
cefAny ideas on how to get past Bug #514012 when upgrading from karmic to lucid (server, no X)?00:01
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 514012 in mountall "cyclic dependency between mountall and libplymouth" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51401200:01
cefhas no one using server tried upgrading to lucid since the 29th Jan since this bug appeared?00:08
uvirtbotNew bug: #524142 in nis (universe) "on shut or reboot, sticks on "shutting down alsa"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52414200:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #524143 in postfix (main) "#522797" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52414300:11
mathiazkirkland: hi!00:19
mathiazkirkland: were you able to install UEC on the test rig?00:19
kirklandmathiaz: huh?00:20
mathiazkirkland: I'm running into bug 52414700:20
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 524147 in eucalyptus "UEC NC failed to fetch preseed.conf from CC using lucid-server-amd64-20100218" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52414700:20
kirklandmathiaz: i thought you were reinstalling with 4 nodes?00:20
kirklandmathiaz: i was able to install topo2 earlier today00:20
mathiazkirkland: yes - the CLC+Walrus+CC+SC is working00:20
mathiazkirkland: but the NCs fail00:20
kirklandmathiaz: hmm, i got a nc working00:20
mathiazkirkland: was there an upload of eucalyptus that could have fixed bug 524147?00:21
mathiazkirkland: I'm using an iso rather that the archive00:21
mathiazkirkland: so this is with 1.6.2-0ubuntu100:21
kirklandmathiaz: hmm, i did one upload today, fixing bug #52382600:22
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 523826 in eucalyptus "Second node autoregistration fails with "Not a candidate for local cluster" error" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52382600:22
mathiazkirkland: hm well. I don't know then.00:23
mathiazkirkland: at least I can confirm that the scripts on tamarind are working with isos00:23
cefkirkland: btw: I'm trying to see if lucid has the same issue as karmic with Bug #495394 , but I can't upgrade the host cos of #514012 so it might be a while before I can help on that. :(00:23
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 495394 in libvirt "autostart almost always fails on boot time host" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49539400:23
kirklandcef: okay00:24
mathiazkirkland: I suggest you take the test rig to conduct the rest of your tests00:24
cef(more just a fyi, but any help with #514012 would of course be nice.. #ubuntu+1 has been no help now for 2 days... :(00:25
kirklandmathiaz: um, not sure i can do much if it's busted as such00:25
kirklandmathiaz: i'm about to call it a night anyway00:25
mathiazkirkland: ok00:25
uvirtbotNew bug: #524158 in elinks (universe) "needs -dump-charset in elinks.mime" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52415800:56
uvirtbotNew bug: #524159 in postfix (main) "I clicked "cancel" when it tried to install the mail program" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52415900:56
Italian_Plumberhello.  My syslog is filled with these messages: http://pastebin.com/m43e147ae01:01
Italian_Plumberis this something that I need to worry about, or would be slowing down my machine?01:01
Italian_Plumberor could lead to data corruption?01:01
cefItalian_Plumber: I personally wouldn't trust it seeing that.. but that is more just me than a definitive answer01:07
cefItalian_Plumber: what brand/model drive?01:07
cefmodel # ??01:08
Italian_Plumberactually Western Digital Caviat Green WD10EADS01:09
cefhrm.. no idea but those green drives do have some weird power saving features..01:12
cefare you running smartd at all?01:12
Italian_PlumberI'm running it through an SATA PCI interface card, so I'm not sure.  I would assume not.01:13
Italian_PlumberMB is PCChipps M830LR01:13
Italian_Plumber~8 year old board01:13
cefjust seen similar errors to that on lkml (google search) when certain versions of smartd is running01:14
Italian_Plumberwell i'm not sure how I would turn smart support on... siince the drive doesn't show up in the MB's BIOS.  So prolly ont01:15
ceffair enough.. but is the smartd daemon running on the machine at all?01:16
Italian_Plumberno smartd process, no01:17
cefok.. well that rules that out.01:17
cefsorry, dunno. but I'd be watching the data on that drive01:18
Italian_Plumberhmm... well thanks for the suggestion anyway.01:19
kirklandzul: soren: nijaba: can someone add me to lp:~ubuntu-on-ec2, please?01:28
maxagazcan I ping myself by making my computer think I'm another given ip ?01:35
Roxyhart0hi guys i am looking for a software to distribute from the server antivirus and applications any idea?02:41
ChmEarlhow can I alias eth0 with r8169 in Karmic server? which file is for aliases. I have nothing under /etc/modprobe.d02:48
ChmEarlnm-I made my own file under /etc/modprobe.d  realtek.conf02:54
ChmEarlI blacklist ipv6 and alias eth0 r816902:55
ChmEarlfriggin module loads, but eth0 never appears02:56
ChmEarlits like there is an LSP/trojan/virus02:57
ChmEarldo I have to set the HWADDR from lspci?02:59
cefdo you have another device as eth0?02:59
ChmEarlno- onboard nic rtl 8111/r8168B02:59
cefdoes it show up as eth1 or something else? or not at all?03:00
cefchecked dmesg?03:00
ChmEarlonly lo and virbr03:00
ChmEarlyes dmesg says there is a rename from udev- can't figure why03:00
ChmEarleth0 -> eth1   but it never shows either03:01
cefchecked /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules ?03:01
ChmEarlnot yet - what to look for?03:01
cefwhatever it gets detected as, it has that name from then on03:01
cefthe mac of the adapter03:01
ChmEarlk - looking now03:01
cefit keeps the adapter persistent ALWAYS... so it stays the same.. you can edit that and remove any entries you don't want03:02
ChmEarlah - sounds like the ticket03:02
cefmight want to remove that alias though03:03
ChmEarlthere are 2 entries. one mac is right the other strange03:04
cefjust delete the other line then03:04
ChmEarlcomment it is OK?03:04
ChmEarlback in a few. thanks Cef03:05
oh_noesis it possible to apt-get install a package, but not start it?04:04
oh_noesie is there a generic deb way to do it?04:04
JanCoh_noes: do you mean a server package that normally starts the service?04:13
oh_noesfor example, NTP04:14
oh_noesis it possible to "set VAR="DONOTSTART" && apt-get install ntp04:14
oh_noesfor example?04:14
JanCnot like that (AFAIK), but depending on whether it uses upstart or sysvinit, you could probably pre-create a config04:16
cefoh_noes: don't think so, but I know where you are coming from.. you could possibly unpack it and edit the postinst script to do it, but I doubt anything like that is in there by default04:16
oh_noeshrmmm .. i thought a mechanism did exist for this.  Maybe I was just dreaming though04:17
JanCediting the postinst script is another possibility yeah04:17
oh_noesyeh I know I can do that04:17
cefactually yeah JanC's idea is a good one, or you could divert the init.d or upstart script?04:17
oh_noesthe package is sysvinit04:18
JanCmore and more services don't start by default anymore04:18
oh_noes(eg: ntp)04:18
JanCor have a setting in /etc/default/ to handle that04:18
Roxyhart0hi i am looking for a scrip to detect who is running a program in the server. somebody have any idea? i mean user, ip?04:29
Roxyhart0hi i am looking for a scrip to detect who is running a program in the server. somebody have any idea? i mean user, ip?04:29
smoserkirkland, zul or anyone else, if you happen to see this, please accept bug 522292 nomination for lucid04:33
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 522292 in cloud-utils "Lucid UEC image 20100215 unable to start on UEC" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52229204:33
kirklandsmoser: done04:33
smoserkirkland, go to bed!04:33
smoseror sponsor that bug, either one is fine04:34
kirklandsmoser: our cloud-utils, cloud-init trees are wicked out of sync04:34
kirklandsmoser: you have a fix?04:34
cefkirkland: yeah, weren't you going about 4 hrs ago? ;)04:34
smoserits fixed in that branch that is linked. in cloud-utils.04:34
smoserso not really fixed, but worked around04:34
smoserthe real bug is in euca2ools04:34
kirklandsmoser: let me check04:35
uvirtbotNew bug: #524226 in openssh (main) "ssh-authorize - retrieve a key from a public keyserver and add to the authorized_keys file" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52422604:36
kirklandsmoser: okay, this cloud-utils ready for upload, then?04:37
smoseri think so. yeah.04:38
kirklandsmoser: i think we should be versioning these 0.4-0ubuntu104:41
kirklandsmoser: or are you versioning them the way you are on purpose?04:41
smoserit is 0.4-0ubuntu1 now04:42
smoserat least i pushed that just 10 minutes ago04:43
kirklandokay, and this is where our branches got out of sync ...04:43
kirklandsmoser: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-utils04:43
kirklandsmoser: i uploaded a 0.4-0ubuntu1 earlier today04:44
smoserfor the love of pete04:44
smoseri pulled from lp:ubuntu/lucid/cloud-utils tonight04:44
smoseri really hate that that gets out of sync04:44
kirklandsmoser: yeah, well, we just need to get you write access to the same trees that we have04:45
kirklandsmoser: i asked you to pull from that junk branch of mine earlier04:45
kirklandsmoser: oh well04:45
ballCould I expect Ubuntu Server to run properly on an IBM x3250?04:46
kirklandball: almost certainly yes04:54
ballkirkland: Thanks.  I'll be back shortly, I need to go and do something.04:55
