
* abogani waves09:30
ScottLpersia, i have attended to all of fabrice_sp's comments for zynjacku in REVU, it is possible that you can look at it and sponsor it also?11:59
* persia pulls and rebuilds11:59
ScottLthanks persia12:00
ScottLalso it looks like hydrogen-0.9.4 might make it for lucid since the sync request has been ack'd12:00
ScottLthat would be nice since hydrogen has some really cool new features12:01
ScottLanyway off to work12:01
persiaHave a good day.12:08
* abogani listen Iris by "Goo Goo Dolls"...13:02
* ScottL_ is listening to Slayer13:26
* abogani sing out of tune "you give love a bad man"....13:33
persiaScottL_: I get all sorts of output from Lintian, some of which is actually important (like not having an interpreter for a python script).14:11
persiaScottL_: You're shipping .la files too :(14:13
ScottL_persia: this surprises me greatly as I had run the linitian -iIv and lintian --pedantic before and didn't get any errors14:36
persiaDid you run them on the binary .changes files?14:36
ScottL_and I have to admit that I don't know what .la files are or why they would make you use a frowny face14:37
persia(many people only run against source.changes, and so miss half the stuff)14:37
persiaI've added one comment to REVU (still working on a second), which includes a link to the reason I frown at .la files.14:37
persiaThey are essentially hint files to the linker (but the ones being shipped are both in the wrong location and contain the wrong text, so they may not actually affect anything)14:38
ScottL_I don't remember to be honest, but it would appear that I did not run it against the binary .changes file14:38
persiasource.changes is lintian clean :)14:38
ScottL_wow, after looking at your comments I'm not sure that I'm up to this task now as there are so many things I don't know14:42
ScottL_nonetheless I will continue but will not try to force this for the FF14:42
persiaSounds like a good plan :)  I'm up to comment 23, and will keep at it for a while, just to make sure I have given it a complete review.14:43
persiaFeel free to ask about any of the comments: I may well have more details (but I've tried to provide some guidance in each comment)14:43
ScottL_i appreciate it persia14:43
persiaScottL_: I haven't gone through all the licensing by hand (although some subsets of it, where my tools suggested something interesting), but the review is otherwise complete.14:57
persiaGood luck!14:57
ScottL_whew, i'll need it lol16:46
ScottL_persia: should I have known about most of the stuff you noted in REVU?  if so, where can I learn about it?  Debian/Ubuntu policy?20:50
persiaYes, but I got the first 15 items from lintian.20:52
* persia wishes falkj would hang out on IRC more.22:14
persiaAnyone know the details of the VST patent?  Can we ship http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/fst ?  Is it worth reviewing?22:14
TheMuso`Afaik the Steinbirg header was rewritten from scratch.22:18
TheMuso`But don't hold me to that though.22:18
persiaTo put that another way, are we likely to get sued?22:51
persiaShould we perhaps let Debian package it first?22:51
persia(and debian-legal can thrash out the discussion)22:51
stochasticpersia, my knowledge is that fst now uses the vestegie (sp?) headers rather than the Seinberg VST headers22:52
stochasticthese headers are already in Ubuntu in the form of the lmms-vst package (and probably others)22:52
persiastochastic: Your certain knowledge?22:53
persiaOh, cool. I will try to review it then.22:53
* stochastic looks at that package to make sure they use the vesteige headers22:53
stochasticI know that the vestiege headers are okay to ship22:53
stochasticpersia, yes, they use the vestige (<- I thnk that's the right spelling) headers22:54
persiaThanks for checking.22:55
persiaI may get stuck, but .22:55
persiaBut...I'll try to review it.22:55
* persia needs more CPUs22:55
stochasticjust to double check I opened the orig.tar.gz from lmms-vst off the packages.ubuntu.com website and it has the vestige headers too, so all is well.22:59
stochasticpersia, I know falktj has been on IRC before, maybe someone should send him an e-mail asking him to hang out here more?\23:00
persiastochastic: Most of the time he doesn't need realtime, so it's fine.23:03
persiaIt's just with 57 minutes to go to freeze, I like realtime :)23:03
persiaBut given my current review queue, 40 minutes until you answered is no problem wrt latency.23:04
* persia really wants the new musecore, with one more soundfont, and is racing CPU against time23:04
stochasticTheMuso`, do you want to push the latest seeds before freeze?  I just removed the -rt kernel and added the -preempt kernel for amd64.23:12
TheMuso`stochastic: Sure I'll take a look.23:13
TheMuso`So what kernel for i386?23:13
persia-generic, unfortunately.23:14
persiaThere seems to be annoyingly strong resistance to any sort of support for i386 :(23:14
TheMuso`Tell me about it.23:14
stochasticTheMuso`, we'll point people to the UbuntuStudio PPA for the -lowlatency kernel in our release notes for i386 users23:14
* persia could still send a flame mail, but has been advised in separate discussions that it won't do any good23:14
TheMuso`stochastic: ok23:14
TheMuso`Its almost like the kernel team are saying x64 is the future period, dispite all this i386 netbook hardware.23:15
TheMuso`Even with preempt I don't think we get all the settings we need.23:15
stochasticI'm sure we'll get mixed reviews23:15
TheMuso`stochastic: Not sure about those changes, I think the way you did it will break things.23:16
stochasticoh, okay, I'm not too familiar with the kernel settings, can you fix what's needed?23:16
stochasticOh, I should have just removed the -rt trail on the i386 rather than commenting it out right?23:17
TheMuso`Ok meta probably doesn't need an update, but I'll check.23:17
TheMuso`stochastic: see my latest push23:17
stochasticTheMuso`, gotcha.  Thanks.23:18
persiaYeah, well.  To do it right means finding a way to get the -rt patches mainline, and then have a flavour.23:19
persiaUnfortunately, that's *hard*23:19
* stochastic wonders.... Now that we aren't shipping RT in Lucid, should Ubuntu Studio Controls have Nice and Memlock setting adjustments?23:19
persiastochastic: Yes, because some users will (correctly) find a way to get -rt23:20
stochasticgood point23:20
persiaAnd we should help them in our docs, and in #ubuntustudio23:20
persiaWe can't ship by default, but that's a side issue for professional users.23:20
TheMuso`The whole RT thing makes it very difficult for us.23:20
TheMuso`Kernel wise23:21
persiaWe had a separate source in the archive for a while, but that didn't really work very well either.23:21
persiaUnfortunately, people with the combination of skills with the kernel and skills with packaging are rare to nonexistant (because they work in such incredibly different ways).23:22
persia(this includes all members of the Ubuntu kernel team)23:22
* stochastic has to head out. Talk to you guys later23:22
persianew musecore uploaded23:25
persiaNow we have *two* soundfonts :)23:25
persiaThank tsmithe, who is responsible for *both* of them.23:36
persiaThat boy cares about what he does.23:36

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