzedd_: yeah15:42
mix22891<DasEi> all up15:42
Pelo!cn | guest115:42
ubottuguest1: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:42
bazhangzedd_, english here15:42
zedd_ok ok15:42
bazhangzedd_, chinese in #ubuntu-cn15:42
DasEimix22891: does the headline show a s-card ? nothing like no module found ?15:43
guest1那 个15:43
ikonia!jp | guest115:43
ubottuguest1: 日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい15:43
DasEi!cn | guest115:43
ubottuguest1: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:43
ekoubottu reclaming chinese ubuntu support chanel :)15:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:43
bazhangguest1, join #ubuntu-cn for Chinese15:43
ekoubottu reclaming chinese ubuntu support chanel :)15:43
zedd_how do i join an IRC channel? i am super super newbie15:43
ikoniazedd_: /join #channe-name15:43
bazhangzedd_, /join #ubuntu-cn15:44
DasEizedd_: /join #channelName15:44
zedd_oh, I see15:44
zedd_must I add the # thing?15:44
zedd_before the name?15:44
zedd_oh, I see15:44
DasEizedd_: yup15:44
bazhangzedd_, yes15:44
zedd_i am using gnome-xchat15:44
zedd_is there anything better?15:44
Tresmiusxchat is sufficient15:44
Pelozedd_, most ppl prefer xchat regular15:44
rwwzedd_: xchat is better than xchat-gnome15:44
zedd_but I see the texts cut in the middle15:45
DasEizedd_: got to check yourself, for general purposes I like pidgin15:45
zedd_it's like the messages don't display completely15:45
ekowhat did you think about kde 4.4?15:45
DasEi!irc-clients | zedd_15:45
ubottuzedd_: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines15:45
AzikaCorpbetter than 4.3, nothing else15:45
TresmiusDoes anyone know why certain programs wouldn't be able to access a webcam? I've exhausted all the online information and tried everything15:45
wasutton3__how do i get to the advanced control menu? i remember having it (lets you do fine tweaking to gnome and such), i just cant remember it15:46
TLFfor some reason  i can't use the shift key, i've checked keyboard settings, and i don't know what to do, any ideas15:46
DasEimix22891: what does te top of the gui say ?15:46
TLFshit, no question marks15:46
mix22891<DasEi> my english is not so good. if you can in the other words15:46
TresmiusFlash in firefox seems to be able to access my webcam just fine, yet I get errors like "can't access /dev/vid0/" in some programs15:46
dalehey, having problems with wireless that been fine up until now15:46
ddavids_how do i change my nick pls?15:46
daleis the output from dmesg15:46
DasEimix22891: you native language ?15:46
PeanutHi - when installing Karmic via PXE, how can you prevent it asking the country/region questions, as it hasn't loaded 'preseed.cfg' yet?15:46
rwwddavids_: type "/nick newnickhere" in the same place you type messages15:46
ddavids_rww: thanks15:47
mix22891<DasEi> hebrew15:47
=== ddavids_ is now known as ddavids
Leolo_3howdy!  How does one get out of X?  I tried init 3, but X is still running15:47
bazhang!il | mix2289115:47
chris|zedd_, are the messages horizontaly cut or are they textwise cut off?15:47
ubottumix22891: לשיחות בשפה העברית ולגישה לקהילת המשתמשים העברית אנא הקלד:15:47
ubottu/join #ubuntu-il15:47
ddavidsrww: thanks15:47
zedd_did you try "GDM stop" or something like that?15:47
DasEimix22891: no dice. well gui = grafical user interface, the alsa-table you just launched15:47
PeanutLeolo_3: try control-alt-backspace (though in KK that doesn't work anymore)15:47
bazhangmix22891, for hebrew, /join #ubuntu-il15:47
hyperstreamdale, i had the same issue a few weeks ago, funny enough i stress for 2 days, trying to figure out why, and what i should have done first was RESET the wireless router, it may or may not work for you, but it did the trick for me.15:47
Leolo_3peanut : logged in via ssh.15:47
Leolo_3computer is 160km away15:48
TLFit was grandr and keybinding15:48
Leolo_3where is Xorg launched from.  there is no /etc/inittab.  I don't see it in /etc/rc2.d/15:48
HaldHello all15:48
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PeanutLeolo_3: what someone else already said: /etc/init.d/gdm stop15:49
Copenhagenhey guys looking for a data recovery program for a failing hard drive in NTFS format15:49
HaldAnyone know how I can make so that I disconnect if my VPN fails?15:49
DasEiLeolo_3: it now runs as service triggered by upstart15:49
rekbad sectors on my hd? 9.10 says that... why15:49
TresmiusDoes anyone know why certain programs wouldn't be able to access a webcam? I've exhausted all the online information and tried everything15:50
TresmiusFlash in firefox seems to be able to access my webcam just fine, yet I get errors like "can't access /dev/vid0/" in some programs15:50
Leolo_3dasei : ach!  Dunce!  of course it was gdm!15:50
DasEirek : dying disk ?15:50
rekDasEi i don't think15:50
mix22891<DasEi> i've lost you. i'll join to il channel. thanks anyway15:50
DasEirek : you could install smartmontools and run a disk-check, if the fs is in order (check that first)15:50
DasEimix22891: good sounds15:51
phocusare there any clutter experts here?15:51
TresmiusMy room is pretty cluttered15:51
phocusthat works15:52
phocuswondering if there is a way to ask clutter to start an application minimzed on boot15:52
phocusrunning twitux  on startup15:52
phocusbut dont want the window to show15:52
Mosterhi, just rebooted my ubuntu desktop 9.04 remotely - via VNC, now it's restarted i cannot log onto it - don't think the vnc is running yet. - What are my options, if any? SSH ?15:53
babaluwhen i'm on some computer, how can i know the name of the computer so that i can connect by ssh to it later?15:53
phocusdo you have ssh server running?15:54
Mosterdon't know15:54
Mostermaybe not15:54
phocusthen ssh wont work15:54
AzikaCorpbabalu: hostname15:54
Mosterwhat tcp/ip port does ssh use?15:54
llutzMoster: 2215:54
Tresmiusthe name of your computer is on the file /etc/hostname15:55
Tresmiusand you can also change it there15:55
DasEirek : need more advice ?15:55
cdavishow do I change from non host-ap driver, ie eth1 to a hostap driver, ie wlan1?15:55
Mosternmap reports everything closed :(15:55
Mosterguess i'm out of luck15:56
phocuswalk over to the machien and do it manually?15:56
rekDasEi yes... what package and.... i had a love problem... it's painful15:56
HMk pa ruben15:56
cdavisI don't seem to understand how to specify a driver for a piece of hardware15:56
Mosterwhen i said remotely - i meant it. it's about 40 miles away15:57
DasEi!info samrtmontools | rek15:57
ubotturek: Package samrtmontools does not exist in karmic15:57
DasEi!info smartmontools | rek15:57
ubotturek: smartmontools (source: smartmontools): control and monitor storage systems using S.M.A.R.T.. In component main, is optional. Version 5.38-3ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 323 kB, installed size 804 kB15:57
reklove problems?15:57
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DasEirek: this is technical ubuntu support15:57
DasEi!ot | rek15:58
ubotturek: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!15:58
rekyes but what can i do about that?15:58
bazhangrek, take it elsewhere15:58
Mosterguess i'm taking a detour on my way home this evening - nevermind - thx anyway15:58
wasutton3__is there a way for me to tweak system settings (i.e. default measurements, change MB to KB) ?15:58
DasEirek : you talk about the 2d framework or social experiences ?15:58
rekDasEi the second one15:59
Mosterbefore i go, what should i enable to make sure this doesn't happen again? SSH ? VNC to start on boot? both ?15:59
DasEirek : wrong chan here, this is technical support15:59
llutzMoster: having ssh as fallback is always nice15:59
Mosterk, thx, I'll enable it16:00
llutzMoster: after a while you won't need vnc anymore :)16:00
ddavidspls i wld like to sync my palm with karmic, wht do i do?16:00
erUSULMoster: "sudo update-rc.d -f ssh remove" the same fo vnc16:00
bedsif /etc/environment is global to all users - i have one user - tomcat6 which can't see variables (java classpath) that i set up. any ideas?16:00
AzikaCorpvnc have to listen in localhost16:00
bedscan a environment variable be overriden elsewhere?16:01
llutzerUSUL: he has to ENable it...16:01
erUSULllutz: sorry lost in translation16:01
erUSULMoster: "sudo update-rc.d ssh defaults" the same fo vnc16:01
cdavisI know I have the driver installed because I have a wlan0, when I plug in a prism2 card I get an eth1 device though, which I think means it isn't using the hostap driver16:02
MarkiveHi Helpers, I'm looking for a decent browser.. my firefox crashes alot and won't stream a youtube video smoothly any ideas?16:02
AzikaCorpMarkive: try opera, chromium16:03
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Leolo_3markive : that is a problem with flash, not firefox16:03
erUSULbeds: your home's .profile or .bashrc files ?16:03
diz_ChildMarkive: try chrome16:03
erUSUL!hi | diz_Child16:03
ubottudiz_Child: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!16:03
vivekwhich package should i install to run movie files on ubuntu16:03
Markivethanks you 316:03
bazhangvivek, ubuntu-restricted-extras package to start16:03
erUSULvivek: ubuntu-restricted-extras and vlc can be a good start16:03
Markivei'll try chrome, then o'll see if I can sort something out with flash.16:03
MarkiveThanks Again. you guys are the best.16:04
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diz_Childany guide to build a wireless router?16:04
vivekerusul, can we install it from synaptic ?16:04
erUSULvivek: sure16:05
bazhangdiz_Child, ask in ##hardware or ##networking16:05
DasEidiz_Child: there are many router howtows on the net, then also mind next trigger, you're done16:05
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:05
autoclesishow many browsers are available with ubuntu16:05
DasEi!info dnsmasq | diz_Child16:05
Tresmiuswhat's the most popular virtual machine emulator for ubuntu?16:06
autoclesis!browsers for ubuntu16:06
ubottudiz_Child: dnsmasq (source: dnsmasq): A small caching DNS proxy and DHCP/TFTP server. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.50-1 (karmic), package size 13 kB, installed size 116 kB16:06
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:06
FrozenballPrivate message I received: - Love - Visit us at network chat and get bots + hosting special and free, /server IRC.****.Net16:06
diz_Childbuild a wireless router use my portable PC16:06
DJones!browsers | autoclesis16:06
ubottuautoclesis: Browsers available for Ubuntu: Firefox (GTK, Gecko engine), Konqueror (KDE/Qt, KHTML engine), Epiphany (GTK, Gecko engine), Dillo (GTK), w3m (terminal-based), Links2 (terminal-based or graphical, see !man page), edbrowse (command-line), Opera (Qt, proprietary)16:06
diz_Childnot a real router...16:06
bazhangdiz_Child, internet connection sharing?16:06
autoclesisthanks djones16:06
bazhang!ics | diz_Child16:06
ubottudiz_Child: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php16:06
DasEiTresmius: there are more than a dozen ways, most common are virtualbox and vmwareplayer16:06
diz_Child:-), thanks all~16:07
ddavidspls wht is autoclesis?16:07
TresmiusI'll try virtualbox then16:07
ddavidsnever heard of it...16:07
autoclesisit's a rhetorical term16:07
icerootis there a way for scrolling in screen (having a buffer)16:07
DasEiddavids: just a nick16:07
DJonesautoclesis: There's also Chromium and Chrome from google, but they're not in the official Ubuntu repo's yet, so they don't appear on the list ubottu just gave16:07
ddavidspl si want to sync my plam with karmic...16:07
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!16:07
ddavidsok, sorry16:08
autoclesisThanks djones!16:08
autoclesisi have links16:08
autoclesisi'm using linspire not ubuntu, hehe16:08
autoclesisbut i will soon16:08
ddavidspls what app do i need to network my palm pda with ubuntu?16:08
DasEiddavids: no guru in that, exact model ?16:09
DouglasKAwayddavids, do you just need to sync?16:09
TheDodoI'm using the latest Linux Mint myself... seems to be giving me a lot less trouble than regular Karmic, which is strange since it's based on it.16:09
ddavidstreo 700p...16:09
ddavidsyes, just sync and save my contacts16:09
DasEiddavids: how does it connect ? usb ?16:09
DasEiddavids: second goolging for it16:10
mix22891no help in #ubuntu-il16:10
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mix22891about the sound16:10
vaibhavplz solve my problem16:10
vaibhavmy ubuntu8.0 getting slow16:11
diz_Childvaibhav : what's wrong with?16:11
DasEiddavids: gnome-pilot, see : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=55086316:11
vaibhavhow can i mak it fast[ubutu 8.0]16:11
DasEimix22891: second try then ?16:11
diz_Childvaibhav : 8.04?16:11
DasEimix22891: what does te top of the gui say ?16:12
vaibhavany solution diz_child16:12
diz_Childvaibhav : um... try updating to 9.10...16:12
PupenoAny ideas how to make unnatended upgrades work?16:12
araceliquien habla aqui español?16:12
DasEivaibhav: consider upgrading16:13
erUSUL!es | araceli16:13
ubottuaraceli: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:13
fosco__!es | araceli16:13
zedd_español 中文 english 都可以16:13
Atryquestion: as per https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent , 1. what is persistant mode (abotu to check the wiki myself) and 2. is this what i would use to install ubuntu to an external hard drive?16:13
mix22891there info' onlyvin the Card:PulseAudio16:13
diz_Childhaha, 看到中文了。。。16:13
mix22891there info' only in the Card:PulseAudio16:13
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk16:13
vaibhavbt what the problem with 8.016:13
aracelierusul quien es¿?16:13
bazhangzedd_, english only here16:13
DasEiAtry: persistant is like an install on a common harddrive; for just an installer you will youse live cd on usb (non-persistant)16:14
vaibhavi want to speed up ubutu16:14
erUSULaraceli: soy un usuario como otro cualquiera. si qieres hablar en español entra en el canal español tal como dijo el bot16:14
aracelicual es el  canal?16:14
aracelidamelo porfavor erusul16:14
DasEimix22891: alsamixergui       >> raises a table...16:14
erUSULaraceli: #ubuntu-es16:14
erUSULaraceli: Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:15
DasEimix22891: what is written in the top ??16:15
AtryDasEi: common?  as in?  also, does that mean i should use a usb installation?16:15
diz_Childhehe, 新年好呢。。。 跑个题。。。16:15
rumpsyso, how to check which port is opened for internetm, imean incoming port16:15
rumpsyso, how to check which port is opened for internet, imean incoming port16:15
fosco__rumpsy, nmap localhost16:15
DasEiAtry: on a usb you can either have a live cd or a (persistant,writeable) install like on a harddrive16:15
bazhangzedd_, diz_Child please speak english here, Chinese in #ubuntu-cn16:16
mix22891DasEI>ALSA Mixer16:16
zedd_diz_Child, 你加入 ubuntu-cn 就可以讲中文16:16
DasEimix22891: right corner ?16:16
TresmiusHow do I exit SU?16:17
rumpsyi have to install that nmap first16:17
mix22891DasEI> ALSA yes16:17
nahojoigan quien me ayuda16:17
rumpsyTresmius: just, use exit command16:17
fosco__!es | nahoj16:17
ubottunahoj: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:17
erUSULTresmius: type "exit" hit enter16:17
AtryDasEi: ooooh.  okay....  /me needs to wake up more.  so, i would want a persistant installation on the EHD.  so, i use that page i linked?16:17
bazhangnahoj, /join #ubuntu-es por espanol16:17
DasEiAtry: yes, pendrivelinux will do16:17
diz_Childzedd_: :-)16:18
nyqvisthi..when i run the sudo apt-get update command, i get this error   http://paste.ubuntu.com/377699/   .. what is it?16:18
DasEiAtry: also usb-creator gives you that option16:18
DasEi!info usb-creator | Atry16:18
ubottuAtry: usb-creator (source: usb-creator): Ubuntu USB desktop image creator transitional meta-package for GTK+. In component main, is optional. Version 0.2.12 (karmic), package size 1 kB, installed size 40 kB16:18
fosco__nyqvist, that's not an error, only warning, one repo has no signature (only advising)16:19
umangnyqvist, you need to add the public key of the ppa owner to the known signatures.16:19
nyqvisthow do i add it?16:19
Atryand usb-creator comes with the ubuntu instller?  or did i misread?16:19
marenostrumHello. Ubuntu 9.04 here. I had Icecat web browser installed. Today I tried to make a general update. Synaptic gave the error: «W: Ignoring Provides line with DepCompareOp for package icecat». I completeley uninstalled Icecat but Synaptic still gives the same error. I checked the file /var/lib/dpkg/status for Icecat section, and it just has this: «Package: icecat Status: purge ok not-installed Priority: optional Section: web». So my questions: W16:19
marenostrumhere does synaptic get this info? ShouldI «clean» Synaptic by some ways other than refreshing? In short, how can I solve the problem?16:19
DasEimix22891: k, next line ? card ? chip ? or failed ?16:19
diz_Childnyqvist : you can use synaptic to instead16:19
umangnyqvist, look at the instructions for the PPA on the PPA website16:20
Picinyqvist: You shouldn't be using a hardy ppa on a karmic install.16:20
kali_join #fxchasm16:20
mix22891DasEI> Card: PulseAudio | Chip: PulseAudio16:20
DasEi!fishing > autoclesis16:20
ubottuautoclesis, please see my private message16:20
Trekkali_, /join #fxchasm16:20
autoclesisicecat doesn't seem to be a browser...16:21
autoclesiswhat , dasei?16:21
DasEimix22891: so try alsa first, pulse is just like a proxy for sound, follow :16:21
rumpsytransmission is notworking, and incoming port is closed, i donno how to choose16:21
DasEi!sound | mix2289116:21
ubottumix22891: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP316:21
rumpsyi tried a lot16:21
rwwmarenostrum: icecat isn't a web browser. Did you mean iceweasel?16:21
marenostrumautoclesis: Problem here is not ıcecat but package management I think.16:21
rww... oh, wait16:22
DasEiautoclesis: open pm for bot usage :)16:22
AtryDasEi: where is usb-creator found?  in the ubuntu installer?  in ubuntu?  the wiki page doesn't help me much :(16:22
rwwmarenostrum: ignore me, I'm confused ;P16:22
DasEiAtry: you can install it as a package in a running ubuntu-OS16:22
rwwAtry: System -> Administration -> USB Startup Disk Creator16:23
Atryrww: thanks16:23
* Atry will have to check when he gets home16:23
zzz_Hello, applications that use OSS play at maximum volume even if the master volume is turned down to a very low percentage using a mixer. Does anybody have any ideas?16:23
hari_i have a problem with alien arena16:23
DasEimix22891: switched to alsa ?16:24
JediMasterquick question, how much space does a field take up that has a null value, does it take up a smaller space than if there was a value there?16:24
TrekJediMaster, if its null it takes up no space... there's nothing in it16:24
AtryDasEi: thought.  would Unetbootin be able to install it cleanly to a EHD?16:24
TrekJediMaster, if its null it takes up no space... there's nothing in it*  apart from the memory allocated for its data type16:24
JediMastere.g. if I have a table with an int, decimal, varchar and text, if only the int has a value and the rest are null what happens?16:24
DasEiAtry: ehd ? ssd ??16:25
umanghari_, go ahead. Put your question in one line and ask. Don't wait to see if someone will answer.16:25
rwwAtry: unetbootin isn't persistant16:25
AtryDasEi: external hard drive :P16:25
Atryrww: ah16:25
DasEiAtry: why not disconnect all other drives and just do a regualr install then ??16:25
Trekis there a way to put 9.04 Desktop onto a flash drive and also make it bootable?16:26
JediMasterthanks trek, hmm, I meant to ask that in #mysql ;-)16:26
Derhi, soes ubuntu have handwriting recognition software like the one in windows, if yes please list some for me...16:26
nfrscan anyone help trace the kdm start problem in karmic? it stopped working when I was trying to fix something else. I reverted everything I did, but that didn't help. the problem is: 1) kdm doesn't run on startup; 2) "sudo /etc/init.d/kdm start" doesn't work either16:26
DasEiAtry: later then you can choose by bios or add other hdd's to grub for more comfort16:26
cemerickso I've been watching top on this karmic box for ~5 min, and the CPU has been ~0.5% the whole time, but loads are pegged at 3.  What's up with that?16:27
fosco__Trek, usb disk creator16:27
fosco__!usb | trek16:27
ubottutrek: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:27
Treknot what I was looking for though, fosco__16:27
hari_I have a problem with alien sand when I get to level 5 Alien Arena is closed16:27
AtryDasEi: well, first it's a laptop i have to install it from, so taking otu teh drive might be a problem.  and 2, i also want the drive to be able to be used while the computer is working...  dunno if removing drives will work16:27
Treki know how to install from a USB stick...16:27
DasEiAtry: also then you will avoid grub-trouble easy happening to a less experienced user16:27
fosco__ For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent16:27
Treki want a full install on a USB stick, not a LiveCD image16:27
marenostrumDear friends, may I insist on my question in a more simple way: Why Synaptic gives error as "W: Ignoring Provides line..." related with a completely removed package?16:27
autoclesiswhy would someone install usb16:27
hari_anyone can help me?16:28
abhi_navbrightness problem: suddenly goes to high i want it permantly low16:28
AtryDasEi: yeah, i ahve been havign grub problems, ts why i'm asking :)  so, removing the internal hard drive and installing to the external will work?16:28
Trekautoclesis: because my hard drives are borked and I've got a 32gb usb stick :P16:28
nyqvistare there any codec packs for movies to install in ubuntu, like it exist in win? because when i download a dvdrip movie, i can watch it, but the quality suck and it's kinda laggy :( ?!?!16:28
DasEiAtry: sure16:28
autoclesisi see. thanks trek16:28
abhi_navbrightness  suddenly goes to high how to set it permantly low16:28
BrazuckaHi there. I?m trying to setup a Ubuntu - Vista lan without success. Could anyone help me, please? I am not able to ping Vista machine from Ubuntu.16:28
abhi_navbrightness  suddenly goes to high how to set it permantly low ?16:29
DasEiAtry: just use the standard install cd, it will then only find the external16:29
DasEiAtry: which os is running on the internal ?16:29
GreenDaysI want to back up a large folder (190GB or so) with subfolders and hidden files to my external ext3 hd. I know that I need a command like 'find . -print | cpio -Bpdumv'. Is this the right command or is it something else?16:29
Derhi, soes ubuntu have handwriting recognition software like the one in windows, if yes please list some for me...16:29
Derhi, Does ubuntu have handwriting recognition software like the one in windows, if yes please list some for me...16:29
DasEiGreenDays: look in rsync16:29
farciarz84where are the pgsql includes in ubuntu?16:30
abhi_navbrightness  suddenly goes to high how to set it permantly low ?16:30
farciarz84/usr/includes/ are empty16:30
Real_UbotWhen I started my PC today the screen resolution was VERY low. I can't change the resolution in nVidias software pr in Ubuntu's Display because the old resolution options are missing. What to do?16:30
DasEiDer: there are a few regarding scanners, yes16:30
GreenDaysDasEi, this is a one time backup16:30
albertoola gente16:31
rumpsyReal_Ubot: hmm, what version of ubuntu16:31
DasEiGreenDays: no matter, rsync is very comfortable and fast16:31
nyqvistare there any codec packs for movies to install in ubuntu, like it exist in win? because when i download a dvdrip movie, i can watch it, but the quality suck and it's kinda laggy :( ?!?!16:31
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DasEiGreenDays: wanto to do it now ?16:31
DerDasEi, could you point me out....16:31
AtryDasEi: It's Vista :/ however, the computer it's on was... broken, basically, with GRUB problems.  someone tried installing ubuntu on the external without... well, any research at all, and GRUB overwrote the system's natural bootloader, so the comptuer can netiehr boot to vista nor ubuntu16:31
abhi_navhow to set brightness to low???16:31
GreenDaysAnd will it pop up errors? The find cpio command that I used last time didn't do that, but 'forced' it. Which is what I want16:32
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Real_Ubotrumpsy: 9.10. I think something happened at the last update of the system. Because it has worked since 9.10 was released and the problem turned up when I started my computer today.16:32
rumpsyabhi_nav: press and hold fn key and press f6 or f716:32
DasEiDer: a longer time I fuzzled with that, first need sane to setup a scanner to read handwritings, then check :16:32
ubottuOCR software for Ubuntu includes Tesseract, Ocrad and GOcr. GNOME users can use 'gocr-gtk' as a front-end to GOcr, while KDE users have Kooka available as a front-end to Ocrad and GOcr.16:32
rumpsyReal_Ubot: are you using restricted drivers? may be the cause16:33
Real_Ubotrumpsy: I have been using 9.10 for months so something must have happened since last upgrade or sine last time I used the computer but I haven't manually changed anything that has to do with the resolution.16:33
abhi_navrumpsy: as i asked above my desktop brightness suddenly goes to high level16:33
abhi_navrumpsy: how to make it permanant??????16:33
rumpsyabhi_nav: press and hold fn key and press f516:33
DasEiAtry: still current state ?16:33
AtryDasEi: current state what?16:33
DasEiAtry: vista still broken ?16:33
abhi_navrumpsy: fn+f5 is for sleep on my keyboard16:33
AtryDasEi: ah, yes.16:34
nyqvistare there any codec packs for movies to install in ubuntu, like it exist in win? because when i download a dvdrip movie, i can watch it, but the quality suck and it's kinda laggy :( ?!?!16:34
rumpsyabhi_nav: okay check that from f5 to f7, it will be there16:34
boondoklifeReal_Ubot: I had something similar happen to a laptop running 9.1 that used the ati drivers, I ended up completely removing the drivers and then reinstalling them to fix it16:34
DasEiAtry: 1) repair vista using windows cd (#windows for details on fixmbr)  2) take out internal, install ubu external, boot from usb 3) add internal to usb-grub 4) have a beer16:35
Real_Ubotrumpsy: I use the recommended proprietary driver from nVidia that is avaiable in Hardware Drivers. It has worked just fins until today, ie for several months.16:35
rumpsyReal_Ubot: if you were used binary driver, please compile it again for new kernel16:35
abhi_navrumpsy: dear, i know how to change brighness setting from keyboard. that not the problem. problem is that birhgtness SUDDENLY goes to high level, how to make it on low lvel permanantly??????16:35
rumpsyabhi_nav: you are using lucid i think so, it a issue in lucid16:36
abhi_navrumpsy: ubuntu 9.0416:36
AtryDasEi: usb-grub?  anotehr package?  also, ah.  windows cd.  shoulda thought of that16:36
abhi_navrumpsy: ubuntu 9.041 jaunty jackalope16:36
abhi_navrumpsy: ubuntu 9.04 jaunty jackalope16:36
nyqvistguys, any1 can answer me about the codec pack?16:36
DasEi!who | Greendays16:36
ubottuGreendays: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)16:36
rumpsyabhi_nav: then check that under screensaver option16:36
_CommandeR_is there a way to prevent the laptop from charging my battery more than 80%?16:37
DasEiAtry: no package, the grub that will then be installed on the usb-hd, or ehd16:37
Real_Ubotrumpsy: I use the driver that Ubuntu suggest in Hardware Driver. I have never compiled any driver myself only activated the driver that turned up in Ubuntu Hardware Drivers after I installed Ubuntu for the first time.16:37
AtryDasEi: ah, okay.  is there a tutorial on that somewhere?16:38
marc__salut jai un probleme de taille quelqun peut maider sil-vous-plais?16:38
DasEiAtry: on what ?16:38
Pici!fr | marc__16:38
ubottumarc__: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois16:38
rumpsyReal_Ubot: if you can remember that, you upgraded a new kernel, then you have to install driver for that agian, by uninstalling the old driver16:38
AtryDasEi: on configuring usb-grub16:38
abhi_navrumpsy: ok i change it to 0%16:38
abhi_navrumpsy: thnx16:38
_CommandeR_is there an app for preventing ubuntu from charging laptop battery to 100% ?16:38
rumpsyabhi_nav: o_O ,lol16:38
boondoklifenyqvist: Back with 9.04 I added the medibuntu repo's to get a few things to play but with 9.1 I dont recall if i had to or not. LINK -> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu16:39
abhi_navrumpsy: what is o_016:39
Real_Ubotrumpsy: Well, actually I didn't read all the entries in the last upgrade. Was it a new kernel in the last update?16:39
sjefen6How can I try to fix the file system from the grub rescue prompt?16:39
rumpsyabhi_nav: that is not o_0, its o_O16:39
DasEiAtry: if you install karmic, it's grub 2, apart from #grub, will have to figure it out then, makes no sense in the air, general look in :16:39
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub216:39
AtryDasEi: ah, okay.  thanks! :)16:39
peterretiefi am tring to get data from an ntfs drive using testdisk16:40
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nyqvistif installed aditional languages, do i have to log off and login again ?16:40
rumpsyReal_Ubot: how i know that?16:40
* Atry will ask #grub later, he has to work16:40
peterretiefthe data looks like this >??](?.??16:40
rumpsyReal_Ubot: check that on logs..16:40
nyqvistty boondoklife16:40
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Real_Ubotrumpsy: Ok. I'll.16:40
DasEiAtry: vista is easily repaired, install ubuntu, for first can use bios to choose which to boot, friggle on then16:40
nyqvistif installed aditional languages, do i have to log off and login again ?16:41
DasEinyqvist: nope16:41
rumpsynyqvist: may be16:41
DasEinyqvist: but got to choose which to use16:41
AtryDasEi: okay.  will there be a bootloader to choose which to boto from, or will the OS be chosen by whether or not the external is plugged in?16:42
rumpsyhenrik74: What you want16:42
henrik74in hungarz?16:43
rumpsynyqvist: logoutand choose your wish16:43
DasEiAtry: you set in bios from which hd to boot, if it allows more then one opton, can do it so (first usb,second internal)16:43
rumpsyhenrik74: Any problem with ubuntu?16:43
henrik74No No16:43
rumpsyhenrik74: Then?16:43
_CommandeR_ Laptop Battery Threshold app for ubuntu ?16:43
henrik74ubuntu excellent16:43
DasEiAtry: and as said in the later can use grub to chainload another hd16:43
AtryDasEi: okay.  simpler than i thought.  thanks again :)16:44
rumpsyhenrik74: help somebody16:44
nyqvisti ment, input language, i installed russian and hebrew...i want to use them not as oc language but as writing..16:44
DasEiAtry: welcome16:44
rumpsynyqvist: you can logout16:44
henrik74no thanks only16:44
henrik74chat some bodz16:44
rumpsyhenrik74: o_O16:45
DasEi!ot | henrik7416:45
ubottuhenrik74: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:45
trismnyqvist: you can switch languages with ibus if you configure it properly, I use it to switch between japanese and english input all the time16:45
nyqvistlet me check :)16:45
henrik74oh sorry16:45
vivekIs ubuntu 9.10 is stable version /?16:46
fosco__vivek, yes16:46
rumpsyvivek: you can't assume like that16:46
DasEitrism: interesting hint for dbus, that ibus16:46
vivekfosco, thanks16:46
trismDasEi: hmm? ibus and dbus are totally different16:46
vivekrumpsy , i dint get u16:47
DasEi!info ibus | trism16:47
