
twbTh0th: did you run a memtest86+ overnight?00:00
sportDoes anyone have a cron script that monitors software RAID 1 they can share?00:10
lifelessdoesn't mdadm do that automatically now?00:16
twblifeless: FSVO mdadm = the kernel, yes.00:17
twbWhether it propagates to the sysadmin as an email, I don't know...00:18
Th0thtwb: ya logs have the messages about hanging processes, dmesg shows nothing strange on startup, and no on memtest, its my main server in my closet, just ordered two blades from geeks.com but right now I'm caught with my pants down (removed one ram chip to see if that helps, if not swap)00:18
Th0thright now I'm migrating my full network setup to a shiva plug, lol00:21
Th0thdns, email, www, funny thing is I stress tested it for this like 2 months ago, and the shiva plug pulls its weight00:21
twbWell, it IS a full GHz unit00:23
Th0thya and 512 of ram00:23
twbYou don't need anything more than a Pentium III for a typical SOHO "do everything" host00:23
Th0thmy first server was dell optiplex gx1 266mhz with 128mb ram00:24
Th0thI am running around 20 domains, but only about 80kbs consistent traffic00:25
Th0thso anyone see processes just start to hang like that?00:26
uvirtbotNew bug: #522819 in openssh (main) "Loosing connections with "Connection reset by peer" message" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52281900:26
MTecknologyIf I deleted one drive that is part of an LVM, what are the chances I can get data back on the remaining piece of the volume?00:37
twbMTecknology: "deleted" as in you pulled it out of the case and jumped up and down on the drive?00:40
MTecknologytwb: pretty much00:41
twbYou've lost everything that was on that drive.00:42
twbWhether that's half the filesystem, or stripes of the filesystem, or none of the filesystem, depends on the layout of extents.00:43
mdeslaurzul: fyi, I'm merging samba from unstable, as it takes away the setuid bit from mount.cifs00:43
MTecknologytwb: hm?00:43
lifelessMTecknology: it depends on the lvm configuration in essense00:44
twbThere's an lvdisplay invocation that tells you where each LV lives on disk00:45
lifelessMTecknology: if it was a raid member, then the pv being gone shouldn't matter much; if the fs was just extended onto a lv extent on the pv on the drive, then imagine you took a regular disk and use a knife on 1/2 the sectors onthe drive00:45
twbAh, lvdisplay --maps00:46
MTecknologyalrighty - so it's dead and gone00:46
* MTecknology fights to get into backup server which now hates me00:46
zulmdeslaur: cool beans00:59
twbAnyone have an opinion on using CF cards instead of SATA disks for a rackmount router running 10.04?01:18
MTecknologytwb: my only opinion is that I generally use BSD for routers :P01:20
twbProbably using md RAID1 between two of them to avoid a SPOF on one disk01:20
smoserkirkland, around?01:22
kirklandsmoser: only a little01:22
smosertake a read of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python-boto/+bug/52070701:22
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 520707 in python-boto "euca-describe-snapshots invalid literal for int() with base 10" [High,Triaged]01:22
smoseri dont know whwere you got the patch that you applied in the linked revision, or if it will remain, but thats where the regression came from.01:22
smoserno hurry, but wondering what your thoughts on fixing this are.01:23
cefoh fun. if the ethernet interface is not 'up' when a kvm guest that uses bridging comes up, the guest seems to crash when the enternet interface does come up. :(01:49
* cef goes to snoop around more to see if this really is the culprit01:49
lifelesscef: perhaps it is stuck doing dhcp?01:51
ceflifeless: static assignment.. but it is plugged into a cheap-arse router.. it's ethernet link it seems01:51
cefjust turned up libvirt's log, and about to reboot. ONLY seems to happen on reboot.01:52
cef(of the server, not the guest01:52
MTecknologyAny ideas why I'm not able to use a shared key to log into one of my servers? It works perfect everywhere else except on this one system01:59
jmarsdenMTecknology: Most likely permissions, read /var/log/auth on that server for ideas, also try ssh -v -v user@thatmachine.com and see what it says.02:12
Roxyhart0hi how i can force (samba) that thje users in the folder will be %u ?02:14
MTecknologyjmarsden: this is the only thing that stands out - Feb 16 20:14:19 pessum sshd[14253]: Error attempting to add filename encryption key to user session keyring; rc = [1]02:15
jmarsdenHmmm.  That's one I've not seen before... have you tried googling for it?02:16
jmarsdenMTecknology: Looks like there are some Ubuntu big reports related to that... are you using encryptfs ?02:18
MTecknologyjmarsden: ya02:19
jmarsdenOK... so check Ubuntu bugs 358906 361984 495143 and 433024   and see if they help you out.02:21
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 358906 in linux "Wireless driver ath5k no longer being loaded." [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35890602:21
jmarsdenMake that 35809602:21
MTecknologyjmarsden: nothing useful for me there :(02:26
jmarsdenMTecknology: can you turn off the encrypted home directory thing for your account and retry, or test with an account that does not have the encryoted home dir stuff enabled?02:27
MTecknologyjmarsden: how can I just get rid of ecruptfs?02:27
jmarsdenI don't know, it's not something I have used.  Why did you enable it if you did not need/want/understand it?02:28
MTecknologyI didn't mean to pick encrypted home dir actually02:28
jmarsdenMTecknology: If it is only that one user which has the encrypted home dir, you can probably copy all their files somewhere else, delete the user, create the user again, put their files back... there is likely to be a better way, but that ought to work :)02:29
MTecknologyalrighty, thanks02:29
jmarsdenIf you need to you can note the current user's uid and insist the new user uses the same uid ...02:29
jmarsdenYou're welcome.  Now I need to go eat... :)02:30
cefok... how do I tell libvirt to start later than it does? The first guest fails to start, which hangs things for about 30 secs, then the rest of the guests start fine.*sigh*02:32
kirklandsmoser: poke me tomorrow about it02:36
ceflibvirt-bin - does it have the correct dependencies in the init script? I've had to add a 'sleep 5' to the start of the script to get all vm's to reliability start at boot (marked autostart).02:46
