
high-rezJust did an update/upgrade.  Now when I login I get "could not start ksmserver.  Check your installation"00:00
neversfeldehigh-rez: you should ask for support in #kubuntu00:01
high-rezneversfelde: I guess I'm trying to say that I think the latest kdelibs package is broken - not really asking for support.  Was just typing out the segfault info.  :)00:02
high-rezNot just a little broken, but kdeinit segfault broken ;)00:03
neversfeldein that case you should tell us the Kubuntu version you are using?00:04
high-rezSorry, I'm testing 10.04.00:05
JontheEchidnaI don't believe it'd be a widespread issue, seeing as the update was a bugfix for slow scrolling in konqueror00:05
JontheEchidnaand also since I'm not affected ;P00:05
neversfeldeprobably something is wrong with file rights00:05
geniihigh-rez: I have exact same problem. I'm on my 9.04 now as 10.04 won't even startx00:05
neversfeldeI am not affected, either00:05
high-rezWell X is starting for me, but kdeinit is segfaulting.  Guess I'll grab a coredump00:06
geniiIt seems to be related to nvidia driver somehow00:06
neversfeldenvidia here, too. No problems so far00:07
geniiI had mismatched openGL.so type errors00:08
JontheEchidnathat'd do it, there was a mesa update just a few hours ago00:08
high-rezgenii: Yep, I'm getting the same spew from my logs....  It looks like libglcore is 196.36.03 and libglo is 195.3000:09
geniihigh-rez: Yup. I did a dpkg -i --force-overwrite   for the latest version I had in /var/cache/apt/archives    and with the modalialases to match but still no love yet00:12
high-rezI have both versions installed 190.30 and 195.36.03 ;)00:13
geniihigh-rez: I tried to unify to 195.36.03  but still fail. In fact even going to any ctrl-alt-F# console and trying to login produces copious kernel error output00:15
genii(between login and passwd prompt)00:15
high-rezWell Xorg version that it's installed is 195.3600:15
high-rezSo I guess I'll just get rid of the 195.30 libs and relink to 195.36.0300:16
high-rezClearly this is just user error though - having two versions of the driver installed at the same time is normal operating procedure, and only 1^h2 persons are able to seeing the issue.00:17
* high-rez ducks00:17
high-rezgenii: I'm back up.  Just deleted the 195.30 files and changed the links to 195.36.03 by hand.00:23
geniihigh-rez: And X starts without major bitching?00:25
high-rezI'm on it now.  ;)00:25
high-rezProbably not the *right* thing to do, but its pretty clear that the repo is broken.00:25
geniihigh-rez: Ok. I'll give it a try on next reboot00:25
genii(I'm currently on my 9.04 )00:25
=== tschee-K is now known as Tscheesy
high-rezYMMV ;)00:29
high-rezWorks for me.  I'm sure it'll be fixed soon enough - just gotta get someone to believe.  :)00:29
neversfeldehigh-rez: just restarted, no problems here00:34
high-rezneversfelde: What version of the module did it install for you?  It install 195.36.03 for me - but left libs for both 195.30 and 195.36.03 laying around.00:43
high-rezE.g. the 195.30 libs where in /usr/lib/ : /usr/lib/tls : /usr/lib/xorg : /usr/lib/vdpau - but the 195.36.03 libs were in /usr/lib/nvidia-current/ /usr/lib/nvidia-current/{tls,xorg,vdpau}00:44
ryanakcaUmmm... is it normal that /var/log/messages and /var/log/kern.log both grow to 2.6G in five days ?01:23
ryanakca3.3G even. ... all entries like "Feb 19 20:25:05 lambda kernel: [642321.196818] [UFW AUDIT] IN= OUT=wlan0 SRC= DST= LEN=29 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=64 ID=0 DF PROTO=UDP SPT=55428 DPT=8765 LEN=9" ... bug worthy? I don't seem to recall this happening before dist-upgrading to lucid.01:26
ryanakca... which completely filled up my hard drive... now that I've removed them, I can run 'apt-get update' and it doesn't hang... Shouldn't apt tell the user that they're out of disk space and quit instead of just hanging there and letting them wonder? Or is there a reason it doesn't?01:32
apacheloggerXand3r: I need more buzz followers ;)08:08
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apacheloggerwe need some moderating moderator for kubuntu-devel08:42
apacheloggerI just noticed that the PPA mess thread got hijacked for discussion about why kde point releases should go to -updates08:42
apacheloggerclaydoh: what do you expect to document as use case on the PPA page?08:45
apacheloggerdaskreech: ultimately canonical would just drop us a server so I can live out my crazy deployment ideas ;)08:46
daskreechapachelogger: you mean ideally08:47
apacheloggerthough for CD remastering we could ask novell to enhance suse studio to also support kubuntu, so we can use it for that kind of love ;)08:47
apacheloggerdaskreech: I always do, yet I always write ultimately because ideally looks rather silly :P08:48
apacheloggercheck your irc logs08:48
apacheloggerI never ever say ideally :P08:48
apacheloggerkubotu: np08:49
kubotuapachelogger is listening to "No woman no cry (live)" by Bob Marley & The Wailers [One Love: The Very Best Of] [http://open.spotify.com/track/2mKsPUojh602HvSeNt04CB] -- see http://www.last.fm/user/apachelogger for more08:49
* apachelogger sings08:49
apacheloggerclaydoh: i am hijacking the doc and turn it into a semi-policy09:38
apacheloggerI suppose only devs need to understand the inner reasoning09:38
apacheloggeruser will just use what they get told anyway09:39
apacheloggerMamarok: ping09:44
Mamarokapachelogger: pong09:56
apacheloggerMamarok: so where should amarok updates go?09:56
apacheloggerall to backports ppa?09:56
apacheloggeror point releases to what we have in the latest release to the updates ppa and new major updates to backports?09:57
Mamarokthe latter, of course, and beta to beta09:57
Mamaroksince the point release of the shipped version are something the user expects, so updates makes sense09:58
apacheloggerholy smokes, the new toolbar is dragable09:59
Quintasanapachelogger: When I try to edit Sources in KPackageKit I get this -> http://pastebin.ca/1803546   is this known?10:01
apacheloggerin the name of all that is holy10:02
apacheloggercan we please burn python10:02
apacheloggerQuintasan: you are using a polish system?10:02
apacheloggerthat might be the problem then10:03
Quintasanjudging from that shitty utf-8 implementation we should burn it10:03
apacheloggerwell, obviously the problem is that python is crap10:03
apacheloggerbut you using a polish system exposes that10:03
