=== Ursinha-brb is now known as Ursinha-afk | ||
mars | zobi1, best ask a question directly to the Translations team. They can tell you more about the system: https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/rosetta/+addquestion | 00:55 |
Lord-Readman | Chris mate, its doing well http://impoll.net/cgi-bin/v.cgi?p=10231&r=9 | 10:54 |
magcius | Does Launchpad send an email to the project owners when a branch is linked? | 11:27 |
wgrant | magcius: Linked to what? | 11:27 |
magcius | If I "register a branch" with a project, will it/how would I send a message to the appropriate person? | 11:28 |
wgrant | magcius: It won't notify them, unless they have subscribed to the RSS feed. If you want to request that they merge it, you could click 'Propose for merging'. | 11:29 |
magcius | wgrant, ahhhh | 11:30 |
wgrant | That will email the default reviewer for the target branch. | 11:30 |
magcius | I'm still a bzr noobie, is a bzr merge like a git pull? | 11:30 |
wgrant | Yes. | 11:30 |
magcius | or does bzr pull have the same semantics too | 11:30 |
wgrant | pull will bring the target's tip to the same as the source's, if the source has a superset of the target's revisions. | 11:31 |
wgrant | But otherwise you need to merge. | 11:32 |
magcius | when in normal practices will that not be the case? | 11:33 |
magcius | i.e. can you do bzr pull --rebase like git? | 11:33 |
magcius | Or is there something equivalent at all? | 11:33 |
wgrant | It will not be the case when there have been commits on trunk since it was last merged into the branch. | 11:33 |
wgrant | There is bzr-rebase, but it is not normally used. | 11:33 |
wgrant | Rewriting history is frowned upon. | 11:34 |
magcius | git pull --rebase isn't really rewriting history | 11:34 |
wgrant | Doesn't it rebase the branch on top of trunk? | 11:34 |
magcius | it's basically, 'find the common revision, undo and store everything from then as patches, pull, then apply the patches' | 11:35 |
magcius | which is very useful if you have local commits for fixes or have applied patches that are not upstream] | 11:35 |
wgrant | bzr rebase can do that easily. | 11:35 |
wgrant | But it is not often done. | 11:35 |
Meths | magcius: Until you merge patches from other people to send upstream, then rebasing reassigns credit for patches and is a bad thing (tm) | 11:36 |
magcius | Meths, why would it do that? | 11:36 |
siretart | magcius: the 'undo, store and redo' part is a typical case for "rewriting history" | 11:36 |
magcius | Meths, doesn't bzr store both an author and committer? | 11:36 |
magcius | (I swore it did, because I saw both in the log) | 11:37 |
wgrant | It does. | 11:37 |
magcius | So would a rebase re-assign both the author and committer? | 11:37 |
Meths | magcius: Sorry, thought git did this. Not bzr. | 11:38 |
magcius | Meths, nope. | 11:38 |
Meths | hmmm, okay. Have to reread why Linus hates rebasing so much... | 11:39 |
magcius | he does? | 11:39 |
magcius | rebasing isn't something you usually do in upstream repos | 11:39 |
magcius | but it's useful when merging in other changes since the histories have diverged | 11:40 |
magcius | siretart, well my branch is a branch and I don't think it's quite that bad to rewrite history just so I can get latest changes. Is there a "better" way in the terms of bzr? | 11:40 |
Meths | Ah, after rereading it's nothing to do with history rewriting, my bad. | 11:41 |
magcius | Meths, link? | 11:41 |
Meths | http://kerneltrap.org/Linux/Git_Management | 11:41 |
siretart | magcius: you could try 'bzr merge' folowed by 'bzr revert --forget-merges' | 11:42 |
magcius | siretart, bzr merge lp:upstream-branch ? | 11:42 |
wgrant | That will forget the wrong merges. | 11:43 |
wgrant | magcius: Why do you want to rewrite history? | 11:43 |
siretart | wgrant: he wants 'git pull --rebase' semantics | 11:43 |
magcius | wgrant, mainly to keep my commits on top so I can deal with them easily. | 11:43 |
magcius | wgrant, and it's an easier fix if they go wrong to fix *my* commits instead of *their* code | 11:43 |
siretart | magcius: I haven't followed bzr development closely lately, but AFAIUI looms and pipes are designed for this use cases | 11:44 |
wgrant | looms are indeed for this sort of thing. | 11:44 |