Roxyhart0ah also i have this problem  * BUG 6673: Fix 'smbpasswd' with "unix password sync = yes". that is not too relevant at the moment03:28
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 6673 in wmfire "wmfire: merge new debian version" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/667303:28
cefahh the wonders of fast machines. *sigh*03:32
* cef pokes at #495394 with a pointed stick03:50
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twbI know there are a few libvirt weenies in here.  I have a scratch Sid host I want to play with to learn about libvirt.  Which introductory text should I be reading?04:25
twbMy plan is to start with the current ubuntu server admin guide04:25
twbGrr, and the tinyurl in /topic is still broken04:31
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linshineusing karmic -- i don't get updates available printed upon ssh login on 1 PC, but i do on another. same exact setup. anyone help?05:42
twblinshine: that's just some hokey thing writing to /etc/issue05:47
twbBah.  Flipping landscape05:48
twbjmarsden: does it also annoy users who don't have sudo?05:48
jmarsdenlinshine: Check that the contents of /etc/apt/ are the same on both servers.  If they are, try  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade   on each one and if they both update, you are fine.05:49
jmarsdentwb: I've not tried it without having sudo... I don't think I have an account on a Ubuntu machine where I don't have sudo :)05:49
twbjmarsden: I meant if I log in as a peon instead of the sysadmin05:49
twbi.e. sudo -l returns "you can't do shit, yo"05:50
jmarsdenRight... I'll have to create myself a 'peon' account to test with :)05:50
twbjmarsden: just suborn one of your real peon's accounts :P05:50
linshinejmarsden: /etc/apt are identical. i know updates are fine, but still i like that motd displays when they are available. yet, on one, it never displays this message.05:52
twblinshine: diff <(ssh good-host dpkg --get-selections | sort) <(ssh bad-host dpkg --get-selections | sort)05:53
twblinshine: is the state of landscape-sysinfo different on the two hosts?05:54
linshinetwb: i'm looking for packages differences. i don't think i have landscape installed, though05:56
twblinshine: that diff I just showed you will list package differences05:56
micahgany samba experts around?06:01
KurtKrautmicahg, I belive asking such a question will make some people insecure to step in and say 'me' :P06:04
micahgKurtKraut: sorry, we have a user in #ubuntu-bugs with an issue and I don't know enough to figure out if the issue was solved upstream or not06:05
micahgI need someone to look at a bug and an upstream changelog to tell me if any of the bugs match06:05
KurtKrautmicahg, I suggest you to pastebin the conversation log and offer here the URL. So, some people that are experienced but do not consider themselves as experts may read and give you a hand.06:06
micahgbug 52248206:07
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 522482 in samba "Domain Members can not join to Samba DC (ubuntu 9.10). " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52248206:07
micahguser mentioned this forum post: http://www.mail-archive.com/samba@lists.samba.org/msg102804.html06:07
micahgand here's the samba 3.4.1 changelog: http://samba.org/samba/history/samba-3.4.1.html06:07
linshinetwb: sorry, took awhile, only differences were multimedia packages06:14
linshinealso checked sshd_conf on both and they're identical06:15
linshinemotd on one shows 0 packages can be updated 0 updates are security updates.06:16
linshineon the other PC i don't get this message06:16
linshinewhat controls when the scripts in /etc/update-motd.d/ are run?06:17
linshineif i manually run 90-updates-available, i see the printout of 0 updates 0 security, but this doesn't get written to motd?06:18
linshineis there a way to force it to write to motd?06:19
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uvirtbotNew bug: #523036 in samba (main) "package samba-common 2:3.4.0-3ubuntu5.4 failed to install/upgrade: subproces installed post-installation script werd gedood door signaal (Interrupt)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52303606:56
Roxyhart08hi guy i got a PDC congifured...what i need to do for windows cleitn can detect this PDC as Domain Controler...i am tryng to join the windows client from the client and i got the error: DNS name doesnt exist07:10
Callum__Roxyhart08: Set the IP address of the PDC as the primary DNS server07:25
Roxyhart08but i dont have installed DNS in this server, is anoter one07:26
Roxyhart08sorry, what do you mean...not sure if i understood07:27
Callum__Roxyhart08: Set the IP address of the PDC as the primary DNS server on the TCP/IP settings of the client computer07:33
SakaraJust attempted to install ubuntu server powerpc ps3 onto a ps3 console. After selecting install from the bootloaders menu a blackscreen appears and nothing happens.07:34
SakaraNo beeps just a black screen.07:34
Roxyhart08so, my PDC must to be DNS?07:34
Roxyhart08hi somebody is working with tinydns?08:20
Roxyhart08im tryin to install djbdns and i got this error :initctl: Unknown job: svscanstarter08:39
Roxyhart08any idea08:39
acalvoRoxyhart08: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.10/serverguide/C/samba-dc.html08:46
acalvohow would you do a PDC without samba for a opensource linux server?08:48
Roxyhart08i did08:49
Roxyhart08my problem now is install a dns08:49
Roxyhart08do you know how?08:49
acalvoinstall bind08:54
acalvois easy and there are a lot of howtos08:54
acalvo(my own opinion tough)08:54
* nijaba shares acalvo's opinion. It is always better when you can pick a solution that is maintained by the security team. Bind9 is in main...08:55
hyperlinxhi guys08:56
hyperlinxhi guys08:56
fahadsadahIs anyone here familiar with the internal workings of libpam-ldap?09:03
hyperlinxneed some help about lamp installation without WAN connections09:07
uvirtbotNew bug: #523086 in tomcat6 (main) "Please sync tomcat6 6.0.24-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52308609:11
progre55hi people! any step-by-step guides on how to create an image to use for a could system (e.g. Canonical's Landscape)?09:16
jiboumansmorning folks09:20
jiboumansprogre55: you mean 'cloud system'?09:20