apacheloggerQuintasan: python does not really have a utf8 implementation10:03
apacheloggerwe have all sorts of decoders/encoder functions to wrap around and do proper stuff10:04
Quintasanthat's why it should burn in deepest depths of hell10:04
apacheloggermy thinking exactly10:04
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: we should fork software-properties, make it more dynamic, import it to kde svn and comaintain with debian10:05
* apachelogger is so sick of all the python issues10:05
* Quintasan <3 git10:06
apacheloggerQuintasan: please kdesudo kate /usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/softwareproperties/kde/SoftwarePropertiesKDE.py10:06
apacheloggernavigate to line 60610:06
apacheloggershould be10:06
apacheloggerbefore that enter10:06
apacheloggerprint key10:06
apacheloggerbut watch out that you do not mess up the indents!10:06
apacheloggerthe python will eat you like a gator10:06
apacheloggerkubotu: google python gator10:07
kubotuResults for python gator: 1. Photo in the News: Python Bursts After Eating Gator (Update): http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/2005/10/1006_051006_pythoneatsgator.html | 2. Gator-guzzling python comes to messy end - Science- msnbc.com: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9600151/ | 3. State: Gator vs. python ends in gory draw: http://www.sptimes.com/2005/10/06/State/Gator_vs_python_ends_.shtml10:07
Quintasanprint key?10:07
apachelogger    self.userinterface.treeview2.addTopLevelItem(QTreeWidgetItem([utf8(key)]))10:07
apacheloggerthat is the function that calls on utf8() with key10:07
apacheloggerso you make it print the key before it does that10:08
apacheloggerso we might have a chance of finding out what particular string makes the utf8 stuff go down10:08
Quintasanoh I see10:08
QuintasanLaunchpad PPA for Micha�\x82 Zaj�\x85c10:09
apacheloggercool :D10:09
apacheloggeryou are at fault10:09
apacheloggermuhaahahah :D10:09
Quintasanhowever beats me where that string is10:09
QuintasanIt's a GPG key10:10
Quintasanhm, they ain't in my keyring, they are in roots keyring?10:11
apacheloggerin the apt key ring10:11
Quintasanso, how do I access that10:11
Quintasanalso I wonder if it's a problem with the key itself or python fails to parse it10:11
apacheloggerQuintasan: /etc/apt/trustdb.gpg10:12
apacheloggeror rather the too apt-key10:12
Quintasanhmm in Konsole it's listed normally10:12
apacheloggerQuintasan: python fails to parse10:12
Quintasanlet's kill python then10:12
apacheloggerthat is the error, it cannot convert to utf8 for some reason10:12
apacheloggerQuintasan: either case I would expect a function called unicode() to freaking convert any encoding to the one I want ;)10:13
apacheloggernot go crash the app10:13
QuintasanPyFail and it's FailImplementation10:13
* apachelogger looks at his utf8() wrapper for apturl10:13
QuintasanI wouldn't be suprised if python has a epicfail()10:13
apacheloggerQuintasan: did you do that print stuff already?10:14
apacheloggersilly me :10:14
QuintasanYou're drinking too much :P10:14
apacheloggerQuintasan: somewhere towards the top of that file you should find a function utf8()10:15
apacheloggerQuintasan: I am on pain meds10:15
Quintasanapachelogger: yeah, there is def utf8(str)10:15
shadeslayerapachelogger: btw what happened?10:16
apacheloggerQuintasan: http://pastebin.ca/180355010:16
shadeslayersome kind of accident?10:16
* apachelogger likes to note that this work around is rather braindead10:16
apacheloggerbest you can do in python though10:17
apacheloggerIIRC mvo and I were looking into that crap for quite some time10:17
apacheloggerapturl also failed with similar issues10:17
apacheloggershadeslayer: no, about any desease you can imagine10:18
Quintasanapachelogger: awesome, works now, thanks10:18
shadeslayerapachelogger: ow... well hope you get well soon :)10:18
apacheloggerQuintasan: I am not sure, but I think we fixed this in software-properties bzr already10:18
shadeslayerill send a card :P10:19
apacheloggerQuintasan: we were working quite a bit on localization, because half the UI was not localized at all10:19
apacheloggershadeslayer: that depends on the defintions of soon and well ... I mustn't do any sports for at least 6 months10:20
shadeslayerapachelogger: wow... thats some disease... :(10:20
apacheloggerQuintasan: oh, btw, that is another silly thing, we have all sorts of different versions of that utf8() function, instead of having one almighty version in some central place10:21
apacheloggershadeslayer: yeah :/10:21
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shadeslayer_oh well ive got to take a bath,bbl10:22
Quintasanapachelogger: well, needs sorting out I guess, but more importantly, what the hell are you doing, being sick and playing with PyFailCode is dangerous, want to fry your brain? You'd better rest now ;P10:22
shadeslayer_hehe :)10:22
apacheloggercan't, I was not allowed to walk for like a week hence I am now in pain from walking around10:24
apacheloggermore resting will only make things worse I suppose :/10:24
apacheloggeramichair: was your work on software-properties merged yet?10:25
QuintasanMamarok: mind explaining me something? When I pick Repeat Playlist and the Random Tracks the Repeat Playlist gets unselected, why?10:25
apacheloggeramichair: seems so, judging from I18nHelper :)10:26
Mamarokbecause they are mutually exclusive, we still have to find an algorithm that works10:26
apacheloggerQuintasan: would you mind building software-properties from bzr and trying if that also goes down?10:27
* shadeslayer_ passes rock candy around10:27
* Quintasan want's to have playlists that repeats and the tracks are in random order10:27
apacheloggerQuintasan: it does not have that latin1 fallback but amichair changed quite some bits around, so maybe it does not fail anyway10:27
apacheloggerQuintasan: as for the repeat+random ... use bangarang :P10:28
QuintasanUnicodeDecodeError: 'utf8' codec can't decode bytes in position 43-44: invalid data10:30
apacheloggerQuintasan: complete output please10:30
Quintasanapachelogger: http://pastebin.ca/180356410:30
Quintasanapachelogger: exacly the same10:31
apacheloggersebas: oh, btw, I always thought that KDE needs a central place to store slides and other stuff from presentations10:31
apacheloggerthe old kdeslides page on kde.org was not used a lot :(10:32