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should. Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability.16:47
ubottutrism: ibus (source: ibus): New input method framework using dbus. In component main, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 423 kB, installed size 3848 kB16:47
trismI know what ibus it, it is an input method framework16:47
trismdbus is a system message bus16:47
DasEitrism: and it uses, I guess restarting dbus with new settings16:48
trismno, not really16:48
rumpsy!latest | vivek16:48
ubottuvivek: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.16:48
ownerwhere can I confugure how many line my mouse scroll-wheel scrolls? (I wanna to minimize the number of lines it scrolls)16:48
neptune_does anyone know why apt-get install freeglut-dev doesn't work for me?16:50
danielak tal16:50
danielade donde soy16:50
danielade donde sois?16:50
overmind!es | daniela16:50
ubottudaniela: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:51
histoowner: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/920016:51
histoneptune_: are you getting any errors?16:51
ownerhisto thx16:51
llutzneptune_: freeglut3-dev16:52
* rumpsy is going to sleep, he can see stars and moon..16:52
neptune_The following packages have unmet dependencies.16:52
neptune_  freeglut3-dev: Depends: xlibmesa-glu-dev or16:52
neptune_                          libglu-dev16:52
neptune_and i can't install those16:52
histoneptune_: hrm... is freeglut-dev in the normal repos or is it third party?16:52
DasEitrism: I never used it, most of their hp is in chinese or sth , how is it used ?16:53
forceflowhisto: normal repos16:53
neptune_i try to install freeglut3-dev16:53
anothernickwhen I run su someotheruser firefox, im told that there's no display specified. how do I fix this?16:53
neptune_any idea what should i do?16:53
histoforceflow: i'm showing the glutg3-dev package16:53
_CommandeR_ Laptop Battery Threshold app for ubuntu ?16:53
histo!info freeglut3-dev16:53
ubottufreeglut3-dev (source: freeglut): OpenGL Utility Toolkit development files. In component main, is optional. Version 2.4.0-6.1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 152 kB, installed size 588 kB16:53
neptune_glutg3-dev depends on the freeglut3-dev so ican't install that either :(16:53
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DasEineptune_: what error do you get ? karmic ? mayb paste your sources.list ?16:54
Helsinkiiihi. i have a wireless router that has 1 xp desktop , 1 vista laptop and 1 ubuntu desktop as nodes. ever since i started using ubuntu 6 months ago, i crash my entire home network when i visit graphically or multimedia rich pages which i need for my business16:54
histoneptune_: hrm.. I'm not on karmic now so I can't play with the repos. You can apt-cache showpkg freeglut3-dev and it will show all the depends. You can also apt-cache search for the other packages.16:54
Helsinkiiii keep having to reboot the router16:54
histoneptune_: the other option maybe to download the two missing packages from http16:55
histoneptune_: packages.ubuntu.com16:55
histoHelsinkiii: what kind of router?16:55
Helsinkiiinetgear wireless g16:55
neptune_hat error do you get ? karmic ?16:55
histoHelsinkiii: maybe firmware upgrade the routher my linksys wrt54g crashes all the time as well.16:56
neptune_i dont know what that is...16:56
Helsinkiiihisto:packet size?16:56
histoHelsinkiii: is it behind a dsl/cable modem?16:56
DasEineptune_: what*16:56
Helsinkiiihisto: there havent been router updates in years16:56
DasEineptune_: which distro ?16:56
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »16:56
DasEineptune_: is a brand, which model ?16:57
histoneptune_: see ubottu message above for figuring out what version you are running.16:57
histoneptune_: or just cat /etc/issue in terminal16:57
histoHelsinkiii: maybe a double nat issue?16:57
Helsinkiiihisto: double nat?16:57
neptune_Ubuntu 9.0416:57
histoHelsinkiii: I've noticed since I switched my dsl modem in to bridged mode i've seen faster internet and a lot less problems with my linksys.16:58
DasEineptune_: jaunty so16:58
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. Downloading: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Notes: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/90416:58
Helsinkiiihisto: i dont understand networking terms like that lol16:58
neptune_should i upgrade my ubuntu?16:58
histoHelsinkiii: the cable modem is acting as a router and so is your other router (basically).16:58
DasEineptune_: second, starting a jaunty install16:58
Farhadixhi guys, I have a ssh tunneling on port 1111, I shared my internet via firestarter. now I wanna let the incoming clients use that port for connecting to internet instead of connecting directly. how can i do that?16:58
neptune_what do you mean DasEi?16:58
anothernickwhen I run su someotheruser firefox, im told that there's no display specified. how do I fix this?16:59
histoHelsinkiii: does your netgear have options for connecting to dsl/cable built in? If so you can put your cable modem in bridged mode and let the netgear handle the connection.16:59
neptune_so should i upgrade16:59
Helsinkiiihisto:im looking right now16:59
DasEineptune_: I'm running karmic here and will now boot a jaunty in a virtual machine to look it up17:00
histoHelsinkiii: here's an explaination of double nat http://support.iprimus.com.au/index.php?Itemid=214&id=517&option=com_content&task=view17:00
Helsinkiiihisto:what woould this option look like17:00
histoHelsinkiii: what kind of netgear is it?17:00
histoHelsinkiii: and what kind of cable modem?17:01
peterretiefanyone on data recovery?17:01
Helsinkiiihisto:Netgear Rangemax WPN82417:02
Helsinkiiii think the modem is like scientific atlanta17:02
DasEineptune_: it's there, so what error does apt give you ? sudo apt-get install  freeglut3-dev17:03
ubottuSome tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel17:03
histo^^^^^^ For who ever was looking for filerecovery info17:03
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neptune_Reading state information... Done17:04
Helsinkiiihisto: i gtg but im keeping this open so feel free to send wtvr info u can on my problem17:04
neptune_Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have17:04
neptune_requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable17:04
neptune_distribution that some required packages have not yet been created17:04
neptune_or been moved out of Incoming.17:04
FloodBot2neptune_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:04
neptune_The following information may help to resolve the situation:17:04
histoHelsinkiii: k i'll pm you i'm gong to see.17:04
DasEi!paste | neptune_17:04
ubottuneptune_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.17:04
DasEineptune_: last line was the intersting one17:05
DasEineptune_: open a trml ...17:05
DasEineptune_: sudo apt-get install pastebinit17:05
DasEineptune_: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade17:06
DasEineptune_: sudo apt-get autoremove17:06
DasEineptune_: pastebinit /etc/apt/sources.list                       <<< paste url from trml in here17:07
neptune_0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded17:07
damjanzgHow can I minimize or maximize app from tray with keyboard17:07
MaletorHello I have files in /home/maletor/Music and /home/maletor/Videos that I would like to share. However, I don't want to give away my password for maletor, I just want a guest account. Should I use SCP? I ended up opting for vsftpd but I can't create symbolic links from /srv/ftp to /home/maletor/Music and /home/maletor/Videos. Please advise to the correct course of action. Thank you.17:07
blwegrzynhello, i have a problem with services not staring in 9.10 all that starts is what ever is started by gnome session, any idea how to troubleshoot that?17:08
anothernickwhen I run su someotheruser firefox, im told that there's no display specified. how do I fix this?17:08
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MaletorHello I have files in /home/member:maletor/Music and /home/member:maletor/Videos that I would like to share. However, I don't want to give away my password for member:maletor, I just want a guest account. Should I use SCP? I ended up opting for vsftpd but I when I create symbolic links from /srv/ftp to /home/member:maletor/Music and /home/member:maletor/Videos ftp can't change directory to /home/maletor. Please advise to the correct cou17:08
Maletoraction. Thank you.17:08
PiciDasEi: You probably should spell out 'terminal'  I had no idea what you were talking about for a few moments.17:08
guntbertanothernick: why would you want to do that? but in any case you *must* use gksudo (not sudo)17:09
guntbert!gksudo | anothernick17:09
ubottuanothernick: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)17:09
blakkheimguntbert: "must" or "should" ?17:09
moradanhello, I'm trying to make a network bridge (One computer has two cards - eth1 connected with the network and eth2 with the other computer). But when I make sudo brctl addif bridge1 eth1 my computer cannont ping anything in the network17:10
DasEineptune_: least  your main repos are there, sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev             << copy output from apt to http://paste.ubuntu.com , enter name, press post, give url from browser here17:10
guntbertblakkheim: if you want to keep your system intact: must - else "should" ?17:10
DasEipici: was understood, though17:10
damjanzgHow can I minimize or maximize app from tray with keyboard17:10
blakkheimguntbert: ok. i use sudo and have no problems, so just wondered.17:10
magn3tsWhats the easiest way to temp disable eth0?17:11
blakkheimmagn3ts: ifconfig eth0 down17:11
anothernickguntbert, ohh.. thanks! I have previously connected with SSH ;P (I need to run firefox with specific cookies sometimes, and it's a shared account.. etcetc it has a purpose.. =)17:11
DasEimagn3ts: sudo ifdown eth017:11
=== trineox is now known as Guest75352
neptune_DasEi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/377731/17:11
guntbertblakkheim: please read the gksudo factoid17:11
AzikaCorpdamjanzg : dunno, have a look to shorcuts ...17:11
MaletorAny help?17:11
Ruthruini need some advices17:11
guntbertanothernick: understood :)17:12
damjanzgAzikaCorp: there is no one for that purpus17:12
histomagn3ts: ifdown eth017:12
DasEineptune_: same for  xlibmesa-glu-dev and     libglu-dev17:12
Ruthruini would like to install ubuntu on my computer17:12
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DasEineptune_: sudo apt-get install    << paste output from apt17:12
histo!install | Ruthruin17:13
ubottuRuthruin: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate17:13
MaletorAny help at all?17:14
so0kyhello once again.  I'm trying to set up FTP on my server.  I am able to establish a basic connection, however when I put in my credentials the server won't take it (even though there is only one account on the server).  What am I doing wrong?17:14
DasEi!ask | Maletor17:14
ubottuMaletor: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:14
MaletorHello I have files in /home/member:maletor/Music and /home/member:maletor/Videos that I would like to share. However, I don't want to give away my password for member:maletor, I just want a guest account. Should I use SCP? I ended up opting for vsftpd but I when I create symbolic links from /srv/ftp to /home/member:maletor/Music and /home/member:maletor/Videos ftp can't change directory to /home/member:maletor. Please advise to the corr17:14
PiciMaletor: Please repeat the question, we don't know what you're referring to.17:14
Maletorcourse of action. Thank you.17:14
histoDasEi: he did i'm reading his question now17:14
lithank you for all! :-)17:14
anothernickguntbert, I still get display issues :O17:14
histoMaletor: is it a windows network?17:14
blwegrzynhello, i have a problem with services not staring in 9.10 all that starts is what ever is started by gnome session, any idea how to troubleshoot that17:15
neptune_DasEi: http://paste.ubuntu.com/377735/17:15
DasEiMaletor: scp is a good way17:15
histoMaletor: are you trying to share the files to the outside world or just your network?17:15
anothernickguntbert, running gksu, typing firefox as program to run and user useriwanttorunas17:15
Maletorhisto: someone from outside the lan will be needing access into this17:15
guntbertanothernick: what does the error say?17:15
histoMaletor: well you can ftp are you sure member:maletor is your username?17:15
MaletorDasEi: should i create another user? and make it /bin/nologin17:15
anothernickguntbert, No protocol specified | Error: cannot open display: :0.017:16
Maletorhisto: no it's just maletor, my irc client did that when i copy pasted17:16
histoMaletor: path maybe /home/maletor ?17:16
histoMaletor: ahh17:16
MaletorSo SCP works better for this situation or still ftp?17:16
Maletorthe problem with scp is that i would have to give him my password = not good17:16
histoMaletor: I would create a symlink to share in your home that inclucdes videos and music in that.  Then add the appropriate access to the share symlink rather than your home folder17:17
DasEiMaletor: yes, can create a restricted user for that and use it's information for the ssh-authenification17:17
so0kyhello once again.  I'm trying to set up FTP on my server.  I am able to establish a basic connection, however when I put in my credentials the server won't take it (even though there is only one account on the server).  What am I doing wrong?17:17
neptune_DasEi: have you see my output?17:17
DasEineptune_: yes17:17
histoMaletor: There are tons of different ways to do it. either should work.17:17
Maletorhisto: right i tried creating sym links in /srv/ftp which is where my ftp user points to but when i tested it it can't cd to /home/maletor17:17
guntbertanothernick: ahh, that version (gksu alone by itself) is new to me - I always use gksudo -u user firefox - but back to your problem: did you say you sshed into the machine?17:17
histoMaletor: yeah you shouldn't be able to because you are in the symlink17:18
histoMaletor: /home/maletor is root then home then maletor17:18
=== home is now known as wielkibaner
histoMaletor: the leading /17:18
Maletorhisto: understood17:18
anothernickguntbert, oh you can use -u user :$17:18
neptune_so what should i do?17:18
Maletorso what are you proposing here: "Maletor: I would create a symlink to share in your home that inclucdes videos and music in that.  Then add the appropriate access to the share symlink rather than your home folder"]17:18
histoMaletor: the way you are doing it is fine but i'm having trouble understanding it exactly.17:19
Maletorhisto: it doesn't work the way i'm doing it17:19
histoMaletor: you created /srv/ftp with symlinks to videos and music in there?17:19
Maletorhisto: yes17:19
histoMaletor: okay can they get in videos and music?17:19
Maletorhisto: but ftp can't change directory to /home/maletor/Music which is where the sym link points to17:19
guntbertanothernick: but that doesn't solve your problem - did you say you are in a ssh session?17:20
Maletorhisto: ftp:x:119:126:ftp daemon,,,:/srv/ftp:/bin/false17:20
histoMaletor: your need to change permissions on vidoes and music so they ftp user can see them I believe.17:20
Maletordrwxr-xr-x 300 maletor maletor   20480 2010-02-15 01:09 Music17:21
histoMaletor: it seems like a permissions problem to me. But perhaps someone else has a different opinion?17:21
anothernickguntbert, no, I usually have to use ssh, connecting to the same machine through ssh to the user I want to run, ssh with the option -Y, to allow viewing X17:21
Maletorvsftpd has it locked to the home directory histo17:21
Maletorso i can't leave /srv/ftp17:21
histoMaletor: yeah i gotcha let me check something17:21
Maletorwhich is what i want because i don't want the user roaming /home/maletor/Documents histo17:22
guntbertanothernick: that option is -X (not -Y)17:22
neptune_DasEi: r u there17:22
anothernickguntbert, I use -Y and it works.. ;o17:22
llutzguntbert: -Y trusted X-frows17:22
DasEineptune_: y,     libglu-dev  ?17:22
anothernickguntbert,  -x      Disables X11 forwarding. -    -Y      Enables trusted X11 forwarding.  Trusted X11 forwardings are not subjected to the X11 SECURITY extension controls.17:22
=== Gateway is now known as Guest92327
neptune_DasEi: so what am i supposed to do now?17:23
histoMaletor: its the chroot directory option in vsftp conf17:23
histoMaletor: its locking them in that directory17:23
guntbertanothernick: llutz just looked it up - never needed that before :)17:23
DasEineptune_: sudo apt-get install  libglu-dev  , pastebin it17:23
Maletorhisto: exactly17:23
Maletori don't want them roaming /home/maletor/Documents17:23
anothernickguntbert, np.  but thats annoying, I should be able to just sh user app.. imo! :)17:24
systixI have a cron job set to run everyday when im out. is there any sort of log so i can tell if it is working?17:24
histoMaletor: ahh k you can mount the directories in /srv/ftp17:24
guntbertllutz: while you are here - all my ideas about anothernick's problems blew up - can you have a look at it?17:24
Maletorhisto: how do i do that?17:24
histomount --bind /srv/ftp/music /home/maletor/music17:24
llutzguntbert: sorry no idea17:25
guntbertllutz: thx anyway17:25
macman_ hi all question .. i just dmped a movie with -dumpstream -dumpfile file.mpg .. the file.mpg is about 6.0gb .. there anway to get it to about 4.0gb or would i need another app for this ?17:25
Maletorhisto: that's a great idea much better than cp17:25
DasEiMaletor: another idea is to mirror the dirs to another location, like the home of a new user17:25
MaletorDasEi: the home of my new user (ftp) is /srv/ftp17:26
histoDasEi: thats essentially what mount --bind is doing the folder is just mounted in multiple locations17:26
guntbertanothernick: I must admit that the whole idea is rather strange to me - so no help/solution from me - sorry17:26
neptune_DasEi: ?17:26
histoMaletor: its actually mount --bind olddir newdir acording to the mount man17:26
DasEineptune_: same as before, apt's error ?17:27
llutzanothernick: just an idea: try using "sux" instead of "su"17:27
DasEineptune_: sudo apt-get install  libglu-dev  , pastebin it17:27
histoMaletor: fstab would be /olddir /newdir none bind17:27
anothernickguntbert, hehe its ok, thanks for trying anyway =)17:27
neptune_i don't kow17:27
Maletork thanks histo17:28
Maletorhisto: i think this is good solution17:28
histoMaletor: there is also rbind or -R if there are any submounts in music17:28
anothernickllutz, omigosh, that was it! gj! thanks =)17:28
DasEihisto: that will work, I was more sanbox orientated in view of damage or jailbraking17:28
histoMaletor: there might be a newer way let me read furthe rin man17:29
nastashi all17:29
histoMaletor: nah bind looks like what you want there are some other options in the man pages for mount.17:30
albertochihaur are you17:30
histoDasEi: yeah that way he can keep his chroot for the ftp users17:30
albertochibie bie17:30
histoI didn't even know you can do that. Found multiple mountign on google.17:31
giwrgoshi guys17:31
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!17:31
DasEihisto: I thought of unison or a rsync (cron) script, so of a real copy, which won't touch the originals17:31
guntbertanothernick: I saw the solution - is that really an ubuntu system? I only used sux on older suse systems17:31
guntbertalbertochi:  Do you have an ubuntu support question?17:32
histoDasEi: yeah he could play with permissions and deny write access even in the vsftp conf.17:32
giwrgosguys hi17:32
Maletorhisto: i should have read ftp://vsftpd.beasts.org/users/cevans/untar/vsftpd-2.2.2/FAQ17:32
histoDasEi: there are so many ways to accomplish one thing in nix.17:32
neptune_gia sou giwrgo17:32
Maletorhisto: is that where you found the answer?17:32
albertochihave got father17:32
giwrgosneptune: milas ellinika?17:33
neptune_ne re17:33
histoMaletor: nah i was searching on google for vsftp and symlinks or something17:33
histoMaletor: came accross someone suggesting multiple mounts17:33
giwrgoski enas ellinas17:33
neptune_tha pao na fao17:33
ikonia!es | giwrgos17:33
ubottugiwrgos: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:33
FloodBot2albertochi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:33
anothernickguntbert, i have no idea, I had to install sux, it was in the regular repo. and then just run it. didnt look more into it. but it sure works fine and is in the ubuntu repo, so to your question I guess yes17:33
ikoniaEnglish only please17:33
nastasarketoi eimaste17:33
so0kyhello once again.  I'm trying to set up FTP on my server.  I am able to establish a basic connection, however when I put in my credentials the server won't take it (even though there is only one account on the server).  What am I doing wrong?17:33
ikonianastas: english only17:33
guntbert!english | neptune_ giwrgos nastas17:33
ubottuneptune_ giwrgos nastas: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat17:33
Pici!gr | nastas giwrgos17:33
dieter__Hello, can someone please help me install my ati driver? I have a dell inspiron 1525.17:34
giwrgosginete na ginoume mia parea kai na milame oloi mazi?17:34
llutzguntbert: you still can change xauthority manually, but sux makes it easier17:34
histoso0ky: what ftp server are you using?17:34
carmenhola quien habla en español17:34
guntbertanothernick: ok, thx and have fun17:34
so0kyone second17:34
ikonia!es | carmen17:34
albertochihave got a bike17:34
ubottunastas giwrgos: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes17:34
semitonesdieter__, have you tried the hardware manager?17:34
ubottucarmen: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:34
DasEineptune_: I don't know what's up there, it installs fine on my jaunty, what I can offer is to manually d/l that paket and force the install, but that might destabilize your sys; what do you need for ?17:34
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dieter__There I only have my wireless adaptor.17:34
guntbertllutz: yes, I remember :)17:34
histoso0ky: Maletor just set up a vsftpd server he may know what is going on there.17:35
ikonia!es | carmen17:35
dieter__No ati driver there so I can't install it from there.17:35
histoikonia: he knows17:35
carmenquien eres ikonia17:35
ikoniacarmen: this is an english only channel17:35
giwrgosnastas: akous?17:35
histocarmen: stop17:35
dieter__WHat can I type in the terminal to install my ati driver?17:35
nastaspm giwrgos17:35
so0kyMaletor:  can you be kind enough to help me set up a FTP server on Ubuntu Server?17:35
Homely_Girlis there any s/ware available to listen to a .amr sound recording from my mobile on Ubuntu Karmic?17:35
ikonia!es | usuario_17:35
ubottuusuario_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:35
fosco__dieter__, you don't need to type anything17:35
histo!vsftp | so0ky17:35
dieter__SO what do I do?17:36
so0kyi have already read the how to17:36
DasEiHomely_Girl: is that alive stream ?17:36
dieter__When I try to enable the effects, obviously it doesn't work.17:36
magn3tsWhat commands would I issue to make my hostname "blah" and my FQD hostname "blah.foo.com" ?17:36
semitones!ati | dieter__ , see if this helps17:36
ubottudieter__ , see if this helps: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto17:36
guntbert!hostname | magn3ts17:36
ubottumagn3ts: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.17:36
ikoniamagn3ts: /etc/hostname is your hostname file youru FQD is set by dns, not the box17:36
Homely_GirlDasEi: I have no idea! I have a nokia 'n it let me record a sound file 'n I blue toothed it onto my pc!17:36
ikoniamagn3ts: make sure you also update /etc/hosts17:36
histoso0ky: http://www.wikihow.com/Setup-vsftpd-FTP-on-Ubuntu-Linux17:37
karnivorehi, does anyone know how to make a script run with sudo rights (probably using gksudo) without requiring a password input. im fine to have my password in plaintext in the script and i understand the security implications of this17:37
dieter__Be right back, I will try and see if I can install it after this guide.17:37
DasEiHomely_Girl: ic , so a sound file, try with vlc first17:37
dieter__Thank you so much guys!17:37
cbxWhy doesn't Ctrl+v work in the terminal?17:37
DasEiHomely_Girl: sudo apt-get install vlc17:37
Homely_GirlDasEi: U read my mind Thanks17:37
magn3tsikonia, I'm in an environment that is isolated from the internet and I need to do some strange testing17:37
RoastedHas anybody used Ubuntu cloud? I'm considering on setting up a test environment and was curious if users had any positive or negative experiences using cloud.17:38
nastasikonia: wow! fast kick for nothing17:38
DasEiHomely_Girl: vlc YourFileName.amr17:38
ikoniamagn3ts: then you need to either change your hostname to host.domain.com or setup dns17:38
histocbx: shift+insert17:38
cbxhisto, I know that one :)17:38
TresmiusIs there a quick way to change from gnome to kde?17:38
cbxbut I'm so used to ctrl v it takes a bit of thought to get to shift ins17:38
magn3tsikonia, yeah, I got the FQD set through /etc/hosts. thanks17:38
bastid_raZor!purekde | Tresmius17:38
ubottuTresmius: If you want to remove all !Gnome packages and have a default !Kubuntu system follow the instructions here « https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PureKDE »17:38
llutzTresmius: install kubuntu-desktop and select session at loging17:39
DasEineptune_: want to force the installation ? what do you need it for ? which app ?17:39
dieter__Doesn't help.17:39
histocbx:yeah i'm sure it can be changed17:39
Homely_GirlDasEi: Thanks it's very busy installing stuff! ;)17:39
dieter__Can someone else please point me in how to install the video driver of a dell inspiron 1525/17:39
Homely_GirlDasEi: wot does vlc stand for?17:39
histocbx: shift+ctrl+V should paste17:40
DasEiHomely_Girl: video-lan-codec I think, see :17:40
ubottuAudio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs17:40
Pirate_Hunterim having a recent issue with my system it wont startup application once they've been installed I have to restart the system first before I can use it, any suggestion on how to fix this problem?17:40
krelboynevideo-lan-client ?17:40
llutzHomely_Girl: videolanclient17:40
karnivorehi, does anyone know how to make a script run with sudo rights (probably using gksudo) without requiring a password input. im fine to have my password in plaintext in the script and i understand the security implications of this17:40
histoPirate_Hunter: what application?17:40
DasEiHomely_Girl: it's a player apart from others in that way, it brings a bunch of own codecs, even exotic ones17:40
ikoniakarnivore: use visudo to setup a rule for the specific command to not need  password17:41
Pirate_Hunterhisto,  yesterday it was oobase which is now working but right now it is gwibber17:41
DasEiclient it was, thanks llutz17:41
ikoniakarnivore: you'll need to do a little research on sudo17:41
llutzHomely_Girl: check videolan.org17:41
histoPirate_Hunter: and if you restart it works?17:41
Homely_GirlDasEi: U my hero of the day! :) Will it let me save it into somming windoze friendly?17:41
Picikarnivore: Or if it needs to run on a schedule, its better to put it in root's crontab via sudo crontab -e17:41
DasEiHomely_Girl: first check if you can play it17:42
histokarnivore: or use visudo so the script doesn't need the password17:42
Pirate_Hunterhisto, yes but i shouldn't have to do so17:42
karnivorevisudo eh? awesome thanks!17:42
dieter__CAn someone help?17:42
histoPirate_Hunter: do you get an error what do you mean by it doens't work?17:42
Homely_GirlDasEi: will do, ta.17:43
DasEiHomely_Girl: vlc itself doesn't convert, but might give more usefull info about filetype17:43
histodieter__: what was wrong witht he guide?17:43
Pirate_Hunterhisto,  for gwibber there are plenty of errors, one sec17:43
dieter__Well I can't seem to find what I need...17:44
histodieter__: are you sure you need a driver?17:44
DasEiHomely_Girl: there are good converters, if not, can use audacity to re-record it and save as wav or other win-compatible, most can b converted (if playable at all)17:44
dieter__I don't really have time to read all that guide.17:44
dieter__I really need a simple guide to take me trough the steps in installing my ati driver on my dell inspiron 1525.17:44
histodieter__: okay why do you think a driver is needed most are loaded by default. Especially if its not showing in hardware manager17:44
llutzHomely_Girl: vlc can convert media-formats too, read documentation about which and how17:44
Homely_GirlDasEi: woosh!! But thanks...may email it to a geek friend 'n let him sort it! Thanks gonna see if it works now. :)17:44
histodieter__: what type of video card is it model etc...17:45
ikoniadieter__: that guide is simple, also be aware of the hardware drivers application17:45
DasEidieter__: which card ?17:45
Homely_GirlThank you all, info overload!! :)17:45
Homely_GirlI'll be back if I get stuck!17:45
dieter__ VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)17:45
alerayhi, how can I install thunderbird 3 on ubutn ?17:45
dieter__That's why it's saying in the terminal17:45
ikoniadieter__: it's an intel card17:45
ikoniadieter__: not an ati17:45
dieter__Ohh damn17:45
dieter__Well just a second sir..17:46
llutzdieter__: why ati driver for intel?17:46
DasEiHomely_Girl: if vlc plays it, are on it17:46
dieter__I have here....ati driver17:46
nastasdieter__: this is intel17:46
dieter__And why is a ati driver installed then?17:46
histodieter__: it looks like intel to me.17:46
ikoniadieter__: why are you using an ati driver ? where does it say you're using an ati driver ?17:46
dieter__And when I try to run it, it says it's needing some packets.17:46
histodieter__: intel 96517:46
dieter__So yes..17:46
dieter__I see now, thanks.17:46
ubyserverHey Everyone! Hope you are all well.17:46
histodieter__: which is supported out of the box17:47
ubyserverQuestion: What do I install first, LAMP or ebox-all-packages?17:47
dieter__Ok, I see now..so no more furthure instalations needed yes?17:47
DasEidieter__: remove the ati, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, restart x17:47
ikoniaubyserver: doesn't matter17:47
nastasdieter__: where did you see that you have ati driver installed?17:47
histodieter__: yes unless you have any obscure hardware17:47
rabbi1command to remove LAMP?17:47
histodieter__: linux is not like windows17:47
ubyserverThank you ikonia17:47
dieter__Well you see it's not my machine and the person who owns it tought it's a ati graphic card.17:48
letalisi need to make a windows xp usb stick installer from within linux, any suggestions on locating a howto to do it?17:48
dieter__But wait a second..17:48
fosco__letalis, search for unetbootin17:48
dieter__When I try to enable the effects it says it can not find the driver.17:48
DasEiletalis: use unetbootin17:48
letalisitll work on a windows xp iso image?17:48
DasEiletalis: y17:49
histodieter__: what version of ubuntu?17:49
letalisokay ill try that out then, thanks :)17:49
dieter__The last version.17:49
=== arooni__ is now known as arooni
Lefantomedurezo Do you know if ATI RADEON HD Mobility 2600 will be supported for 3D and powerplay on ubuntu  lucide?17:49
DasEiletalis: one hint : format usb to fat 16 or 32 before17:49
=== rusty is now known as Guest81016
