
robin0800ni1s: as long as the cursor is not flashing in the input line00:01
ni1srobin0800: ah, yeah, noticed that, not really what I was after00:01
robin0800ni1s: get the developers to give quassel the option of tabs00:03
wizzy_ok now this is weird00:12
wizzy_i did so many installations with kubuntu00:13
wizzy_now i am installing it on shuttle old pc00:13
wizzy_and installations hangs on 22%00:13
wizzy_i tried f4 to switch modes but still same think00:13
wizzy_no cursor nor nothing is moving00:13
rengHi, will kde 4.4 be backported to kubuntu 9.10 in the main/multiverse repository? Or will it be done only for 10.4?00:59
vbgunz_seriously. I have a most annoying problem on 9.10 with KDE 4.4. Hibernation works. Suspending works. *but* When the system automatically suspends after an hour and I wake it up, it wakes up fine and shows me a prompt *but* goes back to sleep in 10-30 seconds... whats going on?01:15
jc0694will kubuntu by default recognize an external hard drivee on startup?  i'm having a problem where it doesn't.  i have to unplug and replug the hard drive in after startup for it to recognize it.  is this normal?01:32
jschallI'm using kubuntu with kde 4.4 and amarok installed from the package manager. Amarok does not progress to the next song in the playlist when it finishes playing a song.01:46
jc0694will kubuntu by default recognize an external hard drivee on startup?  i'm having a problem where it doesn't.  i have to unplug and replug the hard drive in after startup for it to recognize it.  is this normal?01:46
wizzy_ok my freshinstall kubuntu freezes everytime01:48
wizzy_its 9.1001:48
MefhigosetH@jc0694: I don't know if it is normal, but... Have you check your fstab or something similar ? Did you know about this file and her role in the system ?02:05
wizzy_so noone had same problem??02:08
jc0694ya i've played around with fstab but couldn't get it to work.  if plug the external hard drive in after the os starts it's fine, but if it's already plugged in at startup it won't see it.  is that an fstab issue?  sounds like it's another problem.02:08
Daughainjc0694: What kind of 'playing around' did you do with fstab?02:09
jc0694i went here:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab at the beginning of the tutorial it says that flash/external hard drives are beyond the scope of fstab.  i followed the tutorial exactly but the external drive still would not be detected at startup02:12
jc0694i was tempted to install gnome volume manager but when i went to install it was gonna install like 150 different ubuntu library files and i don't want all those libraries on my pc for just the volume manger.  it may not even fix my problem02:13
DaughainWHat method did you use to define the drive path in fstab?02:13
MefhigosetHOk, it's true... Maybe you can search in the systems logs for any error or warning. The system try to mount your device in boot time.02:15
jc0694i edited my fstab file exactly the way it said by finding my uuid (i forgot the command i used to find this) and I added a new line in the fstab.  didn't work.  i had hoped to get somebody's blessing from here on the format but nobody could help me at the time02:16
sateHey guys,, a friend of mine wants to install kubuntu duel with his windows vista 64bit.  He has 6 gigs of ram, and he wants to know if kubuntu, will recognize and use those gigs of ram?02:17
jc0694i'm not sure if that fstab tutorial will actually mount external/flash drives however.  the warning at the beginning said that it could be done but would be beyond the scope of the tutorial.02:17
Daughainsate: Yes.02:18
jc0694... and as stated i'm not installing gnome volume manger.02:18
Daughainjc0694: You may need to define the  complete path via /media instead of uuid method.02:19
ni1sin what package can I find knetattach?02:19
jc0694i'm not sure if that would work.... when the external hard drive is plugged in at startup and I try and find it by going to /media/.... it is not shown and there is absolutely no way i can access the device.  only when i unplug and replug does it see it.  sounds more like something running in the background is not working that should be monitoring usb connections.02:24
Daughainjc0694: OK, yeah...Thats beyond what little I know.02:25
jc0694... i mean if you really think so i would try it since nothing else has worked... please don't just agree with me to agree with me.  does what I said really make sense?  i'm still very new to kubuntu and i'm sure you know more than i do.02:27
SysWatcherhello all02:28
Daughainjc0694: I'm agreeing because if it isnt shown in /media on boot, it prolly wont be found that way no matter what.. =( If I had another idea, I'd give it to ya. =)02:28
Daughainjc0694: I;ve onluy bene using ubuntu for a few months, so, dontg be too sure of that assumption. =)02:29
DaughainMorning, SysWatcher02:29
SysWatcheri have been using kubuntu for bout a year...i am gettin in this conversation kinda late...but what did u say?02:29
Daughainjc0694 is trying to get a usb mounted drive to mount from boot.02:30
SysWatcheri assume without editing the fstab?02:30
DaughainThat didnt work.02:30
DaughainAlready been tried.02:30
DaughainOr, at least, we sure dont know how to do it.=) I think I pointed him in the fstab direction before, actually.02:31
SysWatcheri have encountered some usb drives that dont show up at all...before or after boot02:31
SysWatcherand is usually true to brand name02:31
jc0694hmmmm.. i've tried a corsair flash drive and a western digital external hard drive.  both have same problem02:31
DaughainWell, ask jc0694, he knows the drtails. =)02:31
SysWatcherwell...flash drives are hit and miss...but i have not had any problems with WD other than the Passport drives02:33
jc0694SysWatcher: the problem is that neither flash or external hard drive show when already plugged in on startup.  only by manually disconnecting and connecting will it see the drives.  when it doesn't see the drives I can't even access it manually by going to /media/....02:33
DaughainKinda where I stepped out. =)02:33
SysWatcherdid you check your bios and make sure that "legacy USB Support" is on?02:34
jc0694... so i don't think that manually adding the path in fstab would work if it can't see the drives even through /media/...02:34
jc0694NO... sounds like a good idea...02:34
jc0694how do i do that?02:35
SysWatchertry that....sometimes kernal doesnt pick up mice because sytem doesnt recognise it till OS takes over...02:35
MefhigosetH@jc0694: Or you can create a startup scrip that mount the drive...02:35
SysWatchertrue that02:35
jc0694i access the bios at startup correct?02:35
SysWatchernormally u press command or function key upon boot up...usually f202:36
SysWatcherthen go through the menus....normally under system02:36
SysWatcherfind the proper switch...turn on..02:36
SysWatchersave and exit02:36
jc0694many thanks02:43
Zoot365Hi.  I want to share a drive with the rest of the people on my our lan. What do I need to know?  And does it matter that two of them are MS?02:47
jc0694i'm back... legacy support is on... i have windows xp also installed on this laptop and it has no problem detecting the external hard drive and flash drives...02:53
jc0694... on startup that is02:53
jc0694legacy usb support that is02:54
jc0694what is kinda quirky is that i have a wireless usb mouse  plugged in and it never has a problem detecting that on startup.  weird02:56
ni1swhat do I need for amarok to be able to play mp3 files?03:01
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agbni1s: sudo apt-get install rithmbox03:09
scobertsudo apt-get install amarok?03:09
agbwell.. sorry, but i love rithmbox :D03:09
scoberthaha. tryed songbird?03:10
scobertits nice. doesn't have the kde integration like amarok but i like it. it has a banshee itunes feel to it.03:11
agblet me try03:11
scobertpackages on getdeb.net03:11
agbsudo apt-get songbird?03:11
scobertyeah first you have to add repo. but getdeb has nice packages03:11
agbok ok03:12
daSo, should I get a new computer with windows on it?03:30
scobertwhat do you want it to do?03:30
scobertda: if your looking for a new computer, you can buy with or without linux. usaully the linux ones are cheaper03:31
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David_HIIanyone with experience with intel video cards and resolution issues?03:44
SysWatcherhody...im back04:00
SysWatcheri mean howdy04:00
jc0694SysWatcher: hey i went into the bios.  it was set to automatically detect usb.  i have xp also installed on this laptop and it can see flash/external hard drive fine.04:03
cbwcjwSo, how does one mount a windows share from KDE04:13
cbwcjwI want to watch a movie stored on a windows home server but cant through samba04:14
SysWatcherits easy...go to your file manager...and in the address bar...and enter the ip followed by the name of the drive (ie:    smb://192.168.1.X/public/)04:17
SysWatcherwhere X is the number of the specific drives address04:18
SysWatcherand public is the name of the shares drive04:18
SysWatcherhmmmm....d3 in kubuntu?04:27
SysWatcheroy vey04:28
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John_GrimshawHello, does anyone know how to get a Telstra BigPond 7.2 Mf636 working with Kubuntu 9.10 ? (fully updated to KDE 4.4)05:43
