
=== Claudinux_ is now known as Claudinux
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nijabattx: you look a little flat today...13:58
ogranijaba, he was grepping in his coffee, probably he burned his fingers while searching for strings in hot liquid :)13:58
kirklandnijaba: he's making a right turn on a motorcycle13:59
* nijaba shows ttx where the turn signal switch is located on the handle14:00
jiboumanssmoser, ping14:00
MootBotMeeting started at 08:00. The chair is jiboumans.14:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]14:00
jiboumansgood afternoon folks (or morning if you're so inclined)14:00
jiboumanstoday's scribe will be mathiaz (well volunteered, thanks)14:01
jiboumans[TOPIC] Action points from last meeting14:01
MootBotNew Topic:  Action points from last meeting14:01
jiboumans[ACTION] zul to forward issues about ctbd to jelmer to see if those can be lifted before FF14:01
MootBotACTION received:  zul to forward issues about ctbd to jelmer to see if those can be lifted before FF14:01
zulopened bugs in debian14:01
jiboumanszul: so worst case, ctdb doesn't make it into main?14:02
zulyes thats the worst case14:02
jiboumansalright. i can live with that14:02
jiboumansACTION: zul to do another call to action for the apport hooks involvement14:02
zulsee the blog post on planet ;)14:02
jiboumans:) any volunteers?14:02
nijabazul: url?14:03
MootBotLINK received:  http://zulcss.wordpress.com/2010/02/17/apport-for-ubuntu-server/14:03
jiboumansACTION: kirkland to propose a karmic fix for bug 503180 in PPA14:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 503180 in eucalyptus "[SRU] eucalyptus-cloud doesn't reply to requests (eucalyptus doesn't work after reboot or services restart issues due to upstart networking behavior)" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50318014:04
kirklandjiboumans: done14:04
jiboumans[TOPIC] Spec status review (ttx)14:04
MootBotNew Topic:  Spec status review (ttx)14:04
kirklandjiboumans: fix confirmed in the ppa14:04
kirklandjiboumans: pushed to -proposed14:04
ttxOK, featurefreeze coming up... tomorrow14:04
ttxSpecs with FeatureFreeze-affected work items that I wanted to discuss are:14:04
ttxsmoser: I completed the review, please have a look at them, ping me when ready if it's still in my time14:05
smoserok. ill do that.14:05
ttxping /someone else/ if too late14:05
ttxthose needs to be uploaded today, are in pretty good shape methinks14:05
ttxmathiaz: comments ?14:06
mathiazthose needs to be uploaded today, are in pretty good shape methinkstoo14:06
ttxmathiaz: copycat !14:06
jiboumanssoren's out sick today unfortunately14:06
ttxThis one needs soren's completion of a feature in VMBuilder... but that may not happen14:06
ttxLooking at the blueprint, we seem pretty far on that one14:07
ttxLots of things would need to go in before FF14:08
jiboumansDaviey: ^14:08
jiboumansand jmdault14:08
ttxserver-lucid-cluster-stack is in a slightly better shape, but still requires some pre-FF action14:09
ttxnobody from ubuntu-ha around14:09
jiboumansttx: let's follow up on both of these via email14:10
ttxHigh specs < 80% completion14:10
Davieyjiboumans: \o14:10
jiboumans[ACTION] ttx to follow up on server-lucid-cluster-stack and server-lucid-asterisk-integration via email14:10
MootBotACTION received:  ttx to follow up on server-lucid-cluster-stack and server-lucid-asterisk-integration via email14:10
ttxserver-lucid-uec-testing (kirkland)14:10
kirklandttx: good; i have one more topo to test today14:11
kirklandttx: will be done today14:11
ttxkirkland: ok, so you'd mark the "A2" tests completed then ?14:11
Davieyttx / jiboumans : server-lucid-asterisk-integration is going to be less adventerous than intially planned.. defering to non-lts.14:11
ttxkirkland: and get ready to test A3 candidates early next week :)14:11
kirklandttx: i will14:12
ttxserver-lucid-seeds (zul, mathiaz)14:12
zuli think its pending on the ha stuff?14:12
jiboumansDaviey: please update the blueprint to reflect that14:12
mathiazttx: on track. need to check if all relevant packages have been demoted to universe14:12
Davieyjiboumans: wilco14:12
ttxthe idea would be not to be pending on external specs14:12
mathiazttx: if not more investigation for some package may be required14:12
ttxmathiaz, zul: so we coud move the ha-related stuff to cluster-stack spec14:13
jiboumans+1 on that14:13
mathiazttx: done14:13
ttxmathiaz: your opinion on that ?14:13
ttxthat leaves ctdb as a potential target14:13
ttxand the triplecheck everything was done.14:13
ttxMedium specs < 60% completion14:13
ttxserver-lucid-daily-vcs (zul)14:13
ttxzul: anythig blocking, or on track ?14:13
zulon track14:13
ttxstill planning to complete all of it by A3 ?14:14
zuli hope to get most of it done by a314:14
ttxAs a general note, try to reflect the work you're doing with work items completion, even if that means rewriting them as you go14:14
ttxi.e. if you're 90% done on one item but blocking on the remaining 10%,; makes sense to split it between a DONE and a INPROGRESS item14:15
ttxgives everyone confidence the thing is moving14:15
ttxjiboumans: I think I'm done, anything to add ?14:16
jiboumansnope, let's move on14:16
jiboumans[TOPIC] Boto 1.9 vs Boto 1.8 for euca2ools (smoser/ttx)14:16
MootBotNew Topic:  Boto 1.9 vs Boto 1.8 for euca2ools (smoser/ttx)14:16
* nijaba waves at ivoks14:16
ttxwe'll go back to cluster-stack in Open Discussion, time permitting14:16
* ivoks o/14:16
ttxsummary of issue: euca2ools is certified with boto 1.8 and we ship boto 1.914:17
ttxthree options:14:17
smoserwe have no known issues without fixes.14:17