icerootLefantomedurezo: #ubuntu+117:50
Lefantomedurezobecause ati's driver freez since the 9.1217:50
karnivoreikonia, i dont understand: visudo seems to just let me allow sudo in general not to need a password. i only want this for one specific script. do i put "%(path to script) ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL" ?17:50
Lefantomedurezoon 9.04, and 9.1017:50
Lefantomedurezoand on others distrib17:50
histodieter__: what is the error when you try to enable effects?17:50
dieter__JUst a second to verify17:50
ikoniakarnivore: you need to set a rule for just that one command, the default is for all commands, so you need to add an additional rule17:50
histodieter__: also does glxinfo | grep render   in terminal show that direct rendering is enabled?17:51
llutzkarnivore: user ALL=NOPASSWD:   /path/to/script17:51
histoikonia: couldn't he jsut tell it to run the script as root17:51
ekohi all17:51
dieter__Well you see when I try to enable the effects first he's looking for a driver.17:51
=== Guest92327 is now known as Gateway`
ikoniahisto: sure, that was pici's suggestion using cron17:51
dieter__Then it says that it can not activate the effects and that's all17:51
DasEidieter__: is the box you're talking about the same you now writing here ?17:52
ikoniahisto: I missed that he wanted to run it with cron in the first post17:52
llutzkarnivore: list needs to cover all commands invoked by "script"17:52
histodieter__: try the command i gave you in terminal17:52
dieter__OK just a second..by the way, thanks so much.17:52
karnivorellutz, ah, thanks! so the first ALL is the users and the last ALL refers to commands/scripts etc17:52
DasEidieter__: so I doubt you restarted x then, did you reconfigure ?17:52
deostrollis ther a channel for netbeans IDE?17:52
airtonixWhat is the other file under the home folder which you can edit to modify the userland $PATH variable ?17:52
neil__how to make it equal to windows17:53
histoDasEi: dieter__ i'm confused I thought he had an intel so it may be that ati stuff was installed or something.17:53
dieter__X Error of failed request:  BadRequest (invalid request code or no such operatio17:53
histodeostroll: there is #netbeans17:53
dieter__  Major opcode of failed request:  135 (GLX)17:53
dieter__  Minor opcode of failed request:  19 (X_GLXQueryServerString)17:53
DasEihisto : (18:47:40) DasEi: dieter__: remove the ati, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, restart x17:53
dieter__  Serial number of failed request:  1617:53
Pirate_Huntercan someone look at the pastebin for gwibber and help me identify the problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/377757/ ?17:53
guntbertrabbi1: http://tinyurl.com/ycbg94g scroll a bit down17:53
dieter__  Current serial number in output stream:  117:53
alerayhow can I install thunderbird3?17:54
histodieter__: okay look at what DasEi says17:54
dieter__That's what I get after running your command.17:54
karnivorellutz, so i need to put one in there for each command that is used? would it be easier if i put the script in /usr/local/bin and pointed the visudo rule to that or would i still need to make the rule for the individual commands within the script that require sudo rights?17:54
dieter__Ok...so I do the same?17:54
histo!software | aleray17:54
ubottualeray: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents17:54
peluchito2hola pepe17:54
llutzkarnivore: you still need the commands listed at sudoers17:54
dieter__I remove the ati driver by doing sudo dpkg-reconfigure xservers-org?17:54
alerayhigh-freq, thanks17:54
DasEialeray: on karmic ?17:54
peluchito2you are inglish17:54
DasEidieter__: sudo synaptic17:54
alerayDasEi, I'm logged remotly and I don't know what version is installed17:55
DasEidieter__: use the search box, >> ati17:55
alerayDasEi, How can I find it out ?17:55
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »17:55
histoaleray: cat /etc/issue    in a terminal17:55
dieter__Well I type that in sudo?17:55
DasEi!terminal | dieter__17:55
ubottudieter__: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal17:55
dieter__sudo dpkg-reconfigure xservers-xorg...17:55
tuna-fishwhat is the command to figure out the version of ubuntu installed on a machine?17:55
DasEi!version | tuna-fish17:56
ubottutuna-fish: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »17:56
histodieter__: yes in a terminal but first you need to remove any ati garbage that was installed.17:56
histotuna-fish: cat /etc/issue17:56
alerayhisto, 9.0417:56
dieter__And how I do that?17:56
airtonixfound my answer here :17:56
airtonix<aleray> DasEi, How can I find it out ?17:56
airtonix... woops17:56
neil__how can i get java run17:56
dieter__In the software center?17:56
dieter__I tick that line with ati driver?17:56
histoaleray: have you used applicaitons > add/remove17:56
DasEiairtonix: np17:56
wacekguys, is there an ubuntu netbook remix channel?17:56
* airtonix fails at pasting17:56
dieter__Or add or remove programs..17:56
alerayhisto, I don't have any X interface17:57
karnivorellutz, so if i wanted it to (for example) run apt-get update and shutdown i would have to add both apt-get and shutdown to visudo with one rule each?17:57
histo!java > neil__17:57
ubottuneil__, please see my private message17:57
DasEidieter__: sudo synaptic17:57
DasEidieter__: use the search box, >> ati17:57
bastid_raZorgksudo synaptic17:57
semitonesDasEi, don't you mean gksu?17:57
llutzkarnivore: user ALL=NOPASSWD:   /path/to/prog1 , /path/prog2 , /path/prog317:57
histoDasEi: I don't know what dieter__ installed prior to coming here so good luck.17:57
dieter__sudo synaptic is add or remove programs?17:58
ubottusynaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto17:58
dieter__SOrry I can't seem to understand17:58
airtonixanyway, i wanted to know how to setup custom $PATH variable for my user session only, answer for it is here : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables#Persistent environment variables17:58
semitonesdieter__, use gksudo synaptic17:58
dieter__My ubuntu version is in romanian17:58
dieter__SO here things are changed when talking about names and so on..17:59
semitonesdieter__, "sudo" is for command line only, "gksudo" is for graphical applications17:59
DasEidieter__: commands are same17:59
dieter__ATI binary X.Org driver17:59
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions17:59
dieter__Found this in add or remove aplications..17:59
Pici!es | CASILLAS17:59
ubottuCASILLAS: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:59
dieter__This needs to go out?17:59
rabbi1guntbert: thx17:59
DasEidieter__: yes17:59
dieter__So I thick this?18:00
histokarnivore: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-software-2/run-shell-script-as-root-automatically-265253/18:00
dieter__And will uninstal?18:00
DasEidieter__: add/remove sounds like windows ?!18:00
dieter__I have here on ubuntu in systems...18:00
DasEidieter__: ok, did you launch synaptic ?18:00
dieter__I have here in sistem > administration> add or remove programs18:01
dieter__I have lounch add or remove programs18:01
karnivorehisto, thanks! that answered the question i was about to ask :D18:02
karnivoreonce again, thanks for your help everyone!18:02
DasEidieter__: strange, I don't have such option, remove the ati driver then18:02
Pirate_Huntercan someone look at the pastebin for gwibber and help me identify the problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/377757/ ?18:03
wacekRight, at times windows in my Ubuntu Netbook Edition install don't grab focus. Actually most of the time. I have to click them after that. Is there a known fix?18:03
wacekohb66, right, there are some updates. I should check them out.18:03
semitonesdieter-, DasEi, add or remove programs came with older versions of Ubuntu, iirc. It's been replaced by Ubuntu Software Center18:03
dieter__When I try to thick it it says"can not uninstal xorg-driver-fglrx"18:03
DasEisemitones: is what I know, but he said karmic, maybe a dsiat-upgrade then18:03
PhurlHello Ubunutu, I have a n00b here, he has 8.10 running, but cannot upgrade and the newer versions from the livecd dont connect to the internet. What to do?18:03
DasEi!dist-upgrade | Phurl18:04
ubottuPhurl: A dist-upgrade will install new dependencies for packages already installed and may remove packages if they are no longer needed. Please see !upgrade for the proper release upgrade methods.18:04
semitonesDasEi, I mean, I still have it installed, because I upgraded :)18:04
dabaRPirate_Hunter: what is the effect of the issue?18:04
DasEisemitones: so there we are18:04
dieter__Good lord, I found synaptic..18:04
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DasEi!upgrade | Phurl18:05
ubottuPhurl: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading18:05
PhurlDasEi,  a dist-upgrade killed the system18:05
Pirate_HunterdabaR, it wont start18:05
dieter__Now what do I need to remove from here on?18:05
DasEidieter__: uncheck the ati driver, hit apply18:05
ekodabar in my speak means now :D18:05
dabaReko: it means beaver in Yugoslavian18:05
DasEiPhurl: in which manner ?18:05
dabaRPirate_Hunter: OK, you run it in the terminal?18:06
Phurllet me see, the libc was fsck18:06
ekobut it mean now in Lithuanian18:06
Phurlglibc segfaulting18:06
dieter__when I ckeck for ati in the search bar..I get so many packets18:06
dabaReko: cool18:06
vinsehi ubuntuers.  i just installed 9.10 and if i try to start FF the machine freezes.  i have an internet conneciton, seems just the application? i'm talking about the pre-installed ff on ubuntu desktop18:06
DasEion a updgrade 8.04 > 8.10 ?? , Phurl ?18:06
Pirate_HunterdabaR,  I did I also posted the output?18:07
semitonesdieter__, are you sure Hardware Manager doesn't have an ati driver for you?18:07
ekodabar\: yeah ;)18:07
Phurllet me see DasEi, einen moment!18:07
dabaRPirate_Hunter: right, so you installed this gwibber program, and it never starts?18:07
dieter__Well semitones..I don't need an ati driver.18:07
dieter__It was a confusion, seems like this box is running an intel graphic card..18:08
Pirate_HunterdabaR, yes18:08
dieter__The only thing wrong like now is that I can not enable the effects.18:08
DasEidieter__: done ?18:08
semitonesdieter__, ok, what are you looking for in synaptic?18:08
jooiieeca someone help me fix a corupt program that is not totaly installed?18:08
semitonesati what?18:08
dieter__I just typed ati..18:08
dieter__that's all18:08
dieter__to see all things related to ati18:08
dieter__And I have a lot of things there..18:08
blakkheimdon't buy from ati - enemy of your freedom18:08
Trek!ati | dieter_18:09
ubottudieter_: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto18:09
Lachancejoolie: Just reinstall?18:09
dieter__Like xservers-xorg-video-ati-dbg18:09
dieter__ANd many others18:09
semitonesdieter__, how is that going to help you if you don't have an ati card ?18:09
DasEidieter__: don't ge confused :)18:09
BluesKajvinse, does the epiphany browser work ?18:09
jooiieeLachance, i cant open .deb anny more... i want to get rid of it!18:09
PhurlDasEi,  he used  update-manager -d  to kill the system18:09
wacekblakkheim, is nVidia any better in terms of freedom?18:09
dieter__Well I'll state this another time so everyone can understand18:09
Lachancejoolie: You want to removethe corrupt file(s)?18:10
dieter__It seems like I was wrong, it has an intel card so no need to install ati drivers on it..18:10
dieter__But as DAesi said I need to remove the ati drivers.18:10
DasEidieter__: so removed the ati-xorg now ?18:10
semitonesdieter__, ah, I see18:10
jooiieeLachance, i have it on swedish so il transelate it for you.18:10
dieter__But as it was installed I need to uninstall the driver..18:10
PhurlDasEi, Ubuntu 9.04 \n \l running update-manager -d that killed his system18:10
LachanceThanks joolie18:10
ewookhrm anyone up for a dd-question?18:10
semitonesDasEi, would it be good to "remove everything that says "ati" in the name?18:10
dieter__No need to have something that you don't need right?18:10
BigDaddyCoolHi, if Evolution is displaying a email which contains remote pictures, how can I say "show remote content" like in Thunderbird? Default setting is not to display remote content. Is there a setting somewhere?18:10
dieter__But in the synaptic I get a bunch of packets..18:10
llutzwacek: all the same proprietary crap18:10
wacekllutz, yeah18:11
DasEisemitones: no, apt will offer via autoremove, but the current ati driver on intel 965, nor ??18:11
dieter__So which packets do i uninstall?18:11
dabaRPirate_Hunter: mine starts.18:11
DasEidieter__: the xorg-ati driver you mentioned before18:11
semitonesDasEi, I'm not sure18:11
dabaRPirate_Hunter: can you aptitude search gwibber in a terminal, and see whether its line starts with i?18:11
* semitones searches synaptic for ati18:11
Trekis there a command that will let me see what packages a specified package depends on?18:11
jooiieeLachance, E: The package avast4server must be reinstalled, but I can not find an archive for it.18:12
jooiieeE: Internal error when opening cache (1). Please report.18:12
ewookanyways - got a image of a disk, and the bootsectors from a identical - now, trying to merge the to - not overwrite, so.. a dd if=/bootsectorimage.dd of=/disk.dd bs=1 will not do the trick18:12
llutzTrek: apt-cache depends package18:12
dabaRTrek: apt-cache show package18:12
semitonesdieter__, you don't need to remove any -- the system will automatically offer to remove then when they aren't in use18:12
Pirate_HunterdabaR, huh...? what line starts with it?18:12
DasEiTrek: apt-cache depends18:12
Trekthanks llutz dabaR DasEi18:12
dieter__Well semitones it hasn't said nothing...18:12
dabaRPirate_Hunter: you would run aptitude search gwibber. That gives output, with a line for the package. The line can start with several characters, of which i means installed18:13
dieter__Doesn't told me to remvoe it.18:13
dieter__Well guys I honestly can find sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xor in synaptic18:13
semitonesdieter__, it won't tell you to remove it yet18:13
DasEidieter__: please follow step by step18:13
DasEidieter__: remove the ati xorg-driver in synaptic18:13
Trekdieter__ follow their steps one by one, got it?18:13
jooiieeE: The package avast4server must be reinstalled, but I can not find an archive for it.18:13
jooiieeE: Internal error when opening cache (1). Please report.18:13
jooiieecan someone help??18:14
Pirate_HunterdabaR, gwibber 2.2918:14
DasEidieter__: done ?18:14
dieter__remove the ati, sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg, restart x18:14
kane77hey, I'm trying to compile mesk (music player) but I ran into problem: "No package 'gst-python-0.10' found. Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you installed software in a non-standard prefix." erm, how do I do it and what is the path to python-gst?18:14
dieter__THis are the steps but I can't do it after this explications..18:14
DasEidieter__: ...18:14
dieter__It doesn't provide the synaptic steps...18:14
dieter__I'm not nerly done18:14
jooiieeE: The package avast4server must be reinstalled, but I can not find an archive for it.18:14
jooiieeE: Internal error when opening cache (1). Please report.18:14
jooiieecan someone help me??18:14
DasEidieter__: did you remove the ati in synaptic now ?18:15
dabaR!repeat | jooiiee18:15
ubottujooiiee: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.18:15
dieter__In synaptic I have a lot of packets18:15
DasEidieter__: one saying sth like ati-xorg-driver18:15
methrasGood evening people :)18:15
dieter__I search that name in synaptic?18:16
dieter__In the search box I typed ati-xorg-driver18:16
dieter__And I have like 10 things related to this search18:17
dieter__Which one, none is actualy ati-xorg-driver18:17
DasEidieter__: ati in search box, then scroll the list18:17
dieter__IS this one?18:17
dieter__It's with a green square..18:17
nmvictori downloaded java runtime from suns website and extracted it to /usr/lib/jvm/, how do I add this runtime to the system path in ubuntu?18:17
dieter__How do I uninstall it?18:17
semitonesdieter__, the one you're looking for should be easy to find, because it will be the only one installed18:18
DasEidieter__: yes, click the box > uninnstall18:18
semitonesdieter__, for future reference, a green square in synaptic means the package is installed. Right click to remove it18:18
dieter__Well i'll type the querries installed...18:18
vinsei just installed 9.10 and starting firefox freezes the whole os.  i have to restart to do anything18:19
DasEidieter__: un-checked square now ? hit apply in top of synaptic18:19
dabaRjooiiee: jooiiee what is the problem?18:19
vinseadvice? i found a lot of info about ff closing randomly or freezing, but nothing about it freezing the whole desktop18:19
PhurlDasEi,  here are some excepts from the chatlog http://fmtyewtk.blogspot.com/2010/02/ubuntu-upgrade-disaster.html18:19
dieter__xservers-xorg-video-mach64 andxservers-xorg-video-r128 and xorg-driver-fglrx18:20
dieter__Which one of this?18:20
semitonesdieter__, just unintsall any that are green18:20
dieter__THey are all..with green squares.18:20
jooiieedabaR, i have a corupt program that stops me from using synapric and gives me errors.18:20
dieter__Ok semitones18:20
dieter__And after that will the effects work?18:20
DasEidieter__: open a terminal18:20
ZoraelOn a live CD, when you pick a keyboard layout in the Ubiquity installer, the change is immediately applied and affects all running programs. How can I do that from a terminal, without using the installer? (instantly change layout for whole system/user)18:20
semitonesdieter__, probably not. Effects don't usually work with integrated graphics, I think18:20
ionuthow does it works a TCP connection ?18:21
semitonesdieter__, but don't quote me on that18:21
dabaRjooiiee: try sudo aptitude -f install in a terminal. It will give you output. Please post the output of that to the pastebin18:21
dabaR!pastebin | jooiiee18:21
ubottujooiiee: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:21
DasEidieter__: open ?18:21
zilkomaaHow to get rid of this conflict, i have in places menu two storage disks and another is automatically mounted at boot. Why places menu is showing two mount points? Here is some info another not needed storage mount: http://paste.ubuntu.com/377774/18:21
jooiieedabaR, will do.18:21
dieter__I uninstalled the packets18:22
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dieter__Now, I open the terminal?18:22
DasEiPhurl: give me 10 min, I'll re-read then18:22
DasEidieter__: yes, please18:22
Trekdieter__ desktop effects won't work on Intel graphics cards, trust me I've had a few intergrated Intel cards :P18:22
PhurlDasEi, we are doing a bug report now18:22
Dice-Manhello here18:23
DasEidieter__: open ?18:23
Dice-Manwhat is going on ?18:23
jooiieedabaR, i get a semi graphical menu but i want to get rid of it.. not make it work again.. sorry, my bad18:23
dieter__I have terminal opened18:23
saldsajkhqerThe desktop effects do work on Intel graphics cards.18:23
DasEidieter__: sudo apt-get install pastebinit18:23
DasEidieter__: sudo apt-get install pastebinit18:23
dieter__What's this?18:23
PiciPhurl: fyi: the -d switch is for upgrading to the next devel release of Ubuntu, and should never be used for normal upgrade.18:23
blakkheimTrek: compiz works on intel graphics just fine18:24
^rumput_kering^I add a vpn profile in NetworkManager. but after that, the profile is clickable from NetworkManager tray >> VPN Connection18:24
MaletorFor my FTPS server only maletor can log in (a user I created when I installed Ubuntu) how do I also make it so ftp (a recently created user) can log in ?18:24
semitonesdieter__, it's a debugging/helping tool18:24
dabaRjooiiee: are you still gonna pastebin that?18:24
Trekblakkheim, then i must have bad cards :P18:24
DasEi!paste |  dieter__18:24
ubottudieter__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:24
dieter__Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another proc18:24
semitonesdieter__, close synaptic first18:24
DasEidieter__: close synaptic before18:24
dieter__Ohh ok18:24
DasEidieter__: sudo apt-get install pastebinit18:24
semitonesyou will probably have to apply changes18:24
jooiieedabaR, il give you what i get...18:25
dieter__it's working18:25
dieter__People thanks18:25
^rumput_kering^I was configure the CA certificate, gateway, username & password. how can I fix it?18:25
dieter__From the deep of my heart thanks so much18:25
DasEidieter__: pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log18:25
DasEidieter__: give the url from terminal here then18:25
dieter__I run this in terminal?18:25
DasEidieter__: yes18:25
[nb]sharperguy2Ok, so I have a slightly tricky situation here. I have a laptop running ubuntu karmic, with a VM on it running windows XP, and I would like to be able to play games with a real computer running XP, connected to the laptop via ethernet and the "shared to other computers" option in nm-applet18:25
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jooiieedabaR, it goves me root question when i try to install/repair18:26
dabaRwhat is root question?18:27
dabaRAsking you for a password?18:27
dabaROr are you root?18:27
dieter__The log is ok?18:27
DasEidieter__: you weren't using the ati , any way let's proceed18:27
sharperguySorry. I meant to continue and say that I can't seem to get the two computers to ping eachother. The desktop shows and IP of 10.x.x.x whereas the laptop shows 192.x.x.x. The VM i'm not sure what setting i should put the networking on18:27
dieter__I see.. ok what next?18:27
MaletorFor my FTPS server only member:maletor can log in (a user I created when I installed Ubuntu) how do I also make it so ftp (a recently created user) can log in? I'm pretty sure this has to do with certificates...18:27
PhurlDasEi, here are all the system details https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/52276818:28
DasEidieter__: sudo apt-get update $$ sudo apt-get uprade18:28
dieter__This is my only dream now..to enable the effects :018:28
DasEiPhurl: see above18:28
TresmiusI just logged into my newly installed Kubuntu but there's no GUI, just a terminal and a desktop background?18:28
methrasIf some ubuntu guru have some time free to chat please send me a PM (I get lost in the general chat...) ;0)18:28
dieter__It's says the command is invalid...18:28
DasEidieter__: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get uprade         ^typo18:28
dabaRjooiiee: sudo aptitude -f install is the command you should run.18:28
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.18:28
PhurlDasEi, you mean 10 mins18:28
dieter__update:command not found18:29
DasEiPhurl: k18:29
TresmiusI just logged into my newly installed Kubuntu but there's no GUI, just a terminal and a desktop background?18:29
dieter__What's wrong?18:29
MaletorDasEi: For my FTPS server only member:maletor can log in (a user I created when I installed Ubuntu) how do I also make it so ftp (a recently created user) can log in? I'm 99% sure this has to do with certificates...18:29
DasEidieter__: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get uprade18:29
dieter__working now..18:29
DasEiMaletor: I'm busy18:29
jooiieedabaR, i get sevral options.. dont know what to do..18:29
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tclevalI am using Hardy, after the last upgrade of the flash plugin(non-free) I cant hear the sound of flash videos, but I can play music on Rhythmbox without problem.. how can I fix flash/firefox?18:29
dieter__it says operation invalid..18:29
MrStampupdate manager is recommending a bunch of new packages that don't seem related to anything I already have installed, stuff like postfix, rpm, alien, g++18:29
dabaRjooiiee: you should post the output, so I can suggest what to do.18:29
dieter__operation invalid uprade..18:30
cbxI'm running out of space on my root partition :| use gparted to expand it?18:30
dieter__What's wrong?18:30
MrStampare these new standard additions to the distro?18:30
dabaRjooiiee: Just select the text in the terminal, right click, copy, and then make a pastebin18:30
jooiieeil get a pic..18:30
h4fMrStamp:  you think its not related but it is18:30
guntbertdieter__: typo - its upgrade18:30
Tresmiusanyone? How do I get the KDE desktop to appear in kubuntu?18:30
Eremitelesm with Sleep/Hibernate?  After Karmic was installed, the computer will never wake from sleep or hibernation.  I have to hard restart every time because I only get a blnak black screen when I try to resume.  This is making Karmic unusable.  Anyone know how to fix this?18:30
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dieter__Ok, appeared a bunch of things18:30
dieter__at the end it says..18:30
dieter__0 new packets, 0 new installed...0 deleted and 0 reupdated18:31
EremiteSorry, part got cut off.  Does anyone else have problesm with Sleep/Hibernate?  After Karmic was installed, the computer will never wake from sleep or hibernation.  I have to hard restart every time because I only get a blnak black screen when I try to resume.  This is making Karmic unusable.  Anyone know how to fix this?18:31
MrStamph4f: I said "doesn't seem to be related"18:31
dieter__Sorry it's in romanian so translation may be a bit...funny18:31
methrasAlright... hehe... So this is the deal. I am just starting with ubuntu (linux in general) so I am rather new to all of this. Yesterday I had sound and everything worked just fine. Now I just realized I don't have sound anymore. Any clues where to start looking for errors? (Except behind the keyboard ofc)18:31
dieter__Now what?18:31
DasEiPhurl: it's still confusing to me , that was a distupgrade 8.04 > 9.04 ?18:31
MrStampwhat is the relation18:31
jooiieedabaR, this is what i get... http://imagebin.org/8505018:31
Eremitemethras, have you tried turning up the volume?  it starts muted,18:32
DasEidieter__: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg18:32
dabaRTresmius: upi just installed kubuntu, you get to the login screen when you boot, but when you log in, you get the desktop background, and a terminal?18:32
methrasEremite: I am not THAT new to computers. Volume is on 100%18:32
Eremitemethras, open a terminal and type "alsamixer" and then make sure everything is turned up.18:32
dabaRjooiiee: exit out of that, then run...18:32
dabaRsudo aptitude -f install18:32
h4fMrStamp: :) if you didn't add yourself  extra repos which might mess something than everything update manager says should be ok18:32
dieter__Ok and now?18:32
DasEidieter__: done ?18:32
dabaRjooiiee: that gives different output than what you are showing18:32
dieter__asked for password and then nothing18:32
dieter__It's ok?18:32
Chris_DeSantoHello all I am looking for some help. I am trying to install Ubuntu 9.10 over a wins7 RC install. The disk is checked and okay, but when I get to step 4 of the install the prepare partitions window does not populate with my single HD. (SATA 80gb) any ideas what I can do ? Thanks18:33
jooiieenot in mine... checked sevral times.. -f after it.18:33
dieter__Asked for sudo password and then nothing:)18:33
MrStamph4f: no, I haven't added any new repos, I just wondered if these were new standard additions to the distro18:33
DasEidieter__: next cmd will log you off, so close any open files or apps might be there, will have to login again18:33
jooiieedabaR, check slightly above18:33
methrasEremite: everything is on 100%18:33
dieter__SO i can enable effects now?18:33
dynamicwhat hard drive diagnostic program dou guys like best?18:33
zilkomaathis 64bit is buggy back to 32bit18:33
dieter__It's not logging off me...18:33
PhurlDasEi, not i am sorry it is Ubuntu 9.0418:33
dieter__How long will it take?18:34
Phurlnot 8.418:34
dieter__Or should I logg of..18:34
MrStampthought it was a little weird that a bunch of new packages would suddenly become part of the distro while I am still on the same version (9.10)18:34
DasEidieter__: sudo gdm restart                                            , I can't tell for sure, many onboards don't support desktop effects18:34
h4fMrStamp: yes there are many build in tools like  alien,g++ , ls etc. which might need to be updated to new feature or security fixes18:34
dabaRjooiiee: No, must be different, I am almost positive... "sudo aptitude -f install"18:34
dieter__** (gdm-binary:6511): WARNING **: Failed to acquire org.gnome.DisplayManager18:34
Eremitemethras, open your sound preferences by right clicking on the volume applet and then make sure that yoru sound card is selected for output and input18:34
dieter__** (gdm-binary:6511): WARNING **: Failed to acquire org.gnome.DisplayManager18:34
DasEiPhurl: which version was upgraded to which ?18:34
DasEidieter__: log out and back in then18:35
dieter__OK, I ll be back!18:35
MrStampthe thing is they aren't currently installed, so they aren't updates to what I already have, they are new packages18:35
jooiieedabaR, that was different, will transelate18:35
dynamicwhat hard drive diagnostic program dou guys like best?18:35
nmvictordo i have to logout and log back in before seeing the changes in my ~/.bashrc?18:35
dabaRjooiiee: you can just post it, I don't necessarily need to know all the details.18:35
PhurlDasEi, see the bug report :https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/522768 he just ran update-manager -d and the system died18:35
DasEidynamic: physical ? smartmontools18:36
jooiieedabaR, http://paste.ubuntu.com/377790/18:36
dabaRjooiiee: the main thing is the list of packages it will remove/install, and the score.18:36
methrasEremite: it is, but I am really not sure ubuntu is recognizing my hardware properly18:36
jooiieedabaR, Y?18:36
dabaRjooiiee: ah. sure, it will probably give you an eror.18:36
dabaRjooiiee: but, you have to try18:36
rob_pnmvictor: no, just start a new shell18:36
jooiieedabaR, i just wanted to dobble check18:36
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methrasEremite: it's only listed as "Internal audio" and that sounds like a generic driver18:37
Eremitemethras, if it worked yesterday and you havent done an update then I assume the problem is not hardware.  If it worked once it should work again, right?18:37
DasEiPhurl: I don't get the desired in fo from that report18:37
tclevalis pulseaudio + flash nonfree on ubuntu hardy BROKEN?18:37
cbxIs there a GUI for grub2?18:37
DasEiinfo, Phurl*18:37
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub218:37
EremiteSorry, part got cut off.  Does anyone else have problesm with Sleep/Hibernate?  After Karmic was installed, the computer will never wake from sleep or hibernation.  I have to hard restart every time because I only get a blnak black screen when I try to resume.  This is making Karmic unusable.  Anyone know how to fix this?18:37
PhurlDasEi, what info do you need?18:37
nmvictorrob_p: thanks18:37
rob_pnmvictor: welcome18:37
methrasEremite: true enough, but I have updated and installed and tried new things and so on... So I might have effed it up by installing something I shouldnt *innocent*18:37
jooiieedabaR, http://paste.ubuntu.com/377791/18:38
cbxDasEi, no info on grub2 gui editing there18:38
DasEiPhurl: upgrade from hardy (8.04) to ibex (8.10) ? so how jaunty (9.04) ??18:38
dabaRjooiiee: sudo dpkg -P --force-all avast4server18:39
PhurlDasEi, he has jaunty and wants to go to karmic18:39
Phurlnot hardy, that was my mistake DasEi18:39