jschallwith kde 4.4 installed from the kubuntu backports ppa, trying to upgrade google-chrome-beta from 5.0.307.7-r38400 to 5.0.307.9-r39052 errors out: google-chrome-beta: Depends: lsb (>= 3.2) but it is not going to be installed06:04
e_t_jschall: what command are you using?06:06
jschallsudo apt-get install google-chrome gives the error, sudo apt-get update&&sudo apt-get upgrade just says its held back06:07
e_t_try sudo aptitude -s full-upgrade (the -s will keep it from actually doing anything)06:08
jschalle_t_: same thing06:11
jschalle_t_: maybe not06:12
jschalle_t_: yeah same thuing06:12
jschalle_t_: yeah same thing06:12
e_t_full-upgrade should do (or at least show you) whatever needs to be done to install the updates.06:13
jschalllibqt4-gui: Depends: libqtgui4 (= 4.5.3really4.5.2-0ubuntu1) but 4:4.6.1-1ubuntu2~karmic1~ppa2 is installed.06:13
jschalland it isn't available06:13
jschalllibqtgui4 is the latest version.06:13
e_t_That's very interesting. I've got 4.4 and Chrome updated for me in the past few days with no problems.06:14
jschallso i have broken packages?06:14
jschallsomehow kubuntu ppa backports got removed06:14
e_t_That's probably the source of your problem.06:15
jschalldoes "99% [Waiting for headers]" take a year for you?06:15
jschalle_t_: yeah i'm sure it is i'm working on it now its just the apt-get update takes a loooong time06:16
e_t_yes. I think either Google or Sourceforge have a slow server or something.06:16
John_GrimshawHello, does anyone know how to get a Telstra BigPond 7.2 Mf636 working with Kubuntu 9.10 ? (fully updated to KDE 4.4)06:16
jschalle_t_: i lost power while upgrading a while back06:16
jschalle_t_: so its been messed up for a bit06:16
e_t_jschall: That can definitely mess things up.06:16
jschalle_t_: i wish it hadn't lost it while i was installing. if it would just do it while the download was going it would've been better06:17
jschallyep, there we are, its upgrading06:17
e_t_John_Grimshaw: what is a Telstra BigPond?06:17
John_GrimshawIt seems the MF636 is a real pain... haven't had this kind of trouble with other wirless modems06:17
John_Grimshawe_t_: Australian ISP06:17
John_Grimshawe_t_: Sorry I mean its a ZTE MF63606:18
e_t_John_Grimshaw: you are having trouble connecting to a router?06:19
John_Grimshawe_t_: its a wireless 3G modem06:20
jschallfullscreen flash is really choppy. i tried upgrading to the prerelease version. i'm running 64 bit kubuntu with kde 4.4, google chrome. haven't tried it in firefox.06:20
John_Grimshawe_t_: Its actually for someone else, I'm trying to get it working for him, but he needs his notebook now so I'll have to call it quits and try again tomorrow.06:21
jschalloh, and its only choppy when the video controls are shown and ESPECIALLY when they're moused over06:22
e_t_Is that the 64bit flash alpha?06:22
jschalland yeah same deal in firefox06:22
jschallsame deal with the older flash too06:22
e_t_It might be the alpha-ness.06:23
jschallbut it didn't used to happen. i don't know when it started.06:23
jschallit doesn't change if i turn off compositing06:23
e_t_What video card?06:24
jschallwhy can't adobe just open source flash?06:24
jschallits literally the worst piece of software on the planet06:24
e_t_I don't know. Windows could give it a run for it's money ;)06:25
jschallis there a good alternative to flash?06:25
jschallhow's swfdec and such these days?06:26
jschallNews: 2008-12-21 Swfdec 0.8.406:26
jschallanything updated in the last 2 years?06:26
e_t_I haven't kept up on them. Everything I've read in the past has been "A for effort".06:26
e_t_There's also Gnash.06:27
e_t_The old way to get flash on 64bit was to use nspluginwrapper, right? Do you remove/disable that for native 64bit flash?06:29
jschalli'm going to try gnash06:30
jschalle_t_: i've never had to deal with nspluginwrapper. Must be done automatically.06:30
jussi01jschall: Ive heard swf dec is quite nice in karmic06:31
jussi01not tried it myself though06:31
jschallswfdec hasn't been updated in 2 years.06:31
jschalli'm trying gnash06:31
jussi01jschall: Id be suprised if thats the case06:32
jschallaaaand it didn't work at all06:33
jschallall i need is youtube and youporn to work!06:33
jussi01jschall: Im pretty sure youtube works with the current swfdec06:34
jussi01jschall: but you realise youtube now comes in non flash?06:35
jschallyeah but can't do fullscreen06:35
jschalli'd rather have slow fullscreen than no fullscreen06:35
jschallfor some reason my volume control disappeared :(06:38
jschallcan't wait for 10.04, should fix a lot of the little issues in 4.406:38
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mefisto__text-to-speech is not quite working for me. every phrase stops early, about 5-10 words before the end07:45
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titan_arkanyone around?08:53
spacitymedicI  need some help with compiz fusion.... I cant get the cube to work... not sure what I did wrong. I've set my desktop settings so that desktop effects are enabled...  ut how exactly do I rotate the cube.... I'm new to linux... just totally confused about what I need to do.. any help out there?09:14
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titan_arkspacitymedic, use ctrl+alt+left_mouse_button and move mouse to see the effect09:17
spacitymedicI am doing that and I see no change.09:18
spacitymedic It just starts highlighting the text here in the window09:18
titan_arkspacitymedic, you need to check the settings in compiz then, open compiz manager and in desktop heading select the cube and rotate cube option. also you need to have set 4 desktops before you see it working09:20
spacitymedicremind me again how to set 4 desktops...09:21
spacitymedic I just checked and I already have 4.09:21
titan_arkokay good09:21
titan_arkopen compiz manager09:21
titan_arkgo to desktop09:22
titan_arkselect Desktop cube and Rotate Cube options09:22
titan_arkThen Under effects select 3D windows09:23
titan_arkWere they selected?09:23
titan_arkor did you do it now?09:23
spacitymedicdesktop cube and rotate are selected09:23
titan_arkThen Under effects select 3D windows09:23
spacitymedicthey were selected09:24
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titan_arkdo you get the wobble effect when you move windows?09:24
spacitymedic hang on lemme get this straight. are these the ONLY options that need to be selected?09:25
titan_arkgo to appearance09:25
titan_arkGo to System > Preferences > Appearance09:26
titan_arkIn visual effects tab what do you see?09:26
spacitymedicok wait09:26
spacitymedici click on system and i dont see preferences or appearence09:27
spacitymedici have system settings09:27
spacitymedicsame deal?09:27
titan_arki am in gnome now, so dunno what it is on kde. do you get the visual effects tab?09:28
Vroomfondlethat's the bit you want, yes09:28
titan_arkyou need to set it to extra09:28
spacitymedicyeah hang on09:28
Vroomfondle(why're you using compiz, by the way? KDE has its own compositing stuff now... )09:28
spacitymedicwell... i didnt know that...09:29
spacitymedic i'm using kubuntu// are you on xubuntu?09:29
Vroomfondlespacitymedic: if you're on Kubuntu Karmic or Kubuntu Jaunty, you've got KDE4, which has its own compositor09:29
spacitymedicOh ok.. cause I go to the window effects thing and it doesnt do anything09:29
Vroomfondlecheck System Settings -> Desktop -> Desktop Effects (might have to uninstall compiz first)09:30
Vroomfondleoh, right09:30
spacitymedicthey never worked BEFORE i had compiz09:30
Vroomfondleyou got the right graphics drivers installed etc.? For some cards you need to install the binary nvidia/ati driver, for instance09:30
spacitymedicnot sure09:31
spacitymedic is there any kind of update in konsole i can do?09:31
Vroomfondlespacitymedic: what graphics card do you have?09:32
spacitymedicnot sure. how do I find out?09:32
spacitymedici have an hp pavillion entertainment pc Dv709:32
Vroomfondleuse "lspci" in a terminal and look for anything which mentions VGA09:32
spacitymedicVGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS780M/RS780MN [Radeon HD 3200 Graphics]09:33
spacitymedicthat right?09:33
Vroomfondleyeah, Radeon 320009:33
spacitymedicIm so sorry that Im so stupid with linux.... i really do appreciate your helping me...09:34
Vroomfondleokay... I think there's a howto page that tells you how to install the binary drivers (they're called "FGLRX")09:34
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto09:34
Vroomfondleno problem. We're all newbies at some point :)09:34
Vroomfondleso follow that howto page. Begin with the "basic instructions" - that's the easy method. If that fails, use https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI.09:35
spacitymedic BACK TO YOU IN A FEW09:36
Vroomfondlein theory, once you've installed the binary drivers, the Desktop Effects stuff in KDE *should* work (or failing that, Compiz should work)09:36
VroomfondleOkay. Probably best not to type in capitals by the way - some people here think it's rude.09:38
Vroomfondleanyway, you may have to try the second link I gave you then09:38
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steveireHi. When I try ulimit -n 65536 I don't have permission, and when I use sudo I get command not found. When I do sudo su and then do it, the command works, but does not have any effect. ulimit -n still reports 1024 in my regular user. How do I fix this?10:41
