
=== virtuald_ is now known as virtuald
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* marjo waves15:59
* Riddell high fives15:59
* apw fades gently in from the background16:03
* ttx executes a quick dance to entertain the audience while waiting16:05
* Riddell nudges slangasek 16:05
Riddellanyone want to phone him?16:08
MootBotMeeting started at 10:09. The chair is slangasek.16:09
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:09
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2010-02-1916:10
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseTeam/Meeting/2010-02-1916:10
slangasek[TOPIC] QA Team16:10
MootBotNew Topic:  QA Team16:10
slangasekmarjo: hi16:10
marjoslangasek: hi16:10
marjo   * Hardware testing16:10
marjo   passed:   9 (70%)   failed:   2 (15%)   untested: 2 (15%)16:10
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~fader/hw-testing/current.html16:10
marjo   passed:   25 (96%)   failed:    1 ( 4%)   untested:  0 ( 0%)16:10
marjo   passed:   52 (98%)   failed:    0 ( 0%)   untested:  1 ( 2%)16:10
marjo   passed:   11 (92%)   failed:    0 ( 0%)   untested:  1 ( 8%)16:11
marjoBug 499940 remains open and detected in certification:16:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 499940 in linux "[lucid regression] does not resume from hibernation, restarts fresh" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49994016:11
marjo499940 - [lucid regression] does not resume from hibernation, restarts16:11
marjofresh (Confirmed, High)16:11
marjoslangasek: would like your help nudging 499940 along16:11
marjoseems got unassigned from kernel16:11
apwmarjo, unassigned from canonical-ekernel-team ?  that would be normal16:11
marjoapw: don't know next steps16:12
marjoany suggestions?16:12
apwthe suspicion seems to be there is things are going wrong in userspace cause it is finding two matches for the disk16:13
apwi've not looked any closer ... who knows that side of things16:13
slangasekI can look into this on the cryptsetup side16:13
apwslangasek, perhaps you an i can coordinate on this one16:13
slangasek(not for a3; beta-1 seems like the realistic milestone there still)16:14
marjoslangasek, apw: much appreciated16:14
slangasek(assigned myself)16:14
marjothx gentlemen!16:14
marjo   * UbuntuSpec:lucid-qa-checkbox-desktop-experience-tests16:14
marjoDesktop Experience Team PPA has been enabled across HW Cert. satellite16:14
marjoservers in order to test packages. Attachment has been added to the16:14
marjocheckbox-certification package in order to gather information returned from16:14
marjodbusmenu-bench to create metrics across certification hardware.16:14
marjoStill targeting for lucid-alpha-3.16:14
marjo   * UbuntuSpec:qa-lucid-automated-server-testing16:14
marjoAlpha 3 work items are at risk, sbeattie working to resolve test16:14
marjointegration blockers16:14
marjothat's it from QA team16:15
marjoany questions?16:15
slangasekmarjo: lucid-qa-checkbox-desktop-experience-tests shows as 0 of 4 workitems completed; is this still on track for a3?16:16
marjoyes, see above notes16:16
marjore progress made overnight16:16
marjoafter consulting w/ cr3, will change wording of work items, if appropriate16:17
slangasekno other questions from me; anyone else?16:18
marjoslangasek: thx!16:18
davidbarthmarjo: i think we only need a hook to get packages out of our ppa in the test images and then a hook to trigger a test script within the packages16:18
marjodavidbarth: ack16:18
marjothat would be sufficient integration, i think16:19
marjowill work w/ cr3 on finishing up16:19
marjow/ your team's feedback16:19
marjothx davidbarth16:19
slangasek[TOPIC] Server Team16:20
MootBotNew Topic:  Server Team16:20
slangasekmarjo: thanks16:20
slangasekttx: hi16:20
ttxServer Alpha3/Milestoned Bugs:16:21
ttxbug 524258: cloud-init update check code is not enabled (smoser)16:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 524258 in cloud-init "update check code is not enabled" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52425816:21
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus16:21
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus16:21
ttxThis is ready, pending some cloud-init upload16:21
ttx(more on this later)16:21
ttxHigh/Essential specs at < 90% completion:16:21
ttxserver-lucid-mysql-5.0 (80%): All work committed, only one test work item left16:22
ttxserver-lucid-uec-testing (82%): Last work items are about testing Alpha3 candidates next week16:22
ttxserver-lucid-seeds (80%): Last work item about CTDB MIR, will be dropped if it cannot meet requirements16:22
