
jonokenvandine, around?01:02
jonokenvandine, can you ping me when back?01:16
kenvandinejono, ping02:17
jonomind coming over to #ubuntu-app-devel for two mins?02:18
kenvandinejono, jcastro g-p-m with app indicator patch uploaded02:22
jonokenvandine, nice!02:23
jonokenvandine, still here?02:49
kenvandinehey jono02:57
jonokenvandine, any idea why my indicator applet is not loading, and when I try to type it into a shell to run it doesnt autocomplete02:58
jonoindicator-applet: command not found02:58
jonoit is installed02:58
kenvandineit is in /usr/lib02:58
jonoI did install indicator-sound and it kept trying restart the i-a so I uninstalled it02:58
jonowhen I run that or restart my session it doesnt show02:59
kenvandineyou don't have a "reload applet" dialog hidden somewhere?03:00
jonoit just didnt start it03:00
kenvandinenot sure... lets debug tomorrow or harass ted :)03:01
* kenvandine wants to land some of these docs :)03:01
jonono worries, I am away tomorrow, but I will play with it03:01
NafaiI found another application I Might want to convert to application indicators...but it's not even in Ubuntu yet: http://kaizer.se/wiki/kupfer/03:46
funkyHatI'm not sure if this is quite the right place to discuss this, but I had a thought re. the shutdown 60 countdown. It seems to me as though it would make sense to display a list of any applications that are inhibiting shutdown alongside the countdown, rather than waiting until the end. I think this would reduce the likelihood of someone cliking shutdown and coming back some time later to find the computer is still running14:34
funkyHatSorry if this has been discussed already, I do follow the mailing list and hadn't noticed it come up before14:35
vishfunkyHat: m_p_t would be the person to poke regarding this ^14:53
* funkyHat goes ahead and pokes mpt14:54
mptfunkyHat, actually I'm just about to re-spec them without the countdown at all14:54
funkyHatAh, ok14:55
funkyHatIs there still some kind of confirmation?14:56
funkyHat*will there still be14:56
mptfunkyHat, yes14:58
funkyHatmpt: would be nice if that was combined with the inhibiting apps list, I guess you've considered that ⡈)14:59
mptfunkyHat, I think the list of inhibiting apps shouldn't appear until after those applications have been given a chance to sort themselves out15:00
mptfunkyHat, currently I get the alert saying "A program is still running: gedit" *on top of* the Gedit alert saying "Save changes to document 'Untitled 1' before closing?" That's a bit bong.15:03
funkyHatmpt: do we need another inhibit state that says "I'm asking for user input *right now*" so those apps can be kept off the list?15:04
mptfunkyHat, I don't know the mechanics of the API. Probably it needs someone like me or djsiegel to write up a spec for how the interface should work, and then someone like tedg to work out how that maps to what Gnome/XDG already has, and whether it needs anything new.15:05
hyperairaren't you supposed to see the existing interface before proposing a brand new one?15:06
mptSorry, by "interface" there I meant the human interface. I just saw it.15:06
hyperairah i see15:06
funkyHatmpt: sounds good. I think it could be neater if the confirmation and inhibit windows were combined. perhaps we could have a morphing dialog which expanded to include the list of non-responsive apps after some delay/they didn't respond15:09
mptfunkyHat, maybe, but what would it look like during the delay?15:13
mptit's an intriguing idea15:13
funkyHatmpt: you've got me there... I was thinking it would be the initial confirmation dialog with "shut down" and "cancel" buttons (or similar), morphing into a window listing inhibiting apps, still with "shut down" and "cancel" but perhaps with "cancel" focussed. But I've basically turned it back into a countdown window, just without a visible countdown...15:16
funkyHatOh wait no I haven't15:16
* hyperair shivers. that smiley is scary15:19
NafaiGood morning, a little late start this morning, sorry.16:03