jussi01steveire: tried sudo -i then the command? (better than sudo -su)10:43
steveirejussi01: Tried this: http://www.ubun2.com/question/433/how_set_ulimit_ubuntu_linux_getting_sudo_ulimit_command_not_found_error10:45
ev0sx1folks, anybody know of a way to stop windows apps runing on wine accessing the web?10:46
Koliakrunner not showing up when I hit "alt+f2"10:52
Koliaany idea how to launch it?10:52
Kolia(typing krunner in console does nothing)10:52
MainNoob question, but how am I suposed to install software on Kubuntu 9.10 I found KPackageKit, but I'm a little confused by it, is there something simpler?11:00
KoliaMain: this is supposed to be the simple way :)11:01
Koliaanother way is from a console: sudo apt-get install whatyouwanttoinstall11:01
MainYeah, I know11:02
MainI'm just not sure which packages I need11:02
MainI'm trying to get clamav installed on a flashdrive so I can save windows XP11:02
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lalalolhi, who wants to PM about Kopete?11:32
Tm_Tyou can ask your question in channel, better chance that someone who knows will answer11:32
Mamaroklalalol: please ask in #kubuntu-offtopic, this does not belong here11:32
lalalolok Mamarok, sorry, my bad11:32
Mamarokor that11:32
Mamaroklalalol: if you have a question, please ask it here, for chatting it would be in -offtopic11:33
lalalolfoolish me lol, ok, here i go, when i open kopete, i can already see my msn contact list, ive searched how to only show it when my pass is correctly typed but cant find it11:34
FloodBotK1youcef: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:46
shadeslayeryoucef: hello11:46
lalalolso no-one knows? :(11:48
shadeslayerlalalol: knows about what?11:48
Mamaroklalalol: sorry, I don't use MSN11:48
lalalolshadeslayer, when i open kopete, i can already see my msn contact list, ive searched how to only show it when my pass is correctly typed but cant find it11:49
shadeslayerlalalol: oh yeah,that happens to me as well... did you just remove a account?11:50
lalalol_shadeslayer, yeah i think so, i tried setting up a skype acc on kopete cuz skype 2.1 beta is too buggy and then removed it11:51
lalalol_sorry, got dc'ed11:51
ubuntui just tried to install kubuntu in my friend's system with intel dual core processor, the display went black and didnt come11:51
Mamarokubuntu: how did you install it?11:52
MamarokYou mighthave some packages missing, check the kdeworkspace and plasma packages11:52
ubuntuMamarok: i didnt install, i just tried to boot from the system11:52
Mamarokah, then it's likely a hardware problem that doesn't allow to install it11:53
ubuntunow iam from the same kubuntu 9.10 live cd , but from my system11:53
Mamarokthe CD works on other systems?11:53
shadeslayerlalalol_: yeah i think thats a bug11:56
lalalol_ill report it, its not funny :p11:56
tew88_I've just done a fresh install of Kubuntu 9.10 and I'm having trouble getting shortcuts into my Desktop folder. Dragging and dropping just creates a Widget on the main screen... but I'm sure I've done it before11:56
tew88_I've just done a fresh install of Kubuntu 9.10 and I'm having trouble getting shortcuts into my Desktop folder. Dragging and dropping just creates a Widget on the main screen... but I'm sure I've done it before11:57
shadeslayertew88_: right click on desktop > Desktop settings > Folder view11:58
thumbersI've just done a fresh install of Kubuntu and am having difficulty placing shortcuts in my Desktop folder. Dragging and dropping from the Applications menu just places the icons on my home screen as widgets, yet I'm sure I've been able to get the desired effect before. Any ideas?12:03
shadeslayerthumbers: right click on desktop > Desktop settings > Folder view12:04
ubuntuhow can i makle that microblogging applet in desktop to see my friend's tweets, now it is showing my ownh12:05
shadeslayerubuntu: hmm well it doesnt show previous tweets12:06
shadeslayerubuntu: just new tweers12:06
ubuntuit is just showing my own time lline12:06
shadeslayerubuntu: i would suggest using choqok12:07
ubuntuwhats the use of seeing my own timeline12:09
thumbersshadeslayer: Apparently that's not changed anything. I'm still experiencing the same functionality as before when I right-click and application and "Add to Desktop"12:10
shadeslayerthumbers: KDE 4.4?12:11
thumbersI think so. The default with 9.10 anyway.12:11
shadeslayerthumbers: the default isnt 4.4 .... its 4.312:11
thumbersSo I need to update it somehow?12:12
shadeslayerthumbers: well not if you want the  latest version... right click > Desktop Settings > Activity > Folder view should do it12:13
shadeslayerthumbers: then close the folder view widget and you should be good to go12:13
thumbersshadeslayer: Ah, I think I'm explaining my problem poorly. I _do_ want the Desktop view. I'd like to drop a view widgets around. But I'd like my application shortcuts to appear in my Desktop folder (and I've placed -actually it was done by default for me- a folder view panel pointing to /home/Desktop/ there)12:15
thumbersdrop a few widgets*12:15
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shadeslayerthumbers: oh.. well you can put both widgets and icons in the folder view... just dont drag and drop the icons from the folder view widget12:16
thumbersshadeslayer: Everything's working as desired now. It was being a bit strange, but thanks for your help =)12:23
shadeslayerthumbers: no problem :)12:23
fstlHi all, how can i join another channels? I am new to this Kubunut and got this irc default12:24
robin0800fstl:  /join #channel12:32
jellonutis it possible to have my /home/Music folder refer to my ntfs partition's Music folder (at /media/disk/Music)?12:44
shadeslayerjellonut: yep12:44
shadeslayerjellonut: i think you have to use ln -s12:44
shadeslayerjellonut: ln [OPTION]... [-T] TARGET LINK_NAME12:44
shadeslayerjellonut: so first remove the music folder and then : ls -s /path/to/Music Music/12:45
boesmansbmo pal12:50
jellonutthanks shadeslayer12:51
shadeslayerjellonut: no problem :)12:52
boesmansbmo chi12:56
vboogiemanhey i have a networking question12:57
shadeslayervboogieman: shoot12:58
ZoraelIs there any way to resolve an inode or a block to what file it represents? I'm getting loads and loads of harddisk activity from Konversation, and I'm trying to figure out what it's actually doing.13:17
boesmansheist chi pm13:17
Mamarokboesmans: what are you ding?13:17
boesmanslol sry Mamarok :p13:18
boesmansStrange.. I asmg'd on another server, and it came around here -_-13:18
shadeslayeri want to run a command every 15 mins or so... how do i do that?13:25
Koliashadeslayer: man cron13:28
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fstlhow to change the nick?13:36
Vroomfondlefstl: /nick mynick13:37
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kjeldahlI've got dual screens. I set it up using System Settings. But KDE never remembers. Have to do it every time after login. Any ideas?13:41
thed3vnu11hello every 113:43
miniBill When I try to update with synaptic (or aptitude) it trows me a helluva of errors13:43
thed3vnu11anyone know why there are no file associations set on Kubuntu with FIrefox?  Wth?13:43
thed3vnu11Shouldn't that be by default?13:43
shadeslayer!dual | kjeldahl13:43
kjeldahlshadeslayer: Eh?13:44
ghostcubekjeldahl: has not worked :)13:44
shadeslayerjtheuer: just trying to find the factoid13:44
darthanubisopendesktop widget broken, can anyone confirm that login does not work with correct user info?13:44
explorecant i get chat in gtalk on kubuntu9.10?13:45
shadeslayerexplore: yes you can13:45
ghostcubekjeldahl: you could set it direct in youre xorg.conf13:45
shadeslayer!twinview | kjeldahl13:45
ubottukjeldahl: twinview is a feature provided by nvidia cards, which can be configured with nvidia-settings13:45
explorehow? i dont see..13:45
kjeldahlDual works great here, alpha 2, using open source radeon.13:45
ghostcubeshadeslayer: wrong 50 %13:45
shadeslayerghostcube: eh?13:45
ghostcubehe has ati :)13:45
kjeldahlUpgraded from Karmic, when it stopped reading the setup from my xorg.conf file. Works when I set it from system settings. But I have to redo it after each login.13:46
exploreshadeslayer: any clue for me?13:46
ghostcubekjeldahl: can you pastebin youre xorg.conf13:46
kjeldahlSure. It's butt ugly (lots of testing), but I'll give you what I have.13:46
shadeslayerexplore: one sec13:47
shadeslayerexplore: http://www.google.co.in/search?sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8&q=gtalk+in+kopete13:47
kjeldahlghostcube: But be warned. It seemed to ignore the whole dual screen thing in there after upgrading to Lucid.13:48
sateI'm having some issues with my microphone13:49
explorewhat is kopete?13:49
shadeslayerexplore: IM client13:49
shadeslayerexplore: press alt+F2 and type kopete13:50
sateI installed recordmydesktop, and when I record and play back, i can barely hear the mic13:50
sateAny ideas?13:50
Fanfareexplore: multiprotcol instant messanger13:50
shadeslayersate: i cant even use the mike... buffer overflow errors :P13:50
shadeslayerexplore: now even supports FB via XMPP13:50
Fanfaresate: try alsamixer in konsole...13:51
satek now when I play back Fanfare it skips13:53
Fanfaresate: skips=too loud?13:54
ghostcubekjeldahl: iam not the ati uru but is modul dri needed if modul dri2 is loaded13:56