ttxBugs affecting server, in other teams:16:22
ttxOnly one blocking a3 spec delivery:16:22
ttxbug 524484: upstart fails to build (fixes needed for earlier boothooks)16:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 524484 in upstart "upstart 0.6.5-2 fails to build" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52448416:23
ttxcontains fix for bug 50488316:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 504883 in cloud-init "job with "mounted MOUNTPOINT=/ and net-device-up IFACE=eth0" blocks boot" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50488316:23
* slangasek nods16:23
ttxI think it's pretty straightforward :)16:23
ttxOther b ugs:16:23
ttxbug 506297: Graphical Ubuntu logo enabled on servers, no more login prompt16:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 506297 in plymouth "Graphical Ubuntu logo enabled on servers, no more login prompt" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50629716:23
ttxand the recent bug 52443916:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 524439 in console-setup "20100219 Server ISO fails to set up console keyboard correctly" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52443916:24
ttxthe combination of both would make the milestone look nasty :)16:24
slangasekI can upload 524484 today, rather than waiting for Keybuk to be around again Monday16:24
ttxslangasek: great, thanks16:24
ttxall bugs targeted to Lucid and milestones to a316:25
ttxWe expect to file a few FeatureFreeze exceptions:16:25
ttxcloud-init: runcmd feature enabled in cloud-config + possibly moving earlier in the boot sequence, after bug 524484 is fixed16:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 524484 in upstart "upstart 0.6.5-2 fails to build" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52448416:25
slangasekconsole-setup> am going to assign that one to Keybuk, it's probably fallout from the plymouthification change16:25
ttxslangasek: yes16:25
ttxthat's th only one affecting High specs ^16:26
slangasek(and even if I could get to it today, I doubt I'd make any headway)16:26
ttxthe other two are for Low specs:16:26
ttxvmbuilder: soren is still working on a few new features, should file FFe on Monday16:26
ttxcloud-utils: add euca-run-instances-and-[wait|connect] utility16:26
ttxthat last one is mostly harmful, but you decide.16:26
ttxWe don't expect anything else16:27
ttxfresh cloud-init ffe request: bug 52451616:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 524516 in cloud-init "[FFE] run cloud-init early and add runcmd support" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52451616:27
ttx(that's just-in-time reporting)16:27
ttxAll for me, questions ?16:27
slangaseka little too fresh, ubuntu-release hasn't been subscribed to it :)16:28
ttxlet me parallelize16:28
slangasekno questions here; anyone else?16:29
ttxslangasek: moving the boot hook earlier in the boot process is the most disruptive "feature"16:29
* slangasek nods16:29
ttxslangasek: could be considered a bug depending on how you look at it16:29
ttxWe want to land it today rather than next week, if possible16:29
ttxso that we have plenty of time to revert it if it proves unstable for any reason16:29
slangasekyes, so I'll get upstart fixed so that's possible, but then we still have the "ssh not running" issue that didn't shake out at the sprint16:30
smoserslangasek, i have that resolved.16:30
slangaseksmoser: oh, great16:30
smoserthe other cloud-init jobs were blocking boot due to imposible 'start on (a nd b)' combinations.16:30
slangasek[TOPIC] Mobile Team16:31
MootBotNew Topic:  Mobile Team16:31
slangasekttx, smoser: thanks16:31
slangasekasac: hi16:31
asac[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid#preview16:31
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid#preview16:31
asacdamn preview ;)16:31
asacso we were able to verify that our X0 dove boards are good16:32
asacstill testing, bceause we had a kernel issue half of the week16:32
asaci also added "firefox yahoo rollout" to the summary, because that occupied me quite some time this week16:32
asacon work items:16:33
slangasekasac: is that bug #522834?16:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 522834 in linux-mvl-dove "Dove X0 fails to boot past uncompressing the kernel" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52283416:33
asac[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-mobile.html16:33
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-mobile.html16:33
asacslangasek: ack thanks.16:33
