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timobhow can I use launchpad bazaar repo behind a proxy?01:10
lifelessset http_proxy appropriately01:13
timoblifeless: but doesn't launchpad use the lp scheme?01:14
lifelesstimob: sorry I don't know what you are asking01:15
ari-tczewplease sponsor debdiffs for fakesyncs bug 51243002:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 512430 in geronimo-jpa-3.0-spec "Fake sync geronimo packages from Debian testing (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51243002:36
nigelbif a package is in bzr in ubuntu, do we submit merge requests/bzr diffs or debdiffs03:22
nigelbpackage is gnome-media... main package03:23
TheMusonigelb: Submitting bzr merge requests via code.launchpad.net is best.03:26
TheMusonigelb: Because the those who work on the packages will receive the request.03:26
nigelbah, thanks  :)03:27
nigelbshould I update the changelog and such in this case?03:28
TheMusonigelb: Yes, if you update the changelog, the debcommit command can help you fill out the commit log.03:33
nigelbokay, thanks again :)03:34
TheMusoYou're welcome.03:34
nigelbokay, this package uses cdbs, I'm expected to create a cdbs patch too?03:50
TheMusonigelb: Depends on what your changes are.03:51
nigelbjust adding a patch that gnome upstream dev uploaded to fix a memory leak03:51
TheMusonigelb: Right then you shouldn't need to touch anything cdbs related.03:52
nigelbTheMuso: just make the change and request a merge ?03:53
TheMusonigelb: yes once you have committed and pushed back to launchpad.03:53
nigelbokay :)03:53
nigelbthanks again03:53
nigelbdoes the patch command have trouble with white space?03:58
nigelbI keep getting the error "patch unexpectedly ends in middle of line"03:58
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TheMusonigelb: You can tell patch to ignore whitespaces, but it sounds like you need to reformat the patch. Since the package uses cdbs, the cdbs-edit-patch command ifs your friend here.04:17
nigelbTheMuso: just edit the patch the normal cdbs way then?04:18
TheMusonigelb: cdbs-edit-patch will put you into a new shell where you can patch/edit your changes. When you exit the shell, cdbs-edit-patch creates the patch for you.04:18
nigelbTheMuso: yea.  but I wanted to work out the way I can make minimum effort in case I run into a patch with a lot of changes04:19
TheMusoman cdbs-edit-patch for more info.04:19
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pittiGood morning07:00
pittikees: devicekit-disks> superseded by udisks, so should be  fine07:00
mtx_inithello sir07:01
pittikees: Debian> mbiebl and I are co-maintaining both; Debian will get udisks soon as well; our udisks is merely a git snapshot from the Debian packaging branch07:01
pittiYokoZar: it should be on the default CD, right? we are currently struggling for CD space (7 MB overflown), need to figure that out first; can you please ping the MIR bug to ask for seeding it?07:02
pittikees: mirror image symlinks> hmm; seems a matter of taste to me, and I rather don't like them, but *shrug*; did they say why they ought to be there?07:03
keespitti: my understanding (upstream was a bit terse) is that the stuff in /dev/disk/by-id is literally everything that is a device, which includes the "internal" devices that devmapper/lvm use (i.e. they each have separate uuids, names, whatever).  but that filesystems are skipped because they're not sensible, I guess.07:05
keespitti: I think lvm needs another environment variable from the kernel called "internal" or something, so that it's easy to ignore those devices, etc.07:05
pittikees: well, it already identifies those devices (they are named _mimageN and _mlog)07:09
pittiso that's not hard07:09
pittikees: but anyway, I'll update the test suite; thanks for investigating!07:09
YokoZarpitti: There's a way to trim it so there's no net loss in CD space if needed07:44
pittisuperm1: thanks for fixing dell-recovery!07:46
ttxpitti: hey, what would be your take on bug 376388 (especially suggested sudo changes at last comment) ?08:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 376388 in etckeeper "~/.bazaar created owned by root (when run under sudo)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37638808:13
pittittx: we won't make -H the default; it would break other use cases which rely on having the original $HOME, and general backwards compatibliity08:24
ttxpitti: that was my sentiment as well, changing well-known behavior to fix a specific use case doesn't seem warranted08:25
ttxpitti: could you comment on that effect to the bug (if not already done ?)08:25
pittittx: done08:26
ttxpitti: thx !08:26
dholbachgood morning08:28
jibelmvo, hello09:32
mvohey jibel09:32
jibelmvo, I fixed the column sorting issues in synaptic but have some question anyway09:32
mvojibel: nice! did you put it in a bzr brnach? or as  a patch?09:33
mvojibel: questions> sure, fire :)09:33
jibelmvo, in common/rpackagelister.cc do you remember why there is a call to qsSortByName and then stable_sort. It seems redundant ?09:34
mvothat is quite possible, let me check the source09:34
mvojibel: oh, now I do - IIRC its to have the package names sorted inside e.g. the sections, otherwise it will sort by section only and the package names are more or less random09:40
jibelmvo, ok got it. question 2: bug 16518109:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 165181 in synaptic "Order by "Supported" Column Slow" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16518109:43
jibelin the sort function we call isSupported which calls isTrusted which queries the package cache, ... It's rather suboptimal.09:46
mvojibel: oh, let me have a look09:46
jibelmvo, there is no easy fix. Don't you think we'd better disable the sort by "supported" column ?09:47
mvojibel: hm, let me have a look09:48
mvojibel: did you push the patch for #518509 already somewhere? I will ocmmit it right away :)09:50
jibelmvo, not yet. I was waiting for this discussion.09:52
mvojibel: let me do a bit of profiling to see if I can come up with a idea10:03
wreI have found a post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8834757#post8834757  Maybe you know where to find an answer?10:05
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mvojibel: I updated the bug and added a prototipish idea10:36
jibelmvo, thanks, I will have a look at it.10:43
mvothanks :)10:43
jibelmvo, finally I dropped the call to qsort and replaced it by stable_sort which is superior in performance. The interface is more responsive.10:44