seb128hey Nafai16:03
seb128how are you?16:03
NafaiNot bad, just fighting some allergies this morning.  Other than that, well.   Ready to tackle code today :)16:03
seb128good thanks16:04
seb128Nafai, did you have a chance to look at updating the rhythmbox change to git?16:04
seb128I'm sorted of blocking on that to update rhythmbox in lucid16:04
seb128and feature freeze is today for new versions16:04
NafaiI haven't yet, been busy with my other assignments, sorry. :(16:04
seb128that's ok16:04
seb128let me talk to jcastro or jono when they will be around to see if that can be bumped on your todolist16:05
djsiegelDanRabbit: hey16:47
djsiegelDanRabbit: did you see my suggestion about status icons?16:47
djsiegelDanRabbit: who did those btw?16:47
seb128hey jcastro17:09
jcastrobah no wonder I wasn't getting any responses17:10
seb128weird irc split17:10
seb128usually you don't see people on the other side of the split17:11
seb128well we didn't see you there17:11
jcastroI saw you, odd17:11
jcastroanyway, what can I do for you?17:11
seb128yeah, pitti had the same issues hours ago17:11
jcastroNafai, anything blocking today I can help with17:12
seb128jcastro, can you get "updated rhythmbox change to git version" priority bumped for Nafai?17:12
seb128jcastro, it's blocking me to update rhythmbox in lucid17:12
seb128I would like to get a new snapshot in before feature freeze17:12
seb128upstream is going to roll a new tarball this weekend17:12
jcastrohe's trying to finish off gnome-bluetooth, brasero, AND vino since then.17:13
jcastroer, before feature freeze17:13
seb128hum ok17:13
seb128I'm pondering just dropping the indicator from rhythmbox for now17:13
seb128jcastro, thanks17:13
jcastrothe rb patch was originally cody's but he has no time to update it17:14
jcastrojpetersen has finished main mostly and is moving on to the opportunity targets, perhaps he can update it17:14
seb128and the patch is not trivial17:14
jcastrodavidbarth, I suppose bratche's workload is pretty much filled for this week?17:15
jcastroseb128, I would prefer getting upstream the testing they need over app-indicators and have us revisit it after FF.17:16
seb128jcastro, well I need to get rhythmbox updated in lucid17:16
seb128and I don't have a day to spend on updating that change17:17
jcastroI'm pondering just dropping the indicator from rhythmbox for now <-- I agree17:17
seb128ok thanks17:17
jcastrojono is on vacation for the rest of the week, so depending on what Nafai's workload is when he's around I will reprioritize one of them17:18
seb128yeah, no problem17:20
seb128thanks jcastro17:20
seb128feature freeze is a busy time for everybody ;-)17:21
jcastroI just hope we can get the bugs worked out for bluetooth and co.17:21
jcastrotedg, can you make yourself available when Nafai starts so we can unblock his bugs?17:22
tedgjcastro: No, not really.  FF effectively today.17:22
jcastrowe can't fix bugs after FF?17:23
tedgjcastro: Heh, no apparently the goal is to ignore bugs before FF as they take away from features you can't develop after.17:25
jcastrodon't worry ted, I have faith that you will fix his problems with elegance and good character17:26
jcastrojpetersen, I've just sent you guys a mail17:41
vishdjsiegel: that was me [icons]17:44
djsiegelvish: ok17:44
djsiegelvish: I just had some suggestions about shape17:44
djsiegelalso, now that you;re using color, there's not need for superimposed shapes17:44
djsiegelthe arrow is extremely busy in the empathy buddy lisr17:44
djsiegel*away icon arrow17:45
vishdjsiegel:  the color icons are for use in the app , the memenu need to be fixed to use the monochrome icons.. 17:45
vishdjsiegel: the fallbacks aernt in place yet..17:45
jpetersenjcastro, The bug caused by g-p-m seems to be in indicator-application or indicator-applet17:46
jcastrojpetersen, is there a bug?17:46
jcastrobug filed I mean17:46
ubot4Launchpad bug 523041 in gnome-power-manager (Ubuntu Lucid) (and 1 other project) "gnome-power-manager crashed with signal 5 in dbus_g_connection_register_g_object() (affects: 26) (dups: 2)" [Critical,Fix released]17:47