kirklandsmoser: okay, i'm ready to upload04:56
smoserrevamped ssh-authorize04:56
kirklandsmoser: check this ...04:56
smoseroops. that had a debug in it04:56
smoserthat looks fine.04:57
smoserbasically, my goal with that "dev tree" is to get it with the same ancestry as the cloud-utils04:57
smoseras lp:ubuntu/lucid/cloud-utils04:57
smoserso that it can be pushed there04:58
kirklandsmoser: well that's fancier04:58
smoserand for the record, i hate 'sh -e'04:59
smoseri think its a copout for proper error handling04:59
kirklandsmoser: i hate scripts that aren't set -e05:00
smoserthats because you've been brainwashed by debian05:00
smoserno offense to anyone here05:00
twbsmoser: the "proper error handling" part is a trap ERR in the body.05:00
twbIME, sh scripts *WILL NOT EVER* be able to manually catch all possible error conditions.05:01
smoserbut seriously, set -e is like coding in C with assert() wrapping everything05:01
smosertwb that is no different in sh than it is in any other programing language05:01
smosers/no different/no more true/05:01
twbsmoser: so instead of doing that, you'd rather just let that NULL propagate all the way up the call tree before it fails?05:01
kirklandsmoser: okay ffs05:01
twbFor Fuck's Sake05:02
kirklandfor fucks sake05:02
kirklandsmoser: the two different branches are driving me nuts05:02
smoseryes, but seriously, catching the errors as they come and giving reasonable output to the user rather than just exiting and leaving the output in some borked state is not nice05:02
smosererr... thats not a sentance05:02
kirklandsmoser: okay, i need you do to this synchronously for me05:03
smoserdo what?05:03
kirklandsmoser: pull from my branch05:04
kirklandsmoser: and then push upstream05:04
kirklandsmoser: and then i will re-pull from you, sponsor and upload05:04
smoserok. where is your branch ?05:04
twbsmoser: "just exiting" means that you haven't used a trap ERR.05:05
smoserwhich no one ever does when they use set -e05:05
twbI do.05:05
kirklandsmoser: i use traps05:05
twbThere's no point trapping ERR if you don't set -e.05:05
kirklandsmoser: when necessary05:05
twbe.g. http://twb.ath.cx/Preferences/.bin/with-temp-dir05:06
smoseri trap exit and cleanup correctly.05:06
twbHmm, bad example :-)05:06
smoserin my experience, more scripts that have 'set -e' just stop, leaving me no idea why it failed (often no indication that it did).05:06
smoserso anyway05:07
smoseryeah, you can do it right05:07
smosereither way.05:07
twbtrap 'echo >&2 "$0: unexpected failure."' ERR05:07
smoseri prefer || fail "message"05:07
smoserkirkland, so what branch ?05:07
twbsmoser: you can still use those and have an ERR trap as your fallback for all the cases your "do it by hand" forgot about.05:07
kirklandsmoser: <kirkland> lp:~kirkland/+junk/cloud-utils05:07
kirkland<smoser> ok. where is your branch ?05:07
kirkland<kirkland> lp:~kirkland/+junk/cloud-utils05:07
smoseri'll merge.05:08
kirklandsmoser: i fixed the versions, and tagged the latest release05:08
kirklandsmoser: as soon as you can push that to the upstream, i'll upload the changes file i've signed05:08
smoseri just pulled that. latest revision is '7'05:09
smoser  releasing version 0.3ubuntu105:09
=== foxbuntu` is now known as foxbuntu
kirklandsmoser: pull again05:11
kirklandsmoser: what's head -n1 debian/changelog ?05:11
kirkland  05:13
kirkland11. releasing version 0.5-0ubuntu105:13
smoserkirkland, your tree looks sane to me.05:14
kirklandsmoser: cool05:15
kirklandsmoser: let me know when you've pushed05:15
smoserand mine just successfully merged from yours05:15
smoserok. lp:~ubuntu-on-ec2/ubuntu-on-ec2/cloud-utils/ should have revision 11, which has your tree, and mine merged.05:17
smoserthat should be mergable into lp:ubuntu/lucid/cloud-utils05:17
smoserso we're happy.05:17
kirklandsmoser: okay, then i'm uploading05:18
kirklandsmoser: done05:18
smoserso when you upload, you first push to lp:ubuntu/lucid/cloud-utils, right?05:18
smoseri think you're supposed to push there, then upload, then when the crawler comes through to sync them, it will have already done it and you'll have the intermediate history.05:19
smoserat least thats how i thought it was supposed to work.05:19
smosergood night, kirkland thanks.05:20
kirklandsmoser: well, they're all out of sync right now :-/05:20
smoserwell not now.05:20
kirklandsmoser: so pushing there isn't quite working05:20
smoserthey're all good.05:20
smoserwhy not?05:20
smoseri just pulled from there, and i can merge ours into that.05:20
kirklandkirkland@x200:/tmp/foo3/cloud-utils$ bzr push lp:ubuntu/lucid/cloud-utils05:20
kirklandWarning: Permanently added 'bazaar.launchpad.net,' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.05:20
kirklandbzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged.  See "bzr help diverged-branches" for more information.05:20
smoseroh hell.05:21
smoseri hate this05:21
kirklandsmoser: hang on05:21
kirklandsmoser: okay, we're good05:21
smoserbzr branch lp:ubuntu/lucid/cloud-utils cloud-utils.lucid05:21
smoserbzr merge lp:~ubuntu-on-ec2/ubuntu-on-ec2/cloud-utils05:22
kirklandsmoser: yeah, sorry, we're good05:22
smosergood night.05:22
kirklandkirkland@x200:/tmp/foo3/cloud-utils$ bzr push lp:ubuntu/lucid/cloud-utils05:22
kirklandPushed up to revision 12.05:22
kirklandsmoser: gnight05:22
smoseri thoguht your x200 was bug in bzr05:22
kirklandsmoser: you just had to curse bzr enough05:22
smoserlooks like hex05:22
kirklandsmoser: and then it works out05:22
smoseroh i curse it.05:22
kirklandsmoser: heh05:22
kirklandsmoser: fyi ... https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/server-papercuts/+bug/52422605:23
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 524226 in openssh "ssh-import-id - retrieve a key from a public keyserver and add to the authorized_keys file" [Wishlist,New]05:23
kirklandsmoser: i renamed it to ssh-import-id05:23
kirklandsmoser: as it's kind of the opposite of ssh-copy-id05:23
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smoseryeah. thats true.05:23
smoserjust make sure you take my improved version. :)05:23
kirklandsmoser: you can post it to that bug if you like ;-)05:24
kirklandsmoser: and add your name to the authors05:24
smoseryou actually have to properly urlencode the user names05:24
kirklandsmoser: true05:24
kirklandsmoser: let's not make it *too* complicate though, or it won't make FFe05:24
kirklandsmoser: or be considered a papercut05:24
kirklandsmoser: i'm hoping ttx might accept it as a papercut05:25
* kirkland -> bed05:25
smoserbut seriosly, it sould do that. i have a  perl one liner somewher ethat urlencodes.05:25
twbRandom annoying thing: OpenSSH's ssh-copy-id doesn't work with dropbear.05:26
smosertwb, hm.. do you know why?05:31
smoserother than ssh-copy-id is a good example of a bad shell script ;)05:31
twbBecause ~/.ssh/authorized_keys becomes a single /etc/dropbear/authorized_keys05:31
smoserwhich does neither set -e or catches errors05:31
twbssh-copy-id's code is INSANE, I assume because it's trying to be really portable05:32
smoserwell that seems fixable if HOME=/etc/dropbear/05:32
twbroot's home is rarely /etc/dropbear05:32
twb(Dropbear is ssh for embedded systems, in case you didn't know.)05:32
smoseryeah. i've used it.05:33
smoserits is very handy.05:33
smosertwb, you could add a nother user with id 0 named 'dropbear' with HOME=/etc/dropbear. the ssh-copy-id dropbear@host05:36
smoserbut that likely has mmajor issues05:36
smosersecurity wise05:36
cefcould you not 'ln -s .ssh /etc/dropbear' on the router ?05:42
cefbut yeah, a hack05:42
cef(from root's home dir that is)05:42
ceferr.. did I even get that ln the right way around? NEED COFFEE. :/05:44
ceftwb: err from root's homedir on the router 'ln -s /etc/dropbear .ssh' even.05:45
cefhuzzah! progress on getting my libvirt hosts to lucid leads to new info for bug #495394.06:28
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 495394 in libvirt "autostart almost always fails on boot time host" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49539406:28
ChmEarlin karmic server, anyway to shrink font size? I tried vga=791, but I lose all video06:35
ChmEarlI expect to ssh in mostly so no biggee06:35
ChmEarlhow can I tell what depends on x11-common?06:36
lifelessapt-cache rdepends06:37
ChmEarllifeless, thanks06:38
ChmEarlah, reverse depends06:39
ChmEarlto shut off a service, the only way is to remove (bind9) out of /etc/init.d ??06:39
cefcheck /etc/default/ and see if there is a config in there. many have options for whether to start or not06:42
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uvirtbotNew bug: #524243 in python-boto (main) "Python-boto crashes with Duplicity and Amazon S3" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52424306:46
ChmEarlcef, your hint about 70-persistent-net was key -- I got eth0 up and going -- cheers06:48
cefChmEarl: no probs06:49
ChmEarlto remove bind9 startup: sudo update-rc.d -f bind9 remove07:02
Cappyhi folks, new to the whole ubuntu server thing, quick question to get me started, do i need to do anything special, or does the default install of OpenSSH from the CD let me ssh into the box?07:20
smoserttx, ping07:30
ttxsmoser: opng07:31
smoseri just opened https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/52425807:31
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 524258 in cloud-init "update check code is not enabled" [High,Fix committed]07:31
smosercan you approve it for lucid and deny it for karmic ?07:31
ttxon it07:31
smoseri accidently clicked karmic07:31
nijabakirkland: you are now a member of ubuntu-on-ec207:48
sorennijaba: Oh, you just did that?07:49