mvojibel: sweet10:44
jibelmvo, I commit the changes and let you review it.10:44
jibelmvo, one more thing10:44
jibelmvo, you owe me a beer10:44
mvojibel: for tests like this i often use a quick and check "clock_t now = clock(); { code; } cerr << time << clock() - now << endl;10:44
mvojibel: heh :)10:44
mvojibel: (to see if/how much performance difference there is)10:45
mvojibel: I will pay up gladly :)10:45
sebnermvo: thanks for taking care of the dpkg issue :)10:45
mvosebner: cheers, but cjwatson was quicker already it seems10:45
sebnermvo: really? He's a funny guy. Merging dpkg into lucid, then going on holidays and then doing the work nevertheless ^^10:46
mvosebner: indeed :) and he enjoyed it!10:48
sebnermvo: ok, I'll make a test-upload to my PPA(?) and I'll let you know what going on?!10:50
mvosebner: I'm not sure its deployed yet10:50
sebneroh, I'll wait some hours then10:50
sebnermvo: btw, you are fine that I sync your new scite package?10:51
mvosebner: please10:51
sebnerfine :)10:51
mvosebner: I meant to write a sync request, but this is much quicker :)10:52
wre_I have found a post http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=8834757#post8834757  Maybe you know where to find an answer?_10:52
sebnermvo: I did write one but Riddel was faster than incomming ^^, It's still stuck in there :( If it won't make it before FF I'll just make a manual upload10:52
Keybukjames_w: I keep finding new ways in which having source packages in bzr is awesome10:59
Keybukuncommitted/unuploaded changes in the working tree, when a new upload occurs10:59
Keybukjust bzr pull :)10:59
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ograseb128, so i just wondered why in my development apps all buttons dont have icons, then i found that we apparently dropped the UI to set /desktop/gnome/interface/buttons_have_icons from the appearance applet, how are users that have set that property in the past supposed to change it back ? shouldnt we apply the default when we disable them from setting such a property ?11:17
seb128why would they want to change it back?11:22
seb128if they did decide to set it this way11:22
ograi wasnt even aware i had changed it, took me a while ... i had changed it when i used my laptop screen instead of the external monitor, to save screen space on the small LCD11:22
seb128well we default to not having icons now11:23
ograits something *i* decide on a usecase base (no idea if others set it because they like it or something)11:23
seb128so you do have the default11:23
ograon all buttons ?11:23
seb128buttons and menus11:23
seb128it's that way since karmic11:24
ogramy app menu surely has all icons here11:24
seb128waking up some 6 months after the change? ;-)11:24
seb128ogra, you don't use the default then11:24
ograand usually cancel buttons have a red circle with a cross11:24
ograhmm, i cant imagine to have changed anything apart from the buttons_have_icons when we still had it in appearance ... and only when i used my LCD11:25
seb128ogra, gconftool --unset /desktop/gnome/interface/buttons_have_icons11:25
seb128ogra, gconftool --unset /desktop/gnome/interface/buttons_have_icons /desktop/gnome/interface/menus_have_icons11:25
seb128ogra, that will give you default values for both11:25
seb128then run some GNOME app, ie gedit11:26
ogramy app menu still has icons11:26
seb128the gnome-panel one you mean?11:26
ograah, they are gone from system11:26
seb128only things supposed to have icons are objects11:26
ograthat makes the UI so much less exciting :P11:26
seb128the apps categories have been decided to keep icons11:26
seb128it was really looking weird without those11:27
seb128but look in an app, ie gedit11:27
ografine then, thanks for the help, i couldnt really imagine we drop icons from buttons11:27
seb128menus and buttons11:27
seb128ogra, talk to our design team ;-)11:27
seb128ogra, though to be fair GNOME did the change, design was just agreeing on it11:27
ograi doubt i will convince them to change it back11:27
seb128no, you are 6 months late for that discussion11:28
ograso i'd just waste my breath11:28
ograi didnt see it changed11:28
ograthough the system was a fresh karmic install ...11:28
seb128you probably didn't do karmic desktop iso testing ;-)11:28
ograand afaik the UI applet only applied to toolbars11:28
seb128ogra, you kept your user config though?11:28
ograoh, right, i kept my homedir11:29
seb128ogra, the ui has both options, toolbar and buttons11:29
ograah, k11:29
seb128or menus and buttons rather11:29
ograright, i remember menus and toolbars11:29
didrocksis there any documentation page about how ubiquity hook works (or a good example I can look at)?11:46
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ari-tczewplease sponsor debdiffs for fakesync [main] bug 51243012:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 512430 in geronimo-jpa-3.0-spec "Fake sync geronimo packages (main) from Debian testing (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51243012:33
mdzhas anyone else seen bug 523176?12:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 523176 in grub "update-grub hung during upgrade, blocked reading from stdin" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52317612:49
mdzhappened with kexec-tools12:49
mdzah, /me finds bug 51885312:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 518853 in kexec-tools "package kexec-tools 1:2.0.1-1ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script killed by signal (Interrupt)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51885312:49
pittiKeybuk: thanks for the rsyslog upload12:55
pittiKeybuk: however, does that actually check for EPERM, and not drop privs in that case?12:55
pittiKeybuk: (otherwise rsyslog would stop working and spin the cpu 100% during upgrades, or when booting an older kernel)12:55
Keybukpitti: we don't support booting an older kernel12:57
Keybukyou'll have bigger problems before you even *get* to rsyslog ;-)12:57
pittiKeybuk: but we will at least during dist-upgrade?12:57
pittiKeybuk: then perhaps we should not restart rsyslog during dist-upgrade then?12:57
Keybukif there's a bug, we can fix that later12:58
pittiKeybuk: I booted 2.6.32-10 with that rsyslog configuration, and it just spins the CPU12:59
Keybukpitti: feel free to fix it ;-)12:59
pittiyeah, might do after alpha-313:00
pittianyway, so now the charts should look better13:00