deward90Escriba el texto aquí....hi18:39
cbxDasEi, found StartupManager tho. Gonna try it18:39
deward90alguien puede ayudarme co n  mi ubuntu18:40
Maletorvsftpd is not good18:40
ubyserverno habla ingle18:40
jooiieedabaR, http://paste.ubuntu.com/377795/18:40
ubyservermal :(18:40
DasEiPhurl: so a i386 from jaunty to karmic, current state of the machine ? bootable ? current version info ??18:40
TresmiusDoes anyone know what "bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Connection refused (111)" means? Eternal Lands crashes with that error message whenever I try to connect to a server/ start the game.18:41
alexxio_i found this brainstorm idea.. perhaps someone knows if it is present now in ubuntu? http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/2923/18:41
PhurlDasEi, we reinstalled from the 9.4 all ok online i am sshed in18:41
deward90alguien puede ayudarme con ubuntu18:41
ubyserverno hablo mucho espanol pero entiendo mucho18:41
ubyserverque la problema18:41
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.18:41
DasEiPhurl: if you re-installed, why not karmic ?18:41
carbm1Anybody know how to fix the MBR on a flash drive that had Ubuntu installed from the USB installer?18:41
kubancis there any possibility to install octoshape support for flash in ubunut?18:41
ubyserverSigue #ubuntu-es18:42
dabaRjooiiee: do you have a /etc/init.d/avastd?18:42
ubyserverllutz: Thank you :)18:42
PhurlDasEi,  he has a karmic cd, but cannot get on the internet with it18:42
TrekPhurl, what networking cards does he have in his computer?18:43
Gadget3000Tresimus: "bt_audio_service_open: connect() failed: Connection refused"  means you have disabled bluetooth but alsa doesn't know that...18:43
SeppozChecking for 'makeinfo'... no18:43
DasEiPhurl: sure cd is in order ? tired to manually configure network ? nic-drivers present ?18:43
Seppozhow do i install it?18:43
dieter__Thanks, working now.18:43
DasEiPhurl: sure cd is in order ? tried * to manually configure network ? nic-drivers present ?18:43
DasEi!yay | dieter18:43
ubottudieter: Glad you made it! :-)18:43
Gadget3000Tresimus: do "sudo apt-get purge bluez-alsa" to get rid of it, or if you dont need bluetooth at all you can do "sudo apt-get purge bluez-alsa bluez-utils bluez-gnome"18:43
PhurlTrek, let me see. DasEi can I check the cd without booting?18:43
Phurl DasEi would running the karmic in a vm or chroot help?18:44
jooiieedabaR, yep.. paste it?18:44
flodinehello can someone help me with my acpi problems 9.10 wont run it keeps locking up on me.18:44
DasEiPhurl: no, you can check the iso and the cd itself has an option > check media , but will have to boot it then18:44
dabaRjooiiee: no, what about "ps aux|grep avast"? Please post output.18:44
ShazamHaving trouble getting a Logitech Quickcam Express running. I believe qc-usb says it should be supported. usb id 046d:0840. Anyone knowledgeable care to help with a webcam walkthrough?18:45
jooiieedabaR, did not understand, in terminal?18:45
Gadget3000Tresmius sorry. Spelt you name wrong. See my previous two messages18:45
mikeHey guys.18:45
mikeJust a short question18:45
dabaRjooiiee: yes, run that one now18:45
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DasEiPhurl: you say the 9.04 is working, if that is the case, bring it up to date, make sure it works (drivers), then a upgrade should be no problem, so fresh install is always safer bet18:45
_raven_i need an installation-server for automatically installation of several machines18:46
flodinehelp acpi problems18:46
waltmI've just failed at an upgrade from 8.10 and can only get into terminal after 20 minutes of boot errors.  apt-get upgrade exits from too many errors.  is there another way to recover or at least save my home directory for a fresh install?18:46
kyrixim running karmic and my grub doesnt seem to be seeing the newer kernels18:46
jooiieedabaR, no output..18:46
DasEi_raven_: have a look at kickseed18:46
PhurlTrek, DasEi  network information attached to bugreport18:46
AnimagladiusAnybody got an idea where to find the XChat directory? I totally forgot so much :(18:47
AlinnWhy nautilus get password in mount partitions but dolphin not?18:47
zleaptry .xchat218:47
TrekPhurl: link to bugreport?18:47
_raven_DasEi, tnx18:47
AnimagladiusAh, right, lol. Thanks!18:47
vinseok so i installed 9.10 on a laptop, but when i start firefox the whole desktop freezes.  so i installed chromium, but starting that also freezes teh desktop!  any guess before i go back to 9.04 (which worked) ?18:47
flodineyes its your acpi18:47
DasEi_raven_: do all machines have same specs ?18:48
PhurlTrek,  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/522768 he just ran update-manager -d and the system died18:48
vinseflodine: that's for me?18:48
flodinemine does the same thing18:48
so0kyhow do i restart background job 1?  bg 1 does NOT work.18:48
vinseflodine: is it fixable?18:48
tato_42what can i use to make new splashscreens on ubuntu 9.10 gnome?18:48
flodinei need help too im on windows right now helpppppppp18:49
AlinnAny Idea?18:49
TrekPhurl: ah, you got one of THOSE cards...18:49
vinseflodine: what's an acpi :x18:49
methraswaltm, run a live CD and copy the saves you wish to save to an external drive, another hdd or something. Thats the best solution I can thik of18:49
DasEitato_42: become an experienced hacker, currently can't be changed18:49
UberTacoso0ky: if you want to -restart- background job 1, you need to foreground it18:49
UberTacofg 118:49
PhurlTrek, you mean an shit one?18:49
guntbertso0ky: a background job *is* runnning - you want fg18:49
leopino\server explosionirc.net18:50
TrekPhurl: no, just a card that isn't that nice a card... you've got a card that I rarely see around the computers I work on.18:50
flodinecan someone please help me with my system locking up on 9.1018:50
waltmmethras, thanks.  just burned a copy of 9.10 so I'll try that.  save em on a flash drive I guess.18:50
Phurlahh Trek, so upgrade-manager -d is wrong to use?18:50
jrtaylorivI'm having a problem with my power management -- my screen brightness keeps flickering between high-low, every few minutes -- here is my powersave log -- http://pastebin.ca/1798774 ... any ideas on how to diagnose/fix this?18:50
jrtaylorivI'm on AC power right now, btw.18:50
methraswaltm, Yeah, thats atleast a safe bet that will save you some time ;0)18:50
dabaRjooiiee: I don't expect "sudo apt-get remove avast4server" works, eh?18:51
_raven_DasEi no18:51
jooiieedabaR, cant find archive...18:51
vinseresearching my freezing desktop problem i found this: Once the system is installed, a kernel from the updates will fix the problem.  what does "a kernel from the updates" mean?18:52
jooiieedabaR, i dont want to reinstall!!!!!!!! *deats the shit out of keyborad*18:52
dabaRjooiiee: OK, please post the output of sudo aptitude -f install again.18:52
Shazamjooiiee: !language18:52
llutz"Multiple exclamation (/question) marks are a sure sign of a diseased mind." [Terry Pratchett]18:52
semitonesjooiiee, please don't swear in here18:52
PiciPhurl: I told you earlier that '-d' is for installing the development version of Ubuntu, i.e Lucid, which is not yet released.18:52
dabaRjooiiee: Heh, if you give it enough time, I am pretty sure you won't have to18:52
* dabaR loves the empathy...18:53
flodinevinse will that help with the acpi18:53
jooiieedabaR, with !language after?18:53
dabaR"sudo aptitude -f install"18:53
vinseflodine: nfi! i'm throwing darts blindfolded18:53
TrekPhurl: have you tried a normal upgrade without the -d?18:53
dabaRjooiiee: I did not post any of that.18:53
nqehi, on 8.04 I trying to use ubuntu-vm-builder (qemu /hardy on i386). on start the image stalls on "Booting from HD" any pointers?18:53
vinseflodine: it seems to be a rather huge problem for no one to have any info on18:53
vinseflodine: i mean, i have a feeling a lot of people use firefox :x18:53
jooiieeoh.. just saw red ant houhgt it was u..18:53
PhurlPici, ahh. I did not know. Trek i will try it now.18:53
AlinnWhy nautilus get password in mount partitions but dolphin not?18:54
Phurlso that is the way to go? I will do this upgrade , not leave it to the user this time18:54
dieter__Hey I have another problem...18:55
dieter__Just downloaded google earth..18:55
dieter__sh GoogleEarthLinux.bin doesn't work.18:55
kubanchas anybody have any expirience with octoshape and firefox in ubuntu?18:55
Pianoman13activating wireless function in Ubuntu 9.10 is my challenge today18:55
jooiieedabaR, http://paste.ubuntu.com/377808/18:55
Gadget3000dieter__: Any error messages?18:55
methrasDoes anyone else have any sugestion what to do with my sound problem? It worked fine before, now it doesnt and I have no clue if it's something I installed or what the problem might be..18:56
dieter__sh: Can't open GoogleEarthLinux.bin18:56
Pianoman13i have a linksys wireless G router that is already functional in vista but i need it in Ubuntu18:56
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Gadget3000dieter__: Used sudo??18:56
dabaRjooiiee: OK, and if you run it again, you get the same thing?18:57
dieter__I just started the terminal18:57
dieter__cd ~/Desktop18:57
dieter__sh GoogleEarthLinux.bin18:57
jooiieedabaR, looks the same to me..18:57
dieter__ANd I get this error18:57
dabaRjooiiee: do you have the avast4server package still kicking around?18:57
Gadget3000Try: sudo sh GoogleEarthLinux.bin18:57
Pianoman13as soon as i remove my laptop from the docking station i lose the connection even though my wireless in showing ON18:58
boss_mcdieter__: It's working for me, check that the permissions on the GoogleEarthLinux.bin file are generous enough18:58
M4dN3sShi... anyone italian who can help me pls?18:58
dieter__chmod +x18:58
Pici!it | M4dN3sS18:58
ubottuM4dN3sS: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)18:58
jooiieedabaR, i have 2 .deb, one tar.gz and one .rpm18:58
Pianoman13activating wireless function in Ubuntu 9.10 is my challenge today and i would appreciate some help18:59
dieter__If I try chmod +x GoogleEarthLinux.bin18:59
Picidieter__: replash 'sh' in your command with 'bash'19:00
dabaRjooiiee: OK, and have you given up on this package, or are you still hoping to use it?19:00
Pianoman13i am a new ubuntu 9.10 user19:00
dabaRjooiiee: I am reading this19:00
dieter__bash doesn't work aswell19:00
carbm2Pianoman13, is this a laptop?19:00
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boss_mcdieter__: do 'ls -l' and check that the permissions are -rw-r--r--19:00
dabaRjooiiee: I am reading this page: http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=44154.0 particularly the last post seems like what you could try.19:00
Pianoman13carbm2, yes an hp compaq 8710p19:01
Pianoman13as soon as i remove my laptop from the docking station i lose the connection even though my wireless in showing ON19:01
jooiieedabaR, sa one or 2 cammands?19:01
dabaRjooiiee: so you first remove the /var/lib/dpkg/info/avast4server.prerm file "sudo rm /var/lib/dpkg/info/avast4server.prerm", then "sudo dpkg -P --force-all avast4server"19:01
Pianoman13carbm2, i have a linksys wireless G router that is already functional in vista but i need it in Ubuntu19:01
dieter__It has all the permisions but still nothing19:01
jefelexpianoman - are you selecting eth1 instead of eth0 after you have undocked?19:02
carbm2Pianoman13, So when your connected to the docking station your still using your wireless?  Your certain your docking station doesn't have a NIC in it?19:02
dieter__What can I do?19:02
rob_pdieter__: chmod 755 <file> and then just execute it19:02
Pianoman13carbm2, the wireless works when i use vista19:02
dieter__How can I do chmod 775 file in terminal?19:03
Pianoman13carbm2, i think it is not configured in Ubuntu19:03
carbm2Pianoman13, "sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter"19:03
Pianoman13carbm2, all the fields are empty in the connections windows19:03
dabaRdieter__: "chmod 775 filename" is a command19:03
nqeanyone experience with ubuntu-vm-builder?19:03
dabaRdieter__: do you know how to open a terminal?19:04
dabaRdieter__: so just open it, and run that.19:04
rob_pdieter__: change to the directory containing the bin file.  Do, "chmod 755 <filename>" and press enter.  Do, "./<filename" and press enter.19:04
jrtaylorivI'm having a problem with my power management -- my screen brightness keeps flickering between high-low, every few minutes -- here is my powersave log -- http://pastebin.ca/1798774 ... any ideas on how to diagnose/fix this? I'm on AC power right now, so I don't see why it should be randomly switching back and forth...19:04
dieter__I'm in desktop now...~/Desktop19:04
jooiieedabaR, http://paste.ubuntu.com/377815/19:04
dabaRdieter__: filename you have to replace with the name of the file19:04
dieter__But I have a director Downloads..19:04
carbm2Pianoman13, I looked up your model and it has a Broadcom wireless. Broadcom cannot be included in Ubuntu due to copyright.  Your going to need to plug the laptop in for an internet connection then drop to terminal and run that command.19:04
dieter__I know19:04
FloodBot2alejandro: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:04
dieter__I'm in desktop right now but How do I get in downloads?19:04
konrI've upgraded my system using aptitude safe-upgrade, and firefox now doesn't start. I type `firefox` on the shell and it hangs there19:04
konrwhat could be wrong19:05
dabaRjooiiee: Hm...and does sudo aptitude -f install still do the same thing?19:05
carbm2konr, you've restarted after upgrading right?19:05
Pianoman13carbm2, i have now run the sudo code19:05
konrcarbm2: yes19:05
dabaR!path | dieter__19:05
carbm2konr, at terminal does "ps aux | grep firefox" return anything?19:06
Pianoman13carbm2, many many files were extracted19:06
rob_pdieter__: Do, "cd ~/Downloads" and press enter.19:06
dieter__I'm in downloads file now..19:06
carbm2Pianoman13, no idea.... it should ask you about downloading the firmware and it should do its thing. Then restart!19:06
konrcarbm2: nope, just the "grep"19:06
dabaRdieter__: The following could be useful to you:19:06
dieter__chmod 775 GoogleEarthLinux.bin?19:06
dabaR!cli | dieter__19:06
ubottudieter__: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal or type in it: man intro19:06
dieter__And then...19:07
rob_pdieter__: Is the bin file there (do, "ls" to see)?19:07
Pianoman13carbm2, ok will be restarting, thanks19:07
jooiieedabaR, I LOVE U; U FIXED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!19:07
dieter__YEs it is...19:07
konrcarbm2: I've even deleted .mozilla19:07
dieter__ GoogleEarthLinux.bin19:07
dieter__It is here.19:07
rob_pdieter__: chmod 755 ./GoogleEarthLinux.bin19:07
dabaRjooiiee: He-he, great. Don't ask me to tell you exactly how.19:07
dieter__And how do I run it now?19:07
carbm2konr, that would have been one of my guesses... but I'm not sure how to recreate it.  try "sudo dpkg-reconfigure firefox"19:08
rob_pdieter__: Then simply do, "./GoogleEarthLinux.bin" and press enter.19:08
methrasDoes anyone have any sugestion where to begin to look for errors on my soundcard? It worked perfectly fine and now it's not working at all... I might have installed some packages or something that made the error but yeah... Can someone give me a little assistance? :)19:08
jooiieedabaR, i donk now either but after the last command it worked and the evil red/white sign in the upper corner went away!!!!! <319:08
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Dice-Mani'm installing the new ubuntu19:08
dabaRYes, that's great. Have a good day.19:08
jooiieedabaR, will you marrie me? haha19:08
dieter__Working, thanks!19:08
Dice-Manbut where are the installation log file ?19:08
jooiieedabaR, u to... bye!19:08
nmvictorWhich package provides Adptive Multi Rate (AMR) decoder in ubuntu?19:09
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rob_pdieter__: Of course!  :-)19:09
magn3tsHow would I add a string to the beginning of all the CPP files in a folder?19:09
vinsemagn3ts: with sed19:09
vinseor awk, or bash19:09
methrasDoes anyone have any sugestion where to begin to look for errors on my soundcard? It worked perfectly fine and now it's not working at all... I might have installed some packages or something that made the error but yeah... Can someone give me a little assistance? :)19:10
vinsemagn3ts: in other words, wrong channel ;019:10
Shazammagn3ts: welcome to the wonderful world of perl one-liners19:10
magn3tsheh, I'd rather suffer sed than perl I think :P19:10
anothernickwrong channel, but what's the LAME irc channel?19:10
magn3tsvinse, good point. not sure why I default to #ubuntu for these types of things19:10
vinsemethras: people saw your question, no answer means no one can help you, not that no one saw it19:10
vinsebelieve me, i've learned that :/19:11
methrasvinse, haha.. Okay. I was kinda hoping it got lost in all the text19:11
fosco__!sound | methras19:11
ubottumethras: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:11
methrasthanks fosco__ I'll try that19:12
babaluhow can i install farsight (which package) so i can make audio calls with amsn?19:13
Pianoman13carbm2, the wireless did not work when i tried internet19:13
erUSULmagn3ts: « for f in *.cpp; do echo "string" | cat - "$f" > "$f".new; done » then rename the new files ;P19:14
vinseok well, back to 9.04 i guess.  seems reasonable though, can't expect a new release to get minor details like HAVING BROWSERS WORK correct19:14
vinseespecially when it's only 6 months old19:14
vinse(bitter? yes, thanks)19:14
bastid_raZor!find farsight | babalu this may help.19:14
ubottubabalu: Found: libgstfarsight0.10-0, libgstfarsight0.10-dbg, libgstfarsight0.10-dev, libgstfarsight0.10-doc, libtelepathy-farsight-dev (and 6 others)19:14
drowhats the best way to email myself daily system logs? forward root's emails to my address or setup a cron job?19:15
erUSULmagn3ts: « for f in *.cpp; do echo "string" | cat - "$f" > "$f".tmp && mv "$f".tmp "$f"; done » even19:15
babalubastid_raZor: all of them? :D19:15
bastid_raZorbabalu: my best guess would be the first and possibly the -dev's .. no idea which will actually help or if it will work.19:16
SKULLhi every one19:16
dieter__Can someone point me how to install vuze?19:16
magn3tserUSUL, beautiful, let me give it a shot19:16
anothernickcan I in some way avoid lame: excess arg my-input ?19:16
semitonesdieter__, did you check ubuntu software center?19:16
SKULLi'm looking for Linux server work as windows server19:17
hwildehi everybody, strange question,  there is a company out there specializing in ubuntu preinstalled desktops with multiple monitors, and i can't remember their name.  and if I search for ubuntu desktop or multi monitors its just a thousand forum pages19:17
bastid_raZor!info vuze | dieter__19:17
ubottudieter__: vuze (source: azureus): Multimedia BitTorrent client. In component universe, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 7 kB, installed size 80 kB19:17
dieter__OK I will try..19:17
blakkheimdieter__: sudo aptitude install vuze19:17
magn3tserUSUL, thanks that worked. now I'm finding even more bugs. this dev was awful :[19:18
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dieter__I reinstalled it...vuze19:18
dieter__But it keeps showing me to update19:19
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dieter__Oh no! You are using a version of Vuze that is no longer supported.19:19
trialistacome si scarica da qui ragazzi ????19:19
Trekdieter__ the repos are never contstantly updated...19:19
Pici!it | trialista19:19
ubottutrialista: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)19:19
Pici!fr | Guest8614419:19
ubottuGuest86144: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois19:19
dieter__ISn't this...the final?19:19
trialistascusate :)19:19
Genscherhey :) i am creating an ubuntu package and wondering where to install non-shared application data where I need read + write access19:19
Pianoman13carbm2, i tried to ping using the system, admin, network window but got no response19:20
PiciGenscher: Best to ask packaging questions in #ubuntu-motu19:20
GenscherPici, thanks, will do19:20
dieter__Ohh so I need to get it from Vuze.com?19:20
Trekdieter__ if they have a .deb installer then try using it19:20
semitonesdieter__, you'd probably to best to stick with easy to install options19:20
dieter__it's a bz2..19:21
Sa[i]nTvuze on ubuntu isn't the cool awesome version it is on windows. Be warned.19:21
dieter__How do you install a bz2?19:21
Sa[i]nTJust get transmission and save space.19:21
semitonesdieter__, I agree with Sa[i]nT , try transmission19:21
Pianoman13carbm2, the ip address shown in peripheral seems wrong to me19:21
semitonesand if you still want Vuze, get it then19:22
dieter__I know but how can I install this bz2?19:22
Sa[i]nTIt's probably the source.19:22
semitonesdieter__, there should be a readme inside it. bz2 is a compressed file, similar to .zip or .rar19:22
nmvictordieter__: use apt or just search in packages.ubuntu.com for the .deb19:23
dieter__nmvictor in the packages it's not the final version19:23
pADDINGUn Grosso Saluto a Tutto Il Canale < #ubuntu >19:23
semitonesdieter__, in Ubuntu, it's often best to not install the latest version of software19:23
pADDINGhello there19:23
dieter__So I need to download it from..vuze.com19:23
semitonesdieter__, the ones in the software repositories are tested to be stable, whereas the ones from vuze.com may not work19:23
semitonesor may be difficult to install19:24
Sa[i]nTIsn't vuze in the repo's?19:24
semitonesSa[i]nT, he wants the latest version19:24
* pADDING asks for help in web, servers domains...pls query19:24
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dieter__OK thanks..19:24
Trek!ot | pADDING19:24
ubottupADDING: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:24
Sa[i]nTsemitones, I'm sure it won't make any difference to him.19:24
semitonesSa[i]nT, who knows :P19:24
nmvictordieter__: so you mean the source, some .tar.gz filw, maybe just extract it and compile with ./configure, follwed ny make all then make install19:24
ZykoticK9semitones, +2 for you --- +1 for bz2 = compressed file, and +1 for "latest isn't always greatest"19:25
semitonesZykoticK9, hooray!19:25
semitonesI think on windows, latest is always greatest19:25
semitonesbut that's not the case here19:25
macman_hey all .. im on linux trying to get an mpg back to a dvd to be playable in a dvd player .. i know the long way of doing it but is there a tool/app i can use to speed up the proccess ?19:26
Pianoman13jefelex, you asked me a question earlier concerning my wireless19:26
TrekBLASPHEMER, semitones, for mentioning WINDOZE!19:26
ZykoticK9macman_, check out devede19:26
semitonesAh Trek, such a devotee :P19:26
Sa[i]nTWindows, for the win.19:26
Sa[i]nTYeah, I went there.19:26
Sa[i]nTJust kidding.19:26
macman_ZykoticK9: i forgot besides devdee19:26
blakkheim!ot | Sa[i]nT Trek19:26
ubottuSa[i]nT Trek: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:26
Pianoman13jefelex, jefelex> pianoman - are you selecting eth1 instead of eth0 after you have undocked? Sorry i do not understand the question and just saw it now as i am re-reading instructions19:26
nmvictorsemitones: :), did you say windows? Hmmh, reminds me of my old days...I wonder what has become of it19:26
NoOutletIs there an easy built-in way for Ubuntu to tell me what model my motherboard is?19:27
blakkheimNoOutlet: lshw19:27
phocusin UNR, when you drag a url from firefox, to the botton on the top left, it makes a link in your favorites, but where can you edit the name of that link so ti is not some really long url?19:27
semitonesphocus, did you try right clicking -- properties?19:28
Trekphocus, right click the link, go to properties19:28
Pianoman13do i need to setup a network before my wireless is activated?19:28
phocusther eis no right lick and properties19:28
phocusthere is right click -> open || ->remove19:29
phocus! properties19:29
magn3tsWhat would I put in my .bash_profile to alias rm to move to trash instead of deleting19:29
towmathi all - I've had linux on my server for the last 10 years, love it - considering going for (k)ubuntu for my laptop, but I remember something a few years ago that linux had power management issues... what's everyone's opinion on ubuntu for laptops today?19:29
towmatbtw - i'm on a dell 173519:30
iceroottowmat: not perfect, depeding on the laptop19:30
Phurlhttp://www.webupd8.org/2009/05/reverting-xorg-video-intel-driver-of.html is this still needed for ubuntu?19:30
towmaticeroot: what are the issues i can look forward to? ;)19:30
Pianoman13carbm2, the wireless did not work when i tried internet19:30
Trektowmat: no issues with powermanagement on my laptops now19:30
iceroottowmat: today there are still problems with suspend to * and some other things19:30
apeepahow do i kill a running php  script from batch/19:30
towmatok - so linux isn't necessarily a battery killer?19:31
danb1How can i increase the maximum resolution of a monitor under 9.1019:31
iceroottowmat: no, that is not the problem19:31
phocustowmat: i have a dell insperon 6000 and an acer aspire one, both are fine... and if you use powertop you can see exactly what is going on with your power19:31
Trek!hi | SKULL19:31
ubottuSKULL: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!19:31
SKULLi want Linux server like windows server19:31
towmatphocus: cool... so now i just need to hope i can get my wifi drivers running then ;)19:32
turboweiAnyone uses Docky here?19:32
TrekSKULL: you won't get a Linux server that works like Windows server.  Ever19:32
icerootSKULL: why?19:32
ZykoticK9!anyone > turbowei19:32
ubottuturbowei, please see my private message19:32
pasjrdose any one know how to slow down the cycle on F-Spot Screen Saver?19:32
phocustowmat: waht laptop you have?19:32
icerootSKULL: windows-server = bad, so why you want linux to be bad?19:32
towmatphocus: dell studio 173519:32
SKULLi know windows bad19:33
phocustowmat: sorry, never used that one19:33
SKULLso i want linux19:33
institutionalizehi why i cant watch wmv files in any player in ubuntu?19:33
towmatphocus: there are proprietary drivers out there, but wubi didn't like them - hoping a total "real" install will work better19:33
icerootSKULL: and your ubuntu-related question is?19:33
TrekSKULL, as I said, you will never find a linux server that will operate like a Windows server.19:33
SKULLi don't want use windows any more19:33
icerootinstitutionalize: install the codec19:33
SKULLwindows server19:34
Pianoman13can someone help me get my wireless going for an hp laptop 8710p with a linksys wireless-G router?19:34
MyrttiSKULL: what do you want thee server to do?19:34
iceroot!codec | institutionalize19:34
ubottuinstitutionalize: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:34
institutionalize hi why i cant watch wmv files in any player in ubuntu19:34
SKULLi want change it with Linux server19:34
ZykoticK9institutionalize, have you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras?  if that still fails check out ?non-free-or-something from Medibuntu repo - package was called w32codecs and w64codecs previously19:34
Trek!codec > institutionalize19:34
ubottuinstitutionalize, please see my private message19:34
icerootSKULL: can you post a detailed question?19:34
SKULLi want AD and DHCP and DNS server (DC)19:34
towmatnext question: I've been using samba to share files with my windoze laptop - now that the laptop is going ubuntu, maybe samba isn't the way to go anymore? if not, then what/how?19:34
institutionalizeyes i installed restricted19:34
icerootSKULL: AD is not working with linux/samba (version 3)19:35
SKULLi want Domain controller and active director19:35
MatsonI want to share one specific directory from one Ubuntu server, and mount it on another server.  I want the share only accessible and available to that one other server - and not accessible or seen anywhere else.  Where should I look/read up on shared drives to make that work?19:35
Pianoman13do i need to install the ndiswrapper first?19:35
icerootSKULL: that you can do with samba but no AD19:35
SKULLand i want make windows XP joint to that Linux Domain19:35
ZykoticK9towmat, SAMBA "might" still be the easiest, NFS is the linux/unix equivalent (but not a point-n-click friendly)19:36
icerootSKULL: but there is a ad-connector, so you can use ldap on linuxsite and ad for the windows-clients19:36
iceroot!samba | SKULL19:36
ubottuSKULL: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:36
danb1Can anyone help me i need to increase the maximum resolution of an undetected monitor?19:36
towmatZykoticK9: ok sounds good thx19:36
ZykoticK9Matson, NFS should be able to be setup like you want19:36
towmatwish me luck everyone ;)19:36
towmatoh wait - how big should my root partition be?19:37
jay_i dual booted ubuntu 9.10 and ubuntu 7.10 and i cant arrow down to 7.10?19:37
phocusdoes unr use gdm?19:37
SKULLthank you guys i will check that  ;)19:37
DunkirkAnyone know why synaptic would want to upgrade pinned packages when apt-get doesn't?19:37
SKULLso much19:37
=== ArmedKing_ is now known as armedking
allowoverridequestion - what is the cmd or best way to tell which host audio driver i am using? my selections are for this program im using are - pulseAudio, alsa, oss, or null. thanks for any info :)19:37
Dunkirkallowoverride, Just keep choosing till one works? ;-)19:38
danb1Can anyone help me i need to increase the maximum resolution of an undetected monitor? mine is stuck at 800x600 :(19:38
Pianoman13can someone help me get my wireless going for an hp laptop 8710p with a linksys wireless-G router WRT54GP2?19:39
erUSULallowoverride: pulseaudio is default in ubuntu19:39
icerootSKULL: maybe you can handle some german on the webpage (distribution is english) that is exactly what you want, a primary domain controller with ad-connector http://www.univention.de/pers_edition_dl.html19:39
towmatwhat's the best way to partition a fresh install?19:39
CountDownIs there a channel for the netbook remix?19:40
towmatswap = ram size, root = 20gig, home = all the rest?19:40
phocusCountDown:  ditto that question19:40
allowoverrideso to help me out here, i would like to know what i asked for. thanks19:40
allowoverridescroll up if you missed it. maybe i wasn't clear.19:40
TrekCountDown, whats your issue?19:40
k0rtomwat, swap = ram*219:40
turboweiWhere can I find more useful helpers/docklets for Docky 2.0?19:41
Shazamqc-usb module says the logitech quickcam express is supported by v4l, yet when I expecute 'sudo streamer -c /dev/video0 -b 16 -o TestCam.jpeg' it tells me that capture is not supported. and webcam experts willing to help me get this running.19:41
CountDownTrek: I'm looking to buy a netbook and want to make sure I can run UNR.  The hardware page seems a little out of date: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/Machines/Netbooks19:41
Pianoman13do i need to install the ndiswrapper first?19:41
TrekCountDown, give me the specs info through pastebin or PM19:42
towmatk0r: ram*2 even when i have 4gig?19:42
carbm2Pianoman13, Sorry, I stepped out.  Can you pastebin "sudo lshw -c Network"19:42
nibblerCountDown: i'd suggest you make a bootable usb stick and just try it in the shop...?19:42
k0rtowmat: Its just a rule of thumb to my knowledge19:42
danb1Can anyone help me i need to increase the maximum resolution of an undetected monitor? mine is stuck at 800x600 :(19:43