jcastrotedg, can you take a look?17:47
vishNafai: hi.. was the rhythmbox app indicator work done by you?17:47
jpetersenI get the same with gnome-settings-daemon when it is started too early in the session17:47
jpetersenso maybe it is raised when indicator-applet is not running yet or so17:49
jcastrovish, the original patch was by bratsche17:49
vishjcastro: the icons have been switched.. :(   the app now starts[not-playing] with a playing icon instead of the not-playing icon17:50
tedgjcastro: jpetersen: That's going to take some investigation.  But I'd be suspect of the (GList *)0x1 in the parameters to register_object.  But that shouldn't be an application issue.17:50
vishjcastro: but after that the icons work correctly , its only during start , it has changed.. [with notification area , it used to use the not-playing icon]17:51
jcastrovish, seb is going to upload a git snapshot of rb without the app indicator patch until we update it17:51
jcastrotedg, can you investigate? We need to get jpetersen unblocked17:53
seb128vish, did you upgrade today? I fixed that icon issue this morning I think17:53
tedgjcastro: Not really.  Sorry.17:53
jcastrotedg, when will you have time?17:53
tedgjcastro: Probably tomorrow afternoon after releases are out.17:54
jcastrook, I will hold you to that17:54
vishseb128: oh.. seems i have missed that update.. nice there already was a bug for that :)17:55
jcastrojpetersen, so until he can look at that then update the rb patch please.17:55
NafaiI'm back17:59
jcastroNafai, I've just sent you all a mail18:03
Nafaijcastro, Ok, sounds good.  I'll be able to make progress today without major help (at least as I see it right now)18:04
jcastroping early and often if you have any problems18:04
NafaiSo my guess is ted and others are too busy with their own FF stuff to help me with my gnome bluetooth bugs today at least18:07
seb128don't expect anybody from distro to have time before friday18:07
seb128distro or dx18:08
* Nafai nods18:08
NafaiI hope it isn't too much of a problem that I didn't meet FF for some of these18:08
jcastroif people got in trouble for not meeting FF we'd all be homeless.18:09
jcastroNafai, let's just keep grinding at it, everyone is in the same boat so at least it's shared pain. :D18:10
vishseb128: awesome , its fixed by the update  :)18:10
Nafaiyay for comiseration (is that a word?)18:10
seb128vish, good18:11
vishhehe , i was more worried i'd get bugs in humanity for doing the icon like that ;p18:11
jcastrojpetersen, if you can get me a best-guess estimate of how much work it would take to update the rb patch that would be great.18:12
jcastrojpetersen, here's the bug btw: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/+bug/49858818:12
ubot4Launchpad bug 498588 in rhythmbox (Ubuntu) "Rhythmbox's "Status Icon" plug-in is broken. (affects: 3)" [Medium,Fix released]18:12
Nafaijcastro: w00 for being appointed to replace lucasr on the Gnome board! :) http://blogs.gnome.org/lucasr/2010/02/17/resigning-from-the-board/18:16
qensejcastro: !!! Yay! Congratulations on your appointment! I didn't you were selected.18:18
Nafaiqense, well, lucasr appointed him :)18:18
qense*I didn't know18:19
seb128Nafai, not really, he was rather next on the previous election list18:20
Nafaieither way, it's awesome if he does join18:20
jcastrothanks guys!18:22
jcastroqense, I've left some comments on your banshee patch bug18:25
qensejcastro: I say them, I'm now working on the crash.18:26
qensejcastro: Did your installation also crashes everytime you pressed Play, Next or Previous in the tray menu?18:26
jcastrojust the one time actually, I've been using it since then 18:27
qensejcastro: that's really weird18:27
qensejcastro: so no crash notices after the first?18:28
jcastroyeah, if I turn notifications back on18:28
jcastroqense, IMO there shouldn't even be a checkbox for notifications there, it should just do it like rhythmbox does18:30