nijabasoren: yes, I did07:49
sorenWe must have clicked "Add member" within seconds of each other :)07:49
sorenI had just checked the list of members, gone "Nope, noone's done it yet", went to add him, and it said he was already a member.. Man, if I could have seen the look on my face..07:50
nijabasoren: would have loved to see it too ;)07:50
ttxsoren: anoter lost youtube moment07:57
smoseri've gotten lp:ubuntu/lucid/cloud-init completely foobared07:57
ttxsmoser: james westby may be your friend07:58
smosersomehow its missing a upstream-0.5.5 tag07:58
ttxsmoser: but I guess that comes with the territory when working too late :)07:58
smoserwhats most impressive is i can't even write there.07:59
sorensmoser: Nope, very few people can write to the lp:ubuntu/* branches.08:01
smoseri dont think its very few, i was under the impression all coredev could08:01
sorenThese dudes:08:02
ttxaka rockstar-team08:02
sorenPretty much :)08:03
smoseri really thought the goal was for people to push to those branches and start builds from there.08:03
sorenIt is. We're not there yet.08:03
sorenHmm.. Yeah, I wonder why the new upstream version didn't get imported.08:04
sorenOh, I know.08:06
sorenIt was uploaded as a native package.08:06
sorenAs can be seen here: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+source/cloud-init/0.5.5-0ubuntu108:06
sorenWell, here specifically: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/39341990/cloud-init_0.5.5-0ubuntu1_source.changes08:06
sorensmoser: Do you understand what happened there?08:07
ttxsoren: what do you think of https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/376388/comments/12 ?08:07
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 376388 in bzr "~/.bazaar created owned by root (when run under sudo)" [Medium,In progress]08:07
smoseri saw that that builddeb file go tput there.08:08
smoserand it is attributed to me. must have been an errant bzr add.08:08
smoserbut i can't seem to work my way out of the problem08:09
sorensmoser: I know how to fix it from a debian source package perspective, but I don't know how that will look in the resulting bzr branch.08:09
soren"very confusing" is my guess.08:09
smoserok. soren or ttx, if you had some cycles to spare, please review https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/cloud-init/+bug/52425808:30
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 524258 in cloud-init "update check code is not enabled" [High,Fix committed]08:30
smoserthe linked branch there is in a sane state, minus the fact that by its count 0.5.5 never occurred.08:30
smoserttx, soren , i'm heading to bed. please do take a look at that if you can.08:36
ttxsmoser: ok08:37
ttxsoren: how does the puppet/etckeeper integration work ? Is puppet recommending etckeeper ? Or do they just happen to play nice if installed together ?08:41
ttxi.e. how critical is etckeeper MIR in that process ?08:42
ttxsoren: I have my answer, forget it :)08:43
ttx"Silently bail out if etckeeper is not available."08:43
* soren takes a break08:51
jiboumansmorning folks09:01
loolstgraber: Hola09:49
loolstgraber: Would you have some time to discuss lxc?09:49
loolstgraber: I wonder about a couple of integration stuff, notably mounting of cgroups09:49
loolstgraber: Perhaps we could simply mount this on /dev/cgroup for everybody?09:50
loolThe mountpoint was apparently suggest to lenghty discussions09:50
loolstgraber: Also, I'd like to test lxc on a karmic system; I've seen that the linux SRU is in progress, is a lxc backport needed as well?  Anything else?09:51
loolI didn't look into the caps handling which allow random users to manipulate containers, it's not clear to me whether that's a good idea or not09:51
uvirtbotNew bug: #524341 in amavisd-new (main) "[FFE] Add amavisd-new-postfix package" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52434110:52
Roxyhart0hi somebody know any good webmail server?11:03
=== Jeeves__ is now known as Jeeves_
ivoksor roundcube11:04
ivoksit's an application, not a server11:04
Roxyhart0so, is the best?11:04
Jeeves_Roxyhart0: Well, yes. I think so11:04
Roxyhart0yes i am looking for a option to squirmail11:05
Roxyhart0mmm...look really nice :)11:06
ivoksdoesn't have all the features of squirrelmail, but looks great11:09
acalvoivoks: it's easier to deploy than squirremail or horde11:18
* acalvo really likes roundcube11:18
* soren enjoys roundcube as well11:19
sorenI offer horde to my users as well, though. Most people prefer it, since they use this webmail interface as the only interface to their e-mail account, and horde is somewhat more full-featured than roundcube.11:19
soren...but roundcube is /really/ nice for most uses.11:19
acalvohorde is more like a collaborational suite11:20
acalvobtw, some having access attacks from Italy?11:20
ghostlinescan live backups of vm's be made with kvm?11:45
loolFolks, just a note that I've changed the locking primitive in qemu-kvm in some code pathes to use GCC's locking primitives, please tell me if you see any regression12:16
inveratuloSo I've set up ubuntu server as a host OS and now I'm preparing to install KVM, yet the kernel indicates that my proc does not support virtualization... is there some flag i should be setting?12:18
inveratulothe proc is a c2d12:18
AntiProxyhi everyone, i have a fresh installation of bind9 on my ubuntu box.. i configured named.conf.options with listen-on {; }; but netstat -nlp shows named listening on tcp (as configured) and udp .. how can i force it to listen to on UDP also?!12:27
Roxyhart0hi, my squirrelmail stop to work and i think is because id change by error permisions at the folders/files..somebody can tell me which permisions should it have ?12:35
uvirtbotNew bug: #510171 in samba (main) "connection from windows clients only works using IP, not using hostname" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51017112:56
bogeyd6hi ivoks13:14
Testamenti've just hosted some IBM server on a local service provider, and the websites on it run's very well, but on SSH i can't make a wget or an apt-get somthing or even a ping on any ip on the web !! i can connect to the machine over SSH, and i can access websites on it, but that's all :p any idea about that ?13:27
ivokscan you ping your gateway?13:28
ivoksthere's one cool thing called mtr13:28
ivoksmtr ip_of_google13:28
ivokswill tell you where your pings stop13:29
Testamenti can ping the gateway13:29
Testamentbut i can't ping my dns server13:29
Testamentthat's pretty strange :p13:29
ivoksit's not that strange13:29
jiboumanstelnet dns_ip 53 # is more likely to give a believable answer13:29
ivokssome people don't like pings and firewall them13:29
Testamentill try mtr just a sec :p13:30
jiboumansalso, if you're in a NAT, they can get lost13:30
ivoksjiboumans: not every dns has TCP/53 :)13:30
* jiboumans notes ivoks has this covered and goes back to manager duties ;)13:30
Testamentmtr stops at the first node13:30
ivoksjiboumans: hehe13:31
ivoksTestament: 1. or 2.?13:31
jiboumansivoks: actually, since you're around; do the TODOs here still reflect reality? https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-lucid-more-mail-integration13:31
Testamentivoks: 0 if i can say it :p13:31
Testamentnothing happens13:31
ivoksjiboumans: i guess rbl will be postponed13:32
ivoksjiboumans: and debconf integration13:32
ivoksjiboumans: i'll update it13:32
jiboumansivoks: thanks -- just making sure i have a clear picture of what's going on13:32
Testamenttelnet mydnsip 53 : connexion refused13:33
ivoksjiboumans: updated13:33
ivoksTestament: are you doing mtr IP or mtr hostname?13:34
Testamentwant me to try hostname ?13:34
ivokspaste route -n on pastebin13:35
Testamentthat's disgusting i can't even do an apt13:35
Testamentcan't live without it !13:35
Cappyfolks, im looking for a media type front end to run in ubuntu server, i just want to play a local library of music & movies... something that i can use to still serve files and all the other stuff with.13:37
ivoksthat's backend13:38
ivoksfrontend can be web, gui, cli...13:38
Cappyhrmm interesting, thanks13:39
Testamenti've done a ping of my_broadcast_ip -b and i've got another ip that i can ping13:48
Testamenti think i'ts a good start =)13:49
ivoksmtr to it works?13:49
Testamentyup !13:49
ivoksthen your gateway is blocking the traffic13:50
Testamentmy ISP is full of bastartads & liars then, and i'ts true, i prefer believing you13:51
Testamentill call them now !13:51
Testamentthanks a lot ivoks :)13:51
ivoksmaybe it's your firewall13:51
ivoksor bad routes13:51
Testamentiptables not configured yet13:51
Testamenti'ts allow anything13:51
ivoksbut if you had bad routes, then no one could access your server13:51
Testamentthe server is accessible13:52
Testamentjust type
Testamentand there are websites hosted on it like jazzacarthage.com13:52
Testamentand they are all working well !13:52
ivoksthose are not same IPs13:53
Testamentyup !13:53
ivoksserver has more than one address?13:53
Testamentno only one ip13:54
Testamentah shit13:54
Testamentthe .10 is the dns server13:54
Testamentsorry !13:54
ivoksnice to see lost+found13:54
ivoksnow i can steal your data13:54
Testamentyeah i've mounted the /www in a partition13:54
ivoksnever, never put partition as a document root13:54
Testamentyep; i'ts just a test server13:55
Testamentnothing important on it13:55
Testamentbut great advice thanks :)13:55
ivoksand router is?13:55
Testamentwell isp phone is always busy13:55
ivoksare you sure?13:56
Testamentthey gave me that13:56
ivoksthen inbound traffic is different than outbound13:56