ttx1/ Fix bugs a they come up, as its not black magic14:17
ttx2/ Revert to 1.8, and be stuck with an old lib14:17
ttx3/ Ship both (if that's possible ?)14:17
jiboumans-1 on option 214:17
ttxWated to have input on how feasible (3) was14:18
ttxWanted, even14:18
ttxEucalytpus came up with a list, but it's hardly comprehensive14:18
jiboumanswill upstream take the patches if we do 1/ ?14:18
zuldoes ec2-init depend on boto 1.9?14:18
smoserwell i'm sure there are examples of other python libraries with 2 versions in main.14:18
ttxzul: no14:18
smosers/ec2-init/cloud-init/ does not depend on boto 1.914:18
ttxzul: but we want to ship with an uptodate boto14:18
ttxsmoser: so you +1 option (1), I gather14:19
smoseri really favor 114:19
zuli like 3 but 1 makes more sense14:19
ttxmathiaz: would (2) or (3) need to be done pre-FF ?14:19
ttx(if yes, sounds like a sensible case for requestion a FFe)14:20
smoserwe really *should* be fairly confident at this point that our euca2ools are reasonably sufficient, as we use them for our testing of eucalyptus.14:20
kirklandttx: i would +1   on option 1, if we can get Eucalyptus on board with us14:20
kirklandttx: it's tough going against them on this, though14:20
mathiazhm - (3) would be a good candidate for a FFe14:20
jiboumanssmoser: will upstream take the patches if we do 1/ ?14:20
mathiazI would be reluctant to grant a FFe for (2)14:20
ttxkirkland: they have been very much against option (1)14:20
smoserin each of the 3 cases I'm aware of, It hasn't taken me more than a couple hours to identify the root cause of a bug and come up with a 1.8 or 1.9 compatible fix.14:20
smoserjiboumans, upstream as Eucalyptus has taken 2 of the 3.  I think they've just not looked at the 3rd yet.14:21
jiboumansso that makes 1 and 3 viable still14:21
smoseractually the 3rd (bug 520707) is most easily fixed in boto. much harder to fix it in euca2ools.14:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 520707 in python-boto "euca-describe-snapshots invalid literal for int() with base 10" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52070714:22
smoserbut the "real fix" is in Eucalyptus14:22
ttxok, so I think we can go (1) and use (3) as a fallback if hell breaks loose14:22
jiboumansttx: +114:22
ttxwe need to do some test coverage ourselves as well, or convince eucalyptus to run it for us14:22
ttxso that (3) is done asap if we decide it's necessary14:22
ttxgetting "some bugs" is not good enough. We need to get "the bugs"14:23
mathiazpart of the uec-testing spec was to write more test for the euca commands14:23
mathiazit boils down to writing more tests for whatever test framework/scripts we go with14:23
ttxmathiaz: ack14:23
mathiazthere are ~30 commands IIRC14:23
ttxother comments ?14:23
smoserits terribly easy to replace the boto that euca2ools use and test with one or the other14:24
smoserexport PYTHONPATH=$PWD/boto-1.9b14:24
kirklandperhaps we should keep a boto-1.8 in a PPA?14:24
ttxkirkland: yes, makes sense14:25
kirklandlike a 50lb bag of rice in a fallout shelter :-)14:25
ttxok, moving on...14:25
jiboumansskipping this weeks 'Weekly Updates & Questions for the QA Team (soren, hggdh)' -- neither are available today14:25
jiboumans[TOPIC] Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen)14:25
MootBotNew Topic:  Weekly Updates & Questions for the Kernel Team (jjohansen)14:25
jjohansenwell I don't think I have anything new14:25
jjohansensmoser how are the new kernels working out?14:26
jiboumansi was wondering exactly that :)14:26
* smoser claps, as we have -virtual and -ec2 kernels without ramdisks booting14:26
jiboumansjjohansen++ smoser++ nice one14:26
mathiazsmoser: have you looket at the bug I reported about images not working on UEC?14:26
ttxsmoser: pre-A3 cloud images are looking good so far ? Haven't tested them yet14:27
mathiazsmoser: is this related to the kernel or something else is wrong?14:27
smoseri think its not related, bug 522292 is to be mentioned there, but I do not think it is related.14:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 522292 in ubuntu "Lucid UEC image 20100215 unable to start on UEC" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52229214:27
smoserttx, they boot and run well on ec2.14:27
mathiazttx: ^^ - doesn't work on UEC though14:27
smosermathiaz, i think its error, somehow the file not getting registered correctly.14:27
ttxmathiaz: ok, will have a look into that14:27
smosermaybe tomorrow, as other feature work is done, i'll try to install euca here to have more easily testable.14:28
jiboumansanything else on the kernel?14:29
jiboumansthanks jjohansen14:29
jiboumans[TOPIC] Server Papercuts (ttx)14:29
MootBotNew Topic:  Server Papercuts (ttx)14:29
ttxOK, I hope everyone had the time to quickly look at this week's candidates :)14:29
ttxLet's fdo the +1 +0 -1 game again14:30
ubottuUbuntu bug 56679 in netcfg "provide a method to use a specified MAC-address as the installation device" [Wishlist,Confirmed]14:30
ttx-1 (installer issue)14:30
ubottuUbuntu bug 79371 in cyrus-sasl2 "saslauthd init script does not allow movement of PID" [Low,Confirmed]14:30
zulshouldnt it be converted to upstart?14:31
ttxzul: that's a way to fix it14:31
zul+1 then14:31
ttxzul: thanks for volunteering :P14:31
ubottuUbuntu bug 165184 in amavisd-new "amavisd-new + spamassassin: cronjob spams root user" [Medium,Triaged]14:31
ttx+1, worst case as a doc thing14:31
ttxsince it didn't really reach clear consensus14:32
ttxivoks: if use_bayes=0 or something14:32
ivoksthat's a doc thing14:32
jiboumans+1 # doc fixes are cheap14:32