pittiKeybuk: devicekit-power is gone now as well, FYI (I uploaded a new indicator-session)13:00
Keybukthe dd won't exist for older kernels anyway?13:00
Keybukso the bug is just that it spins rather than not logging kmsg13:01
pittiKeybuk: out of interest, do you alraedy know what's up with this setupcon/loadkeys/sh thing? or shall I take a look?13:01
pittiKeybuk: we have the dd process in karmic13:01
Keybukpitti: yeah, have a patch I'm about to upload13:01
Keybukpitti: we don't have the dd process if you've dist-upgraded ;)13:01
pittiKeybuk: it spins on EPERM, so it will just stop logging anything13:01
Keybukright, the spin on EPERM is clearly a bug13:02
pittiKeybuk: why wouldn't we? it's started in karmic?13:02
Keybukif you reboot into an older kernel, it won't be there, etc.13:02
pittiright, on lucid's rsyslog13:02
Keybuklucid's rsyslog is the only one that'll spin13:03
c_korncan someone please enqueue scilab again ? build just takes a while. see the last comment. it took 6.5h on Debian: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/scilab/+bug/51186413:05
ubottuUbuntu bug 511864 in scilab "Sync scilab 5.2.0-7 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,Incomplete]13:05
Laibschmvo: hello13:33
Laibsch@all: hello13:34
Laibschmvo: I'm available for further testing of update-manager if you want13:34
Laibschthings are as they were yesterday13:34
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dholbachrickspencer3, seb128, pitti: simple scan is seriously good stuff!14:11
dholbachjust tested it :)14:11
kirklandcjwatson: hi there ... i have a eucalyptus sru upload for karmic-proposed ... could you accept for karmic-proposed?14:15
seb128dholbach, yeah, robert_ancell rocks14:16
dholbachnow it just needs cropping and I'm all set :)14:16
sebnerdholbach: thanks for the git-core ACK :)14:19
Davieycjwatson: I want to use dh_apport, but it doesn't seem to be installed..  I'm running 1.12-0ubuntu5, but it doesn't seem to anywhere.  Am i being daft?14:20
geserKeybuk: does the most recent udev upload fix the current CHROOTWAIT build problems? "E: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'udev'.Please see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (2)"14:22
jdubKeybuk: should #513919 (no /dev/null breaks mountall) fix booting without an initrd?14:24
mathiazjames_w: hi!14:24
rickspencer3dholbach, yes ... robert_ancell is impressive indeed!14:25
mathiazjames_w: could you kick an import of the puppet package in lucid?14:25
seb128Daviey, do you have dh-apport installed?14:27
rickspencer3mvo, thanks! you are the bestest!14:28
mvorickspencer3: :) for XB-Softwarecenter-Appname: in debian/control ?14:33
Davieyseb128: I didn't realise it was a seperate binary package, *doh*14:33
rickspencer3mvo, I haven't even seen that yet!14:33
rickspencer3I was talking about "Featured"14:34
pittidholbach: indeed, I love it14:36
mvorickspencer3: thanks!14:37
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Keybukgeser: I don't know what caused those chrootwait build problems14:53
Keybukand no, but lamont apparently fixed the chroots14:53
Keybukjdub: yes14:53
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jdubKeybuk: bonus -- will test on my linode :)15:07
jdubKeybuk: woo, thanks for that fix!15:16
Keybukjdub: I'm still not quite sure why it doesn't work of course15:19
Keybuksince if you're running 2.6.32 you have devtmpfs auto-mounted on /dev15:19
Keybukand mountall will just reuse that15:19
Keybukso you should never end up with no /dev/null15:19
jdubKeybuk: perhaps linode's kernel config?15:20
Keybukjdub: possibly15:20
Keybuksmoser: I was meaning to ask you that at some point15:21
smoserKeybuk, its non-trivial for me to test now , as our kernels have devtmpfs :)15:23
jdubKeybuk: http://www.gnome.org/~jdub/2010/config-2.6.32-linode23.txt15:23
smoseri'd need to grab an old kernel, which would be possible.15:23
Keybuksmoser: right, I was trying to remember whether it was accurate that you'd forgotten devtmpfs15:24
Keybukjdub: # CONFIG_DEVTMPFS is not set15:24
Keybukjdub: FAIL15:24
Keybukjdub: that kernel config deserves to be smothered with a pillow by some TV presenter nobody's ever heard of15:25
micahgare the amd64 lucid chroots broke?15:47
lamontKeybuk: I went with the "can I reproduce it in a current chroot?  ... well then, trivial fix."  OTOH, do-release-upgrade may get to understand it in full detail15:52
lamontso why does my inspiron 1520 just plain not like to boot when the ipod is plugged into the USB port at boot?15:53
lamontstupid firmware15:53
lamontKeybuk: and I gave back everything in CHROOTWAIT on all 6 architectures15:53
lamontbut not ppas15:54
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Keybuklamont: the question is why did they decide to break *today*?15:54
Keybukthere wasn't a new udev or anything15:54
lamontKeybuk: NEAT.15:57
lamontle sigh15:57
lamontI do have the old tarballs, if anyone wants them (for a few days anyway)15:57
tseliotslangasek, Keybuk: I think we might want to include these commits in our plymouth package: http://cgit.freedesktop.org/plymouth/commit/?id=8ccb7f17549c3a6e6199420cf90c8c0a2e1af666 and http://cgit.freedesktop.org/plymouth/commit/?id=33b761ebe04e032741966afdd4058b717e96b08a16:07
geserKeybuk: from the log I still had open I see a download of udev 151-3 in the upgrade part (and udev 151-3 was uploaded today by Sarvatt)16:11
Keybukgeser: ah ok16:11
geserKeybuk: therefore I first assumed that your upload of udev 151-4 (4 hours after the upload of -3) was meant to fix this16:13
Keybuktseliot: I saw, I'm doing a plymouth update before alpha 3 anyway16:13
Keybukgeser: I don't know the cause16:13
tseliotKeybuk: me too, with the new theme and (hopefully) vga16fb support16:14
slangasekKeybuk: I think you probably missed my earlier ping regarding bug #518352 - architecture-wise, can you tell me what is *supposed* to be happening in this case?16:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 518352 in plymouth "[lucid] if booting without 'splash', gdm starts X on wrong vt" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51835216:25
Keybukplymouth is supposed to switch to vt7 and use a text plugin that keeps the screen black until passphrases are required, etc.16:26
Keybukthis isn't all quite right yet16:27
Keybukwe're basically not doing things architecturally the same way as RH16:27
Keybukwe always want plymouth running16:27
Keybukand always want plymouth to have an active splash screen16:27