magcius | eek... | 11:44 |
wgrant | pipes are handy too. | 11:44 |
magcius | is that like git stash? | 11:44 |
wgrant | No. | 11:44 |
magcius | or git branches? | 11:44 |
siretart | no | 11:44 |
magcius | link to a simple introduction? | 11:45 |
siretart | https://edge.launchpad.net/bzr-loom | 11:45 |
magcius | and is it an external plugin, and will everybody need it installed? | 11:45 |
wgrant | Also https://launchpad.net/bzr-pipeline | 11:45 |
magcius | oops | 11:45 |
magcius | on my system the "Download" button is cut off | 11:46 |
magcius | the background, that is | 11:46 |
siretart | since you 'pull --rebase', you don't want that branch published anyways, so only you need to have that plugin installed | 11:46 |
magcius | Is there any reason the latest announcement is for the release of 1.3, but the download is 2.0? | 11:47 |
magcius | http://imgur.com/hP9qO.png | 11:48 |
magcius | I think your sliding door needs extra length. | 11:48 |
magcius | eek, the "convert everything to a loom" does not really seem suitable for registering a branch | 11:50 |
wgrant | Hm? | 11:50 |
magcius | wgrant, a reply to which | 11:50 |
magcius | They don't really explain the terminology. | 11:51 |
magcius | A "loom" is a repo/branch? | 11:51 |
magcius | A thread is a set of patches? | 11:51 |
wgrant | A loom is a stack of threads. | 11:51 |
wgrant | A thread is sort of a mini-branch | 11:51 |
wgrant | So within a loomified branch, you have a stack of threads. | 11:51 |
wgrant | As the bottom thread you might have trunk, | 11:52 |
wgrant | Then above that you have a thread for each of your patches. | 11:52 |
magcius | and each thread has a superset of the history of the one below it? | 11:52 |
wgrant | So you can version your patches, while keeping them separately on top of trunk. | 11:52 |
wgrant | Yes. | 11:52 |
magcius | hmm | 11:52 |
magcius | So I can add patches to any thread at one point? | 11:52 |
wgrant | pipeline is similar, except that it uses a stack of actual branches. | 11:52 |
wgrant | "at one point"? | 11:53 |
magcius | any point in time | 11:53 |
wgrant | Right. | 11:53 |
wgrant | You can switch between threads and commit to each of them. | 11:53 |
magcius | So if I add something to a thread below another, the thread above will share that history too? | 11:53 |
magcius | i.e. get that commit too | 11:54 |
wgrant | Right. | 11:54 |
wgrant | As you move up the loom, the changes will be merged up. | 11:54 |
magcius | What exactly is quilt then? | 11:55 |
wgrant | quilt is unrelated to bzr. | 11:55 |
magcius | I know | 11:55 |
wgrant | But it's similar. It's a stack of patches. | 11:55 |
magcius | What is it implemented on top of? | 11:56 |
magcius | (I can't find anything with a simple search) | 11:56 |
wgrant | Probably just patch. | 11:56 |
magcius | I mean, what tool? Darcs? Monotone? | 11:56 |
wgrant | None. | 11:56 |
wgrant | It doesn't use a version control system. | 11:56 |
magcius | Okay, so where can I find it? | 11:57 |
wgrant | quilt maintains an unversioned series of patches. | 11:57 |
wgrant | apt-get install quilt | 11:57 |
magcius | eek, I'm not an ubuntu user | 11:57 |
wgrant | (or your favourite operating system's package manager) | 11:57 |
wgrant | http://savannah.nongnu.org/projects/quilt | 11:57 |
magcius | alright, thanks | 12:01 |
magcius | I'm also looking at Stacked Git | 12:01 |
magcius | which seems to provide a similar thing. I thank you for informing me of this, I really, really like the idea. | 12:02 |
wgrant | It's hopefully a bit less ugly than rebasing. | 12:02 |
magcius | Although I'm quite disappointed it needs a conversion to a loom to work, is there a way to push the current thread as a regular branch? | 12:04 |
lifeless | magcius: bzr init <target>; bzr push target | 12:06 |
magcius | where target is? | 12:06 |
lifeless | magcius: or bzr export-loom will push all threads to a bunch of adjacent branches | 12:06 |
wgrant | The question was truly perfectly timed. | 12:07 |
magcius | lifeless, oh, so when it converts to a loom it *converts to a loom* | 12:08 |
lifeless | I don't have any context here | 12:09 |
magcius | So much that bzr init works and somehow magically doesn't destroy history in the loom and magically destroys history in the bzr branch | 12:09 |