apacheloggerQuintasan: k, thx10:33
apacheloggerfixing there10:33
Quintasanapachelogger: hmm, bangarang looks nice10:36
apacheloggeryeah, very promising10:36
apachelogger+ it uses nepomuk10:36
Quintasanthough the library thing is bit tricky10:36
Quintasanand it just crashed10:36
apacheloggerwell, promising, not perfect ;)10:38
Quintasanhmm, the thing I would only lack there is KRunner applet for it10:39
apacheloggerQuintasan: pushed fix for sp issue, please try again with r59510:41
amichairapachelogger: howdy10:44
apacheloggerQuintasan: pushed fix for sp issue, please try again with r59510:48
amichairamichair: what's the bad usecase / bug number?10:48
apacheloggeramichair: no bug I suppose10:48
amichairoops, talking to myself again :-)10:48
apacheloggerthat too :P10:48
amichairapachelogger: was there one?10:49
apacheloggeramichair: no, Quintasan can tell you what happened :)10:50
amichairQuintasan: please do!10:50
Quintasanyare yare, apacheloggerI just bzr'd and stil the same I have rev 4210:50
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=42&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 42 | Bugfix in KConfig10:50
apacheloggerQuintasan: 42?10:51
apacheloggerQuintasan: that might be the wrong branch10:51
apacheloggerbzr branch lp:software-properties10:51
apacheloggerrev 110:51
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=1&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 1 | New repository initialized by cvs2svn.10:51
apacheloggerpff cvs2svn10:51
Quintasanamichair: when trying to edit Software Sources I get a UTF-8 parse error on my GPG key (Michał Zając) -> http://pastebin.com/f46d0c64510:51
apacheloggerand what about the cvs history?10:51
* apachelogger wants to know about the very first KDE commit10:52
Quintasanrev 210:52
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=2&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 2 | Source imported10:52
apacheloggerrev 410:53
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=4&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 4 | acinclude.m4 geaendert, QT_INCLUDES und X_INCLUDES eingefuehrt. Soll das einzelne -I verhindern.10:53
amichairQuintasan: there was a bug long open on that - if it's what I think it is, it was a bug in gnupg which was fixed (I think the updated upstream package was merged eventually)10:53
apacheloggergerman commit message :D10:53
apachelogger<3 coolo10:53
apacheloggerQuintasan: maybe that is the cvs history?10:53
apacheloggerwould explain the german for sure10:54
Quintasanapachelogger: fix'd now, works :)10:54
apacheloggerrev 2 is from Sun Apr 13 14:42:44 1997 UTC (12 years, 10 months ago)10:54
ubottuhttp://websvn.kde.org/trunk/?rev=2&view=rev | svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk -r 2 | Source imported10:54
apacheloggersure is from cvs :D10:54
Quintasanamichair: it's not a problem in gpg, it's a problem with failimplementation of utf-8 in python10:54
Quintasanat least that's what I conclude because it works now10:55
apacheloggeramichair: see the diff of my last commit10:55
amichairwell there was a gnupg bug - otherwise upstream wouldn't have fixed it :-)10:55
apacheloggerfor some reason I do not even want to know unicode() fails on converting that gpg key name (possibly because it already is utf8?)10:55
amichairbut maybe there's another!10:55
amichairhow can I see closed bugs in lp?10:56
apacheloggeramichair: search for it in the advanced search10:56
apacheloggerlp UI is rather cruel in a lot of aspects, searching closed bugs is one of those :S10:56
amichairlooks like bug 13393710:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 133937 in software-properties "software-properties-kde crashed with error " 'utf8' codec can't decode bytes in position 27-28"" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/13393710:58
shadeslayerum.. can everyone update from the main servers? i cant :(11:00
apacheloggeramichair: sounds like it from the description11:00
amichairare y'all using gnupg >= 1.4.10 when this happens?11:00
apacheloggerdoes not happen here at all11:00
amichairso only Quintasan is seeing the bug?11:01
apacheloggerwell, I do not have keys with non-latin names in my ring :P11:01
Quintasangnupg - Version: 1.4.9-4ubuntu711:01
Quintasanamichair: and after apachelogger pushed some pyhaxes it worked11:02
Quintasanapachelogger: add mine PPA then :P11:02
apacheloggerbetter not11:02
apacheloggerwho knows what happens :P11:02
* apachelogger is writing dev documentation11:02
Quintasanhmm it's not like I have anything except gluon and mac there11:02
amichairso it sounds like you're using the old gnupg before they fixed it. they had a bug that the output in some cases was not proper utf8. they fixed it. the sp code doesn't require any changes...11:03
Quintasanamichair: sudo apt-key list works fine with not damned symbols11:04
Quintasanand gpg --list-keys also outputs normal utf11:04
amichairthe bug is only with certain command line options, which sp happens to use11:05
amichairyou can see the dirty details at http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=54034011:05
ubottuDebian bug 540340 in gnupg "Fixed/1.4.10: gnupg: Should print Unicode characters correctly in any output" [Normal,Fixed]11:05
Quintasanamichair: well, seems legit I guess :P11:06
Quintasanamichair: and IMO s-p is partly to blame for using such obscure cli options :P11:07
amichairdon't look at me, I just fixed someone else's code ;-)11:07
apacheloggeramichair: I always find it depressing to fix someone else's code :P11:08
apacheloggermostly because I do not like how the code of others looks like :P11:09
apacheloggerQuintasan: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuPPAs lucid enough? ;) ;) ;)11:09
amichairsome day you'll get to fix my bugs as well... it's the vicious circle of bug-life :-)11:09
apacheloggerprobably to get more anal about what cannot go into the particular PPAs11:09
Quintasanapachelogger: >monor11:10
QuintasanShouldn't be minor?11:10
amichairapachelogger: where can I see ur fix?11:12
Quintasanapachelogger: anyways, awesome, now I clearly get to know what goes where :P11:12
Quintasanfcks, I can't remember my LP password11:15
apacheloggerlol indeed11:22
apacheloggeramichair: bzr branch lp:software-properties11:22
apacheloggerQuintasan: yes, I did not write that though11:22