Testamentthe .1 don't answer on any request13:56
Testamentmaybe, i'm not that good to be sure about that :p13:56
ivokswhat netmask do you have?13:57
ivokscan you ping
ivoksifconig | grep Mask | grep 19313:58
Testamentauto eth013:58
Testamentiface eth0 inet static13:58
Testament        address
Testament        netmask
Testament        network
Testament        broadcast
Testament        gateway
Testament        # dns-* options are implemented by the resolvconf package, if installed13:59
Testament        dns-nameservers
Testamenthere is my interface :p13:59
ivoksdon't ever do that again13:59
Testamentwell, as i said it's just a test server :p13:59
Testamentbut thanks again :p13:59
ivoksi was refering to pasting13:59
Testamentsorry then !13:59
ivoksthat looks ok14:00
Testamentand i can't ping the .114:00
ivokswell, ask your provider why can't you get out of your subnet14:00
Testamentyep sadly i'ts look ok :p14:00
Testamentheh the guy told me same parameters for my interface, and told me that he can't do anything else14:01
Testamentill call again until they say the truth they are all crackheads :p14:01
ivokstake care14:03
Testamenthey i just understood14:04
Testamenttheir IPS is blocking outcoming traffic14:04
Testamentthey have some extreme security things14:05
bogeyd6!pastebin | Testament14:05
ubottuTestament: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:05
smoserttx, did you get a chance to look at merge for bug 524258 ? or should I try to get someone from north america14:12
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 524258 in cloud-init "update check code is not enabled" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52425814:12
smoseror south america14:12
ttxsmoser: I should be able to do it14:13
ttxjust in a few [tm]14:13
ttxsmoser: the bug blocking boothooks was recently lifted14:14
ttxsmoser: I was wondering if you tried moving earlier in the boot sequence yet14:14
smoserttx, right .  i have not.  i wasn't planning to try before alpha3, unless you think i should.14:15
ttxI think you should try.14:15
ttxunless things are already hopelessly broken.14:16
smoseri'll give it a whirl14:16
ttxsmoser: if it looks good from your end, just ping slangasek to see if that requires FFe to land14:17
ttxsmoser: that would be a chnage in cloud-init ?14:19
smoserttx, yeah.14:19
ttxsmoser: because bug 524258 will also require FFe for runcmd14:19
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 524258 in cloud-init "update check code is not enabled" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52425814:19
ttxsince the branch you want to land is more than just that bugfix14:20
ttxSo I'd suggest making a pack of three (runcmd feature, updatecheck bugfix and move-earlier-in-boot featurefix)  and asking Ffe for the group14:21
ttxrather than doing two consecutively14:21
ttxsmoser: ^14:21
ttxor I got the changes wrong maybe14:22
smoseri figured that. I would like that code in. so then i follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess and test the move-earlier ?14:22
ttxis runcmd already in ? I'm confused by your bzr klog there :)14:22
smoserit is in the 0.5.6 version14:23
ttxnah, I think I got it right.14:23
smoserbut not in main yet. you are correct in the pack of 314:23
ttxtest move earlier -> include it in the pack (or leave it out if more issues are encountered) -> ask FFe14:24
ttxI'll mention it at the release meeting.14:25
uvirtbotNew bug: #524450 in samba (main) "smbd panic using root postexec" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52445014:26
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ichatcan anyone help me with fixing a scanner sharing problem14:40
smoserttx, hm.. archive still doesn't have 0.6.5-214:44
geniiIs there some known bug with e1000/e1000e driver which makes it think some fibre NIC is 1000 Base T ?14:44
smoserthe udev is in, but not upstart for bug 50488314:44
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 504883 in upstart "job with "mounted MOUNTPOINT=/ and net-device-up IFACE=eth0" blocks boot" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/50488314:44
ttxsmoser: it failed to build14:47
=== LyonJT_ is now known as LyonJT
ttx- udev_monitor_set_receive_buffer_size(monitor, 128*1024*1024);14:48
ttx+ udev_monitor_set_receive_buffer_size(udev_monitor, 128*1024*1024);14:48
ttxsmoser: can you work from a local build ?14:50
smoseri was just going to test14:50
mario_i am trying to run a application in a chroot enviorment. When i do: "chroot /myfolder" then i can do all kind of stuff in this chroot dir14:52
mario_set ip addresses or mount my root devices.14:52
mario_any idea how to make chroot "secure"?14:52
sorenmdeslaur: reg bug 523589..14:53
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 523589 in vm-builder "vmbuilder aborts with "locale-gen does not recognize your locale"" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52358914:53
jmarsdenmario_: The root user can do "all kinds of stuff" in a chroot.  It is not intended to protect against abuse by someone with root priviledges.  A normal user in that same chroot should not be able to do "all kinds of stuff".14:54
sorenmdeslaur: Um, yes, vmbuilder /should/ use locale-gen to validate the locale, because it will call locale-gen later to make sure the locales are generates properly in the guest.14:54
sorenmdeslaur: Can you say why you think en_US.utf8 is a valid locale?14:54
jmarsdenmario_: If you need more isolation than that, consider using a virtual machine instead of a chroot.14:55
inveratulomario_: this article may be of interest to you: http://www.fuschlberger.net/programs/ssh-scp-sftp-chroot-jail/14:55
mario_i mainly want to protect against root users ;)14:57
inveratuloperhaps VM is what you want14:59
jmarsdenmario_: Then don't give people root access, or else give them a separate VM.14:59
inveratulomario_: sorta paradoxical, people who require root typically can be trusted, hence their requirement, otherwise you can provide methods for them to do what they need without it15:00
Jeeves_No up2date ipvsadm in Karmic15:06
Jeeves_Ah, lucid does have it, I see15:07
ichatcan anyone help me with fixing a scanner sharing problem  -   scanimage -L   reconizes my scanner,   running scanimmage seams to (cant check)  even scan and return data  (hard to verify on a x-org-less system,   -    but  sane-twain says to have no backend -15:08
ichatrunning 9.10  alternative x64 (text only)15:08
mdeslaursoren: A discussion I had on #ubuntu-devel yesterday15:09
mdeslaursoren: actually, it's locale-gen that should accept en_US.utf815:10
sorenmdeslaur: How did you come to that conclusion?15:11
sorenmdeslaur: The problem (for me) is that older locale-gen's won't work with this.15:11
sorenSo I have to rewrite the locale when building older versions of Ubuntu using vmbuilder.15:11
sorenThat sucks.15:11
mdeslaursoren: I didn't come to the conclusion, It's just what ogra and lifeless said yesterday15:13
mdeslaursoren: I've tried to think how to fix it, but haven't thought of anything yet15:13
geniiichat:  You have sane-twain windows config set for port 6566?15:14
ichatgenii:  - yes i have15:15
geniiichat: And saned is being called on server with inetd/xinetd or is running standalone?15:17
sorenmdeslaur: Bah. I'll figure it out. I know how to fix it, I just don't like it.15:18
ichati followed the https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo <15:18
mdeslaursoren: yeah, it's not quite sitting right with me either15:18
ichatfor 9.1015:18
ichatso its probably running by itself ...15:19
sorenmdeslaur: I mean.. It's far from the ugliest hack I've ever added to VMBuilder, but I was hoping to have /less/, not /more/ by the end of this cycle.15:19
ichatsudo update-rc.d saned defaults (told me it was allready added to start default)15:20
mdeslaursoren: once software hits 80% complete, I though the remaining 20% was supposed to be made up of ugly hacks and workarounds? :)15:21
sorenI started with those.15:21
sorenThat's the problem.15:21
sorenIt started out as a sequence of more or less (usually more) grotesque hacks.15:21
geniiichat: OK. Does ps show it running right now?15:22
sorenNow it's quite a bit better, but it still needs some tender loving before I'm really happy with it.15:22
sorenmdeslaur: Seriously, did you ever see my implementation of grub's install subcommand using sed and dd?15:24
ichatps ???15:24
geniiichat: eg, does a command like: ps aux | grep saned            show a result?15:24
sorenmdeslaur: Not grub-install, but the actual code that would poke stuff into the mbr, that is.15:24
ichatgenii:  - shows me 3 lines with saned in red15:26
mdeslaursoren: yeah, doing the grub stuff is painful15:27
ichatand a bunch of (hexa) codes (i think)15:27
mdeslaursoren: I've experienced some grub pain when I did the centos plugin15:27
ichat(its just numbers )15:28
sorenmdeslaur: Dude.15:29
sorenmdeslaur: Hang on, let me find the code.15:29
sorenmdeslaur: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-virt/vmbuilder/trunk/annotate/30/ubuntu-vm-builder#L66615:30
sorenmdeslaur: Yes, it starts at line 666. I didn't mean for that to happen, but it did.15:30
sorenIt's an omen.15:30
sorenmdeslaur: Please tell me you didn't have to suffer through anything like that for the CentOS plugin.15:31
* mdeslaur spits out coffee15:32
mdeslaursoren: oh, god, no :)15:32
sorenmdeslaur: I could tell by the lack of cursing you didn't know what I was talking about :)15:32
mdeslaursoren: never in my wildest dreams15:33
sorenMan, that branch sure is a trip down memory lane.15:33
sorenThose were some long, long days.15:34