progre55oh, yeah :)09:22
progre55jiboumans: sorry, a typo there :) yeah, cloud systems09:22
jiboumansprogre55: so we already publish several cloud images, so i assume you're looking to customize one?09:23
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progre55jiboumans: yep, a tutorial on how to create customized images would be perfect09:24
progre55jiboumans: oh and the publised images you mentioned.. where can I find them? =)09:24
jiboumansprogre55: http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/09:26
progre55jiboumans: thanks09:26
jiboumansprogre55: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC # contains links to buildign & bundling images09:27
progre55jiboumans: awesome! appreciate, man!09:27
jiboumansprogre55: no worries -- there's also the ubuntu-cloud list you can sign up to and ask questions #  https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-cloud09:28
progre55jiboumans: thanks man09:29
Roxyhart08hi guys i got samba 3.4.0 for my ubuntu 9.10, i was recomended uodate to lucis samba version. how i can do it from ubuntu 9.10?09:44
uvirtbotNew bug: #523107 in krb5 (main) "Sync krb5 1.8+dfsg~alpha1-6 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52310709:56
Roxyhart08sombody know how i can install samba 3.4.5 in my ubuntu 9.10?10:11
Roxyhart08hi i got a package samba.tar how i do to install it?10:32
uvirtbotNew bug: #523131 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "mysql command line do not accept host param" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52313110:46
ghostlineshi all10:47
ghostlinesanyone a little experience with bacual?10:47
hyperlinxhow can I test whether the server is apache2 server installed on my ubuntu?10:50
hyperlinxdo i need a browser ?10:50
ghostlineshmm I'm not sure but i think you can enter an invalid url and you will see which apache version is running10:54
ghostlinesor just type apache in the terminal and hit tab to autocomplete and see if you get apache or apache210:55
ghostlinesmost probably you have apache2 i think10:55
acalvohyperlinx: dpkg --get-selections | grep apache11:12
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sherrhyperlinx: dpkg -l "*apache2*"12:30
sherrhyperlinx: netstat -lnpt12:30
mdeslaurkirkland: do we need to merge libvirt 0.7.6, or are we staying with 0.7.5? My name is beside it on merges.ubuntu.com, but I wasn't intending to merge it...13:20
uvirtbotNew bug: #523188 in dhcp3 (main) "Make it possible again to let dhcp server set the client hostname" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52318813:26
zulmdeslaur: how did the samba merge go?13:37
mdeslaurzul: okay I guess....I'm still trying to figure out a sane workflow with source format 3.0 packages...13:38
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Davieyzul: I started looking at doing an apport hook.  So far it's looking somewhat thin with just a reference to attach_conffiles().. not quite sure what else to add!13:44
zulDaviey: it depends on the package and how far you want to go with it, if you want to look at a more complicated example then have a look at samba13:45
Davieyzul: I was looking at spamassassin, considering we don't ship it in daemon mode - it made sense to just attach changed defaults confs.13:49
zulDaviey: sounds cool to me13:50
Davieyzul: I spotted a recent dh_apport addition.  Still working out if i should use that or install13:51
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zulDaviey: yeah that was added recently i would recommend you use that13:52
kirklandmdeslaur: if it's a stable release, i would probably say we should, though i'll defer to jdstrand13:55
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* jdstrand guesses we are talking about libvirt14:01
jdstrandmdeslaur, kirkland: do you guys need me to do something?14:02
kirklandjdstrand: do you have an opinion on merging 0.7.6 libvirt for lucid?14:02
kirklandjdstrand: or stick with 0.7.514:02
kirklandjdstrand: i don't have the time or inclination to do 0.7.6 right now14:02
kirklandjdstrand: mdeslaur was asking me about it14:03
mdeslaurjdstrand, kirkland: I don't mind doing it, I just wasn't sure if you guys wanted to stick to 0.7.5 for some reason14:03
jdstrandkirkland: my gut reaction is that there have been a lot of changes lately that I'm a little leery of, but those might have been after 0.7.6 was released14:04
jdstrandkirkland, mdeslaur: I don't have time to do it at the moment14:04
mdeslaurjdstrand: what kind of changes?14:04
jdstrandmdeslaur: see http://libvirt.org/news.html14:05
jdstrandmdeslaur: some of the security driver reworking I've not tested14:05
jdstrandmdeslaur: if you want to give it a shot, the qrt test script for libvirt exercises the apparmor functionality quite well-- and the build tests test the rest of it14:06
mdeslaurjdstrand: okay, let me build it and try the scripts14:07
mdeslaurjdstrand: so, I need to run the qrt test script _inside_ a lucid vm?14:10
jdstrandmdeslaur: yeah14:10
jdstrandmdeslaur: well, you don't have to, but it is certainly safest14:11
jdstrandmdeslaur: in fact, I wouldn't try to run it outside of a vm14:12
mdeslaurjdstrand: ok, cool14:13
jdstrandmdeslaur: see the top of the script-- it tells you what you need to do14:13
jdstrandmdeslaur: feel free to update the directions as necessary14:13
mdeslaurjdstrand: thanks14:15
jdstrandmdeslaur: no, thank you! :)14:15
hshonghi where is keyboard layout configuration file?14:27
smosermathiaz, at this point i have to believe that bug 522292 is user error14:29
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 522292 in ubuntu "Lucid UEC image 20100215 unable to start on UEC" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52229214:29
smoserwhere 'user' is quite possibly my script14:30
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ivoksmathiaz: ubuntu-ha PPA has all the stuff we need14:50
mathiazivoks: ok - which one do you need sponsoring for?14:53
mathiazivoks: ie which are not in universe for now?14:53
ivoksmathiaz: corosync, openais, redhat-cluster, ocfs2-tools, lvm14:53
ivoksmathiaz: and drbd14:54
mathiazivoks: lvm: I think cjwatson was working on a merge from Debian14:54
ivoksmathiaz: wasn't it kees?14:54
mathiazivoks: someone else from the fondation team - did you sync up with them>14:54
mathiazivoks: oh right - it was kees14:54
ivoksyes, i've told him what are the plans14:55