apacheloggerQuintasan: are you sure it is clear enough what has to go where?11:23
* apachelogger finds it a shame that google docs is so much more useful than those damn wikis11:23
Quintasanapachelogger: For me? Pretty clear, can't say for others but I guess it will be the same11:23
shadeslayerapachelogger: i agree :)11:24
apacheloggershadeslayer: pleaes read https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/KubuntuPPAs11:24
apacheloggerand say if you find it clear enough to understand which packages need to be published to which ppa11:25
shadeslayerapachelogger: i read it,but why did i read it?11:26
apacheloggerso that I know if it is clear enough :P11:26
apacheloggeror if I need to explain in more detail what belongs where11:26
apacheloggermust be super understandible to everyone11:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: ah... yeah its pretty clear,but the last kpackagekit link isnt working11:26
apacheloggershadeslayer: thx11:27
shadeslayerapachelogger: no problem :)11:28
apacheloggeroh my, because of good charlotte I just spilled my tea11:31
apacheloggeramarok must be insane coming up with such unbarable music11:31
* apachelogger goes all delete on that11:31
Mamarokwhat Charlotte?11:32
* Mamarok just deleted a horrible Paolo Conte track11:32
apacheloggerkubotu: google last.fm good charlotte11:32
kubotuResults for last.fm good charlotte: 1. Good Charlotte – Discover music, videos, concerts, & pictures at ...: http://www.last.fm/?artist=Good+Charlotte | 2. Good Charlotte – The Anthem – Video & free listening at Last.fm: http://www.last.fm/music/Good+Charlotte/_/The+Anthem | 3. Good Charlotte – Predictable – Video & free listening at Last.fm: http://www.last.fm/music/Good+Charlotte/_/Predictable11:32
* shadeslayer wonders if kubotu is KDE'ish enough :P11:34
apacheloggermhh, goldfinger11:34
apacheloggerseaLne: ping11:35
shadeslayerapachelogger: btw there are loads if incoming bugs on akonadi not starting in 4.4,any known fixes?11:36
apacheloggerwould have to look into that11:37
Mamarokshadeslayer: it starts here when I start Kontact, in Karmic11:37
apacheloggershadeslayer: are they lucid and karmic?11:37
apacheloggeror just karmic?11:37
shadeslayerkarmic+KDE 4.411:37
apacheloggershadeslayer: on launchpad?11:37
apacheloggeror elsewhere?11:37
shadeslayeri have the same problem as well....11:38
shadeslayerapachelogger: bugs on lp..11:38
shadeslayerone sec11:38
apacheloggerbug 524538 looks fooey11:38
apacheloggerwas wondering about that while going through gmail11:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 524538 in akonadi "akonadi in kubuntu karmic backports does not work due to incomplete apparmor profile" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52453811:39
shadeslayeryeah i subscribed to kubuntu bugs and thats when i noticed this influx11:39
shadeslayerthere were 2-3 more...11:39
apacheloggerbug 524538 and bug 448705 are actually the same it seems11:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 524538 in akonadi "akonadi in kubuntu karmic backports does not work due to incomplete apparmor profile" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52453811:40
ubottuUbuntu bug 448705 in akonadi "akonadi server doesn't start at login" [Undecided,Confirmed]11:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 448705 in akonadi "akonadi server doesn't start at login" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44870511:40
ubottuUbuntu bug 524468 in kdebase "KDE broken after dist-upgrade" [Undecided,Incomplete]11:40
shadeslayerthats about it i think :)11:41
apacheloggerthar report is mostly invalid11:42
apacheloggerno plasma was fixed by adding kubuntu-meta to the ppa, if he got his kubuntu-desktop removed, then that is his problem11:42
apacheloggerakonadi error is the same as presented already11:43
apacheloggerTest 6: SKIP11:43
apacheloggerMySQL server custom configuration not available.11:43
apacheloggerDetails: The custom configuration for the MySQL server was not found but is optional.11:43
apacheloggermaybe the new akonadi uses the system config if no other is found?11:43
* apachelogger nukes his akonadi data11:44
shadeslayerwell ive marked them as duplicates of 44870511:44
shadeslayersince that one is a confirmed bug11:44
apacheloggerakonadi indeed comes up with error11:45
shadeslayerhmm.. qmysql problem?11:45
apacheloggerthat stupid thing is annoying me for years now11:45
shadeslayeri thought i heard that one too in one of the bug reports11:46
apacheloggerwell, easy enough to fix11:46
shadeslayerok its in the 524538 report11:46
shadeslayerMamarok: kontact hasnt even started for me yer11:47
shadeslayerstuck at " Starting Akonadi Server "11:47
MamarokI had Akonadi refusing to start in 4.3.5, but not with 4.4 so far11:48
shadeslayerhttp://pastebin.ca/1803603 << my error report11:48
apacheloggerI need a new dns provider11:48
uelapeppahow do you create official ISOs?11:50
shadeslayeruelapeppa: um what?11:50
shadeslayeruelapeppa: afaik there are build scripts in bzr which do that11:51
shadeslayeri could be wrong though11:51
uelapeppashadeslayer: could you link some doc, please?11:53
shadeslayeruelapeppa: um nope :(11:54
uelapeppashadeslayer: ok np11:55
shadeslayeruelapeppa: im just guessing,im not sure though11:55
uelapeppai want to create a custom iso from scratch11:56
apacheloggeruelapeppa: google for it11:59
apacheloggerthere are two launchpad project IIRC11:59
apacheloggerubuntu-cd or something11:59
apacheloggerthose combined with a whole load of other tools and stuff form the infrastructure to build CDs12:00
apacheloggermysql is so awesome12:41
apacheloggeralmost as awesome as python12:41
apacheloggerso opportunistic12:42
apacheloggertakes every opportunity of not doing the right thing12:42
apacheloggerincredible really12:42
apacheloggerand how I do hate akonadi for using that crap12:48
Tm_Tapachelogger: and Amarok?12:49
apacheloggeramarok at least embedds it12:49
shadeslayerapachelogger: theres postgreSql too :P12:49
apacheloggerRiddell: I propose we use postgres for akonadi12:49
Tm_Tapachelogger: if possible, that is12:49
apacheloggermysql is freaking killing me12:49
shadeslayerthis is just lol : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/kpackagekit/+bug/52474812:51
ubottuUbuntu bug 524748 in kpackagekit "Provide 'Ubuntu-Software-Centre' like UI" [Undecided,Invalid]12:51
