
dbdii407Anyone know where i can download the theme from the previous xUbuntu (not the 9.10 current one)?00:13
titan_arkhey, anyone able to get the OOo 3.2?01:24
likemindeadI haven't tried yet, but I've seen some tutorials on how to install.01:26
titan_arklikemindead, adding the ppa doesnt work01:30
titan_arki get errors01:30
likemindeadBummer. Does OOo offer a .deb at their site?01:31
likemindeadI've used them successfully in the past.01:31
titan_arkyes i did find that but its not a single deb package on DL. its multiple :P01:32
titan_arkand then there is this issue of updates01:32
likemindeadWeird. And Lame.01:32
titan_arkso i wanted to add the package01:33
charlie-tcadbdii407: try here - http://emonk.fi/open/xubuntu/9.04%20Jaunty/GTK%20theme/MurrinaXubuntu-0.2.3.tar.gz01:47
titan_arkhey charlie-tca how are you doing?01:47
charlie-tcaI'm still going...01:48
titan_arkcould i bug you with a few queries?01:49
dbdii407charlie-tca, Ah. Well. It is the new theme. :/01:50
dbdii407I was kinda looking for the white one, specifically. Sorry. :(01:57
charlie-tcabug away, if you want02:02
charlie-tcadbdii407: the link I gave you? Should be same colors with the mouse superimposed02:03
charlie-tcaWe haven't had a white one that I know of02:03
titan_arkcharlie-tca, http://paste.ubuntu.com/377289/ this is the result of fdisk -l. i want to merge the 9 Gig partition with my current 10 gig ext402:03
charlie-tcaIf they are next to each other, you can do it with the live cd, and using gpart under Applications -> System02:05
charlie-tcadbdii407: Go here and look through all of them, they are not all separated like it should be02:06
titan_arkcharlie-tca, that is the details, and this is another: http://imagebin.ca/view/ZESIxY.html02:08
titan_arki want to use the 9.7 GB unallocated partition02:08
charlie-tcaSo the 9,7 is not part of a logical partition yet. You should be able to extend the logical partition with the 1.0 swap space and 10GB filesystem with the 9.7GB, then extend the 10GB partition by that much. It will take an hour or two02:10
charlie-tcaAs long as that 9.7GB is not allocated, it should be usable anywhere. If it was allocated, you would have to move the Recovery partition to use it02:12
charlie-tcaThe 9.7 is not actually a partition, it is unused space on the hard drive02:12
titan_arkcharlie-tca, yes, actually i had split it out of the partition and deleted it while installing ubuntu. dint realise the installation itself would need 7 gigs :P02:13
charlie-tcaYou will have to add it to the 11GB Extended first02:13
charlie-tcaWhy does it need it need 7GB to install?02:13
charlie-tcaUbuntu uses 2.8GB on the drive02:13
charlie-tcaXubuntu uses about 1.6GB02:14
titan_arkcharlie-tca, i dunno, with basic install and not much extra packages it gives me just ~2 gigs of free space02:14
charlie-tcaMust be the package cache and tmp files, then02:15
titan_ark/dev/sda6             9.4G  7.6G  1.4G  85% /02:15
charlie-tcaBut you can add the 9.7GB to the 11GB Extended, then expand the 10GB Filesystem to 19.7 or close to it02:15
titan_arki was on kde before. and felt it was bloated so i purged all packages and got to pure gnome which is still the same02:16
charlie-tcaYup. KDE and Gnome both use a lot of space02:16
titan_arkcharlie-tca, is it a good and safe way to do it?02:16
charlie-tcaI Think so, but no guarantees. It could kill the 10GB system02:17
charlie-tcawhy aren't you using a separate /home partition?02:18
titan_arkthat means i should back up my data before trying this02:18
charlie-tcayup, back up first02:18
titan_arki wasnt aware of how i should do it. i was following steps i had noted down a long time back when i made my first xubuntu install02:18
charlie-tcaHow much of that 10GB is /home?02:19
titan_arkhow do i check that?02:19
charlie-tcaI am betting about 5GB02:19
charlie-tcaright click on /home and look at properties02:20
titan_arksays, contents: 560 items, totalling 1.0 GB02:20
charlie-tcaWell, less to back up, I guess02:21
titan_arkokay data backed up. just 200 MB :P02:25
titan_arkso in gparted do i make it a new partition?02:25
titan_arkcharlie-tca, ?02:26
charlie-tcano, you expand the 11GB extended partition to 20.702:28
charlie-tcaThen expand the logical partition that is 10GB to 19.702:29