ivokswe can demote to universe after FF, right?14:55
ivoksthat would be needed for cman14:55
mathiazivoks: yes14:55
uvirtbotNew bug: #523126 in eucalyptus "Wrong CC IP address detected by eucalyptus-ipaddr.conf" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52312614:55
=== ivoks is now known as ivoks_doing_mirs
ttxsmoser: I can fix and upload the cloudfusion one if you ack my branch15:13
ttxsmoser: no need for you to do another round on it15:13
smoseri merged your branch15:14
smoserand fixed the other 315:14
ttxah :)15:14
smosercommented tha tin the bug i think15:14
smoserbut maybe i forgot15:14
ttxi'm out of date15:14
smoseranyway, if not, its there.15:14
ttxok, will upload15:14
smoseri also sent an email to the upstream guy15:14
smoserasking which tarball to use15:14
ttxunless marthiaz wants to have a look into them before15:14
ttxor mathiaz15:14
ttxsmoser: he answered15:14
ttxsmoser: pointing to (yet another) tarball15:15
ttxsmoser: just update the watch file :)15:15
ttxmathiaz: are you ok with the right_aws and the txaws ones ?15:16
ttxi did a quick review of them15:16
mathiazttx: right_aws seemed ok15:16
mathiazttx: I don't remember exactly about txaws15:16
mathiazttx: nothing scary though15:16
mathiazttx: if you've reviewed them and you're ok with them, go ahead15:17
ttxmathiaz: upload at will15:17
mathiazttx: great - so you'll upload right_aws, txaws and cloudfusion?15:17
ttxI'll upload cloudfusion15:17
ttxmathiaz: you do right_aws15:18
ttxand we race for txaws ?15:18
smoserttx, watch file updated and pushed15:19
* ttx pauses for a bit to give mathiaz a head start15:19
smoserttx, mathiaz thank you.15:23
smosermathiaz, at some point... (later), can you help me sort out https://code.launchpad.net/cloud-init with https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init15:39
smoserideally (at least i think) i want to have all history in the packaging branches15:39
smoserbut at minimal i want some common ancestry so i can merge :)15:39
smoseroh, but wait, maybe i'm not suppoed to merge... anyway, some point i'd like some of your time.15:40
ttxsmoser: hmm, that tarball Ryan pointed us to is quite empty15:44
ttxI question their release process.15:45
ttxi'll fire up an email to him15:45
smoserttx, thank you.15:46
=== baffle_ is now known as baffle
ivoks_doing_mirsplease act on bug 521373 :)15:49
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 521373 in libtest-script-perl "Please merge libtest-script-perl (1.07-1) from Debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52137315:49
ivoks_doing_mirsand i promise, after LTS i'll sing up for core dev :)15:50
ivoks_doing_mirssign even :D15:50
ivoks_doing_mirskirkland: ping15:54
kirklandivoks_doing_mirs: yo15:54
=== ivoks_doing_mirs is now known as ivoks
ivokskirkland: you are in ubuntu-archive, right?15:54
kirklandivoks: yup15:54
ttxkirkland: don't answer, sounds like a trick15:54
ttxtoo late15:54
ivokskirkland: could you help me on pushing new packages to universe?15:54
kirklandivoks: possibly15:55
ivoksor is there a procedure that i have to figure out and work on it and then get frustrated? :)15:55
kirklandivoks: how many are we talking about?15:55
ivokskirkland: 215:55
kirklandivoks: are they clean?15:55
ttxivoks: on bug 521373... you mean "sync" ?15:55
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 521373 in libtest-script-perl "Please merge libtest-script-perl (1.07-1) from Debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52137315:55
ivoksttx: for sync, mir for one package is needed first15:55
ttx(or it's missing a patch ?)15:55
ivokskirkland: clean?15:55
kirklandivoks: easy, small, straightforward?15:56
ivoksttx: there's a package in main (libtest-script-perl) that depends on package in universe15:56
ivokskirkland: not that small, but most of the files in those are already in universe15:57
ttxivoks: I'm not sure I get what you are asking help with ?15:57
ivokskirkland: heartbeat was split into: heartbeat, cluster-glue and cluster-agents15:57
ivokskirkland: to get new heartbeat, i need cluster-glue and cluster-agents (which depends on cluster-glue)15:57
ttxivoks: want someone to actually work on the merge ?15:58
ttx(there is nothing to upload in that bug)15:58
ivoksok, so here is the thing15:58
ivoksone package in universe build-depends on newer version of libtest-script-perl15:59
ivoksnew version of libtest-script-perl it build-depends on package from universe too15:59
ivoksbut libtest-script-perl is in main15:59
ivoksso to get libtest-script-perl in shape, we need to sync newer version from debian + move to main one package from universe16:00
ttxok, so the bug is a sync bug, not a merge like the title implies, and it's blocked16:00
ivoksright, a sync16:00
ivokssorry about the merge stuff16:00
ttxivoks: ok, makes sense now16:00
ttxwill fix it16:01
smoserkirkland, if you (or anyone else) is/are sitting around doing nothing, and want to sponsor a python-boto upload16:01
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 520707 in python-boto "euca-describe-snapshots invalid literal for int() with base 10" [High,Triaged]16:01
RoAkSoAxivoks, there's no MIR for libtest-simple-perl right? Since it is Build-Depends-Indep for libtest-warn-perl.16:04
RoAkSoAxand libtest-simple-perl is in universe16:04
ivokseh, let me check16:05
ttxivoks: about bug 521373 again... 1.07-1 is already in lucid16:05
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 521373 in libtest-script-perl "Please merge libtest-script-perl (1.07-1) from Debian unstable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52137316:05
ivoksttx: oh16:05
ivoksttx: but it can't be built :)16:05
ttxivoks: right :)16:06
ttxI can close that bug, I suppose16:06
kirklandsmoser: tied up at the moment16:07
ivoksRoAkSoAx: checking...16:07
smoseryeah, i thought so. is not a feature, so it goes for "later"16:07
smoserbut i would like to ask that it be addressed by alpha316:07
ttxsmoser: targeted to alpha3, so it won't be lost16:08
smoseri just did the same.16:08
smoserif you can follow my comments in the bug, its quite straightforward and patch taken upstream16:09
smoserso it shoudl be very simple16:09
ttxsmoser: you need to target to release: Lucid when you do that16:09
ttxand ask someone (me) to ack the nomination*16:09
smoserhm... wonder where else i've not done that16:09
ttxthat's a UI glitch16:09
