
CIA-6ubiquity: superm1 * r3800 ubiquity/ (5 files in 3 dirs):01:22
CIA-6ubiquity: Drop myth-summary. Now that ubi-summary is a plugin, it's much more01:22
CIA-6ubiquity: difficult to override, and not worth the delta.01:22
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ograev, around ?09:08
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davmor2ev: what screen should display the partitioning screen in ubiquity now?15:18
davmor2I'm on 6 of 8 and it is the install screen15:18
davmor2ev: this is on une, on ubuntu desktop via cd I get it, but fader_ is having issues from usb also.15:21
ogradavmor2, he made some changes to hide partitioning which showed falsely in oem-config ... smells like a fallout of that15:25
davmor2ogra: ta15:25
davmor2orga: it's strange how it only seems to effect usb installs though :)15:26
ograthats intresting indeed15:27
davmor2ogra: I got a cd install chugging along quite merrily at the moment15:27
ograsame iso ?15:28
superm1davmor2, are you doing a preseeded test?15:28
davmor2not for me.  but it is between me and fader15:28
davmor2superm1: nope15:28
superm1i'd suspect CD and USB should be affected just the same15:28
davmor2fader_: what iso did you test15:31
fader_I've tried so far the daily-live and UNR from today15:31
fader_And just tried the alternate, which failed on something totally different :)15:31
fader_All i38615:31
davmor2ogra: and I did une which failed and i386 cd which has to now worked fine15:32
fader_FWIW, the UNR and live images bombed either right in or right after attempting to partition15:32
fader_alternate died because xserver-xorg-video-all depends on xserver-xorg-video-nouveau but it is not installable15:33
davmor2fader_: it is in updates :)15:33
fader_davmor2: Yeah :)15:33
* fader_ wishes he had done a dist-upgrade today instead :)15:34
CIA-6ubiquity: superm1 * r3801 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/components/ubi-partman.py):15:38
CIA-6ubiquity: Since both partman and usersetup now want to go after console_setup,15:38
CIA-6ubiquity: set partman's weight higher than usersetup's to restore the page.15:38
CIA-6ubiquity: (LP: #523648)15:38
superm1i think that will fix it15:39
ograjust dont break oem-config again :)15:39
superm1well partman has a key to be hidden in oem-config now15:43
ograi wasnt serious :)15:43
ograi know you know what ya doing :)15:43
CIA-6ubiquity: superm1 * r3802 ubiquity/ubiquity/components/ (ubi-partman.py ubi-summary.py): whitespace15:47
evsuperm1: thanks for fixing that16:07
superm1i've got one other commit i might want to put in before uploading it though16:08
evsure thing16:09
ograev, oh, you are back !16:10
ogratodays oem-config dies before getting to user-setup (debconf frontend)16:11
ograthe gtk ui dies when trying to download langpacks (no wonder since it doesnt configure net access) i'll file bugs for both of them16:12
superm1ev, all of ubiquity has this 15 pixel or so padding of grey space now around the edges.  is that intentional?16:13
evoh damn, I didn't mean to commit that16:14
evit's something the design team asked for, but I think is inappropriate to go in at this point16:14
evogra: unfortunately I cannot look at it until Tuesday-ish as I'm at Pycon16:15
evbut yes, please file bugs :)16:15
ograno hurry16:15
ograbut note that rootstock is in the archive now, i'm about to write up a testplan16:16
ograso you will get a good bunch of other people using oem-config in the "basic bootstrapped" context16:16
ograand likely more bugs :)16:16
superm1ogra, it looks like it might possibly be an easy fix though.  can you try to s/PageDebconf(PluginUI)/PageDebconf(PageBase)/ ?16:17
superm1if that doesn't work, it will probably need more work16:18
ograwith the debconf ui ?16:18
ograi need to create a new rootfs first but will try16:19
superm1PageBase just provides skeletons for all those functions so that Page doesn't fall over16:19
ograah, k16:20
CIA-6ubiquity: superm1 * r3803 ubiquity/ (4 files in 3 dirs):16:37
CIA-6ubiquity: Integrate 60mythbuntu target config into myth-passwords now that16:37
CIA-6ubiquity: user setup is a plugin.16:37
CIA-6ubiquity: superm1 * r3804 ubiquity/ubiquity/components/ubi-usersetup.py: whitespace16:38
CIA-6ubiquity: superm1 * r3805 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog ubiquity/components/ubi-usersetup.py):16:39
CIA-6ubiquity: For user-setup's PageDebconf, inherit from PageBase for skeleton16:39
CIA-6ubiquity: functions that Page may use.16:39
CIA-6ubiquity: superm1 * r3806 ubiquity/debian/changelog: releasing version 2.1.2216:44
superm1ogra, I just added it above^.  it's not gonna do any more harm, and the page is already fairly broke, so ya know :)16:45
ogracool !16:45
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=== fader|away is now known as fader_
=== fader_ is now known as fader|away
CIA-6grub-installer: evand * r839 ubuntu/ (debian/changelog grub-installer):22:42
CIA-6grub-installer: Add missing $serial to get proper detection of serial console options22:42
CIA-6grub-installer: working.22:42
CIA-6grub-installer: evand * r840 ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 1.49ubuntu522:46
CIA-6ubiquity: evand * r3807 ubiquity/ (6 files in 4 dirs): Fix docstrings. They need to be the first statement in a function.23:05
CIA-6ubiquity: superm1 * r3808 ubiquity/ (debian/changelog scripts/install.py): Fix an UnboundLocalError in oem-config mode related to trusted_db.23:22
charlie-tcaAnyone complained about the partitioner being missing from the desktop cd today?23:51
charlie-tcaThe desktop cd no longer asks anything about partitions. It skips that page completely.23:53
superm1charlie-tca, fixed in 2010-02-19.123:59
charlie-tcaGreat! Thanks23:59

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