mdeslaursoren: I though lines 159+ of this was a bad hack: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~mdeslaur/vmbuilder/centos-support/annotate/head%3A/VMBuilder/plugins/centos/distro.py15:37
mdeslaurbut, that's nothing :)15:38
sorenClearly we have different standards :)15:38
Italian_PlumberHello.  I asked this yesteday night, but I thought I'd re-post today, hopefully to more eyes... any ideas would be greatly appreciated...  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=141089115:38
geniiichat: OKgood this means it is in fact loaded and running ont he server then. Apologies on lag, work keeps requiring me. Can you use the pastebin to show contents of file:  /etc/sane.d/saned.conf     and also result of scanimage -L  (you can use the pastebinit for a command-line box) Also the sane-twain config file if possible15:39
=== mathiaz_ is now known as mathiaz
Italian_PlumberIt's about some errors I've been getting with my new SATA drive and controller15:41
thafreakGood morning group15:56
thafreakAre there any known issues with the installer and compact flash -> IDE adapters?15:57
ichat- hang on -  looking at howto get pasting to pastebin from a cmd-line16:01
genii!pastebinit | ichat16:01
ubottuichat: pastebinit is the command-line equivelent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit16:01
jdooolgeri've been playing with UEC with one node for testing. are images running in the cloud supposed to be persistent?  when I shut an image down everything is reset16:04
ichatso nano /etc/sane.d/saned/conf pastebinit ???16:07
screen-xjdooolger: I havent deployed UEC yet,  but am considering it. From what I have read, to get persistent storage you have to mount an EBS/Walrus? volume.16:09
jdooolgerokay, that makes sense. i'm looking over the documentation now16:10
geniiichat: No, more like: cat /etc/sane.d/saned.conf | pastebinit16:10
screen-xjdooolger: ah the UEC version of EBS is StorageController, not walrus. Walrus is for S3.16:14
geniiichat: And from the Windows side the contents of sanetwain.ini (to see if it matches the scanimage -L with proper port, etc)16:14
ichatand  pastebin.com/f7d6e73d616:20
loolsoren: Just curious, what do you use kannel for?16:21
sorenlool: SMS gateway.16:21
sorenlool: For my monitoring system.16:21
loolsoren: So you have a GSM modem over a serial port?16:22
sorenlool: I used to.16:22
sorenIn these cloudy days, no more.16:22
sorenI have an account with an provider that lets me send SMS through their gateway.16:22
loolOh which one is that?16:22
soren...and I use kannel as a queueing and accounting mechanism.16:23
sorenI forget what it's called...16:23
* soren looks through config files.16:23
sorenAh, Clickatell.16:23
loolOk; I know that one but never used it16:24
ichatgenii:  -  pastebin.com/f680e5668  pastebin.com/f7d6e73d616:25
sorenlool: It works quite well. I have no idea whether it's priced competitively.16:27
sorenI don't send enough of them to warrant even spending time worrying about trying to save €0.01 per SMS.16:28
loolOf course16:28
sorenI don't feel ripped off, though :)16:28
sorenIt lets me send messages with a textual "msisdn", or with an actual msisdn I can verify that I own.16:29
zulmsisdn? as in isdn16:31
jdooolgerscreen-x: hmmm storagecontroller will let me make mountable volumes, but what I really want is when I have an image running I want to be able to update it (apt-get upgrade), shut it down, start it later and have it still be up to date. don't know if that's possible.16:31
zulpeople still use isdn?16:31
screen-xjdooolger: There is talk of being able to boot from an StorageController volume, but I don't know if that is possible yet. If it isn't, could you use AUFS to layer the writable volume over the read-only root?16:33
screen-xIs it possible to boot from a storage controller volume with UEC?16:35
screen-xsoren: Is this channel logged?16:36
sorenscreen-x: sure16:36
jdooolgerI guess that'd require opening the image and changing things, if that's possible.16:36
sorenscreen-x: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/02/19/%23ubuntu-server.html for today's installment.16:37
screen-xsoren: thanks.16:37
jdooolgermaybe setting up a volume, attaching it and mirroring the fs on the image, edit /etc/fstab to use the volume to boot from... idk16:38
* soren goes to dinner and stuff16:38
screen-xI need to go now but, want to check the logs later to see if anyone replies about UEC.16:38
screen-xjdooolger: yeah, I don't really know how it works, but I hope its possible somehow..16:39
jdooolgerscreen-x: thanks for the input!16:39
jief-hello. im trying to run automated dist-upgrades. im running apt-get -y dist-upgrade. but some packages fails to install because it's asking questions about replacing some configuration files. i recall configure apt in the past so that it would always say no to these questions and do unattended dist-upgrades. i simply can't recall how. anyone knows?16:42
geniiichat: The device name returned from scanimage is somewhat odd. Normally it looks something like "drivername:/dev/devicename0"16:46
ivokscluster-glue still not published :/16:52
thefishanyone know of any issues with lucid booting from lvm?16:56
thefishfailing on a dell M600 because it cant find root16:56
thefishvgchange -a y brings them up16:56
ichatgenii:  - on windows  device has no value set16:57
ichatgenii:  - a linux approach,  (if i can figure out how to  set  xsane to a network scanner17:00
geniiichat: Set the devicename in sanetwain.ini to be the same as scanimage -L reported   (eg: hp5400:libusb:002:002 ) and make sure it is going to the right IP of the server. Also, is the IP range from the saned.conf file the actual ranges your network is using?17:09
ichatgenii:  -  devicename set,  no effect,    ip is correct, -  ubuntu xsane cant find it,   < just sees my webcam,   configured the right ip in   /etc/sane.d/net.conf17:17
ivoksmathiaz: ping17:17
bogeyd6kind of the wrong server ichat17:17
ichatbogeyd6: ?17:18
bogeyd6they should be in #ubuntu for webcam support17:18
ichatbogeyd6:  -  im trying to conect to a shared - scanner running on ubuntu-server17:18
geniiichat: You did copy the sanetwain .dll file into the Windows\System32\Twain32   folder, yes?17:18
mathiazivoks: hi17:18
ivoksichat: if xsane can't find it, probably isn't supported17:18
ivoksmathiaz: i was thinking, maybe we could demote rhcs now, so i could upload new version and tie it with pacemaker17:19
ivoksmathiaz: and then request MIR for parts that would be needed in main17:19
ivoksmathiaz: what do you think?17:19
ichati had it running in  7.10 already - just never over lan17:19
geniiivoks: He can locally see it as hp5400:libusb:002:002     and scanimage CLI apparently works17:19
bogeyd6ichat, im just saying you might get better luck in there with people who know how to support desktop like apps17:19
mathiazivoks: well - thought about that17:20
mathiazivoks: but it seems that there is a bunch of packages in main that build depend on rhcs17:20
ivoksanother problem is that core thing (cluster-glue) still waits in build queue17:20
ivoksmathiaz: yeah, that's true...17:20
mathiazivoks: so we can't just demote rhcs to universe17:21
ichatafaik there is no firewall (that i know of but how do i check if saned is even listening on the right port  and if its not blocked by anything ?17:21
ivoksmathiaz: ok, we will just demote cman once clvm is built with support for corosync and openais drops it as a dep17:21
ivoksactually, openais thing is already fixed17:22
bogeyd6ichat, sudo ufw status17:23
bogeyd6ichat, if disabled, do "sudo netstat -l"17:23
ichatlowercase  L  ?17:24
geniiichat: On the local box, when you do something like: scanimage -d hp5400:libusb:002:002 > test.pnm             does it complete successfully? If so then you can try to fetch the file from that CLI box onto a gui one with something like scp and try to view it17:26
genii( using just scanimage > filename looks like it might be wanting to use your webcam by default)17:27
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mathiazjiboumans: hi!17:50
mathiazjiboumans: what aren't you part of the scribe rotation for the ubuntu-server meeting?17:50
ichatsrry gotta go17:55
skuldGoddessHi!  I'm trying to add a second hard drive to my LVM,   I've got it added, according to vgdisplay, it shows both hard 110GB harddrives but the second one doesn't appear to be allocated.  I'll post a screenshot....can somebody remind me what that command is again to post to web, and then help me figure out what I'm missing to get my second harddrive fully integrated?17:55
=== fbc-mx is now known as nothanks
skuldGoddessis the command like post...something orother...I wish I could remember it!17:58
ivoksi don't know about the command, but pastebin.com is the url18:00
inveratuloyou can pipe commands to 'pastebinit' and it will generate a url18:01
inveratuloskuldGoddess: you already added your drive to the vg ?18:01
skuldGoddessokay, well that helps, so I can show my vg18:01
skuldGoddessI think there has soemthing to do with allocation18:02
inveratulodo pvdisplay too18:03
skuldGoddessis the command to post:  pastebinit | sudo vgdisplay ?18:04
inveratulono pipe INTO pastbinit18:04
inveratulo<command> |pastebinit18:04
skuldGoddessis the command to post:  pastebinit < sudo vgdisplay ?18:04
skuldGoddessgot it!18:05
inveratulopvdisplay too18:05
inveratuloyou already did a vgextend?18:06
skuldGoddessvgdisplay is:  http://pastebin.com/f6188797118:06
skuldGoddesspvdisplay:  http://pastebin.com/f709cb9bc18:06
skuldGoddessI think so, I really don't remember anymore18:07
ivoksso, expand the group18:07