kjeldahlghostcube: I have no idea. I doubt that has anything to do with the dual screen thing though, but as you've seen my xorg.conf is a shameless copy & paste job from others...13:57
sateFanfare:  I'm still getting  some skipping, what are the perfect settings for the mic?14:01
ghostcubekjeldahl: hmm i havent used ati fo a long time i cant really help here and iam not on lucid so far14:01
kjeldahlghostcube: Ok, thanks for trying anyway.14:04
ghostcubei think its anything inside youre xorg.conf14:05
ghostcubehave you tried with a blank one ?14:05
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Fanfaresate: for actual recording mute mic, set recording from mic and level to medium,14:06
Fanfaresate: also check if u have a mic boost switch...14:06
satehow do you do that?14:07
satei accidently removed advanced settings on my sound icon setup14:08
Fanfaresate: well, alsamixer shows you all channels... good to find apropriate mic channels...14:09
Fanfareand switches14:09
sateHow do I get my settings back on my sound icon?14:10
sateTheres some mic settings I need to adjust14:10
ZoraelHow do I set Konqueror to use and keep using webkit? It just reverts to KHTML when I browse to a new page.14:10
Fanfaresate: u have kmix running in panel? rightclick show mixer14:11
sateYeah there's supposed to be a advanced settings14:11
satebut I removed it acciedently14:12
Fanfarehm, i dont know advanced settings in kmix...14:12
sateThe file settings and help were gone14:13
sateits okay I just restarted the app14:13
Fanfaresate: <ctrl>+<m> hides shows menu!14:14
MamarokZorael: you need to set webkit to default, else it is only a per-page setting14:19
ZoraelMamarok: Where do I do this? I thought I just had to save a new View Profile, but that doesn't seem to make it stick. And I can't find it in the normal Konqueror options.14:23
Mamarokhm, I need to have a look, just a moment14:23
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MamarokZorael: I couldn't find it neither, you might want to ask in #kde14:28
ZoraelMamarok: All right, thanks14:29
MamarokZorael: you are welcome :)14:29
turtle^s0upis there a way to use something else besides "xterm" in Konsole?14:35
Vroomfondleturtle^s0up: you mean like vt100 etc?14:38
turtle^s0upaterm or mrxvt14:39
turtle^s0upthe reason i ask is because konsole is having an issue rendering a font, the terminal text gets cutt of with it for some strange reason14:40
VroomfondleOh, you mean actually use another terminal emulator program *inside* konsole?14:40
Mamarokturtle^s0up: check the profile settings, you can change the terminal mode there14:42
Vroomfondlethat only changes the keybindings etc. though - doesn't have anything to do with font rendering.14:42
turtle^s0upVroomfondle: sorry, I got disconnected.14:46
turtle^s0upso i'm speculating the font rendering space limitations is an issue with xterm14:46
Vroomfondlebut... xterm isn't konsole14:47
Vroomfondlethe two are separate14:47
turtle^s0upso why does under Environment it says "xterm" ?14:47
turtle^s0upVroomfondle: if the issues isn't with xterm what do you think it is, Konsole?14:49
Vroomfondleturtle^s0up: because it pretends to be an xterm14:49
Vroomfondlesome CLI apps/scripts check the env vars to see what terminal type you have, and change their output accordingly to look right14:50
Vroomfondleanyway yes, Konsole itself I reckon14:51
Vroomfondletried fiddling with the fonts in Settings -> Edit Current profile?14:51
turtle^s0upVroomfondle: thanks for the info. I'm in font settings, there's little I can do there14:52
Vroomfondletry changing the font?14:52
turtle^s0upyes, changing the font helps14:52
turtle^s0upit doesn'ts cut it off14:52
turtle^s0upbut i want to use a specific font type14:53
sixzerofour|jpshow do i setup the cd so i can install from the cdrom of my laptop?14:53
ni1ssixzerofour|jps: how do you mean?14:59
sixzerofour|jpsi found it14:59
sixzerofour|jpsjust burning an iso onto a cd14:59
jussi01how does one change which application opens rtsp streams? (xdg open)15:01
* ni1s removes amarok15:02
BluesKajni1s, you might lose half your kubuntu-dektop15:02
BluesKajerr desktop15:03
ni1sBluesKaj: only amarok got removed15:03
Tm_TBluesKaj: not, if the dependencies points to amarok-common as they should15:03
BluesKajTm_T, ok , things have changed then , I recall trying to remove amarok a while back , probly on edgy  where most of kubuntu-desktop was about to be removed as well :)15:14
shadeslayerhow do i pipe a command o/p and append it to a txt file?15:17
ni1sshadeslayer: mycommand &>>/path/to/myfile.txt15:18
ni1sshadeslayer: note the double ">", using only one will overwrite the file with just the output of the that command15:19
shadeslayerni1s: ah thanks :)15:20
shadeslayerni1s: whats the & for?15:20
llutzshadeslayer: man bash (/redirection)15:21
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ni1sthe ampersand can do all sorts of stuff, here its used to redirect output15:22
shadeslayerni1s: and what if i also need the time along with that command?15:23
llutzdate >>/path/to/myfile.tx15:26
ni1sshadeslayer: depends on how you want it15:26
shadeslayerni1s: llutz i want it like : Date (new line) sensors15:27
llutzdate >>/path/to/myfile.txt ;sensors &>>/path/to/myfile.tx15:28
ct529I am trying to use get_iplayer under kubuntu .... I do not seem to be able to catch programs by pid ....15:28
llutzshadeslayer: or (date ; sensors)>file.foo15:29
shadeslayerllutz: brackets too?15:31
nevalainCan anyone help? My system freezes all the time, system load jumps to 100%, but processes in process table look normal?15:33
ni1snevalain: use a pastebin and there paste mylog.txt generated from "top -b d3 -n1 > mylog.txt"15:39
ni1snevalain: when the system freezes that is15:39
nevalainnils: Roger.15:40
thaciousI feel stupid, I tried to install a better sound driver and now it says i removed my sound device and it wants to remove it from the list in multimedia settings15:42
shadeslayerthacious: thats just KDE's way of saying hey i found new devices and lost some old ones15:42
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thaciousyeah except it didn't find new ones, I'm sure i fell asleep looking for it and i'm sure i screwed somthing up in the process15:43
ddurham_so .. I have a package on hold with 'aptitude hold some_package' but kpackagekit still lists the package in the list of "can be upgraded"15:44
ddurham_anyway to fix this?15:44
ddurham_i.e., if I have a package on hold, I don't want it in the list of packages that kpackagekit will upgrade15:44
thaciousis there an easy fix or graphic utility that can search and auto configure my sound again?15:46
shadeslayerthacious: kmix or alsamixer in konsole?15:47
nevalainni1s: http://pastebin.com/f2eebf8af15:47
nileHi i'm just trying out Kubuntu / KDE from Ubuntu / Gnome and my updater cannot refresh as it says the package list needs to be rebuilt - HELP!!15:50
thaciousI was trying that earlier but audio device 0 isn't found, i'm a big ol nub so I'm not sure15:50
ni1snevalain: looks good15:51
ni1snevalain: are you sure its the CPU that's hogging all the resources?15:51
nileHi i'm just trying out Kubuntu / KDE from Ubuntu / Gnome and my updater cannot refresh as it says the package list needs to be rebuilt - HELP!!15:51
thaciousthe lshw -C sound comes up with multimedia unclaimed15:51
James147nile: what "updater" are you using?15:52
wesley__does someone also have a new dell studio 1558 notebook? because my sound isnt working15:52
nileThe default KPackage Kit15:52
kubiannile: it's better to try the live cd for kubuntu15:52
wesley__live cd cant test everything15:53
kubianthan in gnome15:53
ni1snevalain: Hows the HDD activity when this happens?15:53
James147nile: can you paste.ubuntu.com the output of "sudo aptitude update"?15:53
nilewhat do you mena15:53
nevalainni1s: How do you mean? I'am not sure. KDE System monitor shows that both CPUs take 100%.  Htop does not show 100%.15:53
kubianwesley_: he just want to try not test anything15:53
James147nile: run the command "sudo aptitude update" from konsole and copy and paste the output to http://paste.ubuntu.com/15:54
ni1snevalain: odd15:55
nevalainni1s: iotop does not show anything unusual.15:55
wesley__oh okay, I though my sound worked but it doesnt15:56
wesley__I already rejected the windows eula, dell refunds the software15:56
nevalainnils: Very. I'm using RAID-1 and KDE System monitor says "disk sleep" instead of "cpu bar". I'm not sure if this is odd.15:58
thaciousso...what do i do with this unclaimed multimedia thing?15:59
nevalainni1s: I mean "disk sleep" instead of cpu percentage in process table.15:59
thaciousalsa recognized it last night, but i broke it when i was trying to fix a low volume problem16:00
wesley__first the ati driver works but now not16:00
seb__I'm French16:01
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seb__you ?16:01
monkanybody knows how i can fix the wlan problem with lin-x1.1 on an amilo a1650g16:01
monkanybody knows how i can fix the wlan problem with lin-x1.1 on an amilo a1650g16:03
thacious(https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto) I was following this site but now (cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec) doesn't come up with anything16:07