slangasek(ah, bug closed since last night, ok)16:33
asac[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-mobile-lucid-alpha-3.html16:34
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-mobile-lucid-alpha-3.html16:34
asaci tried to postpone most stuff that wasnt done today ... will review another time after the meeting16:34
asacso probably important for this meeting the potential post a3 items16:34
asac* mobile-lucid-arm-gcc-v7-thumb2: green light for rebuild after a316:34
asac* mobile-lucid-arm-lightweightbrowser: security team decision pending16:34
asac-> this one is most likely a no16:35
=== randa-lunch is now known as randa
asacsecurity team and me agree mostly that it would be better not pushed into lucid+116:35
asacthere might be push back from other stakeholders though ... so lets cross fingers16:35
slangasekwhen do you expect that security team decision?16:36
asacthe other two blueprints we still would really like to see getting done are the webservice specs16:36
jdstrandslangasek: we'll likely review it today16:36
asacslangasek: once kees is up ... i want him to give his NO on the MIR bug16:36
asacor YES fwiw ;)16:36
asacslangasek: the webservice specs are definitly none-intrusive. my internel almost-hard deadline for the implementation is end of next week. if we dont have that by then, we will develop it outside of the archive most likely16:37
asacpoint is that without them we wont have office on arm and email is really just a mailto: handler that parses the mailto: url and opens the proper webmail url based on the users choice of webmail provider16:38
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
asacslangasek: of course we would file FFe bugs once we know that those happen16:38
asacor do you want that bug up-front?16:38
slangasekthose are the medium-priority specs mobile-lucid-arm-webservice-for-{email,office} +16:39
slangasekif you don't know yet whether you want it in the archive, no need to file the FFe yet16:39
asacslangasek: right. how much delay would release team be ok to accept? i guess you need to see the code first?16:40
slangaseknot necessarily16:40
pittifor the web services links?16:40
asacpitti: its not links only16:40
asacpitti: its a mailto: handler for email that does some nice stuff16:40
slangasekmost FFes are done based on a description of what's being uploaded, not the code16:40
asacand for office its an auto import/view on the web16:41
pittiwell, I guess there's some .desktop file and some glue code around it16:41
ogramime types too very likely16:41
asacmore or less yes, pitti16:41
asacright. i consider mime-types to be part of auto import/view ...16:42
asacanyway, i will file the bugs with info we have now16:42
asacthats it from our side.16:42
slangasekasac: the number of thumb2 FTBFS bugs targeted at a3 has gone down some since this morning, but not much; are these others still in progress, or are they going to need deferred to beta-1?16:42
slangasekand does the slow progress here mean more resources need to be thrown at them?16:42
asacslangasek: i will push them to beta-1 ... and if we get fixes before a3, just upload (if its before the freeze)16:42
ograi think thats a constant task16:42
asacslangasek: the list is quite short. we should be fine16:42
asacslangasek: problem is that this week half of the team was travelling for two days ;)16:43
asacslangasek: i will just retarget them. those are just bugs that need to get fixed for release16:43
slangasekany other questions for Mobile?16:43
asacof course the sooner the better16:43
asac(thats why i used the early a3 target initially)16:43
slangasek[TOPIC] Kernel Team16:44
MootBotNew Topic:  Kernel Team16:44
slangasekasac: thanks16:44
slangasekapw: hi16:44
apwOverall Kernel Team status is summarised at the first URL below, including the items called out in the agenda.  Alpha-3 activity is summarised at the second URL below, of which we have completed approximatly 65%.  We remain above the line on our burn-down chart (at the third URL below), but are still making progress.16:44
apw[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid16:44
apw[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid#Milestone%20lucid-alpha-316:44
apw[LINK] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-kernel-team.svg16:44
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid16:44
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid#Milestone%20lucid-alpha-316:44
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/workitems/canonical-kernel-team.svg16:44