titan_arkcharlie-tca, but how do i do that? i dont see any options for that02:29
charlie-tcaOkay, make sure you are on that drive02:30
charlie-tcaRead under 'file System' it says "extended"02:30
charlie-tcahilite it, and click resize/move02:31
charlie-tcaIt can not be mounted and nothing in it can be mounted02:31
titan_arki cant do it02:31
titan_arkdoes not give me the option02:31
charlie-tcaAnything got keys by it?02:31
titan_arkyes all three, i mean the extended and in it the tabbed swap and ext402:32
charlie-tcaAnything with keys is mounted, so right click the partitions below it and click unmount. After they are unmounted, you unmount the extended partition. Then you can resize it02:33
charlie-tcaYou have to unmount the two partitions in it before you can unmount the extended02:33
titan_arki cant unmount swap, it only allows me to "swapoff"02:34
charlie-tcaThat is the same thing02:34
titan_arkswap unmounted, but cant unmount the ext4, error says something else is mounted, but i checked and nothing is02:36
charlie-tcaThere is a lot of built in safety you are undoing when you do these things02:36
charlie-tcaAre you on the live cd?02:36
titan_arki have installed it02:36
titan_arklive cd is not in02:36
charlie-tcaSo, what you are using to do this might be using the swap file, and won't release it02:36
titan_arkoh, so what do i do now?02:37
charlie-tcaThere isn't any other mounted partitions, right?02:37
titan_arkno none02:37
titan_arkno keys seen02:37
charlie-tcaAre you running through windows?02:37
titan_arkthrough windows? no this is a dual boot and i am on linux02:38
charlie-tcano more keys, right click the swap partition and see if it has an unmount now02:38
titan_arki unmounted swap, but the ext4 and extended have the keys and i cant unmount them02:39
charlie-tcaThen they are in use now. You will need to boot the live cd and do this from it02:39
titan_arkoh okay02:40
charlie-tcaSame procedure,02:40
titan_arki do not have a gnome ubuntu disk i have kde. will it work? or will a 9.04 gnome disk work?02:40
charlie-tcaafter unmounting, then resize the extended partition, then resize the 10GB02:40
charlie-tcakde doesn't have gparted, and 9.04 will screw up the ext4 partition02:40
titan_arkhow screwed can i get02:41
charlie-tcaThe good news is nothing is changed yet!02:41
titan_arkoops. pardon the language02:41
titan_arkso nothing can be done now?02:41
titan_arkunless i get a live disc?02:42
charlie-tcaApparently, you can get screwed pretty bad right now.02:42
charlie-tcaUnless you want problems, nothing to do without a live cd02:42
charlie-tcaand it has to have gnome on it, since gpart is part of gnome02:42
charlie-tcaI don't know how kde partitioner works, but from what I hear, it is not the same to use02:43
titan_arkthen i will have to be happy with no disc space :( since i do not have a blank disc to burn ubuntu02:43
titan_arkhmm okay02:43
titan_arkid rather not play with it then02:43
charlie-tcaAt least we tried02:43
titan_arkyeah :)02:44
titan_arkso you were mentioning why i do not have home as a partition. i dint quite get that?02:44
charlie-tcaYou must be running the install that is in the 10gb partition02:44
titan_arkif i do a fresh install sometime later what and how should i do it?02:45
charlie-tcaIf the /home is a separate partition, you can transfer it to the new installation easy. Create three partitions, 1 is /, 1 is swap, 1 is /home02:45
charlie-tcathat will create your users in /home. Then to upgrade, you do not format /home, you tell it to keep it02:46
charlie-tcaIt will reinstall the system, but your data is still in /home after the installation gets done02:46
titan_arkhmmm still a bit confused.02:46
titan_arkoh okay02:46
titan_arkgot that02:46
titan_arkand it should be in that order?02:47
charlie-tcaWhen you have a lot of data, it is faster02:47
titan_arkalso, how much space should i give the root / and home?02:47
titan_arkwhat ratio i mean?02:47
charlie-tcaThat is just the order I use. Root for me is normally 10gb, /home is about 25GB02:47
charlie-tcaI have done it using 4GB for / and 6GB for /home02:48
charlie-tcaI run two 400GB hard drives here, so I have a little extra drive space02:48
titan_arkah okay02:49
titan_arkgot it02:49
titan_arkthx a bunch02:49