ubottuUbuntu bug 182572 in samba "Samba Fails to Split GECOS on Comma" [Unknown,Confirmed]14:32
ttxI kinda like this one :)14:33
ubottuUbuntu bug 211915 in amavisd-new "Insecure dependency when using sql for Log Reporting" [Undecided,Confirmed]14:33
zulfix is upstream14:33
ttxthis one had me go uh?14:33
ivoksi'll take a look at it14:33
ttxlet's keep it for next week14:34
ubottuUbuntu bug 269251 in bacula "package bacula 2.4.2-1ubuntu4~hardy1 failed to install/upgrade: Abhängigkeitsprobleme - lasse es unkonfiguriert" [Medium,Confirmed]14:34
ttxivoks: my understanding is that you already have a fix in PPA14:34
zulnot an easy fix imho14:34
ivoksthat was a year ago, i have to look at it14:35
ubottuUbuntu bug 321091 in bacula "Probleme de dependance" [Medium,Triaged]14:35
ttxsame for this one, +1...14:35
jiboumanslet's speed this up a bit14:35
ivoksttx: +1 same problem as the previous one14:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 325109 in bacula "bacula-director-pgsql fails postinst because of missing check for running psql daemon" [Medium,Triaged]14:36
ttx+1 (same)14:36
ttx-1 then :)14:36
ivokswe could recommend sql installation by default14:36
ubottuUbuntu bug 427701 in openvpn "OpenVPN client always runs" [Wishlist,Triaged]14:36
=== RoAk is now known as RoAkSoAx
ubottuUbuntu bug 454566 in chkrootkit "False positive for SucKit" [Wishlist,Incomplete]14:37
ttx+0, not sure we should change lousy rootkit detection rules blindly14:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 494380 in bacula "mtx-changer.conf is missing in bacula-sd" [Low,Confirmed]14:38
* nealmcb looks around, sleepy-eyed14:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 495372 in bacula "Please upgrade to 3.0.3 for lucid" [Wishlist,Triaged]14:38
ttx-1 not a papercut14:38
zul-1 not a papercut14:38
ubottuUbuntu bug 508382 in bacula "bconsole does not connect to bacula-director" [Medium,Confirmed]14:38
* ivoks hides14:38
ttxnot so sure about the fix14:39
ttxOK, I'll update status accordingly14:39
ivoksbuild without support for SSL, i guess14:39
ttxthat makes ~20 nominees14:39
ttxwith 5 weeks between A3 and beta2freeze14:40
* ivoks takes bacula and amavisd-new14:40
ttxI think we should target 5 bugs fixed every week14:40
ttxivoks: that's about half of them ! thanks !14:40
ivoksyou all owe me a six pack14:40
* kirkland passes ivoks a cold one14:40
* jiboumans starts working out14:40
alexmivoks: sorry for bringing you a lot of extra work, let me know if i can help somehow14:41
zulivoks: sure the finest american swill coming up ;)14:41
ttxshould we atregt 5/week ? or 6 to have some room for new ones ?14:41
jiboumansthe latter -- more *will* come ;)14:41
DavieyI think we should have capacity to allow more papercuts this cycle.14:41
ttxOr I'll just attach all of them to the blueprint and we'll follow completion there14:41
jiboumanssoudns like a plan14:42
jiboumansmoving on14:42
jiboumans[TOPIC] Weekly SRU review: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/KnowledgeBase#SRU%20weekly%20review (mathiaz)14:42
MootBotNew Topic:  Weekly SRU review: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/KnowledgeBase#SRU%20weekly%20review (mathiaz)14:42
mathiazthere aren't any bugs nominated for this week14:42
MootBotLINK received:  http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ubuntu-server-team/fixedbugs.ubuntu-server.latest.html14:42
mathiaz^^ anything SRU worth on this list?14:42
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=== dholbachj is now known as dholbach
jiboumansgoing once...14:43
zulthe php one maybe14:43
* ivoks ignores sru for now14:44
mathiazallright - then - that's all for now14:44
* ttx ignores importance:undecided ones :P14:44
mathiazfor the SRU review14:44
jiboumans[TOPIC] Open Discussion14:44
MootBotNew Topic:  Open Discussion14:44
jiboumansttx: you wanted to get back to cluster stack?14:44
mathiazivoks: my good friend!14:44
ttxBack to the cluster-stack spec, wanted to get some pre-FF status from ivoks14:44
ivokseh, beat me14:44
mathiazivoks: what's up with the cluster stack?14:44
ttxivoks: looks like you have a few things to complete by the end of today :P14:44
ivoksas you know, we usually don't need MIRs completed before FF14:45
jmdaultIf anyone has the time, I need some feedback/sponsoring for Asterisk14:45
mathiazivoks: are all the packages ready in your PPA?14:45
ivoksbut the thing is that once cluster stack is in main, we could change couple of main packages14:45
jiboumansjmdault: definitely -- let's discuss right after the cluster stack14:45
ivoksmathiaz: yeah, i just need to change versions14:45
jmdaultjiboumans: great14:45
ttxivoks: what about "create cluster task for tasksel: TODO" ?14:45
ivoksmathiaz: they are -ubuntu0ppaX for now14:45
ttxivoks: sounds like a real feature to me14:46
ivoksttx: that's a really easy one and can be completed in 5 minutes14:46
ivoksttx: but it can't happen before everything is in main14:46
ivoksmy plan is to finish mirs asap (like in couple of hours)14:46
ivoksand then i'll need push if that's ok with everybody (security etc) to get them in main before FF14:47
ttxivoks: ok, so you still plan to complete it by tahiti's EOD wednesday ?14:47
ivoksmirs? yes14:47
ttxthe tasksel thing should get a FFe, I think14:47
ivoksthen just a sync from my ppa would be enough14:48
ivoksttx: +114:48
ivokstasksel thing, ocfs2-tools and lvm214:48
ivoksthat can go in FFe14:48
ivokseverything else before FFe14:48
ivoksi reserved my time today to finish everything14:48
ttxivoks: cool14:49
ttxnothing else from me14:49
ivoksthere's also mail stack that just needs patches to amavis14:49