smoserthat seems silly that you have to do that16:09
smoserand that it allows you to if its not right16:09
ttxfor some readon it fails to appear in release team buglists if you don't16:10
ttxyou aren't the first one to fall in that hole16:10
ivoksRoAkSoAx: hm...16:12
ivoksRoAkSoAx: perl-modules provides that16:12
ivoksRoAkSoAx: package builds and installs, but i have no libtest-simple-perl installed16:13
ivoksRoAkSoAx: yeah, perl-modules provides it16:13
ivoksRoAkSoAx: no mir for that16:13
RoAkSoAxivoks, even though it is listed as Build-Depends-Indep and in Depends?16:14
ivoksRoAkSoAx: that's right, cause perl-modules package provides it16:14
ivoksRoAkSoAx: if you install perl-modules, you'll have libtest-simple-perl16:15
RoAkSoAxivoks, ok so I'll just put in the MIR description that the dependency is provided by perl-modules16:15
ivoksor all deps in main16:15
RoAkSoAxivoks, or something like: 6. Dependencies: Some in main, some in universe. Related MIRs:16:16
RoAkSoAxlibtree-dagnode-perl: bug 52325716:16
RoAkSoAxlibtest-simple-perl: Even thought it is in universe, it is provided by perl-modules.16:16
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 523257 in libtree-dagnode-perl "[MIR] libtree-dagnode-perl" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52325716:16
ivoksRoAkSoAx: perl-modules contain perl modules that are also contained in libtest-simple-perl16:18
ttxmathiaz: i'm on txaws16:18
ivoksRoAkSoAx: having those both is pointless16:18
ivoksRoAkSoAx: that's why perl-modules 'meta provides' that package16:18
RoAkSoAxivoks, ok16:19
ivoksit's like firefox and chromium16:19
ivoksboth provide browser package16:19
ivoksor lighttpd and apache16:19
ivoksor postfix and exim16:19
RoAkSoAxkirkland, In kvm, if I for example setup several subnetworks for the vm's using a single bridged interface (eth0), would this VM's be able to ping between themselves (in the same network) and able to do NAT, to VM's that use the same bridge?16:25
RoAkSoAxeven thought if there's no cable connected to eth016:25
ivokslet's all say kirkland at the same time :)16:25
kirklandRoAkSoAx: internal network, yes, they should16:27
ttxsmoser, mathiaz, kirkland: txaws uploaded, waiting in NEW16:28
mathiazttx: great thanks!16:28
smoserthank you16:28
mathiazttx: I'm reviewing right_aws16:28
ttxcloudfusion blocked on upstream pointing us to a sensible source tarball16:28
* smoser hurridly writes a query tool and accompaning motd hook.16:28
RoAkSoAxkirkland, ok ;)16:28
ttxmathiaz, smoser: work items updated16:29
kirklandttx: zul: could one of you sponsor smoser's boto fix?16:29
zulkirkland: sure16:30
zulwhere is it?16:30
RoAkSoAxivoks, do you have HW to test the loadbalancing part, since my VM loadbalancers don't loadbalance and I do not know if it's becausem Im using VM's or if it's because of ipvsadm or packet forwarding problem16:30
* ttx will stop now and be back later to upload cloudfusion in case we get an answer from upstream16:30
ivoksRoAkSoAx: no at the moment, but it should work in VMs16:30
ttxsmoser: what would you suggest as a fallback mechanism ? The zip file seems the most complete release media...16:31
RoAkSoAxivoks, ok so I'll guess we can work that up later. And that's what I think, it should work in the VM's. I get keepalived to do failover, and track the real servers, but ipvsadm keeps rejecting connections in the VIP... i just need to figure out if its keepalived nat implementation, or ipvsadm itself... or even packet forwarding is not working16:32
ivoksRoAkSoAx: we can get keepalived sorted later16:33
RoAkSoAxivoks, yeah... anyways.. I gotta run... there are some MIRs left :)16:33
zulsmoser: url for boto fix?16:33
mdeslaurkirkland: fyi, new libvirt has broken apparmor support, so it won't get merged for FF16:34
smoseris there not a linked branch?16:34
kirklandmdeslaur: okay16:34
kirklandmdeslaur: thanks for trying16:34
* ttx afk &16:34
smoserzul, bug 520707 . linked branch there.16:34
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 520707 in python-boto "euca-describe-snapshots invalid literal for int() with base 10" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52070716:34
smoserttx, i guess the zip makes the most sense. as otherwise we wont have those libraries around.16:35
ivoksRoAkSoAx: ok16:35
greybrimstoneHi guys, I am trying to configure apache2 with mod_proxy and modsecurity2, and it needs to connect to a bacend IBM WebSphere java server... where is mod ajp?16:35
smoseralso, it would seem to me that "getcloudfusion.com" would be a sensible release location.16:35
ttxsmoser: heh16:35
RoAkSoAxivoks, ok then. Im off. later :)16:35
ttxsmoser: needs repackaging and doesn't have the README.textile, so I need to remove that from the build, but that's about it16:35
greybrimstoneAnyone here know what the hell happened to AJP?16:35
greybrimstoneDon't I need it for this reverse proxy configuration16:36
ttxsmoser: will do that if we don't have a better candidate in 3 hours16:36
greybrimstoneSo this an't be possible, nobody here had any idea how to setup a reverse proxy in ubuntu with mod_proxy, mod_security and mod_ajp (which no longer seems to exist).16:39
mathiazsmoser: right_aws uploaded to the archive16:46
smoseri see. thanks.16:46
mathiazkirkland: right_aws should be in the NEW queue16:46
mathiazsmoser: also the two packages I've sponsored aren't attributed to you because I changed the changelog entry16:47
mathiazsmoser: the reason for doing is because I made some changes to your proposal16:47
mathiazsmoser: I'd only sign a package if there aren't any changes made to the proposal16:48
mathiazsmoser: and then the upload would be attributed to the sponsored rather than the sponsor16:49
mathiazsmoser: the goal here is to first get the packages in the archive16:49
mathiazsmoser: and second to get you to learn packaging and suggestions along the way16:49
smoseroh, no, mathiaz, i see through you, you're a glory hungry coder, trying to take credit for all my work16:50
smoserbut once i look past that, i'm ok with it16:50
mathiazsmoser: great! ;)16:50
mathiazsmoser: allright - let's tackle the cloud-init upload16:54
smoserthat is done.16:54
smoserzul did it.16:54
mathiazsmoser: oh - I see now.16:55
freopenCan iptables lose packets on a weak machine? Why it happens?16:56
mathiazsmoser: we can look into stiching all the bzr branches later then16:56
