
CIA-6ubiquity: shtylman * r3787 trunk/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/components/ubi-partman.py): fix for launchpad bug #52250204:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 522502 in ubiquity "kubuntu ubiquity crashes on partitioner" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52250204:00
CIA-6ubiquity: superm1 * r3788 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/components/myth-services.py): Update mythbuntu-services for changes in ubi-usersetup.06:21
CIA-6ubiquity: evand * r3789 ubiquity/ (3 files in 2 dirs):08:58
CIA-6ubiquity: Add oem-config/install-language-support, which installs the08:58
CIA-6ubiquity: respective language support packages for the locale selected by the08:58
CIA-6ubiquity: user.08:58
dpmhi ev, good morning, the po/kubuntu/template.pot and the xubuntu and ubuntu ones are not the real pot templates of ubiquity-slideshow-* and I can block them safely from the translations imports queue in LP, can't I?10:20
evdpm: actually, I believe they are.10:23
evDylan shuffled things around recently.10:23
* dpm looks again at the templates10:24
dpmev, so it seems that now all previous pot templates are merged into one, is that right?10:25
evand we now have one pot for each slideshow10:27
ev(as discovered)10:27
dpmso I should disable all the individual templates in LP, export the translations, and we should merge them so they are in an individual .po file per language matching the .pot template10:29
dpm(and probably name the templates something else than just template.pot)10:29
dpmright, let me send you and Dylan an e-mail, what's his nick?10:30
dpmI'm asking the LP guys whether there is an easy way to do this without much manual work10:32
CIA-6ubiquity: evand * r3790 ubiquity/ (7 files in 4 dirs):11:36
CIA-6ubiquity: Add an 'OEM' field to the plugins to declare whether a module is11:36
CIA-6ubiquity: suitable for use in oem-config (defaults to True).11:36
CIA-6ubiquity: evand * r3791 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/frontend/gtk_ui.py):11:43
CIA-6ubiquity: Don't assuming that the partman component is present when checking11:43
CIA-6ubiquity: to see if we're on the advanced partitioning page.11:43
CIA-6ubiquity: evand * r3792 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/components/ubi-usersetup.py):11:45
CIA-6ubiquity: Make usersetup depend on console_setup rather than partman, in case11:45
CIA-6ubiquity: the latter isn't present.11:45
=== superm1` is now known as superm1
CIA-6ubiquity: evand * r3793 ubiquity/ (4 files in 3 dirs):15:46
CIA-6ubiquity: Validate some fields on the usersetup page in real time. Provide a15:46
CIA-6ubiquity: visual cue that the data entered is probably okay.15:46
CIA-6ubiquity: superm1 * r3794 ubiquity/ (4 files in 2 dirs):15:56
CIA-6ubiquity: Accomodate for the fact that passwd/user-passwd is no longer available15:56
CIA-6ubiquity: by the time the myth-* pages come up.15:56
shtylman_ev: where there any ui changes for the installer I needed to look at?16:14
shtylman_I still have some keyboard touchups I wanted to do16:14
shtylman_and possibly look at the summary page16:14
shtylman_but with feature freeze I dunno about the summary page16:15
evshtylman_: adding validation to the user setup page16:15
shtylman_ev: wasn't there already validation?16:15
evwell, you can bring it in line with the changes I just made to the gtk frontend, should you so desire16:16
shtylman_ahh ok16:16
shtylman_I will take a look at those16:16
evmaking sure the partitioning page is working would be the highest priority16:16
shtylman_haha... indeed16:16
evI poked at it a bit, but it could use a good stress testing16:16
shtylman_I did a quick test yesterday and fixed one bug16:16
CIA-6ubiquity: evand * r3795 ubiquity/ubiquity/components/ubi-usersetup.py: Slight fix to my previous commit.16:25
evI'm going to do an upload.  If anyone has additional things they'd like to land before FF, please make other arrangements for them to be uploaded as I need to go and pack for Pycon.16:26
CIA-6ubiquity: evand * r3796 ubiquity/ (d-i/manifest debian/changelog):16:30
CIA-6ubiquity: Automatic update of included source packages: console-setup16:30
CIA-6ubiquity: 1.34ubuntu10.16:30
ograev, did you attack the partman prob =16:37
ogra(in oem-config)16:37
evogra: partman wont run in oem-config now16:37
ogragreat :)16:37
CIA-6ubiquity: evand * r3797 ubiquity/debian/changelog: releasing version 2.1.2116:42
tbrijeskicjwatson - sent you an email on the ubiquity issue in karmic remasters - its a ppa repo issue according one of the folks that had the issue18:39

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