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iJonnyAnyone know how to make a windows mboile pda show up as drive letter in windows vista :?11:43
iJonny& not as a pda...11:43
GrueMasterCompletely wrong forum for Windows PDA <>Vista connectivity issues.  This forum is for Ubuntu Mobile, mainly focusing on netbooks.15:48
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thekornhey, one question, but I'm not sure if it is per desing or a bug: shouldn't UNR show a "install ubuntu netbook 10.4" launcher in the favorites section of the netbook-launcher?17:10
thekornin the live session, that is17:11
persiaIt should.  I thought that got patched once.17:11
thekornnot so with today's iso, so it's a bug17:13
persiaIndeed.  Please file.17:13
persiaI'd suggest against netbook-launcher.  There may be a casper task, but it's hard to know without a bit more investigation.17:13
thekornhehe, thanks persia. I was about to aks against which target17:14
persiaIt's either that netbook-launcher isn't finding the .desktop file in the right place to put it in favorites, or that capser isn't putting it there, but as it only happens with netbook-launcher, that seems the right place to start.17:15
persiaMight also affect netbook-launcher-efl, but that's harder to test easily :)17:15
persiaGrueMaster: Do you have an environment you can test the 2D case?17:15
thekornit's bug 52454417:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 524544 in netbook-launcher "Favorites section does not show "install unr 10.04" icon in live session" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52454417:25
* persia bumps sorting out this channel one prority bucket higher17:25
persiaOh, just really slow :)17:27
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persiaSo, it seems onboard needs a bit of UI love, but works.  Anyone have a touchscreen on which they can test?  I'm curious if this is acceptable for that use-case.20:04
* persia unfortunately has hardware support issues on all touchscreen devices that block testing this with lucid :(20:05

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