smoseryes. later.16:56
smosernow i race on cloud-utils query tool16:56
freopenI ping server and all ok. I ping internet from server and all ok. But i ping internet from my machine and i see lost packets16:57
freopenOn my server iptables does MASQUERADE on packets from wlan0 to ppp016:57
freopenand check mac address16:58
=== Jeeves__ is now known as Jeeves_
SockPantshi all17:00
SockPantsi'm trying to configure apache to block all subdirectories of /var/www/todo apart from images/ and . itself, but it's not working so far. i have this: http://pastebin.com/m17fe884817:01
zulsmoser/kirkland: done17:01
kirklandzul: thanks, you da man17:01
SockPantsas you can see i'm missing the regex on line 11, i don't know what to put17:01
greybrimstoneWhere did mod_ajp go for apache2?17:04
greybrimstonesbeattie: what do I use to proxy to an IBM WebSphere server in ubuntu with mod proxy http17:05
greybrimstoneI wanted mod ajp17:05
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Picigreybrimstone: libapache2-mod-jk2 looks like it might be able to do what you want, but thats just from the package description.  I don't know anything about websphere or ajp.17:16
* zul lunches17:16
greybrimstonePici awesome, so that will enable me to connect to a back-end java server basically?17:20
greybrimstonewow did I ever spell that wrong17:20
greybrimstonePici, by the way, thank you for the help man... I do really appreciate it.17:20
KaushalI have Dell Poweredge 1950 server with SAS 6iR intergrated RAID controller.17:27
Kaushaldoes anyone know of any drivers that will17:28
Kaushalwork with Ubuntu Linux 8.04 Server (Hardy) ?17:28
KaushalPlease suggest17:28
ivoksit doesn't work out of the box?17:31
sherrKaushal: what does /var/log/syslog see + lspci17:31
Kaushalsherr, I am trying to load 8.04 LTS on this Dell Server17:32
sherrKaushal: Poweredge forums : http://lists.us.dell.com/pipermail/linux-poweredge/17:32
Kaushalit doesnot allow me to load17:32
ivoksit doesn't load? at what stage?17:33
ivoksdisk partitioning?17:33
ivoksare you using 8.04 or 8.04.4?17:34
Kaushalivoks, disk partitioning yes17:34
Kaushalit says root device not found17:34
KaushalI am using 8.04 and not 8.04.417:34
ichatwhere to mount my diskspace if i want to build a print/file server with ebox17:36
ivoksKaushal: ^^17:36
Kaushalivoks, so it wont work for Hardy 8.04.4 either ?17:37
SockPantsanyone want to help me figure out an apache config problem?17:38
ivoksKaushal: it should work with 8.0417:38
ivoksKaushal: are you using network install or cd install?17:38
ivoksKaushal: net install won't work17:39
ivoksKaushal: for net install you need latest environment17:39
ivoksKaushal: so, update your net install to 8.04.417:39
ivoksKaushal: installer can't find modules on net cause kernel that it uses is obsolete17:40
ivoksi'm quite sure dell raid controlers work with 8.0417:40
ivoksi have couple of those17:40
Kaushalso i have to use CD install ?17:41
ivoksi had simillar issue with 3ware controler17:41
ivoksKaushal: use latest 8.04.4 cd install or latest 8.04.4 net install17:41
Kaushalwhich has 8.04.4 image17:41
Kaushalcool will try it out17:41
Kaushalso it wont work with 8.04 ?17:41
Kaushalam i understanding you corectly ?17:42
ivoksno if you are using net install17:42
ivoksbut it should with cd install17:42
Kaushalivoks, it did not worked with CD install having image 8.0417:42
ivoksKaushal: try with 8.04.417:43
ivoksand let me know where exactly does it fail17:44
Kaushalivoks, sure and Thanks17:44
ivoksnot finding root means that it did partitioning already17:44
ivoksbut you haven't selected /17:44
Kaushalany specific reason why it would not work on 8.0417:44
Kaushalis it due to old kernel ?17:44
Kaushalivoks, got it  installer can't find modules on net cause kernel that it uses is obsolete17:47
Kaushalright ?17:47
ivoksKaushal: right17:47
ivoksKaushal: grab latest 8.04 (8.04.4) and try with that17:47
ivoksupdate net install to use 8.04.417:48
Kaushalivoks, so net install is also pxe server too ?17:48
KaushalI mean other name for net install17:48
ivoksi guess you used pxe boot doc from net17:49
ivoksthis one17:49
ivoksthis one works17:49
ivokscause it uses 'current' in link17:49
Kaushalivoks, Thanks17:54
mathiazzul: hi - do you still need to write up a wiki page for the MIR process?17:55
zulmathiaz: nope17:56
mathiazkees: jdstrand: mdeslaur: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/universe-all.html doesn't exist anymore17:56
mdeslaurmathiaz: are you looking for http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/universe.html17:57
mathiazkees: I'm looking at the security section of  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuMainInclusionRequirements wiki page17:57
jdstrandmathiaz: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/universe.html17:57
* mathiaz updates the wiki page17:57
mathiazmdeslaur: and for the secunia site, it seems that http://secunia.com/advisories/search/ is the correct url17:58
mdeslaurmathiaz: cool, thanks for updating that17:59
mathiazmdeslaur: http://cve.mitre.org/cve/17:59
mathiazmdeslaur: there are two links to search ui18:00
mathiazmdeslaur: which one should be used?18:00
mathiazmdeslaur: # CVE Search on NVD or # Search Master Copy of CVE ?18:00
mdeslaurmathiaz: I'd use the NVD18:01
mathiazkees: I'm writting up a MIR for libpam-ccreds - there's a suid binary in there18:10
mathiazkees: IIUC that would require a more thorough security review18:10
=== lenios_ is now known as lenios
keesmathiaz: ok, noted.18:25
ivokskick me18:25
ivoksi was a fool18:25
ivokskirkland: if you haven't already, decline cluster-glue and cluster-agents18:26
kirklandivoks: doh18:26
kirklandivoks: okay, why?18:26
ivokskirkland: hard coded deps on bunch of unneeeded stuff18:26
kirklandivoks: done18:28
ivokskirkland: thanks18:28
smoserttx, the 4th cloudfusion 2.5.0 was delivered to your inbox18:39
smosergoing simply from the file list it looks like what we'd want.18:40
ttxsmoser: hmmm, right. However that's hardly what I would call an official source tarball18:59
ttxI'll go for te one in getcloudfusion18:59
smoseri think requesting him to place that somewhere "official like" would be good.19:00
ttxthey should sort that out19:00
smoseri dont think its any less official than the one he sent earlier19:00
ivokskirkland: cluster-glue that i just uploaded is ok19:00