Keybukat some point we just want to switch from that being a very plain text one to being a graphical one16:27
Keybuk(when we have the graphics driver)16:27
Keybukeither way, we should be always on vt716:28
slangasekoh.  are you writing that code before FF? :)16:28
Keybukit's a bug fix ;)16:28
Keybukit's not so much writing code, but calling the code we have in the right order16:29
slangasekso plymouthd would automatically switch vt and blank screen on startup, and then look for a fb on --show-splash?16:31
Keybukslangasek: don't really know yet16:31
KeybukI think that's probably easiest and minimum effort16:31
slangasek"don't really know" - that makes me nervous wrt FF, then, given how many problems users are having with plymouth today16:31
Keybukit's nothing to do with FF16:31
Keybukplymouth was in ages ago, now we just fix bugs16:32
cjwatsonkirkland: could you ask somebody not on holiday? :)16:32
slangasekit's the kind of bug fix that is likely to have knock-on effects, and I don't even understand the set of (critical) bugs that are already outstanding16:33
kirklandcjwatson: no problem16:33
Keybukcjwatson: only if you actually go *on* holiday and stop reading IRC ;-)16:33
kirklandcjwatson: someone got to it already, though16:33
Keybukslangasek: fortunately we have another alpha, and two betas yet16:33
Keybukslangasek: so lots of testing16:33
cjwatsonKeybuk: if I don't do Debian work when on holiday, I'm not sure when I'm supposed to do it ;-)16:33
Keybukcjwatson: that sounds a lot like a modern Busman's Holiday16:35
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cjwatsonfear not, I have had plenty of non-computer time16:35
cjwatsonnot least due to some kind of bug confining me to bed all day yesterday16:35
cjwatson(holidays, eh?)16:36
Keybuka Debian bug?16:36
cjwatsonnot unless they've learned how to jump the species barrier16:36
Keybukslangasek: I'm not trying to work around the definition of Feature Freeze, btw.16:37
KeybukI'm not saying plymouth isn't a bit buggy right now, but as a feature (and package) it is in16:37
Keybukit's just a bit buggy16:37
slangasekKeybuk: right - it's just buggy to the point that I'm hearing half our own desktop team has removed it from their systems so they can get work done16:38
Keybukthat seems both in the letter *and* spirit of ff16:38
Keybukslangasek: sure, but that's the case with anything critical16:38
Keybukor anything run during boot16:38
Keybukmy minor bugs always have major impact to some people :p16:38
Keybukunfortunately this means that all my specs and all my bugs end up OMGCRITICALZ!16:39
Keybukwhich doesn't really help matters at all16:39
slangasekwell, we can probably expect similar ratios for testers outside the desktop team... so they aren't going to be there to actually test the other fixes to plymouth if they've written plymouth off before that16:39
slangaseknot that I have a solution for this - the solution would have to involve fixing the bugs which I can't reproduce16:40
Keybukslangasek: so your saying I should only get two months to do all my feature development *and* bug fixing for any given release?16:40
Keybukperhaps a boot feature freeze before UDS?16:40
slangasekno, I'm expressing concern about the current state of plymouth16:41
Keybuk(the same could be argued for anything the foundations team maintain)16:41
Keybukthe state is pretty good16:41
Keybukthere's a single bug16:41
Keybukit's just a nice juicy one16:41
Keybuk(things end up on the wrong VT or inbetween VTs)16:41
slangasekwhat would "in between VTs" look like, and what's it caused by?  (to try to confirm that's what the flood of bugs I can't make sense of is about)16:42
Keybukin between VTs would look like X drawing graphically on the VT16:43
Keybukwhile input seems to go to the underlying kernel VC16:43
Keybukand that input potentially crashing the X server16:43
Keybukon the wrong VT would look very similar16:44
Keybukexcept on the wrong VT, X would be very clearly on tty116:44
Keybukvery clearly graphical16:44
Keybukjust that input is also going to getty16:44
Keybukand when getty times out and respawns, it kills X16:44
Keybukin between X looks like it's on VT7, and VT switching appears to confirm16:44
Keybukbut the text ends up on tty7 under X despite nothing else being on there16:44
Keybuka VT switch away from X and back to X may often cure the in between problem16:45
Keybuk(or crash the X server :p)16:45
apwwith lpia not being in lucid, do i need transitional packages for those off to something else (kernel wise) or will the installer magic things16:45
Keybukit's all apw's fault really16:45
Keybuksince the kernel shouldn't ever let this happen <g>16:45
slangasekapw: "neither"?16:45
pittikirkland: I did an SRU round earlier today, including euca16:46
apwKeybuk, hey thanks, i like being to blame, makes me feel powerful16:46
kirklandpitti: rocking, thank you!16:46
Keybukslangasek: it would be a huge help if you could own any bugs related to things like cryptsetup, asking for input, etc.16:46
apwslangasek, so ... the user will find out from the release notes, and i don't need to care about transitions for it ?16:46
KeybukI'll own the "plymouth kills kittens" ones16:46
Keybuksince I have all three major hardware here, and should be able to test16:47
Keybukand know the problem very well anyway16:47
slangasekKeybuk: I can do that; are there any input bugs that are untriaged / unclaimed right now?16:47
Keybukslangasek: I'm still ~600 bugs behind16:47
slangasek(I still feel some responsibility for "kills kittens", since I did upload that reintroduced it)16:48
KeybukI haven't dedicated much effort to my bugs folder (other than clearing the easy ones) since it was before FF :p16:48
slangasekapw: must be, I think; there's no way to switch the whole install architecture16:48
Keybukand I had a spec not yet at B/A16:48
apwslangasek, thanks ... makes my life pretty easy16:48
slangasekapw: so there's no point in having just the kernel try to handle transitions16:48
apwslangasek, figured as much, but nice to have it confirmed16:48
sebnermighty cjwatson (on holiday) .. mvo told me that you already took care of the dpkg backport?! At least uploading to my PPA doesn't work yet16:51
ivoksslangasek: have a minute?16:52
slangasekivoks: sure16:52
ivoksslangasek: bug 31577016:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 315770 in libtree-dagnode-perl "MIR for libnet-ssleay-perl and dependencies" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31577016:52