Pianoman13carbm2, http://paste.ubuntu.com/377845/19:43
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carbm2Pianoman13, so its an Intel. Can you pastebin "ifconfig"19:44
=== patrice is now known as pat44
hwildehi everybody, strange question,  there is a company out there specializing in ubuntu preinstalled desktops with multiple monitors, and i can't remember their name.  and if I search for ubuntu desktop or multi monitors its just a thousand forum pages19:45
militanthiya.  anyone else annoyed at how the volume indicator (i am assuming libnotify) takes you out of fullscreen when watching youtubes and so on?19:46
Pianoman13carbm2, http://paste.ubuntu.com/377852/19:46
SKULLwe can talk about hacking did we?19:47
carbm2Pianoman13, Well its installed and looks like its working. When you left click on the Network Manager do you see your Wireless?19:48
Pianoman13carbm2, where is the network manager19:48
carbm2In the top right hand corner next to the date/time.19:48
SKULLcan we talk about ||||||||||||hacking|||||||||||||19:49
carbm2Pianoman13, since your currently plugged in it should be an icon that looks like two small cords plugged in.19:49
carbm2SKULL, what are you wanting to hack?19:49
militanthmmm no it seems to be notify-osd.19:49
iceroot!ot | SKULL19:49
ubottuSKULL: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:49
Pianoman13carbm2, no such icon but the router has always been there19:49
Pianoman13carbm2, and my computer works when docked19:50
ehlimhi guys and gals, am i allow to ask question on blender?19:50
carbm2Pianoman13, your wireless works when docked?19:50
Pianoman13carbm2, i think so but i think there is a lso a wire that goes into my docking station19:50
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Pianoman13carbm2, yes thre is a wire in the back19:51
icerootehlim: maybe #blender ?19:51
jribehlim: yes, but if it's about blender use and not installing blender in ubuntu, you should probably ask in #blender19:51
carbm2Pianoman13, is your laptop on the docking station right now?19:51
ehlimyeah , however it seems like a hard question for them too :)19:51
SKULLCARBM2, i wait to hide my IP in Linux BackTrack19:51
Pianoman13carbm2, yes i could not talk to you if it was not19:51
Pianoman13carbm2, as soon as i undock i lose all connections19:52
Pianoman13carbm2, the very problem19:52
guntbert!backtrack | SKULL19:53
ubottuSKULL: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)19:53
carbm2Pianoman13, http://tinyurl.com/yeqakhd19:54
SirLoseALotHey everyone. Small problem here. I just started a Gparted resize/move operation. Turns out it is going to take 8 hours. It is currently in "read" mode. If I pressed cancel, would that mess up the partition being moved, or would Gparted just restore the initial state?19:54
Pianoman13carbm2, what is the pic for? i do not have that icon19:54
carbm2Pianoman13,  You see the little icon with the antenea and the dots after it. Thats the Network Manager. When you click it should show you your wireless so you can enter your encryption keys.19:55
MatsonZykoticK9: thanks19:55
Pianoman13carbm2, can i download the icon lol19:55
carbm2Pianoman13, It comes default on Ubuntu....19:55
Pianoman13carb maybe i deleted it?19:56
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Pianoman13carb have been all over with my recent installation of ubuntu 9.1019:56
carbm2Pianoman13, give me a second... gotta switch laptops to find out.19:57
Pianoman13carbm2, i probably deleted it somehow19:57
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turboweiquestion, how do I get rid of the indicator-applet and restore my old pidgin's system tray icon?20:01
towmathi all - need help partitioning for a fresh install - anyone up for a couple questions?20:01
Trektowmat, what do you need to know?20:02
towmatlike... swap drive in front or in back?20:02
carbm1Pianoman13: Sorry, on my LinuxMint its different... I'm not sure I can explain if its not there.20:02
towmatright now i have swap as primary, root and home as logical - that good or bad?20:02
Pianoman13carbm1, been looking all around on my system to add this icon but cannot find anything20:03
ubuntu-newbieI have a question about UNR 9.10 on the M&A Companion Touch (rebranded Classemate3), can get just about everything to work except the touch screen.  Anyone have any success?20:03
turboweiahh never mind!20:03
Trekbad towmat20:03
towmatTrek: ok - i can still do it over ;)20:03
Trekat least in my opinion, towmat20:03
towmatTrek: what's preferred?20:03
lwizardlis there a application that can be installed to filter out internet access to sites and keywords ?20:03
erUSUL!find dnsguardian20:05
Zetsubouanyone feel like trying to help or just throw some suggestions?20:05
ubottuPackage/file dnsguardian does not exist in karmic20:05
erUSUL!find dansguardian20:05
ubottuFound: dansguardian, libdansguardian-perl20:05
towmatTrek: oh, and... ext3 or 4? ubuntu's pushing 4...20:05
erUSUL!info dansguardian20:05
ubottudansguardian (source: dansguardian): Web content filtering. In component universe, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 472 kB, installed size 2356 kB20:05
Zetsubouthough you seem to be pretty busy already :p20:05
phocusso did we decide there was not a change for unr?20:06
lwizardlerUSUL, thanks checking that one out now20:06
guntbert!ask | Zetsubou its always so20:07
ubottuZetsubou its always so: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:07
Trektowmat, I use 9.04, so I use ext3, and I strongly recommend sticking root as a primary partition...20:07
IpSe_DiXiTi just connected via an s-video cable my pc to my pc, nvidia card and nvidia settings appear to be good, but i dont see the second x-screen, anyone? thanks20:07
Zetsubouyeah yeah :D20:07
towmatTrek: ok, so root, swap then home?20:07
towmator root home swap?20:07
towmator does it matter? lol20:07
Zetsubouwell this might not be comletely the right channel, but i close enough imo20:07
Trekbut as for specifics such as filesystem and what not, use what you will, towmat20:07
phocusIpSe_DiXiT:  try usnig sudo nvidia-settings20:07
Zetsubouso i lost my sound on #! crunchbang, yesterday it worked, today its not working anymore.20:08
IpSe_DiXiTphocus: thatz what i did, and it does appear on the nvidia settings, screen 0 and screen 1, but nothing appears on the tv, how can i do?20:08
DasEiTrek: why should root be primary ?20:08
Zetsuboudidnt find anything specific20:08
phocusyou sure the tv is set to the svideo input?20:08
Pianoman13carbm1, i found an interesting page and will try it  http://www.blogcatalog.com/blog/en-vicky-ridwana/ad37578155309de26494cf44cd57084a20:08
IpSe_DiXiTphocus: yes, i just connected it20:09
TrekDasEi, thats my style, and also i've had interesting issues on ubu where something went weird and killed the extended partition where root and home was20:09
guntbert!crunchbang | Zetsubou20:09
ubottuZetsubou: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)20:09
Trekbut there's no real way you need to have the partitions20:09
IpSe_DiXiTphocus: and on the scart adapter there is an input/output switch, i tried it in both ways20:09
Zetsubouokay, figured as much, thanks anyways!20:10
DasEiTrek: can't state that, when starting just with one or two hd's I had multiple boots on them, never any special issue20:10
teffcz_hello , i need in my uvuntu server autostart program in screen , how ?20:11
DasEiTrek: a bigger prob is when all primary are off and still need a win or sth requesting it20:11
ubuntu-newbieClassmate 3 (M&A Companion Touch) - Touch Screen not working in UNR 9.10.  Does work if I install Win XP Home.  Any suggestions?  When I touch the screen it will act as a "click" but can not track.20:11
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teffcz_hello , i need in my uvuntu server autostart program in screen , how ?20:12
IpSe_DiXiTphocus: thatz the output im getting in the terminal "ERROR: Unable to assign attribute XVideoTextureSyncToVBlank specified on line20:12
IpSe_DiXiT       84 of configuration file '/home/me/.nvidia-settings-rc' (no Display20:12
IpSe_DiXiT       connection).20:12
FloodBot2IpSe_DiXiT: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:12
IpSe_DiXiTooops... sorry :D20:12
IpSe_DiXiTit was all on a line when i posted it...20:12
jribteffcz_: you can use your crontab for that if that's what you really want...20:12
teffcz_how ? :D20:13
Pianoman13carbm1, it does not work20:13
jribteffcz_: man 5 crontab  should talk about @reboot20:13
Pianoman13carbm1, unless i am missing a panel bar???20:14
carbm1Pianoman13: is it possible to see a screenshot?20:14
teffcz_ok i try yit , and i have problem , my server is i5 and 6GB ram , but ubuntu amd64 seen only 4GB20:14
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carbm1Pianoman13: easily you could create a new user and sign in as them to see... it would have the default panel bars.20:15
allowoverrideyah I'm still nixing, and have advanced somewhat over the years, no regrets working there with all you guys, you were all just a bit more advanced than I. With that said, email me sometime so i can gain some insight about webdev.20:15
jribteffcz_: do you see 6gb in your bios? (sometimes you need to enable memory remapping)20:15
Pianoman13carbm1, yes of course easy for you lol20:15
teffcz_windows server no problem20:15
Pianoman13carbm1, dont make me cry20:15
allowoverridequestion - what is the cmd or best way to tell which host audio driver i am using? my selections are for this program im using are - pulseAudio, alsa, oss, or null. thanks for any info :)20:16
Pianoman13carbm1, everything here is a setp by step baby approach as i discover more and more20:16
Pianoman13carbm1, you want to see a screen shot of what?20:16
carbm1Pianoman13: Everything everywhere on any computer is a step by step....20:16
allowoverridePianoman13: did you get your answer yet?20:16
KoharIs linux have program like CLTest for windows?20:16
jribKohar: what does it do?20:17
Pianoman13carbm1, allowoverride no i am still working on my wireless20:17
carbm1allowoverride: apparently his network manager isn't showing up in his taskbar.... His wireless is there and showing with ifconfig and lshw20:17
chris|teffcz_, the cron is exactly @reboot screen -d -m <command>20:17
Koharjrib it's for monitors to check and edit curves (rgb)20:17
Pianoman13carbm1, where do you want me to send the screen capture20:17
carbm1Can you send it to me through IRC? On my gnome-xchat I can right click on your name and click on send file.20:18
Pianoman13carbm1, http://img682.imageshack.us/content_round.php?page=done&l=img682/4945/forcarb.png20:20
Lazzhi all, I have some trouble with my wifi... somebody willing to help me? =)20:20
ZykoticK9allowoverride, if you are using Gnome then most likely you are using Pulse - to check from terminal "ps aux | grep pulse" may show one or more entries for the daemon.  ALSA is used for the more low level sound control, under Pulse (so you're using that too).  OSS is another story...20:20
guntbert!screenshot | Pianoman1320:20
ubottuPianoman13: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.20:20
SKULLi have lag on my keyboard20:20
ZykoticK9allowoverride, if you wanted to change the default see http://paste.ubuntu.com/377881/ - it outlines switching default from Pulse to ALSA but you should be able to "customize to taste"20:21
jramseyanyone know anything about twisted web apps?20:21
LordVorpI want to enable pam_limit.so in karmic... should use pam-auth-update or just modify one of the files?20:22
carbm1Pianoman13: wow, your panels are all over the place.   Right click, Add to Panel, Notification Area. Try that.20:22
BlueColibriwhen I start my computer with a secondary screen I get a bunch of starting file manager icons I wan't to use twinview like I did before also there don't appear icons on my desktop for the rest both screens work fine what can it be20:22
Pianoman13carbm1, wait i have to translate20:22
carbm2Pianoman13, np.20:22
jramseyok i'll try this way; anyone know anything about python web apps under ubuntu and single sign-on authentication?  if not, is there another channel?20:23
LazzI can't connect to a vista machine using WICD, no network expert present?20:24
LordVorpjramsey: sounds like a python question, unless the specific app in question has a support group20:24
gerzelHey If I'm using the network install iso on a usb key, can I tell it to install xubuntu rather than ubuntu through package selection?  Doing an install on an eeepc 701 and I am somewhat picky about what packages I use.20:24
LordVorpLazz: WICD?20:24
DasEigerzel: yes, can20:25
Pianoman13carbm2, i cannot find it what does it look like in ubuntu 9.10?20:25
jramseyLordVorp, yeah i think it's more like a web dev. question with authentication, but since it runs in ubuntu i thought i'd try here. google's authentication app center won't help because they force the use of their own google account credentials20:25
LazzAlternative to the network-manager20:25
ordicollegeta geule20:25
guntbert!attitude | ordicollege20:25
Myrttigerzel: minimal.iso?20:25
ubottuordicollege: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines20:25
LordVorpjramsey: DEFINITELY sounds like a python issue, since all that auth stuff will be python lib based.20:25
ordicollegethe chise20:26
jramseyLordVorp, i will look into kerberos thanks20:26
Pianoman13carb got it20:26
DasEigerzel : install just a minimal system (expert install), then afterwards (from that sys) install xdm and xubuntu-desktop20:26
carbm2Pianoman13, on your top panel right click in an open area. Select "Add to Panel"... then find Notification Area.20:26
KoharIs linux have program like CLTest for windows? it's for monitors to check and edit curves (rgb)20:26
gerzelMyrtti: Its called mini.iso ah kk20:26
carbm2Pianoman13, now do you see the network manager???20:26
LordVorpjramsey: KRB5? are you using negotiate-auth/SPNEGO (web) or straight kerberos?20:26
Nilbuswhat's the good forum to write in about a problem related to a wifi driver that I solved?20:26
Nilbusthe best forum*20:26
Myrttigerzel: install xubuntu-desktop20:26
Pianoman13carbm2, i guess so!!!20:27
LordVorpNilbus: kernel mailing lists where people are actually working on said driver?20:27
carbm2Pianoman13, now undock and click on the little antenea with the dots... should now show your wireless.20:27
LordVorpgerzel: followed by remove ubuntu-desktop20:27
Myrttigerzel: it doesn't come with any de's by default20:27
DasEiNilbus: ubuntuforums.org20:27
LazzI also tried connecting via terminal, but no luck :/20:27
Pianoman13carb it has a weird name in french Ù: interface state KNemo20:27
jramseyLordVorp, i know zip about it so i can't even answer your question; i know google oauth won't work because of google wanting to own the world ; do you have a suggestion as to which kerberos way to go?20:27
LordVorpjramsey: are you trying to set up an auth framework or integrate into something already set up?20:28
DasEiNilbus: also if you got a new driver, consider a ppa on launchpad20:28
Pianoman13carbm2, sorry no little antenna, just 2 little computers20:28
LordVorpjramsey: as in, are you mentioning kerberos because it's cool, or because it's already something your'e dealing with and this one app is having issues?20:29
waltmI'm trying to boot from livecd of 9.10 to recover files from a botched upgrade.  It wants me to log in with a user name and pass but I've never seen this from livecd before.  It isn't accepting the user/pass from the account that was on the hard drive either.  any suggestions?20:29
carbm2Pianoman13, as long as you are on the dock you will have the two computers.... you'll have to unhook to see them.20:29
jramseyLordVorp, i was trying to integrate into google but bailed after i saw the restrictions; all i need is a way to have disparate python apps use the same authentication, and they all run under twisted. i mentioned it because it came up as an alternative for single sign-on authentication for web apps20:30
jackbrownhi there20:30
BlueColibriwhen I start my computer with a secondary screen I get a bunch of starting file manager icons I wan't to use twinview like I did before also there don't appear icons on my desktop for the rest both screens work fine what can it be20:30
jackbrownanybody knows how to get a Virtual CD DVD on UBUNTU?20:30
AzikaCorpjackbrown: hi20:30
LordVorpjramsey: check pm20:30
jackbrownI need it to install WindowsXP on virtual Machine20:31
jramseyLordVorp, pm?20:31
LordVorpjramsey: private message20:31
AzikaCorpjackbrown: virtualbox20:31
jackbrownAnybody can help me ?20:31
jackbrownI already insdtalled Virtualbox and i have my WinXP ISO20:31
jackbrownnow i need a virtual CD emulator to mount ISO so that VirtualBox recognize it20:31
guntbertjackbrown: please ask in #vbox20:31
jackbrownhow can i do ?20:31
guntbertjackbrown: you don't need any emulator20:32
Koharwaltm wait you say livecd ask user/password? or what?20:32
jackbrowni tried to munt that20:32
guntbert!iso | jackbrown20:32
AzikaCorpjackbrown: you can create a new VM20:32
cli4lifeWhen i do a ufw disable it seems to disable my firewall, but my other laptop can not ssh or scp to my PC.  Why is that?20:32
ubottujackbrown: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.20:32
fission6how od i bring a process to the foreground20:32
cli4lifefission6: fg20:32
guntbertjackbrown: but vbox supports isos anyway20:33
AzikaCorplauch virtualbox, click on new, and just follow step20:33
TrentHHello fellow Ubuntu users. :)20:33
fission6fg doesnt exist20:33
cli4lifefission6: "bash: fg: current: no such job" or the command doesnt exist?20:33
TrentHHow are things?20:33
TrentHOr not.20:33
guntbert!ot | TrentH20:33
ubottuTrentH: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:34
jackbrownguntbert thanks i'm checking20:34
boondoklifecli4life: If you disable the firewall alltogether does the SSH work then?20:34
guntbertjackbrown: Good luck :-)20:34
=== jstewart_ is now known as fudoreaper
cli4lifeboondoklife: when I type "ufw disable" does that not disable the whole firewall?20:34
fission6cli4life: i have a brower whos window i can not see but i am hearing audio from flash in it20:34
TrentHWhats the latest version of Ubuntu available?20:34
AzikaCorpTrentH: 9.1020:34
icerootTrentH: 9.10 (stable) 10.04 (unstable)20:35
DasEiTrentH: :karmic20:35
ubuntu-newbieAnyone get a netbook touch screen to work?  Running UNR 9.10 on a Classmate 3 (M&A Companion Touch).  Can get the "click" to work but no tracking.20:35
TrentHI have Ubuntu on a CD. If I install it, I think it's 9.8 or something will it auto update itself?20:35
cli4lifefission6: do you want to close the window?  Are you using firefox?20:35
icerootTrentH: there is no 9.820:35
AzikaCorpTrentH: NO20:35
DasEiTrentH: see20:36
icerootTrentH: you can update it by hand20:36
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »20:36
fission6firefox, the window is "lost" i see the pid, i hear the flash audio, but dont have the window in gnome20:36
boondoklifecli4life: yea that command should kill it. Have you checked netstat to make sure the server is listening?20:36
cli4lifeyou can type killall firefox    to close all firefox windows20:36
AzikaCorpTrentH: download the latest version20:36
TrentHAzikaCorp, i'm on dialup :P20:36
fission6yes i know but i dont want to, i just want to rerender the lost window, jhaha20:36
AzikaCorpTrentH: just cry20:36
TrentHWell it's actually cellphone net.20:37
cli4lifefission6: ah.  Are you sure you didnt put it in a different screen?20:37
TrentHMaybe I have Ubuntu 8.10? or something.20:37
TrentHIt's 8 something20:37
AzikaCorpTrentH: you cannot get a real connection ?20:37
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fission6i dont see it in another workspace20:37
fission6how can i check20:37
DasEiTrentH: then check cd, have least jaunty (9.04), as former won't be supported long nomore20:37
IpSe_DiXiTjust set the nvidia tv-out with s-video and i do visualize it on the tv but just in twinview mode and only black and white, any clue? thanks20:37
guntbertAzikaCorp: when helping stay helpful please20:37
LazzCan anyone help me to connect my ubuntu netbook to vista? unencrypted / static ip / dhcp doesn't matter :<20:38
cli4lifefission6: its probably bugged.  Just closed out the browser and open it up again20:38
TrentHAzikaCorp, i'm 2 miles from the nearest cable line. :))20:38
TrentHIt's a 1/2 mile hike to my house cars can't even get up here.20:38
AzikaCorpTrentH: I understand20:39
cli4lifeboondoklife: How do I know if ssh is listening for connecitons?  Isnt that enabled by default?20:39
TrentHWell 690MB isn't that bad.20:39
AzikaCorpTrentH: You can askk to get a CD20:39
TrentHuse netsat I suppoes cli4life20:39
jazzunder sudo nautilus navigated to sounds within that ffolder can i make a folder and move my sound there as back for safe keeping? i will be replacing my sounds with a custom set.20:39
DasEi!shippit | TrentH:20:39
=== sliddy is now known as sllide
TrentHAh Azika it's only a 15hr download.20:39
TrentHI don't recieve those commands DasEi20:39
TrentHI can't see them.20:39
DasEi!shipit | TrentH:20:40
ubottuTrentH:: Shipit is a service that sends free Ubuntu and Kubuntu CDs. See http://shipit.ubuntu.com/ and http://shipit.kubuntu.org - Shipit will send !Karmic (9.10) CDs20:40
DasEiTrentH: could read it ?20:40
TrentHI can.20:40
TresmiusI remember the first time I got ubuntu on cd my mother thought I was part of some religious cult20:40
TrentHI think i'll take one of those free cd's.20:40
jazzi am new to this and i hope it works.20:40
AzikaCorpyes, you will be sent the latest version for free20:40
DasEiTrentH: but to be honest, that can take some time, better find so in private if expensive connection20:40
boondoklifecli4life: netstat -ln and look at the top to see if there is something listening on port 22.20:41
TrentHHow about DasEi send me a cd? :P20:41
LazzStill need help to connect ubuntu to vista pls20:41
boondoklifecli4life: ssh is not enabled or installed by default. At least not that I have seen20:41
cli4lifeboondoklife: yeah, it looks like there isnt anything on port 2220:41
DasEiTrentH: k, meet  me in #ubuntu-offtopic20:41
cli4lifeboondoklife: oh.  Thats weird.20:41
boondoklifecli4life: vnc is installed by default though20:42
AzikaCorpLazz: what exactly do you want to do ?20:42
cli4lifeHow do I go about enableing ssh?20:42
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, sshd is the server (or daemon) of SSH. For setting up the SSH server, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/openssh-server.html . Advanced SSH uses: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Advanced . For SSH client information, see !ssh . Related: !scp (Secure CoPy)20:42
LazzAzikaCorp: Establish a wireless connection between my karmic netbook and my vista desktop pc20:42
SKULLi have lag in my keyboard20:42
SKULLcan any one help me20:43
LazzI have WICD instead of network-manager, but terminal would be good too20:43
boondoklifewow that bot was all over that one!! not even 10 seconds and it answered.20:43
AzikaCorpLazz : and the pc is connect to internet ?20:43
LuciusMarehi, how do i unrar all files in directory, given password?20:43
jrib!sshd =~ s/9.04/9.10/20:43
ubottuI'll remember that jrib20:43
John-_how many mount points are allowed?20:43
=== root is now known as breno
erUSULLazz: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/creating-an-adhoc-host-with-ubuntu.html20:44
LazzAzikaCorp: Yes the desktop-pc is connected to the internet, but I could pull the plug and give the internet to the netbook^^^20:44
jribLuciusMare: are they actually separate archives or are they a single archive split into several files (r01, r02, etc)20:44
brenocan someone help me get wireless working on a fresh install of ubuntu 9.10 ?20:44
aarceI'm hoping I'm just missing something dumb and obvious... I'm trying to set up a user with rights to SCP/SFTP, jailed to his /home/username directory.  So far I've got it to where he's logged in and jailed, but can't ls, can't write, can't anything.  If I give him write rights, the login fails20:44
waltmanyone know why livecd of 9.10 is asking for a password? or how to get around it?20:44
jribwaltm: bad burn most likely20:44
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AzikaCorpLazz: you can create a ad-hoc connection from the pc, and connect your netbook20:44
LuciusMarejrib: both, they are a lot of archives, split into even more20:44
TrentHwatlm the password might be root try it.20:44
waltmjrib, thanks, I try it again20:44
brenoi've installed the the bmcwl-kernel-source from the package managmeent and  but no change?20:45
AzikaCorpSKULL: hi20:45
LazzAzikaCorp: I created an ad-hoc in Vista and I'm able to see it in WICD / iwlist, ubt connecting doesn't work20:45
jazzaround when will the lucid cd be available for download and ordering?20:45
jribLuciusMare: just loop over the first rar file in each set.  You can pass the password to unrar with the -p switch according to « man unrar »20:45
bikcmpHow do I stop or slow a DDoS attack on my server?20:46
TrentHbikcmp type netstat -n20:46
AzikaCorpjazz: on april20:46
TrentHFind out which IP's are coming in.20:46
TrentHUse APF or another firewall.20:46
SKULLi have to press on the for 2 sec to print20:46
aarceso I'm caught in a sort of either/or situation.  with rights, he can't get in, without rights, he gets in and can't do anything20:46
TrentHto take em out.20:46
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:46
=== shang_QC is now known as shang
jribaarce: debian docs had a good ssh chroot jail page I think20:47
LazzerUSUL: thx for the link, but unfortunately Network-Manager didn't work out at all for me, which is why I switched to WICD.20:47
Joker_-_How can I install ubuntyu from within ubuntu? (delete all config, reinstall from scratch, without CD or USB drive)?20:47
erUSULLazz: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Adhoc20:48
limeJoker_-_, It's no easy way to do that20:48
aarcejrib Yeah...  I've been following along with that.  we're just down to this rights issue that doesn't seem to be addressed anywhere.20:48
SKULLmy keyboard is slow??????????????20:48
lovinglinuxhi. I screwed up. I was trying to make recordmydesktop to record audio from the mixer and ran qjackctl with kdesudo. Now I have no sound on any player, just the line in. I'm using KDE 4.4. Anyway to reset the audio settings to default?20:48
Joker_-_lime: I remember doing it in gentoo by chrooting, but if I can have some kind of a guide, it'd help20:48
jazzAzikaCorp,  is the alpha  or beta stable enough to check out?  i am new and though i understand it isnt stable is it stable enough to get running and see whats new so far20:49
limeJoker_-_, You would need all the packages20:49
boondoklifejazz: why not run it in a virtualbox20:49
erUSULSKULL: Sytem>Preferences>Keyboard check settings20:49
limeJoker_-_, What's the issue you're trying to resolve by doing that?20:49
AzikaCorpjazz: just ask google to download it, I don't know a direct link20:49
vahehey guys, quick question on ssh, I've setup ssh on a home computer and it works on my local network. I'm assuming there is a port I need to forward on my router to access it remotely. Anyone know which port this is?20:49
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limevahe, 2220:50
boondoklifevahe: 2220:50
roxytaalgun latino?20:50
boondoklifevahe: but I would set the port to the world to something other than that20:50
jazzAzikaCorp,  thanks20:50
erUSUL!es | roxyta20:50
ubotturoxyta: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.20:50
limevahe, all well known ports are listed in the /etc/services file20:50
AzikaCorpjazz: 9.10 doesn't please you20:50
roxytaubottu:  thank20:51
Joker_-_lime: that computer was in the living room, used as a media center. I made a rotation, it'll now be my personnal computer. The motherboard is defect and can't handle CD/DVD drives (SATA controller is busted). I don'T have a USB key either.20:51
jazzAzikaCorp,  9.10 is my first linux anything to be honest20:51
vahelime, thanks20:52
limeJoker_-_, So you would need a lot of other packages?20:52
Joker_-_lime: mainly, I want everything wiped out of it, including settings, icons and all (It had several servers as squid, mpd, etc.) I wanna get rid of everything20:52
AzikaCorpjazz: alright, it's according to me, one of the best to start20:52
limeJoker_-_, Hmm, you have network connection on it?20:52
Joker_-_lime: imo, easyest way to do that is to format, reinstall20:52
filippois bettere pybootchartgui or bootchart-java?20:52
Joker_-_lime: yes, it does work.20:52
exnhey guys ! i've a problem with a fnkeys in my lenovo g550 (exactly brightness chanching keys) on ubuntu 9.10 . where i can ask for help ? there is similar question that i found through the google, but it was ignored..20:52
jazzAzikaCorp,  i read that 10.4 will be an lts and i want to learn what i can before i settle down for any length of time, i dont know if its a good thing or a bad thing a new os drops every 6 moinths20:52
Joker_-_lime: in fact, I'm sshing from it to my server, where this screen (IRSSI) is running20:53
limeJoker_-_, You could bootstrap in ubuntu on the disk, and do a network install, or use PXE20:53
oldtopmanhello all20:53
AzikaCorpJoker_-_: you can have a look to pxe boot , then you will be able to boot from the network20:53
freerideguys help, i need to set a default view to a separate folder, e.g. folder1 list view sort by date; folder2 icon view sort by name. How to do it?20:53
Joker_-_pxe boot will install / boot straight from hdd?20:53
limeJoker_-_, No, from the network20:54
AzikaCorpJoker_-_: yes20:54
limeJoker_-_, If your NIC supports it20:54
freerideguys help, i need to set a default view to a separate folder, e.g. folder1 list view sort by date; folder2 icon view sort by name. How to do it in nautilus?20:54
Joker_-_lime: ok, I'll read on that I guess.. My nic is onboard.20:54
oldtopmanHow do I record sound through my midi piano20:54
limeJoker_-_, you have an extra hdd?20:54
Joker_-_lime: yes20:54
Joker_-_lime: plenty20:54
Joker_-_lime: already got 2 pluggues in and ready to be wiped out20:55
limeJoker_-_, You could probably download the usb image and add it to an old harddisk, and boot from it instead20:55
Joker_-_lime: that'd be perfect. didn't know it was possible.20:55
Jack_SmirnoffJoker_-_ it will help if it is the same type as in ide/sata/ as what is already in the system20:55
AzikaCorplime: neither me20:55
johannes_hi I didnt configure my NIC at installation, how can I do that later on? I have a dhcp server.20:56
Joker_-_Jack_Smirnoff: it's all about IDE as my sata controller is busted20:56
AzikaCorpSKULL: hi20:56
SKULLi solve my problem20:56
AzikaCorpgreat for you :)20:56
Joker_-_lime: ill read on usb/hdd boot20:56
Joker_-_lime: thx20:56
SKULLi press SHIFT key and Deactivate Slow key20:56
Jack_SmirnoffJoker_-_ fyi you can install on a diff system and move the hard drive over as well, it isnt restriced like MS20:57
JuliataHello! I need older skype version - 2.0 If anyone would have a link I would greatly appreciate that20:58
Joker_-_Jack_Smirnoff: yeah but this comp is 64bits...20:58
Joker_-_Jack_Smirnoff: and it's my only 64bits here20:58
nacitarwhat font is the ubuntu font "monospace"? where would I find the font file?20:58
SKULLhow are you20:58
AzikaCorpnacitar: /usr/share/fonts/20:59