ivoksvgextend --help18:07
skuldGoddesssudo vgexpand ayeka?18:07
ivokssudo vgextend ayeka /dev/sdb118:08
skuldGoddessit says it's already added to the group18:08
ivoksah, true, it is18:08
ivokssorry, my bad18:08
skuldGoddessit's cool18:08
ivoksit's in the group18:09
ivoksi guess you'd like to extend partition?18:09
skuldGoddessand the group sees the total space correctly, just when I run df -h it only shows the one hard drive18:09
ivoksof course18:09
ivoks  Free  PE / Size       28617 / 111.79 GB18:09
ivoksrest of it isn't allocated18:10
skuldGoddesshow do I allocate it?18:10
inveratuloAllocated PE          0   is your problem18:10
inveratuloivoks is faster than me18:11
ivoksskuldGoddess: pvcreate -> creates lvm partition, vgextend -> extends volume group, lvextend -> extends logical volume18:11
skuldGoddesswhat's the syntax of the command, I can't seem to figure out what the path is18:11
ivoksskuldGoddess: lvextend /dev/ayeka/logical_volume_you'd_like_to_extend18:12
ivoksoh, i'm missing -L18:12
inveratuloshould probably toss a size in there too :-P18:12
ivoksskuldGoddess: lvextend -L28617E /dev/mapper/ayeka-lvnam18:13
dvheumensorry, my bad, the 'mapper' is not required18:13
ivoksor pe18:13
ivoksbah... :D18:13
ivoksskuldGoddess: lvextend -L111G /dev/mapper/ayeka-lvnam18:13
inveratulolvextend -L100G /dev/mapper/ayeka/logical18:13
ivoksisn't it ayeka-logical?18:13
inveratuloyes you're right18:13
skuldGoddessI don't know, it says it's not found18:13
ivoksskuldGoddess: ls -dl /dev/mapper/*18:14
ivoksls /dev/mapper/*18:14
inveratulopastebin your lvdisplay :-P18:14
inveratuloor that18:14
lamalexCan anyone here help me figure out why I can't login via ftp? I've followed https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/ftp-server.html, but local users cannot log in18:14
VSpikeDoes ubuntu server still fail when installing on a machine with no PAE?18:14
ivokslamalex: local_enable is set to YES?18:14
lamalexivoks: yes18:15
ivokslamalex: and you restared vsftpd?18:15
lamalexivoks: yup18:15
ivoksskuldGoddess: you'll have hard time resizing root filesystem :D18:15
ivokslamalex: users using /bin/false as shell?18:15
inveratuloskuldGoddess: you need to boot off a live cd or something18:16
skuldGoddessoh great18:16
lamalexivoks: nope18:16
ivokslamalex: which one do they use?18:16
ivokslamalex: make sure zsh is in /etc/shadow18:17
ivoks /etc/shells18:17
lamalexivoks: hm, it had /bin/zsh, but which zsh shows /usr/bin/zsh18:18
ivokslamalex: then fix that18:18
lamalexdo i need to restart vsftp after editing /etc/shells?18:18
ivoksnot that i remember18:18
ivoksVSpike: probably, yes18:19
lamalexthanks ivoks :)18:19
ivokswait for answer or don't ask at all18:19
ivokslamalex: np18:19
zroyschwhat am i supposed to do when i try to umount a drive and it tells me it is busy then i try to fuser -m the dev and it just goes to the next line acting like it did something. still get busy when i try to umount18:20
skuldGoddesswell, it let me resize the ayeka-root, probably have to reboot to see the changes though18:20
zroyschlsof also gives me nothing regarding /dev/sdf118:20
inveratulois your pwd mounted on that /dev/sdf1 ?18:20
ivoksskuldGoddess: it will resize logic volume, but not filesystem18:20
ivoksskuldGoddess: you still need to resize filesystem18:21
ivoksskuldGoddess: that's ext3?18:21
inveratulozroysch: sorry -- is your pwd mounted on that /dev/sdf1?18:21
zroyschinveratulo: i dont know what pwd is. how do i find out18:21
skuldGoddessI'm confused, when I run pvdisplay: http://pastebin.com/f608704, it shows it's allocated now18:21
ivokszroysch: your home18:21
inveratulozroysch: type 'pwd',18:22
skuldGoddessyeah< ithink so18:22
zroyschinveratulo: no it isnt18:22
ivoksskuldGoddess: filesystem isn't the same as partition18:22
ivoksskuldGoddess: you resized partition (logical volume), but haven't filesystem18:22
ivoksskuldGoddess: df -h shows filesystem, not partitions18:22
skuldGoddessand the way I do that is ... by using a live CD and what?18:22
dvheumentry 'df -Th'18:22
inveratulozroysch: i dunno then, that's the one that always gets me18:23
zroyschgod this is so annoying18:23
ivokszroysch: where's /dev/sdf1 mounted?18:23
skuldGoddessdf -Th : http://pastebin.com/f46f871ad18:23
ivoksskuldGoddess: yes18:23
zroyschivoks: /mnt/raid518:24
inveratulozroysch: and your 'pwd' is?18:24
zroyscheverything i find on google says to use fuser or lsof. they list nothing.18:24
zroyschinveratulo: is having nothing to do with this drive18:24
ivokszroysch: no screens running?18:24
ivokszroysch: no other users loged in?18:25
dvheumenskuldGoddess, okay, so it's ayeka-root has ext318:25
zroyschwhen i type users its just me18:25
ivokszroysch: are you root, are you sure you didn't enter /mnt/raid5 and then did sudo -i?18:25
zroyschyes i am root18:25
zroyschor, admin with root privs18:26
zroyschjust tried logging out, sshing back in18:26
dvheumenskuldGoddess, now to resize the partition you can use resize2fs, but you have to do that when the partition isn't mounted18:26
zroyschumount: /mnt/raid5: device is busy.18:26
dvheumenso this is where you boot from a live CD18:26
ivoksdvheumen: i think there's online ext3 resize18:26
dvheumenivoks, is it possible, I'm not sure myself, if you say so ...18:26
zroyschi guess i'll just reboot. this is clownish18:26
skuldGoddessI tried that command, just for the heck of it,  it looks like it's doing an 'online' resize18:26
dvheumenivoks, remount as read-only then?18:27
ivokszroysch: something is locking that partition18:27
skuldGoddessfigured the worst case is it would tell me i coulnd't do it because it was mounted18:27
zroyschivoks: hope a reboot solves it18:27
ivoksdvheumen: i think redhat4.x had a tool18:27
ivokszroysch: no, it won't18:27
ivoksreboot never solves anything18:27
zroyschsure it does.18:27
inveratuloit solves the question of "how to waste 5 minutes?"18:27
zroyschinveratulo: i've already wasted more than 5minutes trying to figure this sillyness out18:28
skuldGoddessactually, on the rare occation when nothing else works, I've found a reboot does solve a problem every now and then, but I hardly ever reboot.18:28
inveratulozroysch: true, it won't hurt.  I was just being silly18:28
dvheumenivoks, According to this it is indeed possible: http://michael-prokop.at/blog/2006/08/01/ext3-online-resizing/18:28
ivoksdvheumen: so, resize2fs should be able to do it18:29
zroyschso i just got another 1tb drive today because one of mine said it was failed out of the md array18:29
zroyschi look now and its back on18:29
skuldGoddessit WORKED! :  http://pastebin.com/f70131f0418:29
ivoksskuldGoddess: what did you do?18:29
dvheumennice :)18:29
skuldGoddesssudo resize2fs /dev/mapper/ayeka-root18:30
ivoksskuldGoddess: resized it online?18:30
ivoksthere we go18:30
dvheumenivoks, thanks, learned something new today :)18:30
ivoksdvheumen: anytime ;)18:30
skuldGoddessProbably not the best practices, but it worked. :)18:30
ivoksskuldGoddess: that's ok practice18:30
ivoksskuldGoddess: it's a supported feature18:31
inveratuloi'm pretty sure that only works with LVs, and making them bigger, doesn't go the other way around18:31
ivoksi doubt it can shrink online :D18:31
skuldGoddessyeah, probably, but then again, I never understood why I'd want to shrink a volume18:31
ivoksskuldGoddess: maybe tomorrow you'll want separate partition18:31
ivoksskuldGoddess: and then you will have to shrink / to make some room :)18:32
inveratuloyea i start all of my lvs as small as possible18:32
skuldGoddesstrue...never thought of that, maybe someday I'll try it on a test box18:32
ivokswould mdadm monitor lock partition?18:33
ivoksnah... that sounds stupid18:33
ivokszroysch: you have samba running?18:33
zroyschivoks: i believe so18:33
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ivokszroysch: well, stop it18:34
ivokszroysch: if it's using that partition18:34
zroyschcomputer was restarted18:34
zroyschproblem solved18:34
ivoksmathiaz: do i need ffe for new version of drbd?18:35
zroyschoh, now it is faulty removed again.18:35
zroyschi wish there was an easy way to determine which drive is which.18:36
ivokswill tell you serial number18:36
SandGorgon_any opinions of Nagios vs Monit - I'm dabbling in network management for the first time (for a few RoR websites on ubuntu servers)18:36
zroyschyea, that involves taking each drive out.18:36
zroyschif this were a real server, i could just blink it18:37
zroyschand quickly see which drive bay it is in18:37
ivokszroysch: sda would problably be on sata018:37
ivokszroysch: sdb on sata118:37
ivoksthere's lshw18:37
ivokslshw triggers something nasty on my thinkpad18:38
zroyschyou have ubuntu on it?18:38
ivokson everything18:38
ivoksexcept my mobile phone :/18:39
zroyschhavent been very impressed with my x61's linux performance18:39
ivokslshw triggers something on video card and messes up with the screen on lucid18:40
ivoksback to console and then to X again solves the issue18:40
skuldGoddessI run a webserver, and I'm sick and tired of chmod whenever somebody adds/modifies a file on the FTP.  Is there a permission setting I can apply so that I don't always have to re-chmod the files in the directory?18:41
jief-anyone knows a site that lists all the available options for what goes in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/ ?18:41
ivoksskuldGoddess: ?18:42
zroyschskuldGoddess: i used to know what its called but now i forget18:42
zroyschstarts with a u18:42
ivoksumask :)18:42
skuldGoddessokay, whenever a user uploads a file to the server, I have to go in and reset the permissions on the file so that the world can see it18:42