nijabajmdault: wanted to talk about asterix14:49
jiboumansjmdault: go ahead14:49
jmdaultThe packages are in my PPA14:49
* jiboumans thinks nijaba read too many comics14:49
* nijaba admit jiboumans is not wrong14:50
jmdaultI need to know what steps to do to get them in the distro14:50
ttxThe asterisk spec seems pretty far away from being feature-complete to me, looking at the blueprints work items status14:50
jmdaultIt's stuck at the testing status14:50
jmdaultPackages work individually14:50
jmdaultBut we need to test the integration14:50
jiboumansjmdault: it's missing a tasksel, meta packages, gui according to the spec14:51
jmdaultThe gui is there14:51
jiboumansdaviey, jmdault: is htat what you're intending to cut?14:51
ttx"Create tasksel in server for pbx install: TODO" I don't think this one is wanted, since asterisk would not be in main ?14:51
Davieyjiboumans: I do not believe the integration can be seemless for lucid.14:51
ttxthe metapackage should take care of the "easy install" part, right14:51
jmdaultttx is right14:52
Davieyttx: err, mythtv has some tasksel options and that is universe.14:52
nijabaDaviey: yep, but not a server task that shows up in the installer14:52
jmdaultanyways, the tasksel should just install the meta package14:52
nijabaDaviey: taskel -s IIRC14:52
ttxjmdault: so what do you expect FFe for ?14:53
jmdaultRight now, the packages are in my PPA14:53
ttxso it's a question of review / upload ?14:54
jmdaultI can live without the tasksel14:54
jiboumansanyone with a few spare cycles to give jmdault a hand?14:54
jmdaultBut we need to have at least the dahdi and asterisk packages uploaded ASAP14:54
Davieyjmdault: can you produce a diff or debdiff please?14:54
ttxour time is getting limited unfortunately14:54
* Daviey will take this out of band with jmdault 14:55
jmdaultDaviey: great14:55
jiboumansdaviey++ indeed14:55
jiboumansjmdault: anythign else on asterisk we should discuss here and now?14:55
ttxjmdault: maybe stgraber can have a look at your packages as well14:55
jmdaultjiboumans: no14:55
jiboumansok, any other topics?14:56
jiboumansgoing once..14:56
jiboumans.. twice..14:56
jiboumans[TOPIC] Next meeting Wednesday, Feb 24th, 1400 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting14:56
MootBotNew Topic:  Next meeting Wednesday, Feb 24th, 1400 UTC in #ubuntu-meeting14:56
jiboumansthanks all for your time14:56
MootBotMeeting finished at 08:56.14:56
ivoksok, let's work14:57
ttxlong day ahead :)14:57
=== ivoks is now known as ivoks_doing_mirs
Keybukev: activity report?15:56
evsending now15:56
Keybukslangasek: you too ;-)15:57
loolHey folks!16:00
tremoluxlool: howdy lool!16:01
loolcjwatson is on leave16:02
MootBotMeeting started at 10:03. The chair is Keybuk.16:03
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:03
loolI think doko might be at PyCon or something16:03
Keybuk[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/Meetings/2010/021716:03
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FoundationsTeam/Meetings/2010/021716:03
KeybukHey folks16:03
KeybukAgenda at the usual URL16:03
KeybukI'm guessing Barry might be at PyCon too?16:03
Keybukit seems like his kind of thing16:03
tremoluxKeybuk: he is, yes16:03
loolKeybuk: :)16:04
looljames_w, slangasek: around?16:04
loolmvo: w00t16:05
Keybuk[TOPIC] Lightning Round16:05
Keybukorder: me, lool, tremolux, ev, mvo, james_w, slangasek16:05
MootBotNew Topic:  Lightning Round16:05
KeybukI've been working (shockingly) on boot performance all week16:05
Keybukas you may have seen, we're getting very close16:05
Keybuk10.83s is the lowest number so far :-)16:05
loolThat's to gdm with rotating storage?16:05
Keybuklool: no16:05
loolFocus on fixing various issues with ARM related tools; killed a bunch of FTBFSes16:06
tremoluxFinished up presentation of individual sofware sources feature in Software Center, it's landed.16:07
tremoluxNow working on back/forward navigation feature, making good progress.  Working to get it ready to go for FF.16:07
tremoluxAlso working on two bugs for s-c tagged for alpha-3.16:07
tremoluxmvo: heya!16:08
evAdding some polish to the installer at the design team's request, unbreaking things after the plugins conversion, working through some finer points of the installer design specification (gtk doesn't make my life easy - need to write a new layout widget), trying to sort out shoving usb-creator inside wubi per a request from Mark, looking for bugs to fix before I head to Pycon tomorrow.16:08
mvoworking on software-center ratings&reviews, wrote prototype django backend server (now that we know that launchpad will not be used), in discussions how to do authentication, moderation etc16:09
mvoupdating python-apt, apt16:09
james_wYay for feature freeze16:09
james_wwriting features, fixing bugs, merging code, talking to LP developers16:09
mvoha! I did the same :)16:10
KeybukI have a feeling that slangasek is fast asleep16:10
Keybuk[TOPIC] Outstanding actions from last meeting16:11
MootBotNew Topic:  Outstanding actions from last meeting16:11
Keybuk  * mvo to add Bug:506709 to sprint agenda16:11
Keybukseems to be still on the list?16:11
mvoeh, I think we can remove that now16:11
Keybuk[TOPIC] Outstanding feature freeze exceptions16:12
MootBotNew Topic:  Outstanding feature freeze exceptions16:12
KeybukI guess today is the day ...16:12
mvoI will probably need one for ratings&reviews, just as a early warning16:12
Keybukanyone else got any bad feelings?16:13
Keybukno? :)16:14
james_wI'll probably realise that were are in dire need of a new bzr-builddeb feature in about 24 hours :-)16:14