titan_arkone more query on resizing.02:49
charlie-tcaI reinstall every release, too. Using the empty drive, I can put the new development release on, and leave the old drive alone for 5 months02:49
titan_arkif i was to selct to resize the extended partition, would i get to select to increase it by selecting the unused space?02:50
titan_arkaha thats a great idea!02:50
charlie-tcayes, that is what you are going to do02:52
charlie-tcano, rather. You select to resize the extended partition, it will ask what size you want to make it02:52
charlie-tcaYou should be able to make it as big as the existing size + unallocated space02:53
titan_arkcos i was fearing it should not select space out of my existing partitions, lest it eats part of my windows or recovery drives02:54
charlie-tcaIt will not allow you to use any allocated space to expand the extended partition02:54
titan_arkaha okay02:55
charlie-tcaoh, and it is scary the first time, and the second time, and the third time, and...you do it02:56
titan_arkand can i have multiple installs also? cos after the new release i am sure it will have bugs as i suffered with 9.04. so can i have 9.10 and 10.04 then?02:56
titan_ark:D yeah i knw02:57
titan_arki used to fear a linux install and now i installed 3 linux boots on my friends PCs in 2 days02:57
charlie-tcaAs long as you have a partition free to install in, you can have many installs. I have 8 installations on two 40gb drives in another system.02:57
charlie-tcaYeah, it gets easier as you go02:57
charlie-tcaI have those two drives in one system, and I partition them into 10GB partitions02:58
titan_arkand later i can delete one of the partitions and merge it with the one i want?02:58
charlie-tcaYou can only merge it if it is next to the one to merge into02:58
charlie-tcaOtherwise, you have to move the windows stuff around, and I don't know what that does to it02:59
charlie-tcaAnd I can't remember if the UUID changed when I resized, but I don't think it did02:59
titan_arkoooh okay02:59
charlie-tcaIf it does, you have to go into /dev/disk-by-uuid and find your partition, copy the uuid, and change it in fstab03:00
titan_arkah damn risky!03:00
charlie-tcaAh, what's a little risk? LIfe is too tame sometimes, anyway, right?03:01
titan_arkso i should delete all my partitions merge them in windows and then create a single extended partition then create other partitions for all installs?03:01
titan_arkthe risk is if i screw up the recovery partition then i am doomed cos il never get a win 7 install again :D03:02
charlie-tcaI have no idea. I don't like touching windows anything...03:02
titan_ark:D okay03:02
charlie-tcaWhen vista came out, I quit working on all windows systems03:02
titan_arkso how would you suggest creating say a 50 gig extended partition and then creating partitions out of it for all my linux use?03:03
charlie-tcaIt would simplify things for you, I think, but you can't count on being able to resize the partitions always.03:04
titan_ark:D i would like to quit windows too but there always comes a time when i need windows :(03:04
titan_arkyeah, but i now realise i should split a partition and then carve out drives out of it for use rather than the way i have done now03:05
charlie-tcaIt would be easier :-)03:06
charlie-tcaBut the experience pays off in the long run, too.03:06
titan_arkso i need to figure out how to do it =)03:06
titan_ark:D yeah03:06
titan_arki wanted to know if i can use a remote login tool also on linux?03:06
titan_arki want to be able to log in to my windows and linux boxes at home. i currently use logmein on windows03:07
charlie-tcayou can set up vpn to allow remote logins, that is how a lot of servers are maintained03:07
charlie-tcaYou could use putty to ssh into the linux boxes from windows03:07
titan_arkhmmm i do use putty+vnc to access my unix system in school03:08
titan_arkbut i would need to set up a server for it on the box i want to access right?03:08
charlie-tcayeah. Usually the school has to set it up on their end, so you can ssh into it03:09
charlie-tcahere, take a look: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH_VPN03:10
titan_arkyup i use ssh and then xvnc4viewer for that03:10
