
vishtroy_s: heya... been bushy.. pixel-pushing humanity for lucid release :D02:25
* darkmatter pushes pixels up vish... nm ;p02:37
vishhmm , this looks wrong for so many reasons >  http://old.nabble.com/file/p27613841/humanity2.png , can be mistaken for several body parts ;p02:44
troy_svish: That's the upside of working with workshopping.03:19
troy_svish: You avoid the 'OMFG THAT'S A PENIS!!!'03:19
troy_svish: At any rate, have things settled in on the cover a bit?03:20
vishtroy_s: yup , finally! after whining a lot ... a cover without the animal is acceptable ;)03:21
troy_svish: That's positive. How's the typeface selection going?03:22
troy_svish: Better I hope?03:22
vishthorwil is a happier guy nowadays and new directions are acceptable too... typeface is goin on too03:22
troy_svish: So progress is being made. That's positive.03:23
troy_svish: Hopefully everyone is feeling more on the same page and that the thing is evolving in a positive manner.03:23
vish yeah.. :)03:24
kwwiimorning everyone09:47
* kwwii heads out to the airport15:56
zniavregood evening21:00
zniavrei want to tupdate my icon set with new trash icon but it does not appreas into nautilus sidepanel21:01
zniavre(sorry for typos )21:01
kwwiihey kids23:09
* kwwii returns from London23:09
kwwiiand spams the list23:10
dashuaHey kwwii23:27
troy_skwwii: Serious question, wtf is up with icons for mimetypes. _Dead_ serious.23:41
troy_skwwii: Isn't that sort of dare I say - retro as a Greek column?23:41
troy_skwwii: Would it not make more sense to simply adopt and polish the already existing thumbnailers available?23:41
kwwiitroy_s: erm, not sure exactly what you mean23:42
troy_skwwii: Icons are a misery of yesterday, and most certainly a dead trend. They aren't exactly illuminating to just about anyone.23:42
troy_skwwii: Well... it's like suggesting we should have an icon that looks like xxx for a jpg.23:42
troy_skwwii: When the real question should be "Why the hell in 2010 are we using a singular icon to represent any sort of data?"23:43
troy_skwwii: Follow me?23:43
kwwiitroy_s: to some extent you can't simply change *everything* at once (without a really good plan)23:43
troy_skwwii: I have to say, even a precursory examination of the possible thumbnailers (Ubuntu Forums)23:43
troy_skwwii: I don't think that's 'everything'23:43
troy_skwwii: The counter view is borderline ludditedom23:43
kwwiitroy_s: in that sense, I do agree that icons and the current desktop metaphor is fscked23:43
troy_skwwii: At one point, jpgs were thumbnailed.23:43
kwwiibut I think you'll see that change in the future23:43
troy_skwwii: PDFs are (?)23:44
kwwiitroy_s: well, look at how nautilus deals with previews23:44
kwwiiit is shit23:44
troy_skwwii: Raw should be there already (I think it is if you install gnome-raw-thumbnailers)23:44
troy_skwwii: Point is - all of the crap is already there.23:44
kwwiithe previews are these large ugly icons and the icons are much smaller...all in neat rows23:44
troy_skwwii: Whatever the case, it eliminates the whole icon bruhaha23:44
troy_skwwii: And more importantly, pushes one step further down the road of meaningful representational data.23:45
troy_skwwii: As in 'We are already doing it'23:45
troy_skwwii: It just seems that for some reason, we haven't implemented the bloody OpenOffice thumbnailer that is out there already.23:45
troy_skwwii: (PDF is already there right?)23:45
kwwiitroy_s: to be honest, kde does it much better23:45
troy_skwwii: And KDE is not well done either.23:46
troy_skwwii: So let's be fair to fair.23:46
troy_skwwii: But that doesn't help Ubuntu _now_ of course.23:46
troy_skwwii: Which is the point - the work is already done.23:46
troy_skwwii: (And I just tested, PDF is already thumbnailed on my install)23:46
kwwiino, indeed but in some technical areas it is simply a bit more advanced (in one way or another due to the fact that their toolkit is developed by a company)23:46
troy_skwwii: (ODT is _not_)23:46
troy_skwwii: Moot point if it all ends up looking like asstastic rigid Libretypical.23:47
troy_skwwii: Short question: Why the hell isn't Ubuntu using the OpenOffice thumbnailer.23:47
troy_skwwii: How much coverage (legit question) is there in thumbnailers now? Probably what - 60-75%?23:47
kwwiitroy_s: to be honest, I have no idea23:48
troy_skwwii: (Leaves room for improvement of course - I seem to remember someone on the forums having done a thumbnailer for mp3/ogg/flac music tracks that showed an albumcover and a glyph or something.)23:48
kwwiiit's almost 1am here, I got back from London a couple of hours ago and I've had two vodka tonic's with lime23:49
troy_skwwii: Might be a better question than watching 10 people flounder with what a fricking icon should look like (and probably bringing about a bunch of moot points)23:49
troy_skwwii: Lol.23:49
troy_skwwii: Just throwing it out. Seems like a dog chasing it's tail.23:49
troy_skwwii: And wasting time while doing it.23:49
kwwiitroy_s: send me an email..I definitely won't remember this in details tomorrow23:49
kwwiiyou might have a very good point ;)23:49
troy_skwwii: Do I dare click this fricking button? DO I?23:51
kwwiitroy_s: I think that one could create an design which includes pretty much any symbol for any given thing and as long as the *entire* concept is done correctly from start the user would still figure it out23:53
troy_skwwii: Bah. You just barfed up classic freetard design ethic.23:53
kwwiiwhen I moved from MS to Mac it was hard23:53
troy_skwwii: Who is the user :)23:53
troy_skwwii: Exactly.23:53
kwwiiwell, not that extreme, but you get the point23:54
troy_sPoint is, no matter WHAT the decision, someone somewhere is going to be learning.23:54
kwwiiyes, true23:54
troy_skwwii: All those fools chatting about intuitive are well... uh... they should probably go study something for a while.23:54
kwwiiif you didn't have to learn it wouldn't be a different system23:54
troy_skwwii: Exactly.23:54
troy_skwwii: It's difference. If it weren't, it'd be the same.23:55
troy_skwwii: But the issue with the fricking icons that pops up over and over is that it's forest through trees.23:55
kwwiitroy_s: true, but I think you'll see that change in the future23:56
troy_skwwii: Lol. How long have I been hearing that?23:57
kwwiiwow, the first time I can say that and really mean it with intent ;)23:57
troy_skwwii: You are starting to sound like Microsoft over there.23:57
kwwiitroy_s: ask me in 6 months that same question and we'll have an honest talk23:58
troy_skwwii: Ugh. If I remember.23:58
kwwiitroy_s: honestly, the design team is just now jelling, so to speak23:58
troy_skwwii: It's ethic.23:58
troy_skwwii: Where there is none.23:58
kwwiiI think lucid +1 is going to be pretty cool23:58
troy_skwwii: With the memenu leading the way?23:58
kwwiiwe've already started long term planning23:59
kwwiihehe, well23:59
troy_skwwii: _exactly_23:59
kwwiithat is lucid23:59
troy_skwwii: *ahem*.23:59
kwwiigive us a chance to get up to speed23:59
troy_skwwii: How much more chance before someone somewhere calls the tripe? It's been tripe all along?23:59

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