shadeslayerlast comment ;)12:51
* apachelogger tries something12:52
apacheloggeroh well12:53
apacheloggerI hate it12:53
apacheloggerthe interesting thing here is that the freaking file is in place12:55
apacheloggeron subsequent starts akonadi does not have any problems12:56
apacheloggerthis is so silly -.-12:58
shadeslayerapachelogger: the kde nm in your ppa,is it stable enough?12:58
apacheloggershadeslayer: it is freaking superior to any other version you will find12:58
apacheloggerit even works with wifi and vpn12:58
shadeslayerok well,somebody has a network problem in #kubuntu12:59
apacheloggerthe default knm is the crap13:00
apacheloggerI dont get this akonadi business13:03
shadeslayerapparently i dont have akonadi-kde installed13:04
shadeslayermeh transitional13:04
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://pastebin.com/fac9a96513:10
shadeslayerif it helps13:10
apacheloggerI am out of options here13:17
apacheloggerkubotu: np13:20
kubotuapachelogger is listening to "Wrong" by Depeche Mode [http://open.spotify.com/track/6BS4QLnPIHzVA7CGERW2ne] -- see http://www.last.fm/user/apachelogger for more13:20
apacheloggerscrew it13:25
* apachelogger doesnt wanna look at it anymore13:25
=== shadeslayer is now known as shadeslayer_
claydohapachelogger: re the ppa wiki page: attempting to better define for users why they might want to use a particular ppa13:44
claydohthen I got confused enough myself13:44
shadeslayer_claydoh: haha13:45
apacheloggerclaydoh: IMHO they might because kubuntu.org tells them to do so in order to get latest amarok ;)13:48
apacheloggershadeslayer_: so13:48
apacheloggeri do know that mysql is crap13:48
apacheloggerno news here13:48
apacheloggerit is also the crappyness behind the akonadi issue at hand (dunno why though)13:49
apacheloggerif you manually initialize the db using mysql_install_db and ensure the tables are all upgraded it seems to start properly13:49
shadeslayer_ok lemme try13:50
apacheloggerwell maybe not for your issue13:50
apacheloggerbecause yours is different13:50
shadeslayer_apachelogger: http://pastebin.ca/180366913:50
apacheloggerI do not want to look into this any longer13:53
apacheloggerit also affects lucid btw13:53
apacheloggerRiddell: I propose we deploy with postgres13:53
claydohapachelogger: well, there are plenty that dent/tweet/post to use staging whenever they smell fresh packages in there as well :/13:55
apacheloggerit got one big fat DONT USE attached to the name13:55
claydohapachelogger: they actually read that stuff?13:56
apacheloggerthey actually read a wiki page explaining why they would want to use a PPA?13:56
claydohsome are just using a reposomeone posted without even going to the ppa page13:56
apachelogger4 word name vs. couple of hundred word wiki page13:56
claydohapachelogger: got me on that one13:56
apacheloggerthe akonadi issue looks like this13:58
apacheloggerakonadi is unwilling to invoke the db initialization binary of mysql13:58
apachelogger(not that it would be available right now)13:58
apacheloggerwithout that it seems that no proper db gets created13:58
apacheloggerwhich makes mysql all whiny13:58
apacheloggerat times I really ponder switching desktops13:59
shadeslayer_kubotu: np14:01
kubotushadeslayer_ listened to "Fireflies" by Owl City [Ocean Eyes, 2010] 4 weeks ago; [http://open.spotify.com/track/1mr3616BzLdhXfJmLmRsO8] -- see http://www.last.fm/user/shadeslayer_ for more14:01
apacheloggerthis is so silly -.-14:06
shadeslayer_apachelogger: do you think its a packaging or upstream bug?14:12
apacheloggershadeslayer_: I am not sure14:13
apacheloggercould be both14:13
apacheloggerit is defenitely not related to the default akonadi config14:13
apacheloggerand also not to our mysql, because it worked just fine on karmic before14:13
apacheloggerso either upstream changed how they init mysql14:13
shadeslayer_or the config changed?14:14
apacheloggeror we did some packaging screwup that makes akonadi incapable of initing properly14:14
apacheloggershadeslayer_: did not14:14
apacheloggerI checked14:14
shadeslayer_oh ok14:14
shadeslayer_lemme see if google has a answer :P14:16
Dario_AndresHi. Is "adept" still maintained ? thanks in advance.14:16
apacheloggershadeslayer_: better ask in #akonadi14:16
apacheloggerDario_Andres: I think debian is maintaining it14:17
Dario_Andresthanks apachelogger, I will ask14:17
apacheloggerthe akonadi thingy is too cross-distro to be a packaging issue14:25
apacheloggerit is just that mysql is useless and that akonadi does not work around the uselessness by using postgre -.-14:26
apacheloggerwhoops, silly touchpad :)14:41
apacheloggerbut since you are here14:41
apacheloggerRiddell: ideas about mysql?14:41
apacheloggerRiddell: it seems mysql 5.1 requires another binary to be run to make it start without errors14:42
Riddellmaybe http://userbase.kde.org/Akonadi#Apparmor14:42
apacheloggerno, it's not apparmor14:42
apacheloggerRiddell: search for mysql.servers on that page14:43
apacheloggerthat is the problem at hand14:43
apacheloggerand only the command at the very bottom of that section fixes the issue14:43
apacheloggerand apparently that is common to all mysql 5.1 setups14:43
Riddelldunno I'm afraid, I need to go14:43
apacheloggerhm, ok :)14:44
* apachelogger needs to write a mail about the mess once he is in not so angry mood14:44
txwikinger2hi Riddell14:52
shadeslayerapachelogger: oh btw the nm in your PPA,it can connect to WEP too right?15:20
shadeslayerWEP wifi i mean15:20
apacheloggershadeslayer: I have no clue, I'd rather get run over by a bus than use wep15:30
shadeslayerhehe :)15:30
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shadeslayerwell my college uses wep and i spent 30 mins trying to get in :P15:31
shadeslayerapachelogger: nm kept asking me for the password15:31
apacheloggerso what exactly would be the point of that?15:32
apacheloggerI mean using wep15:32
shadeslayeridk.. we have like 5 networks... some are available at a place while others are not15:32
apacheloggerso that you can tell the administration, oh our wifi is all secure, look there is a lock icon in your windows connection manager15:32
apacheloggermust be secure obviously15:32
shadeslayerout of those 5,3 are secured... for faculty :P15:32
apacheloggerwith wep?15:32
apacheloggeroh my15:33
shadeslayerone of them is for students... which is always overloaded15:33