jribnacitar: why?20:59
nacitarjrib: wanting to use it on other systems20:59
P1anomanallowoverride, you were asking earlier if my problem was solved, about my wireless connection20:59
filippowhen on karmic repo will be the 190.35 release of nvidia drivers?20:59
jazzSO many options and choices with Linux! i find it a love/hate thing20:59
jribnacitar: it's probably deja vu20:59
Picinacitar: deja vu sans mono.  http://dejavu-fonts.org/20:59
paradoxuncreatedThey were there, but were taking down it seems. And they took down my machine for a while too.21:00
oldtopmanhow do i record my piano through the midi-usb adapter21:00
aarceWhat are the rights necessary for a jailed scp/sftp session?21:00
paradoxuncreatedHowever it did make me feel like a real linux hacker, when I manager to google in links, and get the information to remove it, and fix my machine hehe21:00
oldtopmanthe piano says USB is active21:00
Joker_-_lime: theres a howto, installing ubuntu from ubuntu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux21:00
P1anomanallowoverride, everything is there and seems to be running on my computer but i cannot login to the wireless21:01
limeJoker_-_, Wow. great for you :D21:01
Jack_Smirnoffoldtopman start by checking the driver for your usb adapter,21:01
nacitaryep, it's deja vu sans mon21:01
oldtopmanTechnically I have it connected straight to the piano (has usb port)21:02
Jack_Smirnoffoldtopman from terminal lsusb will get you started21:02
djm62for the ubuntu netbook launcher, where are the favourites stored? the favourites in Preferences->Main Menu seem to be a different thing21:02
LazzerUSUL: it was a pain in the ***, but i got it working, thanks!21:02
erUSULLazz: no problem21:03
oldtopmanJack_Smirnoff, "Bus 003 Device 002: ID 07cf:6802 Casio Computer Co., Ltd MIDI Keyboard"21:03
oldtopmanI believe this is it21:03
djm62(this is on 9.10 on an Asus eeePC)21:03
Pianoman13i still cannot connect to my wireless network21:03
Jack_Smirnoffoldtopman looks good..  I was just on my way out.  that info will help the next person.21:03
oldtopmanWAAAAAH!!! my helper left *sobs*21:05
ubottuTrouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo21:05
serylAnyone have ideas why /etc/init.d/apache2 would be empty, but /etc/init.d/apache2.1 exists? (seemed like log rotation or something to me)21:06
Pianoman13i still cannot connect to my wireless network on my laptop can someone take a few moments to help21:06
DasEioldtopman: few otheres are still loged in, probs with your keyboard ?21:06
mirrai accidentally removed the button on the top right of my gnome panel...the one with your name that drops down with logout/shutdown options..how do i get it back?? there is nothing the same when you right_click->add-to-menu ????21:07
squisherAnyone had 'gtkam' failing while 'gphoto2' works just fine from the CLI?21:07
oldtopmanDasEi I have a midi correctly connected to my piano keyboard21:07
erUSULmirra: is indicator-applet-sesion21:07
oldtopmanwhat software do i need21:07
erUSUL!info rosegarden21:08
ubotturosegarden (source: rosegarden): music editor and MIDI/audio sequencer. In component universe, is extra. Version 1:1.7.3-1ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 4020 kB, installed size 9788 kB21:08
jazzanyone know a site or links for themeing and packageing themes once i make some back to the community?21:08
aarceIf I'm at all able to get logged in, I am properly jailed, but I get sftp> ls21:08
aarceCouldn't get handle: Permission denied21:08
mirraerUSUL, thanks21:08
jazzerr once i make some i can upload back to the community21:08
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports21:09
DasEioldtopman: saw erusul ? I still don't get you right, you got a electronic piano connected via midi to your ubuntu-box ?21:09
oldtopmanDasEi yes21:09
sysdocM Audio 1010LT- anyone have this card working in Karmic from a new install?21:10
oldtopmanbut I am confused as to how to record from the piano21:10
DasEioldtopman: hmm, have no experience with that, try rosegarden as suggested21:10
oldtopmanlsusb printed this21:10
oldtopmanDasEi, "Bus 003 Device 002: ID 07cf:6802 Casio Computer Co., Ltd MIDI Keyboard"21:10
Pianoman13i cannot connect to my wireless network on my laptop can someone take a few moments to help21:11
oldtopman! Qsynth21:11
DasEioldtopman: so it's connected via usb and not midi21:11
jazzerUSUL,  thank you21:11
oldtopmanDasEi [Piano-Midi-USB]-Xubuntu21:12
DasEioldtopman: midi is like a bigger vga-plug, the one also used for joysticks21:12
sulleHello, i got a problem i am trying to add something in the sourceslist that i found in a tutorial, but i dont think its the same version and i dont know what ty type to fix this. annyone here that can help me?.21:12
ismetternkommandoen for at vis indholdet af en fil i linux er ls ikke? hvordan kan det være at jeg også kan bruge dir?21:12
oldtopmanDasEi The piano has a built in midi to usb adapter21:12
ismetternls farver tingene dir gør ikke, det er den eneste forskel21:12
oldtopmanmost electric pianos have midi outputs21:12
gregrecan someone help me, i have a directory with 100 jpg files but every one has a different name, and i want to rename it to 1.jpg, 2.jpg .... how can i make it via shell?21:13
ismetternsorry wrong channel21:13
oldtopmanismettern alright21:13
ismetterni thought i was in the dansih ubuntu channel21:13
DasEioldtopman: right, as said, have no experience in that, and your goal is ?21:13
oldtopmanismettern LOL21:13
sullei am writing som new deb-src but they end on hardy main and i dont know what to change here. Annyone know?.21:13
jribgregre: uses a for loop21:13
erUSULjazz: yw21:13
oldtopmanDasEi to record the notes my mom plays21:13
Joker_-_wow, better yet, unetbootin does it automagically...21:14
oldtopmanshes a buatiful piano player21:14
oldtopmanbut hey thanks installing rosegarden nw21:14
DasEioldtopman: so you eant to record the sound just ?21:14
oldtopmanDasEi yes21:15
DasEioldtopman: alright, that we can do..21:15
aarceOK.  so the only solution I have is to add the sftp user to the group root21:15
sulleannyone here that understands the sourceslist and how you add something to it?21:15
aarceand that just plain doesn't seem right.21:15
DasEioldtopman: does the piano have an earjack or another output ?21:15
erUSULsulle: System>Admin...>Software sources21:15
oldtopmanDasEi ...What software do I need to do that, I have audio-in21:15
jribgregre: here is the basic idea in zsh: i=0; for x in *; do echo $x $i; i=$((i+1)); done21:16
oldtopmanyes, earjacks21:16
ikoniaaarce: you've not setup your jail correctly21:16
judgetIn Karmic what happened to the mixer controls fopr the sopund. U dont see21:16
erUSULoldtopman: you can use Qsynth for waht i gather in internet21:16
erUSUL!info qsynth21:16
ubottuqsynth (source: qsynth): fluidsynth MIDI sound synthesiser front-end. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2.5-2.2 (karmic), package size 176 kB, installed size 548 kB21:16
aarceok... the jail is /home/qqtest.  it's root:root 75021:16
sulleerUSUL,  yes i know but the lines i am writing in there is not the wright ones. these ends on hardy main and i think i got jaunty.21:16
DasEioldtopman: audacity does a nice job, once the signal is in the pc21:16
sulleand i dont know what to do :P21:16
MK13what is the grub boot entry for booting the xubuntu iso, where the iso path is: hd(1,1)/iso/xubuntu.iso  ?21:17
ikoniaaarce: so it's owned by root - that's why it's not going to work21:17
ikoniaaarce: unless you're root21:17
erUSULoldtopman: but you first have to make usre the midi interface is working ...21:17
Pianoman13i cannot connect to my wireless network on my laptop can someone take a few moments to look at the problem21:17
aarceikonia: If anyone else owns it, it denies login21:17
gregrejrib, im a noob and dont know what you mean21:17
ikoniaaarce: that's just your ftp setup being wrong21:17
jribgregre: I don't know what to tell you then.21:17
ikoniaaarce: in reality root should not be allowed to login21:17
erUSULsulle: you should not mix repositories entries. look for a repositorie for your ubuntu version21:17
Jordan_UMK13, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128860421:17
DasEioldtopman: I suggest you wire the out from piano with line in or a muted mic in of the pc, should be easiest21:17
jribgregre: maybe read the bash scripting guides at tldp.org21:17
multiverseI recently took flashplugin-nonfree update, and now no Flash work (such as Youtube).21:18
aarceikonia: *nod*  the question is... where?21:18
* Losha01 slaps Losha around a bit with a large trout21:18
MK13Jordan_U, wow, thnx21:18
sulleerUSUL, i have no idea where to get these from. its from a tutorial and it only says the deb-src that ends on hardy main21:18
Jordan_UMK13, np21:18
ikoniaaarce: well first of all, I'm worried how you got root to login as root has no password and root is also disabled in the ftp user file21:18
oldtopmanerUSUL why do i need midi working.... I can play .mid files21:18
aarceikonia: root's not allowed login.  I log in as myself and the sudo -s21:18
sulleerUSUL,  should i post the deb-src here?21:18
erUSULoldtopman: i mean the specific usb midi interface21:19
progzy1Hi ! I d like to allow one user of my machine to use sudo for one program : for instance "sudo virtualbox" IS there a way to do it please?21:19
judgetI do not hgave the mixer in my karmik is there something I forgot to install?21:19
aarceikonia: also, this is sftp/scp, not ftp21:19
ikoniaaarce: sudo has nothing to do with your ftp login21:19
DasEioldtopman: the main work is to get the pc playing the sound, recording is easy afterwards, also audacity directly grabs from the soundcard21:19
firevaihi everyone.. anyone anygood with soundcard setup?21:19
ikoniaaarce: you can't do sudo from an ftp shell21:19
aarceikonia: not in an ftp shell21:19
erUSULsulle: you can not use hardy sources in jaunty. search for a repo with the same things for jaunty21:19
ikoniaaarce: then you're not ftp'ing to something21:19
judgethi fireavi are u having fun with sound in Karmic?21:19
jribjudget: there is, « man sudoers » covers it (I don't know how offhand)21:19
firevainope just regular ubuntu 9.4 gnome21:19
sulleerUSUL, u dont know how to do that or what that is :(21:20
Pianoman13i cannot connect to my wireless network on my laptop when not docked can someone take a few moments to look at the problem21:20
allowoverridePianoman13: here is what you do. first, plug in an eth cable to your laptop port, test for internet. then, goto system, hardware drivers, wait.... pop up will show you what driver to use. below, select enable. once you have connected the ethenet and/or your drivers loaded via ethernet for wireless, then your NetworkManager will pop up. if not, put the eth back, and use sudo apt-get install networkmanager.  this works for me21:20
DasEioldtopman: so piano got any outlets ?21:20
oldtopmanDasEi which sound, I can play all music files, And headphones work21:20
jribjudget: ignore me21:20
jribprogzy1: there is, « man sudoers » covers it (I don't know how offhand)21:20
firevaii added a pci soundcard.. disabled onboard in bios... sound works, but only out of one speaker and subwoofer21:20
aarceikonia: two separate users.  aarce and aatest.  aarce is logged in SSH right now, sudo'ed.  I want to jail aatest to /home/aatest, let him sftp, let him scp, but let him not browse above /home/aatest21:20
sulleerUSUL,  i mean I dont know:P21:20
marekw2143_hi all, I've got ubuntu8.10, and after running NetworkManager start, then window with information about wifi connection appears, and after clicking ok there's no internet21:20
erUSULsulle: dunno; give the url of the how to you are following. or tell us what are you trying to do to begin with21:20
firevaithe modules are there too... and shows in soundcard options21:20
ikoniaaarce: oh, so you want to ssh into the box and jail the ssh21:20
oldtopmanDasEi 2Headphone 1Midi 1Usb (Just a built in midi-usb adapter)21:21
nyqvisthi, i need a help with installing conky21:21
aarceikonia: somewhat relevant is that the box and I are 1800 miles apart.  =)21:21
blakkheimnyqvist: sudo aptitude install conky21:21
erUSULnyqvist: sudo aptitude install conky21:21
blakkheimtoo slow21:21
allowoverrideZykoticK9: thanks for the heads up. ill read it now. bafk21:21
nyqvistsec :)21:21
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ikoniaaarce: setting up an ssh jail is quite complex as you need to link the binaries you need to the jail and libraries,21:21
sulleerUSUL, http://maketecheasier.com/turn-your-ubuntu-hardy-to-mac-osx-leopard/2008/07/23 i am trying to "install the dock".21:21
DasEioldtopman: k, we can ty with that, though I think much easier is to connect  headphone out to line/mic in21:22
ikoniaaarce: that's why you can't do anything like ls once your in21:22
dexterhi i am wondering if anyone here knows a good  chanel for spreadsheet help21:22
firevaii've tried everything... forum'd and stuff.. just cant get it.. sound works fine in winblows21:22
blakkheimaarce: man sshd_config, you just need to add a line for a chroot dir, it's not difficult21:22
allowoverrideso here is the big question. should i use alsa or pulseaudio. yes i am using gnome as gui.21:22
nyqvistty. it's installed. how do i run it? :)21:22
Pianoman13allowoverride, thanks i will try it21:22
ikoniablakkheim: that's for the sshd daemon21:22
allowoverridePianoman13: should work ;)21:22
ikoniablakkheim: not for user jail21:22
aarceikonia: I dont' specifically need to be able to ls.  just write to the thing21:22
guntbertdexter: #openoffice.org21:22
oldtopmanDasEi Same output (sound file) what software do i need for that i have my line in recognized21:22
blakkheimikonia: if he sets that in sshd_config on the server, then the users who ssh in will be locked to the specific directory21:22
allowoverridesomeone told me that a few months ago lol... thanks to that guy/gal, forgot who21:22
ikoniaaarce: but you won't have access to any of the commands as tools like "ls" are in /bin21:22
Pianoman13allowoverride, everything seeme to be there and working but i cannot login, so weird21:22
allowoverridePianoman13: try my fix to the letter, and you will be up21:23
aarceblakkeim: That's what I've done21:23
dexterguntbert, thanks21:23
Pianoman13see you later21:23
nyqvistblakkheim, erUSUL i installed it.. now how do i run it?21:23
DasEioldtopman: so let's try the midi for 20 min21:23
erUSULnyqvist: alt + f2 --> conky hit enter21:23
DasEioldtopman: which distro ?21:23
aarceblakkeim: I've set the directive in sshd_config, then added aatest to the sftponly group.  Now it lets me log in but not write anything21:23
oldtopmanrosegarden is installed21:23
seanbrystonewhats the command to see all partitions/harddrives?21:24
oldtopmanDasEi Xubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala21:24
phocusanyone figure out how to get UNR to ask for password after suspend?21:24
allowoverrideZykoticK9: haha, how did you know i didnt have that checked? ;)21:24
erUSULseanbrystone: sudo fdisk -l21:24
ubyserverHey Everyone!21:25
firevaiso anyone got any ideas why i cant get sound out of my 6:1 surround with new pci soundcard?21:25
sulleDid you see the link erUSUL ?21:25
MK13Jordan_U, i might try those instructions... but i was trying the way with the grub that is already installed on the system21:25
alexxio_hi, i need a gparted alternative...can you help?21:25
firevaialexxio_,  cfdisk?21:25
aarceGOT IT!21:25
erUSULsulle: doing it know21:25
gregrejrib, i now understand the script, but i need to add a mv like: i=0;for x in *;do echo $x $i;mv $x $i.jpg;i=$((i+1));done21:25
alexxio_firevai: is that in gui mode or just console?21:25
ubyserveris ebox the only alternative to cpanel + webmin?21:25
jribgregre: yes21:25
firevaiconsole gui it gui's in console21:25
erUSULsulle: awn comes in ubuntu21:26
erUSUL!awn | sulle21:26
ubottusulle: Avant Window Navigator is a dock-like navigation bar for  the Linux desktop that positions itself at the bottom of the screen. Homepage http://wiki.awn-project.org/ - Awn-Manager can be found in Universe from Hardy (8.04) onwards.21:26
gregrejrib, the mv dont work it say that the target is not a direktory21:26
jribgregre: if you are using bash, you probably want to quote the variables as well21:26
oldtopmanthanks all got everything working21:26
erUSULsulle: so sudo patitude install awn21:26
nyqvistty erUSUL , it's running 1 information window now.. i guess i need to read the documentation how to add extra things and moved it to the right side of the desktop.. right?21:26
seanbrystoneerUSUL, whats the command for finding a word or number in the (buffer?) in terminal?21:26
aarceOK...  for reference so you guys know what I've ended up doing.  aatest's home is /home/aatest.  It requires 750 root as ownership.  but I can make the group sftp and get the rights I need and not break the other things21:26
DasEioldtopman: was the piano connected when you booted the pc ?21:26
erUSULnyqvist: righyt; i wont do it for you ;)21:26
EsatYucei cant hear anything with my Ubuntu 9.10 system. why?21:27
sulleok erUSUL testing it now21:27
aarcethanks for the help you guys, ikonia and blakkeim21:27
erUSULseanbrystone: you can pipe test to grep21:27
carl-mI am trying to connect to a windows share with the Places->"Connect to server" tool. I can connect with smbclient, but not with the gnome tool. is there a way to get the gnome tool to show me the actual error message from smbmount?21:27
erUSULseanbrystone: command | grep string21:27
alexxio_i reformulate my question: hi, i need a very powerful gparted alternative, can you help?21:27
firevaiEsatYuce, check your mixer volume settings... in alsamixer21:27
firevaimake sure nothing is muted21:27
firevaitype alsamixer in term21:27
jribalexxio_: what is wrong with gparted...?21:27
nyqvisterUSUL, i tought so :)))21:27
blakkheimalexxio_: fdisk21:27
firevaim mutes unmutes21:27
EsatYucefirevai, where is this application?21:27
Gregory_am new to ubuntu/linux. have windows pc. two hardrives. one broken. how to install ubuntu on working drive from live cd ?21:27
gregrejrib, can you show me how it must look like? yes i use bash21:27
Trekgot a question for ya.  I had to install gparted using apt-get on my NetBookRemix (9.04) install, and it shows Suggested packages:  xfsprogs reiser4progs jfsutils ntfsprogs21:27
firevaiEsatYuce, type alsamixer in terminal21:27
alexxio_jrib: gparted says i have no partitions at all (all unallocated!)21:28
Trekwhat exactly do each of those packages do?21:28
jribgregre: just use "$x" intead of $x21:28
firevaishould open black window with sliders21:28
alexxio_blakkheim: fdisk is just text mode21:28
blakkheimTrek: they are for filesystem support21:28
DasEioldtopman : how to loose... lost21:28
blakkheimalexxio_: yes21:28
seanbrystoneerUSUL, so like 'find | grep /dev/sdc1'?  /dev/sdc1 is what im ytryhing to find when i ran sudo fdisk -l21:28
EsatYucefirevai,  ok21:28
jribalexxio_: that's pretty weird21:28
erUSULTrek: enable gparted to work with the respective filesystems: xfs; jfs; ntfs and reiserfs21:28
EsatYucefirevai, there are some bar here.21:28
Trekblakkheim / erUSUL, so its a god idea to install them?21:28
alexxio_of course, cfdisk says there is an unreversable error: damaged partition. but that's not true21:28
firevaiEsatYuce,  i will pm you21:29
allowoverrideso here is the big question. should i use alsa or pulseaudio. yes i am using gnome as gui.21:29
erUSULseanbrystone: sudo fdisk -l | grep /dev/sdc121:29
blakkheimTrek: if you forsee yourself needed to work with those filesystems21:29
sulleerUSUL, still dont got the awn manager in the system-prefrences-awn manager :S21:29
seanbrystoneoh ok ty21:29
EsatYucefirevai, i m waiting for you21:29
erUSULTrek: it wont hurt and ntfsprogs is usefull for windows paritions21:29
TrekerUSUL / blakkheim: alright, thanks for the help.  :)21:29
erUSULsulle: maybe it has its own package21:29
Trekgot more questions later21:29
sullehmmm ok21:30
erUSULsulle: awn-manager21:30
Gregory_please ?21:30
nyqvisthow do i see a list of running applications and killing the one i want?21:30
erUSUL!install | Gregory_21:31
ubottuGregory_: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate21:31
erUSULnyqvist: ps aux21:31
jribnyqvist: system -> administration -> system monitor21:31
erUSULnyqvist: pkill appname21:31
allowoverrideZykoticK9: do i need to restart or log out to enable new sound config?21:31
Gregory_can ubuntu be installed on an existing ntfs partition ?21:31
DasEierUSUL: just for interest, quite a big ship this rosegarden, did you work with it ?21:31
guntbertGregory_: no21:31
jribGregory_: with wubi21:31
emeshas anyone used the wiper.sh tool on an intel ssd?21:31
erUSULDasEi: nope; just know that exist :)21:32
guntbertGregory_: listen to jrib21:32
SirLoseALotGregory_: You could shring that ntfs partition and set up the new free space as ext3 or 4, though21:32
DasEierUSUL: will put  it on my vm, though no piano around, get a glance at it,sounds promising21:32
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SirLoseALotProvided you dont have windows installed on the ntfs21:33
ubottuUbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org21:33
Gregory_well, one of my drives has a power failure. The other drive has data. Can backup data or create new partition but ubuntu does not recognise the ntfs partition. So after backuing up my data, can i install ubuntu then and how ?21:33
TrekerUSUL, this will probably stump you, but with ALL the files in my /home/ folder, even when using sudo or root, it requires me to chmod +w <filename> in order to save it21:33
nyqvisterUSUL, how do i configure conky? :/21:34
TrekerUSUL, this happens even after I shifted ownership to my username21:34
erUSULnyqvist: via ~/.conkyrc search for one in internet to base you config on. tweak as needed21:34
erUSULTrek: what commands did you used. and what are the files's permissions?21:34
SirLoseALotGregory_: What do you mean by Ubuntu does not regocnize it. can not mount it or the installer does not see it?21:35
TrekerUSUL: used GUI to shift folder ownership to my username, with Read/Write permissions, checked off the "Apply to all files and subfolders", hit apply21:35
Gregory_second drive has data. NTFS partition. Can backup data but Ubuntu does not let me install to either drive as they do not show when i try to run the installer.21:36
TrekerUSUL: file in question is .bashrc and .bash_aliases21:36
TrekerUSUL: both are in the /home/myUsername folder21:36
erUSULTrek: only those files are affected?21:37
nyqvisterUSUL, when i installed conky, to what directory it installed?21:37
SirLoseALotdoes gparted see them?21:37
Seppozwhats the comand to install zlib devel package?21:37
erUSULnyqvist: conkyrc is in your home folder. ~/.conkyrc21:37
L0C4LH05TGregory_: Ubuntu can only be installed on a ext2 or ext3 file system, possibly ext4 now.21:37
TrekerUSUL: any files under my /home/myUsername folder that were installed with the operating system and not installed by myself are affected21:37
Gregory_yes, it sees the one with data. Other is beyond repair. Windows installer won't entertain it.21:37
nibbleri thought it can be installed on an ntfs system, within a containerfile which itself is of course extX formatted?21:38
SirLoseALotL0C4LH05T: Ubuntu can do ext421:38
phocusanyone figure out how to get UNR to ask for password after suspend?21:38
TrekerUSUL: but mainly the .bashrc and .bash_aliases files (I edit them semi-frequently)21:38
nyqvisterUSUL, can't find it there.. :/21:38
vinsewow, i fixed my browser issue.  in 9.10 starting a browser (ff or chrome) froze the whole desktop and i had to restart.  i fixed it by updating to the newest "kernel" (i admit i dont really get what that means) from here:  http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/21:38
jazzany musicians in here?21:38
guntbert!ot | jazz21:38
ubottujazz: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:39
L0C4LH05TGregory_: Is the file system with data ext2, ext3, or ext4?21:39
vinseis that kinda thing normal? is the kernel something should i keep up to date? or once i get everything working should i lock it down and not touch anything?21:39
nibblernice vinse ;-) seems you had some strange/not well supported hardware21:39
Gregory_So, I would have to back up any data. How to format drive so ubunt live cd detects it ?21:39
erUSULTrek: you can just give +w to all files for you... chmod u+w -R /home/$USER21:39
MichRTHows it going?21:39
TrekerUSUL: alright, thanks.21:39
SirLoseALotGregory_: I|m not sure I quite understand the problem. You have one broken drive, as you say. That one obviously wont take a new installation21:39
L0C4LH05T!install | Gregory_21:39
ubottuGregory_: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate21:39
judgetIm thinkinmg abput installing linux backpoprts fpor my karmic 64 machine. my kernel is 2.6.31-9-rt and all the available backports in synaptic are for generic or server. Can someone advise me if i can use generic with an rt kernel?21:40
MichRTHey, has anyone gotten WMP working under Wine Beta 1.1.1? I got it installed, and it loads the file bar, but thats it.21:40
Seppozwhats the command to install zlib devel package?21:40
vinsenibbler: it's a pretty old laptop, but an ibm, not anything exotic21:40
nibblervinse: once you have a working one, be happy. onrmally you should never have any problem with it, unless you have hardware that just "does not work" (means: not supported by kernel). whatever, even after updating, you can chose to boot an older kernel in the boot menu, if the latest one should be broken for oyu21:40
jazzhow do i know what channels are available ?21:40
SirLoseALotGregory_: Then theres the still working ntfs one, which you said you can backup, so your data isnt lost21:40
DasEiMichRT: ask in #winehq, see their database, too21:40
djm62Trek: maybe between installs you've kept the same username but changed numerical user ID?21:40
Trekdjm62: clean install, no upgrades at all21:41
DasEi!wine > MichRT21:41
ubottuMichRT, please see my private message21:41
SirLoseALotGregory_: If you want to install Ubuntu, you can just tell it to use the working ntfs drive and format it with ext3 or 421:41
nibblervinse: could be some problem with the network driver.... could... but who cares, it seems to be fixed :)21:41
Trekdjm62: only 2 accounts there, root and myself21:41
Gregory_okay, how to format drive from ubuntu live cd21:41
djm62Trek: cool, couldn't find it in the scrollback, just a thought.  happened to me once21:41
MichRTDasEi: I did, no help. Oh well.21:42
TrekerUSUL: i got this: chmod: cannot access `/home/USERNAME/.gvfs': Permission denied21:42
TrekerUSUL: I assume that is fine?21:42
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djm62I kept /home and reinstalled21:42
Gregory_I know ubuntu isn't windows but windows setup formats drive in ntfs for me.21:42
SirLoseALotGregory_: Windows can not format a drive in ext3/4 for you21:43
erUSULTrek: ok21:43
TrekGregory_ run gparted on the live cd21:43
Gregory_i was hoping that ubuntu installer would automatically prepare the drive in the right file format21:43
MichRTSirLoseALot: It can, with certain software.21:43
SirLoseALotGregory_: However, the Ubuntu installer will run gparted automatically for you21:43
TrekGregory_ it should prepare it in the right format unless you're doing a wubi install21:43
airtonixhowto suspend karmic from the commandline ?21:44
erUSULairtonix: sudo s2ram21:44
TrekerUSUL: it worked, thanks for the help21:44
SirLoseALotMichRT: True, I was refering to this case21:44
Trekone last thought, erUSUL21:44
erUSULTrek: no problem21:44
Gregory_Am still a little confused as setup does not detect either drive but can access data on the second drive.21:44
airtonix!info s2ram21:44
ubottuPackage s2ram does not exist in karmic21:44
SirLoseALotGregory_: If you simply want to whipe your current ntfs partition and get Ubuntu on it, let the installer just erase and use the entire disk21:45
SirLoseALotGregory_: There is an obvious option for that in the installer21:45
erUSUL!find s2ram21:45
MichRTOK, is anyone familiar with SRS effects in WMP 11? Is there an equivilant for Ubuntu? Maybe a Rhythmbox plugin?21:45
ubottuFile s2ram found in linux-doc, linux-ec2-doc, uswsusp21:45
Gregory_it doesn't even see it except throught the ubuntu desktop21:46
jackbrownanybody could help me about audio in WinXP VBOX?21:46
jackbrown(22:45:30) jackbrown: i love VBOX but the audio sucks a little21:46
jackbrown(22:45:34) jackbrown: what can i doù21:46
FloodBot2jackbrown: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:46
airtonix!find uswsusp21:46
ubottuFound: uswsusp21:46
erUSUL!info  uswsusp > airtonix21:46
jazzguntbert thanks i found exactly what i needed!!21:46
TrekerUSUL: using sudo, I was editing /etc/sudoers and /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules, and even as sudo or gksudo or any other admin access (even as root), i had to do chmod +w on those files.  any reason that's needed even as sudo?21:46
airtonixMichRT, is SRS sound effects or visual effects ?21:46
MichRTFor bass, expander, like 3D audio21:47
airtonixMichRT, ok. have you looked at audacious ?21:47
SirLoseALotGregory_: The Ubuntu Installer doesnt see your ntfs partition? Thats rather unusual. Does it see a partition called "sda"?21:47
MichRTUsed it before, but not for long21:47
Gregory_gparted does. Installer doesn't21:48
erUSULairtonix: this should work too althought is less gentle to the OS ---> echo mem | sudo tee /sys/power/state21:48
Gregory_can run diagnostics on broken drive. cannot on drive with data.21:48
erUSULTrek: maybe the problem is deeper? it is maybe your filesystem mounted read only?21:48
lwizardlis there a way when using a shorewall/monowall firewall to block acess to any type of proxies ?21:48
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SirLoseALotGregory_: So how about doing an "advanced21:49
erUSULTrek: check « cat /proc/mounts  »21:49
MichRTairtonix: Looking it up.... never really used it before...21:49
SirLoseALotand setting up your linux partitions from there?21:49
Gregory_I would try reinstalling windows but have only one drive now. do not wanna lose my data trying.21:50
TrekerUSUL, http://paste.ubuntu.com/377932/21:50
Gregory_maybe i have a more serious problem.21:50
=== PancakeStaffer is now known as KB1JWQ
Tresmiusdoes anyone know why the latest nvidia driver doesn't appear as the recommended one?21:50
MichRTNothing new21:50
WrecknRollDoes anyone know of any recommended touchscreens for linux/ubuntu or have experience with touchscreens ?21:50
erUSULTrek: everything looks ok....21:51
TresmiusI'm downloading it directly from nvidia as a .run file, but what do I do with that?21:51
SirLoseALotGregory_: Wait, are you trying to do a dual boot? I think I still dont quite get it...21:51
erUSULTresmius: do not use that method is unsupported.21:51
erUSUL!nvidia | Tresmius21:51
ubottuTresmius: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto21:51
erUSULTrek: something is very weird in your system ....21:52
Trekyou're telling me, erUSUL.  i've got 2 other installs on other comps and they dont have this issue21:52
Gregory_Reset bios to defaults. had to auto detect all ide devices. before autodetect the only thing that was there constyantly was ide cd drive. Normal post and beep from bios. so figured ide controller was not faulty. Both driuve could not have failed together surely ?21:53