lifeless | so you'll need to fill me in a bit | 12:09 |
lifeless | certainly neither loomify or init will destroy history | 12:11 |
lifeless | magcius: well, I'm off to bed; I don't know what issue you encountered, but please do file a bug or ask a question or something. | 12:16 |
AlanBell | hi, I have a PPA question | 12:20 |
AlanBell | I have packaged a python upstream project http://lpod-project.org in my PPA | 12:20 |
AlanBell | following the python packaging guide (or trying to) | 12:20 |
AlanBell | it built for Karmic which is great, how do I get it to build for Lucid/Jaunty? | 12:20 |
AlanBell | ppa:alanbell/lpod lpod-python is the package | 12:21 |
Laney | AlanBell: for lucid, try copying the package — https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/Copying | 12:23 |
magcius | Hmm... I just took a look at the new OpenSuSE Build System... is Canonical planning something similar? | 12:24 |
magcius | https://build.opensuse.org/ | 12:25 |
wgrant | magcius: Similar to what aspects of it? | 12:25 |
wgrant | Launchpad does very similar things already. | 12:25 |
magcius | wgrant, the fact that you can create packages for a bunch of distributions. | 12:25 |
wgrant | Launchpad does that for Ubuntu, but I do not know of plans to do it for any others. | 12:26 |
magcius | RPM-based systems (RHEL, Fedora, OpenSuSE, Debian, Ubuntu) | 12:26 |
magcius | er | 12:26 |
magcius | I forgot I had said that | 12:26 |
magcius | disregard the RPM-base | 12:26 |
magcius | d | 12:26 |
AlanBell | The following source cannot be copied: | 12:37 |
AlanBell | * lpod-python 0.9-1ubuntu3 in karmic (same version already has published binaries in the destination archive) | 12:37 |
wgrant | AlanBell: Copy the binaries too. | 12:37 |
AlanBell | however it lets me do it if I copy the binaries | 12:37 |
AlanBell | isn't that bad? | 12:37 |
wgrant | Probably not. Remember that Lucid started off a complete binary+source copy of Karmic. | 12:38 |
wgrant | And most of Lucid's binaries are still the same as Karmic's. | 12:38 |
wgrant | You'll have to test if it works, but it probably will. | 12:38 |
AlanBell | ok, well I will give it some testing | 12:38 |
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geser | what's the best/easiest way to check if I've an anonymous or non-anonymous login to the LP API? | 15:58 |
DexterLB | can I use lp for projects that are not software? e.g. blender movies etc? And use bzr to upload the blend files? | 16:23 |
patx2 | can i delete my ppa on launchpad? if not can i delete the packages in it? | 17:32 |
patx2 | ah nvm i found it | 17:38 |
davidstrauss | I apparently need this branch upgraded to update the import: https://code.launchpad.net/~davidstrauss/hiphop-php/trunk | 18:00 |
davidstrauss | I can't seem to upgrade it from the shell like I normally can. | 18:01 |
davidstrauss | mars: ^^ | 18:02 |
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rye | Is there any protection from spammers posting the ads to bug reports at Launchpad? | 20:43 |
kermiac | hi. is anyone around who can look into https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/101807 | 20:52 |
kermiac | we are currently discussing this spammer in #ubuntu-bugs | 20:53 |
kermiac | sorry to be persistant but, is anyone around who can help with another spammer? I am currently cleaning up the mess they have made so far | 21:15 |
kermiac | https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/101807 | 21:15 |
lifeless | have you tried to speak to them? | 21:17 |
kermiac | lifeless: no, I haven't. Normally I would try to speak to them first but it REALLY seems like this is the same spammer we had just over a week ago with the nospammail.net email address. Also the LP account name say a lot "fail2ban" | 21:20 |
lifeless | fail2ban is a package name | 21:20 |
lifeless | we get lots of folk that fanboy packages they are interested in | 21:21 |
lifeless | not saying you're wrong | 21:21 |
lifeless | but please try to speak with them | 21:22 |
lifeless | I wish that LP subscribed non-QA folk to bugs they touch | 21:22 |
lifeless | so that you could reply to the bug and be sure they would see the reply | 21:22 |