shadeslayerapachelogger: needs a wep passphrase15:33
apacheloggerkubotu: wp wep15:33
kubotuResults for wep: 1. Wired Equivalent Privacy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wired_Equivalent_Privacy | 2. WEP - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WEP | 3. Wi-Fi Protected Access - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wi-Fi_Protected_Access15:33
kubotu[1] Wired Equivalent Privacy (WEP) is a deprecated algorithm to secure IEEE 802.11 wireless networks. Wireless networks broadcast messages using radio and are thus more susceptible to eavesdropping than wired networks. When introduced in 1997,[1] WEP was intended to provide confidentiality comparable to that of a traditional wired network.15:33
apacheloggerwep is not secure15:34
shadeslayerapachelogger: and the last is so weak that i have place my laptop in special postions to catch it15:34
apacheloggerend of discussion15:34
shadeslayerapachelogger: i know :P15:34
apacheloggerit might very well be that the version from my ppa does not like wep15:34
apacheloggerthen again I personally do not care about that :P15:34
apacheloggeras long as unsecure, wpa* and vpnc is working I am all happy15:35
apacheloggersteveire: how are we supposed to deploy akonadi if that beast refuses to start properly?15:36
apacheloggerwithout having the user execute a command15:36
apacheloggerthat, just for the fun of it is on ubuntu in a package that drags in all of mysql15:36
shadeslayerapachelogger: hmm.. fair enough.. lets see how it works out when i take my laptop next time... its usually just for KDE upgrades once in a while.. i get speeds of 800 KBps there :P15:46
apacheloggerclaydoh: so, what do you think of the enhanced version?15:55
apacheloggerrdieter: hai! is fedora also affected by kde bug 18539516:05
ubottuKDE bug 185395 in server "Table 'mysql servers' doesn't exist" [Normal,New] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=18539516:05
shadeslayerapachelogger: the one which we have too?16:05
apacheloggerlaunchpad bug 44870516:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 448705 in akonadi "akonadi server doesn't start at login" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44870516:06
shadeslayeraha! not our problem then :P16:06
* shadeslayer goes and links both bugs 16:06
apacheloggeralready did that :P16:06
shadeslayerirssi is failing :P16:07
shadeslayerlooks like it affects some but not others 0_o16:08
shadeslayerok ive gtg and test out chromium-flow.... brb16:09
apacheloggeroh my16:14
apacheloggerRiddell: please make kubuntu-dev maintainer of kubuntu-defaults-settings project16:14
apacheloggerand/or set a default branch for it16:14
* shadeslayer is in awe16:20
shadeslayeri now fully realize why chrome os is specifically meant for netbooks :P16:21
nixternalcuz it sucks?16:21
nixternalI mean, it is good for people who really don't "use" a computer, but I didn't like it when I tried it16:22
shadeslayernixternal: it looks HUGE on my 15 inch screen16:22
daskreechThat's cause google has big ...umm I forget what. you can google it16:23
nixternalpersonally I feel android is enough reason for ChromeOS to not exist. Twitter, Facebook, GMail, and that type of shite is perfect for an Android phone16:23
rdieterapachelogger: don't think so, haven't seen that one myself (relatedly, we're looking at kde bug 226960 atm)16:23
seaLneapachelogger: pong?16:23
ubottuKDE bug 226960 in server "error with mysql 5 1 43: Last database error: "Can't initialize character set latin1" [Normal,New] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=22696016:23
nixternalit hasn't been getting great reviews either16:23
shadeslayerhmmm im gonna install it..16:24
shadeslayerfor times i just need to check my mail :)16:24
apacheloggerrdieter: uhm, good thing we are already in feature freeze, so hopefully the ubuntu server team will not land .43 ... if only akonadi used a sensible database ;)16:26
apacheloggerseaLne: where would one get a KDE irc cloak from?16:26
rdieterapachelogger: :)16:26
* apachelogger goes into ecma mode and improves plasma config scripts16:27
ryanakcaShould I file a bug for http://ryanak.ca/~ryan/nepomuklog against virtuoso or nepomuk? It's happening on both computers I've dist-upgraded karmic->lucid.16:28
shadeslayerryanakca: thanks for the awesome site :)16:29
ryanakcashadeslayer: :)16:29
shadeslayerryanakca: i hope that some great artwork is in the making :P16:30
seaLneapachelogger: ask me :)16:38
apacheloggerseaLne: can I have a nice and cosy KDE irc cloak pretty please :)16:43
Quintasanoh man, I fell asleep on keyboard16:45
Quintasanhow rare16:45
* apachelogger is wondering why hasBattery is not working from the plasma scripting api16:45
shadeslayerQuintasan: was the keyboard comfy?16:45
apacheloggerQuintasan: never ever happened to me16:45
yuriydear facebook, konqueror is not a mobile browser (yet)16:45
apacheloggeresp not in the middle of the day :D16:45
shadeslayeryuriy: +116:45
Quintasanshadeslayer: not really, I wouldn't bez suprised if I have a Z on my cheek16:46
apacheloggerthough there is a konqueror embedded16:46
apacheloggeror was16:46
apacheloggerlong time ago16:46
Quintasanoh man this new keyboard is a bit tricky but awesome16:52
QuintasanFor the first time in my whole life time I have to say microsoft did a good job16:53
apacheloggerRiddell: the plasma update script also gets executed after default-setup17:10
apacheloggerthat would also explain why hasBattery did not work17:10
apachelogger* [Whois] apachelogger is apachelogger!~quassel@kde/developer/sitter (Harald Sitter)17:18
* apachelogger hugs seaLne17:18
apacheloggerthanks :)17:18
apacheloggerIMHO the plasma updates script got a beauty issue17:24
EagleScreenKubuntu installer does not fit in an Asus Eee-PC screen17:24
* apachelogger made the battery applet only be added when hasBattery is true :D17:24
apacheloggerno more battery applet on workstations17:24
seaLneapachelogger: np17:30
seaLneEagleScreen: yes it fails very badly on the 70117:30
apacheloggernixternal: shall we launch a commit mailing list for bzr commits?17:32
apacheloggerlp team kubuntu-commits with associated list17:32
claydohapachelogger: wiki page look good17:32
apacheloggerclaydoh: cool17:32
claydohgraphics help, too :)17:33
apacheloggerclaydoh: can you ditch it up on the ppa thread on the ml for final review?17:33