erUSULTrek: can you look around your filesystem and see if all the files have no w permissions? (ls -l)21:53
djm62Trek: you could do a quick sanity check with: ls -an; and id;  I could be howling up the wrong bush....21:53
SirLoseALotGregory_: If gparted sees your drive, it is not toasted21:54
Gregory_cool. So how to format drive in ext4 from ubuntu live cd ?21:55
erUSUL!latest | Tresmius21:55
ubottuTresmius: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.21:55
TrekerUSUL, that explains it, those files all have -w21:55
Shazamcan't get festival running. when I try to get it to say any command, it fails with Linux: can't open /dev/dsp. I have a working sound system. What might this mean21:55
TrekerUSUL, djm62, the ones owned by root are all identified as owned by 021:55
Tresmiusbut I had a crash problem with "Eternal Lands" and apparently the fix is to either upgrade my driver or downgrade it21:55
erUSULTrek: everything for all the users? .... how come? a sudo command gone stray ?21:55
SirLoseALotGregory_: What exactly are you trying to do? Install ubuntu on the drive without losing the data that is present?21:55
TrekerUSUL, not all files, but the protected files21:56
TresmiusSo I suppose I'll downgrade it!21:56
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TrekerUSUL, such as those in /etc/udev/21:56
Tresmiussince the downgrade version is under hardware drivers21:56
djm62Trek: and I see your normal user is 1000, like normal.  tree, barking, done ;-)21:56
Gregory_I only have one cd drive. All other ide connectors being used. Not sure if i can backup files to dvd with ubuntu and run ubuntu from cd at the same time.21:57
Shazamhow can I determine what system is being used for sound playback?21:57
SirLoseALotGregory_: Do you have a USB stick?21:57
TrekerUSUL, http://paste.ubuntu.com/377935/   <-- ls -al /etc/udev/rules.d/21:58
aidamhi i'd like to ask if it is safe to use the wubi version for a longer time. I mean that i have only 1 disk with windows on it and im not very experienced in partitioning to make ubuntu next to the windows.... ?21:58
Gregory_yes, but am in a internet cafe because I couldn't work out how to get my internet up with ubuntu.21:58
Gregory_usb stick at home21:58
jribaidam: personally, I don't trust wubi, read the warnings on their site21:59
SirLoseALotGregory_: Ubuntu should usually pick up your network connections from the live cd. I assume you are using wlan.21:59
SKULL2006  21:59
Gregory_no. put in mack address. no joy.21:59
Gregory_unless am doing something wrong22:00
SirLoseALotGregory_: Anyways, You can boot Ubuntu from your USB stick, so your dvd burner is free to backup your data22:00
TrekerUSUL, is that normal?22:00
Gregory_okay. how to install ubunt on usb stick from live cd22:00
archboxmanTrek: I may be way off base what text editor did you use to edit sudo ? The book I'm using says not to use a normal text editor for this file and use sudo visudo22:01
anevcan someone help me with an a ubuntu 9.10 wireless issue?22:01
Gregory_I don't have a lot of money and cannot waste it on new hard drive if there is something more serious wrong with pc.22:01
Trekarchboxman, i used the command sudo VISUAL=gedit visudo22:01
Gregory_My data however is very important22:02
Trekarchboxman: and I edited /etc/sudoers after this issue had already been detected22:02
SirLoseALotGregory_: You dont, you use the .iso. Wait a minute, I am looking for an english language tutorial22:02
TickoHello, Just installed latest version ubuntu via windows installer and I booted up installed deluge and irssi and updates and then rebooted and viola grub console commands come up telling me to boot kernel and i dont know how. (this is after i select ubuntu instead of win7 in mbr)22:03
terrycojonesi'm running hardy and would like to use https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-backports-modules-2.6.24  Can someone tell me what I should add to my /etc/apt/sources.list.d to do this properly?  or am i supposed to get the sources and install myself manually? (i.e., without using apt-get)?22:04
erUSULTrek: why are you focusing on that dir? but no i have rw on all files there22:05
Trekarchboxman: it works for editing other files as well, and works for all administrative commands22:05
SirLoseALotGregory_: Ok, here it is http://www.pendrivelinux.com/create-a-ubuntu-9-10-live-usb-in-windows/22:05
lonnieI have some general irc questions.22:05
allowoverridewelp gotta run. thanks for the input peeps. l822:05
TrekerUSUL: I was focusing on that directory as I needed to change the network interface names22:05
nyqvisthow do i create file in my home folder?22:05
Gregory_Don't mind messing around with linux bu all i really want is a cheap (preferably free and easy) way to back up my data. Hence me running a live distro.22:05
TrekerUSUL: hold on a sec22:05
jribnyqvist: right click -> create file22:05
lonnieI'm using xchat, and in this forum, I see a list of people on the right.22:06
SirLoseALotI assume that your internet cafe is running windows22:06
nh2hi, can I boot a system on a live usb stick from ubuntu? my laptop can not boot usb from bios, so I want to boot from the running system22:06
jrib!enter | lonnie22:06
SirLoseALotGregory_: so this one should work for you22:06
ubottulonnie: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:06
nyqvisti don't have create file.. i can create folder or create document > empty file..22:06
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SirLoseALotGregory_:  you need to get the ubuntu image (.iso) and the program as well as your stick22:06
erUSULnyqvist: just open the file with a the text edito; fill with the content save file22:07
nyqvisti erased the file, so i want to create22:07
TrekerUSUL, so i'm assuming something went screwy in install and messed with permissions.  I was just wondering if there was some idea as to why this happened, so yeah22:07
Trekthanks for the help all22:07
Gregory_okay. can put on dvd. will ubuntu live cd recognise usb stick ?22:07
DasEiterrycojones: which kernel are youu running ?22:07
lonnieIn IRC, using xchat, anytime I've right-clicked on someones name, and tried to send a message to the directly, I never get a reply. Can someone tell me how to use this better?22:07
loevborgOn my box, "apt-get update" ends up stalled at 99%, reporting "waiting for headers". How can I find out which of my sources.list lines is the offender?22:08
nyqvisterUSUL, i erased the file, so i want to create22:08
terrycojonesDasEi: 2.6.24-26-generic22:08
erUSULnyqvist: do as i said. « gedit ~/.conkyrc »22:08
SirLoseALotGregory_: The point of this is to boot from your usb stick. So you wont be booting from a live cd but from a live usb stick. that way, you can use your dvd drive to backup your important data22:08
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anevthis channel is a joke.22:08
nyqvistsec. ty.22:08
archboxmantrek here you go the short answer was to add the user to the root group not sudo user.... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=16286722:09
DasEi lonnie:try /query UserName22:09
seanbrystoneHow can I add another distro grub entry to grub?22:09
Gregory_okay, but i don't have usb stick here. it's at home. can put plain iso file on dvd though22:09
jribnyqvist: or create empty document...22:09
SirLoseALotanev: Maybe so, but it has helped me countless times22:09
DasEiterrycojones: second, launching hardy22:09
TickoHello, Just installed latest version ubuntu via windows installer and I booted up installed deluge and irssi and updates and then rebooted and viola grub console commands come up telling me to boot kernel and i dont know how. (this is after i select ubuntu instead of win7 in mbr)22:09
terrycojonesDasEi: great, thank you :-)22:10
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information and troubleshooting on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub222:10
lonnieDasEi, how can I learn more about these types of commands/22:10
nyqvisthorray.. it's working :)) ty all :)22:10
SirLoseALotGregory_: Get a copy of the guide I linked, the .iso image and the tool linked in the guide on that dvd. You should do fine from there22:10
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy22:10
nyqvistconky is on.. how do i make conky running at startup?22:10
DasEi!irc | Ionnie22:10
ubottuIonnie: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines22:10
Gregory_okay, can you give me the link again m8.22:10
terrycojonesDasEi: I'm hoping that the fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/276990 has been backported to Hardy. it's a real pain to have no wifi....22:11
DasEi!pm | Ionnie22:11
ubottuIonnie: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.22:11
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines22:11
seanbrystoneuhhh was hoping for more than a ubottu URL but thanks, if i wanted to slog though online manuals, i'd install Slackware, Gentoo or some other "Hard" linux distro ;)22:12
* seanbrystone hides22:12
Gregory_thank you very muc for the time and advice. Got a Pandora coming and need my internet !!!22:12
nyqvisterUSUL, conky is on.. how do i make conky running at startup?22:12
shashankI have installed office 2007 using wine, but I can't see it anywhere. Can anyone suggest where I can start searching for it on my disk?22:12
SirLoseALotGregory_: wait, you mentioned that you didnt have a working windows at home? in that case, you rather should fetch your usb stick and do it from the internet cafe22:12
erUSULnyqvist: add it to System>Preferences>init apps22:13
erUSULshashank: ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/22:13
shashankerusul, thanks!22:13
=== AK__47 is now known as |FiReWaLL|
* |FiReWaLL| Hi All22:13
* |FiReWaLL| Hi All22:13
jp--hi guys. can somebody check my forum post? I've got problems trying to get sound work on Jaunty, I think the kernel module for my sound card gets confused with the hdmi and rca output... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8836492#post8836492  thank you =)22:13
nyqvisterUSUL, ty. find it22:14
|FiReWaLL|don't speak here22:14
|FiReWaLL|is not for chat22:14
|FiReWaLL|is just for help22:14
=== |FiReWaLL| is now known as FiReWaLL
=== Joey-iPod is now known as Joeybradley98-iP
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usuariomi usb dejo de montar alguna sugerencia22:15
=== Joeybradley98-iP is now known as jPod
nyqvisterUSUL, ahh. i found the startup applications preferences, but how do i add conky to it? i see the add option, but what is the conky running file?22:15
MichRTAnything new? I would like SRS WOW effects in Ubuntu, and Audacious is DEFIANTLY a no-go. Any other opinions?22:16
jPodI need help with irc on Ubuntu22:16
jPodeverytime someone says22:16
jcookeAnyone know offhand how to switch the login screen back to manually entering my username on karmic?22:16
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.22:16
usuariomy usb wont mount any suggestions22:16
MomusHobartguys, I installed Ubunta 9.10 on my laptop the other day, enabled the ATI (proprietary) drivers, and after a reboot, all I get is a black screen, I'm not sure how to disable this driver from the CLI, any hints?22:17
Gregory_okay. that seems to be best idea. thanks again for the advice. At least i can backup my data. reinstall whatever os and if my drives or ide controller is fucked i will know and buy sata drive instead.22:17
usuariomy usb wont mount any suggestions22:17
nyqvisterUSUL ?22:17
DasEiterrycojones: sry for lag; you can enable the backports repos for that22:17
Gregory_I at least know my sata connector is fine as i haven't used them22:17
terrycojonesDasEi: how do i do that??  maybe i just need apt-get install linux-backports-modules-hardy  ?   (thanks!)22:18
usuariomy usb wont mount any suggestions22:18
erUSULnyqvist: put the command name just in name "Conky" in command "conky" in comment whatever you want (no "")22:19
PiperMp3Ello!  Need answers quick!  I got the Ubuntu EEE on this computer, and it mounts my Nokia 5800 easy, but i cant change any of the files,  cant copy to or FROM... sais i have to have Root rights,  thats fine... ive tryed everything!  Any one??22:19
Jordan_Ujcooke, https://edge.launchpad.net/~gdm2setup/+archive/gdm2setup22:19
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seanbrystonewhat's the command to get detailed info about my wifi card?22:19
PiperMp3I need this computer up and running TONIGHT!22:20
DasEiterrycojones: no, you'd do it in /etc/apt/sources.list, but I just overflew the bugreport, did you try to manaually compile it as sugested ?22:20
Jordan_Useanbrystone, lshw -C network22:20
PiperMp3Im taking it to London in the morning, and i got to have contact between the computer and my phone!22:20
jimmy06good luck PiperMp3 lol22:20
nyqvisterUSUL, ty.. doen that.. i hope it will run at startup.. i can see the conky is in the list now..but without any icon, just name conky with checked v.22:21
erUSULnyqvist: ok22:21
Jordan_UPiperMp3, Do you know what the mounpoint is?22:21
terrycojonesDasEi: no, not yet. I don't know what to put in /etc/apt/sources.list.d though. that's my problem/question.22:21
hemantHi, I have a question about notify-send22:21
Jordan_UPiperMp3, *mountpoint22:21
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jimmy06PiperMp3 type mount and pastebin it22:22
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hemantWhen I send more than one message using notify-send, the second one does not show up until the first one is done.22:22
=== SATANA is now known as SATAN
PiperMp3urrr... yea,  CdRom0 ect ect..  Its mounted, and i can access it,   cant change any files22:22
hemantIS there a way to show multiple messages if present at the same time.22:22
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DasEiterrycojones: well, there are backports repos in it, but that always brings some risks, too, I would prefer the compile option22:22
jimmy06PiperMp3 that a cdrom thats why22:22
terrycojonesDasEi: ok, thanks a lot.22:22
=== Guest54142 is now known as trineox
Jejehi, is there a channel for photoshop please?22:23
PiperMp3My computer dont have a Cdrom -.-  My usbs are like CdRom22:23
jimmy06PiperMp3 type mount in shell and pastebin the result22:23
PiperMp3Shell?  Terminal?22:23
DasEiterrycojones: you can follow the suggestion on launchpad ?22:23
archboxmanJeje: you mean gimp???22:23
jimmy06yes PiperMp322:23
Jejeno, photoshop22:23
DasEihemant: kinda messages ? email ? irc ?22:23
terrycojonesDasEi: which suggestion?  sorry - there is so much info there.22:23
hemantDasEi, irc22:24
PiperMp3Did you want me to paste the results in HERE ?22:24
archboxmanJeje: this is not microsoft or closed source support..22:24
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.22:24
DasEihttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/276990, post 8, terrycojones22:24
hemantDasEi: I am using irssi on remote server and use a notification script, however when I get multiple messages, they show up one after other.22:25
twomonkiescan someone tell my why ubuntu deny all connections from a ip-adress without the firewall activated... works fine from other ip-adresses ?22:25
hemantDasEi: I would like to see them as they arrive22:25
xenocampanoliWhere do I find an Ubuntu Server 32 bit iso download?22:25
DasEihemant: I'm using pidgin here, it gives a sound, highlights the tab of the channel in a color and can also produce popups22:25
LoshaJeje, there *are* photoshop channels on irc, just not this one. google irc photoshop....22:25
xenocampanoliI see nothing for this anymore on the main Ubuntu site?22:25
terrycojonesDasEi: thanks - that's what i was planning. just wondered if there was a more recommended / less manual approach. will do. thanks again!22:26
hemantDasEi: This is q more general question than irc, in my case the use case happends to be IRC, but otherwise too, i think notify-send message should not block22:26
xenocampanoliIs there a place I can get a modern Ubuntu server 32 bit iso?22:26
erUSULxenocampanoli: ubuntu.com22:27
Loshaxenocampanoli, something you're not finding on http://www.ubuntu.com/GetUbuntu/download ?22:27
DasEihemant: you're right, but I'm not too deep in irrsi, ask again for an irrsi user22:27
xenocampanoliubuntu.com ONLY HAS 64BIT.22:27
hemantDasEi: as I said again, its not irssi issues, its net-send, for e.g try this...22:27
DasEixenocampanoli: ubuntu has 32, too22:28
hemanti mean notify-send22:28
hemanttry this22:28
hemantnotify-send "Hi" -t 10000022:28
archboxmanhemant: there is a chatroom for irssi and it may be a good Idea to check there22:28
SiRuX2Anyone remember this PC game as a game? It was an interactive pc game for kids.. You were in a town with a car and you had to get out of town.. a part I remember was driving over nails and I had to go back into the town.... Anyone have any idea of what game this was?22:28
hemantfollowed by notify-send "by" -t 10000022:28
xenocampanoliPresumably then I can use 32 bit desktop as a rescue disk for server?22:28
hemantyou wont see the by foruntil the 10 sec are over22:28
hemantarchboxman: again this is not irssi question, this is notify-send question22:29
xenocampanoliDasEi:  I only see 64 bit for server.22:29
DasEixenocampanoli: which image you want ? ubuntu karmic 32 server ?22:29
archboxmanhemant: did you run the script from the irssi website ,becuase none here wrote the script may want to ask irssi22:30
xenocampanoliDasEi:  just the latest 32 bit Ubuntu Server should be fine.22:30
xfactis that possible to install (Java) Jre and Jdk latest versions in ubuntu externally?22:30
hemantarchboxman: its not a script, its just 2 commands, try it in your terminal22:31
xenocampanoliDasEi:  Perhaps I can just use the desktop for rescue purposes...??22:31
hemantarchboxman: as long as u have libnotify installed, notify-send should work22:31
archboxmanhemant: there is a irssi script for notifactions...22:31
erUSULxfact: define externaly22:31
DasEixenocampanoli: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.10/ubuntu-9.10-server-i386.iso.torrent  (torrent)22:31
Loshaxenocampanoli,  32 bit desktop should be fine as a rescue disk for server, depending on what kind of rescuing you need to do...22:32
hemantarchboxman: can you drop the irssi thing, its nothing to do with irssi22:32
DasEixenocampanoli: or install the server-kernel in the later, works, too22:32
jimmy06xenocampanoli http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download-server22:32
jimmy06xenocampanoli click "Alternative download options"22:32
jimmy06then smack yourself22:32
xfacterUSUL, means, I have downloaded Jre 6 update 18 (.bin file) from java's website, and now it's possible to install?22:32
DasEixenocampanoli: for own research : http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#mirrors22:33
Loshajimmy06, :-)22:33
Blackcamaro8Where can I find a good tutorial on using two video adapters with Ubuntu 9.10?22:34
xenocampanoliThank you all.22:34
DasEixenocampanoli: torrent is , depending on your bandwith, very fast and re-checks the iso, that's why I prefer it22:34
ubyserverHas anyone ever setup plesk on ubuntu server LTS.22:34
ubyserverI just ran into a hostname error "unable to determine the hostname"22:35
xfactAnyone can help with that, my all java based application does not working :(22:35
=== gil_ is now known as solo
ubyserverI looked into my /etc/hosts file and notice my host is p123456.22:35
icerootxfact: java installed?22:35
jimmy06ubyserver set the host name then22:35
ubyserverI don't know what to set it to22:35
ubyserverIt is a webserver22:35
archboxmanhemant: is this what your trying to do with irssi?  http://bp3.blogger.com/_6a-FTjDQbIk/RaoQDkuxR8I/AAAAAAAAAAM/hqLvticydVI/s1600-h/fnotify-example.jpg22:35
icerootubyserver: to the hostname22:35
icerootubyserver: ask your provider for the correct hostname22:35
xfacticeroot: yea, installed but old version (java 6 update 15)22:35
DasEiubyserver: sudo hostname ubyserver22:36
icerootxfact: java -version  is what telling?22:36
jimmy06does it say p123456.22:36
hemantarchboxman: can u please just forget about irssi, i m just trying to resolve notify-send22:36
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »22:36
hemantarchboxman: but looking at the image, u see two pop-ups right, thats what I really want22:37
kurrenti have ubunut server installed. i have installed another harddrive and want to copy the installtion over to the new harddrive and get rid of the original drive. is this a fairly complicated process? any suggestions, links etc would be greatly appreciated22:37
ubyserverhostname reads p213437022:37
hemantarchboxman: but unable to do that with notify-send. I just want to popups22:37
icerootarchboxman: nice but its only working if irssi is running local? i am using ssh for irssi22:37
Blackcamaro8Can anyone tell me where to find a tutorial on using two video cards while running Ubuntu?22:37
xfacticeroot, this is weird, java version "1.6.0_0"22:37
xfactOpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.6.1) (6b16-1.6.1-3ubuntu1)22:37
xfactOpenJDK Client VM (build 14.0-b16, mixed mode, sharing)22:37
=== progre55_ is now known as progre55
icerootxfact: you should use sun-java6-jdk and not openjdk22:38
icerootxfact: imo openjdk is not running very well22:38
DasEiBlackcamaro8: I can't, but general advice is possible22:38
jimmy06ubyserver cat /etc/hosts and pastebin the result22:38
xfactBut non of my browser;s working with Java apps (e.g facebook java based photo uploader and more)22:38
ubyserver127.0.0.1 localhost22:39
ubyserver69.174.245.180 p2134370. p213437022:39
ubyserver# The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts22:39
ubyserver# (added automatically by netbase upgrade)22:39
FloodBot4ubyserver: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:39
ubyserverVery sorry22:39
icerootxfact: because you dont have sun-java6-plugin installed22:39
xfacticeroot, How to do that?22:39
Blackcamaro8DasEi: General advice being?22:39
jimmy06ubyserver pastebin it :)22:39
xfacticeroot, How to install sun java?22:39
DasEiBlackcamaro8: both same cards ?22:39
=== jon is now known as Guest41406
ubyserverOnly two lines :)22:39
icerootxfact: sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin22:39
ubyserver245.180 p2134370. p213437022:39
ubyserver17:38 ubyserver • # The following lines are desirable for IPv6 capable hosts22:39
ubyserver17:38 ubyserver • # (22:39
ubyserverMY god22:39
FloodBot4ubyserver: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:39
DasEi!java | xfact22:39
ubottuxfact: To install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java products search for sun-java6 -packages from the !Multiverse repository22:39
Blackcamaro8DasEi: It's two nVIDIA cards, both being DX9 capable. GF 5200FX and GF 6200A-LE.22:40
Loshakurrent: it's reasonably complicated. You have to format & partition the new disk, then copy over the data, then reinstall grub on the target. At a minimum, you may need to hand edit /etc/fstab. Sorry, dunno of any sites. Try google...22:40
ubyserverjust tried to paste one line22:40
icerootxenocampanoli: and sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre if yu want the runtime-environment22:40
icerootxenocampanoli: sorry22:40
jimmy06ubyserver paste it here http://paste.ubuntu.com/22:40
icerootxfact: and sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre if yu want the runtime-environment22:40
jimmy06and give the link22:40
zilkomaaDoes someone know how to get rid off tearing video in tv?  Using mplayer, video is fine in monitor.22:40
icerootxfact: dont forget to enable multiverse-repo22:40
kurrentLosha: thanks22:40
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »22:41
icerootBlackcamaro8: there is no directx in linux22:41
xfacticeroot, During the previous command action it says 'sun-java6-plugin is already the newest version'22:41
mlregisterCan someone help me install an Encore enlwi-g2 Wireless PCI card on my ubuntu system? Current problem is that when i place the card in a PCI slot, ubuntu doesnt load past the splash screen22:41
Blackcamaro8iceroot: I know this. They are DirectX 9 certified cards.22:41
DasEiBlackcamaro8: ic, so no sli, you need a section in your xorg.conf for each card, files of interest /var/log/Xorg.0.log  and /etc/X11/xorg.conf, did you already...22:41
xeviousIs there a dedicated channel for the netbook remix?22:41
icerootxfact: hm, ok22:41
rs2hallo, vielleicht für Euch eine ungewöhnlich einfache Frage. Ich habe 2 Rechner mit Ubuntu 8.04. Bei dem einen Rechner hüpft der Firefox (aber auch andere Programme) "zurück", als ob man den "Pfeil nach links" in der Leiste gewählt hätte. Wo stellt man das aus?22:41
DasEiBlackcamaro8: look up your cards under hardwaredrivers ?22:41
icerootBlackcamaro8: doenst matter if dirext 1, dirext 9 or directx100 or soemthing else22:42
Blackcamaro8DasEi: Nope. I haven't even installed Ubuntu on this machine yet.22:42
waltmHi, I failed to upgrade from 8.10 and now can only boot into a terminal after a long string of errors.  apt-get upgrade also exits with a 'too many errors' warning.  is it possible to salvage this or do I have to wipe everthing and start from scratch?22:42
icerootBlackcamaro8: you want sli or just 2 screens?22:42
DasEi!de | rs222:42
ubotturs2: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.22:42
woodyjlwI have a 40 gig laptop drive I stuck in a external usb case and it had ubuntu installed on it, I now have it plugged in through the usb and want to format it to a linux format , i think is ext 2 but it says I am denied. what do I need to do?22:42
jimmy06thats white space between the . ubyserver22:42
Blackcamaro8DasEi: But I am quite familiar with it, because I'm using it on the second computer on my desk.22:42
xfactII think I have tough problem, cause I have Java installed but any browser not supporting this, I have wait till Lynx :(22:42
icerootrs2: its mousebutton 4 normally which is doing this22:42
=== solo is now known as sol
DasEiBlackcamaro8: so that will be way to go, and then run two monitors on it ? four ?22:43
Blackcamaro8iceroot: I was just telling things about the card. I want to use two monitors on two graphics adapters, one PCI, one AGP.22:43
gc_for_ubuntuHey there. I just installed ubuntu 8.04 and Im unable to change to the right screen size because in the list only lets me change to 800x600, so I got a big black space all around my screen. Plz help, Im pretty new to linux. Thanks22:43
=== sol is now known as Guest50168
Blackcamaro8DasEi: I'm wanting one monitor per adapter.22:43
icerootBlackcamaro8: just insert both cards, its working great here with two other different cards22:43
jimmy06you need to find what your hostname is supposed to be then change it where is says "p2134370. p2134370" the white space between the . and p shouldnt be there22:43
Loshawoodyjlw: install gparted, and use it to partition and then format the usb drive. Understand that you will lose any data on the drive when you reformat22:43
seanbrystoneis there a way to disable the 60 second delay dialog box when restarting ubuntu? I'm tired of clicking yes or no. just restart the darn thing.22:43
DasEiBlackcamaro8: why not two on the 6200 ?22:43
icerootBlackcamaro8: i am using 3 monitors with 2 different nvidia-cards22:44
Blackcamaro8iceroot: I don't own a DVI to VGA.22:44
Blackcamaro8DasEi: I don't own a DVI to VGA.22:44
mlregisterCan someone help me install an Encore enlwi-g2 Wireless PCI card on my ubuntu system? Current problem is that when i place the card in a PCI slot, ubuntu doesnt load past the splash screen22:44
icerootBlackcamaro8: buy an adapter its cheeper then the energy-costs for 2 cards22:44
CHRISJERICH-90b2hello can some body help me plz..........22:44
woodyjlwLosha,  good that is what I want anyways thanks22:44
jribCHRISJERICH-90b2: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)22:44
iceroot!ask | CHRISJERICH-90b222:44
ubottuCHRISJERICH-90b2: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:44
Blackcamaro8DasEi: I don't have a job or pay the bills. Money is out of the question.22:44
Blackcamaro8SORRY XD I meant Iceroot.22:44
DasEiBlackcamaro8: that would be easy, cheap and many have them flying around22:45
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »22:45
icerootBlackcamaro8: they costs 1 €22:45
gc_for_ubuntuHey there. I just installed ubuntu 8.04 and Im unable to change to the right screen size because in the list only lets me change to 800x600, so I got a big black space all around my screen. Plz help, Im pretty new to linux. Thanks22:45
usuariomy usb wont mount any suggestions22:45
jimmy06wont mount ? lol22:45
jimmy06gn guys xD22:45
DasEiusuario: does fdisk -l find it ?22:46
b52hey guys22:46
b52how can i configure notify-osd?22:46
CHRISJERICH-90b2Does some one no how to put ubuntu on xo labtop i have a sd card 2gb22:46
icerootDasEi: usuario sudo fdisk -l22:46
Blackcamaro8DasEi: I understand this. But I have the current setup of two graphics cards, and two monitors. I don't feel like rummaging around for money and then driving out to buy a DVI-VGA adapter. I'd like to know how to set it up the way it is.22:46
icerootCHRISJERICH-90b2: you want to install onto a 2gb card?22:46
Blackcamaro8DasEi: Energy costs mean nothing to me, I'd rather have two efficient graphics cards than one that is heavily overused.22:46
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CHRISJERICH-90b2yes iceroot22:47
DasEiBlackcamaro8: as said, first set up the system with both cards installed, and ask iceroot for additional hints then22:47
icerootBlackcamaro8: just insert the two cards and boot the system, its working automaticly. after that use the nvidia-x-config setup thing and manage the output22:47
SavinoWhat channel do I go to for help with a possibly corrupted wubi root disk?22:47
Blackcamaro8I'll try it. If it doesn't work, I'll be back.22:47
icerootSavino: this22:47
Loshapeppino59_: how many times do you have to be told that we have no files to list because we don't share files here?22:47
usuarioiceroot: http://paste.ubuntu.com/377963/22:48
usuarioiceroot: i dont think its there22:48
Loshagc_for_ubuntu: find out what graphics card you have. There may be special drivers you need to download for it to work properly....22:48
icerootusuario: plugin the usb-device and look if dmesg is showing it22:48
DasEiusuario: does lsusb find it ?22:48
icerootusuario: or lsusb22:48
icerootCHRISJERICH-90b2: 2gb are not enough for ubuntu22:49
=== Guest4109 is now known as bikcmp
SavinoExcelent, thanks.  I had a working wubi 9.10 install and whenshutting down, I lost house power.  Now when it reboots I'm getting only a kernel panic, with a VFS error22:49
icerootCHRISJERICH-90b2: you need a 4gb card22:49
usuariodasei: yes it sees it22:49
=== ryu2 is now known as ryu
archboxmanhemant: look at this ! even though there may be more then one way to do notify-send in linux with irssi ... http://pthree.org/2007/03/21/irssi-gui-notify/22:49
DasEiusuario: paste the out, too22:49
Random832Savino; run chkdsk in windows maybe?22:49
CHRISJERICH-90b2yes it is22:49
SavinoCan someone walk me thorugh fixing htis?22:49
Random832have you run chkdsk in windows?22:50
usuariodasei: Bus 001 Device 011: ID 0951:1623 Kingston Technology22:50
SavinoRandom832 - I did a chkdsk /r already22:50