ivoksslangasek: is there a reason why libio-socket-ssl-perl can't be in main?16:53
ivoksi can't tell from bug comment, other than it was discussed on irs16:54
cjwatsonsebner: I mailed mvo+lamont a diff; it's not within my power to get it deployed16:54
slangasekivoks: no, just the general principle that if we keep pulling everything into main without thinking about if it's really needed, we get everything in main and a burnt-out security team16:54
cjwatsonsebner: I assume/hope that it's on lamont's to-do list somewhere, although I didn't actually test the diff ...16:54
slangasek(and my mirror gets fat, and I don't like that either)16:54
slangasekivoks: why do you need it in main?16:55
ivoksslangasek: we are pushing new cluster stack in main16:55
ivoksslangasek: one of stonithd features uses perl ssl16:55
sebnercjwatson: oh, ok. thanks for the hint! You can attach it to the bug I made if you want too16:55
ivoksslangasek: i could check which one exactly and get back to you16:56
cjwatsonsebner: if it isn't done by the time I get back from holiday, I will; otherwise I've done as much as I intend to do this week16:56
ivoksslangasek: so that we can discuss this fruther16:56
apwslangasek, can i assume you have a master todo list which includes something about lpia for the release notes or should i file a LP16:56
bdrungcan a core-dev sponsor the hdparm merge (bug #516249). maybe dholbach?16:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 516249 in hdparm "Please merge hdparm 9.27-2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51624916:56
cjwatsonsebner: it wouldn't particularly help anyone to have it attached anyway; lamont is the person who needs it16:56
dholbachbdrung: no time, sorry16:56
slangasekivoks: no particular reason to discuss it with me, I'm not on the MIR team16:56
ivoksslangasek: ok16:56
slangasekapw: please file a bug on the ubuntu-release-notes project16:56
apwslangasek, ack16:56
ivoksslangasek: i just wanted to check if there was a special reason, thanks16:56
sebnercjwatson: aye, thanks again for your work!16:58
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apwpitti there is something wierd about the two short bars in my burn-down chart (http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-kernel-team.html).  Note that the bar is red then green then red.  Its not at all clear that should be possible and i wonder at the veracity of the other bars as a result, are they overlapping more than they should perhaps?17:22
ScottKlamont: Still need testing on postfix 2.7?17:42
lamontScottK: well, I have 2.7.0-1 ready to upload once I test it locally... you're welcome to bang on the ppa RC copy modulo known bugs there17:43
lamontplanning to upload -1 today sometime17:43
ScottKlamont: OK.  I'll probably wait then (I'm dug out enough from last week to have a little time, but if it can wait, better)17:44
lamontcjwatson: dpkg build-deps xz-utils, which build-deps libtool 2.2 (>> 1.5.26-1ubuntu1 in hardy).  NFW we're backporting libtool.... can haz patch without xz-utils depends?17:45
Keybukcjwatson: I'm going out on a limb here, but have you broken man-db?17:49
Keybukthis could explain the recent udev failure17:49
Keybukman-db bombed out of its trigger because the dpkg database was still locked (by, err, dpkg!)17:49
mpttremolux, hi, how's Back+Forward going?17:50
Keybuk(it might be misblame, but it was the last thing to write to the console and got an update about the point things started breaking)17:51
tremoluxmpt: howdy, it's in progress, have a branch at lp:~gary-lasker/software-center/back-forward-nav17:51
mpttremolux, do you have Back and Forward GtkActions that the buttons hook into?17:51
tremoluxmpt: no, just handling the presses directly currently17:53
mpttremolux, I'm asking because I was wondering how easy it would be to add equivalent menu items and keyboard shortcuts17:53
tremoluxmpt: ah yes, it would be easier if I used GtkActions, indeed17:54
mpttremolux, I guess that can be left until after Feature Freeze, though17:55
tremoluxmpt: yes, it should be straightforward to convert to use them17:55
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mptokie dokie17:56
tremoluxmpt: right now I have the nav history queues and management classes in place, and currently wiring in the actual navigations themself17:56
mptI'll let you get on with it :-)17:56
tremoluxmpt: alright, talk later  :)17:57
lamontcjwatson: so I built dpkg without xz-utils, and dep: base-files (>= 4.0.0)18:00
lamontthat actually was able to build itself18:00
mpttremolux, <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareCenter?action=diff&rev2=336&rev1=334> reflects what we discussed last Monday, i.e. that Back/Forward covers "Get Software" and individual software sources therein, but nothing outside that.18:00
lamontafter installing18:00
pittilamont: should we manually retry amd64 builds which got busted by this udev thing, or will you give them back wholesale?18:01
seb128lamont, the amd64 buildds are broken, known issue?18:01
\shoh you know already about the amd64 buildds ;)18:01
lamontpitti: mass given back already, this would be the "so fresh chroots only fixed it temporarily" thing18:01
seb128pitti, I got a build failure 5 minutes ago, is that supposed to be fixed or not?18:01
lamontseb128: as of now, yeah18:01
pittididn't catch this one then18:02
tremoluxmpt: would you be terribly upset if the navigation is within the Get Software view only, for first cut?18:02
pittinor totem18:02
mpttremolux, no18:02
seb128^ nor this one18:02
pittilamont: how difficult is it to do another mass give-back?18:02
tremoluxmpt: as I dug into it, it became much harder to include the sources items in the scope of the nav history18:03
lamontmvo: you about?18:03
Keybukpitti: amd64 has *rebusted*18:03
lamontpitti: without the fix? it's trivial and pointless18:03
seb128should we retry builds or not?18:04
KeybukI think we need mvo to understand why APT is refusing to continue18:04
tremoluxmpt: it's not impossible and it shouldn't be terribly hard to expand the new nav history classes that I've added to do it18:05
* sebner thinks lamont is quite the workhorse where :)18:05
tremoluxmpt: but it added an extra level of complexity that I wanted to avoid for first cut18:05
tremoluxmpt: to me, it seems most useful when navigating the many screens of Get Software18:06
mptok, I'll revert the changes I just linked to :-)18:07
tremoluxmpt: oh, sorry18:07