apacheloggerI am a bit short on sensible mail clients :)17:33
Quintasanlol kmail?17:35
apacheloggernot setup17:35
apacheloggeraccording to lp ubuntu lists should be created at lists.ubuntu.com17:38
apacheloggeroh wellz17:38
claydohapachelogger: email sent17:52
daskreechapachelogger: do you have a glut of insensible mail clients? :)17:58
ryanakcaCould someone ack bug 524982 please?18:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 524982 in frescobaldi "Please sync frescobaldi 1.0.2-1 from Debian unstable" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/52498218:21
jjesseinteresting question:  just download the live cd from yesterday and noticed the folder view plasmoid shows the home directory instead of desktop, is this on purpose?  had to open up desktop and then find the installer icon19:22
jjesseoh cool, you can now update the installer when you got installer, thats pretty cool19:23
blueyedwhere are the debug symbols for /usr/lib/qt4/plugins/phonon_backend/phonon_xine.so ?19:37
Quintasandamn I'm sooo lazy19:38
blueyedfound it: phonon-backends-dbg19:38
apacheloggeroh fancy19:42
apacheloggerI already endosred neversfelde ^^19:42
apacheloggerdidnt remember that :D19:42
apacheloggerjjesse: bug in kds I would suspect19:42
apacheloggeryes, buggy19:43
jjesseapachelogger: ok should i report it?19:43
apacheloggeralready on the fix19:43
Quintasanapachelogger: hey, got a second?19:50
jjessehrmm after configuring disks, ubuiquity disappears19:52
apacheloggerQuintasan: possibly20:00
apacheloggerthis scriptingness here doesnt want to follow my orders again ^^20:00
Quintasanapachelogger: well I got a cpp related question, my book covers things like implementing functions that return or accept structures as parameters and I was wondering whether it's actually used anywhere near Qt/KDE development or I can skip it for now20:02
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apacheloggerQuintasan: well, of course it is used at times ;)20:04
Quintasanhngh, couldn't they realease NM 0.8 earlier?20:04
Quintasanapachelogger: at times?20:04
apacheloggerQuintasan: it depends, there are reasons to use structs and there are reasons not to use structs20:05
apacheloggerdepending on your book it might either make sense to read the section or not :P20:05
Quintasanapachelogger: well, would you say its safe to skip it for now?20:05
apacheloggerthey are an essential paradigm of C(++)20:06
apacheloggeryou can think of them as very very simple object templates in C20:06
* Quintasan turns 20 pages back20:07
apacheloggerso if you want to implement a very small stoarge type in cpp you will probably still use a struct20:07
apacheloggereven if you could archive the same with implementing a whole new class20:07
Quintasanapachelogger: I can imagine implementing a whole new class for this wouldnt be efficient, would it?20:08
Quintasanwell, the examples they put here are little bit hmmm, strange20:09
QuintasanC++ Primer Plus by Stephen Prata :S20:09
apacheloggerQuintasan: get a C book and read about structs there :P20:09
apacheloggerstructs can only be understood from a C perspective :P20:10
Quintasanapachelogger:  I got the same book about C from that guy and well, it basically does the same thing with few exceptions like using printf20:10
dhillon-v10Quintasan, apachelogger hi :)20:11
apacheloggerQuintasan: well, what does he wanna explain anyway?20:11
apacheloggerhullos dhillon-v1020:11
Quintasansup dhillon-v1020:11
apacheloggerQuintasan: structs are rather simple, as everything else within C, since it is just a very neat asm container ;)20:11
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Quintasanapachelogger: I know about structs, I finished reading about functions which take arrays as parameter and how to declarate prototypes and such20:12
dhillon-v10apachelogger: structs are pretty darn useful especially while making patches for linux-kernel :)20:13
Quintasanapachelogger: and then I've got source for simple app that adds whole array of variables and then he tells you can do it a few different ways etc.20:13
apacheloggersounds like a crappy example then :P20:14
dhillon-v10Quintasan: learning java in school, it beats every other language hands-down :)20:14
apacheloggerQuintasan: well read it, maybe you will come to understand it later20:14
apacheloggerone never knows with those books20:14
Quintasanapachelogger: then he goes Cpt. Obvious why pointer to an array has sizeof 420:14
apacheloggernext semster20:15
apacheloggerdatabase course20:15
apacheloggerwith java programming20:15
apacheloggerhrrhrr :D20:15
Quintasandhillon-v10: lol java20:15
dhillon-v10apachelogger: java is pretty simple really :)20:15
apacheloggermy former flatmate had almost gone insane because of java20:15
apacheloggerdhillon-v10: java is an abomination of sanity20:15
dhillon-v10Quintasan: have you tried java?20:15
Quintasanit's just me or java is more strange than assembly?20:15
apacheloggerand that I say as someone who was madly in love with the insanity bot :P20:15
Quintasandhillon-v10: yeah, gave me a mindfuck at the very start20:15
apacheloggerQuintasan: java is about as random as python20:16
Quintasanapachelogger: XD20:16
apacheloggerno, hold on20:16
dhillon-v10apachelogger: lol :) I have been working with it for a while now20:16
apacheloggertaking the awesomeness of cpp20:16
apacheloggeradd the randomness of python20:16
dhillon-v10Quintasan: lol20:16
* Quintasan loves his new keyboard20:16
apacheloggerand add pitiful approaches to xplatformness20:16
apacheloggerthen you get java20:16
apacheloggeroh more randomness might be needed20:16
dhillon-v10apachelogger: one of the best things about java is the *vast* api that it has, all the little tasks can just be called in a single line method :)20:17
Quintasansooo java is like cpp + lolpython?20:17
apacheloggerpython actually got some sane paradigms in all the randomness20:17
apacheloggerdhillon-v10: well, if you like it20:18
dhillon-v10apachelogger: so KDE mostly uses cpp right?20:18
apacheloggerso I have been told20:19
QuintasanI like c++ but I find the learning proccess tedious somtimes20:19
apacheloggerQuintasan: if I were you I would get the basics straight and then digg into some handson work and learn as you go along20:19
Quintasanapachelogger: basics being?20:19