thaciousmight've messed somthing up in alsa-base.conf but reinstalling alsa didn't fix it16:08
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vbgunz_does anybody know whats going on!?? when I wake my pc up from suspension, 10 seconds after waking up it suspends again. why!?16:10
vbgunz_this is not some continous loop. it automatically suspends 10 seconds after waking up when it falls to sleep automatically after 60 seconds'16:11
nevalainni1s: nils: Very. I'm using RAID-1 and KDE System monitor says "disk sleep" instead of "cpu bar". I'm not sure if this is odd.16:11
llutzvbgunz_: use acpi_listen to check if there are some events after waking up16:13
nevalainni1s: Any ideas? Thanks for your help. I think I need to go to Gentoo side to test if this is about hardware.16:13
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vbgunz_hey llutz I just ran through its --help and man. im not sure how to use acpi_listen. brb, need to pick my son up.16:16
shadeslayerhmm weird i defined the command in crontab... didnt give its exact path,but still cron doesnt run it16:17
shadeslayerany ideas16:17
llutz" didnt give its exact path,but still cron doesnt run it"    how should it?16:18
somekoolI'm getting recurrent X crash since I upgraded to KDE 4.416:18
jschalli have my system set to suspend to ram after 60 minutes in power management. When I turn my computer on in the morning, it resumes, says "suspending in 30 seconds" and then suspends again and i have to hit the power button again to get it to actually come up16:19
thaciousinstalling alsa-source and module-assistant may have me covered...16:19
sixzerofour|jpsdoes the kubuntu installer explain what is needed for a good install? [like how to parition and such]16:21
sixzerofour|jpsi won't be able to access this channel while installing16:21
sixzerofour|jpsi think i need like a os install, a data part, and a swap part right?16:22
sixzerofour|jpsi have a 250Gb hd on my laptop, what is a good way to divide this?16:22
sixzerofour|jps20gb os, 2gb swap and rest data?16:22
James147sixzerofour|jps: you are right, but kubuntu dosent do taht be default (it only have os and swap)16:23
sixzerofour|jpsis there a reason to sepearte os from data?16:23
jschallsixzerofour|jps: 10-30gb mounted as /, 2-4gb swap and the rest /home16:23
James147sixzerofour|jps: i tend to manually configure the partitions during the installer to do 10gig os 2-4 swap and rest data16:24
jschallsixzerofour|jps: yes, so that you can reinstall your os without formatting your /home16:24
sixzerofour|jpsi see16:24
sixzerofour|jpsis 10gb enough for kubuntu?16:24
jschallsixzerofour|jps: i'd just do like 1516:24
jschallsixzerofour|jps: i've never looked to see how much space i actually use16:24
sixzerofour|jpsyeah but i don't want to try to do an update one day and not have space16:24
James147sixzerofour|jps: never needed more then 10 on mine, but you can do 15 if you want to make sure16:24
sixzerofour|jpsi will probably use this setup for 4-5 years16:25
James147sixzerofour|jps: I have many development tools and sdks installe on my systems and still never needed more then 1016:25
jschalli have mine set up at 30 =/16:25
sixzerofour|jpsi'll do 1016:25
sixzerofour|jpsand 2gb swap16:25
jschalli probably wasted a bunch of space16:25
FloodBotK1sixzerofour|jps: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:25
sixzerofour|jpsrest data16:25
James147sixzerofour|jps: on 7gig atm16:25
thaciousso i have my sound back but i still have this low volume problem? any ideas?16:26
jschallthe flood bot is probably more annoying than the flooders most of the time =/16:26
jschallmy swap is smaller than my ram =/ i think i need more16:27
sixzerofour|jpsthis laptop will have 3gb ram16:27
James147jschall: depends, you do if you want to hibernate16:27
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jschallmake sure your swap is bigger than your ram so you can hibernate16:27
sixzerofour|jps4gb swap then16:27
jschallJames147: its a desktop. i suspend it.16:27
jschallJames147: i never shut it down or hibernate16:28
jschallJames147: unless i need a kernel update16:28
sixzerofour|jpsi probably won't do anything with the laptop but have it on or off..lol16:28
sixzerofour|jpsits for taking notes16:28
sixzerofour|jpsand rbwosing16:28
Lord-Rahl? is there a way in kopete to make any new message to open in a tab window instead of open a new window?16:32
shadeslayerLord-Rahl: i have window grouping on16:32
shadeslayerLord-Rahl: so it doesnt make much of a diff.16:32
Lord-Rahlshadeslayer: is that in 'behavior setings'16:33
sheytanLord-Rahl take a look at kopete's settings, behavior, chat ;)16:33
Lord-Rahlthats all16:34
Lord-Rahlthanks all **16:35
shadeslayerLord-Rahl: :D16:35
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shadeslayerhow do i start cronjobs automatically16:43
vbgunz_llutz: back. probably the best way to run acpi_listen, is to shorten the automatic suspend time to 1 minute, run acpi_listen in the terminal let it go to sleep, wake it up and check out the stdout?16:43
Tm_Tshadeslayer: whole point of cronjobs is that they start automatically?16:44
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shadeslayerTm_T: well not here16:45
tarzanf-n, jag hamnade fel.16:45
shadeslayerTm_T: do i need to specify the whole path to the command? like /usr/bin16:45
suckinreadonlyi am very close to finally getting my nagios system running here.   A config file is only opening in Read Only mode.. how can i figure out what is holding it open.. and fix it16:45
Mamarokshadeslayer: you need to specify the frequency how did you set it up?16:46
shadeslayerMamarok: one sec16:46
Mamarokshadeslayer: there is a setup GUI in the system settings16:47
Mamarokthat works quite well16:47
shadeslayerMamarok: yeah i set it there only :P16:47
shadeslayerwheres the crontab file located?16:47
shadeslayerfor the user crontab?16:47
MamarokSystemSettings -> Advanced Tab -> Task Scheduler16:48
shadeslayerMamarok: i have already set it there.... it *doesnt* run :P16:49
shadeslayerone sec16:49
ivan__Hi. I have a problem: some times after system locking mouse pointer starts jumping randomly. And mouse buttons are clicking randomly (i can see popup menus, files are being opened, etc.). What kind of bug is it, how to fix it?16:50
shadeslayerMamarok: http://imagebin.ca/view/0Xilpx.html16:50
NakkelMeh, new web layout borken in Konqi.16:51
Mamarokshadeslayer: could you show the setup GUI? Click on Modify16:51
shadeslayerMamarok: http://imagebin.ca/view/PFkxZGDL.html16:52
vbgunz_I just had my system automatically suspend in 60 seconds. I ran sudo acpi_listen before it would automatically do this. it suspended automatically and went to sleep. I woke it up and it automatically suspended again 10 seconds after waking it up. acpi_listen didn't say anything about why. anybody know whats up?16:53
Mamarokshadeslayer: you did set two commands, that might be the problem16:54
shadeslayerMamarok: but i want to get the time and temp at the same time16:54
shadeslayerany ideas on how to do that?16:54
Mamarokthen run two jobs for that16:54
shadeslayerMamarok: with the same output file?16:54
James147shadeslayer: you could add them so a bash script and run that16:54
Mamarokalso adding a date for a "every 2 Minutes job" sounds a bit illogical16:55
shadeslayerMamarok: hmmm16:55
Mamarokshadeslayer: why don't you just set a sensor widget?16:55
Mamarokthen you can actually see what is happening16:55
shadeslayerMamarok: well i keep the laptop on at night,and log the temos16:55
Mamarokor are you going to read that file every 2 minutes?16:55
shadeslayerso that i know its not heating up much...16:56
Mamarokshadeslayer: are you running stuff during the night?16:56
shadeslayerMamarok: yeah...16:56
Mamarokbecause heating happens when it is working, if it is idle...16:56
Mamarokshadeslayer: downloads is not using much CPU16:56
shadeslayerMamarok: idk my laptop gets hot alot now a days..16:57
shadeslayerjust being carefull16:57
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Mamarokshadeslayer: that comes from CPU intensive tasks16:57
Mamarokand running a cron job every 2 minutes is not going to improve that...16:57
shadeslayeryoure right..16:57
* shadeslayer goes back to hacking rekonq code16:58
shadeslayerMamarok: thanks :)16:58
Mamarokshadeslayer: I have a temerature sensor widget that shows heating when compiling, but if the laptop is set to performance the CPU should scale well16:58
shadeslayerMamarok: whats the ususal temps you get?16:59
shadeslayerMamarok: and is it a laptop?16:59
Mamarokand try not using both cores full load when compiling by using the -j option for make install16:59
Mamarokshadeslayer: yes, a Lenovo W50016:59
Mamarokshadeslayer: let me try and have a look, moment...17:00
shadeslayerMamarok: wont that load one of them more and cause a large variation in temps b/w the 2 cores?17:00
shadeslayerMamarok: sure17:00
vbgunz_does anybody know whats going on with suspension? my pc suspends just fine. wakes up fine too. just after being awoke after automatically going to sleep it sleeps again in 10 seconds by itself when its not supposed too. really, am I the only one experiencing this?17:03
Benkinoobymaybe i should post this to the dev channel, but again i have to say i love kubuntu. i turned of skype, kopete and firefox, disabped my wather forecast widget and see.... no single bit of network traffic... 100% silence... how many times i tried to reach this in win...17:05
