
ScottLtroy_s, you said "that's too bad" was that because I was leaving?00:10
troy_sScottL: No it was related to you finding something I said interesting.00:10
troy_sScottL: I have a hunch that the -rt might be more responsive to tablet work. Just a hunch though. No real way to do a qualitative test.00:11
ScottLi wonder how many people have and use the wacom tablet thingie00:11
troy_sScottL: In Linux? Very few. Why would you?00:12
troy_sScottL: Chicken Egg theory.00:12
troy_sScottL: The general outlook is pretty crappy, the software is pretty much crippled all to piss. The only real use would be for very expensive software that happens to run on linux.00:13
troy_sScottL: Of that, there is very little that would be traditional artist based.00:13
troy_sScottL: So I'm thinking it isn't something that is encountered or even thought about.00:13
ScottLi know very little about the wacom stuff, cory had mentioned it so I thought it might be more pervasive than it apparently is00:14
troy_sScottL: Well I guess you could argue that it is as viable as any other input device.00:14
troy_sScottL: In practical terms, there aren't enough dogfooders out there that actually stick with the crap we have.00:14
troy_sScottL: So much of it evolves at glacial paces.00:14
troy_sScottL: Still doesn't make the thought moot however. _if_ there is a place where -rt would impact illustration / painting, I'd think it was important.00:18
ScottLwell, i'm a little selfish, i want -rt, -lowlatency or -preempt for my audio ;P00:29
troy_sScottL: I'd be interested in figuring out a way to test things.00:43
troy_sScottL: If you can get latency numbers on audio, I'd think there were ways to test latency on input devices.00:43
ScottLtroy_s, I think abogani has been aggregating test numbers on the kernels00:45
ScottLi would not be available to devote time to test until the end of February00:46
ScottLFebruary is the RPM Challenge - http://www.rpmchallenge.com/00:46
ScottLafter which I would really interested in testing (and I can document how methodologies)00:47
ScottL*me wonders how he passed English when he rereads what he types on IRC00:59
* ScottL fails at being l33t IRC user again!00:59
* TheMuso can't stand leet speak anyway.01:09
TheMusoHey dholbach.08:13
dholbachhiya TheMuso08:14
* dholbach 's very happy with xwax and the audio4dj :)08:14
dholbachalthough I had to upgrade it to 0.7-beta2 myself08:14
TheMusoah ok08:14
dholbachstochastic_: if we don't want to upgrade to a beta version now (which I totally understand), I suggest we at least fix it not to depend on a non-existing font! :)08:15
ScottLjonas with the Debian Multimedia team has built hydrogen-0.9.4, i'll try to get a sync request for it today but if anyone wants to do it please go ahead as I will not get to it for hours yet12:37
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
aboganipersia: Are you round ?17:46
persiaYes, although I'm rushing madly to be able to go to bed :)  What's up?17:47
aboganipersia: No urgent: go to sleep. (~2.45). :-)17:48
aboganiGood night17:48
persiaabogani: No, what's up?17:50
* persia would rather know the issue now, even if it can't be dealt with now17:50
aboganipersia: Ok :-) I would want ask you to send the email to Kernel team (recall you offer yourself as volunteer?).17:51
persiaOh right.  Thanks for the reminder.  I'll put that on the list for the morning.17:52
aboganipersia: Please before chatting with me!17:52
aboganiI only request you to change body of that message.17:53
persiaOK.  What do you want?17:53
persiaThe main point I was going to make was about 32-bit support.17:53
aboganipersia: Sorry my mistake. That is the point.17:54
aboganiSo send it when you can. Thanks17:54
persiaIt seemed like there was a good bit of other discussion happening on the other points (although I'll admit to having fallen behind).17:55
aboganipersia: I have exactly the opposite feel.17:56
persiaHow do you mean?17:56
aboganipersia: No one report tests results neither on -lowlatency nor -preempt.17:57
aboganiNo one can tell if we have a lot i386 users.17:57
persiaAh, we're talking about different things :)17:58
persiaI think that there was plenty of *theoretical* discussion on the various bits.17:58
persiaI agree that there was no testing.17:58
aboganiSeems to me a lot complicated.18:00
persiaSorry.  That's how I think :)18:04
persiaAnyway, 29 hours is a plenty long day :)18:05
aboganiYes :)18:05
ScottL_fabrice_sp: ping19:51
fabrice_spHey ScottL 19:53
ScottL_fabrice_sp: is it too late to get zynjacku looked at in REVU again before the feature freeze?19:54
ScottL_i've addressed everything you mentioned except i'm having trouble getting debhelper tiny rules to work19:54
fabrice_spif you are able to find 2 sponsors, it would be ok ;-)19:55
fabrice_spI'll check now19:55
fabrice_sphmm, I don't see any new upload in REVU19:56
ScottL_i haven't uploaded again, i was trying to get the rules file taken care of but haven't gotten it to work yet19:57
fabrice_spnp: FF is on the 18th, I think19:57
fabrice_spso 2 days more19:57
ScottL_i have one more idea to try to get it to work, if I can't get it to work do you think it would be okay to use the more verbose, older rules file?19:57
ScottL_fabrice_sp: ^^^19:58
fabrice_spthe easier one would be easier to maintain, but I'm sure you'll volunteer to maintain the 'complex' one :-P19:59
ScottL_yes, i would...i would actually feel compelled since I was the packager20:00
fabrice_spkeep trying with dh7 (it should definitively work with it)20:02
ScottL_it should but i think it's something about the ./configure that messes it up (it builds in ppa and installs but can't run, even from terminal), i've been working with persia a bit using override_dh_auto_configure20:04
ScottL_but again, when I've used dh7 it builds but after installing it will not run20:05
fabrice_spok, then: come back to the old style rules, deleting the comments20:05
fabrice_spit may be some missing variables20:06
ScottL_comments were deleted on my local copy...I'll post to REVU when I get home tonight20:07
ScottL_oh, and many, many thanks for working with me on this, you've been a big help and I've learned gads about it20:07
fabrice_spyw ;-) it only ahs been 6 month since I am a MOTU, and also learned a lot ;-)20:08
ScottL_i'd like to work up to being a MOTU eventually, but that's a while from now me thinks :P20:08
fabrice_spthe key point is not focusing on one thing, but more being a 'generalist' :-)20:09
fabrice_spsince my first contribution to Ubuntu, it has been one year and a half to become a MOTU, so it's a long path :-)20:10
ScottL_I think i've been working with the studio developers for a few months and was never involved with building or packaging before, so I feel good with my progress so far20:13
ScottL_but I also look forward to continuing acquiring knowledge and learning new things and getting lots more packages into studio20:13
ScottL_so i'm not in a rush to be a motu but I can see practical benefits to me and the studio developers if i did20:14
fabrice_spnot only new packages: also quality of existing packages is important :-)20:14
ScottL_you mean the packaging or the intrinsic quality of the app itself?20:15
fabrice_spI mean not only package new apps, but also upgrade or fix the existing one20:16
ScottL_yes, i understand20:17
ScottL_although i haven't worked on bug triage at this point since I don't have much experience, rather I've tried packaging where I can do it in a void (i.e. no one waiting or depending on me)20:20
ScottL_but after talking with persia lately I think that I might start also20:20

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