dhillon-v10apachelogger: are there a lot of differences in c and c++ besides that c++ is object oriented20:20
* Quintasan thinks he might have covered basics but his understanding of "basics" might be a litte bit off20:20
apacheloggerQuintasan: how to create a class, what a pointer is, basic data types, how to create a function, difference of call-by-reference and call-by-value, dynamic mem mangement20:20
apacheloggerI think that is about all you need to know to create a simple app20:21
Quintasansoo, I need two things now20:21
Quintasancall-by-reference and value and classes20:21
apacheloggerin fact I suppose you can even ignroe dynamic mem for starters20:21
apacheloggernot too important in cpp with kde and qt20:21
apacheloggerdhillon-v10: C is an asm container, cpp is a programming language :P20:21
Quintasanapachelogger: dynamic mem being something like int * lol = new int [10];  ?20:22
Quintasanor malloc20:22
Quintasanwho cares20:22
apacheloggerdhillon-v10: really, cpp is a lot different from c20:22
apacheloggerwhich is probably most coming from the object orientation ;)20:22
Quintasanapachelogger: pointers to functions? lol20:23
dhillon-v10apachelogger: ahh :) so how long do you think it would take me to learn cpp, i am pretty good at c20:23
apacheloggerQuintasan: latter, former is on the stack20:23
apacheloggerdhillon-v10: not long, as I said, java has a lot in common with cpp20:24
apacheloggerwell, not the randomness and the fake xplatformness :P20:24
dhillon-v10apachelogger: :) okay, after AMC is over I am going to look more into cpp20:25
apacheloggerQuintasan: also makes more sense to read when you need such a thingy ;)20:25
apacheloggerI am not sure pointers to functions are very common in kde programming really20:26
* apachelogger loved to use them in C :D20:26
Quintasanapachelogger: the book says that knowledge is not really useful to programmer unless you are doing some crazy stuff20:27
Quintasanapachelogger: knowledge about pointers to functions20:27
QuintasanI forgot to mention that20:27
apacheloggerQuintasan: does the C book also say that20:28
apacheloggerbecause then I srsly doubt the srslyness of the author :P20:28
Quintasanapachelogger: dunno, too lazy to search for pdf on my hdd now20:28
apacheloggerone can implement pretty neat error handlers in C using pointers to functions20:29
jjessehrmm install most being running in the background20:35
Quintasanfcks, dolphin segfaults here really often when tagging20:43
apacheloggerI am not sure why but folderview refuses to show desktop:/ right after setup20:48
apacheloggertried all tricks the api got :S20:49
apacheloggerpossibly a bug in folderview20:51
apacheloggeras i see it the config change should be applied at script exit or at least when reloadConfig() gets called on that widget20:52
apacheloggerbut neither applies20:52
Quintasanapachelogger: does dolphing segfaults so often while tagging for you too or its just me?20:56
apacheloggerI do not do tagging :P20:56
apacheloggerIMHO that is against the purpose of a semantic desktop :P20:57
Quintasanapachelogger: try then pls :P20:57
apacheloggerno crashery on lucid20:58
Quintasanhell yeah 570mb of dbg libs20:59
Quintasanapachelogger: ya best be trollin, I bet its going to be ages before we use lzma for kde things21:01
apacheloggerwe do?21:01
apacheloggeror rather we did21:01
Quintasanwhy we are not do so now?21:01
apacheloggerand will do, asap as someone adds the appropriate stuff to the dh7 magic21:02
apacheloggerupstream calls it kdebase, the source package is called kdebase, the meta package is called kdebase-apps21:03
apacheloggermakes sense21:03
Quintasanaint it normal in our case?21:04
apacheloggerquite frankly such shit annoys me shitless21:05
apacheloggerapt-get source kdebase21:05
apacheloggeroha pulls kde-meta21:05
apacheloggerso then you are left wondering21:05
Quintasanoh updates, maybe dolphin will stop crashing21:06
LureAny concern if I upload digikam 1.1 w/ Nepomuk support also to backports PPA (KDE 4.4 for Karmic)? People are asking me for digikam with Nepomuk support...21:14
* Lure is not sure, since 1.1 is not in official backports yet21:16
QuintasanLure: maybe rename the package to digikam-nepomuk and upload, if it breaks something then users wont automatically update to it :P21:17
Quintasanthough it's a dirty workaround :P21:17
LureQuintasan: it is optional functionality and off by default21:17
LureQuintasan: current package just did not build with nepomuk...21:18
QuintasanLure: oh well, I'm up for testing anyways, I think we can ask apachelogger or Riddell21:18
apacheloggerLure: push it to beta-backports if no one complains within the next couple of days we should be fine ;)21:20
Lureapachelogger: ok, will do that first and ask some of requestors to test it21:20
apacheloggersounds good21:21
* apachelogger is wondering what one needs to do to get that freaking folderview to redraw itself21:21
Lureapachelogger: but beta-backports do not have kde 4.4 and virtuoso-nepomuk, so not sure it is good base at all21:23
apacheloggerstaging shoudl still have 4.4 I suppose21:24
Lureapachelogger: correct, will use that21:25
dhillon-v10apachelogger: have you tried building maximus in lucid, pbuilder gives me errors and I just realize that after finishing a diff for a merge21:49
dhillon-v10apachelogger: fixed it, sudo pbuilder --clean ;)21:50
apacheloggerjussi01: could take a bit to fix that21:53
dhillon-v10apachelogger: need some help, pbuilder is acting strange again, while downloading some packages it says 404 address not found, why is that??22:01
dhillon-v10apachelogger: precisely something like this: Err http://us.archive.ubuntu.com lucid/main libdbus-1-dev 1.2.16-2ubuntu2        404  Not Found [IP: 80]22:02
apacheloggersudo pbuilder update22:02
apacheloggerI would suppose your apt cache is out of date22:02
apacheloggerdhillon-v10: also check out the pbuilder hooks22:02
apacheloggerI think there is a hook that runs apt-get update before doing anything else22:03
shtylmannice shoutout to kubuntu ^22:46
neversfeldeapachelogger: thanks22:46
Riddellapachelogger: what's hasBattery?23:14
RiddellLure: digikam 1.1 should be ok in backports23:18
Riddellas long as its tested first23:18
Riddellshtylman: we tried to install lucid on an eeePC tonight at the KDE 4.4 release party, we have to fix that thing for small resolutions23:23
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