titan_arki want to be able to use my box at home so that i can manage it for my parents when certain issues come up. they arent very comfy with PCs03:11
titan_arkand i want to get them to use linux :)03:11
charlie-tcaAnd you know you can view other pages by taking off the last part of the page, right?03:12
titan_arkcool i shall read thro them03:13
titan_arklogmein for windows is pretty amazing. you just need to install the tool on the host PC and then log in from the logmein website03:13
charlie-tcaI screwed the second one up. ssh has to be caps - SSH03:14
charlie-tcaIs it secure, though?03:14
titan_arkso they say03:14
titan_arkbut would i get admin rights via ssh?03:14
titan_arkto install stuff?03:14
charlie-tcayou ssh in and then use sudo03:14
titan_arkany luck with installing OOo 3.2?03:16
titan_arki am unable to get that going03:16
charlie-tcaYou are entering a terminal, usually, with ssh03:19
charlie-tcaI do it back and forth on my systems often, since I only have two monitors but 5 systems running at times03:19
titan_arkah okay03:20
titan_arkyes i have noticed that so i would need to run vnc after ssh?03:20
titan_arkif i want a gui?03:20
charlie-tcaI don't really know. I gave up having gui when I started testing, since I have to set everything up all over again every 2-3 months.03:22
charlie-tcaEverytime I reinstall, my setups have to be redone.03:23
titan_arkhmm okay03:23
titan_arkno problem :)03:24
titan_arkyou have been a huge help as always03:24
titan_arkright from my 1st linux boot =)03:24
charlie-tcaOkay, I got to leave now. Good luck and see you later.03:26
titan_arkthanks Charlie, cya03:27
ron_ocrazy shit. Even on my linux box a virus tried to install on FF and I can't open up FF again without it continuing.05:22
ron_oI had to close FF to try to stop it from installing through WINE installer05:23
ron_oI got FF back running. Creepy stuff man. How anyone can use Windows is beyond me.05:25
BalsaqDid you say Windblows?05:25
ron_oactually, I might even just uninstall WINE just in case some virus can use it as a back door.05:25
ron_oBalsaq, you missed my earlier messages.05:26
ron_o<ron_o> crazy shit. Even on my linux box a virus tried to install on FF and I can't open up FF again without it continuing.05:26
ron_o<ron_o> I had to close FF to try to stop it from installing through WINE installer05:26
Balsaqahhh..well good morning05:26
Balsaqand good morning to all the world class developers and software engineers who reside here in the Land of Xubuntu...05:27
Balsaqhmmm, i would like to know more about this linux/virus thing? i have gone and many websites that i deem unsafe and never get any virus with xubuntu?05:37
ron_oBalsaq, there are no linux viruses that I am aware of. But with FF, going to an unsafe website and running javascript/java/flash, somehow it took over my browser and tried to install an .exe... surely it was a virus.06:21
ron_othe popup claimed it was searching for malware on my computer and then miraculously it found some and tried to install an application to get rid of them.06:22
ron_oI am just wondering if a Windows virus or easier yet some other malware like a Trojan can get on my computer system via WINE.06:24
Balsaqcan you delete it in terminal?07:05
Balsaqor cmd prompt07:06
RecycleCorn It is time to put those Haitian jigaboos in their place!  No matter how many times the civilized world donates money, opens schools, rebuilds their nation, and holds their little monkey paws, the damn niggers can never get it right.  They never will!  The same goes for New Orleans!  Cancun in Mexico suffered few fatalities after their major hurricane, and the rebuilding is already completed.  What have the niggers in08:20
RecycleCornNew Orleans done? If you are sick of this, join Chimpout Forum!  http://www.chimpout.com/forum08:20
joker_hello, i'm trying xubuntu, and i like it. Now i try the last 2 days to get up a RAID1 with LVM2... my xubuntu version 9.10, my probelm are now, that i cant boot the kernel. in get the error from initramfs that he cant find /dev/mapper/mdvg-rootlv. mdadm is is in initramfs, but if i would like to work with mdadm i get a permession denied. lvm2 isnt on initramfs. now my question how i can fix ist?09:18
joker_i try apt-get remove linux-image* --purge and than i instal it again -> apt-get install linux-generic09:19