apwWe have suspend/resume testing going on this week at SCALE.  The ubuntu delta tasks are close to complete with the final driver being dropped.  AppArmour has just been updated again and almost all tasks there are complete.  On boot performance we are within budget and the 5s usb-id bug is now fixed.  Of the ARM bugs picked out one is closed, one should be fixed awaiting feedback, one we have patches, and last is under investigations.16:44
apwWe thought we had uploaded the last kernel for the Alpha-3 freeze, but it seems toolchains have just been uploaded so there will have to be a rebuild there.  Otherwise we have a reasonable kernel ready for Alpha-3.  Marvell Dove has been brought up to the same level and tested to boot with the hardware we have.  Freescale IMX51 also has been tested, and is unlikely to change before Alpha-3.16:45
apwWe have had a lot of discussions this week about the quality of the DRM stack particularly with respect to ATI KMS.  Upstream is basically calling 2.6.32 unmaintainable for DRM.  The upstream position is that we should be takeing a complete DRM backport; and is suggesting that other distros are already doing this.  We are investigating the options here.16:45
apw... done16:45
slangasekhmm, HTTP 500 from wiki.ubuntu.com16:46
slangasekah, cleared up16:46
pittijust got it as well, but works agian16:46
apwwas going to say looks ok here ...16:46
slangasekapw: these other three kernel bugs are all still targeted to alpha-3; are any of these going to be included in the toolchain rebuild upload?16:48
apwslangasek, the arm ones you pulled out.  they arn't with the distro kernel anyhow16:48
apwi'll find out monday i suspect as its 'christmas' in .cn this week16:49
persiaNew Years.16:49
apwi beleieve we have bootable kernels for them all right now, the other fixes may have to wait till right after the un-freeze16:49
slangasek"aren't with the distro kernel" - not sure what that means?  they're open tasks on the kernel packages16:49
apwahh miss thinking there, of course i need to upload them alll cause of GCC ... recompile tastic16:50
apwi will try and get any that are ready in, due to the time it takes we may not get them in time and get a build in before tuesday end16:51
slangasekok; you'll retarget those that don't get included?16:51
slangasekapw: kernel-lucid-boot-performance only has one outstanding workitem for alpha-3, but it's a doozy - is that still on your radar for the coming week?16:54
slangasek(investigate readahead by inode number)16:54
apwyeah thats on my adgenda for next week16:54
apwi have a re-sync with all the 'investigate' type items planned for next monday16:55
slangasekno other questions here; anyone else?16:55
slangasek[TOPIC] Desktop Team16:56
MootBotNew Topic:  Desktop Team16:56
slangasekapw: thanks16:56
slangasekpitti: hi16:56
pittiSpec/bug status: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus16:56
pittiBy and large we are done with our alpha-3 work items. Except for desktop-lucid-social-from-the-start, which still needs some packaging changes, MIR, and seeding (all in progress); some bits got postponed, like the new plymouth artwork freeze (which has time until UIF), and some X.org bug harvesting scripts (which are not bound by the release cycle, and just became victim of higher urgency tasks)16:56
pittiThe most "interesting" issue that we have right now is bug 507148.16:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 507148 in xserver-xorg-video-ati "[lucid] desktop runs out of video memory on ATI Radeon Mobility 7500" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50714816:56
pittiThis was discussed quite extensively in #u-devel earlier today, and right now it looks like we'll need to backport the linux 2.6.33 drm to our kernel (same like Fedora); it seems drm in 2.6.32 is pretty much doomed, buggy, and unsupported. apw kindly agreed to checking feasibility.16:56
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus16:56
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus16:56
pittihm, of course apw beat me to this report-wise16:56
pittiSpecs called out in release team meeting invitation:16:57
pitti- desktop-lucid-default-apps: Remaining WI is a new feature in F-Spot which was just applied to the 0.7 branch; it does not have a release yet, and it's not clear whether it'll be stable by beta-1. Ken now worked on a backport and has a first version available in a PPA; did not make it into alpha-3, but believed to be fixable for beta.16:57