evI might need some for things design want, but nothing specific yet16:14
KeybukI may end up with a couple of small ones for extra tenths of second16:14
slangasekmore instant-shake asleep16:14
james_wmorning slangasek16:15
Keybuk[TOPIC] Milestoned bugs16:15
MootBotNew Topic:  Milestoned bugs16:15
* slangasek waves16:15
Keybuk[LINK] https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+bugs?field.milestone:list=2144516:15
MootBotLINK received:  https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+bugs?field.milestone:list=2144516:15
Keybukanything alarming on there?16:16
KeybukI see a lot of ARM :p16:16
loolI didn't do it!16:16
james_wI'm entirely focused on bzr-related stuff at the moment, so don't have hardly any bugs assigned to me at all. Therefore I might be able to help you out if you are drowning for a particular milestone16:16
Keybukok, quiet here too :p16:17
Keybuk[TOPIC] Good News?16:18
MootBotNew Topic:  Good News?16:18
Keybukeither we're all in a state of shock, or this feature freeze seems a little relaxed16:18
Keybukwhich is it? :p16:18
loolev: Is g-i desired for lucid?16:18
loolLike nice to have or somethiing16:18
slangasekg-i being the gtk d-i frontend16:19
loolgraphical installer16:19
evI certainly don't care about it.  I know Colin has a certain affinity for it though.16:19
lool(I was wondering WRT to feature freeze, since cjwatson followed the discussions there and mentionned a while ago that it might be of interest to ubuntu)16:19
loolev: ok thanks16:20
james_whamster-applet and gtg are pretty nice16:20
james_wthe former made writing my activity report a breeze this week16:21
Keybukwho wants to chair next week?16:21
tremoluxhow about me?  I haven't yet16:22
Keybuktremolux: ok! :)16:22
Keybuk[TOPIC] AOB16:22
MootBotNew Topic:  AOB16:22
james_wnone from me16:23
MootBotMeeting finished at 10:23.16:23
Keybukthanks all16:23
tremoluxthanks, see ya16:23
* marjo waves16:58
* ara waves16:58
* fader_ waves.16:59
marjo#startmeeting QA Team17:00
MootBotMeeting started at 11:00. The chair is marjo.17:00
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]17:00
marjohi folks!17:00
marjo# Introduce Carlos De Avillez (Marjo)17:00
marjonVIDIA & ATI proprietary drivers testing (Update: Reports available) -- ara17:00
marjo[TOPIC] Introducing Carlos De Avillez17:01
MootBotNew Topic:  Introducing Carlos De Avillez17:01
hggdh_er. Hello folks ;-)17:01
marjofolks: please help me welcome Carlos (hggdh) to the Ubuntu Platform QA Team as the Server QA Engineer17:01
arahggdh_, welcome to the mad house!17:01
fader_hggdh_: Welcome!17:02
marjoyou will all recognize him through his nick17:02
bdmurrayhggdh_: hey, welcome aboard17:02
* hggdh_ feels welcome, although still a bit lost17:02
marjohggdh: would you like to do a short intro?17:03
hggdh_yes, np17:03
hggdh_Although most of you already know it, I have some long years in this business, most of it with proprietary software17:03
hggdh_I have done many different things, from basic software (O.S.) development to support.17:04
hggdh_which means QA also. But this is the first time I am actually pure QA17:05
hggdh_so... I am yours to use & abuse, but tenderly, if you don't mind17:05
marjohggdh: you shoudn't have said that17:05
=== hggdh_ is now known as hggdh
hggdhthank you.17:06
marjo[TOPIC] nVIDIA & ATI proprietary drivers testing (Update: Reports available) -- ara17:06
MootBotNew Topic:  nVIDIA & ATI proprietary drivers testing (Update: Reports available) -- ara17:06
araas I told last week, we have started with the weekly proprietary drivers testing17:07
arareports are being generated daily17:07
araand they are available at http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/xorg_prop_drivers/17:07
ara[LINK] http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/xorg_prop_drivers/17:07
MootBotLINK received:  http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/xorg_prop_drivers/17:07
ara(in case any one is interested in the results)17:07
fader_ara: I haven't submitted anything yet but still plan to this week... it's not too late is it? :)17:08
arafader_, no, you have all week :)17:08
hggdhI am. My ATI is not working since start of Lucid17:08
arahggdh, yes, no drivers yet17:08
* hggdh is starting to feel deep love for Intel chips17:09
araand that's it. I just wanted to let everyone else know17:09
marjoara: thx17:09
marjofolks: that's all we have on the posted agenda17:10
marjoare there new topics?17:11
bdmurrayI gave a class on bug triage last week to the Greater Seattle LUG.17:11
MootBotLINK received:  http://castrojo.wordpress.com/2010/02/16/bug-triage-101/17:11
bdmurrayNot that you all need to watch it but I thought it might be a useful resource to tell others about.17:11
arabdmurray, indeed17:12
hggdhand nigelnb already added it to the BugSquad wiki17:12
marjobdmurray: thx for sharing that17:13
marjofolks: anything else for today?17:14
davmor2sorry to interrupt ara nvidia still has the enter issue for me  only bigger issue is I can't hit enter in terminal so I can't bug it17:14
bdmurrayAt the sprint weren't we talking about adding a FAQ to qa.ubuntu.com?17:15
fader_davmor2: We've reproduced the same thing in the Montreal lab, though we preseed sshd so we're able to ssh into those machines and gather data17:15
fader_davmor2: So there's a bug somewhere... I can dig up the number if you're interested17:15
davmor2fader_: please17:15
fader_davmor2: One moment17:16
fader_davmor2: bug 52269217:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 522692 in plymouth "Pressing <Enter> key causes X to freeze" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52269217:18