hemantarchboxman: looking at it22:50
Random832do you have an ubuntu livecd?22:50
DasEiusuario: though there by default : sudo apt-get install usb-utils22:50
SavinoYes, thats what I'm running now22:50
hemantarchboxman: I guess you did not get my question.22:50
qmrI have installed unrar programs but file roller is not opening rar archives ... same problem with ace archives.  what gives?22:50
Random832have you run fsck on the image?22:50
Random832did it tell you anything?22:51
blakkheim!info unrar-nonfree | qmr22:51
ubottuqmr: Package unrar-nonfree does not exist in karmic22:51
linuxRhello, I have installed ubuntu on my netbook. Now I would like to have my home directories on another drive than currently...how do I do this? thanks22:51
hemantarchboxman: notification works for me, the only issue is when I get 2 messages one after the other22:51
usuariodasei: could not find usb-untils package22:51
SavinoIts giving a superblock errir22:51
hemantarchboxman: the second message does not show up until the first one has completely finished showing itself.22:51
gc_for_ubuntuHey there. I just installed ubuntu 8.04 and Im unable to change to the right screen size because in the list only lets me change to 800x600, so I got a big black space all around my screen. Plz help, Im pretty new to linux. Thanks22:51
Random832what's the exact error - pastbin if it's too long for irc22:52
zvacetqmr : right click and extract here doesn´t work?22:52
DasEiusuario: though there by default : sudo apt-get install usbutils       ,sry22:52
qmrzvacet: I am trying "open" from firefox download22:52
blakkheimqmr: can you run unrar x file.rar22:52
SavinoSpecifically: The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2 filesystem.22:52
archboxmanhemant: I seen this ... I thought maybe looking over someone install my give you an idea... to limit your problem .... I guess not :( my bad22:52
qmrok ok wait... I downloaded it... and file roller can read it22:52
qmrbut I can't "open" from firefox.  is this a firefox bug ?22:52
Random832i believe there are backup copies of the superblock22:52
usuariodasei: 0 updates, 0 installs, 0 eliminated, and 0 updated22:53
Random832try fsck -b 32768 [your image file]22:53
hemantarchboxman: np, appreciate your patience to try to understand the problem. I hope i get a solution./workaround22:53
DasEiusuario: so there as thought, sudo apt-get install pastebinit22:53
Savinook.  Trying now..22:53
DasEiusuario: pastebinit /var/log/syslog22:53
=== krafty-afk is now known as krafty
SavinoRandom832: Is that againt the mounted device, or the actual disk file?22:54
Random832the huh?22:54
usuariodasei: could not find pastebinit package and pastebinit order not found22:54
Savinoagainst the mounted root.disk or the actual root.disk file itself?22:54
Random832you mean like /dev/loopsomething? shouldn't matter in that case22:55
archboxmanhemant:ok good luck going to try this notify-send my self for irssi good idea... Only I'm using Arch Linux on this box for irssi .. well time for me to ask Arch Linux about this have a good day22:55
hemantarchboxman: thans, u too, if u get a soln, share it some place, so google will show it up.22:55
Random832i'm not sure how wubi does things or what exactly you've "mounted"22:55
hemanti will do the same.22:55
DasEiusuario: /var/log/syslog,  see:22:56
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.22:56
DasEimanual, then22:56
Random832wherever your filesystem is supposed to be - i.e. whatever you're fsck-ing22:56
Random832i don't understand what you mean by mounted - how did you mount it?22:56
SavinoIts running now against the root.disk file now....lots of checksum errors on screen now22:56
usuariodesei: permision denied22:57
Random832but it managed to start up when you did -b 32768? that's good at least22:57
mix22891hello. how do i install bitorrnet please?22:57
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.22:57
Random832!pm | CHRISJERICH-90b222:57
ubottuCHRISJERICH-90b2: please see above22:57
SavinoYep, it did.  Now I'm getting asked to fix<y> about a billion times.... :)22:57
DasEiusuario: gedit /var/log/syslog22:57
DasEithen paste it22:57
Random832that's nice it doesn't repeat itself22:58
MilitantPotatohow do you launch a process in a bash script and then have terminal release the process?  I tried firefox && disown; but it just waits for firefox to close22:58
=== qmr is now known as Quintin
usuariodesei: what should i look for here?22:58
Savinook, fsck is now done22:58
Random832MilitantPotato; firefox & disown22:58
sidneyis there a wiki on dualbooting 2 linux oses22:58
Random832one ampersand22:58
=== Plazma-Rooolz is now known as Guest41594
CHRISJERICH-90b2what is above ubottu22:58
Random832CHRISJERICH-90b2; the note about you should ask for help in the channel instead of in /msg22:58
DasEiusuario: (DasEi) errors concerning usb ?! the device from lsusb ?!22:59
gc_for_ubuntuHey there. I just installed ubuntu 8.04 and Im unable to change to the right screen size because in the list only lets me change to 800x600, so I got a big black space all around my screen. Plz help, Im pretty new to linux. Thanks22:59
SliderMancan someone help me fix ubuntu dosent load after install within windows and i get grub console instead.22:59
kAyJaYanybody there apsaking Deutsch?23:00
kAyJaYanybody there speaking Deutsch?23:00
DasEiusuario: another question : does gparted find it ?23:00
SavinoRandom832:  FSCK is reporting clean now. Time to reboot?23:00
ShurakaikAyJaY, #ubuntu-de ist für deutsch23:00
SirLoseALotkAyJaY: Jo. Es gibt nen channel ubuntu-de23:00
DasEi!de | kAyJaY23:00
ubottukAyJaY: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.23:00
kAyJaYthank you23:00
zvacetCHRISJERICH-90b2:  maybe https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/LowMemorySystems and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD can help you23:01
Random832Savino; no guarantee your system will be bootable - what all did fsck say it needed to do?23:01
nvmeif i have two computers connected to  a middle-man sshd using ssh tunnel (for port forwarding), does all data between the two comps flow throgh the middle man ?23:01
MilitantPotatoRandom832: http://pastebin.com/d7e96cadb    line 24, terminal is waiting for firefox to close23:02
SavinoRandom832: There were 2 error groups: "The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2 filesystem. " and "The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2 filesystem. "23:02
SliderMancan someone help me fix ubuntu dosent load after install within windows and i get grub console instead.23:02
Random832MilitantPotato; what terminal?23:02
SliderManany grub experts on?23:02
DasEinvme: if it's a router, yes23:02
usuariodasei: (sorry bout the name) i really dont know how to read this23:02
MilitantPotatoRandom832: gnome-terminal23:02
Random832how are you starting this script?23:02
MilitantPotatoRandom832: I'm running ./firefox23:02
Random832MilitantPotato; and it doesn't give you your prompt back after you run that?23:03
sidneyhow do i register a nick23:03
Pici!register | sidney23:03
ubottusidney: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available in #freenode23:03
mix22891hello. how do i install bitorrnet please?23:03
Random832Savino; i thought you said you got it running and there were checksum errors or something23:03
mix22891i've download the files23:03
usuariomix22891: check if its on ur system as transmission23:04
MilitantPotatoit is, but it's spamming with messages from firefox, is that normal?23:04
sarthorHI, i am using karmic 32 bit, my laptop say on lspci, "Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR9285 Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01" , what will be my source=   ?   ,wlan0,6, HELP23:04
Random832MilitantPotato; yes.23:04
DasEi!info bittorrent | mix22891:23:04
SliderMancan someone help me fix ubuntu dosent load after install within windows and i get grub console instead.23:04
ubottumix22891:: bittorrent (source: bittorrent): Original BitTorent client and tracker - console tools. In component main, is optional. Version 3.4.2-11.1ubuntu3 (karmic), package size 52 kB, installed size 300 kB23:04
MilitantPotatoRandom832: Ok, thanks23:04
Random832if you want to close the terminal just close it - exit your shell or hit X23:04
SavinoInitially it would not boot, and was getting kernel panic and VFS erorr. fsck fixes the inode and directory issues and now reports a clean disk.23:04
nvmeDasEi, no its just a linux server sitting somewhere that I use for getting around NAT, but i dont want to put too much load on it (from transfers)23:04
Random832if you want it to keep going in the background you should do > /dev/null 2>&123:04
DasEi mix22891: sudo apt-get install bittorrent23:04
Random832to just not see the output23:04
usuariodasei: any idea?23:05
MilitantPotatoRandom832: I'll make a note of that, thanks for the help23:05
Random832Savino; ok - mount it and look in /lost+found, is there anything there?23:05
mix22891Thanks DaEsi !23:05
Random832how many inodes and directories had problems - and did it say what directories?23:05
DasEiusuario: syslog report io - errors , so a broken stick, but fdisk is strange hen, still, again the out from usb ?23:06
alexactisôpa voltei23:06
SavinoRandom832:  lost+found is empty23:06
gc_for_ubuntuHi there. I cant set up my screen the the best resolution. I get this message (You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.) but when I do it the screen doesnt work at all...Help plz23:06
usuariodasei: again the out from usb i dont understand23:06
alexactisalguem poderia me ajudar23:06
mix22891Thanks DasEi !23:06
Random832eh, actually i guess there's really nothing else to do either way - go ahead and reboot - if it doesn't work then you'll have to install; you could install a fresh copy and mount the old disk image to get your files off it23:06
DasEiusuario: lsusb23:06
DasEimix22891: vuze (azureus) is a much better app, consider installing from their hp23:07
Pici!floodbots > CHRISJERICH-90b223:07
ubottuCHRISJERICH-90b2, please see my private message23:07
SavinoRandom832: The list of inodes/directories has scrolled off screen but there were a bunch of them...perhaps a hundred or so dirctories23:07
DasEimix22891: also utorrent runs under wine23:07
qwertyHi room23:07
Random832did they look important?23:07
usuariodasei: it is found23:07
DasEi!hi | querty23:07
ubottuquerty: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!23:07
qwertyDoes anyone know if there is a chatroom for html and web design?23:08
=== qwerty is now known as Guest10877
DasEiusuario: we know, again the output ?23:08
Savinofsck didnt give the actual directory name,just a number23:08
usuariodasei: Bus 001 Device 011: ID 0951:1623 Kingston Technology23:08
Random832well nothing really to do now except try booting23:08
SavinoAs an example:  "The superblock could not be read or does not describe a correct ext2 filesystem. "23:08
Random832if it still screws up you'll have to reinstall23:08
SliderManhi, i have installed ubuntu from windows and after installation ubuntu dont boot and i see grub console instead, any help?23:08
Random832wait, does it still do that? or are you pasting the wrong thing?23:08
CHRISJERICH-90b2who nos about ubuntu23:09
SavinoRandom832:  Lets try that again... "Free inodes count wrong for group #49 (8176, counted=8170)."23:09
MilitantPotatoIs there a way to force tone control if it's not supported by onboard support?23:09
SavinoRandom832:  and "Directories count wrong for group #48 (0, counted=5)."23:09
Guest10877Is anyone familiar with html web design23:09
MilitantPotatoIf that makes any sense...23:10
Random832no way to tell from that if it was important or not i guess23:10
BluesKaj!ask | CHRISJERICH-90b223:10
ubottuCHRISJERICH-90b2: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:10
SavinoYep, it seems that way.  Perhaps just reboot and see what the kernel says23:10
Random832all i can say now is try booting - if it works, great, if not, back up any of your files you can recover and do a fresh install23:10
Random832and if you lose power often invest in a UPS23:11
SavinoRandom832: If I need to do a fresh install, can I install from the CD, and copy over everything, including /etc, /home...all files?23:11
LordVorphow do I "untar" an rpm file?23:11
Random832even one that gives you five minutes of power23:11
usuariodasei: any idea23:11
LordVorpdang, wrong channel23:11
SavinoRandom832:  Agreed.  First time I've lost power in about 6 years...Murphys Law got me...23:11
Random832Savino; honestly, I wouldn't recommend it23:12
SliderManhi, i have installed ubuntu from windows and after installation ubuntu dont boot and i see grub console instead, anyone can help me fix it?23:12
=== Mowee is now known as Mowee`Bnc
MilitantPotatoRandom832: does mounting with sync and disabling write caching help prevent data corruption during a powerloss?23:12
Random832do you not have sufficient space to do a new install and keep your old image around to recover files from?23:12
SavinoRandom832:  So all of the apps and config stuff I did is non recoverable if it doesnt boot?23:13
Random832MilitantPotato; probably - nothing's 100%..... i had a power loss cause a head crash.23:13
SavinoRandom823: Yep I do have the space to keep both..Ihave about 2 TB online23:13
Random832Savino; well most of your configuration should be saved if you copy your whole home directory over23:13
Random832at least your personal settings - don't know if you were like running a server or something23:13
Random832as for apps - just install all the same packages you had before23:14
SavinoRandom832:  No server running, just setup as a desktop.  I did have a lot of package installed through Synaptic,and dont remember all they wre.23:14
mix22891where is the sofware that i've installed is?23:14
David_Bis this the correct place to receive help with installing Ubuntu server for a relative newbie?23:14
Random832well that's simple enough to solve - if you ever find yourself wanting to run an application and it's not installed, install it23:15
mix22891i did: sudo apt-get install samba23:15
mix22891where is the sofware that i've installed is?23:15
Random832if you're that worried, chroot into it and do dpkg -l and save the output23:15
Savinorandom832:  Yep, that will work.  Thanks muchl I do appreciate your help.  I'm off to reboot out of LiveCD23:15
SavinoRandom832: Ah, chroot and dpkg it...excellent23:16
Random832dpkg -l cuts off long package names23:16
DefineByteanyone here know how to set up a cross compiling environment to compile an i386 kernel on amd64?23:16
Random832so you need to set COLUMNS=some large number if you want the full names to show up in the saved output23:16
SavinoRandom832: At least it will give me a good list to start from.23:17
Random832and you might not have to reinstall at all - this is just in case23:17
anto9usmix22891, it will install lots of files in different locations, samba though is run a s a service, the script to start it is at /etc/init.d/samba23:17
Danny``I'm installing Ubuntu on a friend's computer23:17
Danny``because he can't handle Windows23:17
Danny``I selected "Install Ubuntu" from the live disc setup but it appears frozen23:18
SavinoRandom832:  that would be nice...but Murphys Law got me once.... :)23:18
SavinoThanks, again.23:18
Danny``It's stuck on the screen23:18
anto9usmix22891, ubuntu also supports the service command e.g. sudo service samba start|stop|restart23:19
Danny``Any ideas?23:19
DasEiSliderMan: sry, I got disconnected23:19
DasEiusuario: has left ?23:20
meepmooptrying to login to a proxy my friend has setup every time I try to login I get an error in ubuntu (publickey,password) can anyone help?23:20
David_BHello, i'm having some trouble with getting past the GRUB stage of installation of Ubuntu Server, is this a good place to get help?23:20
anto9usDanny``, how much RAM is installed on that machine?23:20
sum1hi all23:20
Danny``Not enough23:20
sum1i got a simple question23:20
anto9usDanny``, get the alternative text based install23:21
sum1how can i write in bash a multiple if statement?23:21
Danny``I don't, unfortunately. I just rebooted23:21
Danny``Is there a way to do that?23:21
jribsum1: you mean nested?23:21
sum1jrib no.. i prefer not23:22
Danny``OEM install?23:22
sum1jrib *if possible :P23:22
jribsum1: then defined "multiple if statement"23:22
DasEisum1: using else, ask in #bash23:22
mix22891anto9us > i mean samba scan23:22
sum1DasEi not else, i mean many OR for the same if.. ok i google again -__-23:23
David_Bcan anyone help me, or am i in the incorrect room?23:23
sum1thx anyway23:23
anto9usDanny``, no, http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/downloadmirrors#alternate23:23
turboweiDavid_B, what trouble?23:24
DasEisum1: you can have an if in an if, but I don't really get your question23:24
Danny``I only have a disk23:24
David_Bsomeone is currently helping me in #ubuntu-beginners23:24
BHowardI cant seem to find any USB Wimax modems that will work with ubuntu. Has anybody seen anything?23:24
sum1DasEi i want to do multiple tests without nesting.. for clarity23:24
SliderManhi, i have installed ubuntu from windows and after installation i restart my computer choose ubuntu from windows boot loader and ubuntu dont boot and i see grub console instead saying something like sh:grub> anyone can help me fix it?23:25
kunsomeone girl?23:25
anto9usDanny``, if you can borrow memory from elsewhere to run the install then that would be an option23:25
kunI have Trisquel23:25
DasEisum1: so one if after the other23:25
Danny``I think it's working23:25
sum1DasEi yes.. ok finded it, if [ statement1 -o statement2 -o statement2 ]23:26
kunsomebody speak spanish?23:26
ejv!espanol | kun23:26
ubottukun: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:26
sum1DasEi maybe when i tryied it some time ago i used a wrong statement and i missed it :P23:26
Danny``It says "Can not mount /dev/ loop0 *cdrom/casper/filesystem.squashfs) on //filesystem.squashfs"23:26
DefineByteWell, if no one knows how to compile for i386 on AMD64 I guess I'll have to install 32bit Ubuntu. Bit of a pain though. >.<23:27
anto9usDanny``, clean the disk and check for scratches23:27
DasEiDefineByte: getlibs is what you need23:27
=== CHRISJERICH-90b2 is now known as letaris
Danny``Is that my only recourse?23:28
DasEi!info getlibs23:28
ubottuPackage getlibs does not exist in karmic23:28
nyqvisthi.. i downloaded the catalyst installer for my hd4850 ati card.. how do i run the install?23:28
anto9usDanny``, if it's reporting errors reading the disk, then that or burn another one23:28
mikeyfbi2i have windows and ubuntu installed and i boot to grub everytime ... is there any command in linux terminal that i can auto boot to a certain grub entry?23:28
DasEiDefineByte: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47479023:28
Danny``I don't have any blank discs, this is a disk that I got from Ubuntu23:28
mikeyfbi2ie - type a linux command in terminal to reboot to windows when needed?23:28
Guest_84123  grub?23:29
letariscan some one help me23:29
Danny``Could it be an error on the reader part? It's an old computer23:29
DefineByteDasEi: thanks a lot. :)23:29
DasEinyqvist: oo, ati... most prbly won't work23:29
anto9usDanny``, have you checked it yet?23:29
Danny``I rubbed it off, no real scratches23:29
Danny``I just took it out of it's case from the factory23:29
nyqvistwon't work? :( what the heck? :( so how do i install drivers for my videocard? :?23:29
mikeyfbi2Guest_84123, isn't that what it's called when you reboot, and have the option to choose what system you are booting into23:29
Guest_84123  i disnt know23:30
Guest_84123  didnt*23:30
anto9usDanny``, ok, how much RAM does the machine have?23:30
=== me is now known as Guest21370
Danny``I don't know, I would guesstimate less than gig23:30
letarishello can so body help me plz!23:30
Guest_84123  but what I do know . . .23:30
DasEinyqvist: just ask again for your particular model, since hardy the drivers from ati lack support for xorg, but the free radeon are quite good, on my old 9600 could even run compiz with it23:30
sciviask ure question letaris23:31
DefineByteDasEi: any idea why it's not in karmic? can it cause problems?23:31
Guest_84123  is that Ubuntu or woteva has more problems than all of the previous versions of MS Windows put 2 gther :)23:31
letarishow can i get ubuntu on  xo labtop23:31
Danny``Now it's telling me boot failed whenever23:31
Guest_84123  but23:31
DasEiDefineByte: most apps are there in 64 bit, too, what do you need ?23:31
Guest_84123  I still hate MS Windows23:31
Jordan_Uletaris, http://wiki.laptop.org/go/Ubuntu_On_OLPC_XO23:32
nyqvistDasEi, i run compiz and all..i guess ubuntu installed some drivers for it :) but i lack in watching movies.. etc..so ain't there some drivers that i need to install for my Gigabyte hd4850 video card?23:32
DefineByteDasEi: i don't know exactly what I need. I just need to be able to compile the kernel for i386.23:32
Qvintvshow do multiple #! lines work in a script? ie if there are two of them which one is used?23:32
mix22891i've install Samba scan and i don't see any icon23:33
DasEinyqvist: if compiz runs and resoltion is fine, your problem is elsewhere, hdmi videos ?23:33
happyfeetanyone use blender3d?23:33
nyqvistdvdrip and hd movies, yes.23:33
DasEiDefineByte: oo, then you definitly need a 32 bit os23:33
Danny``I guess I will go buy some blank CDs and burn the small installation23:34
ZykoticK9Qvintvs, the "#!/interpreter" is typically only used on the first line of a script, I "imagine" others are ignored (you might want to try asking in #bash) for a more authoritative answer (as mine is only a guess)23:34
DefineByteDasEi: surely there's got to be a way? Seems unbelievable that there isn't23:34
happyfeetAnyone out there use blender3d?23:35
mix22891i've install Samba scan and i don't see any icon23:35
DasEiDefineByte: the kernel is what makes a sys either a 32 or 64, their libs are different, so can't mix it23:35
ZykoticK9!anyone > happyfeet23:35
ubottuhappyfeet, please see my private message23:35
euphorianhello all, i think the nvidia-glx-96 driver i have is bad for my video card, and i dont think it will work with the later versions, its an old graphics card, but performs way better in windows :(23:35
anto9ushappyfeet, join #blender23:36
sarthorHi Again, my kismet is working now, Now, my dsl modem is just 5 ft away from my laptop, and it shows my 55% signals, while on windows 7 and on the other laptop the signals are more than 90%, I am using ubuntu karmic 32bit on Asus K50IN, how can i slove this problem?23:36
euphorianis there any way to use a specific driver23:36
DasEieuphorian: looked it up under hardwaredrivers ?23:36
DasEiwhich card ?23:36
archboxmangreat now I got irssi to do notifactions to my desktop.. now I got to get the bell working :)23:37
DefineByteDasEi: but the source from kernel.org is arch agnostic so it must be possible? I mean, are devs for ARM systems supposed to work on Beagle Boards or what? I refuse to believe there isn't a way even if it's painful and convoluted. :D23:38
mix22891i've install Samba scan and i don't see any icon23:38
anto9usmix22891, what was the package name?23:38
archboxmanCan we run wow inside of VirtualBox and XP???23:38
mix22891anto9us >samba-3.4.523:38
DasEiDefineByte: i don't get the purpose of your claims23:39
klappiarchboxman: i run wow in wine23:39
Bird|labo/ all, what DHCP client daemon does Ubuntu use by default? (dhclient, dhcpcd, udhcpd, pump)23:39
anto9usmix22891, it doesn't scan, that's a server to share your own folders23:39
Bird|labarchboxman: there shouldn't be any need to do that, last I saw, it ran quite happily in Wine23:39
seanbrystonewhat is a good rescue live cd? I checked out SuperRescue CD on distrowatch but it has been discontinued23:39
ZykoticK9archboxman, it might be possible (but I doubt it would be of playable quality), as others above have suggested wine is probably the way to go23:40
mix22891where i can find samba scan?23:40
bikcmpis there any way to 'run as administrator'?23:40
jribbikcmp: why?  What do you want to do exactly?23:40
DasEiDefineByte: if you want a 32 bit, install it, same for 64. some (very rare) apps are not brought to 64 yet, for that can use getlibs23:40
klappiarchboxman: run it with -opengl argument23:40
anto9usmix22891, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba23:40
bikcmpjrib: DNS app, and says permission denied23:40
MarkovBotThis is the Markov Chain Text Box, ready for service.23:40
DasEiseanbrystone: knoppix, for which needs ?23:40
archboxmanklappi: seen that I don't know how to configure Wine may be try playonlinux any advise???23:40
jribbikcmp: be more specific23:40
BluesKajmix22891,try networking in nautilus23:40
bikcmpjrib: gadmin-bind23:40
jribMarkovBot: no talking bots here please23:40
seanbrystoneDasEi, i cant get knoppix to detect my ATI23:41
DefineByteDasEi: I want 64bit on this PC but for another I need to compile a custom 32bit kernel to get it working.23:41
bikcmpjrib: I think he is a bot23:41
Noldorinjrib, mind if it just trains here?23:41
DefineByteI've done it before but that was when I had a 32bit system23:41
Noldorinjrib, it won't write anything23:41
jribNoldorin: it's fine as long as it doesn't speak23:41
Noldorinjust gather training data.23:41
klappiarchboxman: i just copied my windows installation to a dir under linux and startet it in wine i use the same install since classic23:41
Noldorinjrib, ok cool. cheers23:41
mix22891BlueKaj what?23:41
DasEiseanbrystone: or a ubuntu live cd then23:41
seanbrystoneok ty23:42
archboxmanklappi: didn't know that was possible... ok :)23:42
nyqvistDasEi, yes. hd and dvdrip movies...23:42
archboxmanhas anyone tried Star Trek Online??? is it still a beta??23:43
jribbikcmp: I'm not familiar with gadmin-bind, but "gksudo" is what you want I suppose. Just make sure it's really meant to be run as superuser23:43
klappiarchboxman: but i saw that playonlinux has an option for wow23:43
mawsttorchlight is a no go in pol23:44
DasEinyqvist: i used vlc and had noprobs, though haven't tried blueray23:44
euphorianDasEi, theres only one driver in that box and its the 96 driver23:44
archboxmanklappi: yes ,but not sure on how reliable heard people complain about not working right.. ....23:44
DasEieuphorian: which card ?23:44
euphorian01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV11 [GeForce2 Go] (rev b2)23:45
nyqvistDasEi, so what you saying, if i got my resolution set to best and compiz working fine, it's not drivers problem for 100%?23:45
archboxmanklappi: Wow work with a Geforce GT 240 1 GB GDDR5 going to replace video card its old a 7800 gt23:46
DasEieuphorian: you can go to nvidia's hp   an get  the latest driver, on your own risk can also check envyng23:46
DasEi!envy | euphorian23:46
ubottueuphorian: EnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia or ATi drivers, it can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" (for Gtk/Gnome) or "envyng-qt" (for Qt/KDE). It is NOT a supported method to install video drivers; please only use it if standard methods fail and at your own risk - See also !BinaryDriver23:46
euphorianDasEi, thank you23:47
euphoriani will try it23:47
DasEi!BinaryDriver | euphorian23:47
ubottueuphorian: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto23:47
DasEieuphorian: to install, log out of x , install d/l'ed driver, restart x23:48
klappiarchboxman: i play with geforece 9800gt23:48
DefineByteOK, I'll give up for now and look into it again tomorrow. Bye. :)23:48
archboxmanklappi: good card want to take advantage of the new arictuture in Nvidia with firme, so That is why I want the GDDR523:49
FloodBot4letaris: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:50
=== Nickmman` is now known as Nickmman
nyqvistDasEi, so what you saying, if i got my resolution set to best and compiz working fine, it's not drivers problem for 100%?23:50
DasEinyqvist: 99%, paste your /var/log/Xorg.0.log23:51
rahdukecan anyone tell me how to get Ubuntu to stop asking for my keyring password when i log in? Ever since I installed Docky everytime i boot it asks me for my keyring password.... I've installed Seahorse and extra plugins but there doesnt seem to be an option. PLease someone point me in the right direction23:52
sum1hi again..23:52
nyqvistDasEi, http://paste.ubuntu.com/377998/23:52
gc_for_ubuntuHelp plz. my screen resolution is too low23:53
sum1a simple question, in if [ statement1 -o $[ statement2 AND statement3 ] ]23:53
bluedwarfhello all23:53
sum1how i got to write the AND? and the nested $[] was right?23:53
unpersonI've been looking at Ubuntu variants that might be suitable for a netbook with little space and a slow CPU.  I'm a bit confused about how Ubuntu Netbook Remix, Ubuntu Mobile and Embedded, Ubuntu Moblin Remix all relate.  First of all, are some of these the same thing?23:54
bluedwarfI am confused as hell23:54
bluedwarfhow do I get my cam to work23:54
ubottuUbuntu Netbook Remix is a slightly altered version of Ubuntu, optimised for small screens. For more information, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR - support in #ubuntu23:54
sum1unperson i think that there are only different packages combos.. so you can't take any of these23:54
BluesKaj!ask | bluedwarf23:55
ubottubluedwarf: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:55
Craig_DemIf you have little Cpu I would reccomend you try Xubuntu23:55
DasEinyqvist: yeah, the driver section looks o.k., glx and fglrx are loaded, but there is no monitor section in your xorg.conf, and though xorg can figure out modelines, dpms is turned off, there might be an issue23:56
sum1bluedwarf i used cheese and it worked..23:56
bluedwarfwhat is a program I can cam  chat with for ubuntu23:56
bluedwarfthank you23:56
nikolateslaI have an issue with gyache not recognizing my webcam23:56
nyqvistDasEi, so what should i do|?23:57
sum1a simple question, in if [ statement1 -o $[ statement2 AND statement3 ] ]23:57
DasEibluedwarf: pidgin also has a new plugin for that23:57
sum1how i got to write the AND? and the nested $[] was right?23:57
archboxmanHello, I have a question???23:57
Pablonovatuscomo va23:57
David_BHello. I'm trying to install ubuntu server on a new machine, and I cannot get past GRUB loader installation23:57
DasEinyqvist: have you got the exact model of your samsung syncmaster ?23:57
archboxman!bot | archboxman23:57
ubottuarchboxman, please see my private message23:57
David_Bdoes anyone thing they can nelp me?23:57
sum1what grub says'23:58
Picisum1: Bash scripting questions are better asked in #bash23:58
sum1Pici thx23:58
DasEinyqvist: so ?23:58
scividavid b give supergrub disk a run23:58
nyqvistDasEi, SyncMaster 2333HD23:58
marcuyI can't change my default boot item on the list of grub 2.. any advice would be appreciated23:58
archboxmanubottu: no thanks test my irssi script for autorun bot of ubuntu23:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:58
unpersonCraig_Dem, Right, I get that. I just don't get how the other are related and whether some may just be different names for the same thing.23:59
scividavid b: http://www.supergrubdisk.org/23:59
archboxmanubottu: Intelligent enough to send me messages :)23:59
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:59
David_Bthank you scivi23:59

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