[01:53] is there a way to tell bzr to let your version clobber the one on lp ? [01:57] lwh: bzr push --overwrite, perhaps? [01:58] yeah just found it in help push :) [01:58] why does it always say they diverged , just because the two trees are different? [01:59] Because the graph of revisions has diverged - i.e. there are two "heads" [02:00] You should work out why this is before you try --overwrite. [02:01] lwh: try using "bzr missing URL_OF_LP_BRANCH" [02:01] lwh: it will tell you that the version on lp has one or more revisions your branch doesn't have, and vice versa. [02:03] looks like tagging a release on the website is the difference, says I am missing that revision [02:04] thanks for the help this is way nicer than cvs :) [02:04] heh [02:04] * maxb is struggling to get a $work project out of cvs [02:04] the last active one in the company === _thumper_ is now known as thumper === foxbuntu` is now known as foxbuntu === ubott2 is now known as ubottu === Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk === thekorn_ is now known as thekorn [07:28] Which code hoster is better :- Launchpad or SourceForge? [07:29] Launchpad supports branches. SF.net does not. That's a dealbreaker for me. [07:29] launchpad provides PPAs while SF doesnot [07:29] at the same time [07:29] SF provides webhosting [07:29] Launchpad also provides better bug tracking. [07:29] thats true [07:29] And code review. [07:30] launchpad is more easy-to-use [07:56] today there is a long queue at the lpia ppa build farm [09:18] is this the right place for people who need a little help with launchpad? [09:18] yep [09:18] cool [09:18] so I have some replies here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/410285 [09:18] Ubuntu bug 410285 in linux "Dell Latitude E6500 freezes when put on docking station" [Undecided,New] [09:18] one of them has my home phone and mobile phone [09:19] oh and you're lonely and want someone to call? ;-) [09:19] is there a way I can edit my reply, to remove that? [09:19] :-) [09:19] yeah... [09:19] not directly but an admin can [09:19] mthaddon: are you up? can you help ^ [09:20] ...wasn't paying attention to the signature details when I posted. Dumb "newbie" mistake made by a 30+ year 'net veteran. Woo hoo. [09:20] * mthaddon looks [09:24] Sure appreciate anything you can do to remove those phone numbers from the post... [09:25] https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/410285/comments/10 [09:25] Ubuntu bug 410285 in linux "Dell Latitude E6500 freezes when put on docking station" [Undecided,New] [09:27] ROCKING! Thanks so much! [09:28] np [09:31] thanks, mthaddon, and thanks as well to poolie for the hand-holding and joking. have a great night! === doctormo_ is now known as doctormo === matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara === jayne_ is now known as jayne === mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch [12:53] hi [13:16] is lp able to track upstream bug status for google hosted projects? [13:17] line bug 520017 [13:17] Launchpad bug 520017 in chromium-browser "Unable to customize layout of webpage thumbnails on "New Tab"" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/520017 [13:17] like [13:22] fta, do you mean can we link a bug watch against a Google code hosted project bug? [13:24] deryck, hm, no. in the bug above, there's already a link to an upstream. but that bug is closed upstream, and lp doesn't seem to track it [13:25] fta, I didn't think we updated status from Google code yet. I'm thinking of bug 385078. [13:25] Launchpad bug 385078 in malone "Add an ExternalBugTracker for Google Code" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/385078 [13:26] ok, thanks [13:26] gmb, is this still true? See above ^^ === mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell [13:26] would be great to have that as i expect the number of chromium bugs to grow exponentially once lucid is released [13:27] Yeah, that seems likely. [14:03] how does one go about updating branches on launchpad from pack-0.92 to 2a? [14:05] deryck: We don't yet sync statuses for Google Code, no. [14:05] fta: ^^ [14:07] gmb, thanks. [14:47] hi, may I ask, is there any feature like "clone this branch" in launchpad [14:48] I cloned a branch localy, did some edits, and I would like to send a merge proposal [14:48] for that I need to get my own branch up... [14:49] stas, it is very easy, just push your branch: [14:49] bzr push lp:~myuser/theproject/mybranchname [14:50] just a sec [14:50] we don't have an explicit "clone this branch command" - the step really isn't necessary. [14:54] mars: bzr: ERROR: Invalid url supplied to transport: "lp:ubuntu-bots/irclogin-fixes": Project ubuntu-bots has no series called "irclogin-fixes" [14:54] stas, did you provide your lp username or a team name in the upload command? [14:54] or should I do differently [14:55] just a sec [14:55] bzr push lp:~stas/ubuntu-bots/irclogin-fixes [14:55] yeah, i think i got it :) [14:56] bzr will remember that for the next push. [14:56] so all you need to type is 'bzr push'. It will remember the URL for you. [14:58] mars: thanks, indeed that was nice, but unusual for newcomers imho [14:58] stas, just curious, how so? [14:59] mars: well, for example on github u got a button I was talking about, where you can clone a project did edits and than just send merge request [15:00] not knowing how branches work on lp, I had to bother you :) [15:00] stas, ah [15:00] I don't know why github went