=== akgraner` is now known as akgraner
arahave we lost the meeting chair?17:22
marjofolks: anything else?17:22
hggdhback to bdmurray: will there be a FAQ for QA?17:22
bdmurrayThe context was answering the same questions on the ubuntu-qa mailing list17:23
fader_bdmurray: I started pulling something together for that but it's been a low priority for me17:24
fader_And then I saw that it's mostly already on the QA site, though it could possibly be a bit more prominent17:25
bdmurrayokay, fair enough17:25
marjobdmurray, fader: any suggestions on next steps?17:26
bdmurraymaybe a bug report to track the progress?17:26
bdmurrayor so we don't forget ;-)17:26
fader_marjo: Not at the moment; I'll stick it in my calendar to look at this weekend and see what suggestions I come up with17:27
marjofader_: ok, thx; will follow up next week17:27
marjofolks: any other topics?17:28
marjook, if nothing else, i propose we adjourn the meeting17:29
marjogoing once17:29
marjomeeting adjourned17:29
marjothx folks!17:29
MootBotMeeting finished at 11:30.17:30
=== fader_ is now known as fader|lunch
=== fader|lunch is now known as fader_
highvoltageGood evening!19:00
Lnsgood morning ;)19:01
alkisgGood evening19:01
* stgraber waves19:02
highvoltageAgenda is quite simple, it's up at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Edubuntu/Meetings/Agenda19:02
highvoltageanything else that we should add to the agenda?19:02
stgraberartwork, website, bugday ?19:03
stgraberoh, bug day is already there19:03
alkisgWoohoo, LTSP live :)19:03
highvoltagebug day is there, I'll add the others19:03
highvoltageok let's kick it off with technical.19:04
stgraberok, guess I'll start then19:04
stgraberfor the daily DVD, it started to work again yesterday19:04
* sbalneav has something to add to technical19:04
stgraberwe now have daily builds, including over 130 different languages, the LTSP packages on the DVD, the netbook packages on the DVD, the menu editor and updated artwork19:05
highvoltagethanks for doing so once again stgraber19:05
stgraberI haven't tried to install it though but everything else seems to work quite nicely19:05
highvoltagestgraber: this was kde language packs related right?19:05
stgraberKDE is working (though slightly broken) and the langpacks are fixed19:05
stgrabernope, it was some KDE game (parley) that was breaking everything19:05
stgraberI had to make LP rebuild it to fix the DVD + nag ArneGoetje about some langpacks :)19:05
Riddellwhat was parley breaking?19:06
highvoltagehola senor nixternal19:06
stgraberRiddell: it was simply not installing a week or so ago as it was depending on an old version of some library. Clicking rebuild in LP fixed the issue19:07
nixternalwas on the phone19:08
stgraberI guess it's pretty much it for the DVD, only remaining items are the netbook interface and LTSP live19:08
* mhall119|work is here now19:08
highvoltageltsp-scripts for live cd isn't such a monster, but we need that ltsp squashfs19:09
nixternalplasma-netbook ftw! :)19:09
highvoltagestgraber wrote a nice blog post on the edubuntu menu editor: http://www.stgraber.org/2010/02/16/say-hi-edubuntu-menu-editor19:11
sbalneavShould I interject with my stuff now?19:11
highvoltage(skipping ahead to that)19:11
highvoltagesbalneav: fire away19:12
sbalneavOk, 2 things:19:13
sbalneav1) more work today was done on ltspfs to squash the "everyone sees everyone elses mounts" problem.  I have something committed to the branch, and stgraber's going to cut ltsp 5.2 soon19:14
sbalneav 19:14
stgraberyeah ? :)19:14
sbalneav2) Bug day next week19:15
sbalneavso far, only "gimp19:15
sbalneav's" been identified19:15
sbalneavcan't type today.19:15
stgraberI'll release ltsp 5.2, ldm 2.1 and ltspfs 0.6 later tonight. So all versions will be bumped and it'll be easily to track versions of our users. Just so you're all aware.19:15
sbalneavlooking at the bug list, there's a few edu programs with patches.19:15
highvoltagesbalneav: I've been meaning to add the new edu packages we've added to your bug day request19:15
highvoltagesbalneav: I've just been completely horrible at e-mail this week since my attention has been scattered way too much19:16
sbalneavslap 'em on the packagebug page we have19:16
highvoltagesbalneav: *nod* will do19:16
sbalneavthat's all from me.19:16
mgariepyyesterday I added the possibility to show/hide system groups (gid < 1000) in profilemanager.19:17
mgariepyComments also started to come in from launchpad, i'll probably have some bug fix to do soon.19:17
alkisgmgariepy: menueditor is translated directly in launchpad, right?19:18
mgariepythere is a few strings to correct thought ;)19:18
highvoltagestgraber: how are things comming along with the ltsp release today?19:18
Lnsmgariepy: profile manager = sabayon?19:19
mgariepyLns, profilemanager is part of edubuntu-menueditor19:19
stgraberhighvoltage: waiting on sbalneav ;) and need to do more testing of everything else.19:19
mgariepyit does apply menu profiles to groups19:20
sbalneavstgraber: My patches are done.19:20
Lnsmgariepy: oh ok :)19:20
highvoltageon the artwork front, I've updated the default wallpaper and the icon theme to Breathe19:20
sbalneavI tested my changes here, seem to work.19:20
highvoltagealthough I did something wrong with specifying the icon theme so it falls back to the Gnome icon theme19:20
highvoltageI'll have that fixed by friday19:20
sbalneavthe /media/userid directory is now user owned, mode 70019:20
mgariepysbalneav, nice :D19:21