kermiac | ok. point taken, but I am currently cleaning up a lot of old bugs that they are changing - adding tags, changing status, removing upstream tasks, etc. Seems exactly like https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-registry/+question/100682 | 21:23 |
lifeless | suspension is a big hammer | 21:23 |
lifeless | they are definitely misguided | 21:23 |
lifeless | but they aren't adding advertising | 21:23 |
lifeless | nor are they swearing or being otherwise clearly hostile | 21:24 |
kermiac | with them having a "nospammail.net" email address, I don't believe they would get the email even if I did contact them. | 21:24 |
lifeless | your belief is wrong :) | 21:24 |
lifeless | to get an address active on LP, it has to receive email | 21:24 |
kermiac | ok, ty for the discussion lifeless. I will try to contact this user | 21:24 |
lifeless | because the LP address activation process involves LP sending them an email and them clicking on a unique link contained in the mail | 21:25 |
kermiac | That would normally be the first thing I do, but this seems to be the same person. But I understand your point about suspension being a big hammer. I will try to contact this user, although I don't believe it will have any effect | 21:26 |
idnar | nospammail.net is a real mail hosting provider | 21:27 |
idnar | (apparently) | 21:27 |
lifeless | its working on the misguided theory that spammers have an economic motive to ignore 'probably bogus' addresses. | 21:28 |
kermiac | I thought it was simply a redirect service. obviously I was wrong | 21:28 |
kermiac | ok, I have contacted the user to see if that helps http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/f65721765 | 21:34 |
kermiac | ty for the discussion | 21:34 |
lifeless | thanks | 21:35 |
aboSamoor | where can I know the list of the bugs sorted by the number of the people affected ? | 21:51 |
lifeless | don't think the web ui permits that; you can sort by number of dups though, or bug heat (which is similar) | 21:52 |
wgrant | aboSamoor, lifeless: You've been able to sort by 'number of users affected' for a few months now. | 22:56 |
wgrant | lifeless: While poking around in launchpadlib overnight, I discovered how launchpad.projects manages to act like a dict. | 23:01 |
wgrant | lifeless: It's a hack in launchpadlib to construct URLs manually, with hardcoded names and URL patterns for a few top level collections. | 23:02 |
lifeless | wgrant: can you apply that to series ? | 23:03 |
wgrant | lifeless: You probably could, but the infrastructure would need a bit of work, and it is a horrible hack that probably should be avoided so as to encourage a proper fix. | 23:04 |
wgrant | lifeless: To be clear, these names and patterns are hardcoded inside launchpadlib's code itself, not the WADL. | 23:04 |
lifeless | wgrant: that makes sense to me though | 23:48 |
lifeless | wgrant: getFoo(arg) -> foo[arg] | 23:48 |
lifeless | wgrant: as a compilable pattern | 23:48 |
wgrant | lifeless: It really does. | 23:48 |
wgrant | But that'll need WADL changes, which probably means leonardr. | 23:49 |
lifeless | why? | 23:49 |
lifeless | I mean, can't we just observe that there is a getFoo | 23:49 |
wgrant | lifeless: How do I tell launchpadlib which method to call? | 23:49 |
wgrant | And which arguments to pass to it? | 23:49 |
lifeless | getFoo(name) => __getitem__(name) | 23:52 |
lifeless | on a 'foo' | 23:52 |
wgrant | lifeless: And export a method named '__getitem__'? | 23:53 |
lifeless | eys | 23:53 |
wgrant | Ew. | 23:54 |
lifeless | why ew? | 23:54 |
wgrant | Exposing names like that. | 23:54 |
lifeless | wgrant: uhm, __getitem__ is [] | 23:54 |
wgrant | It seems better (and reasonably easy) to a method decorator that tells the WADL generator to mark it as the default getter. | 23:55 |
wgrant | lifeless: Yeah, I know. | 23:55 |
lifeless | wgrant: I'm not saying put __getitem__ in the wadl | 23:55 |
lifeless | I'm saying in the client side, use 'getFoo' to instruct the creation of a foo with a __getitem__ | 23:55 |
lifeless | assume the definition is fine, fix the compiler | 23:55 |
wgrant | lifeless: where do I get the string 'getFoo' from? | 23:56 |
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