Mamarokshadeslayer: I just compiled with make install -j3, using the performance mode, and one core briefly went up to 70°C17:05
Mamaroknot they are idling at 55-60°C17:05
shadeslayerMamarok: i get upto 75 sometimes17:06
Mamarokshadeslayer: that sometimes happens here, too, espeically when compiling two things at the same time17:06
Mamarokshadeslayer: but modern CPUs should be able to take that without problems17:07
shadeslayerMamarok: hmm.. well i get upto 75 when i compile amarok17:07
shadeslayerthat to after make clean17:07
Mamarokshadeslayer: it doesn't depends what you compile, but how you are loading the CPU17:07
Mamarokshadeslayer: dual core?17:07
shadeslayerMamarok: yeah17:08
Mamarokthen you should avoid using more than -j317:08
shadeslayerMamarok: so i should use make install -j317:08
shadeslayerMamarok: ok that loads just one core... right?17:08
Mamarokyes, that will use uup to 75% of the CPU capacity only17:08
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shadeslayeroh ok17:09
shadeslayerthats cool17:09
* shadeslayer goes and changes his build scripts17:09
Mamarokshadeslayer: also do you use a ccache?17:09
shadeslayerMamarok: nope17:09
shadeslayeri cant figure it out17:09
Mamarokshadeslayer: you should, at least for cmake, since that speeds up compiling a lot17:10
shadeslayerMamarok: can you teach me how to do it?17:10
James147Mamarok: wont -j3 make the cpu run to 100%... ?17:10
Mamarokshadeslayer: see here: http://blogs.fsfe.org/myriam/2009/09/compiling-amarok-from-git-locally-full-summary/ for Amarok, the ccache settings are explained in point 217:11
MamarokJames147: that depends on the CPU, it doesn't here17:13
Mamarokshadeslayer: does your CPU do hyperthreading?17:13
shadeslayerMamarok: i think so,dont know for sure17:14
shadeslayerMamarok: i have a Intel T810017:14
shadeslayerbtw i dont have ~/kde/bin.... any issues?17:14
Mamarokshadeslayer: if it doesn't then you should set it to -j117:14
Mamarokso it only uses one core17:15
Mamarokshadeslayer: you mean for a local Amarok build?17:15
Mamarokhi Neremor17:15
shadeslayerMamarok: i mean as in,i dont have a kde folder in my home folder :)17:15
Mamarokshadeslayer: normal, since that blog is about a local build :)17:16
shadeslayerMamarok: so i just leave out that line17:16
Mamarokshadeslayer: you should maybe read it completely to get it right before doing anything17:16
Mamarokshadeslayer: all the settings are for a local build only17:17
Mamarokincluding the cmake settings17:17
NeremorI would like to setup a guest account on my system. Therefore I created a new user and set it to require no password in kdm. After I set up the workspace for the guest account, I would like to "save" this prefferences so everyone who logs in with the guest accout sees this session, even if the last user reconfigures the whole appearance.17:17
Neremorand i would like the home-directory to be only temporary. So if you save a file in /home/guest and restart and log in with guest again, the home directory should be empty again.17:18
MamarokNeremor: hm, why not running a cron job to erase the /home/guest content once it is logged out?17:21
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alabdhello while booting kubuntu 8.10 amd64 cd in the page that we should select "install kubuntu" enter does not work , how to solev it ?17:23
Mamarokoops, s/he was not very patient...17:23
shadeslayerMamarok: most people arent nowadays :_17:24
egsomei've problem with Dragon Player ( Phonon Powered Player ), i can't play any MP3 file with it !17:30
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shadeslayeregsome: have you installed kubuntu-restricted-extrass17:31
egsomeshadeslayer: No, Going to do17:31
shadeslayeregsome: please install it :)17:33
egsomeshadeslayer: installing it now ..17:33
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alabdany opinion ?17:38
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egsomeshadeslayer: installed, an now can open any mp3 file with Dragon, but no sound comes out !17:45
shadeslayeregsome: press alt+F2 and type kmix17:48
shadeslayeregsome: and set everything to high17:49
egsomeshadeslayer: i'm on Ubuntu, and can hear sound from Totem normally17:49
=== alabd is now known as alabd|around
Benkinoobyhi, what is the difference between the "ports-system" wich is used in BSD or it ports-like systems linke portage (gentoo) and packagemangementsystems like yum, apt and so on?17:51
shadeslayeregsome: um can you please switch to kubuntu ?17:51
Benkinoobylinke = like17:51
egsomeshadeslayer: No :), just want to Dragon to play MP317:51
shadeslayeregsome: ok,well press alt+F2 and type kmix17:51
geniiBenkinooby: the ports and portage build stuff from source the package management systems generally fetch precompiled binaries17:52
Peace-Benkinooby: the way how they works17:52
egsomeshadeslayer: installing it now ..17:52
shadeslayeregsome: 0_o17:52
egsomeshadeslayer: installed, and every thing is to top17:52
shadeslayeregsome: try now17:53
egsomeshadeslayer: Now Working :) Thanks !17:53
shadeslayeregsome: cool! :)17:53
vic61 i am iyalian17:53
shadeslayervic61: hi17:54
vic61sorry for italian server were?17:54
shadeslayer!it | vic6117:55
ubottuvic61: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)17:55
Benkinoobygenii: ok, so both are for software management only. isn't it possible to download and bulid packages from source with packagemanagers, or are there more informations needed, which are only provided by ports system?17:55
vic61ok tank you17:55
n8w1ngguys,i was playin with kismet a bit n now i cant get bak my wlan connection....it seems that it has gotten stock in that monitor mode18:04
n8w1ngi can provide u by iwconfig output if needed18:05
n8w1ngive also tried etc/init.d/networking restart ...but nothin happened18:05
shadeslayerwhats that app which is like ultra light and shows all system info... i cant remember the name18:05
shadeslayeryou make its config file by hand18:06
Tm_Tshadeslayer: conky?18:06
shadeslayerTm_T: ah yes18:06
n8w1nghmmm aha18:07
n8w1ngthx for nothin18:07
BluesKajn8w1ng, try sudo dhclient wlan018:18
daniel_I installed the  VDRIFT racing game from the .deb package (sourceforge) but it seems it's doesn't get installed.  did not create any folder18:21
daniel_I installed the  VDRIFT racing game from the .deb package (sourceforge) but it seems it's doesn't get installed.  did not create any folder.  Any Idea?18:23
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foormeais there no skype in karmic? i just reinstalled a karmic with medibuntu repo... and i cannot find skype18:24
James147foormea: you need to get it from the skype site18:25
egsomefoormea: http://www.skype.com/download/skype/linux/18:25
foormeaJames147: ok, thanks. how come it's not in the repos anymore??18:25
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ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines . Enjoy your stay!18:40
pookitosimple question,  If a friend of mine has a shared folder under Linux, and I would like to have access to to that shared folder, how can I have access under KDE or Gnome?18:44
daskreechHow is it shared?18:46
pookitohow to access the file in another computer which is already shared18:46
pookitoor folder18:47
|604|how are nvidia drivers lookin on the buntu these days?18:47
daskreechHow is it being shared?18:47
daskreechClosed sourced |604| :)18:48
|604|but they are still better than ati18:48
pookitoI have a Linux computer and a friend of mine went through the process and shared a couple of his folders.  I would like to have access to them.  I use a  kubuntu 9.1018:48
daskreechYes But much less than they were two years ago18:48
|604|all i got is a 7300 gs,18:49
|604|weas jsut wondering18:49
|604|haven't used linux in about 9 months18:49
pookitoany help18:50
Peace-pookito: yea but he has windows?18:51
pookitonope, he has Linux18:51
pookitoas well18:51
Peace-ssh i guess18:51
Peace-or nfs18:51
ubottunfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.18:51
igorhi, is there any hotkey for "mouse buffer"?19:01
iconmefistowhat's  "mouse buffer"?19:04
geniiigor: You mean if you copied some text with the mouse, what key combination pastes it?19:07
igorgenii: yes19:07
geniiigor: In a Konsole shift-insert    in most graphical apps ctrl-v19:08
Peace- and some time ctrl shit ins19:09
geniiPeace-: I imagine you meant to say "shift"  ;)19:09
igorsorry, but there  two different buffers19:10
igorand "mouse buffer"19:10
igorctrl-v pastes only what was selected with ctrl-c19:11
iconmefistomouse middle-click pastes selected text19:11
Vroomfondleyes, but igor wants a shortcut key19:12
igoryeh, I am just woundaring about hotkey for that19:12
Tscheesymiddle Button is the classic Unix-Pipe Comand : | - this one needs a focus on the target so the mouse is perfect19:17
iconmefistoigor: try ctrl-shift-ins. that seems to work for me19:18
igoriconmefisto: thank you, it works!19:21
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olskolircis there something like a gnome do for kubuntu please?19:24
iconmefistoolskolirc: alt-F2 (krunner)19:25
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Mamarokthere is "a gnome"?19:27