sbalneavhighvoltage: Did we switch to gartoon-redux?  Sorry, I forgot to post a screenshot somewhere :(19:22
highvoltagesbalneav: we need to get that packaged first, but the plan is to use that for the young ones19:23
highvoltagesbalneav: and the breathe-icon-theme for the old timmers19:23
Lnshighvoltage: how will that be chosen, a simple gnome theme config?19:24
Lnsor during install?19:24
highvoltageLns: you'll be able to choose the default by choosing a debian task after installation19:25
highvoltageLns: but besides that users can also choose for themselves if they aren't locked down19:25
Lnscool! :)19:25
LnsI think that's going to be a very good feature. Helps with sense of ownership19:25
sbalneavhighvoltage: check my ppa.  I packaged it.19:25
sbalneavI agree.  that will be awesome.19:26
highvoltagestgraber: do we have to get it into revu or could we just review it and sponsor it?19:26
stgraberis that a package update or a new package ?19:26
highvoltagestgraber: it's not currently packaged in ubuntu (at least not the -redux theme)19:27
stgraberif that's a new package, we need it on revu today and uploaded before FF (and then hope to have it accepted ...)19:27
highvoltagehmm yes it's a new package19:28
highvoltagesbalneav: will you have any time for that today?19:29
highvoltageI know you have a lot of work to do with the LTSP release19:29
sbalneavTime for what?  putting it on revu?19:29
highvoltagesbalneav: yes19:29
sbalneavI've never done that before, as I've always just had someone else handle my uploads for me, but after my meeting, I can try it.19:30
highvoltagesbalneav: thanks19:31
highvoltageon the website front, I've been way too slack on pesting dhillion-v10 and Hedgemadge. They're usually on IRC but I haven't bumped into them for the last two weeks19:32
highvoltageI'll send them both an e-mail (adding to to-do list) and ask them for an update19:32
highvoltageabout 2 weeks ago they already had big parts of the work they have planned finished19:33
HedgeMageI was summoned?19:33
* HedgeMage 's ears are ringing.19:33
highvoltageyes :)19:33
highvoltageHedgeMage: we need a website update :)19:34
highvoltageHedgeMage: (if you can give us one now)19:35
HedgeMagehighvoltage: Vdhillon has been really helpful in getting most of the settings stuff hacked out -- I need to do the theme and a couple of feature set-ups.  I'll be knocking some of that out in the next few days if all goes according to plan.19:35
HedgeMage(No promises, though, it's my son's birthday weekend and I'm playing catch-up after being ill)19:36
highvoltageok, no problem! thanks for the update19:37
highvoltageanything else for Technical or Community before we move over to EC part?19:37
stgrabernothing here19:38
mhall119|workQimo packages are in revu19:38
* Lns will brb19:38
mhall119|workI'm not sure what, if anything, was planned for including Qimo stuff in Edubuntu19:38
highvoltagemhall119|work: I didn't have a chance to look at them again today, but I think they should be looking quite good if you addressed all the things nixternal mentioned yesterday19:38
mhall119|workyes, I make a list of every file in the package according to license19:39
sbalneavok, gartoon-redux uploaded to revu19:39
highvoltagemhall119|work: basically... we need to get those packages uploaded today19:39
nixternalyeah, haven't had a chance to look, been busy wrestling debian/experimental merges and some other garbage today19:39
mhall119|workalso inlined the GPLv2 and cc-by-sa into debian/copyright19:39
highvoltagemhall119|work: ah great19:39
mhall119|workhighvoltage: by 'we' you mean someone besides me, right?19:39
highvoltagemhall119|work: by 'we' I'm including you and whoever advocates and uploads those packages19:40
highvoltagemhall119|work: sounds like you've done your part, at least :)19:40
mhall119|workyeah, I don't know what it means to upload, and I doubt I have access to do it19:41
highvoltagemhall119|work: ok let's talk after meetting19:41
highvoltagewe have 20 minutes left so let's move on to EC section19:41
mhall119|workshould I dput a new version with my bug fixes, or wait until it's approved?19:41
mhall119|workok, sure19:41
highvoltageI think this is our first EC meeting since the new EC?19:41
highvoltageshall we start with mgariepy's membership application?19:42
* Lns is back19:43
highvoltagemgariepy: still here?19:44
mgariepyyes ;)19:44
mgariepywouldn't miss it !19:44
highvoltagemgariepy: please tell us about yourself19:44
mgariepyMy real name is Marc Gariépy. I live in Sherbrooke, QC, CA. I work for Révoluiton Linux, as a linux technician, I mostly deploy ltsp-cluster for school districts. I'm quite familiar with desktop management (gnome, kde, freedesktop.org). I am most active on Launchpad, I try to be present on IRC.19:45
mgariepyI am upstream member of ltsp (https://launchpad.net/ltsp) and ltsp-cluster(https://launchpad.net/ltsp-cluster), so I have submited/corrected a few bugs for those projects. I have contributed edubuntu-menueditor ( https://launchpad.net/menueditor) for Edubuntu, so administrator simply change menus layout on the system for differents group of users.19:45
highvoltagemgariepy: what do you mean when you say you work 'on launchpad'?19:46
mgariepyi also was at last ltsp by the sea19:46
mgariepybug management19:47
mgariepypackaging in ppa19:47
mgariepystuff like that19:47
sbalneavmgariepy: What's your favorite beer?19:48
highvoltagemgariepy: why would you like to be an ubuntu member?19:48
mgariepyi had a few pacakages sponsored by stgraber19:48
mgariepysbalneav,  hmm i would say "black one from ''La mare au diable'' here in sherbrooke"19:49