tremoluxmpt: don't lose them tho  ;)18:07
tremoluxmpt: I should have pinged you about it early yesterday when I started to realize this, my bad18:08
mptReverted but not lost.18:09
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tremoluxmpt: actually, now that I look back at this, I'm a little confused by the (reverted) test case description - the test case includes navigation to the "Installed Software" section, but the section above (I thought) implies just tracking navigation within the "Get Software" screens18:15
tremoluxmpt: my branch currently shows the nav buttons only when in the "Get Software" section, and tracks navigation within it only18:16
pittiKeybuk: do your bootcharting scripts have a hack for the wallpaper cache?18:17
Keybukpitti: no18:18
pittiKeybuk: I just uploaded didrock's ubiquity hook to copy it from the live system, so if you have one, you can drop it18:18
Keybukwhere possible, the boot chart scripts don't have any hacks18:18
pittiah, good18:18
Keybukie. the point is to test the actual instal18:18
mpttremolux, sorry, that was an error that I corrected at the same time as the changes, and then I reverted the correction. Re-fixed it now.18:18
pittiKeybuk: right, just wanted to make sure18:18
Keybukthe post-install scripts are all about adding things like the broadcom driver, bootchart, etc.18:18
Keybuklamont: the only loop I can find in that tree is the old udev -> initramfs-tools -> udev one18:20
Keybukwhich has been there since the DAWN OF TIME18:20
Keybukand that's only a Depends not a Pre-Depends18:20
mathiazKeybuk: pitti: I'm still confused about the MIR - should a wiki page be written or not?18:20
mathiazkees: ^^18:21
Keybukmathiaz: "the MIR" ?18:21
Keybuklamont: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/39315255/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-i386.upstart_0.6.5-2_CHROOTWAIT.txt.gz18:21
mathiazKeybuk: sorry - completion to fast18:21
Keybuki386 busted itself again18:21
pittimathiaz: you don't need to any more, but if you want to, that's fine18:21
mathiazpitti: the first point in the notes sections refers to the report - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionProcess18:22
tremoluxmpt: ah great, thanks!18:22
lamontmvo: bzr pull lp:~lamont/launchpad-buildd/chroot-scripts/; chroot-scripts/make-chroot.sh -d lucid might be faster if you have a quick archive18:22
pittimathiaz: right, which describes exactly that it's not required any more :)18:22
mathiazpitti: from someone *writting* a MIR request I still think it makes sense to write a wiki page18:22
pittimathiaz: that was discussed on u-devel@ a while ago; as I said, if you think it's easier for you to write the wiki page, go ahead18:23
mathiazpitti: ok - thanks18:23
mvolamont: thanks, I have it now and can reporduce18:24
mvoreproduce even18:24
Keybukmvo: the only loop I can find in the dep tree is the udev -> initramfs-tools -> udev one18:25
Keybukbut that's been there like, forever18:25
mvoKeybuk: thanks, I have not looked in details yet, just reproduced :)18:26
pitticrimsun, TheMuso`: JFYI, I committed a small change to pulseaudio bzr (so please pull before committing/uploading)18:33
Keybukmvo: anyway, feel free to upload any fixes you need ;-)18:34
* sebner is wondering why sparc now has chroot problems too18:34
mvoKeybuk: thanks, it seems to be the new mountall dependency on udev18:35
mvowell, that is causing it, next bit is to figure out how to fix it18:35
Keybukmvo: why would that cause the problem18:35
Keybukwouldn't this mean that *anything* depending on udev can cause the issue?18:36
sladenKeybuk: there's is a Pre-Depends loop with  openoffice.org-filter-binfilter -> openoffice.org-core  which breaks stuff18:37
sladenKeybuk: mvo: bug #516727 if you can work out how to fix that to allow smooth upgrades18:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 516727 in openoffice.org "breaks dist-upgrade: E: Couldn't configure pre-depend openoffice.org-core for openoffice.org-filter-binfilter, probably a dependency cycle." [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51672718:38
mvoKeybuk: sort of, the problem is that something essential pulled udev in now and apt like to do immediate configuration on this stuff. to minimize the risk of breakage. but this is one of the side-effects, that is sometimes is too eager and falls over18:39
Keybukmvo: ah18:40
Keybukfeel free to drop that then18:40
Keybukthough mountall won't work without udev installed18:40
Keybuk(or configured, in fact)18:40
superm1kirkland, I think today's your archive admin day.. would you mind kicking mythtv out of binary new so that the other myth* packages can build again against it?18:40
kirklandsuperm1: done18:41
mvoKeybuk: thanks, I see what I can do (either by fiddling dependencies or hit apt with a hammer)18:41
superm1kirkland, thanks (and sorry for your frontend that you just upgraded :))18:42
kirklandsuperm1: :-P18:42
kirklandsuperm1: my wife is ready for mythtv normalcy again18:42
mdeslaurpitti: I've just uploaded a "security" symptom to apport-symptoms. Do you think we could get a new version uploaded before FF?18:51
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cjwatsonlamont: I think ditching the xz-utils build-dep would be OK18:56
cjwatsonanyone have a build log for that man-db thing Keybuk was talking about?  I did sync a new upstream version of man-db, but I didn't change the trigger logic in any meaningful way AFAIK18:58
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keesmvo: /win 1319:03
keesmvo: er, ping, about update-manager19:03
keesmvo: I'd like to add a small script to it, since it ships the bulk of the update-motd scripts.19:03
mvokees: sure19:07
mvokees: /win 1219:07
ari-tczewplease upload 4 debdiffs for fake sync bug 512430 thanks19:07
mvokees: feel free to commit directly if its trivial19:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 512430 in geronimo-jpa-3.0-spec "Fake sync geronimo packages (main) from Debian testing (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51243019:07
mvokees: otherwise, just create a branch and I will merge19:08
keesmvo: okay, cool19:09
juliankmvo: Don't forget the python-apt upload, if you haven't done it already.19:10
mvojuliank: I'm working on it, I think its fully backward compatible now, but I want to do some further tests19:15
juliankmvo: Except for apt_pkg.Version which is a class now, it should be fully compatible. But I have not seen anyone complaining about apt_pkg.Version since it changed last summer.19:17