ivoksskuldGoddess: fix users umask18:42
jief-skuldGoddess: set the sticky bit on the parent directory18:42
skuldGoddessI want something automatic so that i don't have to do that anymore18:42
skuldGoddesshow do I do that?  is that the chmod 1774?18:43
jief-although that applies only to groups18:43
jief-chmod +s18:43
skuldGoddessso chmod +s /var/www/someusersitedir?18:43
zroyschthis is odd. 3 drives in raid 5. if i mdadm -E the sdc and sdd, it shows the 3rd as faulty removed. if i mdadm -E sde it says theyre all online and working.18:43
jief-skuldGoddess: man :P18:45
zroyschi chose wisely. unplugged the failed drive first try. 1/418:50
mathiazivoks: drbd FFe -> depends on the changelog19:03
mathiazivoks: if there are *only* bug fixes in the lastest version, then you don't a FFe19:03
ivoksmathiaz: bug 52459419:03
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 524594 in drbd8 "[FFE] Please sync drbd8 from ubuntu-ha PPA" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52459419:03
ivoksmathiaz: it's a new version19:03
mathiazivoks: are there any new  *feature* between the version currently in lucid and 8.3.7?19:05
ivoksmathiaz: i'd say all changes are bug fixes19:08
ivoksmathiaz: but they did change how drbd builds19:08
zroyschumm yea having a hard time getting my raid array back up here. not sure if i actually unplugged the right one19:08
smosersoren, ttx, i just talked with james_w, and he verified what i thought yesterday.  if you can upload a package to the archive, then you can push to that packages' lp:ubuntu/<suite>/<package>19:08
zroyschanyone familiar with md raid19:09
ivokszroysch: what's the problem?19:09
ivoksmathiaz: configuration changed too19:11
ivoksmathiaz: they now split main config file into .d config dirs19:11
momelodgreetings channel19:13
mathiazivoks: hm - it's probably better to ask for a FFe then19:14
momelodim currently trying to setup a ldirectord+heartbeat system for load balancing a website.  I've installed ubuntu jaunty but cannot find the package ipfwadm in the repos19:14
ivoksmathiaz: i should've done this weeks ago, right? :(19:14
momelodi do see a package named ipmasq.. has that package replaced ipfwadm?19:15
zroyschivoks: had one drive faulty removed, i unplugged one of the 3, now it appears there are 2 faulty removed. i plugged the drive back in, trying to assemble and get mdadm: /dev/md2 assembled from 1 drive - not enough to start the array.19:18
zroyschmd2 is 3 drive raid519:18
ivokszroysch: you see all the disks?19:19
zroyschmd2 : inactive sdd[1](S) sde[2](S) sdc[0](S)19:20
zroysch      2930287488 blocks19:20
fabrice_spHi. Because of bug 524576, I've discovered that we have 2 versions of mysql in Lucid (5.0 and 5.1). Transition in Squeeze has been done thanks to libmysqlclient15-dev being a virtual package provided by libmysqlclient-dev (from mysql 5.1). As we still have mysql 5.0 (that builds libmysqlclient15-dev) in Lucid, the transition cannot be done by only rebuilding the affected packages (77, if I count correctly). How about removing mysql 5.019:21
fabrice_sp in Lucid?19:21
ivoksmdadm --assemble /dev/md219:21
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 524576 in lua-sql "causes conflict with libmysqlclient16 because still built against 15off" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52457619:21
zroyschi get that metadata message for like every mdadm command im not sure what it is about19:22
ivoksmdadm --assemble --scan /dev/md219:22
sorensmoser: Interesting. Launchpad is lying, then :)19:22
zroyschmdadm: /dev/md2 assembled from 1 drive - not enough to start the array.19:22
sorensmoser: I could have sworn I tried at some point, but maybe that was before this was possible.19:22
sorensmoser: Tried and failed, I mean.19:23
ivokszroysch: which one?19:23
smoserjames_w said that launchpad is a lieing $(*%*&ing piece of $*(*&19:23
smoserwell, ok, he didn't say that19:23
ivokszroysch: the broken one?19:23
smoseri'm sure at one point in the past it was true.19:23
zroyschivoks: im not sure? mdstat lists them all19:23
ivokszroysch: you could try -f (force)19:24
zroyschin the assemble?19:24
ivoksmdadm --assemble --scan -f /dev/md219:24
zroyschmdadm: forcing event count in /dev/sdc(0) from 572333 upto 57234019:25
zroyschmdadm: failed to RUN_ARRAY /dev/md2: Input/output error19:25
zroyschoh, fuck.19:25
zroysch2 drives couldnt have really failed at once19:26
ivokszroysch: pastebin mdadm -E /dev/sdc19:26
zroyschmd2 : inactive sdc[0] sdd[1]19:26
zroysch      1953524992 blocks19:26
zroysch sudo mdadm --assemble --scan -f /dev/md219:26
zroyschmdadm: device /dev/md2 already active - cannot assemble it19:26
zroyschwho is lying here19:26
ivoksactivate it19:26
ivoksmdadm -R19:27
zroyschmdadm: failed to run array /dev/md2: Input/output error19:28
ivoksmaybe you replaced a working disk?19:28
ivokscheck dmesg19:28
ivokspase cat /proc/mdstat19:30
ivokscat /proc/mdstat19:31
ivoksok, let's try this19:32
ivoksmdadm -S /dev/md219:32
ivoksmdadm -R /dev/md219:32
zroyschsdd gives me that19:32
zroyschand sde says its all good19:32
zroyschso i dont know how accurate examine is on the individual devices19:32
ivoksok, stop it19:35
ivoksand then paste /proc/mdstat19:35
ivoksmdadm --assemble /dev/md219:36
zroyschmdadm: failed to RUN_ARRAY /dev/md2: Input/output error19:37
zroyschnot good19:38
ivokssdc sdd and sde?19:38
zroyschthose are the devices of md2 yes19:38
zroyschmd2 : inactive sdc[0] sdd[1]19:39
zroysch      1953524992 blocks19:39
ivoksmdadm -A /dev/md2 /dev/sdc /dev/sdd /dev/sde19:39
zroyschit apparently knows that sde is broke19:39
zroyschmdadm: /dev/md2 assembled from 2 drives - not enough to start the array while not clean - consider --force.19:39
zroyschgetting somewhere19:39
zroyschplease work force please19:39
zroyschmdadm: /dev/md2 has been started with 2 drives (out of 3).19:40
ivokscat /proc/mdstat19:40
ivokscat /proc/mdstat19:41
ivokshave you replaced broken disk?19:41
zroyschhave not19:41
zroyschim gonna make raid10 i think19:41
zroysch5 way too questionable19:41
ivoksit's not, md is just paranoid :D19:42
zroyschi dunno.. from what ive read 5 should be avoided19:42
ivoksraid5 is ok for 3-5 disks19:42
ivoksfor 6 or more, raid6 is way to go19:43
zroyschseems 2 drives failing at once wouldnt be that rare19:44
zroyschespecially when theyre from the same batch19:44
zroyschand they usually are19:44
ivoksthat's why you have raid6 :)19:44
ivoksfor raid10 you need much more disks19:45
zroyschyea its 50% loss right19:45
ivoksor 50% gain, depending on point of view :D19:45
zroyschwhen 1tb is $75 i cant really complain19:46
zroyschjust comes down to drivebay space19:46
ivoks    *   Start 2010-02-21 (1855) What's this?19:46
ivoksoh, come on!19:46
zroyschits from the future!19:47
ivoksi want it now!19:47
zroyschno idea what the hell it even is19:47
ivoksraid for servers :D19:47
zroyschoh mirroring19:47
ivokshigh availability19:48
zroyschraid 10 cant be started without 4 drives19:50
ivoksthat's right19:50
ivokscause you have two mirrors in linear raid19:50
zroyschrunnin outta space here19:50
ivoksif you have only three, raid5 is the only option19:50
ivoksor raid1 + hot spare19:50
zroyschi wonder if this oldass athlon xp 2800 is enough to deal with that19:50
ivoksbut then you have 33,333% of space19:51
zroyschwhere are you from19:51
zroyschand why do you replace a decimal with a comma19:51
zroyschthem eastern europeans19:51
zulkees: ping20:05
zulkees: bug #51297520:06
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 512975 in dovecot "mail_location not set and autodetection failed: Mail storage autodetection failed with home=/home/USERNAME" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/51297520:06
zul^^^ this is intentional for dovecot 1.220:06
uvirtbotzul: Error: "^^" is not a valid command.20:06
zulshut up uvirtbot20:06
ivokszul: could we look if mail_location is set, on upgrade20:10
ivokszul: and if not, set it to /var/mail?20:10
zulivoks: we could im just confirming my suspicions with a patch to revert the commit to 1.120:10
ivoksor whatever it is by default20:10
ivoksanyway, that's it from me for today; take care20:11
keeszul: uhm, well, I can't seem to use dovecot at all in lucid.20:17
kees(for new users)20:17
zulkees: yeah im looking at a patch to revert that behavior20:18
keesokay, cool20:19
peepsalotneato, my server was up for 206 days before someone accidentally turned off the ups20:26
SuperLagIs there a way to do the desktop version equivalent of the "Software Sources" option, from the command line?20:35
SuperLagor am I just going to have to edit sources.list manually?20:35
pgoetzI just tried moving /var to another partition on Lucid and was surprised to learn that the machine won't boot any more20:35
ikoniajust edit /etc/apt/sources.list20:35
ikoniathere is no non-graphical tool20:35
ikoniapgoetz: then you didn't move it correctly20:35
ikoniapgoetz: lucid discussion in #ubuntu+120:36
pgoetzulookahead can't find /var/run (and I did move it correctly, but will take it to u+1 thx)20:36
ikoniapgoetz: mount the partition manually and see if /var/run is there and the permissions are correct20:37
zatrickyHey guys. I have a server where I need to add a range of addresses. Instead of adding them each one at a time into /etc/network/interfaces, I'd like to know if there's a way to specify "x.x.x.y - x.x.x.z"?20:41
zulkees: that change was definently was the cause of it20:44
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qman__zatricky, no, not that I'm aware of -- an interface can only have one address assigned, so if you need more than one, you either need to add more NICs or to use virtual interfaces, and each one must be set up with a different address21:27