for server-side branches, where we did not. [15:01] in LP you "just push" to where you want the branch to go [15:01] mars: yep, thats the difference [15:01] mars, I think it has more to do with git than bithub [15:01] github === salgado is now known as salgado-lunch [15:02] I don't think you can push a git branch to a dir that doesnt exist [15:02] beuno: thats true, but you can take care of that serverside [15:03] stas, with bzr pushing to anywhere, you can push to lp:~stas/ubuntu-bots/mybranch, lp:~botdevs/ubuntu-bots/mybranch, lp:~stas/ubuntu-bots/mybranch [15:04] stas, that would be cumbersome to model in a UI: should your new branch belong to you? To a team you are a member of? [15:04] ah, typo: lp:~stas/+junk/mybranch [15:04] hmm, you're right, it brings new questions [15:06] not sure if github has a teams model like that. Our setup allows for team ownership, and working entirely from the command-line or email [15:06] you don't have to touch the web UI if you don't want to [15:07] (in fact, some LP core devs don't) [15:10] yep, LP is far better organised from this point of view === matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch === salgado-lunch is now known as salgado === matsubara-lunch is now known as matsubara === beuno is now known as beuno-lunch === yofel_ is now known as yofel [17:29] I seem to have been logged out of launchpad, and get lots of timeouts attempting to authenticate. [17:30] Chex, ^ known issue? [17:31] mars: Might just be me though : do you have slowdowns? [17:31] persia, are you on launchpad.net, or edge.launchpad.net? [17:31] launchpad.net [17:32] It works, it's just more slow than usual, so I wonder if there's something up (but it could be local) [17:33] persia, just making sure. We had some intermittent slowness yesterday, too. Just wondering if there is in fact something with the server. [17:33] server(s) === beuno-lunch is now known as beuno === deryck is now known as deryck[lunch] === danilos is now known as daniloff [18:21] stas: ping [18:21] tsimpson: pong [18:21] hi :) [18:22] stain: hey, would you mind joining #ubuntu-bots for a while? [18:22] tsimpson: sounds cool, what exactly i have to do? [18:22] just /join #ubuntu-bots :) re your bug #524502 [18:22] Launchpad bug 524502 in ubuntu-bots "IRCLogin can't handle new Freenode's whois response" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/524502 [18:26] loggerhead down? [18:28] Daviey, works for me? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mars/lazr-js/treeview/files [18:28] hmm, that works [18:28] ahh, they all seem working now - must have been an interim thing === deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck [19:33] can lp auth against external ldap, cas, shibb via saml, etc? [19:33] lp.net that is ... [19:35] even for commercial customers who pony up $ ... ;) [19:37] filler, I am afraid it can not. lp.net authenticates via login over https, like most public web services. [19:38] filler, with the notable exception of the Launchpad webservice API: that uses OAuth [19:38] mars: I suspect filler may mean 'does lp have the ability to use external user databases' and-or, 'does lp offer other authentication front-ends for integration with user systems'. [19:39] mars: I'm not sure which in particular they means [19:39] its hard to sell $work to get out of hosting vcs in-house when we cant have sso-like auth [19:39] (even if its not true sso) [19:39] s/its hard to sell/im having a hard time selling/ [19:39] filler: so what you want is for your internal AAA database to be used by LP when authenticating your staff? [19:40] i dont ming delegating authz to svn per se. but we do auth life-cycle mgmt, and the FUD is that an auth island in lp would be ill-maintained, etc [19:40] s/svn/lp/ [19:40] bah [19:41] well there is a risk there. In particular we don't have great tools for organisations to manage their staff logins in LP at the moment; what we do is have a private team with all the canonical folk in it [19:41] and manually add-remove people from that as they join/leave [19:41] however the good news is that there are programming APIs to do that [19:41] yeah. thats the FUD im trying to answer back with some sort of technical solution. ;) [19:42] so you could have your directory, whatever it is, automatically remove users when you disable them, by doing a lookup on this private team [19:42] and new users after they sign up on lp (or you could sign them up as part of induction), have it add them similarly === salgado is now known as salgado-afk [19:47] ok. thats helpful. [19:47] thanks, all. [19:48] filler: anytime === EdwinGrubbs is now known as Edwin-lunch [19:51] hi, we had an "attack" of https://launchpad.net/~bongcaivang changing bug status and switching assignees. Is there any way to restore the old properties in batch mode? [19:51] mars, ^ [19:52] rye, sinzui may have an answer for you [19:52] rye no [19:53] sinzui, ok, then this is a call for LP API :) === henninge is now known as henninge-afk [20:18] ryan--, tosfire is there http://impoll.net/cgi-bin/v.cgi?p=10231&r=9 === matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk === Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha-brb === Edwin-lunch is now known as EdwinGrubbs === nhandler_ is now known as nhandler [23:56] how does a msgid in a translation file kept up-to-date as the template file gets updated in the Launcpad branch? [23:56] Is this a manual process that the developers have to take care of?