joker_but the same.09:19
onaoghhow do i remove entries from applications menu ??09:45
onaoghin xubuntu09:45
jarnosFrom xfce4-power-manager: An application is currently disabling the automatic sleep, doing this action now may damage the working state of this application, are you sure you want to suspend the system?10:47
jarnosThat dialog box appeared when I tried to suspend computer. Which application does it mean?10:48
mr_pouitpackage manager?10:48
eXpl0i7disable all running programs10:48
jarnosI don't see any package manager and I tried closing most of programs. (All from task bar and all except the power manager and network manager from the tray, but no help.10:51
eXpl0i7go to system monitor -> processes10:53
eXpl0i7and see processes10:54
jarnoseXpl0i7: there are many. restarting the power manager helped.10:54
jarnosBtw. there is this Information menu item in right-click menu of the tray icon of the power manager. It opens a window, but I can't close it. Even restarting the power manager did not help.10:56
renata_hello, how to get xubuntu karmic to show my audio-CD info(artist, track name, album). I only see track1, track2 etc on vlc or exaile. thanks.15:10
System-7Hello. I seem to have somehow deleted the "Places" menu, even from the "Add New Items" window... how can I reinstall it?15:22
Sysiit should be there if you didn't use synaptic or apt, but maybe on other name15:24
System-7it is definitely not there.15:25
System-7Ah you mean in synaptic...hold on...15:27
System-7ok, yes, it is in synaptic, thank you :)15:27
System-7Hmmm, for some reason clicking on the links in the Places menu doesn't open them?15:40
System-7I click them, it looks like it's thinking, but nothing happens15:42
System-7Also, it opens a window called "thunar" in the task panel, but it closes after a bit15:43
System-7Is there any way to just replace Thunar with Nautilus?15:47
eXpl0i7maybe sudo apt-get install nautilus15:50
bittinhttp://data.fuskbugg.se/skalman01/2010-02-16-164235_1600x1200_scrot.png (my new found love <3)15:50
eXpl0i7but not sure15:50
System-7I already have it installed, but my attempts any any attempts I've read about online so far seem to end in failure... like XFCE just won't accept any manager but thunar.15:51
System-7Er sure, but that isn't replacing it...15:52
System-7And I think I'd want nautilus --no-desktop15:52
* eXpl0i7 googleing...15:53
System-7I've read maybe 10 different articles about it, most suggest replacing the thunar symlink with one to nautilus, but that just creates a big mess.15:54
eXpl0i7go to link15:54
* System-7 is reading...15:55
System-7hmm, the articles definately outdated, the menu format has changed entirely16:00
knomeSystem-7, applications -> settings -> preferred applications -> tab "utilities"16:02
System-7Which contains an option for the terminal which helps how...?16:03
knomeSystem-7, which xubuntu version you are running?16:04
System-79.04. Originally it was Ubuntu, then switched to XFCE16:04
knomeSystem-7, then it's you who is outdated :P16:04
eXpl0i7System-7: try this http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=108104416:04
System-7Yeah, that's one of the articles I was referring to.16:05
eXpl0i7install ubuntu16:05
eXpl0i7i don't know why you installing nautilus16:07
eXpl0i7thunar is good16:07
eXpl0i7for me16:07
System-7The reason I switched to XFCE was because Ubuntu was too heavy on my laptop for some reason...nvm, lol, I give up. Thunar it is16:07
knomeSystem-7, add the following rows into ~/.local/share/applications/defaults.list:16:08
knomeSystem-7, inode/directory=Nautilus.desktop16:08
knomeSystem-7, x-directory/normal=Nautilus.desktop16:08
knomeSystem-7, and if you don't want nautilus to take over your desktop, edit the Nautilus.desktop file to run 'nautilus --no-desktop' rather than 'nautilus'16:09
System-7Didn't seem to do anything besides remove my "Places" menu again :P16:13
System-7eh, clearly XFCE is written too much around Thunar to change it without screwing things up, so I'm just giving up on it :)16:20
andrius_hello, i have just installed xubuntu and what it is, that i cannot move or do anything with any window i load. i mean iḿ using xirc now, so i can move anywere, i can where is even nothing like ¨x¨ in windows.16:20