qensejcastro: which is?18:30
jcastroupstream currently has this custom odd popup thing 18:30
jcastroqense, it should just fire off a notify-osd thing 18:31
qensejcastro: I thought that it was already using Notify OSD on Ubuntu. Or am I wrong?18:32
jcastroyeah but that seems to be currently broken18:32
NafaiQuestion.  In Vino, there are several calls like this: screen = gtk_status_icon_get_screen (GTK_STATUS_ICON (indicator)); where screen is a GdkScreen object.  Is there something similar and appropriate I can do for app indicators?18:43
NafaiThis looks to be an important call18:43
qensejcastro: the "show notifications" toggle does appear to be the toggle for using Notify OSD or showing nothing with the default Banshee from the repositories.18:45
C10uD[19:45] <C10uD> i wanted to add appindicator support to my app, i've seen the examples and it's real easy, thanks for the flawless job18:49
C10uD[19:45] <C10uD> however i have two issues i currently can't sort out:18:49
C10uD[19:46] <C10uD> i don't know how to/if i can set "my" icons (as gtk pixbufs or paths)18:49
C10uD[19:46] <C10uD> i don't know how to/if i can "hotplug" items in my indicator's gtk menu18:49
NafaiC10uD: On the icons issue, app indicators load things from the icon path.18:49
NafaiDo you have a standard place your app installs icons?18:49
NafaiIf so, the easiest thing to do is to replace your call of app_indicator_new with app_indicator_path18:49
NafaiHere's the prototype:18:50
NafaiAppIndicator                   *app_indicator_new_with_path      (const gchar          *id,18:50
Nafai                                                                  const gchar          *icon_name,18:50
Nafai                                                                  AppIndicatorCategory  category,18:50
Nafai                                                                  const gchar          *icon_path);18:50
C10uDis that available in the python bindings?18:50
NafaiSo that last parameter is the path where your icons may be18:50
Nafaiand then you just refer to the icon name, i.e., the part of the name without the extension18:50
NafaiLet me double check, I've mostly been using the C api18:51
Nafaihrm, I'm not sure, let me try something18:53
NafaiI don't know, since I haven't used them, and it's not obvious to me looking at the classes in the interpreter18:55
Nafaikenvandine: I think you are familiar with the Python bindings, could you give a little guidance?18:55
qenseC10uD: If I'm correct there is no Python equivalent for that function, but let me have a look.18:58
C10uDok, what about the other "issue"?18:58
NafaiSo you may have to manually add your icon directory to the path18:58
NafaiSo you want to update your menu after you have set it?18:58
C10uDyep, it's an im, i add some stuff after login, and i allow plugin to plug their own stuff18:59
qenseC10uD: nope, no _with_path in Python.18:59
C10uDqense, ok thanks18:59
NafaiI've actually run into a bug with that one in the C API and I know they are going to look at it18:59
qenseNafai: that doesn't work when passing the icon to the indicator.18:59
Nafaiqense, Oh, it doesn't?18:59
qenseThe applet looks the icon up using the name you gave it.18:59
NafaiI notice, however, when looking at the docstring for the class in Python, there is this property:18:59
Nafai  icon-theme-path -> gchararray: An additional path for custom icons.19:00
Nafai    An additional place to look for icon names that may be installed by the application.19:00
qenseah, where did you find that?19:00
NafaiRight, but don't you add the icon directory to your theme path and then pass the name?19:00
Nafai print appindicator.Indicator.__doc__19:00
qenseNafai: that is what *app_indicator_new_with_path does, yes.19:00
qenseC10uD: you could have a look at the "icon-theme-path" property of the appindicator object for the custom directory.19:01
C10uDwow, thanks for the finding, i'll make some tests19:01