smoserttx, thank you for doing this.19:00
ttxsmoser: I don't have time for a new roundtrip with him19:01
smoseryeah. i agree.19:02
* ttx grumbles19:02
ttxsmoser: we can fix that afterwards19:03
ttxi'll just use the getcloudfusion zipfile19:03
jdstrandmdeslaur: thanks for the virt-manager merge-- the scaling it can do is pretty cool19:15
jdstrand(yes, I am just now playing with it :)19:15
mdeslaurjdstrand: yeah, it's cool19:16
AdamDVWhats the benifit of private cloud computing?19:20
AdamDVIs it like server clustering?19:20
KurtKrautAdamDV, the benefit of a private cloud is: being private. you own all the hardware it runs on.19:21
KurtKrautAdamDV, the other options would be hiring a company to run your virtual servers for you on their equipament, on their datacenter.19:22
AdamDVOkay, whats the benifit of cloud computing in general?19:22
AdamDVKurtKraut: Is it like, distributed processing, something like a server cluster?19:23
KurtKrautAdamDV, not at all.19:23
AdamDVWhats the purpose then? High Availability? or?19:23
KurtKrautAdamDV, High Availability would reside in the cluster concept too. And I don't see 'cloud computing' as a cluster.19:24
AdamDVWhats the purpose then? Google has been unnhelpful.19:24
KurtKrautAdamDV, it is just several virtual servers running on real physical servers.19:24
AdamDVSo, that would be something like a VPS?19:25
_rubencloud computing isnt much more then 2009/2010's buzz word in my book19:25
KurtKrautAdamDV, exactly.19:25
AdamDVI see19:25
_rubenvirtualization + a bit of easy provisioning19:25
AdamDVYea, I understand now.19:25
ivokscloud + HA = awesome19:25
ivokswhere your images are on high availability storage and your nodes do the hard work19:26
_rubenivoks: still doesnt sound cloudy to me really ;)19:27
AdamDVivoks: ?19:28
AdamDVI never got the high availability setup, I should look into that.19:28
ttxsmoser: cloudfusion uploaded, based on the latest ZIP19:28
ivoks_ruben: it's to cloudy :D19:28
smoserthank you again, ttx19:28
_rubenivoks: probably ;)19:28
ttxsmoser: they should really get a clue on what "releasing" means19:29
ivoksi was at the conference19:29
ivokswher one guy was giving a talk about cloud computing19:29
ivoksand all he really said is 'look, we have a web service, you can access it from anywhere, therefor it's a cloud'19:29
ivoksof course, it doesn't scale19:30
ivoksand i don't thing they even have fail over if server dies19:30
ivoksbut, you can sell anything with 'cloud' today19:30
_rubenbasicly all that cloud computing offers over "classic" virtualization is a nice abstraction layer for easy provisioning and not really having to deal with individual host systems19:31
_rubenwhich, depending on the environment, are features possibly already being offered by other systems19:32
AdamDV_ruben: Define abstraction layer.19:41
ivoks_ruben: what's cool with clouding is that resources scale on demand19:43
ivoks_ruben: at least, they should19:43
ivoksawesome time for PPAs to die19:46
DrNick_'elastisity' is the buzzword.19:51
RoAkSoAxivoks, cant upload?19:52
ivoksRoAkSoAx: chroot dies19:52
tbcAdamDV: have you looked at Ubuntu's cloud page on the Web?19:52
tbcI think Simon's definition works.19:53
tbcAdamDV: here's more http://www.ubuntu.com/cloud/why-ubuntu19:54
AdamDVReading now19:54
AdamDVSo if I understand it.20:01
AdamDVCloud computing is like "Okay, we need another server for the next 2 days"20:01
AdamDV*runs command, boots vps through xen*20:01
AdamDVWhereas virtualization is just having VPS's in the first place.20:01
AdamDVAnd cloud computing is like copy pasting a virtual harddrive, something like that?20:02
AdamDVIts scalable virtual computing?20:02
AdamDVtbc: Something like that?20:06
tbcAdamDV: Sorry. my IRC connection got reset. I say "something like that" just now, but missed anything else you may have written in past 10 minutes.20:07
tbcs/I say/I saw/20:07
AdamDVtbc: http://pastebin.com/m49885da320:08
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* tbc reads and thinks...20:09
tbcAdamDV: i think you're on the right track. Some things I would tweak...20:12
AdamDVsuch as?20:12
tbcOne key element of the concept of cloud is that you won't care about the underlying infrastructure anymore.20:13
tbcWhether private or public, you're abstracting away from the idea of individual servers and separate storage.20:13
tbcWhen you talk about a cloud, that is.20:13
AdamDVso, instead of being like "I have 3 Quad Core Xeon Dedi's"20:14
AdamDVits "I have the power I need"20:14
tbcThat's how I see it.20:14
AdamDVAnd, your site scales up and down automatically.20:14
AdamDVI see20:14
tbcYou'll get different answers from different people.20:15
AdamDVBut, now, how does this all work?20:15
tbcThe concept is still too new to pin down. But I think Ubuntu is on the right track. Eucalyptus is a key technology to watch.20:15
tbcAmazon created an API. That's a good place to start.20:16
AdamDVI guess Eucalyptus detects things like apache is slowing down, and automatically provisions a new vps and boots it, or...?20:16
tbcExcellent question. I don't know the features well enough to say.20:16
tbcBut I think it should.20:16
tbcA cloud should be proactive.20:16
AdamDVI see20:16
AdamDVWell, I don't think I'm going to adopt just yet20:17
AdamDVI prefer my own homebrew solution with a couple linodes.20:17
tbcIn a cloud, the system should alert you that it might be a good idea to migrate some guests and power down some physical servers that aren't being used, for example. People might eventually configure stuff like that to happen automatically. I think some already do.20:17
tbcAdamDV: if all you need is a couple linodes, then cloud is definitely overkill.20:18
tbcA private cloud might make sense for a big chunk of an enterprise, and public clouds promise to scale to the Internet. Thus Amazon's involvement.20:19
AdamDVBy "couple of linodes"20:19
tbcEconomies of scale start to kick in.20:19
AdamDVI mean around 20 360's.20:19
AdamDVAnd a couple dedis from the planet.20:19
AdamDVWorking on starting something of a web hosting company, using a bunch of home brew software which will be sold.20:20
AdamDVPondering the great Red Hat vs Debian vs Ubuntu20:20
* tbc finds http://www.linode.com/ after googling just now20:21
tbcLooks like a competitor. ;)20:21
AdamDVThey will be ;)20:21
AdamDVBut, I'm mainly shared hosting.20:21