* Mamarok misread the line19:28
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shadowhywindhow can one find what the partition type (ext3/ext4) from the console?19:35
geniishadowhywind: There is only type 83 which is Linux. The filesystem is independent of the partition type19:39
geniishadowhywind: If it's a mounted filesystem, then: mount      should show the filesystem type19:40
shadowhywindhehe thanks19:40
daskreechMamarok:  :-)19:40
MrFubarHi, kann mir jemand sagen wie ich die Reihenfolge der Kernelmodule ändern kann, die beim booten geladen werden? Ich hab meine Konsolen-Auflösung mittels "uvesafb" hochgestellt, allerdings greift die Auflösung erst wenn die Hälfte des Bootvorgangs shcon gelaufen ist...thx in advance19:47
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.19:48
allyourrejectsis anyone else having an issue in Lucid that no matter what you do Network Applet (in both gnome and kde) says "network disabled".  I have no configuration listed in /etc/network/interfaces19:57
llutz!lucid | allyourrejects19:58
ubottuallyourrejects: Lucid Lynx is the codename for Ubuntu 10.04, due April 2010 - Lucid is NOT released and is NOT stable - Discussion and support only in #ubuntu+119:58
allyourrejectsk thanks19:58
olskolircand how do I get rid of krunner on startup?20:13
olskolircoic never mind20:14
daskreecholskolirc: Get rid of?20:14
olskolircnever mind daskreech20:15
daskreechJust wanted to know what you meant by get rid of20:15
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CptTorpedohi, why does kate forget the last used folder and instead use ~/Documents?20:39
CptTorpedoI hope this is a buh20:40
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allyourrejectsCptTorpedo: it remembers for me..  The default on open is ~/Documents20:42
allyourrejectsbut after I open a doc it remembers where I was, and also where I saved it to20:42
CptTorpedoallyourrejects:  when you close the window and another does it still remember?20:42
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allyourrejectswhy would it?  thats a new session20:42
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JabberwockIs there a package nme in Apt-Get for Flash Player?20:43
CptTorpedocan that be configured?20:43
allyourrejectsCptTorpedo: maybe try saving session on close?20:43
allyourrejectsI haven't tried that myself20:43
allyourrejectsI expect it to always startup in ~/Documents20:44
CptTorpedokate also forget plugin settings20:44
allyourrejectsif i edited /etc/ files I probably don't want to do that next time I open20:44
CptTorpedoso, I have to enable the plugins everytim20:44
cbwcjwIs anyone firmiliar with compositing issues in KDE 4.4?20:44
allyourrejectsthat sounds more like it can't write the config to file20:44
daskreechcbwcjw: #kwin is20:44
allyourrejectsyou sure your user owns the dir and it has permissions?20:44
CptTorpedoI see no error messages20:45
CptTorpedowhen I launch from console20:45
CptTorpedobut I'm gonna try messing around with it20:45
daskreechCptTorpedo: have a Kate Session and open it with krunner20:45
daskreechYou can open kate with a "profile"20:45
CptTorpedohow do you run it from krunner20:46
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CptTorpedothe profile that is20:47
daskreechCptTorpedo: turn on the kate sessions runner and when you name it you should be able just to type the name20:48
CptTorpedoI don't have it, I'll try installing it20:49
CptTorpedothere is no such runner in the repos...20:51
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daskreechCptTorpedo: plasma-runners-addons I think20:52
jonftleHey all, I've been having some trouble with the Xorg process lately. When I start my machine, it runs at around 3% - 5% of my CPU, as expected. But if I leave my machine up for around 24 hours, that CPU usage has risen to well over 40% and the KDE desktop slows to a crawl. Running Kubuntu 9.10 - any ideas?20:53
CptTorpedodaskreech: sorry for wasting your time, I found the auto save session option.20:54
CptTorpedo<< idiot20:54
CptTorpedothe arrow is pointing at my nick btw20:54
james_ljonftle: You have flash running?20:54
jonftlejames_l: I have a flash plugin in my browser, but I didn't leave the browser running every time - this is a regular thing that's been happening for a few weeks now, even if I kill all of my apps before walking away from the machine20:56
twoten_I installed kubuntu 9.10 and things are going okay, BUY, the down arrow and END keys on my keyboard are dea - what gives?20:56
twoten_I tried changing keyboards, I have the systray app, but still no go20:57
jonftlejames_l: The last time that I walked away, I killed everything except for the Kontact calendar daemon, and  it still happened. And I can definetely say that it is always the Xorg process. No other process has exhibited the behavior20:57
james_lThe only other thing I've seen do that is plasma-desktop. Other than that, no idea.20:59
jonftlejames_l: Thanks for your help, hopefully somebody else knows the answer20:59
Mamaroktwoten_: check the Systemsettings -> Region&Language and try another keyboard layout20:59
james_lSorry I couldn't help.20:59
twoten_yeah I doin that20:59
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twoten_is there a kde app that allows you to define those extra keys on your keyboard?21:05
twoten_I'm pretty sure there's one for gnome ...21:05
=== BluesKaj is now known as BluesKaj-Laptop
jonftleHey all, I've been having some trouble with the Xorg process lately. When I start my machine, it runs at around 3% - 5% of my CPU, as expected. But if I leave my machine up for around 24 hours, that CPU usage has risen to well over 40% and the KDE desktop slows to a crawl. Running Kubuntu 9.10 - any ideas?21:07
twoten_control alt to see your running processes - Firefox maybe?21:08
jonftletwoten_: if that was directed at me, thanks, but the problem lies with the Xorg process. I can directly see that it is eating up 40% of my CPU21:10
twoten_hmmm ... ATI card? vga driver?21:11
jonftletwoten: It's an NVidia card running the proprietary drivers. Do the video drivers run as a part of the Xorg process?21:12
twoten_hmm, I'm stumped, maybe Gypsy Curse?21:18
jonftletwoten: It's possible, but I hope not21:19
iconmefistojonftle: anything stand out in Xorg logs?21:25
jonftleiconmefisto: sorry, I forget how to get at them. Can you remind me?21:27
iconmefistojonftle: look in /var/log/   there should be Xorg.0.log or similar21:28
jonftleiconmefisto: no major errors, would you like a pastebin?21:31
iconmefistojonftle: there is a KDE system log viewer ksystemlog21:32
jonftleiconmefisto: is there a way to go back before the last system reboot?21:34
jonftleiconmefisto: I rebooted the system when I started working this afternoon, because that fixes the Xorg resource hogging21:34
TresmiusHey, I just did a clean install of kubuntu, installed all bug updates/ updates and firefox and there's no sound at all in firefox21:35
TresmiusI found some threads on the ubuntu forums but they're from 2006 and some of the files they mentioned editing don't exist21:36
iconmefistojonftle: maybe Xorg.0.log.old ? I'm not sure21:36
jonftleiconmefisto: already checked it. It's almost a month old. I guess I'll have to wait until the behaviour comes back...21:37
=== bruno is now known as bruno_fr
TresmiusThe sound worked fine in firefox in ubuntu yesterday21:41
BluesKaj-LaptopTresmius, flashplugin-nonfree , make sure alsamixer ctrls aren't down or muted, but it could be the bug that was reported yesterday ..FF not doing media properly on some sites21:41
iconmefistojonftle: if you have ksystemlog open, look in logs menu, other, X session log21:42
Benkinoobyhi i am installing americas_army (plz, no discussion about ethics or something like that). the default install directory is /usr/local/games/armyops which is fine for me (i don'tthink it's good to have it in /home) next it asks me if i want to install a symbolic link to a directory in my path. i don't understand this question...21:43
TresmiusBluesKaj-Laptop: flashplugin-nonfree: command not found21:43
twoten_the symbolic link is a good idea, put it in /usr/bin21:44
Tresmiusflashplugin-nonfree is already the newest version.21:44
jonftleiconmefisto: this looks like what I need, but again, it only goes back to the last power up21:44
nico__Hi, I have the latest Kubuntu version, KDE4 / ALSA audio / analog headset, trying to record audio from my microphone. Getting lots of background noise. Any idea where to look in order to fix it? If I boot under Windows, use Skype, I have good sound.21:44
Benkinoobytwoten_: i know what a link is. i dont know for sure what a symbolic link is. what is the use of having symbolic links in /usr/bin ?21:45
BluesKaj-LaptopBenkinooby, copy the executable file to /usr/bin , that might work21:47
TresmiusBluesKaj-Laptop I don't think it's flash related, I've tried an mp3/ midi stream and there's no sound there either21:47
BenkinoobyBluesKaj-Laptop: i answered yes to create a symbolic link.. then the directory /usr/local/bin was proposed... i agreed21:47
BenkinoobyBluesKaj-Laptop: what whould happen without these symb. links?21:48
BluesKaj-LaptopTresmius, check kmix and alsamixer, also if you have pulseaudio, that could be the culprit21:48
BluesKaj-LaptopBenkinooby, /usr/local/bin is good , it should work21:49