qensethank you Nafai! I didn't know that one. ;)19:02
Nafainp :)19:02
qenseNafai: but you can't do things like appindicator.menu.add()?19:02
C10uDis the menu thing a known issue? 19:02
qenseC10uD: you could assign a new menu to the indicator iirc19:02
C10uDbecause currently, we're adding stuff to the gtk.menu directly19:02
C10uDyou mean, readding the menu each time it gets modified19:03
NafaiC10uD, That is a known issue, I believe, as it is related to the behavior I'm seeing19:03
jpetersenjcastro, i will look at the rhythmbox patch right now19:03
jcastroC10uD, what app are you working on btw?19:03
C10uDemesene, the crappy im for your wlm needs :p19:03
Nafaiqense: You wouldn't happen to know about the GdkScreen question I posted above, would you?19:05
jcastroC10uD, oh that's cool dude.19:05
qenseNafai: I guess it's just looking for the screen the systray is on. Aren't there other ways of getting to know that? I don't know one by heart though.19:06
NafaiYeah, that's what I'm unsure of19:06
C10uDanyway thanks for the quick answers, i'll try your hints asap19:07
qenseI can't help you with that unfortunately.19:07
Nafainp C10uD19:07
jpetersenjcastro, and gnome-settings-daemon is done as far as possible with current application-indicator (i added some bugs with required features for further polishing: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-application)19:11
jcastrojpetersen, ok we'll have Ted check them out tomorrow as soon as he can19:12
jcastroC10uD, have you also looked at adding message-indicator support to emesene? It's the thing that keeps track of who has IMed you while you're away, etc.20:22
NafaiI need help in figuring out how to test vino20:30
Nafaithere is an auto-start option in the desktop file20:30
Nafaiwhich then gets called when the box to turn on remote desktop is checked in the capplet20:30
Nafaiis there a way to register this desktop file in my local directory?20:30
qensejcastro: I've stumbled across the bug you've reported. I think it is caused by the patch in GNOME Bugzilla #145278 20:30
Nafaior should I just try building the .deb and installing a deb of my changes?20:31
jcastroqense, yeah but that's a totem bug. Wouldn't it be a gstreamer problem?20:34
qensejcastro: ah!20:35
qensepasted the wrong number20:35
qensemeant GNOME Bugzilla #56545320:35
qensethe patch attached to that bug report isn't included in Ubuntu yet iirc20:36
jcastroqense, feel free to join us in #banshee, the guys are usually around20:36
jcastroqense, yeah, and I was pulling from git head20:36
seb128Nafai, I don't understand your issue20:37
NafaiI figured out a solution20:39
seb128just running the binary should work20:39
seb128the server that is20:40
Nafaithat didn't enable the icon20:42
Nafaibut if I run it first and then go to preferences that works :)20:43
seb128you need to change the preference to display it alltime20:43
C10uDjcastro, yes, but current codebase is so fucked up i'm not willing to add stuff, we'll see next versions :) i'm just trying to add appindicator in order to have a cleaner desktop, i hope in time for lucid20:45
C10uDbtw guys i tried setting icon-theme-path and it's saying i must pass it to the constructor20:45
C10uDbut, seeing the package i installed, it accepts only three args 20:46
C10uDid, icon_name, app_type20:46
Nafaisounds like a problem with the Python bindings20:49
Nafaijcastro, Who's responsible for those?20:49
* jcastro goes to see who touched it last20:49
jcastroNafai, either ted or ken20:52
Nafaithat's what I thought20:52
jcastroNafai, "whichever two are the busiest today" seems to be the answer to everything today, heh20:53
C10uDkenvandine, sorry if i ping you, can you take a look? ^ i'm using your ppa20:55
kenvandineC10uD, weird...  has anytone looked at jockey to see if it is working?21:54
GogglesGuynotify-osd 0.9.25 doesn't seem to update the text of a notification when sending a new notification with an existing replace-id...23:12

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