AdamDVVPS is no fun to start with.20:22
tbcI know the folks at http://tummy.com/ FWIW.20:22
AdamDVWorking with a team of people to develop something like cPanel, something like MyBB, a collaboration suite, social network, and something of an operating system.20:22
* AdamDV clicks20:23
AdamDVNIce :D20:23
AdamDVSeems proftiable20:23
tbcI assume so. They've been at it since 1993.20:24
AdamDVthat was before I was born. haha.20:25
* AdamDV adds #ubuntu-server to autojoin20:27
* tbc visits http://www.theplanet.com/ to see what AdamDV was talking about20:29
AdamDVtbc: Datacenter in Dallas20:30
AdamDVCheap and Reliable dedicated servers.20:30
AdamDVubuntu.com needs a softer favicons20:32
* AdamDV cant type today, it seems20:32
KurtKrautIf you live outside U.S., ThePlanet isn't reliable.20:33
AdamDVKurtKraut: Why not?20:33
AdamDVI'm in Canada.20:33
AdamDVHavent had a problem.20:33
jpdsAdamDV: softer?20:33
AdamDVBeen with them for 3 years.20:33
KurtKrautAdamDV, they abuse on foreign clients because we can't sue them.20:33
AdamDVjpds: http://ubuntuforums.org/favicon.ico20:33
AdamDVKurtKraut: I haven't had a problem so far.20:34
AdamDVBut, I was considering SoftLayer20:34
KurtKrautAdamDV, I've met dozens of companies in Brazil that were just kicked on from ThePlanet because they 'complained to much'. And they didn't returned the money paid nor the files hosted.20:34
AdamDVWell that seems unjust.20:35
AdamDVBut, they're cheap.20:35
KurtKrautAdamDV, another thing is: they lie. They don't offer truly dedicated servers. Some of them are virtualized.20:35
AdamDVThat, I am aware of.20:36
KurtKrautAdamDV, a very big client of them in Brazil is a friend of mine. He went to US to visit ThePlanet and other datacenters. He said: 'I want to see all servers I purchased from you.' They showed only the Windows Servers and refused without explanations to show the Linux servers.20:36
AdamDVAnyone know of an alternative Cheap, Reliable dedicated server hosting company?20:43
ivoksmine :D20:44
ivoksthat was a joke :D20:44
AdamDVivoks: Link me :P20:48
tbcAdamDV: have a look at tummy.com for hosting.20:49
* AdamDV studies site more20:49
blistovAnyone know why open-vm-tools under 9.04 or 9.10 server, don't actually work under esx(i)3.5 or later?20:52
blistov(Vmware says the VMwaretools state is "unmanaged".20:53
blistovBeen wondering this for months.20:53
blistovIts about time I finally track down an answer.20:53
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KaramonHello, how do I change the way a program starts?  I would like to add the -4 tag to BIND when it starts, but don't know where to look.21:35
tbcKaramon: have a look at contents of /etc/init.d directory and related docs.21:42
thafreakdoes anyone know if there are any tutorials or howtos on setting up CLVM?21:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #520389 in apache2 (main) "package gnome-user-share 2.28.0-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: Abhängigkeitsprobleme - lasse es unkonfiguriert" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52038921:46
smosermathiaz, did you upload for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/52100621:49
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 521006 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] right_http_connection" [Medium,Fix released]21:49
smoserits already in21:50
ttxsmoser: how is it going ?21:53
smosergetting there.21:53
smoseryou want to sponsor one of my uploads ?21:54
smoseri can get one together quick (the cloud-tuils)21:54
ttxsmoser: I'd prefer not to :)21:54
smoserthen go to sleep21:54
ttxon my way to bed right now21:54
smoseri'll bother someone else.21:54
ttxsmoser: send me an email if there is anything I should do early tomorrow morning21:54
* ttx disappears again21:55
uvirtbotNew bug: #374505 in samba (main) "Places/Network (samba)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37450522:09
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ivokskirkland: sorry for interuption...22:21
ivokskirkland: just let me know when cluster-glue|-agents are approved/declined22:22
kirklandivoks: okay; fighting another fire at the moment22:24
ivokskirkland: yeah, i understand22:25
=== MTeck is now known as MTecknology
Zombie-GazI've tried doing various forumn / web searches for this - all the "answers" don't work for me. How can I get my system to NOT load the splash screen / Gnome. I want to boot up to the console and have the option to start X if I need to.22:31
ivoksZombie-Gaz: that's really an #ubuntu question22:34
ivoksZombie-Gaz: look at /etc/init/gdm.conf22:34
Zombie-Gazivoks: Sorry mate. Didn't have anyone help me in there and I thought it may qualify as a "server" question.22:37
Zombie-Gazivoks: Thanks for the suggestion. I'll try that route.22:37
ivoksthat's for gdm22:38
ivokssplash screen is grub option22:38
ivoksfor that look at /etc/default/grub22:38
Zombie-GazHm. I have no /etc/default/grub22:41
ivokswhich ubuntu is that?22:41
ivokswhat version22:41
ivoksthen it must be there22:42
ivoksor you downgraded to grub122:42
ivoksor did an upgrade from previous version22:42
ivoksin which case you have /boot/grub/menu.lst22:43
Zombie-GazThe latter. :)22:43
Zombie-GazI just found it as you said that.22:43
kirklandivoks: are you waiting around for this?  I'll get to it, but it might be later this evening22:45
kirklandivoks: it's 5pm and i haven't had lunch today :-P22:45
ivokskirkland: it's 11pm here22:45
ivokskirkland: and i too haven't had a lunch :D22:45
ivoksor dinner :)22:45
kirklandivoks: ;-)22:45
kirklandivoks: okay, i'm grabbing a bite to eat, then i'll take a look at it22:46
ivokskirkland: please, cause i'm waiting with other uploads on this22:46
ivoksZombie-Gaz: search for # defoptions=quiet splash22:46
ivoksZombie-Gaz: and just delete splash22:46
ivoksZombie-Gaz: do not uncomment it22:46
ivoksZombie-Gaz: save and run update-grub22:47
Zombie-GazDo NOT uncomment it?22:47
ivoksjust remove word 'splash'22:47
ivoksso it looks like this22:47
ivoks# defoptions=quiet22:47
Zombie-GazGot it.22:47
ivokskirkland: thanks22:48
Zombie-Gazivoks: Thanks mate.22:49
ivoksZombie-Gaz: np22:49
ivokskirkland: i'll be back in an hour :/22:55
AdamDVhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uBUgEx_91BU I love that video.23:43
AdamDVWhoops, wrong channel.23:43

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