ChmEarlon karmic server, I import a kvm guest (define *xml) into virsh. Guest runs on LVM block device. Suse used if=virtio for the block device. The guest hangs and never completes boot. Server has no vnc, X11, or anyway to connect to guest until ssh is available. Looking for ideas21:28
ChmEarlI tried if=ide, next should I try if=scsi ?21:29
ChmEarlI have dual boot with Suse 11.2 where the guest was created using LVM block device21:30
zroyschhow do i cancel cp21:32
zroyschyea didnt owrk21:33
zroyschyea i think my raid failed21:34
zroyschgod damn this is terrible day21:34
lifelessif its stuck in kernel that will show up as an unkillable process21:34
zroyschroot      8416  0.8  0.0   3504   620 ?        D    15:56   0:20 cp dephserv-backup/ /mnt/raid5/ -R21:35
zroyschis that unkillable21:35
zroyschit wont die21:35
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:38
zroyschits one line idiot21:38
ChmEarl!paste @me, not you21:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:39
ChmEarlmy xml for the LVM device http://paste.ubuntu.com/379976/21:41
lifelesszroysch: please don't call someone an idiot, its rather hostile.21:42
ChmEarlnp, I have a teenager :)21:42
lifelessChmEarl: so is your xml working?21:42
lifelessChmEarl: or is it erroring?21:42
lenioszroysch, kill -9 8416 doesn't work?21:42
ChmEarlno the boot hangs... but I can ping, but no ssh21:42
ChmEarlits amazing that I can ping the guest21:43
ChmEarlI destroy the guest #virsh destroy ubsvr9121:43
RoAkSoAxkirkland, I was wondering if you know if networking in kvm is simulated hub or switch21:44
sorenRoAkSoAx: Neither.21:44
lifelessRoAkSoAx: if you have a br device, thats a switch (switches are bridges, hubs are repeaters)21:44
lifelessRoAkSoAx: if you're using a vlan config on top of that, then well, its a vlan :>21:45
sorenRoAkSoAx: Right, what lifeless said. kvm itself does not act as neither a switch nor a router.21:45
sorenRoAkSoAx: It's conventionally connected to a bridge device on the host, though, which acts as a switch.21:45
RoAkSoAxsoren, lifeless awesome thanks. that's exactly what i wanted to know :)21:45
lifelessRoAkSoAx: note though that switches are not intrinsically secure; there are /many/ ways to get traffic from another port, as an attacker21:49
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keeszul: cool, thanks for finding it21:51
Yautja_CetanuHi I'm trying to install ebox following an ubuntu community tutorial21:58
Yautja_Cetanuits asking me for an LDAP server, whats that?21:59
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runesHow do you get custom fonts to show in apache?22:02
runesok I know that was a vague question but I had to open with something....22:02
Yautja_Cetanu@runes things seem to be slow here22:09
Yautja_CetanuHow do you get virtual hosts working with no dns server, one ip address on apache2? So I think its using ports22:10
sorenrunes: Apache does not deal with fonts. You should read some basic web design tutorials.22:10
sorenOh, he buggered off.22:11
zatrickyI think he got impatient - 9 minutes without a response, lol22:17
ChmEarlis apparmor an optional service? I turned it off. Could this block my kvm guest?22:25
jdstrandChmEarl: how did you turn it off?22:25
ChmEarlI stopped the startup: sudo update-rc.d -f apparmor remove22:25
jdstrandChmEarl: that is not the recommended action. what version of Ubuntu are you using?22:26
ChmEarlkarmic server 9.1022:26
jdstrandChmEarl: and you are using libvirt?22:26
ChmEarlthe guest xml had seclabel tags. Just now saw thsi22:27
jdstrandChmEarl: please see /usr/share/doc/libvirt-bin/README.Debian.gz for how to disable apparmor for libvirt only22:27
ChmEarljdstrand, thanks for that22:28
jdstrandChmEarl: it is best to disable a problematic profile instead of all of apparmor since there are several profiles protecting you in the default install22:28
jdstrandChmEarl: I would encourage you to read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingApparmor and file a bug against libvirt22:28
jdstrandChmEarl: that way we can fix it for others and possibly supply a workaround for you22:29
ChmEarlI don't know how to undo the update-rc.d ... remove -- would that help22:29
zroyschlifeless: sorry i'm on the verge of losing a massive amount of data22:29
zroyschChmEarl: you didnt deserve that. apologies22:29
lifelesszroysch: are you using software or hardware raid ?22:30
ChmEarlhey zroysch... I knw you didn;t mean harm. cheers22:30
zroyschlifeless: md22:30
lifelessif its software there is an md file in /proc that can give status22:30
jdstrandChmEarl: this should fix you up:22:30
zroyschyes mdstat22:30
zroyschi had it mounted earlier22:30
jdstrandsudo update-rc.d apparmor start 37 S .22:30
zroyschnow its giving me this mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/md2,22:30
jdstrandChmEarl: that is from /var/lib/dpkg/info/apparmor.postinst, btw22:31
ChmEarljdstrand,  k - do I need the period at end?22:31
jdstrandChmEarl: yes22:31
ChmEarljdstrand,  cmd was accepted22:32
jdstrandChmEarl: you should now see /etc/rcS.d/S37apparmor22:33
ChmEarlyes there was console output about that22:33
jdstrandyou are good to go then on reboot. to start apparmor now, do 'sudo /etc/init.d/apparmor start'. then read the wiki and/or README I referenced22:34
jdstrandChmEarl: good luck!22:34
ChmEarljdstrand,  regards. thanks for thorough answer22:35
jdstrandsure thing :)22:35
ChmEarlbtw, I normally run kvm on OpenSuse 11.2. I tried karmic 9.10 in order to tighten up my host and run leaner so guests have more resources. For ex. adding virt-viewer adds 49 MB, so I run w/o it22:40
ChmEarlsetting up Opensuse 11.2 headless as server is too custom. Karmic server makes it easy. But running kvm is now a challenge22:41
=== nothanks is now known as fbc-mx
uvirtbotNew bug: #524696 in elinks (universe) "imdb smart url fails to work" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52469622:51
schgoddiehi, since yesterday my mailman do not send mail anymore :o( - ubuntu-server 9.04 package dovecot-postfix22:55
schgoddie/var/log/mailman/smtp-failture got tons of code 450 errors and a strange mail-address22:55
schgoddieFeb 19 17:58:43 2010 (2849) All recipients refused: {'mareike_hy@hotmail.comandrea.stegmaier': (450, '4.1.222:55
schgoddie<mareike_hy@hotmail.comandrea.stegmaier>: Recipient address rejected: Domain not found')}, msgid:22:55
schgoddieany idea?22:56
volterHello! I'm not sure, if this is the right channel for my problem.23:10
volterI'm renting a virtual root server.23:11
volterIt runs under Virtuozzo, as far is I know.23:11
volterBut it's Ubuntu!23:11
volterMy problem is with the permissions of /dev/null.23:11
volterInstead of 666 it's got 600.23:11
volterI looked into the udev-rules, which set 666, but in effect it's 600.23:11
uvirtbotNew bug: #495306 in openldap (main) "dpkg-reconfigure slapd does not let enter password" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/49530623:13
ChmEarlvolter, cat /etc/lsb-release and paste to paste.ubuntu.com23:16
* ChmEarl is now running 2 kvm guests on karmic server - found my bug23:17
ChmEarlyeah, hardy 8.0423:18
volterYes, but with a non-standard kernel, i suppose.23:19
volterIf that matters!23:19
ChmEarldid you know it was hardy? thats the only way I know to check23:19
volterWell, yes, I ordered Hardy.23:20
ChmEarland uname will have generic, desktop, or server I suppose23:20
volter2.6.18-028stab067.4 #1 SMP Thu Jan 14 17:06:11 MSK 2010 i686 GNU/Linux23:20
* ChmEarl is wrong again23:21
volteruname alone says "Linux", that was -a.23:21
ChmEarlkernel version looks like redhat, centos style23:21
ChmEarlnot that I would try this, but what happens when $sudo chmod 666 /dev/null ?23:23
ChmEarlor what does ls -al /dev/null retunr23:24
volterIt works until reboot.23:24
voltercrw------- 1 root root 1, 3 Feb 18 13:56 /dev/null23:24
ChmEarlyeah, I get crw-rw-rw- 1 root root 1, 3 2010-02-19 07:13 /dev/null23:25
ChmEarlthe desired result23:25
volterYou get a lot of problems, if you don't, I found out.23:25
volterLinux is a self conducting tutorial.23:25
ChmEarlso dev itself is not propagating perms down23:26
volterNo, doesn't look like.23:26
ChmEarlI'm trying socratic method here... my experience with linux is limited (3 years)23:27
volterBut /dev has 755 here anyways.23:27
volterWell, mine is smaller, and I'm not exerienced with servers at all. I'm grateful for any help!23:28
ChmEarloh, see if anything is funny in /etc/fstab on your root mount23:28
volterFunny enough everything went wrong until now: The messed with the DNS entry and with storage!23:28
volterIt only features entries for /proc and /dev/pts.23:29
volter*they, not the23:29
volterRoot is /dev/vzfs, as I can see via df.23:30
ChmEarlmaybe paste $sudo mount to paste.ubuntu.com23:30
ChmEarlunless its empty :)23:31
volterPardon me?23:31
ChmEarlmount cmd23:31
volterGot you wrong!23:31
volter /dev/vzfs on / type reiserfs (rw,usrquota,grpquota)23:31
volterAs it's just a single line!23:32
volterWhy do you think the wrong permissions have something to do with mounts?23:32
ChmEarlok, nothing stands out. Server here uses ext423:32
ChmEarlyes. perms start out in /etc/fstab23:33
volterI see.23:33
ChmEarlworst day on Linux is better than best day on Win23:35
volterI hope so!23:35
volterI tend to forget about it.23:35
volterOK, so if fstab is the root of permissions, what happens next?23:40
volterNo further ideas what's wrong with my /dev/null-permission?23:58

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