pitti- desktop-lucid-new-firefox-support-model: The alpha-3 tasks of this spec are all done; there is one extra (localize the Yahoo search engine start page) which is all done in langpack-o-matic, and just waiting for the new langpack export to happen over this weekend.16:57
Riddell * generally in a good position for feature freeze16:58
Riddell * Qt 4.6.2 still not packaged, waiting on patch from upstream16:58
Riddell * KOffice 2 also still due, packaging is progressing16:58
Riddell * Mozilla approved the KDE integration patches to firefox yesterday, asac reviewing for inclusion16:58
Riddell * Kubuntu Netbook Remix now in a working state for Lucid16:58
Riddell * kdebindings not compiling on ARM (the important bits do compile so we can just work around the unimportant bits)16:58
slangasekpitti: AIUI, the plymouth theme change involves much more than just artwork; I don't think UIF is the right target there16:58
Riddell * main blocker for alpha 3 is installer currently broken, I think it's cross desktop bug 52364816:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 523648 in ubiquity "install.py crashed with AssertionError in __init__() [regression from 2.1.20]" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52364816:58
Riddell * AMD64 CD still not over mysql breakage but should now be fixed and tomorrow's CD should not be oversized16:58
Riddell * https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kubuntu/Todo16:58
pittiah, speaking of which, I got the desktop CDs to build finally, but they are still oversized despite some langpack chopping17:00
pittiFF was quite a hit apparently17:00
pittiI'll still work on that17:00
slangasekpitti: ok; feel free to hand off to me any remaining items that need investigating for CD size at EOD today17:01
pittiquestions anyone?17:01
pittislangasek: I'd like to compare alpha-2 CDs to the current ones, to see what sticks out17:02
* slangasek nods17:02
pitti</desktop> apparently then17:02
slangasekyep, no more questions here - thanks!17:03
slangasek[TOPIC] DX Team17:03
MootBotNew Topic:  DX Team17:03
slangasekdavidbarth: hi17:03
davidbarthso, relase status as usual at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/LucidReleaseStatus17:03
davidbarthwe've landed modules destined for alpha-3 yesterday17:03
davidbarthdetails at: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/LucidWeeklyReleases17:04
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/LucidReleaseStatus17:04
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/LucidReleaseStatus17:04
davidbarthgenerally quite a lot of new packages, and the end of the dbusmenu/indicate infrastructure17:04
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/LucidWeeklyReleases17:04
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/LucidWeeklyReleases17:04
davidbarthnow we have even more dynamic menus, to finish the messaging indicator!17:05
davidbarthie, apps can register desktop actions in their desktop files, and override that at runtime with other particular action items17:05
slangasekdavidbarth: dx-lucid-gtk-improvements seems to say the changes still need to be integrated in the package; I agree this should be done for alpha-3 - is this on-track?17:05
davidbarthapart from that excitment...17:06
slangasek"for alpha-3" -> "ASAP, now that we're past feature freeze"17:06
davidbarthcs-deco is in gtk as of yesterday evening17:06
slangasekso that workitem status should be updated?17:06
davidbarthso that has landed already17:06
davidbarthseb128 created a special gtk-csd tag to track issues created by that gtk patch17:07
davidbarth(can't find the bug link, but there are a few that are being worked on right now)17:07
davidbarthno progresses on the x11-plugin (xsplash replacement); postponed to beta-117:08
davidbarthso we're late on this one17:08
davidbarthie the move to xsplash being an x11 plugin of plymouth17:08
slangasekhttps://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/dx-lucid-xsplash doesn't reflect that this has been postponed, AFAICS17:09
slangasek(marked as "INPROGRESS")17:09
davidbarthright, need to update that too; cody has that back on his plate next week, but we prefered to focus on gtk17:09
* slangasek nods17:10
davidbarthgtk being "roughly behind us now", xsplash gets more of bratsche's bandwidth17:10
davidbarthfor the rest, the details are in the report: quickly17:10
davidbarthImplementation completed; maintenance mode now17:10
davidbarth#524150 has been fixed and uploaded as a distro patch this afternoon17:10
davidbarthso a3 is safe with the session menu, even if you're not running gdm17:11