System-7You mean no window decorations?16:20
andrius_it just stands in a top left corner and thats it:) maybe anyone can help me with that ?16:20
System-7Your window manager isn't starting.16:21
andrius_i see, so maybe you know how to solve it ?16:22
System-7When you login, are you starting into XFCE or the failsafe?16:22
System-7Just to check, log out, and at the login screen, click "Session" and choose XFCE16:23
andrius_thnx, i´l give it a try16:24
andrius_ok, so it's xfce for sure. but somehow it shows č options iof chossing xfce sessions, i tried the other one, instead of this one, sio it dowesn't show me anything at all16:38
andrius_what it is, any window doesnt show the top line, where you can minizme, close etc the window16:38
andrius_i had zenwalk distribution earlyer, may it have anything to do with it ?16:39
knomeandrius_, xfce works with one of the sessions? use that session then.16:41
knomeanyone what?16:51
andrius_well i wrote about a problem few minutes ago16:51
knomeand i replied you16:52
knome"xfce works with one of the sessions? use that session then."16:52
andrius_sorry i haven´t seen that. well xfce works, it loads and iḿ using it at the moment.16:54
knomeso what's the problem?16:54
andrius_the problem is that for some reason where is simply no top line, iḿ not sure how it is called, basicly the one on top of every window. the one with wich help you can close, minize, maximize the window. so i can move any window, anywhere16:56
andrius_if i press the show desctop button, it doesnt work aswell16:56
knomeandrius_, you don't have xfwm4 running. press alt+f2 and run it (command = xfwm4)16:56
andrius_thanks, now i can minimze it by clicking on panel item. but still i can´t move the window or etc.16:59
andrius_o, sorry, seems it was just with xchat. i started the firefox and everything is ok w/ it17:01
andrius_thanks again for your help17:01
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boneheadis it possible to run compiz effects on xfce ?19:12
Sysiyes, but i only managed to do that with emerald19:13
* Psilocybin_Elf nods.19:13
Sysisomeones have succeeded with xfwm (default) also19:13
knomei still don't see the reason running xfce and then wanting compiz. go for gnome, since you probably can run it smoothly in the side if you can run compiz.19:26
Sysiit's hard to get some things with gnome, but with compiz it's easier19:27
boneheadknome: I am only looking for one compiz feature. i cant remember what its called but when you put the mouse in the corner all the open windows organize so you can click which one you want to view20:38
Sysialt + tab isn't enough?20:38
knomebonehead, you are still installing complete compiz, even if you only use one feature.20:45
boneheadknome: yeah i know. composting can be a hog.20:48
oldtopmanhello all20:55
oldtopmanHow do I record sound through my midi piano20:56
knome!midi | oldtopman20:56
ubottuoldtopman: Trouble playing MIDI files? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MidiSoftwareSynthesisHowTo20:56
knomethat was a bit different help url seemingly...20:56
knomeoldtopman, have you searched the forums?20:56
oldtopmanYes I have20:56
oldtopmanThey tell how to play midi files but I want to record from my piano to a midi/ whatever file20:57
knomeyou could also ask #ubuntu as this is not a xubuntu-specific issue20:57
knomei don't know about recording from midi port20:57
oldtopmanknome, is this irc for xubuntu specific problems only20:58
knomethis is the xubuntu channel, and you can get help for especially xubuntu specific problems20:59
knomeasking questions about ubuntu in general is not prohibited either20:59
knomebut you probably get better results when asking from #ubuntu, since there's way more people20:59
oldtopmanalright thanks I will21:00
Moon_Doggyhow do i change the dpi setting21:00
Moon_Doggyfor my screen21:00
knomedo you mean the resolution?21:01
Moon_Doggyknome, no21:02
knomefor the dpi setting then, go to applications -> settings -> appearance. see the tab fonts to set custom dpi21:02
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
Balsaqgood evening fellow xubuntu developers, coders, engineers and  lichen...22:37

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