ari-tczewmvo: do you will fix problem with udev/pbuilder today before FF?19:18
mvoari-tczew: the immediate-configure problem that the buidds have? or is that a different one?19:18
juliankcjwatson: You have been selected for receiving the first python-apt API transition bug, for germinate. It should come tommorow, with a patch.19:19
mvojuliank: right, its pretty good, when testing with the release upgrader I had some issues, it uses a lot of the p-apt code19:19
mvoI think they are fixed now19:20
juliankmvo: I tested gnome-app-install and software-center, and they worked (except on Debian kFreeBSD, but this is not relevant here)19:20
ari-tczewmvo: pbuilder @ E: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'udev'.Please see man 5 apt.conf under APT::Immediate-Configure for details. (2)19:20
mvoari-tczew: yeah, I just uploaded a new util-linux that hopefully fixes it19:20
mvojuliank: ok, my next candidate is gdebi, but I'm pretty confident that this will work19:21
juliankmvo: Should I open bugs for the python-apt transition in Ubuntu as well and link them to the ones in the Debian BTS?19:21
juliankmvo: I believe I already used gdebi with the new python-apt.19:21
nixternalhow can I get lp:debian/experimental/koffice updated with what is in debian experimental? really don't want to have to do this big arse merge manually19:38
leonardrDktrKranz: i mentioned this to slangasek earlier, but the new launchpadlib is available for you to package at your convenience19:48
leonardri'll be staying on irc in case you have questions19:48
ari-tczewplease sponsor this merge before FF !! bug 523375 thanks!19:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 523375 in commons-pool "Merge commons-pool 1.5.4-1 (main) from Debian testing (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52337519:50
lamontmvo: were you serious in that SMS? and do I need to handhold it?20:06
tormodpitti, can e.g. you please bless the sync request in bug 520163 ?20:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 520163 in linux-wlan-ng "please sync linux-wlan-ng 0.2.9+dfsg-4 from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52016320:09
lamontmvo: would "apt-get dist-upgrade -o Apt::Immediate-Configure=false" in an apt.conf.d/foo file in the tarball be sufficient to get past the current pain?20:10
ari-tczewmain sponsors needed!!!20:12
* micahg just saw a blog post about that ari-tczew :)20:13
ari-tczewmicahg, I don't understand :>20:14
directhexseb128, moonlight 2.1 packaging is mostly done, but is blocking on the mozilla team providing something resembling a xulrunner-dev 1.9.220:14
* \sh just had a look on mom...and mom is again pregnant with twins20:15
micahgdirecthex: I think it's done from my end, I think asac said something in the timeframe of 'soon' for an upload :)20:17
micahgari-tczew: I read something recently about the lack of main-sponsors20:17
directhexmicahg, yeah, that's what i heard a week or two ago regarding a list of Depends: for plugins. featurefreeze is *tomorrow*20:17
mvolamont: that should be enough (the tarball thing)20:20
mvolamont: if you build util-linux by hand and install it in the archive it would work as well20:20
lamontmvo: except for the "install it in the archive" part20:21
lamontthere is no abi for that20:21
elmolamont: I think he means the chroot archive20:21
lamontah, but still requires building it20:21
ari-tczew[ new upstream @ merge ] Bug 523375 please sponsor it ;-) thanks!20:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 523375 in commons-pool "Merge commons-pool 1.5.4-1 (main) from Debian testing (main)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52337520:35
tseliotslangasek: shall I retry my builds? I got a "chroot problem": http://launchpadlibrarian.net/39316569/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-i386.nvidia-graphics-drivers_195.36.03-0ubuntu1_CHROOTWAIT.txt.gz20:44
ivokseverybody gets that :/20:45
tseliotslangasek, lamont: ^^ this was on palmer and crested20:45
lamonttseliot: it's everywhere, and why the whole farm is on manual atm20:45
DktrKranzslangasek: I'm about to upload python-launchpadlib_1.5.5-1, dinstall is running so it will take ~1,5h to be accepted, I hope it's not a problem for you.20:46
tseliotlamont: ok, so (for me) it's just a matter of waiting until all is fixed, right?20:46
tseliotlamont: ok, thanks. I'll retrigger the build tomorrow, I guess20:47
lamonttseliot: if it's not in a ppa, it'll get requeued once the fix gets published (next publisher run, I expect)20:49
tseliotlamont: no, it's not in a ppa, it's in lucid. Great news, thanks again :-)20:50
tormodari-tczew, try contacting directly a dev who has uploaded that package earlier20:52
lamontso, um, when does the publisher usually run?20:53
lamontthere.  that ends the "ZOMG in CHROOTWAIT" queries. :-p20:56
slangasekDktrKranz: sounds good to me, thanks :)20:56
ari-tczewwhere is ttx :(20:59
slangaseknot in front of tty?21:00
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lamontdear world.  build farm back online, chewing on your NOMNOMNOM lucid builds21:07
* ogra hugs lamont 21:15
sebnerlamont is tehh FIXX0R!21:15
lamontsebner: mvo is teh fix0r... I just get to drive sometimes21:16
* mvo hugs lamont21:16
lamontmvo: so... it's been that way in that package for sometime, was it the whole switch to upstart that exposes it?  and is apt going to change so that's not totally fatal the next time around? or ??21:17
lamontbecause I don't think I can drop that dep until upstart is there, right?21:17
lamont(speaking of debian)21:18
\shworld thanks lamont and mvo :)21:19
mvoit got triggered because mountall grew a new dep on udev, and yes, it really should handle the situation more gracefully21:19
mvowhat its doing is not fatal21:19
sebnerlamont: btw, already got time to look at the dpkg fix from cjwatson?21:19
mvoif the immediate-configure fails21:19
lamontsebner: that's waiting for testing on dogfood prior to lobbing it into production21:20
lamontfwiw, we get to ignore the FFE mess for alien-arena21:20
lamontI got it blessed21:20
sebnerlamont: heh, it's a little bit annoying but no real problem filing and getting it approved so I don't really mind21:21
lamontsebner: ok.  if you want to go the FFE route and upload, works for me. - I was planning on just signing it and stuffing it21:22
kirklandlamont: are the buildd's hosed?21:23