mgariepyI want to help making ubunut better for users19:50
sbalneavstgraber knows him personally, and vouches for him.  His work's been excellent, he hangs out in the channel to answer questions.  I've met him, and he likes beer.19:51
sbalneav+1 for me.19:51
highvoltageI've only known him briefly, but he's always friendly and helpful and the reasons that sbalneav pasted is plenty enough reason. +1 from me as well19:51
highvoltagemgariepy: that's 6/6, congrats!19:52
mgariepythanks guys ;)19:52
nixternalcongrats and welcome mgariepy \o/19:52
Lnswoohoo! welcome mgariepy =)19:52
sbalneavSo was that for ubuntu-members, or edubuntu-members.19:52
mgariepyhighvoltage, i think soon we will know each other quite well19:52
sbalneavAFAIC, he should also be a member of edubuntu-dev.19:53
mgariepy\o/ < yahoo!!19:53
highvoltagemgariepy: *nod* :)19:53
stgrabersbalneav: edubuntu-members which in turn gives ubuntu-members19:53
highvoltagesbalneav: yes, we'll do that once edubuntu-dev is sorted out19:53
stgrabersbalneav: we cleared edubuntu-dev, we'll have that team approved next week, then will review who will be in the team19:53
stgrabersbalneav: we need to do that in step or the team won't be accepted for upload in archive19:53
highvoltagesbalneav: I added it to the developer-membership-board agenda, but I was an idiot, it was supposed to be on the TB agenda. that's happening next week at least19:54
highvoltageok, one more item...19:54
highvoltageone moment please...19:54
highvoltagewe need to choose a chairman or leader (or find a reason why we won't have one)19:55
highvoltagesince the EC has an evil number of members we also need to decide what happens in the even of a split vote19:56
nixternalchairman/leader for?19:56
highvoltageuhm, s/evil/even/19:56
stgraberhighvoltage: oh, whot put that requirement ?19:56
stgraberah, ok19:56
highvoltagenixternal: we were asked this by the CC before... and yesterday...19:56
nixternalahh yeah19:56
highvoltage^^^ seems like they care for the edubuntu-dev group as well19:56
highvoltageI'm not sure how much a requirement it is, I think we're doing quite well at the moment19:57
sbalneavIn the event of ties, my vote counts for .5 :)19:57
highvoltageI wondered about co-leadership but that wouldn't necessarily help for tie-votes19:58
sbalneavas for leader, I nominate either hv or stg19:58
sbalneavoff to my meeting.19:58
stgraberwe already have a special case of highvoltage and I, as we are "release managers" for eduubuntu19:58
Lnsbye sbalneav19:58
highvoltagestgraber: that's different that having a leader or chairman right?19:58
nixternalI say, every meeting where the EC needs to vote on something, one of us will be the chair for the meeting if needed, and the chair will not vote?19:59
nixternalI really don't see a tie vote happening anytime soon, but just in case19:59
nixternalwe draw straws or rock-scisors-paper19:59
highvoltagenixternal: I'm fine with that. or perhaps having the chair being able to swing the vote either way in the case of a tie19:59
Lnsrotating chair sounds good to me =)20:00
highvoltagenixternal: rock-scissors-paper-spock-lizard20:00
nixternalwell, if all 6 of us show up, 1 chair, 5 voting members would be no tie, but in case 5 of us show up, then there would be no chair20:00
highvoltageshall we do it alphabetically by irc nickname?20:00
Lnshighvoltage: haha, was just thinking that =p20:00
nixternalhighvoltage: that works20:01
highvoltageok, I'll add it so and send it to the edubuntu-devel list before sending it to the CC20:01
* alkisg doesn't think that he qualifies as a chairman, and would gladly pass his turn to the next alphabetical person :)20:01
highvoltagethat should sort us out for everrything we need for our edubuntu-dev rights as well20:01
nixternaland the chair will only be used in the case where all 6 are present? or do we always keep a chair, and if 6 aren't present, send the vote to the mailing list if there is a split vote20:01
nixternalI think if there is a quorum, then it wouldn't need to be passed on20:02
highvoltagealkisg: don't worry, it's not that often we fundamentally disagree on something to the level that it causes a split vote :)20:02
Lnsit's mainly going to be for technicalities anyway, we might as well just say "you're it" each time, i don't see any harm20:02
highvoltagenixternal: so that's basically a question on quorum right?20:03
nixternalI guess so20:03
highvoltagenixternal: our EC charter says that a quorum will be 3 members. so as far as I understand, if there are 3 members present and they all say +1 then it shall be so, however...20:04
highvoltagenixternal: that was decided for an EC of 5, and we're 6 now. perhaps it should be 6 instead?20:05
highvoltageI mean, 420:05
nixternalso quorum should be 420:05
highvoltagestgraber, sbalneav, Lns, alkisg: you concur?20:06
* alkisg agrees20:06
Lnsme too20:06
highvoltageI'll send the proposed changes to the list anyway20:06
highvoltageok great. that means we can finally finalise our Edubuntu Council page and all our outstanding issues with CC will be dealt with20:07
highvoltageanything else for this meeting? (we are currently 7 minutes over but at least we're not stepping on anyone yet)20:07
stgrabernothing here20:08
highvoltagegoing once....20:08
highvoltagegoing twice....20:08
highvoltagethanks everyone! edubuntu is growing nicely and thanks for everyone who's making it happen!20:09
highvoltagewe'll continue in #edubuntu...20:09
stgraberthanks everyone20:09
Lnsthx all20:09
mgariepythanks all ;)20:10
=== fader_ is now known as fader|away

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