davidbarthseveral bug fixes (incl. mousewheel support in the right direction)17:11
davidbarthsupport for output device switching17:11
davidbarthbug fixes and support for the "me" entry17:11
davidbarthsorry, not #524150, that one is blocking app. indicator porters; currently being worked on17:12
davidbarthImplementation complete; maintenance mode17:12
davidbarth506683: indicator-applet doesn't show menu choices when selected17:12
davidbarththat last one ^^ is now fixed and released17:12
slangasekhurray :)17:12
davidbarthyeah ;)17:12
slangasek(been fixed for me here for a while now, glad to see it's now fixed for everyone)17:13
davidbarththat's it for the report17:13
davidbarthdx questions?17:13
davidbarthwell, there were probably two issues in this bug17:13
* slangasek nods17:13
davidbarthbut the first one was masking another error17:13
slangasekno questions here17:13
slangasekanyone else?17:13
davidbarthglad we kept it under the radar17:13
slangasek[TOPIC] Foundations Team17:14
MootBotNew Topic:  Foundations Team17:14
marjodavidbarth: thx for the fix to 50668317:14
slangasekdavidbarth: thanks17:14
slangasekis there anyone here representing Foundations this week?  (cjwatson is off today)17:14
slangasek[ACTION] slangasek to check with cjwatson Monday on status of Foundations a3 spec work17:15
MootBotACTION received:  slangasek to check with cjwatson Monday on status of Foundations a3 spec work17:15
slangasekScottK: foundations-lucid-supportable-binaries> if you've given me a link to the build test results, I think I've misplaced it; I could help unblock that if I had access to the data17:17
slangasekScottK: (I think cjwatson has it, but we didn't get a chance to look at this during the sprint)17:17
slangasekno sense in dwelling on the rest of these specs, I think, unless others have questions?17:17
persialucas sent it to the mailing list a couple weeks back: I'll hand you a URL if ScottK doesn't soon enough17:18
slangasekoh, that mailing list post has the details?  ok, great17:19
slangasekI can pull it from there17:19
slangasek[TOPIC] Security Team17:19
MootBotNew Topic:  Security Team17:19
slangasekjdstrand: hi17:19
persiaNot details, but a link to the rebuild failures :)17:19
jdstrandas always: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid17:20
jdstrandwe are in good shape for alpha-317:21
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid17:21
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/ReleaseStatus/Lucid17:21
jdstrandwe finished all the stuff assigned to us17:21
slangasekwell done :)17:21
jdstrandas for our essential bps, they are coming along-- the one assigned to kees in the above link actually has only one outstanding item that is assigned to me, and not tied to FF17:21
jdstrandthanks :) though we don't have nearly as much as other people due to our other obligations17:22
jdstrandthe slow progress bp of mine (security-lucid-libvirt-apparmor-devel17:22
jdstrand) does not have new features, and are just bug fixes17:22
jdstrandoverall, we are in good shape for release17:22
jdstrandthat's pretty much it from me17:23
slangasekany questions for security?17:23
slangasek[TOPIC] MOTU17:24
MootBotNew Topic:  MOTU17:24
slangasekjdstrand: thanks17:24
jdstrandsure! :)17:24
slangasekno ScottK or sistpoty today17:25
slangasekpersia: do you have anything you think is worth mentioning wrt MOTU?17:25
persiaHow is the motu-release/ubuntu-release merge progressing?  Is that complete?17:26
persiaslangasek: I've not been following release issues closely.  I know there's heaps of NBS and FTBFS.  There's an issue with libSDL that the squeeze version doesn't work with some stuff we have, and the lucid version doesn't work with others.17:26
slangasekstill some details being sorted out on list; the freeze exception process wiki will need updated.  Once that's all done, I'll send out another mail to u-d-a17:26
persiaDunno of anything else offhand.17:26
slangasek(I haven't done the actual team merge in LP yet, I think I can get that done today)17:27
persiaExcellent.  I have seen requests for freeze exceptions in -motu.17:27
slangasekpersia: ok - so business as usual then17:27
slangasek[TOPIC] AOB17:28
MootBotNew Topic:  AOB17:28
slangasekanything more before we adjourn?17:28
slangasekanything that has people concerned regarding alpha-3 overall status?17:28
MootBotMeeting finished at 11:29.17:29
slangasekguess not :)17:29
slangasekthanks, all17:29
apwslangasek, thanks17:29
marjoslangasek: thx!17:29
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