kirklandlamont: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/39320067/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-i386.ecryptfs-utils_83-0ubuntu1_CHROOTWAIT.txt.gz21:23
sebnerlamont: *IF* you can sort it out before FF it's even better but don't feel any pressure. You don't *have to* do it right now if you have other stuff to do21:23
lamontkirkland: that should have been given back21:23
\shkirkland: you are too late ;)21:23
micahglamont: you didn't say the chroot problem was fixed, did you?21:24
lamontmicahg: let me guess, it's back?21:24
lamontkirkland: you'll note that 0ubuntu2 is current.21:24
* ScottK thinks we have ~20 minutes until the publisher run finishes ....21:25
kirklandlamont: 0ubuntu2 of what?21:25
lamontyou know, the log you just threw at me from ages ago when the lucid chroot tarball was h0rked.21:26
kirklandlamont:  82-0ubuntu221:26
kirklandlamont: i uploaded 83-0ubuntu121:26
kirklandlamont: hmm, that log file is just a few minutes old21:26
lamontdear mvo.  hating you. kthx21:26
lamontmvo: so... you comfortable with us just running with the hack for all builds for a little while you find the real answer?21:27
lamontdeadlines and all that21:27
lamontbut you understand the hack at least 3 orders of magnitude better than me21:28
mvolamont: sure - what was it you did earlier? build util-linux manually?21:28
mvoit will do no harm21:28
lamonthacked tarball, uploaded, manual the world, punch util-linux to the top, let it build, restore old buildd21:28
lamontoh. wait.21:28
lamontlet me guess... the installed util-linux needs to be the fixed one, right?21:29
lamontmvo: ^^21:32
mvolamont: once util-linux (the new version) makes it into the archive all should be good again, is the new util-linux build and published?21:33
lamontbuilt and published21:33
lamontOTOH, just building tarballs to make sure21:33
mvoits not on archive.u.c (at least I can not see it on my system) yet21:34
primes2hcr3: Hello, are you around?21:36
lamontmvo: so... published != published.21:37
* lamont goes to scrape the internal mirror to be sure21:37
primes2hcr3: Did you have a look at the translation issue ? bug #51440121:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 514401 in ubuntu-translations "Several strings appear in english although translated" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51440121:38
mvoheh :) that makes it harder for me to test, it did work in my test env21:38
primes2hcr3: It would be nice to have it fixed in time for Lucid.21:40
cr3primes2h: thanks for the reminder, but the current trunk of the project has security issues which need to be resolved before I can push the new version21:40
nixternalanyone know if the current daily installer is working? been broken the past couple of days21:41
cr3primes2h: I will have that ready in time for lucid, even though I might need a ffe. I just hope this will be in time for translations to kick in21:41
kirklandlamont: will builds auto retry, or do i need to push?21:42
lamontautoretry for !ppa21:42
lamont(already given back)21:42
primes2hcr3: Ok, I hope so. Tell me if you need help for anything. :-)21:44
primes2hcr3: Thanks.21:45
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mvojuliank: sorry, no upload today, the gdebi-gtk InstallProgressAdapter is not working, I need to debug that first (it appears something with updateInterface/waitChild is not yet ok)21:56
DktrKranzmvo: need more testing hands on gdebi side?21:59
lamontsigh.  that first NOMNOMNOM announcement would be the packages missing the publisher by 4 minutes.22:00
lamontso given that it runs in 2 min, and takes 20+ to get past lucid, I think it's breaktime22:00
mvoDktrKranz: gdebi is ok, I'm testing the new python-apt, its doing a good job of compatiblity, but its not 100% there yet22:02
DktrKranzah, ok. Don't hesitate to ask if you need help ;)22:03
lamontright.  ;40 is too long, mvo I let them go, will verify things once the load settles out again22:05
DktrKranzslangasek: python-launchpadlib accepted, all yours ;)22:17
slangasekDktrKranz: cheers!22:19
lamontok.  NOW lucid is NOMNOM22:19
mvolamont: for me pbuilder update is happy, that used to fail with the pre-conf error - are the buildd chroots happy too?22:23
ScottKmvo: Stuff is building22:23
lamontyeah - ubuntu2 finally showed22:23
seb128mvo, lamont: good work!22:23
lifelessis anyone interested in ubuntu-bug accepting program names? e.g. ubuntu-bug apt-cache22:25
micahglifeless: already ubuntu-bug `which apt-cache` should work22:26
lifelessit doesn't, but its not intuitive22:26
lifelessubuntu-bug has the users PATH, so it could check this itself.22:27
micahglifeless: bug 44775122:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 447751 in apport "ubuntu-bug should fall back to using its argument as a command name ("ubuntu-bug ubuntu-bug" should work)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44775122:28
micahgthanks lamont, mvo for the builders :)22:29
lifelessmicahg: thanks22:29
Riddellmysql still not fixed?  can't it just gain an epoch and be quickly sorted?22:37
directhexdpkg-deb: building package `moonlight-plugin-mozilla' in `../moonlight-plugin-mozilla_2.1-0ubuntu1~pre~ppa1_amd64.deb'.22:42
unimatrixwhat's going to happen in Lucid if ATI doesn't come up with a working fglrx driver for the new X server ?22:42
seb128directhex, oh, nice moonlight22:43
directhexwhich is preferable, whilst waiting for xulrunner-dev 1.9.2 - ship a package built against 1.9.1 with known functionality missing in ff3.6, or sit on the package & wait?22:43
directhexseb128, i'm about to upload to ppa & test22:44
seb128directhex, I would say check with #ubuntu-mozilla for xulrunner update22:45
seb128if that's coming rsn wait22:46
seb128otherwise build with 1.9.1 for now22:46
crimsunpitti: noted (& pulled), thanks.23:30
tormodslangasek, can you please ack this sync? bug 52016323:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 520163 in linux-wlan-ng "please sync linux-wlan-ng 0.2.9+dfsg-4 from Debian unstable (main)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52016323:35
leonardrDktrKranz, have you done any work on the new launchpadlib release?23:49
leonardr(ie packaging it)23:49
ScottKleonardr: It was uploaded to Debian earlier today23:50
leonardrScottK, great, thank you23:50
* sebner looks for a core-dev sponsoring an easy merge23:57
sebnerbefore FF ;)23:57
ubottuUbuntu bug 523540 in jinja2 "Merge jinja2 2.3-1 from Debian(Unstable)" [Wishlist,Confirmed]23:58

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