BenkinoobyBluesKaj-Laptop: ok, so far so good. but what is the need of this symbolic links? what will happen if i don't create them?21:50
TresmiusBluesKaj-Laptop: kmix gives me http://paste.ubuntu.com/379984/21:51
jonftleHey all, I've been having some trouble with the Xorg process lately. When I start my machine, it runs at around 3% - 5% of my CPU, as expected. But if I leave my machine up for around 24 hours, that CPU usage has risen to well over 40% and the KDE desktop slows to a crawl. Running Kubuntu 9.10 - any ideas?21:52
iconmefistoBenkinooby: without a symbolic link somewhere in your path, you would need to specify the whole path to start the program, eg /usr/local/games/armyops/army instead of just army21:53
BluesKaj-LaptopBenkinooby,symbolic links are used in cases where large files which require their own dirs need to be linked to the usr/bin or usr/local/bin file where the OS looks for the executable when you try to lanch an app21:53
TresmiusThe sound works perfectly in Amarok though, just not in firefox21:53
BluesKaj-LaptopTresmius, then it's FF , try a diff browser21:54
Benkinoobyah, ok. so with the symboli link i link the game-executable to the */bin directory, wherey the system checks for the command i hammer to the cli (like cp, ls, cd ....) thank you :)21:54
BenkinoobyTresmius: i also think it's ff... somethimes this happens to me too... ff is a real reasource-eater for me21:55
TresmiusHmm, no sound in konqueror either21:55
BluesKaj-LaptopTresmius, got a URL , lets have a look21:55
BenkinoobyTresmius: sorry, wrong person & topic ;)21:55
TresmiusI was just testing using random youtube videos21:56
iconmefistoTresmius: look in systemsettings > multimedia and try moving devices around21:56
Benkinoobyjonftle: never experinenced something like that... what are log files saying?21:56
bipolarFor some reason I can't get a terminal bell in konsole. I set the notifications to show a popup and play a sound, but echo -e '\a' does nothing.21:56
bipolarcan someone else test for me an see if it works for them?21:57
BluesKaj-LaptopTresmius, click on the speaker icon in the panel for kmix21:57
jonftleBenkinooby: unfortunately, iconmefisto helped me look through them earlier, but they only go back to when I restarted the machine about two hours ago. The problem only crops up when it's been running for closer to 20 hours21:57
Tresmiusall the volume settings seem to be up and I'm using headphones, but I hear audio in media players fine21:59
Benkinoobyjonftle: if you go "ctrl+esc" you will get to the system monitor, where you can see the threads and processes... this you allrdy know. on the right upper corner, you can change the way the threads and processes are displayed to you. maybe you will get mor info when you start changing it21:59
jonftleBenkinooby: I found that earlier, and noticed that Xorg runs as a child process of kdm, but doesn't have any children of it's own - is there any way that I can drill into the Xorg process to figure out what it is doing with my CPU?22:01
BenkinoobyTresmius: can you try with an audio stream? any radio station...22:01
TresmiusIn the browser?22:01
TresmiusI got a radio stream playing in firefox just now, but no sound22:04
Tresmiusbut I just played an MP3 in amarok and I can hear it fine22:04
BenkinoobyTresmius: hmm.. i also have no idea...22:09
BenkinoobyTresmius: maybe you can do something in ff's about:config22:09
Benkinoobycheck google what sound settings can be done22:09
iconmefistoTresmius: if you do speaker-test in konsole, do you hear sound?22:10
BluesKaj-LaptopTresmius, try chrome22:10
BluesKaj-LaptopTresmius, or try vlc netradio streams22:10
carstenHello, anybody else having problems starting akonadi since 4.4 (Test 9&10, the D-Bus message)?22:12
Tresmiusiconmefisto: no22:13
iconmefistoTresmius: in systemsettings > multimedia, try putting a different device at the top of the list22:14
Tresmiusiconmefisto: it's just pulseaudio and HDA Intel (ALC1200 Analog) there, I already tried swapping/ preferring each22:15
iconmefistoif you're using pulseaudio, run padevchooser and try settings there (it gives you an icon in the panel)22:16
iconmefistoTresmius: or maybe remove pulseaudio if you don't need it22:16
TresmiusThe remove button is greyed out22:17
TresmiusAlthough I'm using HDA Intel (ALC1200 Analog)22:17
iconmefistoTresmius: no, I mean uninstall pulseaudio: sudo apt-get remove pulseaudio22:18
TresmiusAh, it isn't installed22:18
TresmiusPackage pulseaudio is not installed, so not removed22:19
iconmefistook, then put pulseaudio at the bottom of the list in multimedia settings22:19
jonftleHey all, I've been having some trouble with the Xorg process lately. When I start my machine, it runs at around 3% - 5% of my CPU, as expected. But if I leave my machine up for around 24 hours, that CPU usage has risen to well over 40% and the KDE desktop slows to a crawl. Running Kubuntu 9.10 - any ideas?22:24
danielspi upgraded kde3.2 to 4.4. now kubuntu starts in terminal mode, need help22:36
clone1018When I try and enable more then one monitor. Both monitors go blank until I restart22:40
clone1018I know the frequency and resolution are right.22:41
nomadbonsoir tout le monde pour quoi SVn ne marche pas sous cramique22:48
nomadle français c'est ou22:49
Tm_T!fr | nomad22:49
ubottunomad: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc pour les Quebecois22:49
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sixofourw00t, kubuntu is live!23:23
megamanhow do you change the what your text colors are in quassel23:24
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n8w1nghow i do remove/uninstall plasma widgets?ive installed gmail widget but everytime it checks for emails CPU goes to 100% n stays there untill i confirm the password23:27
n8w1ngtherefore i wanna remove that widget n never touch it again23:27
n8w1ngive removed it from the desktop but it still keeps askin for password23:28
sixofourwhat is the apt-get gui applicationn for the latest kubuntu?23:28
sixofourit used to be apititude right?23:30
megamandoes anyone know how to change the color of my text?23:30
megamansixofour try kpackagekit23:30
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sixofour604i want to use terminal but i forgot, is there a document somewhere?23:32
sixofour604its been a year since i used termina;23:32
megamansixfour hit the k button (you know in the bottom left corner) then applications -> system-> kpackagekit ... thats on kubuntu 9.123:34
megamanor hit alt+f2 and type kpackagekit23:34
arandI'm trying to install an additional language dictionary for use with lokalize, which would be the global package to use? Can it be used in OO.o as well?23:35
sixofour604i know, i found the gui, but i am fast with the terminal [well i used to be]23:36
sixofour604i'll figure it out23:36
megamansixfour the terminal is in the same menu23:39
Benkinoobyhi i want to run americas army, i installed as instruced on ubuntu website. when i want to run armyops (sybolic links are ok) i get ./armyops-bin: error while loading shared libraries: libstdc++.so.5: cannot open shared object file: Error 40 i serached the web, but some hints nearly killed my kde (had to use cli to fix it) any ideas?23:40
sixofour604i know, but i forgot the actapt-getd with ual commands associate23:40
sixofour604i am trying to install restricted23:40
megamanhow do i change the color of my chat text23:40
sixofour604the gui program is not findng at alling anythi23:41
sixofour604anything at all*23:42
sixofour604i am on a laptop btw, never used one, so my typing is meh23:42
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sixofour604is there a tool that can identify the sound and video in my laptop so i can get the relevent drivesrs?23:51
Benkinoobysixofour604:  lspci23:53
Benkinoobysixofour604:  lspci -l23:53
sixofour604not sure what i am looking at tbh23:54
Benkinoobysixofour604: dou you see something that mentions sound or sound card...?23:54
Benkinooby00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 02)23:55
Benkinoobysixofour604: this is e.g. my sound system. a integrated soundcard... see if you can find something like audio or controller or audio device....23:56
Benkinoobysixofour604: also i know that there is a good ubuntu site for sound and how to set everything correctly23:56
sixofour604how al? i copypaste from termi23:56
sixofour604er laptop breakage23:56
Benkinoobysixofour604: paste it to pastebin.com or something like that23:56
Benkinoobysixofour604: not straight int irc23:57
sixofour604not used linux in over a year23:57
sixofour604no clue how to copy/paste23:57
Benkinoobysixofour604: can you open a webbrowser?23:57
sixofour604konqurer, but i want firefox, can't get it with the package progrqam23:57
Benkinoobysixofour604: for now knoq is fine go to http://www.pastebin.com/23:58
sixofour604i could use apt-get but i forgot the command23:58
Benkinoobysixofour604: and paste it there... then send me the link so i can see what you have pasted23:58
sixofour604how do you copy / paste in linux23:58
Benkinoobysixofour604: mark it and then right click, choose copy...23:59
Benkinoobysixofour604: like win... you can also use ctrl+c, but ctrl+c will not work in terminal.. everywhere else it is like win23:59

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